The Enchanted Cottage (1945)

What is it, Harriet?
Laura just phoned.
They can't make it. Oliver has to work.
If it isn't too late,
they'll come out.
But she says you mustn't wait for them.
I think you should go ahead, John.
You can play it for them
some other time.
I guess so, yes.
Good people.
I'm afraid this performance
will be a little bit like Hamlet
without Hamlet.
Because I've just received a message
that Oliver and Laura may not be here.
Oliver has to work.
Ohh, what a shame!
He salacious to get the blueprints
of his new plane before
the board at least next week.
I daresay, the airplane industry
is a little more important than
listening to a musical composition.
Even mine.
So perhaps I better begin.
I suppose you could call this
the first public performance
of my new tone poem,
"The Enchanted Cottage."
It's too bad that Laura and Oliver can't
be here
because it's their story, really.
You're going to have
to let your imagination
supply the orchestral accompaniment.
No place has ever had could ever
have had a more enchanting legend.
Here it was.
All that remained of a great estate.
Built long ago by an English nobleman,
come to live out his life
on these New England shores.
The house had burned.
But it's plan was still marked
by the crumbling walls.
Overgrown now with moss and ivy.
Wild roses and forest violets.
Miraculously, one wing had been
saved from the flames.
It had been remodeled.
And the nobleman used to lend it
to young married couples
to live in as long as they wished.
But by the time I first came upon it,
this gracious tradition was abandoned
and almost totally forgotten.
The present-day owner, I had learned,
was a lone widow.
Mrs. Abigail Minnett,
who kept her distance and
made others keep theirs.
Being blind, I could
only see the cottage,
only with the inner eye of imagination.
And through the eyes
of my young nephew.
I had him walk me
to where I could stand.
To try to sense the rapture of the love.
The happiness
so many men and women have known there.
Those things mean music.
And as a composer,
I longed to capture that music.
But it continued to elude me.
It was not until that wintry
Sunday morning several years ago,
when Laura Pennington
first came to the cottage,
that I began to feel...
perhaps the meaning of this
strange enchantment would
reveal itself to me
- Oh, hello, Danny.
- Hello, Laura.
I was just taking a walk.
And so I thought maybe
Well, nobody around here ever
gets to see her or anything.
So I came in to find out
myself about the witch.
What witch?
In there.
That's just Mrs. Minnett who lives
in there, Danny. And you know it.
I'm calling on her myself.
You don't think I'd go
calling on a witch, do you?
Well, everyone says that she is.
Well, I'm afraid you're just a couple
hundred years too late for witches.
I guess I'm a couple hundred years
too late for anything.
Well, I wouldn't worry about it.
I think something will turn up.
- You really think so?
- Mmm-hmm.
Here, Uncle John.
My Uncle John calls me Taxi.
So excuse me, will you?
I've gotta catch my fare.
Who were you talking to, Danny?
Oh. This is my Uncle John.
This is Miss. Pennington.
I'm John Hillgrove.
How do you do?
I hope that Danny hasn't been up to
anything heshouldn't have been up to.
Not a thing.
I'm staying in the village for a while
with Dr. Stanton, my brother-in-law.
And when Danny and I take a walk,
it's frequently a little confusing
as to who's responsible for whom.
Uncle John's a great piano player.
He plays the piano.
It would be nice, Danny,
with your enthusiasm,
if you were a paying audience.
Goodbye, Miss Pennington..
Nice to have met you.
Thank you. Goodbye, Mr. Hillgrove.
Your friend Miss Pennington
has a very pleasant voice.
Yeah, but there's this
you don't know, Uncle John.
She's terrible homely.
That's not nice, Danny.
Don't you always say to me
that I should tell the truth?
And doesn't Mom? It doesn't Pop?
You just can't please people.
There's a time and place,
even for the truth, Danny.
If you say so, Uncle John.
But she is homely.
'm Laura Pennington, Mrs. Minnett.
My landlady said you wanted to see me.
Come in.
You can take off your wraps
and lay them there.
I'll bring some tea.
How do you like your tea?
One lump, please. No milk.
I understand you're looking for a job?
Yes, I am.
I suppose I'm really looking for a home.
I need a young woman to help me.
Someone who doesn't cling
to the foolish belief
that this cottage is
What do you think of this cottage?
Why, it's it's
It's not haunted.
You know that, don't you?
It's not haunted.
Well, I'm sure when people say
haunted, they don't really mean it.
So you're not superstitious.
That's good.
You just came back to Eastwood
a few weeks ago, didn't you?
Early in November.
Things didn't work out
with your mother's cousin in Vermont.
There wasn't enough for her
and her family, let alone
Some men are meant to be wanderers.
Others, it's no good for them
to go looking for things.
How long since you've been away?
Seven years?
Nearly eight.
When my mother died,
there wasn't anybody left
here that I belonged to.
I thought when you went away,
you'd come back.
I hope here where I grew up,
I might find
Well, I, uh, really don't know
what I was I wanted find.
A place I belonged, I guess.
A place that when I woke up in the
morning, I'd be glad it was another day.
And when I went to sleep, I'd felt like
it meant something to have been awake.
I've rented the cottage.
And I need somebody
to help me with the work.
The people are coming again
today to look at it.
They wanted for several months
with a housekeeper and maid.
That'd be us.
Well, if you want me, I'd be glad to.
Your work won't be hard.
You'll get your room and board.
And the regular wages.
That's quite satisfactory.
Then we better get started.
They'll be here directly.
You can get your things later.
There isn't very much to get, really.
These people who're renting the cottage,
are they a honeymoon couple?
Didn't ask.
I was hoping you were going to renew
the old tradition, Mrs. Minnett.
What old tradition?
The one about this cottage.
How for over a century,
it was rented to honeymooners.
That tradition was broken.
I broke it.
This cottage was deeded to my husband
as a wedding present.
It was too have been our home.
Tom's and mine.
Only I've had to live on here alone.
Nearly 25 years.
Do you know what loneliness is?
Real loneliness.
- Yes
- I thought you might.
That's why, when I heard
that you'd come back
They're here.
You open the door for them.
Come in.
Anybody home?
Come in, please.
I hope I'm not too early, Mrs. Minnett.
I brought Miss
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is not Mrs. Minnett, darling.
I'm Oliver Bradford.
I stopped by last week and persuaded
Mrs. Minnett to read her cottage to us.
Yes I know. I'm Laura Pennington.
- Hello, Mrs. Minnett.
- Good afternoon.
This is Miss Alexander, Mrs. Minnett.
How do you do, Mrs. Minnett?
- And is must be
- The maid, oh, yes.
- Is there a dining room?
- No.
I thought we could dine
by the fire, dear.
- Would you like to see the upstairs?
- Thank you.
I'll stay here, dear.
I've already seen it.
All right, Oliver.
My mother warned me that
men are never interested
in the practical side of housekeeping.
It's a law.
Hmm. What an odd pattern.
Does this belong to the old boy
who first built the place?
It was his family crest.
The chain symbolizes
the new country he adopted.
The first 15 American states.
What a charming idea
for an Englishman.
Hey, this is
really an old goblet, isn't it?
You can't even read the inscription.
Was this the old boy's too?
No, that was given
to the favorite son and his wife.
They drank a toast from it
on their wedding night.
Just the two of them killed this?
Well, so the story goes.
Well, I bet they didn't need
a candle to light their way to bed.
All this was in the old house, hmm?
No. The old house burned down
shortly after it was built.
That was over a century ago.
This wing was all that was saved.
The sun was the first to live
here with his young bride.
When you had a cocktail in those days,
you weren't kidding.
You must have been here
quite a while with Mrs. Minnett?
No, I just came this morning.
But you know so much
about the cottage.
Well, I was born in the village
and lived there for years.
When I was a little girl,
I heard all the stories
there were about the cottage.
It was like like
living in a fairy tale.
Every day you could walk by and see
where all the stories happened.
Next thing,
you'll be telling me it's haunted.
Oh, no, it's not haunted.
But it is enchanted.
It comes to the same thing, doesn't it?
Oh, no, haunted.
That's to be restless. Uneasy. Afraid.
It's ugly.
Enchanted, that's to be happy and gay.
And beauty.
You see, all people who lived
here loved one another.
Here are their names.
Young men and young women
who in this very room swore
to love one another... always.
"Evangeline and Clement, 1844."
"Judith and Richard, 1790."
There are all a part of this place now.
Forever and ever.
Do you really believe all this,
don't you?
Darling, this was your idea.
After all, you know my tastes.
You'd say they were prosaic.
Oh, now, darling. As the outstanding
example of your tastes
Well, I admit it's all very charming.
Charming? It's much more than that.
It's enchanted.
Isn't it enchanted, Miss uh...?
I just received a personal guarantee.
If we spend our honeymoon here,
we'll live happily ever after.
Mr. Bradford stumbles onto your cottage,
Mrs. Minnett.
He's fascinated by it.
It exerts its charm and
persuades you to rent it to him.
What can I say?
You made your important mistake
when you said "yes" to me.
Miss Alexander is delighted
at the prospect of spending
her honeymoon in your cottage.
There are a few routine questions
I've got to ask, of course.
My dear Mrs. Minnett.
I filled out so many forms
in the past few weeks,
I can tell you anything you want
to know about myself.
With photostatic copies.
Mr. Bradford means he's applied for a
commission in the Army Air Corps.
He's a flier.
Well, don't worry.
The Army isn't
my sole means of support.
I'm really a very good risk,
in spite of the uncertainty
of my profession.
Oh, really, Oliver.
At any rate, I brought a check
for the first two months rent.
No, thank you.
Later will do?
Better take it now. We'll be
here at least three months.
It'll take that long
to get my commission.
It may be sooner than you think.
My commission? Not a chance.
Army red tape and all that.
They tell me down in Washington
Oh, all right, darling.
We'll show up on Tuesday,
Mrs. Minnett, and I hope that
Dear, let me have your ring, will you?
My ring?
Now that were gonna settle down
here for a bit,
I think we ought to keep up
all the old traditions..
What are you talking about?
Just give me your ring.
And I'll show you.
Oh, Oliver!
I'm sorry.
What are you trying to do anyway?
Oh, thank you.
I'll explain later.
I'm afraid you should have used this.
I'll have it reset for you, darling.
I suppose if I were superstitious,
I regard this as a warning that
we shouldn't be married at all.
You're not married yet. Thats why.
Only honeymoon couples may
write their name in that window.
Very well, Mrs. Minnett.
Please put us down for
reservation on that cottage.
We're going to be married Tuesday.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Goodbye Miss uh... Pennington.
Be sure and dust off that goblet for us.
Why, your calendar is way off,
Mrs. Minnett. Let me see...
Today is December 7th, '41.
April 6, 1917.
Why, you're just 24 years, 8 months...
And one day off-schedule.
It may be sooner than you think.
You've got exactly 35 minutes, Ollie.
Thank you, Freddie.
But don't worry.
I won't be late for the war.
Your stepfather isn't worried
you'll be late to the war, Oliver.
I know, Mother.
I was just trying to be funny.
I don't see anything funny about it.
If you ask me, I've never encountered
anything more inconsiderate.
I can't imagine what
the War Department was thinking about.
It's telling you to report in Washington
the very day you were
supposed to be married.
That's the way war is, Violet.
You give no quarter.
You get no quarter.
I can remember back in '17
You'd think people would
learn better in 25 years!
Oh, it's simply ridiculous, Oliver.
They can't expect you to be uprooted
as if you were
an ordinary garden vegetable.
It wouldn't make
much difference, mother,
if I were a rare and exotic
hothouse fruit.
There's a war on.
Whoever heard of starting
a war in December?
Oh, dear!
When I think of all the parties
we had planned for you and Beatrice.
We'll have them all when
he comes back, dear.
And when I think of the people that
I didn't invite to the wedding.
They're all my enemies now.
And we're not even going to
have a wedding. Oh, dear!
Aren't you going to take along this nice
warm sweater I knitted for you, Oliver?
Well, it's not regulation, mother.
Who says what's regulation and what
isn't. That's what I'd like to know.
The Army does, mother.
Darling, will you stick these papers
in the briefcase for me?
Suppose you had been home
with the telegram came?
Good thing I was, I'd say.
Looks like I'm really in on this deal.
- I guess that's everything, Oliver.
- Okay.
I'll close it, dear.
Oh, I just remembered.
We were going to do about
all those wedding presents?
Send them back. For the duration.
You can send things back
for the duration.
At least I won't have to write
all those thank-you notes.
I will, at that, won't I?
Without being able to
keep the presents.
Have you got everything you
want in this briefcase?
I think so, dear.
No bachelor dinner in either.
That's really gonna be too bad.
I can remember in my bachelor dinner
Well, when you get back.
Yes, Freddie. When I get back.
We better get going, dear.
I still don't see why we can't
go to the air field with you.
Now, darling.
We've been over all that.
Hail and farewell at home.
They're always so messy at the field.
Here I am shedding tears.
And I was going to be so brave.
This is for you, Oliver.
It belonged to your father.
- St. Christopher, isn't it?
- Yes.
It took your father safely
all through the last war, darling.
Poor David!
He went through all that
ghastly business without a scratch
Only to die in New York City
of Spanish influenza.
Thank you, mother.
Thanks a lot.
It was very sweet of you to think of it.
Uh. Goodbye.
Goodbye, Freddie. Take good care
of my mother, won't you?
Of course, my boy. Of course.
Been doing it since you
were a little shaver, haven't I?
- Come on, darling.
- Right with you.
Goodbye. Thanks for everything.
- Bless you, mother.
- Goodbye, Oliver.
Now, Vi, what are you crying for?
You just invite the people you didn't
invite to the wedding to dinner.
It'll be just as if nothing
had happened. I promise you.
It's been like that for as
long as I can remember.
Mother and Freddie and myself.
It's never easy saying goodbye.
Not that mother isnt kind and gentle.
Or doesn't mean well.
Or that we don't love each other.
It's just that
we can never talk to each other
about anything important.
We always seem to go past
each other from the very beginning.
As for Freddie, he never forgets
what time it is.
And that's that.
I love you very much.
You know that, don't you?
Do you?
You mean this war isn't just a great big
excuse you cooked up...
to get out of marrying me?
Don't forget. You and I decided
to be two of the smart ones.
None of this "married on Tuesday,
parted on Wednesday"
"see you after the war is over"
business for us.
We are modern, intelligent lovers,
aren't we?
Yes, darling. We certainly are.
Oh, that reminds me.
Send this check to that woman
at the cottage, Mrs. Minnett.
And explain why we didn't come.
I'll tell her that we're
modern and intelligent and...
No, I'll just let her guess.
"My dear Mrs. Minnett,
"I do hope that sudden change
in our plans
"will not inconvenience you too greatly.
"Mr. Bradford has received
his commission and...
"already reported for special duty.
"That means, of course, that
we shan't be renting your cottage.
"But I am enclosing a check,
which I trust will compensate
"in some small way for all the
trouble we have caused you.
"Beatrice Alexander."
Well, you won't be needing
me now, Mrs. Minnett.
I better be going to get
my things together.
You're welcome to stay.
Oh, I couldn't.
Not if I can't be of some help.
You can be of help.
You mean you're going to rent
the cottage again?
When the time comes.
Tell me. Isn't it a little early
to be starting your planting?
That's why I put the garden
in the shelter of the wall.
Get two or three weeks extra that way.
I start work at the canteen next week.
Are you sure that's what you want to do?
Well, I want to do something.
I wonder whatever happened to them.
To whom?
That young flier and his girl.
They were so in love.
I hope they did get married,
before he went away.
You poor darling.
You haven't been
at that sink all evening, have you?
Oh, my hair! Isn't it a fright?
I don't know how you can keep
looking so neat, Miss Pennington..
They say you don't go in for all
this modern dancing, do you?
No, I don't.
Personally, if I'd spent
the last six months washing dishes,
washing dishes and washing dishes,
Oh, well, I suppose everyone does
what they're best suited for, don't you?
Some of the most gorgeous sailors and
Marines you ever saw just came in
It's the best Halloween party
we ever had.
Well, it's the first Halloween party we
ever had, if you want to get technical.
But after all...
You should be out there
having a good time too.
No, thank you.
Now now now. Turnabout and fair play.
And all that.
I insist!
You'll have a wonderful time.
You will, really!
I'd rather stay here.
Some of those boys are
really out of this world.
And I must say, whoever
designed the uniforms
for this war was certainly
cooking on the front burner.
Mildred, dear, you don't mind
relieving Miss Pennington so
she can come out and join in
the fun a while, do you, dear?
You're the chief, Annette.
- Come along. Dry your hands!
- Really, Mrs. Wainwaring.
Miss Pennington, you have your orders.
That's the way to serve the troops.
Bye, Mildred.
There's just the cutest bunch of boys.
I can't imagine where do they
keep them between wars.
Have a good time, dear.
Attention, everybody. Attention.
Over there in that corner.
You too, you great big Marine you.
I hope you'll pardon my slang.
But a lot of youse have been
much too aloof.
And I do mean aloof.
And I do mean youse.
That's why this text dance is
for everybody to get acquainted.
A Paul Jones.
If you don't know how to do it,
just watch your neighbor.
Come on now!
Everybody, get themselves a girl!
Music, professor!
Excuse me.
All join hands. Circle to the right!
Let's keep going with all our might!
Forward and back! With a big yippee!
Oh, do it again. Do it again!
Do it again!
Yay! Yay!
Now grand right and left!
Boys to the right. Girls to the left!
Right right! Left left!
Right right! Left left!
Everybody dance!
Pick up those who are lonely.
Don't let them stand by themselves.
Once more!
All join hands. Circle to the right!
Forward and back! With a big yippee!
Yay! Yippee!
Oh, do it again! Do it again!
Do it again!
Yay! Yippee!
Once more. Do it again! Do it again!
Do it again!
Yay! Yay!
Everybody dance!
All join hands. And circle to the right!
And keep on going with all our might!
Forward and back! With a big yippee!
Yay! Yippee! Yay!
Everybody, dance!
It's not for some of us
for you and for me
to try to live like other people.
We think we can sometimes.
But there's always
the world to remind us.
All the things that other people
take for granted.
You've got to make up your mind that
in your heart, they're not for you.
You've got to find something
else to take their place.
Somewhere where you're safe.
Where no one can hurt you.
That's why I wanted you to be here.
Because there's something
here for you that
that there isn't anywhere else.
You understand?
Someone's coming.
Thank you.
You got to sign for it.
Come close to forgetting
about it, didn't we?
"Would like cottage
for indefinite period. Arriving today.
"Oliver Bradford."
That was his name!
So they did get married, after all.
Imagine they're remembering
the cottage all this time.
Why, it's been over a year!
Mrs. Minnett, there is
something about this cottage.
There is indeed.
It needs a good cleaning. Right now.
It's a taxi.
I'll go to the door.
They'll want something hot to drink.
I'll make some tea.
Did you get my telegram?
I like to go right to my room,
if you don't mind.
I'll take that.
Mr. Bradford came alone.
I'll unpack his things.
We've been here exactly
one hour and 14 minutes.
And what good has it done us?
I 'd like to know.
Why, the boy won't even talk to us.
Maybe Mrs. Price
Now, if he won't talk to me,
he wont talk to anybody.
Of course he is pretty badly bashed up.
But I've told him a hundred times,
there's no use becoming
a mental case over a little injury.
He ought to realize there are
thousands of cases worse than his.
Maybe if we let them alone.
We let him think things out.
No, he's always been stubborn.
When he was a little boy,
I can remember,
there were simply no reason for
him to run away from home.
None at all.
No luck, I bet.
I told you so.
Couldn't I fix you some tea?
There's some fresh hot water.
Oh, thank heavens, tea.
I love a cup, dear.
He won't unlock the door.
He told me to go away.
We might just as well go home.
We've done our best. And after all,
when you've done your best,
you've done your best.
Just finding this forsaken hole
was enough.
How in heavens name, Beatrice,
did you ever remember to think of it?
This is where Oliver and I were
going to spend our honeymoon
Honeymoon? Hasn't even got a bar.
Here's your tea.
Oh, you're such a consolation, darling.
What did Oliver say to you
when he did talk to you?
He wasn't he wasn't very nice.
I even cried a little.
I'm afraid he's just like his father.
Beyond all persuasion.
Look here, Vi. I got an idea.
What say we leave him
up here for a bit?
Seems to me, we've got no choice.
A few weeks of living here with himself.
And I'll wager you he'll appreciate
a little friendly society.
Beatrice, what ever happened
between you and Oliver?
Between us?
Yes, something did happen, didn't it?
Did you quarrel?
Is that why he ran away
and came up here?
No, we didn't quarrel.
Then why don't you go
upstairs and talk to him?
If there's anyone who can persuade him
to leave this dreadful place
and come home, it's you.
I couldn't?
But you're our only hope.
I wish you wouldn't ask me.
If you fail, we'll give up and go home.
But first we've got to know
you've got to know.
That you've tried your best.
After all, you and he
were going to be married.
I was getting out of his life
so that you
Oh, please try, Beatrice. Please!
Oh, bless you, darling.
And remember, you must be brave.
That's so important.
We must all be brave.
Please answer. It's Beatrice.
Won't you speak to me?
Won't you, please?
I meant what I said the other day.
We can be married.
We can be married right away.
I'll look after you and
I'll try to make you a good wife.
Oh, why did we have to have
this horrible war?
You see, Oliver, that first
day when you came home
No one had told me.
And would you turned and looked
at me, I wasn't prepared.
That's why you thought I
I can't help it if I'm weak.
Aren't you listening?
Won't you speak to me?
I tried to be brave about it.
Really I did.
I did try.
I brought you some supper,
Mr. Bradford.
Your mother left this for you.
Thank you.
I'm afraid she was awfully upset
when she left this afternoon.
Will you please mind your own business?
I'm sorry. That was very rude of me.
Don't you understand?
You think I want people
to see me the way I am?
You saw me before?
Doesn't the change shock you?
Isn't it repulsive to you?
Well, you can't know.
You can't realize what it is
to face life like this.
Ugly and
Your supper, Mr. Bradford.
Mrs. Minnett's is a very good cook.
Thank you.
Good morning.
What's that you're doing?
Wood engraving.
It looks as if you're pretty good at it.
I work on them every spare moment
I can get.
I went to an exhibit of block prints
once in Boston.
From Holbein. That's what started me.
I realize they take patience and time.
Well, I have a lot of both.
Of course, I'll never be
any serious competition to Mr. Holbein.
Did you ever do anything
with your prints?
I mean, show them to anybody?
Well, I entered some in an exhibit once.
Some seascapes.
And I won a prize.
It wasn't first prize but
It was a prize.
I used to win prices too.
Tennis. Polo.
I once knew a fellow who used to make
ship models in glass bottles.
I always asked him to tell me why.
I never got a satisfactory answer.
Well I do block prints because
Well, I like to do block prints.
Un-huh. It makes sense.
He used to say with him it was because
it had a resemblance to life.
If you look at it largely.
All of us one way or the other
are full master schooners.
Or brigantines. Whaling ships.
Or even canoes.
Ready to sail into life.
Only there we were.
Locked up in glass bottles.
You just like to make them, huh?
I never thought of that.
Bet he never did either.
It's a matter of finding
something you like.
Sure, sure.
You'll find a hobby of your own
one of these days. I hope.
Be careful. You don't want
to sound like Freddie, do you?
Well, from the way you say it,
I'm sure I don't.
And I don't even know who Freddie is.
That's the best thing that
can happen to anybody.
Not to know who Freddie is.
In case you think I'm not making any
sense, that's what I think too.
Well, I know what you mean.
Even if I don't understand
how you're trying to say it.
You know, you are a very kind person.
I didn't know.
You got a lot of sense too.
You'd be amazed to know
how few people have any.
Beg pardon, ma'am.
My uncle and I have come
to call on Mr. Bradford.
It's Mrs. Minnett, isn't it?
I'm visiting in the neighborhood.
And when I heard that
Mr. Bradford was here
Mr. Bradford hasn't
been seeing anyone.
I'm leaving in a few days
on a short tour. And I had hoped
I bet you he'd like to see my uncle,
Mrs. Minnett.
He plays the piano. He's very good.
My public.
I'm sorry but Mr. Bradford has told me
he doesn't care to see anyone.
Well, I'd be the last to quarrel with
people who want to be by themselves.
Tell him I called, would you please?
Come along, Danny.
Just a minute.
I'll find out.
Maybe Mr. Bradford will see you.
Come in and wait.
Thank you, Mrs. Minnett.
Wait right here for us, Roger.
Sit down in there, please.
What do you know, Uncle John.
She's got a piano.
People have pianos, Danny.
Yeah. But this one is
so old and funny-looking.
- Gee!
- What's the matter?
It's kind of spooky in here.
See what I mean.
It's only Roger.
You better go out and play with him.
He'll scare everybody.
- Well.
- I'll call you when I want you.
Okay. I'll be down
at the shore, Uncle John.
I knew this cottage would have a piano.
- Good morning, Mr. Hillgrove.
- Good morning.
Please, don't get up.
It's Laura Pennington.
Of course. We met outside
this cottage, let me see...
Nearly a year and a half ago,
when I first came to live here.
I'm calling to see Mr. Bradford.
Mrs Minnett has just gone to tell him.
I'm glad you came.
He needs friends, sympathetic friends.
Don't go.
You know...
This is a real adventure for me.
Today is the first time
I've been inside this cottage.
I must've walked by it a hundred times.
It has a strange fascination.
Indeed, it has.
You can see things, you get
to have certain feelings about them.
I know what you mean.
Particularly about this cottage.
Do you? Because somehow I
Well, my main feeling is,
that if I got to know it
To know what it's about, it would
be more than just a cottage.
It has a life of its own to me.
And everything connected to it.
Mrs. Minnett, for instance.
I wonder about her.
When she first came here,
she came as a bride.
But her husband was
killed in the last war.
Time seemed to stop for her.
The day her husband went away.
She's been drawn to the past.
Well, perhaps that's one way
to know the future.
Let me take you to Mr. Bradford,
Mr. Hillgrove.
I just left him in the garden.
Thank you.
Mr. Bradford.
This is Mr. Hillgrove.
He's come to see you.
Forgive me for intruding this way.
But my brother-in-law
Dr. Stanton suggested
that since we are neighbors,
we might also be friends.
I'm not very good at friendship.
Or anything else, these days.
A sick man, are you?
Don't I look like one?
I would know. I can't see.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Perhaps you'd like to sit down.
Thank you.
Yes, got mine in the last war.
Came down in flames over the Argonne.
My brother-in-law tells me
you're a flier too.
It was.
I got mine over Java.
You're young.. You'll mend.
You can't see me.
So you don't know how I look.
There's nothing left of me but nerves.
Go right ahead. Complain all you
want if it makes you feel better.
Apparently, you don't complain.
You haven't given me a chance.
I'd like to ask you something
if you don't mind.
How in the name of heaven have
you stood it all these years?
Being blind?
By cultivating other senses.
It's a fascinating game.
It opens new worlds to you.
In place of these two eyes
that are gone,
I have a hundred invisible ones
that see things as they really are.
The other senses come to your aid.
Touch, smell, sound.
There comes
a heightening of perception.
A sort of... sensitivity
to all living things.
For instance,
nature's more beautiful than I knew it.
And human beings are
more understandable.
Sometimes I feel it was before
the Argonne that I was blind.
It's only now that I see.
I don't believe you.
That's just a lot of words.
Oh, maybe you kidded yourself
into thinking it's true.
Maybe for you it is true.
But it'd never work for me.
Why not?
Because I still want the same things I
wanted when I was strong and healthy.
In the hospital,
I used to sit by my window
where I could see some
kids playing tennis.
I watch them for a while.
Until I just couldn't stand it.
I batted my head against
many a wall, just the way you're doing.
As a matter of fact,
I was lost until I found music.
And then, a whole new life
opened up for me.
I don't know one note from another.
You will find something.
But how? Where shall I look?
You've got to have faith in yourself.
You're a person.
You're not just a case.
You're a complete individual.
Remember that.
You're like the man who's
come across a place in the road
where it branches off
into many little side paths.
You don't want to go ahead.
You want to go back.
You're confused.
You don't trust yourself.
Why should I?
How can I trust myself?
You must.
Some people find new talents
within themselves.
As I did.
Others find new friends.
And through them, a new life.
Well, I... mustn't overstay
my first visit.
I'll call my young nephew. I believe
he's waiting down by the shore.
Let me walk down with you.
I'd like to.
It's the first time
I really felt like walking.
He's a silly old dog.
No more'n I throw
a stick out in the ocean,
he beats it out and
brings it back every time.
Maybe he thinks you're a silly old boy.
No more'n he brings the stick back,
you throw it out again every time.
- You can throw at if you want to.
- Thank you, Johnny.
Coming, Uncle John.
- Goodbye, Miss Pennington.
- Goodbye, Danny.
It was nice to see you, Mr. Bradford.
And have our little talk. Thanks.
- I wish you'd drop in again. Soon.
- Glad to.
- I am here, uncle.
- This is Mr. Bradford, Danny.
Hello, Danny. Sorry you
have to shake my left hand.
Mr. Bradford is an army pilot.
He was shot down over Java.
We better be getting home, Danny.
Okay, Uncle John.
Welcome to our ocean, Mr. Bradford.
You're right.
I haven't been taking advantage of
Eastwood's scenic attractions, have I?
I thought you had
something against oceans.
No, it's just that
I haven't felt like walking.
But I do now, if you don't mind.
I was just in the midst
of gathering some driftwood
when I met Danny.
How would that be as a hobby for me?
Driftwood gatherer?
It wouldn't be too practical.
A hobby should serve
any particular purpose really.
Hobbies for hobby's sake.
It's supposed to be.
Well, maybe I could set
a new style in hobbies.
Has actually been three weeks
since you introduced me
to the wonders of your seashore?
To think, I didn't know the difference
between starfish and star sapphire.
If you were in doubt,
any fishermen would've told it.
Or any jeweler.
Surprise, Mrs. Minnett.
We brought you some more driftwood.
Thanks. That makes enough for
For a dozen winters, huh?
Well, we can always use it.
It's probably never been done before.
But I could gather up all this driftwood
and take it back to the shore.
Isn't it wonderful the way he's changed.
Mr. Bradford,
don't you think it'd be nice
if we had our tea
in the garden this afternoon?
I don't care where you have it.
Oh, Miss Pennington.
I wish you would tell Mr. Hillgrove
when he comes is afternoon that
I won't be able to see him today.
Mr. Bradford.
I saw you leave the house.
And I thought you might
not want to be alone.
You might want to talk to somebody.
These past few weeks,
I had an idea that the walks
we took and talking to me...
I hope I was being of some help to you.
And so I thought
if you need help now
That letter this afternoon
was from my mother.
I seem to remember
you saw me once before
when I had a letter from my mother.
And a little bit before that, when she
paid me the honor of a personal visit.
In fact, if it hadn't been for you
You weren't yourself that day,
Mr. Bradford.
It was me. It's only what I try
to pretend that I'm not me that
They've come to a decision,
my mother and stepfather.
It isn't good for me to be alone.
To be in a position where
I brood too much.
So they've given me my choice.
I can come home and have the benefit
of their loving care and
attention 24 hours a day.
Or they're prepared to make
the extreme sacrifice.
Close up the house at Bar Harbor.
And come here to live with me.
They even want to know if they should
bring a trained nurse with them.
They can't do that.
Just from what you've told me,
nothing could do you you
more harm than to
There's no way
to make them understand.
You understand.
Because you're thoughtful and kind.
Don't be startled by what
I'm going to say to you.
Will you marry me?
I had no idea I was
going to ask you that.
But I'm glad I did.
Will you believe that the
very asking makes me realize
I've been thinking
about it for some time?
And I mean it, with all my heart.
If you want to marry
to get rid of your family,
there must be dozens of girls
who'd suit your purpose
better than I would.
You think I have such a great choice?
A hideous casualty
for the rest of my life.
I understand.
I get the chance because I
Oh, I'm such a fool.
I wouldn't hurt you
for anything in the world.
It isn't as if I weren't
aware of my ugliness.
There's only one thing
you've overlooked.
Women like me
Conscious as we may be of our defects
we find a refuge in our dreams.
Daydreams as well as night dreams.
Merciful dreams in which we're
as lovely and desirable as
loveliest and most desirable
women in the world.
It's cruel to destroy those dreams.
I only felt that no woman in the world
would marry me except
out of compassion.
I know you have a lot of that.
You know how desperate I get at times.
But I promise I try not to be
too much of a burden to you.
If I felt a black spell coming on,
I'd go and stay in my room
until it passed.
But with you,
I wouldn't have them often.
Because I like being with you.
I like to hear the sound of your voice.
Your laughter.
I know I'm not offering you much.
We'd be together.
Thats so much better than being alone.
I don't like being alone either but
I don't want to be your wife
just because you need a woman.
And I happen to be here. Don't you see?
Yes, I see.
I see you couldn't possibly care enough.
But I do care. That's the reason.
Bless you, Laura.
Bless you forever and ever.
I want to change the modulation
that leads into the theme.
- Well, if you're all unpacked, John.
- Thank you, Harriet.
We haven't had a moment to talk.
Tell me, how was your tour?
Well, I found some good tobacco.
But all those towns.
And all those audiences.
I do believe you're really glad
to be back with us again.
Mom! Uncle John!
I'm here. In here, Danny,
in your uncle's room.
I really think I missed the kid
most of all.
- Hello, Uncle John!
- Hello there.
I was wondering where you were.
It's way past your bedtime.
Can't I stay up a little bit longer?
Just a little bit.
I want to talk to uncle John.
What's that you got?
Oh, it's letter for you, Uncle John.
That old Mrs. Minnett gave it to me
when I was passing the cottage.
He said it was from Mr. Bradford
and Miss Pennington.
I mean Mrs. Bradford.
So? Suppose we see what's in it.
Go on, Danny.
What have the newlyweds got to say?
It just says "something
extraordinary has happened."
"Laura and I need your advice.
"Please come to see us as soon
as you arrive... Oliver."
That's all.
What time is it now?
It's almost 9.
Do you think this could
wait until morning?
It sounds urgent.
I'll take you over to the cottage,
Uncle John.
No, young fella. It's bedtime for you.
I'll take your regular taxi.
One with four wheels and a motor.
- Come back for me at 10, will you?
- Yes, sir.
Tell me, what kind of night it is?
Clear as a bell, sir.
- Mrs. Minnett, isn't it?
- Come in, Mr. Hillgrove.
Thank you.
Where are Mr. and Mrs. Bradford?
Out for a walk.
I haven't seen them since the wedding.
Everything's all right, I hope.
Oh, yes.
What's happened to this room?
It feels different to me somehow.
The flowers maybe.
No no no. It's more than that.
Tonight I got rather an odd note.
Tell me, Mrs. Minnett.
What's happened to
our young couple that so extraordinary?
I can't tell you.
If they go away on a honeymoon?
They're spending it
right here in the cottage.
You'll be the first person they seen
since their marriage, except me.
As they see no more of me
than they can help.
Well, I'm flattered.
You should be because...
- Actually, they're in hiding.
- What?
Oh, honeymoon shyness, huh?
They keep to themselves all day.
And when they do go out at night,
they wrap themselves up
and cover their faces.
Mr. Hillgrove is in the living room.
Oh, good.
- John!
- Hello, John!
It's so good to see you again.
I think we should have died
if we had to wait much longer.
What is this about?
Tell me, what is the mystery?
It may sound insane.
But we sent for you because
you're the only one we can trust.
We don't really know how to explain it.
It's fantastic.
Oh, Oliver, let me.
Not that
I'm very articulate about it but
Well, it all has to do
with this cottage.
I think you know my feeling about it.
It's the same as yours.
Sit down, John.
There's something strange about it.
What does it have to do
with you and Oliver?
What is this thing that happened to you?
When I got your note
It's pretty incredible.
John, we've changed.
Changed completely.
It's true. We're no longer as we were.
I can tell that from your voices.
You feel different
because you are happy.
It's more than that.
It's a physical change.
When did you first notice this...
The day we were married. We came home.
When we said goodbye to
you after the ceremony.
Oliver and I sat for a while in the
chapel before we returned home.
Later that night, when we
were finishing dinner...
Our wedding dinner.
Mrs. Minnett removed the cake
from the table and left the room.
We were alone.
I had never even for a moment
tried to pretend to myself...
that my marriage to
Laura was anything but
out-and-out selfishness on my part.
The last barrier between me...
and the world I was afraid to face.
Oh, I had made up
all kinds of arguments.
Like the things I said to Laura
the night I proposed.
But I knew they were
half-truths at best.
They were all because
I didn't want to be alone.
Because I could get
this or that benefit out of it.
Because I
All at once
I felt how shabby what I had done
must seem to her.
My trying to palm off
a broken, bitter shell of a man.
On a woman who was genuine and honest.
But there was nothing I could say.
He was my husband.
But he could never know
how much he meant to me,
That I've loved him since
the first day he came to the cottage.
I would never be able to tell him
all that was in my heart.
For he could never love me
as I loved him.
It was a farce, our marriage.
A tragic farce.
I was desperate.
I wondered if I could
make him understand.
As you would understand, John.
Through music.
The very first notes I struck were
like the touch of a magic wand.
I could feel the room changing.
There was a new warmth.
A new radiance.
And as I played,
the feeling of enchantment spread,
embracing everything about me.
I turned and looked at Oliver.
He was just as I saw him first.
That day in December.
It was everything I had ever dreamed of.
Suddenly I thought...
How could I fool myself that I could be
the bride of such a man as this?
I had to run away from him because
I couldn't let him see my tears.
When Laura ran from the room,
I knew how cruelly she'd been hurt.
I felt I must tell her.
I would release her from this horrible
mockery her marriage had become.
In all fairness,
it seemed the only solution.
And then
I remembered all her gentle kindnesses.
The thousand and one ways
she had lightened my loneliness.
I realized how much
she'd come to mean to me.
I took her in my arms to tell her.
She was beautiful.
More beautiful to me
than anyone I'd ever known.
That was when we knew.
Yes, we knew.
But it's all so bewildering.
Suddenly, I'm afraid.
I can't help it I'm afraid.
Why, Laura?
It's all mixed up with what she's
trying to tell you about the cottage.
It is this cottage.
What do you mean,
actually about the cottage?
The houses are like living beings.
Alive with all the thoughts and memories
of the people who've lived in them.
Those thoughts and memories go on
living as long as the house stands.
Yes, I think I understand.
I'm afraid it's some kind of trick.
You see. The lovers who came
here before were not like us.
Ours was a marriage of convenience.
They may think that we've
profaned their memory.
And this may be their revenge
Letting us have happiness
for a moment before taking it away.
You know, John.
I couldn't stand to be ugly again.
For Oliver.
Oh, my darling.
Well, John, what do you think?
She knows.
She never looks at us.
But she knows about the change.
Laura, Oliver.
Yes, John?
You asked me what I think
well, it's this.
Take this gift and enjoy it.
Without question without fear.
Accept it humbly
as a heavenly sent miracle.
And be grateful for it.
A miracle?
Don't either of you believe in miracles?
Modern miracles that may happen
to you or me today, tomorrow?
You've both been touched
by a power that is beyond this world.
Accept your blessing.
Don't tell anyone about it.
It belongs to you.
You are a friend.
John, I I...
That'd be the cab driver.
I told him to come back for me.
Just a minute.
We're so grateful for your kindness.
Good night, Laura.
- Homer?
- Here I am, sir.
Thank you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night, John.
And thanks.
Oh, Oliver, I love you so.
Sweet dreams, Evangeline and Clement.
Mary Ellen and Malcolm.
And all of you.
I do hope you consider us
worthy to join you.
I have the strangest feeling.
Almost as if these walls were breathing.
The air all around,
throbbing like a pulse.
All the memories and ghosts of love.
Live. Live live they seem to say.
This is our day and our night.
All our enchanted life to be lived now.
Laura. My love.
I worship you. I adore you.
I have a feeling you're a little mad.
It's a kind of midsummer madness.
It's contagious.
That's what's nice about it.
- Listen.
- What?
The song I hear.
The melody that whispers
all through this enchanted room.
What does it say the song you hear?
I love you, Laura.
That's what it says.
The song I hear.
I can't make up my mind whether you're
more beautiful awake or asleep.
I'm dreaming.
Well, tell me about it.
What's happening?
I had the most wonderful wedding.
The bride was wearing
a beautiful white satin wedding gown.
A pearl necklace... and
Isn't anyone paying
any attention to the groom?
Oh yes. He's the best part of
the wedding.
Everybody says so.
Mmm, he's positively stunning.
Darling, you don't say stunning
about a man. You say
Because you are.
And handsome
because you're that too.
All the other girls are
so jealous of the bride.
You'd think they'd know how to hide
their feelings. But they don't.
You don't seem very upset about it.
Oh, no.
After all, it's only a dream.
That was no dream.
They're very much in love.
Frankly, I'm delighted they're coming.
I'm only sorry I didn't make
the gesture myself. But
Feeling the way they did, we just
couldn't invite them to the wedding.
And I don't want mother to feel
I have a perfectly dreadful reason
for being glad they're coming back.
Of course, I want them to
see how happy we are
and to share in our happiness but
Well, but, most of all, I
I wanted to see that Oliver
didn't do too badly marrying me.
And I have the most exciting
new dress for the occasion.
Oh, wait until you see it, Oliver.
Perhaps I better do
something about that too.
You don't want to steal
the whole show, do you?
Oh, there won't be time now.
That's their car
just turning off the highway.
They'll be here in a few minutes.
But I don't want to meet
them looking like this.
It's so typical of mother
not to give us any more warning.
See here. Go ahead, you two.
I'll entertain your mother
and stepfather, Oliver.
Oh, will you, John? You're a darling!
Don't be long, Oliver.
It's rather an imposition.
Are you sure you don't mind?
Not at all.
In fact, I'm particularly glad
for the opportunity.
Mrs. Minnett.
Do you suppose you could have
an especially fine tea this afternoon?
Mr. and Mrs. Price are coming to call.
That's what the telegram was about.
What's the matter, Mrs. Minnett?
Oh, don't be upset about it.
We're very pleased they're coming.
Are you all right, Mrs. Minnett?
Yes. I'm all right.
Mrs. Minnett?
Yes, Mr. Hillgrove?
Please don't call Mr. and Mrs. Bradford
Let me have a talk
with Mr. and Mrs. Price first.
- Understand?
- I understand.
Good afternoon, Mrs. Minnett.
You see, Freddie.
I did remember the name.
It's so nice to see you again.
Same dreary little place.
- Frederic!
- Oh. Charming room, isn't it?
Will you go in and sit down, please?
How are you, Mr...?
Hillgrove's the name.
How do you know us?
Oops, sorry.
I'm a friend of Oliver and Laura.
Won't you sit down, please?
Oh, thank you.
Where is Oliver, Mr. Hillgrove?
He and Laura are upstairs.
I said I'd talk to you
till they've changed.
I'm glad of the opportunity because
I thought it was important to.
explain something to you that
He doesn't want to see us, is that it?
They do want to see you.
Both of them. Very much.
It's just that I
How shall I put it?
Perhaps if I
I don't know if you've ever heard it
But there's an old legend
about some people
who lived in a city of eternal night.
They were blind all of them.
As I am blind.
The city was in ruins.
But they saw it not
as a fallen citadel.
But as a great and
beautiful dwelling place.
Greater and more beautiful
than it had ever been.
That was because... they looked upon
their city not with their eyes.
But with a truer sight of the heart.
Well, it's very charming parable,
Mr. Hillgrove.
But I must confess I fail to see
Oliver and Laura.
Something extraordinary
has happened to them.
They're different people.
Different? How?
There on the borderland of the greatest
happiness they've ever experienced.
But they've changed changed greatly.
And I know that that
changes they see it is...
is not as you will see it.
I'm afraid I really don't
You're talking in riddles, Hillgrove.
Suppose I put it this way.
When you see them come
down those stairs,
whatever they do whatever they say,
act along with them.
They don't know it.
But they're playing a part.
Play a part with them.
Pretend that the change is as
great as they imagine it to be.
Change? What change?
Oliver isn't well.
You're trying to break it to me gently.
That's it, isn't it?
No, that isn't it.
Oliver, Laura...
Oh, Freddie.
We should have swallowed our
pride and come up here long ago.
Oliver needs us.
In time to come, when they're
ready to face the world,
they will of found out
the truth for themselves.
But now today
Believe me, Mrs. Price.
It will be actually better if you
went away without even seeing him.
Mr. Hillgrove, you can't mean that.
You're not suggesting that
a mother should desert
her only son at a time like this?
Where is Oliver?
- Oliver!
- Please, Mrs. Price.
Oliver! Oliver!
Will be right down, mother.
Please remember that
the next few minutes
may be the most important
in their lives.
You hold their chance for happiness
in your hands.
- Oh, Ollie!
- Mother.
Oh. Mother.
You know Laura, don't you?
I'm so glad you've come
to see us, Mrs. Price.
How do you do?
Of course, you've met Freddie,
haven't you?
- Oh, yes. Yes. We've met.
- Mr Price.
When we got your wire, it seemed
to add just the note we wanted.
Won't you sit down?
Mrs. Minnett has prepared
a lovely tea for us.
Wait until you've tasted her scones.
I I tried to make myself.
But I'm afraid it takes
years of learning.
This is gonna be a real party,
isn't it?
A memorable occasion
actually because
You're the first you and Freddie.
Besides John here
there's nobody else knows.
Look here, Oliver I really
Poor Freddie. It's a greater shock
to you than anyone, isn't it?
You too will get used to the change.
Why, you won't even
remember us as we were.
Laura and I joke about it now.
Why, it's difficult even
for us to remember.
What is it, mother?
Oh my poor boy. My poor poor boy.
Oh, mother. Just because you're happy.
That's no reason to
Forgive me, darling. I didn't
mean to go to pieces like this.
It's just that I love you so, Ollie.
And if you're happy, then I guess
that's all that really matters.
I'm glad he married you, my dear.
Believe me, I am.
It's clear you're such a loyal girl.
You've got so much to give him.
So much more than just a pretty girl.
And it's so fortunate.
We're all so fortunate
that Oliver has an income.
And that Freddie and I are
in a position to help.
That way you'll be able to stay
right on here the two of you.
Of course, Freddie and I will
visit you as often as we can.
It won't be necessary
for you to see people or
What would you like in your tea,
Mrs. Price.?
Oh, you mustn't bother about tea,
Really you mustn't.
I couldn't swallow a mouthful.
I have a dreadful headache coming on.
I know you'll forgive us
if we just run along.
You poor poor darling.
- Come along.
- Yes, Violet.
I thought that I could spare you this.
But I don't understand.
You've known the truth about us,
haven't you, John?
You've known all along.
Yes, I have.
And you've known too.
Because you know about the cottage.
We'd like to talk to you, Mrs. Minnett.
You've known my wife for a long time.
And you've known me for quite a while.
We want the truth, Mrs. Minnett.
Have you had any time since our marriage
noticed any change in our appearance?
Have you?
Have you seen any change whatever?
Look at us.
Look at us, Miss. Minnett.
There was no change now?
Why didn't you tell us?
There's nothing I could've told you.
When I knew you had to find out
the truth this afternoon, I
I felt my heart would break.
And yet
What is there really to be sad about?
Shall I tell you the secret?
Shall I?
You love each other.
You've fallen in love
And a man and woman in love
have the gift of sight...
that isn't granted to other people.
I watched you.
I've watched you from the beginning.
And on the day of your wedding,
I saw your love blaze up
like dry kindling wood.
Keep your love burning.
Keep it burning. And I promise you,
you'll never be anything
to one another
but fair and handsome!
That's the charm.
That's the secret to the only
enchantment this cottage holds.
It's of your own making.
Just as I am.
My man could rise from his grave.
And walk-in this minute
And I should be pretty to him.
Pretty to him.
Don't feel badly, John.
I wanted so to help.
You did help.
If we had known sooner,
it might have.
But now
Well, that be Danny.
He's come to fetch me.
Goodbye, John.
Goodbye, Laura.
Until tomorrow
Goodbye, John..
Goodbye, Oliver.
You'll always be beautiful to me.
And nothing could ever change
the way I feel about you.
You know that?
Yes, dearest. I know.
We've never written our names.
Somehow I think they'd want us to.