The Encounter: Paradise Lost (2012)

Can't we just
send a driver?
They're friends,
not guests.
Did you remind Tim
that the people are coming
with the new furniture?
Sweetie, can you pretend
that we're running a business?
If I wanted to work, I would
have stayed in New York.
I'm going
I'm going
Hey buddy, the new furniture
should be here in about an hour.
You're gonna have
to sign for it, okay?
You know, I don't know
why someone who spent
become a doctor of divinity
instead of a real doctor.
You could really help
some people, you know?
I wanna help
people with this.
I tell ya what, why don't
you just forget everything,
stay with us here
in paradise?
I wanna help other
people find paradise.
Yeah, stepped in it
that time, huh?
Oh, there's my
master's voice.
See ya later.
Yup, yup,
yup, yup, YUP
Sorry, honey.
I told him.
See ya, son.
I got him.
He's outside of Deville's.
You have a positive ID?
It's him.
Is he
carrying any suitcases?
Well, you hold your position.
I'll have a team there
in a half-hour.
Half an hour?
He could be gone in 5 minutes.
Let me take him now.
That's a negative.
I only want this guy
carrying drugs or money.
That's not necessary.
We've got
a fugitive warrant.
He's been indicted
on two RICO cases.
And he's gonna
walk on both.
I want this guy.
We need hard evidence.
I want him in jail.
You stay in your car
and you just watch him.
What's up?
See that guy
over there?
What guy?
The white
guy with the beard
I think you and I are the
only two whites around here.
What's wrong?
Someone you recognize?
But he seemed
to know me.
This is all you'll need.
Cameron will meet you
at the Anantara Resort.
It's a lovely place, although
it's taken on the stench
of death as of late.
Cameron will provide you
with police protection
as long as you're
in the providence.
But once you're out of here,
you're on your own.
I hear that this is
your last shipment.
May I ask why?
I had enough.
You've had enough?
Well, that makes you
a very dangerous man, Bruno.
Our entire society's
built on having more,
bigger house, faster car,
more beautiful woman.
What if everyone decided
they'd had enough?
Our entire world order
would come tumbling down.
The day you have enough, Bruno,
is the day you die.
If I didn't
know you better...
I'd call that a threat.
Sound like a threat
to you, Charlie?
Sounds like a threat
to me, Bruno.
I bet you want
more, Charlie, don't you?
A little more
never hurt anybody.
White man.
It's Caperna.
See you around, Deville.
Bye, Bruno.
Vaya con Dios.
take the phone.
Wait for me
at the hotel.
- Here, you take this.
- No, you keep it.
Go ahead.
What took you so long?
Release him.
What, what?
Wait, wait.
What do you-
what do you think you're doing?
I'm releasing this man.
We have no evidence
he's committed any crime
in this country.
He's wanted in the
United States of the America.
Do you have an
international arrest warrant?
I'm sure we do,
back at the office.
But you don't
have it here.
you're free to go.
Thank you.
See ya around,
Ricky boy.
Wait, you can't
release him!
I've been chasing
him for 5 years!
You bring me
the right paperwork,
I'll pick him up
for you.
How much is he
paying you?
You're under arrest.
Arrest me?
Arrest you!
How much are
they paying you?!
Take him away.
Well, that didn't
take long.
We need to be packed up
and out of here in 5 minutes.
Let's go.
Where is it?
There isn't any more.
You've got
to get me some.
Next week you'll have enough
to dive into head first,
but rig ht now I need you to
pull yourself together.
We have to get
out of here.
Don't you care
that I'm hurting?
Come on, Mimi,
I don't have time to explain!
It's been longer
than a half-hour.
You should consider
yourself lucky
that they're letting
you go at all.
You punched
a police inspector.
Yeah, well,
he was corrupt.
You try pulling it.
Where's my gun?
It's conscated.
But here's your flight
to Los Angeles.
It's a condition
of your release.
And if you ever want this back,
you will get on that plane.
I'm not letting him
slip away again.
He's long gone.
I'll see about that.
Get back here.
Get back-
Consider yourself suspended.
Ah, Special Agent Caperna,
or should! say former
Special Agent Caperna?
Can I get you a drink?
No, thanks.
That's rig ht.
You don't drink.
You don't smoke.
You don't gamble.
Your only vice is your
hatred of drug dealers.
I'm just wondering what you
plan to offer me for Bruno.
You're under suspension, so you
can't offer me legal immunity.
You don't have a gun,
so you can't threaten me.
Ha, ha, ha.
Cheer up,
today's your lucky day.
Mr. McGrilly has outlived
his usefulness for me
so I can offer you a sizable
discount in the hopes that we
can have a more permanent
relationship in the future.
This is on the house.
I just love my job.
Ha, ha, ha,
ha, ha, ha.
Have you seen Chris?
It's coming.
It'll be here
in a couple hours.
I'll be with you soon.
One way or another.
You're impossible.
Aroon took the rest of the
staff to the evacuation center.
He'll be back for
us in 20 minutes.
I'm not going.
The storm is gonna
tear this place apart.
Well, I'm going, but not
to the evacuation center.
I'm going to Bangkok.
I'm gonna take the first
flight out to New York
and I'm gonna
file for divorce.
Helen, reopen our
house in Los Angeles, huh?
Community property laws
are better there.
It's okay.
We're not gonna
get divorced.
I have something
else in mind.
Don't give up hope.
Don't worry, son.
She'll get over it,
same way she
got over you.
Put the gun down.
You okay, baby?
Ric's gonna be there.
Just let him take out Bruno
and then you kill him,
and then it's
all yours, Charlie.
Who is it?
It's no one, just a girl.
Which one?
You mean they have
individual names?
Are you an American?
Yeah, what are
you doing here?
My name is Ric Caperna.
I'm special agent with the
Drug Enforcement Administration.
You have any
guests here now?
No, we evacuated our guests
yesterday and our staff today.
Can you
show me around?
Sure, this way.
check out the place.
Get down!
Helen, we've
gotta get out of here.
Ric, don't make
me hurt these nice people
Put the gun down, Ric.
Come on.
Put your gun down!
Come on.
That's right.
Not so tight, Charlie.
I'd hate for Ric
to be uncomfortable.
May I ask
what's going on?
What's going on
is irrelevant.
What you really want to know
is if you and your wife
are gonna be safe,
and the answer is yes,
provided you do exactly
as you're told.
What about him?
Let me worry
about him.
You ought to be worrying
about yourself, Bruno.
Shut up, Caperna.
Ricky boy, behave yourself.
You might just survive
this afternoon.
let's all be friends.
I'm Bruno.
My wife, Mimi.
The over-eager,
Ric Caperna.
My good friend Charlie.
And who are you?
This is my wife, Helen.
This your place?
- Yeah.
- Oh, nice.
You did very nice.
Don't worry,
we're not staying long.
A few hours at most.
Chris, come here.
Come here.
Yeah, okay.
Any of your staff
still around?
You see that guy,
Who is he?
The angel of death.
He was here before the tsunami.
Now he's back again.
Angel of death, huh?
All right, go sit down.
Go ahead. Thanks.
I'm gonna
take care of this.
Yeah, be careful,
will ya?
What's wrong?
We're gonna die.
It's not them
I'm worried about.
Sit down.
Just sit down.
Have a seat, please.
Hi, Mimi.
How'd you know
her name?
He knew mine too.
Who are you?
I am that I am.
You work for Kamal?
Let's ask an expert.
Do I look like
a drug dealer, Ric?
So that's where you got
your information, huh?
You sold me out.
Your so-called friend has
only one love: bloodshed.
And if he has his way,
none of you will survive today.
- Let me kill this creep now.
- No, no, Charlie, no, no.
We don't even know him.
No, we don't.
You have to nothing
to fear from me, Chris.
I'm not the
angel of death.
Ask your wife, Helen.
She knows me.
I've never
seen you before.
Well, that's
true you've never seen me,
but on the 137th day
of your 12th year,
you gave your life to me,
small Presbyterian church
on Hartford Road
and Evergreen Avenue.
Oh, since then you allowed
yourself to become
a little strangled
by the cares of this world
and the deceitfulness
of human wealth,
but I never lost
sight of you, Helen.
And I know the day is coming
when you will ourish.
Come on, Bruno, let me
pop this guy now He's a loony.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Charlie, please.
Don't pretend you've
never heard my voice, Charlie,
though it was
always filtered
through your mother
and grandmother.
When you came forward
in your 9th year;
you loved the smiles
on their faces,
but your heart proved to be
such rocky soil, Charlie.
Your friends called you sissy,
and you just caved in.
You were always very prideful,
Charlie, even as a kid.
All right, come on.
What's your game,
pal, huh?
You work for
Deville or not?
No, I don't work for Deville,
nor does Deville work for me.
He was outside the prison
yesterday when I was released
You used
the wrong verb tense, Ric.
I wasn't outside
the jail yesterday.
I am outside the jail now,
even as we speak.
The same way that I am on the
street outside Deville's ofce.
Tell Charlie how you saw me,
"the bearded white guy. "
I don't know what I saw,
and I'm tired
of playing 20-Questions.
Who are you?
I'm Jesus.
Chris t.
Yeah, and I'm
the Virgin Mary.
That's it. That's it.
I've had enough.
Calm down.
Calm down.
What do you mean
calm down?!
It's obvious he's escaped
from the local loony bin.
You know, you're lucky
my mother's not here.
She wouldn't let anyone
blaspheme, not even me.
You're right, your mother's
a very Godly woman
and she prays for you to come
to me every day, Charlie.
Don't break your
mother's heart, Charlie.
Shut up!
Just shut up!
Give me your gun,
Give me your gun.
Who is it?
Wrong number.
Chris, you've done a great
job of restoring this hotel.
It was Helen.
If I had my way,
I would have left it a ruin,
a monument
to God's cruelty.
Do you think that's
the way Timothy sees it?
Anywhere he looked,
he saw my love.
I don't wanna
talk about him.
It's not true, Chris.
You've been wanting to talk
to me about him for years.
You know, if you were
who you say you are,
I'd punch you
square in the face.
What happened?
Our son was killed
in the tsunami in 2004.
That's terrible.
How old was he?
He was 22.
$0 young.
I don't think
I could bear that.
The only thing you can do
is just remind yourself
that the pain
isn't real.
Mimi spent time in a
monastery where she was taught
that all pain and suffering
are illusions.
Isn't that right, Mimi?
Mimi, do you believe this pain
you're feeling now is real?
Isn't real.
But you feel it.
Only because I haven't
achieved enlightenment yet.
Mimi, I am Jesus,
and I'll never tell you
that you're not hurting
when you really are.
I don't deny your pain,
and I'll never ignore it.
I think it's better
if pain is just an illusion
because if I thought what
I was feeling was real,
I would kill myself.
Hey, baby, you don't have
to live like this, you know?
You can always
go back to rehab.
Maybe she needs
a reason to face reality.
What do you know?
I know pain.
It breaks my heart.
My hope for humankind was never
pain, suffering, and death.
It's Kamal, your supplier.
He's running late
because of the storm.
Oh, and don't worry
about the storm.
It's going to hit further
north along the coast.
This is him.
Will you still
be here today?
Couple hours?
I can't wait a couple hours.
I'm dying.
Look, I know youre
hurting, baby.
Look-listen to me, you're
halfway through detox now.
If we stay the course
we can start again.
We can start again clean.
I'm gonna die!
You're not going to die!
What's wrong, Mimi?
He doesn't understand
how badly I hurt.
That's too bad because
if he doesn't understand
the depth of your pain,
he'll never appreciate
the height of your victory.
What is victory?
Your triumph over drugs.
And more importantly,
finally finding the peace
and the security that you've
sought after your whole life.
Can I tell them
about your life?
Mimi was born
in a tiny village.
You could say
that even from birth
she was a victim
of the drug trade.
Her father worked
in the poppy fields
while her mother worked
in the processing plants.
They had no choice.
We were so poor.
You either worked the fields
or you starved.
they were good people.
They loved me.
They send me to school
at the monastery
so I would have
a better life.
You loved it there.
It's wonderful.
What happened?
Mimi's father
was wrongly accused
by the drug lord
of stealing.
The only payment
he would accept was Mimi.
They dragged her out
of the monastery
and sold her to
a Bangkok brothel.
Don't tell them
about it, please.
I won't.
We skip to Bruno?
For Bruno, it was
love at first sight.
He couldn't bear
to see you working there,
so he bought you
from the gangster.
At first I wasn't sure
what he was going to do.
Whether he would
be like the others.
I belong to him.
He can use me, beat me,
put me on the street,
but instead he freed me.
And the drugs?
Dealers usually hook their
women so they can control em.
Isn't that right, Bruno?
Another word out of you,
I put a bullet in your head.
It's about time.
Bruno wasn't to blame,
not directly anyway.
Call it insecurity.
Bruno, Mimi never quite felt
comfortable around your friends.
They all look at me
like I was some dumb Bai girl.
When Bruno wasn't around,
then they talk about my accent,
the way I dress,
the way I walk, everything.
You thought you'd be happy
if you were as sophisticated
and worldly as they were.
So when your friend Louise
invited you to do heroin
with her,
you couldn't say no.
You told yourself you couldn't
get hooked the first time,
especially if you
snorted it.
Louise was so smart
and so happy,
maybe you'd be too.
But it didn't last.
That hole in your heart,
it remains.
Stop romanticizing it.
You think that helps?
She's not an addict
because of some deep
or spiritual need.
She's an addict
because she used heroin.
It's that simple.
It's an addictive drug,
and once you start using it,
you can't stop.
That's why it's a
multibillion-dollar business.
Why did she take
it in the rst place?
Did you ever ask her?
Are you blaming me?
Do you blame yourself?
That's good.
Because even if Mimi
had never met you,
despair would have eventually
driven her to drugs.
Her environment
was so corrupt.
Did you know
Ric was a twin?
You mean
there's two of them?
She died when
they were just 18.
He's got a chick twin?
I guess his parents forgot
which one to put the dress on.
And Bruno, if he has his way,
he's going to kill you.
Is that true, Ricky boy?
Are you gonna kill me?
If there's any justice.
Fortunately, Ric and I
define justice differently.
It's not my will that
any of you die today.
I came to give you life,
life more abundantly.
Tell that to my son.
Chris, does your
son still exist?
Helen, does he?
That pan of you that hears
my voice knows deep inside
that Timothy is in a much
better and more glorious place,
and one day you'll be
reunited with him.
That's why Chris
despises you.
Your small
but lingering hope
that one day you'll
see Timothy again.
It's an affront to him.
He resents you for it.
In his eyes you traded
true pain and mourning
for some self-comforting
religious fantasy.
In his eyes Timothy
just blinked away,
never to be again, no heaven,
no hell, no nothing.
But Chris, that's not a very
emotionally satisfying
kind of atheism, is it?
You can't rage against a void
because a void can't hear you.
A void can't be hurt
or punished.
You needed someone.
You needed something to
direct all that anger at.
You needed God.
I'll direct it against you
if you don't shut up!
Chris, I wish
that you believed
half of what you once
said you believed.
Chris once was very publicly
proud of being a man of faith.
He could name it and claim it
with the best of them,
so revered as one of the
company's moral compasses.
One that-
Oh, Chris had no problem
marketing sub-prime
mortgage packages.
You knew they were bad
from the beginning.
That's nonsense!
I had plenty of them in
my own personal portfolio.
You sold them all
for a substantial prot
before they collapsed.
You used the prot to
help buy this hotel.
I thought! was a crook.
It is easier for a camel to
pass through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of God.
Why don't you just
leave the guy alone?
Why don't you leave
Bruno alone?
Why are you treating me
like the bad guy?
You know how many people
his heroin kills every year?
Yes, and I know
every one of their names.
So you should hate him
as much as I do.
Burl don't.
Sadly, if he doesn't repent,
I will be forced
by that decision of his
to judge him.
But don't think that I take
pleasure in that, I don't.
So what are you saying?
He can go to heaven?
Yes, if he repents.
I'd be thrilled.
Well, count me out then
because I ain't going anywhere
where he's going except maybe
to prison to visit him.
Ric, can I
ask you a question?
Can I stop you?
Is all this anger
and hatred,
is it going to bring
your sister Michelle back?
What happened to her?
I'm sorry.
That's rich
coming from you.
People like you
killed her.
So now you're
going to kill him?
If that's what it takes.
- To do what?
- To bring him to justice!
Ric, you love
that word justice.
You don't know
what it means.
Justice has no place
for illegal wire-taps,
planted evidence,
perjured testimony.
Hey! I'm just trying to
level the playing field here.
Guys like Bruno have
all the money they need
to hire the best lawyers,
buy half the judges and juries.
If we didn't cut some corners,
we wouldn't make case one.
The ends don't
justify the means.
Says who?!
Your way doesn't work.
The meek didn't
inherit the earth.
They got chewed up
and spit out.
Is your way working, Ric?
Has all your anger
gotten you any peace?
You haven't had one moment
of peace since the day
you walked in the door and found
your sister Michelle like that.
But it's not
too late, Ric.
Behold me.
I stand at the door of
your heart, and I knock.
It's your supplier, again.
This is him.
Will you still
be here today?
But you still will be
here today, right?
Late r?
All right.
Not til later.
I don't like this,
This whole thing's
going south fast.
I mean, the storm.
Come on.
Who is this guy?
He knows too much.
He's dangerous.
I know.
I know.
He's the guy with the beard
I saw outside of Deville's.
He's not Jesus Christ.
If you know what's good
for you, you'll go over there
and put a bullet in his head
right now, right now.
You Okay?
I'm dying, Bruno.
Got to help me.
No, trust me.
She can go into
cardiac arrest.
Trust me.
Mimi, I know
what you really want.
This can maybe heal you
for a couple of hours,
but I can heal you
for eternity.
Which will it be?
How do you feel?
Am I healed forever?
Your body is healed,
but not your soul.
Can you heal that too?
And unlike what you learned
at that monastery,
I won't force you to suffer
through a thousand lifetimes
of war and sorrow
and death.
The work has already
been done.
Do you know howl died,
Mimi, on the cross?
Have you ever
heard of that?
Do you know what
I did there?
I sacrificed myself
for your sins,
for the sins
of the world.
I took it all
upon myself.
I paid the penalty so
that you don't have to.
Mimi, today, if you
desire, you are free.
What do I have to do?
Believe in me.
Trust me.
I do.
I know you do.
I can see inside
your heart.
Today you are my precious,
precious daughter.
You see,
never give up hope.
Bruno, I've been healed.
I feel it.
Oh, that's terrific.
I know it's true.
Oh, that's great,
That's great.
would you get me
some coffee?
- Sure.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You got a kitchen
here, right?
Would you
mind just, you know
getting some coffee,
some sandwiches?
You know, we're gonna be
here a couple hours more.
Don't worry.
I'll pay you.
You know just treat us
like any other guests
who held you hostage.
We need to talk.
Yeah, everything's
under control.
Go with them, huh?
Make sure
she stays healed.
You still smiling, huh?
Have a seat.
You know, under normal
any man who messes
with my wife's mind dies.
But since you managed
to calm her down,
I'm gonna give you
a pass this time.
Bruno, what do you think
just happened?
Was it just words?
Or did she really change?
You never experienced
the destruction that
your product causes
until Mimi.
You are sorry, Bruno,
but sorry isn't enough.
What do you expect
me to do?
He's not gonna stop.
I am ready
to forgive you.
The price is true
This is my last deal.
I'm getting out
of this.
That's good.
You should walk away.
But Bruno, is walking away
going to make you clean?
Did it work for you,
You're comparing me
to him now?
I was a respectable
He's a criminal.
Yet, you walked away
from your work.
Because I had enough.
I was sick of the greed
and materialism.
Whose Chris?
Society's or yours?
Does it matter?
I knew it was wrong
and I left.
Who told
you it was wrong?
No one, I just knew.
No, you didn't,
not until you walked in front
of the wrong mirror, Chris.
What are you
talking about?
You loved being the moral
compass of your company,
but then Timothy gave his life
to me and everything changed.
His faith was so alive,
so vibrant, so selfless
that you knew deep inside
you didn't really believe
what he believed-
that your God
wasn't God at all,
and that what you really
worshiped was success.
If I really worshiped
why'd I throw it all away
and come here, huh?
It's the ultimate show
of success,
thumbing your nose at
cut-throat corporate greed
and coming here to sit
on a beach in paradise,
proving once and for all
your moral superiority.
Am I right?
I'm not answering
any more of your questions.
Neither can I answer
your question.
Which is?
"Why did my son die?"
How much longer?
I'm almost done.
Tell me something.
Are we in danger?
You and your husband
and Jesus are okay,
but I'm worried
about the policeman.
I have to trust
Jesus about him.
He's not really Jesus.
Yes, he is.
Look at me.
I'm healed!
He says you know him too
when you were 12.
When I was 12...
... everything seemed possible,
even a God who took an active
interest in everything you did.
You don't believe
that any more?
No, I don't.
And even if I did, what
difference does it make?
Where do you go when
the worst thing happens?
I lost a son.
I get it.
Do you want something?
Thank you.
Can I untie him so I can
give him something to eat?
What do you say, Jesus?
Can I trust him
to behave himself?
You know the
answer to that question.
You bet I do.
If he wants something,
give it to him there.
Is that what it's
gonna take to stop you?
Tell him, Jesus.
It was never my intention
to kill him.
I'd be more than happy
if you had just walked away.
Live and let live, Ric.
But you're going
to kill him now.
Don't listen to him.
I'm gonna let Ricky boy sit
right there, tied to that chair
as we go on
our merry way.
Knowing full well
that Kamal will do it.
It's not my responsibility
what happens after we leave.
Yes, Bruno, it is.
What do you expect
me to do?
He's not gonna stop.
Give yourself up.
It's not fair.
Is it fair that I
had to leave heavenly glory
to bear the punishment
for your sins?
No, it wasn't fair.
But Bruno, sometimes
love trumps fairness.
Bruno, I've been waiting all
your life for the moment
when you would finally lay down
the burden of all the sins
that you've committed.
It weighs so heavy
on you, Bruno.
Give that burden to me.
I'll take it for you.
I can't.
I can't.
I don't know why you
went through all that trouble.
I could have told you
what he was gonna say.
Don't say it.
Say what?
That I should do it.
If I go with him,
I could end up injail.
Maybe you have to
go to jail to be free.
I love you.
Then do it for me,
I told you he wasn't
gonna fall for your line.
It's very hard
to except the truth
when you've been living
a lie all your life.
Sometimes it's easier
just to die.
Isn't that rig ht,
I never lived a lie.
But you
are ready to die.
One of the saddest
things that I see
is the way couples tear each
other apart in anger and guilt
instead of pulling together
when they lose a child.
I tried.
But he built this
little shrine to Tim,
and he didn't let anybody
else in, not even me.
Helen, your marriage wasn't
going to end in divorce.
If you don't like the way
we react to children's deaths,
stop killing them!
Are you going
to tell her, or am I?
Chris was going to
take his life today.
He was going to wait
for the storm to hit
and then walk out
into the waves
and shoot himself.
Is that true?
You were gonna
do that to me?
I wasn't doing it
to you.
After everything that we've
been through with Tim,
you were gonna
do that to me?
I wasn't.
That's so selfish.
Just get off me!
No, come on, Helen!
I talk to her.
You want
me to stop her?
I didn't want
to hurt her.
I know.
Why did Tim have to die?
He died for you.
Helen, are you okay?
Everything I had
is gone.
But you have hope.
Your son was
a fine young man
and loved me
very much.
His goal was to share me
with the whole world.
Then why'd you
take him?
Chris, you keep
crediting me with his death,
but that's not the case.
I created
a perfect world,
paradise without death
or disease, any of those things.
Then I created man.
I gave him a wondrous
but very dangerous gift:
free will.
And soon paradise
was lost
and fell to murder,
war, greed,
pride, terrible things,
all of which sprung
from the heart of man.
I didn't create
one of them.
But you let em happen?
But you're not responsible?
I gave you freewill.
What a cop-out!
If I sawa guy raping
a girl in an alley,
I could never live
with myself if I didn't
do something about it.
But you're just
fine with it?
I cry a billion rears
across the world every day.
Then why don't you
do anything about it?
I did, 2,000 years ago
on a wooden cross,
and I continue today
crying out into the hearts
and the consciences of
every man and every woman,
the same way
I'm crying out to you.
Light has come
into the world,
but the oh-so-tragic
is that men
love the darkness.
Ultimately, I take every bit
of it and I turn it around
for the benet of my
Father's kingdom.
How did my son's
death benet your kingdom?
By bringing you into it.
Chris, Timothy knew that
you didn't really believe in me.
He became very concerned
for your soul.
The tsunami.
When man fell in
the Garden of Eden,
the whole world
fell with him.
Disasters like the
tsunami are all echoes
of that initial cataclysm.
But remember,
I never let evil win.
And so I'm here,
answering the prayers
of a wonderful young son.
For his beloved father,
that one day he would come
into a relationship
with me.
New life in me.
Bring him back, please.
Chris, I can bring him back.
But if you could see
what he's seeing now,
if you could feel
what he's feeling,
you wouldn't even dream
of calling him back
to this fallen world,
not even for a second
And I guarantee you,
if you put your faith in me,
you'll be reunited with
Timothy forever... there.
I will.
I will.
So sorry I haven't
been there for you.
Can you forgive me?
Only if you can
forgive me.
Thank you, Lord.
It's nice to hear
you call me Lord again.
Don't lose it.
I have so much in store
for you both.
Oh, now ain't that sweet?
Yes, it is.
I worry about you.
Haven't you ever felt
there was something missing
in your life?
Nothing he can offer me.
Don't you find it odd
to find yourself
in agreement
with Charlie?
Not on that.
Charlie Doles.
Shut up!
I don't need you reading back
a list of my so-called sins.
Let's just stick to the first
man I killed: Dwayne Weiss.
You were 15 years old.
Yeah, and if
you know that much,
then you know the
last words he spoke.
"Please, God, don't. "
He called me God.
He wasn't
referring to you.
Oh, yeah?
You sure about that?
I was the only man in
that room with the power
to let him live
or let him die.
Isn't that what being
God is all about?
Having the power
over life and death?
Bruno used to be a great
god until he got weak
and started
being merciful,
letting people live
who should have died.
And that's why we're in
this situation we're in now
You're in this
situation you are now
because I wanted to give you
another chance at salvation.
Don't you worry about me.
You worry about yourself.
Don't Charlie.
Put the gun down.
I've had enough of you.
You give me your gun.
Give me your gun now.
Now give me the bag.
Didn't have to happen
this way, Bruno.
Yes, it did.
I couldn't go through
with the deal, Charlie.
Those days are over.
I'm going with him.
You're crazy.
You're gonna spend the rest
of your life in jail.
But I don't think our Lord
would lead us astray.
Maybe I have to go
to jail to be free.
It would be
a small price to pay.
Your will be done.
What happened
to you, man?
The moment has come.
For what?
For you to decide if you're
going to follow my will
to eternal life
or your own to destruction.
I think you know
the answer.
Would it affect
your answer to know
that Michelle is with me?
Her tragic cause of death didn't
mean that she wasn't saved
Michelle accepted
that for herself
when she was
Now she stands in the very
presence of Father God himself.
Her face glows with
joy and contentment
beyond comprehension.
I want you to
see her there.
If you surrender to me
and my will,
you will spend
eternity with her.
Helen accepted me
as a child.
Today she was joined by
Chris, Mimi, even Bruno.
Michelle was killed
by a heroin overdose,
but I promise you
hatred kills more people
every year than heroin.
And it's the hardest
drug of all to kick.
But I'll help you do it
if you embrace my love.
Sorry, Bruno.
Are you gonna be okay?
No, Mimi.
I'm not gonna make it.
I love you.
I love you too.
It's gonna
be okay, Mimi.
I'd rather die today
and live with you forever
than go on the way
we were going.
I'm happy-
Don't worry, Bruno.
I'll take care of her.
Stay down, Caperna.
I'm gonna send you
to meet your sister.
Great work, man.
You'll never believe this, but
Bruno actually kept a notebook.
Has everything in it.
His suppliers, his customers,
old corrupt ofcials
in like a dozen
different countries.
It's gonna keep a lot of people
busy for a very long time.
Are you up to
leading the team?
It sounds like fun.
I'm gonna have a lot
of fun with this one.
Ha, ha.
You had a lot
of fun with Bruno, too,
but he came to me.
So did Helen
and Chris and Mimi.
Everywhere they go,
they'll spread my love
and shine a cleansing light
in your darkness.
It's not over yet.