The End of Violence (1997)

Define "violence".
- What?
- Okay, everyone,
I need you to step back.
Step back. Violence. Define it.
I don't know.
You're making a movie about it.
Shouldn't you know what it is?
Maybe we should
just get ready.
I'm ready.
All right, silence.
We're going in 20,
here we go.
Try and define it.
okay, bring it in now.
In my line of work,
if you don't know what
something really is... ten, nine,
instead of what it looks like,
eight, seven,
you don't mess with it,
six, five,
or you could get yourself
killed. Four, three,
hold your places, everyone.
That's good. Two, one.
And cut!
Way to go!
Beautiful. I think we've got it. No, no.
We got a problem down here.
Oh, boy.
Get the paramedics down here
immediately. You're okay.
We have an accident.
Hold on.
Something about that day
reminded me of when I was a kid.
We lived by the sea.
A tiny town.
Lots of fishing boats.
One movie theater.
My brother fished.
I watched movies.
They got me wondering what
we'd do if we were ever attacked.
We suddenly seemed so vulnerable to
killer sharks, nuclear submarines,
an alien invasion.
The enemy
could come from anywhere.
The land, the water, the sky,
the chinese.
Couldn't trust
any of 'em anymore.
Yeah, Brian. Mike, I've
gone through the whole thing.
There's absolutely
nothing you can do.
You're telling me you
couldn't find one loophole?
- I went over it all night.
- Who wrote that contract, Brian?
Look, I can
call Tokyo for you.
Guess I've been kinda edgy
ever since.
Looking over my shoulder.
Always ready
for that sudden attack.
- Claire, go ahead.
- Welcome back. How was your flight?
Oshima called from Tokyo. She said the
three million won't be in the account...
till Friday noon,
our time.
The studio said they are only
releasing the video in June.
You can sue them.
Brian doesn't think you'll win.
Yeah, I know he doesn't.
Listen, I don't want you to take
any more of Briars fucking calls!
Tell them I gotta talk to
them myself. It's urgent.
Seeds of violence
got through the night shoot,
but there was an accident
with one of the stunts.
- Cat, the stuntwoman for daisy, got hurt
in the explosion. - How is she?
She cut her face and got
banged up, but she's fine.
Did we get the shot?
Yeah, it looks great.
- Great.
- On the other picture there was a problem.
- The company was actually evacuated.
- Uh, Claire?
- Yeah?
- I gotta put you on hold.
I'm leaving...
where are you going?
I'm leaving you.
I can't get your attention
I'm not sure I want it.
Where you gonna go?
- What?
- I was thinking about Guatemala.
Guatemala? You have a
yearning for squalor?
I have a yearning for life.
Real life.
Christ, not again.
Paige, look, uh,
I'm coming upstairs.
I'm coming in a minute. I've
been waiting for this call.
I've got Hiyawa on the line.
All right. Put me through.
It's early morning there.
my highly overpaid lawyers are confident
we can win this on three counts.
How can this be possible? I have
to check with our New York lawyers.
Be my guest.
This will take time.
You have all day.
You'll hear from us.
I look forward to it.
Go ahead, Claire.
Six is here. He wants to know whether
you're gonna use his title track for violence.
Yo, Mike. What's up,
baby? How's that view?
Look, man,
you know my shit is phat.
It's hot, man. So you gonna be
using it or you gonna be losing it?
Go ahead and show me the Dailies
and you can put the song on over it.
Okay, one more thing. Someone dumped
a 400-page file into your e-mail.
Some weird, secret FBI file
with diagrams.
An FBI file in my e-mail?
Yeah, about some new
surveillance system.
That's it?
Nothing from the pope?
Ha ha.
Check it yourself.
Remember we did research on
high-tech crime for violence?
Anyway, here's the Dailies
and Six's demo track.
You never quite realize
the way things affect you.
When I was a kid movies scared
the shit out of me,
so then when I grew up,
I went into
the movie business.
Turned what you could call
a basic fear of strangers...
into a multimillion-dollar
After all, paranoia
is our number one export.
Everybody needs an enemy.
It's only now I've come to understand
that there are no enemies or strangers...
just a strange world.
Good morning, guys.
Don't you guys ever sleep?
Hey, Ray.
If you're so smart, why not try getting
a license? You could drive to work.
Oh, and good morning
to you too.
Truth is, I try to avoid modern
technology whenever I can.
Hey, you still want the tr-5
macros linked to your base matrix?
Do you have them rigged up yet?
What have you been doing all night?
Just teasing.
See ya.
Dispatch, this is 2-mary-19.
We have a visual on suspects.
10-4, 2-mary-19.
Dispatch, 2-mary-19. Suspects
are being questioned at location.
10-4, 2-mary-19.
Hey, we'll have another 25 X-rs
going by Friday,
all with the 10-to-500 zooms.
Mmm. Good.
- Trying to keep up with you, Ray.
- You're doing good down there.
- I'll check in with you later.
- We're here.
No, she did not
The scene? Yeah.
I talked to the stunt
coordinator and the insurance guy.
They say the whole thing can
be attributed to our negligence.
She can definitely sue if
she wanted to. Oh, fuck!
You might want to stop by the hospital
and talk to her before the meeting.
Okay, where is she?
She's right in there.
Wow. Am I delirious, or is a famous
Hollywood producer coming to visit me?
You're delirious.
You're a pro.
And you're brave.
And you're beautiful.
What's the catch?
A sick sense of humor.
I don't know about that.
- I don't have to answer this.
- Please.
Is this a good time, Mike?
No, I'm coming... in
a minute. Don't start.
- Go on. It's okay.
- Hang on.
You're the stuff.
- Okay, yes?
- Hey.
I wasn't going
to sue you anyway.
Get out.
Hang on, Brian.
Claire, call Zoltan...
and have 'em screen-test Cat
for the part of the sister.
Cat? She's a stuntwoman, not an actress.
Everybody there? Brian?
You're fired.
Why? Because I don't pay
lawyers to tell me I can't win.
Look, take some time,
wrap it up.
Do me a favor.
Plot your revenge on
your own time. Mike...
Let's go.
Mike. Honey, I'm glad I caught you.
I know we didn't get to talk.
I'm sorry.
I made some reservations...
Mike, I'm losing you.
Hey. Hey. Hey.
Hey! Hey!
What the fuck... hey!
All right, this is good.
Right here.
Kill him.
Kill him.
You kill him.
Oh, man!
Just kill him.
You just kill him.
kill him... now.
Shit. Thanks
for mentioning my name.
It don't matter if I mention
your stupid, inbred name.
He's about to die.
Now shoot him!
You shoot him.
You don't want that Mercedes
anymore? Yeah, I want it.
Well, if we don't kill him,
they probably won't give us
the money, will they?
And they might
kill us instead.
Do you understand?
We kill him...
we live, plus Mercedes.
We don't...
we die, minus Mercedes.
You choose.
Lowell, you've got...
five seconds to tell me...
what the fuck
this is really all about.
Five seconds?
I'm not sure I could...
three. I didn't think it'd be so hard!
What's hard about it?
Bullshit. Two.
Oh, man, no!
This is it!
It's all gone downhill.
Don't you see that?
No. One!
No, no, no!
Fuck! Wait!
All right.
All right, fine.
I'll tell you.
I like him.
What? Who?
His name's Mike Max.
I was talking to him in
the garage while I covered him.
- You were talking to him?
- I'm telling you, he made some good points.
Max... made good points?
He said we were
wasting our talents...
taking risks that were
not necessary for peanuts.
We had the guts
and the brains to kidnap him.
If we did that, then there's executive
jobs that we could make fortunes in.
You on fucking drugs again?
I'm telling ya,
he's right.
I mean,
this is going nowhere.
He sussed it.
This guy's amazing.
Think about it now.
You don't wanna
kill him.
I don't wanna
kill him.
Maybe there's some other way we can
enter the 20th century driving a Mercedes.
I am not going back
to stealing!
Maybe there's other stuff
we could do.
What other stuff? I
don't know. Something.
Some... business.
We could go into business,
Maybe... maybe
the entertainment business.
The what?
Now I've fucking heard
Shh! Shh!
Keep it down.
First you talk
to the hostage.
Then you renege
on your part.
And now,
now you wanna go...
into the entertainment
What kind of bullshit
you been telling him?
It's not bullshit.
- He produced your favorite movie.
- It's true.
It happens
to be my favorite too.
In my pocket...
is my card.
You have your what?
your card? Huh?
You want me to take
your fucking card?
- You dipshit, slimy, no-good
little weasel! - Frank... no.
Huh? Huh? Let me give
you my business card.
You know what you can both do with your stupid,
stinking, fucking entertainment business?
Jesus, Frank, no!
I want to give you...
a million bucks...
in points.
What the hell's "points" mean?
It means a piece
of the profits.
It means...
a percentage.
It means percentage!
When was the last time
somebody gave you percentage?
Shut up, Lowell,
or I will torture you.
Never is when.
Never did, never will.
Come over here.
Come over here.
One more...
fucking chirp,
and there's gonna be
a percentage of your carcass...
all over this hill!
Hi, Ray.
Didn't think
I'd find you there so late.
Anyway, I'm finally sending you
a cleaning lady... Mathilda.
She'll start tomorrow.
She's from Salvador.
She passed security.
Speaks five words of english,
Her family was wiped out
by the death squads,
except for
her little daughter.
They have you working late
at Nasa every night like this?
Yeah. Um,
why don't you, uh...
why don't you
send her over?
Get some sleep.
What the fuck?
I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
So dark and empty, with spikes in the
aing and the room so small it sweats.
But I know it's no different
on the street,
except if you get shot, be one
of them lucky victims you can see.
"Drive by. Drive by."
Everybody love to say it.
But when you're in that room
you can lie there, play dead,
stand up on your head.
Make no difference.
Daddy don't go by.
He comes inside.
He comes right in.
After a hard day
at whittier,
he comes all the way inside
that room, that bed, my pajamas.
He comes all the way inside my
room, and he don't stop there.
He goes inside my crack,
and he don't stop there.
He keeps going, tearing everything apart
while he makes them sweet loving sounds,
and he don't stop there.
He calls me names so hard and bad it
hurts my heart more than it hurts my crack,
and he don't stop there.
See, he's lookir
for my soul.
Everything they took from him
he wanted back.
He's starving for it,
starving so bad
he'd kill me for it.
But I don't want to die.
I don't want to die.
So I flip the script, trick the dick
and make him think he got it all.
I make him think he got it all.
Make him think he got it all.
And I slip away inside my head
and visit...
the princess of Beverly hills.
Haing blond, eyes green,
painting her fingernails
like jellybeans,
vanilla skin shimmering.
She don't even notice
when I slip inside her soul...
like a ghost
in a crystal palace.
I be all up in there eating
sugar cakes and bonbons and...
she don't even notice me
while I'm inside her soul.
See, she ain't never needed
to know she needed a soul.
# Don't even know
she got one #
and I watch her...
I'm so close...
while her fingernails dry.
And the princess,
she don't feel a thing.
She can't smell the burning
knife that's splitting me in half.
One time, I think, she smiled
at me, I think she saved my life.
And now...
it's over...
and daddy start to cry.
We go walking and talking
in McArthur park,
and I forgive him sometimes.
The princess
of Beverly hills...
I don't need her soul
no more.
I give her back to you.
I, uh...
I never knew
my father.
Transition to the southbound
side of the Santa Ana freeway.
Disabled big rig in the left lane.
Backed up to the Pasadena freeway.
Montebello, a sig alert
for the 60 eastbound at Finley.
The freeway's still closed
because of an accident.
What is the point
of you having a phone...
if you don't answer it?
What the hell
are you doing here?
ten days, any days.
You never...
you didn't send me my...
I know, dad.
What should I do?
What is your dad for?
Dad, I wish
you'd answer the phone.
It's important for me...
that I know
that you're okay.
All right, okay.
I'll buy that.
Okay, good.
I got your favorite.
You first.
Go ahead.
Oh, I'm tired.
You know,
I was right, dad.
I was more right than
I could ever have imagined.
Give me a second.
I'll call it back in.
We already checked it out.
We didn't find nothing.
Oh, man. Jeez.
Yeah, they're, uh...
they were blown off.
Shotgun, three feet.
Uninged, clean at the cortex.
That one, two feet max, between
the cerebellum and the frontal lobe.
Yeah, what'd I say?
I heard they I.D.'d
the killer.
See, that's where I took the liberty
of saying "only in Hollywood."
So the killer's
a deranged hooker?
No, he was a regular guy.
Just liked to kill
on the weekends.
Nope, no record of his
killing on weekends.
MacDermot, come on.
Be a little more creative.
There's two people dead here. You
guys are a little cynical, aren't you?
here's the spin.
The gentleman in question,
the apparent killer,
was, in fact,
originally the victim.
You got that? The killer
was the kidnap victim...
who was brought here by these
two now-headless kidnappers,
a Mr. Lowell Lewis
and a Mr. Frank Cray,
and during an apparent altercation
between the two of them,
said victim, Mr. Michael Max, the guy
they carjacked in that Mercedes there,
freed himself
and blew both theing heads off.
Wait a minute. Michael
Max... Mike Max the producer?
I know who this guy is.
This guy's great.
Did you see creative killing?
What is the other one...
odd sudden death.
You see odd sudden death?
He's great. Yeah, yeah.
This is very, uh, uh...
it's, like, very realistic action,
murder, real crime-type stuff.
Is that his car?
Let me go check out his car.
We have a film buff,
I'm Ruby.
I'm Ruby.
Hi. I'm Ruby.
Uh, what now?
I want to fuck you.
Can I do my line first?
- Great. What is it?
- "I want to fuck you."
I'm sorry.
I thought... good.
Very good.
I don't remember that line
from my script.
"Ruby: Hi. I'm Ruby.
I want to fuck you."
"Jack: Well,
that's very honest.
- I want to fuck you too."
- You're joking.
No. This part is bad on purpose,
just like a cheap porno movie.
And then, all of a sudden,
it gets good.
That's the trick.
Oh, so that's
the trick.
That's the trick.
Maybe Mike was right.
She can do it, but...
she doesn't work for
another month. It'll be fine.
Are you still rolling?
You must be Mathilda.
Si, gentleman.
El hospital? No. No. No hospital.
No, not the house.
- Senor...
- Hmm?
Maybe I jinxed him.
Weren't you gonna ask me
about Mike?
I was just
building up to it.
You're a pretty slow
I was gonna say...
here we are,
You're beautiful.
Movies, murder.
I was gonna segue into
it from there. Crafty.
Med school. Clinical psych. Hmm.
I was always curious...
why people do what they do.
And now, who cares? You
just wanna find your man.
No, I wanna find my woman,
marry, settle down.
I wanna find my man first,
I guess.
Unless my man turns out
to be a woman.
Better than if your woman
turns out to be a man, I suppose.
You know, you have
an interesting approach, Doc.
We have barely spoken, and yet I feel I
could be a murder suspect or a fiance.
No offense.
# 'Cause I'd miss you
forever # you could be.
# So love me right now # I'd
better get this back to wardrobe.
# For it won't last #
hey, you're a cop.
Define "violence."
# 'Cause I'd miss you forever # uh,
fear, absence of love, emotional revenge.
# Every time #
# every time #
# every #
What the hell
are you doing?
Do you realize what
you've just thrown away?
Little things around here have
big importance. Do you understand?
Big importance. Mucho importante.
Importante! Understand?
I can't have people around here
who don't know what's what.
Then again, I can't
afford people who do.
You cannot stay here.
Not possible here.
You must stay outside.
Yes? Thank you.
That girl can never be allowed
in here under any circumstances.
Do you understand that?
Here... no.
There... si.
Si, gentleman.
Mike's discovered
a lot of people.
He sees something in them
no one else sees.
He believes in them.
His love is like a rocket...
it blasts you forward into
your future, into your destiny.
But no matter who you are,
sooner or later,
you wake up in your shiny
new rocket... alone...
and realize he's in the
cockpit, and he has the keys.
The view is amazing.
But somewhere
in the back of your mind,
you can hear
the crash coming,
somewhere, somehow,
Some people
don't like that feeling.
I suppose everyone's wanted
to kill him at some point.
I know I have.
Do you think
he's still alive?
But I'm an optimist.
I mean, there's no evidence that
he's dead. Maybe he's in shock.
Maybe he's unable to communicate,
for one reason or another.
Do you think...
feelings, intentions,
bad thoughts...
can have an effect
on reality, like,
sort of...
unintentional prayers?
Definitely. I think
everything's connected.
Did you know that
in nuclear physics,
if you just look at a so-called
particle, you change it?
Imagine, just by looking at something
you can actually change what it is.
Sometimes you can even
destroy it.
It's like turning on the light
to see the darkness.
We know what we look at
can change us. Take me.
One of the main reasons I'm standing
here is because of your husband's movies.
Now I'm here fighting crime,
and he's a victim of it.
We're connected,
and we never even met.
God only knows the amount of subnuclear
transference that goes on in a marriage.
It's almost incalculable.
Why do you ask?
No, no.
I didn't know where I was,
but I knew I was alive.
There's nothing quite like a couple of
killers with a shotgun at your head...
to make you pay attention.
But seeing theing heads
blown off instead of mine,
like toy targets exploding,
that's the part
that scared me the most.
You can wash up
over here.
Buenos dias.
Buenos dias.
I wanted to tell Paige...
"a couple
of killers changed me.
"They made your point.
And a bunch of gardeners
saved my life."
But something told me...
I might never get
the chance to tell her.
Maybe what they say
is true.
You never can
go home again.
- Hey, Filipe. Catch.
- Huh?
Silencio, por favor.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Mike, can you help me
with my homework tonight?
Come on.
Are you gonna come
fishing with us on sunday?
It's our favorite thing
to do.
I like it too.
I'm not turning over
his computer.
- Can you use it?
- No, I don't know how to use it.
That's the last thing I want. Then
I'll come by to pick it up, okay?
Don't push me. You're
trying to be difficult.
I'm not trying to be
difficult. I'm sorry.
But sooner or later, you're gonna have
to get your head out of the sand...
and start dealing
with this.
Hang on, Paige.
Six just came up from the recording
studio. He wants to tell you something.
Yo, madam Max.
I'm supposed to tell you to
hand over the computer...
and cooperate
with the powers that be,
but you know that's
not exactly my style.
I say just take your
own sweet time, madam Max.
It's a cold world out here,
even in the sun.
You're a beautiful lady.
You stay warm.
Thanks, Six.
Well, yeah, you can see
down there from here,
which means they could've
shot 'em from up here, yeah.
But they were headless corpses,
I don't think you can blow
heads off from 300 yards.
- That's like three football fields, right?
- All right.
The coroner said the recovered
skull fragments...
were in a state of critically
infarcted bifurcation,
meaning all the bone
was thoroughly shattered,
meaning the bullets could have been
high-density, army-style splinter shot,
which can be fired from three feet
or 3,000 feet with the same effect.
See what I'm saying?
Get outta here. You play
too many video games, kid.
You think maybe low-flying
F-16 fighters shot 'em, huh?
Like I said,
only in Hollywood.
Can't be coffee
and Danish.
Has to be cappuccino or that thick,
creamy stuff, that italian thing...
what is that?
- Tiramisu.
- Well, whatever.
this Michael Max,
he looks to me like one of these guys
that'd have his own murder catered...
gentlemen, Michael Max
is a very innovative guy.
If he's gonna do something,
he's gonna do it first,
and he's gonna do it big,
he's gonna do it right.
That's exactly why somebody
probably wanted him dead.
I'd say someone very
professional, obviously...
and very paranoid.
I don't exactly understand
what I just did for you.
It's okay. I'm just trying
to debug a little number here.
So, uh...
so, thanks.
You're the wizard.
Well, I guess I'd better
head back to the shop.
Okay. See you.
See you.
Look. Two more.
They gotta be feds. Still
waiting for me to come home.
Yeah? Maybe you should
turn yourself in, eh?
You're wasting
my tax dollars, hombre.
Hey, hey.
Come through for me, baby.
Yes, baby.
Come through for me.
There they are.
Fucking clouds.
twenty seconds.
Oh, my god.
Do you think
they're watching us?
Do you think
they're watching us?
It'll be all right, hombre. Yeah?
We'll feed you good.
We'll feed you cocido,
menudo, carnitas, pozole.
Sounds good.
I never...
I never noticed.
Two questions.
Are you here to do something
bad with our father?
Are you the guy
in the newspapers?
Yeah, I am.
But don't tell anybody.
I told you.
Now pay up.
Some friend.
Sorry about that.
It's okay.
Good night.
Good night.
I still love my wife...
so much.
Senora, there are
three gentlemens.
Let them wait.
I always did,
even when I made her suffer,
on purpose,
for long periods of time,
and enjoyed it perversely.
That's one thing
I think I can define now.
It's when things are upside-down
and you start to like 'em that way.
you got your phone?
You talk to him.
Six. What's up?
He's got to change.
You have to change.
What? Who this?
I'm a friend
who you don't know yet.
Oh, shit.
I know all my friends.
Oh, I'm an amigo,
closer than you think.
There's a message I must
give you. There's no time.
You must change.
"Gangsta" rap is dying.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
- Violence is dead.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Let me tell you something, friend.
Violence is bigger than ever.
You see, little baby white girls be piercing
every floppy piece of skin they got,
creaming to every flavor
of gangsta.
Pretty soon records just gonna
have the sound of gunshots on 'em.
Everywhere you look, billboards got
some movie star holding some big-ass gun.
Let me tell you something,
Violence rules, man.
Violence is flip.
You don't like it, run with
the nuns, but it is here,
it is now,
and Six is on it.
Hello, Paige.
This is Terry Gromer, president,
music and movies divisions.
And Ian Whitley,
your head of business affairs.
Hello, gentlemen.
You can smoke, Brian.
Champagne? Coffee?
I feel like I've grown very
close to you in this short time.
But now I'm about to do something
that I think is important...
but it is risky.
Just in case
anything happens to me,
I just wanted to say
thank you and adios.
Si, vamos!
- How you doing?
- Hi, Ramon. Take any station.
Maybe it'll look better with
colored paper. Yeah, I guess.
Do you have any work
station that's available?
Did you check in? Got a
friend taking care of it.
How about this one?
Excuse me. Can you
help me? Just a second.
In a minute. He's fine. He
can take care of himself.
The thing about
sudden attack is...
you never know
where it's coming from.
But it's usually not
from where you expect it,
unless you expect it
from everywhere,
which makes you paranoid.
Mike, you'll probably
never get this.
The FBI's
been all over everything.
But if you're out there...
this is very strange.
A guy called you. He wanted
to talk to you very urgently.
He asked me whether you'd had a chance
to read the file he sent you on e-mail.
He sounded scared. He didn't
want to leave his name or number.
He insisted that you would
know how to reach him.
Apparently you met at the
technology fair in Florida last year.
He said
you liked each other.
I hope this means something to
you, and I hope you're alive.
Ramon, Jose.
Let's go.
Let's just
get out of here.
Okay, amigo.
Come on.
- Out of the way, ma'am.
- What?
Oh, shit.
Ramon's got the keys.
That's all the locks.
Securing the back entrance?
Is that all you need?
Vamanos, vamanos, vamanos.
Under control.
All right,
let's get outta here.
What are we looking for?
I don't know.
That was...
that was Orion.
This one is Taurus.
If you look really close, you
can see the shape of a bull.
Wow. Which one
did you go to?
I didn't go
to the stars.
I just helped build one
of these big telescopes...
so we can
see them better.
My daddy's up there.
It'd be nice
if we could see him.
But I guess we can't
always have what we want.
Hey, Paige.
Hi, Six.
Bad time?
No, I was just reading.
I thought I heard something. It
gets kinda spooky up here sometimes.
You seem tense. Oh,
no, I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'll check on that contract
tomorrow. You shouldn't be alone.
No, I'm doing all right.
Well, I'll see you
at the studio.
Yeah, on thursday.
I'll see you
thursday evening.
Right. Yeah.
No, I like poetry.
I'm doing a lot of things
I've never done before.
I guess it's exciting,
So I'll see you
thursday night.
Pretty small.
Big memory though.
- A man I met once chose me to
reveal a secret to. - Yeah?
He'd been working on a
government project. I guess he...
doesn't believe in it anymore and
needed somebody on the outside.
Why did he pick you? Weren't you a
big-shot movie producer or something?
I thought everybody
hated you guys.
They do, but for some reason,
I guess... he liked me.
Don't like us too much.
I try not to.
Just let us like you.
That's less dangerous.
I hope so.
You're doing great, Ray.
They're getting it all going.
That, uh, maid
working out okay?
Yeah, fine.
It's hard to get good help these days.
Your part should be done
in a couple of months.
Then the operators will
take over. That will be good.
Just wanted to touch base, tell you
we're all very happy with your work.
Country's grateful
and all that.
If we can get this thing
fully operational soon...
it'll be
an awesome tool.
Cut down on crime response
time by 200 percent.
eyewitness evidence.
Could mean the end of
violence as we know it.
That would be good.
Of course if there was just one
little, tiny, infinitesimal leak...
before congress
approved it,
we'd have to wipe
the whole thing out.
down the drain.
Oh, they'd crucify
all of us.
Not a perfect system.
I've worked on projects before that
weren't popular with the public.
You're not in
Nasa anymore, Toto.
You're not watching the
heavens from earth. That's easy.
You're watching earth from
the heavens. That's messier.
A system like this, there's
the chance for abuse.
If you, uh, see anything
that I miss...
any misuse,
anything, uh, strange...
you'll let me know,
I'm a computer scientist.
This is Hollywood.
What's not strange?
Don't worry about
seeds of violence, Paige.
The movie's a drain
on your cash flow anyway.
It's the record company that'll be your
top asset with the merger after the divorce.
Hmm. How do you divorce
a missing husband?
Trust me.
Hold on, Brian.
- Go ahead, Claire.
- The production reports are just about...
okay, dad...
what's the matter?
Now, is nothing
the matter?
Dad, I, uh...
- I have a problem, and, um...
- shoot.
People are being killed.
I don't know, dad.
I don't even know if...
I don't even know
if this place is safe.
Can you be...
let out of anything?
We've got to get
to-together on that.
Now, I think...
it's a different
"doll" game.
You better hold on.
All right.
I will, dad.
I ain't never done this shit.
I'm a rapper, so...
I don't know.
- This here is called "when I close my eyes."
- Okay.
I'm gonna try
and lay it down for you...
like the black man
and not the gangster man do,
because you ladies like
to watch your figure.
I'll take the fat out
and the sugar too.
See, I'm talking about
a new sound.
Somebody tell me just
the other day, like a...
voice from heaven while
I'm riding down the freeway.
He say that gangster sound
is dead and gone.
He say that nasty groove
is something to prove,
that getting in your face
can leave an angry taste,
get you up in arms
about the disgrace...
and make you shake it
all over the place.
He say, that's been here,
and now it's gone.
It's time for the wise
to move on.
He talking about some new kind
of sound with a different view.
We used a hammer.
A golf club would do.
He say machine-gun lyrics
just fire blanks.
You're outta the trenches, put
on those pink-checkered pants.
He say don't matter what you say,
it's what they see that win the day.
He say change your name from
Six to Four, you'll win the game,
gain much more.
I'm talking about
some new kind of sound...
that's so phat,
kinda cool in a suit
like some old hep cat.
But me? I don't know,
and I need it loud and proud,
not 'cause I need
to stick out the crowd,
it's 'cause
the sound of silence,
see, it makes me cry.
Burns my ears
and spits blood in my eye.
'Cause it's not the echo of the
shots still ringing in my head...
or the line on page three
saying some other black man dead.
For me, when I close my eyes,
I only hear one sound.
The sound of my brother ashe
when he hit that ground.
I sure admire the way you guys
have jumped back in the saddle here.
Some people'd be in Hawaii
under protection.
Police protection
gives me the shivers.
I know what you mean.
In the movies, it always turns out
that there's a leak on the force,
or the guard just went for
a piss when the killer comes.
I hate that stuff.
You guys are way more original.
- I got eyes in the back of my head.
- My god, she is something.
I don't know how you keep
your mind on your work.
Listen, detective Doc,
the investigation
is basically over.
Mike is not a suspect
anymore. He's a missing person.
You're the only one who's trying
to figure out the big, hidden story.
If there is a connection between
the movie and Mike's case,
I think the link
is in your head.
Have a nice day,
detective Doc.
Boom is in the shot.
Look, Claire,
this is impossible.
You cannot just waltz in here
with anybody. I know. I'm sorry.
It won't happen again.
The guard just went for a piss
before the killer comes in.
I mean, why do I make films in
America? I should've stayed in Europe.
All right, there's a one-hour
break. We'll shoot it after dinner.
let's take a break.
Okay, I'll see you.
You got the part. Yep.
Did you find your man?
Nope. Hmm. What about your woman?
Now, I remember
the first line.
What happens next?
Well, see, I overheard this guy...
before he killed
my sister,
and the last thing she said
was, "how did you find me?"
And he says, "I've got eyes
in the back of my head."
Now, that guy,
he works here.
So I decide to come pay him
a little visit.
Sex, murder, revenge.
- Old-fashioned american fun. -
Hey, whatever brings people together.
You never know.
# When we make love
you know we're making love #
# to everyone #
# we've ever made love to #
# so when you take him
down inside #
# just know I'm there
with you #
# and you may
feel me crying #
# and, oh, I hope you do #
# I'm out there somewhere
all alone #
# with memories of you #
# and you may
feel me crying #
uh, this one is...
a little silly.
It's called
"I'm a fluff ball."
"I'm a fluff ball, living
my fluffy life in scarcity.
The life I choose is an illusion.
The world is an intrusion."
- What's your name?
- Ruby.
I'm Ruby,
and I want to fuck you.
that's honest.
And coincidentally, I
want to fuck you too.
No, no, I mean, I want to
fuck you. I want to fuck you.
Hey, you get that
special feeling.
I don't think you understand exactly
who's going to be doing the fucking here.
Yeah, right.
No, no, it's in here.
You're kidding. Show me
yours, I'll show you mine.
Listen, baby, I got
a better... forget it.
My way or no way.
What is this?
The ultimate good
news/bad news situation?
See ya. Hold on. This takes a minute.
- You remind me of someone.
- Witty.
Okay, all right,
whatever you want.
Good, I'll have a cream
soda. I'll have a cream soda.
Doesn't a sweet thing like
you worry about getting hurt?
There's a lot of bad boys out there.
Mm-hmm. I know.
But I've got eyes
in the back of my head.
And cut!
Excellent, Cat.
That's a print. Wire them for
the bullets and lots of blood.
Nice work!
Good going!
Great. Great scene, Zoltan.
It was great. Mm-hmm.
Thank you, Brian. But you're not
here to make compliments, right?
Listen, uh, I've done
all I can do, all right?
They pulled the money.
That's it.
I'm sorry.
Liar. I know who pulled the money. You
don't waste much time, do you, Brian?
That's it, Cat.
They're shutting the movie down.
That's it? It's just...
it's-it's over?
I'm sorry.
I guess that's a wrap.
I'll just be a minute.
I'm sorry.
You were good.
You'll get
another break.
Define "break."
I guess sometimes your friends
are really your enemies.
Sometimes your enemies
are your friends.
Sometimes they're one
and the same.
Who can you trust?
It reminds me
of what a prick I was.
I'm starting to think
that fairy tales are overrated.
Sometimes a good old-fashioned catastrophe
can really cut to the heart of the matter.
Ready or not.
Yeah, well, I can feel
it cutting right now.
I'll just go.
Try and make
the most of it.
# My heart #
# animals on wheels #
# faster, faster
animals on wheels #
# faster all the time #
you sure you didn't break
something? No, it's okay.
Don't worry, I won't sue.
Well, I gotta say, you
know how to tell a story.
It must all seem
completely bizarre to you.
Just a little.
And if it's all true,
you're gonna have
to trust someone.
You know, I hate it in movies when
the guy running from the government...
meets a well-intentioned,
beautiful girl,
gives her
top-secret information.
That character,
she always dies.
Look, just because some real FBI
guy believes in movies so much...
doesn't mean
you have to.
He doesn't know any better.
You should.
In case you haven't noticed, I'm
not exactly the stupid actress...
who stands at the edge of
the cliff screaming for help.
You're the stupid stuntwoman
who jumps off the cliff.
This is a lot more dangerous
than the cliff.
Define "dangerous."
It comes up fast...
you see those two guys
over there?
If I went for a piss,
they would eat you alive.
Those two guys?
Hey, hey, hey!
# On the town #
# with a little drop
of poison #
# nobody knows #
# they're lining up
to go insane #
# I'm all alone #
# I smoke my friends
down to the filter #
# but I feel much cleaner
after it rains #
# She left in the fall that's
her picture on the wall #
# she always had
that little drop #
# of poison #
hey, where you going, honey?
Party just started.
# She left in the fall that's
her picture on the wall #
# she always had
that little drop of poison #
hey, easy.
Guys, can we do
a little negotiation here?
I'm sorry.
I don't know.
Nobody ever gave me
a break before.
I guess I didn't want
to let you down.
This is the name and the
number. Don't use it yourself.
Wait until you find somebody
capable you can absolutely trust.
Like I trust you.
You've been through a lot lately.
Why don't you lie low for a while?
You know, Doc, I've known
guys like you over the years.
Sharp, tenacious,
real prize winners,
generally obsessed over the dangerous
cases you've been taken off of.
Truth is, there's usually
some kind of personal motive.
Some hook in the gut. Is that
what's going on with you, Doc?
What's going on with me is that
you're trying to infect me...
with your good old-fashioned cynicism,
so I doubt myself and decide...
that we're really not trying
to cover up some...
covert, totally illegal,
murderous operation.
Listen, you just
watch your step.
Excuse me. I'm sorry.
I think we found Cat.
We ran a trace on a letter to her
brother in Seattle on his birthday.
It's from south central. We're
verifying the address right now.
Thank you.
Hi there. Can you tell
me where number 14 is?
Up there.
Thank you.
A cop! A cop! Let's go in the car.
I'm Doc.
I'm here to see Cat.
You must be Ade.
So, you here as a cop
or as a human being?
human cop possible?
Flying camel possible?
Seen 'em.
Rare but beautiful.
Okay, I am here
as a human being.
Cat's told me
all about you.
The Doc's here on a
social call, blanche.
It's okay.
I realized after, uh... after
they tried to close the case...
and stop me from digging, even
on my own time, that, uh...
this instinct
I had about you...
that you had some
valuable information,
some key to the whole puzzle and
that I had to see you... was...
based on nothing
except that...
I wanted to see you.
I wanted to see you
more than anything.
- Really?
- Truly.
Took you a while
to find me.
You were
pretty well-hidden.
It's nice to see you.
I thought that, um,
maybe you came by because you'd heard...
you'd heard
that I'd met with Mike.
What? You saw Mike?
Since he disappeared?
Briefly. We had a few beers.
You had a few beers with
Mike? Are you kidding?
What happened? What did
he say? Hey, flashback.
Remember, we have
an agreement.
You are on a special visa, or you can
fly your camel ass outta here. Okay?
He's a missing person, and
this is a double murder case.
That's just the tip of
the iceberg. All right.
By the way,
I love you.
They missed him.
I'm, uh, just going for
something to eat, guys.
Come out.
I could've killed you.
I've been considering that.
Yeah, me too.
I've been considering a lot.
I've been watching you.
I think you've been doing
more than considering.
You were here,
weren't you?
You were here before.
You took your organizer.
I could feel you,
just like I felt you now.
You came right in,
but you didn't say anything.
You let me wonder.
You haven't communicated once
in two months...
not a call, not a message.
I could feel you
punishing me.
It hurt.
I couldn't communicate
with you.
It was too dangerous for
both of us. For both of us?
A guy slipped me a government file, an
FBI file. Now they're trying to kill me.
Did you kill those
two guys? No, I didn't.
I could kill you
right now.
Somebody tell me just the
other day, like a voice...
# somebody tell me
just the other day #
# like a voice from heaven
while I'm riding on the freeway #
All I can think of while they had the
gun to my head was how much I loved you.
I think it saved me.
I pictured you...
starting over again...
but starting over
in a better way.
I guess Guatemala
is out of the question.
I'm not kidding around.
Everybody thinks you're dead...
or a murderer,
a fugitive.
I can't turn myself in.
Don't you see?
Who can I turn myself
in to? Good question.
I see who you've turned yourself
into. Kinda like looking in a mirror.
It's me, Paige.
It doesn't matter. You're an
intruder in the middle of the night.
I'd have every right to
kill you, every right.
It's nice to see you so
motivated. People change.
Maybe. It feels good to
be appreciated sometimes,
to have someone
support you emotionally,
to have someone who gives a shit
about who you really are inside.
Say, baby.
Baby, you down there?
I'm coming.
You want some water?
I want you, baby.
You got it.
I keep the company
and the house.
When everything's settled,
I'll send you half the cash.
You would've never let me have
half. You would've wiggled out of it.
You bastards always do.
If there's anything specific
you want, you let me know now.
The robe.
- What?
- I want your robe.
If you think I'm gonna...
it's just a robe.
Hmm? That's all I want.
- Then you'll leave?
- Mm-hmm.
- That's the deal.
- Half the cash later.
The robe now.
Say, baby, you all right? Yeah!
I'm coming! Oh, could
you put some music on?
Half my kingdom for a robe.
It's a pretty good deal...
even in Hollywood.
First time I've seen it with a woman
with a gun who takes her clothes off.
I like it.
Now everybody has
what they want.
Is it wont dying for?
It always was.
Ramon Gomez.
Whatever you were gonna
give to me, give to him.
If you're gonna
run a company...
trust your instincts.
You got what it takes.
Be careful with those things.
They can be dangerous...
if you can get 'em to work.
Paige! What happened?
Paige! Answer me!
I don't know how you work on that
junk, that antiquated typewriter.
You gotta change to a computer.
I can hook it up for you. No, no!
I think the idea
of this is right.
Not your computer.
Not the computer?
Oh, no, no, no.
well, an old man...
is an old man.
I have nothing to...
to lose except that...
as long as you
remain with me.
Stop sliding around with your
gun like some paranoid drug lord.
If somebody wanted to get you, they'd
probably just blow up your little house.
I'm the one asking
the questions here.
What are you
doing here?
On what?
Define that thing
you said.
Define it.
I can't believe you're here.
Don't change the subject.
Define it.
Be more specific.
# I was wounded #
KCRW, a community service
of Santa Monica college...
and national public radio.
# She tucks me in
and then she screams #
# one day you will
have to choose #
what a city.
Nothing like it.
If we could see it.
Are you Doc?
So, you, uh...
Come here!
Don't move, don't move. My
god, they could shoot anybody.
Come on, kids, come on.
I'll spare you
the speech.
3,500 murders
last year.
Anything that helps you
see the truth is good.
Ray is the traitor.
Ray dug his own grave. You don't
change your mind on the battlefield.
At least I knew
you wouldn't.
They said, get us someone
who'll risk her life.
I said, I'll get you
somebody who owes us her life,
who owes us
for her salvation,
a woman whose husband was killed
in front of her eyes.
I don't know why I'm trying
to cheer you up.
I'm the one who had to shut down
this whole operation.
We were trying to do
something good.
Ray was trying
to do something good.
Ray was doing
something stupid.
You're good, Mathilda.
People with good intentions
aren't enough.
Changing things takes guts.
Changing yourself...
that takes guts.
Listen to us.
A couple of killers...
trying to change the world.
I'm finished.
I've paid you back.
We are even now.
I'm gonna
take my daughter...
and start my life over.
And if you think
that you still own me...
then you can shoot me
in the back.
Habla espanol?
- How poco?
- Very poco.
Why don't you
teach me some?
- Los Angeles.
- Los Angeles.
Los Angeles.
- Sky.
- Cielo.
I thought cielo
meant heaven.
Cielo means
both heaven and sky.
They're watching us.
Don't get too close
to the edge.
Funny. Just when you think
you've got it all figured,
in a heartbeat
it changes again.
Thing is,
all those years while I was
waiting for that sudden attack,
I became the enemy.
And when the enemy I'd expected
finally came,
they set me free.
It's strange, hmm?
Now, when I look over
the ocean...
I don't expect nuclear submarines
or alien attackers anymore.
I can see china now,
and I hope they can see us.
# It's a beautiful day today #
# everything is going my way #
# even the words
doing what I say #
# oh, babe
got to get away #
# to be impossible #
# isn't that difficult #
# in the city you're invisible #
# when you come from
a small town #
# everything is all right #
# I'm not your baby #
# please #
# tourist in a traffic jam #
# baby sham and handy cam #
# I'm not your mother
you're not my man #
# I'm not your baby #
# don't treat me
like I'm a trick #
# I won't treat you
like you're a prick #
# don't need no doctor
I'm not ill #
# I'm not your baby #
# everything is all right #
# I'm not your baby #
# please #
# cut out the poetry #
# let's hit the main artery #
# no time for a "tourniquey" #
# the colors all run out on me #
# you brought me
all kinds of goods #
# now my heart is so full up
it hurts #
# it's heavy as a shopping bag #
# it's full of things
I should give back #
# everything is all right #
# I'm not your baby #
# please #
# I'm not your baby #
# I'm not your baby #
# don't want you to cover me #
# smother me or mother me #
# I like to feel
this incomplete #
# I'm not your baby #
# everything is all right #
# I'm not your baby #
# please #
# feel not dizzy, just busy #
# didn't drink nothing fizzy #
# no pills to feel easy #
# don't know what got into me #
# daylight's a kind of robbery #
# the night is your geography #
# so you're not white
you're pink and rosy #
# could be right
but you're way above me #
# me, I'm in recovery #
# a star of pornography #
# I'm a tourist
there's a lot to see #
# you don't like
the photographs of me #
# so you've got a lot to say #
# you don't sleep around
but sometimes you stray #
# you don't believe
often times you pray #
# for something
what is it, babe #