The End (1978)

Nurse: disrobe, please,
And put this gown on.
Sonny: god,
It's cold in here.
Now, fill this bottle.
I--I don't think I can
Fill the whole thing.
You certainly
Look like you can.
Oh, thank you.
I'll do the best I can.
God, it's cold in here.
I filled it up.
That's a good boy.
Thank you.
Well, hand me the bottle.
Could I hold onto it
A little longer?
It keeps my hands warm.
[door opens]
Sonny: hello?
Hello, is this x-ray?
Woman: step up here.
Stand still.
Hold your breath,
And you will not speak.
God, it's dark.
Well, you're lucky,
'Cause Im ugly.
Now, you will drink this down
Without stopping.
Now, you will drink this down
Without stopping.
God, are you sure this isn't
The bottle I just filled?!
No jokes, please.
All right, here we go.
[machine whirring]
I'm upside down!
I'm turning upside down!
Don't be alarmed.
Now, I am just going
To insert this tube.
Insert what tube?
Don't insert--
I can't see! It's dark!
Insert the tube where?
Where? Aah!
That's where. Just let it
Fill your lower abdomen.
I can't hold it!
I can't hold it!
Well, think of it
As a contest.
I'm losing the contest!
I can't hold it!
I tell you,
I can't hold it! Aah!
Aah! Ooh,schweinhund!
%% here's another fine mess
that Im into, honey %%
%% it's a little bit sad
And a little bit funny %%
%% so listen if you want
To know the score %%
%% so listen if you want
To know the score %%
%% it's a story that you've
probably heard before %%
%% it's a story that you've
probably heard before %%
It's the same thing Ali McGraw
Had in love story.
No. What
You have is
A toxic
Blood disease.
If I remember
Miss MacGraw
Had leukemia.
Miss MacGraw
Had leukemia.
Yeah, but I wind up
The same way...
I didn't say that,
Mr. Lawson.
You didn't
Have to say it.
You didn't
Have to say it.
Don't be afraid
To say it, Dr. Krugman.
I've had the biopsies.
Had the blood tests.
I had the spinal taps.
I had the spinal taps.
I've been to 3 doctors.
I've been to 3 doctors.
How long have I got?
How long have I got?
It's really very
Difficult to say.
It's really very
Difficult to say.
It's difficult to say
Because there's always a chance
That there's some doctor
Somewhere in some little lab
Who may find a cure.
Who may find a cure.
Look, Im not talking
About some miracle.
Look, Im not talking
About some miracle.
Now, barring
Some miracle...
Now, barring
Some miracle...
I'm a big man.
I'm a strong guy,
You know what I mean?
I can handle it.
Now tell me...
How long have I got?
Now tell me...
How long have I got?
I'd say you got a year.
Oh, my god! No!
I can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
A year to live!
I can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
What's the shortest?
I've seen some cases
Go in 3 months.
Oh, shit!
Oh, shit!
I got 3 months to live!
You can say 3 months
If you choose
To look at this thing
On its most negative level.
To look at this thing
On its most negative level.
That's where I choose
To look at it...
At the most
Negative level.
That's where
I'm comfortable.
The most negative level.
The most negative level.
I don't even feel sick.
I feel sick, but I don't
Feel like Im dying.
I feel sick, but I don't
Feel like Im dying.
I feel lousy,
But I don't feel
Like Im dying!
But I don't feel
Like Im dying!
People kept saying, "you're
Losing so much weight.
You look great."
"god, you look great.
You're losing
So much weight!"
You're losing
So much weight!"
I do look good.
I do look good.
Don't I look good?
You look good.
You look very good.
I think
You're going through
A period of remission.
You know, people
Frequently take on
An almost
Glowing quality...
Just before they die.
Just before they die.
I don't understand
Why you didn't call
Your own doctor sooner.
You must have known
That you were quite ill
For some time.
That you were quite ill
For some time.
I thought I discovered
A new way to lose weight--
Throwing up.
Throwing up.
Throwing up's no good.
That's not good.
You can't keep that up.
You can't keep that up.
It's gonna get worse,
Isn't it?
Yeah. Unfortunately,
As the disease
The pain increases.
The pain increases.
I'm very curious.
How do you
Feel right now?
I don't have
A headache today.
I didn't have
One yesterday.
I didn't have
One yesterday.
My stomach is kind of bad.
On a scale from 1 to 10,
It's about a 6.
You rate the pain?
You rate the pain?
That's interesting.
That's really
That's really
You talk about pain...
You talk about pain...
We had a guy--
Came in this office
About 2-3 years ago...
Came in this office
About 2-3 years ago...
Never mind.
Never mind.
Anyway, we have
Wonderful drugs.
We really have
Miraculous drugs for pain.
We really have
Miraculous drugs for pain.
Really make you feel good.
We'll give you
Bone marrow injections,
Perhaps tie off
Some veins,
And maybe...
Maybe we'll remove
Your spleen.
Maybe we'll remove
Your spleen.
You're not going
To remove nothing.
I haven't had much dignity
In my life,
But Ill have
Some dignity in my death.
I won't tell
Anybody about this, see?
I won't tell
My mother or my father.
Not gonna tell
My little daughter Julie.
Nobody will know
That Im going to die.
Nobody will know
That Im going to die.
Damn! Sorry.
You were saying.
Just tell me one thing.
Just tell me one thing.
What's it gonna be like
At the very end?
What's it gonna be like
At the very end?
Oh, well...
You're really not
Making it easy on me.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Ok. All right.
In the final stages,
You will be
You will experience
A great deal of
Shortness of breath,
Severe cramps,
And a great deal
Of hemorrhaging.
A great deal.
A great deal.
You forgot to make
Another appointment.
Mr. Lawson!
Mr. Lawson!
Mr. Lawson!
%% here's another fine mess
Im into, honey %%
%% they won't cut me loose
, not for love nor money %%
%% Im a fighter, but
They got me on the floor %%?
%% Im a fighter, but
They got me on the floor %%
%% don't believe
I'm gonna take this anymore %%
%% don't believe
I'm gonna take this anymore %%
%% here's another fine mess
I've stumbled into %%
%% as sorry a state
As Ive ever been to %%
%% though it's difficult
For some to understand %%
%% Im gonna knuckle down
And take it like a man %%
Pronounced dead by
A rotten corporation.
%% Im gonna knuckle down
And take it like a man %%
%% Im gonna knuckle down
And take it like a man %%
[dog whimpering]
[dog whimpering]
Excuse me, excuse me.
I got something
In my eye.
I got something
In my eye.
What did he die of?
What, are you crazy?
Get out of here!
What, are you crazy?
Get out of here!
Ma'am? Your beloved...
What did he die of?
What did he die of?
Sonny: you can have
A little dignity.
I might have been
A customer!
Yeah, in 2 seconds!
Driver: oh, god, the corpse
Slammed against the door!
[bell tolling]
[bell tolling]
Excuse me, kid.
Do you know where
I can talk to a priest?
I'm a priest.
I'm a priest.
Really. I am.
No, I believe you.
I think.
It's on my
Driver's license.
That's all right.
It's just that
You look so young.
Young, yes.
I made a decision
To serve god
Right after I got
Out of high school.
Oh, that's nice.
You got
The calling, huh?
You got
The calling, huh?
No, it's more
Like a whisper.
Nothing like
In the movies.
I love movies.
I love movies.
That's very interesting,
Very interesting.
Sir? If you'd like
An older priest...
No, no, that's ok.
Do they call you
"father," father--what?
Father Benson.
I'd, to make
A confession.
Gee, I haven't heard
Many confessions.
Matter of fact, you'd
Be one of my first.
Your first?
In the field, I mean.
We used to practice on
Friends at the seminary.
They all had such
Crummy little sins.
Barely worth confessing.
Barely worth confessing.
Maybe you should
Have a priest
With a little
More experience.
Father OHara will be
Here this afternoon.
He's old.
He's old.
He's old.
Look, I don't know
How to put this.
This is going to be
My last confession.
Yeah. You see,
I'm dying.
You mean like--
In dead?
Like in dead, yeah.
Like in dead, right.
Dying. Wow.
A lot of people say
That father OHara
Looks just like
Barry Fitzgerald...
You know, kindly,
Twinkle in the eyes.
I don't want to talk
To father OHara.
I want to talk to you.
Yes. I haven't got
That much time.
I got to make
My confession now, ok?
I got to make
My confession now, ok?
Thank you.
Thank you.
One other thing.
I have a hard time
Calling you
"father," father.
Call me Dave,
If it is more comfortable.
Call me Dave,
If it is more comfortable.
Dave. Thanks.
After you...
After you...
My son.
My son.
Bless me, Dave,
For I have sinned.
Bless me, Dave,
For I have sinned.
Yes, Im still here.
Think Id rather
Call you "father."
Bless me, father,
For I have sinned.
How long has it been
Since your last confession?
Last confession
I made was...
22 years ago.
Boy, that's a long time.
I was hoping one of us
Would be good at this.
I said--
I said--
Why have you stayed
Away from god's house?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just stopped going
To church after I...
I just stopped going
To church after I...
I sort of
Lost interest
After I discovered
That's when
We lose them.
I believe in god.
Don't worry.
We all lack faith
We all lack faith
Want me to tell
You something?
Every day...
I have questioned
If I made the right decision,
Becoming a priest.
You see, becoming a priest,
That can keep a person
From committing sin, sure,
But it can't keep a person
From lusting after women,
Craving alcohol,
Dreaming of screwing
A business partner,
Contemplating going out
Every night--
This is my dime.
Do you mind?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Where was I?
Um..."bless me."
That part.
Oh, yeah.
Bless me, father,
For I have sinned.
My grievous sins...
Is jacking off
Still a sin?
[pop pop]
I mean, now?
Is that still your biggie?
It is mine, man.
Oh, I know.
I sell real estate.
That's a sin?
That's a sin?
The way I sell it,
It is.
The way I sell it,
It is.
Also, I...
Well, the whole time
I was married--
When I should have
Been a good father
To my daughter--
I was out copulating
Around with other women.
I was out copulating
Around with other women.
You committed adultery
During your marriage?
You committed adultery
During your marriage?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did. many times? many times?
Well, let's see,
I was married 8 years.
Well, let's see,
I was married 8 years.
About 200 times.
Jesus Christ,
Son of our lord,
Blessed member
Of the holy trinity.
200 times?
Wow! All right!
[tires screech]
[tires screech]
How's it going?
Where do they keep
The dying patients?
I mean
The terminally ill.
Do they keep them
In a special place?
I don't know.
I ain't no doctor.
I'm a singer.
I just work here
%% you make me fee
L like dancin' %%
%% going to dance
The night away %%
%% you make me fee
L like dancin' %%
%% going to dance
The night away %%
That's real nice.
Where are
The dying people?
'Cause Im dying myself!
Dead in a month.
Don't touch the food.
Oh, sorry.
Check the third floor.
Don't think any of
Those folks are leaving.
At least not through
The front door.
Can I use the stairs?
Yeah, man.
%% you make me fee
L like dancin' %%
%% going to dance
The night away %%
P.A.: Dr. Cambert, report to
Intensive care immediately.
Dr. Cambert, report to
Intensive care immediately.
Dr. Cambert, report to
Intensive care immediately.
Dr. Cambert...never mind.
Dr. Cambert...never mind.
Oh, my god.
I'm not gonna end up
Like that.
I'm not gonna end up
Like that.
You can't come.
I'm still in
Intensive care.
I sneaked out
To call you.
Talk some of
That trash to me.
I have an
Important call.
Buzz off, fella.
Honey, you know
What I want.
Talk that
Lovey talk.
Yeah, that's
Good stuff.
I hate to be rude, but
This really is important.
Kiss my ass!
Not you, honey.
No, it's some guy.
Oh, that's it!
Don't make me
Breathe too heavy!
I don't get my pacemaker
Till tomorrow.
Yeah! What?
Yeah, that's
The good part.
Yeah, that's
The good part.
I'll call you back.
I'll call you back.
Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
Darlene, is Marty there?
Darlene, is Marty there?
Hell, it's only 11:00.
Where is he having lunch?
I don't give a crap
What he said!
Where is he?
Darlene, Ill be dead
In 24 hours!
Now where's
He having lunch?
Now where's
He having lunch?
Casa ve--
Casa ve--
Marty, you're
My best friend,
You're my lawyer,
And you're Jewish,
So you're
Used to pain.
I've got to talk.
What about?
About dying.
Meaning what?
Lying underground and
Holding your breath forever.
I know that. What's
This got to do with you?
I'm going to die!
My doctor told me.
They say anything
To keep you coming.
No, Marty.
Listen to me.
I've got
A toxic blood disease.
I've known for 3 months.
My chest aches.
Everything aches.
I'm nauseous
All day and sick.
Why didn't you tell me?
I told you!
Every time Im in your office,
I throw up on your desk!
Was that you?
Marty, Im going
To kill myself.
Marty, Im going
To kill myself.
Sonny, the enchilada
Plate here--
Sonny, the enchilada
Plate here--
Did you hear what I said?
I'm going to kill myself!
Did you hear what I said?
I'm going to kill myself!
I really am.
I really am.
You're the sweetest
Guy I know.
I'm so sorry.
Forget it.
It doesn't
Bother me.
That bothers me.
I'm sorry, Sonny.
I'm hungry.
I haven't
Eaten all day.
Eat, if you can eat
When Im dying.
I don't have to.
I have more time.
Jessie, Julie...
I will do anything
I can for them.
I will do anything
I can for them.
What a guy.
I appreciate it.
I appreciate it.
This is morbid,
But we're
On the subject.
In what manner...
How do you--
To do it?
Yeah. How--
I think...
I think
Sleeping pills.
Most painless. Right?
I don't have any,
But I could
Borrow some.
You got any?
I have sleep-eze.
You can't O.D.
On sleep-eze.
You could, but
It would take 3,000.
I'm gonna go by
And see Mary Ellen.
But Im not going
To tell her that--
Oh, no.
I'll just say Ill
Be back sometime.
That's what
We expect of you.
You can't be dying, Sonny!
Don't tell me that!
It can't be true!
Honey, Im...
Honey, Im...
I'm sorry, baby.
I shouldn't have
Told you.
Sonny, not now.
Sonny, not now.
This could be
My last meal.
Sonny, not now!
Just making
A little joke.
Well, it's
A terrible one!
Well, it's
A terrible one!
You're using your death.
You're using your death.
Yeah. You're right.
Yeah. You're right.
I guess I was going
For a pity fuck.
I guess I was going
For a pity fuck.
Oh, my sweet Sonny!
Stupid idea.
Stupid idea.
Oh, Sonny,
What can I do
To make you
Feel better?
I didn't think
You'd go for it.
Oh, Sonny,
I'll do anything!
Oh, Sonny,
I'll do anything!
Ha ha ha!
Kitty, kitty.
How was it in there?
Hmm, felt good.
Hmm, felt good.
Did you...
Did know?
Did know?
There was a moment there
When you arched your back
And let out a little sigh...
I thought maybe
You reached orgasm then.
I thought maybe
You reached orgasm then.
You know the moment
I'm talking about?
When you had your back arched
And you--ohhh--let out--
Sonny, I really don't
Want a blow by blow
Description of
Our lovemaking.
Takes everything
Out of it.
Yeah. Of course it does.
Maybe you reached a climax
And didn't know it.
Now, that's possible.
Now, that's possible.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
Did you at least
Like it?
Well, of course
I liked it, Sonny.
I wouldn't do it
If I didn't like it.
I wouldn't do it
If I didn't like it.
Yeah, that's the difference
Between you and me.
I've done it with people
I didn't like.
I've done it with people
That nobody liked.
The least you could do
For a dying man is come.
Oh, Sonny!
You don't let go.
You won't release.
You've told me
That yourself.
Oh, please, Sonny.
What can I do?
What any decent
Woman would do.
Lie to me!
For goodness sakes,
I can't lie to you.
That's why
You love me.
That's the problem!
That's always
Been the problem!
I love you more
Than you love me!
That's why you won't
Move in with me!
That's why you
Won't come
Or clean up
This kitchen!
Sonny, why are you
Doing this to me?
Why are you saying
These things
To make me
So unhappy?
Because Im unhappy!
Seeing you is like...
Being alone!
Why do you keep
Coming here?
I say exactly
How I feel!
Kitty, kitty,
Kitty, kitty.
Why do you
Come here?
I gotta get
Out of here.
Where are you going?
I got to see
Julie before...
Before what?
Before what?
Before she finds out
What happened.
I thought
You hadn't decided
If you would tell
Julie or not.
Look, I want to talk
To my daughter!
Ok, all right.
Don't get mad.
I just don't want you
To do anything crazy.
Like what?
I don't know.
I just don't want you
To hurt yourself.
Oh, don't be silly.
What are you
Talking about?
Where's that gun
I gave you?
I'm just kidding.
You're not funny!
Yes, I am.
Honey, I got to change.
Julie doesn't like me
In ladies' clothes.
Sonny, I...
I hate
To let you go.
Am I gonna see you
Back here tonight?
Am I gonna see you
Back here tonight?
Of course.
Of course.
You promise you
Won't do anything?
You promise you
Won't do anything?
Mary Ellen...
If I planned
To kill myself,
Don't you think
I would tell you about it,
So you would be riddled
With guilt and remorse?
That's true.
That's true.
Sleeping pills?
What do you need
Sleeping pills for?
Go on a good diet.
Give up sugar
And caffeine.
Don't lecture me!
Don't lecture me from
Classes that I paid for!
I was trying
To help.
You always relate
Everything to money.
A lesson I learned
From your lawyer.
Get out!
I'm sorry.
I don't want to fight.
I don't want to fight.
I don't want
To fight with you!
You don't?
What's the matter,
I don't feel good.
Try this, you'll
Feel better.
If you really
Can't sleep,
Why don't you borrow
Some pills from your folks?
My folks are not
You always call them
They might have
Some downers though.
Why are you here?
To discuss something
With Julie.
It's very important.
Maybe Ill tell you.
Will it depress me?
God, I hope so.
Would you save it
Till tomorrow?
Julie woke up
At 5:30 this morning
Screaming that the shark
Was after her again.
I will never forgive you
For taking her to that movie.
You know she's
Afraid of the water.
I'm sorry. She said
She wanted to see it.
I was making her happy.
She wanted to look
Brave to you.
You're so dumb.
Don't say that!
I support you!
The maid is napping.
I support her!
If you wake Maria--
We fired Maria!
It's another Maria!
Julie's screaming
Woke her up, too.
So Maria started
Because she thought it
Was the border patrol.
Because she thought it
Was the border patrol.
Solamente cinco pesos.
Con cinco pesos,
Compra usted
El bucket grande
De kentucky fried chicken.
Y una botella
Y una botella
Jessie, you want to
Hear about heartache?
You want to hear
About heartbreak?
You growing a beard?
Yes, for 3 months.
Some mornings
I don't have the
Strength to shave.
You should go
To a barber.
You should go
To a barber.
You don't care
About me at all.
You don't care
About me at all.
Not since you
Walked out that door.
You threw me
Out the door!
With 2 hookers!
One little mistake!
I've paid
For it for 6 years.
Out of
Respect for you,
The three of us
Never laid
Down on our bed.
[doorbell rings]
That's my date.
Please get out.
Why don't
You drop dead?
I'm working on it.
Buenos tardes.
Tu es hermosa.
Oh, grazie.
Te es divinal.
Ah, merci.
Oh, merci.
Una momento.
No prestes au atencion
A ese schmuck.
No prestes au atencion
A ese schmuck.
Now, you be civil
Or Ill kill you.
Now, you be civil
Or Ill kill you.
I don't know how
To tell you this, but...
I don't know how
To tell you this, but...
I'm a dying man.
Yo no hablo ingles.
Yo no hablo ingles.
Son of a gun.
That's too bad.
Ok, vamanos.
Ok, vamanos.
I need to
Talk to you.
Let go.
We need to talk.
Por favor,
En el auto.
S'il vous plait?
Yeah. Ok.
And fuck
The Panama Canal!
Let go.
Are you going
Taco bell
For a cock fight?
You are a racist ass.
We're going to
A French restaurant.
After that, we're
Attending a seminar.
Oh, boring, boring!
Maybe to you, Sonny,
But Im trying to
Make my life better.
It may not work,
But Im trying.
Where did you meet
This beaner?
I met this beaner in
The English class I teach.
How nice. Teacher
Takes out the student.
A little tea
And sympathy--
You're also
A sexist ass, too!
You look 10 years
Older than him!
You look like
His chaperone!
How dare you say that?
You're going with a girl
Who probably still
Wears a retainer!
Listen to me!
I got to talk to you!
If you don't get
Out of my way,
I'll give you
A karate chop.
You wouldn't dare!
You don't think so?
You don't think so?
Ok, Sonny,
Pull yourself
Together now.
Pull yourself
Together now.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Are you going to go?
Of course not.
Last time you got up,
Your chair was on fire.
Don't yell!
I'm not deaf!
I'm not deaf!
Oh, hello, dear.
Hi, mom.
Shave that thing off.
I'm working on it.
I bought you some candy.
Thank you.
Hiya, pop.
Hiya, pop.
Hiya, pop!
Who is it?
It's your
Only son.
You never forget
The holy water.
You hungry?
I'm almost
Out of milk.
How's the art world?
How's the art world?
Boring, boring!
What the hell else
Can you do past 70?
Sit and watch your
Hands turn brown?
I hope you can stay.
We never talk.
I can't stay long.
Listen, I haven't
Slept well lately.
I need some
Sleeping pills.
Sleeping pills?
We don't have
Sleeping pills.
You know damn well we got
Enough sleeping pills
To put the Mormon
Tabernacle choir in a coma.
To put the Mormon
Tabernacle choir in a coma.
Help yourself, son.
Help yourself, son.
Thank you, pop.
Take what you need,
But be careful.
Don't take too many.
Don't take too many.
Oh, god!
A 9.
A 9.
Pop: try those blue ones!
They'll really put you
In la-la land.
Mother: I should
Never have married
An Irishman
Who drinks.
Pop: try finding one
Who doesn't!
Pop: try finding one
Who doesn't!
My god!
My god!
No wonder they put up
With each other.
No wonder they put up
With each other.
I don't like
This guy's colors.
They're all the same.
All day, Ive been
Painting 11, 11, 11.
All day, Ive been
Painting 11, 11, 11.
I'm sorry, Ben.
The store was
Out of sad clowns.
The store was
Out of sad clowns.
The blue ones...
The blue ones...
They'll really put
You in la-la land.
Took place in South America
In the rich wildlife area
Along the Kanani River,
A vast man-made lake
That flooded
The wildlife range.
Pedro cabal
Found this kinkajou
Swimming over flooded treetops
That were once its home.
Our orphaned baby otters
Would have starved
If we hadn't found them
Near their den.
I'll see
You two later.
Good-bye, pop.
Bye-bye, my boy.
Good-bye, dear.
Sure you're
Not hungry?
The meatloaf
Is great.
I'll have
To heat it up.
Think you can
Handle it, Maureen?
I didn't mean that.
That's all right.
I'm...Im not hungry.
I'll see you later.
With the ocelot safely back
At our camp compound,
We patrol the lake
Once more,
Searching for signs of life.
We had set up our base camp
On an island
That gave us a good view
Over much of the lake.
[burlesque music playing]
[burlesque music playing]
I'm not paying
All kinds of money
For my daughter
To learn smut.
You're certainly not.
Her bill hasn't
Been paid in months.
Her bill hasn't
Been paid in months.
Nice outfit
For a striptease.
It's from a
Stage show.
I saw it in the navy.
I saw it in the navy.
Wear a coat over that.
Isn't it cold?
It's 100 degrees out!
I'd like to take off
This dumb hat.
What's the matter?
It's cute.
Why did we have to put
"daddy's girl" on it?
Makes me sound like
A race horse.
I'm not having
My daughter wear a hat
That says "bitch" on it.
That says "bitch" on it.
Dad, why'd you bring me here?
I hate miniature golf.
You loved it last time.
That was 6 years ago.
That was 6 years ago.
The game hasn't
Changed that much.
Castles are bigger.
I've changed.
I've changed.
I know you've changed.
That's why I want
To talk to you.
Sit down.
Sit down.
Julie, I want to talk
To you about sex.
Julie, I want to talk
To you about sex.
If it's about sex,
I know plenty.
Oh, you do?
Like what?
I'm at the top of
My sex education class.
I just got an "a" on
My paper on menstruation.
How nice!
How nice!
How can I put
This delicately
So you won't
Be suspicious
Of the opposite sex
For the rest of your life?
You see,
All boys,
And all men...
All boys,
And all men...
Are rotten filthy beasts
Who just want to get you
In the sack and
Then dump on you.
In the sack and
Then dump on you.
That's the dumbest thing
I've ever heard.
That's the dumbest thing
I've ever heard.
Dad, why are you
Telling me this?
Dad, why are you
Telling me this?
I'm going away
For a while.
I'm going away
For a while.
Maybe for
A long while.
Maybe for
A long while.
But Im coming back.
But Im coming back.
I am coming back.
I am coming back.
God damn it,
Why are you wearing that?
Why can't you
Wear a coat over it?
It's obscene!
Take me home.
Take me home.
I'm sorry
We had a fight.
I'm sorry
We had a fight.
Me, too.
Me, too.
Me, too.
Tell you what...
Let's not be
Mad at each other.
Ever again.
About today or anything
In the future.
What do you mean?
Well, in this old world,
Sometimes things happen
We don't understand.
You know?
But years later when
We think about them,
They make sense.
I don't understand what
You're trying to say.
I don't understand what
You're trying to say.
That's good.
That's good.
Is this
A business trip?
Yeah, it's
A business trip.
Yeah, it's
A business trip.
Are you taking
Mary Ellen with you?
Are you taking
Mary Ellen with you?
Then who the hell's
Gonna take care of you?
Don't cuss!
Wish I could go.
Damn it,
Don't say that.
Dad, what's wrong?
Dad, what's wrong?
Where are you going?
You sound funny.
Like you're going
Someplace awful.
You ever been
To Bakersfield?
You ever been
To Bakersfield?
I know you haven't
Felt well lately.
I know you haven't
Felt well lately.
You're going to
The hospital, aren't you?
No! I'm not going
To the hospital.
No! I'm not going
To the hospital.
I'm not going
In the hospital.
Swear to god?
I swear to god.
Cross your heart?
Cross my heart.
Hope to die?
Hope to die?
I hope to die.
I'm glad.
I'm glad.
I'll miss you, Julie.
I'll miss you, Julie.
I'll miss you
More than anybody.
I'll miss you
More than anybody.
You'll see me
When you get back.
I love you.
I love you.
You better go.
I love you.
I love you.
"Wendell Sonny Lawson..."
"Wendell Sonny Lawson..."
"love from mother."
"love from mother."
God, what an ass I had.
God, what an ass I had.
You know, if I had been
4 seconds faster
In the 100-yard dash,
I would have been
I would have been
Is this
The coward's way out?
Of course.
That's why I picked it.
Of course.
That's why I picked it.
Come on.
Get on with it.
Get on with it.
That's a pretty one.
That's a pretty one.
God, sour--shit! Pah!
Shit! Ca-ca!
God damn, they're right!
You can't take just one.
You can't take just one.
Contemplating suicide?"
Ha ha ha!
"don't do it.
Dial 555-h-e-l-p."
Dial 555-h-e-l-p."
Why not?
Why not?
Woman: hello.
Hello. Help--
Thank you for
Calling help.
Ma'am, listen,
I'm doing
A terrible thing--
To discuss problems
With you--
I'm taking booze
And downers--
All the lines are busy--
It's very dangerous--
This is a recording.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
God, what a mess!
God, what a mess!
Look at all that color.
It looks like
Walt Disney threw up.
It looks like
Walt Disney threw up.
I never even had my own dog.
I never even had my own dog.
It ain't working yet.
It ain't working yet.
Nothing's happening.
Nothing's happening.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
A note.
A note.
Oh, my god,
I forgot the note.
I forgot the note.
Who do I write the note to?
Who do I write the note to?
No, if I write it
To Jessie,
Mary Ellen will be hurt.
Mary Ellen will be hurt.
If I write it
To Mary Ellen,
Jessie will be hurt.
Jessie will be hurt.
No matter who
I write it to,
My mother
Will be hurt.
I could write it
To my father,
But he probably
Wouldn't read it.
But he probably
Wouldn't read it.
Who do I know...
Who do I know...
Who do I know
That's mature enough
To handle
The suicide note?
To handle
The suicide note?
I'm so sorry.
"daddy is so..."
"daddy is so..."
"so sorry."
"so sorry."
"so sorry."
God damn son of a bitch.
It's very interesting
The way you woke up cursing.
A large percentage
Of attempted suicides
Wake up with
Exclamations of hostility.
Where am I?
92% ask that.
You're in la playa.
The nut house?
The nut house?
That's a cruel label.
We prefer booby hatch.
We prefer booby hatch.
You a doctor?
Oh, no.
Me? No.
I'm a patient.
I'm a patient.
Marlon Joseph Borunki,
Paranoid schizophrenic.
Deep feelings
Of inferiority
Alternating with
Delusions of grandeur.
Sonny Lawson.
Real estate.
Didn't you used
To be on television
Selling land
I used to watch you.
Lake crest estates, right?
You didn't buy a lot?
I swear there was a lake!
I don't buy land
From television.
I'm crazy, but
I'm not that crazy.
A real TV star!
How'd I get here?
I can't get over it!
Sonny Lawson...what?
How'd I get here?
They transferred you
From the hospital.
You tried
To kill yourself.
Needless to add.
Aw, shit!
Why did you
Say it, dummy?
Why did you
Say it, dummy?
I'm writing a book
On insanity.
You should write
About something you know.
I'm calling it,
Fruitcakes I have known.
There's 2 whole
Chapters on suicide.
Did you know
That 50% of all...
F-f-female suicides
Have bleached hair
And a hysterectomy scar?
And a hysterectomy scar?
Are you blue?
I thought
I'd wake up dead!
They had no right
To stop me like that!
They did.
It's against the law
To kill yourself.
You're kidding?
Are you kidding?
A serious thing.
I've never lied
To you, have I?
Suicide is legislated
Against in most states.
It's all in
The appendix of my book.
Dumb law.
I agree with you.
It's very presumptuous
To tell a person
How they can die
Or even how
They can live.
A dumb law!
It's a dumb law!
It's a dumb law!
Sane people
Make crazy rules.
Do you like me?
Do you like me?
I don't know you
Very well.
Are you kidding?
I'm very superficial.
You said it.
I know!
Leave me alone!
I know!
Leave me alone!
Are you rooming
Here with me?
Actually, Im in
The south wing.
The south wing.
With the
Dangerous ones.
You're dangerous?
Don't listen to him.
Actually, my father thought
I was very dangerous.
Actually, my father thought
I was very dangerous.
Your father?
Did he
Put you here?
No. Kind of.
I strangled him.
I strangled him.
You mean...
Like that?
No. More like that.
He was right about
Me being dangerous.
He was right about
Me being dangerous.
Doctors have different theories
About why I did it.
Mother complex,
Father complex.
Feelings of inferiority,
Suppressed rage.
But I and I alone know
The reason that I did it.
But I and I alone know
The reason that I did it.
It was because...
It was because...
He was so Polish.
He was so Polish.
When I was a kid, I was
Tormented with Polish jokes.
Oh, you know.
Who was Polands
Man of the year?
How do you sing the Polish
National anthem?
You don't sing it,
You fart it.
You don't sing it,
You fart it.
How do you tell a Polack's
By the shit in his wallet.
By the shit in his wallet.
Kids can be very cruel.
What kids?
My father told me those.
He was always teasing me.
He was a big, loud,
Hairy, sweaty Polack!
He was a big, loud,
Hairy, sweaty Polack!
He was covered
With sweat. Always.
Only man I know who could
Sweat while he was swimming.
And I could never
Have friends over
Because he
Challenged them
To a nose-picking
And he always won!
And he always won!
Got a minute?
Then I finally
Brought home my...
...before I took
Her out to dinner.
I knew I shouldn't
Have done it.
He was sitting in his
Favorite sweaty undershirt,
Drinking beer,
Eating chili
With his fingers,
And watching
Celebrity bowling.
At first, he was nice,
We were talking nice,
And then
He was so stupid!
He said how he
Thought Moby Dick
Was a venereal disease.
I told him in a nice way
What a stupid idiot he was.
Then he told her
That he thought
She was
Wasting her time
With a loser like me.
So I put my hands
Around his 22-inch neck
And I strangled him!
And I strangled him!
We never went to dinner
Because I strangled him.
You say it
Like you're proud!
Well, you didn't have
The courage to do it.
Stop it!
I feel sick.
I feel sick.
When I was a little kid,
My mother left us.
Just left us.
I was a baby.
She said, "bye! Bye!"
I have always
Respected her for that.
I have always
Respected her for that.
Think this county will ever
Switch to the metric system?
Think this county will ever
Switch to the metric system?
I got to pee.
100% of all new arrivals
Have to pee.
Don't get up.
I can't use that.
Want a bigger one?
I'll get the nurse.
No! I can't pee
With a nurse around.
No! I can't pee
With a nurse around.
I can't pee
With the door open.
I can't pee
With the door open.
You know, you got a lot
Of rules about peeing.
Yeah, I know.
Yeah, I know.
Mr. Lawson!
That's all right,
Having so many rules
About peeing.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
He pees a lot.
Damn it, there's
Nothing in there!
Nothing in there to
Stick or shove or cut!
No way you could kill
Yourself in there!
Very thorough.
That's so stupid!
There's no razors.
New shatterproof glass.
There's no mirrors.
No mirror?
There's no mirror
In here!
There's no place you
Could look at yourself!
You can't look
At yourself!
I'm so sorry.
I wish you
Could hurt yourself.
I wish you
Could hurt yourself.
What are you doing?
You're, uh...
You're, uh...
You're a fighter.
You're cold?
You're cold?
You're hitting me.
You're trying
To suffocate!
No, don't do that!
Know what happens?
You pass out, breathe,
And get a headache.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
No, it doesn't work.
You got
A headache, right?
I got a headache.
Told you.
Look, an electric bed.
Stick your head in there
And crack it
Like a walnut. See?
You're not so crazy.
You're not so crazy.
Tut, tut, tut,
Tut, tut, tut,
Tut, tut, tut,
You've been making your
Own visiting hours again.
Get away from me
With that thing!
Come with me,
Mr. Lawson.
Just think of it as
A Polish dinner jacket., no!
Don't say Polish to him.
He's very sensitive. Aah!
I got you!
Don't hurt me.
Get away,
You little dwarf!
I usually escape
Every Wednesday
And Friday, Mr. Lawson.
He's my friend!
Just a minute.
He's my friend.
Wait a minute!
He's my friend!
Wait! Wait!
Home, James.
Home, James.
Oh, doctor, Sonny
Will try again.
He likes to
Get his way.
Set your mind at
Ease, Mrs. Lawson,
These rooms
Were designed
To house
Attempted suicides.
The windows
Are barred.
There are no cords or
Sharp objects in the room.
There's constant
There's no way he could
Hurt himself in here.
I see.
I see.
Oh, shit!
Oh, my god!
[alarm ringing]
Gentlemen, out with
The old dangerous beds,
In with the new safe beds!
Out with the old
Dangerous beds!
Sonny, listen. I know you're
Suffering from depression
As much as your illness.
Now, when your
Depression goes away--
Of course Im depressed.
I'm gonna shrivel up
And turn yellow.
Think the idea of
Looking like an old jap
Makes me cheerful?
Just calm down, ok?
It's all right.
I don't want
To calm down.
I don't want
To calm down!
God knows Ive only got a
Couple more days to live.
That's bullshit,
Too, Sonny.
Your doctor said you're
Not going to die right away.
Sonny, why do you have
To rush everything?
I don't want to rush
The courts may decide
Very soon
That Im not rational
Enough to make decisions,
And they'll assign
Some turkey like you
To make them for me.
I don't deserve that,
I'm sorry.
That's ok.
Ah, it's ok.
I don't deserve
To die, either.
I need to talk
To you alone, Jessie.
Sonny, I don't
Think so.
Please, Jessie,
Please. Please.
Uh, that's ok,
That's ok.
Look, Sonny,
I'll, uh...
Wait down here.
I'm your friend.
I love you.
I'll do anything
For you.
I'll be your slave,
I'll get you girls.
Oh, Im sorry,
Jessie. It's just--
It's ok.
I just can't sign
That release.
It's ok, Marty.
Just, uh...
Just wait down at
The end of the hall.
And I love you, Marty.
Down here?
Down here?
Will you go in the room
With me, jess?
All right.
All right.
Oh, hi.
How's it going?
Good to see you, too.
[alarm rings]
Hi, hi.
How's it going?
Get me out of here!
I'm going wacko!
Honey, I understand
What you're going--
You won't understand until
You've been pronounced dead!
I'm trying
To understand.
You're doing
A lousy job.
Sonny, I don't want to
See you kill yourself.
It would be a burden
I would carry for
The rest of my life.
Don't you understand? If
I let you take your life,
It would make
My life meaningless.
Tell me
You understand that.
You're a selfish bitch.
Jessie, Im sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You're just a wife,
Not a selfish bitch.
You are a sexist ass,
Right to the last!
I know, Im sorry.
I'm just trying
To be nice.
Just trying to be nice,
That's all.
Sonny, Sonny.
Ha ha.
Forget it.
We've forgotten how
To be nice to each other.
But we should try
Harder, Jessie.
We should try to be
Nice to each other.
Let's try to be nice
To each other, ok?
Sign me out of here.
Oh, Sonny. Come on!
I've had
Enough of this.
Ok, maybe I can't
Imagine how you feel,
But can you imagine
How I feel?
Sonny, suppose I wanted
To kill myself.
Would you let me?
You mean if you
Were going to die?
Of course I would.
You really would?
You really would?
Well, if you were
In a lot of pain.
Aw, Sonny.
No, I wouldn't!
I wouldn't, Jessie,
I wouldn't.
Oh, Sonny.
Oh, Sonny.
Oh, Jessie.
Oh, Jessie.
Dr. Maneet: people tend
To coddle or cover up things
When someone they love
Is ill.
Makes them feel better.
Sonny: screw 'em.
Screw 'em.
One of the worst
Aspects of dying
Is that you're so alone.
Oh, god,
You're so alone.
So alone.
People are
Unable or afraid
To share your grief.
They'll never be able to
Imagine how alone you are.
I don't have
To imagine it.
I'm dying, too.
I'm dying, too.
You're dying, too?
Yep. The doctors tell me
I can go any time.
Just like that.
Of course, they told me
That about 2 years ago.
You seem so alive.
Strange, isn't it?
I'm not always this robust.
Right now, I seem to be in
A period of total remission.
Even played tennis today.
Did you win?
No, I played shitty.
But then I also played
Shitty when I was well.
But then I also played
Shitty when I was well.
What the--what's
Wrong with you?
Heart trouble.
Lots and lots
Of heart trouble.
Lots and lots
Of heart trouble.
I'm not taking your,
Uh, therapy group.
Some people
In my therapy group
Are really close to
Kicking the bucket.
You're gonna love 'em.
I'm committing
Suicide, remember?
You're sure having
A hard time doing it.
That's because nobody
Will leave me alone.
Either that or you
Really don't want to.
I want to do it.
I want to
Commit suicide.
I'm in love
With the idea
Of killing myself.
When I think about it,
I get a hard-on.
I'm sure there's
A part of you
That thinks of it
As a romantic notion.
But there's another part
Of you that feels guilty
For taking your own life.
That's psychological
I don't feel guilty
About anything.
Then why did your suicide
Letter to your daughter
Begin with an apology?
"dear Julie,
Daddy is so sorry
For what he's about to do--"
Give me that,
You son of a bitch!
How could you?
Damn it!
Aw, shit!
Feel better?
You don't play fair!
The stakes are high--
Life and death.
Want to
Punch the scale?
I mean they...
They shoot horses
When they're miserable,
Don't they?
When they're miserable,
Don't they?
You see, Im
Terrified of pain.
Pain hurts me.
Sonny, what makes you
So convinced
Your death is
Going to be painful?
Have you ever actually
Seen someone die?
Haircuts hurt me.
People should
Die at home.
Well, that would be kind
Of difficult with me.
I mean, hustling
From my house
To my
Ex-wife's house
To my
Girlfriend's house.
Hell, Id be dying
In a taxicab.
Are your parents
Alive, Sonny?
They're alive.
I guess that's called
A Freudian slip.
Either that...
Or a boo-boo.
Ha ha ha.
Why don't you come to one
Death therapy session?
Just talking to people
Like yourself
Can make
Death less scary.
Maybe even meaningful.
Maybe even meaningful.
I don't think so, doc.
Ok. I'll let you
Out of here.
But I want you to at least
Read a pamphlet, ok?
%% you are
My sunshine... %%
Oh, oh!
Boy, I tell
You something.
You're the happiest
Son of a bitch
I've ever seen.
You're jumping up and down
And whistling like that.
I'm gonna die,
You're gonna die,
And you're jumping up
And down whistling.
I'm with you!
It's a good decision.
You're a great salesman--
Don't back out on me.
I'm not
Going anywhere.
I'm not
Going anywhere.
What did you
Do to him?
I liked him.
[birds chirping]
[birds chirping]
Hiya, Sonny!
Hi, Marlon.
How did
You escape?
Oh, yeah.
I escaped!
How'd you do it?
How'd you do it?
I forgot.
I forget things
When I do them.
You're lucky.
About what?
I know.
There's a lot of crazy
People around here.
There's a lot of crazy
People around here.
Did you hear
About the bed?
I heard
What happened.
It hurt my head.
You shouldn't
Listen to me.
Out of the mouths of Polacks
Oft times comes ca-ca.
Don't put yourself down
For being Polish.
One of my favorite
People is Polish.
Yeah, who?
Ohh. Ha ha ha ha.
But it did hurt.
Not good.
I don't like pain.
I want to die
Without hurting myself.
You got a lot
Of rules about dying, too.
I always thought
Jumping out a window
Would be
Completely painless...
Until you landed.
Then it would be
Very painful.
You couldn't change
Your mind once you started.
All the windows here
Got bars on them.
Except the tower.
Where's the tower?
Where's the tower?
[Marlon panting,
[Marlon panting,
Here it is!
The tower.
I love high places.
I'm not
Crazy about them.
It's got
A ledge, huh?
Just like in
The movies.
It'll give you
Some place to stand on,
And I can cheer you on.
Ok, Sonny...jump!
Don't be so anxious!
I'm sorry. I thought
That's what you wanted.
I am, but...
It doesn't seem
High enough.
Sure it's high enough.
You sure?
Only one way
To find out.
Will you stop?
I'm gonna do it.
I've got to work
Up to it gradually.
You'll never get hurt
If you crawl down.
I'm the one
That's doing it.
You're very brave.
I am brave.
I gotcha.
Let me look
Before I go.
Let me look
Before I go.
It ain't high enough!
Sure, it's high.
It ain't
High enough.
If I land
On my feet,
I'll have
Broken ankles
And a toxic
Blood disease.
Wait a minute!
I got an idea.
I'll drop you
On your head.
No, you'll
Be a murderer.
Oh, my god,
A murderer!
What are you talking about?
I'm already a murderer.
That's right.
You are a murderer.
Are you sure you want
That kind of responsibility?
Did you mean it
When you said you liked me?
I like you!
Then I want to help
My friend.
Pull me in!
Then can I drop you?
That's good.
This is
Going to be good.
Now, let me
Get your feet.
Easy does it.
Don't worry.
Do this slow.
I understand.
Let's not rush
Into this.
I'll let you go
Whenever you tell me.
Point your head down.
Wait, I got
To get ready.
All right.
Let me know
When you're down.
Oh, my god!
Shall I let you go?
Wait a minute.
Because it ain't
High enough!
Good for me.
It isn't
High enough!
Pull me back.
Pull me back up!
I don't think so.
God damn it,
Pull me back!
Ok! Ok!
Why did you
Pull me back?
You said--
I don't have enough
Courage or guts.
That's why you're here.
I can't do it alone.
If you hadn't
Pulled me back,
I'd be dead now!
I'm a failure!
You said it!
Shut up!
I got an idea.
Please tell me.
I'll sit here.
You get running
Like a bull.
I'll have
My back to you.
You push me,
I'll go.
What a good idea.
Thanks so much.
It's been a pleasure
Knowing you.
You're my best friend.
I'm ready when
You are, Sonny.
Bless me, father...
Come on.
On second thought.
You're right, Sonny!
It's not high enough!
It's not high enough!
They mate
For life, you know.
You're kidding.
I wish I was dead.
You would be, too,
If it wasn't for my dumb ideas.
Don't put yourself down.
You're right!
Why waste time talking
About a piece of shit like me?
Ooh, I almost forgot.
I got you something.
A present for you.
That's very nice.
You didn't need to do that.
Oh, I hope
You like it.
Very sweet.
You like the color?
And the beauty part is
You don't have to do anything.
You just have to stand there.
I'll do the rest.
I wonder if it hurts.
You see,
Hanging is very simple.
It's clean,
Neat, and economical.
You don't spend
Any money with a rope.
It's just the cost
Of the rope.
That's why these things
Become traditional.
I wonder if it hurts.
[gagging] Marlon. Marlon.
Shouldn't we have a horse?
Wait a minute.
It's very simple.
All right. What?
I just step out
From under you,
And you'll be hung.
Don't you understand?
Yes. Uh...
Do it very slowly.
Yeah. You want a horse?
I said...yes!
A horse? A horse, a Polack,
What's the difference?
It's the same thing.
You want a horse?
You got a horse.
[imitates a horse]
Just a minute.
You'll be hung
In a moment.
Ok. Here you go. Ok!
Say good-bye to Marlon!
So long!
How are you feeling?
Is that ok?
It hurts.
It really hurts.
You're resisting again.
You know that?
You sound just
Like Donald Duck.
Wait, you're
Hurting my neck.
Wait a minute!
Don't ever
Do that to me again!
I was almost dead!
One more minute,
I would've
Been dead!
Let go of me,
You fool!
Don't ever
Stop like that!
When you got me
Like that,
Don't ever stop.
Do you understand?
Yes, I understand.
Yes, I understand.
I don't think
You understand.
I don't think you...
Understand at all.
Understand at all.
I'll have to do
This thing myself.
What is it, Sonny?
Good-bye, Marlon.
No, wait a minute!
Wait for me!
I'm a failure!
You certainly are.
But not for long.
That man's nuts.
Grab him!
Grab him!
[speaking Japanese]
[speaking Japanese]
Wait for me!
Wait for me!
Come back here!
I certainly hope my father
Likes it here.
I'm sure he will.
He seems like
A very nice man.
Keep your hands
Off of me, stubby!
Keep your hands
Off of me, stubby!
It sure seems nice here.
Are there many,
Uh, uh, cra--
No, no, no.
I would say merely
Mildly irrational.
I got one!
I got one!
Mr. Petersen has one.
His expression.
His expression.
Holy shit!
Holy shit!
Oh, no! Go away!
Oh, no! Go away!
Get off, off,
Off, off, off.
Get off!
I can't see!
It's a challenge.
Someone wants
To play chicken.
Someone wants
To play chicken.
Pull over!
Guts is part
Of learning to drive.
Get out of the way!
[horns honking]
You turkey!
You turkey!
Ooh, my goodness.
It's a ramp!
It's a ramp!
That was terrific!
Do it again!
Bye, Marlon.
Ooh, Sonny!
Aah! Aah!
Aah! Aah!
What's happening?
The Polish assassin has just
Escaped from that insane asylum.
He's very dangerous.
He's a killer.
What'd he look like?
He's wearing white pants,
White shirt.
Round face, bald.
Round face, bald.
The Polish prince is free!
The Polish prince is free!
Can I get
You something?
Can I get
You something?
You got any water?
Some water, um...
Some water, um...
Oh, a 10.
Oh, a 10.
Mary Ellen,
If you're going to make
Glasses out of jelly jars,
Can you at least
Take the jelly out first?
Never mind.
Never mind.
Sonny, you should
Be in a hospital,
Shouldn't you?
I'm not going to
Hospitals anymore.
I'm not going anywhere
Where they
Have any control
Over your life...
Or your death.
Over your life...
Or your death.
What are you
Looking for?
What are you
Looking for?
My clothes.
Where are they?
Where are they?
Here are your clothes.
I ironed 'em.
Here are your clothes.
I ironed 'em.
It's not my clothes
I'm looking for,
And you know it.
And you know it.
I hid it.
I hid it.
You're never
Gonna find it.
You're not
Even warm.
Exactly where I thought
It would be.
Hidden under
The cat crap.
Hidden under
The cat crap.
I'm gonna call
The police.
Don't touch
That phone.
I'll shoot...
That's right, baby.
Put down that phone
Or Ill splatter my brains
All over these walls.
Of course, on these walls,
Who would notice?
Sonny, you
Drive me crazy!
You put a gun
To your head--
Mary Ellen,
Will you stop?
You put that thing
To your head.
Come on, help me off
With my pants.
You drive me crazy.
Help me off with my pants!
I feel that maybe
If Id done
Something different.
I don't know.
If Id have loved you
A little bit more...
If Id have loved you
A little bit more...
Maybe you
Wouldn't be dying.
Maybe it's
All my fault.
Maybe I caused it.
Oh, don't be silly,
Mary Ellen.
You can't give somebody
A blood disease.
That's a gift
From god.
If I could've just...
Loved you
A little bit more.
Loved you
A little bit more.
No, I don't think you could
Have done anything, Mary Ellen.
Well, maybe if you'd
Just come one time.
Well, maybe if you'd
Just come one time.
No, actually, you did
Everything you could.
I'm sorry.
No, you did
Everything you could.
I didn't!
You did, you did.
No, I didn't.
I got more out of
The relationship than you did.
With all my bitching
And moaning,
I got more out of
The relationship.
Because I loved you,
I loved you completely,
And you never did really
Love me completely,
And--and I was always
Fascinated by that.
You know what I mean?
Well, it's like me.
I mean, if you think about it,
I think that's why
I just kept, you know,
Hanging on and hanging on.
Doesn't that
Sound like me?
Yeah, it does
Sound like you.
I'll tell you something else,
Mary Ellen...
With all this shit...
All this shit...
All this shit...
You always
Turned me on.
That's something,
Isn't it?
Well, doesn't
That make you kind of...
A little bit better
What I want to do?
I mean...
I think Im starting
To understand.
I do.
Maybe it means
I'm growing up.
I guess Ive
Just been selfish,
Wanting to
Keep you around
A little bit longer.
But hell,
Sonny, do what
You have to do.
Sonny, do what
You have to do.
You mean
I can do it?
I can kill myself?
I can kill myself?
Oh, baby.
Oh, baby.
But if you
Really love me...
Oh, Sonny,
God, you
Drive me crazy!
You're always
Picking on me!
I can't do
Anything right!
I got to go, baby.
I can't let you go.
I got to go off somewhere
And swallow lead.
I have to tell you
Something first.
What, that you
Screwed some guy?
I don't care about that now.
I got a date with a .38.
Who was it?
That guy on the honda?
Oh, my god!
Don't tell me that!
No, it's nothing
Like that.
I have to tell you...
The gun isn't loaded.
I took all the bullets
Out of it
When you gave it to me.
I thought somebody
Would hurt themselves.
That was
A stupid thing to do.
You know I know how
To handle a gun.
Whoo ha ha ha! Ha!
Well, I thought
I unloaded it.
God damn! Everything
You do is half-assed.
Ohh, Sonny,
You get out of my house!
Just get out of my house!
I'm glad I didn't
Kill myself here.
It'd take 6 months
To find the body.
It'd take 6 months
To find the body.
He missed.
Where you going?
You dirty rat!
Ohh! He's scared!
You! I hope your nuts rust!
You! I hope your nuts rust!
%% and now %%
%% the end is near %%
%% and so I face %%
%% the final curtain %%
%% my friend %%
%% Ill say it clear %%
%% Ill state my case %%
%% of which Im certain %%
%% Ive lived %%
%% a life that's full %%
%% I traveled each %%
%% and every highway %%
%% and more %%
%% much more than this %%?
%% I did it %%
%% my %%
%% way %%
%% way %%
%% for what is a man %%
%% what has he got? %%
%% if not himself %%
%% then he has naught %%
%% to say the things %%
%% he truly feels %%
%% and not the words %%
%% of one who kneels %%
%% the record shows %%
%% I took the blows %%
%% and did it %%
%% my %%
%% way! %%
%% way! %%
Here I come, lord.
Here I come, lord.
Julie: why'd daddy do it?
Jessie: Julie. Shh.
Daddy's gone now.
But he promised
He was coming back.
But he promised
He was coming back.
You promised, dad.
I hate you for this!
I hate you!
I hate you! I hate you!
I hate you!
[heartbeat stops]
[heartbeat stops]
I want to live!
I want to live!
I want to live!
I want to live!
I can never make it.
Help me, lord.
I promise not to try
And kill myself anymore.
Save me, and I swear
I'll be a better father.
I'll be a better man.
I'll be a better
All I ask is,
Make me a better swimmer!
Make me a better swimmer!
Oh, god!
Oh, god!
I can't do this to Julie.
We can't do this to Julie.
We can't do this to Julie.
Oh, god, let me live,
And I promise to obey
Every one
Of the 10 commandments.
I shalt not kill.
I shalt not
Commit adultery.
I shalt not...
I'll learn
The 10 commandments!
And then Ill obey
Every fuckin' one of them!
Just get me back
To the beach!
I'll be honest in business!
I promise not to sell
Lakeside lots
Unless there's
A lake around!
I want to see
Another sunrise.
I want to see
Another sunset.
I want to see
Another sunset.
It was a mistake, god!
I never really
Wanted to kill myself.
I just wanted
To get your attention!
I just wanted
To get your attention!
Help me make it.
I'll give you 50%
Of everything I make.
50%, god!
I want to point out
That nobody gives 50%!
I'm talking gross, god!
I'm talking gross, god!
I think
I'm going to make it!
I think
I'm going to make it!
You won't regret this, lord.
I'll obey every commandment.
I'll see my parents
More often.
No more cheating
In business--
Once I get rid of those
9 acres in the desert.
And Im gonna start
Donating that 10% right away!
And Im gonna start
Donating that 10% right away!
I know I said 50%, lord,
But 10% to start.
If you don't want your 10%,
Then don't take it!
I know it was you
That saved me,
But it was also you
That made me sick!
But it was also you
That made me sick!
No! Oh, no!
God damn!
God damn!
Don't shoot me!
I don't want to die!
Oh, no!
Oh, god!
You missed him, putz!
Will you stop it?!
Hold still!
Hold still!
God damn you, Marlon!
Don't shoot me!
God damn you, Marlon!
Don't shoot me!
It's empty.
It's empty.
Son of a bitch!
What's the matter?
You could
Have killed me!
I know!
You could have shot me!
Oh, Sonny,
You're so mean!
Oh, Sonny,
You're so mean!
You son of a gun!
You're so--you fink!
I'm trying
To help you
And you yell at me
Foul names!
Up yours!
I'm not mad anymore.
I had a flat tire.
Gee, it was
Hard to find you.
Did you have
A nice swim?
You know what?
I missed you.
And Im so sorry--
Sonny, wait!
Sonny, wait!
I don't want to die!
Do you understand me?
You've got to stop
Trying to kill me!
Do you understand me?
I understand.
I don't think you do.
I do.
The doctor was right
About me.
That's why
I couldn't do it.
'Cause I really
Don't want to die!
But what about your fears
And your pain?
I promised to help you
End all that.
Will you forget
About that?!
I don't think it's in
Your best interest.
I don't care
What you think!
I don't care
What you think!
You don't
Like me anymore.
You don't
Like me anymore.
I like you, Marlon.
I like you, Marlon.
I like you.
I really do.
You do?
I do.
I do.
But you got
To understand.
Tell me
You understand.
Tell me
You understand.
I understand.
I understand.
I love you, Sonny.
I really do.
I love you, too, Marlon.
I love you, Sonny.
I love you, too, Marlon.
I love you, too, Marlon.
Ah ha ha ha ha!
Make me a better runner!
Wait for my knife!
God, god! 50%, god!
Remember what I said?
I'll give you 80, god.
I'll give you 80%!
Gross! 80% gross!
%% here's another fine mess %%
%% Im into, honey %%
%% they won't cut me loose %%
%% not for love nor money %%
%% Im a fighter, but they've
Got me on the floor %%
%% don't believe
I'm gonna take this anymore %%
%% here's another fine mess %%
%% Ive stumbled into %%
%% as sorry a state %%
%% as Ive ever been to %%
%% though it's difficult
For some to understand %%
%% Im gonna knuckle down
And take it like a man %%
%% Im gonna knuckle down
And take it like a man %%
%% wave good-bye %%
%% don't try to talk %%
%% what's there to say? %%
%% the words are unimportant %%
%% it's the feelings
We remember anyway %%
%% it's the feelings
We remember anyway %%
%% wave good-bye %%
%% don't make a scene %%
%% just let it go %%
%% don't smother
Love and glory %%
%% put an ending on our story
%% we're riding
To that final round-up %%
%% this is
Where the old trail wound up %%
%% here's another fine mess %%
%% and not my choosin' %%
%% we loved for a while %%
%% you can't call that losin'
%% if I knew our love
Was gonna end this way %%
%% if I knew our love
Was gonna end this way %%
%% Id live it over
And I wouldn't change a day %%
%% Id live it over
And I wouldn't change a day %%
%% here's another fine mess %%
---the end---