The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974)

One Sunday in 1828 a ragged boy was
found abandoned in the town of N.
He could hardly walk
and spoke but one sentence.
Later, he told of being
locked in a dark cellar from birth.
He had never seen another human
being, a tree, a house before.
To this day no one knows where
he came from - or who set him free.
Don't you hear that horrible
screaming all round you?
That screaming men call silence?
Wri - ting!
Remember that: writing.
If you write nice now,
papa'll give you nice horsey.
- Horse.
- Horse.
Repeat after me:
I want to be a gallant rider... my father was before me.
Say it! I want to be
a gallant rider... my father was before me!
Gallant rider.
Gallant rider like my father...
- Father...
- Father...
-...was before me.
-...was before me.
Remember that!
Remember that!
Come on now.
Stand here.
Hold this letter.
The letter...
Stay right here...
Wait here.
Wait for me here!
What do you want here?
I'm asking you
what you want here?
Like my father was before me!
Ah, maybe it's that you
don't know your way around here?
Can I be of service?
Is it that letter there...'re wanting to bring?
Let's have a look at it.
"To the Cavalry Captain of
the Fourth Squadron...
...Sixth Schwolische Regiment."
Let's see now,
that'll be straight ahead...
...past Augustinergasse, round the
corner, that's the Captain's house.
Should I take you there?
Or have you got other plans?
Say, where are from now?
Ansbach, Erlangen, Regensburg?
good - come along now!
The young man here's
from Regensburg...'s a letter for the Captain.
The Captain is not here.
He'll be in this evening.
Ah, but the young man is very weary.
Can't we find
a place for him till then?
Not in the house,
perhaps in the barn.
Right, with the
horses on the straw.
There he can give the
letter to the Captain.
- Is that him?
- Yes.
We've tried everything we could
to wake him, without success.
Have you ever seen him before?
No, never.
Here's the letter.
He didn't want to let go of it.
From the Bavarian border,
no place name, dated 1828...
"His Excellency the Captain."
"Does it say "His Excellency"?
It does, yes!
"I'm senden yr Grace a bouye..."
Senden yr Grace,
hah hah!
Should I take that down?
Yes, please do.
"This here bouye wants
to serve his King faithfully."
"The bouye was laid me on..."
He says the boy was "laid"
him on 7th October, 1812.
"I am a poor laborer
with 10 children...
...and have enough to do
to feed myself and my wife.
His mother wanted to raise the
boy, but I couldn't ask her to.
I didn't tell her the boy
was laid on me by the Court.
I have not let him take one
step out of the house since 1812... nobody doesn't
know a thing about him.
You can ask him,
but he can't tell you.
I teached him reading and riting.
and he says he wants to be...
"...a gallant rider like his father."
A gallant rider, yes...
"...a gallant rider like his father
was before him. If he had parents...
...he would have been a smart fellow."
A smart fellow, yes.
"You only have to show
him something and he can do it.
But please do not
plie him with questions..."
Ply with 'ie'...
"He don't know where I am...
...I brought him away by night.
I am not signing my name."
No, there's no signature.
- Did you get it all down?
- Yes.
This is very odd.
Yes, indeed!
Should I report no signature?
Yes, and put this in the file.
I'll try him again...
No, don't. Leave him be.
You can see it's no use.
He seems to be
not quite all right in the head.
He's coming around...
Your name!
Should I report
that he refuses to talk?
Yes, name unknown.
Where are you from?
And his passport?
Gallant rider...
Where were you born?
He says he comes from Regensburg.
From Regensburg.
The intelligence of this man is
in a state of absolute confusion.
There's nothing to be
gained by police interrogation.
Should I take that down?
Nothing to be gained
by police interrogation, yes.
Refuses to answer.
He refuses to answer!
Right, and what do we do now?
Maybe he's hungry?
It's worth a try.
Lay him down again!
Spits out food!
Spat out food...
Let's have a look at his feet.
I say, those are old boots.
Those boots have very old toes!
Bleeding of the toes, scabs...
Indicates a long period of...
Feet extremely tender...
Both feet show same indications...
...of extreme tenderness.
Aha, vaccination marks!
The foundling seems to be
of the higher orders!
Foundling, yes, get that down.
Upper arm injured...
What was this injury caused by?
By a blunt instrument, I'd say.
Blunt instrument, I'd say.
The same marks here, and here...
Put that down!
A prayer book!
Entitled "Spiritual Forget-me-nots".
Beautiful and Devoted
Morning Prayers for Faithful Souls.
The other book...
...a printed treatise entitled
'Six Deep and Devotional Prayers'.
Put under 'other things'...
A four-cornered,
folded square of paper, containing...
...yes, a small quantity
of gold dust, or gold leaf.
Put that with the other things.
Then a rosary...rosary.
A rosary with a metal cross.
With the other things.
Under the circumstances,
this man should be taken into custody!
Put that down, word for word.
A pencil!
And a sheet of paper.
Can he write? Can you write?
Kaspar Hauser.
The fellow is not as wild
as I thought: he came peacefully.
He seems harmless enough.
I've done all I can.
The rest is up to the authorities.
Maybe we should
place him under oath.
He did not impress us
as being either mad or depraved.
Neither mad nor depraved.
It's best we keep him in this
tower for criminals and vagabonds.
He doesn't look like going berserk.
No, but you never can tell.
He'll have to sit up to eat,
he can't eat on the floor.
Julius, take his feet.
You hold him back...
now forward...
Now he's on his feet!
Sit him down there.
Let's stretch his feet out.
I guess he never sat up
straight at a table before!
He never sat up
at all in the tower.
Take the bowl away...
Hold on to the table there!
Come on, let go!
Give me your hat,
you won't be needing it now.
Leave him be, it's all right.
Let's start.
You've got to eat, come on.
You can't eat with your hat!
He won't give it to me.
There, take the spoon...
...and start eating. this.
Do it like me.
He'll be all right, it's just that
he don't have no manners yet.
So, open your mouth...
See, I told you so!
Oh, my goodness me!
Take his bowl away,
he's not used to it.
Give him bread, he always
takes bread when you give it to him.
Bread... take the bread.
Give him a drop of water, Julius.
Look, it's empty,
there's nothing more inside.
Nothing comes out any more.
- Empty!
- Empty.
Nothing more inside.
All gone.
No, this jug's not empty,
there's beer in it.
Look... it's full, it's not empty.
That cup there is empty.
There's nothing in it.
It'll take time,
getting him used to such things.
Don't cry, don't cry.
Oh my, how my gut is painin' me!
Finger, thumb, arm...
This is your hand, this is your arm.
Look, this is your ear.
Look, I've even got a mirror!
This here is your ear.
My gut is killing me.
No, that's your hand.
This is your arm.
Hand, hand!
This is your arm.
Arm, arm, arm...
Hey, what kind of
place is this here, anyway?
Damn your eyes, ain't
there nothin' in this place to drink?
Stand up, Kaspar, stand up!
You don't have to be
ashamed, we're alone here.
Only the dear Lord
is watching, don't be afraid.
Mother, my skin is coming off!
Don't worry about it.
He hasn't had a bath in years.
Lap, lap, lap, I like this milk,
Lap, lap, lap as smooth as silk.
Good morning, little cat so white.
May I sit down by your side?
Good morning, little cat so white,
May I sit down by your side?
Be nice to me little girl so fair,
Then you may sit down right there.
Lap, lap, lap I like this milk,
Lap, lap, lap as smooth as silk.
Agnes, that rhyme is too long for him.
All he knows are separate words.
I just taught him separate words...
...and he can't
understand your rhyme yet.
It's no use, he doesn't even
respond to a feigned thrust.
Doesn't respond to feigned thrust.
I don't think
he's a hard boiled swindler.
He's got absolutely
no conception of danger!
No conception of danger.
It didn't even scare him.
How about trial by fire?
- Is that for the record?
- Yes.
He's not afraid of the flame.
Charmed to meet you!
Charmed, I'm sure!
Look at him gapin'!
He's never seen that before.
Look, look...look here!
Pick up the baby,
Kaspar, go ahead.
Mother, I am so far away
from everything.
I eat with my handses...
With your hands!
With my handses.
With your hands!
Have you heard anything?
A number of people
have testified that the foundling...
...ran away from a group
of English circus equestrians.
- They were in the Oberpfalz area.
- What was that?
Other citizens say he is a
member of the Baden dynasty...
...who was to be
eliminated as most likely heir.
The Baden dynasty, however... beyond all reproach.
Besides, there are better ways
of getting rid of unwanted heirs...
I don't believe the story
in any case. Just look at him...
...with his coarse, rustic features!
There's nothing refined
about him at all.
She can't walk on two feet!
After all, he's beginning to be a
burden on the community coffers.
He's costing us a pretty penny.
Perhaps he should begin contributing
to his own upkeep somehow.
One could turn the public
interest in him to good use.
Come right on up,
ladies and gentlemen!
Parents keep an eye on their children!
Now before we present
the Four Riddles of the Spheres...
...we have for you
an entertaining intermezzo.
This wild bear, Kublai Khan,
from farthest central Asia...
...came to us somewhere
in Mongolia, where the Huns live.
With one sweep of his
mighty paw he can kill a bull!
But here in the
temperate zones, dear children...
...he is as tame and
cuddly as a little cat.
Here our Indian
fire-eater, our fakir...
...a living flame,
a veritable mountain of fire!
He has succeeded, ladies and
gentlemen, by will power alone... rejecting every
trace of a burn or scorch!
Show us your skin,
soft as a baby's, not a blemish.
What's this, you scoundrel?
And now...
...ladies and gentlemen...
...for the very first time
in the history of the world.
Brought together for you
and only for the first time:
The Four Riddles of the Spheres!
Minors please keep their distance.
The gravity of my presentation
permits of no childish pranks.
And now for the first Riddle:
The Little King!
Monarch of the Golden Land
of Punt of song and legend.
The last link of an
ancient line of giants!
Each king of this line
was tinier than the last.
Here you see that the last
living member of the royal family.
Another few centuries, and the
Kings of Punt will be invisible.
The very last king
will be no bigger than a flea!
Yes, there he sits, our Little King...
...cowering like an outcast
in the corner of his throne.
And as the kings have grown
tinier, so have their kingdoms.
His kingdom is no larger
than the spot he is sitting on...
...for neither can he leave his
kingdom without outside help...
...nor can he climb it. Our
next Riddle, ladies and gentlemen...
Our next Riddle of Science -
the Young Mozart!
One day long ago
he fell into a deep trance...
...and asked for nothing
more but the music of Mozart.
At a tender age he already
knew all the scores by heart.
Now, still in the trance,
he looks for dark holes in the earth...
...because they tried to teach
him to read and write at school.
Since that day he has
lost the power of speech.
He was not able
to read or write he says...
...because the whiteness
of the paper blinded him.
Day in, day out, he peers
into dark, deep holes in the earth...
...looking for entrances to caves
and underground waterways.
As you see, there is no way to
gain the poor fellow's attention...
His mind is completely
engrossed in zones of twilight.
Our next Riddle, a living
specimen of anthropology... Hombrecito.
An untamed Indian from
the sunny shores of New Spain.
This wildman is the sole
remaining member in all of Europe...
...of the renowned and
legendary Kaffir and Indian Show.
He plays his wooden flute
night and day, because he believes...
...that if he stops,
all the people in town will die.
He wears three separate jackets
to keep from catching cold...
...and to protect himself from
the evil breath of mankind.
Hombrecito is a jolly good
fellow, and quite tame.
He speaks hardly a word of
any tongue - except Indian of course.
And now to the final
and greatest Riddle of all!
Kaspar, the Foundling!
He has agreed, with the express
permission of the authorities... appear in person here
every afternoon, and thus.. ease the community's
financial burden.
Thank you, Kaspar!
Kaspar Hauser was found in
the Town Square of this fine city...
...just as you see him
standing before you today.
In his right hand,
a prayer-book...
...and his left,
the Anonymous Letter.
Abandoned to his
fate in a strange town...
...the boy could neither speak nor walk.
He had never seen a
living being in his life before!
His origin remains in darkness
to this day, ladies and gentlemen.
Is he a prince? Or possibly
the legitimate son of Napoleon?
His is and will remain the
Riddle of the European Continent!
Stop, Hombrecito!
Kaspar, come back! Are you mad?
I will get you!
Stop in the name of the Law!
There he is!
Come down from there!
Stop shaking that branch!
If that branch breaks, I'll...!
Come down here!
Keep searching for Kasper.
The beehive! Ah, it's locked.
He couldn't be in there.
I want to fly like a rider...
...midst the bloody tussle of war!
What a fine, what a
beautiful report this will make!
I shall write a report the
likes of which has never been seen!
Kaspar, what's wrong?
Are you feeling well?
It feels strong in my heart.
The music feels strong in my heart.
I feel so unexpectedly old.
You've been such a
short time in the world, Kaspar.
Why is everything so hard for me?
Why can't I play
the piano like I can breathe?
In the two short years
you have been here with me... have learned so much!
The people here want to
help you make up for lost time.
The people are
like wolves to me!
No, you mustn't say that.
Look at Florian, he lives here too.
He lost his family in a fire,
he is blind, but does he complain?
No, he plays the piano the
whole day long...
...even though his music
sounds a little strange.
Oh, how it is!
A very big man must have built it.
I would like to meet him.
A man doesn't have to be
as tall as the tower he builds.
He can use a scaffold!
I'll take you to see a new building.
You lived in this tower,
where that little window is.
That cannot be!
Because the room is
only a few steps big.
I don't understand.
Wherever I look in the room... the right, to the left...
...frontwards and backwards -
there's only room.
But when I look on the tower...
At the tower!
...and I turn around,
the tower is gone!
So, the room
is bigger than the tower!
No, Kaspar, that's not right.
Think about it a little more.
I still don't understand.
How do you mean that?
Yes, let's ask him. It's important.
Another cup of coffee, Pastor.
Yes, please, it's excellent!
Another cup of coffee?
Yes, please.
You're not going to torture
him much longer, are you?
I wouldn't call it torture!
- I'll leave the pot here.
- Thanks.
Kaspar, what we really want to know is..
...whether a Higher Being didn't
occupy your thoughts in prison.
I don't understand the question.
In my prison
I didn't think of anything...
...and I cannot imagine...
...that God created
everything out of nothing... you say!
If he doesn't understand God,
then he'll simply have to have faith!
You must have faith! The tenets
of faith transcend mortal doubt.
First I have to learn to read
and write better to understand.
No, Kaspar, the articles
of faith are more important...
And do stop pressing your
thumb and finger when you speak!
And now, my son,
please repeat this prayer after me.
Repeat after me!
For the peace of God
is higher than all mortal coils...
Keep our hearts in the
name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Please, repeat.
Say it!
Look, these are last years apples.
Big and red, aren't they?
And those apples on the tree
will look just the same soon.
How do they do that?
Time does it, Kaspar.
And the Lord's plan!
Let the apples lie,
they're tired and want to sleep.
Kaspar, an apple can't be tired.
Apples don't have lives
of their own - they follow our will.
I'm going to roll one down the path,
it'll stop where I want it to.
The apple didn't stop,
it hid in the grass!
May I have your help in
demonstrating it to him Mr. Fuhrmann?
Come here, Kaspar, watch!
Stand here where you can see.
Now, Mr. Fuhrmann
is going to put out his foot...
...and when I roll the apple, it will
stop right where we want it to.
Smart apple! It jumped
over his foot and ran away!
Smart apple!
What are women good for?
Can you tell me that, Katy?
Women are not good for
anything but sitting still!
But Kaspar...
Why are women
allowed only to knit and cook?
You'll have to ask
Mr. Daumer that, Kaspar.
He'll know a decent answer for you.
I already asked Mr. Daumer.
Yes, Mr. Daumer is an educated man.
I will never learn as much as him.
He told me about
the Sahara Desert...
...and I can't get it out of my head!
Katy, have you been
to the Sahara Desert?
I'm just a housekeeper,
I don't go journeying so much.
I was in Erlangen once, but it's
a long way from there to the desert!
I know a story about the desert,
but only the beginning.
Yes, Mr. Daumer told me about it.
He said you couldn't get
past the beginning of your story...
...and that you should wait to
tell it until you know the end...
...and not just the beginning.
Yes, he takes it seriously, that you
should learn to tell a story right.
If I...can ask...
...Mister Daumer... read...
...this letter... his pleasure.
A few days ago
I took some cress seeds...
...and sowed my name with them.
And it came up right pretty.
And it made me so
happy that I can hardly say.
And yesterday, when I
came back from boating...
..somebody had come into the garden..
...and stepped on my name.
I cried for a long time.
I am going to sow the name again.
It dreamed to me...
You had a dream? Tell it to me!
Yes, it dreamed to me.
You're really coming along, Kaspar.
You used to think
all your dreams were real.
Just a fortnight ago, you
said you saw the mayor's wife...
...even though everybody
knows she'd gone on a journey.
Strange that you didn't dream
once during your years in prison!
I dreamed of the Caucasus.
It just can't be true
when you say...
...that your bed is the only place
in the world you're really happy in.
Don't you like the garden?
The gooseberry bushes?
Or the onions over there?
All so green?
Well, it seems to me...
...that my coming into this world...
...was a terribly hard fall!
But Kaspar! That...
No, that's not...
How should I explain it to you?
The Professor here has come
all this way to ask you a question.
He wants to see
how well you can think...
...and what you have learned
in these two years...
...and whether you can think
logically. Will you answer him?
- Yes!
- Good.
...let's pretend that this is a village.
In this village live
people who tell only the truth.
Here is another village.
The people here only tell lies.
Two paths run from these
villages to where you are standing...
...and you are at the crossroads.
A man comes along, and you want to
know which village he comes from...
...the village of the truthtellers
or the village of the liars.
Now in order to solve this
problem, to solve it logically... have one question, and only one.
What is the question?
That's too difficult for him,
how can he know that.
I admit, the question is thorny.
If you ask the man whether he
comes from the village of truth...
...and he does,
then he will say, truthfully, yes.
But if he comes from the
village of lies, he will lie...
...and also answer yes!
Yet there exists one question
which will solve the problem.
That's much to hard, too complicated.
You have one question, Kaspar...
...and only one,
to solve this problem of logic.
I wouldn't know either.
If you can't think of the question...
...then I shall tell you.
If you came from the other village...
...would you answer 'no' if
I were to ask you whether... came from the liars' village?
By means of a double negative
the liar is forced to tell the truth.
This construction forces him
to reveal his identity, you see.
That's what I call logic
via argument to the truth!
Well, I know another question.
You do?
There is no other question,
by the laws of logic.
There isn't?
But I do know another question.
Let us hear it, then!
I should ask the man
whether he was a tree-frog.
The man from the
truth village would say:
No, I'm not a tree-frog,
because he tells the truth.
The man from the
liars' village would say:
Yes, I'm a tree-frog,
because he would tell a lie.
So I know where he comes from.
No, that's not a proper question.
That won't do,
I can't accept it as a question.
That's no logic;
logic is deduction, not description.
What you've done is describe
something, not deduce it.
But I understood his question.
Understanding is secondary;
the reasoning is the thing.
In Logic and Mathematics
we do not understand things...
...we reason and deduce:
I cannot accept that question.
Died June 30th - Karl Friedrich Wolf...
...apprentice bookbinder and
orphaned son of Johannes Wolf...
...haberdasher and tradesman.
Age - 18 years, 9 months,
and 27 days.
Cause of death - consumption.
Died July 6th -
Josef Christian Friedrich Holzlein.
Age - 22 days.
Cause of death - gout.
With gratitude we record the
Guardianship Council's petition... all men of generous heart... ease the lot of the
poor and destitute among us.
Flowers will also be accepted.
No, Katy dear, my eyes
aren't what they used to be.
Would you be so kind as
to call on the tailor today?
Kaspar will be needing
his new coat tomorrow.
How far along are you
with your new biography, Kaspar?
The word is out that
you are working on it, and...
...everybody I know
is dying to read it.
No, I don't want to
let go of any of it yet.
There are so many
words I don't know...
...and so many things
I don't understand yet.
Sorry to disturb you,
but I just wanted to tell you...
...that an English nobleman, Count
Stanhope, has come to town.
He has taken great interest
in your situation, and said...
...that he would like to adopt you
if you made a good impression.
It would be a wonderful
new start for you, Kaspar.
I am overwhelmed.
Thank you.
I should like to introduce
my young protege...
Kaspar, this is our
charming hostess.
Don't be afraid,
give the lady your hand.
And this is our gracious host...
...who will open the
doors of society to you.
Allow me to introduce
my young protege to you.
Isn't he droll!
Quite the noble savage!
I should like you to
meet the mayor and his wife.
Hello, Kaspar.
I'm so happy to meet you, Kaspar.
Tell me, what was it like
in that dark cellar of yours.
Better than outside!
But we all like you
so much, Kaspar.
Were you about to say something?
You just tell us whatever comes
into your natural young head.
Your Grace, nothing
lives in me except my life!
Oh no, there's much
more alive inside of you.
You've been making such
fine progress with your music...
...something that educates
and ennobles our feelings!
Your Grace, I would like
to play a piece on the piano.
I shall play Mozart's
waltz in F major.
I'm not feeling well,
may I be excused?
A little fresh air will help.
I'll open the window a bit.
Are you feeling better, Kaspar?
I think it's better we
left him alone for a moment.
There's no cause for concern.
Kaspar is feeling a bit faint.
Perhaps in the meantime I
can tell you of my visit to Greece.
Not many days ago the sun
of Hellas shone down on me.
I loitered, Pindar in hand,
neath the columns of Corinth.
The sunrises were indescribable...
...the crystal clarity of the
Greek light unforgettable.
A balm to the soul,
that unsullied atmosphere!
I continued onto Crete,
where I rode the little donkeys...
The backs of these animals
are often quite hard, you know...
...and I was forced
to wear peasants' trousers!
Then the festivals of the simple
peasants of the countryside...
...the charming dances...
Excuse me please, my protege.
What's the meaning of this, Kaspar?
I'm sure I don't understand...
And what manner
of silly business is this?
Apparently I've been
guilty of a misjudgment.
There hasn't been enough time...
...for me to get a true
picture of the circumstances.
Why did you leave the church?
The singing of the congregation...
...sounds to me like awful howling.
And then the singing stops,
the pastor starts to howl.
Kaspar, we have to go back in.
Poor young fellow!
He must have taken too much of
that laxative the doctor gave him!
- Katy!
- Yes.
Come here a moment.
It looks like a bloody handprint.
Mercy me!
I saw him go in here this morning...
...and the door wasn't off its
hinges. Look - it's blood!
There are bloodstains
on the cellar door.
He can't have broken in by himself...
He's drunk it dry!
Now he's bitten a piece out of the bowl!
Ah, here's our patient.
Hello, thank you.
Did you apply the bandage?
There wasn't time to do it better.
Were there any other
injuries beside the head wound?
No, only his head.
I have a few important
questions to ask the victim.
Please - not now.
Well, we won't be getting
anything out of him today!
But at least he's not talking
the kind of rot he did last week.
All the same,
with respect to the crime...
...and Hauser's origins, we can't
expect much from him today.
Then I shall ask you to
take your leave, gentlemen.
There was one thing...
...I wanted to mention.
But it has nothing
to do with the attack on me.
It is all so clear before my eyes.
Tell us, Kaspar.
I saw the ocean,
and I saw a mountain...
...and there were many people
climbing up the mountain.
It was like a procession.
There was a lot of fog.
I couldn't see it very clearly, but... the very top was Death.
What's happened?
He's been stabbed!
What happened? And where?
The man told me
to watch the gardener...
...then he gave me this
pouch and stabbed me.
I'll take you home, we'll carry you.
Let me see what's in the pouch.
A note!
"Hauser can tell you
exactly what I look like...
...and where I come from.
To save him the trouble...
...I'll tell you myself
where I come from...
...and even what my name is.
...M. L.O."
The Lord have mercy
on me for I am weak.
Heal me Lord,
for my limbs are stricken.
Lord, why do you hide
from me in my hour of need?
Do not go far from me,
for fear is near.
I am weary of sighing.
I lie in the sweat of my body...
...and my tears moisten my bed.
My body, weakened
by mourning, has grown old...
...and I am tormented
from every side.
Away from me, evil-doers,
for the Lord hears my call.
Kaspar, my son...
...if anything is burdening you,
please tell us now.
There is something, a story...
It's about a caravan...
...and the desert.
But I know only the beginning.
That doesn't matter now.
Tell us the story,
even if it's only the beginning.
I see a caravan...
...coming through the desert...
...across the sands.
And this caravan... led by an old Berber tribes man.
And this old man is blind.
Now the caravan stops...
...because some believe
they are lost...
...and because they see
mountains ahead of them.
They look at their compass,
but it's no use.
Then their blind leader
picks up a handful of sand...
...and tastes it,
as though it were food.
My sons, the blind man says,
you are wrong.
Those are not mountains you see... is only your imagination.
We must continue northward.
And they follow
the old man's advice...
...and finally reach
the City in the North.
And that's where the story begins.
But how the story goes after
they reach the city, I don't know.
Thank you all for listening to me.
I'm tired now.
There we have it - the left lobe
of the liver is greatly enlarged.
That is an unusual finding
indeed, and worth recording.
Please take this down:
Left liver lobe
enlarged and extends...
...enlarged, yes.
...and extends to below
the left arch of the diaphragm.
Doctor, look!
...arch of the diaphragm.
Look at the brain,
its shape is rather unusual.
Yes, a remarkable abnormality.
Overdevelopment of the cerebrum.
Oh, I agree, yes!
There is also a
deformity of the cerebrum.
The left hemisphere is too small.
That explains a great deal!
This should be recorded.
Take this down:
Abnormal cerebrum...
...definitely overdeveloped.
Deformity of left
cerebral hemisphere...
...which does not sufficiently
cover the cerebellum.
Today is a day to remember.
Be so good as to take
my hat home with you.
I'm going to walk home.
What a wonderful, what a
precise report this will make!
Deformities discovered in
Kaspar Hauser's brain and liver!
Finally we have got an
explanation for this strange man...
...and no one would never
find nothing like this.