The Faith of Anna Waters (2016)

In the name
of the whole universe,
by Him who has
the power to consign...
That's enough!
So you will kill
in the name of your God
just to save?
I adjure you!
No more, Father!
You're killing him!
I adjure you not by my weakness,
but by the Holy Spirit,
to depart
from this servant of God.
You've killed him.
Miss Waters, Dr. Hawkins
will see you now.
You're clear, Jamie.
The numbness in your arm
is from spending too much time
in front of the computer.
Just to be sure,
we'll do a blood test, huh?
Oh, give those homicides
a break, will you?
Get some Ashtanga.
Gotta make the rent, Doc.
Okay, we're done here.
See you next year, Jamie.
God willing, it will skip you.
God has nothing to do with it.
The diagnosis
is extreme overwork.
The doctor prescribed yoga,
but I'm guessing you want me
back at the coal mine tomorrow.
Yeah, how about right now?
Look, the front page is a mess,
the lead is a disgrace,
and that idiot
filling in for you
got every damn fact in the
East Garfield shooting wrong.
Give Jacob a break.
It's his first week on crime.
- See you tomorrow?
- I'm counting the minutes.
I'll see you later, Jamie.
Oh, and one more thing.
We need you over at north side
for a 10:00 press conference
for the Lakewood murder.
- Dan.
- What?
You are coming back
tomorrow, period.
Listen, Dan, something's
happened to my sister.
I'm getting on the first flight
to Singapore.
Hi, I'm Majorie from the bureau.
Just this way.
I've located the house
where your sister was found.
It belongs to her ex-husband.
He told the police
that he had loaned it to her
until she relocated back
to Chicago with their daughter.
- Where's Katie?
- At his place.
Um, the morgue's expecting you.
The deceased was found with
a plastic bag over her head.
Five sets of prints
were recovered from the bag,
all belonging to her.
Cause of death is asphyxiation.
Judging by the level
of decomposition,
we believe that the deceased
committed suicide
three days ago.
That's not possible.
Anna had no reason
to kill herself.
The autopsy revealed
that your sister
was suffering
from Huntington's disease.
Her 12-year-old daughter
also has it.
Huntington's is a hereditary
genetic disease
with no known cure.
Sufferers have a 50% chance of
passing it on to their children.
It begins with the involuntary
jerking of the limbs
and ends in early death
caused by falls
due to lack of coordination,
malnutrition because
of the inability to swallow,
or suicide.
Anna's had Huntington's
since she was ten.
She's stronger than you think.
We recovered a video
from her computer.
She left her webcam on
and this is what it captured.
God forgive me.
In 3/4 of a mile,
be in either of
the two left lanes.
Then turn left...
Aunt Jamie!
You've got to check out
the house, Aunt Jamie.
It's so old and cool.
Mom thinks a ship captain
used to live here.
I think it's a pirate.
There's even a telescope
in my room, Aunt Jamie. Come!
Um, I'll be there in a minute,
I need to have a word
with your dad.
Doctor says it's shock.
She found Anna and stayed
with the body for two days.
- Where the hell were you?
- Tokyo.
Anna called me the day she died,
but I was on a plane.
I called her when I got back,
but she didn't answer,
so I came here.
Found Katie
reading next to Anna's body
as if nothing had happened.
- She shouldn't be here.
- I didn't want her to,
but she found out
you were arriving
and insisted on coming back.
She's not listening to anything
I say right now.
Can you blame her?
You walked out
on your wife and daughter
because they were sick.
You'd better go.
Anna drew up a will
two years ago.
She wanted to be cremated.
The ceremony's tomorrow.
Isn't this cool?
You can see real far with it.
Try it, Aunt Jamie.
I saw a nest in one of the trees
the other day.
When Mommy comes back
you can sleep here with me.
What do you mean, Katie?
You want to tell me how
you found Mommy, sweetie?
I was supposed to be away
for a week at school camp,
but I got sick
on the second day.
So a teacher drove me back.
Did you call your dad?
Why not?
I knew he would call the police,
and he did,
and they came and took her away.
- They had to, sweetie.
- But she was coming back.
Mommy was coming back.
Shh. Shh.
When did this happen?
Last month.
I couldn't swallow,
and Mommy took me to the doctor.
When was the last time you fed?
This morning after we came back.
Hold still.
- Does it hurt?
- It's okay.
Mommy says Huntington's
a gift from God.
The pain reminds us
how precious life is.
Your granny said the same thing
to your mom
when she was your age.
Did Granny die of Huntington's?
Yeah, she did.
But you won't.
Does God really exist?
Is He a metaphor,
like the Tower of Babel,
which scholars believe
never actually existed.
We all know
the story in Genesis.
Man, speaking one tongue
and full of pride,
built a tower to reach
the heavens.
And in doing so, angered God,
who destroyed the tower,
scattered Man over
the face of the earth
and confused his language.
Like the invented tower
in that story
that explains how people living
in different lands
spoke different languages,
is God Himself
a fictitious character?
Some say the question
is profound and unanswerable,
but modern scientific tools
have unearthed what are possibly
King David's City
in Israel's Elah Valley,
the fallen cities
of Sodom and Gomorrah
north of the Dead Sea
and recently
a ziggurat in North Syria
that is possibly
the Tower of Babel.
With the aid of science,
humble rocks and stones
will bridge that mystical gap
we know as the leap of faith,
leading us closer to God,
who, I assure you,
ladies and gentlemen,
is very real.
Thank you.
Good night.
- Father De Silva?
- Hmm?
I'm Father Matthew Goh
from Saint Benedict Parish.
Ah. Society of Jesus?
- Your specialty?
- Uh, computers.
I manage the archdiocese's
presence on the Internet.
Google, Facebook, Twitter.
I can't get past a calculator.
It's Matthew, right?
So, um, it exists?
I'm sorry?
The tower.
You found it in Syria.
Oh, yes.
Uh, we found some stones,
and they carbon-date
back to the tenth century BC,
which was when Genesis
was written.
There you go, Father Matthew.
Good night.
It's rising, Father.
What did you say?
The Tower of Babel.
It's rising
Your cab's here, Father.
I have to go.
Thank you for coming.
It's okay.
It's just me.
I knocked, but nobody answered,
so I came in.
I had no idea
this was down here.
My parents bought the place
after the war.
We just lived here for a month
when I was a kid.
Otherwise it's been
pretty much unoccupied
till Anna and Katie moved in.
They needed a place before
they went back to Chicago.
Is Katie up?
We need to get going
or we're going to be late.
Where are we going?
Sweetie, I know it's hard,
we're here to say goodbye
to your mom.
No! No!
You can't burn her.
She's coming back.
Mommy's coming back
in seven days.
She's not coming back, Katie.
No! No, Mommy. No!
No! Mommy! No!
She's with God now.
No God would allow people
like Anna and my mother
to suffer the way they did.
You want to come in, sweetie?
You can come in
when you feel better.
Is that you?
God forgive me.
God forgive me.
It started a month ago
with Saint Benedict.
This morning the Web sites
of three other churches
were attacked
in the exact same way.
Might it not just be a prank?
Corporations and governments
get hacked. Why not the Church?
We're not dealing
with a hacker here, Father.
The defacement may look it,
the code used in the attacks is
like nothing I've seen before.
Employing such a sophisticated
code to hack a church Web site...
It's like... It's like using
a laser to... to kill a fly.
I... I'd really like to help you,
but I just don't see how I can.
The Tower of Babel...
I need to know more about it.
The Bible mentions many towers.
But it was Man's
use of one tongue
that led to
his spiritual suicide.
But God destroyed the Tower and
confounded all the languages.
The one tongue is no more.
This is binary.
It's the language of computers
and the Internet.
The ones and zeros correspond
to the two basic states of
electrical signals...
On and off.
Now, whether you speak English,
Spanish, Japanese, French...
Binary captures every language
out there,
making it the language
of languages.
It's the new one tongue.
Where are you?
Is my mommy coming back?
Who's he?
Just make sure she feeds
in a while
and then
once again five hours later.
She can do it on her own,
but just, you know, remind her.
Got it.
I'm sorry.
You're not a babysitter.
I just...
I don't know anyone here.
It's fine, and I love kids,
plus it gets me
out of the bureau.
- So...
- Thank you.
Um, I shouldn't be long.
Don't worry.
We'll be fine.
Is this about Anna?
Jamie, wait.
Let me help you.
You didn't care
when you dumped my sister,
so why the concern now?
For all I know, you're the
reason why she killed herself.
Miss Waters.
I'm Ravi Sharma.
You said your sister killed
herself. So did my wife.
I have something
you need to see.
I'll be back in seven days.
Wait for me.
I love you.
She had removed her own womb.
It was all captured
on the baby cam.
A few days ago I was putting the
baby stuff away when I saw this.
What is it?
You've seen it before.
In the room
where my sister died.
May I take a look around?
Charlotte was an accountant.
But she still did some freelance
auditing once in a while.
Was your wife sick?
No, that's for the IVF.
We've been trying to have a baby
for years.
But the doctors said Charlotte
was too old to get pregnant.
Well, she paid the day she died.
Hey, Tara.
It's Majorie.
Hey, listen, I'm wondering,
are you still with Chester Tan?
It's time you fed.
- Can't she stay?
- No.
Don't hurt us.
Mommy, is that you?
He killed us all!
He will kill every one of you.
- Who is he?
- He has many names.
Jamie, wait.
Let me help.
Charlotte removed her womb
because she was infertile.
Anna suffocated herself,
starving her brain of oxygen,
because that's where
Huntington's starts.
Charlotte told Ravi
she's coming back in seven days.
Katie said the same about Anna.
Then there's the symbol.
The two cases are linked.
Let me help.
I want to find the truth
as much as you do.
There you are.
Are you drawing something?
Is that a word game?
Can I play?
They look like names.
Danny says he has many names.
Who's Danny?
Well, they look similar.
I know. It's an anagram.
- What's that?
- An anagram's a word
formed by rearranging
the letters of another word.
I'll show you.
That's your name.
Now let's see.
And this is an anagram
of your name.
The plot was confiscated by
the British government in 1938
and later resold at an auction
in 1953 to the Harris family.
Miss, are you all right?
- How is she?
- In bed.
What is it?
That thing you have in there,
it can give people a real scare.
I nearly died of fright
when I saw it.
What thing?
It was...
It was right here a moment ago.
Um, what was it?
A dummy in a diving suit.
I was right here with Katie.
I turned around, and it was
right here on this chair.
- Are you okay, Majorie?
- Uh...
That's my cab.
I... I have to go.
Are you sure you're okay?
Uh, I spoke to my friend
who works for the lawyer
that your sister used, and...
it wasn't Sam
who wanted the divorce.
It was Anna.
I just thought you should know.
She's coming back.
Just two more days.
He demands the Tower, but
rejects the tongues I offer.
I have sacrificed my blood,
but he will not do my bidding.
What tower does he speak of?
- Miss Waters?
- Yeah?
Something just happened.
Charlotte's computer
deleted three names
from her address book.
I didn't see the first two.
It happened so fast.
But the last one is someone
by the name of Josh Lim.
- Do you know him?
- No.
There's something else.
It's exactly seven days
since Charlotte died.
Are you okay?
When you called, I thought
something had happened to Katie.
She's fine.
Why didn't you tell Katie
that Anna was the one who wanted
the divorce, not you?
I didn't want her to blame Anna.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
After Katie got sick,
Anna felt guilty for
not telling me the truth.
I told her it didn't matter,
but it ate away at her.
She said she didn't want me
going through life
dragging around a sick wife
and daughter.
She said she wanted me
to be free.
You have to tell Katie
the truth.
She can't go through life
hating you.
Josh? No! Josh!
We've got to get you
to the hospital.
- Seven days. She... She said...
- Who?
- Who said seven days?
- She... She...
So you will kill
in the name of your God
just to save?
- I adjure you!
- No, Father!
You've killed him.
No! Ah! No!
Spare him, Nigel, please.
I beg you.
He wants you too.
Sam. I found something.
First, thank you, Anna,
for an amazing meal.
May I propose some
post-dinner entertainment?
All right. Let the sance
begin. Everybody.
Miss May Wong?
Spirits, ghosts, ghouls,
we wish to converse.
Are you present?
Okay, can we have dessert now?
I have the most amazing
chocolate cake ready for you.
What the hell was that?
Did you do that, Wayne?
Okay. That was me.
You idiot!
Um, there's something.
Tell us your name.
May, are you okay? Oh!
Oh, sweetie, are you okay? May.
Oh. It's okay.
It must be the wine. I'm taking
medication for my heart.
- I'd better go. Sorry.
- It's okay. It's okay, dear
Please stay. I don't want
to spoil anyone's fun.
Please stay.
Turn that thing off.
It's another anagram
for Leviathan.
Leviathan is a sea monster
in the Old Testament.
Do you see that?
Huh. She's sort of
fading away in the mirror.
We need to talk to her.
It's the artist you went to see?
He's dead.
Anna, Charlotte and Josh...
The link between all three
of them is May Wong.
- Father!
- I can't help you.
Is this about the case
in Indonesia ten years ago?
- I need to go.
- Father, it wasn't your fault.
The Vatican cleared you.
That man didn't die
because of the exorcism.
He died from medical
Resulting from my ignorance.
Father, please, I'm begging you.
There's something unholy about
this attack on the church.
My faith is not as strong
as you may think.
But isn't that
what makes us human?
It's our struggle for perfection
that lends us grace.
We're all inadequate
in His eyes, Father.
Aunt Jamie?
Aunt Jamie?
You've got to go.
May is our chief researcher
in undersea Internet cables.
Most of the world's cables
are routed through Singapore.
It reflects our maritime past
as a naval base.
I understand that you want to
interview May for your story,
but given that she's not around,
can I propose another
I'd really prefer
to speak with May,
especially when she is the one
who wrote the software.
Um, can I have her address?
I'll contact her myself.
Oh, I'm afraid
it's not our company policy
to divulge the personal details
of our employees to the media.
I understand,
but I can't write my article
without speaking to her.
- Thank you for your time.
- Hang on, Miss Waters.
The Pacific Monitor... You have a
very wide readership in America.
Our quarterly results
will be announced next month.
Your story on Subterfuge
will be most helpful.
And arise, Leviathan.
Ah. You've finally come, master.
- Katie, we've got to go.
- I'm not leaving.
It's the seventh day,
and Mommy's coming back.
Katie. Katie.
Get away from that.
- We got to go.
- No, Mommy's coming back.
No! Stop. No!
No, Mommy's coming back. No!
No, let go!
Let go! No!
No. Let me go.
- Let go of me.
- Stay here.
I'm just going to get
some of your things.
- I'm not leaving!
- Katie.
The subscriber
is currently unavailable.
Father, I found the computer.
I'm Father De Silva.
This is Father Matthew.
- Are you May?
- No.
But I'm looking for her.
We traced several cyber attacks
on the Church to this apartment.
Can you help us?
Who are you, miss?
You've seen that before.
Now, the operating system
is very complex.
It'll take me some time
to crack all of it, but...
I've managed to track down
some kind of activity log.
The attacks
on the Church Web sites
originated from this machine.
And whoever did it attacked
five other systems.
I just need to track down which.
Binary is the one tongue.
Leviathan is using the Internet
to rebuild the Tower of Babel.
- You have one message.
- Leviathan is a demon
Nigel Crowther
summoned in the house.
I want to get Katie out,
but she's locked herself
in her room. Call me.
She's in her room.
I can't... I can't get in.
- Katie, it's me.
- Aunt Jamie?
Open the door, sweetie.
- You won't make me leave?
- No. Just... Just open the door.
- Are you okay?
- We've got to get her out.
- No! You lied!
- Listen to me, Katie. I...
It's the seventh day,
and Mommy's coming back.
Mommy's dead, baby.
She's not coming back.
She said so herself
before she died.
- What did you say, Katie?
- What did Mom say?
tell me the truth, Katie.
- We got to get her out of here.
- No.
- You're coming with me.
- No! No!
I came home from school camp and
Mommy said she was going away,
and she would return
after seven days.
I asked her why, and she said
she had found a way to make
my Huntington's go away,
but she needed to try it out
on herself first.
Then she went into the study,
It's her Huntington's.
It's getting worse.
We've got to get her
out of here.
Got it.
The IP addresses of the five
systems attacked are right here.
Wait. Something's happening.
It's launching another attack.
I'll just get some stuff
in the study and we can go.
All right.
You ready?
- Jamie.
- Yeah, Doc?
I'm afraid I have some bad news.
The scans must have
missed something.
According to your blood work,
you have Huntington's.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
Mocking God's creation
of the world in seven days.
Witness his sign.
Witness the severance
of my disease.
Witness my rebirth.
The sick, the lame,
the diseased.
If they saw that,
they will all...
They'll kill themselves.
That was no resurrection.
She came back to life
because Leviathan
was inside her.
The demon is using this video
of a false resurrection
to trick those
who are susceptible
into committing the greatest sin
against God: suicide.
Leviathan is rebuilding
the Tower of Babel
sin by sin, suicide by suicide.
If I kill myself and return in
seven days without my disease,
I can save Katie.
I'll see you both in seven days.
Sam, stop it!
I must do this.
You don't know what it's like to
be sick, to always be in pain.
If you want to see if the video
works, then I'll do it.
I'm her father.
The system's
migrating to the Internet.
- We'd better go.
- Wait, we need the hard disk.
We've got to get you
to the hospital.
That woman who was here
earlier... she knows something.
Find her.
"When a demon is unmasked
he will return to the place
he was first summoned."
You all right?
- Katie!
- No.
The demon who staged the false
resurrection of that woman
is now inside Katie.
He is devious
and very dangerous.
Don't go anywhere near him,
and don't listen
to a word he says.
If you never believed in God,
now is the time you do.
Help her, Father.
All dressed up, Father?
What're you going to do?
Kill this little girl
the same way you killed that man
ten years ago?
Silence, demon.
Repeat after me.
Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
- Christ have mercy.
- Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel,
Saint Raphael,
all holy angels and archangels,
all holy orders
of blessed spirits...
- Anna?
- Don't listen to the demon.
I have found the cure that will
save Katie, you and me.
Stop him before he kills us.
- Daddy?
- Katie?
- I don't want to die.
- He is lying.
No, Sam.
Holy Lord, almighty Father,
everlasting God and Father
- of our Lord Jesus Christ...
- Daddy?
- Daddy?
- Get me that chair!
No, Daddy. Don't.
No, Daddy. No.
No, Daddy.
Daddy, it's me.
No. No. Stop it.
No, Daddy.
Stop it.
Why are you hurting me,
Aunt Jamie?
Please. No.
It's me, Aunt Jamie.
I adjure you, ancient serpent,
by the judge of the living
and the dead,
by your Creator, by the Creator
of the whole universe,
by Him who has the power to
consign you to hell,
to depart forthwith in fear
along with your savage minions
from this servant of God, Katie,
who seeks refuge
in the fold of the Church.
Make no resistance nor delay
in departing from this man,
for it has pleased God
to dwell in Man.
It is God Himself
who commands you.
The majestic Christ
commands you.
God the Father commands you!
God the Son commands you!
God the Holy Spirit
commands you!
The mystery of the cross
commands you!
The faith of the holy apostles,
Peter and Paul,
and of all the saints
commands you.
The blood of the martyrs
commands you.
The devout prayers of all
holy men and women commands you.
The saving mysteries of our
Christian faith commands you!
- Katie?
- What have you done?
So you will kill in the name
of your God just to save?
You doubt your faith, priest.
- Father!
- Stay back!
I crown you like they crowned
the King of Jews!
And I crucify you like they
crucified the Nazarene!
Die, priest, and be silent!
Look deep inside yourself.
Find God, who's always
been there, who never left you.
If there is a God, priest,
why would He afflict his
children with pain and disease?
Pain and disease
are part of life,
part of our faith.
Pain and disease
reminds us of life
like bitter reminds us of
We can reach Katie.
Get her down.
Hold on, Katie!
Didn't Mommy say pain reminds us
of how precious life is?
Can you feel that pain, Katie?
Do you remember
what your mommy said?
Hold on to that pain!
It's working.
Aunt Jamie?
The Church is very grateful
for your gift.
We're going to
build a seminary here
and name it
after Father De Silva.
Thank you for everything.
You take care.
I spoke to your daddy.
You'll be spending Christmas
in Chicago.
Really, Daddy?
Yeah. Let go, little lady,
or your aunt's going to miss
her flight.
Take care.
...discovered the corpse
of 38-year-old Takeshi Shigeru,
the software engineer who was
suffering from a brain tumor,
had drowned himself
in his bathtub.
The bank executive,
who had mouth cancer,
had cut off his tongue
and had bled to death.
The police has classified
the case as a suicide.