The Falling (2014)

"There was a time
"when meadow, grove, and stream,
"The earth,
and every common sight,
"To me did seem.
"Apparell'd in celestial light,
"The glory and the freshness
of a dream.
"It is not now
as it hath been of yore;
"Turn wheresoe'er I may,
"By night or day,
The things which I have seen
I now can see no more."
What's wrong?
I suppose.
Good morning, Miss Mantel.
To the front, please, Abigail.
School regulations
dictate, as you well know,
skirts should be
no more than two inches
from the ground when kneeling.
And those are not regulation.
Stop your clowning.
It'll get you nowhere,
Abigail Mortimer.
Ha ha!
An egg is a cell.
It has a nucleus and membrane.
When the yolk matures,
the follicular sac ruptures.
If any blood vessels
cross the stigma,
a small drop of blood
may get on a yolk
as it's released
from the follicle.
It's what causes
most blood spots in eggs.
Egg first or chicken,
Mr. Hopkins?
The egg's still
a mystery to scientists.
It's complex.
It's a tiny center of life.
And she's, like,
all acting like...
Ha ha ha!
See her, like, scurrying
through the cupboards.
"I'm running late!"
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
What's in it?
I used to have hair your color.
Have I told you that?
No. I don't think so,
Mrs. Lamont.
Oh, come on.
We've heard it millions.
Thanks, Abbie.
You're an angel.
Just look.
Imagine what it's seen.
In time, this mantled oak,
let's meet underneath it
the same day every year
for the rest of our lives.
"The moon doth with delight.
"Look round her when
the heavens are bare,
"Waters on a starry night.
Are beautiful..."
"and fair."
"There was a time
when meadow, grove, and stream,
"The earth,
and every common sight,
"To me did seem.
"Apparell'd in celestial light,
"The glory and the freshness
of a dream.
"It is not now
as it hath been of yore;
"Turn wheresoe'er I may,
"By night or day,
The things which I have seen
I now can see no more."
"The Rainbow comes and goes,
"And lovely is the Rose,
"The Moon doth with delight.
"Look round her
when the heavens are bare,
"Waters on a starry night.
Are beautiful and fair."
Try not to be
quite so emphatic.
"The sunshine
is a glorious birth;
"But yet I know, where'er I go,
That there hath past
a glory from the earth."
That will do.
When that's gone
all the way in,
slide the other tube up, too,
then pull them both out.
Any questions?
As you know, I'm a virgin.
Virgins can use them.
let's establish your
status, shall we?
Oh, Lamb...
You lost it, Abbie, didn't you?
In a car. What can I say?
I don't get it.
Close your eyes.
Kiss your lips.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
It takes you somewhere else.
That's why you're upset.
I can't be.
He pulled out early,
said it was a really
Catholic thing to do.
Yeah. We know. The bell's rung.
Sorry. They're not my rules.
Don't tell anyone,
but we think I'm pregnant.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Crowd goes wild. Ha ha ha!
So... not seen you
in a while, Abbie.
Been busy, Kenneth Nevercan.
Looks that way.
Ha ha ha!
It's your turn to go
to the launderette.
Yeah, yeah, Crazy Face.
Don't get your
knickers in a twist.
Come on.
Abbie... Hmm?
Do you mind just grabbing
a couple of the things
out of the laundry basket?
Stop. OK.
I was an egg.
Now I've made an egg.
Actually, we're already
born with all our eggs.
I feel so crummy.
Pregnancy's no good for you.
Look at our mothers. Ha ha!
You've always had it in
for your mum, haven't you?
Morty, she's had it in for me
since the day I was conceived.
Gin and a knitting needle.
I'm definitely bigger.
They're killing me.
You've changed. Ha!
Did we extend the invitation?
Oh, loosen up, Crazy Face.
I don't want to be loose.
Oh, nice.
"Everything that lives
"serves the purposes
of the earth.
Everything that dies
serves the moon."
You know I'm pregnant. Ugh!
She's telling everyone.
You're in trouble? Kenneth!
Let's do some magic
with a "K" to dispel it.
I could do a spell.
Yeah. When's that
ever worked, hmm?
I know that most people
think it's bad,
but all "the occult"
actually means is hidden.
On a more practical... note,
a bit of...
vigorous exercise
might get rid of it.
Let's go dancing.
Yeah. Where?
Not far.
Ha ha ha!
Come on.
Oh, I want you. Come on.
Come on. Come to me.
Come on. Come to me.
Come on. Uh!
Come on.
This situation has made
you so unpredictable.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what came over me.
It's just, you're...
you know, everything, and...
And vise-a versa.
It didn't mean a thing, truly.
Oh... it's only Kenneth.
He went on about
the laws of love,
you know, free love.
And you told Susan
about your situation.
I wanted shock on that
innocent, little face.
I think I've wet myself.
Uh, maybe you're losing it.
No. It's just
a bit of, you know.
He said the French call
an orgasm a small death.
That's what
it's like, you know.
When a guy's inside you
and you get it right,
feels like you're blacking out,
Abigail Mortimer
and Lydia Lamont,
During the war, I always managed
to arrive on time...
even contending with doodlebugs.
One day, you'll realize
that even you, Abigail,
are living history.
Oh! For crying out loud!
Uh, uh... Janet,
go and get a mop.
Shame to waste it.
You think it tastes...
That happened when
my mum was pregnant.
I didn't say anything.
According to Lydia,
my body has become a situation.
We'll soon be dealing
with the situation.
You're not gonna get
rid of it yourselves.
We've got it under control.
It's not passed you by.
It's legal nowadays.
Not for the likes of us.
Ha ha ha!
So you will each learn
these recipes off by heart.
Can we learn a poem
instead, Miss Mantel?
I'll be back shortly.
Her breath stinks.
Puking up on her is probably
the most attention
she's ever had.
Never lived. Ahh...
"Savory turnovers
make a tasty dish
and a pleasant change
from the ordinary fare."
Keep thinking about keeping it.
I know you don't want it.
I'll get medical books
from the library, Morty.
Nothing'll go wrong. I know.
It's just a feeling.
But you can't trust feelings.
We're not kids anymore, Lamb.
We've got to face up to it.
There's a real world out here.
Yeah, and you're
the center of it.
What's that?
All this because he had a car,
and what the hell was Kenneth?
He's my brother.
Why is doing it so
important to you, anyway?
I don't get it.
I feel so crummy.
I can't focus properly,
Miss Mantel, honestly.
I feel so awful.
Crying out loud, oh...
Oh, I've better things to do
with my time than this.
Out. Out.
Say something, please.
We'll always be,
whatever happens.
What do you want me to say?
I'm sure you have
something in mind.
You always seem to these days.
You even sided with my mother.
Oh, don't be like that.
Come on. I know she's awful.
Please, I'm really
not up for a fight.
Admit it. You think we're over.
Say it.
You're getting it up,
and I'm not right anymore.
I'm feeling very...
You and your feelings.
Millions of women
have had babies, Abbie.
It's nothing special.
It's life and life only.
Abbie, it's Lamb.
It's Lydia. Come on, Abbie.
Help! Please! Someone!
Come on. Come on, Abbie.
Come on, Abbie. Don't be silly.
Sit up. Come on, Abbie.
Someone's coming.
It's gonna be fine.
What... What... What...
Miss Mantel, I think
she's losing the baby.
Well, let her get some air.
Abigail? Abigail.
Get an ambulance!
Abi... gail...
Abbie's dead.
It's true.
She's dead.
It wasn't something bad.
Uh, she's dead.
Well, wasn't...
What? Drugs.
It was natural.
"Natural." Abbie's young.
Her poor mother.
The race had been run and won.
A look at the arguments
by Julian Pedwell.
To most of us, man's
breathtaking adventure
in space looked...
We are grieved
and shocked to announce
the death of Abigail Mortimer.
Abigail... Abbie was a girl
of... of rare charm,
a most lively,
talented, and popular pupil
who had a promising future
ahead of her.
Teachers have praised
her performance
as a committed pupil
who was energetic...
and dependable.
Her passing is a true loss
to us all.
She will be remembered
as a loyal friend
who enjoyed art
and reading poetry
and as the founder of the
alternative school orchestra.
Abbie's life was full and happy,
and we shall remember her
with respect and affection.
As a memorial,
it has been decided to establish
the Abigail Mortimer
Fifth Form Poetry Prize.
Miss Fanshawe
will now lead assembly
in nondenominational prayer.
Let us take a minute
to remember Abigail in silence.
You were such
a friend to us all,
For Abbie Mortimer,
"The good die first"...
She liked him.
"There hath past away
a glory from this earth."
She was beautiful.
You're up there
with the angels.
She would've made a great mum.
Close your eyes.
Pucker your lips.
Do it.
Takes you somewhere else.
I'm late, Miss Mantel.
"The glory
and the freshness of a dream.
"It is not now
as it hath been of yore;
"Turn wheresoe'er I may,
"By night or day,
The things which I have seen
I now can see no more."
Oh. It's you.
You fainted.
I can't remember much...
but now
I've never felt so bad.
Tell me about it, Lamb.
I'm feeling rotten.
Didn't want to say.
It was this feeling.
I don't remember
anything before or after,
just this spacey...
It's showing us that
there is enough energy
in a slice of cake
to walk a mile.
It also helps explain
the combustion engine.
And at the end of it all,
there's a little
purified argon gas produced.
The gas holds a few
radioactive atoms
containing neutrinos.
Later, the radioactivity will be
measured in these laboratories.
Already they've given
one important answer to us all.
"Let's meet under it
the same day every year
for the rest of our lives."
What was it like with her?
She was something else...
a warrior queen.
How's my future?
Can someone go to the shop?
I'm terrified.
I am terrified by his arms,
by his nuclear destruction.
I think this is, perhaps,
a pathetic sign...
What if we said
we're never gonna go
to the shops for you
ever again?
I mean, you'd have to face
the real world then, hmm?
When was the last time
you went outside, Mother?
What are you so afraid of?
Come on, please, please.
Titch, time, please.
I guess I forgot to wind it.
Who else had the time?
It's not working.
Susan. It stopped.
It's a coincidence.
Susan, fetch some water.
Gwen, would you read?
"So he, trembling
and astonished, said,."
"Lord, what do you
want me to do?"
"and the Lord said to him..."
It's just a few neurotic types.
You think the medical officer
should be brought in?
We'd be the laughingstock.
A few girls trying it on,
making a display of themselves.
We used to put wet
blotting paper in our shoes.
Why? Ha ha ha!
It draws the blood
from one's head
and can cause a faint, you see?
Ha! They all seem to have
their mind elsewhere
these days.
Ooh, sickles...
and pickles.
The sick chicks.
Are you sure you're fit
to go to school, Susan.
Right. Let's go.
We don't want to be late.
And just look at the result
of not being educated.
Settle down.
Miss Charron has merely fainted.
Return to your seat, Lydia.
Please continue, Miss Fanshawe.
I feel pitiful.
I could do a spell.
As you know, I don't
believe in magic.
I'm a rationalist.
Oh, a rationalist.
I'm not so sure.
I know my mind.
What's it all about,
then, Crazy Face?
It's not about anything.
You see this?
That one runs through the heath
and under your school.
Ley lines have this energy...
sacred, sublime.
Open the windows.
What's happening, Lydia?
She... She was so...
I know. I know.
I do know what's happening.
Miss Charron fainted.
It's not just us.
How come you're not ill, Titch?
I don't know.
For whatever reasons,
Titch, you're immune.
Titch doesn't believe us.
I mean, why hasn't.
Miss Alvaro got the doctors in?
Oh, such a woman of the world.
She is.
She's the one thinking
you're making it up.
I don't like to criticize,
but the handling of this
has not been great, has it?
Some people just want to bury
their heads in the sand.
It's been
a difficult time, I know.
Don't throw
your potential away.
Do you need some time
off school, Lydia?
No. No.
There's been some
concern expressed.
You're quite an influence
on the others
with what you are doing.
I'm not doing anything.
I'd like your parents...
your mother to come and see me.
There you go.
Thanks. Bye.
Bye. Bye.
Don't you know beehives
are completely outmoded, Mother?
Miss Alvaro
would like to see you.
You know, I reckon
it's in my official records
that my father ran off.
Should I say "driven off"?
Should I make you
an appointment to go in?
Any day of the week?
What have you done?
"The late Carl Jung
wrote of changes
"in the constellation
of psychic dominance
"which bring about
long-lasting transformations
"of the collective psyche.
Old secrets
rise to the surface... ".
I don't know why I'm
shaking like this.
Why are you dancing?
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
You're laughing at me.
Well, I'm laughing at me, too,
but it's not funny, Kenneth.
"To the surface and dissolve
"into the consciousness
of the human race
to fertilize the seed
of evolutionary growth."
The fullness of your bliss,
I feel it.
I feel it all.
Crazy witches! Ha ha!
Don't look at me.
You are not to fraternize
with any of these girls.
But, Miss Mantel... No buts.
We'd like you
to observe silence
in the corridors and
the communal areas.
You will not attend assemblies,
and you'll be
taking games alone.
On now.
They stink.
May I have absolute silence?
I want to hear a pin drop.
We're very fortunate
to have Mrs. Maud Leese
from the Stockshire
Women's Circle joining us today
to give a talk entitled
"Accidents in the Home."
Good morning.
I wonder how many girls
are aware of the work
of the Women's Circle.
I see.
Well, I have brought leaflets
that can be given out
As Miss Alvaro has informed you,
I'm here today to talk
about accidents in the home.
Unfortunately, your home
is the place where...
I'm sorry.
Accidents are most
likely to occur.
They are frequently
either burns or...
Girls. For crying out loud.
I'm so sorry.
"Everything that lives
"serves the purposes
of the earth.
"Everything that dies
serves the moon.
"Everything that lives serves
the purposes of the earth.
Everything that dies..."
Now, girls...
"Everything that dies
serves to moon."
Now today
I'm going to talk to you
about the devil.
The devil can enter you
in many ways.
So please cross you legs.
I feel so crummy.
"Accidents in the..."
"Accidents in the Home."
I have brought leaflets
which can be given out.
Shows the test results.
I haven't got a decent coat.
Go on, mum.
Do it for me,
for me.
Take anything she might need.
Good idea.
Why can't you care?
That what you were doing?
The school has been shut down.
Kenneth Nevercan.
You're the brother. Yep.
You must believe
something's wrong now.
I suppose all this
can't be from nothing.
It's them and us, Titch.
Don't look at me like that.
You make me feel
I'm making this up.
If it's how you feel,
it's how you feel.
I don't know.
It's like Ouspensky said...
"To be free,
one must be conscious."
Seems simple,
but it's not simple.
It's all about...
Sometimes I wonder who you see
when you look at me.
I see my friend Lydia,
and I see a powerful
Nobody knows
who I am anymore...
Yeah? Yeah.
What I'm really like...
what I think about doing.
I wanted you to know
I've been discharged,
most of the other girls, too.
They didn't find
anything wrong?
All my tests were clear.
That's wonderful. Hmm.
Poor Abigail Mortimer.
She thought she knew it all,
naive, little thing.
Abbie and Lydia, so very close.
Those skirts.
She'll move on.
The young always do.
I'm sorry we have
to let you go.
It's OK. It's all right.
I was getting a little...
Anyway, I have my heart.
Are you going to have it?
I didn't think you'd be
so understanding, Miss Mantel.
It's not as if I'm married.
Neither was I.
You mean...
Contrary to popular belief,
I was never a nun.
No. I was going to say,
you had a child?
Let's see, Susan.
Is there any friend
in particular
you especially
look up to, admire?
So who was the first
person in your age group
to show symptoms?
If you don't want to
talk about it, just say.
Any history of illness
in the family?
My cousin. She has fits.
Have you witnessed a seizure?
When you first noticed
your symptoms,
had anything happened...
exams, an illness
around you, a death?
If I were a fly on the wall
in your house,
what would I see, Janet?
Just, like, a normal family,
normal like normal.
Your teachers,
what are they like?
Well, Miss Alvaro,
she wouldn't care
if we were all dead,
and Miss Mantel,
she's a malicious prude.
I like M...
Miss Charron.
She's been sick, too.
She's close in age to you?
That's important, isn't it?
I think so, too.
Have you had
sexual intercourse?
I can't really remember.
Your mother? Well is she?
I haven't caught
anything off her,
if that's what you mean.
Do you like the
attention you get
from your mother
when you faint?
I hate it if she
gets concerned about me.
Have you had your first
sexual experience, Lydia?
I don't do things like that.
Could you expand?
I don't put dates on things.
You know, I read
that one person is
really like 3 people...
the person you think you are,
the person other people see,
and the person you really are.
You're a bright
girl, aren't you?
Don't patronize me.
Is that what
you think I'm doing?
I don't know what you're
doing, if anything.
I'm not...
I'm not.
Your father?
I don't know him.
She drove him away.
She squeezes the life
out of everybody.
You've talked to
your mother about him?
What's a man I've never known
got to do with all this?
Have you ever had
irregular periods
or excessive bleeding?
You ask everyone that?
Just the female
patients, of course.
It's important to have a record
of all your physical symptoms.
All I know is that I'm...
I'm feeling...
is that I'm feeling...
I... I feel...
I f... It's... I... It's...
I... I feel...
What do you feel, Lydia?
No one wants
the truth, do they?
That does make me angry.
Write that down.
I think there's
quite a lot going on
under that anger.
It's racing.
It's like it's gonna jump out.
I resent this idea that
we're just emotional.
This is real.
It's real in its
consequences, yes.
What's important here is
that it's real to you.
Real to me?
What does that mean?
It's real to all of us.
Something's seriously wrong.
Why is everyone ignoring us?
He's prescribed
tranquilizers for all of us.
They don't seem to want
to believe we're ill.
My advice...
don't take the pills
and try to hide your symptoms.
I'm finding, being in
the more advanced stages,
that my symptoms don't
show as much, anyway.
Advanced stages?
Yeah, Connie,
being further along.
I'm ahead.
You just can't stand that
we're all feeling ill, too.
No. I'm glad you're ill.
Well, no, not glad, but
you know what I mean.
I'm gonna get my parents
to arrange for us
to see a leading
medical specialist.
Susan... Susie.
Come on!
I'm not gonna let you down.
Hysterical contagion...
that's the diagnosis...
the wandering womb.
Hysteria, from the
Greek for uterus.
Hippocrates believed
that the disordered womb
led to hysteria.
The standards of behavior
must be kept.
This is a school.
It's not a mental institution.
This generation,
they think they're
so misunderstood.
If they'd any idea
what it's like
to be a middle-aged woman,
they'd know what
misunderstood meant.
Sounds to me like they
didn't find anything wrong.
The tests weren't
advanced enough.
You didn't go mentioning me
to them, did you?
The world doesn't revolve
around you, Eileen.
You know, I'm
supposed to go see
another psychiatrist.
I don't think you'll have
much choice but to come.
They'll ask lots
of probing questions
about you, you know.
They're very interested
in exactly why
I am like I am.
Have you got any
idea what it's like
having you as a mother?
It's so unfair!
Everything has to be
brought to you!
What do you want with me?
what's Crazy Face
gone and done now?
But, you know, I'm definitely
in the advanced stages, too.
That specialist
of yours will just
put it down to female hormones.
I mean, it could be
all kinds of things
for all sorts of reasons.
Tastes metallic.
You're nothing
like her, you know.
You've never actually
cried for Abbie,
have you?
Anyway, I've not
come to see you.
Here to see Kenneth.
We started seeing
each other now.
You know, we've got
a real thing.
I requested to see you, Lydia...
You never liked her, did you?
Excuse me?
Her name's Abbie.
As much as I'd like to take
a close interest
in every pupil's...
You gonna tell me
exactly what's going on?
Are you?
You're afraid of me.
You're merely a girl.
What you writing?
It's nothing. It's about me.
You go around in that thing.
You're so... You're so...
The school secretary
is personally visiting
your mother this morning
to deliver the news.
It is for the best, Lydia.
It is with regret
that I must inform you...
You can't.
You can't get rid of me.
I have rights.
So we thank you, Miss Charron,
for your invaluable contribution
in recent years
and give you good wishes
for the future,
and finally in response
to recent events,
I wish to clarify
that absolutely nothing
has been found in any tests
on the school or on the pupils.
We have a reassuringly clean
bill of health.
Anyone that says otherwise
is willfully wrong.
You'll never get rid of me.
I will not tolerate
such conduct in this school.
You all know
something is wrong.
Get her out.
Are you not gonna
fight for the truth?
What have you been
reduced to...
Prefects, get her out.
You're all asleep.
To be free, you must
be conscious.
Kill the system!
It's killing you!
Up, up up.
It's gonna be the same thing
every day
for the rest of our lives.
Same thing every year
the rest of our lives.
Lydia, you really should leave.
To be free,
you must be conscious.
Why does everyone want
to get rid of me?
Uh! Uh!
Get off of me.
There's something here.
I think they left something,
some poison.
You're wrong.
Block the door.
Stop it.
What have I done to you?
You haven't done anything.
They should've kept me
in the hospital.
I'm mad. I'm crazy.
You are not crazy, Lydia.
You are not crazy.
You are not mad.
We're normal.
If it's real to me
and made-up,
I would've really been ill.
What? What about us?
We've all had it, Lydia.
I've not.
We've all got it.
Nobody can just faint.
I guess I started it.
Well, it happened
to me very early,
and, I can assure you,
I'm no faker.
I'm not... I'm not a copycat.
All of the tests were negative,
and how come the others
recovered so quickly?
The psychiatrist said
if it was real to me...
I don't think it is.
You know what, Lydia?
You're the fake.
Everything's wrong.
I'm expelled.
Good for you.
Feels like you're
blacking out, dying.
Even you don't want me.
It's not like that.
You know it's not.
Mm. Oh...
Mm. Mm.
Ooh... oh...
But it comes...
small death.
Hey, you, come on. Come on.
Get away from her! Go on, you!
Get the hell away!
Get out of my house! Get out!
Stop it! You're...
You get off me!
Get. Go. Get out of my house.
Go on.
Stop looking at her. I mean it.
You disgust me.
You ought to be locked up.
You're dangerous.
I... I...
I forgot he was...
uh, my brother.
You forgot?
Oh, you've not been ill,
but you are sick,
and you're sick in the head.
There's not a man
to be trusted.
I know he went and left you,
but you must have
trusted him once,
and you have two kids with him.
One. Two.
There's me, remember?
One. Two.
I can count. Ha! What?
You're not his.
That's why he ran away.
He's not mine?
Just forget it. It's history.
It's my history. Who is he?
Is he... Is he still alive?
Oh, come on.
You've got to tell me.
Well, was there...
Is there something
wrong with him?
There was, wasn't there?
What's wrong with me? Who am I?
He came from the shadows...
And then...
Uh, uh, you mean...
y... you were... you...
you were... I... I'm...
Ha! Oh...
And I look like him, don't I?
Uh, I've grown up
looking like him.
I... I always knew
something was wrong.
Now I know. It was me.
It's always been me.
I should never have said...
I'm glad. I know the truth.
In time, this mantled oak,
let's meet underneath it
the same day every year
for the rest of our lives.
In time, this mantled oak...
Ha! Ha ha!
I feel so free! Ha ha!
Ha ha! Lydia...
Lydia, sweetie,
please come down.
Ha ha ha! Look at me, Mum.
Look at me. Watch me. Watch me.
Watch me. No, no, sweetie.
Please, just come down.
Lydia, please come down.
Ha ha ha!
We could go to the seaside.
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
That'd be nice. We've
never been to the seaside.
Uh... I feel so real.
I feel so awake,
free, so conscious.
Ha! Ha ha!
What the hell is the problem?
My God.
There's nothing wrong with you.
"Our birth is but a sleep
and a forgetting:
"The Soul that rises with us,
our life's Star,
"Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar."
Ha ha! Oh...
Oh, thank God.