The Family (2013)

Who's that?
How should I know?
Hello? Hello?
The only real question we should
ask ourselves during our existence is
how much is a man's life worth?
Knowing what you're worth is like
knowing what day you're gonna die.
Me? I'm worth $20 million,
and I'd hand over every last dollar
to get my old life back.
Sweetie? Wake up, we're here.
- Fuck. It's about time.
- Warren. Language.
Mom, we've been on the road 11 hours
and it smells like
a skunk's butt-crack back here.
That's no reason to talk like a punk.
- It's the dog.
Yeah. No kidding it's the dog.
If you washed him once in a while
like I asked you to,
we wouldn't have this problem.
Yeah, yeah.
We're looking for number ten.
- Next, on the left.
- There are no numbers.
No, I know. Stansfield said that.
That's it, yeah.
No, no, the left, and then...
That's it up there. Right.
Over here.
That's it.
No electricity?
No, there is, but they must have
turned the power off.
- Mom, what are you doing?
- Scaring the rats away.
- There are rats here?
- Who knows? You never know.
- I'm not staying here if there are rats.
- Belle, don't start, please.
Anyway, your father can't stand them.
Give him 24 hours,
he'll have killed
every single rodent in the place.
Belle, you're upstairs on the right.
Warren, opposite your sister.
- It's cold here.
- Well, I'll make a fire.
Idiots forgot the TV again.
- Tomorrow, they said.
- "Tomorrow," that's their favorite word.
Hey, you two, don't chew me out
whenever anything is missing.
Go see, talk to them yourselves.
Does anybody know
what this place is called?
Cholong-sur-Avre, Normandy.
The Avre part is a river.
Besides our boys landing here in '44,
what's Normandy famous for?
- Camembert.
- Calvados.
The Riviera had both those things,
and sunshine.
Yeah, so did Paris.
Yeah, right. But here is where we live
now, where they make the cheese,
and that's it,
so get used to the real world.
There you are. Good dog.
Hey, hon.
You want a hand with the bags?
No, no, no, I got it, I got it.
Get the kids to sleep, they gotta
get ready for school tomorrow.
I know it wasn't you,
but I couldn't say nothing.
Where the hell did you go?
- Checking out the property.
- It's so big?
Just getting my bearings.
I was trying to help the dog
find himself a spot.
- Tomorrow, I'll find mine.
- Oh, good.
No cereals, no toast, no peanut butter.
So you'll have to make do
with the apple donuts
I got from the bakery this morning.
- Where's this school at?
- I've drawn them a map.
- Do we still have the same names?
- No, we are the Blake family.
Just in case.
- Your hair is damp.
- Mom, it's fine.
- Have a good day.
- Bye, Dad.
Love you.
- Love you too.
I'm gonna go check out the town
- and get some groceries.
- All right.
Try not to slob around all day
in your robe, OK?
- No, 'cause of the neighbors?
- No, for your morale.
My morale is OK, honey. Don't worry
about me. I'm just a little out of it,
but you adjust more easily
than I do to these things.
What do we say
if we run into the neighbors?
Just give me some time to think
about that. In the meantime,
just give them a nice smile, and that'll
give us time to come up with an idea.
And Stansfield asked me to make sure
that you don't step outside
the front gate.
- Until when?
- Until he gets here.
And you're not supposed to mention
the Riviera.
Where are we from then?
The States, sweetie.
This is not looking good.
Yeah, we're playing
in the minor league now.
- We'll debrief at lunch?
- OK.
- Voil.
- Mm. Thank you, miss.
Is there anything in this area
worth seeing?
You know, museum, monument?
There is
a pressing museum machine,
uh, at Verneuil.
Um... There's St. Cecilia's Church,
uh, with it, mm, 15th century
stained-glass windows.
Oh. Can I walk there from here?
No. It's next town, 20 kilometers.
Next town...
- You're the Yank?
- What do you want?
If you're American, you must be rich.
Wow, you must have read
some pretty big books
to get to be the big intellectual.
You gonna act the smartass with us,
are you?
OK, can we just cut to the chase here?
What game are you in?
Bullying, protection, shakedowns?
You got a monopoly
or do you divvy up the market?
What do you reinvest your dough in?
Welcome to Cholong, Yankee.
Sorry, any what?
Du beurre de cacahute...
Peanut butter.
Ah. No, we don't stock
stuff like that, lady.
I was only asking.
I'm sorry,
but where might I find the pasta?
On the end, on the right,
after the dog food.
- Merci.
- You're welcome.
That makes 92 francs, please.
Keep the change.
- Is it any good?
- I think it's edible.
So how is the recon going?
- It's fine.
- Shoot.
Well, the four jerks
that were hitting on you before,
they're in the 12th grade,
and they organize the summer prom.
Remind me not to attend.
The big guy with the cap,
he's the rugby team captain.
He'd do anything to get good grades
in math,
and he's friends with Jimi Hendrix.
Who's in love with the girl
with the pink ribbon in her hair.
And the girl coming
straight from Gotham City,
runs the school black market
on cigarettes.
The gossip girls over by the window,
they're the sister of the son of a bitch
who plays Dumbo in the corner.
He the one that did that to your eye?
Yeah. Don't worry, he'll get his.
- I already know his weak point.
- Which is?
He needs a sound system
for his party in two weeks.
There's only one guy
who can get the gear he needs,
and that is the engineer's son
over there, sitting on his own.
You don't waste any time, do you?
I don't have time to waste.
Bon apptit.
GIO VANNl: In 1931, my grandfather
drove one of the 200 Cadillacs
hired by the legendary Vito Genovese
for his wife 's funeral cortege.
In 1957, my father, Cesare Manzoni,
was one of the 107 bosses
from all over the country
who was invited to the Apalachin
Convention, which ended in a manhunt.
Can you picture me punching
a timecard at some factory?
I could have rebelled and gone straight
to annoy my father.
But that was never gonna happen.
I took over the family business
on my own free will.
Nobody forced me.
Even now ifl got all the best hitmen
in America on my ass,
ready to blow me away
and pick up those 20 million bucks,
I don't have a single regret.
And, to tell the truth, deep down,
you know what, I'm flattered.
Good dog.
Roses need constant
love and attention.
- You've just moved in?
- Yeah. Yesterday.
- American?
- Uh-huh.
- Ah.
- Good or bad?
You know, France is a
favorite destination for foreigners.
Are you staying long?
No, I've never stayed long anywhere.
We move around a lot.
- 'Cause of my work.
- Ah. And what do you do?
- I'm a writer.
- A writer?
And what are you? A novelist?
No, no. Well, maybe one day,
but now it's just history.
The landings. It's a commission.
That's why we're here.
- Landings. That's a vast subject.
- Yeah.
What's your angle on it?
My angle? Well, the Marines.
It's a kind of a tribute to them.
I thought there were only GI's
involved in the landings.
Yeah, but I'm going to discuss the Army
and the core of it and so on,
starting with the fleets.
You know, before the landings,
there was the boardings.
Sure. I guess you'll be devoting
a chapter to Operation Overlord.
Well, I don't think a single chapter
could cover that.
What the 314th Infantry
did in Taubenhof tops it all for me.
Young fellas, from Texas
mostly, weren't they?
Oh yeah, yeah, those guys,
they were like real cowboys.
That's for sure. Yeah.
Jeez, it's four o'clock already.
I've got to get back in the house.
The kids are coming back to school.
- Nice to meet you.
- It was nice meeting you.
Same here.
Why the fuck didn't I just say
I was a novelist?
The window depicts the life
of St. Martin.
It is 15th century stained glass.
- Oh.
- Are you sightseeing in the region?
No, my family and I just moved here.
- Uh... Well, not too far from here.
- Welcome to you then.
It's always with great pleasure
that I welcome
a new member of our congregation.
A bientt.
A bientt.
Wow. That's amazing.
- I'm a collector, too.
- Really?
Yeah. I mean, nothing like you.
I only started a few months ago.
The only one I'm missing
is PSG's number eight.
I'll have to check, but I think
I may be able to help you out with that.
If you have it, honestly,
I'll give anything you want for it.
That's a deal, man.
Hey. You want a ride?
Thanks, but I've been sitting all day.
It's good for me to walk.
Sure, but it's a chance
to get to know each other.
- And show you round town.
- It won't take long, you know.
Come on, Miss America.
Just a quick ride to welcome you
to our beautiful town.
And this way,
they get to improve their English.
I just think I missed a turn.
- Where do you live?
- Rue des Favorites.
Aah. That is miles away.
It'll be dark before you get home.
Open the door.
Just a quick ride.
You're the boss.
Hey, we aren't leaving town, are we?
You have to see the leisure park where
everybody meets up at the weekend.
- Do you like swimming?
- Sure.
I got the feeling Miss America's
gonna knock 'em dead at the pool.
- What are you guys doing?
- Just taking a little break.
Yeah, well, I think I should get home.
It's a little much for my first day.
Hey, relax.
It is just five minutes
to get to know each other better.
Get off! Get off! Get off!
Hey, boys,
if this is your approach to women,
you're not gonna get very far.
Girls are not some toys
that you fuck in the park.
OK? Your future depends on women.
Don't you care about your future?
So take care of them,
or else you're not gonna have one.
Mom bought supplies
for the whole year.
- Did she find any peanut butter?
- You're joking.
- Hi, honey.
- Hey.
How was your day?
- Good.
Title and author.
A lot ofletters up there,
and a lot ofmoney to be made
for charity. Angie, you'll start.
Hi, Don Luchese.
You asked for some ice?
It's not him.
OK, OK, I'll keep looking.
Va bene.
How about your teachers?
What are they like?
- Pretty good.
- Fucking bad.
Warren, can you please avoid using
the word "fuck" in every sentence?
- Sorry, Mom.
- We're not in Brooklyn anymore.
Your mother's right, son.
We're not in Brooklyn anymore.
In fact, I don't there is anywhere further
from Brooklyn than this fucking rat hole.
I'll get it. Finish up
and help your mother clear the dishes.
- How was the first day?
- It was pretty good.
- Anything to report?
- Nothing... special, no.
Kids? School?
You know, they always
adjust better than we do.
- I heard you already met the neighbor.
- The guy on the left, yeah.
- What did you talk about?
- Nothing much, roses, mostly.
Roses, good.
You can talk for hours about roses.
Yeah, you know, I was thinking...
How about this for a profession,
a writer?
Writer, good.
It explains your sedentary nature.
- OK. Writer it is.
- But stick to simple subjects.
Airport novels, children's literature,
shit like that.
- A war novel, maybe?
- No.
Anything else?
They forgot the TV.
We can't find five boxes.
The mover drove his truck off the ditch,
broke the TV.
We ordered a new one, be here
this week. Boxes, I don't know.
- All right.
- Uh...
Mourad... Mourad, uh...
Benkassem. Guy had a little shop
down in Nice. You know?
Yeah, he was the guy that
sold the Italian produce to my wife.
He vanished two days ago.
You have any idea where he might be?
No. Why are you asking me?
'Cause you beat the shit out of him
two weeks ago,
and if I hadn't been there,
the guy would've died.
That "poor guy" tried to sell me
a dozen lobsters,
said they were fresh out of the ocean.
I cut into them,
they're frozen, rotten. Could have
killed me and my whole family.
What the hell do you want
with a dozen lobsters anyway, Fred?
I just pooled together
with some of the neighbors, that's all.
You're not allowed to make
any business deals, Freddy.
None. You remember that?
I was just trying to earn a little cash,
that's all.
What the hell for?
You're gonna go take a vacation?
So you don't know where Mourad's at?
No, but if you find him,
you can tell him for me
I'm not gonna pay
for those fucking lobsters.
Try to fit in, will you, Freddy?
I'm getting tired of finding you
a new place to live every 90 days.
Can I rely on you to try?
Sure, as long as I can rely on you.
You know what's gonna happen to
you and your family when they find you?
You're here to make sure that don't
happen, right? I mean that's your job.
Try not to make my job impossible.
I gotta go.
I'll be back in a couple of days.
I'm going to leave you
Di Cicco and Mimmo.
I'm gonna sleep better now.
- Say hi to Maggie for me.
- Yeah, you bet.
- What did he say?
- Eh... The usual standard bullshit.
What kind of fucking name is that?
Hey, Maggie.
- Hi, babe.
- Hello, hello.
Oh, you shouldn't have.
Put them right there.
Listen, I'm gonna go
put this down there, OK?
Hi, guys.
- Get yourselves something to eat.
- OK.
Hey. I'm so glad you could make it.
- Oh. Hey, what a party.
- Thank you.
Hey, babe.
How you doing?
Can I get you anything?
- Yeah, get me a scotch and water.
- OK.
Coming up.
Glad to see ya.
- Aah!
- What's wrong, honey? What?
No... in the yard in Brooklyn.
I was dreamin' about...
Try not to think about it
or you won't get a wink of sleep.
Yeah. Yeah.
GIO VANNl: If the story I'm going
to tell you didn't happen to me,
I'd never be able to make it up.
Of the version
Stansfield sold everybody,
I alone know
what's true and what isn't true.
But he's gotta keep his mouth shut,
in the line ofduty. It's different for me.
Fuck the line ofduty.
All I want is for the truth,
the whole truth, to be told just once,
to say what really happened.
Even ifnobody ever reads these words.
Maggie? Can you get me a coffee?
Maggie, you hear me?
Maggie? You don't hear me calling you?
Drop the Italian Stallion act, will ya?
Honey, I was working.
Might we know what you're doing
on that typewriter?
Yeah, I was, uh, writing.
I'm not buying it, Giovanni,
so save your bullshit for the neighbors.
No, I told you, I was writing.
You can hardly read,
and you're gonna drop a book on us
about the Normandy landings? You
don't even know who Eisenhower was.
Forget the Normandy landings.
That's just a decoy.
I was writing something else.
So share it with us.
What are you writing?
My memoirs.
I knew it.
Stan thinks it's a good idea.
I think it's a good idea, too, as a cover.
Not for you to actually write
your fucking memoirs.
Do you realize what a shitstorm
this would land us in?
- I didn't say I was going to publish it.
- I should hope not.
With your photo on the cover?
The one and only Giovanni Manzoni.
Honey, I got to get it out.
It's good for me to write the truth.
You know, even if I'm the only person
that sees it.
I gotta know who I am, you understand?
Not through the eyes of my old life
or the Feds, but through my own eyes.
Honey, I understand, but you could
have come up with something else.
I mean, being an author's wife
isn't exactly glamorous.
It sounds too much like "trophy wife."
You could have consulted me, at least.
You gave me architect
when we were in the south of France.
- Oh, please...
- The whole neighborhood came to me
and asked me to build
swimming pools and pizza ovens.
OK, you know what,
forget about that now.
If you could be a plumber for five
minutes, I would really appreciate it.
The water in the sink
is coming out brown.
Did you call anybody?
I called the guy, made two
appointments, he never showed.
- Where are you going now?
- Working for you.
- Hi, guys.
Hey, Maggie.
Roasted peppers in olive oil,
just how you like them,
with lots of garlic.
This is really sweet of you, Maggie.
The smell alone takes you back home.
- You have any of that bread left?
- Yeah.
Go on then, what are you waiting for?
You were supposed to be here
at nine in the morning,
you don't show up till about noon.
What's that all about?
Yeah, I know. You're sure this time?
You... OK... no, all right, all right.
No, I'll be here. I'm not going nowhere,
but don't make me wait, please.
Hey, did Stan tell you guys
about the barbecue?
I don't know where Gio
came up with the...
- Fred...
I don't know where he came up with
the idea, but he's pretty set on it.
The boss thinks it's a good idea,
help you guys make friends
in the neighborhood.
"Friends"? No swearing, please.
- So good.
- Mm.
If anybody would have told me
I'd be living in the land of cream...
Last night, at the restaurant I ate in,
there was cream in the soup,
the veal and the apple pie.
God, not to mention the butter.
Mamma mia, the butter is even worse.
They put it in everything.
- It's not even natural.
- Sorry?
The human body was not designed
to combat saturated fat like that.
The butter impregnates the tissues,
and then it hardens and settles like silt.
It makes your aorta stiffer
than a hockey stick.
Whereas olive oil...
...caresses your insides,
leaving nothing behind but its scent.
- That's right. Oil's in the Bible.
- Yeah.
Why don't you just ask them to hold
the sauce, instead of scraping it off?
We're supposed to assimilate,
Yeah, but there are limits.
Dad's barbecue can't come fast enough.
At least, we'll get to eat
some decent food for once.
- How was your morning?
- Busy.
- Awesome.
- What do you got for me?
Here, your math homework.
Can I rely on you when the time comes?
You have my word.
I got the report
on your little business, here.
If you give me some time to make
a fake one, your folks will never know.
What do you want in return?
We share the cigarette market 50-50.
Ooh... Don't move.
Take one of these just before.
You'll feel like a horse.
You're the man.
- You're a pervert.
- Thanks. What about you?
Well, some girl took
my pink pencil case.
You're joking? Find out who did it?
It took a while,
but eventually I found it.
- You're a maniac.
- Thank you.
Do you know who that is?
Yeah. He's a college student
who's replacing
the Whale while
she's on maternity leave.
He started yesterday.
All the senior skanks are on the case.
So, you'll have your
work cut out for you.
On top of that,
he's obsessive about math.
He's studying for
some really tough exam.
Math geeks are such a pain in the ass.
Why don't you just get a jock instead.
They think less.
What do you notice first about a guy?
His eyes.
The family at number 12,
what are they like?
The mother's a klepto.
She got banned from
the mall in Alenon.
The father, he had a bypass surgery.
Other than that, nothing special.
Except for the kid
being held back in seventh grade.
You think they'll come to the barbecue?
Oh, don't worry,
everybody's gonna be there.
They can't wait to check you guys out.
- It's the weekend's main event.
- What the hell is this? It's good.
- What the fuck is Calvados?
It's good, it keeps you warm.
You get a little...
- It's happened to me before.
- Remember that job in Texas?
Hey... Ramirez, the plumber.
You said five minutes,
that was 45 minutes ago.
You know what we say around here?
Better late than never.
Thank you, excuse me.
Oh, la-la-la-la.
Look at the state of your pipes.
They must be at least 100 years old.
So, that explains
the color of the water?
- I didn't say that.
- What are you saying, then?
I'm saying it could be the pipes,
but it could be an external issue.
- External?
- Sure. The mains.
But you'd have to take that up
with the mayor's office.
So, what do I do about the pipes now?
- For now? Nothing.
- Yeah.
If it's a money issue,
we could work something out.
Money doesn't solve everything.
But you're lucky if you've got money,
because renovating your plumbing
is gonna cost you an arm, and maybe
a leg, as we say around here.
If not both arms and both legs, right?
So, what do you think I should do?
You call my wife,
you pay 50 percent up front,
and you make a new appointment.
We're a family of plumbers.
My wife keeps the books,
my son's learning the trade
at college in Alenon.
We're a proud family of plumbers.
Father and sons for five generations.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
And you, what's your line of work?
Let me show you.
GIO VANNl: Al Capone always said,
"Asking polite with a gun in your hand
is better than just asking polite. "
Thanks for everything.
Oh, my pleasure.
Hey, would you get me a little ristretto?
Our coffee machine
broke during the move.
- Coming right up.
- Thanks.
Good night, sir.
Good night.
- Hi, there.
- Hi.
- I need private lessons.
- You need private lessons in math?
Unless you have any other specialties?
No, no, I only do math.
So, um...
What's your level?
What's more important,
a good level or motivation?
That's all I have.
No, to give you this.
What I don't understand is
how he could break his legs like this,
by falling down the steps.
Well, they're stone steps,
so they're pretty steep. Uh...
Sure, but there are not 200.
This man has as many fractures
as a man who might have fallen
from the sixth floor.
He had his bag on his shoulder and the
hammer might have hit and somehow...
That might explain one or two, not 12.
- How do you explain 12?
- I don't know. I'm not a doctor.
I'm a writer.
I know him.
He's a friend of my husband...
...but he has a beard now.
Do you know where I might find him?
He's vanished too.
You have no idea
where he could have gone?
Hey, who are you looking for really?
My father or this guy?
You know, in our line of work,
we have to follow up with every lead.
One clue often leads to another.
How about you? Tell us why
the FBI is on the case?
It's part of a cooperation program
between our two countries.
Can I see your badge?
GIO VANNl: In the next chapters,
I'll show myself to be
one of the nastiest bastards
ever to walk the earth.
I won't spare myself,
I'll tell the story without trying
to make myselflook good.
But in this chapter, I'll do the opposite
and demonstrate to you
that ifyou take a closer look,
I'm a good guy.
I'll prove it to you in ten points,
a bit like one ofL etterman's Late Show
top ten lists.
So here we go. Number 10...
I am always upfront, always.
You promised me the fucking money.
Where's my fucking money?
- Bust.
- Oh, yeah?
Number 9: I never look for a scapegoat.
Number 8: Lfyou give me a job,
I'll always see it through.
No... No.
GIO VANNl: Number 7: I never showed
contempt forpeople who feared me.
Don't move for ten minutes,
you understand?
Number 6: I never betrayed the guy
who gave me my first gun.
Did you ever work for this man?
GIO VANNl: Number 5:
I never wished any harm on anybody.
- Hey, man.
- Hey.
- Hey, what's goin' on?
- Hey.
Hey, punk.
No, it's all right.
Number 4: I lived outside the law,
but only outlaws didn't judge me.
Number 3: Anybody
who doesn't contradict me
can expect nothing
but good things from me.
No more pictures, you understand?
Thank you.
- GIO VANNl: Number 2...
- Hey, Giovanni...
In my neighborhood,
when I was running it,
there was never
a single robbery on the street.
People lived and slept easy.
Number 1: Of the top ten reasons
why I'm a good guy,
I don't like to cause pain
for no reason because
all my sadistic urges are satisfied
when I cause pain for a good reason.
Wait, I'm not fucking finished.
- I thought you quit.
- I had.
It's just one. I needed it.
- You all right?
- Nothing much.
Just the prospect
of packing up again and moving
when they find out
you killed the plumber.
I didn't kill him.
I took him to the hospital.
Why'd you beat him to a pulp?
He's the only plumber
within a radius of 20 miles.
But he disrespected us
and he made you wait on him.
Honey, I survived.
And the guy was tryin' to rip me off.
He tried to make me change all the
pipes without giving me no assurance
that the problem would be solved.
So put yourself in my shoes.
I definitely wouldn't have beat him up.
Who's gonna fix the pipes now?
Who's gonna rebuild the supermarket
that burned down the day we got here?
All these supermarkets
going up in smoke everywhere we go.
The plumber told me it might be
the main water supply.
I'm gonna see the mayor tomorrow.
Oh, are you gonna
whack the mayor now?
Oh, no, I'm gonna take care of this thing
and get to the bottom of it.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
Come on,
when you gonna chill out?
- Mmm...
- Hmm?
- What are you doing?
- I'm talkin' to you.
You get me so excited.
You're more beautiful than ever
when you get angry.
- You're sick.
- Nah, nah.
- Maybe I should see a psychiatrist?
- Get off me.
I think you should see a psychiatrist.
- You're my psychiatrist.
- Oh, God forbid.
You know, what even gets me
more turned on?
When you start
lighting those fires everywhere.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- You don't?
OK, Gio, not here. Come on, come on.
- Get off me.
- No, here. Here.
Then in the hallway.
We'll finish at the kitchen.
Say, who's this Henri you invited?
Somebody told you about him?
No, he called to see
what time the barbecue started.
- He did?
- Yeah. So, who is he?
He's this teacher at the school.
He will be a teacher.
He has his exams soon
and he's been giving me
private lessons.
- Private lessons?
- Math lessons, Mom.
Fine. You have condoms, at least?
- Mom!
- What?
We do the lessons at school,
in study hall.
You know,
desire sneaks up on you, honey.
It never waits for the right time or place.
Take your father, for example.
The first time he jumped on me
was in church,
the very last place I expected
to lose my virginity.
It's gonna be different for me, Mom.
I'm gonna choose
the time and the place,
and it will be with the love of my life.
Sweetheart, couldn't you have
got something else other than Coke?
Why? This is what they expect from us.
What, Coke?
No, American slop.
Fatty, greasy Yankee chow.
That's what they expect,
pornographic food.
Don't even think about using that
vocabulary in front of your father.
Yeah, Mom, listen, the French
are sick of healthy eating
and macrobiotic, steamed vegetables
and seaweed.
OK, what they expect is color,
noise and excess.
They want rodeo and two-pound steaks.
- I'm not so sure.
- Can you just trust me, please?
There's going to be a line out the door
like it's a whorehouse.
- The whole town's coming through.
- Yeah. Looks like they're a big hit.
- Yes, boss.
How's it going?
- Pretty good.
- I'll be there in an hour.
- OK.
- Meanwhile, go join the party.
- Are you sure?
- You're the neighbor, right?
- OK.
- So, get over there, and join the party.
- What did he say?
- We gotta go to the party.
I'm relying on you two.
Don't mess this up.
Polite, ordinary, nothing eccentric, OK?
- OK.
- Warren, did you call your father?
Yeah, he said he'd come
as soon as he finished his chapter.
- Oh God.
- What does that mean, his chapter?
I have no idea.
But for the survival of the species,
it's best if the whole world
doesn't find out.
- OK. Yep.
- OK? All right.
Hi. Welcome.
Thank you so much for coming.
Oh, those are beautiful.
Thank you so much.
Hello, I'm Maggie. Oh, we're neighbors.
Hello, nice to meet you.
This is my son Warren.
Sweetie, will you put these in water?
My daughter Belle.
Hello, nice to meet you. Welcome.
Come in, make yourself at home.
I'm Maggie.
I confess I'm curious to taste a real
hamburger made by real Americans.
Well, hopefully, in less than ten
minutes, your wish will be fulfilled.
You're going to take that silverware
and put it back where you found it,
nice and easy, or else I'm gonna
break both your arms.
I'll be right there.
Excuse me. Sweetheart...
I want you to go find your father
and tell him
if he hasn't lit his barbecue
in the next five minutes,
I'll burn the fucking house down.
- Excuse me.
- Sorry to interrupt.
Everybody's waiting for you
to start the barbecue.
OK, yeah.
- You OK?
- Yeah.
Writing is intense.
I feel like I've been lookin' at myself
in a mirror all day.
- You gonna be OK?
- Yeah.
It's just, I was thinkin'
about you and your brother.
How I always didn't do the right thing
by both of you and...
...and I put you in a tricky situation...
...and I regret that.
Dad, what are you talking about?
You're the best Dad
anybody could ever ask for.
- Really?
- Fuck, yeah.
Well, let's go party then.
- You OK, boys?
- Oh, yeah.
- Mag, you make the best pasta.
- Aw, thanks.
You give yourself
away with pasta like this.
Everybody'll realize
you're actual Italians.
I added a little cream
to throw the people off the scent.
That's not how you do it, Mr. Blake.
You put too much charcoal on too soon.
You know, this isn't the first time
I prepared a barbeque.
I build a wood fire. It takes longer,
but the quality is so much better.
Your charcoal isn't good quality.
You have to get it from Michel
on the north side of town.
- Or use very dry wood.
- You'll never get it started.
You should empty it out and start over.
It will be quicker.
Ah, Mr. Blake, one cannot possess
every talent,
the talent to write beautiful words,
and the talent to light fires.
Hey, Stan.
Stand me to a drink, Fred?
Yeah. Give a couple minutes
to get this baby rocked.
- I'll meet you at the bar.
- Take your time.
Gentlemen, in two minutes,
your burgers will be
sizzling and cooked to perfection.
Good crowd.
Congratulations, Fred.
It's a huge success.
Well, it's missing a... I don't know,
a certain je ne sais quoi.
No, you miss the social charm
of a bunch of wiseguys
sitting around in the shade. Huh?
Come on, Stan, Have some respect.
Those guys were my family.
Even if I snitched on them,
they were still my family
and those were the best years of my life.
- Whalberg asked about you.
- Yeah, Whalberg?
Nice to know he's concerned about me.
I hear he got himself elected
to the Senate?
It's always been his big dream.
He's even got a weekly meeting
at the White House.
Smart man. Great.
So, what did he want?
Oh, he just wants to know how you're...
What you're doing.
Mm. Yeah. Tell him I write.
I did. That's what bothers him.
Uh... He's got nothin' to worry about.
At this point, I've just got
a few pages down. It's all random stuff.
You intend to tell the whole story?
Stan, how could anybody
tell the whole story?
If I want people to believe me,
I gotta tone it down.
Otherwise they'll think
I made the whole fucking thing up.
You want people to read it?
At this point, that would be pretentious.
OK, what's funny, Fred?
I haven't written a fucking word yet
and all of a sudden,
I'm a famous writer at the White House.
Thank you so much for coming.
These are homemade donuts.
- Thank you very much. Bye-bye.
- Au revoir.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Au revoir.
He didn't come?
Yeah, but he only said "maybe."
- He has an exam next week.
- Aw...
Listen, sweetie, I don't know the boy,
but you have to be a bit of a dork
to prefer math to a beautiful girl,
you know what I'm saying?
By the time I'm done with him, he
won't be able to count with his fingers.
That's the spirit.
- Hey, Maggie.
- Hey, Stan, thanks for coming.
Come on, help me clear up.
Oh, uh...
You knew Vinnie Vitale, right, Fred?
Silly me, he was one of your guys.
Anyway, Auggie Campania
ratted him out,
and the carnage when we went by
to pick him up, very sad.
Auggie gave us the whole clan.
We collared practically every one of
them and that's down to you, Freddy.
What do you mean, Stan?
You were the first one
to set a good example,
by snitching on your own family.
Now, everybody thinks you're poolside
someplace, tanning your ass off.
You are the best
advertisement we ever had.
Well, thanks for the party,
and we'll see you soon.
Don't mention it.
Have you ever noticed
the number of things
Dad is capable of expressing
just with the word "fuck"?
- Trying to say Dad's illiterate?
- No...
I mean,
he's a good ol' boy, so you know
he talks to be understood,
not just to sound good.
So, from him, a "fuck" can mean,
"Holy shit,
what did I just get myself into."
Or, "Great pasta."
Or "I'm gonna get that guy for that."
So why does a guy like that
need to stay up all night writing
when he could already express
the entire range
of human emotions with a single word?
So, you see, as I told you,
the tests show the water is fine.
But my water comes out brown
when I turn on the faucet.
Perhaps your plumbing is a little bit
on the old side, quite simply.
Well, what about the sewage plant
I heard about.
It's almost brand new.
Go and see for yourself.
Mr. Blake, I know the mayor's office
is always a perfect scapegoat,
but for once, we didn't do anything.
Well, sometimes doing nothing
makes you just as guilty
as if you did a whole bunch of things.
Listen, Mr. Blake.
I have nothing against foreigners,
but you have only just come here.
Let us resolve our difficulties
in our own way.
True, it can drag on, but we
always find a solution in the end.
Well, Mr. Blake,
it was a pleasure to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Mayor.
This is really good.
You've really improved.
It's because I have a good teacher.
Perhaps, but soon,
you won't need him anymore.
So when do you take your exams again?
- Next week.
- And what happens if you pass?
Well, um, I guess,
I go to Paris and find a job.
OK, uh... Let's find you something
a bit tougher to do.
Here we go, a turbine problem.
The water is already brown
when it reaches us.
We are at the end of the chain.
So why does everybody
give us shit about this?
Why don't you go and see
who is really responsible?
I'd be happy to. Just give me
one clue and I promise you,
nobody will give you
a hard time after that.
Chemical fertilizers
turn the water brown.
And there are not 50 factories
producing fertilizers around here.
There's only one.
Sorry to bother you.
I know, Jesus,
that my family tries your patience.
But you know, deep down,
they're not bad people.
They just need you to guide them,
and I'm relying on you,
because I can't do it all on my own.
Father, you gave me a start.
If there's one place you shouldn't
be frightened, it's in church.
Yes, you're right. I'm sorry.
You know, this isn't the first time
I've seen you in the middle of the day,
praying on your own,
but never at mass.
Yes, well, I come as often as I can.
I was expecting a parishioner,
who can't make it apparently.
Would you like to take his place
for confession?
Oh, I confess it's been years
since I went to confession.
Well, then that's one thing at least
you should ask forgiveness for.
I imagine that you're bound by
some sort of confidentiality clause.
Nothing I say leaves the building.
We are bound
by something far more sacred
than a confidentiality clause.
The secrecy of the confessional box.
Have no fear.
Warren! Your homework?
My homework?
The assignment I gave you for the
last edition of the school newspaper.
A short story in English
with wordplay and double-meanings.
Oh, yeah, that one.
Warren, it goes off
to the printers tonight,
- so don't tell me you haven't done it.
- No, of course I did it.
- Wonderful. Can I have it?
- Yeah, it's just in here.
Give me five minutes
to get you a hard copy.
Five minutes and not one second more.
More than enough.
In English...
- Nice.
- You havin' a good time?
What's on at the opera right now?
You wouldn't like it, Don Luchese.
They're doing Boris Godunov.
It's a story written by a Russian. Russki.
Why wouldn't I like it?
If it's "Godunov" for you,
it's "good enough" for me.
"If it's good enough for you,
it's Godunov for me."
If she doesn't like that,
then too bad for her.
I got the Gazette.
Chri. Chri.
Can you do five minutes' work a day?
- Just for me.
- Boss, I'm on my break.
Move your ass before I kick it!
Vincenze, I think I'm in love.
Oh. Who's the lucky girl?
They call her Miss April.
You should wait for summer.
That's why you ought to stay at it.
- Yeah.
- Hey, Morales.
I have a package for you, boss.
- How's your knee?
- Much better. Thank you.
Looks like a package from my nephew.
My coffee. You gotta taste this, Morales.
I would love to,
but I have a situation in Block C.
- I'll keep some for you.
- Thanks.
Specialty from home, huh?
No, a guy from Milan who spent
some time here introduced me to this.
Not as creamy as Irish coffee,
but less sickly.
- Salute.
- Salute.
- Well?
- Yeah, it's nice. Good.
- This is French, no?
- Let me see.
I've learned four
languages in my time here
and started Chinese lessons recently.
I butchered them for decades
in Chinatown,
never understanding
a damn word they said.
I thought I owed them
that much, at least.
Yes, it's French.
"If it's 'Godunov' for you, it's...
it's 'good enough' for me."
Go get Morales.
Please follow me.
Mr. Chambard will see you now.
Ah. Mr. Blake.
I don't want to seem rude,
but I don't have much time.
- I have a plane to catch.
- Oh, yeah?
- Oh, you're a biker?
- Yes, always have been.
What can I do for you?
I hope you are not here
about this brown water business too.
I'm afraid so.
If only we could put a stop
to this archaic way of thinking,
"chemicals equal pollution."
No, believe me,
you're preaching to the converted.
But you know, it's when I turn
my water on in my kitchen,
and it comes out brown,
I don't want brown water.
- I want my water crystal-clear...
- Buy bottled water then.
If there is one thing I don't like,
it's being interrupted.
So I'm going to ask you one more time,
and I advise you to pay close attention.
When I turn on my faucet,
and the water comes out brown,
I don't want my water brown,
I want it crystal-clear.
- So what can you do for me?
- The turbine...
- The turbine?
- Yes.
The pumps, stop it.
Where is this turbine?
Next tank... number five.
No. My children.
You open your big mouth about this,
you won't have no children no more.
What are you doing?
I'm just passing the time,
waiting on you.
- Where you been?
- I was just walking the dog.
You read the manuscript?
It's my job, Fred. Don't get mad, I'm
supposed to be keeping an eye on you.
What am I to expect next time?
You come out of my toilet bowl?
No, not me,
but Di Cicco could any minute.
You amaze me, Fred. Really.
You're not as illiterate as you seem.
This is a bit rough around the edges,
but you got a style all your own.
I particularly enjoyed your account
of the peace negotiations
with the Esteban family
after your turf wars.
You made a "concession," that's
what's they call a euphemism, Freddy.
You practically kissed
his smelly Colombian ass that day.
Stan, I thought we had an agreement.
We wouldn't insult each other.
Keep your ass in this chair, you
wouldn't be feeling insulted right now.
On the other hand,
your account of me is a bit harsh.
"The FBI pitbull who's
been ruining my life
for the last six years."
"Eyes... colder than a rotten fish."
Uh, "He'd be capable
of hauling his own mother
into court for fudging on her taxes."
That is just awkward, hackneyed syntax.
Freddy, take it easy.
You escaped our surveillance
and that is enough for me to terminate
the Witness Protection Program right
now, and there's not a goddamn thing
all your cronies in Washington
could do about it.
If you plan another stunt like this,
I'm gonna put an electronic bracelet
on your ankle.
Stan, don't you think you're overreacting
a little too much?
What is all this grief about?
A couple of pages
written in a garage
in the middle of nowhere?
This gets out, you're dead.
Stan, we're all gonna die.
And I'll be honest with ya.
Dying for these words... always nobler
than the death I'm destined for.
Give me the rest of it to read
when you're finished.
You've got a real page-turner here.
I can't wait to see how it ends.
Uh... Belle. Uh... I'm sorry.
Today is a special day for me.
I know. Your exam's tomorrow.
Yes. My train is
at 7:15 this evening, and...
We won't do any exercises tonight.
I didn't intend to.
I, uh... put together some exercises
for you to do, uh, at home.
They're equations.
And I have something
that I'd like you to solve.
What's more beautiful
than life itself...
...devours you inside...
...makes you laugh and cry all day...
...and makes you do anything...
...any place?
And the answer is?
Mmm! Fuck!
- Gio.
- Aw, honey, I can't...
I'm sorry, but only a good old-fashioned
expression is worthy of your pasta.
It is so good that's the only way
you describe it: "fucking good."
It's the ultimate compliment.
I'd happily do without
your fucking compliments.
Honey, it's so good,
it's better than New York.
No, your memory's
playing tricks on you, honey.
These tomatoes are from Spain.
There's no flavor whatsoever.
Yeah, Alzheimer's
coming to get you, Dad?
Yeah, OK. But, you know,
there's something you do
that's just amazing.
No, nostalgia compensates
for the lack of flavors
and stimulates the brain
to recreate all the missing pieces.
What is this with you guys? Huh?
I'm trying to pay your mother
a compliment over here,
and you guys are going off
on some other nonsense.
Huh? What's wrong with this family?
What is this now? Hey.
Where's she going?
She leaves the table
in the middle of dinner?
I think she has
a little crush on someone.
Yeah, it's a math geek.
A crush?
And I'm the last to know, obviously.
It hasn't gone past first base so far,
I don't think.
Well, that's good to know,
but the guy just thinks he can call
at any time of the day or night?
What are we doing here?
Gio, it's fine.
It's not fine.
It's almost nine o'clock.
This is not a decent time for anybody
to be calling us. What are we doing?
- Dad. It's for you.
- Yeah.
Good evening. This is Mr. Lemercier.
We met a few weeks ago at your
barbecue. I'm the English teacher.
Oh, yeah, yeah. I know you, yeah.
Right, right.
- So what can I do foryou?
- Well, um...
I've run the Cholong Film Society
for nearly five years now,
on a voluntary basis, ofcourse.
I see, I didn't know that.
We meet once a month for a film,
usually followed by a debate.
I must say, the arrival of an American
writer in Cholong seems like
the perfect opportunity to revisit
some American classics,
and I thought of a film
that would suit you wonderfully.
What would that be?
Some Came Running by
Vincente Minnelli.
Yeah, that rings a bell. That's the one
with Sinatra or Dean Martin?
- Both.
- What's it about?
A writer, who's an army veteran, goes
back home with an unfinished novel.
- And who plays the writer? Frank?
- Yeah.
Well, let me think that over,
and I'll get back to you.
Very gracious of you.
Good night, Mr. Blake.
- Thank you, OK. Bye.
- Thank you.
Hey, Fred.
- Who's this? Pluto or Goofy?
It's Di Cicco. What do you mean,
"Let me think it over"?
I don't talk to dumbbells. Play the tape
for Stan and let him call me.
You out of your mind?
Stan, you told me to integrate,
that's what I did. I integrated.
He seemed like a nice guy
and I didn't want
to upset him and risk being unpopular.
"Unpopular"? Who the hell
asked you to be popular?
"Integrated," "discreet," "nondescript."
What the hell are you
gonna be doing at a debate
on American movie classics anyway?
- The subject just... as a writer...
- You're not a writer, Fred.
You even said I had a style all my own.
You're just a mean son of a bitch
who managed to save his own ass.
Stan, I saved my own ass
because I don't wanna fucking live
like a zombie the rest of my life.
I paid big time for that right, Stan.
The right to live decent,
physically, mentally, intellectually.
So I'm gonna get a copy of that movie,
I'm gonna watch it,
and I'm gonna think
of some interesting stuff to say,
and you're gonna come with me
to that debate. You understand?
And for that, you know what? I promise,
I'll give you a good write-up
in my memoirs.
- You're insane.
- I know.
- I'll see you at the debate.
- OK.
Don't expect me to come to your debate.
Thanks for your support.
Salut, Don Luchese. How are you?
I'm on the trail of Giovanni Manzoni.
Are you sure? We looked all over
the south of France for this guy.
The bastard's hiding out in Normandy.
Head over there and make him pay.
Him and all his family.
Where is he exactly?
Warren Blake!
Hurry up, a little quicker.
Go on.
Warren Blake.
There's not much to say
about your grades.
Fifteen out of 20, right across the board.
No problem there.
Now, let's talk about your conduct,
and the 22 complaints
I have received about you.
Complaints? About what?
Take your pick.
Assault, corruption, bullying,
threatening students, teachers, adults.
Where do you want to start?
I want to see my lawyer.
My eyes are killing me
from watching him too much.
- Well, what's he doing?
- Nothing. He's just sitting at his desk.
- Hello?
- HENRl: Belle? It's me.
I know it's you, sweetheart.
- It's the boyfriend.
How did it go?
HENRl: Fine.
All the stuff I studied for came up.
I had a quick check
afterwards and I think
I got pretty much everything right.
I'm so proud of you. Are you
coming home on the train tonight?
Uh, no. I'm going to stay in Paris
for a few days.
My father's in town and I have
to start looking for an apartment.
Well, nothing too small
and maybe one that has a bathtub.
On my budget, it won't be much bigger
than a shoebox.
A shoebox is fine
as long as it has a bed.
Belle, you're a wonderful person.
Amazing, even. And it was
an unforgettable experience.
An experience?
Yeah, I mean...
... a fabulous moment.
I gave you my heart and soul,
things I've never
given to anybody before,
and you wanna call it
"a fabulous moment"?
Yes, you're right.
It was much more than that, but...
You're right, it was more than that.
I chose you, Henri.
Belle, I'm not ready for that. My family
doesn't have very much money...
- What an asshole.
- ... and they're relying on me.
- That's not the way to do it.
- Come on. Over the phone?
I can't drop everything
just like that for...
- For?
- Belle, try to understand.
Let's give it a few weeks and maybe
we can meet up now and then.
From door to door?
Love was the only thing
that could take me away
from my crazy life.
It was my only hope.
And you crushed it.
- Seventeen years old.
- Slap him in the face myself.
- That's not the way to do it.
I'm warning you, Fred.
One word out of line, I'll lock
you in this house for one year.
Stan, will you relax?
We're not gonna go
shake nobody down.
We're gonna go watch a movie
at Cholong-sur-Avre.
That's all.
- Want to walk?
- No, we'll take my car.
- You ever see that movie?
- Never heard of it.
Father, I managed to get away.
- Ow...
- You. You can't stay here.
What's wrong?
Your confession has
haunted me all week.
How can you live such
a hellish existence?
Isn't that the point of confessing?
Your family is the incarnation of evil,
and your life is a never-ending pact
with the devil.
Leave this holy place,
for the love of God.
Enjoy the show.
- Thank you.
- Merci.
- Good crowd. Huh?
- Yeah.
If they'd put your picture out front
or in the newspaper,
we would have a sell-out.
Are you gonna moan
and groan all night?
Can't you just sit down
and relax and enjoy it?
In our long friendship,
this is our first-ever guys' night out.
- Friendship?
- Yeah.
I mean, you're probably the guy I hate
the most in this whole fucking world,
but we've known each other what,
nine, ten years already?
My freedom is based on
the deep respect that I have for you.
Explain how that works. How can we
have a friendship when you hate me?
It works just fine.
Look at my best friends, I killed them all.
Just kidding.
My dear friends,
apologies for the delay which was
due to certain technical issues.
Unfortunately as has happened
on two previous occasions,
la Cinmathque de Normandie
has sent us the wrong film.
Well, that's one problem solved.
- Come on, I'll buy you a drink.
- But in this unfortunate mix-up,
we received another American film,
also set in the US.
And I'm sure that Mr. Blake, as
a New Yorker, will be able to confirm,
I would say,
the authenticity of the film's setting.
Lf, of course, he does us the honor of...
of staying?
Uh... I'll try, yeah.
I'll try my best. Yeah, sure.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Blake,
for staying for this other film,
which is also a masterpiece.
One of the very best
by the famous director Martin Scorsese.
Ladies and gentlemen,
- All right, that's it. Come on.
- No, we're staying.
Don't be stupid. Come on.
We'll draw ten times more attention
to ourselves by running out now.
They're gonna wonder
what we're running away from.
I'm not gonna spend two hours
listening to you rhapsodize
about your family's home videos.
It's a good movie, Stan.
Gangsters all over the screen,
that's gotta be a turn-on
for a top cop like you.
I bet it's your favorite
secret jerk-off movie.
You could tell me.
You're gonna like the way it ends.
I guarantee.
As far back as I can remember,
I always wanted to be a gangster.
Jesus! You scared the shit out of me!
What are you doing?
Going somewhere?
Yeah. I got into some trouble at school.
I don't want the Feds
blaming you guys for what I did,
so I'm gonna bail out and head to Paris.
I'm 14, so, it's time I started out
in the business.
Dad was 13 when he started.
Yeah, we don't have ID's
or anything like that, so you can't...
You think I'm some kind of amateur?
You never cease to amaze me.
- Those are Mom's pearls.
- Yeah.
Where are you going?
- To be with the man that I love.
- Cool.
- Take care of yourself, OK?
- Yeah.
Come here.
- I love you, you know.
- I love you, too.
What a...
What a beautiful movie, my friends.
Thank you.
Now, we're gonna do a little debate,
totally unprepared, of course, but...
OK, Mr. Blake?
Be careful, Fred.
Now, I have a question
for you, Mr. Blake.
When one lives in New York,
does one sense quite so vividly
the presence of the Mafia,
as it is represented in movies?
Uh... The presence of the Mafia?
Uh... Might one, you know,
bump into men
like the three gangsters in the movie
in the street?
Uh... In the street?
You know, there's an opening scene,
and there's a guy on the left...
...with a yellow shirt on,
sitting on the chair that's turned around,
he was a real gangster.
Stone-cold killer.
You'd see him on Hester and Mulberry.
Every morning he'd be
having his coffee,
just like he did when
he was a kid.
His father used to beat him up,
threw him out of the house.
This kid had a lot of aggression,
and that's where
that killer instinct comes out,
'cause you've been getting so many
beatings, you just don't give a fuck.
At 12 years old this kid had,
what you'd call a beef with... argument with a kid
from another neighborhood,
and one thing led to another,
the next thing you know,
he beat him to death with a two-by-four.
"Put his hand in cold water."
That's an expression
that certain people used to use
when you killed somebody
for the first time.
Why aren't they answering it?
The kids are home, aren't they?
Yeah, the lights are
on in their bedrooms.
It's OK, Maggie's home.
Please. Oh, pick up the phone.
Check out the town,
get a feel for what's going on.
No, stop, already it's super late.
Yeah, I'm outside.
No stop, really? Seriously?
Oh, hi, Belle.
Wait a minute.
Wow, what's wrong with the dress?
- Can I use your phone?
- You don't lend your phone to people.
You take care of the firehouse
and meet us outside the town hall.
- We'll take the cops.
- OK.
So, finally they get so impatient,
they just shoot him, shoot him.
Boom, boom, boom.
Put him in the fucking tote. Bam!
This fucker's out of control.
Round up Maggie and the kids.
We're gonna go into plan B tonight.
- What's going on?
- We're outta here tonight.
- Hello?
- Hi. It's Belle.
Belle. I can't really talk right now.
I'm having dinner with my father.
I won't keep you long.
I just wanted to tell you that I love you.
And hear your voice one more time
before I go.
- You're leaving Cholong?
- Yes.
Where are you going?
To be with you.
Belle, we've already talked about this.
For now, it's better
if we just give each other some space.
One ofmy sister's come down,
we're having a big family meal.
I really can't talk right now.
Sir, how can I help you?
Sorry, I don't speak French.
Try that.
Found it.
HENRl: But, uh,
I'll give you a ring in a week,
OK, when I get back from Paris.
I'll call you back.
I got a question for you, young man.
How many people are in this firehouse?
Nobody, just me.
Good news.
Hey. Hey, guys.
Hey. Did you guys see the kids go out?
They're not in their rooms.
No, they're supposed to be at home.
Oh, yeah, well.
I guess they must have snuck out.
That's what kids their age do, right?
Maggie, do you have any idea
where they could be?
No. I guess if you'd let them
have cell phones we could find out.
Maggie, look, Stan's activated the
emergency plan. You're leaving tonight.
What's wrong, things went badly
at the film society?
It was a complete disaster.
Paulo and Albert at the intersection.
Bernie and Tommy on the street there,
watching for the Feds.
They must have a hideout
with a view of the house.
Mezzo, you cut off the back exit,
if they try to run that way.
Billy and me, we take care of the rest.
Everybody happy?
Yeah, that should do.
What time do we synchronize
our watches to?
What time is it now?
Who's got French time?
- Me. It'll be midnight in 15 seconds.
- Good.
What was that?
Jesus, the police switchboard is down.
- What's going on?
- I don't know, but if I find out
if you had anything
even remotely to do with this,
you're gonna go away
for a hell of a long time.
Calm down. I was with you all night.
That's the problem.
Your alibi is too good.
I forbid you to leave this house.
Is that clear?
My husband's home.
I'm gonna go look for the kids.
I'm going by the police station
to see what's going on.
I want the whole family in the house.
Stay right here.
Anybody here?
I want you to check this block out
and meet me back here in ten, all right?
You got it.
- Bernie.
- Yeah?
The Feds are here somewhere.
Find them.
I will.
Guys, look,
I just wanna pack some clothes
in case you send us to the North Pole,
and I gotta find my kids.
I won't be long, I promise. Five minutes.
- OK.
- Five minutes.
- They're here. They've found us.
- Who?
I don't know how,
but the street's crawling with them.
They're here.
There's no number on the house.
That means that's the one. Let's go.
It's a cleanup operation.
Get that family out of there.
Maggie's with us. The kids are
unaccounted for.
Only Fred's in the house.
See that, Malavita? Huh?
What's up?
- Happy?
- Very.
Wanna go out?
Oh, my God.
They're gonna blow up the house.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Gio, pick up the phone. Please.
Pick up the phone.
Shh! Shh!
Maggie, be calm. Shh!
OK. Maggie, listen to me.
We're going to go out the back,
you wait a few seconds.
- On my signal, you come out.
- Where are my kids?
I don't know where your kids are,
but on my signal, you come out, OK?
Let's go.
- Come on. Let's go.
- OK.
- What's that?
- Bernie.
Oh, my God.
- Hey, Maggie.
- Hey, Bernie.
- It's good to see you again.
- The feeling's not mutual, Bernie.
Maggie, I'd like to make it a clean kill.
After what your husband did,
and you know the rule.
- I have to dirty you first.
- Yeah, I know.
Holy shit.
Maggie, if you don't put up a fight,
it won't hurt so bad.
- Aw, geez.
- What?
Hey guys. I found the dog, he's hurt.
What should we do with it, Tom?
He said everybody
and no witnesses, right?
Come on, it's not like the dog
could rat on anyone.
- Just shoot the fucking mutt, Al.
- He's a dog.
Albert, shoot the dog
or I'm gonna shoot you.
All right, relax,
put the fucking gun down, Tommy. OK?
I'll shoot the fucking dog.
Easy, my friend.
You're not a little girl anymore, Belle.
Fuck you.
Thank you.
GIO VANNl: This morning,
I was worth $20 million.
I'm probably worth double that now.
I've cheated death
so many times in my life,
I don't even think about it anymore.
It's like getting caught
outside in a storm.
You just have to avoid
being hit by the lightning.
But all things considered,
I had a pretty good day.
My family is more together
than we've ever been,
the water in town ain't brown no more,
and for a couple ofhours,
I was the toast of the local film society
in Cholong-sur-Avre.
In fact, the only thing
that's pissing me off now
is that I have to re - write
this entire fucking book.
And we have to change
our names again. Son ofa bitch.