The Gerson Miracle (2004)

In 1928.
The cure for virtually
every form of chronic disease
was discovered even earlier,
purely by accident.
By one man.
A German Jew named
Dr. Max Gerson.
Although his discoveries were adhered to
by Hitler and the Nazi Party,
Dr. Gerson's family paid
the ultimate price.
Dr. Gerson's seven siblings
perished in the Holocaust.
But their attempts to entrap
him were in vain.
Dr. Gerson's unprecedented gift of
healing the hopeless lives on.
"I see in Dr. Max Gerson one of the most
eminent geniuses in the history of medicine. "
Dr. Albert Schweitzer
- Nobel laureate
The Gerson Miracle
These scenes before your eyes would be
incomprehensible 100 years ago.
What is become daily
normal life,
is no longer synchronized with the
blood that flows through our veins.
Seen from this actual NASA's satellite
pictures, we have illuminated the night,
in a macabre celebration of our progress.
Toxins kill, whether quickly or slowly
over period of years,
cloaked by the skies of old age.
Warm air moves north
and airborne transport of dioxins
eventually reaches the once pristine Arctic.
Arctic peoples are showing major health
problems, from by accumulation of dioxins.
30 million gallons of crude oil
spilled into the pristine waters
of Alaska's Prince William Sound.
The "Exxon Valdez" oil spill
is like the Russian nuclear
Chernobyl accident.
They're considered historic disasters.
Over 30 million gallons of oil
from individual consumers
in the form of automobile run off
enters the ocean every week,
the exact equivalent of the Exxon oil spill.
In our oceans PCB's (Polychlorinated biphenyls)
and over 200 other hazardous compounds
are first consumed by microscopic
organisms called zoo-plankton.
And from there the poisons
travel up the food chain
to polar bears, seals and
whales, and then to people.
One thousandth of one millionth
of a gram of dioxin
can cause harm to the body.
Yet, humans are now inadvertently
consuming 3 to 600 times that amount every
day from the Arctic to Antarctica.
Trees - the very living organisms
that clean the air
and produce the oxygen we breathe
are sliced off at the ground
with the most careless abatement
if there is a unlimited supply.
In North America alone
we have intact only 2%
of our wilderness areas of a century ago.
At one point it had been said
that a tree squirrel could jump from tree to tree
following the hardwood with coniferous forest belts
from the east coast to the west coast.
Global human populations have became a problem
only because of our collective consumption
at the expense of the environmental sustainability.
And the illusion of instant economic reward
feeds the self-destruction.
We are refusing to live in harmony with nature
and our bodies are the alarm clock.
In the late 1940's, the incidence of cancer was 1 in 16.
Today it is one in two in industrialized nations.
Cancer cells are essentially parasitic and immortal.
It do not develop special functions.
Merrily developing their own blood vessel network,
to save the nourishing away
from the normal cells,
and then grow to such abnormal state
then they will kill their own host.
In addition to this ugly killer,
a plethora of other chronic diseases
is dramatically rising.
Shockingly, now the chance of each of us getting cancer
or some other chronic disease
at some point in our life, is almost assured
because of two key factors
that are the underlying cause:
deficiency and toxicity.
This discovery was at the core of the young MD research
his name is Dr. Max Gerson.
As a boy in Germany, in the late eighteen hundreds,
Max loved to play in the forest and gardens of his grandmother
fascinated by what he observed.
He watched with great interest
whenever chemical fertilizer
was applied while planting potatoes.
He noticed the earthworm's adverse
reactions to these toxins,
and they would crawl out and away.
Day by day he gained insight
in the relationships between plants
and the nutrients they gained from the soil.
Young Max concluded from these
and many litter observations
that the soil and all that goes in it
is nothing something distant from us,
and it must be regarded
as our external metabolism which produces the nutrients
for our internal metabolism.
Therefore, the soil must be cared for properly,
it must not be depleted and poisoned,
otherwise it changes result in serious
degenerative diseases in animals and humans.
Under the microscope, actively cells known as chloroplasts,
busily undertake the process of manufacturing chlorophyll
and the miraculous process of photosynthesis begins.
These live cells and enzymes in vegetation are the nucleus
of what we need to ingest to heal a sick body
or maintain a healthy one.
Prior to receiving his doctorate
as a medical student, Max Gerson
suffered from severe and repeated migraine headaches
leaving him essentially unable to function for days.
After three years of experimenting,
Dr Gerson was able to eliminate his migraines completely,
by eating only certain raw fruits and vegetables.
Apples were staple.
Cooked vegetables were also included,
minus the fat, salt and spices and alcohol
present in the standard heavy German diet.
By 1918, the word was spreading about the Gerson migraine diet.
But at one occasion,
a patient returned with an observation:
not only have the migraine been relieved,
but a skin tuberculosis also disappeared.
The astounding news spread like wild fire.
In April 1924, famous lung specialist Dr. Ferdinand Sauerbruch
offered to do a clinical trial
on 450 incurable skin tuberculosis patients.
At the commencement of the study,
Sauerbruch said to Gerson privately,
that if even one patient should improved,
he'd believe every word of Gerson's treatment.
446 of the 450 patients recovered.
Over 99%.
Dr. Gerson and his wife Gretchen had three daughters:
Joanna, Gertrude and the youngest: Charlotte.
Of all the children, Charlotte took
a special interest in her father's work.
Even as the youngster much for the delight of everyone,
especially her father.
By the late 1920,
Dr. Gerson fame had spread throughout Europe.
Especially after they cured
Dr. Albert Schweitzer's wife, Helena,
of pulmonary tuberculosis
and Schweitzer's daughter's skin disease.
When Dr. Schweitzer was 75 years old,
he came to Gerson with diabetes
and was also cured.
Between 1933 and World War II,
Gerson and his family fled
Nazi persecution,
eventually settling in New York.
Dr. Gerson's seven siblings died in the Holocaust.
Throughout the 40's, Dr. Gerson's success in his New York clinic
astound the medical community,
but also evoked the dark forces within it.
Dr. Gerson was curing patients with cancer,
and as a consequence he testified before the U.S. Senate
on July 1st, 2nd and 3th in 1946,
along with five of his recovered cancer patients
and the medical records of five more.
So astounding was his testimony
that on the evening of July the 3th 1946
renowned NBC correspondent Raymond Gram Swing
declared on his radio broadcast
to the entire United States,
that for the first time in history,
it had been discovered the cure for cancer.
The public response was overwhelming,
Night and day the switchboard of NBC don't stopped.
Out of control! Unbelievable!
But what happened next was even more so.
Two weeks later, Raymond Gram Swing
was fired from his position at NBC
that it held for over 30 years.
And the Pepper Neely anticancer Bill of 1946,
Document No. 8947,
now getters dust in the archives
of the United States Printing Office.
Although in these years Dr. Gerson's daughter Charlotte
worked intensively with her father.
Now married, she had a son, Howard, and a daughter, Peggy.
Charlotte encouraged later her father
to publish the first book in 1958:
"A Cancer Therapy - The Results of 50 Cases"
Published in numerous foreign languages
and selling in the hundreds of thousands,
this books demonstrated to the world
the seemingly miraculous
examples of patients with every form
of horrifying end advanced cancers,
given up to die by their
medical doctors and surgeons.
The patients came to Dr. Gerson
with their biopsy reports,
X- rays and other medical records
and found cures under Dr. Gerson's care.
Some of these patients, almost 50 years later
are still alive today.
Of course, although the title is about "50 cases",
these merely serve as representatives
of thousands of complete recoveries,
well beyond the 5 years survival mark.
And the miracles of recoveries by the count of thousands
across the world continue to this day.
At the time of his death in 1959,
Dr. Gerson was tracking over 1,500 patients.
The files has been preserved by his daughter Charlotte
who is now in her eighties.
Charlotte carries on the work of her father
through the establishment of the
Gerson Institute in California and a hospital in Tijuana, Mexico.
She loves to reminisce by Dr. Gerson's legacy.
We have some letters here from Albert Schweitzer.
and they had a very active correspondence
- My father, Dr. Gerson
and Albert Schweitzer - and his family were patients.
And he also expressed in this letter his admiration
of the specific cancer research that Dr. Gerson did.
Of course all the letters are in German
and I'm trying to translate some.
As well as the remarkable results that he saw,
not only with cancer patients
but with his wife who had tuberculosis and their daughter,
who had a very undecipherable skin disease.
One of the things Schweitzer did was,
he gave Dr. Gerson a gift of a
carved crocodile, actually this is an elephant's tusk
and the natives in Africa made it.
This was a gift to Dr. Gerson by Albert Schweitzer.
Many of the famous whose life were snuffed out
pretty early by usual cancer,
who contributed so much to society
undoubtedly would still be alive today,
had they either known of the Gerson therapy
or follow through with it.
We have seen so many patients
who are returned to creativity
and long lives after being told
that they had 3 or 6 months to live.
Charlotte established the Gerson Institute
in 1977 in San Diego, California
with the purpose of educating the public and patients
alike about the therapy and highly effective ways
with seminars, lunches, consultations,
follow up cares for recovering patients,
mailing of books, packets and media kits;
the list of activities of the institute are as various
and numerous as the patients themselves.
In addition to the Gerson Institute,
the Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico,
was established over 27 years ago
to treat patients for cancer and other chronic diseases.
Laws in virtually all the United States
prohibit any other treatment for cancer
other than radiation, chemotherapy and surgery.
Even though they are usually defective at best
and completely ineffective at worst.
Chemotherapy, for example, does not cure cancer at all
and usually merely poisons and kills
the patient instead of the cancer.
On this particular day, two medical doctors
from Czechoslovakia, consult with the Anita Wilson
- who is executive director -
by the possibilities of opening a hospital in Czechoslovakia.
...strengthens the immune system,
rid the body
of years and years of accumulated toxins
from the way we live...
I've been so impressed with the international interest in this work.
Not a day goes by that we
don't hear something from a patient or
a physician, or a group of people perhaps interested
in starting a clinic or a support group.
Many of the staff of the Gerson Institute
have had personal experiences of the potent
effectiveness of the Gerson therapy.
Carroll Beard - President of Gerson Institute.
I first met Charlotte Gerson in 1975,
my daughter was 9 years old at that time
and had suffered from asthma attacks,
almost every other month.
She had an asthma attack that lasted 7 days.
When I heard about the Gerson therapy,
it sounded good to me and made sense
I went home and practically throw
everything out of the coverts,
changed her way of eating
and Debbie never had another asthma attack.
In 1999 I started getting sick.
And experiencing a lot of pain, chronic fatigue
In high school I was in one of those dieters
anorexic and bulimic
when it wasn't really written about.
I think I destroyed my digestive tract.
The doctors couldn't diagnose me,
but exactly they said irritable bowel syndrome.
They weren't sure. They finally gave me a CA (Computer-Aided Tomography) scan I had a fight for that
It took about a year of arguing to get a CAT scan
which revealed some lesions and tumor on my liver.
They said that one was suspicious of metastasis,
but they didn't think so,
they wanted to wait and see.
Well, I knew about the Gerson therapy,
so I decided I would just go on the therapy.
A year later that same tumor,
the one that they thought could be a metastasis was gone.
Totally gone.
And my energy was back,
the pain had left the soon as I had start eating the foods.
It was just the way to go for me.
I used the medical doctors as a diagnosis
and knew already what I was going to do.
There are several interesting things
about the Gerson Therapy,
but one I'd like to mention
is the healing reactions.
I was 16 in an automobile accident.
When I was 16 years old my face hit the windshield
and I had over 150 stitches in my face.
After being in the therapy for about a year,
I noticed
one day when I was rubbing my nose,
that I can feel the bone in the right side
of my nose for the first time.
Prior to that there had been a lot of scar tissue:
and lumpiness right in this area.
And I could feel the bone.
The scar tissue dissolves along with tumors.
It's the body's reaction of healing.
Another staff member Susan Brant,
Charlotte Gerson's niece,
at one time was diagnosed
with an inoperable cervical cancer.
I did the therapy 19 years ago,
and so I can sit here and say
that I am a success.
Many recovered patients visit the Gerson Institute regularly,
to donate their time to encourage others.
Paul Sclecy.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1990,
through the rectal exam, the serum gram, and the biopsy
determined I had three sections of cancer,
malignant cancer in the prostate
and they wanted to take the prostate out the next day.
I told them that "Don't call me, I call you"
I didn't want that removed.
In search for cancer agencies, or alternative cancer agencies,
and I found Gerson.
I talked with Gerson Institute
and with the hospital in Mexico,
and talked with the doctors and the patients.
After three months, I found that
I was loosing weight, I readily lost 27 pounds,
and after 18 months my PSA showed 0.06
which to me was the end of the treatment.
I was cured, the doctor said that I was great
and that I had a better PSA than he did.
I am not an easy man to go along with,
because I'm unmarried.
You can tell me something, but I don't believe you,
until, you know, I put my hand, then I believe you.
Institute Gerson, they have getting my life back.
Dr. Gerson discovered early in his research,
that vegetables and fruits must be juiced,
to flood the body with nutrients
that had been lacking within the human organism
for so very long, sometimes for decades.
A particular type juicing method must be utilized, however,
implementing a grind and press device.
When the vegetable is inserted,
it is pulverized to the point
the fiber cells in the vegetable are ripped open
leaving a mush that falls onto a cloth
ready to be pressed.
Once the pressure of 1 ton is supplied,
all the vegetable available nutrients
and living enzymes flow out
giving a potent concoction of nutrients.
When juice is drunk it can enter the bloodstream
almost as fast as alcohol.
This juicer was originally designed
of the 1930's by a scientific researcher,
named Dr. Norman Walker.
Dr. Walker maintained that
when we provide live organic nutrients
to our bodies on a consistent basis,
the result would be not only vibrant health
but ideal longevity of approximately 120 years of age.
Dr. Walker died of June 6, 1985 at the age of 117.
The effectiveness of the juicing is obvious.
An enormous amount of nutrition
can be captured in a glass of juice in minutes
and in a few more minutes,
be flowing within the veins of the patient.
If these same amount was eaten,
it would take hours of digestion
and much of the nutrients and enzymes within the food
would be burned up in the digestion effort.
Dr. Gerson required his patients
to drink one 8 ounce glass of juice 13 times a day.
As you can see an entire day with the juices
is equivalent to an enormous amount of food,
which weights a little over 20 pounds a day.
But you don't just drink juice.
In addition, the patients also enjoy
a cornucopia of delicious organic foods,
that exceed the wildest imaginations.
Not only is the food colorful and tasty
but serves as a complement to the juices
and it's once again an organic medication
straight from the table of Mother Nature.
But just eating different is not enough
to heal a seriously ill patient.
Nutrition is only half of the equation.
Resolving the accumulated toxicity
in the body is the second half.
- I got to die from something.
As detrimental to health as a cigarette symbolizes,
there is a Pandora's Box of poisons and stresses
on the body that are just as bad
if not worse than cigarette smoke
found in our day to day life.
The lifestyles we now live
have us dying while we are still alive
and seem to be healthy.
It is slow, relentless.
Realizing this Charlotte Gerson included chapter about it
in a book about the Gerson therapy,
that underlains in layman's terms
the principles of the Gerson Therapy.
Within one section of the book environmental
stresses that can lead to cancer are underscored.
Types of these hits are in the most surprising places.
Our exposition to toxic today's environment
borders on the absurd.
It is practicably impossible to avoid.
It is analogous to dodging bullets
in a hale of gunfire from multiple machine guns.
Not only are there poisons we ingest,
but stresses such as electromagnetic fields
and microwave radiation,
that interfere with the bodies own electrical circuitry
and rearrange molecular structure
causing damage sometimes irreversible
to the brain and other organs.
A typical example of daily toxic ingestion
or precursor hit
be when you get in your automobile
prior of even starting the engine,
you have already ingested dioxins
given out from the dashboard
to the fancy fitting of the seat.
Suppose you continue your journey
in stop at a motel for the evening.
Perhaps you choose a non smoking room.
However, someone else is taking
the parking spot in front of your room
and left the car idle for a short time,
even for a few minutes
a nightmarish mix of airborne toxins,
in the car exhaust, have slipped in to your room
from the space under the door.
Once inside from the power switch
activating electromagnetic fields
to the microwave radiation leaking from the oven
as its preparing of plastic rapt,
heavily salted and preserved
nutritious less instant dinner
to the carcinogenic chemicals in the soap on the bathtub room.
You are inundated with hits.
The soap and shampoo are just the start however,
what is reabsorbed through your skin
once you turn on the bath tube faucet
which will provide chlorinated and fluoridated
water to help you get clean.
Chlorine and fluorine help destroy the thyroid gland.
The toilet seat has been sanitized for your protection.
But what does that mean?
The residual toxins in the chemical cleaning process of the seat
will reabsorb by contact once you sit down.
The toilet paper will also smear chemical and solvents
to dyes into your bloodstream.
The towels use chemical detergent residues
that will be activated
once they hit the moisture of the skin.
At the bathroom sink, you may actually drink
the chlorinated water from a cheaply manufactured plastic cup,
that allows serious toxins from the plastic itself into the water.
The freshly painted wall and it's vapors are nothing
compared with plywood,
and the continue emission from aldehyde gases.
Over to the lamp, to get a cup of coffee to relax.
It is coffee, that is been sprayed by chemical poisons,
known inorganically.
The artificial sugar and the artificial cream
give nice a touch to the mix.
The good news is that you are not going
to use a cell phone to receive a placed call.
That was the cell phone repeated lengthy uses have shown
to interfere with and challenge
the neurotransmitters of the brain.
The amount of radiation from the TV will be small.
When the TV set is discarded, incinerated,
it come back to you via the air, water or food.
This room contains a brand new carpet.
The out gassing of chemicals for the next 6 months
is extremely hazardous
to body tissue if inhaled.
As we finally turn out the light to sleep,
electromagnetic fields from the clock next your head
will almost imperceptibly influence the slumber
and dreams one hopes to have.
Even the film to make this movie
uses extremely poisonous chemicals
in his manufacture and processing.
As ridiculous as this scenario may sound
it is one more hit for your body to fight.
The good news is that most of this toxins
can be removed with strict adherence to the Gerson therapy.
But how is this fully accomplished?
The answer is organic coffee.
Dr. Gerson discovered that if a patient drunk
more than a pint of juice a day,
the powerful enzymes would dislodge
poisons in the body cell systems.
And this is where the coffee comes into play.
Once the poison is dislodged into the bloodstream
and absorbed by the liver,
the liver can become overwhelmed and even damaged.
And yet must get some help.
Dr Gerson found that an organic coffee solution introduced rectally,
stimulates the bile ducts and the liver to essentially dump
captured free radicals and pathogenic poisons
into the colon for expulsion through the rectum.
When coffee enemas are utilized in conjuction with juice drinking
it is detoxification at its finest.
The immune system will now have the upper hand
to destroying cancer or other degenerative conditions.
But how does one make a coffee enema?
It starts at the kitchen's stove,
with a quarter of distilled water.
Three tablespoons of dip ground coffee are brought in there.
After a few minutes the burner is turned down.
And coffee is left to simmer for 15 minutes.
Once the coffee is done it is strained into a measuring cup.
Additional water may be added to make up for
water lost in steam in making the coffee.
Coffee enemas are best taken in a relaxing atmosphere
to ensure maximum effect.
Once the coffee cools to body temperature
it is poured into the enema bucket.
That time the plastic stopper at the end of the hose
is slit back to release the air in the end of the tube.
It is then slit back in place to stop the flow of coffee
until the rectum insertion is accomplished.
The hose clamp is readjusted to at least 8 inches
from the end of tube, for rectal insertion to that length.
Once the coffee solution drains into the patient,
it is retained in the colon for 12-15 minutes.
During this time, the liver has a chance
to absorb the coffee's caffeine and other agents.
Simultaneously, the liver in turn excretes poisons
into the colon for expulsion.
Charlotte Gerson
is not only responsible for keeping alive
her fathers principles of healing,
but guarding the integrity of those fundamentals
and their application over the years.
Hundreds of holistic physicians
in the U.S. and around the world,
have been trained by Charlotte in the Gerson Institute.
Unbelievably, it is illegal in the United States
to treat and cure diseased patient
in a hospital with Gerson therapy.
Because of this, Charlotte had no choice
but to establish a hospital 27 years ago in Mexico.
Because Charlotte resides in Southern California
it's easy to her for drive regularly to advise and encourage
the endless numbers of patients that arrive
at the hospital in Tijuana, Mexico.
Under the care of a staff of physicians and nutritionists
most patients who came in
with an inoperable cancers and with no hope of recovery,
leave within 1 to 4 weeks to continue
the treatment at home.
And usually, on leaving the hospital,
they are well on their way to recovery.
Many patients experience the disappearance
of their tumors while at the hospital.
And the patients pour in from around the world.
By making of this film one cameraman
accompanied Charlotte
on a random day without any patient
at the hospital being aware what was going on.
The hope was that at least one of the patients
would not be shy, would agree to appear on camera.
Charlotte and the camera were not disappointed.
The first patient that they saw was Alexandra,
who graciously allowed them to enter her hospital room.
She seemed in very good spirits.
And we have a biopsy from March of last year,
and it shows 3 or 4 tumors cancer inside you.
After only about two weeks on the Gerson therapy,
there is no malignant cells showing
and the colon biopsy is very exciting.
- I am very happy, very, very happy,
to know about the Gerson therapy.
After only 2 weeks on the therapy,
I find after the pathologist report,
that I'm free from cancer now.
It's been a blessing.
- You can stay well and have healthy children.
Do you have children?
- Yes, I can have children and I've been giving new life now.
I'm planning on staying on the therapy for the rest of life,
moderately, yes. It has saved my life.
- What's your problem, what brings you here?
- I have a primary peritoneal cancer.
- And you were swollen,
what did your symptoms were?
- I was in Alaska, where I am from
and I was diagnosed with a...
I had pain.
- You were diagnosed how, did you had a biopsy?
- I flew to the nearby and I had a regiment of tests
and they found malignant cells in ascites.
I had 10 pounds of ascites
- The name of the doctor?
- Dr. Roe.
- He did biopsy and then he was able
to tell you what the problem was?
- He ordered the biopsy and the pathology
came back with a carcinoma.
- And you had a ascites swelling
- I had 10 pounds of ascites swelling in my abdomen.
- And they told you, it wouldn't go away very easily?
- They said that the ascites would not go away
unless it was tapped.
But the chemotherapy could also dry it up.
Several doctors told me that.
- But you didn't have chemo?
- I did have chemo.
- You did have chemo? Yes. How much?
- One course.
- And then, when did you come here?
- After I was finished with my chemo.
And it didn't work.
They wanted me to have surgery and more chemo,
and more surgery and more chemo.
- Then you came here.
And how long did it take for you to come down?
- I lost 8 cm of my stomach in the first day I was here.
- The first day? Wow.
- And then its been about 2 cm a day.
- Ever since.
There are other patients
improving dramatically that day.
Not all wanted to have a
movie camera pointed at them
but nonetheless they conveyed their deepest joy
on how they were steadily improving.
To Charlotte, this day was a typical and normal one.
To the cameraman it was like being witness to a miracle.
Whatever you call it, it is working.
The cases of full recoveries become a dizzying
mix of joyous celebration and curiosity.
But despite the success and statistics
each and every person
who is forced to stare cancer
in the eye wants reassurance.
Reassurance that what they have
can very possibly be defeated.
Always seeking new ways to cheer up, empower
and restore hope to the supposed hopeless,
Charlotte addressed several prevalent
type of cancers in booklets.
Within the pages of each booklet
are personal biographies
and medical records of recoveries.
Many of these patients were so sick
with all that maladies,
that cancer was the least of their worries.
But their living nightmares were
transformed into beautiful dreams.
Many former patients stay
in touch with Charlotte Gerson
and form lifelong friendships.
One of these people is Debbie Wager.
Debbie was diagnosed with ovarian cancer
9 years ago stage 3b.
My dad had told me about the Gerson Therapy.
I did a research, and I was plan to do chemo.
My daddy told me about this, and
during the research I found out that
the best way to cure yourself
is to do it the healthy way.
Not put more poisons into your body that will kill you.
And that what chemo did... it kills your body,
the good cells and the bad cells.
But Gerson therapy it rebuilds all your good cells
so that it will built it to digest all the bad cells
and get rid of them.
I did the therapy, its 9 years and I'm cured,
I have not had any recurrence of cancer.
I was given the diagnosis from my doctors,
when they told me that I had ovarian cancer,
they told me I have 6-9 months to live.
You know, I don't want
to go against the doctors,
When you have panic attack, you believe on your doctor
but I believed in the Gerson Therapy more.
And I went for it.
When I go down to UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
I take them my blood work and my MRIs (Magnetic resonance imaging)
to check, to see if everything was OK,
I go to my doctor and he just looked at me and say:
"I just can't believe,
you're one of my cancer patients. "
I don't have cancer patients that come in
with all the enthusiasm that you have and energy you have.
That just really made me feel good
every time I went in there.
Seeing the patients that were in there
I did not look like a normal cancer patient.
To me, I have Charlotte and the
Gerson Therapy to thank for that,
I just... because if I would have been done the
chemo, the way I was supposed to,
I truly, truly in my heart,
just don't think I'd be here.
When I was diagnosed with cancer,
I knew of
three other ladies that had the same cancer I had.
They also were given the 6-9 months.
The longest one that had made it was 9 months.
All they all three did the chemo.
And I'm nearly weren't here 9 years later
and I turned down chemo.
I am 17 and Debbie's daughter.
I was 12 years old when my mom
was diagnosed with cancer.
While the girls that I grow up with,
we took our Summer
and made my mom's juices every day
and helped my mom when she was doing the coffee enemas.
We go in there and play cards
into try to get to take her mind off.
She do her coffee enemas in the time we are asleep.
She waked me up like 2 in the morning
and say: "Lets go to Walmart. "
I'm Steve, Debbie's husband.
When I first came into Debbie's life
it was several years ago,
when we first met, I was so touched...
There is for Charlotte the reluctance to get
emotionally attached to any single case,
since there has been thousands, but occasionally
a phone call leaves effervescent with cheer.
As in this case recently in Colorado.
Twelve old Stephanie was diagnosed
6.5 years ago with a Wilms' tumor.
A kidney cancer seen only in children.
Her parents agreed to do immediate surgery.
The surgeons removed the right kidney,
But during the surgery
it was discovered that the cancer
had spread in the vena cava.
The principal vein draining the upper portion of the body
But the claw the cancer had no ended
there either. They discovered that
the lung was too ridden with cancer.
And the more horrifying still
was the revelation that the cancer had made it
all the way to the right chamber of the heart.
The surgeon than opened her sternum
and started with the remove of the tumor from the bones.
From there he moved to her heart and an open-heart surgery
removed the tumor from the right heart chamber.
The procedure took 10.5 hours.
For the next 4 years little Stephanie
ravaged body endured
a total of 16 surgeries,
and mass of amounts of drugs,
chemotherapy and radiation.
But the powerful forces of cancer returned.
Again and again with revengeance.
Now even her liver was invaded by cancer.
And both lungs were also reclaimed by the seemingly
and mortal and unstoppable disease.
By this time, Stephanie was about a skeleton,
drained and reduced to the weight of a feather.
The doctor said, now your children told us that
she is not gonna be able to
ah... the cancer is back and she is not gonna make it.
My mom, she heard about this alternative stuff.
First we went on to Tijuana
and met Ms. Gerson
and learned more about the diet.
We went back home and then
- I think it was January or something -
We were down, have a Gerson, and ah...
And we were doing the diet
there for about 2 or 3 weeks, I think.
I had come down there sick myself.
Like the second week I started to notice
things. That all the juices and coffee breaks,
and all that stuff, that I was feeling better,
I had regular disinfections all the time.
And stay with the cleaning up...
Then we started on the diet, sort feeling better,
After having a hypoglycemic, just feel better.
More energy.
The food, first I thought it's a kind of weird
'cause it was
it looked weird.
Soup didn't taste that good at first,
but after like a week it started tasting better.
So, we went back home and we've been
doing the treatment for two years, about.
Two years since that January.
From that point on, hope returned,
and life began to change for the entire family.
Even the dog was happy again.
For now, this is obviously
not a report for a totally cured patient.
Stephanie has a long way to go.
But the poisons are now being excreted
and her body is building itself back up
with powerful enzymes and nutrient forces.
She is on the road to recovery.
But where Stephanie's orthodox medical doctors
had only given her 6 months to live two years ago,
she has now astounded them,
and of course, confounded them.
Here, come on, boy, let's go.
I've been feeling lots better, I've been
having more energy, when I was on the diet.
On the mommy's diet.
I feel very healthy, and stronger
and much better than I did.
This past spring, rosy-cheeked Stephanie
and her little sister visited Charlotte.
Charlotte observed that they run
around playing and enjoying life,
as though the scourge of cancer
had never visited this resilient child.
For many patients, like Stephanie,
that were on the Gerson therapy care,
an endless series of laboratory tests
are taken to adjust the therapy
precisely to the needs of the patient.
There are also non-toxic,
non-pharmaceutical supplements
called biologicals, that are utilized in a greater
or lesser measure depending
upon the patient's condition.
One of the most important of this is a natural potassium
mix of potassium gluconate, acetate,
phosphate in equal amounts,
that Dr. Gerson put together
after doing nearly 300 experiments.
This is extremely beneficial to restoring
the potassium in the body's cells systems
that was lost in most people
on relenting use of inorganic sodium
such as found in table salt and hidden within everything,
from processed foods to toothpaste.
Table salt is a poison. And even
the iodine is not needed by the body.
Added to table salt, destroys most of that value.
The use of inorganic sodium causes displacement of
potassium found naturally in human cells
leaving them vulnerable to attack by diseases.
Dr. Gerson's potassium supplement is dissolved
in a quarter of distiled water and
incorporated in small amounts to the juices.
When it comes to fats in the diet,
Dr. Gerson painstakingly
searched until he found just one
answer for that need: flax oil.
Robert Gaffney, president of Omega Flax Oil production:
Welcome to our plant here, the Omega Nutrition
located in Bellingham, Washington.
It's a pleasure to show you around.
there comes one of the vehicles that delivers.
Our plant facility is a brand new rebuilt basically
from the ashes of a fire that we had in 1996.
So, this is the newest, most sophisticated
oil facility in North America.
Basically it's a... what it would be a micro processing facility.
Flax seeds are cold pressed at
the temperature of less than 90F.
The pressed and ground flax seeds,
essentially the left overs,
are used for fertilizer and animal food.
Dr. Gerson stressed that flax oil
is to be ingested raw and cold.
It is not a cooking oil.
Flax oil delivers nutrients to the body cells effectively,
as well as activating enzymes within the body,
to help destroy cancer and other diseases.
A true miracle oil.
The Gerson Clinic, with all of the good work that
Max Gerson did in the past, really
understood the value of flax oil.
That wasn't anything, they actually they educated us
more than we could even educate them on the value
and the benefits of how flax oil
really helped the modalities.
The use of these natural, holistic supplements
on the Gerson therapy is part of customization
to the specific degenerative conditions of the patient.
There are many holistic approaches to healing.
The Gerson therapy utilizes
some of them in the recovery process.
None indeed of themselves can for example cure cancer,
but they can sometimes fortify
Gerson's therapies effectiveness.
When it comes to helping the body recover
whether from a common cold or cancer,
today over half the medical visits
in the U.S. and Canada
are to alternative therapies,
despite the efficacy.
And in the U.S. especially, it is estimated
that are understanding and acceptance
of holistic medicine is still 75 years
behind the rest of the world.
The only area of which established orthodox
medicine in the U. S. is superlative is in the cost.
Medically, betrayal many third world countries.
Our health system is collapsing
under the load of so called
incurable, chronic and degenerative diseases,
that Dr. Gerson cured nearly
three quarters of a century ago.
The foundation of the Gerson therapy is fresh
organically grown vegetables for juices,
salads in delectable long trays
in conjunction with organic coffee for detoxification.
It is imperative that patients
have access to such food choices.
The organic food market is increased
almost 20% annually
for the past 7 years, mainly as the result of
the economic law of supply and demand.
Mass-produced commercially grown
fruits and vegetables produced
with chemicals and sprays are fertilized
with only three minerals:
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
But the plant like the human body
really needs over 50 more.
As a consequence of this tiny mineral
contribution in the fertilization
process of commercially gown crops,
the plants were sick
and must be kept on life support
with more toxic chemicals until market.
This process is now repeated
in the consumer in simplified terms.
On the other hand, organically grown food
is raised with natural fertilizers,
of decaying matter that supplies
the minerals for healthy plants.
which in turn enables the plants to fight off
disease and resist pest naturally.
In a beautiful reflection of this process
in simplified terms,
the consumer now will rip the benefits of the
same natural protection by eating these plants.
But discerner consumers want to be reassured
that what they are buying is truly organic.
Meet Wes Shimoto - Foremen of an organic farm
growing citrus and vegetables in Southern California.
Here we're expanding our organic program
and we find it's very important to provide sustainable agriculture
to the community around us
and throughout the U.S.
I know in the past people had different prospectives
of what was truly organic,
and we will have some growers came in
and say their grows are organic
but basically by virtue of neglect.
And last year the government set forth an
NOP program which stands for the National Organic Program.
which set aside rules and regulations for everybody to
abide by if they want to become organic.
So that effort set of rules and regulations such that
anybody who did want to become organic
will truly be in the same playing field
and will have to abide by the same sets of rules.
We have found that the attributes
of true doing certified organic
is beneficial not only for the people,
but also for the ground, etc.
So, that's something we truly look forward to expand upon
and to provide for the local community,
and also for the people throughout
the United States and world wide.
By popular demand, undoubtedly based largely on the discovery
of the incomparable better flavor
of fresh organic produce,
organic farmers frequently start popular local
farm stands with delicious samples of
their produce for their neighbors benefit,
before shipping their product
to an ever increasing world market.
Charlotte Gerson follows the Gerson therapy
herself as a life style of prevention.
She has known, as millions of others have discovered,
that the principles of the Gerson therapy
raise the bar for getting the most of life
The physical senses are at their greatest acuity
and the haze of mental deterioration disappears.
One is resoundingly well.
Now, in her eighties, Charlotte's skin has the quality
and texture of someone much younger,
she doesn't need reading glasses,
has an alert mind,
has no osteoporosis, never get sick
and sustain stamina,
initiative and energy that's comparable
to someone in their youth.
Using the Gerson therapy one need never again
worry by dieting to loose or gain weight.
Charlotte explains:
When we are dealing nowadays extremely, seriously
with obesity which has become an epidemic.
Obesity is almost always nothing but hunger.
And the reason is that food are so depleted,
they are damaged, they are processed,
dead in cans and jars and pickled and preserved, and so on.
So that actually the body is not getting nutrition.
And people are very hungry because eventhough
they are full, they are not truly nourished.
So they continually have hunger
and start eating more and more,
but eating the wrong things so that they
become obese and are still not nourished
and are still craving food.
It has been said, that supermarkets are like mausoleums,
where the dead food lies in state.
Once heat and pasteurization takes place,
the enzymes are dead
and the molecular structure, food itself changes
making it hard to assimilate even its few remaining nutrients.
Good health can exude beauty and sex appeal,
not only skin deep, but all the way through the bone.
The Gerson therapy is an approach to life,
that galvanize the power of each
and every person to experience
life to the fullest and be assured of a life free
of diseases and some nagging unknown medical condition.
For many it also grants higher vibration
or spiritual consciousness,
that spans every faith and walk of life.
Day to day life experiences are fought with perplexities
that can be addressed to a negative or a positive way.
Life changing success or failure results
from our reactions to a flow of stimuli.
Principles of the Gerson therapy clear the mind,
to inspire positive responses to stimuli.
Increases of drug addiction, crime
and chronic mental illness,
these afflictions too can be overcome.
For example, cocaine and heroine addicts
destroy their cravings
for drugs in usually less than 72 hours on the therapy.
The human brain is capable of storing information
recalling it at any second. Like books in a library
the knowledge imprinted in this organ of the body
can be added to without limit through one's life.
The only obstacle that arrests
or commences to subtract those books
is long term lack of nutrients and environmental toxicity.
Dr. Gerson observed that the nutrients are plentiful
when the body is detoxified,
the brain is restored to normal functioning.
When the brain detoxifies, calm and clarity return,
mental and emotional fog lift.
Over 2,400 years ago, Plato wrote:
"No attempt should be made to cure the body
without curing the soul. "
The body is a miraculous in its design and flexibility.
It is a forgiving machine. Even following decades
of punishment, it can rebound. One of the first steps
we can take is to avoid environmental poisons,
even those we think are insignificant.
Harmful fractions, such as chlorine and fluorine,
belong to a dangerous class of chemicals called halogens.
These chemicals are found in virtually all municipal drinking water
and inflicts severe damage in the body's endocrine system
particularly the thyroid gland.
Fluorine, a highly toxic by-product of aluminum manufacture,
is very dangerous and expensive to disposal.
Industrial principals once convinced the American Dental Association,
that it would prevent cavities,
an assertion that since is proven false.
Nonetheless, they found a way to dispose of this product
by putting it in the public water supply.
The only way to rid the water of this
dangerous chemicals is by steam distillation.
But there are other semi hidden dangers
in ingestion of daily poisons, that can be avoided.
Charlotte states one example, in particular.
Well, the dental amalgam is now coming more
and more into the floor,
even while dentist used to dispute it.
It's interesting to note that the American Dental Association
claims it perfectly harmless in your mouth, however
if there is any of the amalgam left over from what goes into
your tooth, it isn't just left in the office.
They are required to dispose of it as toxic waste.
But in your mouth it's safe?
Of course it isn't.
And it's been clearly demonstrated that lot of children have
seizures and all kinds of mental disturbances
from the dental amalgam.
And so do adults.
The danger of the illegal street drugs
in public and private schools is heavily publicized.
But there are wolves dressed as sheep,
that are welcome as they walk through the front door.
The trouble with Ritalin is sometimes
first of all it's never been tested on children under 6.
And they're giving it now to children in preschool
and kindergarden. If the nurse, or if the teacher
feels that the kids are restless or causing a problem
then they report that and
the nurse reports it to the doctor
and without any further thought
they put them on Ritalin.
It does cause permanent brain damage,
even when they quit taking the Ritalin.
And the American services
like the Army, Navy and the Air Force will not accept
any person into the service who is ever been
on Ritalin, because they're uncontrollable.
They're mentally disturbed.
Rest is essential for all living organisms.
During sleep, not only is the nervous system
replenished like a storage battery being charged,
but the body rids itself of poisons,
in a way that only sleep can accomplish.
That is why upon awaking, energy is born a new.
Sufficient rest is critical for children.
And with the bombardment in daily life of hits to their systems
in modern society repeated lack of it can hinder and
sometimes permanently damage a child's brain development.
The developing brain of a child
at this time in human history,
must clear a number of hurdles
in a bit for genetic normalcy.
Children are more vulnerable
to environmental pollutants than adults,
because of their size and faster metabolism.
One of the more publicized vulnerabilities
is exposure to lead
especially lead from older homes,
where leaded paint was used pirated in the 1970's.
Remodeling and sanding of older homes
produces a ticking time-bomb if the dust is breath in.
These airborne heavy metals along with numerous other
chemicals in the food and water are now
unintentionally passed on to the next generation.
But the removal, known as chelation,
of such toxins, even heavy metals,
such as lead, is possible with close
adherence to the Gerson therapy.
Even the body itself can overproduce a substance
that becomes poison in excess,
in stressful situations if the liver is unhealthy
and unable to neutralize it.
It's called adrenaline.
Lead filmmaker Steve Kroeschel.
Steve films and performs stunts for Hollywood films,
and pushes the envelope
and the adrenaline glands to the limit.
In an occupation that demands
split second life or death decisions,
the adrenaline flows in excess,
and if not neutralized, can poison the body into illness.
The potency of this substance is profound.
When a drop of adrenaline is secreted by the adrenal glands
which are located on little caps
on top of each kidney
it enters the bloodstream and is diluted
instantly to between 1 to 2 billions of its original strength.
This would compared to one single drop of ink
spilled into 6 million gallons of water.
The purpose of adrenalin secretion is to accelerate
the fighter fight response and protect
oneself in threatening situations.
The largest gland of the body
- the liver - when healthy, is able to neutralize the secretions.
In today's world the abuse of
this magnificent organ is relentless.
Many people have liver disease
and don't even know it.
For the detection of a liver problem via illness
requires the liver to drop below
30% of its full working capacity
before symptoms become detectable.
One of the Gerson therapy's main objectives
is to restore the liver to 100% capacity and ensure its health.
Another of this filmmaker occupation is
showcasing wild animals in natural habitats
for public education as well as for the motion picture industry.
Working with wild life
all my life, I'd learned about nutrition.
Like this lynx here - if he wasn't fed correctly,
he wouldn't be tame and happy
and come to me when I call him.
We live up in the north country here
and lynx are found in the wild.
And I use him for education.
They are very beautiful animals, but if they're not fed right,
they don't have beautiful fur, are not friendly
and they certainly won't come back
to me when I call them.
The Gerson Therapy has changed my life.
This 43 year old man follows the Gerson life style,
as a preventative measure.
And in doing so, has acquired tremendous energy,
to achieve a physical workload, equivalent to several people.
Like many others who do not have degenerative disease,
Steve is immune to even this slightest
viral annoyances,
such as the common cold,
or other discomforts such as headaches,
and other minor health hindrances.
Because many of the animals are carnivores,
in the Wildlife Center,
their health and reproduct ability
must be maintained at highest levels.
Several years ago, scientist researcher Dr. Francis Pottenger
run main experiments with regular house cats
that lasted several years.
He divided his cats into various groups
and fed each group differently.
Some he gave certain cooked meats,
some he gave raw meats.
Those that received just cooked meats over few generations,
not only declined physical robustness,
but they were plagued with illness
and had temperament problems.
Eventually, they were unable to reproduce successfully.
The feces from the animals receiving the cooked product
were used as fertilizer to raise string beans.
But the beans didn't grow.
Some beans hardly even sprouted.
The house cats given the fresh raw meat product
thrived and produced through each generation successfully.
Clearly all carnivore animals such as these
were designed to hunt and kill,
and survive on prey composed of flesh.
Their teeth, stomach acids and
short digestive tract bear this out.
Conversely, the teeth structure of a human being
is quite different from that of this wild wolf's teeth.
But the dissimilarities between wild meat eaters and humans
do not end there.
The human digestive tract is far longer and more complex,
which is consistent with all herbivorous creatures.
Additionally, the stomach acid
and intestinal enzymes of humans
are unable to properly break down and
digest flesh containing animal proteins.
Carnivores have very short, simple intestines,
to excrete the masticated and digested meat
quickly, often within 2 hours,
which precludes the chance for the meat to have time
to putrefy and poison their systems.
In the human being, it takes generally
48 hours for meat to pass through.
Invariably, some of them doesn't pass through at all,
but instead get snugged inside tiny pockets in the colon
putrefying not for hours, but days, months and even years.
The toll of meat intake on all these essential human organs,
particularly the pancreas gland,
which is also involved in the digestive process, is enormous.
The pancreas was never designed
to break down animal protein or meat.
Instead, the pancreas produces digestive juices
to split the molecules of the correct kind of protein food,
found only in vegetation.
In the digestion of vegetation, the pancreas
then conserve its second purpose,
producing pancreatic enzymes, to fight diseases.
When meat must be digested, the pancreas
is diverted from its important protective purpose.
If we only eliminate the animal products from our diet,
the odds of getting cancer, diabetes or heart disease
and the Pandora's box of woes that go
along with all this will almost vanish.
But the standard American diet
referred to as sad for short
has totally flipped that scientifically
verifiable statistic upside down.
Looking under a microscope, it is easy to see
red blood cells floating around free.
But after a fatty meal of any kind, red blood cells
stick together like rows of pennies.
Now these billions of tiny cells are unable to fold over
to deliver a full measure of vital oxygen
to capillaries all over the body, including the brain.
Surprisingly some foods, like legumes,
soybeans and soy products are either deficient in nutrients,
or cause health degeneration,
by blocking absorption of nutrients.
Currently, there is popular discussion about
one subject that is of particular interest to women.
Osteoporosis in the U.S. is very widespread.
Painful, longterm, handed over,
broken bones and disability and all that.
It's caused by milk drinking.
And the doctors give it for supposedly curing osteoporosis,
because supposedly milk has calcium.
Non only that. That's also caused by meat eating.
Because meat in the body, in the digestive process
causes acidity, phosphoric acid.
And in this kind of acidity, the body is unable to function.
The body has to maintain homeostasis,
has to maintain a very
exact level of alkalinity X acidity.
But with meat eating and milk drinking
the acid level goes much too high and the body has to balance it up.
What does it use to balance it out?
Where is it going to take calcium?
It is not absorbable from milk,
because in the milk with pasteurization and all,
the enzymes are missing.
And the body can't use it.
So on the contrary that adds to the problem.
Instead, the body needs to use the calcium
and draws it from the bones.
The Gerson juices, particularly the carrot juice
in combination with the green juices,
- The carrot juice is very rich in calcium -
with the enzymes of the greens and green juices
produces the ability in the body
to restore calcium to the bones.
We relieve osteoporosis. No problem.
When orthodox medicine, even with the so called HR (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and all of those things they use,
at best they stop the loss of bone,
they don't restore. We restore.
I had canceled my health insurance when I was 34 years old.
And the reason was not, that I was very healthy only, but
the reason was that I'm not interested in a kind of hospital
or medical treatment that might be covered by insurance
because it's toxic, it's drugs, it's chemicals,
and I have, you know, more of an idea that
they might kill you rather than help me
if I had to go into a hospital.
And over the years, I've saved an average of $ 2,000 a year.
For 45 years, that's roughly $ 90 thousand.
But that is not the only benefit.
When you eat organic as I did and vegetarian,
I was never ill.
It's much cheaper to live this way.
And to live healthy, and I've not even mention,
I'm feeling good.
I feel good, I have energy, I'm able to work,
I'm able to travel and lecture
and I do all kind of things,
even now that I'm almost 82 years old.
I'm always telling people,
women particularly:
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you never had to worry about
finding a lump in your breast?
But if you eat healthy, that's what happens.
As I mentioned, I'm 82, up until this time
I never ever had a mammogram.
Because I feel very strongly that, living in this
manner you don't risk cancer.
Without Charlotte's dog determination
and iron will her entire life,
Dr. Gerson's battle to share with the world
this unprecedented medical marvel
would have failed.
Even now, in the application of this therapy she's unrelenting.
Today Gerson's name and therapy is known and honored
world wide by holistic physicians, nutritionists and chiropractors.
Only in the U. S. is Gerson's name
still forbidden to cross the lips of a physician.
Fortunately for Charlotte, her family upholds her task
and has contributed markedly to radiating information
of the Gerson therapy throughout the world.
The Gerson Therapy is unequivocally
the Holy Grail to curing cancer
and maladies that now afflict most of mankind.
Charlotte's son Howard is helping educate people around the world
about the Gerson therapy through a tax exempt organization,
as well as radio and television appearances.
He also authors features stories for the bi-monthly
"Gerson Healing Newsletter. "
Howard has recently completed an historical overview
of his grandfather's life and work
and coordinates book signings with Charlotte
like this on the Gerson Institute in Southern California.
- You can cure any disease,
or you can just maintain good health.
- Thank you very much, my pleasure. Nice to meet you.
- Thank you.
Charlotte's daughter Peggy along with
husband Giuliano and daughter Etha,
who live in Italy, also follow the Gerson protocol.
Etha, only 14, is already an accomplished violinist
and donates her musical talent to benefits
on lecture programs that Peggy puts together in Europe.
Giuliano, a poet, journalist, lecturer and author
recently wrote his own tribute about
Dr. Max Gerson's life, set as a novel.
This film would not be complete without a representative
recovery, from one of the most deadly cancer of all.
Meet Pat Annie from British Columbia, in Canada.
A successful businesswoman in the shipping industry.
She remains extremely busy.
Pat radiates good health and has a
deep conviction about certain priorities in her life.
Pat took over her husband shipping business
after he passed away of lung cancer some years ago.
Ironically, he developed cancer after Pat
had recovered on the Gerson therapy.
But unlike Pat, he refused any kind
of treatment from anyone.
In 1986 I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer,
which is spread to my liver, go to bladder and spleen.
The doctors told me I had 3 months to live,
to go home, get my finances in order
and prepare to die.
My husband just wouldn't accept it,
I was only 46 years at the time, or too young.
So we kicked around, thinking "oh, well... ",
you know, such a blow that you just
don't really start thinking for at least a month.
And at that time, I was throwing up mouthfuls of blood
I was on the therapy for 10 days,
the bleeding it stopped, the pain it stopped,
I came home, get therapy for 2 years.
After three months, my doctors here
wondered why I was still living.
He asked me if I would have a CAT scan which I did.
The mass and the cancer was gone.
He said, I don't know what you're doing,
we don't want to know what you're doing, just keep doing it.
The doctors at that time they said I would
never live to see my second grandchild,
which is now 19 years old.
So we prove they're wrong.
I have four grandkids now and a granddaughter.
And I just, last night they took me out,
it was my 65th birthday party.
And it was nice to have them all together as a family after
I hope they appreciate me.
At the time I was fighting the pancreas cancer,
we got a call from Michael Landon - you may remember on he.
He was on "Little House on the Prairie. "
He had pancreatic cancer. They gave him three
months to live, the same as they did to me.
He wouldn't go down to Mexico, but he
started the Gerson therapy at home with his family.
He went on to the Tonight Show
and he looked wonderful,
and he said he felt wonderful.
And the doctors, after seeing, I guess, him
on the Tonight Show tried to talk about of doing the Gerson.
So he went with the doctors and did some procedure that
they thought would work and he
wouldn't loose his beautiful long hair.
He phoned us after he did this "treatment" and said,
he knew that was the end,
that he should have stayed with the Gerson.
And there is no doubt in my mind that he would
be alive today if he had stayed with the Gerson.
Pat is of Hungarian ancestry and read with great
interest and delight about a new
Gerson hospital in Budapest - Hungary.
This hospital is not an ordinary hospital.
It is a medieval old castle.
And is devoted to treating cancer or disease
patients with the Gerson therapy exclusively.
Finally, after 75 years and tens of
thousands of healed people
the world at last is embracing
this answer to cancer.
Other hospitals were open in Asia
and Eastern Europe.
The book of mankind's journey in history
is ridden from profound darkness, despair
and suffering and indescribable sadness.
But the story does not end there.
And in recorded human history is
also triumph and hope
over seemingly insurmountable societal,
individual and environmental illness.
As historians and scientists
go back in time,
in the fall of ancient Rome resolving
of drinking water from leaded pipes,
to the secrets of the distant past frozen
in some of the world's greatest ice fields,
we can see a trace of legacy
of other cultures and life forms,
that have arrived and survived on the earth
for tens of thousand of years.
Only now and for some perhaps
hauntingly the melting ice
sheets revealed through fossilized remains,
but nothing is permanent
and life is fragile and beautiful.
Dr. Gerson, who was the first
holistic physician in the U.S.,
called his approach to medicine "totality. "
He was a health ecologist.
To draw the connection as Dr. Gerson did,
of the large scale environmental challenges,
and the viability of life
inching essentially
upon what we put to our cups
and place on our plates is so simple
yet profoundling hard to grasp,
by modern medicines modalities.
Quick simply the time is past in which we
can not take for granted the substances
that we swallow. The purity and soundness
of food is taking on a whole new meaning
and with every meal we are either
digging our own graves with a silver ware,
or ensuring a healthy and productive life
for not only us but our progeny.
The future of our children
today is a mystery,
and the future their children is
even more so.
Will they see the natural world and
the wild creatures therein
only as historical snapshots?
The perfect moment for
modern civilization is here.
Like the proverbial canary in the coal mine,
all wild creatures bare testament
to the health of our external metabolism,
our natural world, the environment.
For each of us eventually,
whether we are ready or not,
some day it will come to an end.
There will be no more sunrises,
no minutes, hours or days.
All things you collected
will be treasured or forgotten
or past to someone else.
Your wealth, fame and temporal power
will shrivel to irrelevance.
It will not matter what you owned or owed.
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations
and jealousies will finally disappear.
So too your hopes, ambitions,
plans and to do list will expire.
The wins and losses that once
seem so important will fade away.
It won't matter where you came from,
nor on what side of the tracks
you lived at the end.
Even your gender and skin color
will be irrelevant.
So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought,
but what you built.
Not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not what you learned,
but what you taught.
What will matter is every
act of integrity, compassion,
courage or sacrifice that enriched, empowered
and encouraged others to emulate your example.
What will matter is not your competence,
but your character.
What will matter is not
how many people you knew,
but how many will feel a lasting
loss when you are gone.
What will matter is not your memories,
but the memories that live in
those who loved you.
What will matter is how long
you will be remembered,
by whom and for what.
A life lived significantly
is not one of circumstance,
as much as it was of unfailing dedication,
of choice.
A life that touched and cured
a dying and suffering humanity then and now.
When Dr. Gerson's first manuscript
for his book was nearly done,
he fell inexplicably ill.
On nursing himself back to health,
he found the manuscript missing.
Dr. Gerson released his secretary,
who had been caught
stealing his files, and passing them
to a rogue physician.
It took Dr. Gerson a full year to
reconstruct the manuscript
for his towering classic
"Cancer Therapy, Results of 50 cases. "
After finishing his book,
Dr. Gerson fell unexplainable ill again.
Before he died, he tested himself again
which confirmed that he had been
poisoned with arsenic.
If Dr. Gerson died of for the first time
he fell ill from poisoning,
he and his classic book would
have been buried forever.
The Producers gratefully acknowledge
the kind cooperation of the
Gerson Institute.