The Guardians (2017)

Not to exceed overstated, but what
you see is the future of our military,
By using
man--made advanced technology,
Now we can dispel
instability of human beings,
And benefits
on defense and security,
This technology can be directly
attacking single targets,
And also can destroy multiple targets
quickly and effectively,
Fully automated, targeted,
and the attack was perfect,
Accurately track the coordinates
and does not require any human,
All right, attacking all the tanks were for demonstration,
--I did not,
--Enable, Crush them now,
Based on today's events,
guys I put into this project,
Highly classified program named Patriot,
That genetic project secret Soviet Republic,
Began after the war in late 1940,
Many hidden in Soviet Lab,
Experiments conducted on
animal and human,
August Kuratov responsible for
Technology department at Patriot,
But, one of his colleagues became obsessed
In his invention called Module 1,
Designed to control
all vehicles from afar,
Unfortunately, the experiment was a failure, and
His department closed throughout,
Disappointed by his failure, Kuratov iri--
In the Patriot,
namely Professor Victor Golbanov,
As head of the Genetic Patriot program,
Golbanov very successful,
And test results to humans,
Recognizable by their superiors,
Seeing his known
because large studies,
Kuratov know, he was so far behind,
Kuratov realized he had to do an experiment,
While its Departments and Module 1 has failed,
His ambition, he wants to be known
as a great scientist,
So he decided ,,,
To beat Golbanov,
Kuratov steal the research results of Professor,
And began a series of
Genetic research his own secret,
That led to some
innocent people be--
Biological victim of his job,
Jailed for transgresinya,
Kuratov managed to escape,
And hiding in genetic Lab,
Decisions are made,
they searched his place,
And stop the madness,
But, Kuratov change his lab into a bomb,
The explosion was huge,
But it did not kill him,
Chemical spread in blast
alter the genetic structure of the body,
He has great strength,
He became ,,,
Half the animals with enormous power,
He successfully completed
Research Module 1,
That explains why we lose
control of the machine during a demonstration yesterday,
Even our own troops
can not menghentikanya,
There is only one way for us
can track down and defeat this beast,
Victims of human subject research that he created
will help us,
They must be found,
and persuaded to help,
And now I greet you in the Patriot,
Let me explain, I had 2 weeks
to search all over the Soviet Union,
To form a team of superheroes,
Team to menghentik
That was his mission,
Teams should you form,
is the only one of our expectations,
Any question?
No sir,
I have no more questions,
I have to go back to work,
Now I could go, sir?
Yes please,
One more thing, sir,
What My mission team name?
Everything, attention, now the mission
we are tracking the Guardian,
We have analyzed the files,
but not many clues,
We had some clues that could
shows possible places
their hideout,
No location
refer to our files,
Search the entire database for
unusual reports
Of all regions, even the media,
I can be anything from Kazaktan west,
someone uploads a video that contains
someone who moves as fast as the wind,
The video was removed, but no eyewitnesses,
-- Please check it,
-- Part outskirts confessed
There is a strange power,
Siberia, a group of hunters
keep track of a strange beast,
Nice, Now refining your location,
There were discovered basement,
There are locations that cause awkwardness
-- During 24 hours,
-- Closer,
Anybody see the man who
disappeared behind a rock slide,
And it is not visible,
It's a secluded place where
one of the Guardians stay,
Now it's time to move,
Excuse me, did you Mr, Lernik?
I Major Larina, Now I
responsible for Patriot Program,
You want to use me for your advantage, yeah?
Now I live here alone with
as a shepherd,
Being a Hermit,
I'm here to offer you
chance of revenge,
It's too late, they were already dead,
-- All enemies are now dead,
--August Kuratov still alive,
I knew it,
From now on call me Ler,
Lernik be long dead,
I'm sure they are all worthy
get it, Khan,
Even good must
pay a price in this world,
So join me
to destroy Kuratov,
Because this is not an easy task,
Who else is going to join us?
Only a fool would hinder
Deadly warrior,
As you can see,
Our old team regroup,
Not all,
You think I careless?
Do you think you are?
If I brought you some flowers,
you'll be treated better?
You could try harder to remember?
Looks like I have not seen you,
We have to get acquainted,
Before I kill you,
Gosh, big mouth once,
That's impressive,
And how often did you kill your old friend?
Hey, I taught the movement,
You should try other moves,
I was the one who taught the gesture,
Then you teach him,
We all know you,
Over the past 40 years
You have not changed,
You do not have friends, and you're a loner
who has super powers,
It is not like that?
We all like you,
Are not you curious who
who did this to you?
Come with us,
I've been waiting for
this time for half a century,
And now there is no
who can stop me,
You are ready, my troops ,,,
My children,
It was then that I realized,
At that time in 1978,
That's my real memory of the first,
Doctors do not know who I am,
That is within me only this engraved ring,
I know my name out of this ring,
The doctor assured me that my memory
will come back over time,
A year passed, then another year ,,,
And I still do not remember,
I began to see people
around me grow old,
I know, as part
of strength superku,
I can not old,
I'm not old at all,
Forever Young,
I make people around wondering,
so I moved,
And I continue to live,
So what's still super powers do you have?
You see,
Not seen in the water ,,
And my skin has the ability to regulate temperature,
So I do not feel cold or hot,
I can control
my temperature according wishes,
I could also make a delicious borscht,
People call I had super powers,
Now I'm tired of moving,
I was tired on the move,
Did not have a permanent home, and always alone,
So, as I was very unique
then I decided ,,,
I can use this power
to do something good,
Kseniya, tell me ,,,
You're ready to join the Guardians?
I'll be glad to help,
Maybe this will help you be able to help,
I mean, while there is a chance ,,,
Maybe after this I can remember who I am,
Attention semunya, we managed to track Kuratov,
We managed to track down the stolen GPS Tank,
He will soon realize it,
So now we have
advantage to surprise him,
But not for long,
This place is the center of control,
The weather was perfect,
Mayor, where Kuratov?
Ler, sinyalmu problematic,
Ler, can you hear me?
--What happened?
-- No signal,
There are disturbing signal,
-- When lit up again?
--I do not know,
We're trying,
Prepare helicopter, We're there,
I see you again,
Good morning my friends,
You look alright,
There was a time when we
happy together,
-- You forget, I know all your weaknesses,
-- Kuratov,
I know the plan,
Remove Kseniya,
He does not remember anything about you,
You're a scientist,
Forces formations mu Serbia
is one of the best,
But you're asking for something ridiculous,
If I wanted to, you or dead Kseniya,
So, you must first die,
And nothing can hold me,
-- You know you need our strength,
But you will not get it,
That's up to you, my friend,
What is clear, the reason I gather you here--
Is to give you a chance
join me,
Maybe you should have
joining us,
-- We can be a good team,
-- Why do we need help?
Are you going to kill us if we refuse?
Death for us is not a problem,
We've lived long enough,
Death is better,
-- Instead of having to join an opponent,
--I know better about yourself,
You've got 24 hours to think,
From now on,,,
,,, I've been designing and making
Troop own creations,
I'm sure I do not need your help anymore,
A good afternoon, We have not been able to ,,,
,,, identify the transmitter
,,, made specifically for use by
these soldiers,
Witnesses said that
heavy vehicle,,,
,,, troops have left the Main Headquarters,
And the reason behind this is to
preparing for this transmitter,
In the last news reported
that heavy vehicles Military
Moving towards the capital
and making a mess,
No party Military
which could explain ,,,
Conventional Military Forces ,,,
,,, admit could not withstand the movement
This massive troop ,,,
,,, which was heading for Moscow,
The video shows
that all vehicles that obstruct ,,,
,,, will be destroyed by Fleet Vehicles
Mechanic's military,
Currently, the city's population was evacuated,
Causing congestion and road closures,
Moscow City Center destroyed
by the movement of this fleet,
The amount of damage
chaos caused by this--
Too big to count,
The question is how
This mess can be stopped?
Kuratov, we agreed khan,
I've fulfilled my part, I've brought
the Guardian to you,
You assured me all this
will not get out of control,
Time for you to meet yours
of our agreement!
How are you?
When I fainted ,,,
,,, I dreamed about my daughter,
I am very happy to see him,
I remember when he was able to walk,
A very special day when he
first called me Dad,
The first day of school ,,,
Then graduated from the University of ,,,
It's a happy day,
laughing and dancing when her wedding day,
My grandchildren ,,,
We always played together,
When the day of their graduation ,,,
,,, from high school to the University of ,,,
,,, I'm really lucky
can be present in the moment,
My daughter ,,,
,,, reminds me of my wife
beautiful and good,
I remember the face wizened
and his graying hair,
I also remember being at the funeral,
Parents are not supposed to
bury their own children,
Excuse me, Mayor,
There was a professor wants to see you,
He claimed to have worked with you,
Professor, you have terrific,
We do not even know you are still alive,
First I saw the news in the media ,,
,,, I know we're all in danger,
So I came here,
We found Kseniya, Khan, Arsis, and LER,
We found Ler but he was seriously injured
against Kuratov,
Others may be killed or captured,
He can not kill them all,
I was there ,,,
,,, many years ago,
August invited me to his laboratory
to flaunt his success ,,,
,,, experiments,
I heard that the agency knows
about his work,
Then carefully
he built this place,
He built the Secret Laboratory,
He does not think I'm still alive ,,,
,,, so I'm sure he's here,
-- Professor, can you help restore Ler?
-- Certain,
Usually she came to ,,,
,,, to restore power,
It's Magnetic Shield,
Generator power at the wall must
The break up first,
Refuge there last ,,,
-- ,,, but the way it could be,
-- General Dolgov betrayed us,
The Ministry of Defense menujukku
to lead this operation,
We have to stop Kuratov,
so the next step ,,,
Give him time,
You're still here?
Yes, I have to talk with the Professor,
He was in the laboratory, is studying
one of the forces of creation Kuratov,
--I can call him if you want,
--I wait here,
I know, there is something bothering,
Will you tell?
At Kseniya, I ,,,
,,, watched him long enough,
Eight years ago when I found it,
I realized she lost her memory,
So I keep my distance from him
and watched enough alone,
I do not know how to say it all,
Being a scientist ,,,
I think I will know my destination,
But I realized the change me--
Increasingly difficult,
Even after I returned to the form of human--
I still feel like an animal,
Some animals are better than humans,
I agree with you,
When I became a bear,
I can not talk, usually just roar,
My human side is missing for some time,
Changes getting my bear
the duration of the longer,
And it's weird I guess,
I'm afraid I can not
back into a human,
I need to know how long I've changed this,
Before I get stuck forever,
Only professors who can find out ,,,
So I wanted to ask him,
But now you can control it,
I guess so, but I doubt it,
I could be stuck into a bear forever,
Please do not let it happen,
I would do anything to help you,
I promise,
This is not possible,
I think we have not met,
There is what you come here?
Tonight the painful and embarrassing,
And you realize ,,,
-- Why did you do it?
--I do not betray
You can not run ,,,
-- We all can not run,
-- Good,
I know what will be done Kseniya,
-- And I know why he ,,,
-- No difference,
Soon the whole world ,,,
,,, will know that I was a genius,
Not a traitor,
There is a problem, A call agent,
Show in the main screen,
and bring the Guardian here,
Unfortunately, we do not have any information
about a complete opponent,
But we're close,
Hammer is heading Earth's orbit,
Hammer which?
Relics of the cold war,
Hammer Space Station
is a cannon,
Made by President Reagan as
part of the Star Wars program,
The strength of the shot can destroy the earth
and now under the control of Kuratov,
Hammer Space Station
specially designed,
It was too high for
can be destroyed from the earth,
But in the late 80s it was turned off,
So it only
float follows the orbit of the earth,
That's what we believe,
I'm sorry to interrupt you,
But there seems to be an additional problem,
We just managed to decrypt
Hammer module,
Kuratov not going to stop trying to Hammer,
It seems recananya is taking over
all Communication Satellite orbiting above the earth,
If successful, he can control
all machines on earth,
He made the second module, so
he can control the entire planet,
But to do that he needs a transmitter
very strong and antenna
Very large,
-- Must be at least as big as ,,,
-- Tower Zakinan,
Kuratov also has a transmitter that,
Perhaps it all became
spare parts for the module,
But it was not high enough,
At least he took
length of 500 meters,
In addition, no more,
Actually, there is,
Federation Building in the City of Moscow,
Federation Building height
more than 300 meters,
And if the join with Estofield Tower ,,,
,,, taller than 900 meters,
-- That would be ,,,
--Antena giant,
-- How did you find me?
-- You used to spend time here,
I had a brother,
Older brother,
When we were in Moscow,
We both always spend time
around here,
He was very good in
Kung Fu and sword play,
I idolized him,
He's become a good role model figure,
But as I have grown up,
I realized I just live
under shadow,
No one believed me,
But I'm sure,
I do not weaker him,
That's when I made a mistake,
Kuratov ,,,
He promised to make me invincible,
So I agreed to become human experiments,
Through unimaginable torture,
And finally I became Superman,
Then I challenged him,
The fight against him,
I just want to see my ability,
But during the fight,
Pengendaliku die,
I lost control,
I can not retreat,
My sister is dead,
I killed him,
Jealousy caused my brother's death,
How can I be better
to kill him?
I mourn the loss of your brother,
But we need you,
Cyber create an Expert
This special clothes, didesain--
To raise the fighting efficiency,
This makes the ability lnovasi
super you rise higher,
So where's mine?
Locking system connected
with bike system,
It detects the target based on aggression,
When you begin to change,
A cannon was activated automatically,
You're equipped with defense
against all physical damage,
Including bullets, knives, and arrows anesthetic,
See Spinal this area,
We equip with
Harpoon and Ropes Steel,
In your last fight
Ability neutralized,
Because you do not have any access
to lock,
With the new clothes you
have it all the time,
During the change of change so
weapon is a challenge,
We decided to present
Electro Magnetic impulses,
Which not only affects the opponent,
But also a deadly blow,
Due to the sensitive sensor
He Could be invisible
Whenever he chose, to activate it,
This special clothes will support
this function and will disappear with him,
Other features make the object
unseen by touching it,
What do we get?
Here, I get,
Not bad, very bad,
We had a time of 1 hour,
Kurtov still building,
He would protect her with assault
and maintaining the tower,
We attack with gunfire continued,
After that we will have more strength,
And then the world will help,
He has yet to act,
To stop it we must
turning off the second device,
Which is under the control
The main building panel,
We must do it,
We have to attack it from a central point,
I dragged a tower from there,
-- System we could not attack him,
-- Okay,
Well I'll start
from the subway,
What about the attack?
You can use these special circumstances
to relieve the fray,
We found this during
last fight,
It will bring
command of the guard on the other parameters,
Using the wire will be able to
tore down the tower,
So we can destroy Majoal well,
Turn off Majoal and Team Tornado
We'll take him,
They will destroy
the city with rocket launchers,
We had to go before the power increase,
Take me approaching,
He is still alive,
What makes him so long?
We're too high,
try approaching,
I could not get closer,
Come on, quickly!
I can not last much longer,
What about the Guardian?
They will not be destroyed,
They will be able to survive,
Guardian is present to support each other,
This crisis will drain their strength,
They can present treatment
for recovery,
-- Do what is necessary,
-- Well, I'll tell them,
They can be stressful with his energy was,
Can be difficult to control,
And it could be too late,
Give one room on them,
You know it,
This control of the generator,
We had to turn it off,
So Warren could destroy this structure,
Together with Carata,
How can we do?
Transformed into a physical attack ,,
Arsis, can you wait there?
Do not make me angry,
Remember what happened,
whatever he could melt steel,
I understand,
You are okay?
The attack is ready,
-- Tornado rocket attack them,
-- Wait,
Guardian is still in there,
I need more time,
I had an important task for them,
You certainly would never have my offer,
There was no time anymore,
Let the Tornado rocket attack,
I was destined to lead the world,
We have to go back up there,
No do not,
Team Rocket Tornado is already on the way,
What else do you plan?
Even you can not survive!
The transfer of energy to the firing is a process
very unstable,
I warn you,
You could die,
Let's try,
Do not destroy my plan! No!
It's my big idea!
You're wrong again, Hoges,
Those who create themselves,
And signal the attack in Moscow has stopped
as it has already begun
There are no terrorists
claims to have been responsible
Responsibility for the attack
and this damage,
Defense Minister Broke Verses, ready
for a press conference this afternoon,
Keeping forces us to survive for
ward off this attack,
Which results in a defeat this group,
A weapon that is not registered as
part of the Russian army weapons,
Residents of Moscow have been reminded now
that the situation slowly returned to normal,
Their destroyed homes,
is back again,
The government gave the house as well as
repairs to damaged homes,
I think silence is golden,
The silence I think is very valuable,
They want to know,
you have proof ,,
You guys are awesome, but not
only the super powers that make you great,
You taught me to find dignity
to gain friendship,
I found it,
We are a true friend,
Like you,
I started to remember some things
from my past,
Even I remember who
which provides ring,
But there is still something to think about,
I hope we do not need to go back
to our lives boring again,
Not home, land and
big city like this,
You're not ready for this,
The threat is still unfinished,
What if we need you again?
-- It will not happen,
-- I guess I'll see you again,
One more thing,,,
We have found another Guardian,
Who sent you?