The Ninth Passenger (2018)

Any survivors?
Tow it and burn it.
Um, hey, Brady.
So, yeah, the check bounced again.
Hi, I'm calling
about an overdue pay--
My God. I can't believe
you hooked up with him.
-Who didn't?
-Not me.
Hmm. Well, who have you
been hooking up with?
Okay, not even kissed?
I'm just focusing on me
right now.
Well, you're lucky
I'm in town,
'cause I'm gonna find
someone to focus on you
for a little bit.
Can't we just go see
a movie, or something?
I'm not gonna argue my way
outta this one, am I?
I'm in law school.
You can't argue your way
out of anything.
Oh, my God.
"Oh, my God" is right.
Let's go. Whoo!
I'm just saying.
Whatever it takes for you
to get over her, man.
There are other fish
in the sea.
-It's complicated.
-You're making it complicated.
Look, I'm here
to help you. Okay?
-I didn't invite you.
-Nah. Best buds
don't need invites, man.
I'm looking
to find you some strange.
Hey, baby! What's up, girl?
How you doin'?
Look, this is my boy, here.
He just got broken up with
recently. He's sad.
So, I'm wondering,
would you like to, you know,
bump uglies with him?
Um, I'm good, thanks.
Oh, you're good, thanks?
Doesn't wanna have fun.
That's great.
Vancouver chicks suck, man.
Jess, can you stand
over there?
I wanna take a picture
of you in the skyline.
I hate getting
my picture taken.
All you need to do
is smile.
-But I'm not good at this.
-Not good at what? Having fun?
-Come on. You look so gorgeous.
Ladies, would you like me
to take a picture
of the both of you?
Yes, please.
Oh. Okay. Here,
get together. Get comfy.
Like you're having fun.
That's great.
So pretty.
Amazing. Just flawless.
Oh, well, thank you.
So, listen, we're new in town.
We don't know anybody.
-Are you two from here?
-Oh, I used to be.
So I decided to visit
for the weekend.
-Oh. See, we just graduated
from Dartmouth.
-Ivy League, huh?
-Are you slumming it
for the summer?
-No, we are not slumming it.
Actually, my buddy here
just got dumped.
So I'm trying
to make him feel better.
He's all sad and lonely.
I'm Nicole,
and this is Jess.
Well, this is Marty,
and I'm Lance.
We should probably
head back.
That's a great idea, Marty.
See, Marty has a boat.
Would you ladies care to join us
to have a drink on that boat?
-Absolutely. That sounds fun.
What a great idea, Marty.
Ladies, if you will please
follow me this way.
Told you I know
what I'm doing.
You're crazy.
-Come on.
-Come on.
After you.
Oh, Captain.
Very nice.
And what have we here?
It looks delicious.
Uh, yeah.
I have a great chef.
So, this is your boat?
Yes, it is.
Shall we, uh... have a seat?
We shall.
-Oh, shit!
No, nothing. This guy
scared the shit out of me.
-What's wrong?
-No, nothing.
-I'll just get the door.
-No problem.
Don't worry about me.
I'm gonna get comfy
over here.
-What are you doing here?
-Scheduled maintenance.
Just a little work
on the engine.
I'm not really supposed
to have guests.
I've already been cleared
by the guard.
Hey, man, can you
just do me a solid?
I got this girl on board.
I'm trying to, you know...
I got you, man.
You go have fun.
Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
All right. Where were we?
What is this?
Must've fallen out
of my pocket. Thank you.
Thank you. Champagne?
-You know how to open this?
-I... Yeah, of course.
-It's, you know, it's sticking.
-Don't you have help?
Uh... They're...
They're not here right now.
- Private bubbles.
- Yes, exactly.
What is he doing?
Ah, he's telling him
to take a hike.
I thought we were
getting on his boat.
Ah, it's his dad's, you know.
He's a little overprotective.
So, wait. That's the boat?
Oh, yeah.
So, this is how
the one percent lives.
No, no.
The point-one-percent.
Huh. Come with me.
Come on.
Somebody works out, hmm?
You want a little champagne?
-Just, like, a little.
I haven't eaten.
So just, like, a little.
-Sure. Good.
-Thank you, that's perfect.
Oh. There it goes.
That's a lot. That's good.
Oh, twist my arm.
Thank you.
-There it is. Thank you.
-You're welcome.
-Who is that?
-It's just...
-Hey, guys.
-Hey, man.
We're back.
What's going on?
Uh... Oh, I didn't expect
you guys back so soon.
Not in uniform?
You're looking good
in that jacket, man.
Excuse me. You guys do know
that this is the captain, right?
My date.
Oh, well, permission
to come aboard, Captain.
-Thank you.
Well, since we're all here,
maybe we can join
the festivities with you and...
Do you know these people?
Just give me a sec, okay?
I got this.
Hey, guys, honestly, I'm sorry.
But I've been planning
this night for a while
and, you know, I got some...
Maybe we can all hang out,
have a good time.
You know, if that's cool?
-Oh, Captain, my captain.
-Thanks, bro.
Hey, man, you're not gonna
report this, are you?
We'll talk about it later.
Who are all these people?
Um, well, these guys,
they work for me, so...
-Oh, they work for you, huh?
-Yeah. I'm his first mate.
There you are.
Oh, my God.
I am so sorry.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to scare you.
So, what do you think
of the yacht?
Uh, it's definitely cramped.
That's funny.
Dad's actually thinking
about getting a bigger one.
Wow. Who's your dad?
Martin Hatfield Senior.
Your dad is Martin Hatfield?
The CEO of Tridon?
Yeah. We're in town
for a merger.
Your father is literally
destroying the planet.
Do you have any idea
how much blood
is on his hands?
Look, it's not easy
being the son of
the Martin Hatfield, okay?
Do you think
you're the first person
who's told me all that?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I was being rude.
No, it's fine.
I'm used to it.
Christy. Please.
Okay, it's not at all
what it looks like.
I know I can explain everything,
just please come upstairs.
I can't believe you
fucking invited her, dude.
-You better go.
Christy, please.
"Don't drink all the mezcal."
And I do, of course.
-Then I eat the worm,
and he's flipping out.
-That's gross.
And then the horse
comes in and I scream--
-Can we talk?
-Just give me a minute, Jess.
I wanna hear
the rest of the story.
It's a good story.
Then I have to stand up
with the horse.
The horse looks me
in the face and he goes...
Then I pulled
the snap back and I whip
and I hit him in the face.
Christy, please!
Get the hell away from me.
-Christy, please.
-Just save it.
I'm too tired to drive home now.
I'm staying the night.
Go back to your gangbang
or whatever.
I'll be gone in the morning.
Come on.
I didn't invite them.
-Lance saw these girls--
-It is always Lance.
And if you're not blaming him,
it's your father.
You let them walk
all over you, Marty.
At our expense.
You know, I actually thought
that you could use
some company tonight.
I'm such an idiot.
You know what? Forget it.
I am taking a shower to wake up,
and then I'm gone.
Come on.
-Here comes the hero.
-Who's fourth?
-Give me some.
-Look at the trees going by.
That's so funny.
Oh, my God.
We're moving!
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Let's go talk to Marty.
-I gotta-- Just one second.
-You're much stronger
than I thought.
Where'd everyone go?
Holy shit.
What the hell
are you doing?
Making the night
more interesting.
Oh, God.
What are you doing, man?
Your dad is gonna shit.
-Fuck "relax."
What are you gonna do?
You gonna protect me, Marty?
-I'm calling him.
what are you doing?
Oh, my God. Are you
doing this for her?
Was kidnapping me
his idea, too?
Just two hours
so we can talk.
And if you haven't
changed your mind,
I'll take you back.
Two hours.
You're crazy.
-So romantic, Marty.
-That's so cute.
That is really sweet, Marty.
One peep out of you,
and Dad's gonna know
all about your little order
of hooker and coke.
-Hey, man, she's not a hooker.
-Why are we moving?
Wait. Why are we moving?
Why are we moving?
Yeah, Why the fuck
are we moving there,
Captain Malcolm?
Who the fuck is Malcolm?
Who are you?
On a raft?
Yeah. There's lots
to check on a yacht.
Gotta be thorough.
What the fuck is going on?
You know, I can...
I can just explain this.
Why don't we go upstairs
and have a quick little chat?
You know?
It's good. It's cool.
Oh, hey, man.
Hey, come down here.
Hey, guys! Come on down.
Who the fuck is that?
This guy, he's working
on the engine.
Hey, unless you wanna
get stranded out here,
I suggest you take her back.
Let me finish.
We'll only be out here
a couple of hours,
circle around for a bit.
You fix things there.
I'll double your money.
-I don't want your money, kid.
Fine, whatever you say.
So, are you gonna man up
and tell me what the fuck
is going on?
Or do I have to figure
this out for myself?
I've always wanted
to sleep on one of these.
They're so comfy.
Who said anything
about sleep?
The walls so high
That you won't feel
The moon is always spying
On your fears
I make it to the golden gate
And fail
So then you throw
Your fantasy away
To fade
I could think of less
romantic settings.
Erm, so, I'm Malcolm,
not Marty.
And this was the first night
we were meeting in person.
I wanted the night
to be special.
So I'm sorry that I lied.
Okay. Believe me,
it's not the first time.
So, who is Malcolm?
Well, I work on the boat.
Oh, okay.
Well, what do you do?
I'm the cook.
Well, um...
the appetizers,
they looked... delicious.
They did.
Oh. Well,
I didn't get to try one,
so I'm gonna take
a little dabble
in those appetizers.
I'm gonna have a little sample,
and I'll be right back
in two minutes.
-How's the engine?
Any problems?
Nothing I can't handle.
Trust me, it's complicated.
You're not really
a mechanic, are you?
I haven't seen you
go near the engines once.
-It's a big boat.
And like I said, it's--
You just don't seem
like you should be here.
I shouldn't.
We should still be
back at the dock.
What about you? How come
you're not having fun with
all your little friends?
Because they're not
my friends.
Apparently, this is
Martin Hatfield's yacht.
The CEO of Tridon Biotech.
One of the biggest,
shadiest companies in the world.
The merger.
Do you watch the news?
Mechanics don't watch
the news.
Well, Tridon is merging
with Silica,
an even bigger, shadier company
based here in Vancouver.
The two of them together
is like merging
every major super-villain
to destroy the world.
Come on. Aren't you being
a little dramatic?
It's just another business
trying to make a buck.
Are you kidding me?
They operate on greed.
They cheat. They corrupt.
They're ruining our world.
They're destroying
the environment.
You basically just described
every company.
animal testing, GMOs?
That's the way the world works.
You'll figure it out one day.
You know, when I was a kid,
I used to love
to go to this point
that overlooked the ocean.
It had an incredible view.
Mountains, islands.
My parents would let me
wander around looking
for starfish or whatever.
There was always seals there.
And every once in a while,
if I was really lucky,
I would see a pod
of killer whales swim by.
One day, my parents bought me
a pair of binoculars
and took me down to the point.
And I was so excited
to see some seals,
I just ran from the car
straight to my favorite spot.
And that's when
I saw the whales.
There was a dozen of them.
Dead on the shore.
Their eyes and organs
had been liquefied.
There was blood
all over the rocks.
Luckily, I was far enough away,
but there was another kid
that day
who wanted to get a closer look,
and he fucking died.
He breathed in the fumes
and dropped dead.
The Silica chemical spill.
Do you remember
when that was on the news?
Yeah, but I don't remember
anything about any whales
or a dead kid.
That's right. Because Silica
paid everyone off.
The authorities,
politicians, the media.
All the families that were
there that day, mine included.
The world had no idea
what happened.
How many times do you think
they've done that?
They're not just a business.
And they need to be exposed.
Your name's Jess, right?
Jess, we're gonna
be here for a while.
If you get bored,
maybe make your way to
the office downstairs.
I'm pretty sure
there's stuff in there
you might wanna see.
Well, I gotta get
back up there.
The engine's that way.
Hey, there.
Nice bikini.
Thanks. There's a bunch of them
downstairs. Want one?
I don't think so.
Any luck with Marty?
-What about the mechanic?
He's a babe.
I don't wanna be here.
We're supposed
to be hanging out.
You're right. How about this?
Once we leave the yacht,
we'll ditch these guys.
And it'll just be you and me.
Like old times.
I'd like that.
Until then, yacht time.
Ugh... What?
Uh, we're gonna crash
into a fucking island.
Fine. I'll go tell Marty.
Don't let it go anywhere.
-What the hell, Lance?
-Where's Marty?
-He went to look for you.
Okay, so he's not gonna
be here for a bit.
It's been a while.
We should catch up.
Get the fuck away from me.
I'm just looking for Marty.
What's the big deal?
Please just go.
Thank you. Bye.
You could really
get used to this.
I've been on
a few of these before.
I get entertained a lot.
Are you a...
No. Why does everybody
keep saying that?
-I mean, you never know.
-No, absolutely not.
I feel like I've got
conservative makeup on, too.
Everyone's jumping
to conclusions.
I found him.
What's up?
Ah, shit.
-Hey, girls.
-Sorry to break up
your party, but--
-We're fine.
No, we are drifting
close to an island,
and we have to go inside.
But I like it here.
It's nice. Pretty.
-No. Come on, let's go.
-It's a weird angle.
-There we go.
-Oh, jeez. Thank you.
-You know what? I should help--
-She's fine.
-Are you kidding me?
-Oh, that's perfect.
I want off this boat.
And I want off this boat now.
What happened, Marty?
I don't know.
Go check the fuses.
Fuses. Where are the fuses?
How should I know?
the maintenance guy?
What the fuck did you do
to the engine, man?
You can fix it, right?
-Not sure.
-Wait, seriously?
-Oh, my God.
Maybe we should radio
the Coast Guard.
No! My dad cannot
find out about this.
Why? Is he gonna
cut off your allowance?
You can't let her
talk to you like that, Marty.
All you trust-fund babies
are all the same.
Excuse me?
If Marty's dad
finds out about this,
he'll cut all our dicks off.
Yours too, Christy.
We can radio the salvage yard
and get a tug to tow us out.
They'll keep it off the books,
if you treat 'em right.
-Sounds good, right, Marty?
-Fine, that works.
-No, bad news. Radio's broken.
-What are you using
the radio for, bro?
-I was trying to call for help.
-You don't use the radio, dude.
-Look, we're wasting time.
Does anyone have a signal?
What if Marty paid you
more money to fix it here?
Ten thousand.
Yeah, please. Come on, man.
You gotta do something.
Fifteen and no promises.
If I can't fix it by morning,
we trigger the emergency beacon.
I still get the cash.
Do I get a say in this?
Are you just gonna
pay him the $15,000,
or is she gonna pay
the $15,000?
Hold up, hold up, guys.
What's that?
-Is that coming from the island?
-It could be a lighthouse.
Maybe. Some of these islands
have marine facilities,
Could find a radio-generator,
maybe even some parts.
-Hey, sounds good to me.
-I'll take the Zodiac,
you guys stay here.
I'll be an hour or two, max.
If something happens to me,
you still have
the emergency beacon.
No, no. Why are we
listening to this dude?
-Who the fuck are you, bro?
-He's the mechanic.
Oh, he's the mechanic?
Marty, why are we doing this?
Why are giving the boat
to this guy?
-Okay, we'll go, too.
-Yeah, I got us into this mess.
-We'll come with you.
-I'm coming.
-No, no, look--
-No, you look. I've had enough.
And I don't do
this whole stranded thing well.
And I'm going
whether you like it or not.
If she's going,
I'm going.
Let's get drunk.
You coming along?
I'm gonna stay here
and check things out.
Have fun with
your little friends.
We should stay
in constant communication.
good buddy.
Guys, there's something
in the water over there.
It's the ocean, Tina.
There's a lot of things
in there.
I feel like I should be
with Jess.
Dude, she's fine.
Unless she wants to join.
You're bad.
I'm the worst.
Oh... Of course.
Lance, I need
to check on Jess.
-What do you mean, why?
-What was that?
-Ah, who cares?
Come on! Uhh! God.
Anyone's phone working?
Lance, we made it
to the island.
You there?
It's Lance.
What did you expect?
There's a path.
Let's take a look.
Ah, enough of this shit!
Oh, shit!
I saw something.
Look. Over there,
over there.
Over there.
I think I see
What the hell was that?
Oops, I hit
the wrong button.
My bad.
Great call bringing
the walkie-talkie, Marty.
Seemed like a good idea
at the time.
Oh, my God.
What are you looking for?
Someone's fucking with us.
What are you doing?
-Fucking back!
-You are not using that.
Watch me!
What the hell?
-It's nothing.
-It's nothing?
It looks like
a murder scene.
Come on.
Lance, put that thing away.
What if you shoot Jess?
There's someone else
on board.
Jess, you out there?
There's another person
on board.
No fucking trespasser!
Lance, you're scaring me.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
What the fuck?
No, no, no.
What is this place?
Is there anything in here
we can use?
I don't think so.
What was that?
What is this place?
I don't know.
I was just looking
to have a little fun.
Live a little.
Next thing I know,
I'm sitting on a log
on a creepy island...
in the middle of nowhere
with you.
I'm not gonna let
anything happen to you.
You're gonna pretend
I'm your girlfriend?
Who's pretending?
Oh, fuck.
"Natural selection."
-You don't see it?
Will you go check it out?
What is it?
I saw something.
Hang on.
Oh, my God.
What happened here?
Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look at this.
Time to go.
Hold on. Can't we use
any of this stuff?
We're going now!
There's something outside,
and I think it got Malcolm.
-Let's go.
-What the fuck was that thing?
Move! Come on!
Help! Jess!
Where are you?
Jess! Help!
Oh, no. Wait. Hold on.
Oh, my God.
What are we gonna do?
We need to get back
to the yacht.
No shit.
Why's this happening,
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry, too.
-For what?
-There's something
I have to tell you.
It's about me...
and Lance.
It's not my fault.
It's not my fault.
-It's not my fault.
-It wasn't my fault.
-Oh, my God!
-It wasn't my fault.
-Lance, what did you do
to Nicole?
It wasn't me!
It was the fucking creature!
You hear that?
Marty, are you there?
Marty, say something,
Please, I'm sorry.
Marty, can you hear me?
We've had a bit of
an accident.
-He killed her!
He murdered Nicole!
-What happened?
-He shot her with a spear gun!
He fucking killed her!
We have to get out
of here now.
That's the plan.
Come with me.
-Jess, where is he?
-He's in there.
Go check on him,
but hurry!
-Wait. Marty? Marty?
-Stay here!
I didn't murder her, dude.
It was a fucking accident.
I didn't even know
it was her, man.
I was totally fucked up.
She just barged in the room.
I don't know, man.
I just need to know
that you got my back. All right?
That you're not gonna
listen to that bitch,
that you're gonna trust me.
Trust you?
Christy told me everything,
you piece of shit.
What, that?
Hmm? Dude, she was drunk.
I was drunk.
Like, I don't even know
if anything happened.
And even if it did,
who gives a shit?
Fuck you!
What are we going to do?
We're all gonna
get in the Zodiac
and get the heck outta here.
I am not going
anywhere with Lance.
He'll try to kill us!
Jess, he wasn't lying about
the fucking creature,
or whatever it was!
-There was one
on the island, too.
-Oh, my God.
What? Where are Malcolm
and Tina?
Oh, my God!
Look. We need to find anything
that flashes or glows.
Once we get away from
the island, we'll light it up
and get rescued.
-Okay. Okay.
I've had enough
of your shit!
We don't have time
for this shit.
I went into the office,
like you said.
I opened this book.
There was all these pictures
of a creature inside.
-Do you think Silica created it?
-Looks like it.
And after what happened
on that island, let's just say
I don't support the merger.
I got everything we need
to expose these fuckers
right here.
Oh, shit.
Oh, my God, Marty.
Is that blood?
what have you done?
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Christy! Christy!
One of those things-- Argh!
Help! Help!
-Over here!
Help us!
-Over here!
Help us!
Someone better see this.
Oh, shit.
-How many more do we have left?
-That's it.
I'll hold it off
as long as I can.
You gotta swim
to the Zodiac.
-Brady, you don't have
to do this.
-I know.
Go! Now! Argh!
Oh, my God. Thank you.
There's been
some kind of creature,
and we were attacked.
What's going on?
We were attacked.
-Were either of you bitten?
-The creature, did it bite--
Let her go.
Stop. Stop.
What are you doing to me?
Wait. Wait!
Wait. Wait!
-Why were we attacked?
-Jess, it's okay.
Oh, my God. Lance?
Lance. What are you doing?
Anyone else?
You understand we can't
afford any witnesses.
-Tow it and burn it.
We're on the same side.
I work for Silica.
You work with them?
This whole time you knew
about the island?
You knew what
was gonna happen?
It's not what you think.
What is it, then?
I was hired to retrieve
some items valuable
to the company.
it didn't go as planned.
-What items?
-Research files.
And something that I'm
pretty sure is an embryo
of one of those things.
Show me.
Only if you let us go.
We'll take the Zodiac.
That is an embryo.
A very special embryo.
You actually believed
they'd send you for this
and let you live?
No one can know.
Get to the Zodiac!
They're gonna kill us.
-Oh, my God!
-Jess, get to the Zodiac!
We're taking the Zodiac!
Get to the Zodiac! Swim!
-Go! They're in the water!