The Noise (2015)

Move these boxes to the back
Excuse me, it's quicker if you go that way
Careful, that one's heavy
That way towards the back, can you do it?
This too, it's faster
that way towards the back
Thank you
Ms Lim Min Min, what are you doing?
I have a surprise for you
Come with me -What surprise?
Careful -Okay
Where are you bringing me?
Just come with me
It's okay
Let's go
- Okay
Where you want to go?
Come on, quit fooling around
Shut up, we're almost there
And then?
And then?
Lim Min Min, isn't this our small room?
Yes, it is
But it's one with a surprise
No wonder you've kept
me away from this room
I've put in a lot of
effort and time in this
Do you like it?
Not bad
You're too nice to me
From now on you can
work here day and night
Aren't you happy?
What a cunning plan
If I were to work from home all day
Then I won't have a sniff
at meeting other girls
So you have someone else in mind whom
you want a more intimate encounter with?
Please, I can't even handle you
How could I?
Smart boy
Thank you
Don't mention it
I just want us to be together from now on
Put the past behind us. Start over
I promise you, from today onwards
I will give you a happy life
Alright, let's go down and unpack
There's still a lot of stuff to do
Le Ren, they're almost done
Okay, I'm coming
How? Does the breakfast look good?
My sister
Hello -Le Ren
Where are you?
I'm living a decent life
now. You don't need to worry
You can't go on like this
What's the matter with you?
I'll know how to take
care of my own affairs
If that is all, I'm hanging up. That's all
I didn't tell my sister
we're still together
I don't want her to think too much
That's why I wanted
you to keep it from her
I'm sorry
For what? You're the queen
There's no one more important than you
Let's have breakfast
Why are you playing this song?
Master, this way please
Why are you looking at me like that?
Alright, I'm almost done here
There's a small leak from
the ceiling downstairs
I'll go have a look
Let it be, it's just a small matter.
This is our home, how
can we just let it be?
There's nothing wrong
Basically, you can ignore
what the doctor said
But you're a doctor
I'm a doctor and also a friend of yours
So you have to listen to me
But I really heard a lot of weird noises
Probably in that accident
you didn't injure your ear
But your brain
Let me introduce you to Dr Chan, okay?
Le Ren
I was joking. Are you alright?
I'm fine
Let bygones be bygones
We should go for drinks sometimes
Le Ren
Talk to me, will you?
I know you hate me
I shouldn't have shamed you being
with a guy without any recognition
Do you know sometimes
Love blinds a woman
I know
I'm not a good sister
But I hope
You can let go of the past
Start all over again
It's you who can't let
go of the past, not me
I've told you
That guy isn't sincere towards you
But you wouldn't listen
I don't know what else I can do for you
Sis, really, I'm fine
Take good care of yourself. I'm hanging up
Min Min
Min Min
Min Min
Is it any good? -Not bad
You scared me
What's wrong?
Le Ren, what's wrong?
Min Min
Le Ren, what's the matter with you?
Maybe I'm too tired recently
It messed up my mind
Min Min
I didn't mean to scare you
What are you looking at?
Le Ren, there's a house
there, want to go have a look?
What a nice house
If only we could stay
here, it must be really nice
Quit fooling around
Don't you think it's one-of-a-kind
and suits me to the tee?
I'll buy it for you when I'm rich
When we get married and
if we were to live here
I'll have lots of babies for you
What do you want?
Play with me
You want me to play with you?
Fine, I promise you
But you must promise
me cannot hurt Min Min
ls the Master available now?
Master? He's busy
He's fine now
Bring him back to get some rest
Thanks, Master
Min Min
Now that I have executed my
promise to you of buying this house
From now on
I want you to live a happy life
Min Min
Min Min
Min Min
Le Ren -What's the matter with you?
I fell while I was cleaning up the room
What are you looking at?
Tell me, did someone push you?
Don't simply say things. How
could there be anyone else?
It hurts
Let's go out
Stop it
Min Min
You can see him?
All the time
That day in the small room,
he was the one who pushed me
You don't need to act that way
Why won't you leave?
This is not your house anymore
Le Ren
Don't come any closer
Please find the doctor
for me -What's wrong?
My brother...
Look for the doctor first
- Alright, hold on
Hello, doctor
Are you ok?
Doctor, what's wrong with him?
Blood pressure? -Normal
Head beat? -Normal, too
He seems to be well all the while
What happened?
I have no idea
I've given him an androlic
But you have to be prepared
His situation is not really good
Master, he's...
What happened to him?
He had an accident 3
months ago and got injured
He couldn't regain consciousness
even though he's recovered
The doctors didn't know what's wrong
He was with his girlfriend
during the accident
They were on their way to
pick up my child -Hold on
Where's his girlfriend?
Died on the spot
The soul in his body is
left with only 7 spirits
That is why he can't die but
also can't regain consciousness
Where's the rest of his soul?
A human's soul and his
body are interconnected
If he's not meant to die yet
His soul will come back
to look for his body
But his body can't hold up any longer
It will decompose if this were to drag on
His soul will be body-less
when that time comes
And becomes a spirit
No, my brother can't die
Master, you must tell me how to save him
I must save him
There's only one way
Someone must go to the spirits'
realm and find back his soul
I'll go
Please close the door, I'm
going to start the rituals
I will open up your heavenly eyes
So that you can see things
from the spirits' realm
At the same time
You will also see things that
you have never seen before
The remainder of his soul
will lead you to find the rest
Once you've found it must
put it inside this umbrella
Don't be afraid and don't look at him
Just continue ahead
Thank you
These things are everywhere
Just don't engage them
Why don't they leave?
Because they can't let go of the past
I still have things
to do, I'll leave first
Thank you
Before this light goes out
You must bring back his complete soul
How long is that?
Six hours
This amulet will protect you
against any malicious spirits
His body is an empty vessel now
Spirits that didn't die in
peace will want to possess it
Don't worry, I'll stand guard here
Be careful
Go now
Light up the joss sticks, blur the realm
Near and far the gods shall hear
And grant us holy clouds everywhere
Revealing themselves
on our sincere prayers
Name Amitabha
Min Min
Where's the little ghost?
He left after knocking you unconscious
Not sure where he went
Seems like there's a ruckus outside
I'll go have a look, you stay here
Be careful
I never thought you'd be here too
You can't bring yourself to leave him too
He just wanted a chance
To redeem himself
This house...
Whatever that's inside
You know they're not real
Some mistakes can't be undone
He can't keep on running away
If you go in now
What he's been working on all this while
Will be destroyed
He's the reason you lost your life,
yet you're still thinking about him
It's obvious that you still love him
But... -Le Juan sis
If he were to go back now
Will he be fine?
He doesn't have much time left
You can't go back already
But he still can
If you truly love him
Let him go back
Le Ren
Why are you here?
Quickly take Min Min away
Le Ren
Don't come near
Le Ren -You guys go first
Min Min -Le Ren,
all these aren't real
I'm here to bring you back
What are you talking about?
Where are you taking me?
What are these?
Are memories that you refuse to remember
Le Ren
Le Ren
Since you've won many awards
You've changed
You started to drink a lot
And always out socialising
We started to talk less
Go back first
No way, I must say this now
We started arguing
Slowly it became frequent
When I told you I have some
emergency the other day at the bar
Why haven't you ask me what was it?
Do you want to die? I'm on drive now
You've changed. You
weren't like this before
What is it that you want?
Min Min
Le Ren
I shouldn't have shamed you by being
with a guy without any recognition
After the accident
I followed you here
I'm really scared
Because there's no reaction
at all from your soul
I want to hug you
The moment I touch you
It's like I've been
transported to another world
Min Min, so you're here
Le Ren
What happened?
It's time to go back. Let's go
Let's go
Le Ren, let's go
All these are just in your mind
They don't exist
Le Ren
Your sister risked her life to save you
Go back now
Your body can't wait too long
You can't go back
anymore if you're too late
I don't blame you
And you don't have to do anything
I know you truly love me
That's enough
Min Min -Alright?
Let's go
Let them go
Who's that?
I saw him since the first day we moved in
We can't seem to get rid of him
What do you want?
Play with me
I've got an idea
Stay away you motherfucker!
Or I'll hurt you
Why won't you stay away?
Why won't you go away?
I'm really going to hurt you
Min Min
Hello, Le Juan
ls Le Ren's soul completed now?
Le Ren
Le Ren
To deal with this little ghost, all
you need to do is destroy his body
What's the matter with you?
What happened to you?
What is wrong with you?
What's the matter with you?
Where's the kid?
Where's the kid? What's
the matter with you?
What's the matter?
Min Min
Min Min
Min Min
Sis, is Min Min in there?
Le Ren
Le Ren
Le Ren
Min Min
Le Ren
Min Min
Just go back, alright?
Come out
Let me see you one more time, please?
Even if I were to come out now
What happens after that?
Is there anything we can do?
If I knew that...
That day in the car
Was our last moment together
I wouldn't have fought with you
That day
If I knew
I would not, too
If I knew
That would be the last time we meet
I would never have done that...
Well, that's life
We'll never know
When would be
The last time we see each other
And that is why
We cherish all those sweet memories
Le Ren
Promise me
You will live a happy life
Will you?
Le Ren, is time to leave
ls time to leave
Wake up
Min Min
I'm sorry
I hope we can continue this way
I love you
I promise you
I will live my life to the fullest
Alright, let's go home
Where's Wei Wei?
Wei Wei
I'll go look upstairs
O Kay
Wei Wei
Wei Wei
Wei Wei, what are you doing?