The Nun (2018)

I had a vision in Amityville.
I had a premonition of death.
Both have seen the same inhuman spirit.
Mama, who is that?
The demon of your picture is real.
Are you sure that we are
taking the right decision?
We don't have another option.
Really save will us the relic?
Have faith, sister.
Our father who art in heaven,
hallowed be your name...
Your Kingdom come to us, your will be done
on Earth as in heaven...
Give us this day our daily bread...
and forgive us our trespasses as we...
We forgive those who trespass against us.
This badly needs a vessel to escape.
Soon you will look. Don't let you catch.
Know what you should do.
I can't do it.
Then, not even God can save us...
Forgive me, Lord, for the
sin that I committed.
Forgive me, Lord.
Oh my God!
Father Burke?
When was he here last time?
Do six or seven years?
Since my time as a chaplain
finished the war, Yes.
We appreciate that you can come
here, at such a short notice.
Father Burke.
They have advised us that
a nun killed himself...
in an Abbey in the mountains of Romania.
Suicide is a terrible, a terrible sin.
But I don't think that it's
some weight, to meet us here.
But you can argue this news is
relevant to the faith and the Church.
You are not telling me something.
Why say that? -Because
we are in the Vatican.
Let me put it this way, father:
In this strange and rare situation...
We think that we are not
those who have a secret.
These are your travel documents...
(e) the contact details of
the man who found the nun.
He lives near the Abbey in a
small village called Biertan.
You want to talk to him first.
The file also contains the
name of an applicant...
that can assist with the interrogations.
Because it is a cloister and convent
and will have limited access.
She is also familiar with the area.
HOSPITAL VINCEN London, England - have survived
many scary encounters...
but nothing could prepare me for this.
I could only hope that the
beast will not I smelled.
But then, the wind changed and...
Run for your lives!
The mother superior says that
dinosaurs never really lived.
God has placed his bones,
to test our faith.
- That seems very far fetched, don't you think?
- But they are not in the Bible.
Well... do you believe
in penguins and koalas?
Yes. -They are in the Bible either.
The Bible is God's love for us chart...
but, that doesn't mean that he
isn't willing to do questions...
about the wonders of his creation.
But Mother Superior says...
Wait a minute, there's
something on your nose.
- The Vatican?
- I'm as surprised as you.
- I have not yet made my vows.
- He knows.
He is waiting in the garden.
And put your habit. This
is an official visit.
It will not take more than a few days.
You were recommended because
it is familiar with the area.
Yes. Romania.
I've never been to that part of the world.
- Seriously?
- It must be a mistake.
My apologies if your coming
here was a waste of time.
No apologies are needed.
Every decision taken by the
Vatican, is for a purpose.
I'm sure they had their
reasons for choosing it.
What happens?
Sir Theriault?
Jealous husband or father angry?
Usually it is one of the two...
when an older man and a young, beautiful...
not so innocent, they will
appear at my door this morning.
Excuse me, Mr. Theriault, but
we had never seen before.
So it's time to do so.
Call Me Frenchy, everyone does.
Mr. Theriault, we are here for
the nun found at the Abbey.
How do you know ...?
Is priest?
And she's a nun.
Forgive my impure thoughts, Sister.
I had no idea. I've never
seen a nun without habit.
Not that I have anything against.
Excuse me.
Mr. Theriault...
Abbey, is far?
Not in terms of distance, but
it takes time to get there.
If I can ask, why he was there?
I gave the quarterly provisions.
Apparently, the Abbey has had an
agreement with the people for centuries.
Do you think you can take us
there as soon as possible?
I do not think so, Father.
Is there anyone else in
the village to take us?
Everyone in this town pretends
that the Abbey does not exist.
Talking about it can even
get you into trouble.
It is already decided. You take us.
- With all due respect, Father...
- Please, Frenchy.
Hey, go home.
They took a plane from Rome,
a bus from Bucharest...
And now, my friends, are
in the Middle Ages.
In the back corner of Romania.
Now they will travel on
horseback, where are your stuff?
"Load postman" 8 letters with E.
It is good at this, Sister.
What brings a French
countryside of Romania?
I am French Canadian,
but do not tell anyone.
That does not sound so romantic.
I was looking for gold, but
when I met people here...
I knew I wanted to be here and
help them in all possible ways.
That's very noble of you.
I know.
Sister Tell me... How long is a nun?
I'm still not a nun, I'm still a novice.
Still you have not taken temporary vows?
I did not know there was
something temporary into a nun.
Temporary vows help me prepare...
for a life of complete devotion.
Would you help, sister or help?
What happened?
All in order?
We walk the rest of the way.
The horse does not want to move forward.
Maybe I should buy a new horse.
Not the horse, Father, but what awaits us.
He has fear.
Villagers say is there damn
horses also believe it.
Why does the Church send him
to this mission, Father?
The Church sends me when they need
to investigate unusual phenomena.
Associated with Catholicism.
Unofficially called "hunting miracles."
I thought we were here for a suicide.
We are, but that's just a small
part of our investigation.
The Vatican has also asked me to
determine if the land here...
It is still consecrated.
I can give my opinion about it, Father.
Is that war?
Bomb attacks.
I heard stories that the ground
continued to vibrate for days.
I tried to find more information
about the castle...
But the town is no record.
And the villagers spit
when you talk about it.
- Spit?
- Yes, to ward off evil.
It is an old and stupid superstition.
And if you ask me, you're
crossings around the Abbey...
They keep evil inside, not outside.
Did you try to contact someone from
the Abbey when he met the nun?
I did, no one answered.
But in the two years I gave provisions,
This was the first nun I saw.
What did you do when you
found the nun, Frenchy?
I moved the body to protect nature.
- Where did you take?
- A cooling chamber.
That's where I leave my deliveries.
When I met Sister, I thought...
perhaps to move here
would help preserve it.
After You.
I have to tell you something else, Father.
- What?
- I did not leave that way.
What do you mean?
He was face down when I left.
He was not sitting then.
There are cases of bodies
whose muscles move...
or feel right, just after his death.
But Father, who knows how long he...
dead before they find her?
- You do not help me.
- Sorry.
- Father, what is it?
- Looks like some kind of key.
Through that door come the
nuns to collect supplies.
So they do not have to leave the castle.
We must bury her properly.
In the name of the Father and
of the Son, and Holy Spirit.
That was handy during the plague,
when people feared being buried alive.
If you had the misfortune to bury you...
You could ring the bell, so people
know they've made a mistake.
I think that being here is wrong.
I found there.
How is it possible? It's been weeks.
I've already said... This place is...
What is the opposite of a miracle, Father?
Please excuse me for our
arrival without notice.
What do you want?
I am Father Anthony Burke,
she is Sister Irene.
- Is Mother Superior?
- That's me.
You have not taken your vows.
- Please...
- Why are you here, Father?
We come in the name of Rome...
to investigate the recent
death in her convent.
Recent death?
One of her nuns.
I found out he had hung up.
That's right?
And you considered the
appropriate bury her?
Could you leave us alone
for a moment, please?
They have to go with him.
You say you did not know about
the recent death of the nun?
Roma are concerned about the safety
and welfare of their convent.
I would talk to the sisters,
to reassure the Church.
I can give you the peace
you are looking for.
I'm afraid that's not enough.
Send other representatives of the
Church, perhaps less diplomatic.
Yes father.
But the door almost be closed,
because begin the evening prayer.
Followed by the Great Silence
which ends tomorrow morning.
Come back tomorrow and you will
find the answers they seek.
There is a guest room in the convent.
They can stay there.
Thank you.
Why you can not talk to the sisters now?
Why you have to wait until tomorrow?
Sisters make the vow of silence,
from dusk to dawn, we should respect.
Why do not you go back?
You do not want to travel
on these roads in the dark.
The roads are better than here, Father.
We'll be fine, son. Come
back in a few days.
That will give us enough time
to get all the answers time.
Yes father.
Listen! Listen!
I will take with me.
In agreement?
Very well.
Before hunting spoke of miracles.
Is that...
Is this a task that you
yourself have chosen?
No. God, no, no.
I am part of...
a small business, on which
depends the Church...
to do research...
to unusual problems.
Do you know the Bishop Forne?
- How do you know ...?
- He helped me when I was younger.
As a child, I often had visions.
My father thought he was mentally unstable.
Or worse, a liar.
The Church heard of my visions.
Cardinal Conroy, to be specific, and
sent to the Bishop Forne to me.
What were your visions?
There were many, but never the same.
But when finished,
the same thought was in my head.
And what was that?
Mary points the way.
What happens Father?
I thought about a similar incident...
that I met in France during the war.
He was stationed there, near Lyon.
I had to investigate a child with visions.
But unlike your case...
after which I thought was
a cautious assessment...
I thought it was possessed...
and proceeded according to
the laws of the Church.
OMG! Daniel...
What have they done to you?
It was a success?
Church thought so.
They believed that evil had been expelled.
But not you.
The most glorious Prince
of the Heavenly Army...
San Miguel, the Archangel...
Help me, Father.
Come out and support Daniel, whom
God created in His likeness.
- Behold the Lord's cross.
- Why do not you help me?
You're an evil power.
Daniel suffered several
injuries during the exorcism.
From which he never recovered.
Daniel, I'm sorry.
A few days later he died.
I often wonder if I was too
quick with my assessment.
That's a puzzle.
Wait. Do not.
Sister Irene, help.
Help me.
- Father?
- Sister?
- Sister Irene.
- Father, I can hear you.
I'm right here.
Thank God, thank you.
Hurry up.
Thank you! Thank you sister.
How did he end up there?
The floor was covered.
There is an evil and
powerful presence here.
Maybe we can find our
answer in these books.
There are more, how is that possible?
Another puzzle.
As we were asked, we are
here to talk to the nuns.
- I think even there our invitation.
- I'll get to the Abbess.
Take this with you.
Let's see what you can discover about it.
Apparently it was important
for the deceased.
Sister, please, be careful.
I'll have it, Father.
I waited.
Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
And at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us
sinners now and at the hour...
Ave, Maria, gratia plena...
- Your womb, Jesus.
- Herman?
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
We must never stop praying,
even for a second.
This convent perpetual adoration
has been doing for centuries.
Sisters do this in shifts
for constant vigilance.
I'm sorry to have bothered you.
Sister Ruth has experienced worse,
escabullndosele someone behind.
I am Oana Sister. They
said they would come.
Follow me please.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Another round. Luca told
it was for the house.
- Why they covered the mirror?
- It is the tradition when someone dies.
Cubres the mirror so that
the deceased did not see...
its reflection and become a ghost.
- Has anyone died?
- Did not you hear?
Luca's daughter has committed suicide.
I can not believe it! She was only a child.
I was 12 years old. He
hanged himself in his barn.
Why Addi Constantine turned crops to dust?
Why the young Stefan went blind?
It is that place. The abbey.
Whatever evil there, filter
poison and poison us.
And that couple you took yesterday.
- Who were they?
- A priest and a nun.
Are they up there?
Yes, I will gather tomorrow.
Just you found a corpse there, right?
Yes, Grigore, yes.
Well... I think you'll find two more.
Earth all the beasts of the field...
And he had done all the birds.
And what man would call evil creature,
It became his name.
The defiler.
The profane.
The Marquis of Serpents.
Sister Irene.
The death of Sister Victoria was...
a terrible tragedy for the convent...
but still we feel his presence.
It was the most devoted of us.
Excuse me, Sister.
Sister Vic...
Forgive us, we are very
careful with our privacy.
Some sisters want to talk with you not.
We appreciate your willingness to do so.
Oana sister, could you tell
me the story of this Abbey?
It was built by a duke in the Middle Ages.
The Duke of San Charter.
He wrote countless texts on
witchcraft and rituals...
to appeal to the forces of Hell.
Hell used it to open a portal...
for an unmentionable evil
could walk among us.
But the church broke into the castle.
He sealed the passage
with an ancient relic...
It is containing the blood of Jesus Christ.
The Church claimed the
castle for herself...
and began our eternal prayer,
to protect the Abbey and contain evil.
For centuries it worked,
and evil held off...
until bombs rocked the
Abbey during the war...
and evil found a new way
to open the portal.
Oana sister last night
in the chapel saw a nun.
It was anything but sacred thing felt.
Do you also saw her?
I see stalking the halls at night.
All we have done.
It seems to us, but it's not one of us.
It is something profane.
It takes different forms to confuse
us and afflict us for our weaknesses.
It appears as a nun to hide...
under her habit, until you
can corrupt everything.
I fear that their presence indicates
that the site was reopened.
It is why the Sister Victoria
committed the ultimate sin.
Oana sister.
Sister Ruth almost ended his prayer.
- It's time for yours.
- Yes Sister.
- Have not you taken your vows?
- Do not.
So this is not the right place for you.
Do you have to go now.
She can not do that.
The doors are closed. You
have to wait for it to open.
When open again?
At dawn, you have to stay here tonight.
Sister Irene.
Rest, Sister.
Sister, wait.
Victory Sister had this in
his possession when he died.
You know what it is?
I have to go and pray, please.
Where are you?
You will not find another entry, Father.
What worries you?
I fear that there is something very
wrong with this place, Abbess.
Like many other places in the world,
this Abbey also has a long history.
Not all good, but regret.
That nun, I found a key in his hand.
What opens, Abbess?
It's too late, Father.
Sister Irene is lost.
Sister Irene.
Mary points the way.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Your womb, Jesus.
Mother of God.
Pray for us sinners...
Who you are?
God will save you.
Come here, Sister.
Ay, Dios!
Evil becomes stronger.
Grab your belongings and see
me in the chapel, Sister.
Only prayer can spend the night.
And. Anda.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace...
How long have I died, Father?
How long?
Why do not you help me?!
Mary, mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
We must pray now.
Whatever happens, what you see or hear,
keep your eyes open and keep on praying.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of...
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Through that door come the
nuns to collect supplies.
So they do not have to leave the castle.
No no...
Holy Mother of God.
I thought you could use some help.
Thank you.
But please use the shotgun next time.
I keep for emergencies, Father.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Mother of...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Mother of...
Mother of God, pray for us...
Ave Maria,
the Lord is with thee.
Do you among women and
blessed is the fruit...
Mother of God, pray for us...
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Sister Irene.
Father Burke.
That's the Father Burke.
He comes to help.
Open the door.
Sister Irene.
- Thank God, the Father.
- Are you all right, Sister?
What happened?
We prayed all together.
Eternal worship is the
only thing stopping evil.
Who was praying?
All of us. The other nuns.
They were here.
They were praying when they attacked us.
The nuns tried to warn me.
- Visions.
- It felt so real.
No one left.
We have our answer, Father.
If there was any doubt, this
place is no longer consecrated.
Our father...
What should we do, Father?
Take my bag, Sister. Pass me my cross.
Add water blessed her.
- Give me.
- Hurry, Father.
Keep it on the ground. Cbrele face.
Cast out the devil in you...
in the name of God the Father Almighty...
and by the power of the Holy Spirit...
I pray this in the name of
our Father, Jesus Christ.
Who will come to judge
the living and the dead.
And the world on fire.
So I thought it was an emergency.
We arrived too late.
Evil is free.
If the devil wants to enter our world,
You need to possess a human soul.
Sister Victoria must have been
the last nun in the cloister.
- You know what to do.
- I can not do it.
Then, not even God can save us...
It was not a suicide.
It was a sacrifice...
so that evil will not
take hold of his soul.
I have no idea what you just said, but...
It seems that your research is complete.
So, get out of here.
- We can not just leave.
- Come on... Why not?
We must seal the portal,
to keep the evil inside.
The portal is in the catacombs.
But we can not close without the
relic, the blood of Christ.
Christ? Jesus Christ?
Do the sisters said where is he?
The Abbess was found dead in
the tunnel of the catacombs.
I think I know where this tunnel is.
Well, then we look there first.
But Father, before doing so...
I want to take my vows first.
Are you sure about that?
My visions.
Now I know that you are a miracle of
God and am willing to devote my life.
It is a noble, Sister act.
It's a shame, but...
By the power entrusted to me,
on behalf of the Church...
Valido have taken the vows.
I commend you to God honestly.
That your gift has become one with
the sacrifice of the Eucharist...
that will take you to perfection.
That love of God will unite you forever.
In the name of the Father and
of the Son, and Holy Spirit.
There is nothing here.
There has to be.
They said the key would
open the door to the relic.
That can be anywhere in the castle.
It is here, do not you see, Sister?
Mary points the way.
Blood of Christ.
With sucks.
The son of God.
Only the true bride of Christ
can handle such a holy thing.
What happens?
Should not we first pray or something?
There is a time for prayer, and
there is time for action, my son.
And now it's time for action.
I think it is also time to pray, Father.
"Here ends with God."
"God ends here."
We have to look everywhere
to find the portal.
Sister Irene, here.
Sister Irene.
Lord Jesus, in the holy name...
I drive all the evil spirits to this fire.
To protect us from evil
with your holy light.
Help me, Frenchy.
Of course.
Our father who art in Heaven...
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
You have failed, as everyone in your life.
Tomorrow the people will
have lost an idiot.
You should have run when you
had the chance, Frenchy.
I'm French Canadian.
Sister! Sister Irene.
In the Name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Show some respect.
No no no.
Let's go.
In agreement.
I hope you do not mind that
"the kiss of life" is called.
They call it. It is not really...
Frenchy, what is your real name?
Thank you for saving my life, Maurice.
You are welcome.
We have to go.
Lord, we humbly deliver
your maidservants...
The nuns of Santa Letter.
They serve you in this life,
with strength and faith.
Release them all wrong now.
And who reside with you in
the perfect grace, forever.
I thought the ground was
no longer enshrined here.
Now it is.
Will you stay in Biertan?
I've had enough of Romania.
My father was a farmer tomatoes.
Maybe you try that for a while.
It sounds boring for a
world traveler like you.
I hope so.
An exorcism can be very dangerous,
the victim but for everyone in the room.
Look at Maurice Theriault,
whose friends called Frenchy.
French Canadian farmer with
only basic education that...
after being possessed...
Latin spoke the best I've heard.
And so,
an inverted cross began to
appear inside your body.
This brings us to the three
stages of demonic activity:
and possession.
The Nun (2018) Created by TaMaBin