The Nut Job (2014)

SURLY: When you're an animal,
life's a balancing act.
Each day is a quest to
find food to survive.
It's a tough nut to crack.
Wait, you think I'm one
of these dopey pigeons?
No, no, no, no, this is me.
The handsome one.
I got no problem with
my feathered friends.
In fact, I get a real
kick outta them.
They're really soft on the feet.
And they're always building
these little picnic baskets
that offer the occasional treat.
Apparently, not today.
Thanks for nothing.
At the end of the day, I'm
just like all you fine people.
I'm no hero.
I'm just a squirrel
trying to get a nut.
One bag of nuts, please.
And that's my buddy named,
well, Buddy.
He don't talk much.
Yeah, they say the world's
there for the taking.
So, that's just
what we're gonna do.
RACCOON: Come along. Please keep
that food coming, everyone.
That's it. All finds are valuable.
Mole, what is our food level now?
MOLE: Pickings are slim this year.
I'm sure we could rephrase.
We're at starvation levels!
We're all gonna die!
Now, now, now,
have optimism, brethren.
Stiff upper lip, everyone.
Ah! Here we are, food.
I'm afraid this is the
wrong kind of nut. Hmm...
What's that? A nut cart?
A nut cart?
A nut cart? My eyes!
RACCOON: This could be
our salvation for winter.
I'm on my way.
You won't regret this.
Grayson is going with you.
With all due respect, sir, I can
do this on my own. I don't...
Chicks dig the tail.
RACCOON: Help Andie retrieve as many
nuts from that cart as possible.
For the park!
ALL: For the park!
Oh! What she said.
And above all, keep a wary
watchful eye out for you-know-who.
No! Not him!
Yes, him.
Ho, ho, ho, come to daddy.
Hey, mack, you know where
the Oakton Bank is?
Oh, thanks.
Where'd you learn to drive?
MAN: Moron!
GIRL: Hey, mister!
I want some nuts.
Scram, kid, we're closed.
The sign says you're open!
Burn rubber.
Did you hear me? I want nuts!
FINGERS: You want nuts?
GIRL: Nuts!
We got to get those nuts before the
rest of the park gets in on this.
Let's go over the plan.
That's us, there's the cart,
we rob the cart and then stuff
ourselves silly all winter.
What are you looking at?
Great. We got company.
Okay, we got to move.
Get in the pail.
Officer, that man,
he assaulted me with nuts.
- Oh, no.
- GIRL: It was horrible.
Now, listen,
Officer, that is not...
I need to see your vendor permits.
There it is.
Enough food to feed the park
for the entire winter.
That dog will make
it difficult, though.
Grayson? Grayson?
- Quiet. (SNIFFING)
- ANDIE: What are you doing?
I'm smelling for any sign of
that rascal, Surly Squirrel.
Picking up rather
strange scents, though.
Cashews, man musk,
(SNEEZES) dog hair.
I knew it. You stay here.
Honestly, woman, I am still
the park hero around here!
Which reminds me, why haven't
you asked me out on a date?
I smell a rat.
What are you doing here, Surly?
FINGERS: Do you like cashews?
You want some cashews?
Who needs a permit
when you got nuts?
Great. So, you're
after this nut cart, too, huh?
Of course I am. The park needs it.
Well, too late, sister. Amscray.
Buddy and I got here first,
and I ain't sharing.
Oh, yes, you are.
Fall's half over and the park's
having the worst shortage in years.
That nut cart can feed everyone.
Hey, we'll work together.
We can work out a deal.
Uh, pass me that
metal thingy, will you?
I just... I don't get it.
You have all the drive and ability
to help the park,
but you never do.
You know, this is a chance to
prove Raccoon is wrong about you.
I don't care what Raccoon thinks.
Well, then do it for the park. Stop
thinking about yourself all the time.
Look, I'm independent
and that means
looking out for number one.
I suggest you do the same
if you want to survive.
Got that?
I feel sorry for you, Surly.
Found him, Andie!
In a tree, no less.
Very crafty, Surly.
I shall now arrest you
before you interfere
with the park's nut cart caper.
It's okay, Grayson. I got him.
No, Grayson, she doesn't.
You better help her.
Well, you! I'm gonna...
Hey, Sugar Ray,
take the gloves off.
I'm just gonna rip your tail off.
Now, how about that date?
Listen, I'd love to keep chatting,
but I got a date with destiny.
Destiny, do I know her?
Buena suerte, chumps!
That was thrilling!
That was painful.
This is going to end up bad.
LUCKY: Excuse me, Officer.
I happen to have
seen the whole thing.
This little girl might be
exaggerating a little bit...
I am not!
FINGERS: Did you see that?
You're my witness.
LUCKY: Did you see that, Officer?
FINGERS: Yeah. Yeah,
she assaulted me, Officer!
I'm just an innocent citizen.
Aren't I right?
Aww, great.
Bon apptit.
Hey, your cart, it's getting away.
Holy Toledo!
What a woman!
That just cost you 10%.
Ole! Did I save the day?
Grayson, try to get as much
food for the stock as you can.
Hey, what's that smell?
That's my cologne, made from
tree sap and falcon tears.
- Get back.
- Hey, watch the tail.
Flammable here, come on.
These nuts are ours!
These nuts are mine!
Okay, Surly, let's negotiate.
We can share it with the park.
Yeah, that sounds fair. How
about 100 me, zero for you?
They definitely don't have
a permit for that.
We have to stop this cart.
Photo op!
Surly, come help me, man!
What? Curse you, Surly!
Surly, you coward!
Heck of a day.
Grayson, the oak tree.
The tally is in.
The food collected
in the trunk of our oak tree
will not be enough
to carry us through winter.
I knew it! We're gonna die!
- Settle down, settle down now, please.
- Raccoon!
Raccoon is giving a speech.
Though this outlook
appears disheartening...
Excuse me,
Andie and Grayson are on...
with determination and honor...
You gotta listen to me.
this park will persevere!
Take heart, park brethren,
there is hope!
- Raccoon!
- Quiet.
I'd like to take this
moment to point out...
Quiet. Quiet.
Grayson's never
let us down before.
I believe he is on his way right
at this very moment carrying...
Flaming cart of nuts!
Our food! it will be destroyed!
Why didn't you say anything?
Abandon tree! Abandon tree!
Not my perfectly
symmetrical face! No!
ALL: Phew!
ANIMAL: My goodness!
Grayson? Grayson?
Where are you?
What happened here?
Who is responsible for this?
SURLY: Let go of me, you clowns!
You're making a big mistake here.
I got an alibi! I got witnesses.
Found him hiding in one of our
holes, just like a snake.
I was recovering buried nuts,
that's what I was doing. (SNIFFING)
You guys smell, like, burnt
nuts or something? That me?
What's going... Ahh!
Look at that!
You guys are
messed for winter, man!
I mean, wow!
Just look at that bonfire!
You didn't see
that coming, did you?
Never fear!
This sweet bod is undamaged!
Raccoon, let me organize the trial.
Just give the order.
Another trial? He's never learned.
He needs something more severe!
He is a clear and present danger!
No, no, we do things
by the rule of law.
Let justice take care of him.
They want justice, Andie,
and justice they will receive.
All those in favor of
banishment, raise your paws!
- Banishment?
- Banishment?
Bandages? Yes, please.
Why are you hesitating?
He's refused to join us,
ridiculed our hard work,
stolen, cheated, lied,
and now destroyed our
only food for winter.
What say all?
And stick 'em up!
Why is the ground
moving towards my face?
We don't convict without a trial.
This isn't how we do things.
I have run out of options
for that squirrel, Andie.
Do what you will,
do what is right.
Buddy has not voted, and it has
to be unanimous, that's the rule.
You won't vote against me,
will you, old buddy?
You were saying?
MOLE: By the authority granted by
Raccoon and the park community...
Oh! This is too high...
Surly Squirrel is
hereby banished to the city,
never to return to our
beloved Liberty Park.
Ugh! Can I please get down now?
You should have
had a trial, Surly.
I'm sorry.
This is my punishment, Buddy.
This ain't so bad.
(GASPS) Ahh!
Oh! Filthy rat!
MAN: Hey! Whoa! Is that a rat?
WOMAN: Oh, my!
Shoes. Shoes.
Gotta tail.
No, no, no, Buddy, Buddy, Buddy,
speak to me, pal, come on.
Come on, snap out of it,
come on, speak to me, pal,
come on, come on,
come on, snap out of it.
Boy, it feels good to have a...
Hey, what are you doing?
Get your hands off me.
Beat it back to that park.
It's dangerous out here.
you'll just get in my way.
I don't need anybody.
You guys looking for
that squirrel? Me, too.
Hey, fellas,
come on, come on, come on.
I'm cool with rats.
My best friend's a rat.
There he is!
Go on, be free. Be free.
Come on, come on, come on.
Buddy, Buddy, come on! Here we go.
We did it. We're away.
Let's go tell the boss.
I can't do this anymore.
No food, no home. Rat gangs.
I'm gonna die out here, Buddy.
I don't know, I mean, maybe
they could take me back.
I'd do public service. I'll
read to that blind woodchuck.
I'll even listen to Raccoon. I'll do
anything. I'll do whatever it takes to...
Okay. We get in.
We fill our bellies.
But we do it my way.
Forget it, Buddy. That's not gonna work.
Let me handle this.
FINGERS: We got 100.
LUCKY: 20%. Twenty of 100,
that's what 20% is.
- You didn't go to school?
- Hey, hey!
Hey, hey!
Look who's here! It's the boss!
Fresh out of the slammer, huh?
How you doing, jailbird?
Hey, what's it been?
Eight years? Seven years?
Here. Let me get your jacket.
No, no, no. I shall get that.
LUCKY: It's fine. I got it.
FINGERS: No, I got it.
LUCKY: I said it's all right.
LUCKY: Just good to see you.
Hey, Precious! Come here.
Say hi to the boss.
LUCKY: Say, boss, you look even
better than you did when you went in.
Hey, boss, you got a new suit?
What is that?
Is that linen? Is that silk?
'Cause you look good.
Tell me it ain't Italian.
LUCKY: What a sharp dude.
Yeah. Hey...
KING: I want youse to meet
our new associate, Knuckles.
He'll be the weapons
and the safe expert.
Knuckles, say hello
to Fingers and Lucky.
Hiya, mack. Welcome aboard.
What's buzzin', cousin?
All right.
So, which of you
geniuses found this place?
I did.
Ah, here we go.
I did. And look at all this nutty
stuff, boss. We even got a nut cart.
- KING: Uh-huh.
- Sorta.
It'll do.
We bought it for a song. And the
place is the perfect cover.
And the view is swell. All
right, let's get to it. Plans.
Just like we talked about.
Fat city.
Here's the bank.
Vault's right here.
Reinforced steel.
Solid as a rock.
That's why we got these babies.
We go in with a bang,
and go out with the loot!
Kill the lights! Kill 'em!
FINGERS: Ah, just probably rats.
KING: Did you say rats?
FINGERS: What's his problem?
Shut her up, Fingers!
I got this.
Wow. You can hear my dog whistle?
Can you hear this?
Like, if I talk, like, high?
Like this?
You kiddin' me? Really?
I'm not asking you
if you can hear, I'm ask...
Knock it off!
I got enough on my plate without
you two horsin' around, you dig?
Uh... Uh...
Hey, boss, let's show you
fellas the basement, huh?
We barely have enough food
for the next three days,
let alone for the winter.
Make that food last.
It's all we can spare.
Come on, Grayson. Five more.
Let's go! Drop the purse, honey!
It's time to dance!
Okay! Yeah! Rope-a-dope!
All right!
Let's try cheek elasticity.
Yeah! Show 'em
what you got, Grayson!
JIMMY: Come on, Grayson.
Stretch those cheeks.
Do you really think Grayson
should be coming with me?
I don't think he's recovered
from that hit on the head.
Raccoon thinks it would be good for
morale during these hard times.
After all,
Grayson is the park hero.
What a champ!
Good luck, my dear.
Find food for us.
For the park.
Our hopes go with you.
We know you'll find food.
Take me with you!
And you should have great weather!
80% chance of sunshine!
0% chance of winter!
Take me with you!
Be careful! The city is full of
germs and bright blinding lights.
Oh, the sun's coming up.
I must take refuge in the safety
of darkness. Out of my way!
Look at us! Off on a heroic quest!
I couldn't think of a better way
to celebrate our anniversary.
Hey! We are not dating.
This is an important mission
to find food. Right?
You're right. We're
past those silly labels.
Ours is a love...
RAT: Well, Well, Well.
Isn't this a tender little scene?
I'll handle this.
Hello, urban rodent thing!
Is that mange or bubonic
plague you're wearing?
Anyway, my lady and I were hoping
you could point out the...
Hey! Put the...
Hey! Give her back that backpack!
Backpack! Give it pack!
Pack! Back!
ANDIE: Grayson!
GRAYSON: Go on without me!
Save the park!
Buddy, I ate too much cheese.
I think I'm gonna
have a cheese baby.
Going down.
Son of a gun.
Gee, Lana, you look swell.
Lana, crazy dame.
Hey, ain't you got
a nickel to call first?
No need. Your ma told me
where to find you, King.
Look at that! It's Lana!
And who are you,
you slobbery little monster?
FINGERS: She's a vicious guard dog.
She's not very good at her job.
LUCKY: She's not the only one.
What's that supposed to mean?
- LUCKY: Nothin'.
- FINGERS: What do you mean, nothing?
LUCKY: I said nothin'.
LANA: I wouldn't have believed it,
but you really have gone legit.
Talk about second chances,
it's boss.
KING: Yeah, well, you keep
it under your hat, though,
'cause, I mean, we ain't open yet,
and we wanna have a surprise
grand opening. Right, boys?
Oh! Not again!
Hey! My Whistle!
I wanna be reimbursed for that!
- Ahh! Oh! Rat!
- FINGERS: Boss!
- It's a rat!
- FINGERS: Hang on!
Get it off of me!
Get this rat off of me!
It's down my pants!
Get it out of here!
Get it off of me! Please!
Next chance we get, we go back in
there and stash away those nuts.
Can't go back to the park, though.
Ah, forget it. Let's go get
that shiny thing. Here we go!
No. And that's not...
The thingamabooby is mine!
- What are you doing here?
- What are you doing here?
- I'm looking for food.
- I'm looking for food.
- No! I'm looking for food!
- No! I'm looking for food!
Hey, did you find food?
No. No food.
Can I have that back, please?
Why? What is this thing?
It's just my musical instrument
for playing the blues.
I got no friends, no food
This whistle has nothing
to do with food
Oh, I've got the no food blues
For heaven's sakes!
You found food, didn't you?
And this thing has
something to do with it.
That's crazy!
Spill the beans, or I...
Let's not get too nutty around here.
Pardon the expression.
Surly, I'm having a heck of a day!
The park lost all its food,
Grayson lost his mind,
now I've lost Grayson.
I've been out hungry and alone
and getting real irritable!
So, either you start talking,
or come winter,
I'll be wearing a new
squirrel-skin coat. Capisce?
The door.
ANDIE: What? What door?
SURLY: Nothing.
Just that my door is always open
to you, Andie. But we gotta go.
Come back here! Hey!
And hold on to that thing, okay?
Ooh! Ow! Tail!
Head! Tail! Head! Tail!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Buddy, we found it!
The lost city of Nutlantis!
I've been working on a bank heist
All the live long day
Stop with the singing, will you?
Can you believe this?
I can't believe this!
Can you hear what
I'm saying to you?
FINGERS: And what's with that guy
cracking his knuckles all the time?
You know that's gonna lead to a
serious arthritic condition.
Thanks, chum. Sorry about that.
Went a little nuts.
I didn't say
anything stupid, did I?
FINGERS: Hey, how much is 20%?
LUCKY: You kidding me?
Is it a lot or is it a little?
LUCKY: You're not serious, are you?
Twenty of 100 is 20%.
Ah, burying nuts for winter, huh?
All right, listen up.
We're gonna dig our own hole, a
tunnel from here to the alley,
loot the whole place, get
fat for winter. Got it?
20%. Twenty of 100, that's what
20% is. You didn't go to school?
What's wrong with her?
Probably complaining about the
substandard working conditions here.
All right, brainiac, let's move.
FINGERS: You got an attitude.
Here we go!
All right, Surly, you're gonna
tell me what's going on in there.
Yes! Yes! Just give me that thing!
There's food in there
for the park, isn't there?
And you're gonna share it, right?
- Never!
- Fine!
All right! Share! I'll share!
- Fifty-fifty.
- Fifty-fifty?
I've never gone 50-50 in my life.
Fifty-fifty! Fifty-fifty!
- I got four words for ya.
- Okay!
- Ugh!
- How do you like that, huh?
- Okay, you win, you win!
Get that thing out of my face!
- Huh? Oh.
You got me.
So, you can talk.
Okay, I'll stop talking, then.
Just don't blow that whistle.
I'm not gonna feel sorry for you.
- Of course, yes, I understand.
- Stay.
All right, it's safe to come down.
I'm gonna level with you, 'cause
you seem like a reasonable guy.
If I don't get rid of you,
they are gonna send me back
to the pound, all right?
And I can't go back to that pound.
SURLY: Oh, yeah, sure.
I believe you.
No, I'm a victim of circumstance.
Not my problem, dog. You guys okay?
Don't worry about her.
This is incredible!
There's enough food here
to feed the park for years!
Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What're you doing?
Look, can we be friends?
- Oh, great.
- Come on!
I can do all sorts of stuff.
You wanna see? You know what?
I can fetch things. Huh?
I can sit.
Look at this thing! This is crazy!
Whoo, whoo, whoo.
Has a mind of its own.
Oh, Oh, Oh!
I can play dead! Watch.
Now I'm alive.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
It's like one to the next.
Dead, then alive. Right?
I'm getting some of this food
back to the park.
- SURLY: What?
- We had a deal.
Well, I can attack her,
if you want.
I said, shut it.
Look, the deal is, you take
your share, I get mine,
we split ways.
There's no way I can get
these to the park safely.
We need a foolproof plan.
Good luck with that. Buddy
and I are digging a tunnel.
That's just... That's crazy.
No. It's brilliant!
Oh, Raccoon and the animals will
flip when they hear about this!
We'll be back, first thing tomorrow,
to get started on a tunnel.
That's not part of the deal.
Should I attack her now?
What? No! You stay!
I never said that
I'd work with the park.
Well, you're welcome to come
back with me, if you want.
Who knows, you might just
end up being a hero.
I'll be back with the team.
Well done, Surly!
Put a tail on her.
You know what I mean.
Hey, boss, I'm gonna
lick your face.
Come on, don't be weird.
MOLE: I propose we assemble a team
and take the nuts for the park!
ALL: Yeah!
See? See, everybody?
What did I tell ya?
The sunshiny days are here again.
Okay. Okay, wait. Wait! But
we have to work with Surly.
That's right! We are working with...
Are you nuts?
I negotiated a deal with him.
We split everything, 50-50.
With Surly? Are you kidding me?
He's the reason we don't
have any nuts to begin with!
ANDIE: No! No!
Hey, listen. For as long as
this old mill has stood,
we have always worked together
and kept our promises.
We are not a pack of wild animals!
These two are animals.
Winter is coming.
If we don't work with Surly,
we won't survive.
Did Grayson see this nut supply?
No. Um... We got separated.
Let's all wait until
Grayson gets back...
We don't know
if Grayson's ever coming back.
Grayson's not coming back? What?
- No!
- ANIMAL 2: Terrible.
MOUSE: Wait. Who's
gonna be handsome, then?
I have come to a decision.
The Bruisers, Mole and Andie will
dig a tunnel to get the nuts out.
Mole will lead.
I will?
And while I don't trust Surly,
we will work with him. For now.
When all the nuts are secure,
we will take what is ours.
We do not honor deals with Surly.
For the park!
ALL: For the park! Yeah!
Why aren't we doing this at night?
All right, let's get to work!
Stand back!
Guys, the nut store is over there.
Allow me.
So, what do you think? Green wire?
Hmm. Read my mind.
Wait. We don't know what that...
Andie, I am in charge.
Proceed, my dear.
No! Sis, wake up! Wake up, sis!
Jamie! Wake up, sis! Come on...
I have been trained in mouth-to-mouth
resuscitative measures.
She's fine.
I've been casing
this place for days.
Every hole, vent, trap and
window is mapped in my head.
You wanna break into this
joint, survive the winter,
you talk to me.
KING: We cut the alarm
wire from the tunnel.
When you two hit the vault,
we got three minutes to dynamite
it and get that dough out.
We dig here, from the
alley into the basement.
Why don't we just
use the door thing?
Too unpredictable. They lock it
from the inside.
Now, listen closely.
We fill the vault
with bags of nuts.
We seal it,
we head for state lines.
It'll be days before the bank
realizes they got peanuts on deposit.
Agreed. But I do not dig.
'Cause you're blind as a bat.
What? Who said that?
Where are you?
What kinda haul
are we talking, pops?
We're talking almonds,
pistachios, walnuts, Brazils...
Enough cashews
to buy yourselves a racetrack.
And did I mention
the peanut brittle?
That a candy or a nut?
Now, listen up.
This is my last heist.
I ain't going back to that
rat-filled slammer, you dig?
That's all we've been doing!
JIMMY: Fire in the hole!
I'm gonna kill you!
What's going on down...
It's the same thing every time.
We keep running into this
hard brick-colored substance.
Do you mean brick?
We can't speculate on
what is or isn't brick,
but suffice to say,
this material has a high number
of brick-like properties.
Okay, cut it out! Who is that?
I guess there's no other choice.
JIMMY: Hey, hey, wait a minute.
We're not falling for it again!
No, no, no, I'm serious. There's
a loose brick over here.
Yeah. Yeah.
Definitely a loose brick.
Hey, hey, Johnny. Johnny! Hey,
I got a loose brick over here.
Come here, come on,
help me with this.
Got it. Come on!
Together, let's do this!
Yeah! Come on, let's move it.
- Yeah. Here we go.
- Hey.
Was this open the whole time?
I don't know. I just got here.
Come on, how about that face lick?
Lick yourself.
Hey, what are those guys doin'?
Digging for bones. Move it.
- JIMMY: Come on, Johnny!
- JOHNNY: Heave!
Okay, we can do this.
I think it's moving.
JIMMY: Come on, heave. Heave.
Yeah, yeah. That's it.
That's it. You're doing great.
Keep up the, uh...
What do you call that? The teamwork.
Yeah, good for you.
She's moving.
Make it last! Heave! Kick it!
Heave! Heave!
Here you go, guys! Here you...
Where's Surly?
Hey, guys. Look what I found.
Isn't it great?
- Come on. Come on.
- No!
Come get it!
No! Let go!
I cannot stop!
- No, let go of the stick.
- It's impossible!
Let go of the stick!
I do not know how to
let go of the stick.
Let go of this!
All right, fine!
Hey, Surly.
What'd you have for breakfast?
(GASPS) You brought nuts!
Hey, all right! Way to go, Surly!
Way to go, Surly!
I'm dead!
They'd have sent me back
to that dog pound, Surly,
I know it, I just know it!
What am I gonna do? What am
I gonna do? You gotta help me!
I'll do whatever you say.
(SOBBING) Whatever you say.
Hey, what happened here?
What happened?
I want some answers!
Say, fellas. Look!
That squirrel was trying
to blow up the nut store,
and Precious stopped him!
Can you believe it?
Good pup! Good pup!
What's wrong with you?
Get that wall cemented up.
From now on,
I want that coal chute
shut at all times, you hear me?
Give the mutt a treat.
Now cement that wall up!
That dog is one smart dog.
She's smarter than you.
She's smarter than you!
She's smarter than me?
No one's smarter than me.
No one's smarter than you.
That's right!
Right! I'm glad we're
in agreement, for once.
LUCKY: Of course.
Hey, what's going on?
This trashcan has a hole in it.
We use it as cover to dig a new
hole into the human hole. No brick.
Now that's groundhog thinking,
right there.
Okay, well, how long will it take?
Day or two. Depending on any
pipes or rocks we come across.
It'll be three days.
It'll be two days!
- Three!
- You wanna take this to the ground?
Ridiculous! It'll never work!
You'll need Raccoon's approval.
You kiddin' me?
Raccoon's gonna love this idea!
Yeah. Raccoon. Guy's not even here
and he's still ruining my life.
I gotta tell ya,
the nerve of those bums!
The nerve of those bums!
"Raccoon would approve of this!"
Oh, really? Raccoon! That guy,
he's a bigger thief than I am!
But those blockheads can't see it.
They're blind as Mole.
I'm the brains of this outfit. I'm
the guy with the... The brains.
Did I already say that?
Raccoon's nothing
but a lying old sack of fur!
Hey, Surly, over here.
What are you doing here?
Aren't you supposed to be working
on that tunnel? Raccoon's orders.
There's something
you need to know.
I haven't been completely honest.
Yeah. Right.
Raccoon's planning
to double-cross you.
We were all in on it. I'm
sorry, but just seeing how...
Raccoon's always had it
out for me. And besides,
who says I'm helping?
But you are helping us,
aren't you?
I'm helping myself.
Right. My mistake.
Just remember, Surly,
that park needs those nuts.
Do what you will.
I didn't authorize
any handouts, did I?
You know Andie. it was her idea.
Are you looking for these?
I know Andie. She lacks
obedience. Can't follow orders.
But she follows Surly.
You know, he even tamed
that guard dog?
He could actually pull this off.
The day Surly saves
this park is the day
nuts will rain from the skies!
There could be an accident.
Have you considered sabotage?
What? Hey, what's gotten into you?
It's only Surly,
a two-bit trash can thief.
It's not about thievery.
It's about that food
getting to those animals.
Have you forgotten my motto?
"Animals are controlled by the
amount of food they have."
- "It is our duty...
- "It's our duty...
- " keep it from them."
- " keep it from them."
Good. Now, where were we?
Ah, yes. Sabotage.
Yeah, sabotage.
Um... What is that, French?
What are you up to, Mole?
Surly? Ha!
- Hey. Hey.
- Surly! Surly!
- Hands off. What's wrong with you?
- Thank goodness!
Everything's wrong with me!
I've been out there
with the people,
and the cars, and the cats, and...
Rat! It's a rat!
Hold me! No, I'll hold you!
Whack job! What're you doing?
You're drowning me in...
Buddy, watch him.
And keep him away
from sharp objects.
Okay, how about this one?
Mole, what are you doing?
Wait, wait. Is that water?
- Let's get out of here!
- Whoa!
I'm gettin' me a pettin' zoo.
What are you gettin'?
- A new partner.
- That's it!
Hey, can it! You hear somethin'?
SURLY: Dog! Dog! Open up!
Dog, dog, open up! Dog, get out here!
This bird's gonna kill me!
KING: Yeah? Lana...
SURLY: Come on, come on, come on!
Do it now! Do it now! Hurry up!
Honey, not now, no.
I can't talk right now
'cause we're...
Come on! All the guys are asking!
Potty break? Now?
No, no, no. Not you, honey.
No, no. Look, sweetie...
What was that? Ma, is that you?
Get to the alley
and stop the water!
Stop the water. Got it.
Hey, you're not the boss of me!
Apparently, you are. I love you.
First stop water, then lick face.
Surly, what are you doing?
Shoot that rodent! Shoot it!
Quick! Where's the shut-off valve?
FINGERS: I smell a rat, boss!
Rats did this? Find the rat.
FINGERS: I'm confused
as to what kind of rats
we're talking about here, boss.
It's him! There he is, the rat!
Are they okay? Huh?
They're gonna be fine.
Hey, don't tell the other dogs
we're friends, all right?
It wouldn't look good.
Ooh! That guy needs glasses!
- Dog!
- Got it! Hey!
Surly! You left me!
Wait, man, don't leave me alone!
There is a crazed rat up there!
- Hey, wait! Hey!
- Grayson?
Is that you?
(LAUGHS) Shut the front door!
What are you two doing here?
PRECIOUS: Face lick!
SURLY: That's not his face.
So, you're the mole,
double entendre intended!
Nah, I'm a chicken.
I saw you sabotage our tunnel.
Was it Raccoon? Talk!
Hey, you want me to hurt him?
Keep a lookout.
(SIGHS) Yeah, boss.
Do your worst. Go on!
I am a sealed vault,
resistant to questioning.
A tough nut to crack. A
concrete pillar. A jar with a...
My retinas! Raccoon's
trying to stop the heist!
I'm not buying it.
Less food means more control!
If the heist succeeds, Raccoon
will lose control of the park!
But so what? You don't care
about the park, do you?
I don't. But when I tell
the team, I'll get double.
You think they'll
believe a criminal like you?
After what I did for them?
Oh, they'll listen.
Yeah, don't kid yourself.
JIMMY: Oh, man! There was
water all over the place!
Johnny was choking, I was choking,
and then the next thing you know,
there's Grayson! He saved my butt!
He saved my butt!
- It was my butt.
- Oh, yeah?
Stop talking about butts.
Talk about me.
I'll kick both your butts!
Come here! Come here!
Grayson, I'm so glad you're...
Great to have you back, Grayson!
JOHNNY: It's been a disaster.
We had to work with Surly.
They think I shaved their butts.
JAMIE: Surly!
Careful! They come hither!
What happened? You were up here.
You ready for this piece of news?
It was Mole.
Saw him try to drown the twins.
He confessed to everything.
It was all Raccoon's idea.
So, you're blaming Raccoon because
he kicked you out of the park.
No, I'm not.
Raccoon has never
harmed us before.
But he sure has!
Hey, listen. I just wanna get
my cut and split, all right?
- Grayson...
You were there.
I was! Wait... Where?
You think it was me, don't you?
No! No one said that.
Just explain yourself.
Buddy, did you see anything?
Wait, you're asking him?
He can't help you.
You're wasting your time!
He's useless! Can't speak!
Only knows how to take orders!
Kinda like you, Andie.
Is that how you treat the
only animal who defends you?
- No. No.
- You lousy...
Just let him go.
That tunnel is open now.
We get our share out before morning.
Let him take his.
JIMMY: We can't trust him!
We let him go. Honor the deal.
Bye, Surly! Come back soon!
I mean, stay away!
I dislike you strongly!
Hey, Surl, are we gonna get
the team together? Huh?
Do another heist?
No. Now's a bad time.
Oh. Oh, yeah.
I get it. Okay, not now.
So how about now, huh?
I said no.
Job's done. Team's done.
You need a lookout? Huh? Huh?
Now, get back to your humans.
I'm on my own now.
We're playing that game again!
All right.
No. No! Get out of here! Scat!
Hey, look what you made me do.
Whoa! Whoa!
No! Surly! Watch out, it's a...
FINGERS: What are we
gonna do with him, boss?
Shut it and grab me
that blowtorch.
Yeah, right. Good seeing you.
Nice seeing you, Lana.
We gotta go do, uh, tunnel stuff.
So now you know.
When were you gonna tell me, King?
I already told you before.
You can't change who you are.
LUCKY: Boss, come here!
Well, go on. Rob your
bank, already!
This really is my last job.
Boss! Come on!
LUCKY: Hey, hey!
This is it. A goldmine
right over our heads!
Let's blow this thing.
What about Lana?
But I don't have the whistle.
I know.
RAT: Hold him down!
Hold him down! That's it.
Well, what do we have here?
A hero or a thief?
You think you can starve the
park to stay in control?
Mole told me everything.
What? What's he talking about?
I didn't say anything!
He's loopy! Yeah. Cuckoo,
you know, nuts. Whoo-hoo!
Is this another
one of your swindles?
Some half-baked
revenge against me?
RACCOON: It's something else, isn't it?
You're trying to impress.
Grayson, perhaps. Andie?
RACCOON: Oh, I see.
No matter. My accomplices will
take care of them soon enough.
They don't follow me.
They hate me. They hate me!
Maybe, but I can't
leave any evidence, Surly.
Every good thief knows that.
Hey, this is getting a little
crazy, don't you think? I mean...
Maybe we'll finish you off next!
And where's that shiny thing
he's supposed to have?
All right, this is it. Ten, nine...
You'll get the rest once you
dispose of Andie and Grayson.
I'll finish off Mr. Hero myself.
The park'll get rid of you.
They'll vote in new leaders.
How many leaders do you think
this park can have?
Three, two...
He'll warn the others!
What are you waiting for?
After him!
Bingo, boys.
(LAUGHING) Hey, hey!
Hey, look at all this moolah!
Load the dough into the trucks.
And let's get out of here.
You two, stick the nuts in
the vault and seal it up.
What are you gonna
do with your money, huh?
FINGERS: Pettin' zoo!
I'm gonna buy me three pettin'
zoos, and give you two of 'em!
And ponies!
Don't forget the ponies!
Pretty little ponies!
They're so soft and cuddly.
One more!
What the... I told you to load
those nuts into the vault.
Yeah, so why did you take
the cart out of the tunnel?
What kind of game
are you playing here?
What kind of game are you playing?
Relax, we probably
just bumped the cart.
Or maybe it was rats!
Holy Toledo!
LUCKY: Watch out.
KING: I'll handle these rats.
- Squirrels!
- Watch out!
- Hang on, Fingers!
- Hey!
- KING: Get going.
- Okay.
LUCKY: What about you?
What, are you deaf?
I said, get going!
FINGERS: It was going so smooth!
Grayson, you moron!
Surly, I need a disguise!
Something flamboyant!
What? Get your head
out of your tail!
Lead the team into the tunnel
and escape through our hole.
I'll distract the big guy.
I'll need some skates, a
mustache and maybe a cape.
You don't need a cape.
I can't help the park alone.
I'm not a hero, but you are.
Last summer,
during that heat wave,
who discovered that broken sprinkler
so everyone could have water?
I did?
That's right! They believe in heroes.
So snap out of it and be one.
It's hero time.
It's hero time! Why am I shouting?
Rats! Run! Run for your lives!
Children and Grayson first! Run!
It's Grayson!
- He's come to save us!
- Run! Get out of my way! Run!
Now is our chance. Let's go!
Move it, everybody! Move! Move!
Mole? What are you doing here?
Andie, thank goodness you're here.
Surly is planning to
double-cross us all.
He confessed everything.
What? He said it's you and Mole
who tried to drown The Bruisers.
But he's working for Surly.
Would you stop doing that?
Jimmy, Johnny, get to the park
and bring more animals to help.
- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
- Out of the way. Out of the way.
- Me first.
Rest of us will unload the
nuts from that van there.
For the park!
Come on, guys!
I know what I'm going to
spend some of my money on.
Whoa! Look at that, Buddy!
Celebrate later. This van
could move at any time.
JAMIE: Start unloading.
Raccoon, I'm sorry I doubted you.
ALL: Raccoon! Open this door!
Raccoon! Open the door!
Raccoon! Open this door right now!
JAMIE: Open it! Open the door!
Let him go. It won't
change the plan.
GRAYSON: Ole! Ole! Ole!
But that will.
GRAYSON: I am enjoying myself!
Bank to the left! Higher!
GRAYSON: Ole! Ole! Ole!
We gotta get everybody out
of this van. Find a way in.
Follow me! This...
Oh, boy!
- Hey, we did it, Fingers.
- Yeah!
Easy street!
I gotta take a look.
Ooh, yeah!
Nothing but nuts.
- We've been had!
- What?
No money! Those dirty rats!
Hey, hey, Squirrel!
That's right, a squirrel!
It's that squirrel! And a bird?
Looks like they're on to us.
Time to end this little charade.
Turn around!
I can't see!
Go after 'em!
ANDIE: We can do this.
ANDIE: Come on, try again.
We need Grayson.
Grayson, are you there?
Not to worry, I'm perfectly safe.
Thank you! Thank you!
Mole, quit clowning around
and help us open this door.
Give me a boost, Grayson.
Grayson! He's here to save us!
- Let me explain!
- Let's get him, guys!
Hey, wait a second.
Forget him. The door's open.
We can push the nuts out.
- What...
- Raccoon!
You can't...
Let go, you idiot!
RACCOON: Help me throw him
off before he kills us all!
Kill us? This squirrel is a hero!
Well, co-hero, actually.
Raccoon is the double-crosser!
You have to believe me!
Hang on, Mole!
What does it look like I'm doing?
Why did you lock us in here?
You're wasting time!
This is our one opportunity to
rid the park of this villain.
For the park!
You still haven't
answered the question.
This is treason. Andie!
Answer the question, Raccoon.
Was Surly telling the truth?
GRAYSON: I call for a vote!
All those in favor of
banishment, raise your paws!
ANDIE: Raccoon!
State lines are
just past this dam.
Then we are home free.
You're the thief.
Not Surly.
He was right about you.
Hey, hey! No, no, no,
there's dynamite back there.
All right, boys,
we've got you
completely surrounded.
Come out with your hands up!
Out! Now!
I saw this coming.
No, you didn't.
Mole, where is everybody?
Still inside. But Andie's in
the other van with Raccoon.
You can't stop him alone.
Surly, what's happened to you?
All I wanted was a pettin' zoo.
You'll never get away with this.
I want my mommy.
They've got hostages. Stand down.
ALL: Whoa!
Holy Toledo!
Whoa! I bet it was that squirrel!
Enough with the squirrels!
Andie. Andie.
Andie? Andie?
KING: We can still save the cash.
Hey, where you going?
What are you doing?
There's more money.
What are you
trying to prove, Surly?
Raccoon, it's not stable.
Why are you doing this? Tell me.
Buddy! Atta boy, pal!
The shiny! Give it to me!
Not so fast, thief!
Look, Surly and Raccoon!
They'll go over the falls.
Everyone, come on.
ANDIE: I got you.
JAMIE: Don't let go.
MOLE: Hold on!
JAMIE: You can do it.
ANDIE: Raccoon, climb up!
GRAYSON: Let go! No, don't let go!
We can save both of you! Hurry!
Never! You backstabbing vermin!
Surly goes down with me!
Buddy, that was some score.
We almost pulled it off,
didn't we?
Surly, don't you dare let go.
I'm sorry, Andie!
- What?
- No!
Surly, no!
Is it?
(GASPS) Look!
- It's Grayson!
- ANIMALS: Grayson!
Thank you. Thank you.
No autographs, please.
You can admire the tail,
but no touching.
ANIMALS: Grayson! Yeah!
GRAYSON: Thank you!
The wheel! Jump!
Thank you! Thank you. You're welcome.
You're welcome.
What's going on here?
Ha! Never fear!
JIMMY: Grayson!
You two guys are here, too?
Ha-ha! Come on, guys!
ANIMALS: Let's go!
Rats! It's a rat!
It's a rat...
Take me away, Officers. Take me away.
Just save me from the rats.
Percy "King" Dimpleweed,
you and I are officially through.
Come on, let's go.
Hey, Precious,
where you going, girl?
PRECIOUS: Psst! Buddy.
Come with me.
Best... Friend.
What are you looking at?
Wait, Buddy. Did you just speak?
Okay, okay, okay,
enough, enough, enough.
I get it, you like me, I get it.
LANA: Precious! Precious!
Okay, Surly, so, see
you at the nut store.
Wait, what? That place?
Yeah, Lana's the new owner.
Hey, no more whistles, huh?
Just face licks.
Oh, hi, Andie.
When you went over those falls,
I thought I'd never see you again.
Oh! We got to go. Come on.
Okay, calm down.
Where are we going?
You risked your life to save this park.
Everyone has to know.
The team saved the park.
Okay, stop touching the tail.
Stop touching. Stop.
Stop touching the tail!
So then what are you going to do?
I'm gonna keep
finding food for this park.
But from now on,
we do it together.
This park will always
honor your deals, Surly.
SURLY: Yeah, they say life's
there for the taking,
but the truth is,
life's really there
for the sharing.
Once you realize that,
you might discover there's a
little hero in all of us.
After all, we're all a little nuts.
Any more big ideas?
Please stay.