The Oath (2018)

[Keith] Although,
violent protests have been
a consistent feature of the
current state of the nation,
today's intense wave seem
to have been triggered
by the government's announcement
of something they are calling
the Patriot's Oath,
a state sponsored initiative
to have Americans sign
a loyalty waiver of sorts.
White House spokeswoman,
Kerry Nance,
elaborated on the program.
[Kerry] People are frightened
these days.
There are a lot of folks
in this country
who are actively engaging
in activities that are counter
to our values and are
quite frankly dangerous...
[Sharon] I'm gonna be honest,
it's really intense down here.
We're gonna see if we can
go in, take a closer look
and talk to some people
on the ground. Sir?
[crowd chanting]
Just say "Oath"!
- [Sharon] Don't touch me!
- [man] Sharon!
[Sharon] Ow! Stop it!
Get off my hair!
[man] Someone help her!
- [Sharon] Help! Ow!
- [glass shatters]
- [man] Sharon!
- [crowd chanting]
[man] Can someone get to Sharon?
[Sharon] Somebody? Help!
[sirens wailing]
[Kerry] I want to know...
that they see this country
the way that I do.
The Oath provides us
a White Pages
of people we know
we can count on.
- Yes, Alan.
- [Alan] There will be
a natural apprehension
to something like this,
so what do you say
to the people who fear
that if they don't sign
this thing
that this is a way of separating
the people that are...
- [Kerry] No, hold on.
- With the administration...
- Hold on, Alan. Hold on.
- And that are against this...
This is America.
We cannot force people
to say that
they love their country.
Nothing happens
if you don't sign.
But if you do sign,
there are perks.
Like I laid out earlier,
you are eligible
for an EITC tax credit.
We want to reward those who trust
and honor their country...
- Are they serious?
- This is crazy!
[Kerry] And it's not like
we have a day
or a week or a month to do this.
The deadline for signing
is the day after Thanksgiving.
Black Friday.
That is almost a year from now,
that gives the public...
ample time to give
this fair consideration.
But I can tell you something,
a lot of people will not need
that time.
They support this country
and they're not afraid
to let people know it.
- Kai...
- [Kerry] Next question.
- We can't sign this thing.
- Yeah, you're right!
- This is insane.
- Yeah, I mean...
what is happening
to the country?
- This...
- [Kai] Hmm.
This is unacceptable!
You know what...
if you think,
I'm gonna let that little girl
grow up in shit like this,
you're wrong.
And you and I have a job to do.
We got to fight this.
This cannot happen.
I'm not gonna allow
this to happen
- in my daughter's country.
- Oh, you getting fired up, huh?
I am fired up!
I'm very upset about this shit.
Take your shirt off.
- You want my shirt off?
- Yeah, I want your shirt off.
- [Kai] Mmm!
- It's not, you know...
- you looking beefy!
- Well, no. It's not what it was
ten years ago, but I hurt
my lower back...
- Yeah...
- I have like half a pec there...
- Mmm! Yes.
- I got one of these.
Ooh, that's what Mommy likes!
Flex them titties, boy!
You're gonna make me
start breastfeeding.
I'm not gonna get fat though.
'Cause if I get fat,
you're gonna leave me for Drake.
Drake wishes I would.
[man on TV]
These protesters I mean,
they're whipping
things up into a frenzy...
Everybody here just needs
to calm down.
[woman on TV] Don't tell me
to be calm.
Mmm, take your pants off.
[woman on TV] I'm starting
to hear very troubling
things about activists
being threatened.
- [Chris] I'm not done with you.
- [Kai] Oh, yeah.
[woman on TV] This is the
beginning of a purge
and it needs to be stopped
before it goes any further.
[man on TV] We got five days
left to sign this thing.
I don't think
we're gonna make it.
I mean, New Orleans
is a disaster zone.
This is how Milwaukee started,
everyone. It is very similar...
[woman on TV] 'Cause
the Citizens Protection Unit.
I don't know
who they're protecting,
but it's not the citizens.
And you know, I'm gonna say it,
there's a real Gestapo-ey
feeling to that.
[woman 2 on TV]
Here we go again. New record
for number of people
called a Nazi!
[woman 1] Well, I'm sorry,
- but it's true!
- [man] Okay,
- enough with the Nazi's. No...
- [woman 1] You know it's true.
- [Hardy] Can I have some bacon?
- [cellphone rings]
[Kai] No bacon, baby.
Can I have peanut butter
and jelly?
[Kai] Uh, no.
You're having cereal
for breakfast today.
If I eat my cereal can I have
peanut butter and jelly?
- Sure.
- [Hardy whispers] Yes.
[Hardy] Dad, Mom said I can have
peanut butter and jelly!
That is awesome.
- Kai, look at this.
- Hmm?
People were protesting the oath
last night in New Orleans,
CPU showed up,
f-u-c-k-e-d everyone.
- Damn.
- Look at that. Uh... [scoffs]
It's happening!
We're gonna have Milwaukee
again, I guarantee it.
That is a fact.
All right, well can we just...
- [Chris] Right, right. Sorry.
- [Kai] Yeah, exactly.
Okay, uh, my folks get here
at like 3:30...
- Mm-hmm.
- Are you ready for the assault?
I'll be fine.
Because I'm fine with them.
It's you that has the weird
issues, will you be fine?
Yes, I will be fine, and I have
to save room
for my brother when gets here
and says something so stupid
I call him
a f-u-c-k-i-n-g moron.
Okay, FYI...
Baby girl can spell now. So...
Did you understand
what I just said?
Yes, you just said a bad word.
I am s-o-r-r-y.
Okay that's good to know!
Oh God, I gotta go.
I gotta go. I gotta go.
Hey, Hardy, kiss blow on three,
two, one...
- I love you.
- I love you.
- I'll see you at like 5:30ish.
- Okay.
All right, call 911
if my parents act up.
[Hardy chuckles]
- Your Daddy crazy.
- Yeah.
[radio host] Now,
here's the deal.
Seventy-four percent
of the country
have already signed this thing.
- No way!
- [host] And that's just a fact!
- And facts don't care...
- Bullshit!
About your feelings!
[woman on radio] No, no.
That's not true.
- The real number is closer...
- That is such a lie.
To 40 percent,
that is the real aggregate...
Exactly, thank you. Thank you.
And that poll
you referenced is an outlier!
[man over radio]
How is this stupid oath
going to end up being
what destroys our country?
[man 2] This is like a banana
republic, but it's worse.
- It's an old navy...
- [knock on door]
- What up?
- Hey brother.
Dude, are you following
this New Orleans shit?
Yeah, it is fucked up, man.
Do you mind if I sit?
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
[sighs] So, Chris,
I'm signing it.
- What?
- Yeah.
I'm sorry.
How is that possible, dude?
We were the guys!
We were the guys that led
- the march around the building!
- I know.
- We're the two holdouts!
- I know.
Dude, we drove to Chicago
for that rally!
Do you remember that fart?
The Lingerer?
I remember the fart.
I remember the Lingerer.
Remember the Vine
we made about the fart?
[imitates fart]
"Ooh", remember that?
- [Dan chuckles]
- Come on, dude!
Chris, this whole thing
is getting really scary.
- I know.
- Do you know...
Paige's cousin from Philly,
her boyfriend?
His brother organized a rally...
and the CPUs came to his house
and they just took him.
- What?
- [Dan] Yeah.
- Are you serious?
- [Dan] Yes.
She hasn't talked to him
in two days,
fucking lawyers haven't
talked to him.
No one knows where he is,
I don't know what's going on.
- Paige is freaking out.
- Is this verified?
Is it ver... What do you mean,
it's ver...
I'm telling you right now.
This is first hand.
Well, no... [sighs]
It's not first hand.
[stutters] It's like...
- third hand.
- I don't understand.
Well, it's not you...
Are you calling Paige... Are you
calling Paige's cousin a liar?
That'd be a fucked up
thing to do!
I'm not calling
Paige's cousin a liar,
but maybe Paige's cousin's,
whatever, friend's boyfriend's
brother is a liar.
I don't know, do you even
know this person? [Laughs]
Do I even... Yes,
I met at him
at Paige's aunt's wedding!
Okay, we're really living in
Paigeville it sounds like now,
I just...
I feel like maybe
you're compromising
your values system based off
of information
you're getting from someone
you don't know very well.
I think, you should
maybe reconsider it.
This is a really difficult
situation for all of us, okay?
And you're making this really
hard for me.
Hey man...
I thought we were gonna do
this together...
but you got to do
what's right for you.
I'm sorry.
So, are you still
gonna hold out?
Yeah, I think so. I mean...
even if I wanted to sign,
I don't think Kai would let me.
- You know.
- Good for you, man.
I'm living vicariously
through you.
Stop it, come on, man.
It's all good.
All right.
- [Chris] All right, man.
- All right.
[Dan] Phew.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving.
[sighs] Fu...
[man] I don't know
what to say here.
Just, uh, you know,
don't get hurt?
Don't get into any actual
physical altercations
with any family members.
Happy Thanksgiving.
- [Chris] Hi!
- Oh, hey babe.
- What's up baby? Hi.
- Hey.
How annoying are they being?
One to ten.
Uh, they are at a one.
But you are a level four.
- Four?
- Four.
I just got home!
- Well, hello!
- [Eleanor] Hi!
[Eleanor] There's your Daddy!
- Oh my goodness!
- Hi, baby.
- Hi, Mom!
- Oh, I miss you!
I miss you too.
[football commentary on TV]
- You look tired. Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.
Will you shave for Thanksgiving?
I will not.
What do you say, Dad?
How are you?
The toilet paper roll broke
off the wall, I fixed it.
Good, good, good, good.
Um, can I show you
my mosaic I made?
Um, I would love to see it.
It's good to see you guys.
Pop, can you turn it down
a little bit? It's kinda loud.
- Just turn it off, honey.
- No, no he can turn it on.
- Oh, he can turn it off.
- Fine, I'll turn it off.
- I don't need to see it.
- You don't have to turn it off.
You can turn it... Okay.
Oh, no,
you want to hit "satellite."
[Chris] No, it's...
Now it's in Spanish.
- That's sap.
- [Spanish commentary plays]
You're not gonna...
You wanna hit the...
No, no, no, I got it,
I got it. Just...
Okay, it's fine. No, no, no.
It's fine. It's good.
You can do whatever you want,
whatever you wanna do,
it's fine.
[Eleanor] You press
the lower button.
[Hank] I got it.
And the volume's perfect here
'cause I can hear it
all the way in the other room.
Wait, what did Jo say?
What happened?
She came out and said,
"Surprise, and Jo said,"
Are you kidding me?
Are you hitting me?
Or kidding me?
Kidding me.
Jo is your funniest friend,
I think.
[Hardy] Can I watch Lab Rats?
- Yes.
- [cellphone rings]
But only one episode.
And not an extra-long one!
[sighs] Jesus Christ.
- What's wrong?
- It's New Orleans.
That shit's blowing up tonight,
it's bad.
- People are going to die.
- Christopher, we said
- we weren't gonna do that.
- Mom, it's not politics.
It's... it's...
current events, you know, it's
the news. It's happening now.
I was very clear in my e-mail
that we're not talking politics!
It's going to ruin
the entire weekend,
you're destroying Thanksgiving.
Explain it to him, Hank.
I'm not getting involved.
[Eleanor] Hank...
There is nothing
to be involved in...
I put my phone away,
I'm not gonna ruin Thanksgiving.
- I promise. I promise.
- [Hank] Attaboy.
All right?
- Rest assured.
- [Eleanor] Thank you.
What else?
What's new with Mom and Dad,
what's going on with you guys?
Same old!
- Did you hear about Nancy Adams?
- No.
- Stroke. Dead.
- [Hank] Hmm.
Oh, no.
- Wow.
- [Eleanor] Yeah.
- What a mess.
- Yeah, it's sad.
What neighborhood is this?
Um, Mid-Town.
[indistinct conversation
on radio]
I don't recognize it,
I don't think
I've never been here before.
It's basically our neighborhood.
- We're just two blocks that way.
- [tires screech]
What is this guy doing?
Man, come on. Dude, move.
- [Chris] Whoa, whoa.
- [tires screeching]
- [car honking]
- [Chris] Jesus.
- [man] What's your problem?
- No, no, no.
- I'm pinned in here.
- What's he doing?
- I don't know, Mom.
- What's that guy doing?
[man] What the fuck
are you stopping for?
- Get out the car!
- [Eleanor gasps]
- [woman] Leave me alone!
- [Eleanor gasps]
- Oh, my God.
- Okay, okay.
Oh, my God. Back out,
get out of here!
I'm gonna say something
to this guy. I got it.
- [Eleanor] Christopher!
- Hey, man! That's enough!
[Eleanor] Stop it,
Christopher, don't!
Oh, my God,
what's that guy doing?
[Chris] I don't know,
I don't know.
- [Eleanor] He's got a knife!
- Oh, my God.
- I know, I know, no, no, no, no!
- [Eleanor] Close it, close it!
- No! Stop, stop!
- Close the window.
- [car honks]
- Hardy, it's okay.
- Get out of here! Get out...
- I can't get out of here, Mom!
- I can't!
- Get out of here! Don't do that!
[Eleanor] Oh, he's coming over.
Oh, my God, what's he doing?
- Stop! Stop it!
- Stop it! Get out of here!
Drive away! Drive away!
Fuck you, faggot!
Oh, my God.
[Eleanor] Let him go away,
let him go away.
- Get the fuck out of my country.
- [Eleanor] God. He's leaving.
Hardy, you okay?
Are you okay, baby?
[Eleanor] Get out of here, move.
- I still... I can't, Mom. I'm...
- Well just back out,
I don't know how,
just do something!
There's a car behind me, Mom!
I'm trying to handle it!
Where do these go? The fennel.
Uh, fennel goes in the fridge.
Cheese will go in the fridge.
Um, radishes can stay out.
- Shallots are dry. Garlic...
- Shallots are dry.
- [Kai clears throat]
- Hey.
[Kai] Hardy said you were
yelling at a man in the car?
Yeah, yeah.
- There was this road rage thing.
- What?
I didn't have it!
This other guy had it.
I didn't have road rage.
You know, this guy came up
and he pulled out a knife
and started slashing tires
and I just... you know,
I yelled at him to stop.
Okay. Well, in the future,
let's not yell at crazy people
when Hardy's in the car.
What if he would've rolled up
on you?
You weren't even there.
And I handled it beautifully.
I kept my cool.
- So... thanks.
- [doorbell rings]
Oh, is that Patrick?
Hank! Patrick's here!
[Hank] I'm up! I'm up!
- [doorbell rings]
- [Kai] We cool?
- [doorbell rings]
- [exhales]
- Hey!
- Yo, yo!
- What's up, man, how are you?
- What's up.
- Hi!
- Hi Katie, good to see you.
Happy Thanksgiving.
What is that?
Abbie. Not Katie.
[Pat] Abbie.
Ugh! I am so sorry.
I am so sorry.
Come on, man! We've been
together for like a year!
No, I know, I know, I just
thought... Katie was the old one.
Don't say the old one.
Don't even mention the old one.
- Just help me out, man!
- I'm sorry.
Make yourself at home, Abbie!
- So, the...
- Uh... Go ahead. Sorry.
I was gonna say,
the place looks good.
- Thanks, man.
- Is this room new?
[Kai scoffs]
The living room?
- No.
- Pat, why'd you get in so late?
- Was your flight delayed?
- Ugh!
There were all these fucking
protestors at the airport,
- so it took forever.
- Yeah.
The good job guys,
piss off everyone.
- [Abbie] Yeah.
- [Pat] Idiots.
[Abbie] Totally.
Hey, this coffee is great,
but I think,
I'm ready to move onto
the beer portion of the day.
- [Hank] I'll join you.
- Yeah! You having one?
No, no, no, it's really early.
But I will go get them for you.
Sure, I'll take one.
- Okay.
- Thank you.
- So, Abbie, how's work?
- Oh, um...
I was hurt, Eleanor.
I'm on worker's comp.
Oh no! What happened?
Um, well, what happened was,
I was leaving my office
and a co-worker decided
to hit me with her car.
- Oh, my God!
- Thank you.
Yeah, I broke my clavicle
and two bones in my right foot.
Yeah, thank you so much,
Lydia Wong.
[Pat scoffs]
What? Okay, well...
- I'm sorry?
- Well, that's not...
- That's not appropriate.
- [Abbie] I'm sorry?
- That's not appropriate.
- [Pat] What?
- Chris?
- No, you said her last name
in a way that implied that
Asian women are bad drivers.
That is not the case. And that
is offensive, I'm sorry.
I absolutely did not say her
name in a way that implied that.
There was an emphasis
on that Wong.
- [Abbie] There was no emphasis.
- [Pat] Hey, hey, and by the way,
- some of them are bad drivers.
- Bad drivers.
Percentage-wise, who do you
think gets in more car accidents
in this country,
white men or Asian women?
- [chuckles] Asian women?
- No, Dad. No.
White men. I wouldn't have
said it if it was Asians.
Statistically speaking, Asians,
safest drivers of any race.
- That's a fact.
- Okay.
- Okay, Chris. Okay.
- How do you know that?
- Why do you know that?
- Yeah.
'Cause I read
an article about it.
Okay, was that article
published by Asians?
[Eleanor and Hank laugh]
Anyways, I'm so sorry
that happened to you, Abbie.
Thank you, Kai.
But it was actually kinda fun,
I have to say.
Because I couldn't really move,
so, I did a lot
- watching TV...
- Mm-hmm.
Kind of catching up on TV,
and reading and...
mixing it up with people online.
- [Eleanor] Mixing it up?
- Mm-hmm.
- [Abbie] Yeah.
- I like that!
- [Abbie] Yeah.
- [Eleanor] I do.
What do you mean by that?
Who are you mixing it up with?
Oh, haters, primarily.
And losers, also.
- Haters and losers?
- [Abbie] Mm-hmm.
Oh, babe, babe.
We have to get Hardy
because we have to Facetime
my parents before they leave.
- Oh.
- Okay, come on.
- Okay.
- Come on.
What is she talking about?
What the fuck is that shit?
- Man, you needed a break.
- Yeah, I need a break.
- Kai, Kai, Kai.
- Okay. You needed a break.
Let me tell you something,
right now.
My brother, I love him. [Laughs]
What an asshole.
And his girlfriend... [laughs]
She sucks.
- I did call her Katie. Yes!
- No you didn't.
- You've met her before!
- I know.
One time at Uncle Lou's funeral!
I was grieving!
Okay, well,
we know she's not great...
- Yeah.
- And we know that,
so, let's just be cool with it
and deal with it, okay?
Okay. I'm telling you right now,
if these motherfuckers
bring up the Oath,
I'm gonna lose my mind. Okay?
I'm sure they're all about it.
And if they go there,
I. Will. Drop. Some. Shit.
No. You. Won't.
You wanna know why?
Because I will drop
some shit on you.
And I don't even know
what the fuck that means!
Can we just chill?
Look. Let's try to avoid
that conversation
for the next three days, okay?
- No... no oath convo.
- Okay.
Let's leave the oath
in the streets...
- Yep. Yep.
- And let's enjoy the holiday.
- Okay. [Sighs]
- All right?
God, that I don't believe in...
give me the strength
to get through
the next three days, please.
Hallelujah to that.
Okay, let's Facetime
your parents.
Oh no, I just said that
to get you out of the room.
- That was a ruse?
- Yes, that was a ruse.
- You're the greatest. [Kisses]
- Mm.
I don't know. Okay, let's go.
[Chris] Hello!
[country rock music plays]
[Hank] Jackson could do it all.
He's got all the tools.
- [Chris] There you go.
- And Grinnel.
- He's got a sick arm.
- [Chris] Hey.
Oh, yeah,
I bet he'll wind up in Tampa.
Oh, for sure.
He's a big motherfucker.
- Whoa.
- Easy, easy on the language.
Yeah, man. Can we try not
swearing for like a second?
- Just one second, please?
- Sorry. Sorry.
Sir, your apps are on the way,
can I get anyone another drink?
I'll do another SoCo and Coke.
[waitress] Anyone else?
I think we're good.
[Abbie giggles]
What's so funny? What do you
got going on over there?
[snorts] I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. I just...
I posted this article
to Facebook
and this guy just called me
a dumb bitch,
- so, I am fucking with him.
- Let's watch the swears, Ka...
Were you just about
to call me Katie?
No. I said,
Let's watch the swears, K?
Like, okay.
- No, you didn't.
- What do I do here?
- What do I do here, man?
- Get my name right!
- It's really not that hard.
- Hey, hey, hey!
- It's sort of base respect.
- Hey! Remember, we had a talk?
Just... Both of you
need to chill.
[indistinct chatter]
- [thud]
- [Chris] Whoa.
[old man] Goddamn,
plain bullshit, you hear me!
[manager] Excuse me, sir,
what's the problem?
These punks are talking bullshit
against our country.
[man] We can say
whatever we want.
[old man] No, you can't
say whatever you want!
Hardy, I'm gonna say
some names from Hogwarts,
and I want you to tell me
what house they're from.
- [man] Fuck off old man.
- [man 2] Settle down.
- [Chris] Hey, hey, hey!
- [old man] You fuck off!
- Fuck the Oath, they say!
- [manager] Sir, please...
She's in Ravenclaw.
- [Kai] Yes, she is.
- You fuck off right now.
You fuck off, do you hear me?
You should feel grateful
that you live in this country!
You should feel grateful
that you live
in the United States of America!
Fuck off.
Fuck you all! Don't you put
your goddamn hands on me.
[woman shouting]
[Eleanor] You touched
all the food.
All right, well... [sighs]
- My hands are clean.
- You're all family.
- Have some celery, baby.
- Germs don't really...
The CPU,
or Citizen's Protection Unit,
that grew out of a division
of Homeland Security,
has been accused
of being responsible
for the disappearances
of several dozen activists,
including actor Seth Rogen.
Jesus Christ.
They took Seth Rogen. He's gone.
- Straight up took him.
- Are you serious?
Yeah. And, and @philorange.
- No one knows where he is.
- I don't even know who that is.
@philorange, he organized
that big Oath Rally in Chicago
- that I went with fucking Dan.
- [Kai grunts]
Dude, the government is straight
up taking people
and killing them!
- [Kai yawns]
- Hey...
It's gonna be scary
the next couple days...
we just gotta remember
who we are...
and we gotta remember that
we're not gonna let them
change who we are.
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
I'm gonna watch the news
for a little bit more, okay?
- Okay.
- [Keith] You have no idea,
if they were taken by this
government, you're saying that
our government
spent the time and resources...
Of course, they're gonna
trot out this fuckin idiot
- to defend it. Sorry.
- Shh.
[doorbell rings]
- Hello, hello!
- Daddy keeps making poop.
- What?
- I think he has the flu.
- No, no!
- Hi.
- Dude, don't touch me.
- [Chris] And just...
I was not a popular person
on the plane. [Clears throat]
- It was a rough eight hours.
- I'm so sorry.
- [chuckles]
- Um, I could use a drink,
- I'll be honest.
- Yep.
- I love the additions!
- Thank you.
And I love the new sconces!
- Thank you!
- I made these by hand.
- I... I smithed them.
- I... You did not.
- I did.
- I know you did not.
- You cannot build anything.
- I... I can't build anything.
I am not a real man.
No, but you can cook, baby,
so, you are a real man.
- I can cook, this is true.
- He can cook.
Speaking of masculine and cool,
where is Pat?
I don't know. I think
he's in the shower
with his girlfriend
or something?
I don't know.
I don't know, guys.
How many fights
have the two of you got into?
- Like half of one? Hmm.
- Uh, I counted three.
If you're including
arguments, three.
- Listen...
- Ow! Shit. [Laughs]
[Chris] I know, I know.
- What up, sis?
- Oh, my God! [Laughs]
Please put pants on!
Please put pants on.
Sorry, I wanted
to see my sister first!
- Hi Abbie, how are you?
- Good.
- Good.
- Thanks.
[Alice exhales] I'm so excited
to see everybody!
[Pat] Is that the hottest
the shower gets, by the way?
- [crickets chirp]
- [Chris] Thank you.
- All right, pizza! Pizza! Pizza!
- [door closes]
Muah! Okay,
Zootopia in 30 seconds!
[Chris] Whoa, whoa. Heyo.
- These are heavy, man.
- Nice.
I got a one, I got a due,
a three.
Do you have one that's just
pineapple? That's for Abbie.
I got half of one
that's just pineapple
and she can have
the whole thing.
Hey, does Clark want some?
No, I gave him a saltine earlier
and his anus exploded.
- Jesus!
- It was like fireworks.
- [cellphone rings]
- You guys would've love it,
it was super patriotic.
That's disgusting.
[Pat] Hey, have you tried
our water?
- For what?
- [Pat] Just, like, for him
to drink
to flush everything out.
Yeah. It was the first thing
we tried.
- Turn on the news.
- It's a good idea, babe.
- What?
- Turn on the news. Right now.
- Right there, turn it on.
- [Alice] What?
[Jason on TV]
The optics are stunning.
Gus Alverson,
eight-term congressman
and head of the Congressional
Black Caucus...
- being taken away...
- [Chris] Holy shit.
In handcuffs. Truly shocking.
[Chris] Unbelievable.
- What'd he do?
- Nothing, Mom!
- He didn't do anything.
- He didn't do nothing.
He lit a copy of
the Oath on fire
in front of some constituents.
That's not nothing,
last time I checked.
That is so not illegal.
You can do whatever you want,
you can take the American flag
and could shove it up
your asshole.
- Oh, God!
- Christopher, please.
It's not illegal, Mom. Why...
And who are you getting
this information from?
- @fatasspatriot.
- Okay, yeah.
Well, he's a good source
In the rich tradition
of Rather and Murrow,
and @fatasspatriot?
- Hey, hey! Chill out, man!
- That's fucking ridiculous!
First of all, he's verified.
He's a verified fucking idiot!
Second of all,
Alverson's a show boater.
Okay, we all know that. He just
wants... he wants the attention...
- He wants...
- Fuck that shit, dog!
- [Eleanor] Christopher, enough.
- No, no, fuck that.
The guy is a civil rights icon.
They're arresting opposition
leaders, Pat.
It's not the way it's supposed
to work in this country!
Then they shouldn't be
violently protesting!
Okay? And for the record,
maybe more politicians
should be in handcuffs.
They're all crooks.
What a hot take.
"Urgh, you should
lock 'em all up!"
- Hey, no...
- Are you guys in here fighting
- right now? TV, off.
- Can I get a plate, please?
Turn on some music.
Alice, I got pineapple, I heard
- that's what you like, Abbie.
- Yes, thank you, Kai.
- I'm good, I'm good, I'm done.
- Knock it off. Stop it.
[Alice] But, did you get one
- without gluten?
- [Kai] Come again?
- I was looking...
- Say what?
Did you get one without gluten?
[Alice laughs]
Thank you. Beautiful.
[Kai] All right, I'm gonna
take this to the kids.
[Alice] You guys, it tastes
just like the real thing!
Does anyone want wine?
I'll get some.
I think you have a fever.
- [knock on door]
- Come in.
How you feeling, Clark?
Sorry about the smell.
It's okay, we're gonna move.
I'd love to sleep
somewhere else tonight,
- do you have another room?
- No, this is it.
This is all I got.
Alice, can I go talk to you
outside about that thing?
- [Alice] Yes.
- [Clark] No.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- You guys... It's not fair.
- Do you want some of that?
Okay, let me know
if you need anything.
- [kisses] I love you.
- Go, go, go. It's happening.
- It's happening. It's happening.
- Let's go.
- [lighter flicks]
- [dog barking]
Wow. [Giggles]
- Fucking cool guy.
- Yeah, you are.
But let a pro... let a pro do it.
- Show me how it's done, sis.
- Okay.
Don't laugh!
Are you okay,
after that monster hit?
Don't laugh!
Seriously, when is the last time
you got high? I'm curious.
Oh. Okay. Clark and I went
to see Pearl Jam.
- And...
- Already cool.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
And he thought we should
get a pot brownie...
And we did, and I fell asleep
in the second song.
- [both chuckle]
- Yeah!
[Alice] But you know
what was great?
- [Alice] Their first song.
- I bet it was great.
Ah, such a good first song.
It's good to see Mom.
I mean, I need someone
in my life whose job it is
- to tell me who's died recently.
- [snickers] Yep. Yep. Yeah.
- I need that person. I know.
- She's the obituary.
Oh boy. Oh, actually,
she has two jobs.
Her other job is to say,
[imitates Eleanor] You and your
brother gotta stop fighting
"and I'm goddamn serious!"
- Okay.
- "Stop it!
- Well, with that, she's right.
- I know,
- I know!
- Enough of that, seriously.
I know that you don't agree
with him, and we are right.
- Yes! We are right!
- We are right.
- And he is wrong.
- He's wrong.
- But you just don't go there.
- Okay, okay.
- Okay?
- I won't go there.
Can I say one thing about... her
and I'll let it go after that?
- Okay.
- Like, for real, she sucks.
She's... she's like a bad person.
And it's just like, his world
view is already fucked up
and she's making it worse.
It's gasoline on a fire,
I don't like what I'm seeing,
and I think it sucks.
I bet those two signed
the Oath like that.
Fucking bullshit.
- No! No!
- Don't be mad.
- You signed it?
- I signed it.
- [scoffs] What?
- I didn't want to!
Clark was freaked out,
his company was just putting
a lot of pressure.
So, we came to the conclusion
that the thing to do...
was to sign it,
uh, and then just
keep fighting the good fight,
but on the D.L.
- Sorry.
- Mm-mm.
Are you mad?
Because I'm gonna be mad at you
if you're mad at me.
No, no, no. I'm not!
I'm not mad, I'm not mad.
I'm just a little...
I don't know,
a little surprised.
But listen, hey, hey, hello,
you and Clark have your life
and your family,
and gotta do what
is right for you.
And I'm not gonna sit here
and be like,
You're wrong! So...
- Alice signed.
- She did?
You okay with that?
I don't know.
I'm just sad for her, I guess.
I don't know. [Scoffs]
Well she's gotta do what she
thinks is right for her family.
Yeah, I know,
she made a huge mistake
and now she has
to live with it, so...
You want to watch the news?
And that...
We're in a very good place.
Na, na, na, na.
Here we go. And I would say
we got about 90 minutes left
on that turkey, Ma.
- How are we doing over here?
- Good.
The nuts are done,
the appetizers are fine.
How do you want me to cut
these carrots?
Fine dice please.
All right, hello! Whoa!
- How are we doing over here?
- We're almost done!
Okay, so listen,
five minute warning
and then you are in charge
of setting the kids' table.
- I'm in charge!
- Always!
The burning I can handle,
it's just the flaking
that drives me crazy.
Do you have a cream for that?
I got some nuts for you guys.
- Some herbs and stuff.
- It's crusty...
Just keep having
that gross conversation.
Wash your hands
before you eat those!
Hey, slow down, Asher!
Okay, what have we got
right here?
Hotsie-totsie. Oh, yeah.
[Eleanor] Is this dice
fine enough?
Let me see what you have.
May I? Can I jump in here
and just show you what I was
- Just give me a ba-ba-ba-ba...
- Oh, yeah.
You should do
a cooking show, sweetie.
I would love to!
I would actually love
to do that. [Chuckles]
[sighs] Where are you going?
I gotta go to the store
and get Clark some NyQuil.
- He has to sleep.
- Oh, my God.
- And I have to sleep.
- Get some for yourself, too.
[Alice] I'll be back.
Oh, shit.
Love you, Clark.
Hang in there, dog!
[Clark] Yeah, man.
[water running]
[news announcer]
Large gatherings of protesters
are now being reported
in New Orleans,
- Chicago, Oakland, and Miami.
- Fuck me.
[news reporter] And despite
multiple sources reporting it,
we still are unable to confirm
if there is a forthcoming
national curfew
to be mandated...
- Hi.
- Hi.
Turkey's in, everyone's good,
I was gonna watch
the news for ten minutes
and then I'm done for the day.
- And then we'll turn the TV off?
- Off.
- Love you.
- Love you.
[Kai laughs and snorts]
All right, everyone.
Mange, as they say!
Oh, that's heavy.
Thank you.
[indistinct chatter]
These potatoes. Sorry,
I'm eating most of them!
- [Chris] Good!
- What'd you put in these?
I put a little, um...
pecorino in them, kind of,
brings out the umami.
What does that mean?
What does "umami" mean?
It's a fifth flavor.
It's kinda like savory, salty.
That's good to know.
Pass the syrah, please?
[Alice] This is lovely.
Did I tell you that
we saw Bill Engvall
at the Phoenix Civic Center?
- No!
- No, how was he, Mom?
He was so funny and charming.
And his stories
were really funny.
And clean. Didn't curse once.
- [Eleanor] Didn't have to.
- [Hank] You don't have to.
Alice, did you watch Chris Rock
on Late Night?
Yes, so good. So good.
We watched it literally
three times back to back.
Funniest guy in the world.
[Kai] It was so funny.
Oh, my God.
- What was that?
- [Abbie] Hmm?
- What was that?
- [Abbie] What?
- Nothing, nothing.
- Yeah.
No, you just gave her
like a little look, like...
Nothing, we're just
not the biggest Chris Rock fans.
- He's racist.
- [Pat] Mm-hmm.
- You think Chris Rock is racist?
- Yeah.
A little bit.
I'm sorry, that's
the stupidest fucking thing.
- I've ever heard in my life.
- Please, Christopher.
I'm sorry, it's just wrong,
what she said. It's wrong.
I'm sorry, how can it be wrong?
It's her opinion.
Yeah, and her opinion is wrong.
Chris Rock's not racist.
He's best friends with
Adam Sandler. That is a fact.
He's also friends
with Jerry Seinfeld.
Also white. David Spade?
Ever fucking heard of him?
- Best friend. Now that's a fact.
- You ask us what we...
- They play basketball together.
- Okay, whatever, man.
I don't know about their fucking
basketball schedule.
You just asked us what we were
talking about and we told you.
You know, it's actually...
It's racist to think...
- Oh my God, babe.
- Chris Rock's racist.
All right, it's okay.
No, I got it.
So, if we don't agree with you,
we're racist.
- Yeah. Yes.
- [Pat] Thank you.
You nailed it.
You nailed it exactly.
- [Pat] Great.
- [Chris laughing]
- Can we just enjoy our dinner?
- I just want to reiterate,
these potatoes are so good!
I'm just gonna say it again!
- These potatoes are good.
- [Hank] Everything is.
[sighs] Sorry. Sorry.
Oh, did I tell you
about Simon Avona?
- No, what happened to Simon?
- His father. Car crash. Dead.
[Kai] Mm.
That's terrible, Mom.
Sorry to hear that.
Well, Eleanor...
these biscuits...
amazing! Every year
they get better and better!
- [cellphone rings]
- You did such a great job.
[Eleanor] Same recipe
as last year!
In fact,
everything I made this year,
I made last year, except
for the pumpkin cheesecake.
That is new. I saw it
on the Barefoot Contessa.
[Alice] Oh, we love that show.
Sometimes, I call
Clark Jeffrey. [chuckles]
- Wait, who's Jeffrey?
- It's her husband.
Jesus Christ.
[Alice] What is it?
- What's wrong?
- [Eleanor] What is it?
They just opened fire
on a crowd protesting the Oath.
- [sighs] Oh dear.
- Jesus Christ.
Doz... dozens dead.
I'm gonna go turn
on the news for a second...
Absolutely not!
I said that in my email.
We're not watching that...
And it's my house, Mom,
thank you.
Can we just finish dinner first?
You don't think
this is important?
I know this is important
but let's finish eating.
[Pat] Yeah.
Plus, we don't even know
what really happened.
No, we do know what happened!
I just read it.
They murdered dozens of people.
I just read it.
Well, I'm reading
that they attacked
- a group of counter protestors.
- Oh, Jesus Christ,
I can only imagine what source
you're getting
that bullshit from.
I'm not gonna fucking debate
with you here, okay?
- Come on, language...
- I'm not Bill Engvall, okay?
Do I look like
Bill Engvall, dad?
Let's just chill out.
Let's eat the meal...
I don't want to eat!
I don't wanna eat!
I'm sorry!
There's fucking innocent people
being gunned down
in the streets.
- It's affecting my appetite.
- [Kai] Chris...
- They're not innocent!
- Yes.
They're breaking the law!
That is what happens
when you break the law!
"The law? What, do we live
in fucking Tombstone!"
These are innocent people
the first amendment,
and they have been
gunned down
in the fucking streets...
- [Hank] Chris!
- By Brownshirts!
[indistinct clamor]
- That's a little heavy.
- [Chris] You support Nazi's.
You fucking support Nazi's.
That's my favorite thing
about liberals.
My favorite thing,
as soon as they get triggered,
- they call everyone a Nazi.
- Oh, shut the fuck up, Katie!
[Pat] Abbie. Dude!
Her name is Abbie!
- I don't care what your name is.
- You're a dick!
- Her name is Abbie!
- [Chris] You suck,
and everything
you fucking say sucks.
And guess what? You're perfect
for this fucking asshole!
- [Kai] Chris, stop it.
- Oh, I'm an asshole? Fuck you!
You treat people who don't agree
with everything you say
like they're fucking morons.
And we're not! And guess what?
Everything isn't horrible
all the time!
First of all,
it is horrible all the time,
and second of all, I'm sorry
to be the bearer of bad news
but you're a fucking moron,
and so are fucking you.
- [Hank] Language.
- [Kai] Chris!
I bet you two motherfuckers
signed that Oath in two seconds.
- Yeah, I did! I did!
- We did!
- I knew it would come out!
- You just asked him!
Yeah, I know! I know!
Fuck you, Pat.
- [Pat] Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
Seriously, seriously, hold on...
- Chris, stop it!
- No politics!
Mom, Mom, this isn't political.
I just wanna say real quick,
- real quick, seriously, Pat...
- Mm-hmm.
Fuck you. And Abbie, or Katie,
or whatever the fuck
your name is,
and fuck anyone who signed
that Oath,
because they are stupid
fucking pigs
and they should be
hung like pigs!
What the fuck?
- What the fuck?
- Not you, Alice!
- And not Mom and Dad.
- Oh, thanks!
But also, also,
like a little bit,
- a little bit fuck you, Alice!
- What?
Cause why'd you sign it?
Why'd you sign that shit?
We have a kid too, okay?
And we care about her,
and we don't want her to grow up
in a country where you have to
comply with every fucking stupid
thing the government does!
- We have pride!
- We do, too, asshole.
- [Chris scoffs emphatically]
- Get off your horse, bro.
No, I like my horse!
Kai and I have strong,
American, patriotic horses.
You got a little show pony,
it fucking sucks balls.
Okay, we're clean.
Y'all are fucking dirty.
- Chris, stop it!
- You're dirty!
- You're dirty.
- Just stop it!
Just shut the fuck up!
I signed it.
Yeah, I signed it.
I fucking signed it.
So, how about that?
[Pat and Abbie gasp]
What the fuck
are you talking about?
What do you mean you signed it?
What? Why'd you lie to me?
[chuckles nervously]
Can we have this conversation
in the other room?
No. No, I want to talk
about it right here, right now.
Chris, trust me.
Just talk in the other room.
Alice, thank you so much,
I don't need your help
running my house.
I don't need your help.
Thank you, though.
Thank you! I want to know,
right now,
why my wife lied to me
in front of everyone.
Tell everyone.
Why'd you lie to me? Why?
- Why I lied to you?
- Why?
- Why I lied to you?
- Why did you lie to me?
Fuck you! Why did I lie to you?
You wanna frame the question,
just like that, for me?
Why I lied to you?
I'm gonna go check
on the children.
[Kai] Why I lied to you?
We both said
we weren't gonna do it.
Why did you sign?
Because, Chris, my husband's
running around here acting like
he's the white Nelson Mandela
and if anybody's
not following his lead,
then they're the enemy.
Now, I love my daughter,
and I will do whatever it takes
to protect her.
I don't give a fuck about
signing some stupid
government shit!
All I care about is taking care
of my daughter.
So, I signed it.
Yup, that's what I did.
I signed it. Is that a problem?
Do you hate me now? Huh?
Do I need your permission
to protect my child?
We should've talked
in the other room.
Did everyone here sign?
- Shame on all of you.
- Now, that's it!
- That's it. That's it.
- Yeah. That is it!
You know what, I don't wanna
eat with you people,
so, I'm gonna take my food
and my wine,
and I'm gonna go sit in my car
in the driveway.
And I'm gonna listen
to some news,
and I'm gonna read
little articles on my phone,
and eat my food, and you all
can sit here at the table
and stuff your big
fat fucking faces
and talk about the people
that are being brutally executed
in the street
by our police state.
I'll be in the driveway!
Happy Thanksgiving,
[Chris] And save me some
goddamned pie!
[door closes]
[radio news anchor]
We have Connor Bregman
at the northern barrier
at City Park, where we can see
literally hundreds of police
and national guards
to what it appears to be
a coup of some sort.
Connor, where are you at
this hour? What's the feeling...
That was fucked up last night.
I hated it.
You ruined all of Thanksgiving.
Now, I know I signed it.
And I didn't tell you.
And I wish it didn't go down
like that.
But I am not gonna
apologize to you,
after you busted me out in front
of your family like that.
Okay, I only did that
because you betrayed me.
Betrayed you?
Betrayed you, Chris?
Really? You have been obsessed
with this.
I have agreed with almost
everything that you'd say.
I agree with almost everything.
But it is getting kinda
ridiculous. I just...
I am just numb to the shit.
[imitating Chris]
The "breaking news."
Oh my God, oh my God,
did you see what happened?
Did you see?
Did you see what happened?
These are my theories."
Nobody gives a fuck, okay?
I am more concerned
with raising our daughter
than what's going on out here
in these streets.
This other shit,
don't mean nothing to me.
You mean something to me.
I just don't understand how,
as a black woman...
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We are not about to be out here
re-litigating all of this shit
in the driveway.
Now, you have 24 hours
before your whole family leaves.
I suggest you get your ass
out of this car
and get in the house
and apologize to them.
- Yeah, right.
- I'm not playing.
That's so not happening,
just so you know that!
I will never apologize!
- Hey, what's up, Avery?
- Hey.
Everything okay?
[news announcer]
With the president the...
- [Kai] I'm sorry? Come again.
- [Peter] Ma'am, please?
- [Kai] No...
- [Peter] Don't get excited.
you don't understand...
- because this is my house...
- [Peter] Ma'am...
and I didn't say
you could come in it.
- [Peter] Ma'am, calm down.
- Want me lower my voice?
You lower your voice
all the way outside!
Whoa. I'm sorry. Excuse me,
excuse me, what's going on?
- Can I help you?
- Are you Mr. Powell?
- [Chris] Yes.
- Christopher Powell?
- Yeah, sorry, who are you?
- I'm, uh...
I'm Peter Yeun.
This is Mason Berko.
We're with CPU.
Citizen's Protection Unit,
we're a division
of Homeland Security.
I... I...
I know what CPU is. I...
How did you get in my house?
Your brother let us in.
[Pat] I thought they were cops.
You're cops, right?
- CPU.
- CPU. But...
- technically, we work for...
- No, you're not cops.
But I am the owner of this home
and I would like you
- to leave right now.
- Hold on a second. I'm sorry.
I thought she was
the owner of this house.
We're both the owners
of this home.
Mm-hmm. He put a ring on it.
Mr. Powell, I want us out
of your hair as much as you do.
- Believe me.
- No, I don't believe you.
I want you out of my hair
more than you think
I want you out of my hair.
Trust that.
- Wait, who are they?
- [Pat] Cops.
- Not cops, CPU.
- CPU.
They're not... they're not cops!
They're not cops!
Mr. Powell, if we could
just step in the other room,
we could talk for a few minutes,
we could let you get back
to your family, who seem lovely,
by the way.
Do you think
that's something we could do?
Mom, the kids are in Hardy's
room, they're watching.
Fantastic Beasts and Where
to Find Them, can you please go
in there and make sure
the door stays shut, please?
Thank you.
Can we please go
in another room?
- Can we sit down?
- No, we can't.
I wanna know why you're here
and I wanna know right now.
We received a report
that you were impeding
a private citizen's choice
to sign the Oath.
I'm sorry, did someone, like,
report me or something?
I'm sorry, we can't divulge
that information.
Okay, this is ridiculous.
Impeding a citizen's right
to... to... to sign the Oath?
That's not a thing.
That's nothingness.
No, it's something.
Definitely something.
No. It's not, it's not
something. It's not something.
I just read an article yesterday
in Republica about it, okay.
They're arguing it up in courts
right now. So there's...
- Do you guys have a warrant?
- Mm?
- No, we don't.
- Uh, okay, bye-bye!
- Out! You're out!
- Sir, back up, please.
- No, get out of my house.
- Sir, you don't need to be rude.
This is America! I can be rude!
Fuck you!
Mr. Powell, you're right,
the legality of the situation
is a little fluid and it's a bit
of a grey area. However...
we received a complaint and we
are obligated to investigate.
This is fucking insane
right now. I can't even...
Let's call Sheldon.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm calling my attorney,
and I'm not saying shit
until I talk to him.
Oh, also, real quick
while we're in the other room,
you two guys
wait outside, please.
Thank you.
We'll wait right here.
You're in big trouble.
You're in big trouble!
Can I get you gentlemen
tea or coffee?
- Abbie...
- What?
[both exhale deeply]
What is happening?
I don't understand
how this is happening.
I don't know, but we gotta
figure it out, okay?
Where is Sheldon?
Where's Sheldon?
Okay, fine. My phone is dead
'cause I had it on all night.
Okay, okay. Use mine. Use mine.
Yes, okay. Thank you.
[phone ringing out]
[voice mail] The mailbox is
full and is not accepting...
- Fuck! The voice mail's full.
- What?
- Okay...
- Okay. Okay.
Hey, we can work this out.
We can figure this out.
- Gotta think, gotta think.
- I'm gonna say one thing quick.
Fucking Pat did this.
Pat called this in.
Come on, you don't know that
and I don't believe that.
Okay, okay, then it was
for sure his girlfriend.
I'm gonna tell you something,
you know I'm a feminist.
- Yeah.
- I waited in line for two hours
so Roxane Gay could sign
her book to you.
- Yeah.
- She was brilliant!
- Yeah.
- Abbie's a little cunt.
No! You're not using
that word in this house.
Okay, we have talked about that.
You are not allowed to use that.
You can use pussy,
trash pussy
- but you cannot use that word.
- Abbie's a trash pussy!
Okay, that's fine.
She's a trash pussy.
If you say so, I agree with you.
Okay - But here's the thing.
I just wanna say I told you
this was gonna happen one day!
One day, I said, they're gonna
come to the home,
- they're gonna come to the home.
- You were right.
- And get Gestapo!
- You were right, baby. I think...
I think we have one option
and one option only.
We don't say shit
until we talk to Sheldon.
Okay? Only option.
Okay, that is a good option.
That is a very good choice.
- But here's another choice...
- Mm-hmm.
- Another idea.
- Okay.
- Just a random thought...
- Okay.
I think it might work.
Just answer their questions
and they'll probably just leave.
How about that?
They'll probably leave.
No. No! I'm not
being interrogated
in my own home
without a warrant!
First of all, you're gonna stop
saying your own home okay?
'Cause this is our home that
we raise our child in, okay?
Now, I just wanna figure out
a way to get these motherfuckers
up outta here
as quickly as possible.
- This is not Nazi Germany!
- You are so right.
Duh, duh Chris! Hello?
Danke schn!
- Thanks for the information!
- Okay, all right. I got it.
But what are you gonna say?
I'm gonna teach them
about something called.
- The United States Constitution!
- [Kai] Ugh...
All right.
[Chris] Excuse me.
Did you speak
with your attorney?
I did.
And he said because you
don't have a warrant...
you have no right to be here.
We don't have to answer
any of your questions,
and you need to leave
our home right now.
Well, then, that's that.
- Right. I understand.
- Thank you.
[Mason] I don't.
I don't understand
why you can't just answer
some questions.
Okay, well, I'll tell you.
Because, um...
in America, we have this thing
called the Constitution and...
I know what the Constitution is,
you condescending fucking pussy.
Mason, stop. I don't want to get
written up again, okay?
[Mason] See,
I know guys like you.
You've never fought for
this country a day in your life.
You haven't sacrificed anything
and you're disrespectful
to people like me...
people who are here
to protect you.
But that's done.
Boys like you will soon learn
that those days are over.
Mason, stop.
- [Alice] Leave it. Chris.
- Peter...
don't tell me what to do.
I just think the three of us
should go for a ride.
I'm not going anywhere.
[clears throat]
Say that to me again.
[Peter] Mason.
Get out of my house.
I think you're coming with me.
- Fuck off.
- [Pat] Oh, boy. Get out of here.
- [Pat] Come on, guys.
- It's okay. It's okay.
- [Peter] Let's go, let's go.
- [Mason] It's okay.
- [Alice] Chris, enough.
- I would like...
- to apologize.
- [Abbie] See, he's a good guy.
- [all] Oh!
- [Peter] Mason!
[Kai] Shit!
[indistinct chatter]
- Let her go! Come on!
- [Peter] Mason! Stand back!
- [voices fading]
- [high-pitched ringing sound]
[Pat] Let her go, man.
Let her go!
- [Pat] What the fuck?
- [Peter] Mason, stand back.
- Stay back!
- What is that, man?
Get him under control!
- [Peter] Mason...
- [Pat] You guys gotta go!
[Chris grunts]
I'll break it!
- This is too much, man.
- Quiet!
- You guys went too far.
- Why didn't he just sign it?
- I'll break your fucking arm.
- Please don't!
- Listen, I'll sign it! I'll it!
- [Mason] You fucking will!
I will go online!
I'll sign the online one!
Are you ready? I'm gonna
break your fucking arm.
- [Chris screaming]
- Mason, let him go!
- [thud]
- [all scream]
- Drop it!
- [Hank] I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Hands up! Hands up!
[Mason] Pete?
- [Hank grunts]
- [all clamoring]
Hands behind your back,
you're under arrest.
- Why did you do that?
- [choking]
- Why did you do that?
- [Alice] Let go of my dad!
Shut the fuck up! Back up!
- [Pat] Hey, hey, hey!
- [Alice] Let go of my dad!
- Hey!
- [Alice screams]
[Kai] Chris! Chris!
What the fuck?
Oh, my God!
Chris, what are you doing?
- [Chris] I don't know. Jesus.
- [Mason grunts]
- [Kai] Chris...
- Chris, what'd you do, man?
- [Kai] What the fuck!
- I don't know.
- What is happening?
- [Pat] What are you doing?
[Chris] Calm down,
I don't know, I don't know.
Get away! Get away! Watch out!
Stand back! Everyone stand back.
Stay back!
[Mason] Fuck! Fuck!
[indistinct shrieking]
[Mason] Give me my fucking gun.
- [Abbie] Oh, God, oh, God...
- [Chris] I can do it.
- Don't do it.
- Chris, what the fuck!
[Chris] Okay, everyone be cool.
- Give me the gun.
- I'm not doing that, all right.
You take another step
and I'll fucking shoot you,
You don't know me.
You think you know me,
but you don't know me.
I'm a bad fuck.
Er, I'm a bad fuck-er.
[Kai] Chris...
- [Mason] You're a dumb fuck!
- No, I'm not!
I'm smart and I have a gun!
[Chris] Ooh, his head's
all fucked up.
- Kai, his head's all fucked up.
- Why is it black?
Did I do that to his head? Or
was his head like that before?
- [Kai] You did that shit!
- [Hank] Put the gun down. Son...
- I'm not doing that, Dad.
- Put the gun down.
- We can talk about this, baby.
- We will.
- We will talk about it. You...
- Chris...
Put your hands up!
Put your hands up. Sir...
- Put 'em up!
- They're up!
Okay, they were a little low
when I said it!
- [Chris breathes heavily] Pat...
- Yeah?
[Chris] See if he's got
handcuffs or something.
- No, Pat! No, Pat! No...
- Okay.
[Chris] Abbie, shut up!
[Mason] Touch me
and I'll drop you.
You drop him, and I drop you.
Give me a reason.
I wanna drop you.
- Oh shit, baby.
- Try me. I want you to.
I want you to.
I fucking want you to.
We got a ziptie.
- Do you know how to use those?
- Yeah.
[Chris] Tie him up.
- [Pat] Move that other hand.
- Oh, my God, oh, my God.
[Chris] All right, all right.
Kai, it's okay, it's okay, baby.
It's okay, baby. It's okay.
- Baby.
- [Chris] It's okay.
Kai, it's okay.
Here's what we're gonna do.
We're going into the TV room.
[Alice] Jesus, what's that?
[Chris] It's a Taser.
Where did you get that?
- I ordered it online.
- You never told me that.
I know, I'm sorry.
Can we talk about it later?
If he moves, tase him.
Mom, keys.
Grab... grab those keys, please.
All right, listen,
very important,
you need to take
all three of the kids
three doors down
to the Berman's house
and make sure
that they stay there.
You can show them movies,
feed them whatever they want,
make sure they're happy
and safe.
But make sure they stay
in the house, okay? Thank you.
Can I take food from this house
to that house?
Yes, of course.
Anything you need.
Okay, I can make twice
baked potatoes,
I can make a cream of turkey.
I need bread.
- Great, bring the milk too.
- Are they allowed sugar?
Yes, they can have
literally whatever they want.
Just keep them safe.
Please keep them...
- Chris, I need to talk to you...
- [Alice] Chris, come here.
- Wait, Chris, please, I just...
- Hold on, hold on...
What should I do?
His eyes are just like...
Are they like...
Or are they like...
No, it's like... they're like...
I think that's okay, though.
- Really?
- All right, keep an eye on him.
- Chris...
- I wanna tell...
I should've hit him,
instead of the Chinese fella.
Chi... No!
- Asian-American!
- What?
Asian-American! You don't know
where his family is from.
They could be from Korea,
they could be from fucking Laos.
[Mason laughs]
What's so funny?
It's just how much trouble
you're in.
Attempted murder, kidnapping.
You're done.
[chuckles] You're all...
We didn't attempt
to murder anyone.
And guess what? Guess what?
You're in trouble, too.
Because you came in here
without a warrant...
You assaulted
two government agents.
I lightly shoved you, okay.
You busted my fucking lip with
your arm, and I got witnesses!
You mean accomplices, right?
That's what these people are.
And every second they don't
untie me is just years
I'm gonna add
to their sentences.
So, what's the plan?
What are you gonna do?
My plan
is none of your business.
Oh, you don't have a plan,
do you?
- [Chris] I have a plan!
- Chris, kitchen, now!
- No, you don't.
- Gonna talk in the kitchen.
- Now!
- I do have a plan
and I'm not sharing it
with your fucking ass!
- Hmm.
- [Chris] All right, Pat,
if this guy moves one muscle,
just tase him.
- [Chris] Pat!
- Yeah, yeah. Okay. I got it.
And then if...
I don't want that.
- [stammers]
- [Kai] Chris!
I'm gonna hold it.
I'm gonna hold it.
[Kai] Jesus Christ!
Jesus Christ!
Oh boy. Oh, my God, oh, my God.
- It's bad. It's really bad.
- Chris. Chris, it's really bad.
- It's really bad.
- You gotta call the cops now.
I'm not calling the cops.
If I untie that fucking guy,
he's gonna fucking kill me!
He's a mad man.
He has to cool down.
He is not gonna cool down
any time soon, okay.
I'm gonna go check on your mom,
okay, and the kids.
You need to get Sheldon
on the phone
and tell him exactly
what's happening right now.
- Okay, all right, fine.
- [Kai] Goddamn it!
This is stupid.
- [Sheldon] Hello?
- Sheldon?
Sheldon! Sheldon,
do you hear me?
- [Sheldon] Chris?
- Yes! Yes...
- [incoming call beeps]
- She...
Hold on Sheldon.
What is it, Mom?
[Eleanor] Can the kids
watch The BFG?
Fine! They can watch whatever
they want. I don't care!
Sheldon, are you there? Sheldon!
[Sheldon] Chris, I'm at the base
of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
The reception is poor.
I can hear you, brother!
I can hear you.
Okay, Sheldon, I'm gonna
speak quick, okay?
'Cause I got a big problem here.
Okay, these two guys came into
my house and they're from CPU,
and they assaulted me,
and my dad freaked out
and he hit one of them with
a shovel, and the other one
pulled out a gun and I thought
he was gonna kill my dad,
so I hit him with a shovel,
and now, you know,
I tied him up,
and I'm wondering...
I'm wondering, as my attorney,
what you think I should do.
[Sheldon] Chris, I'm sorry,
did you say, Tied up?
Yes, yes. I tied up...
I ziptied him.
His hands.
[Sheldon] Okay.
You have to let them go.
Maybe I didn't explain it
the right way.
[Sheldon] I don't know
what there is to explain.
You need to let them go
right now.
[Sheldon] Chris?
Chris, we're starting
our ascent.
I have to hang up. Good luck!
[Alice] Hey! Chris, come here,
- Fuck!
- [Mason] He needs help!
[Mason] Help him, look at him!
- Alice, help him! Help him!
- I'm trying to!
I'm a tax consultant, okay!
Just breathe.
Uh, should I get water?
Should we make him drink water?
Pat, you can't force
someone to drink.
Okay, what is it with you
and water right now?
- Leave it alone with the water.
- Hey!
He needs to go to the hospital
or he's gonna die.
- [Chris] Whoa...
- [Alice] God.
I don't think so.
- You fucking idiot.
- [Chris] Hello, sir?
Is there blood? Sir?
[Alice] There's not actually
a lot of blood.
- Sir, hello?
- [Peter groans]
- Oh, there he is. There he is.
- Hi.
Great, okay.
- Hi!
- I'm here. I'm here.
Hi! Hi!
- [Alice] He's fine. He's fine.
- [Chris] He's fine now.
He's okay. He's okay.
[Peter sighs]
Why is Mason tied to a chair?
[Mason] Yeah, why am I tied up?
Psst. He has amnesia.
I remember you guys fighting...
and then I went down.
But I don't understand
why he's tied to a chair,
and why you have his gun.
[whispers] Paul, ah...
Tell me your name again?
- Peter Yuen.
- [Chris] Peter Yuen.
We have a situation here that
has escalated out of control.
[exhales] What do we know?
We know that you and...
your friend over there
came into my home
without a warrant...
- and assaulted me.
- [Mason] Oh, bullshit.
Okay? And you got hit
on the head and I'm...
really sorry about that.
But when you hit the ground,
he freaked out
and pulled out a gun,
and started choking my dad.
And... and... and things happened,
and now here we are.
And what I would like to do,
is weigh our options.
[Peter] Okay.
- What are our options?
- Yeah, what are our options?
Uh, I don't know.
I don't... I don't...
I don't know.
It happened so fast.
[Mason] Peter, call this in,
tell them they attacked us.
- [Chris] Peter...
- [Mason] Peter...
- I can't let...
- [Mason] Peter...
I can't let that happen, Peter.
I understand.
- [Mason] Peter!
- Mason, I am handling this.
Okay, Mr. Powell, let's talk.
Thank you.
And you called me
Chris, by the way.
Mr. Powell is my dad.
Yeah, the guy who hit you
over the fucking head.
- Shut up! Shut up.
- It was self-defense.
[Peter] I got it, Mason.
- Chris...
- Chris.
There were mistakes made.
Yes, on both sides.
And what I'd like to do
is for us to leave...
[Chris] Hmm.
- And to regroup...
- Mm-hmm.
And contact you some other time.
Or, or, hey, or...
maybe we don't
come back here again.
That's definitely
another option.
- I like that.
- Peter!
- You're making a mistake here!
- Mason!
Chris, we brought this to you
and we want this to end quickly
and peacefully.
Peter, thank you.
Thank you for being
so friggin'...
- reasonable.
- And you just have
this great disposition, too.
Well, I got three kids,
so, it's a lot of negotiating.
- I have two kids.
- Two? Oh yeah? Boy? Girl?
- Two boys.
- Two boys, oh, you get it.
- [Peter] You?
- I got one daughter.
What do you got?
What's on your ear there?
- What?
- What is it?
- Oh, wait, there he goes.
- [Mason] Jesus Christ.
Fuck, what is that?
What is that, water?
That's perilymph fluid,
he's concussed.
Untie me right now and I'll take
him to the hospital!
- Untie me! Right now!
- We should go to the hospital.
[Mason] Untie me now! I gotta
take him to the hospital.
- Ice, ice, ice. Go get some ice.
- [Abbie] What's perilymph fluid?
Yeah, ice is really gonna
help his brain injury.
Listen, listen to me.
Now, if you untie me right now,
I will not beat
the fucking shit out of you!
Shut the fuck up!
[Mason] You don't want a guy
dying in your home, do you?
That's not a good look for you.
It isn't.
Your only other option
is to kill me,
and you don't wanna do that,
do you? You don't.
You can't kill a man.
What's up?
- He keeps passing out.
- [Kai] Okay, what do we do?
[Chris] I don't know,
I don't know what to do.
[Kai] Chris, we need to call
a doctor.
[Chris] Kai,
we can't do that yet.
- [Alice] How's he doing?
- He keeps... he keeps fluttering
in and out of consciousness.
He's all fucked up.
- [Alice] Peter...
- [Chris] Oh, shit!
[Alice] Look, look!
His eyes. His eyes.
[Chris] There, there I saw it.
They're open, right there.
- [Alice] Peter... Are you okay?
- He's up!
[Chris] Hey...
Peter. Peter, hey!
[Peter] Sorry, I blacked out
there for a second.
[Chris] Oh, Peter.
you keep scaring us here.
[gasps] Oh, shit! Baby!
[all scream]
- [Peter] Mason...
- Don't move, don't move.
How do you have a knife?
How does he have a knife?
It's called frisking,
you fucking idiot.
How do you not frisk him?
You said tie him,
you didn't say frisk him!
[Peter] Mason...
Put it down, put the knife down!
- Put the knife down!
- You put the gun down!
- You put the knife down!
- You put the gun down!
- Put it down, put it down.
- [Mason] Okay.
- Okay.
- Put it down.
[Chris] On the count of three,
you're gonna put the knife down.
- Okay.
- [Chris] Right?
[both] One, two...
[all screaming]
[indistinct clamor]
- [Chris] He's gonna stab me!
- Baby!
[Kai] No!
Oh, my God!
[all yelling together]
- [taser clicks]
- [grunts]
Pat, what the fuck!
- Shit! It was an accident!
- [Chris] What the fuck!
[Chris] Oh shit!
Oh, my God.
It's going in! It's going in!
- [Abbie] What the fuck!
- [Mason groans]
It's in me! Tase him!
- [Taser clicks]
- [Chris screams]
[Abbie] Oh, my God,
oh, my God...
- [Chris] What the fuck, Kai!
- [Pat] Are you okay?
- I'm fine, he barely got me!
- Not you, her!
I fucking know!
- You idiot!
- [Pat] I didn't mean to!
You're so dumb
and I'm just realizing it now!
Fucking asshole.
You could have killed me!
That's usually the point of
stabbing someone in the chest.
Hey, man, I don't know what
happened to you in your life
that you ended up this way,
but it's people like you
who have fucked the world up.
If it wasn't for people like me,
people like you would be slaves
to people like me.
You can't even take care
of your own family. Look around.
Look what happened
in your own home.
You're not built for this,
brother. Untie me.
Just end it now. End it!
I know, I know, I know,
I'm a huge pussy
and you're gonna kick
my ass and send me to jail.
- Fucking mother...
- I know, shut the fuck up!
[Mason muffled]
Fuckin' piece of shit!
- How you doing?
- I'm not good.
Not really good at all.
- I'm so angry right now.
- Mm-hmm.
I got tased in my own house
by my brother-in-law,
who would've never been able
to even tase me
because my husband
bought a Taser
- without talking to me about it.
- I know.
So I'm really angry
and I don't know where
to direct this anger right now,
and I need you to get your
motherfucking hands off of me.
Happy, Abbie?
- Was this all part of your plan?
- Okay, here we go.
I knew you were
gonna blame this on me.
Because you did it!
- It wasn't me!
- It wasn't her!
- I gotta ask one question.
- [Abbie] What?
Did you call this in
because of what I said
about the Oath
during Thanksgiving dinner?
Or was it
cause I forgot your name?
- It wasn't me, asshole!
- Fucking prick.
I'm gonna say this to you now,
Abbie, with peace and love,
and in no disrespect
to your gender,
but go fuck yourself!
- Go fuck yourself!
- Hey man, it wasn't her!
- Don't fucking say that to her!
- You are a fucking pig!
Hey! [Slaps legs]
A serious question!
- How is this helpful right now?
- Alice!
- Enough! No more fighting!
- [Alice] Yeah.
No, I know!
I was telling them not to fight!
- [Chris] Yeah, Abbie!
- Fuck off!
[Mason] Untie me,
or your life is over.
Do you understand?
All right, I want you
to not make any more noise.
[Mason] Oh, come on.
Don't do that now.
No, no, no, I'm not gonna do
anything. Don't worry about it.
[Mason] Oh, come on.
I just need you
to shut the fuck up!
- [Mason] Fuck you, fuck you!
- Fuck you, fuck you!
[Mason] I'll fucking kill you!
That's why I'm not untying you
because you're fucking
crazy, dude!
- [muffled shouting]
- Chris...
me, you, Alice. Talk
in the other room. Right now.
I'm gonna go talk
in the other room...
- Come on!!
- I'm coming, baby.
Alice, we should go
before she gets madder.
Dad, keep an eye on Peter.
His ice pack keeps sliding down.
- Pat keep an eye on him.
- What?
And I'm fucking watching you,
- [Pat] Stop it, leave her alone!
- [Abbie] Everyone hates you!
[Abbie] Hey, everyone hates you!
Hey, I wanna
just one more time say, I'm...
I'm really sorry you got tased.
I do not want to discuss
that right now, okay?
We need a plan. We need to
figure out what we're gonna do
cause things can't get any more
worse than they already are.
No, I think they can get worse.
- [Alice] It can get worse!
- Where is Clark?
- What?
- Where's Clark?
He's passed out. And I don't
wanna bring him out here cause
then he's just someone else
in the room panicking
except he's shitting everywhere.
- Don't bring him out.
- Yo. I don't know if this
it's because of the electricity
in my body
- but I am fucking freaking out!
- Kai, baby, baby,
I'm freaking out, too.
I am freaking out
that I live in a country
where this kinda shit happens.
I'm gonna tell you
this right now,
this is not the America
that I know.
Hey, man, I do not
wanna hear your take
on the country's politics
right now!
The fuck you think you are?
Trevor Noah or something?
- I know, I'm not Trevor Noah.
- Thanks for the live OP-ed.
Okay, now is time
for practical solutions.
Okay, what are we doing?
How is this gonna end?
Okay, okay, okay,
fine, what if...
I haven't thought this
through yet but what if...
[sighs] what if
Pat and I took my car
and drove these two guys
all the way up the 16
to the forest preserve
and we drop them deep,
deep into the woods
and we'd leave them there?
And then they don't die,
they survive,
cause they're smart guys
but they have time
to think about
what they've done.
Pat and I come back here
and you've packed a bag, right?
And then the three of us
drive down to Texas,
stay with your folks
for a few months.
If the cops show up,
I don't know,
we can go to Mexico.
If we needed to?
Maybe we'd become
Mexican Nationals.
I speak a little bit of Spanish.
I will learn more.
We will teach her Spanish.
- How the fuck is that practical?
- That is so stupid.
And that plan
did not include me at all!
- Okay, okay.
- What is fucking wrong with you?
I'm sorry! I don't know!
Here's what I know.
I know that if we let
these guys go, I...
we, Dad, Pat, we're
in big fucking trouble.
People in our family
will go to jail.
And really think about that.
Well, that's just something
we gonna have to consider.
We just have to!
I'm gonna tell you guys this.
And I'm a little embarrassed.
I'm really scared of Mason.
Yeah, he's fucking nuts, okay?
- He's a psychopath.
- But keep him tied up
- and deal with Peter instead.
- Right. Mm-hmm.
- Peter seems reasonable.
- Yeah, we can talk to Peter,
we'll get him to call in,
explain the whole situation,
and then we can finally
end this whole thing
without anybody getting hurt.
- Or, more hurt.
- Okay, okay.
- Just...
- Okay, okay.
- Baby, calm down.
- Ow, okay. Okay.
You're gonna be okay.
We're gonna be okay.
- We got this.
- Okay, and another thing,
just let it go
with Pat and Abbie.
I'm not saying another word
to them. It's not about them.
- [Alice] Okay. Yeah.
- It's about us. And this moment.
- Yes.
- And doing what's right.
Right. And we're just gonna
talk to Peter.
- I'm gonna talk to Peter.
- [Alice] Yeah.
- We will talk to Peter.
- Okay, and we stick together.
- Yes.
- [Alice] Okay?
- Family.
- Yes.
- Let's do this.
- Let's do this.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- [Mason murmurs]
- [Abbie] We can't hear you.
- [Abbie] Stop!
- Whoa! Hey, hey! What is that?
What did he just say?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
She means, she doesn't know!
We can't understand
what he's saying!
Stop accusing us
of canoodling with him!
Colluding is the word
you're looking for.
I know, I meant
to say colluding!
Stop! Stop! Stop!
How you doing, Peter?
How you feeling, buddy?
- I'm okay.
- Good, good.
We need this to end.
And I'm here right now
asking you...
can we make that happen?
I think we can do this.
It's gonna be rough.
But if we stay calm...
and trust each other...
- we can work it out.
- Oh, God. Thank you.
[Peter] It's gonna be rough.
But if we stay calm,
and trust each other...
we can work it out.
He really needs to see a doctor.
- Did he say it twice?
- You are so calm.
- Yeah, you're very...
- You're very calm.
Very, very Zen.
Not Zen. Goddamn it. No offense.
Oh, none taken.
But I do think...
I do think we're gonna have
to untie Mason.
[Kai] Mm-mm. Mm-mm.
- Mm-mm.
- Listen, listen. Hold on.
Everyone be calm.
Is there any way...
that if I untie him,
you can guarantee me...
he won't beat me up?
will you promise
not to attack Mr. Powell?
- [Mason] Fuck you.
- Okay.
See, that makes me think
he will attack me.
Mason! I need you to swear
on my life...
that you will not attack
Mr. Powell.
[muffled] Peter,
I swear on your life.
Untape his mouth.
- It's okay, do it.
- Oh, Pat.
Do it fast.
[Chris] Oh! Owie! Owie!
Oh, my God. Okay.
Cut me out of this shit.
Do it.
It took 20 minutes
to put it all on.
- [Chris] I don't care. Do it.
- Okay, all right, all right.
No, Pat. No! Oh, my God!
- This is so dumb!
- [Chris hushes]
Everyone, everyone, everyone...
Baby, this isn't what
we talked about!
[Chris hushes]
It's okay, Kai, Kai.
[Alice] This is
a really bad idea.
- He swore on Peter's life.
- [Kai] Chris!
[Alice] Let's not untie him yet.
- [Kai] Not a good idea.
- Holy shit. Holy shit.
It's going to be okay.
- Not giving him the gun.
- There's no negotiation...
- [Kai] Mm-mm.
- With my gun in your hand.
Peter, I'm not giving him
the gun.
[Peter grunts]
All right, let's...
think this through.
What if you gave him the gun,
but you kept the bullets?
- That's actually a good idea.
- Smart.
- I'm gonna give him the gun.
- No, don't give him the gun.
- [Kai] No, you should not.
- Calm down, calm down.
All right, - You ready?
Here we go.
[Alice] This is not what
we talked about, Chris.
- [Chris] Calm down.
- [Kai] Baby, don't do it! No!
Make sure you get the one
in the chamber.
- I did.
- Do you know what that means?
- Yeah, I know what it means.
- Okay.
- [Kai] Oh, Jesus.
- [Chris] It's okay, guys.
I got the bullets, baby,
it's fine. It's okay.
[Chris] Now everyone just be...
- [all screaming]
- [Peter] Oh, God. Mason stop!
- [Chris] Oh, shit!
- [Peter] Mason, stop.
[Peter] Oh, God. Mason, stop!
Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. No!
I'm just...
It's my house, bitch! Told you!
- Is everyone okay?
- [Abbie sighs]
[Peter] Um...
- Um...
- Yeah.
- Oh, jeez.
- [yelps]
- [Alice chocking]
- Damn.
- [mouthing] Fuck!
- [Kai] Put pressure on it...
Chris, can I talk to you outside
for a minute?
Christopher, I know I've...
never been as close
with you as your mother has...
but I just...
You see...
I always did whatever it took...
to take care of my family...
to protect them.
And now you have to do
the same thing.
You do whatever
you need to do...
[Pat] Just shut up!
[Abbie yelps]
Again, there's not a lot
of blood.
Guess I'm not much of a bleeder.
How you doing, buddy?
It's weird. Like,
it doesn't hurt right now but...
if I do this... [screams]
Oh, God!
- [Peter] Oh, God!
- [Alice] Okay, okay, yeah.
- [Chris hushes] Okay.
- We have to get him to a doctor.
- [Alice] Right away.
- We gotta go to a doctor.
[Pat] What the fuck
are we gonna do with him?
Motherfucker broke
my fucking nose!
Okay, fine. Hey, Pat!
[Pat] Fuck you.
- [Chris] Pat, stop!
- [Pat] Fuck you.
- [Chris] Pat!
- Pat, he's tied up, okay.
Just stop it!
[breathes heavily]
- Ah.
- What's wrong? What's wrong?
It's just this weird sensation.
- Okay, but where, exactly?
- [Chris] Where?
Um, right above my knee.
- [all scream]
- [Chris] Oh, Jesus.
[Alice] Oh, my God,
that is so gross! It's so gross!
I came to get some pie...
Holy fucking shit! Alice!
[Chris] Holy shit! Oh, God!
- Oh my...
- [Abbie screams]
Go, go, go, Mom, take her!
Go wash her! Go wash her!
- Oh, fuck!
- Chris, we gotta move.
- Like, right now.
- Okay, okay, okay.
I hope you had
a nice Thanksgiving,
'cause it's gonna be
your fucking last.
Shut up. Okay.
[Mason] I mean,
if not your last,
probably your last together.
Maybe they'll keep
the women together.
Yo man, that is enough, okay?
Knock it off.
It's funny, do you know
who's gonna get raped
the most in jail?
- Your dad.
- Hey, shut up!
- You shut the hell up.
- Relax, Dad.
You shut your goddamn mouth!
Shut the fuck up,
you dirty motherfucker!
You shut the fuck up,
you fucking cunt!
Hey! Motherfucker!
Don't you use that word
in my house ever again!
You fucking asshole! Fuck you!
[Chris] You don't talk
to my wife like that!
That's my wife. I love her.
What the hell is going on now?
Goddamn it?
- [Chris] Oh, Jesus!
- [Abbie] Fucking sick.
[Mason] Happy Thanksgiving!
[Kai] This is it.
This is the moment.
No more talking.
It's over.
It's over.
I'm gonna kill him.
That is not what I meant.
We have to do this.
We have to do this.
Look at me. Look at me.
- He will destroy us.
- [Kai weeps]
- If we don't do this,
- [sobbing]
We have no chance at a life.
We have to do this.
- No, no, no.
- Yes, we do.
Yes, we do.
Can you stop crying and tell me
what you're thinking, please?
[Kai] I just...
I'm thinking, I never thought
I would have to convince
my husband not to kill anyone.
We have to, okay.
We have no choice.
We will go to prison.
And our little girl
will be left alone
- and abandoned.
- Chris...
you cannot murder that man!
What, are you gonna
kill Peter, too?
And just bury them
in the backyard?
Just gonna have dead bodies
in my back yard?
No! I will... I will shoot
them here and I'll...
I'll move the bodies somewhere,
I don't know!
Listen to what you just said.
remember when you told me
that we cannot let them change
who we are.
Remember that bullshit?
It's that bullshit you told me?
We can do this.
We can get
through this together.
We'll just release them
and suffer whatever consequences
we gotta suffer through.
But we can do it together.
And we'll be okay.
Okay? We'll be... we'll be okay.
- We'll just do it.
- I love you so much.
I love you, too.
That blood tastes nasty.
It's really nasty.
- But I still love you.
- I love you so fucking much.
[Alice] Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Fucking monster!
- [Hank] Alice!
- I don't know.
- [Alice] You piece of shit!
- [Chris] Whoa, what the fuck?
- You stupid motherfucker!
- [Chris] Alice, Alice...
- Fuck you! You piece of shit!
- [Chris] Hey. No, no, no.
- Fuck you!
- [Chris] What are you doing?
- Fuck you! Fuck you!
- Jesus Christ.
- I've had it with this guy!
You can't say that shit!
- What happened? What did he say?
- [Alice] Fucking pig!
[Chris] What did he say?
He said he's gonna go
after the kids.
Did you say that about our kids?
Why would you say that
about our kids?
Are you kidding me?
Look at my face!
Look at what you did to me!
If I get out of here alive,
I'm coming after you
and everyone you care for.
I promise.
That will be my mission in life
and I'm telling you right now,
so you're not confused...
when your life turns
into total shit.
[Kai] Fuck it.
[Pat] Whoa, whoa.
[Eleanor] Christopher,
don't do that!
[Chris] Everyone calm down.
- You won't do it.
- [Peter] Chris...
Chris, put the gun down, now.
[Eleanor] Don't do it, Chris.
Why did you say that
about the kids, man?
Because fuck your kids.
Just do it, baby.
Do it. Do it.
[Peter] Chris...
put the gun down, now.
- Shoot him, Chris.
- Just do it, baby! Kill him!
- [Mason] Come on!
- You shouldn't have come here.
[Mason] Grow some balls already!
- [Pat] Do it.
- [Hank] Do it, son.
- He can't do it. Accept it.
- Mason, what are you doing?
Shut the fuck up, Peter,
you fucking traitor!
You should not have come here,
you should not have
come to my house, dude.
You shouldn't have come here...
- [Kai] Do it!
- [Peter] Put the gun down, now.
- [Alice] Fucking do it.
- [Peter] Put the gun down now.
- [Kai] Do it!
- Stop listening to him.
- I'm gonna do it.
- [Peter] Mason, stop!
Come on already!
Do it! [Screaming]
Close your eyes! Close
your fucking eyes everyone!
[Clark] Hey!
- Here it comes.
- Hey!
Stop! Turn the news on.
What the fuck
is going on in here?
- Dad, turn on the news.
- [Clark] Who are these guys?
[Chris] Hit guide.
- Hit guide!
- Yeah, yeah, I got it. I got it.
[Chris] All right, "guide".
Details are still trickling in,
but we do have confirmation
from the White House
that the president has stepped
down effective immediately...
We asked if there was going
to be a farewell address
or statement of some kind,
and we were told no,
not at this time.
We do know that the president
and the First Lady
are already currently traveling
to their home in South Carolina.
As far as other specifics go,
we don't have much,
but we do know is that
the president has stepped down,
and that Vice President Hogan
is now President Hogan.
Now we take you live
to the White House
where President Hogan addresses
the country for
the very first time.
My fellow Americans.
At approximately seven o'clock
this evening...
the president informed me
that he would be stepping down.
Effective immediately.
Now, he assured me
that he would be
addressing the nation
in the coming days
and I will let him
discuss the reasons
why for his departure.
But I assure you this...
as your acting president...
I will do everything
I can to restore
peace and calm to our nation.
Now, the former
president and I...
agreed on many things
in the past...
but over the last few months
we began to diverge
on issues
that I felt fundamental
to the health of our republic.
With that being said...
reserves and all National Guard
will be withdrawing
from all major cities
as soon as possible.
I'm also suspending
of the Patriot's Oath
and all operations
and investigations
currently undertaken by the CPU.
Now is not the time
for division...
we must come together.
So, I thank you...
and God bless you...
and God bless
the United States of America.
[Jason] A stunning development.
Certainly one that we knew
was possible,
but didn't see coming
at this moment.
We are gonna be bringing
in Keith Baiers
on this historic night,
and we're gonna hear
from Glenn Baker and Amy Moses.
But right now
we are going to go live
to our very own Paul Bakeman,
who is at the White House...
- [Kai] Baby, what...
- [all screaming]
[Pat sighs]
How you feeling, Peter?
Hard to say.
'Cause I'm definitely in shock
at the moment. But...
- I actually don't feel a...
- [Chris] Oh, easy on the bumps.
Tremendous amount of pain, no.
You got a good attitude, man.
[Chris] Pat, you gotta watch
those speed bumps, dude.
I mean, what do you
want me to do?
Just, just...
[exhales] Mason,
I'm gonna talk for a second.
And I don't need you
to say anything,
but I need you to hear me, okay?
I would give
everything I have...
to erase what happened today...
but I can't.
And you and I, Mason...
we have different I...
different ideas
of how this country should work.
Pat, you gotta watch
the speed bumps.
I don't know
what that means, Chris.
Like, watch them, how?
Just don't take them
so fast, please.
I'm not taking them fast,
I'm under five.
Can you pull around?
No, they take up
the entire width of the road!
I think we can go
our separate ways...
and go back to our lives
and never run
into each other again.
What do you think
about that, Mason?
Mason, can we do that?
Do I have to worry
about this fucking maniac
coming after me and my family
for the rest of my life?
I don't think so.
We shouldn't have been at
your house in the first place.
- Yeah.
- [Peter] He was suspended.
- What?
- [Peter] A few months back,
he hit a suspect so hard,
he busted his ear drum.
He's got anger issues.
That's why he was thrown off
the police force.
And fired
from Steamfield Mall security.
Wait, Mason...
are you a fucking
mall security guard?
I thought he was
like special forces.
I thought he was one of the guys
that killed Bin Laden.
He's fucking Paul Blart?
You need help.
Mason. Get help.
Go see doctors!
Fuckin' Jesus Christ.
Peter, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you got...
hit and I'm sorry you got shot.
And you know what,
I'm sorry for everything.
[Peter] I'll be okay.
Everyone will be okay.
I'm so cold.
Oh, I got the A/C on, sorry.
[Chris] Pat turn it off, please?
[Chris] Unlock the door.
[talking indistinctly]
Careful, careful, careful.
Pat, help him up.
[Chris] Careful, careful.
Easy, easy, easy.
[Peter grunts]
- You good?
- [grunts]
[police siren blaring]
All right.
Can you put it back in?
[Mason] Thank you.
You have a lovely family.
[Chris] Thank you.
All right, let's go.
Do you wanna know who it was?
[man speaking over radio]
[Peter grunts]