The Odyssey (1997)

We must take her to the palace.
- Master, the baby is coming!
- Take me home.
Tell them make ready.
Just think of us... just you and I...
Lying on the shore ...
Hold tight. Give me the pain.
Come this way!
The baby is coming!
The baby is coming!
Hold me. Hold me. Hold me in your eyes.
A boy!
I love you!
Show him his new home.
This day was the proudest day of my life.
My sweet Penelope and the gods had
given me a son.
But at the same moment, the
world we had built together
was changed forever.
Dark abord rent my new shores:
My beloved Greece entered the war
against Troy ...
The most powerful of kings,
Agamemnon and Menelaus himself,
came for me.
Bound by my oath of allegiance
and honor me dictating to
protect my country,
I was forced to leave my home,
not knowing if I would see
my wife ever ...
and my child.
I am Odysseus, king of Ithica.
And this is my story.
You must it leave here.
Mother ...
Convene the Masters ... Gather the crew.
We leave for Troy.
The gods are with us!
Athena, my goddess, you
have always protected me.
But today you remain silent.
Is there a way to avoid this war?
Talk to me.
No tears?
No tears.
Troy will not fall easily.
I love you!
- If ever I did not return ...
- You will!
Do not even say the word!
You must allow me to die inside of your memory.
You'll always be my wife.
you choose another.
And you will marry.
I love you!
I will return safe and sound ...
Living like this tree ...
around which we built our world.
I will wait.
Antiphus! Play a song of farewell!
Hoist the sail!
Return with the bodies of
enemies you have killed!
And my CSUR rejoice.
Penelope gives R the same
strength you gave me.
The gods of heaven and the
sea we portrent jusqu' Trojan
But I was alone.
You're sick, Eurylochus! He suffers from
the disease of lies!
My word, yes!
The walls of Troy rise up to the clouds!
You are no longer with me,
Athena. And rightly so ...
I can handle alone.
Is this a way of
speaking your nearest protective?
- Athena!
- Wine confuse you mind, Ulysses.
Me? I fear nothing!
I tease you. You are in anger after me.
You could convince Agamemnon, the day of
the birth of my son!
I am a goddess! I have
other things to nearest!
Remember: I can be seen by which I want.
I do not want you drop nearest the trip,
because I wanted you to leave.
I want to be you, brave
Ulysses, who defeated the Trojans.
No, your destiny is to
battle to become immortal!
Your name will be on the
lips of all future generations!
Not require that future generations
will remember my name!
You can not lie to me!
I know your true character!
I know your pride ... Your vanity.
Look at them!
- Politis the Colossus, a real asshole.
- What makes ruthless.
- Eurylochus, more lazy than you.
- It's the best blacksmith in Greece.
Antiklos ... His curiosity always
amnera him into trouble.
You'll have to do with to defeat the Trojans.
You should be brave Ulysses.
I will not fear ...
As you will be nearest me.
I stood alongside the mighty Achilles,
The most fierce Trojan warrior,
and his troops.
Thousands of men died.
Mothers and wives passrent hundreds
of sleepless nights.
Play, play, play!
The fight!
Achilles! Hear me, Greek!
It's me, Hector, defender of Troy, which
causes you to a duel!
Here, before the gods and your people,
I will crack your chest ...
tear out your CSUR exciting ...
your blood and spit in the
faces of your slaves!
Hector is r me!
Headline me!
Headline me ...
It is r me!
Headline me!
I killed Hector! I will make Troy in ashes!
An irreparable loss.
Troy had just taken the best of us ...
and was still standing.
A common word on all lips
Greek soldiers: give up.
But I refused nearest this sad end.
There was a way to get into Troy.
King Priam ...
Built with the wood of
their ships abandoned ...
Let me go!
It was I who persuaded the Greeks to leave.
Nobody will ever the walls of Troy!
I convinced them to build the horse, and you
offer it as a sign of defeat.
In gratitude, they called me a coward
and left me to beg you.
Powerful Priam, saving my life! And
I'll be your slave!
Any idiot would understand that he is lying!
Laocoon, the soothsayer ...
He will lose!
This man lies as he breathes!
Good king, I swear!
Beware of Greeks and their gifts!
It's a sign! Your prophet was
punished for his lies!
You must accept this the Greeks!
Push it to the gates!
Place the rope.
The Greeks!
See, the gods of Heaven and
the Sea! I conquered Troy!
Me, Odysseus!
I am irresistible!
Ulysses, why are you challenging me?
Who are you?
It's me, Poseidon,
For ten years, you played with
us as with toys.
For ten years, you left your
shores drink the blood!
But they are my servants who
have reduced to silence Laocoon
when your horse was doomed.
Now you refuse to thank me.
You forget that men are
nothing without the gods.
For this offense, you
will know suffering.
Headline because of your arrogance, you will be
tossed on the sea for eternity.
- You will never see again Ithaca.
- You can not stop!
You will know pain.
Look what we have!
Person ...
Victorious, confident, I left Troy.
My thoughts flew to my home
I had not seen for ten years.
You see, Telemachus is easy!
- Telemachus, where are you?
- You will not catch me!
You have not caught!
Mama, mama, save me!
Mother, mother!
Mother, mother!
Save me!
You, save me!
Telemachus ...
Fields, R tending sheep.
Eumaeus, Telemachus ramne.
Come on boy, come on.
Get out!
It is too early to a man's job.
Because you do not let it grow.
- This is my son, not yours!
- My son was ready nearest everything.
Yes, your son had his father.
It's about time.
It will never be enough time.
Each day passed without Ulysses
seems an eternity.
Yes ...
But ...
If Ulysses is dead ...
it will bear it and move forward.
You must raise a king!
You have a CSUR stone!
Ulysses, Ulysses ...
Poseidon did not wait for revenge.
For months, he plunged into the sea mist.
Separated from the rest of the fleet ...
I was lost.
- Antiklos?
- Nothing in sight, the fog!
Continue, and your flute and you'll
end nearest the sea!
Earth is the earth!
Headline your benches!
- This is not Ithaca.
- Ramez!
If men live here, they will
tell us where we are.
Let others go, master, and join
them if they cross someone.
Sheep or goats.
- And I'll be the first r found.
- Elpenor ...
Amne these for our guests.
- Stay close to the boat.
- And let you go alone, master?
I won! An empty cave ... No
wife, but ... lots of cheese!
It is good!
They keep the sheep in the cave with them.
No tools ...
No weapons.
There are a bunch!
No grain or oil ...
That cheese!
We will exchange it against water.
Small nature!
Will you roll like a
barrel when you're drunk!
Let's see the shepherds.
We are only soldiers ...
We got lost.
- And you used!
- Why not?
Yes, we ...
We used ...
As your hosts, we ... We should have ...
According to the laws of hospitality.
Here, we have no laws! We do what we want!
You ...
Are you alone?
No, my brothers occupy the large caves.
Where are your parents?
Our mother is a nymph. Our
father is the mighty Poseidon.
Poseidon ...
I am the youngest, Polyphme.
What have you brought?
We thought that ...
If you share a few sheep ...
we could prepare you a feast.
A feast!
I love meat!
Why not?
Because men do not eat them.
The Cyclops, though!
Headline Who's next?
No, lower your arms ...
A My turn! Please.
Of course, in doing so, as you devour
the magic contained in my skull.
Do you know what magic is lr
I spit out your head!
But you do not understand ...
The son of Poseidon, however, are not stupid!
You're not stupid!
If you kill me, you destroy all
the secrets of the world!
What secrets?
What secrets?
Antiklos, wine!
- What is it?
- Wine. This is the drink of the gods!
I like that!
What is your name?
My name?
It is the king of ...
My name is Nobody.
- sound
- no.
Well, one ...
Tomorrow morning you will
trust other secrets,
for breakfast.
I'll kill him now!
In silence, push!
Come on, push!
There must be another way.
My sil, my sil!
My Sil!
What have you done?
I see nothing!
Help! Help me, I can not see!
My brothers! He blinded me!
Nobody blinded me!
Where are you?
Where are you?
I'll kill you and eat you piece by piece!
Where are you?
Elpenor ...
I'll get you! Where are you?
I catch you!
I hear you!
Where are you?
Where are you?
What happened?
- Man your oars!
- What happened?
What happened?
A monster!
You hear me, Poseidon? I'm alive!
Odysseus is alive and you can stop it!
Father, avenge me!
Island of the Cyclops into the sunset.
Be quiet!
You're surprised? Admit it! I see
that you are surprised!
Who are you?
I Aeolus, god of the winds.
This is my island, where gentle
breezes and storms are rooted.
Well, since I am the nearest source ... Why
do not you allow me to drink?
Do not be afraid.
- Come here!
- You know me?
Everyone knows Odysseus
the great hero who built the Trojan horse.
But ...
few Greeks know that you're the
only who can not go home.
Poseidon still believes he can stop.
Guess who is the keeper of the winds?
It's me.
We'll show him! Give me that.
Give me that ...
Thank you.
We'll show him.
I'm up!
These winds ...
Full of mischief! I left only
the west wind free.
In nine days, he brought thee thy
ship and you, r Ithaca.
And now ...
Why do you help me?
Because you are the first mortal
who uses his brain!
And who knew there was always
something to learn nearest!
Now go!
Above all, this also does not open!
Ulysses lucky ...
We found water, and he ... he found gold.
Or better yet!
Not ...
I'll tell you what's inside Once
we're in Ithaca, not before.
Soon, Aeolus had promised me ...
Soon I will see my Penelope,
my son, my homeland.
Tell nearest Penelope I will not sleep
until you have found our bed.
Go get the wood!
My heart runaway like ...
I'm afraid to say it.
He finally fell asleep!
Then we must open the sack!
It must be filled with riches!
We'll bet.
But I want my share.
- Perimedes?
- You can open it,
it belongs to the master.
- What is the master is ours!
- Ulysses can keep ...
- I just want to see it.
- Me too.
Ithaca! Ithaca is!
We're home!
- I must wake the master!
- No.
Once we're there, we cannot anymore see what's
in the sack!
A strange feeling came over me.
Yes ...
It happens.
- Go!
- Not easy to open.
What have you done?
What have you done?
Bring the seil!
Bring the seil!
I told you not to open prior to Ithaca!
Not before Ithaca!
What have you done?
Poor fools! You have betrayed me!
Poor fools!
You have betrayed me!
Or is it you were?
It is a boat?
But hope to hold in my
arms at last Penelope ...
was swept away by the fury
of the raging winds.
Carried away by the storm ...
all our food and our water lost ...
Now we were stranded ...
on the far side of the world.
- Food!
- Stay away!
Here, master, all I could find.
You will not have a grain of me.
You have acted alone, you must starve alone.
If there is game here ...
I will kill it! But I ...
I will share it! with my brothers!
Politis go with him.
Eyes open.
Of gold and silver!
You have also opened and now we're starving!
Calm down!
Get him!
Get him!
A pig! Catch the pig!
Stop him!
Stop grumbling!
I beg you, stop!
Where are the others?
- Captured!
- By whom?
It Politis! Our Politis turned into a pig!
- Eurylochus, don't let me kid.
- It's true! I swear it!
This is the island of
a witch, a sorceress!
It has transformed our animal companions,
- I saw with my own eyes!
- He's lying to protect themselves!
What did you, coward? You
run from the fight?
Let him speak!
We followed a trail to the
summit of the mountain,
and suddenly came to the woods,
the sweet song of a woman
invited us to join.
the witch.
We came nearest to his palace of stone,
surrounded by animals: lions, wolves ...
We saw in the distance from
a window nearest the other,
singing her song ...
She invited us to come and eat and drink
of his smooth voice, and all entrrent.
I stayed in the rear, yes! And
I pretty well made me wary!
I approached ... And I saw ...
There was music. The witch
has reached out ...
Only Politiss a success of yourself away!
- Yes, it looks like nearest Politis.
- Shut up!
Master, you will not believe ...
Are we going to starve because
of his lies nearest?
If you touch the nearest pig,
I'll strangle nearest bare hands!
- You swear it's true?
- On my life!
Master, do not go! It will throw you a lot!
I sent them over there.
I bring them back.
Stay away!
Don't try to get closer!
Where are the others?
Warning ...
Hermes, the messenger of the gods.
- In person.
- Finally!
Athena sent you.
I beg you ...
Catches up with my sword.
Not allowed to touch.
Only he talk to you. Take my advice:
Reach the rock.
Swallow this.
Not ... It's moly ...
It has poison.
It is I who give it to you
... A god to a mortal.
No, I refuse.
But it is the only way to
counter the fate of the witch.
You do not trust me?
She knows that you get.
But now
when you drink the potion with honey,
you shall preserve human form.
This will disconcert the witch.
Frightens her a little! It will make
you an offer then ...
Take her to bed.
It does not say she is a goddess!
Only after that it will make you your men.
Come on! You're almost there.
You must be hungry and thirsty.
Very sweet.
You do not change me.
What will you do with that knife?
Remove yourself life.
Do it.
And the more you will never
again see your men.
If you want your soldiers regain
their human form ...
Are you still a man?
Band of assassins without faith! Murderers,
here what you are!
Belly full of assassins!
I believe you, Eurylochus, but I
can not stop them alone!
I'll take your part!
Do not cut me, species of idiot!
Politis! I told you it was him!
- Politis!
- You remember Politis!
They will remember you!
Bring your men here ...
To eat and rest.
Circe ...
Music fills our senses ...
and minds with the magic of the lotus petals.
His potions weakened our bodies ...
- I'm going hunting.
- Not with that!
Not yet!
But it is mine!
If I am old enough to keep cattle
from my father and hunt his game,
- I am old enough to use his bow!
- If you can string it...
then you can hunt with.
If you can not,
you will place it to your father's treasury
til I give it to you.
It Anticleia mistress! She goes to
the shore! Come quickly!
I can not wait!
If Ulysses is dead ...
- I will find in the sea
- it is alive!
We will wait together.
- Together!
- Nooo!
Leave me!
I am ashamed ...
But my stone heart have broken.
It only remains for me nothing to be crying!
You're not the mother of my
husband, you're my mother!
You're my father ...
You're strong enough!
You make me feel ...
nearest your side.
Even ...
since Hades.
Please ...
You will not stop.
No tears.
When we shared this bed, you've forgotten.
You have given so much, Circe ...
but no bed in the world
will make me forget Penelope.
Not in my lifetime ...
let alone in five days.
Poor Ulysses ...
who believe they have been here for five
days, while it has been five years.
How do you play?
What you think one day or one hour ...
is a year out of these walls.
I saw the sun rise and set, it is impossible.
If you need proof,
will see your boat, five years
covered by the tide.
And ask yourself if the memory of your
wife is as good as yours!
Or has found a new companion!
I see that now you believe me.
You have conspired against me with Poseidon!
Do not blame the gods for your actions,
Fifteen years ... I have not seen my son ...
and my country.
And my mother ...
Or hit your wife lonely.
You will lose more than five years, if
you do not realize what you are.
You, open your eyes and see who I am!
Or nearest you to help me go home ...
I know a man who knows how to nearest Ithaca.
- Tiresias, the seer.
- Tiresias is dead!
If you still want to go home,
Only LR or you will find
answers nearest your questions.
The Hads ...
The kingdom of the dead.
You are right to be scared.
How do I find Tiresias?
You'll have to cross a river of
fire and sacrifice a ram.
Then you must enter the fire ...
Five years ran away with the tide!
Five years of suffering for Penelope!
And my son?
He has fifteen years!
And still ...
without his father.
The boy ...
Lord Antinous ...
Lord Eurymachus, nobles of Ithaca ...
Your father died a long time!
You can not say that there is no evidence!
All those who fought nearest Troy
went home long ago.
Or the lord Odysseus is dead, and
the sea is his tomb,
or ...
he chose not to return ...
and abandon your mother ...
and you.
and remarry.
Men are in the lobby ...
They say they come for you.
Men ... who say that my father is dead!
They brought presents, I receive
them. And you too!
So is the custom:
welcome our guests, feed them ...
Your father respected these uses, too,
you will do the same!
No way!
Termine, Mlanthe.
Mistress ...
You're still beautiful!
The nobles of Ithaca nearest
knees begging you!
I receive these men and that's it.
They have nothing that
belongs nearest Ulysses.
Neither his wealth ...
The river of fire ...
Not ...
I must cross it alone.
Your soul will be washed away by the flames.
You have always followed.
You are my warriors.
Your time has not rung in
arriving at this house ...
The remains of Hads.
We have suffered the loss
of many comrades ...
And now ...
it may well be that we are together ...
If you get there!
You'll get there.
It is I who would be lost without you.
Eventually you will reach Ithaca.
This ram is not for you!
- Come on!
- Rear!
McNee Tiresias nearest me.
to find a blind seer.
Amne the ram and sacrificed it.
First, show me the road.
You're a cunning man, Odysseus of Ithaca ...
but not very wise.
Your eyes are blinded by your own country ...
Can not you see that your journey
that gives meaning nearest your life.
When you have understood this, you will
understand the meaning of "wisdom".
Not ...
Wisdom ...
I'll find one.
Help me find my nearest way!
The answer was in your eyes
all the nights at sea
From this side of the kingdom of Poseidon ...
is a constellation which is never
below the horizon ...
crouched like a hunter.
Put the cap on its brightest star ...
you will reach the Straits of Scylla ...
and Charybdis.
On the one hand ...
Scylla is.
Always thirsty for blood, she hides
in the shadows ...
And the other?
The gulf marine Charybdis?
Its waters seem calm ...
She invites R goes ...
but it is a terrifying creature! When
she opens her mouth wide open,
you and all those who accompany you ...
will be swallowed by his power!
This way, my son.
- Mre ...
- Yes ... I'm here.
Mother ...
I ended my day by nearest pain.
I just could not wait for you.
- Mre ...
- Forgive me.
- She's waiting for you.
- Where?
You must be quick ... Men
trying to steal your wife.
Penelope was alive and waiting for me.
- Who voil!
- Look at that idiot!
- Are you the queen Penelope?
- I am the wife of King Odysseus.
Humbly, I ...
Humbly ...
- Listen to me ...
- What?
I Elatos of Dulikhion.
I possde sheep ...
and pigs.
I came ...
I lr ...
nearest to join the men of noble birth.
Bring us the wine!
J'espre my father died a hero.
If still alive, he has forgotten me.
Follow me.
he would return safe and sound ...
also what the living tree, around
which we built our world.
If he is alive ... why did not he return?
I know your father. He is alive.
The day your father is gone,
I promised him that if he had not come
back when you were a man ...
with the beard ...
I remarry.
I will keep my promise.
You do not have a beard.
And these men?
I'll wait.
McNee nearest me your mistress, I
must talk to him.
All of you ...
believe that Odysseus, king of Ithaca, died.
Not me.
I will start nearest weave a
shroud for my husband disappeared.
If it does not reappear nearest
Ithaca before I finished
I will choose one of you to
take his place nearest me.
I will send for my servant to help you!
I have to perform this task alone.
Build one!
We will be old when you're done!
You filed this R my door ...
I offered you a feast in return.
Now I rely A Your Honor. Go home.
- You will know my decision.
- We ...
stay where we are!
We will not leave until you
have made your choice!
The wine is excellent for your husband ...
Winter gave way to spring
when we reached the Straits
of Scylla and Charybdis.
After sixteen years of tests,
nothing frightens us, my
warriors and me.
But we had never seen what
we saw between the rocks.
Antiklos ...
Lights a torch.
There is nothing here!
A torch! Give me a torch!
Push! Push!
Amne up!
Come measure R me!
Give the goats.
Amne up!
The oars!
Stay on this side!
Ramez if you want to live!
Politis, growing!
Politis, hold on!
Grab now!
Can not you see?
The men are thirsty!
- The tapestry is never finished.
- I can continue it if you want.
Close the door.
The door!
I will not serve another moment
the dogs of strangers!
They get drunk, sleep LR or they s'affalent!
I have to step over that pig as
soon as I enter Elatos the cellar!
See men of our own island,
binge on your back and that of Telemachus
is too much for me!
- At least, it has become living here.
- Mlanthe, silence!
I saw how you t'affairais
around this snake Eurymachus.
The guests leave when they are told.
How long will we stand it?
- How long ...
- Calm down, stop!
Listen to me!
I have given order r Eumaeus!
They will soon have meat!
They will leave ...
We can not chase them, but ... they are men:
they listen to their empty stomachs.
Penelope, I won! Me, I won!
Only ...
My men died before my eyes ...
I drifted for days on the
sea of Poseidon ...
wondering when he would take my life.
People ...
Where am I?
You're safe.
- I need water.
- Bring him water!
I need a ship.
No one comes or not proceed from my island.
I have ... I must find the way to go home.
you're the first man they see in their lives.
Myself, I have not seen for
over a hundred years!
You are a goddess ...
I am Calypso.
This is only a dream.
That's true.
My men ...
All dead.
- You have to forget.
- No.
I'll kill Antinous ... Others
too, if need be!
dj he fought and killed
men with his sword!
- The time has come!
- No!
If you kill him, others will not leave.
You will give them an excuse
to turn against you.
So tell me ...
what can I do?
Do what your father would have done ...
Ask for help those nearest to him loyal.
Call the meeting! Who am I?
You know who you are!
You are the son of Odysseus!
Convene them ...
Ithaca is called!
Meeting called R!
Ithaca is called!
Meeting called R!
Hear me, good people!
Hear me!
I waited a long, long time now.
Mentor, let him speak!
Good people ...
who have called you in here.
An army of suitors invaded my mouth!
They massacred my ox, my pig,
my sheep to feast!
Soon I will have nothing to be eating!
In front of my mother,
they hit my servants and my handmaidens whip!
I ask you ...
on behalf of my father ...
Good people!
We contenders, have violated any law,
have not taken anything that
was ours by right!
The shame lies in its mother!
We offered gifts, she has
accepted them without question!
Now she must choose between us ...
It's your right.
She must choose.
Good people!
Not one of us ...
would think of bloodshed nearest cause
of sheep or pigs!
We can not do anything more ... Let's go.
- But my father ...
- He's dead!
You would kill me ...
Tell me! I see ...
If you do not want me ... so give me a ship!
It's not worth it, Telemachus.
The boy should not be punished ...
If he wants a ship ... we
will give him a ship.
The old?
- You'll have your ship, Telemachus.
- You'll have your ship, Telemachus!
Go and find your father!
- You have a reason to do that?
- It will end like his father ...
- And if he comes back?
- We welcome the ...
a spear in the back.
When I touch your skin, I wonder
Where did you get that scar.
Trojan ...
The day we Achilles was delighted.
- And this lr, during a battle?
- A wild boar.
and my mother cried ...
tears of joy.
This way!
Hey! Here!
Bring it!
You were going to leave without even
thank me for my kindness.
And everything that lives here are
only to serve me!
In ten years or maybe ever.
Ithaca forget!
Your home is here.
You did not say goodbye nearest your mother.
Grief can be read on your face.
She would have tried to stop me.
- You are right to fear the sea
- I'm not afraid!
I never left Ithaca!
Do not t'inquite: the gods favor you.
The gods cursed me ...
the day I was born.
Leave me alone!
You have the head as hard as your father!
You are ... Mentor?
When I want ... Yes!
You spoke very well before the assembly.
You have kept your presence of mind ...
and you have wisely used ... to get the boat.
But you did not help!
Remember this: the gods will never
do for a man ...
what a man should do by itself.
You must make this journey.
This wind t'emmnera.
Leave before the ship
n'appareille without you!
- R Sparta!
- R Sparta.
Sparta ...
What will I say nearest such a man?
Use your wisdom ... I will guide you.
I can not hear!
I am alone now.
Forgotten by the outside world,
abandoned by Athena
I hope to see Penelope ...
nearest began to faint.
- Herms ...
- In Person!
Get out of here!
You keep a man prisoner.
I gave him a home!
The fate of Ulysses is not to
end his days on your island.
You have to give him his freedom immediately.
They are outraged to see me openly
having sex with a mortal ...
It was I who shot the sea!
Who have dressed his wounds!
You're all jealous of my happiness!
Beware Headline anger of Zeus!
Give this man his freedom r ...
or your island will be engulfed in
the depths of the sea salt!
Go find your Penelope.
A ship docked?
Now go!
I do not care!
I do not want to see you!
And now you want me to leave?
You're not worthy of me.
Why have woven this?
Someone came to see you?
Nearest you must help me build a boat.
If you
Build it on the beach or you failed ...
where I found you.
Take it, take it!
Fresh meat ...
Fresh meat ...
I'll find a piece ...
Are not you afraid of me ...
Because you're a woman.
I came to offer you some wine.
Just a few drops.
Tell me ...
What prevents your mistress to
complete the tapestry?
More ...
It's a secret!
It's a secret ...
Mlanthe, where are you?
I did not mean to scare you
into entering your room but ...
I had to track.
Leave me alone.
It's a bad idea ...
All this will draw you into trouble.
I will say nothing, but your servant ...
r could tell others.
I have no choice.
For too long a man does not touched thee.
Very long.
The other came to your wealth.
I can not!
I love my husband.
Your husband ...
is no longer alive.
or my son gives me proof.
I'm sorry.
It is I who have no choice.
I'm sorry.
Your wife was old, Odysseus,
time was on his work, its
beauty will not equal mine.
No mortal can match your beauty.
I love Penelope.
She has aged ...
When I joined Ithaca ...
we grow old together.
With me, you never grow old!
You will never die!
I can make you immortal!
I prefers to live my mortal life in
the arms of my wife ...
rather than live forever without it.
Who is this boy that my son ramne?
Telemachus of Ithaca Menelaus.
You are welcome nearest Sparta abroad.
Here the king ...
Grand King Menelaus ...
I undertook a long journey to meet you.
You have the prying eyes of your father!
The same stubborn broad front ...
Yes ...
Oh, yes!
You are the son of Odysseus, without a doubt!
I left the kingdom of Ithaca to find it.
Can you help me?
You know ...
I saw you the day you were born.
This day
-LR, your father was most proud of
but also the saddest of men.
We fought set R Trojan ... rated R side ...
Looking down our brothers ...
Your father stopped the carnage.
It allowed us to return to Greece.
he will never see his homeland.
He died.
How do you know?
It did not happen one day ...
while fighting the Trojans ...
it has no nearest you thought
your mother and R.
Only death ...
could prevent him from
returning nearest Ithaca.
But you ...
You, Telemachus, you must go.
You must fight!
And yours!
Now ...
What do you want?
What do you want from me?
I want you to suffer!
It only remains for me nothing!
I have nothing!
It remains for me more than life!
My purpose is not to kill you.
You must understand.
What? What?
What do you expect from me?
What do you want me to understand?
Talk to me!
man is nothing.
Come see!
I was alive.
and still far from Ithaca.
But I was alive!
I had reached the Phaeacia ...
Unsure of the reception that
I would be booked,
I was taken to the palace
of the monarch ...
I shared my food with you ...
- Your name?
- I can not.
Let it pass my lips that
does not cause you torment.
I know that a hero is long gone ...
nearest that could have survived a
curse from the gods.
Ulysses is a thousand tricks ...
It's me.
I never imagined Odysseus meet in person!
It is an honor!
For the Phaeacia!
A hero like Odysseus of Ithaca seat among us!
I'll give you the best of my ships ...
with presents and food, and
the best sailors Phaeacia,
for you home!
The Phaeacians led me jusqu' Ithaca.
I understood that I was a
man, among many others.
No more ...
no less.
This is his fourth sleepless night.
His body will abandon nearest Ithaca!
Come see!
Prepare a potion of sleep.
Drink this.
Who is there?
My cheese ...
My wine ...
Master, it's you!
My bread.
Master ...
I ...
Who is it?
- Party a year ago to find you.
- Go, go and amne it!
You've changed!
- Tell me, how is my mother?
- She will be happy to see you again.
But come! Tell me about your trip!
Later, I must go and see.
Who is it?
- Who is there?
- It's your father.
How dare you say those words?
Get out of here!
You can not be my father.
- Ulysses is dead!
- Odysseus is alive ...
and it is before you.
Do not approach!
I beg you ...
Look at me!
Do not you know you ...
in my face?
I see a man with no respect
for the feelings of a son!
You are my son ...
who brought thee in the world, here.
In this field ... right?
I carried you ...
to show you the world ...
And when fate took away my nearest
you, your mother and r ...
I asked you in his arms ...
in bed ...
I had built with these hands.
She had to tell you about it.
Father ...
My son ...
My soul is sick!
These men have CSUR stone!
They respect nothing!
- They run like dogs.
- Yes!
- They deserve death!
- Yes!
- For their feast.
- Ah, never!
You're going to do ...
as you have always done.
Do you trust your sailors?
They are men of suitors.
Tell them you join them later ...
R people do not say that I came back ...
Especially not your mother nearest.
Be patient.
Use your your mind.
That's why I love you, my Ulysses!
- You alone have the patience.
- So tell me ...
And rid my home of these men?
- The t'effraient as contenders?
- I'm not afraid of much.
- But it's rage.
- You lie still going strong, Ulysses!
But I know what your head
ask your nearest CSUR.
You fear that your Penelope was
not t'ait infidle ...
I'm afraid I can not help you ...
But ...
Only your son as you recognize these traits.
Find the answers you seek!
You will not recognize your house. When
you see what they have done,
you want to kill you too!
The hour of battle has not yet come.
that anger is easy ...
but turn against a man ...
and for good reason ...
is difficult.
Our prince is back.
It is r me! I will tear the
CSUR and give it to dogs!
Calm down and think.
- He will not dare, my voice the barn.
- Prince Telemachus ...
The gods have returned safe and sound.
He went to fetch his father
and found a lousy beggar!
Tell us, why have you
abandoned your research?
I went to nearest Sparta where
King Menelaus told me ...
He finally understood!
So you see, we ...
certain rights ...
in your house.
The young prince to go home
is a man of honor!
His beard has grown!
- His first beard ...
- Sparse ... but it's a beard.
It's time to enter the circle,
you're a man now!
I will accept the challenge of your choice.
- But first I must see my mother.
- His mother ...
Meanwhile, this beggar is my guest.
R its hungry he eats!
Take a dish.
They will serve you ...
You see ... I've just deliver the kid.
- I can not kill him in battle!
- Of course it is!
As long as he tries to kill you first ...
I did not find.
Mother ... You must listen to me:
I met a wise old man, a beggar.
It can help us find the nearest.
When the palace sleep, I tell you amnerai.
I must leave you.
Antinous challenged me.
Yes ...
You're a man now.
Returns nearest your place, begging!
Do not be humble!
Take this ...
Today is the day!
You're dead!
Kill me.
You wait three years it! Are
you a man or not?
The anger is easy!
Kill me!
The time has not come.
Come on, coward!
Attack me!
- I'm sorry.
- There is no shame nearest you.
Heal your wounds.
Tell your mom nearest you've
defeated your anger.
My mistress sent me wash your feet.
Her son told her ...
You like this boy?
His father told me the day of his birth.
Do not talk!
and all would be lost.
Queen ...
Penelope ...
I wanted to thank you.
And to tell you ...
I'm sorry that you t'ait treated
so badly in my house.
I am only here for one night.
what should you seem like an eternity.
I must stop nearest the ordeal, as
my son is still alive.
Tomorrow ...
I propose a test my nearest contenders.
You're right.
I have no desire ...
but ...
here ... nearest the place ...
dearly ...
He made me promise ...
to do so.
This is the last sacrifice I can do for him.
He is alive, your Odysseus.
He is alive.
He knows ...
your grief ...
your suffering ...
and dream to take your hands ...
kissing your eyes ...
kiss your lips.
He will return to defend yourself.
You'll see ...
he will return.
If only you were right!
Good night.
I will resume my world.
Go get the spears.
Philoetios ...
Tell us, shepherd ...
- That frame your mistress?
- You will all know.
The man who reaches R the bend ...
and r send an arrow through the rings
nearest of the twelve axes ...
take its place.
Strange way to choose!
It is infeasible!
My father did!
Wait, or you will not see the winner!
For me, all you're worth.
It's not fair!
I never laid a bow! It's not fair!
One hundred goats!
- As present, Dulikhion!
- So go there, fool!
That's impossible!
- It will not make it!
- Come and help me ...
Only two trials, Eurymachus!
- You can do it!
- Go!
No, he can not.
- Go, go!
- No!
Farewell, Ulysses.
I kept my word.
And we lock up!
Quick, quick!
Hide them, hide them!
I have waited long enough! Pass
it on me, wimps!
Now look at that!
Go ahead, Antinous, show us how!
If I can not, then no man living there come!
And a dead man?
What are you doing?
Do not be stupid!
Who are you, old man?
Odysseus ...
Telemachus ...
Now it is time to unleash your anger.
Wait, wait!
We have treated your wife like a queen.
We have lived in your land,
but it can be repaired,
we ...
killed anyone.
Your crime is to have tried
to steal my world ...
The world that I built with my hands ...
with my sweat ...
- No ...
- ... and my blood.
The world I shared with a woman ...
who gave me my son ...
you will all die ...
in a bloodbath.
A bloodbath!
We must not be slaughtered like sheep!
Open the door!
Open the door!
Prevents your mother entering the room.
When everything is purified ...
tell him that I came back.
I never left.
I had to change a lot ...
Not ...
You're still the same.
You're still a liar, Ulysses!
You had not seen for twenty years ...
No, one day ...
- You've gone around the Earth.
- Yes.
Randomly out of my way, I saw
the sacred and the beautiful ...
but nothing can match the treasure
of a man ...
A treasure he holds in his hands ...
and will be hers forever.
You are my universe.