The Office Wife (1930)

18th Floor. Fellowes Publishing Company.
Watch out.
[ Buzzer ]
There is the tyrant, buzzing me out.
Her buzz is worse than her bite.
Wait a minute, Kate.
I've got a new assignment
for you. I think you'll go for it.
If it isn't another on baby-raising.
Next, we come to the little
treasure's precious tummy.
Just the same, that's
your solidest book, Kate.
Still selling 900 a week.
My dear man, you think that I
want to go on writing like Dr Holz?
Whom you ought to write like?
Jack London, Jim Kelly.
Ernest Hemingway.
Well ..
How do you like this for an idea?
I've made a few notes.
Not one of yours. Thanks.
How do you like this?
Most women holding important
business positions today ..
Have come up by the stenographer,
private-secretary route.
There is a long, long trail a-winding.
A man is propelled toward the
woman he marries by emotion.
That fool.
But his selection of his secretary
is more careful and intelligent.
Ha .. yes it is, I don't think.
First, he looks at her legs.
Then he smells her perfume.
Then he stares at her face.
And if he still admires
her legs .. he's sold.
I am serious.
You mean ..?
The modern businessman's
secretary is closer than his wife.
Yet not his wife.
Now look here, Kate.
Come here.
See that office building over there?
It's an architectural monstrosity.
In every office is a stenographer.
You called them
potential mothers last time.
And in every office there is an
employer with a wife at home.
A fool at home.
You know the number of jealous wives and
secretaries who hate each others souls?
Figure it out.
I tell you, Kate. If you write a
book about the office wife.
I'll make you rich.
I suppose I can't resist that argument.
You will do it then?
I'm sorry, Mr Fellowes.
But this time is taken.
I'm just going, Andrews.
There is your office wife.
You haven't one at home.
You see, your idea is mere bunk.
A pretty good selling bunk, isn't it.
I'll tell you something else, Kate.
I'm getting married.
Are you really?
I'll give you a rattle.
Don't give it to your baby.
Keep it for yourself.
Miss Andrews.
Make out a contract for Miss Halsey.
A nine part serial
titled "The Office Wife".
The office wife?
A selling title, eh?
Andrew Washburn and
Mr Lewin are outside.
Who you call the poet.
You like his stuff.
I told them both to wait.
It's now 12:10 and you have
many luncheon appointments.
So I've sent for your tray.
At 2.00.
A general employee's conference.
You gave me some notes.
Perhaps you'd better look them over.
Signing these checks will fill in
your time until your tray comes.
At 4:00
It's a lawyer from Holliston Evans.
The plagiarism case.
Oh, that's a waste of time.
I'm acquainted with the facts.
I'll handle it for you.
Yes. You attend to it, please.
That gives you an extra hour
for your magazine set up.
I need it.
And that takes us late.
Into the evening.
I'm sorry, Miss Andrews.
Would you like this?
I was only thinking of you.
You are so tired.
I am iron.
Please don't bolt your food.
I'm not. I'm not.
You'd better show that poet in.
After lunch.
Yes, but ..
Besides, when you've finished, the tailor
will be here with some cloth samples.
Some of your coats are getting ..
Quite shiny at the back.
Are they really?
This one is ..
Is quite shiny.
Woman .. you're a jewel.
Been waiting long, Ted?
Only about an hour, honey.
Every time I call for you,
you're the last one out.
I'm awfully sorry, Ted.
Why do they always pick
on you to work so late?
Supposing I were like poor old Andrews?
She often has to work with
the boss until midnight.
And where does that get her?
It is with considerable disappointment
that I am returning your manuscript.
Yours, sincerely.
Well, that's all of that, thank heavens.
It's been a long day.
I'll send you home in my car.
I can just as well call a cab.
No, no. Take my car.
I'll be here for an hour.
I wish you would call
it a day, Mr Fellows.
You look so tired.
You're always saying that.
Anything ..
Only ..
I .. I wish you'd take a vacation.
You're bound to have another
breakdown. Really, you are.
Well, I'm about to obey you, as usual.
I'm so glad.
Then you haven't heard the good news?
I'm going to Europe on my honeymoon.
I'm to be married on the 16th.
Miss Andrews.
I'm ..
I'm quite alright.
Well, come, come.
Sit down for a moment.
Now .. just sit still for a moment.
Miss Murdock.
Please turn the rest of your
work over to Miss Dunfield.
Why, is anything wrong?
I would like to talk to you.
Come to my office, please.
It takes more than good looks to get
by here. You've got to have efficiency.
Come in, Miss Murdock.
Sit down.
Well .. you've been promoted.
Promoted .. I have?
Miss Andrews resigned last night.
You are to be Mr Fellowes new secretary.
You see he's leaving next week,
for Europe on his honeymoon.
And while he's gone, you'll
have entire charge of his office.
So you'll know what it's
all about when he gets back.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Your new salary begins next week.
But I'm going to give you a week off
so that you'll get used to the idea.
Oh thank you, Mr McGowan.
And Anne.
You got this.
On your work.
What I mean is, charm counts ..
But you got this on your brain.
Don't forget that, Anne.
Indeed I won't, Mr McGowan.
Now run along. Fix your face.
Thank you.
What's the idea?
Sis, aren't you going to work?
I thought you would be.
You know you can't mess people
around the way you do.
Who made a play for you?
Oh, don't tell me that, Anne.
Honestly, you ought to
get wise to yourself.
Take me for instance.
I gained six pounds.
Maybe more.
But still I'm the pet model
of the lead dress shop.
And you know why?
Because I let that fraud of a manager
kiss me on the ear every now and then.
I got my raise on brains.
Not good looks.
Mr McGowan said so.
Yeah, how much is your raise?
A dollar a week?
If you come home nights before I'm
asleep, you might learn something.
I'm the President's private secretary
and I've got a week's vacation.
I'm to handle the office until
he gets back from Europe.
My salary is forty-five a week
and how do you like that?
You wouldn't rib your
big sister, would you?
Just come back lunchtime and see me get
up for breakfast if you think I kid you.
You have the darnedest luck.
You know, darling.
With my luck and your ears, the
Murdock sisters should get ahead.
Oh gee honey, I'm glad.
Oh I'm not cross. Here, kiss me.
I'm terribly glad, Sis.
Gee, I'm glad. How'd you get it?
Old Andrews resigned.
They say the boss found out
he was in love with him.
They think he told her he
was getting married, see.
And he sent her home the other night
in the car and the chauffeur said ..
She balled all the way.
What kind of a sheik
is this boss of yours?
He won't be hard to have in the office.
Strictly business, huh?
Says you.
"Little Miss Efficiency" from
now on. Is that it?
To perfection.
And in ten years they'll be wheeling
you down to the automobile.
Gee, I wish I had your chance.
You'd muff it, just like Andrews did.
You think so?
All she had was efficiency.
All you've got is a
doubtful thirty-four.
And I suppose when you have both, like
you, it's just too bad for the boss, huh?
Let me tell you something.
I'm not going to give the best years of
my life to getting stung like Andrews.
I'm glad you realize that.
Don't you suppose I know what
this business game is for a girl?
It's about as fair as the marriage game.
Catch as catch can, and anything goes.
I'm glad you realize that.
Why do you suppose I've
been coming home nights?
Getting my beauty sleep.
[ Buzzer ]
Oh, you talk to him.
Hello? Ted?
Anne is not going to
the office this morning.
Nah, she's got a vacation.
He wants to show you his new Ford.
Oh tell him to call by and by.
Call her later, will you Ted.
Hey, wait a minute.
Will you take me to the shops?
Okay, I won't be a minute.
How about the boyfriend?
How does he fit in now?
No different.
You wouldn't marry that
dud reporter, would you?
I've never meant to scramble up my
life with Ted or anybody like him.
I've told him that until I'm tired.
He thinks you would.
Oh, go down and disillusion him.
I'll be seeing you.
Yes. Mr Fellowes returned
from Europe yesterday.
He's expected in the office
at ten o'clock this morning.
Oh, not at all.
Thank you.
Morning, Anne.
Good morning.
Well .. he's here.
Yep, he's outside.
Dealing with the gang.
You like it?
Is that his wife?
All of us clubbed together
to buy the frame.
Oh I think it's gorgeous, Mr McGowan.
Isn't she beautiful.
Yes. I guess she's got looks enough
not to worry about any .. competition.
I shouldn't wonder.
I got a glimpse of her once,
out on the beach.
Did you really?
Her knees are .. perfect.
Don't forget, Anne.
He knees are magnificent.
Yes, we'll take up that matter first.
Get the reports.
Miss Murdock has them all ready.
How do you do.
How do you do.
Miss Murdock. He wants you.
For dictation purposes.
[ Buzzer ]
Did you go through
this appointment list?
I put down what seemed
most important for the day.
Cancel everything.
I'm going to be busy all day.
Take a cable.
AG Barnes and Company.
Soho, London.
The matter of British
copyright still in dispute.
If it is at all necessary
to hold up present edition.
Would you sit on this side, please?
The light from that window is blinding.
Now let's see.
Necessary to hold up present edition.
Until attorney's in Washington.
[ Telephone ]
Who's that?
Hello? Hello?
Who do you want to talk to?
Murdock? No, no. You've got the wrong ..
Oh, is your name Murdock?
Yes, Mr Fellowes.
It's for you.
Thank you.
Oh Ted.
I'm very busy. Would you mind
calling up some other time?
I'm terribly sorry ..
What have you?
Oh .. AG Barnes and Company.
Soho, London.
Matter of British
copyright still in dispute.
Therefore necessary to hold up present
edition until attorneys in Washington ..
Have looked up records and assured
us we can proceed with publication.
At minimum risk.
In view of the situation,
we are unwilling.
Oh, and by the way, Miss Murphy.
Pardon me. Miss Murdock.
Kindly ask your friends not to
call on my private office line.
Oh, it won't happen again, Mr Fellowes.
You see, the party didn't
know you were back.
I'm dreadfully sorry ..
That's alright. That's alright.
We are unwilling to involve
ourselves in a situation that may ..
What's the matter, too fast?
Oh, not at all.
That's good.
It may later prejudice our good standing
in the eyes of the Copyright Office.
And in view of the fact that we acted
in good faith in forwarding the plates.
We respectfully beg to suggest.
That negotiations ..
Take out that stuff.
Take out what stuff?
But ..
You were not feeling very
happy last Thursday afternoon.
And the doctor said that if ..
Miss Murdock, if you can't leave my
digestion alone, I'll get a new ..
If you'll only be careful,
you won't need one.
What am I to have?
I'll put these back.
What's this white stuff?
That's cottage cheese.
I don't like cottage cheese.
But it's very good for you.
Well, I suppose I'll have to eat it.
Here's your consomm.
Ah, splendid.
Now if you will just send
McGowan up, we can talk over that ..
Mr Fellowes.
Would you mind waiting half an
hour until you've finished your lunch?
But ..
You'll be able to work
much faster afterwards.
It always makes me
nervous to lunch alone.
I'll have your tea in just a moment.
Thank you.
Where do you have your lunch?
I have it in a bag, in my office.
Don't you go out?
There's hardly time.
Here, here, here.
You sit right down here, young lady.
You'll only talk business.
Not a word.
Sit down.
Alright then.
Have some cottage cheese.
I don't know why you
didn't think of this before.
Shall we write just one more?
If you're not too tired.
No, indeed.
All the .. paper mills.
Old town Maine.
Your wire received.
And am replying by letter in detail.
Oh Mama!
Hello, cheeky boy.
I think you'll find your Mama
down there by the pool.
Hey, come here. Let me see you.
Give me a kiss.
Isn't he sweet?
Yes, indeed.
Do you like children?
Who doesn't.
Oh, I don't know.
I thought they were becoming
a little less popular.
I suppose I'm old-fashioned.
Did that burn-you?
No, not at all.
Oh, here's a match.
Good. Thank you.
Pleasant here, isn't it.
Isn't it.
So it did burn you.
How long were you
going to suffer in silence?
All good secretaries do that.
Are you a good secretary?
You never scolded me.
You ever have a boss that did?
Hmm. Lots of them.
Ah well.
I'm just a failure.
A successful failure.
Are you going to give me a good
recommendation when I'm fired?
When you're fired?
Just sign that Fellowes and Company.
Oh, Larry.
Excuse me a moment.
Come on. We're going in swimming.
Just a minute.
That's all.
Oh! Oh, my foot is asleep.
I must have been sitting on it.
I thought I missed it.
Sorry you didn't look for it before.
Thank you.
I'll be in town, tomorrow.
And thank you for running down.
Oh, it's been great fun.
If you wait a moment I'll
send you home in my car.
Oh don't bother. I have a car.
You have a car?
Yes, thank you.
It's nice and warm.
Yeah? Uhuh.
What's the matter, darling?
By George, I forgot to give
a message to McGowan.
I'll be right back.
Oh, rats.
Come on, let's swim.
Oh, Miss ..?
Not a bit.
You ought to go outside for a while.
But we'll never finish.
Oh well, we'll take another day.
But you know it's important to have this
in the office the day after tomorrow.
Well, your health is
a little bit important.
So is yours.
When I've gone, I hope you'll rest.
You're a jewel.
We ought to be out there playing.
You know, Spring is only
a few miles south of us.
And coming closer every minute.
A restless feeling, waiting for it.
Isn't it.
Let's have this dance.
Oh, I'd like some air.
That's great.
Shall we wait?
That all depends upon
your patience, darling.
And that all depends upon the hooch.
Order another bottle on Larry.
That's a great idea.
A splendid idea.
How about that air, honey?
I'd love it.
Uhuh. Naughty, naughty.
[ Typing noises ]
Hear that?
That means he's safe.
Isn't he stupid.
If you were up there in his place,
would we hear sounds like that?
Less metallic, I think.
I should think so.
I made a mistake.
Let me see.
Isn't it awful?
Well, you poor kid. You're all worn out.
I don't care.
You are glorious.
Am I?
Your key?
I have another one.
Well, I gave them time enough.
Come in.
Larry, what are you trying
to do? Kill Miss Murdock?
Ah, she's been wonderful.
I'm sure she has.
Tell me, are you going to carry on?
I can burn up another hour so.
No, I think we'll stop right now.
Miss Murdock looks tired.
Why, my dear you are shaking.
Oh, I'll be alright.
I don't suppose Larry ever
thought to offer you a highball?
She doesn't use them.
Well of course, if you know that.
But I'm sure you don't.
I bet he didn't offer you one.
I'll have some tea, later.
Well, I suppose tea
is alright if it works.
Goodnight, my dear.
Oh tell me Larry, are you coming to bed?
Coming right now.
Goodnight, Miss Murdock.
Larry, have you any strength left?
Will you help me off
with this suit of armor?
Oh .. up!
Is that you, Anne?
Have a good time?
How is the old romance?
What's wrong?
I'm resigning.
What do you mean, you're resigning?
What happened, honey?
Oh, I love him.
Oh .. don't he like you?
Say so?
Then what's the trouble?
It's his wife.
Gee, is she wise?
It's just that he has one.
Now don't tell me that
makes any difference to him.
I don't think so.
I don't get it.
You like him, he likes you.
Oh I love him.
And his wife don't know?
If those aren't the signs of
the coming May season ..
Oh, I knew you wouldn't understand.
Well, suppose you make me.
Oh what happened, honey?
Oh, nothing much.
But after I found out I cared, I saw
them go into their room together.
What of it?
Their door closed in my face.
Well, what of that?
What of it? Everything.
Oh, I'll die if I think of it.
You'll get over that.
I've got to forget him.
If you'd only stick it out for what's
in it, you won't be so crazy about him.
You've never loved anybody.
What do you know?
Nothing. And I hope I stay dumb.
One sap in the Murdock family is plenty.
[ Telephone ]
Hello .. Ted?
Yes, she's back but she
doesn't want to talk to you.
Yes I will.
Wait a minute.
Hello, Ted.
And where do you think
little Ted is sitting right now?
At the Sunday editor's desk.
Yep. Promoted yesterday.
Say, I'm just finding out where
I stand around this dump.
Perhaps you'd better take me out
tomorrow night and tell me all about it.
Oh, so my stock is
on the up again, is it?
Well, that's life.
Okay kid, but listen.
Be on time for a change. They need
me on this desk once in a while.
Very well, Ted.
Expect to console yourself
with that washout?
If I'd stuck to my own kind in the
first place I wouldn't have got hurt.
Ted wants a parking space for a
couple of babies and a free laundry.
If you want to learn what the
word "lonesome" is, take him on.
Maybe you think I couldn't hold him?
Not from the looks of the heel
marks in that Ford of his.
You can break your heart over that
tramp just as quick as the boss, kid.
Only in a different way.
Why did you write this?
I was afraid I couldn't say it.
What's it all about?
I'm sorry to inconvenience
you, Mr Fellowes.
But I thought thirty days
would be sufficient.
Why should you leave at all?
I've had another offer.
A better position?
Yes. Somewhat.
That's not so, Anne.
If it were, you wouldn't
go about it this way.
But what other way could I ..?
You'd have told me if
you'd had a better offer.
Given me a chance to meet it.
You know how I depend on you.
Why beat about the bush. You know I need
you, and I can't get along without you.
Perhaps that's one
reason why I should go?
And ..?
We are getting to depend
upon each other too much.
I .. hoped Anne, that you had seen.
I thought perhaps the
other night when I ..
Please, Mr Fellowes.
That shouldn't have happened.
Is that why you're going?
That decided me.
It won't happen again, Anne.
I promise you that.
Oh .. why can't we go on
just as we were before?
This isn't fair to either of us.
To let a thing like this ..
I've been unfair with you
right along, Mr Fellowes.
What do you mean?
I didn't tell you the truth about
that boy you saw in the Ford.
I wanted to be sure of my position here.
And wait until he'd been promoted.
Well now that's happened.
He's Sunday editor now.
You. You're going to ..?
We're going to be married. Very shortly.
Be married?
I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before.
I'm sorry too, Anne.
Are you quite sure that you love him?
I wish you all the
happiness in the world.
Thank you.
I'll stay with you until
you find a new secretary.
Thank you, Anne.
Shall I send in Miss Halsey?
Tell her to come back next week.
I'm in no mood to see her.
Anything wrong, Larry?
Sorry if I woke you up.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
What's disturbing you, dear?
Let's talk.
Shall we?
Oh, it's cold in here.
Jump into bed.
What's on your mind, Larry?
First of all .. I want to
ask your forgiveness.
For what?
I've neglected you shamefully.
Oh, I don't think you were aware of it,
which took the curse off of it somewhat.
Well, perhaps I wasn't.
I've been very stupid.
I suppose you're no different
from other successful men.
Will you forgive me?
Why, of course.
But it's hardly fair.
Letting you beg my forgiveness.
I suppose I'm no different
from other neglected wives.
That's not a very nice
thing to hear Linda, but.
I suppose I deserve it.
Perhaps if I hadn't made a fuss over
your neglect from the beginning.
You would have realized
what was happening.
But my pride wouldn't let me.
Not nice to hear.
But I do deserve it.
I'm sorry.
How would you like
to go away for a while?
Say .. to Europe?
I've been thinking of it for some time.
Have you, dear?
I could be ready by the end of the week.
I meant alone, Larry.
That's how it is now.
You mean you want a divorce?
I don't think you'd mind it much.
Is that necessary, Linda?
I've gotten over loving you, Larry.
Well, perhaps ..
I do love someone else.
Oh, I see.
Jameson, I suppose?
I guess that settles it.
Larry, don't you realize you are
in love with your Miss Murdock?
Why, she's going to marry that
young newspaperman very shortly.
Oh I'm terribly sorry.
Oh, it's alright.
I wish I could help you.
I'm sorry there is nothing I can do.
Oh, never worry.
Why, you're shivering, Larry.
You're cold. No.
It's just my nerves.
Here, get into bed, please.
No, no. I ..
Please do as I ask.
Shall I get the electric pad?
No. No.
No, you just run along or
you'll be shivering yourself.
Goodnight, dear.
Will you kiss me?
Of course.
In a moment, I'll cry.
Just run along.
Shall I switch off the light.
If you will.
Goodnight, Larry.
Goodnight, dear.
A full moon, alright.
Isn't it.
Couldn't be improved on.
No .. I guess it couldn't.
Say, I got an idea, honey.
Let's come down here on our honeymoon.
Very well.
The first night we get down
here the old moon will be ..
Pretty well down to the quarter.
And maybe you don't think
I'll watch it from now on.
It can't shrink too fast for me, baby.
Hey, you're not going so strong tonight.
I had a hard day.
Watch the old moon, baby.
The day she shrinks to the quarter.
You walk out of that office for good.
I guess you won't cry about that.
How about it?
I won't cry.
You certainly sound like you would.
I'm terribly tired, really.
Sure, I know .. that guy
works you like a dog.
Take a little sip of that.
No thanks.
You mind if I take another little one?
Not at all.
Here, take a sip. Then you
won't get it on my breath.
Oh, I don't mind.
Come on now. Go on, I know how it is.
A dame don't like the smell
of hooch on a guy's breath.
Well, that's alright.
Come on.
No, I ..
Yeah, that's better.
We want preparation honey, believe me.
And I'm not laying off lips
like those on a night like this.
Please, Ted. There's a limit to that.
And I'll say you're low.
Better come up on the
boardwalk and eat some food.
Why don't you go? I'll wait.
I'd rather have the air.
Fresh air?
Say, maybe you don't
think I like fresh air.
I'm the original fresh-air fiend.
Ever now that?
Sure I am.
Every night I sleep with every
window in the place wide open.
Winter and summer. Ever know that?
Sure I do. And it's a great system.
I learned that from a leading physician.
He told me that when I was
having colds right along.
Ever since that, I've been sleeping
with my windows wide open.
I've never had a cold since.
Believe me baby, that's one thing
you're going to get after we're married.
Plenty of fresh air.
And that's one of the few
things I'm going to insist on.
Open windows at night.
I learned that from a doctor
that knows his business.
He's one of the biggest
specialists in Philly.
Ever hear of Doc Hemstead?
Well, he knows his stuff
like nobody's business.
And he gave me another tip, too.
Lay off the woollen underwear.
Ever know that?
Gets you hot at the wrong time.
Look what I wear the year around.
Look at that material.
That's all I wear all the year round.
Here, Anne. Would you believe that?
Take a feel of it.
What's wrong?
I'm awfully tired.
Gee, aren't you happy?
Of course, dear. But don't mind me.
Come along, we'll go and get a hot-dog.
Wait a minute.
Give us a kiss.
Now you'll feel better.
The next time we come down here,
it will be on our wedding night.
When that old moon
shrinks to the quarter.
That's that baby.
Step on it you old son of a gun.
Step on it.
Well, what's the matter?
Oh, I lost a dime.
Shucks, what's a dime?
That new secretary, Anne.
I don't know. I don't know.
She seemed quite intelligent
when I showed her things.
This being the last afternoon,
I thought she'd better try it alone.
Well, it isn't altogether her fault.
It's the boss.
You know it's difficult
to make a change.
I'm terribly sorry.
As sorry as you could be
under the circumstances.
See you before you go?
I'll drop in, Mr McGowan.
Hello, Anne.
The last pay check, eh?
The last one.
I guess you won't complain.
I may not cash this one.
Oh, saving it as a souvenir
of your business life, eh?
A pretty expensive souvenir.
You'll understand if this
one doesn't come through.
Well .. goodbye, Anne.
And lots of happiness
to the both of you.
Thank you.
Well, Anne.
Have you come to say goodbye?
I ..
I thought if the work isn't finished and
you wanted me to stay a while tonight ..
I couldn't ask that of you.
Oh, I wouldn't mind.
One more night can't hurt.
You must have a thousand
things to do now that you're ..
But I'd really like to stay.
If I can help.
I can't tell you delighted I feel.
Shall we start now?
Yes. Get your pad and come back.
That's the last letter, I think.
By the time you've looked over
these, I'll have this one typed.
Thank you.
[ Telephone ]
Oh, it's you.
No, Anne isn't here.
She's working with the boss.
What's she working with the boss for?
Her time is up at five o'clock.
Maybe she likes it. What
do you know about that?
Hey, don't try and get my
goat over that old walrus.
Not in your class is he, handsome.
Not so you'd notice it.
I know how to hold my women.
Ha! And how. Ha!
And the boss isn't so
hot at it from what I hear.
From what you hear?
Take this fast one, right off the desk.
The boss's wife is divorcing him.
Yeah. That's how he holds them.
And say. Here's a laugh for Anne.
The dope is she might have been named if
it hadn't been known she was marrying me.
How about that?
Hello, hello? Katherine? Hello?
[ Telephone ]
Oh, hello Katherine.
Well, I can't talk to you now.
I'll see you at home.
You needn't have done that.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
Well, we're running true to form.
Aren't we?
It's past eleven.
Thank you, Anne.
You sure there isn't oe more letter?
That's the last letter.
You look tired.
So do you, Mr Fellowes.
I hope you're going to
be very happy, Anne.
I shall.
Better get your hat on.
I'll send you home in the car.
Anything ..?
May I say something?
You should take a holiday.
You need a rest or I'm afraid
you'll have a breakdown.
I expect to take a trip to the orient.
Won't that be nice.
I know how eager Mrs Fellowes is to go.
I'm going alone.
Mrs Fellowes is going to Paris.
To divorce me.
Oh ..
I'm alright.
Well my poor girl. Here.
Thank you.
Come and sit down for a moment.
Thank you, Mr Fellowes.
Are you quite sure you're
feeling alright now?
I'm much better, thank you.
I'll take you home in the car.
[ Telephone ]
Perhaps you'd better answer that.
Why ..?
Would you mind waiting?
Your sister just fainted,
but she's better now.
That's why I rang up, Mr Fellowes.
See, I thought something
like that might happen.
You know it's an awful strain on
girl, breaking off her engagement.
Even if she wants to.
She broke it off?
It takes a lot of energy to do that
to a persistent man like Ted.
I hadn't heard she'd broke it off.
Well of course she wouldn't discuss such
personal matter with you, Mr Fellowes.
Why did she break it off?
What's my sister saying?
Why did she break if off?
Well, Anne didn't love him, Mr Fellowes.
Then why in the world ..
Well you see, Mr Fellowes ..
Anne fell in love with a gentleman.
It wouldn't be right to mention
the party's name. He has a wife.
So she thought it best to marry somebody
else, and put temptation out of her way.
I'm telling you this, Mr Fellowes.
Because she's pretty broken up about it.
As you're her employer I thought you may
be able to talk to her sympathetically.
I'll try.
It's time to clean up, Mr Fellowes.
It is!
Anne home yet?
Say, it's one o'clock. What does
this guy Fellowes think he's doing?
I hate to tell you but
I bet he's good at it.
What's that?
It's a dime.
Oh shucks. What's a dime ..?
I suppose you think I'm crazy
bringing you down here t this hour.
There isn't a lovelier spot on earth.
The moon at this quarter looks
different to what I expected.
Well .. what did you expect, dear?
Will you do something for me, Larry?
Anything in the world.
Then let me pick out
your next secretary.