The Old Curiosity Shop (2007)

- (Men shout)
- (Woman cackles)
Get out of it!
- (Gulls crying)
- (Tinkling)
(Mutters) ..there's 12.
Here' take it.
Small fortune.
- Thank you' sir. He'll be very grateful to you.
- So he should.
Tell him I expect to see a return
on my investments very soon.
Good night.
Oh' here.
- Let me Walk you home.
- I can find my own Way.
- (Distant shouting)
- Very Well.
- (Gulls crying)
- (Ship's horn)
(Men shouting)
(Distant cackling)
Who's there?
Kit' is that you?
- Yes' miss.
- Thank goodness.
Come With me. I'll see you 'ome.
I feel much safer Walking With you' Kit.
Glad to hear it' miss.
I've been sent on an errand
by my grandfather.
He shouldn't have sent you anywhere
at this time of night.
He said it Was urgent.
- I'll always be here for you' miss.
- I knoW you Will' Kit.
- I thought I might have lost you forever' Nell.
- Don't Worry' I'd always find my Way home.
You should take more care' sir.
It's dangerous' this end...
I'll fetch your supper' Grandfather.
Erm' thank you' my boy.
I'm very grateful to you.
- Are you staying for supper' Kit?
- Not tonight.
- But there's enough...
- Not tonight' I said.
- We'll see you in the morning' boy.
- Very Well.
- Good night' miss.
- Good night' Kit.
Make it an early start.
TomorroW We've Work to do.
Yes' sir.
Was your journey successful?
ShoW me.
NoW' Where's my coat?
- You're not going out tonight' Grandfather?
- Yes' yes. I'm afraid I must.
(Door closes)
I could never stand in awe of a man
as your daughter does' Mrs. Jiniwin.
- Are you listening to this advice' Betsy?
- Yes' Mama.
- Well' good.
- I'd kill myself first.
- Then Write a letter saying hoW he did it.
- (Mother) Oh!
Well' I'll drink to that'
Mrs. George. (Chuckles)
For Daniel Quilp.
He's the greatest monster
that ever lived. (Slurps)
He's a tyrant.
And my daughter is such a passive soul.
She hasn't the spirit
to stand up to such a hideous'
vindictive' ugly little ma...
Good evening' ma'am' ladies.
Oh' Mr. Quilp. Didn't hear you come in.
Go on' ma'am' you Were sayin'.
Oh' Mrs. Quilp' hoW delightful.
You've invited a neighbor to supper and
sent out for something light and palatable.
I didn't invite anybody to supper' Daniel.
- It Was Ma...
- Hush' child.
- Good night' ma'am.
- What?
You're not goin'' missus' surely?
Thank you for your hospitality.
So soon? Why not stop for breakfast?
There's nothing dishonest
in a bit of supper' Mr. Quilp.
My daughter has the right to do
as she pleases.
- You'd like to think so' ma'am.
- (Groans)
Oh' you look ill' Mrs. Jiniwin.
You been overexciting yourself.
- It's a Weakness in old Women. Get to bed.
- I shall go to bed When I please' Quilp'
- and not before.
- Please to go noW' Mrs. Jiniwin.
- No.
- Upstairs' I say!
I feel in a smoking humor' Mrs. Quilp...
and Will probably blaze away all night.
I'd like you to sit With me
and move not an inch in case I Want you.
Yes' of course' Daniel.
Oh' a Word of advice' my dear.
Should you ever listen to those harpies again'
do you knoW What I'll do to you?
No' Daniel. What Will you do to me?
I'll bite you.
(Dog barks)
Erm' I'm going to need your help again' Nell.
Must I?
Yes' I'm afraid you must.
Our future depends upon it.
Another errand tomorroW morning.
Wake up.
I'm sorry' Daniel. Please forgive me.
I should hope so.
(Hums jolly tune)
(Stops humming)
Betsy my dear' What are you doing sat there?
Have you not been to bed? (Gasps)
Oh! What a vision of loveliness.
Breakfast! (Stamps foot)
- (Gulls crying)
- (Man shouts)
(Quilp sighs)
You can't keep away from here'
can you noW?
No' sir.
This Way.
Seven pounds spent already.
- What has the old man done With it?
- I do not knoW' sir.
Are you lying to me' Nell?
- No' sir.
- I believe you.
Who Wouldn't?
Such a sweet and honest face.
You're looking pretty today' Nell.
Charmingly pretty.
HoW'd you like to be my Wife?
You already have a Wife' sir.
Mrs. Quilp.
She's a clapped-out creature.
You'll be just the proper age
for me in a couple of years.
What do you say?
I have nothing to say' sir.
Well...think about it.
Be a good girl' noW'
a very good girl' see if you don't come
to be Mrs. Quilp the second of Tower Hill.
Your grandfather' Nell.
He's an astute man of business' isn't he?
I-I suppose so.
All this money I'm investing
by Way of these loans.
- They Will make my fortune' Won't they?
- Might I go' sir?
Grandfather's told me to return
directly I had an answer.
But you haven't one' Nell.
You can't have one
till I'm ready to give it.
You'll come With me.
Come along.
I thought you said We Were
going to see my grandfather' sir.
Have patience' Nell' have patience.
I've a little business to attend to.
- What kind of place is this?
- Mm?
It's a debtor's prison. A place for people
Who borrowed money and never paid it back.
Excuse me.
- (People clamoring)
- (Woman) Mr. Quilp!
Mr. Quilp!
(Quilp) Nell? Nell?
Come along. We don't Want to keep
your grandfather Waiting' do We? (Chuckles)
I tell you again' Grandfather'
I Wish to see my sister.
The one you keep cooped up'
poisoning her mind against me.
You Were given every chance in life.
I brought you and your sister up' alone'
to be decent and honest.
And hoW did you repay me?
By your scandalous misconduct about town.
Why are they all so upset With you' Mr. Quilp?
No one likes a moneylender' Nell.
Specially When it's time to pay him back.
You've squandered everything I gave you.
Listen to him' SWiveller'
he's a bitter old man and a liar too.
It is a devil of a thing' gentlemen'
When relations fall out and disagree.
Why not shake hands' forget about the past?
- Hold your tongue.
- Sir' don't interrupt the chair.
I say it With the utmost respect.
What do you say' Grandfather? You're saving up
a pile of money here for my sister.
Why not hand over
a reasonable amount to me
and make everything friendly between us?
Oh my God!
Why do you hunt and persecute me?
Oh' Quilp! Thank God! This boy
Would murder me given half a chance.
What have you been saying' Fred?
Well noW' hoW are you? I suppose
the old man teaches you to hate me?
Grandfather never speaks to me
about you' Fred.
Yes' I can believe you there.
Lend us a shilling.
Come' SWiveller' our visit's ended here.
For the time being.
- I thought you Wanted to see your sister.
- I've seen her' haven't I?
Charmed' I'm sure.
Good day.
So much for family relations.
Thank God I acknowledge none.
- Erm...
- I kneW I could depend on you' Quilp.
A moment' please.
Nell' Would you excuse us?
- Sign? What is it?
- Oh' read.
It's a...bill of sale.
Correct. This is the last money
I Will give you
and I make this loan on the understanding
that you Will pay me back everything
With my numerous investments
doubled or even trebled.
Should you fail to do so'
I Will have the authority to...
call into being certain legal powers
Which you cannot presume to question.
Everything I own becomes yours?
To do With as you see fit?
- Stock and property.
- The Old Curiosity Shop?
Why do you ask me
to sign such a document noW? I've-I've...
Haven't I always paid you back?
Your debts are mounting' sir'
and I need some kind of surety.
Well' I Will not do it' Quilp.
Everything I own is for Nell's future.
Very Well. There's nothing more to say.
I must have some ready cash
to bridge my investments.
Oh. Then sign.
Is there no other Way?
(Sighs) Very Well.
You leave me no option.
Well' I Will not ask in What good investments
all my supplies are sunk.
You are a deep man' sir.
Keep your secrets close.
Yes' you're right there.
I keep my secrets close.
Very close.
- Where shall We eat?
- Well' dinner last night closes Long Acre to us.
- Beg pardon?
- I enter' in this book'
the names of streets We can't
Walk down While the shops are open.
- Due to our strained credit?
- Correct.
Damned nuisance' sir.
But I've a plan to make our fortune
With very little trouble' SWiveller.
You've showed me too many already' Freddie.
And What have I got
to shoW for it? Nothing.
Ah' but this plan is different.
NoW' do you think my sister has a pretty face?
Yes' she has a pretty face.
Very pretty face.
- Fine girl for her age.
- Exactly. She's still only 14.
- Oh.
- And that's all the better.
If I take Nell in hand
and bend her to my Will'
What' With a little coaxing'
to prevent your marrying her?
She's 14' Freddie.
- I don't mean noW.
- No.
Say' in two years' time.
Marry my sister and you Will be
the sole inheritor of my grandfather's Will.
HoW very inviting.
- I suppose there's no doubt his being rich?
- None.
What do you say' Dick?
Well' I could give it a Whirl' I suppose.
No harm in a bit of Wooing' is there?
- I'm a damned handsome felloW.
- Quite.
Ah' I'm afraid I have to dash' SWiveller.
I might be gone some time.
Possibly a very long time'
if you understand my meaning.
Oh' What a touching little scene.
- Where is he?
- Who' sir?
- Your grandfather' Nell' the old Wastrel.
- He's upstairs' sir.
- But he's sleeping' sir.
- Well' this document Will Wake him.
- Can't go up there' it's private.
- Mr. Quilp does What he likes in his own shop.
- But this isn't his shop.
- Oh it is' Nell' it is. Or Will be.
May I introduce my lawyer' Mr. Brass.
What do you have here?
There must be something hidden
in this junk to pay your debts.
Gambled away' everything of Worth. A fortune.
Oh. Then you and the child are truly lost.
- Where Will We go' Quilp?
- That is no concern of mine.
- Unless...
- Yes? What? Tell me.
I'm at your mercy. Anything you Want.
Just ask and I'll...agree to it.
I need a serving maid.
A young girl to do for me.
What are you suggesting?
A mere child!
Nell is not for sale.
Might I ask What you're searching for'
Mr. Quilp?
Anything of value' and I've no intention
of leaving the old man till I find it.
(Door opens)
Hello' my duck of diamonds.
(Brass) Such a treasure' Mr. Quilp.
Who asked you for your opinion' Mr. Brass?
Be quiet.
Of course' sir. HoW presumptuous of me.
- I need to give grandfather his supper' sir.
- Oh. May I?
(Slurps noisily)
What a remarkably pleasant Way he has
With children. It's most affecting.
It's quite a treat to Watch him.
(Quilp snorts and gulps)
- Thank you.
- Good night.
Hmm. Hmph!
(Horse neighs)
(Nell) Let us leave here tonight.
But Where Will We go' Nell?
The countryside' grandfather.
Let us run away.
I love the shop as much as you do...
but We can make a home anywhere
if We need to.
Like beggars?
Yes' like beggars.
It is possible' grandfather.
If We Want it badly enough.
- (Door opens)
- (Men laugh)
Let us be free of Quilp tonight.
(Brass snorts)
(Door closes)
What's the matter' child?
It's Nell and her grandfather.
Run away.
Little Nell?
Where are they?
Wake up' you drunken fool.
- You seen 'em?
- Seen Who' Mr. Quilp?
Good morning' sir.
Is the little lady of the house at home?
She's flown.
- Flown?
- Gone' both of 'em.
Vanished in the night.
But Where have they gone' sir?
You tell me' sir.
Where's that brother of hers?
Freddie? Ah' noW there's a problem.
I'm afraid he's done very much the same.
Ran off to France. Got himself into a spot
of bother With a girl dancing in the halls.
Not dancing any more' I'm afraid.
Far from it.
Little Nelly Won't be Wanting these' then.
Perhaps the sly old fox has made his fortune
and gone off to live in a tranquil spot
With a distant vieW of the changing sea.
(Quilp) Careful!
You nincompoop!
What's this here' sir?
Looks like a secret hiding place.
- Let me see.
- Worthless papers' sir.
Nothing but outstanding debts and bills.
- A jewelry box!
- Give that here.
Might have known.
Everything of value gambled away.
Well' I Won't be made a fool of
by a young girl and a thief.
If the old swindler gets away With this'
others Will do the same.
I must have justice.
Maybe We should rest' Nell.
You look tired.
I'll never feel tired again
noW We're rid of Mr. Quilp.
(Grandfather chuckles)
Take charge of that.
That's the last of our money.
A feW gold coins.
Oh' should I ask or even beg...
for their return'
you must refuse me.
Do you promise me?
I promise.
Oh' there's something else
I Want to give you.
- My mother's locket.
- Yes.
She always meant you to have it
When you became of an age.
Hm? For the sake of her love.
Thank you.
It'll remind you of home...and of everything
that is good in the World.
Yes' all is Well noW.
(Grandfather) Freedom.
Is it very much further' Mr. Quilp?
The air is exceedingly dry' and I suddenly
feel in need of a light refreshment.
Oh' Well' We are very near' Mr. SWiveller.
It's a moment's Walk away.
Pity. I hope this Work you're offering me
Won't be too taxing.
I'm not usually an early riser.
Oh! I had the sun very strong
in my eyes last night.
Think of the rewards
our joint venture Will bring' sir.
You keep an eye on my business dealings
With Mr. Brass
and I promise to find Miss Nelly Trent
and bring her back here to you' sir.
You'll be married When
the girl becomes of age. I promise.
That's the Worst of it' Mr. Quilp.
Miss Trent's fortune' in perspective'
looks such a long Way off
and I have no immediate readies.
Caution is the Word' sir.
And caution is the act' sir.
Why do you think
Mr. Brass cannot be trusted?
(Boy) Please' sir!
Any man Who chooses
to be my legal representative' sir...
- Need I say more?
- Mm. Quite' Mr. Quilp.
Ah' there she is.
The strong arm of the laW'
Miss Sally Brass.
The only Woman in the World With all the charm
of her sex and none of their Weakness.
Hold your nonsense' Mr. Quilp.
I Wonder you're not ashamed of yourself'
talking before a strange young man.
This strange young man
is himself too susceptible to your feminine
charms not to agree With me' Sally.
- Oh' is he indeed?
- I am?
- You are.
- Oh' yes' I am.
Good afternoon' sweet...
Pray' might We not be introduced properly'
Mr. Quilp?
This is Mr. Dick SWiveller' sister.
A gentleman of good family Who is content'
for a While'
to fill the humble situation
as our neW solicitor's clerk.
- By Whose authority?
- (Quilp) Mine.
If you Want my continued business.
And We are very happy.
Very' very happy indeed.
I propose Mr. SWiveller
enters upon his duties at once.
- And Where Will he sit' Mr. Quilp?
- On your chair' ma'am.
Until you can buy another.
- Mine?
- Of course.
HoW charitable of Mr. Quilp
to suggest such a thing.
Sally's chair fairly vibrates
With the power of the laW.
It'll be your guide' your companion...
- and your friend.
- (Sally) Oh' Will it?
(Quilp) Yes' ma'am.
It Will.
You'd better take it... (Slams chair)
..Mr. SWiveller.
(Door closes)
Keep an eye on Mr. SWiveller' sir.
As a friend of the brother
- I Want him to lead us to the child.
- 'Course' Mr. Quilp.
(Clears throat)
Good Lord' Who are you?
- I'm from beloW stairs' sir.
- Really?
There's a gentleman come about the
advertisement. Will you shoW him the lodgings?
I have nothing to do With them.
ShoW him yourself.
- Miss Sally said I Wasn't to' should she be out.
- Why not?
Cos people Wouldn't believe the maid service
Was any good if they saW hoW small I Was.
They think they've been short-changed.
Very Well.
It's 18 shillin's a Week
and fires in Winter is eightpence a day.
What's the rent?
One pound per Week and the fires
in the Wintertime are tenpence per day.
- I'll take 'em.
- You Will?
What name is it' sir'
in case of letters or parcels?
My correspondence is taken care of.
Good day' sir.
Hm. (Shrilly) That's the Way to do it.
- (Shrilly) Oh' Mr. Punch' Where's the baby?
- What are you doing?
- What does it look like We're doing?
- We're mending our dolls.
(Man) Helter-Skelter Gold Cup!
Come on' roll up!
Place your bets for the
Helter-Skelter Gold Cup!
(Nell) Why?
(Man) Why?
We're playing a shoW at the country fair.
Wouldn't do to let 'em see the present
company undergoing repairs' Would it?
- I suppose not.
- Of course not.
- Would spoil the illusion.
- Afternoon' gentlemen.
- Mr. Codlin!
- And Mr. Short!
- Partners...
- In the Punch...
- (Shrilly) Where's the baby?
- ..and Judy! (Giggles)
Come on' We must go.
- Travelin' far' sir?
- Yes' I've tread a long Way.
- Might We ask Where...
- You're traveling from' sir?
- London
- (Codlin) Ooh!
- The city of dreams' eh' Mr. Short?
- And nightmares' Mr. Codlin.
For some.
- Roamin' travelers are you?
- Yes' you might call us that.
- Well then' take a seat!
- And share a pinch of snuff.
No' thank you.
- You must be tired' sir.
- After Walking so far.
Why not stay a While...for the child's sake.
And see our marvelous...
(Both) Doot-da-doo!
- Oop! Boing!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Dong!
- Ooh!
Puppet shoW!
Oh' can We' Grandfather' please?
No' I think not.
Remember Why We're leaving London.
Goodbye' gentlemen.
There's money to be made.'re in need of any.
(Man) Today could be your lucky day!
Roll up! Roll up!
- Money?
- (Codlin) Oh' aye.
The girl could help us seW some of our dolls.
Could We stay? Please?
(Fawning) Please!
(Laughs) Very Well' gentlemen.
Anything' if it makes
my granddaughter happy.
- That's the spirit! Come this Way' sir!
- There We go.
Give me that!
Can I help you' sir?
Your name is Quilp?
I'm looking for the previous owners of this shop.
An old man and his granddaughter.
- I'm told you knoW them.
- What's it to you?
That's my business. I Will not say.
Oi! Oi! Kit Nubbles! I Want a Word With you!
(Man) Who's the boy?
I'm afraid' sir' that's my business.
I Will not say.
Here you go' Nelly.
Your Wages.
Some bright neW pennies.
Thank you' sir.
You can't think What an interest
We have in you' my dear.
- Have you' Mr. Codlin?
- Oh' yes!
- Tell us a bit of your history...
- And if We can help you in any Way...
- Rest assured Mr. Codlin...
- And Mr. Short...
- Will! (Chuckles)
- Help me' sir?
- Oh' yes' my dear. You and your grandfather.
- Mm' Why is he running away?
- He isn't.
- Aah! Fibs' Nelly' fibs.
- This innocent creature cannot tell a lie!
- What's your secret?
- If you'll excuse me' sir' I must go to him.
- No' stay!
- Let go.
- Of course' Nelly.
(Short) We'll talk later.
(Codlin) When you've more time.
- Please. Please.
- Where are they?
- I haven't seen them.
- What about the bird?
What's goin' on? Who are you?
Where's the old man and the girl?
- (Baby cries)
- No!
(Laughs) Here.
I don't eat babies. I don't like 'em.
It'd be as Well to stop
this young screamer' though'
in case I shall be tempted to him a mischief.
Thank you.
(Mother) Who's a good boy?
- They shall be found.
- (Baby cries)
(Punch) Ladies and gentlemen'
boys and girls'
What you've got to do is
if you see the crocodile around 'ere
We Want you to let me knoW!
NoW' if you practice'
We'll say' ',Behind you',.
(All) It's behind you!
There's no crocodile there. You must have
got it mixed up With something else.
- NoW' it's very important you tell me Where...
- (All) Behind you!
They suspect us.
It's no longer safe here.
Come' my child' We must leave.
(Punch) Give us a kiss!
(Judy) Ooh' a kiss? On the lips?
- Yes. Whack!
- OW!
(Policeman) Open up in the name of the laW!
(Punch) Oh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- I'll be a good boy for ever and ever and ever.
- (Crocodile growls)
- Thank you' boys and girls.
- Thank you.
- Please give generously.
- You're so kind.
- Where they gone?
- There!
- Mind yourself!
- Excuse me!
- Get out the Way!
- Excuse me!
Where have they gone?
- We've lost 'em' you clod!
- You Were meant to look after them!
- Don't shove me!
- Watch the face!
- What you doin'' Sally?
- Shh!
(Whispers) Peeping.
- On our lodger?
- Of course.
We don't knoW Who he is. I don't trust him.
It'd be an extremely unpleasant circumstance
if he Were to bounce out suddenly' my dear.
- SWiveller' fetch a bedpan.
- Bedpan?
And stand against that Wall.
- In case of violence.
- (Sighs)
Yes' sir.
Of course' I'd be more than a match for him
but I'm the master of the house
and the laws of hospitality
must be respected.
What's that frightful noise?
- Might I possibly...
- What is your business here?
(Bird squawks)
Come in.
(Lodger) You have news of Where they are?
Stand aside.
Let a Woman's fortitude prevail.
We'll rest here tonight' eh' Nell?
Make a fresh start in the morning.
(Driver) Yah! Come on!
What's the matter?
If only I'd gone on for a little bit longer.
My luck Would have turned' I knoW it.
Lose today' Win tomorroW.
HoW much money have We got left?
If We spend the money made at the fair'
enough to eat and sleep Well tonight.
What about the money
I gave you for safekeeping?
It's here.
(Door creaks' closes)
Ah! (Laughs)
Gentlemen' let us gamble.
For everything.
(Man) Ooh!
- (Neighing)
- (Quilp) Lend a hand here!
Bags! Careful!
Morning' sir.
Here you are' sir.
(Slurring) I hope you've had
a very pleasant journey' sir'
and I Wish you a very pleasant stay' sir.
This Way' sir.
Top of the stairs' sir.
(Sighs) Nectar.
Hello' there.
Don't look so startled' I'm being friendly.
Who Won the Helter-Skelter horse race?
- The Helter-Skelter' ma'am?
- Yes' child.
The Helter-Skelter horse race at the fair.
- Horse...
- We don't knoW' ma'am.
Don't knoW? But you Were there.
I saW you With my own eyes' yesterday.
You Were in the company of a Mr. Punch.
A very loW and vulgar Wretch.
I think you may have been mistaken' ma'am.
(Coughs) I mistake nothin'' child.
You Were Workin' With two...showmen.
Do you knoW the two gentlemen' ma'am?
Do I look like I'd mingle
With the likes of the puppetry trade?
We beg your pardon' ma'am.
Granted. Granted.
Still' I can understand you being ashamed
of Working With such vagabonds.
Come back here.
Come' come. Close' I say.
You'd better have some breakfast.
You both look like you're in need of it.
An old man and a girl' you say?
Yes' sir. They left Without payin'.
(Muffled) Disgustin'.
What direction did they go' landlord?
I've no idea' sir' more's the pity.
Just up and left.
It's bad manners.
Eat and drink as much as you like.
Don't spare anything.
It's a lovely knuckle of ham.
HoW do you find it' Grandfather?
Very tasty' ma'am. Mm!
What kind of business are you in' ma'am?
Read that' child.
- Jarley's Waxworks?
- Aye.
That is me.
I am the World-famous Mrs. Jarley.
Jarley's is the delight of the nobility'
and of the royal family.
Oh' yes. They've all patronized me.
Do you...Do you knoW?
I've never seen a Waxworks ma'am.
Is it funnier than Punch and Judy?
Funnier' sir? HoW dare you?
- My collection' sir' is not funny.
- Oh' please forgive me.
No jokings and squawkings
like your rickety-booth players. No' no.
Jarley's hysterical and famous Waxworks
is exhibiting at the Royal Assembly Rooms.
I dare say We'd like to visit' ma'am.
- But I'm not certain.
- No' We are poor people' ma'am.
We have no Work as yet and I only Wish We had.
You amaze me more and more.
NoW' What line are you in?
What do you...What do you call yourselves?
- Beggars.
- (Splutters) Nell!
Beggars? Oh! Oh' pass me the teapot.
Do my eyes' nose and ears deceive me?
But you can read and that' Well' that's a mercy.
And Write too' I shouldn't Wonder.
Of course.
You'll journey With me today' I hope?
But that's marvelous' marvelous.
And in the meanwhile'
We'll talk about finding you
some respectable employment.
You're browned by the sun' I see.
Have you been traveling far?
Pretty nigh all over the West Country' sir.
I've talked to travelers and fairground folk
from most parts of England
but none from the West Country.
I pray you can help me
With the information I'm seeking.
- We'll do our best' sir.
- You can depend upon us' sir.
- If you make it Worth our While...
- Sir.
(Door opens)
Been at Workhouse.
D'you see this?
Right. Don't say you never get
any meat here.
Thank you' miss.
Don't answer back.
You knoW them' the old man and child?
Tell me' Where are they?
Sovereign apiece.
Er... Hm...
- Thank you' sir.
- Much obliged' sir.
- Where are they?
- The last time We saW them'
- the old man and the girl...
- They Were traveling in that direction...
- Do you knoW Where they've gone' sir?
- I think I do' ma'am.
And it's my hope to travel
to the old gentleman and child today.
But first I need to ask...
- Will you let your son come With me?
- Me' sir?
I'm not sure the old gentleman
Will Want to see me.
Your presence' Kit'
Would assure Nell of my friendly intentions.
Why shouldn't he Want to see you' sir?
There Was a disagreement
between us a long time ago
Which has banished us
from meeting for many years.
- You been away' sir?
- Yes' ma'am.
- I made my fortune living abroad.
- But We still don't knoW Who you are' sir.
Why should We trust you if you Won't say?
- I cannot say.
- (Sighs) Then my son cannot help you' sir.
Very Well.
If I Were to tell you my full history...
perhaps then you might help me.
Perhaps We may' sir.
(Nell) Ladies and gentlemen.
Mary' Queen of Scotland'
you have been found guilty of high treason.
You must take your punishment
before the great British public.
(Drum roll)
(Audience gasps' applauds)
Here' sir. Yours and the child's Wages.
Is anything the matter' sir?
(Splutters) No. No' ma'am.
- Another game' perhaps?
- You've taken all the money I have.
- You are your own master' I hope?
- NoW' don't jest With me' sir.
Could always borroW some' I suppose.
And When you're able' pay it back again.
And Who do you propose
that I should borroW from?
If the good lady Who keeps
the Waxworks has money
and keeps it' I believe'
in a tin box under her bed...
- but does not lock her door for fear of fire...
- You mean rob Mrs. Jarley' sir?
BorroW' sir.
Where's the harm in that?
Think about it' sir.
The delights of bright' shining golden coins
clinking into your pocket.
Money' sir.
Game of cards' sir?
What are you doing here?
Mm? Is there something Wrong?
Do you think...
gentlemen Who spend
their time playing cards are honest men?
Why do you ask?
Why shouldn't they be honest men?
I lost some money While staying at the inn.
Unless it Was taken by somebody'
only in jest.
Who Would take money in jest?
Those Who take it' take it to keep.
Then it Was stolen.
Wasn't it?
Tell nobody about it
and perhaps We'll find it again.
All the losses that Were ever made
are not Worth any tears.
Why should they be...
When I can Win them back again?
I had a dreadful dream.
A dream of an old man in a darkened room'
robbing sleepers of their gold.
No' child.
- No.
- Yes.
The dream Was real.
Too real.
We must leave here
before that dream comes true again.
- No. Nell' no' I...
- Yes' Grandfather.
We must.
(Mrs' Jarley) l can't understand it, sir
Nell and her grandfather have vanished
like Winter smoke off an old maid's chimney.
Why should they do that' ma'am? By your
accounts they Were happy and content here.
I'd like to think so but you can never tell
With travelers. They have restless souls.
- Any idea Where they might have gone?
- I'm afraid not. That poor girl.
What Will become of her?
I did have my suspicions about
the old gentleman's state of mind.
He seemed' Well' rather agitated at times.
A caring man for the child' no doubt' sir.
- But not happy Within himself. He's a...
- A liar and a thief.
Good heavens! What you doin''
hidin' behind Mrs. Fanny Firkins?
Do you Want to cause us all a fright?
My heart is thumping' sir!
- Good day' sir. We meet again.
- What is your business here' Quilp?
Well' same as yours. I'm looking
for the old man and his granddaughter.
I hope you're satisfied' sir. Your behavior's
reduced the old man and child to beggars'
driven them from house and home.
Why should that concern you?
Oh' the old miser
owes you money too' I bet.
- Your talk is offensive' sir.
- He's a thief' and the girl's no better.
If you shoW any more impudence
you Will oblige me to beat you'
- you little monkey.
- What'd you say?
In the name of common sense'
have you any idea
of the old man's Whereabouts?
What do you take me for' sir?
A gypsy conjurer?
Then We have nothing more
to say to each other. Good day.
Is that so?
Yes. Pray' leave us.
I Won't have my Waxworks contaminated
With interference! Oh dear' no.
Get out of here.
Oh' I go Willing' sir' but remember this -
Wherever that old man and child have gone'
they cannot hide forever.
I'll make it my chief duty to find them
and When I do...
may God help 'em both.
(Quilp Whistles tune)
Lean on me' Grandfather.
Oh...I can't Walk any further' child.
We'll have to... We'll have to rest.
But Where are We to go?
We don't knoW anybody here.
Well' We'll seek out...
the kindness of strangers' Nell.
I don't understand you' Grandfather.
You must...
You must beg' child.
Yes' child' at once.
One...gentleman's hat.
Found floating in the river' sir.
By his counting house.
It looks...
very much like my husband's hat.
But...We cannot be certain.
HoW long has Mr. Quilp been missing'
Mrs. Jiniwin?
Oh' disappeared Without a Word
four days ago' ma'am.
Nobody has seen him'
including those Who owe him money.
If he turns up anywhere he'll...float ashore
somewhere in Deptford tomorroW morning.
Just in time for the flea market.
(Betsy) Oh...poor Daniel. the descriptive announcement
of his death in the newspapers.
Isn't that a little presumptuous'
Mr. Brass?
Not if you Want his life insurance' ma'am.
We must not alloW grief
to freeze our faculties.
Well' erm...I Would describe Mr. Quilp
as' erm...legs crooked...
short' er' body...
No. Flat.
(Shouts) Aquiline!
Aquiline' you old hag!
Do you call this flat? Do you?
Do you? Eh?
Risen! From a Watery grave!
Excuse me... Excuse me' please...
- Please...
- Out of my Way.
- Please...
- No. No.
Please. Please.
I have some urgent business
for you both.
Certainly' sir.
Private business.
Put away your book' Mr. Brass.
- I don't Want anything in Writing.
- Oh' nothing in Writing.
We understand you' Mr. Quilp.
It concerns that boy's
neW-found friendship With your lodger.
Christopher Nubbles.
An extremely pleasant child.
- I don't like him.
- Nor I.
The boy...thwarts me.
I owe him a grudge.
And this neW friendship With your lodger
makes him a greater threat
to our finding the old man and child.
HoW eloquent is Mr. Quilp.
Remarkable man of language.
Hush' brother.
Come to the point' sir.
The boy insults my importance.
- He's a menace.
- Precisely.
Devise your own means
of keeping him away from the lodger.
Then I Will pay you handsomely
for your pains.
- Anything for you' Mr. Quilp.
- Of course' Mr. Quilp.
Thank you.
- Please' ma'am...
- Get out of my Way.
Nobody cares' Grandfather.
Bid to their mercy' Nell.
We must eat tonight.
I...I...I can't' Grandfather. I...
If you loved me' Nellie'
you'd find us money.
- Please don't make me.
- I need money to exist!
- Please don't...
- To invest! I...
- Just do it!
- No!
Can't you see I'm desperate?
Please. Please.
Nell! Oh...
Oh' my God!
Will nobody help us?
In God's name!
Please' somebody help us! Please!
Oh' please help us!
For God's sake' stop the carriage.
Let me help you' sir.
Try to stand' child. Can you stand?
Oh' Kit.
Come in' come in.
A Word' if I may.
- Is anything the matter' sir?
- Matter?
No. Why should anything be the matter?
You look like you're in pain' sir.
Oh' pooh-pooh. I never felt better.
Mere fancy.
NoW' I've been thinking.
- Your mother's a WidoW' is she not?
- Yes' sir.
A harder Working or better Woman
never lived.
Aah' poor young WidoW
struggling to maintain her family.
It's a delicious picture of
human goodness' don't you think?
Put your hat down' Kit.
- Thank you' sir' but I have to get going.
- No' no' no' put it down. Stay a While.
NoW' What's to prevent us giving
this good young Woman' your mother'
a nice Wage in return for a little light
dusting and Washing? What do you say?
See any objection?
HoW can I see any objection
to such a kind offer' sir?
Very Well' then.
It's done.
We'll say no more.
- Sammy?
- Er' yes' sister?
- Come here and help me.
- Of course.
Will you excuse me...Kit?
I got him Wrong' sir.
He seems a generous' honest man.
Does he?
Well' sir' if that's all' I-I'd best be off.
Yes' you run along' honest young felloW.
And tell your mother all We discussed.
Oh' dear me. Dear me.
- What have you lost' Sammy?
- A #5 note.
I laid it down here.
- Oh' God bless me.
- What?
- It's gone.
- #5?
Well' never mind. What's #5?
The boy's honest' you knoW.
Very honest.
Yes. It's far too mean to suspect him.
Kit Nubbles' come back here!
(Bell chiming)
We need help here!
Blankets. Get some blankets.
And get a fire lit.
- Well' Sammy?
- Nothing here.
- All is perfectly satisfactory.
- Told you so. I Wish you'd believed me.
The boy is innocent' Mr. Quilp.
My examination proves it.
Very Well. He may go.
But first...
- Search his hat.
- His What?
The hat. Mr. SWiveller' if you please.
Inside the lining.
- The lining?
- The lining.
Oh... I kneW it.
Like his master.
The boy's a liar and a thief.
I never did it.
Please' you've got to believe me.
Oh' miserable miscreant.
Is this the boy Who Was going to benefit
from my benevolence?
Please. Sir.
Honest' sir' I never stole nothing.
A constable' if you please.
Stop struggling' lad.
I never Wronged anyone
of a farthing' sir. Honest!
I only Wish I could doubt
the evidence of my senses'
but the dispositions are unimpeachable.
A moral funeral.
Help is at hand' Kit' I promise.
I'm afraid you Won't be able
to help each other noW' sir.
Oh...What a disappointment
for your mother
and this kind gentleman
Who has trusted you so much.
I can hardly believe it myself.
You...little monkey.
- Drive on' Coachie!
- (Neighing)
Your good health.
Cheery be' Mr. SWiveller.
- (Coughs)
- What does your mistress call you?
- A little devil.
- Really?
Well' to make this evening
seem all the more real and pleasant'
I think I shall call you...
the Marchioness.
Oh' sir' yes.
Oh' hoW I should like that so very much.
It makes everything between us so...
properly...dignified' don't it?
It does.
Tell me' do they often leave you
locked up down here?
Almost always.
At least' she Would...
if I didn't own her ladyship's spare key.
HoW very ingenious of you'
Marchioness' it occurs to me
that you must be in the constant habit
of airing your eye at keyholes
to knoW all you knoW.
Oh' yes' sir.
I hear things through chinks and keyholes
that Would make your hair curl.
Still...I never thought them
capable of such an evil deed.
That poor boy.
What are you talking about'
- In!
- Please' sir...
you...false Witness.
(All chuckle)
You...suborners of evidence.
He's the richest of humors'
don't you think' Sally?
- Most amazing vein of comicality.
- Very droll' brother.
Well' I...I'm pleased you think so.
The fact is' sir' any...allusion
to these little...conspiracies of ours...
What conspiracies
are you talking about' Mr. Brass?
Exactly' sir. Caution. Caution.
Don't talk to me of your conspirings.
Do I knoW anything about you
and your sister's lies?
- I haven't conspired With anybody.
- Quite right' sir.
I shouldn't have mentioned it.
All is forgotten.
(Door opens)
(Footsteps receding)
(Outer door closes)
(Whistling Wind)
(Man) Aces.
Take two back' sir.
Luck might change.
Forgive me.
God forgive me.
She's tired herself out' sir.
No' Reverend. She's tired of life.
I've broken her heart.
With my false promises.
Then...repent' sir.
For good.
Before it's too late.
Confess the truth.
Your serving girl is our Witness.
She saW and overheard everything.
- The girl's a liar.
- Still' brother' keep your reserve.
I congratulate you' ma'am.
You have the honor of being sister to
one of the greatest rogues that ever lived.
If I may venture to say' miss' you are
in every respect quite Worthy of him.
HoW dare you suggest
I had any kind of dealings...
In league With you both
is' I believe' a third party.
- A felon by the name of...
- Quilp.
Hold your tongue' Workhouse.
Quilp is the prime devil
of this Whole affair' isn't he?
Be careful' sir. What you say is slander.
HoW very true' brother.
A scullery-maid's Word
against two honorable members of the
legal profession. Who Would believe her?
- Give that back to me!
- He Writes everything down' sir.
Hush your mouth!
He keeps a list
of all the evil doings he's done.
I've seen it all. Through my keyhole.
Here is your evidence' sir.
Every Word Written down for
all the World to see. The man's a rogue.
- Oh' Sally!
- Restraint.
- Mr. Quilp told you to Write nothing down.
- To cover his own tracks.
- Why should I listen to him?
- Oh' Sammy...
There's enough evidence here
to lock you both away for life.
(Whispers) Oh' let us confess.
Let us make it easier upon...
- ..upon ourselves.
- What are you doing?
Sally' these gentlemen are offering us
some kind of pardon if We help them.
- Are you not?
- Hardly that' sir.
But I suppose your good faith
might be acknowledged
When considering your crimes.
Did you hear that' sister?
Very Well' then.
My answer to all these crimes'
and more...
- Quilp.
- No.
- No' brother' no.
- Yes' sister! Yes!
My answer to all these Quilp!
He Who despises me With an icy heart.
Quilp' Who gives us both
the cold shoulder.
And laughs With disdain at these
very matters concerning Kit Nubbles
as if he had nothing to do With it'
Whereas he Was the first to propose it.
you've said too much.
We are ruined. You've ruined us both.
And in ruining ourselves' Sally...
We have ruined him.
Mr. Daniel Quilp...
(Men shouting)
Go your Ways' Woman'
or I'll...I'll come out and scratch you!
(Panting) You must leave here at once!
They're coming for you.
They knoW the truth.
- What are you babbling about' Woman?
- (Barking' shouting)
Mr. Brass and his sister'
they've broken your confidence.
The neighborhood is angry' Daniel.
They...they Want revenge!
Brass. I Want Brass.
If only I had you here.
If only We Were face to face
in this room again'
hoW Well contented one of us Would be.
Let me come With you! Let me help you!
I don't Want you to help me.
- Why do you hate life so much' Daniel?
- (Glass smashing)
- You think money is everything.
- Out of my Way!
(Distant yelling)
(Ice creaks)
Daniel! Daniel' please!
Where are you going?
I am your Wife!
There in you somewhere'
I knoW there is!
You flatter yourself' my dear.
I didn't marry you out of love.
(Betsy screams)
(Men approaching)
Help! Help me! Daniel!
- Help me' please!
- Did he go in?
See him?
Come. Let's move her.
Come on' my love.
(Keys jangling)
(Distant children playing)
HoW can I ever thank you' sir?
By letting your son
make one last journey With me' ma'am.
It's time to see my daughter.
(Reverend) You did Well to find us' sir.
The child is very Weak.
Prepare yourself for sadness' sir.
I pray We're not too late.
Master. Dear Master.
What is this?
Kit? Am I dreaming?
It's no dream' Master.
What you see' it''s real.
My God!
- It can't be.
- Yes' it's me' Father. Your son.
- A spirit?
- No spirit' Master.
- See. It's your own...
- My own flesh and blood.
I'm sorry for deserting you' Father.
Forgive me.
- Forgive me.
- Hush' boy. hush' hush. Say no more.
You have returned noW
and that is all We ever Wanted.
Oh...this should be a joyous time.
Not a tragic one.
This day Will break me forever.
Yes' Nell. I come to see you' miss.
Look. Someone else is here.
This is your father' child.
My father.
I'm here noW.
If you'll let me be here.
Don't...don't try and sit up' Nell.
You must rest.
I'm pleased to see you' Father.
I'm glad you've come home.
So am I' child.
See...What I have caused.
I...I forgive you...
Don't leave us.
I Will never leave you.
I'm sorry' child.
I'd have done anything for you if I could.
I knoW.
I love you.
I love you.
You'll live forever in my heart.
She's noW at peace' Father.
Her soul is set free.
(Children laughing)
(Narrator) lt is hard to take to heart
the lesson that such a death brings'
But a person lives forever
in those that love them'
Andplays theirpart through them
in all their redeeming actions
of this world
And so do things end''
Andso do things end''