The One I Love (2014)

So we met at a party,
and it was magic.
Within a half hour,
we were driving up into
this really nice neighborhood,
and we were
mooing down the stairs
of some stranger's backyard,
and then we were swimming
and we were in love.
What we didn't count on
was that even though
the lights were off,
the owner of the home
was there,
and he came out
screaming at us,
and it was the greatest
night of my life.
So my idea was, you know,
let's try
and re-create that moment.
Oh, it's freezing!
It's a little colder
than I remember it.
Do you think
he's coming out?
I'm sure. I'm sure he
heard us, right?
Hello? This is fun.
Where is he'?
Maybe he's not home.
Happy anniversary anyway.
Happy anniversary
When we were in the
water and we were waiting
and no one came out,
no one was home,
and we were
just floating there,
I felt sad,
and I felt like our happiness
used to be so easy
and there used to be
so much of it,
and now I feel like
happiness is something
that we have to re-create.
I'm sorry. I tried to make
a romantic moment.
I'll never take you
to a fucking pool again.
Oh, come on.
Don't do that.
This could be fun.
We're going to do a
compatibility exercise.
I want you both to play a note
at the same time, okay?
Just any note?
Yep. Knock yourself out.
Wow! You guys are not in sync,
are you?
We used to be great.
We used to be
really irreverent and...
Yeah. There was teasing.
- Yeah.
- And stuff. Like I...
I mean no offense...
But I would call you
a bitch and it was funny.
Yeah, it was hilarious.
I used to call you a bitch.
- You thought it was really funny.
- Yeah.
I just don't know how
we're going to move forward
if we keep having
this circular conversation
about me doing what I did
which I have
apologized for already,
and we are here because
we are trying to move on.
I don't see why we have to
keep revisiting that
because it's the same conversation
over and over again.
Because you don't get
to decide that, Ethan.
You don't get to decide
when we move on, I do.
So, you guys having sex?
Now if you'd played
this one, Sophie...
or that one...
...that's pretty, right?
But this...
...not so much.
Anyway, it's just an exercise.
I want to trust you again.
I want to forgive you.
I want
all of those things.
I want us
and I want us to work.
I don't know why you feel
like I don't want that.
Because we don't agree on
how were going to get there.
Where are you?
I have an idea.
This is a great place.
I think it will be
very helpful.
It's absolutely beautiful.
It's about an hour and a half
north from here.
It's like a...
like a perfect retreat,
just the two of you.
Give you a chance
to reset the reset button.
We sent
a tot of couples there,
and they've all come back
- What do you think?
- I mean, I'll try anything.
And then when you
pour the wine, you do this.
This is what they do in
the restaurants. Watch this. Whoop.
So it doesn't drip.
Even though I kind of...
- It kind of dripped.
- I don't think you did it right.
To me and my cooking.
There's a guest house
on the property
which is pretty cool.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I don't even know
if we're supposed to use it
or if someone else
is renting it.
Oh, God.
What's happening?
Come here.
Come here.
What's happening?
Yeah, yeah.
You've got to hold it.
Hold it in, hold it in.
There you go.
- Geez.
- Wow, still got it.
Get the light going.
- Sweetie.
- Sorry, sorry.
Give me kiss.
Aw! You're so cute
without your glasses.
You shouldn't wear these.
I like you without them.
Do you like me
without the glasses?
Should I wear them?
Get over here!
You found me.
I found you.
Hey there.
Hey, you know,
you were right.
- Really?
- Mmm-hmm.
Do tell.
We need to try
more new things,
like weekends away
in places like this.
- You think so?
- Mmm-hmm.
It makes me excited
about us again.
Do you feel it?
- I do.
- Yeah.
I love you.
I love you.
And here it comes.
- Aw.
- Oh!
- Close!
- The bounce. It's okay.
- Okay, wait. Your turn.
- Okay.
- Oh, under.
- Under. Okay.
Under and in.
Oh, shit!
Oh, you got it.
Oh, my God!
Of course I got it.
- Ready?
- Mmm-hmm.
This is your grape.
Come here, come here.
Come here.
That was awesome!
I knew you could do it.
Do you want to
sleep here tonight?
Can we?
Sure. We can do
whatever we want.
Okay. Yep.
Let me just get some clothes.
I don't want to sleep
in my jeans.
- Okay.
- You want anything?
I'm good.
I love you, hon.
I'll be right here.
Ha-ha! You're asleep.
Very funny.
You did it.
You got your joke.
Stop it.
Stop it. I laughed.
It's over now.
Where'd you go?
Where'd you go?
How did you get up here
so fast?
Did you find
a secret passageway?
Yeah, secret underground passage.
- Wow!
- Mmm-hmm.
So mysterious.
No, seriously.
How did you get here so fast?
You beat me.
How did you get here from
the guest house before me?
You mean, before dinner?
I was just walking outside
and I just walked over.
No, not before dinner,
just now.
Why are you so sweaty?
Did you go for a run
or something?
Oh, yeah.
Because... Is that the joke
that's happening now?
The joke that you're
not going to remember
that we just had sex,
because that's really funny.
We just had sex?
Okay. That's not funny.
I'm not trying to be funny.
I thought you were
making a joke.
Why are you doing
this right now?
I'm not doing anything.
You know what, Ethan?
You just had
a really nice night
and I don't know
why you would ruin it.
I'm not trying
to ruin our night.
I want to have a nice night.
Fine, we had sex.
It was great.
You were amazing.
You're an asshole.
Good night.
I'm sorry.
I love you.
I love you.
Good morning, handsome.
Oh! I'm hungover.
Well, it sounds like
you need some breakfast.
Not that we need to
get back into it. Um...
But that was a little
bit of a weird fight last night.
I know.
I don't really understand
what happened,
but I feel like
maybe we just chalk it up
to like some bad pot...
Alcohol combo,
put it behind us
and not let it
ruin the trip.
Agreed, totally.
That being said,
it was one of the weirder
fights we've had. Like...
Oh my God, I know.
Crazy, right?
I mean, I still don't
fully understand
whether you were
so drunk and stoned
that you thought
we had sex
or were you just were making
a joke and it backfired.
Honestly' I think it was just
one of those things, you know?
One of those things...
No, I'm asking you
was it that you were
drunk and stoned
or was it playing a joke...
Because I'm still confused
what happened.
I think the important thing
is that, you know,
we fought,
we made up,
we had a nice cuddle,
beautiful day.
Sophie, what are you
talking about?
We had a fight
and you stormed out.
We didn't make up.
Are you okay?
I'm fine, are you okay? I'm...
Okay, Mr. Hangover.
I think it's time
for some food. Huh?
Let's get something
in your stomach.
You're kind of freaking me out
a little bit, Sophie.
I've got to say...
Is that bacon?
You hate it
when I eat bacon.
What's going on?
That's what
I'm trying to figure out.
I don't understand
why you're doing this.
No, no, no, no.
No what?
This was...
There were plates... Hello?
What are you
talking about plates?
Hello, hello?
What are you... Ethan?
- Where'd you go?
- Where'd who go?
There was bacon right there
on those plates...
What are you talking about?
Ethan, answer me.
You can't...
The smell of bacon...
You can't get the smell of bacon
out in five minutes.
- There was bacon...
- What about bacon?
Right here.
There was bacon here.
Why are you acting like this?
Shit. Sophie, Sophie.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Sophie, Sophie...
- What?
- I'm sorry.
- What?
- I'm sorry, just wait.
I'm spazzing out
in there, I know,
but something
fucking weird
like Twilight Zone shit
is going on here,
and I'm trying to get
a handle on it, okay?
Last night
we had a nice dinner.
We had a blast together, right?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Then, we smoked some pot.
I fell asleep on the couch.
Next thing I know,
you woke me up
claiming that we had
just had sex together.
Because we did!
Okay. I came here.
Nobody was here.
I fell asleep on this couch
and I woke up
to you snuggling me.
What? What are you
talking about?
No, I didn't.
That's crazy to me
that you would deny that, okay?
- I didn't.
- Exactly.
Crazy just like me denying
that I had slept with you.
You know what I'm saying?
We had two completely separate
experiences with each other
that neither of us remembers, and...
Hang on a second. I'm going to
go in there by myself, okay?
You just stay here for like
30 seconds.
- Don't move.
- Ethan!
Hey, Babe.
Can you hand me a towel?
You're in that shower.
I just handed you a towel.
Okay, you know what,
I'm not even mad any more.
Now you're just scaring me,
and I don't understand
why you're doing this.
Go, go see for yourself, Sophie.
Be careful.
Hey, where you been all morning'?
Hello, Sophie.
I was just walking.
Oh, yeah.
It's really nice out, huh?
It's actually
a little bright in here.
Do you mind
if I close these?
The morning sun here
is insane.
Give me a hug.
Sorry. I'm a little sweaty.
That's okay.
Come on.
Fuck this.
You're kidding me!
What the fuck?
Oh my God!
Hey, are you okay?
You're in there.
It's you.
You're exercising.
What is happening?
I don't know.
This is so crazy.
Did that really happen?
I mean, did that, was that...
I just don't...
I don't understand.
Is it another dimension,
like when you go
through the door,
is it another plane
of existence or...
I don't know.
I've no clue.
I think we need to just say
some weird shit happened.
We compartmentalize it.
There was a cosmic
aberration of some sort...
- Yeah, yeah. Move on.
- And we go home.
We don't talk
about this again,
and we just stop
thinking about it.
- Yeah. We could move on.
- Done.
Oh my God, I can't
stop thinking about it.
Can you?
We're just going to
have to just...
I guess time, you know...
I'm not going to be able to
stop thinking about this, Ethan.
Well, what else can we do?
I mean what are we, what are
we going to do, you know?
Well, I mean, there's the...
There's the crazy thing
to do which is...
Which is to, you know,
explore it further.
Explore it further?
I know you only had
a little bit of it...
Yeah. I was there for
like three seconds.
I know. And I,
but I had a whole evening...
In that house,
and I have to say,
I know I sound like
a crazy person right now,
but I have to say
it was kind of magical.
- Well...
- It was...
But don't go overboard
with the whole magic
of what happened there
because I know what you
did in there, okay?
All right. That's not
what I'm talking about.
I'm not talking about
that kind of magic.
There was a rush.
It was exciting.
I felt happy.
And it wasn't just that.
It wasn't just the time
in the guest house.
We had a great time
in the main house.
Yes, we did.
We had a good time.
It wasn't just the weed.
I mean we were connecting,
we were talking,
we were happy.
we were... Happy.
We also had a fantastic time
when we did ecstasy at Lalapalooza,
but we're not going to do that
every day of our lives
because you die...
- Right.
- Okay?
There's a question
of our safety here.
Yeah. But I didn't feel
like it was dangerous.
I didn't feel...
I felt safe.
I didn't feel dangerous, either.
I felt like I was with you.
This is something that we've
been talking about in therapy...
Exploring new options,
creating a new relationship...
Not going back to the past
and re-creating
old things that happened
but starting
with new things.
Yeah. Point taken.
I know that this is...
I didn't imagine
this son of...
- extreme.
- new thing.
Absolutely, but...
I imagined like
horseback riding
with a little satchel of wine,
you know?
Not exploring other dimensions
in some weird version of
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
What if this is something
that I want to do?
You want to go back'?
I want to help
our relationship.
So... A little weird
to say this,
but I'm struggling
a little bit with the fact
that you slept with
the other me last night.
Yeah, but I thought
it was you.
I know. I'm not mad
or blaming you.
I just like...
I'd be lying if I, you know,
didn't say I was a little jealous,
I guess.
All right.
I understand,
but obviously I would never
knowingly cheat on you.
So it seems like it only works
if we go in one at a time.
So I guess we'll just figure out
who wants to go in there first
I'll be out in a minute,
Okay, I'm here.
That's good.
Hey, is that bacon okay'?
It's been sitting out
for awhile.
It's good.
Where have you been
all morning?
Hanging out, you know.
I missed you.
You missed me'?
Of course.
Come sit with me.
Isn't it crazy to think
that we're actually married?
I guess so.
We are husband and wife.
- I know.
- Yeah.
I love it.
How long have you been
here, by the way?
Since we came yesterday, silly.
No, I mean,
in the guest house.
Since we slept here
last night.
Uh-oh. Someone's in detective mode.
Sorry. I didn't mean to be.
That's okay.
I don't mind.
Have you explored
the grounds very much?
I think I have
a pretty good sense of it.
It's so pretty here,
isn't it?
It is. Would you like to go on
a walk with me?
Not really right now,
but you're welcome
to go on a walk.
It's your vacation, too.
I'll see you
in a little bit, Sophie.
Okay, Ethan.
- Fascinating.
- Tell me.
Okay. Thai being in there is
100% convinced that she is you.
- She is?
- Yeah.
I threw out
some soft challenges.
She is unappable.
I think when
you go in there...
God, it's crazy.
Yeah, you throw out some
like very specific examples
from our past
and see how he reacts.
Oh, no, no, sweetie.
I don't think we're
supposed to challenge them.
What if they disappear
or something, you know?
What if they freak out?
I'm just saying what's the harm
in letting them think
that they're us?
Yeah, I mean, I...
All right.
There's no harm in it.
I just thought
part of the fun of this
was like the investigation
and trying to...
I know. Of course
you thought
the fun was in
the investigation.
Wait, hold on.
It's like at
the magic show in Vegas
when you told me
how the magician
did every single trick
and you ruined the entire show
for me and everyone around us.
Okay. You remember we talked
about the magic show
was three years ago
and we're moving past that?
- Okay.
- Yeah.
Let's go inside.
We'll make up
some ground rules together.
That way neither of us
feels like, you know,
there's any kind of...
- Or just being on the same page.
- Okay.
While we are
in the guest house
with the weird people,
no intimacy, no sex.
Yes. Absolutely agreed.
- No sex.
- Good.
What else?
Well, I would say that
would lead me to,
you know, no spying
and there has to be
trust involved,
and we'll be honest with each
other about what happens
in the guest house and...
Right. It's like a...
It's like a therapy exercise
in trust almost.
- It's a trust exercise.
- Okay, great.
- That's why we're here.
- Good.
Let's see.
I guess if there's
anything else...
Actually this is kind of
really important
now that I think about it.
We can have fun with this,
but if at any point either of us
becomes uncomfortable and
wants to stop,
we just out it off,
pack our bags...
Absolutely. Agreed.
That's a good one,
that's a really good one.
Anything else?
I think thats it.
Then we are done.
Those are good.
So since we're just kind of
like dipping our toes in here,
I think maybe we shouldn't
spend too much time in there
the first go-around.
Okay. How does
15 minutes sound?
Yeah, I think that's good.
Okay, but don't, you know,
stand outside waiting for me.
Wait, what?
Well, you know, I think
ifs going to make me nervous
if I think you're waiting
right outside the door.
Yeah, okay.
That's fair.
Oh, you mean,
like right now?
- Yeah. Yeah, okay.
- Yes, sorry.
- Okay. Go ahead.
- Okay.
Enjoy yourself,
but be safe.
It's nice.
You could be honest.
I handle the criticism.
No, it's...
I think I look
a little severe.
Is that how you see me?
I'm just not
a very good painter.
I was trying to emulate Degas
who lights up his portrait faces
with all these wonderful colors.
Unfortunately, it looks like
your face was lit on fire...
Which was not my intention.
I apologize.
But it yielded
a wonderful title, though.
- Uh-huh.
- I'm thinking of calling it
"Sophie My Love,
the Burn Victim."
Or the ultimate tittle
"Sophie My Love, the Full-On Bitch"
because I look
awfully bitchy.
- Well...
- Sorry.
Well, in all fairness,
sometimes you're a bitch.
Excuse me?
Yeah, but it's cool
because I'm an asshole
sometimes, you know?
We can say that, right?
No, I think it's good.
- Scoot over.
- Thanks.
- Cheers.
- To a perfect weekend together.
That's very nice.
Where you going?
Nowhere but here.
Why are you nervous?
I'm not nervous.
Why do you think I'm nervous?
Give me your hand.
What? Don't you trust me?
What the fuck?
You were spying on me.
Well, yeah. You were
like over 20 minutes in there.
Over 20... We didn't agree it
would be exactly 15 minutes,
- five minutes over'?
- Yeah, but you know,
we didn't agree on like
intimate massages either.
Wait, wait. Intimate,
intimate massages?
- Are you serious?
- You were into it.
I was not into...
I was rocking your body
in there.
All right. All right.
I'm sorry. I can see how that
might have made you uncomfortable,
and I apologize.
- It's a little confusing, Sorry.
- All right. It won't happen again.
- Okay.
- Understood.
- How was it in general though?
- Oh my God, it's so weird.
- H's so strange.
- It's really odd.
I mean, you were just...
You were wonderful.
You were funny and charming,
and you just kept telling me
all these great things
we should do
on the property and...
Does he feel like me to you?
He is you...
He's just a little...
A little what?
It's... How to describe it...
You know,
it's like you're funny,
you know.
You have a great sense of humor
and everyone likes you and...
And that's who you are...
In there,
but it's like a memory of it.
It's like I'm being
reminded of it or something,
but it's happening
right in front of me.
- Hmm.
- Does that make any sense?
You're not saying
that like it's like...
The better version
when you're in there, right?
- No, no. No, no, no.
- You're just...
Not at all.
That's the crazy thing.
It is you in there, you know?
What about the physicality...
Do you notice any differences?
No. No, not really.
You know what, the hair.
There's something
about the hair.
The hair?
Mmm-hmm. It's a little different.
It's like it's a little messier,
it's kind of beachy.
- Did you say beachy?
- Mmm-hmm. Yeah.
Come here. Let me see.
It's like, like kind of... No.
Well, well, it's like really...
I don't know. I'm not doing it right
or something.
- I don't know.
- Yeah.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, and you know what,
you don't wear glasses.
You don't wear glasses in there
and you seem totally fine with it.
In the guest house,
I'm a surfer with perfect vision.
We'll work on this.
It's not quite...
No, it's good.
We're getting there.
You've tried contacts, right?
Hey, Soph?
I'd like to take my session
at the guest house now if that's cool.
What time is it?
It's late,
but I just can't sleep.
Oh, okay, sweetie.
Okay. I love you.
I love you.
What are you talking about? There are
like six versions of the same doll.
They're completely
unique in every way.
There are six
different ladies here.
- I don't see it.
- Okay.
This one is the beautiful model
who is always talking about
how she was such a nerd
in high school,
and then oh, this one...
It definitely has two
tramp stamps underneath
that dress, for sure.
And then you've got...
This one is the coolest girl
in the world,
and she'd make
the most wonderful wife,
but no one's going to be able
to look past her chubby thighs.
Which one of these is your favorite?
Which one do you like the most?
Ready for this?
Ooh, I dropped it.
How is that not the cutest
thing you've ever seen?
- It really is cute.
- It's so tiny.
It's adorable.
What you doing?
Nothing. What are you doing?
Have you...
Have I what?
Never mind.
So, what's on
the agenda for today?
I was going to maybe
go explore some more
and you know, just...
If that's okay.
- Of course.
- What about you?
I don't know. I thought I'd maybe
just hang out here, read.
Sounds nice.
Maybe I'll come by in a little bit
and we can spend some time.
Whatever you want.
Oh, I found your phone.
- Thanks.
- Mmm-hmm.
Come on.
I'm up here.
Watch your head, okay?
Very cute up here.
It's a little small.
What are you doing up here?
I'm feeling very big.
I feel enormous.
Um, I'm glad you're here
because there is something
I want to talk to you about.
And ifs a bit of
an elephant in the room,
and I think it's time
we discuss it.
- All right.
- Okay.
- This...
- Oh, that.
is happening.
- Oh, Well.
- Ladies first.
In that case.
- Who the fuck starts with O?
- I know.
- Who the hell do you think you are?
- It's crazy.
Goddamn anarchist.
All right.
I'll just do an X in the middle.
That's a great move.
I think I see
where this is headed.
I'm not quite sure yet.
Yeah, I'm going to
block you there.
- Where do you think I should go?
- How's it going to end?
What do you think I
should do'?
- Who's going to win?
- Oh, the suspense!
Oh, yes, and there it is.
What's your next game?
My next game is something
that is appropriate
for people
over the age of six.
I think that's a thing.
Why don't you kiss me any more?
Um, I've enjoyed
just hanging out
and reconnecting and...
I have, too.
I know, but I love kissing you
and I miss it.
Is there something I'm doing
that's bothering you or...
Oh my God, no, not at all.
Because I feel like
we're having a good time?
- We're having a great time.
- Yeah.
- Give me this.
- You're taking my chalk.
That's my...
That's my chalk.
I know it's your chalk.
All right.
This is weird,
but I think
some of my shins are missing.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Are you sure they're not
just hanging in the closet
and you didn't pack them
like you usually do'?
Mo, no. Stuff that I packed
is not here.
- Well, that's weird.
- Yeah. That's weird.
What's so funny?
Oh, nothing, I guess.
Just a funny text.
Oh yeah?
Who's texting you?
Wait, he's texting you?
Babe, it's nothing.
It's just a text, okay?
I'm not upset.
I just think it's weird.
They have cellphones?
What plan
do they even have?
- Thanks.
- Mmm-hmm.
So nice outside today.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
Why did you do n?
Why did you cheat on me?
I'm sorry.
That's probably...
- That's okay.
- Not something you want to...
No, that's okay.
I have been thinking
about that a bit this weekend,
I have no excuse.
Of course I was insecure
and of course we were
drifting apart at the time
and instead of trying
to communicate
I lashed out and I made
a terrible decision,
No, let me finish.
That's no excuse.
You had every right
to abandon me,
but you didn't,
and you stuck in there with me
and you went to see that stupid
therapist that we see,
even though we didn't want to,
and you kept going,
and you kept trying,
and you met me halfway
and I was defensive
and I'm sorry about that.
And I want to say thank you
for making those efforts for us,
and I promise you
I'm going to do my best
to meet you there, okay?
I promise.
I didn't hear you
get up this morning.
I just came down to see
if there was anything on TV.
What, do you think
I'm lying to you?
No, I was...
Just seemed to...
Is there anything
you want to talk about?
There anything
you want to talk about?
Look, this weekend
is super weird...
- That's okay, right?
- Yeah.
I mean, you know,
I think it can be confusing,
but I just...
You know it's not real, right?
I mean, I'm not that guy
out there doing sit-ups...
And I could never
be really interested
in some other version of you,
knowing that my real Sophie
is here...
- Right.
- And I just...
I want to make sure
you still agree.
Of course.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Okay. We good?
- Yeah, we're good.
- Of course we're good.
- All right.
Thanks a lot for calling me at two in
the morning. I really appreciate it.
Like I don't have a job
to wake up for tomorrow.
Maybe next time you can't
remember where you five,
you should ask your wife.
I'm not sure
what you were doing
at two in the morning anyway, but...
Hey Bunny.
It's mama.
I was just thinking about
our conversation yesterday.
I don't know.
You just didn't sound
like your usual self,
so I just wanted to be sure
you're okay...
Hey, man. The street
you grew up on was Berkman.
Hope that clears things up.
Talk to you soon.
- Hey.
- Um...
So something really weird
just happened.
I got a bunch of voice mails
from my mom and Doug and Dave
saying I had called them
asking really weird questions,
but I didn't call them.
- That is weird.
- Yeah.
Do you think
you pocket dialed them?
I don't think the pocket dial
makes as much sense
because I was talking
and asking questions.
- I would have...
- So what do you think it was?
Oh, you think
that he called them.
Yeah, and to me
that's a logical conclusion.
He looks like me.
He sounds like me.
He's got a cellphone.
I think he might be
impersonating me or something.
Right. I just don't think that
he would do that.
Do you think
you know him that well?
Well, I mean I know him
a little better than you do.
You've never met him.
But I mean it's weird.
I can totally
ask him if you want.
No, that's okay.
- It's just...
- Okay.
- It's just a weird thing.
- Okay.
It is weird.
I'm going to go to the store.
Do you want me to get you anything?
Uh, no. I'm good.
- Thanks.
- Well, you can come if you want.
Do you mind
if I just hang out here?
- Of course not.
- Okay.
Hey, babe.
Uh, sorry.
Is this a bad time?
No, no.
I was, doing some sit-ups.
I need to talk to you.
What do you want
to talk about?
What happened
the last time I was here.
Yeah, that was obviously
important. Yeah.
Ethan, you're so good
at articulating
exactly what it is
that I'm feeling
in a way
that I can't even do,
and ifs everything
that I've been wanting to hear,
but now I don't know
what to do.
I can't get it
out of my head.
Well, I'm glad I said
what you wanted to hear,
you know.
Is there anything else
you wanted to see me about?
I've missed this.
Me too.
Where are the groceries?
What about the store?
What happened?
- The store was closed.
- Oh.
Hey, how about I make us
a couple of mimosas?
I'm not really in the mood
for a mimosa right now, Sophie.
Aw, come on.
It'll be fun.
We'll have a drink.
We'll relax.
Start this day off right.
Then we can talk about
whatever is bothering you.
You know,
that's really good advice.
And I should probably
listen to it...
But you're not a real person.
You know you're not real.
Who the hell are you?
What the hell are you?
Are you a fucking robot?
Are you a...
Like a spirit?
Because I've got to say
ifs bad enough
that I'm losing my wife
to a mirror image of me
who happens to be
like 20% cooler
and 20% more emotionally
evolved than me.
Now I have to sit
and look at a mirror image
of exactly who I'm losing.
So, no...
I'm having a hard time
enjoying this weekend
because this is the weekend
I lose my wife.
So, pardon me if I don't want
a fucking mimosa, okay?
It wasn't just this weekend.
How do you know?
Because as your wife,
I know these things.
Uh-oh. I can't stop it.
I can't stop it.
Look what you did.
Look what you did.
What'? Souvenir?
Here comes the firehose.
I'm going to spray you down.
Are you on fire?
Why are you twirling a fire hose?
Where did you
get this sweater?
Where'd you get this?
I don't know.
I've always had it.
- Really?
- Yeah, you just...
You don't notice
my clothes, I guess.
Do you remember
when you got it?
Do you want to
talk about clothes?
Or would you rather have the
full Chippendales experience?
What's the full experience?
I don't think
I have enough cash on me.
You just put that away.
You don't worry about that.
Sophie, open the door.
Come on. It's me.
I know you're in there
with him, Sophie.
Come on. Open up!
Will you just give me...
Hold on one second.
Sophie, come on.
Let me in.
I'm just going to
keep knocking.
I'm going to keep knocking.
I know what you're
doing in there.
I'm going to keep knocking.
Sophie, lei me in.
Come on, Sophie.
Open up.
- Where is he'?
- Ethan, what are you doing?
- Where are you?
- Ethan, come on.
Ethan, stop!
I'll beat his ass.
Where are you?
Where are you?
Goddamn it!
Good. He's gone.
What the hell
is going on in here?
Where did he go?
Look what you did!
What I did?
Are you insane?
Yes, what you did.
What if he never comes back?
Sophie, come on.
Sophie, get back here.
He is not real, okay?
Sophie, how can you
accept something
that you know
is a blatant lie?
You keep saying
it's not real, it's not real,
but I'm happy.
I'm feeling that.
How is that fake?
Do you hear
how insane you sound?
You're not admitting that this
is just the least bit weird?
It's not weird for me any more.
So what's the endgame? Huh?
How do you see
this playing out?
Are you going to
write letters,
come back and visit
after we leave this weekend?
I'm not leaving.
What do you mean,
you're not leaving?
what the hell
do you mean you're...
This is...
Okay, all right.
Sophie, come on.
Let's just take
a breath here, okay?
I know you're feeling
something that is magical
and clearly exciting to you,
but if you think about it logically,
literally for one second...
Is this weird for you now?
Does anybody remember any of
those fun icebreaker games
that kids do at summer camp...
Spin the bottle
or seven minutes
in heaven or something...
Anyhow, we just thought
it was time
that the four of us sit down
and get to know each other
a little bit.
You want to get to
know each other?
Hi, Sophie.
Okay. Um...
Let's get to
know each other.
Why don't you tell us the truth
of what's really going on?
The truth?
Yeah, that you basically
have been pretending to be me,
acting like
I don't exist
even though you knew
I was here the whole time.
Ethan, I wasn't
pretending to be anyone.
I was just being myself.
You knew about me, right?
Did he mention me to you
at any point?
Not until this morning.
All right.
Maybe all of us
were doing a little pretending
this weekend.
It's not a big deal.
I really like your shoes.
Oh, thank you.
I really like your hair
pinned back like that.
It's super cute.
I'm sorry. I still am not
buying that you are real.
Ethan, I'm sitting here,
you're looking at me
sitting here.
I'm real.
You're sitting across
from me, right?
I'm looking at you
sitting there,
so by your logic
maybe you're not real.
That doesn't make any sense.
I'm starving.
Ethan, why don't you
clean yourself up
and we'll all have
a little dinner.
So, anybody interested
in going on a hike tomorrow?
I've been wanting to do that
ever since we got here.
I would love that.
All right.
Tonight though,
I'm thinking game night.
All right.
Okay, maybe you're real,
but can we admit
this isn't some normal
dinner party?
Ethan, you're looking
a little uncomfortable.
Can I help you with something?
Okay, so according to you,
this is just
some average weekend.
We all go home tomorrow,
and you don't need any
further explanation than that?
Sometimes these things
just happen.
Yeah, that's right.
They do.
I don't buy it.
All right.
One time I read this article
on cosmic occurrences.
I wish I still had it...
You would love it.
And it basically says
that aberrations happen.
You can drive yourself nuts
trying to derive meaning
from things that have
no meaning to begin with.
That's so interesting.
It is, isn't it?
It's not that interesting.
Let me think
of an little example for you,
something right up your alley.
Let's say you buy a gorilla.
Excuse me?
Let's say you buy
a gorilla, Ethan.
You can't buy a gorilla.
I know that,
it was for the story.
But fine, let's say
you buy an aardvark, okay?
You take that aardvark,
you put him in a dark room.
A minute later
you flip that switch,
the lights come on.
Now we all know
how electricity works,
but for him
it's a miracle.
Magic happened...
That previously dark room
is now illuminated
with possibilities
he's never seen before...
And what does he do?
Does he ruin it
by questioning how or why?
No. He enjoys it.
Well, I'm not an aardvark.
And I am not a gorilla.
Don't worry about it.
I got it.
There's a little bit left.
Should we finish it?
This is quite the situation.
You can say that again.
Has Ethan...
I mean your Ethan...
Have you guys
talked about anything
or has he said
anything to you at all?
Like what?
Well, Ethan... My Ethan and I,
we've discussed it.
Like he knew when I was
going to go in the house
and I knew when he was
going to and...
You shared your experiences.
Yeah, for the most part.
And you want to know
if we shared our experiences also.
Guess I'm just curious.
I can see that.
You know what
I'm curious about?
Are you more concerned
with the experiences
that me and your Ethan shared
or are you more concerned
with what I know
about the experiences
that you and my Ethan shared?
Seems to me
you care a lot more
about one of those scenarios
than the other.
Are you going
to give that back?
I say for the sake of
the super fun evening
we're about to have,
let's keep it simple
and keep our cheery dispositions
and I'll keep complimenting
your shoes.
And you can keep pretending
that you like the way
I pin my hair back,
and we'll just have a good time
and see what happens.
On second thought, do you mind
taking care of those dishes?
You still haven't told me
where you're from.
Are we still doing this?
Are we going to compare
lists of women, too?
You know, I'm starting to
piece this all together
and see it for what it is.
You're trying to
sabotage my relationship.
Ethan, from what I understand
about your relationships,
you should be well versed
in the art of self-sabotage.
The purpose of tonight
is not to engage
in some warped competition
between us,
at least not on my end.
It wouldn't really be fair.
Yeah? Why is that?
Haven't you
figured it out yet?
It's kings.
It's kings or it's aces
is what's going on.
There's something going on.
Why don't you worry
about your own cards.
I don't even know why
we're continuing right now.
I basically know
every card you're holding.
Are you saying
that I have a tell?
You have big tells.
You want to know
what your tell is?
I want to know
what you think it is.
You have a very consistent
albeit very cute
Sophie shoulder shrug
that looks
a little bit like this.
Oh! Do you do the shrug?
Uh, excuse me.
Don't talk to her.
She's dead.
She folded.
It's just you and me now.
You did the shoulder shrug.
You obviously
have a good hand.
It's like a high pair
or maybe even three of a kind.
Fucking raise this shit, man.
You only live once.
Okay. I'll raise.
Now I know
you have the confidence.
I have a shit hand.
I'm folding.
Look at that.
Jesus, are you kidding me?
- What?
- You're right.
- Pair of aces.
- Ooh!
Nailed it, nailed it.
I knew you had the aces.
Dude, by the way, you're getting
very good at this game...
Almost too good.
I'm beginning to think this is
like one long Sophie con.
He clearly just let you win.
Yes, Ethan.
Obviously he let me win.
Come on, guys.
This is supposed to just
be a friendly game.
You're not being very fun
to play with.
The reason he's not being fun
is because he's not even playing.
Ethan, if you want to
win the game,
you've got to play
some hands, okay?
That's just how it works.
All right.
Fine. I'll play.
Deal me in.
You and me.
Come on.
You want to play one on...
Okay. All right.
That's the spirit.
Come on, buddy.
Let's get in the game.
Let's go.
All right.
How many cards do you want?
I'm fine with what I have.
Thank you very much.
Sticking with what you have.
All right. I'll stick
with what I have, too.
What's your move'?
I'm all in.
All in, bold move!
But you've got to be impulsive
sometimes. I really like it'
All right, so you're all in,
and now I've got to figure out
what is your tell.
You've got that restless
leg thing going on
but I think it's just nerves.
You've been chewing
on the lower lip a little bit,
but I get ulcers in there, too,
so maybe that's just
what that is.
So weird lip...
Oh, shit!
Of course. There it is.
The guy who has nothing
and he knows it.
Sorry, buddy, but I've got to
call you on this one.
What you got?
You have nothing
and I win with an ace high.
Sorry about that, man.
It's fun playing with you, but you've
got to work on your bluffing skills.
You win.
You're an amazing liar.
Congratulations on being a shithead.
- Whoa!
- Ethan, Jesus. Calm down.
Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute.
I don't want to take
all the credit here.
You're a pretty decent liar
yourself, right?
What are you talking about?
Do you want to tell her
or should I?
Is this necessary?
I think it's important that
Sophie knows what's going on.
We're all friends here, right?
Uh, would everybody just tell me
what we're talking about?
What happened?
It's nothing.
All right, look,
Ethan was a little suspicious that
something was going on between us,
so he decided to try
and figure it out for himself.
It was actually kind of
a brilliant move.
He didn't go
to the grocery store.
He ended up sneaking
into the guest house,
and in a strange
twist of events,
he pretended to be me,
so you actually slept with Ethan
instead of me.
I can't fucking pretend
to be you... I am me.
You... What the fuck
are you talking about?
Just shut up!
Sophie, please.
That was you yesterday?
first he betrayed
you by sleeping with someone else
and then he kind of betrayed you
by sleeping with you.
Sorry, guys. I didn't want to make
like a thing here.
If you guys need
some space or something.
If you want to like
take the guest house,
you'd be welcome.
I'm not going anywhere.
No, I want you to leave.
If not,
leave a detailed message
and I will return your call.
Hey. It's Ethan.
Um, I'm really just calling
to thank you
for your wonderful
recommendation this weekend.
Maybe next session you can send us
to a fucking holocaust museum.
Thank you very much.
All right, so we have to hit
the keys at the exact same time.
This is a strange exercise.
On three, okay?
- All right.
- Two.
You met in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
We met in
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Madison, you have
two sisters, right?
Yes, two sisters.
Fm the middle child,
and my dad wasn't present.
Why are you here?
You were raised in
a predominantly female household
and you had serious...
Ethan and Sophie.
Holy shit!
All right.
Try it again.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
I am Sophie.
I am Ethan.
What the hell is this'?
I am Sophie.
That's getting good.
You're almost ready.
I never took that picture.
No, no, no, no.
What the...
Somebody help!
Help! Sophie!
Sophie, can you hear me?
Sophie, I'm stuck.
Sophie? Sophie, I'm in here.
Sophie, I'm in here.
Sophie! I'm stuck.
- What the...
- We don't have much time.
They think I'm out
picking fruit for breakfast.
Okay. A lot happened
last night after you left.
Do you know
that you're Sophie?
Are you pretending?
I don't know,
what's happening?
I'm not your wife.
Okay. What the fuck's going on,
and who are you?
He fell in love with her.
He's not supposed to
fall in love with her.
She's supposed to fall
out of love with you.
That's how this works.
That's how we get out.
What the hell are you
talking about? I don't...
- That's how we become you.
- You become us?
Pitting you against each other
is the best way to break you down,
and then
ifs your turn to stay.
What the fu...
What the fuck?
Oh, my God.
Did you try to
get out last night?
- Yes.
- You couldn't.
That's because the closer
we get to moving on,
the closer you get
to not being able to.
Do you remember
when you first got here?
I was stuck here.
You had to come see me.
Now look.
Ethan, it's not going to work.
I have to be the one
to let you out.
Well, what?
I mean, what am I supposed to do?
I don't want to be trapped here.
- What do you...
- You're not trapped yet.
I can get you out.
Listen, only two people
can leave today.
I don't understand.
Why would you help me
if you're trying to get
yourself out of here?
Because I love him.
And I'd rather be trapped here
than see him leave with her.
So you have real feelings
like love and jealousy,
like a real person?
I am real.
We should bring a couple
extra bottles of water.
This hike can be
a little strenuous.
How long is the hike?
I was just thinking I should
probably check on Ethan.
- See if he's okay.
- It's only like an hour.
Plus, I think it's good if he cools
down in the guest house, you know.
Hey, we're getting
ready to head out.
You want to get changed?
Well, all my clothes
are back at the guest house,
and I agree.
I think we should give
Ethan his space.
I have an extra pair of shoes.
We're probably the same size.
Well, that's top's
really cute on you.
Do you have anything
like that?
I have another one.
Come on, girls.
Let's go.
They're just right in there,
the bottom drawer,
and there are some extra shoes.
Great. Thanks so much.
Sure. Do you need
anything else?
Um, well, my toothpaste
and toothbrush is over there.
Do you have anything?
Sure, I'll get you something.
Just give me one minute, please.
It's important.
Did you find
some clothes for her?
Yep. She'll be down
in a minute.
What? Do you understand how
insane you sound right now?
Yes, I understand, but this whole
fucking weekend has been crazy.
Think about it. Everything
they knew about us...
The missing clothes and the
phone calls to my mom and my friends.
This entire weekend has been
one planned trap, Sophie.
I'm glad we have a second alone,
because I wanted to talk to you.
You do, really?
I want to talk to you, too.
What do you want to say?
You go first.
I've been thinking a lot
about things.
I don't want to leave
with Ethan.
I want to leave with you.
I want to leave with you, too.
I love you, Sophie.
You're not Sophie.
Where is she'?
Where is she'?
Come here.
Here, come in here,
come in here.
Look, I don't have
a lot of time, okay?
And I'm not going
to get this right,
but I don't want you to leave.
I don't want you
to leave me, Sophie.
Look, I know he is handsome
and smart and eloquent,
and he makes cool
aardvark metaphors, okay?
Sophie! You know I love you.
And I'm diff cult,
and I'm stubborn
and I know
that I've been defensive,
and I haven't been
what you needed...
And I take a big part of the
responsibility for why this happened.
Okay? But listen to me,
I'm your husband,
and you're my wife...
And I am not letting you go.
Sophie, unlock the door.
We're a mess,
and I love that about us,
and I don't want to be perfect.
I want to be us. So please...
Sophie, he's lying.
Just give me a chance
before he comes in here.
I love you.
Sophie, what is he
telling you?
Sophie, Sophie, it's me.
Come on. Sophie...
We're leaving. Okay.
Ethan, I need you to step out
of the way, please.
Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
- Ethan!
You son of a bitch.
Ethan, stop!
Stop it!
Ethan, stop m
You guys, come on.
This is ridiculous.
All right.
That was a stupid fight.
Sophie, come on.
I'm going to fuck
all you guys.
What happens if
he can't catch him?
I have no idea.
We've got to get out of here.
We've got to go.
Leave a detailed message
and I will return your call.
Hey, it's Ethan.
I know you're dodging my calls.
I also know you know
what's going on,
so wake coming over there
right now.
It was a full-on
grand theft covers.
I need a visual.
Look at this.
Come see.
You were basically a tootsie roll,
wrapped up, rolled over
onto your side,
and you abandoned me
on the other side of the bed
and I froze my titties off
all night.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry.
That's what you did to me,
your husband.
- That's horrible.
- It really is.
- What kind of a wife is that?
- I don't know. You're awful.
You owe me big time.
Why didn't you just
take the covers back?
Because you looked really cute
and I didn't want to wake you up.
Right. No, that makes sense...
I must have been pretty cute.
That was...
Thai was pretty good,
but you're going to have to do
a little more than that.
- More?
- I need something else.
- Something else?
- Mmm-hmm.
Uh, what would you say
if I made you breakfast?
I'm not going to say
anything more.
I'm just going to try to
let this happen.
- Okay.
- No sudden movements.
Be very still.
- I'm not...
- Be very still.
I don't want to...
Nothing is happening.
Don't even make eye contact.
All right, so what's on the menu?
Well, I was thinking
maybe eggs and bacon.
"Dedicated to the One I Love"
I'll be right there.