The Ones Below (2015)

Sonographer: Is that too cold?
Kate: No it's fine.
Tell me if I press too hard.
- Kate: Is that...?
- Sonographer: Yes.
- Justin: Is that the head?
- Sonographer: Mm-hmm.
Come on sweetie, turn around.
Kate: Stubborn like its mother.
Justin: How's the heartbeat?
- Sonographer: It's 160.
- Justin: Is that okay?
Sonographer: Anything between
150 and 170 is fine.
Kate: Can we see the face?
Sonographer: We could
if the baby would be
a little more cooperative.
Sonographer: Come on, baby.
Come on, baby.
Are the new owners here?
Mover: We were given keys.
Justin: Thank god
there's someone at last.
Are you happy?
About downstairs?
No. Not about downstairs.
What do you say?
This is Tessa muir,
I'm afraid I'm not available
to speak to you at the moment.
Do leave a message.
Hi, mom, it's me.
We had the scan yesterday,
and everything's fine.
So need to worry.
Okay, I'll speak to you soon.
Try the spring rolls,
they're delicious.
- Abi: Are they good?
- We have new neighbors,
by the way.
Abi: Oh my god!
In the dead man's flat?
The dead man had a name, abi.
- Abi: Sorry.
- He was lovely.
I used to water
his plants for him.
Mark: You still got his key?
Indhu: Have you met
the new ones?
They haven't arrived yet.
He's English, and she's...
I don't know, something else.
Abi: What do you mean,
she's "something else"?
She's foreign.
The man who did the garden
thought she sounded Swedish.
Have they cleared the jungle?
Yeah, it's great.
I mean, it's...
- Kate: It's a bit...
- A bit what?
She's being all v and a
about it.
Kate: It's not that it's ugly.
It's just...
...really determined to be
a garden.
Mark: Oh, you snob!
I'm just saying!
Justin: I'm giving up next week.
Kate: You don't need to give up.
Justin: Well, I am.
Kate: I'm not like abi. I don't
enjoy ordering you around.
- Justin: I know.
- Maybe you'd rather I did.
Maybe you need
a little instruction.
Why do you think I left her?
Kate: She does slightly treat me
like a patient.
Yes, it should have arrived.
Yes. Yellow.
Yes, please do.
Hi. I saw you in the garden.
I'm from upstairs.
Oh my god!
I know.
How many weeks?
- Eighteen.
- Twenty-one.
You must have just arrived.
Yeah. Last night.
- I'm Theresa.
- Kate.
Would you like an herbal tea?
- Um, I was just going out.
- Oh. Me too.
You want to come?
It's a private club,
but I can take a guest.
I really should do some chores.
Please come.
I'm so happy you came.
Swimming's so bloody boring
on one's own.
- Don't you like it?
- Not really to be honest.
But it's very good
for pregnancy.
We read it in a magazine.
Is yours kicking?
I don't think so.
I can always feel him
after swimming.
He's going to be called Peter.
After Jon's father.
But you mustn't say I said.
I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
What are you looking at?
I'm sorry.
I'm always watching people.
I suppose it's my job.
You're happier on the outside,
looking in.
Do you work?
I never want to work again.
Oh, shit! I have to go.
I'm meeting Jon for lunch.
Thanks for knocking.
I didn't.
No, that's right.
You didn't, did you?
Let's do this again, huh?
Phil: We found this killer image
for the cover.
What do you think?
Sorry. Hold on.
- Hey, is everything okay?
- Yeah, it's fine.
- Justin: Okay.
- I just wanted to call you.
Sorry, just hold on one second.
Is she definitely ugandan?
Justin: Well, she either is
or she isn't, Phil.
Listen, I don't have that much
to do here today, so...
I thought I'll get
a lazy lunch with you,
maybe... find a hotel.
It's not that easy.
- Okay.
- Sorry.
It's fine, it was just an idea.
Um... see you at home?
Yeah, okay.
I love you.
I love you too.
Theresa: Hi.
Yes, I'm here.
I missed you too, honey,
so much.
I'm in the baby section.
I got this red sweater for him,
it's so beautiful,
you have to see it.
No, I'm ready.
I'm always ready for you, baby.
We're out of saffron.
Are you sure
you've looked properly?
Uh... yes, I'm sure.
Kate: Shall I go and get some?
It doesn't matter.
We need another candle.
Just, the bulb's gone
in the hall.
- Okay. I can't come now.
- Please change it.
I don't feel safe on the ladder.
I can't now.
Okay, I'll do it.
No, just... ugh...
Leave it.
Kate: It's dark in here.
Justin: Well, we're not eating
in the hall, are we?
- Kate: What's wrong?
- Justin: Nothing.
- Don't lie to me.
I don't know why
you invited them.
She said they don't know anyone.
Well, maybe that's
how they want it.
- Maybe that's how you want it.
- What's that supposed to mean?
They're our neighbors.
And she's nice.
She's... kooky.
- What do you mean "kooky"?
- I don't know.
It's like she's got this
little... secret all the time.
Have you got a crush on her?
Kate: I'll go.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Jon's just setting the alarm.
These are for you.
Thank you. They're beautiful.
You have such lovely soft skin.
What do you use?
Something I can't
afford. Come in.
Sorry for the penumbra,
the bulb just went.
It was so kind of you
to invite us.
- No need for that.
- Oh, we always do.
Theresa: Hi, I'm Theresa.
Hi, I'm Justin.
You must be Kate.
Come through. Justin's cooking.
- Theresa: This is delicious.
- Justin: Thank you.
Jon cooks Chinese once a month.
Mandarin. It's fantastic.
You know Chinese cooking?
I lived there for ten years.
Worked for swires.
It's so nice you invited us.
Jon says, in London, you never
know your own neighbors.
- Wine, Theresa?
- No, thank you.
I don't drink any more.
They say you can have
one glass with meals.
When we were in Germany,
it was very different.
There was such a sense of
community in every street.
Justin: Kate said you've been
living in Frankfurt?
- Mm.
- We met there.
My mother was this kind of
Finnish hippy I guess you'd say.
She met this English guy
in London
and they had this crazy
passionate affair
and she had me.
And then he disappeared
with some American woman.
Mom and I traveled
everywhere together.
She called me her backpack.
We ended up in Germany
when I was 16.
And then six years later,
i met Jon.
So what were you doing
in Frankfurt?
Working for a bank.
I served him in a restaurant.
He asked me to marry him
on our third date!
It's great what you've done.
Do you mind if I smoke?
It's your house.
Kate: Jon's handsome.
He's a bit older than you?
He was previously married
to a Chinese woman in Shanghai.
- That explains the shoes.
- She was very, very beautiful.
But she couldn't have children,
so that was no good.
You have such a kind face.
Maybe it's pregnancy.
It softens you.
It really does.
And it makes you so horny!
Until I was pregnant,
i didn't know why I was alive.
So how did you two get together?
We were at university.
These raspberries are so good.
Kate was two years below me.
She was going out with all these
rather more glamorous men.
So, I lay in wait.
- I made some bad choices.
- Tell me about it.
Jon: How long have you
been together?
Just over ten years.
Why haven't you got
children already?
- Jon!
- Oh come on.
Why does everything in england
sound so bloody rude, huh?
Ordinary question anywhere
else in the world,
here it's some kind of
social transgression.
It's fine.
It's a legitimate question.
- So?
- Well we both have our careers.
The truth is we weren't sure
we wanted a child.
What do you mean?
Just that. We weren't sure.
You mean you weren't sure.
No, it was me.
I didn't think
i wanted to be a mother.
I've always known
i wanted a child.
Well, I... didn't feel that way
for a very long time.
So what changed?
I don't know. One day I just...
Jon: Felt able to love.
And you became pregnant?
Just like that?
Kate: Why, how long have
you been trying?
Seven years.
It's wonderful
that it's happened.
It's a miracle.
Jon: Theresa's a lot younger
than me.
That's one of the reasons
he chose me.
- Do you have your scan photo?
- Just the 12-week one,
the 20-week one's
not 'till next week.
- Jon: Do you know the gender?
- No.
- We do.
- Yes, but we're not telling.
Just, would you make
some coffee?
Maybe you should go to bed.
You look tired.
It is tiring, isn't it?
It's okay.
Kate: Darling,
i think Theresa is tired.
I don't think
she'll want coffee.
Jon: Well, if you're tired,
we should go.
- But it's been such fun!
- Jon: Yes, it has.
But we're leaving.
I'll get your cardigan.
- Justin: I'll get a new bulb.
- No, really, that's fine.
- Justin:
I need to change it anyway.
- Kate: Let me help you.
I don't know what's wrong
with me!
Justin: Kate, where are
the bulbs? I can't find them.
- I'm just coming.
- Kate: You sure you're okay?
- Theresa: I'm fine! Really!
- Justin: Kate.
Jon: Oh, Jesus! Baby!
Baby, stay with me.
I'll call an ambulance.
- Jon: You're gonna be fine.
- Kate: Don't move.
Don't tell me what to do!
Come on, baby.
I'm going to get you downstairs.
- I feel faint.
- Jon... Jon, please.
Let me at least call a doctor.
Just to check the baby,
check that he's okay.
Come on. Let's go.
I'll get you downstairs.
You shouldn't move her.
And you shouldn't invite people
to your house
when it's in no in fit state.
Come on.
Let's get you downstairs.
Can you get the key
out of my pocket?
- I'm bleeding.
- You'll be okay.
- I think I'm bleeding.
- Just get the key.
- You're gonna be fine.
- I think I'm bleeding.
You're fine. Get the key
out of my pocket.
- Let me--
- stay the fuck away
from my wife!
Jon: Come on.
You're gonna be fine.
Alright. Okay.
Jon: Stay here.
It's okay. It's okay.
She'll be okay.
She was drinking all night.
When he wasn't looking.
Call me if you hear anything.
Sonographer: There's no
abnormalities that I can see.
I think you have
a very healthy baby.
Hi, mom.
Hello, darling.
So how's work?
Pretty good. We published
the campaign brochure,
got some web presence,
so I'm happy.
And the scan being fine
is wonderful news.
You look tired, dear.
Why do you have to be
so fucking polite to her?
What do you want me to do?
Shout at her?
Kate: I'm not doing it again.
If she doesn't care,
that's her problem.
Justin: Of course she cares.
She just finds it hard
to express it, that's all.
Justin: Hello?
Please take your shoes off.
Kate: What happened?
What do you think happened?
Kate: I mean. Did you...
- Did you have to...
- Jon: Yes.
She had to give birth.
I'm so sorry.
Look at him.
That's Peter.
What's wrong?
- Nothing.
- Then look at him.
That's my son.
They tried to collect some ashes
after the cremation,
but there weren't enough.
I'm sorry.
I didn't change the light bulb.
It may have made a difference.
No, it would have
made a difference.
- Our son would still be alive.
- You don't know that.
Jon: Excuse me?
There may have been other
contributing factors.
What the fuck are you
talking about?
Justin: Listen, I'm sorry.
But what happened
was a terrible accident.
The word "accident" implies that
nothing could have been done.
- But that's not true, is it?
- The cat came out of nowhere.
And Theresa tripped
on your shoes.
She tripped in the dark!
- All I am saying is--
- just!
A series of circumstances
led to something truly awful.
It wasn't an accident.
A pregnant woman
who drinks a little wine,
trips on some shoes
left in a dark hallway.
Sorry. What did you say?
Theresa had a glass or two
of wine, that's not her fault.
No, she didn't.
Maybe we made her nervous,
maybe you made her nervous.
She was tired,
she wanted to leave.
You'd left your shoes which
we did not ask you to take off,
in a hallway which
we had neglected to light
because we were cooking
your supper.
- The cat came out.
- She did not drink!
- Did you drink?
- Of course not.
Theresa that's not true.
Are you accusing me of lying?
Listen, let's talk about this
another time,
- you're both grief-stricken.
- Don't tell us how we feel!
Okay, let's go.
We'll talk about this later.
You cunt! You're accusing me
to cover your own mistake.
- Take that back.
- Let's go.
Tell her to take it back.
You were drinking all night!
- How dare you?
- You moved her!
You moved her
when we told you not to!
This isn't the time.
Let's go.
You don't deserve
that thing inside you.
Come to bed.
I can't sleep.
Just try.
You're such a fucking lawyer.
Sorry, can I have a word?
When we were in their flat.
- When I saw her...
- Hey.
We don't have to talk
about that.
Kate: I want to.
I just felt so ungrateful.
That I had ever been uncertain.
Tell me you want it.
I need to know that
you want our child.
I want it.
More than anything.
Justin: Shit!
I'll get a cloth.
Theresa's voice:
Dear Justin and Kate.
We are going back to Germany.
We realize that
our presence here
is a cause of tension
and regret.
We need time to grieve
our loss, and you need freedom
to enjoy the birth
of your child.
What has happened,
has happened.
What matters now
is that you have your child
and that Jon and I return
only once we feel liberated
from this awful emptiness
that currently inhabits us.
We will not come back
unless we can honestly say
congratulations to you both,
and bless your new child
with all the benediction
it deserves.
Yours faithfully,
Theresa Baker.
Justin: Push. Come on.
He's asleep.
What is it?
Why didn't my mom
come to the hospital?
She finds it difficult.
You know that.
Your parents came.
They brought flowers.
My parents always bring flowers.
She never comes to the flat.
I always visit her.
I've had a fucking baby!
He's ours.
Nothing else matters.
No. No way. If they're coming
back, I want an apology first.
- Just...
- I'm sorry.
There is no excuse
for what she said.
You ready?
Registrar: And you want the
father to be named on the form?
Yes, he's taking the blame too.
- That's it?
- That's it.
He's very good.
He's asleep.
Give me your coat. Sit down.
Yes. I did say on the phone that
i have to be at Jill's by four?
- Yes, mom, you said.
- So shall I make tea?
- Justin's making it.
- I got you a present.
To say well done.
- It's lovely.
- Stop protecting her.
He called you, didn't he?
That's why you're here.
You don't have to do this, mom.
It's fine.
I'm very happy.
Just... leave us alone.
Let's leave it.
Maybe it's the girl downstairs.
She let me in after I buzzed.
Darling, she knows we're here.
- Hi.
- Jon: Hi.
We're back.
We saw.
Theresa's just setting
the alarms.
Is this a bad time?
The problem was we didn't know
whether he was a she
or she was a he.
So you'll have to pick.
It's the blue one, darling.
Mom: So you haven't met Billy?
Not until now. No.
Billy. That's a lovely name.
Is it William?
No. It's just Billy.
Theresa: You mentioned
that you loved the sea.
I do. Thank you.
It's beautiful.
- Put it on him.
- He's asleep.
No, don't wake him.
We're going to have
a family ourselves.
Mom: That's wonderful. They'll
be able to play together.
That's why we did the garden.
Billy can use it
whenever he wants.
I mean...
Whenever Kate wants.
- The park's not too far away.
- It's such a lovely garden.
- Jon: Are you a keen gardener?
- Well, I suppose I am. Yes.
Jon: Well, I wonder if you
can help me?
Was this a bad time?
No. Of course not.
We just want you to know we are
so sorry for what we said.
Me too.
It was horrible.
But it's done now.
I really like you Kate.
I just want us to be able
to live together.
Can we try?
Thank you.
You're both wonderful.
Theresa: Can I hold him?
Mom. Do you want to...?
- Justin: Ugh...
- Kate: Shh.
Not again.
He might not wake this time.
Justin: Go to sleep.
There's no point
both of us staying up.
Here you are. Bye.
Good luck.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I was just seeing
if you were okay.
Could you hear him in the night?
Just a bit.
I'm sorry.
It was that bloody alarm.
Theresa: I made you some
lemonade. Have to keep hydrated.
You shouldn't have.
- I wanted to.
- Thank you.
Well. I should go.
No, wait.
Do you want to come in?
You look amazing.
It was important.
You're very brave.
Meeting Jon for lunch?
- How did you know?
- Just a hunch.
- Why don't you come with us?
- I shouldn't.
We'll buy you lunch.
Kate: What... job do you do?
What you mean is, how do I scam
it so I always get my lunch off?
I made a lot of money
in Germany.
I have a portfolio of
investments that I keep track of
and a company that
really doesn't need me
to be there more than
20% of the time. So...
You must be a very good
I know what I want.
And I focus on getting it.
That's why Jon and I get on.
We are the same animal.
If all goes well, in five years
or so, I can retire
and take care of the children.
Is there somewhere
i can breast feed?
- You can do it here.
- Everyone does in Germany.
It's all well, unless...
No. It's fine.
I'll get you some water.
Are you sure
you're okay with this?
Really. It helps.
Sometimes you seem very lonely.
Do I? Oh no, we have friends.
But... I think Justin and I,
we're different in a way,
and now he's at work
the whole time.
Why don't I take Billy,
just for a couple of hours
every now and then?
Give you a break.
- I couldn't ask.
- I'd love to.
What are you two smiling about?
They put lemon in this one.
I hope it's alright.
Justin: Maybe you should
cut out dairy.
- He was fine before.
- Well, he's not now.
Where's the spare key?
It's not on the hook.
Why do you need it now?
It's the middle of the night.
I don't need it now.
I just want to know where it is!
Go to bed.
You've got work in the morning.
Are you sure
you're going to be okay?
Of course!
It'll only be a few hours.
I really wanted to take him,
but the weather is so bad.
We'll be fine, won't we?
- You've got my number?
- I've got your number.
Now go!
Was he okay?
He slept like a baby.
And so did I.
Thank you so much.
How was it?
It was good.
I don't know.
I was just standing there and...
...and I just wanted him
to meet Billy so much.
- Maybe it's not warm enough.
- I warmed it on the stove.
Let's call someone.
- Justin: Calm down.
- Something's wrong with him.
I'm taking him in.
We'll see what the tests say,
but I suspect it's an allergy
of some kind.
I'm going to recommend
you stop breast feeding.
- No.
- Well, if you want to carry on,
you'll have to cut out
all sorts of foods.
- Fine. Which foods?
Which foods?
There's nowhere to park.
Don't touch the light!
- Don't bring him in here!
- Kate: I turned it off.
I swear I did.
Theresa: Hi.
It's Friday, remember?
We said I would look after him.
Did we?
I'm sorry. I forgot.
I cancelled two things
It's fine. I could actually
really do with some sleep.
You're not going out?
Okay. Sure.
I'll take him downstairs.
You can stay here if you want.
No, I'll take him downstairs.
Give you some peace.
Hi. Justin pollard.
Yeah. Um...
Sure. What time?
I was going to take a bath,
but there's no time.
- You look great.
Well, we're going out
for the night, aren't we?
Justin: Thanks for inviting us.
It was Jon's idea.
He's on his way back now.
Can I put that down for you?
He's sleeping.
Where's your bathroom?
Just down on the left.
Sorry, I meant right, not left.
- Wine?
- Sure. Thanks.
I like you smart.
Just seeing how far away Jon is.
Justin: Where did you go
when you went away?
Jon has a lake house.
We did a ritual.
We rowed out into the lake,
and said goodbye to him.
It's something the hindus do.
For them, water is a transporter
to other realms.
Do you believe that?
Why not?
How much do any of us know?
Only when you lose someone
utterly dear to you,
utterly and totally dear,
can you understand
just how little we know.
About death,
about the soul, who we are.
What is it?
What happened?
There was someone
on the baby monitor.
When you were in the garden.
I heard breathing.
- Jon: Hello?
- It was coming from our room.
- It was the water.
- Someone was here!
Oh my god, what happened?
why don't we go downstairs?
We can have supper another time.
Justin, I swear I turned it off!
I turned the water off!
- Hi.
- Hi.
Would you watch Billy
for half an hour?
I just need to get out.
Get some air.
Thank you so much.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm just tired.
- Was he okay?
- He was a little hungry.
I gave him the bottle.
I'm going swimming.
Want to bring Billy?
- I've got to clear up upstairs.
- Okay.
- Are you meeting Jon for lunch?
- Every day!
Jon: It doesn't matter how long
you've gone out for,
you always need to set it.
This is London. It's not
some bloody village, is it?
I thought I heard something.
It must have been upstairs.
It's me. Come back. Now.
Justin: I can't come now.
Come back now!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Can we come in?
- Sure.
Sorry. Kate!
- They've deleted them.
Give me the key.
Give me the key!
They've changed it.
What are you talking about?
You knew I was here
and you changed it!
When were you here?
I really didn't want you
to see this room.
I saw you in the garden.
You took a picture of him.
Yes, I did, so what?
Why would you do that?
Do you have any idea
what we're going through?
Kate, come upstairs.
Justin: Come upstairs, now.
Go to work.
I said I'm working from home
this morning.
- You don't need to check on me.
- I'm not checking on you.
I saw what I saw.
Listen to me.
Neither of us are
fully ourselves at the moment.
What does that mean?
It means that what you think
you saw, you didn't see.
Did I see you flirting with her?
Did I see that?
You're a liar.
My folks are coming down.
They're having a weekend
in London.
So they'll probably pop in.
- You called them.
- No, I didn't.
You called them and you asked
them to come and look after me
like I'm some fucking
mental patient.
With your family history,
what do you expect me to do?
Oh, fuck!
Where are you going?
Hi, baby.
Hi, baby.
I love you, baby.
Mommy loves you.
Mommy's going to look after you
so nothing will go wrong.
What do you need?
Tell me.
- I need to leave that house.
- Okay.
- I need to leave now.
- We'll go now.
I'll get the car.
We'll call some estate agents.
We'll find somewhere to rent.
This might be more like it.
Yes, this is the one.
You like it?
Why can't we move today?
He said it takes a couple of
days for the credit checks.
Then let's go to a hotel.
It'll be fun.
It's expensive enough as it is.
It's two days,
and we don't have to see them.
I'll stay with you.
Don't tell them
where we're going.
Don't tell them anything.
I promise.
Why is it so last minute?
Okay, so... isn't there
someone else that can do it?
Yeah, okay.
I'll see what I can do.
Justin: It's someone from the
Michel khoury foundation.
He's in town. He wants to meet
me about a donation.
You said you would stay.
We're talking about five hundred
thousand pounds, Kate.
Do you know how far that'll go?
Look, it'll take two hours.
Phone some movers, arrange
them for tomorrow. Okay?
One letter of confirmation.
Please don't go.
Nothing is going to happen.
Nothing. Go.
Tomorrow. At ten.
Forty boxes.
- How much will that be?
- 200 pounds in total.
Um... yeah. That would be fine.
Just remember, when you
get here, it's the top buzzer.
Yeah, alright. That's fine.
See you tomorrow.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Did you try the Swiss office?
- Yeah.
They're trying to work out
who it could have been.
He didn't leave a number?
Fuck this.
Okay, I'm going home.
- Call me if you hear anything.
- Sure.
No! Oh, no!
Kate's... she's...
Where's Billy?
Did she give you Billy?
No. What's happened?
- Where's Jon?
- He's away on business.
Where is he?
What has she done with...
- Justin, calm down.
- What's she done with him? No!
- No! No!
- It's okay...
He's... he's not there!
He's not there!
He's not here...
He's not here!
No! Where is he...?
He's not here!
When does your plane leave?
Uh, not 'til four.
Jon says that you're moving too?
Yes. We couldn't stay.
- Not after...
- Sure.
Jon left this morning.
He's in Frankfurt,
already finding a place.
I can't find the cat.
I mean, if you see it,
put it in a home, would you?
I'll let you get on.
It's much better this way.
Hello, Peter.