The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure (2012)

Welcome to our movie.
I'm Goobie, and I like scientific things
like physics and engineering,
and pickles!
I'm Zoozie, and I'm fluent
in every single language, even animal!
I'm Toofie, and I love to have
as much fun as possible all the time!
We're the Oogieloves!
This is the most amazing movie ever!
We're gonna have so much fun!
Let's go.
You get to dance.
And sing.
- Oo...
- ... gie...
And we all get to jump up and down.
There are lots of times
we'll need your help along the way, too!
Whenever you see these butterflies
flutter across the screen,
it's time for all of you kids
to get out of your seats and join us.
Just make sure that you ask the big person
that you came with and they say it's okay.
And whenever these turtles stroll across
the screen, it's time to sit back down again.
Try this from your seats.
Raise your arms up
and shake your hands around!
It's time for an Oogielove adventure!
Hey, everybody,
look, here come the butterflies.
It's time to get up and dance!
One, two, three, four.
Oogie, Oogie, Oogieloves
Say, "Oogie, Oogie, Oogieloves"
Say, "Oogie, Oogie, Oogieloves"
Say, "Oogieloves"
Yes, yes, Oogieloves
We're the Oogieloves, yeah
- Goobie
- And Zoozie
And Toofie, too
Doing the things Oogieloves love to do
Like jumping and skipping
and jumping some more
And dancing and flipping
and dancing galore
And smiling and laughing
and singing out strong
And hopping and bopping
and bouncing along
Say, "Oogieloves"
Say, "Oogieloves"
Have fun in our big balloon adventure!
It's fun to sing when you wake up
It's fun to sing when you wake up
A little tra-la-la
And a poodle-doodle-da
A rama-lama-loo
And a wonky-yonky-do
It sure is fun
to wake up
- Good morning, Windy!
- Good morning, Windy!
Good morning, Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie,
and you, too, Ruffy.
Good morning, Ruffy!
It's fun to swim when you wake up.
What am I saying?
All I do is swim.
Ruffy the fish is barely awake.
How's little Schluufy doing this morning?
- Good morning, Schluufy!
- Good morning, Schluufy!
- Today's the big day.
- I can hardly wait!
Schluufy's birthday surprise party!
- It's a secret.
- It's a secret.
Luckily, he's still in his sleep cycle.
How come J. Edgar isn't here?
He'll be here in a quick minute
with Schluufy's surprise.
Y'all wanna take a look?
My magical window will show you
whatever it is y'all wanna see.
All you have to do is ask.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
Now, it's your turn.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
It's fun to roll
when you wake up
It's fun to roll
when you wake up
You roll your body forward
And you roll your body back
You roll your hands in circles
And you give a little snap
I've lost Schluufy's balloons!
Come back, birthday balloons, come back.
Oh, no, Schluufy's birthday
balloons are flying away.
Poor J. Edgar.
Now don't you worry,
my precious little Oogieloves.
Everything will be just fine.
Oh, my! Oh, my!
I'm afraid I've got some bad news.
It's okay, J. Edgar. Windy showed us.
We'll get some more balloons.
Here's the problem.
They were the last five magical
balloons in all of Lovely Loveville.
Don't be sad, J. Edgar.
Goobie, Toofie and I will find
each of the gold balloons.
That's a great idea!
And we'll be back in time
for Schluufy's birthday party.
I knew my
homemade GPS-enabled walkie-talkies
would come in handy someday.
But I should go with you.
We'll be a lot faster on our bikes
than you'll be on your wheels.
You can stay here with Windy.
Perhaps you're right.
You three will be much faster without me.
But you must promise
to look after one another,
and be back on time.
- We promise!
- We promise!
You can locate each
balloon in Windy's window
and tell us where they are by walkie-talkie.
Y'all know the magic words.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
The balloon is caught in
that super tall tree.
I can climb that tree, no problem.
Let's get our bikes.
Nobody is riding anywhere
or climbing anything
before changing out of your pajamas
and having some breakfast.
Hey, I'll go first.
Now you, Zoozie.
- And Toofie!
- My turn now.
I think you need a belt
for those pants, Toofie.
I don't like belts.
Okay, but every time your pants
fall down, we're gonna say...
All together now.
Now that you're all dressed,
it's time for breakfast,
and I know just what to serve.
- Pineapple upside-down flapjacks!
- Pineapple upside-down flapjacks!
Oh, boy, here we go again.
There's nothing better than
J. Edgar's flapjacks in the morning.
Pour the batter in the
bowl and stir it around
Keep on stirring while your
feet tap-tap on the ground
Flinging them in the
air then spin around
Catch them on your plate
Turn them upside-down
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack, for the flapjacks
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack
For the flapjacks
Pour the batter in the
bowl and stir it round
Keep on stirring while your
feet tap-tap on the ground
Flinging them in the
air then spin around
Catch them on your plate
Turn them upside-down
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack, for the flapjacks
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack,
for the flapjacks
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack, for the flapjacks
Pineapple upside-down flapjacks
Clap, clap, Jack, for the flapjacks
Thanks, J. Edgar.
I'm glad you enjoyed them.
We better commence our journey
if we're gonna get back in time for...
- Schluufy's surprise birthday party!
- Schluufy's surprise birthday party!
It's a secret.
Let's go, Zoozie and Toofie.
Just remember to be careful.
We need you to come along and help, Ruffy.
I can hardly wait, thanks.
Go get 'em, Oogieloves.
Good luck, y'all.
Feels like we're swimming upstream.
Are we there yet?
I see the balloon!
Toofie, wait for us.
That's the most gigantic tree
I've ever seen!
This is going to be adventurific.
Is that a teapot in a tree?
No, it's a tree-pot.
Toofie? What a totally square name!
I'm, like, Jubilee Rounder,
and this is, like, totally where I live.
This is Zoozie and I'm Goobie.
Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie?
Your names totally sound like candy.
We're here to rescue a golden balloon
that is stuck at the top of your tree.
It's for our friend Schluufy's
surprise birthday party.
You guys can, like, totally
come up to my tree-pot.
My grandmother's not exactly square,
but she totally digs new friends.
But how can we climb that tree?
C-O-M-E, come on down
Ladder, ladder to the ground
C-O-M-E, come on down
Ladder, ladder to the ground
That's right, ladder, take my dare
Come on down, now that is square
- Adventurized!
- Why, thanks.
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
Lift your arms and lift your legs
to climb up to the top, that's square
We'll be right back, Ruffy.
Whatever. I don't wanna go anyway.
I'm a lover, not a climber.
Silly fish. Trees are for kids.
Grandma Dottie.
Come meet my totally square new friends.
This is Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie.
What a pleasure to have you all here.
I love the wonderful sound of
your names, so many "O's" in it.
I love the sound of...
Goobie, Zoozie and Toofie, won't you
have a wonderfully rounded orange?
Will you bounce a giant rubber ball?
Would you run around in circles?
Circles. Circles.
Circles, how I love circles.
And roundness and dots and polka dots.
I love polka dots and circles.
I love moving in circles.
Don't you love moving in circles?
- Like this?
- Yes!
- And this?
- Definitely.
And this?
You all move so wonderfully.
You make me think of my favorite song.
I'll sing. And, Jubilee,
you show them what to do.
Like, totally, Grandma Dottie.
I hope you'll join me
in singing and dancing.
You have to really shake it
as much as you can.
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Put your hand on your belly
Rub around in circles
Put your hand on your belly
Rub around in circles
Put your hand on your belly
Rub around in circles
Put your hand on your belly
Rub around in circles
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Your other hand goes on your head
Now rub them both in circles
Your other hand goes on your head
Now rub them both in circles
Your other hand goes on your head
Now rub them both in circles
Your other hand goes on your head
Now rub them both in circles
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, Polka Dottie
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Stick your fingers in your ears
and dance around in circles
Stick your fingers in your ears
and dance around in circles
Stick your fingers in your ears
and dance around in circles
Stick your fingers in your ears
and dance around in circles
Dance around, dance around
Oogieloves, Oogieloves
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Put your hand on your belly
Rub around in circles
Your other hand goes on your head
Now rub them both in circles
Put your hands above your head
and move your arms in circles
Stick your fingers in your ears
and dance around in circles
Dance around, dance around
Oogieloves, Oogieloves
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Dance around, dance around
Oogieloves, Oogieloves
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
Polka Dottie, shake your body
Shake, shake, shake your body
What a wild song!
I just knew you would love that song.
I love to sing it all the time.
Grandma Dottie, like,
our new friends totally need our help.
Our balloon is stuck in your tree.
And I need to climb up to get it.
What a beautiful round balloon.
But nobody's ever been able to climb
to the top of our tree.
Toofie can climb anything
he sets his mind to.
His skeletal configuration
proves perfect for climbing.
Well, we better let him try it.
Zoozie, let's wait on the ground.
Be careful, Toofie.
We'll see you at the bottom of the tree.
- Bye, Dottie.
- Bye, Dottie.
Okay, Toofie, time for you to try.
Right on.
Have a ball.
Thanks for everything, Dottie.
See you round.
This ladder will, like,
totally get you to the roof.
And then you can, like,
start climbing the tree.
Thanks, Jubilee.
What's up, little birdies?
This is the highest I've ever climbed.
I got it. Awesome balloon.
Climbing down is never as much fun
as climbing up.
Just hold on to my string.
I'll help you down.
You know how to talk?
I am a magical balloon after all.
You did it, Toofie.
You saved the first balloon.
This balloon can talk.
- That's scientastically impossible.
- I'm telling you, it talks.
Either way, you're a hero.
A hero.
Time for our Oogielove cheer.
Hey, Oogieloves.
Hey, Jubilee.
Join us in our Oogielove cheer.
Snap, snap, snap, reach for the sky.
Snap, snap, snap, twist from side to side.
And sing,
"Oogielove, Oogielove, Oogielove. "
You guys are, like, totally crazy square.
And this is from my Grandma Dottie,
for your friend, Schluufy.
Like, thanks, Jubilee.
Toofie's pants fell down.
Well, we better get going.
On to balloon number two.
Good luck on your big balloon adventure.
Thanks, Dottie.
J. Edgar should be calling with
our next coordinates any second now.
- Bye, Jubilee.
- Bye, Jubilee.
I wonder if Schluufy is still asleep.
Good Schluufy, just keep sleeping.
That little Toofie climbs
like a squirrel after a nut.
He's feisty just like you.
Well, I suppose I can be tenacious.
We'd better find that second balloon.
You know what to say.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
Will you help me call out to Goobie?
We need to say these words twice.
Now, you join in.
Go for Goobie.
The next balloon is near
the south end of Fun Forest
at Milky Marvin's Milkshake Manor.
- Milky Marvin's Milkshake Manor.
- Milky Marvin's Milkshake Manor.
I don't like going by big bodies of water.
They make me seasick.
Excuse me, we're looking for Milky Marvin.
Excuse me, we're looking for Milky Marvin.
Oh, my.
They don't know him.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
Welcome to Milky Marvin's Milkshake Manor.
We guarantee our marvelous milkshakes
will put you in a marvelous mood.
How did Schluufy's balloon
get tied to that cow's neck?
I'll find out.
We have to talk to Milky Marvin.
Who's Milky Marvin?
One peachy pumpkin chicken swirl.
And one French fry mango madness.
Not so fast, daddy-O's.
Attention, all you milkshake drinkers.
It's time for the new big drink-off.
As promised, the winner gets to take home
the beautiful gold balloon tied to Moola.
And I decide the winner.
Marna, my megaphone please.
I think you mean your moo-gaphone?
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Get on your marks, get set...
What do you mean, "Wait"?
That's our balloon
you're about to give away.
I found that balloon
twirling around my weather vane.
We had acquired five balloons for
our friend Schluufy's birthday party.
But they all flew away
due to their helium density.
Follow me.
Look, daddy-O's, there's nothing I can do.
I promised these kids
that someone would win the balloon.
And Milky Marvin never breaks his promise.
Never. I'm sorry.
Get on your marks, get set...
What do you mean, "Wait"?
- We want to enter the drink-off.
- We do?
I mean, affirmative.
You all want milkshakes?
Yes, sir.
Then, moo.
- Moo?
- Moo?
You heard him, moo.
- Moo?
- Moo?
If you want a milkshake
you know what to do
March and moo, moo, moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
you know what to do
March and moo, moo, moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
then you know what to do
March and moo, moo
What'll you have?
Moola can make a milkshake
out of anything.
How about peppermint, broccoli,
vanilla, rutabaga, please?
No problem.
I'll have chocolate, pizza,
macaroni and beets please.
I'd like sweet pickle, dill pickle,
warm pickle, chili pickle, please.
My favorite.
- What about you, fish?
- Who, me?
I'll give you the house special.
If you want a milkshake
you know what to do
March and moo, moo, moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
then you know what to do
March and moo, moo
Making milkshakes is so fun
Here's how you get it done
Just pick the things you want inside
and chop them up, chop, chop them up
Drop them in, drop, drop them in
Then blend, then blend
Chop them up, chop, chop them up
Drop them in, drop, drop them in
Then blend, then blend
Chop them up, chop, chop them up
Drop them in, oh, drop them in
Then blend, then blend
If you want a milkshake
you know what to do
March and moo, moo, moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
you know what to do
March and moo, moo, moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
then you know what to do
March and moo, moo
If you want a milkshake
then you know what to do
I just want to make you a milkshake now
Peppermint, broccoli, vanilla, rutabaga.
Thank you, Milky Marvin.
Chocolate, pizza, macaroni and beets.
Super thanks.
Sweet pickle, dill pickle,
warm pickle, chili pickle.
Pickle heaven, thanks.
And for you, fish, the house special,
peanut butter, pumpernickel,
pasta, plum pudding.
And a pinch of pepperoni.
It sounds disgusting.
I would rather drink saltwater every day.
Wait a minute, I already do.
It's time to race.
The winner takes home the gold balloon.
When the lovely Moola the cow
moos three times,
start sucking those straws.
We have a winner.
You did it, Ruffy.
You saved the second balloon.
- Ruffy!
- Sorry.
I could use some Fishto-Bismol right now.
It's time for Oogielove cheer.
Everyone join us in our cheer.
Snap, snap, snap, reach for the sky.
Snap, snap, snap, twist from side to side.
And sing,
"Oogielove, Oogielove, Oogielove. "
You won fair and square, fish.
I'm glad your friend, Schluufy,
will get his balloon after all.
Well, we better get going.
We still have three more balloons to find.
And Schluufy's party starts
in just 236 minutes.
Inside this cooler is a very special
birthday milkshake.
Moola's mother's recipe
and my personal favorite.
Banana, bacon, blueberry, chili.
Give it to your friend, Schluufy.
Thanks, Milky Marvin.
Good luck on your big balloon adventure.
Bye, Moola.
J. Edgar never lets us
have such big milkshakes.
I can't believe they drank
such enormous milkshakes.
We'd better find that third balloon.
You know how to ask.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
The next balloon
is at Lovely Loveville Airport,
at Rosebud Airlines.
We need to tell the Oogieloves.
Go for Goobie.
The next balloon
is at Lovely Loveville Airport,
at the Air Rosebud hangar.
You must hurry, though.
Copy that, over and out.
Okay, guys, we're heading to the airport.
This way.
This way.
This way.
The caterers, yes, yes.
I would love some sparkling rosewater
and two red rose cupcakes.
- No, hold on. We're not...
- Thanks a bunch of roses.
We're not your caterers,
we're the Oogieloves.
I'm Zoozie and this is Toofie and Goobie.
We've come for our magical balloon.
Certainly you don't mean
this gorgeous golden balloon.
It was floating right through the air,
straight to me.
A gift from the gods, I assume,
for my exquisite looks or my superb voice.
That balloon is for our friend Schluufy's
surprise birthday party.
Gesundheit. Are you getting sick?
No, I'm allergic to my roses.
But I can't bear to live without them.
And although I've only had
this gorgeous balloon for a couple of hours,
I can't bear to embark upon my world tour
without it.
Surely you understand.
Not really.
A world tour?
See ya.
Do you sing?
Sing? Did somebody say, "Sing"?
All I need now is a band.
Did somebody say, "Band"?
I know the perfect song.
It's called Scratchy Sneezy Cough Cough.
I wrote it in a week
when I wasn't feeling my best.
And although I still look
strikingly gorgeous,
all I could do was scratch and sneeze
and cough-cough for days.
Now, sing what I sing
and dance what I dance.
When you're sick in bed with a nasty flu
You gotta pinch your nose and go...
Now clear your throat
With a cough, cough, cough
One more time
With a cough, cough, cough
When you're sick in bed with a nasty flu
You gotta cough, cough, cough
And go, "Achoo"
Now scratch your nose
and scratch your thighs
And scratch your head
And blink your eyes
Oh, yeah
Blink, blink, blink your eyes
Blink, blink, blink
Blink your eyes
When you're sick in bed
With the nasty flu
Got to stay in bed
Till you feel renewed
You can cough, you can sneeze
You can scratch all day
But rested, yeah, rested
Is the one best way to feel better
Want to feel better?
When you're sick in bed
With the nasty flu
Got to stay in bed
Till you feel better
Want to feel better?
Feel better
Better, better, better
Feel better
- Gesundheit.
- Thank you.
Groovy song!
I can't wait to get the sniffles again.
Thank you.
You have a beautiful voice, Miss Rosebud.
Thank you so much.
- And you're sparkalicious, miss.
- I am.
And you, you're rose-a-rific.
You know, I really should
give Schluufy his balloon back.
- Yeah, cool!
- But I don't know...
The balloon!
Oh, man! Not even I can climb this thing.
My jet won't be able to take off
with a balloon wrapped around its tail.
I know.
I'll have to cancel my world tour.
My fans will be devastated.
Oh, goodness.
Not even my rose-colored glasses
are helping.
Goobie thinks better with pickles.
I have a scientastic idea.
You do?
If we can dislodge the balloon
from the horizontal stabilizer on the tail,
thereby making it possible
for your plane to ascend,
will you please let us have
Schluufy's balloon back?
- You drive a hard bargain, Goobie.
- Thanks.
Can I borrow your blanket, please?
- It's a boa.
- A boa?
And a rose by any other name.
Zoozie and Toofie,
please help me with that luggage.
You got it, Goobie.
Stop it. My hair!
Well, what do you think?
Cool, Goobie made a trampoline!
Looks really bouncy.
If my calculations are correct,
it should be just the right tension
to launch me to the balloon.
Do be careful, Goobie.
- Gesundheit.
- Thank you.
I need your help reaching the balloon.
Cheer like this.
Lunar landing.
You did it!
Now for the tricky part.
I must lean over approximately 49.7 degrees.
Very well done, Goobie.
It's an honor to join you.
Toofie was right. This balloon can talk.
But that's impossible.
They don't have the physiological makeup
for verbal communication.
Now that was as impressive
as my reflection in the mirror.
You saved the third balloon, Goobie.
It's time for the Oogielove cheer.
- Oh, goodie.
- Join us in the fun.
Snap, snap, snap, reach for the sky.
Snap, snap, snap, twist from side to side.
And sing,
"Oogielove, Oogielove, Oogielove. "
I have something.
Will you give this to Schluufy
from Rosalie and the Rosebuds?
They're my very, very, very favorite roses.
And good luck
on your big balloon adventure.
- Thank you, Rosalie.
- I love you.
Have fun on your world tour.
I love you. I love you all.
You're too kind. Toodles.
We got to find balloon number four.
J. Edgar must be a nervous wreck.
Spinning calms my nerves!
Then keep spinning, J. Edgar.
Spin, spin, spin.
Windy, I'm so sorry.
Are you feeling better now, J. Edgar?
What could that darling pillow
be dreaming about?
We had better be quiet
so that we don't wake him.
Let's see where
that fourth balloon has landed.
Sugar, you know how to ask.
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
Oh, my! The balloon
is at the top of that mighty large truck.
It's time to call Goobie.
Help me out please.
Go for Goobie.
The fourth balloon is at
Trippy's Trailer and Truck Stop.
Look for the truck that says,
"Bobby Wobbly's Bubbles. "
Copy that. Bobby Wobbly's. Over and out.
Over and out.
Come on, Ruffy.
I'll stay here for this one.
I'm not a big fan of birds.
- What did she say?
- This is Penelope.
Her bunions are bothering her
and she's gassy.
She said
Bobby Wobbly went out for a wobble.
- A wobble?
- A wobble?
Well, seems I have some visitors,
don't you know.
Sorry to disturb you.
You're not disturbing me.
How can I help you folks?
I'm Zoozie. We're the Oogieloves.
And this is Goobie and Toofie.
How do you do? I'm Bobby Wobbly.
It's our friend Schluufy's birthday today.
And we are throwing him
a surprise birthday party.
Well, now, that's awful nice of you.
But one of his special balloons is tangled
in the exhaust pipe on top of your truck.
I can climb up there and get it, no problem.
Gosh, no. I couldn't let you do that.
That's much too dangerous, you know.
I never let anyone
climb on top of my bubble truck.
A bubble truck?
Do you like bubbles?
- Yeah!
- Sure.
Well, gosh, are you in the right place!
Walk this way.
It's not a mansion, that's for sure,
but it's home all right.
My bubbles just aren't selling
like they used to, you know.
Bubbles are awesome!
You betcha, they are!
I'd say they're
just about the coolest thing around.
- Bobby Wobbly.
- Yes, sir?
Why do you wobble so much?
Is your center of gravity misaligned?
You know, that's a good question.
I like to wobble 'cause...
'Cause why?
Well, it sure is more fun than not wobbling,
ain't that the truth?
- Affirmative.
- Hey!
Why don't you join me in a wobble
and see for yourselves? Come on.
Prepare to wobble.
Hey, check this out.
Yeah! How about them bubbles?
Here we go!
Wobble to the left, wobble to the right
Wobble bobble all around
and bounce with all your might
Wobble with your wiggle
With your wiggle, wobble, too
Wobble bobble all around
It's so much fun to do
Now you're getting the hang of it.
Wobble to the front
Wobble to the back
Wobble bobble all around
and give your tush a smack
Wobble with your wiggle
With your wiggle, wobble, too
Wobble bobble all around
It's so much fun to do
Come on, Bubbles.
Here we go!
Ride 'em, cowboy!
Ride him!
Wow! You're too wild for me, Bubbles.
This is fun!
Hey, watch it!
Wobble like a chicken
Wobble like a cat
Wobble bobble all around
and give your tush a pat
Wobble like a monkey, wobble like a frog
Wobble wobble all around
and bark just like a dog
Wobble with your wiggle
With your wiggle, wobble, too
Wobble bobble all around
It's so much fun to do
Wobble with your wiggle
With your wiggle, wobble, too
Wobble bobble all around
It's so much fun to do
Wobble with your wiggle
With your wiggle, wobble, too
Wobble bobble all around
It's so much fun to do
Now that's what I call wobbling.
I'm gonna wobble forever.
Toofie's pants fell down again.
Bobby Wobbly,
I know you think it's dangerous,
but I promise we'll be really careful
getting down that balloon.
I can construct a retractable ladder
out of bubble containers.
Gosh, I sure am sorry.
Nobody climbs on top of my truck.
There must be other balloons
you can get for your friend.
Not like these balloons.
I know what to do.
Come on, everyone.
I have a sparkaliciousness idea.
Wait up.
Penelope, we could really use your help.
I'll ask Penelope to fly onto the truck
and bring down the balloon.
Gee, I don't know about that.
Poor thing hasn't flown in years.
She's got a bad back
and cataracts in both eyes.
- Poor Penelope.
- And she's lactose intolerant.
I bet she can fly again.
She just needs a little encouragement.
Let's help her out.
Now in her language.
A little louder this time.
One more time, really loud.
Keep squawking, Penelope.
Believe you can fly.
Everybody, duck.
Gosh, Penelope, you're flying.
Penelope, you're flying.
Perfect landing, Penelope.
Well executed. Impressive beak work.
Penelope! Thanks for your help.
I knew she could do it.
High four!
I'm so proud of you, Penelope.
That's one groovy bird!
Clever thinking, Zoozie.
I knew you'd figure something out.
I've been trying for years
to get her to fly, you know.
You made it happen.
We all made it happen.
Especially Penelope.
Zoozie and Penelope
rescued the fourth balloon.
And it wouldn't be a balloon rescue
without an Oogieloves cheer.
Snap, snap, snap, reach for the sky.
Snap, snap, snap, twist from side to side.
And sing,
"Oogielove, Oogielove, Oogielove. "
Gosh! That was great!
Hey, I sure would like it if you'd give
these here bubbles to your friend, Schluufy.
Will do, Bobby Wobbly.
We better get on the road.
We still have one more balloon to find.
Don't forget to wobble, and good luck
on your big balloon adventure.
Just one more balloon to go.
I bet J. Edgar is really proud of us.
I am really proud of the Oogieloves.
Proud as pecan pie.
How do you keep your drapes
from wrinkling?
A window's gotta have some secrets now,
doesn't she?
Of course. I'm sorry.
Let's find the fifth balloon
for the Oogieloves.
What are the magic words?
One, two, one, two, three.
One, two, one, two, three.
What an extraordinary windmill!
How did the balloon
get all the way up there?
We have found the last balloon.
Let's call Goobielove.
Wanna go for a swim, Ruffy?
Not in a gazillion years,
that thing is super yucky.
Go for Goobie.
The fifth balloon is tied to
the Wonder Windmill in Great Grass Lake.
- Over and out.
- Over and out.
Onward to Great Grass Lake.
I just installed a brand-new achromatic
lens on my cereal box refracting telescope.
I don't know.
This is a difficult scenario.
We better get back on our bikes.
Okay, then, I'll run there.
I speak the English. Most llama do.
We need to get to the windmill.
Then you must ride El Sombrero.
The hat?
No, El Sombrero.
Board it at the top of the stairs.
I hope El Sombrero is scientastic.
And adventurific.
And sparkaliciousness.
How are we going to board that little hat?
It's getting closer and bigger.
- It's bigger than an automobile.
- It's bigger than an elephant.
It's bigger than an airplane.
- That's the biggest hat I've ever seen.
- That's the biggest hat I've ever seen.
Good afternoon, my colorful friends.
We are Lola and Lero Sombrero.
I'm Zoozie, we're the Oogieloves.
And this is Goobie.
And Toofie.
And our fish friend, Ruffy.
You look troubled.
Our friend Schluufy's surprise
party is in just 3,624 seconds.
And we have to rescue
the last gold balloon.
We will help, El Sombrero
will take you there.
You must board the hat.
We must go.
Cool, I've never been on a hat.
It's fedorable.
This is some climb.
Piece of cake.
- Hello.
- Howdy.
Who decorated this sombrero?
It's sparkaliciousness.
And highly unconventional at that.
You must guide us, my little finned friend.
Tell us when we arrive, please.
Place him on the window.
Will this day never end?
There you go, Ruffy.
Please alert us when we get
close to the windmill.
El Sombrero is powered by our dancing.
We will all need to help.
Lero, please.
A tune for our travels.
We shall be there in no time.
It is very important that we move in unison.
All of our movements must be precise.
Now, just follow my lead
and feel the beat of the bongo drums.
Let's begin.
Step one, step two, step three, step four
Stand still, now step some more
Step one, step two, step three, step four
Stand still
Excuse me,
I'm looking out the window here,
and we're not getting any closer.
Could you dance faster?
Tap one, tap two, tap three, tap four
Now clap, clap, clap, sit on the floor
Now clap and clap and clap, clap, clap
Now clap and clap and clap, clap, clap
Great, at this rate we're gonna be late
for Schluufy's retirement party.
Lero, we must go faster.
Now we're moving. Everyone, dance faster.
Jump one, step two, tap three, clap four
Jump one, step two, tap three, clap four
Jump one, step two, tap three, clap four
We're very close.
Jump, jump, jump, step, step, step
tap, tap, tap and a clap, clap, clap
Jump, jump, jump, step, step, step
tap, tap, tap and a clap, clap, clap
I don't mean to interrupt the whole jump,
step, tap, clap, bap, sap, drap thing
you got going on over here.
But we're about to run into a windmill.
Be ready, Ruffy, in case
we need your assistance again.
We have arrived as promised.
That's not so high, I can climb it.
No, Toofie, not this time.
My initial assessment suggests
it's too dangerous for climbing.
I don't know how
we can possibly get that balloon.
That beautiful tulip can help.
A tulip?
Even with four lips, it wouldn't help.
It's awesome.
No, no, Toofie, leave it be.
Lero, please.
Whacky whoppers, that tulip is growing.
You must ride the tulip to your balloon.
Okay, this is getting really weird.
The enormity of its growth
is mind-boggling.
Come on, guys.
Get on the tulip, adventurize.
Smooth ride.
I'm almost there.
The flower has grown as big as it can.
But I can't quite reach it.
We need you, Ruffy.
You're not throwing me up there.
I'm a fish, not a football.
All right, toss me to Toofie
before I change my mind.
You are going where no other
fish has gone before.
How about a kiss for luck?
It would be my privilege.
Holy mackerel.
- Here comes Ruffy.
- Here comes Ruffy.
Come on, Ruffy.
Here I come.
Just a few more feet, Ruffy. You can do it.
I'm trying as hard as I can.
I've always been a little short-finned.
I have an idea.
We must all cheer Ruffy on.
To be a giraffe right now.
You can do it, Ruffy. You can do it.
I'm gonna try.
You can do it, Ruffy. You can do it.
You can do it, Ruffy.
You think I can?
I know you can.
I'm going for it.
You did it.
Ruffy did it, Ruffy did it.
Ruffy and Toofie!
Lero, please bring the tulip down.
Going down, anybody?
Ruffy and Toofie.
Such a brave little fish. And handsome, too.
Why, thank you. I'm quite the catch.
We got all five balloons.
Toofie's pants fell down again.
You did it, Ruffy.
You all did it, as a team.
It was nothing really.
Any fish worthy of his fins
would've done the same thing.
I'd say that's worthy of an Oogielove cheer.
These are the most beautiful tulips
in the whole wide world.
Let's do the best Oogielove cheer ever.
Snap, snap, snap, reach for the sky.
Snap, snap, snap, twist from side to side.
And sing,
"Oogielove, Oogielove, Oogielove. "
What fun little Oogieloves you are.
I love that cheer.
Thank you, Lola and Lero Sombrero.
We better get home fast.
The sun's beginning
its downward trajectory.
Schluufy will be waking up any minute now.
Please give this to Schluufy
for his special day.
And let him know that Lola and Lero
wish him a very...
Happy birthday!
Gracias, Lola and Lero Sombrero.
Good luck on your big balloon adventure.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
The Wind's velocity
is accelerating exponentially.
We better hurry.
Let's go.
It sure is windy, Windy.
It sure is, J. Edgar Edgar.
My measurements indicate
the wind is steadily increasing.
- Oh, no!
- Oh, no!
Come back, magical balloons.
They're flying away again.
The Wind's force is too strong.
What can we do?
We have to bring you home.
There's only one force
stronger than the wind.
- Love.
- Love.
Only your love can bring us home.
Blow us as many kisses as you can.
Blow us kisses, lots and lots of kisses.
Help us blow kisses
to bring the balloons home.
We really need your help.
Blow as many kisses as you can.
Love is the most powerful thing of all,
more kisses.
They're coming back.
Catch them, Toofie.
Catch the balloons.
I got 'em. I got 'em.
Now, let's get to Schluufy's
surprise birthday party.
What's that?
You want some fresh air, little Schluufy?
Okay, I guess I'll just take you outside.
Come on.
I'm home.
Hi, everyone.
Toofielove, you're back.
Goobie and Zoozie are outside, too.
Wanna go out and find them?
Just one second.
Hey, everybody, Schluufy is coming outside.
Get ready to say surprise.
Come on, Schluufy.
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
- Surprise!
Take a seat, Schluufy,
on your special chair.
We have a big birthday surprise for you.
Happy birthday, Schluufy.
Yes, these are all your gifts,
from the new friends,
we, the Oogieloves, made today.
We even got your favorite birthday dessert,
a bumpity bump sundae surprise.
And these magical balloons
are your extra special gift
from me and Goobie and Toofie
and J. Edgar and Windy.
Oh, yeah. And Ruffy, too.
They're magical balloons.
And they have a special birthday surprise
for you.
One, two, three, four, five
Five, four, three, two, one
It's your birthday song
Time to have some fun
Everybody join in
this fantastic birthday song
Bounce up and down
We'll bounce up and down
We'll bounce up and down
We'll bounce up and down
We'll sing, sing,
happy, happy birthday, Schluufy.
Your turn.
Happy, happy, birthday, birthday, Schluufy
Now stand on one foot.
Hop up and down
We'll hop up and down
We'll hop up and down
We'll hop
Now, the other foot.
Leap up and down
and leap up and down and leap
Now, sing.
Happy, happy, birthday, birthday, Schluufy
Five, four, three, two, one
I want those same balloons
for my next birthday.
Let's hope they're a lot easier to come by
next time.
Well, yes, I do have some more surprises
for you, little Schluufy.
Yeah. I have a few more friends who
want to say hello and happy birthday.
- Happy birthday, Schluufy.
- Happy birthday, Schluufy.
- I'm Dottie.
- And I'm, like, Jubilee.
And I wanted to give you
one of my most favorite polka dots.
And I totally wanted to give you
one of my squariest squares.
Heard a lot about you, Schluufy.
I'm Milky Marvin, and this is Moola.
We have for you a fantastically funny
furry feather milkshake.
Happy birthday.
Hello, everyone.
I've just arrived in Leavely Leaville,
Germany, for the first leg of my world tour.
But I couldn't bear to perform
without wishing you, Schluufy,
dear birthday pillow,
a very rosy, super dozy
happy birthday to you
Your friends sure do love you, partner.
And that's why we wanted
to make gosh darn sure
you had plenty of bubbles
at your birthday party.
Feliz cumpleaos, Seor Schluufy.
Or as you would say, "Happy birthday. "
Lola and Lero Sombrero salute you.
Yeah, Schluufy, this is the best
surprise birthday party ever.
I think it's time for the Oogielove dance.
Great idea, Zoozie.
Just follow us, it's easy to do.
Take one steppy, steppy
steppy, step forward
And wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your knees
Wrap your arms around your body
and give yourself a squeeze
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogilove dance
Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle over to the left
And shuffle, shuffle,
shuffle back to the right
Wrap your arms around your body
and hug yourself tight
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
Everybody, raise your hands
And move them from side to side
Turn around to see new friends
And keep dancing with joy and pride
Smile, smile, smile at your neighbor
And wave, wave, wave hello
Wrap your arms around your
body and let yourself go
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
Let's all join in hands now
And rock, rock, rock this way
And never, never, never forget
this very, very special day
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
We hope you liked our movie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
Goobie, Zoozie, Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
- It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
- Goobie
- Zoozie
- Toofie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
We hope you liked our movie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
It's the Oogie, Oogie, Oogielove
We hope you liked our movie love
Boogie-woogie, Oogielove dance
Did somebody say, "Sing"?
You have to really shake
it as much as you can.
Good luck on your big balloon adventure.
I found that balloon twirling
around my weather vane.
Why don't you join me in a
wobble and see for yourselves?
Follow my lead and feel the
beat of the bongo drums.