The Oregon Trail (1959)

Oregon, Oregon
Oregon, Oregon
Oh, some men sing
of yellow gold
Of battles lost or won
And some men sing
Of lovers bold
I sing
Of days long gone
When pioneers
in wagons rolled
Rolled west
To Oregon
When pioneers
in wagons rolled
Rolled west to Oregon
The way was hard
The way was long
Great hardships lay ahead
When pioneers of old
Set forth
Where few
Had dared to tread Pioneers, pioneers
O'er prairies wild
and mountain snows
And through
the rushing streams
They blazed a trail
to Oregon
The promised land
Of dreams
James Gordon Bennett
founded the New York Herald
on May 6, 1835.
He was inspired to try his
fortunes in the New World
by the autobiography
of Benjamin Franklin.
Well. Well, you're, uh, new here,
aren't you, Miss Shoemaker?
Well, I'm not. You see, I,
too, work for Mr. Bennett.
As a matter of fact, I wrote that
speech, so spare me, please.
But Mr. Bennett said that
he's never to be disturbed
while he's composing a piece.
Miss Shoemaker, I arrived back
in New York this afternoon
after spending
three weeks in Washington
where I did nothing
but wait in outer offices.
Now this evening, I was having dinner
at Delmonico's with a lovely lady
when I received a message
from Mr. Bennett
commanding me to come here
immediately, that it was most urgent.
Now, uh, he evidently didn't inform
you that he was expecting me.
Would you be a good girl
and tell Mr. Bennett I'm here?
Well, uh...
Excuse me, Mr. Harris.
There's a Mr. Harris here.
He says he has
an appointment with you.
Yes. Come in, Harris.
Thank you, Miss Shoemaker.
I wish you would write
as well as you dress.
Well, it all depends
on the incentive, sir.
Tonight the incentive was much
prettier than the people I interview.
Well, did you have
enough incentive to see Polk?
No, I didn't, sir.
Why not? Because he refused to see me.
Hmm. Ah.
Uh-huh. He did.
Hmm. So that little man
in the White House
is afraid to discuss the Oregon
question with the New York Herald.
It seems so, sir.
Hmm. Huh.
The Oregon Trail
by Francis Parkman.
Read it.
Right now?
This confounded book has caused
thousands of feeble-minded failures
to pull up stakes and set out to be
burned and murdered, robbed and ruined,
crossin' in wagons over this
so-called "Oregon Trail."
Do you know what the Oregon
question is, Mr. Harris?
No, I don't, sir. I didn't get
a chance to ask Mr. Polk.
It's a question of war,
Mr. Harris.
I have information
that Polk has sent,
or is sending army men disguised
as settlers into Oregon.
I want this information
In short, Mr. Harris,
I want you to go to Oregon.
Now, Mr. Bennett, I'm hardly what
you'd call the pioneer type. I, uh...
If we cannot get the news
about Oregon in Washington,
we'll get it
on the trail itself.
Start packin' your bags at once.
Mr. Bennett, I'm having
dinner at Delmonico's.
The young lady
is waiting for... Cancel it!
Yes, sir. And on your way out,
tell Miss Shoemaker
to get me a pickled herring.
A pickled herring.
And some milk. And some milk.
Mr. Bennett, I'd say your reputation
for being a courageous man
is well founded.
...where you will rendezvous
with the men of your command.
Arrangements have been made for you
to travel with a civilian wagon train
being led by army scout
George Seton.
leaving from Westport.
Now, your group will be one of
several carefully chosen units
moving into
the Oregon Territory.
You will travel as civilians,
as this mission
must be kept secret.
Repeat that: "Secret."
Three. Upon arrival
at Fort Laramie,
you will report
your group to Major...
Major... Dexter.
D-E-X-T-E-R, for further orders.
Four. The overall
purpose of this mission
is to prepare
for the eventuality of war.
God forbid.
I, uh, I-I beg your pardon,
Mr. President?
The eventuality of war. Yes, sir.
And to defend the rights
of 6,000 good Americans
already settled in Oregon, and...
The British ambassador,
Mr. President. Oh, good. Show him in.
Add whatever is necessary
to that to clarify it,
and take it yourself
to Captain Wayne in person.
At West Point, sir?
No, at the, uh, army hospital
here in Washington.
He's recovering
from a wound. Yes, sir.
Sir Richard Wallingham, ambassador
for Her Majesty, Queen Victoria.
Welcome back,
Mr. Ambassador.
I'm glad to see you,
Sir Richard. Sit.
I trust you had a quiet crossing
from England?
The Atlantic Ocean knows
who rules the waves, Mr. Polk.
Yes, with certain
minor interruptions,
uh, 1812, for example.
I trust Her Majesty
is in good health.
At 27, is anyone
ever in bad health?
At 27, all problems
have solutions.
In that case, Mr. President,
perhaps a young queen and a
young nation can come to terms.
That is my earnest desire,
Sir Richard.
This is the territory where we
mean to add new stars to our flag.
I can foresee a time
when we shall have as many
as 30 sovereign states,
yes, perhaps even 32!
Nothing can keep us from expanding
as far as to the Pacific Ocean.
Now please don't wince,
Sir Richard.
A 20-year postponement,
agreed upon by our two nations
for the eventual settlement
of the Oregon boundary dispute
has expired.
It seems a tragedy,
all this furor
over a wilderness mainly
populated by redskin barbarians.
Well, if the situation
is as simple as that, sir,
there'll be no opposition
from Her Majesty's government.
Nothing is ever quite that simple
with Her Majesty's government.
Well, at any rate, I can't see
your government risking a war
over a territory populated
mostly by redskin barbarians.
But we will.
Very well, sir.
I shall so report your ultimatum
to Her Majesty's ministers.
Good day, Mr. President.
Steady as she goes.
Hard to "starport."
Break out the landing lead,
Mr. Scott.
Young man,
you come down from there.
Yes, ma'am.
Richard! Yes, ma'am!
Whose train are you
goin' on, Mr. Harris?
Uh, man named Seton's.
You know where I can find him?
Uh, try there.
Bowers might know where he's at.
Thank you.
May I be of assistance, ma'am?
Take your hands off me.
I don't know you, young man.
Let me go!
Hey. Hey, Dad,
they hit our wagon.
What's the idea of takin' up
the whole road? What happened?
This drunken sot
deliberately ran into us.
You have a point there, ma'am.
Is this your wagon, tenderfoot?
It's my wagon, and I expect
you to pay for the damage!
All right.
Here's your pay.
No, Papa, don't!
You heard the gentleman. He expects
you to pay for the damage.
Brizzard! All right.
Fight's over.
What makes you think so?
Back to the wagon.
Yes, sir.
Just a minute.
You seem to be responsible
for this man's behavior.
I presume you'll also be responsible
for the damage he caused that wagon.
You heard me. Move!
May I, uh, apologize for my
friend's behavior, ma'am?
George Wayne at your service.
Who's gonna fix my wagon wheel?
I'll have it taken care of.
Ellis? Yes, sir.
I sincerely hope
nobody was hurt, ma'am.
No, Mr. Wayne,
and thank you very much.
Is there anything I can do
but say thank you?
Well, you could
tell me your name.
Mine's Neal Harris. It's Prudence.
Prudence Cooper.
That's a very pretty name.
Uh, these are yours,
I believe, sir.Yes.
Uh, thank you
very much. It was a pleasure, sir.
Uh, well, I... I guess
I'd better go see to Grandma.
and thanks again.Goodbye.
Oh, Mr. Bowers? Yes?
Could you tell me where I
could find a man named... Garrison!
I'll be with you
in just a moment, sir.
I caught you.
Take care, Brother Bowers.
No slanders, if you please.
What have you got in your hand?
Destiny, 'tis written
on my empty palm.
Uh, the other one.
The lines of fate,
the moons of Saturn.
I ask you, sir, do I look like
a common thief?
I wouldn't say there was
anything common about you, sir.
Spoken like the gentleman
you obviously are.
From London or the, uh,
boulevards of Paris? New York.
I represent a newspaper,
Mr. Bennett's Herald.Aha. A man of letters.
No, just a reporter.
Harris is the name.
Oh, it's an honor,
Mr. Bennett...
Uh, I mean, uh, Mr. Harris.
We'll outfit you
from head to heel.
If you're not going to buy anything,
would you please get out?
And now, sir,
where shall we begin?
Mr. Bowers, I came
in here to ask you
if you could help me
locate a man named Seton.
Of course. But if you're going on
the trail, first things first.
I, uh, bumped
into something, it seems.
Explain this.
Caught red-handed.
Now you see, sir,
why our prices seem high.
Isn't it possible those
things might have fallen
into the handkerchief
by accident?
That's exactly how it
happened, sir, in a trice.
The town marshal will have you
in a trice,
in a trice, you,
you thieving scoundrel!
Thou shalt not bear false
witness, Brother Bowers.
Mr. Bowers,
if you will tell me
the value of the contents
of the handkerchief,
I would be glad to pay for them.
Then I hope you'll be kind enough to
tell me where I can find Mr. Seton.
Now how much?
Half price to you, sir.
Fifteen dollars even.
That's half price, hmm?
Shun him, Brother Harris,
as you would the foul plague.
Why, these paltry trifles, accidentally
acquired, aren't worth three bits.
You keep out of this,
Brother Garrison.
Mr. Bennett's money.
There you are, $15.
And, uh, don't forget
to give some to your church.
Oh, I will. I will.
Thank you.
And now for your purchases
for the Oregon Trail.
This fine gentleman doesn't want any
of your moth-eaten merchandise.
You get out. Now.
I'll be most happy to drive you
to Mr. Seton's headquarters,
Brother Harris.
Well, that's very kind
of you, Mr. Garrison.
But I suppose I will need some
clothes and things for the trail.
Ah, caveat emptor.
That means
"Let the buyer beware."
Well, now, first thing
you'll need is a money belt.
Money belt?
Oh, you mean, uh, in case
someone wants to steal my money.
And you'll need shirts,
and some...
A few pair of pants.
My wagon.
Allow me a comment, sir.
Though clad in the garb of a rustic,
you have the aura of a prince.
You have the aura
of a man with trees.Ha-ha.
You have a most discerning eye, sir.
Apple trees.
Saplings to populate
the distant slopes of Oregon.
Get aboard.
Well, they... build these things kinda
high off the ground, don't they?
The view's all the better.
Stir your shanks.
Strike sparks
with your fleet hooves.
Away, my noble steeds!
Brother Seton,
Neal Harris, the noted author, wants
to join up with the wagon train.
Got a wagon? He'd like to find
a place in one.
I can pay my way. Eh?
You may have to work
your way, young fella.
Put yourself aboard
my wagon over there.
I'll, uh, see if I can fix you
up with a horse tomorrow.Fine.
And, uh, where will I sleep?
Same place you're gonna sleep
for the next five months,
providin' you last that long,
under the wagon.
Under the wagon, hmm? Yeah.
Mr. Harris?
Well, good evening,
Miss Prudence.
Now that you've joined
the wagon train,
I-I thought I'd come and ask
you to have supper with us.
Well, how did you know I'd...
How did you know I'd joined?
Brother Garrison has been
preaching the, uh, "gossip."
Oh. Well, I'd, uh, be very happy
to dine with you.Good.
Uh, come on.
Jeremiah, you've been
a failure all your life.
Don't know why you had to come
more than 3,000 miles
just to keep on bein' it.
Brought another guest
for dinner.
Oh, glad you could come,
Mr. Harris. So am I.
Good evening,
everyone. Good evening.
Good evening,
Mr. Harris.Mr. Wayne.
I see you got rid
of your fightin' clothes.
Yes. I don't wear them
when I go out socially.
Uh, would one of you bring
the stew pot to the table? Oh, yes.
It's hot.
Oh, I see you know your way
around a campfire.
Who doesn't?
I don't.
Mr. Harris, are you a failure?
A failure, ma'am? Yes, I guess you might
say I am. I work for a newspaper.
My son's a failure.
Well, not from my point of view.
Do you have to say things like that,
Mama, especially to perfect strangers?
You mustn't mind Grandma.
She really loves everyone.
Choose your places, gentlemen.
We're just family.
Thank you.
Would you join me for supper,
Grandma Cooper?
Oh, la-Di-da.
Why don't you stop actin' a lie?
It's just as bad as tellin' one.
Like, why don't you go and sit where
you're meant to in the first place?
Thank you.
Oh, no, Jeremiah, no!
Oh, do I have your place,
Mr. Harris?
Oh, no. No, Mr. Cooper, I'll sit
right over here, thank you.
Would you like
to change places with me?
Yes, I would.
Uh, Papa, you belong
at the head of the table.
Oh, of course, Prudence.
Thank you.
O Lord, as we start on our long
journey into an unknown land,
we give thanks for all
Thy wondrous blessings.
We thank Thee this night for the
bread we break together in Thy name.
We know not, O Lord, the many hardships
which await us on the trail,
but we ask Thee to stand and watch
over us and protect us in a new land.
Thy will be done, amen.
Your cinch goes around like that, and
she comes back here and tightens,
and that's all there is to it.
Well, thanks very much,
Mr. Seton.
Ain't you, uh, ain't you never
rid a horse before?
Oh, yes.
Quite a while ago though.
I remember the horse
had rockers under it.
Seton, what in heaven's name
is holding us up?
Well, I guess I am.
I'm sorry.
I'm wagon master here,
Mr. Decker.
This train moves when I say so.
Well, don't be so uppity.
I'm not a lackey, you know.
Yeah, I know.
I know somethin' else, too.
Your wagon's overloaded.
I don't think so. You don't, eh?
Well, just remember,
I warned ya.
Mount to the left side, son.
Yeah, thanks.Giddy-up.
Come on, boy.
Squaw man. Is that bad?
Would you marry
an Indian, my friend?
Well, I don't know.
That all depends. I...
Wh-whoop. Hah.
I wouldn't wanna make any snap
judgments about a thing like that
until the problem arose,
you know.
Yep, here we go. Whoop.
Come on!
Here we go.
Well, Jesse, old friend,
we're startin'
on another trip to Oregon.
Ah, we've kept
ahead of 'em so far.
Ain't no time
to start worryin' now.
We're movin' out!
Guess you get on to this sort
of thing after a while, huh?
A hundred years
and more have gone
A hundred years and ten
Since pioneers
from Westport went
The women and their men
To risk
The savage wilderness
With hopes forever green
They moved with faith
to reach their homes
The homes
They'd never seen
A horse picked up
a stone, Jesse. Check it.
I seen 'em. Arapaho.
Anything the matter? Lame horse.
Get around, boy.
Well, there's more
to this horseback riding
than meets the eye, isn't there?
Well, how's the traveling
orchard, Mr. Garrison?
Oh, flourishing
like the green bay tree.
How is my literary friend?
Ah, still just a reporter.
Oh, now don't belittle
your talents, sir.
Oregon can use
those gifts of yours.
Oregon awaits men of all sorts:
The sowers and the reapers,
the hewers of wood
and the drawers of water,
the workers...
and the dreamers.
Which are you,
worker or a dreamer?
I, sir, am the bringer of trees,
apple trees, to Oregon.
The poet laureates of the orchards
to come will sing of my trees,
how they're trees
of health and beauty.
Yes, sir, I shall plant them,
and you shall write of them,
and one day, your children
shall eat of them.
You sound as though
you were in love with them.
Ah, a man of rare discernment.
Have you noticed my apparel?
Well, I could hardly help
but notice it, Mr. Garrison.
This, Mr. Harris,
is a wedding coat.
Yeah. Well, allow me
to congratulate you.Yes.
Congratulate me on escaping
the snares of a she-devil.
I was deserted
at the altar, sir,
left standing
like a stunned whip-poor-will,
betrayed by a trusted friend.
I wear this coat
on the trail, sir,
partly not to waste it,
a fine tailor made it for me,
and partly to remind myself never again
to speak in way of love to a woman.
Trees are my women.
Well, I'd say trees
are a lot safer, Mr. Garrison.
Wagons, forward!
Abby! Look what I found.
If you say so, Mama,
we'll go back home.
No, this old tree wouldn't
take roots there, either.
You've got a dream, Jerry,
something you never had before.
I know, Mama, but... Keep still. I...
I wanna listen to the singin'.
May I be excused?
May I be excused please,
Uncle Tom? You may.
Thank you.
Looking for somethin'?
I didn't think you heard me.
Heh. I heard ya.
Beautiful night,
isn't it? Yeah.
Say, Seton, I was just
getting a drink of water,
and Jesse grabbed the dipper and gave
the water barrel a couple of whacks.
Now why did he
do that? Oh, that's an old trick of his.
You see, when he bangs the barrel, the
polliwogs all go down to the bottom.
Oh, well.
You miss the mountains,
don't you, Seton? Miss them?
I was born in 'em,
raised in 'em,
married in 'em,
had my kids in 'em.
Where's your family now?
See, I'm a...
I'm what they call
a "squaw man."
I married me
a full-blooded Sioux.
One night,
when I was out huntin',
a bunch of Arapahos
raided our village.
And when I got back, the only thing
left alive was old Jesse there.
They'd cut his tongue out so he
couldn't tell me nothing about it.
That was a long time ago.
Yes, sir, a long time ago.
Well, son, wherever I go,
I always carry the mountains
around inside me.
Man carries a heap of things
around inside him.
Heap of things.
You fool!
You, put that gun down!
You got a hankerin' to join them
burned-out wagons, Mr. Wayne?
Why'd they come riding up
in the middle of the night?
Just to look us over.
That's all.
It's a good thing you ain't
worth a hoot with a rifle.
Why didn't they start shootin'
when Brother Decker did?
When you fire a gun in the air,
that's a sign of peace to an Injun.
They-they can
see your gun ain't loaded.
They thought it was me
fired the shot.
Jesse, get all the horses
inside the circle.Mmm.
May I walk with you
to your wagon, Miss Prudence?
Thank you, Mr. Wayne.
Mr. Harris? Mr. Harris?
Were those real
wild Indians? Oh, no, Richard.
They were
friendly Indians.Darn.
Anything I can do for you, sir?
How many times have I told you
not to "sir" me?
Force of habit. Sorry.
Is anything wrong, sir?
Grandma Cooper.
Has she had these fevers before?
Twice since we've
been on the trail.
Here, ma'am.
You take this
and it might do you some good.
Think she'll be all right?
Of course I will!
I hear him
at the twilight hour
He speaks to me
So soft and low
The message that he brings
You used to sing that song,
remember, Jerry?
Yes, Mama.
Sing it for me.
He says
I'm never, never
Never alone
That forever, ever
Ever I'm his own
The still, small voice
is filled with purest love
I know it comes
from heav'n above
He says I'm never, never
Never alone
That forever ever
Ever I'm his own
Looking for a lucky star?
I suppose so.
Did you find the right one?
Yes, and wished on it.
She's going to die.
Thanks for the shoulder.
It'll always be there.
Not only to cry on.
The blazing sun
Beat down upon the parched
And dusty plain
Each mile that led
to Laramie was one
With thirst and pain
The dry wind
Blew the clouds away
As though
with Satan's breath
In faith alone
the train moved on
The faith
That conquers death
Ain't no rain in that there sky.
Well, we should get to a river
pretty soon, shouldn't we?
Ain't no rivers.
Just streams.
How far? Ah, three, four days.
That means
we'll run short of water.
We're running short now.
Thanks for tellin' me.
Come on, boy.
It's weather like this
makes me homesick
for my rose garden
in Warwickshire.
Sometimes I wish I were back in
Nashville practicing law again.
Well, to matters of state.
Your government's latest
proposal on the Oregon question
is completely unacceptable.
Why do you concern yourself
with so distant a frontier?
The government of England
concerns itself
with frontiers
even more distant.
That is our tradition,
Mr. President.
And this is our country,
Mr. Ambassador.
You may convey to Her Majesty's
government my counter-proposal,
that the boundary of the Oregon
territory be established
at latitude
54 degrees, 40 minutes.
And that, sir, is final.
There is no alternative?
54, 40, Sir Richard.
Or what?
Or fight.
Is this your water, Seton?
Be quiet, Decker.
Be quiet? Be quiet?
We paid good money
to have this bumbler
guide us through the wilderness!
This is all his fault!
How far to
the next water, Seton?
Five days, maybe six.
We'll collect all the water
we got on the train.
We'll ration it from my wagon.
How can you stand that whiskey
at a time like this?
Whiskey ain't hard
to stand any time.
For you maybe.
There's a doctor
at Fort Laramie.
How long do you think
it'll take to get there?
Two weeks maybe.
Two weeks.
That's four.
That's five.
How's Grandma Cooper? Fever hasn't broken.
Give her this.
That's your ration. She needs it
more than I do.
Seton says there's a creek bed
about a mile south of here.
With any luck,
we'll be back with some water.
That, sir, was my best specimen.
The only one in leaf! You coyote.
People dyin' of thirst,
and you stealin' their water.
It's my ration.
You dirty, thievin' coyote.
It's my own ration!
I only used my own ration!
Stop it!
Trees are living things!
Hey, Prudence, a fight!
Here. Keep him.
Rain. Rain!
Back to your wagons!
Get the canvas!
Catch this rain!
Hey, Dad, it's raining.
Get your bucket, Son!
Get up, you blame fools!
Can't you see? It's rain!
Good. Some day,
we'll finish a fight.
Right now, I've got an appointment
with a drink of water.
Some day, I'll kill you.
It's rainin', Mama!
Wake up, Mama!
Do you hear me?
...gather at the river
The beautiful,
beautiful river
We'll be gathered
at the river
That flows
by the throne of God
Yes, we shall gather
at the river
The beautiful,
beautiful river
Yes, we shall gather
at the river
That flows
by the throne of God
By now, the
weary pioneers
Had reached
the hostile land
Where Indians and renegades
in secret council planned
The ambush and the massacre
Of every mother's son
Who blazed a trail
so long ago
The trail to Oregon
That's quite a sight.
Yeah. Yeah, but they're
thinnin' out.
Now the powder's in.
Put the gun back together.
Put the keeper in.
And now put the bullets in.
Now to push the bullets home.
Well, you've got
quite an audience, Ellis.
I don't know much about guns, but that
certainly is an impressive-looking weapon.
One of these
is equal to six guns.
You mean, instead of being able to fire
it only once, you can fire it six times?
That's right.
A new type.
A fella named Sam Colt made 'em.
How's it work?
Every time you pull the hammer back,
it puts a new round in position.
"Round"? A bullet.
Watch this.
Move over, Johnny.
Can you do that again,
Mr. Ellis?
Anything for you, Lucy honey.
Well, you're
quite a shot, Ellis.
And that's quite a gun.
You know
better than that. Yes, sir.
Mr. Wayne, I was looking
at Ellis' gun.
I noticed it has
"B Company" stamped on it.
That means it's
government property, doesn't it?
Or am I mistaken?
Your mistake could be in asking.
Questions seem to bother you
a lot, Mr. Wayne.
Only the man who asks them.
Well, that's too bad, because my
livelihood happens to depend on questions.
Then I suggest you go back East
and ask them.
Out here, questions
can get you killed.
Whoa. Ho.
What's that? It's a warnin'.
Old friends, Jesse.
The Arapaho.
They, uh, they want somethin'.
What do they want,
horses, goods? What?
They want me.
Ellis! Brizzard!
They... They was...
They was only one.
Are you sure? Dead sure.
You take over from here in.
Head for that saddle
o'er in the hills.
You can see Fort Laramie
from there.
Oh, thanks, Harris.
Well, Jesse,
so you had your revenge,
did you?
And they had theirs.
Revenge is... no good.
No good for nobody.
No good...
Jesse, take up your position
in the rear.
Our wagons'll be
in the lead from now on.
You're riding in the rear
too, Mr. Harris.
It's pretty obvious to me
now just who you are
and why you're with this train.
I gave you an order,
Mr. Harris.
I intend to send
a dispatch to my paper,
the Herald,
at the earliest opportunity.
I shall do my best
to explain in my story
that every evidence points
to your being in command
of a detail of soldiers.
I can tear up
your dispatch, sir.
And I can write another one,
Captain Wayne.
That is your rank, isn't it?
Yes, sir.
Take charge of Mr. Harris.
See if you can persuade him
to stay close to his wagon.
I won't let him out of my sight.
After you, Mr. Harris.
Miss Prudence.
Miss Prudence.
Not you. Your sister.
Neal. I thought
you were under guard.
Canvas walls do not a prison
make, nor wagon spokes a cage.
I'm sorry to get you up this time of night.
I wanted to say goodbye.
Mr. Harris.
Ah, Mr. Wayne.
Isn't it past your bedtime?
I told you to stay
in Seton's wagon.
Oh, I was just out getting
a breath of fresh air.
Well, I shall rejoin
Mr. Brizzard
who was catching 40 winks
when I left.
Charming companion,
Mr. Brizzard. Charming.
Good night, Miss Prudence.
Mr. Wayne.
You're drunk. Oh, no, Captain.
Where's your gun, your knife?
And your horse.
My horse is gone.
That means Harris is gone, too.
Under military regulations,
I could have you shot.
Take my horse.
You're going after him.
Tonight? Tonight!
Yes, sir.
And if you have to, shoot him.
It'd be my pleasure.
Don't you try to
run away again, now,
or I'll beat you worse than
I ever beat your squaw mother.
Now get off
and water them horses.
Just you try to run away again.
Howdy, Gabe.
Where's all the soldiers?
Place looks dead, Clayman.
Don't know for sure.
They just upped and went
and rode south.
That so?
They comin' back?
Took everything with them,
including most of my business.
You ain't just tellin' me this to cut
the price of my furs, are you, Clayman?
Them furs is all right,
but, uh...
Who is going to buy them?
You are.
Well, how do you do?
My name's Neal Harris,
and this is my
traveling companion, Daisy.
I guess she doesn't
speak English, Daisy.
Of course, I don't speak Indian
either, so that makes us even.
I don't really think that makes too
much difference though, do you?
I mean, take you and me. You don't understand
English, and I don't understand horse.
But we get along
very well together.
You know, I'd never seen
an Indian until just recently.
Of course, I'd seen a lot of
pictures of them and all that,
but never a real, live Indian.
I didn't realize
they could be so beautiful.
You are very beautiful.
Thank you, Mr. Harris.
Now, that wasn't fair.
Daisy, I knew that was going to happen.
I just knew it.
Had enough?
Now take them furs
and get out of here.
You ain't gonna
shoot nobody, Clayman,
especially me.
Guess you was hopin' he'd have guts
enough to kill your old pa, eh, Shona?
Someone will kill you
sooner or later.
Just you wait till I
get you home in the mountains.
Just you wait.
Now give me that $100.
It's a fair price.
But I, I ain't got $100.
All right then,
I'll beat it out of ya.
Just a minute, gentlemen.
I don't wish to interfere
with what may be normal business
procedure here in the West,
but I have a suggestion which may
be a little less bloodthirsty.
Who are you? My name's Harris.
I'm a newspaperman.
I have to send
a dispatch to New York.
And there are certain people who might
try to stop me from sending it.
So here's my proposition.
I'll give you $100 for your furs
and another $100 on top of it
if you'll see to it my dispatch gets
to the telegraph man at Westport.
I'll get it back there for ya.
Give me the money.
I'll pay as soon as I finish writing it.
It'll take a while.
Now just a minute, stranger.
Any deal made in this store
entitles me to a commission.
You can have the furs
for a commission. Huh?
Paper and ink is right
on the table. Thank you.
They must have pulled out
right after I left.
Is there another way
out of the stockade?
For an extra commission,
there is.
For another hundred, I could
hide you in Shona's village.
I guess Bennett can afford it.
All right, I'll give you
another hundred.
You're not going to hide him
with them redskins, are you?
What's wrong with them?
Bring the horses
around to the back.
The place seems to be abandoned.
Take over, Carmichael. Yes, sir.
Where are
all the soldiers? Pulled out, all of them.
Huit. Any message
for George Wayne?
I'll find out.
All I've got is a letter here
for a Capitaine George Wayne.
I'm Captain Wayne.
You don't look like a capitaine.
A funny thing...
When the soldiers moved out,
some of them were saying,
"Remember the Alamo."
What... What is an Alamo?
Look, Sis. Jawbreakers. Prudence, I've got
to talk to you alone.
Hey, look, Dad.
You want some
jawbreakers, son? Huh? Yeah?
How much are they?
Penny apiece.
How many you want?
Is that the cheapest you've got?
How much cheaper can you get
than a penny apiece?
Well, you couldn't let us have
just one for nothing, could you?
What's the matter?
Don't you even have a penny?
No, sir. Then why did you ask me
for the price, eh?
I didn't know what else to say.
Well, that's the craziest thing
I ever heard of.
Who gives something for nothing
to somebody I never even
saw in my life?
I-I don't know what kind of people
are coming to the West these days.
Just because their kid
wants some candy,
somebody wants me to dig
right down into my pocket...
and-and just g-give some...
Come here, boy. The Oregon
boundary question has been settled.
And I'm... Well, I'm under
new orders now.
And you have to return East.
Not East. South.
We're at war with Mexico.
Prudence, I...
Nobody knows how long this war
is going to last, and I...
Well, that is, I-I...
No matter how long, darling,
I'll wait.
In Oregon?
Oregon or anywhere else
on this Earth.
What are they doing to this man?
We've gotta turn him loose,
I don't think they'll
take kindly to that.
You've gotta do something.
He's in a bad way.
Wait a minute!
Call them off me!
Tell 'em...
What are you doing? You...
You won't be needin' this.
You damn renegade!
Kick and squirm.
You'll have plenty of time
to squirm,
like us mountain men
always squirm
when the butchers kill off
our buffalo and our game,
and the soldiers drive
the Indians off their own Earth
to starve and die.
Anything you want, just yell.
What do you think
they're gonna do with us?
Why don't you ask
Big Chief Tall Hat?
I'm not joking.
Maybe you think I am.
Tied here two days.
Wait till tomorrow when your
tongue starts to swell.
Maybe there won't be a tomorrow.
Thought you might want a drink.
I wish I had my whip
and was facin' you.
Now you say you're sorry,
Wanna say you're sorry?
You wanna say
you're sorry, soldier?
Go ahead, Brizzard.
It's no disgrace to be thirsty.
I'm sorry.
Good. That's better.
Now say it again,
and I'll turn you loose.
How many times
do I gotta say it?
Lots and lots.
I'm sorry.
Now get up, soldier.
What are you gonna do with him?
Seems you oughta reckon
what I'm gonna do with you.
Why are you doing this for me?
I guess
that answers my question.
We must hurry.
They are gone. Who are "they"?
My father is leading the
young warriors to the fort.
All will be killed
if we don't warn them.
Can we get there
ahead of them? We'll ride fast. Come.
The Indians are on their way
to attack the fort!
On what do you base
your information? The girl, Shona.
I was captured. So was Brizzard.
She cut me loose.
It's true, Captain Wayne.
Lippert. Break out
those new revolvers.
See that every man
in the wagon train gets one.
Instruct them as best you can
on how to load and fire them.
Yes, sir.
Break out
those revolvers. Yes, sir.
I want you men
with the Colt revolvers
to take up your positions
along those walls.
If the Indians should storm
the gate or scale the walls,
I want you to fall back to those two
buildings and keep them in a cross fire.
There they are!
Just remember, each one of
those revolvers has six shots.
Make 'em count!
Take up your positions.
There they are!
I can see 'em!
Hey, Pop! We can see 'em!
Hey, you boys,
get down outta there!
Aw, heck.
There's a wagon coming,
Captain. Who's in it?
I can only see the driver.
It's Brizzard!
Open the gates for him.
I wonder how he got away
with a wagon.
They're sending in
the first wave!
Get those gates closed!
It's a trap!
They're in the wagon!
Fire on 'em!
I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
The second wave, Captain!
Hey, Spars!
Get that powder wagon
to the gate.
Saxon. Drive those mules
to the gate!
Hey, you kids, get inside!
Get out of there!
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Ow! Ow!
Johnny! Johnny!
I hate you! I hate you!
It is because of this,
I renounce my people.
I already made arrangements
with Clayman
to get my dispatch
back to Westport,
and also my resignation.
One hundred years
and more have gone
One hundred years
and ten
But time can never
dim the fame
Of those heroic men
Who never faltered
on the trail
Until the West was won
Those men of old
in wagons rolled
Rolled west to Oregon
Oregon, Oregon
Captioned by Point.360