The Other Love (1947)

- Miss Duncan.
- Rest period.
The doctor will see you
in a moment.
Thank you.
I'm sorry to keep you waiting,
Miss Duncan. Please sit down.
I hope your trip
wasn't too difficult.
On the contrary,
it was delightful.
I've never been
this high before.
Do you feel any effects?
No, should I?
Confidentially, yes.
I'm sorry
to disappoint you.
I'll wait.
Are my lungs photogenic?
This is a month-old take.
We better make some new ones.
- Might as well get it
over with now.
- Certainly.
I'll examine Miss Duncan
right away.
Would you go with
the nurse, please?
- Breathe deeply.
Again please.
More deeply.
Oh, I feel dizzy.
That's the altitude.
See, I wasn't disappointed
after all.
Now we'll just
take your X-ray.
Right here, Miss Duncan.
When did you first notice
that you were ill?
I really don't remember.
It just kept getting worse.
Professor Linnaker sent me
a very nice letter.
He wanted me to take
the best care of you.
That was very kind...
That was very kind
of Professor Linnaker.
Hold it.
Up. Take a deep breath.
Hold it.
- That's all.
- May I dress?
- You may.
- When will I know
the results?
- Tomorrow.
How long will I be here,
You've been doing concert
tours for the past two years.
A night here, a night there
eating on the run,
Rushing to catch trains,
barely time to sleep.
Barely time for anything.
You should be very tired.
Yes, I am.
Are you finished
with me, Doctor?
For the time being.
I'm really quite overwhelmed
to meet you.
I got a large number
of your records.
Also a very vivid memory
the last time I heard
you broadcast.
The plate is all right,
Good. I won't put you
under orders on your
first day here,
But I do recommend
that you lie down
for a while.
- Your suite is number...
- Seventeen.
I'm helpless without her.
Seventeen it is.
We shall have to build you up.
How's the appetite?
We'll soon change that.
By the way, I think on
your first night here,
You ought to dine
with your doctor.
- Shall we meet in
the lobby at 7:00?
- Thank you.
Notify the kitchen.
Grade "A" stimulation diet,
number 17.
Yes, Doctor.
- Miss Duncan,
I'm Huberta Junger.
- How do you do?
- You shouldn't be doing that.
- I don't mind a bit.
I do. Come lie down.
Really. It's no trouble.
You've got to rest.
Open your mouth.
I'll finish unpacking.
This is the only way
I get to travel.
London, New York.
My, you've been
around a lot.
But you should have
warmer clothes than these.
They should have told you.
You see, 99.8.
That big mountain.
That's the Mount Vierge.
The Mount Vierge.
Virgin Mountain.
That's such a lovely little
town at the foot of it,
like a toy town.
It's not little when
you've lived in it.
And I've lived there
all my life.
Who had this suite
before me?
A lady.
She left us yesterday.
- Did she go home?
- I guess so. I didn't ask.
There. All done.
I'll get a boy to
take your luggage down
while you're at dinner.
I forgot. I'm having
dinner with Dr. Stanton.
Good evening, Doctor.
- It was sweet of you
to send me these.
- What?
Oh, the orchids.
I hate to admit it,
but someone isn't
as slow as I am.
I didn't send them.
- You didn't?
- To my shame, no.
Who could it have been?
Anybody who saw you.
I don't understand it.
Well, look around.
Every man in the room
has got his eye on you.
Dr. Stanton, I'm sorry.
Telephone please.
- Thank you.
Will you excuse me?
- Certainly.
I'll wait for you
in the lobby.
- Still intrigued?
- Still intrigued.
- No clue as to who sent them?
- No, no clues.
I watched all through dinner.
I didn't see anyone who looked
the white orchid type.
I'll be back in a minute.
Scissors should not be under.
They should be over
So I can put
my hands on them.
- Good evening, madam.
- Good evening.
This corsage was delivered
to me without a card.
Can you tell me
who sent it?
No card? No card.
- If madam would tell me
her room number.
- Seventeen.
Seventeen. We have a standing
order to send white orchids
every night to the lady in 17.
- It's in the book.
- It was in the book.
It isn't in the book anymore.
Why don't you read
the book every day?
The lady left us last night.
Yes, she left last night.
Oh, I see.
Then I'll return the flowers
to the gentleman who sent them.
It is quite impossible.
Very much impossible.
You see, he left months ago.
Yes, months ago.
Six months ago.
What does the number matter?
I think you'd better
stop sending them.
Very well, madam.
What happened?
Didn't you like your admirer?
- I found out who sent them.
- Who?
A man who died months ago
to a woman who died yesterday.
- What?
- Who died yesterday
in my room.
Now they're both gone.
All that's left of them
is a standing order
for white orchids.
Now you mustn't jump
to conclusions.
The woman was Portuguese
and very charming.
Left to join a gentleman.
They were both cured.
Do you always lie
so considerately?
I'm not lying.
No, of course not.
You call it therapy.
Protect the patients
from fear.
Keep away all
bad associations.
But I'm not fooled,
I know death
is a guest here.
He sent me his compliments
No, he didn't.
But somebody else did.
That was Professor Linnaker
on the phone.
Professor Linnaker?
He wanted to make sure
that you'd arrived all right.
A lot of people interested
in you and your future.
They want you
to get well again.
He said that you
were to relax,
stay quiet,
Take orders and do
what people think
is best for you.
The best thing
for you now is bed.
- I couldn't sleep.
- You can.
I'll have Huberta
give you something.
Am I already under orders?
As of now.
As you wish, Doctor.
- Office.
- Hello.
Dr. Stanton, please.
Is the doctor
expecting your call?
Yes, yes, he said I could.
this is Karen Duncan.
Can you come up
to my room quickly please?
Right away.
What's the matter?
Did you have a bad dream?
I don't know. I can't
seem to get enough air.
The mountains are pressing
against me.
You're not acclimated yet.
See, people react oddly
to sudden changes in altitude,
but you mustn't worry.
No, I suppose not,
But I heard such
strange noises.
- Someone knocking on
the balcony and then...
There it goes.
Is that what you heard?
Here's your mysterious
No, there was another
noise, too.
It sounded like
an iron door.
You must have been dreaming.
I was awake.
Hearing it was what
made me call you.
There are stages
in sleep when one is
neither sleeping nor waking.
I had the same thing
happen to me at times.
I'll keep this
for the Christmas tree.
Shall I still be here
at Christmas?
Don't worry about time
and don't worry about noise.
There's nothing mysterious here.
Nothing to harm you.
Just relax.
Go back to sleep.
I'll try.
You must concentrate.
Try counting sheep
or composers.
I once tried counting
composers starting
with the A's.
Did it work?
I had a nightmare.
Pretend you're
on a merry-go-round.
It works with me.
What if I catch
the brass ring?
Give it to me
in the morning.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Mmm. Smell the pine.
And I'm so hungry.
That's wonderful.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- Good morning, Doctor.
- Did you finally get to sleep?
- Yes, thank you.
- Good. Where's my brass ring?
I missed it.
I didn't lean over far enough.
You won't be needing
that for a while.
- No, you can't.
- Yes.
- But yesterday...
- Yesterday you were smoking.
Today you're not.
Remember, you're under orders.
- Did Huberta tell you
about your schedule?
- Yes.
No talking
after the first gong.
Rest period, Miss Duncan.
Didn't you eat
your breakfast?
I lost my appetite.
It's always hard the first
two or three days.
In a week, you wouldn't
change it for anything.
Do you want a book?
I see you brought some.
No, I'll just sit here
and think.
Think about what?
About what's going to happen.
Nothing's going to happen
except that you'll get well.
How do you know?
You'll get well.
That is if you do
as the doctor says.
Some of these people just
make trouble for themselves.
There. Now you're all set
for the morning.
I'll be back later.
Don't pay any
attention to her.
We don't take ourselves
too seriously here,
not seriously at all.
I'm Celestine Miller.
I know who you are.
- I watched you
at dinner last night.
- Yes, I know.
- I heard you
last night, too.
- Heard me?
When Tony came in.
Tony? Oh, you mean
Dr. Stanton.
Yes, Dr. Stanton.
Don't you call him Tony yet?
No, not yet.
You're really quite
ill, aren't you?
So they say.
I'm not.
I'm just playing sick.
My husband thinks he's
in love with another woman,
And my being here
makes him feel guilty.
- Would you like a cigarette?
- No, thank you.
Tony has indoctrinated you,
hasn't he?
Yes, I suppose so.
- What do you think of him?
I think he's charming.
First day he's
always charming.
Mrs. Miller.
I'll see you after the gong.
- This is charming.
- It's mine. Like to see it?
This is pleasant.
Well, it's quiet.
Just like a cool hand
on your forehead.
So removed and yet
just a few steps from the...
When you want to get away
from there, come over here.
The door's always open.
Careful. I might
take you up on that.
Your piano
looks very inviting.
You didn't tell me
you played.
I wouldn't dare
in front of you.
Looks as though you
haven't played
for a long time.
No, I haven't,
but if you're in the mood
for confession.
When I was about seven,
I did toy with the idea
of becoming a pianist myself.
What made you change
your mind?
When I was eight,
I met a small girl
who had a doll
That was always being sick.
No, this is true,
And I used to play the part
of the doctor, you see?
She was a singularly
beautiful little girl,
And I decided that
a doctor's life must
a singularly happy one.
- So here I am.
- What happened
to the little girl?
I think she married
a pianist.
I'm sorry. Not yet.
Don't tell me this
is forbidden, too.
- For the time being.
- Why?
It's asked too much
of you already.
You need a good rest.
But I must play.
Playing the piano is my life.
It was your life.
It will be again.
But for the moment,
you must try and think
of yourself
As being in a deep sleep
between today and tomorrow.
Before you know it,
the darkness will have gone
just the way it went last night.
Is there anything that
isn't forbidden around here?
Lots of things.
Among them, hope.
Yes, you're right.
I'm sorry.
While I was lying down
this morning, I realized
There was no use of my
trying to fight you.
- I didn't know you were.
- It was only fear.
I didn't realize how
frightened I was until
last night.
Then when you came
to see me...
I'm not frightened
There's a nice quality
about you, Doctor.
You make me forget
my sickness.
Now don't use that word.
All you have is a tiny
- Like a tire?
- Like a tire.
How many miles
left in me?
Lots and lots
if you don't speed.
I'll try not to.
When may I go
to the village?
Speeding already?
I'm afraid there will
be some delays.
See, starting tomorrow
you have to spend
a whole month in bed.
If you need anything
from the village,
we'll send it up for you.
- A whole month in bed?
- That'll be a month well spent
if you're a good girl.
Is it necessary
to refer to me
as a child?
Up here in a way,
you are a child.
You have no responsibilities.
You make no decisions.
And who will make
my decisions?
I will.
And the first day you're up,
I'll take you
into town myself.
- Just put them there, please.
- Yes, Miss Duncan.
- Thank you.
- Karen.
Karen dear,
how was your afternoon?
- Wonderful.
- I thought it would be.
Tony's a fine doctor.
Yes, I'm sure he is.
Have you fallen in love
with him yet?
Celestine, you're crazy.
Don't deny it.
It's case history.
Every woman here
goes through it during
the time she's confined in bed.
Later they learn
to hate him.
- Hate him?
- In an affectionate
sort of way of course.
They find out his concern
is purely professional,
Part of the treatment.
You know, keep the patient
happy, that sort of thing.
Very sound principle,
isn't it?
I'll grant him one thing.
He is fair.
He divides his charm
Ten drops with every meal.
He always isn't
so methodical.
Excuse me, darling,
I've got lots of
packages to open.
They all look alike to me.
They're not, though.
The only thing they have
in common is they are all you.
- A piece of you anyway.
- Not a very flattering one.
- How am I getting along?
- I'll tell you tomorrow.
You say that every time
you examine me.
Don't you ever think
about today?
Of course.
All the time.
Well, what do you
think of me today?
I think you're a lovely
and talented young woman
Who still has some
distance to go.
- That's a concession.
- What?
That you think I'm a
lovely, talented woman.
I think you're a lovely
young woman who's taking up
more of my time than she should.
Don't you realize I have
a lot of other patients
out there?
- Certainly.
- Doesn't the fact
impress you?
- Not a bit.
- Unfortunately,
it impresses me.
- Out you go.
- Tony, don't throw me out.
I feel so good,
so at one with everything.
You can feel so at one
with everything somewhere else.
- Doesn't the fact impress you?
- Of course.
It's the gift
of the mountains.
High metabolism.
No, I prefer a musical term.
Strange how the days here
melt together,
Like a perfect chord.
That's the charm of living
without a calendar and
living quietly.
You can't say I'm
not living quietly.
See that you stay that way.
Yes, doctor.
I was looking for some matches
and found your collections.
None of those work.
Here, try this one.
Fair exchange,
I have a present for you.
What is it?
- It's a pillbox.
- I found it in the village.
It's quite old, I think.
Careful, it's full.
You know when to take them,
don't you?
Yes, Huberta's told me.
Thank you, Tony.
I've forgotten how warm
flowers can make a house.
I thought it was about time
something was in that vase.
You're gonna spoil me.
What am I gonna do
when you leave?
I can't seem to get
that little girl out
of my mind.
Which little girl?
The little girl who
married the pianist.
Oh, that one.
And I'm sorry,
but I didn't bring
the flowers to you.
- You didn't?
- No, I brought them
to the piano.
I don't suppose
you'd let me play it,
would you?
- I don't suppose I would.
- No, I was afraid of that.
All right, then you play it.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, yes.
This is gonna be horrible.
- I don't think I can do it
with you standing over me.
- I'm sorry.
I played that
when I was 16.
I can see myself.
My hair in braids.
I was very serious
and very determined.
That's when my music teacher
tried to kiss me.
Any other memories
like that?
Yes, a few.
There've been a lot
of men in my life.
Bach, Brahms, Beethoven.
They were very possessive.
They demanded all of me.
Did you give them all?
I thought so then,
but I don't think so now.
Paging Miss Duncan,
I'm afraid.
Yes, Doctor.
Come on,
I'll walk over with you.
- Are you all right?
- Yes.
Clumsy, aren't I?
- Are you all right?
- Now I am.
It was my fault entirely.
I didn't realize I was coming
into the intersection.
- Neither did I.
- Mr. Clermont!
- How does it look, Pete?
- Not so good.
You don't know
how sorry I am.
It's nothing
that can't be fixed.
- Are you all right?
- Well, I guess so.
I was terribly frightened.
So was I.
I'll go into town
and have 'em send
out a tow car.
That is if
I can get a ride.
- Yes, of course you can.
- Do you want me to stay here, Mr. Clermont?
By the way, my name
is Clermont, Paul Clermont.
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.
Not just now.
The air has
a bite up here.
Yes, there's a new snow
on the mountains.
I should have
brought my skis.
Where did you come from?
Monte Carlo.
I came up for the race.
- The race?
- Next Sunday.
Haven't you heard?
No, I haven't.
How are things in Monte Carlo?
The way they always are.
The wheels spin,
The pawnbroker
retires young,
And Mr. Clermont
always loses.
Why don't you come down
and bring me some luck?
I can have you there
in 95 minutes.
With a broken neck?
No, thank you.
I like it too much up here.
So do I.
I've never run into
such interesting
danger before.
The menace is
practically over.
I'll have you in the village
in a few minutes.
You shouldn't
drive so fast.
Are you warning me
not to speed?
I am.
I want this to last
as long as possible.
After all, speed isn't
necessarily movement.
It can be a kind of
philosophy, too.
A pattern for living.
A pattern for winning races.
Do you want me to drop you
at the garage?
Wither thou goest,
so shall I.
That would be hard
for both of us.
The garage is
around the corner.
Goodbye, Mr. Clermont.
You can't go away.
I haven't had time
to thank you
For such
a pleasant accident.
I can do better
over a dinner table.
I'm sorry.
I have an engagement.
- Lunch tomorrow?
- Engagement.
- Dinner?
- Engagement.
- Sounds terribly monotonous.
- It isn't.
This can't go on forever.
You're going to the race
of course.
- No.
- I'll get a box for you
at the race
And we'll have cocktails
and then dinner.
I'm sorry.
I'm not going to the race.
I don't blame you,
but I'll meet you
just the same.
We'll start at 6:00.
And then perhaps I can
convince you that snow
is for the cold in heart.
A warm heart
would live by the sea.
I prefer the snow.
Then I'll let
you convince me.
The garage is
around the corner.
Don't forget. 6:00.
- Karen.
- Hello, Celestine.
Who was that?
I like his proportions.
- Quite a measuring eye.
- I measure men quite
accurately from a distance.
I only start making mistakes
when they get close.
Who was he?
He almost ran into me
at the intersection
and cracked up his car.
What were you talking
about out there?
He wanted me to have
dinner with him.
- Are you?
- No, of course not.
- I would.
- Then you go in my place.
It might be
very instructive.
He also teaches philosophy.
- Where are you going now?
- I want to leave this film
to be developed
- and get some records.
You wanna come with me?
- No, darling,
I've got something much
more important to do here.
I'll meet you later,
All right, meet me here
in a half-hour.
You are quiet.
Am I?
I hadn't noticed.
Are you running away
from that man?
Well, if you want
to call it that.
Karen, don't be silly.
If you must run
away from him,
at least do it slowly.
Give him a chance
to catch up with you.
- Celestine,
have you been drinking?
- Mm-hmm.
You shouldn't.
If Tony ever finds out...
Tony has nothing to do
with it anymore.
- What do you mean?
- I wanted to tell you
back at the hotel,
But I was much too fascinated
by your passenger.
I'm leaving in a few days.
Karen, I'm well.
Tony said this morning
I could go.
Oh, I'm so happy for you.
I'm so happy for myself.
- How soon?
- Monday morning.
Will your husband
come to meet you?
No, I'll surprise him.
Did you do that?
Well, I'm afraid so.
Let's stop and see.
No, no, we've
got to get back.
Remember, 6:00.
I'll tell you a secret.
In 30 years, Frau Linnaker's
never learned how
to make good coffee.
That's one reason
I would like to
come up here more often.
Another less important
one is to see you.
- Come in.
Professor Linnaker,
your car is here.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming up.
When I sent Karen to you,
I had one regret.
The world was losing
a great artist
And we have far too
few that we can afford
to be reckless with them.
But now this
is hard, Tony.
I wish I could be more
of a help to you,
But all I can say
you already found out
for yourself.
She has a chance.
Slim, but a chance.
It'll take everything we've
learned plus something.
I don't need to tell
you that. You know it.
Yes, I know.
How is she bearing up?
She's being wonderful.
- Does she know
how ill she is?
- No, she doesn't.
Professor Linnaker.
What a wonderful surprise.
What a delight to see you.
Careful, Karen.
I'm not that old.
How are you, dear?
How's your rheumatism?
- Still faithful to me.
- And your liver?
We're not on speaking terms.
Have you cut out
those big black cigars?
Young lady, I am the doctor,
and I ask the questions.
However, thank you for the idea.
No, I have not cut them out.
- Isn't he a darling?
How long are you staying?
- I'm leaving right now.
Oh, and I thought
you'd come up here
to take care of me.
- Let Tony take care of you.
- Tony's a jailer.
- Good.
- He doesn't know what
the word leniency means.
And I feel so strong now,
so ready for anything.
You do what Tony tells you.
He knows how
strong you are.
Well, I must be off.
I have a long ride
before dark.
- Goodbye, Tony.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye, Karen.
- Bye.
What a sweet man.
Why didn't you tell
me who was coming?
I didn't know myself.
I've had
a glorious afternoon.
So I see.
Come into my office,
will you?
What happened this afternoon?
Oh, nothing spectacular.
And yet in a way,
something miraculous.
I was doing some shopping
in the village, just
a few little things,
When suddenly I
had the feeling that
everything bad was over.
I could pick up the threads
of my life again.
I could start to weave them
into something.
I was no longer different.
No longer sick.
I was as I had been.
A man tried
to pick me up today.
A very attractive man.
I can hardly
blame him for that.
It was so good
for my morale.
To have a man show
an interest,
It was...
it was so normal.
After the full impact
had struck me, I knew
I was well again.
You will be,
but you must go slowly.
I'm beginning
to hate that word.
The most hateful word
in the world.
I'm going to have to
ask you not to go
to the village for a while.
Why not?
Because I think it's best.
That's not the reason.
Now don't be too much
of a woman.
You know it's not.
Let's not argue about it.
How can you always
be so professional?
Why must you deny any
joy that I have?
I go to the village.
Someone talks to me.
I come back here singing inside
And you put on a long face
and say stay here
And take my pulse
and act like a pompous...
Leave my hand alone.
Too much excitement
for one day.
Here, drink this.
- Did that help?
- Yes, it did.
Karen, darling,
aren't you coming
to the races?
- No.
- Golly, why not?
Doctor's orders.
Tony said so?
Because of what happened
the other day?
Your guess is
as good as mine.
It's probably better.
Darling, he wouldn't
know if you did go.
Possibly not, but I'm staying
here just the same.
Well, if you wanna
be difficult.
Any message
for what's his name?
I'd love to give it to him.
No, nothing. Run along
and have a good time.
I'll see if I can bring
you back his gold cup.
Today I feel as though
I could do anything.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
Miss Duncan, it's time
to take your pill.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon, miss.
- Is Dr. Stanton in?
- No, Dr. Stanton
isn't here today.
I just finished cleaning.
He went down to the village
and he won't be back
until tonight.
- Anything I can do
for you, miss?
- No, thank you.
- So you came after all.
- No, I didn't see the race.
- I just got here.
- He lost. You know,
it's your fault he lost.
- What do you mean?
- His car broke down
less than a mile
From the finish line.
His car, Karen.
- Was he hurt?
- There was no accident.
He just had to fall out
of the race, that's all.
That's better.
Come on, let's go in here.
You know, Karen,
I like you.
And I've got
something for you.
I'm going to make
you my heir.
- Do you feel all right?
- I feel wonderful.
I'm delirious.
Wouldn't you be
if you were going home.
Yes, I guess you're right.
I know how you feel.
This is for you.
Comes in very handy.
What is it for?
It's a passkey
to the sanitarium.
I got it from
the night watchman.
Cost a lot,
but it was worth it.
Anytime you come in
after-hours, you just
use the servants' entry.
That's sweet of you,
but I don't think I'll
be out after-hours.
Keep it. And promise
me no matter how late
you come in,
You'll knock on my door.
I'm going back
in a little while.
I've got to pack
three big trunks.
Besides, I wanna know
how everything came out.
There's your man.
You better hurry.
Goodbye, darling.
Have yourself a time.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
I'd just about
given you up.
I understand your losing
the race was my fault.
- You saw it then.
- No, I didn't see it.
You're leaving?
I was leaving.
Pete, phone Monte Carlo,
will you?
I won't keep
that date tonight.
Sure thing.
These are not mine.
You know, the management
Leaves them there
for people to trip over.
Aren't you being a bit
previous breaking
an engagement?
He'll be there
tomorrow, too.
- He?
- Yes, the croupier.
You mean you're giving
him up for me?
the ultimate sacrifice.
See how serious it is?
I'm even neglecting
my vices.
Besides, the croupier
has become routine.
I like to keep away
from routine.
Would you like dinner?
What about the management's
That's the management's
George, have you seen
Miss Duncan?
No, sir.
Not since this afternoon.
Thank you.
- Good evening, Doctor.
- Good evening. Did Miss Duncan
have an early dinner?
- No, Doctor,
she hasn't come down yet.
- Thank you.
I suppose it's love
For I know if you
give me the chance
I'll find romance
Now and forever
With you
- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.
- You haven't
touched your glass.
- I don't need it tonight.
This is exhilaration
They're like shooting stars.
I wonder how fast they go.
It's easy enough
to find out.
From the ski hut
to the trees is
a quarter of a mile.
See that man out there?
- He's just started.
Now if he doesn't fall.
- He made it.
23 and 3/10s of a second.
That would make about...
Why split seconds?
It's the fraction
that makes the difference
between winning and losing.
It's in the split second
that we really live.
That makes for a short life.
It's the best way
to measure time.
- Look at this watch.
- I love you.
Those three words
took exactly 9/10s of a second.
Yet, there are years
in them.
Very remarkable watch.
Where would you like
to go?
You mean there are
other places?
Didn't you know?
No one ever told me.
Then I'll tell you.
There's a city called Paris.
It's a very beautiful city.
And there's another city
called Rome, and that's
also a very beautiful city.
And there are cities called
London, Cairo, Athens,
And they're all
beautiful cities.
There's not one of them
that wouldn't be graced
by your being there.
There was a man who
told me all that once.
- Who?
- A clerk at Thomas Cook's.
I'm not the clerk
at Thomas Cook's.
My tour will be
more encompassing.
It's time to start.
You mean you wanna
take me right now?
Sure, did you think
I was joking?
- Just as I am?
- I wouldn't change a thing.
You can't mean it.
I never meant anything
so much in my life.
This is insanity.
I can't go like this.
Why not?
Well, I've so much to do.
You just can't revise
your whole life
in a split second.
Of course you can.
You shouldn't be
frightened of the speed.
When you're going real fast,
you don't dare look back.
What about my luggage?
Luggage is for tourists.
Well, if that's
the way it is,
that's the way it is,
But I can't face
an unknown future
With an unpowdered nose.
I'll wait for you here.
Miss Duncan,
you shouldn't be here.
What happened?
Where is she?
Mrs. Miller has left.
Miss Duncan.
When did it happen?
An hour or two ago.
Come on.
I'll take you to your room.
Miss Duncan, wait.
Well, Karen, you're getting
in rather late, aren't you?
- I just came back from town.
- I hope it was worth it.
Tony, Celestine is dead.
Poor Karen,
I'm truly sorry.
- How did it happen?
- Sudden hemorrhage.
But how could it?
You said she was cured.
- I never told her that.
- But she said you did.
I told Celestine the truth
or most of the truth.
I told her we'd done all
we could for her here.
When my time comes,
how much of the truth
will you tell me?
But you're different.
You're somebody else.
Your time isn't going to come.
Different in what way?
You lied to me in the same way
you lied to Celestine.
You lied to me the first night
about the iron door,
and tonight I saw it.
- If you'd obeyed orders,
you would never have seen...
- You lied to me.
Karen, please, I'll take you
to your room. You must rest.
- No.
- If you don't,
you may be very ill.
You mean I'm not ill now?
Yes, yes, you are.
- How ill am I?
- You have every chance.
- You've said that all along.
- I shall continue to say it,
But you must help yourself.
Why was Linnaker up here?
- Linnaker?
- Yes, why?
All right, I'll tell you.
I was afraid for you.
And you still are.
How much time have I got?
A year, a month, three months?
You have your whole life,
But it's got to be
a careful life.
A long time you've got
to rest. You got to sleep.
You got to become
an automaton.
Not acting on impulse,
but always under control.
You haven't got
a free will anymore.
You don't treat people
like human beings.
You treat them
like machines.
You try to keep them running
and when one of them stops,
You go on to the next one.
I'm tired of rest.
I'm tired of sleep
and moving slowly
And lying in the sun.
Don't you see what I am,
what I want to be?
Don't you realize
I've never really lived?
Neither did I
till you came up here.
- What do you mean?
- I mean that I love you.
I don't believe it.
What will you believe?
Nothing anymore.
I feel well now.
I've felt well for a long time.
- It's a deception.
- If it is, we're even.
All right, I can't keep you.
You know that,
But your music belongs
to the whole world.
Now forget me,
forget everything,
but for that,
You've got to get well.
For that, you've got
to stay here.
Which treatment
is this, Doctor?
Love didn't work.
Now you tried music.
The music that
brought me here.
No, no, that won't work,
Faith in your ability
was the most you ever
gave me and now even
That's been taken away.
No, I won't stay here
any longer. Good night,
- I'll take you to your room.
- No, no, thank you.
I know my way.
I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
What did you have to do,
pin a note to the pillow?
Yes, yes, I had to pin
a note to the pillow.
Are you ready now?
I'd like a drink first.
- What'll it be?
I'm having brandy.
- I'll have the same.
A brandy, please.
May I have a cigarette?
I'm ready now.
Where's Pete?
He's gone.
I sent him away.
You seem terribly certain.
- Good night, sir.
- Good night.
Why don't you sleep?
I'll wake you up when
we get to Monte Carlo.
I think I will.
By the way, there's
something you should know.
- My name is Karen Duncan.
- Not the Karen Duncan.
Yes, "the."
If Chopin
could see me now.
- Good morning, Huberta.
- Good afternoon.
My name is Margo, madam.
Oh, yes.
What time is it?
- 2:00.
- So late?
Madam must have traveled
far to be so tired.
Yes, it was far.
Not a very good day.
- Madam has a headache?
Hello, Paul.
Oh, that.
I thought it was breakfast.
I hadn't noticed.
I am.
Now? In the rain?
Oh. I didn't know
you were so close.
I arranged it.
How did you sleep in those?
- Fine.
- What are you gonna
be doing in 15 minutes?
Something very important.
More important than me?
- What time?
- About 7:00?
You know how many hours
there are till 7:00?
I'll try and make
the waiting worthwhile.
- Karen, look...
- I have to go now.
I'll see you at 7:00.
All right, at 7:00.
Margo, I've got a million
things to do. Would you
draw my bath for me, please?
- I'm very hot.
- Yes, madam.
Come in.
- Hello.
- I'll be right there.
I seem to remember you faintly.
Hello, Paul.
A shock like this
can kill a man.
But not you.
What a wonderful way to die.
And here's
the finishing touch.
- No.
- What's the matter?
No, not white orchids.
Why not?
Nothing that really matters.
I once had a bad dream
about them.
This is no place
for bad dreams.
Close your eyes.
What do you see?
All the dreams gone?
This will take their place.
Keep her straight now.
Keep her straight.
I can't.
You take over.
You take over!
- You missed that one, too.
- Yes.
The hundreds of places
you take me to, Paul,
are wonderful.
What number is this?
I've lost count.
I don't know. 47, 62.
Who cares?
Every one is a new
and lovely surprise.
- Do you like surprises?
- Some.
Close your eyes.
No, no, not here.
Maybe you'll like this one.
Oh, Paul, it's beautiful.
- It's huge!
- It certainly is.
It looks like an ice cube.
- Should I put it in my drink?
- No, no.
I think this is the best
place for it.
Yes, yes, that's the best
place for it.
I can barely lift my arm.
Don't worry.
I'll be doing it for you.
- What shall I do this time?
- Bet 'em all.
- What number?
- Any one you want.
- I know... 23.
- Why 23?
That was the day we met.
This is fun.
Is your luck
holding up, Paul?
Hello, Yvonne.
Miss Duncan,
I present Miss Dupree.
- How do you do?
- Where have you been
for the past week?
Visiting hundreds
of places.
How dare you lose your race.
Don't you know I had
money bet on you?
Darling, you weren't there
to give me strength.
How do you happen
to forget our date
that night?
I forgot.
I didn't know what
I was doing, did I?
I thought so.
So did I.
I'm trapped.
What can I say?
Nothing, darling.
Get back to your game.
- So nice to have
met you, Miss Duncan.
- Thank you.
Darling, you need some chips.
I'll spread them
around this time.
- Thank you.
- For what?
For understanding.
I mean it.
Some women would be
very jealous.
- Some women wouldn't.
- Yvonne's an old friend.
I'd like to go.
All right, where?
I don't know.
Let's just go.
I want you to play.
For whom are you playing?
I was thinking.
From the mountains,
the sea appeared
so near.
And now from the sea,
the mountains seem
so far away.
I want them to
seem that way.
So do I.
I want every place
except where we are
to be unbelievably distant.
I want the mountains
to be on the moon
And the sea to be
on the sun.
I want everything except
this place, this moment
to vanish in a mist.
Nothing else exists.
- Paul.
- Who are you?
What are you? I don't know.
You appeared suddenly.
For all I know,
you may disappear again.
- No.
- I feel I've gotta hold you.
And if I don't,
you'll vanish.
love is the easiest
Or the hardest
word to say.
This time it's hard
because my whole heart's
behind it.
- You don't have to say...
- Don't talk.
Can I do something
for you?
- A glass of water, please.
- Yes.
Oh, please, God, no.
No, not now.
Not now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Card?
- No.
- Seven.
- Seven.
I feel lucky tonight.
I'm going to the main room.
All right, darling,
I'll see you later.
I'd forgotten about this.
How were you able
to find me?
I was able to find you
because I wanted to find you.
Took you quite a while.
I can't come and go
as I please.
I can.
Yes, I know.
If you've come to give me
medical advice, Dr. Stanton,
You're wasting your time.
I have no need
of physicians now.
I'm my own doctor.
I make my own diagnosis.
It's very simple.
I'm feverish.
I have morning temperatures
and evening chills.
I'm losing weight,
but I don't care.
Why must it be like this?
Because I want it.
I'm trying to smash the face
of the clock and I will.
- One of these days...
- All right, all right.
What do you want?
Do you want me to go back
to the mountains?
To be a patient
filled with pity
And false hopes
for tomorrow?
Lying there was like
lying in a deep pit.
Here I feel
as though I was
On the highest mountaintop
in the world,
With nothing between
the sun and me but air.
Life down here is lived
on the mountaintop,
But you wouldn't
understand that.
I won't go back.
- I haven't asked you to.
- You would if I give you
the chance.
When I left, I made
a deal with myself.
I made it even if I had
to pay with days of time
For every second
of happiness.
Are you happy?
Happier than I've
ever been before.
I don't believe you.
I didn't ask you
to come here.
I want you to leave me alone.
Go away, please.
- I want a bottle of champagne.
- How many glasses?
- One.
- One?
- One.
- Three.
- Very well.
We've been looking
for you everywhere, darling.
Don't tell me
you're drinking alone.
- Looks that way.
- Why?
Because I want
to drink alone.
What a silly idea.
I'm beginning to know the
baccarat and Chemin de Fer.
Richard's in there
losing my shirt.
Dr. Stanton?
- Yes.
- You want to see me
about Miss Duncan.
You're a difficult man
to reach.
I prefer to be.
What about Miss Duncan?
Have you known her long?
You met her while you
were racing up in the
mountains. Am I right?
What if you are?
Did she tell you what
she was doing up there?
I didn't ask her.
That was her business.
Now I'm not so sure
it's yours.
Well, it is.
I don't know what you're up to,
and I'm sure I don't like it.
I'm sorry. I think you'll
like it even less after
I've finished.
Do you mind coming
to the point whatever
it is?
All right.
As she hasn't seen fit
to tell you what's the matter,
I can see that it's up
to me to do so.
She's very ill.
I don't believe you.
She's the picture of health.
One of the tricks
of her illness.
She's an undischarged
patient from the Mount
Vierge Sanitarium.
- How would you know?
- I was her doctor.
- At the sanitarium?
- Yes.
She never said a word.
Why didn't she tell me?
I don't know. I can think
of several reasons.
While she was up there,
she suffered a severe shock,
And I think it was that
more than anything else
that drove her down here.
She's trying to turn
her back on the past.
You've gone to a lot
of trouble to tell me this.
I'd like to get
one thing clear.
As far as Karen is concerned,
am I talking to the doctor
or the past?
To the doctor.
Why didn't you leave
the choice up to her?
- I did tonight.
- You've seen her?
- You've asked her to go
back to the mountains?
- Yes.
- Did she refuse to go?
- Yes.
So you're my last
court of appeal, Clermont.
The choice is up to you.
And a very small
choice it is.
I'm not asking you
to force her back
to Mount Vierge.
Take her to any mountains.
Take her to the desert,
Egypt, Arizona.
Anywhere where the climate
will help her.
- If you don't,
you'll kill her.
- Kill her?
Up until this evening,
she was committing suicide.
But that you know,
if you don't stop her,
In a way, you'll be
committing murder.
So... now if you'll
excuse me, Doctor.
Good night.
The next one's on me.
Oh, you're getting a cold.
Fill her glass up again.
The best thing I know
for a cold.
- Let's go out and catch cold.
- Yeah!
Hello, Paul.
Come and join us.
Come along, Paul.
We're having a contest
- to see who drops first.
- Yes.
Karen has just dropped out
of the race completely.
We're leaving.
- I can't. I'm winning.
- I wanna talk to you.
All right, Paul.
Is Richard losing again?
- Probably.
- It doesn't matter.
We're sailing tomorrow anyway.
Big party on the Atlantis,
It's good, hm?
Good night, Karen.
I thought you wanted
to talk to me.
I thought I did to,
but not tonight.
Tomorrow will be better.
Oh. Good night.
That was wonderful.
I thought you hated exercise.
Dancing with
you isn't exercise.
- It's a delight.
- Oh!
- Dance with me, Paul.
- I feel mental tonight.
- What's that got
to do with it?
- Dancing with you is mental.
Oh, come on.
- The next one's
on me, darling.
- Who could argue that?
What? Why did you
drag me away?
I've got something
to show you.
What's this?
- It's yours.
- What do you mean it's mine?
Don't you like it?
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
The Atlantis is leaving
early in the morning,
And we're going
to be on it.
No, Paul, I can't.
I'm having your luggage
sent up from the hotel
- We're going to Egypt.
- Egypt?
I've taken a six month's lease
on a pyramid.
And I've hired the sphinx
for a watchdog to keep
an eye on you.
Do you think I'll need
a watchdog that large?
I think the climate will
be good for you, too.
The climate?
I saw Dr. Stanton.
He told me to take you
to Egypt.
It's true, isn't it?
Karen, last night when
he told me, I was bitter.
I hated you.
And then when I saw you
in the bar throwing
yourself away,
I suddenly was full of pity.
I feel differently now.
I want to take care of you,
to be with you always.
- Pity.
- Now I know I'm
in love with you.
That puts things
in their true light.
For both of us.
Remember once I told you
I was afraid you'd disappear?
I don't want that
to happen.
Go to sleep now, darling.
Tomorrow morning we'll
be well out to sea.
And when we're out
of sight of land,
we'll be out of sight
Of the past, too.
I have some things
I wanna discuss with Richard.
I'll look in
on you later.
Taxi. Taxi!
I have missed you
at the casino, madam.
Madam seems to be
in distress.
Perhaps a little
too much wine.
Could I be of any help?
A taxi.
Please get me a taxi.
Why, certainly, madam.
I shall be very happy
To help you find a taxi.
I think there's one
just around the corner.
Perhaps madam would
like to rest for a
little while first.
I know just
where you can rest
for a little while.
No, no, let me alone.
I have watched you
a long time.
I have waited, waited.
So long I've waited.
No! No!
No. Don't!
Don't touch me.
Can't you see I'm ill?
I'm very ill.
Help me.
Please, please help me.
I'll pay... I'll pay you.
I'll pay you well.
Very well, madam.
Where do you wish to go?
To the Mount Vierge...
Quickly, please.
- Dr. Stanton.
- What is it, Huberta?
Shall I take over now?
That's all right.
I'll be here.
You better get some sleep.
- How is she?
- Pulse is stronger.
- What do you think?
- I don't know.
Don't ask me now.
You need some sleep
yourself, Doctor.
I'll get it eventually.
You run along.
- Tony.
- It's better
if you don't talk.
- There's no need.
- Why did you let me hurt you?
Anything that's happened
is all over now.
The world's the right way
up again.
You're back where you belong.
He wanted to take me
to Egypt.
But every mile of water
would have meant that I...
I couldn't have gone
that far away from you.
I hurt him, too.
You never hurt anybody.
Yourself a little bit maybe.
I couldn't lie to myself
any longer.
You've never lied
to yourself.
Now just be quiet,
Got a great
many things to do.
I want to get on
with them.
Mr. Clermont,
the doctor will
see you in a moment.
Thank you.
Mr. Clermont,
what can I do for you?
- Karen's here, isn't she?
- Yes, she's here.
I want to see her.
- I don't think you should.
- Why not?
- She's very ill.
- I don't believe you.
You know her condition.
She was in a bad way when
she came here last night.
I don't like your type
of humor, Stanton.
As a matter of fact,
I don't like yours.
The last time I saw Karen
she was in very good spirits.
- When was that?
- Last night.
We were aboard a yacht.
I left her in the stateroom.
When I came back to look in
on her, she was gone.
And now I want to see her.
I want to find out
what happened from her,
Not from you.
You have every right
in the world to see her.
Very well. Come along.
- I'm sorry.
- That's all right.
It's really bad?
Yes, it's really bad.
When she felt it coming on,
she reached out for the only
straw she could grasp.
She would never have lived
to see Egypt.
There's more to it
than that, isn't there?
There's more to it than
just her coming back here
for treatment.
When I asked you if you
were the doctor or the past,
You said you were
the doctor.
I think it's time
I said I was the past.
Goodbye, Doctor.
Tell her I came
to wish her luck.
Tell her I had to leave
without seeing her
Because I've gone down
to sublet a pyramid.
She'll understand.
I found this after she left.
She won't need it anymore,
will she?
No, she won't need
that anymore.
Hello, Tony.
- How do you feel?
- Warm and rested.
- How were the X-rays?
- Don't worry about them.
- Were they worse?
- Better than I'd hoped.
I'm glad.
Tony, I've been thinking
about why I ran away.
I think it's because
I was suddenly afraid,
Afraid of time passing me
and leaving me.
I wanted to live.
I thought that down there,
there was life.
I was wrong.
It's up here with you.
Don't talk so much, darling.
I can't help it.
There's so much I want
to tell you.
Don't tell me all at once
because there's something
I want to tell you.
I think I know.
Marry me.
Now, the way I am?
Now, today, this afternoon.
- Tony.
- Say yes.
Is it fair to you?
Suppose I left you again
for good?
Darling, I need you.
I want you near me
in my house
So that I can be close
to you.
And if we have that,
you'll never leave me.
You belong there, you know?
Yes, I belong there, darling.
I belong wherever you are.
I'm not asleep.
Hello, Mrs. Stanton.
You've been gone
a long time.
- Only two hours.
- Two hours is a very
long time.
It is away from you.
Oh, Tony, it's snowing.
It started while
you were asleep.
And the lights are beginning
to go on in the village.
How warm they look.
Would you like
a light on in here?
The world seems so safe now.
The lights and the snow
and the little houses.
The first day
you brought me here, this...
This is the only house
I've lived in since,
Many years ago.
I think it's always
been waiting for you.
When I'm well again,
we can...
We can do such wonderful
things in this house.
What would you like
to do first?
First, I think I'd
like to be able to
meet you at the door.
You will, my darling,
very soon.
And then as I begin
to get better,
We can start taking walks.
Short ones at first
and then longer and longer.
Then perhaps...
Perhaps someday we can...
we can walk right
To the top
of Mount Vierge.
you don't just stroll
to the top of a mountain.
- Oh, we will.
- If you say it like that,
I guess we will.
- I've thought so much
of what we'll do.
- So have I.
- Darling.
- Hmm?
Do you ski?
Yes, a little.
Would you...
would you teach me?
I'd love to.
I have a price
as an instructor.
- What's that?
- You gotta help me improve
my piano technique.
It may take 50 years.
You played very
well yesterday.
I saw your expression.
You had divorce written
right across your face.
You were just thinking
wait till I get out of here
And off to the lawyers.
No, you only hit
six wrong notes.
Well, then you'd better
play for me again
And I'll check you
more carefully this time.
- Now?
- Now.
So the Anthony Stanton
Chamber Music Society
Is about to go into action.
After the professor has
favored us with a selection,
We shall hear the
report of the
Society for the Prevention
of Anthony Stanton
Ever Making
Chamber Music Again.