The Other Side of Midnight (1977)

How are you?
I'm all right.
I have decisions to make.
But I need certain facts.
Certain assurances
from you about...
about the death of Catherine.
Lovely Catherine.
did you kill Catherine?
Did you kill her?
Who is to say?
Innocent or guilty?
Innocent, Costa.
- Yes, Papa?
- Hurry: I'm waiting:
Coming, Papa:
[Ship Horns Blowing]
- Bye, Mama:
- Good-bye, Noelle:
It's a world of riches:
And it's a world where you belong:
You will see people
and things-
Oh, no:
- What is it?
- Oh, Papa, I'm so nervous:
What is there to be nervous about?
- [Exhales Deeply]
- Did I not buy you a new blouse.
To look beautiful?
Keep in your head
what I've always told you:
You are above the others:
You are a princess:
Yes: I am a princess:
Good: The world is yours:
Let the others be nervous: I know better
than anyone else what you have in you, Noelle:
- You will go to the top:
- [Chuckles] Papa, I do love you:
Of course:
Remember: Lanchon has
a very high-class clientele:
Yes: But I know nothing
about selling dresses:
Lanchon will teach you:
Be courteous and give
the correct change:
"Monsieur, madame"- Here it is:
The pay, in the beginning,
will be modest:
But, if you look upon this
as an apprenticeship.
You will find it
not altogether unpleasant:
[Clock Ticking]
Then I have the position?
- You do:
- Oh, Papa!
I told you:
I'll get your bag:
Here's your room: Be done in five minutes,
and I shall see you in the kitchen:
[Ship Horn Blows]
Noelle, youre better than you think:
And to show you the esteem
in which I hold you.
You may have as a gift.
Any dress from that
new shipment from Paris:
- Really?
- Yes:
Oh! I know exactly the one I want:
Where is it?
- Here: This one:
- Yeah: [Laughs]
Oh, you're beautiful, Noelle:
Listen to me:
It will be good for you:
- It will be very good:
- No!
Papa, you sold me to him?
No, that's not right:
We all of us profited:
You got a man who could help you:
He got a girl
who could pleasure him:
I received a small amount of money:
It afforded me that radio.
A new jacket, a cycle, some wine:
A few things to comfort me.
And your mother
against whatever comes:
[Ship Horn Blowing]
Noelle, war is coming:
You have beauty:
It's your only weapon of survival:
Use it:
Let the hand under your dress,
wear gold.
And you'll be that much
ahead of the game:
I'm sorry for you, Papa:
You'll be sorry for me only
if you end up with nothing:
End up on a yacht.
In a villa:
Rejoice for me, Noelle:
Go back to Lanchon:
[Bell Tolling]
[Fathers Voice]
Keep in your head what I've always told you:
You are above the others:
You are a princess:
[Tolling Continues]
[Footsteps Approaching]
[Horns Honking]
One day I really got to thinking:
"Gee, F: D: R: Needs my help: Well, I could help him:
I could go to Washington:"
But getting here was so expensive:
I spent all my money:
Living here's even more expensive,
and I don't have any friends or relatives here, so.
Here I am, living in a room at the "Y"
that'd turn a person into an atheist:
It's 50 cents a day,
and the john's in Philadelphia:
Excuse me, but just what kind of job
are you applying for?
Secretarial: With Fraser & Associates:
It's a very select P: R: Firm:
- Do you think I should
wear my gloves or carry them?
- You seem somewhat, uh, nervous:
Well, I can't type, I can't take dictation,
and I can't handle a switchboard.
And- [Chuckles]
If the meter goes to a dollar I can't pay you:
Why should I be nervous?
I think you should be nervous:
That's the way I see it:
Thank you:
Is he interviewing secretaries
today or isn't he?
Look, how much longer
do we have to wait?
Mr.: Burroughs has been delayed:
Just sit down: He'll get to it:
- [Sighs]
- Yes:
- Good morning: My name is Cathy A-
- [Intercom Buzzes]
Yes, Mr.: Fraser:
[Man] Susie, get me Life magazine,
March 13 this year: I need it fast:
- I'm C-
- But, Mr.: Fraser, that's a back issue:
However, I'll get a messenger
over to the Time-Life bureau:
- They may have to get it from New York:
- [Fraser] Right away, Susie:
Constantin, if you are correct in your
assumption that a war is coming, then l-
I am correct:
Therefore, it is not an assumption:
And it will be a war
that will engulf us all:
My beloved Greece too:
- Unendurable:
- Well, then you're gonna have to
sit it out in Switzerland:
- They're bound to keep out of it:
- [Chuckles]
- You read my mind:
- In any case, if you do decide.
To lend your tanker fleet
either to France or to England-
Bill, please:
I'm lending my fleet for the duration:
No fee, no payment
for ships destroyed:
Good: Good: That's good, Constantin,
because I can gua-
I can really guarantee it'd get you
all the headlines you want:
I deserve it, and it will be
a pleasant revenge:
Against my enemies.
Who say I'm a selfish bastard:
- [Knocks]
- [Laughs] Okay: Come in:
March 13 issue of Life, Mr.: Fraser:
Oh: That's good: Good:
Thank you, Susie:
I'm afraid I must be going, Bill:
Some senators are giving
a dinner for me:
Take this with you, Constantin: Look at
the article on Henry Kaiser: You'll see what I mean:
- Thank you:
- Yeah:
Um, I can be reached
at my hotel until this evening:
- After that, I cannot be reached:
- Okay:
- Adio:
- Adio, my friend:
- [Typing]
- [Phone Rings]
Thank you:
- Who's that?
- If you have to ask, go home:
Susie, would you come in, please?
Excuse me:
- Yes, Mr.: Fraser:
- Congratulations, Susie:
How'd you get
that copy of Life?
One of the girls out there
happened to be going by the desk-
- What girls?
- Mr.: Burroughs is interviewing secretaries:
And this girl is an applicant
you mean?
- Yes, sir:
- Ah:
- Bring her in:
- Oh, God: I think I told her to go home:
Excuse me:
- [Typing]
- [Phone Rings]
Mr.: Fraser himself wants to see you:
- Oh-
- Come on:
Well, I'm not-
Mr.: Fraser, this is
the girl who, uh-
- Uh, her name is-
- Cathy Alexander:
Thank you, Susie:
Just happened to have that copy
of Life with you?
- Yes, sir:
- It's six months old:
I'm a slow reader:
How'd you do it?
The barbershop in the lobby:
My father once told me that barbershops
are where all old magazines go to die:
- Are you always so resourceful?
- Yes, sir:
No, sir: Well, l-
Well, I'm looking for an assistant:
Are you any good with ideas?
Well, I got straight A's
at Northwestern School of Journalism:
- Straight A's?
- Yes, sir:
Hmm: I'm impressed: However,
the clients we handle-
Oh, I know: They're the best:
You've got two deposed kings.
Two South American
countries- small, but-
I BM, three senators,
Constantin Demeris-
- Oh, that's who that-
- What?
And special projects
for the government now and then:
I did some homework:
Yes, you did:
Glib: Maybe too glib:
[Inhales, Exhales Deeply]
You start Monday:
Monday? I know absolutely nothing
about public relations: Maybe less:
Oh, I don't know:
I thought you sold yourself pretty well:
- Where are we going?
- To lunch and then my apartment:
- I'm not that kind of a girl:
- [Chuckles]
- You said you live at the "Y"?
- Yeah:
Well, I've got a room,
and my roommate got married:
You and I work
in the same place: So-
You pay one half the rent
and the expenses: Any questions?
- How far is my room from the john?
- It's in the john:
- [Whistle Blows]
- [Horn Honking]
[Horns Honking]
Excuse me, sir:
Do you know a hotel?
An inexpensive hotel:
- Yes, of course: Get in:
- Thank you, monsieur:
[Honking Continues]
You come to Paris for job.
- And you don't know anyone?
- No:
- Where are you from?
- Marseille:
For the last six weeks
I've been working in Lyon:
I think I can be a good model:
Perhaps you-
Perhaps you know of something?
As a matter of fact, I do:
My sister works for one of
the big fashion houses:
Just yesterday she told me
that one of the girls left:
Of course,
the job is probably gone by now:
I can take you there,
but I can't promise anything:
Oh, I understand:
But it- it would be so wonderful:
Thank you, monsieur:
Here we are:
I will wait for you:
Oh, fine:
What is your sister's name?
- Jeanette:
- Jeanette: Ah:
[Car Departs]
Please stop! My bag!
Stop! My bag!
My bag:
- [Bell Tolling]
- [Chattering]
[Engine Starts]
- [Chattering]
- .(music) [Classical]
[Bell Dings]
[Bell Dinging]
[Bell Dings]
.(music) [Continues]
- Yes, monsieur?
- You are a guest at this hotel?
No: I came in because I was tired:
Is that not all right?
- In that case, I must ask you to leave:
- Why?
All I was doing was
sitting on your sofa:
How much does it cost
to sit on your sofa?
- I would like to avoid calling the police:
- The police?
- But call them: I've done nothing:
- [Man] Hello, cherie:
Hey: I'm sorry I'm late:
The cocktail parties
at the French War Ministry go on forever:
Don't they?
Is, uh, this man bothering you?
Oh, I beg your pardon, sir, but, uh,
lately we had problem with, uh, girls-
- Yeah, I'm sure: Here:
- Thank you very much, sir:
You're gonna have to
work a new beat:
- Pardon?
- Uh, another hotel:
Well- Look, the regular girls here
pay him off:
For the money, he keeps
their group exclusive:
I'm not a whore:
You're kidding:
By God, I'm not:
- Hey, wait a minute:
- What is it you want with me?
Uh, well, uh-
Well, look, quite frankly,
I gave that guy my last 30 francs:
Could you lend me five?
- But I have no money:
- [Chuckles]
- That's what I thought: Come on:
- Where are you taking me?
- To dinner: Come on:
- I do not want to go to dinner with you:
- Yes, you do: Come on:
- No: No:
- I know a great little place:
- I do not want to go:
Come on: Take it easy:
It's in Montmartre:
[Bells Ringing]
.(music) [Accordion]
- .(music) [Continues]
- [Noelle] And as I went into the building.
I heard the motor start:
I ran out,
but my taxi was gone-
with my bag in it and all my money:
So, I walked and walked and walked:
And then into the hotel:
And then that man: And then you:
And here I am:
- You are magnificent:
- Magnificent?
Oh la la: No:
I don't think I'm that:
Pretty, I'm told, but magnificent-
No, I don't think so:
- .(music) [Continues]
- Mmm:
That's a fine meal:
Thank you:
But now, you have no money:
How shall you pay?
- Where did you come from?
- Marseille: And you?
- Connecticut:
- What is Co- Conne-
- America:
- Mmm:
And you fly an airplane for England?
No: I fly for America,
only America doesn't know it just yet:
How shall you pay for the dinner?
- Hey, Larry: Lend me some money, will ya, buddy?
- Steve:
After last night,
I seem to be a little short: Hello:
- Hello:
- I'm Steve Whitney:
And this is Brigitte, um-
French person:
- Oh, and this is, uh-
- Noelle Page:
Flight Lieutenant Larry Douglas,
Royal Connecticut Air Force: How do you do?
Uh, we're charmed
but, uh, still short of funds:
Okay, sport: Here:
- Get yourself a fresh horse:
- Hey: Thanks, buddy:
Auf Wiedersehen, Noelle:
So you lied to me:
You have money:
Oh, I always lie:
Uh, the truth makes me nervous:
It's a very pretty name:
Like, uh, Christmas, yes?
And, of course,
you have no place to stay:
- Mmm:
- Well, I have a place:
Does that sound awful to you?
I don't know:
I think. Maybe:
Well, it's yours:
Listen: I'll sleep in the ashtray:
- [Chuckles]
- You'll be perfectly safe with me:
It's up to you:
Home sweet home:
Cleaning lady comes in
every other day and works miracles:
- You see? She cleaned the ashtray:
- [Chuckles]
Well, this is the bed,
as you can see:
This is a chair:
Another chair:
- Here we have the window:
- [Chuckles]
This is the floor:
Uh, this is the ceiling:
The walls:
The doors:
This is a rug:
Another window:
And this is the boy.
And that's the girl:
How will it all end?
The ashtray's a little small:
My feet'll hang over the side, but I can manage:
Or if you're feeling charitable,
we could share the bed:
I'm afraid, Noelle, it's up to you:
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[Larry] Yeah: We had a place in Montauk:
That's the end of Long Island:
- When I was a kid, I used to watch the gulls-
- [Ship Horn Blows]
Flying through the air
over the beach:
Boy, I would have given my soul
to have been up there with 'em:
Yeah: I knew I wanted to be a flier,
I think, before I could walk:
Then when I was nine.
An old friend of the family
took me up for a ride in a biplane:
Had my first flying lesson
when I was 14:
Oh, God:
There's nowhere like Paris:
Hey: What is it?
- It's our last day together:
- I know: Isn't that great?
- Great?
- Yeah:
I mean-You see, the great thing about
the last day is that it also means the last night:
And, Noelle, we will have a last night
to end all last nights, my dear:
- What will it be?
- Well, I see it as something simple:
A small place:
Quiet: Inexpensive:
.(music) [Jazz]
Larry, there are no prices:
The lady would like
the pheasant under glass.
And I would like the duck
a la Montmorency:
- And, uh, let me know as soon
as I hit a dollar, will ya?
- [Noelle Laughs]
Twenty million:
No, Constantin:
Absolutely not:
- Now, if you were to say 30-
- .(music) [Ends]
- [Applause]
- So you want 30 million francs.
For which I get complete control:
- .(music) [Soft Jazz]
- Mm-hmm: Agreed:
- [Chuckles]
- Who is that man?
Come on:
- They're playing our song:
- What is our song?
- Whatever it is they're playing:
- [Laughs]
.(music) [Continues]
Now, the rent is paid for six months, so don't
let Madame Rouselleau try to outfox you:
I left the receipt in the top drawer
in your underwear:
And I left all sorts of money:
I will never see you again:
Y-You're wrong: I will be back:
I promise: I swear:
You won't:
Uh, three weeks, November 15:
Say, uh, 7:00?
We'll meet at Victor's,
our regular place:
And I promise I will
fly very carefully:
I'll put my hand out when I turn,
and I won't run a single red light:
You always kid me so:
Don't leave me:
You know, I think what you should do,
since you have so much money-
- No:
- Is buy a wedding dress:
Yes: A wedding dress:
No sense in getting married
without a wedding dress:
- [Car Horn Honks]
- Hey: I don't want to miss my flight:
November 15, 7:00, Victor's:
I love you, Noelle:
I'll be back:
You can bet on it:
[Car Horn Honks]
[Bicycle Bell Rings]
You love me?
- Yes:
- Well, say so:
I love you:
[Mouths Word]
[Horns Honking]
[Woman] I expect my models
to be very punctual at all times.
And to work late
every other Saturday:
Right: Now then.
The salary is 200 francs:
Is that satisfactory?
- Oh, yes, madame:
- Any question?
- No, no: No, madame:
- Good:
Now you go with Marie,
and she'll see to your fitting:
- This way, my dear:
- Thank you, madame:
Thank you, madame:
You blew the Winchell item, you offended the
French consul, you stiffed Senator Martin's wife.
- And you hung up on the president
of the United States:
- I can explain:
- I was very tired:
- On the other hand, you got two
columns in Time magazine.
For Charlie McVicker, and you got Lowell Thomas
to mention Alben Barkley on the air:
That's good: And you got the secretary of
agriculture to reconsider the Harrison Report:
That's very good:
And you got- God knows how-
Joe Penner's duck on the front page
of the Washington Post:
- Now, I don't know whether
to fire you or give you a raise:
- It's a problem, isn't it?
You screw up the most
fundamental assignments, Cathy.
Yet you pull off
the most impossible:
Well, l-What the hell is it?
- Maybe I'm working too hard:
- Yeah:
Who sent you here?
Can't be my ex-wife: She's in Bermuda:
I don't understand
why you're so upset:
Yes, I know you don't understand:
You've been here, what-
- Six weeks:
- Six weeks: In six weeks.
You've taken the most respected
publicity firm in Washington.
- And you turned it into a crapshoot:
- Hasn't been easy:
All right: I'm taking you
off all existing accounts.
And I'm putting you exclusively
on prospective accounts:
[Door Closes]
[Phone Rings]
- Is that a promotion or a demotion?
- I have no idea:
Well, do I get a raise?
No, but you don't get fired:
Now get out of here:
And then I think it important
to play down the industrial activity.
And to promote an image
of a vital commodity crossing a continent.
To service vital American needs:
Uh, you see that gets ready
for presentation first thing in the morning?
- Mm-hmm:
- Oh, Jesus:
It's after midnight: I had no idea:
I'm sorry, Cathy:
It's no problem:
I enjoyed it:
It's kind of glamorous:
Washington at night:
Last-minute nuttiness
and- and all of that:
It's kind of fun:
I think I'll give you a present:
Oh, God, I want one:
How would a salary of, uh, 40 a week strike you?
Right through the heart:
- Hmm: Well, you're worth more:
- I know:
Come on:
I'll take you home:
You better:
- Thank you:
- Good night, kid: Sleep tight:
.(music) [Accordion]
- [Loud Chattering]
- [Door Opens]
[No Audible Dialogue]
- Wa-Waiter:
- Mademoiselle:
Please, if this gentleman
should arrive and ask for this lady.
- Have him telephone this number:
- Yes: Of course:
Thank you:
- Good night:
- Good night:
[Noelles Voice]
He must be dead:
I know it:
He has been killed,
and now he's dead:
It's over!
It's over!
- Now, child-
- No! Don't touch me!
Not even your wonderful aviator
can keep a promise like that:
It's impossible:
Three weeks to the day? To the hour?
No! You don't understand:
He would have been here: Even if he was
wounded, he would have been here:
- Noelle, listen:
- Leave me-
- Noelle!
- No!
Noelle, you will
stay here with me tonight:
Do you hear?
Do you hear me?
- Yes:
- You will stay here and stop acting like a child:
Now, tomorrow is
a very important day for us:
We're showing a new collection.
And many people will be here:
Noelle, he will be back:
He will:
You'll see:
He will be back:
Of course he'll be back:
He'll be back:
You'll see:
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
Thank you, Noelle:
And Janice is wearing
a gray print chiffon dress.
Over a peach satin slip:
Thats very lovely:
Thank you:
There you are:
Just step out of it:
I just wish I had my mirror: Where is my mirror?
- [Woman #2] Did you misplace it?
- I dont know: Oh, here it is:
You are a very pretty girl:
- Thank you, monsieur:
- What is your name?
- Noelle Page:
- Noelle:
And, uh, very graceful:
Here's my card:
I am Henri Correger,
casting director for Gaumont film studios:
If you should become interested
in film work, please call me:
Thank you, Monsieur Correger:
I am sure I can
find something for you:
- Mademoiselle:
- [Woman #2] Did you misplace them?
[Woman #1]
I dont know: L-I looked all over:
I wonder: Oh: Here they are:
Under the little table:
[Woman #2]
Are you sure they are yours?
[Rose] Come on, girls:
Madame Orsay's gonna be here any minute:
Hurry up: Come on:
- Elizabeth, put this black dress on:
- Yes, yes:
- Madame:
- Hurry up: Oh, my God:
Oh, my God: Marie-
Let me have the salt, Marie: There, there:
- Did the doctor tell you?
- Oh, yes, he did:
Now I suppose I shall have to add
a maternity line to the collection, huh?
I will model very hard for you.
Right up until the very end:
Madame Rose, I'm so lucky
to have a friend like you:
I'm so happy:
I'm going to have his baby:
Now I know.
He will come back:
[Bells Ringing]
I got the fare:
You get the drinks, huh?
[Dog Barking]
.(music) [Accordion]
- Oh:
- What is it?
- I'm sorry:
- Don't be sorry: Look here:
I am sorry:
- Steve?
- Yes:
I'm Noelle:
You remember?
Oh, sure: Of course:
You were with B-Brigitte,
and I was with Larry:
Oh, yeah:
I haven't heard from him in so long:
- Don't you remember me?
- Sure: You were with Larry:
- Yes: And you were with Brigitte:
- Well, where is he?
.(music) [Continues]
Listen, sweetheart:
I hate to be the one to tell you, but, um.
You're gonna have to be a big girl:
Larry's been sent home
to train American pilots:
And just in time too, 'cause, um.
He's left some little English girl
quite pregnant:
You know what, Noelle?
You're lucky to be rid of him:
I mean, he's already shot down more girls
than he's ever gonna shoot down Jerries:
If his accomplishments in bed counted
militarily, he'd be a bloody ace by now:
And I'm not even
counting the probables:
Come on, Noelle:
Don't be too upset:
Hey, what are you doing tonight?
We're gonna have a party:
Boozie Bennington's in town:
You'd love him:
- [Chattering]
- [Woman] Oh, hey!
.(music) [Humming Softly]
.(music) [Humming Stops]
[Water Sloshes]
Drink as much liquid as you can:
I'll come back again tomorrow: Hmm?
- Madame:
- Yes: I'll see you out:
Be sure she takes
her medicine, will you?
- [Rose] How is she, Doctor, really?
- Better: Every day:
- Good day, madame:
- Good day, Doctor, and thank you:
[Door Closes]
I got your message: I brought you
the things you asked for from the shop:
Thank you:
You killed his baby.
And you almost
killed yourself in the process:
Are you satisfied, Noelle?
Well, what is past is past:
Soon, you will be well enough
to come back to the shop.
And we'll start
a whole new collection:
Mmm, no: It's over:
Oh: You have something else?
You have been very good to me:
I'll never forget your friendship:
My shop will always be there:
And, you know, it is not
the end of the world:
[Door Opens]
[Door Closes]
Gaumont film studio?
I'd like to speak with
Monsieur Correger, please:
He's a casting director:
Thank you:
Hello, Monsieur Correger?
This is Noelle Page:
I'm the model at Madame Rose's:
Do you remember me?
Oh, good:
Yes, I know:
That's very fine:
.(music) [Fanfare]
The Arc de Triomphe, Paris, France:
June 1940 sees Nazi troops
make an arrogant entry into Paris:
The French people shed tears
at a sight that emphasizes.
The full depths of humiliation
to which their country has fallen:
In the armistice train
at Compiegne.
Germany imposes brutal
terms of surrender:
What a sight for Hitler and Goring:
How the Nazi fuhrer gloats:
What future conquests
are in his mind?
The world waits as Germany prepares
to throw itself on the tiny British Isles:
Can they resist the might-
Mr.: Fraser, could you sign this, please?
- Yeah: What'd I miss?
- The fall of Paris:
London's next,
and do you know what we're doing?
It says here that the United States Army
still has a cavalry that's men on horses:
It'd be great if we were
fighting Geronimo:
So, what's up, boss?
- I've gotta go to England:
- [Gasps] Can I go?
- No: You're going to Hollywood:
- Gone with the Wind: I got the part:
Oh, no: Wait a minute:
Vivien Leigh got that part:
Why am I going to Hollywood?
Because they've asked our office
to supervise an army recruiting film:
Now, Brandon could do it,
except he's in New York:
Dan Maloney could do it, except he's in Boston:
You could do it:
- So, you're on a flight to Los Angeles:
- I can't even load a Brownie:
Sorry: No problem:
There'll be a director for you: There'll be a crew:
They'll even have
actors for you because.
The army doesn't feel that, uh, real soldiers
are convincing enough to play real soldiers:
I'm gonna make you an associate:
Oh, Bill!
Thank you:
You better go and pack:
Good luck on your trip:
Thanks: You too:
- Miss Alexander?
- Never heard of her:
- Uh, I'm O'Brien: I'm your director:
- I'm Cathy: I'm leaving:
It's not as bad as it looks:
The script's written: The set's ready:
You think I can
bluff my way through?
That's what all
the great producers do:
- Want to take a look?
- Sure:
Uh, this is where we shoot
the recruiting pitch:
And, uh- Uh, city hall:
Uh, stop me if I'm wrong, but some of
these men don't have uniforms on:
Well, that's because
they're not supposed to until tomorrow:
- Today we're shooting them as civilians:
- Ah:
- Well, then what about these air corpsmen?
- They're wrong:
The studio is shooting
three different war films simultaneously.
So a lot of these guys
end up on the wrong set:
Excuse me: Uh, if I could have your-
Quiet, please:
Uh, Eddy, could you get everybody down here,
and could you just quiet down?
Please: Help us out:
Come on, fellas:
Give us a break, okay?
Thank you: Uh-
This is Miss Alexander:
- She's going to be in charge:
- [All Cheering, Whistling]
- Miss Alexander:
- [Clears Throat]
All right now:
Uh, you're all familiar with the script:
- [All] No:
- [Man] Never heard of it:
- How many speaking parts are in this movie?
- None: It's all voice-over:
Right: Okay:
Uh, you're all familiar with the fact that.
There are no speaking parts
in this movie:
- Mm-hmm:
- Uh, so.
If you would just take direction
from Mr.: O'Brien:
[All Groan]
Also, uh, some of you
are not on the right set:
Uh, you air corpsmen
are not supposed to be here:
- Well, we were-
- Now-
We were told to report
to Soundstage 13:
Yes, but you're not supposed to be
in uniform until tomorrow:
And then you're supposed
to be enlisted men, not officers:
- But I like being an officer:
- [All Chuckle]
Right: You've been in the army for one day,
and they make you a captain in the air corps:
Well, don't you think
I look good as a captain?
First lieutenant?
Second lieutenant?
Third lieutenant?
- [All Chuckle]
- Look: Uh, just go back
to Wardrobe and get rid of it:
While you're at it,
get rid of those medals and the ribbons too:
I thought these would give
the film a little color:
We're not at war: You would
have had to have won them in a carnival:
Well, maybe I won 'em
in the R: A: F. :
And then got transferred
to the U: S: Air Corps:
Look: If you want to
stay on this film.
Then get rid of the uniform,
the medals and the attitude:
And that goes for the rest
of you Rickenbackers:
- [Chattering]
- O'Brien, take over:
All right: Eddy,
I'd like to see you, Bruce-
- [Woman] Hey!
- [Men Laughing]
- You mind if I join you?
- Yes, actually, l-
What do you want?
Do you really want to know?
- I've just about had-
- I just thought I'd ask you.
If you thought this
was more convincing:
Well, I'm sure that those girls thought it was
more convincing, but you really want my opinion?
I think you're a phony:
- Have I done something to offend you?
- Everything you do offends me:
Look, I just don't like your type:
- What's my type?
- You're a fake:
Well, you enjoy wearing
a uniform on a film set.
And- and strutting around girls,
but have you ever thought of enlisting?
Ooh, and get shot at someday maybe?
Ooh, that's for suckers:
- This is much more fun:
- Aren't you eligible for the draft?
Well, I suppose
technically I'm eligible.
But, uh, I have a friend,
and he knows a guy in Washington.
And I don't think
they'll ever get me:
I think you are contemptible!
- Why?
- If I have to explain why to you,
you would never understand:
Well, how about trying at dinner tonight?
At your place? Do you cook?
Oh, look: Just don't even bother
coming back to the set:
I'll tell O'Brien to just write you
a check for this morning:
- What's your name?
- Douglas: Larry Douglas:
Do you think you can remember that?
I'm gonna do
my level best to forget it:
.(music) [Whistling]
- Miss Alexander:
- Yeah:
Flowers for ya:
- Oh, Bill:
- Yes, ma'am: There is a bill:
Fifteen dollars: C: O: D:
Who are they from?
"From Eddie and the rest of
the Rickenbackers:"
- Welcome back:
- Thank you:
- How was Hollywood?
- No comment:
I had Annie pile up all your mail,
and those are your calls:
Oh, Mr.: Fraser said would you meet him
for lunch at the Jefferson Club at 1:00:
Right: What is this?
Oh, that's Mr.: Douglas: He called
three times yesterday and twice this morning:
He sounds dishy:
Is he in the movie business?
No, he's in the monkey business:
Look, if this guy calls again-
If he calls again, I'll talk to him:
And if he doesn't, I won't:
- Good day, Miss Alexander:
- Good day:
Mr.: Fraser is waiting for you:
- [Indistinct]
- Hey, Cathy:
- Hello:
- Cathy Alexander, this is Captain Larry Douglas:
He'll be heading up
a recruiting program in Washington.
And the, uh, War Department's
assigned him to us for publicity:
- [Chuckles Nervously]
- Miss Alexander:
Bill has been telling me all about you:
Uh, a lot of medals
you have there, Captain:
Oh, these?
Uh, I won these at a carnival:
Carnival? [Chuckles]
I don't think so:
Captain Douglas was with the R: A: F:
He has six German aircraft to his credit:
- Oh:
- Would it be all right if we sat down?
Oh, yeah: We were just
starting to order drinks, Cathy:
- What would you like?
- Martini, please: Double, please:
Uh, double martini, please:
Captain Douglas was in Los Angeles
about the same time you were, Cathy:
I'm surprised
you didnt run into him:
- Oh, uh-
- Well, you've seen one uniform,
you've seen 'em all:
Ah, listen:
Will you two excuse me?
There's Senator Bert Elson, and he's, uh-
he's been avoiding me for two weeks:
Be right back:
Thank you for not
blowing the whistle on me:
How could you know when you were being
so rotten to me that I'd turn out to be a client?
- Me rotten to you? What are-
- There's a price you have to pay for my silence:
Dinner at a restaurant
of your choice tonight:
.(music) [Big Band Jazz]
[No Audible Dialogue]
.(music) [Continues]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
- .(music) [Continues]
- [No Audible Dialogue]
.(music) [Continues]
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
.(music) [Slow Jazz]
Are my medals cutting
into your boobs?
Shakespeare or Marlowe?
Cathy, you have to know
how I feel about you.
Especially when we dance
so goddamn close:
Actually, maybe
we should just sit down:
.(music) [Continues]
Excuse me:
I don't know why you're so annoyed:
That's one of the nicest compliments
a man can pay a woman:
Strange, but I feel you're the only man
that can come up with it any time day or night:
- Only with you:
- [Chuckles] Oh, yeah:
What are you packing' there,
a Louisville Slugger?
Okay, Cathy: You want to do funny lines?
I'll do funny lines with you:
Great: But look: It's between those lines
where people like you and I live:
I mean, for Christ's sake, Cathy:
The world is gonna explode in maybe 10 minutes:
Now, what are we doing,
sitting here talking.
And holding hands
and giving each other the hurts?
Now, do you have
an intelligent answer to that question?
- .(music) [Ends]
- [Applause]
Larry, I look at you, and I see your medals,
and I know what you got them for:
- This one is, uh, Debbie in
Detroit and, uh, Fifi in Paris:
- .(music) [Band Resumes]
Uh, Consuela in Madrid
and, um, Lulu in London:
And I guess I just don't want to be
another moose head on your wall, okay?
In spite of.
All the smart talk.
I guess I'm just
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm:
- .(music) [Continues]
- I'm moral.
I'm silly.
And I'm scared:
So, if you don't love me, Larry.
Don't lay me:
It's incredible:
The first girl I was ever really honest with.
- And she turns out to be Heidi of the mountains:
- Ah-
- Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm:
- Cathy.
Never before in
my very faithless life.
Have I ever been so
out of my mind in love:
Cathy, I love you:
I really do:
Well, you can ask anyone:
You: Sir:
- Uh, may I have a moment of your time?
- Yeah:
Would you please tell this girl
how much I love her?
- He loves you very much:
- Thank you, sir, and God bless you:
.(music) [Continues]
- You can go now, sir: Thank you:
- Yeah:
- [Giggles]
- [Chuckles]
- Oh: I see you're slumming it:
- [Chuckles]
Now, don't get the wrong impression:
It belongs to my uncle:
- He's with the State Department:
- Ah:
He's renting it to me:
He just married into the money:
- May I?
- No:
Well, uh, let me show you around:
- This, of course, is the living room:
- Mm-hmm:
Here we have the bar:
And this is the dining room:
And over here.
- Through this door, is the kitchen:
- Ah:
All the modern conveniences:
- Uh, and here is the, uh, terrace:
- Mm-hmm:
And, uh, over here, we-
Let me guess:
- The bedroom:
- The bedroom:
This, of course, is the bed,
as you can see:
And this is the boy:
And there is the girl:
How will it all turn out?
Shouldn't there be applause
or something in here?
I guess it's time
to retire the trophy, huh?
God knows youre fantastic, Noelle:
Thank you, monsieur:
The most sensational woman
to hit the boudoir since Madame Du Barry:
Oh la la la la:
Poor Correger:
A simple casting director:
He took you in, never realizing
it was you who were taking him in:
Noelle, I've put you
in two of my films:
Modest parts, but a beginning, no?
And have I not shown you
my appreciation?
You have:
But now you're leaving me:
Because you're an actor who's no longer
making films: Not because I don't love you:
- Would you, darling?
- Well, every actor goes through dull periods:
War hasn't helped:
But I'll make other films:
Oh, I'm sure you will, but, uh.
I am impatient:
I will send for my things:
Do you know where you're going?
I have an idea,
but I cannot say for certain:
Bye-bye, Philippe:
I love you:
Don't send anyone
for your belongings!
Send only a garbage truck!
Sleep with the Germans, Noelle!
- Sleep with Hitler!
- [Men Laughing]
- Hell make you a star! Hell give you Belgium!
- [Laughing]
With your bedroom talent,
he might even give you France!
- [Phone Rings]
- [Typing]
Mademoiselle Page,
how nice to see you again:
Uh, thank you, Miss Nelson:
I think that finally
I have, uh, news for you:
I'm most anxious to hear:
As you know,
with the Americans now in the war.
It is, uh, no small matter to get
such information into occupied France:
However, we Swedes,
as neutrals, have, uh-
As to the information
you requested.
On your fianc, Captain Douglas.
He is with
the United States Air Corps in the Pacific.
14th Fighter Group, 48th Squadron:
And he's been credited with having downed
several Japanese aircraft:
In December-
Go on:
In December of 1941:: :
Captain Douglas.
Married a, uh.
Catherine Alexander.
A public relations specialist
in Washington, D: C:
May I assume that you no longer
wish for me to pursue the matter further?
You may assume no such thing:
Captain Douglas will always
be a good friend and-
and a man I will continue
to have an honest affection for:
Please, continue to tell me
of his whereabouts and welfare:
As you wish, mademoiselle:
[Bicycle Bell Rings]
[Mouths Words]
Monsieur, I ask you
to please listen to what I say.
Before you get angry
at my impertinence:
I have had a hard life
and have come a long way to find you:
You are the only one who can help me,
and I hope that you will:
Go on:
My brother is in the army:
On the eve of battle, he deserted:
Monsieur, it could not have been
any other way: He's only 15:
The emperor is wrong
to have conscripted boys so young:
It is to his discredit
that he has done so:
And what about Janine's speech, page 97?
Do you know that?
I'm not proud of the way
I've lived my life.
But neither will I ask you-
any of you-
to understand why
I chose to do it that way:
Believe only that
in the name of love-
"In the name of love, I lived:"
In the name of love, I lived.
And in the name of love, I died:
- Who gave you the script?
- Philippe Sorel: I read with him:
- Philippe is wrong for the film:
- But I am not:
I know you're looking for someone new
to play Janine of the Flowers:
I'm very new:
I've not said 12 words on camera:
- [Chuckles] How encouraging:
- Oh, yes, but, uh-
The way you surprised me- uh, it made me
most receptive to your reading, you know:
And, uh, also, it's not easy to do
what you are doing without being vulgar:
You have style and courage:
Philippe said that
you're always here at noon: That's all:
But, um, Philippe and you-
You are what?
- Friends:
- Friends:
Then we shall be friends:
What's your name?
- Noelle Page:
- Noelle Page: Noelle Page:
I would like to not have it changed:
There is someone I would
have know about me.
When I become a star:
"Become a star:"
Noelle, you do have style:
Now, we must see if
you also have talent:
You make love like a star:
Perhaps you'll be a star:
I want you to make me a star:
Oh, that I can't do:
But what I can do
is to make you an actress.
Providing, of course,
you have some ability.
Besides this, um, inspiring
ad-lib performance:
I want the part of Janine:
Then you have to work for it:
[Glass Shatters]
Well, this is a fine audition:
You-You-You have the instinct.
For knowing exactly.
How this part should be played:
You are three lessons
to the good and.
Tomorrow we begin your work.
If I'm still alive:
[Horns Honking]
After the war ended in Europe.
We established direct communications
with the United States:
But, uh, Lieutenant Colonel Douglas has been
in the Pacific and is not so easy to track:
The war in the Pacific has been over
for two months, Monsieur Barbet:
The lines must be open
there too by now:
I have connections throughout the Western
world, mademoiselle: But, uh, Japan-
You are paid to find him:
You're paid well:
Find him:
I'm sure I will.
Find him now:
Where could he be?
Oh, Bill, dont give me that:
He must've landed in San Francisco
over a hundred hours ago:
No, he did not call: Nobody has called,
and that was over six hours ago:
Look, Bill, will you please be a friend
and find him? Do anything:
- Run an ad, call the cops, send out the militia-
- [Doorbell Ringing]
- Hi:
- Hi:
Uh, I'm your new roommate:
The dean of women sent me over:
My name's Larry:
Hi, I'm Cathy:
Uh, let me show you around:
Um, this is the living room:
This is the bar:
And this is the chair:
This is the bedroom:
This is the girl:
That's the boy:
.(music) [Humming]
Wheat speculators,
fortunes made in soybeans:
Boy, it sure looks like
a whole bunch of people got rich during the war:
Honey, you came back:
A lot of other men didn't:
You're right:
So, what are we gonna do
now that you're back.
And there's no room for you
on Mount Rushmore?
Well, I was kind of thinking
I'd play shortstop for the Yankees:
That's a very good idea:
I could meet you in the locker room.
And we can fool around:
You realize the only thing I know how to do
is fly, and a duck can do that:
What about the commercial airlines?
What about 'em?
There's seven of them.
And 14,000 decommissioned pilots:
Well, how about United?
I mean, how about
a 2:00 p: M: Appointment with the guy.
That heads up the whole damn thing?
- Could that be done?
- From Bill Fraser, one phone call:
I'll call him:
He completed the United Airlines
training program.
Despite some disciplinary problems:
For some months, it went well.
Until the colonel hit a superior officer
and was summarily discharged:
He applied for positions at Pan American,
T: W: A: And American.
And was rejected:
He is having difficulty
adjusting to civilian life:
What about his personal life?
There is friction in his marriage:
During the war,
with the colonel away.
Like many wives of servicemen.
Madame Douglas manifested
a small drinking problem.
Which has, as a result
of that friction.
Now recurred to some slight degree:
And, uh-
That is all:
Thank you:
Can you tell me how long you wish me
to continue with this investigation?
Until I tell you otherwise:
.(music) [Classical]
You know how much
I hate things like this:
- Why do you insist that I attend?
- My dear, I do not insist:
- Your host insists:
- I've never met the man:
How does he come to have
such a power over me?
Constantin Demeris is not
the kind of man to whom people say no:
Though you seem to say it
to him with some frequency:
I still don't understand why he wants me
to attend his foolish dinner:
Because he's a king,
and you are the queen:
It is perfectly normal:
Excuse me:
- Constantin:
- Armand:
May I introduce Mademoiselle Noelle Page:
Constantin Demeris:
Good evening: I am so pleased
that you were able to come here tonight:
How could I ignore
such a gracious invitation?
Well, you ignored two others:
Did I? My:
And what would have happened
if I ignored this one?
It would have been the last one:
Excuse me:
My family was very poor:
My father was a stevedore:
There were 14 children.
And we had to fight
for our bread at the table:
I was lucky:
I was born with a talent for mathematics:
I learned to quickly estimate
the odds against me:
And then, I beat them:
Some people encouraged me
along the way:
Others snubbed or cheated me:
But in my mind, in my heart.
There is an indelible record
of each transaction:
We all play God, but some of us.
Are better equipped
for the role than others:
You see, where most men go unpunished
for the evil they do.
I'm in position to make them pay:
Call it justice, call it vengeance-
It's all the same:
Nor do I believe
that it should be as it is in the Bible:
"An eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth".
But rather,
"A head for an eye and a heart for a tooth:"
A simple religion:
But once people know
that I practice it devoutly.
They stay away from my eyes
and far away from my teeth:
.(music) [Piano]
You understand theyre the biggest
in the East, and theyre growing:
They'll be national in a year or two,
no question about that:
What I'm trying to say, Larry,
is if you pilot for them today.
You can be an executive
for them tomorrow:
I don't fly freight, Bill:
Look, I don't fly oranges and shoes.
In planes that went out
with Wiley Post:
- What else you got?
- I got nothing:
It's the last plane flying:
The war is over, ace:
There'll be no more medals, no more dogfights:
Errol Flynn, The Dawn Patrol-
They're grounded:
Look, you wanna go down
in a roar of self-pity, you go ahead:
It's all right:
It's all right with me:
You might give some thought
to what all this is doing to Cathy:
Yeah, I wondered when
we'd get around to Cathy:
Something on your mind, say it:
Well, you had four years with her:
I'm getting my ass shot at, and you're
escorting my wife all over Washington:
Let me tell you something, friend:
Long before you came along.
I decided not to
inflict myself on Cathy:
I'm 25 years older: I figured she didn't need that:
Let me tell you something else:
You continue to wait around
for World War IIl.
And I'll do every goddamn thing
I can to get her to leave ya.
Before you get her pregnant like you did
that English girl and God knows how many others:
- What'd you do, run a check on me?
- "Run a check:"
Didn't need to run a check on you:
It was in your record:
The air corps turned it over to me
and they said, "Make a hero out of this guy".
Because there was
a lack of heroes at the time:
Well, there ain't no lack of heroes now,
buddy boy: They're a dime a dozen:
You fly the shoes
and oranges, Larry.
Or you go down in a pile of shit:
Peterson Air Freight,
a small independent.
Operating between New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington:
Dun and Bradstreet reports show
that they are capitalized at one million dollars:
Monsieur Barbet, I now know
all about the company:
Could you tell me
about Monsieur Douglas?
He is doing well:
He is there three weeks on the job:
Monsieur Barbet,
I would like Monsieur Douglas out:
Well, perhaps you would:
But right now, he is very much in:
Get him out:
And how do you propose I do that?
The quickest way- money:
Ah, yes:
Money would do it:
But, uh.
We must reach across the Atlantic:
There will be many
upturned palms along the way:
Even a cinema star like yourself
does not have that kind of money:
- [Knocking]
- [Woman] Rehearsal, Mademoiselle Page:
Then I will have it:
The Greeks have one word for all this-Demeris:
- He doesn't own it all, Armand:
- No, no:
But he owns the people who own it:
And now, it seems he will own you:
- You think that?
- And you do too:
He again sends you two invitations,
which again you turn down:
And still, here we are:
He and I have, uh, an understanding:
He always sends three:
Am I going to lose you, Noelle?
- Would that bother you?
- No!
Well, let's just say that, uh,
I wouldn't be surprised:
As you wish:
Welcome: Allow me to show you
to your rooms, please:
Paul, take Monsieur Gautier
to his apartment, please:
This way:
Here we are, Miss Page:
I hope that you will be comfortable:
- Oh, I think I will be:
- [Chuckles]
- Mr.: Demeris will be delighted that you are here:
- Thank you:
Miss Page:
- Mademoiselle?
- Yes, madame?
Return this to Mr.: Demeris:
[No Audible Dialogue]
[No Audible Dialogue]
Again, you waited
for the third invitation:
And again, it came:
Three in one day:
Why waste the time? Hmm?
In any case, you are here:
You are trifling with me:
What do you mean,
you have to let me go?
I have flown more crap for you
through the worst weather-
Listen, I'm 10 times more pilot
than you pay me!
Sorry, Larry:
My brother-in-law wants in, and-
- Your brother-in-law?
- Yeah, he's been pumping money
into this outfit all along:
Without him,
I'd have had to close down:
- I thought the banks were behind you:
- I misrepresented that to you.
Because I wanted you for a pilot:
Pete, I need the job:
Look, if I can't get some ownership now,
all right: I'll stay on as a pilot:
Larry, I'm sorry:
My brother-in-law-
To hell with your brother-in-law!
If he's got so much money, let him buy into
Pan Am: They deserve each other:
- Larry, I have to go:
- Where?
You haven't left this field since I've known you:
Where the hell you going?
Nowhere: I just don't like
to see a man beg:
Why, you son of a bitch!
Take your company and fly it up your ass:
That's where it came from anyway:
He can find employment nowhere?
Nowhere in the air, mademoiselle:
You have bought the air:
But, uh, you have not
bought the ground:
If Monsieur Douglas were to
settle for work on the ground.
Not even Monsieur Demeris's
money would-
I don't remember asking you
to do an investigation on me, monsieur:
No disrespect, mademoiselle.
But you are in all the papers:
A home in Athens, in Paris.
A villa here, a chateau there.
And, uh, off the coast of Greece
a private island, no?
Is it really your opinion
that Monsieur Douglas.
Cannot obtain a flying job
anywhere in the United States?
As a stunt pilot, perhaps.
In a carnival:
I see:
I think this will suffice
as termination of our arrangement:
But, mademoiselle.
You leave me with, uh,
as we say, uh.
The other shoe yet to fall:
May I advise you that.
Should you make any effort
at finding out for profit.
Just when and where
that shoe does fall.
You might just find that shoe.
In your mouth:
Monsieur Demeris is
a very powerful man:
Say no more:
The account is closed:
- Welcome back, Miss Page:
- Spyros, where is Mr.: Demeris?
He is on the lower terrace:
He asked not to be disturbed:
Ah, Noelle:
Forgive me, Costa:
I interrupted:
- I'm sorry:
- What is it?
I had a terrible flight
back from Paris.
Not only because they were rude,
but I had to change planes twice to get here:
It's a private airfield, Noelle:
Of course you have to transfer:
I could not send you my plane to Paris:
I had business in Geneva:
It's so dreadfully inconvenient:
You will have your own plane:
- No:
- Yes: I was going to give it to you for your birthday:
Oh, thank you, Costa!
Forgive me, Noelle,
but I should like to concentrate on this:
What kind of plane will it be?
Oh, it will have wings.
Engines, and hopefully a pilot:
But you always hire
bad-tempered Greeks as pilots:
I know:
You've told me:
I've already fired three-
three of them-
for discourtesies shown you:
It will be your plane:
You pick the pilot:
But Metaxas will be his copilot:
- Is that all?
- It's very complicated:
Where do I begin-
How do I go about it?
- I'll speak to Spyros:
- Oh, yes, of course:
Spyros will know:
Well, Larry, all I did was submit
the list of names:
They're the ones that picked you:
You shouldn't be surprised:
You're the best qualified:
Well, I guess
they want you right away:
Yes, fine:
Great, Larry:
- Go get 'em:
- Mmm!
[Door Closes]
This is by far.
The classiest ice-cream truck
I have ever seen:
- We drop you off at the hotel first:
- Mm-hmm:
Then I fly off to the island
to meet the great man himself:
- Are you nervous?
- No: No:
- "No: No:"
- How do you feel?
- I feel great:
- Good:
Hello: I'm, uh- I'm Larry Douglas:
I'm Mr.: Demeris's new pilot:
Mr.: Douglas:
Ah: I see you have met Miss Page:
She is the one
that you will be flying for:
Oh: Very nice to meet you:
Come: Mr.: Demeris will see you now:
Excuse me:
I warn you, she can be difficult:
What I'm trying not to say is.
She's a first-class bitch:
Well, anything first class gets my respect:
If she takes dislike to you, boom, you are finished:
Hey, I heard she was
some kind of a movie actress:
Oh, in Europe, she's very famous:
- You never heard of her in America?
- No:
Here they come:
Ah: Good morning, Miss Page:
I believe you and your guests are going to Nice:
You believe?
Shouldn't you know?
Good morning, Paul:
[Engines Starting]
- Okay:
- What?
Just put your nose
in that flight plan and make sure.
We don't get
a butterfly's balls off course:
We're gonna give queenie
the smoothest ride she ever had:
- There's going to be some turbulence:
- Oh, no, there's not:
[Engines Revving]
- [Intercom Buzzes]
- Yes, Miss Page?
Paul, I didn't like that takeoff:
Is the new pilot an amateur?
[Noelle On Speaker]
You must give him some lessons:
Yes, Miss Page:
I hope you enjoyed
the flight, Miss Page:
Paul, please ask him not to address me
unless I speak to him first:
To the point, Mr.: Douglas.
Miss Page has taken
a dislike to you:
Did she say why?
Mm-hmm: She said
you are continually rude:
- I'll try to be more careful, sir:
- Do that, please:
I cannot keep replacing pilots:
Mr.: Douglas?
Have you ever been shot down?
Not by a woman:
Then I suggest that
you offend Miss Page no further:
No further? Well, I haven't said
five whole words to the lady.
In the five flights
I've taken her on:
She sounds ridiculous, but she must be
awful pretty to keep getting away with it:
Nobody's that pretty:
It can't be:
Jesus, that was years ago:
- What, honey?
- [Sighs]
Well, I spent a couple of weeks in Paris
in 1939 or '40 or whenever:
- Mm-hmm:
- I got hooked up with a very young. Kid, really:
She was, um, from a very small town,
and she didn't have any money:
So she moved in with me:
Then I blew my paycheck:
And, uh, then I went back to London:
No, it can't be the same girl:
That's ridiculous:
Why can't you just ask her?
Yeah, sure: I walk up to the mistress
of the richest man in the world.
And I say, "Hey, didn't we have an affair
eight years ago in Paris?"
Come on, Cathy:
She wants you:
Miss Page?
You know me:
I know you:
I need someone to carry my packages:
That's swell: But would you mind telling me
why you're rubbing my nose in it?
I was under the impression that Mr.: Demeris
spoke to you about your behavior:
- He did, but I think-
- Then follow me, and do not
let me know you're around:
[Door Closes]
.(music) [Radio: Jazz]
.(music) [Humming Fanfare]
[Clears Throat]
Um, I hate to sound
like the ignored wife.
But I've fixed you
a magnificent meal:
- You haven't even noticed:
- [Sighs]
I'm sorry:
It's just that I don't really know
how much more I can take:
- Is the lady still giving you a hard time?
- Yeah, nonstop:
Well, is it the same girl?
Yeah, I'm sure of it:
Larry, what did you do to her
that eight years later, she's still-
I'll tell you a secret: I don't need
two women driving me up a wall:
After a day of her,
I don't need a night of you:
I'm sorry:
What are we doing?
Look, neither of us is happy:
Larry, if Greece isn't the promised land,
why don't we just go home?
I have nothing back there: You have Fraser,
you have your job, but I have nothing:
We've got each other:
- You could get started again:
I'm sure Bill would help you:
- Oh, Christ:
Can't we do anything without
bringing Fraser into it?
Poor Bill: Gave a girl a break
and never lived it down:
That's not the problem:
The problem is that he's always around:
Even here, I feel him:
Now what the hell is that?
- Friendship:
- Well, that kind of friendship, baby, I don't need:
That kind of friendship, baby,
you could never understand:
Well, you're right about that:
You're right:
Zurich won't change its reports:
Still negative conditions:
Stormy, high winds:
By this afternoon, they expect zero visibility.
And enough electricity
to light up Switzerland:
Larry, we have to cancel:
Larry, please: I'm all for a vendetta
if the weather is good:
The lady wants to go to Zurich:
- But if you explain the flying conditions-
- You explain 'em:
- Miss Page, please:
- [Woman] One moment:
- [Noelle] Yes?
- Miss Page, this is Paul Metaxas:
We have to cancel the flight to Zurich:
It's very dangerous:
You see, Zurich is like a bowl
ringed with mountains.
And to fly into it
in electrical storm is, uh, very-
Am I to understand that
we have hired a pilot who's a coward?
Ill have to talk
to Mr.: Demeris about it:
[Line Disconnects,
Dial Tone]
Well, Paul, unless you can get Errol Flynn
and David Niven to step forward, it's you and me:
You know something?
You're crazy like she is:
What's she doing?
She's reading a fashion magazine:
She'd be smarter
if she were looking over her will:
Zurich says they've got it full out:
We can still land in Geneva:
They want to know why
we insist on Zurich:
- Tell them we're crazy:
- They know that:
[Glassware Rattling]
Zurich is closed:
Switch on the speakers:
Zurich Tower,
this is Special Flight 109:
My position is 75 miles
east of St: Gallen:
Request approach clearance:
Estimate your field 1900 hours:
[Man On Speaker]
Special Flight 109, Zurich Tower:
Our field is closed:
Suggest you divert to Geneva:
- Negative, fellas: We have an emergency:
- [Loud Thump]
Special Flight 109,
our ceiling: Indefinite zero:
Visibility: 100 to 300 feet.
And high crosswinds with heavy snow:
What is the nature
of your emergency?
I have barely enough fuel
to reach you:
For Christ's sake,
we could fly to China:
Special Flight 109, Zurich Tower:
You have emergency clearance:
We will bring you in:
Danke schon:
Jettison fuel:
Make sure we have just enough to get in:
- Hey, now-
- No argument, Paul:
If we pull in there
with our tanks half full.
They'll pull our licenses so fast,
your mustache will fly off:
[Man On Radio] Bringing you in on G: C: A:
We have you on our radar:
Reduce to final approach speed:
Start your descent now.
At 600 feet per minute:
Check landing gear down and locked:
You are two miles from
touchdown, holding glide path:
You are going below glide path:
Reduce rate of descent:
On the glide path, coming on course:
Two hundred feet
above the glide path:
Take over visually
and land your aircraft:
Nothing: We're at 60 feet:
Take it back up:
Larry, take it back up!
There's no field, you idiot!
Oh, God in heaven!
Take it up!
Oh, God!
[Tires Screeching]
I wouldn't put my dog in here:
This is a mistake:
I'm sorry, sir: Miss Page requested
the least expensive room for you:
- The other gentleman is on the second floor:
- Where's she staying?
In the Emperor's Suite
on the fifth floor:
She requested you pick up her bags
in the morning at 10:15:
- That'll be it, sir?
- Just about:
Excuse me:
What are you doing here?
Get out:
Get out:
What happens now?
I can have you dismissed:
Perhaps even jailed:
Or I can keep you around.
To amuse me:
Noelle, you knew who I was:
Why have you been doing this to me?
I can get a place for us:
It's a little spot on the Aegean:
Very secluded:
Will you have trouble
getting away from your wife?
She's used to my being away:
Constantin is going
on a business trip:
We'll have a few days together:
Noelle, l-
Be always on your best behavior:
Be courteous
and aware of your place:
Be available when I want you:
Welcome back:
[Latch Unlocking]
Cathy, what the hell are you doing
sitting up in the dark?
It was light when I sat down:
Well, you didn't have
to wait up for me:
Don't be silly:
When a woman's husband is gone
for four days and nights.
She waits up:
- Did you have a good trip?
- The usual:
Is she still being mean to you?
She's not mean:
She's just a pain in the ass:
Not bad to look at though, eh?
Well, I'd rather look at her
than watch you go to seed:
Christ: Every time I see you,
you've got a glass in your hand:
Why don't you put
the straw in the bottle?
I would, except I'm afraid
it might be the last straw:
Always with the funny lines:
When do they stop?
- [Sighs]
- [Door Closes]
I didn't think it was so funny:
I can leave Demeris:
I know of one who did:
Sarafianos, the singer:
What she did was to tell him:
That gave him time
to find someone else:
Once he did that
and appeared in public with the new one.
Sarafianos was free to leave:
It just had to look
as if it was Demeris who left her:
I can do it, darling:
One month or two,
and you can leave your job:
We'll go away.
Perhaps to the United States:
We can be married there:
Tell her you want a divorce:
- She'll go straight to Demeris:
- Not if you're clever:
- Never, never!
- It's not a marriage anymore!
- It's as much your fault as it is mine!
- Yeah, we make a great team:
I buy the booze, and you drink it:
Larry, we haven't made love in a month!
You don't even touch me:
- If I try to touch you-
- Oh, ho: Goddamn: Here it comes:
Here it comes:
Okay, look, Larry:
I know you:
I know the way that your mind works:
When you first took me to bed.
I knew you were lying with that
"Here's the window, here's the bed" routine:
But I didn't care because-
because I loved you:
What's your point?
My point is.
You were lying then
and you're lying now:
You slept with her before,
and you are sleeping with her now:
You can't believe
I'd be that stupid:
To make a play for the mistress
of the only man in the world that'll employ me?
- Cathy, put the booze away:
It's drying up your brain:
- No, it's her!
Damn it, it's you!
Face it, it's you!
You can fool yourself, sweetheart,
but please don't try to fool me!
You bastard!
I'll never give you up:
She's out every day-
beauty salons, exercise classes:
She's determined to remake herself:
I hope you haven't said
anything to encourage her:
I told her it's over:
She just won't accept that:
And so, what happens now?
Have you said anything to Demeris?
No: I thought we'd better
attend to your divorce first:
Yes, and we will: It's just that
it may take a bit longer than we thought:
How much longer?
Eight years?
I'm not prepared to wait
much longer, darling:
Eight years? It's been-
It's not even two months since we've met-
Constantin will find us out:
You yourself said that Catherine would tell him:
- We must move now:
- If you want me to wring a
divorce out of my wife, I can't:
So either we go on as we're doing,
which is fine with me, or we end it:
It's up to you:
Up to me:
Oh, Noelle- Noelle, I love you:
I always have:
I tried like mad to find you:
And then the war busted loose: The next time
I saw you, I knew it was you immediately, and-
Stop it!
I don't know why you're so anxious to
shake things up: Right now, we've got it all:
- Why rock the boat?
- Because I don't care for
the role of the other woman:
Fine: But why all of a sudden
the role of wife?
- 'Cause I've earned it:
- It's not all that special, Noelle:
It's what I want:
You were-
How could I explain it to you?
You were the light, and you took it away:
But I pursued it through the years:
I kept track of every glimmer of it:
I sold myself to keep you
always on the horizon:
Come: Come:
I want to show you something:
I have a dress:
It's a wedding dress:
A young R: A: F: Pilot
told me to buy it:
He said he would be back,
that we would get married:
He told me to meet him
at Victor's.
A charming little restaurant
in Montmartre:
Well, my pilot never came back:
You were the only man
I ever loved.
The only man I ever enjoyed
making love to:
Can you imagine the effect
of it all on a young girl.
Told to buy a wedding dress
and told to wait?
Well, I bought the dress
and I have waited:
And now, I wish
to collect on that promise:
I want my pilot to marry me,
and I want to wear this dress:
Don't you think
I'll make a lovely bride?
Noelle, l-
If you leave me again.
It will be the last time
you leave anywhere:
I will tell Demeris.
Regardless of
the consequences to myself:
I will tell Demeris
of our relationship:
And he has had men
destroyed for less:
Larry, if you believe
nothing else.
Believe that:
Darling, you said it was up to me.
And it is:
And I intend to have you totally.
As long as we shall live:
[Phone Ringing]
[Ringing Continues]
Coming: Im coming!
I'm coming! Just a minute!
I'm fine:
Larry, what's the matter?
Okay, I'll meet you at 1:00:
Hey, its all right:
Its okay:
It's okay:
All I can tell you is
I'm sorry for everything-
for everything I've put you through,
for everything I've done:
I almost lost you:
I haven't exactly been
the ideal wife myself:
Honey, the guilt is where it belongs-with me:
Let's leave it there, okay?
Okay, Larry:
Please, can't we go home?
- I just wanna go back to the States:
- Great:
Demeris gets back in a week,
at which time he gets this job back:
Oh, baby, we haven't spent five whole days
together since I got out of the service:
Before we go home,
let's see Greece: Really see it:
Oh, I'm sick of Greece:
No, I mean, let- let's just
get away from here:
Let's spend some time together:
Oh, Cathy, I love you:
Oh, Larry, it's wonderful!
Look over here:
There's a little garden outside:
It even has a kitchen:
We can cook right here:
- Let me put these away, honey:
- Oh, I love it:
A little place to hang your coat:
Uh, two tickets, please:
- Fifty drachmas:
- Ah, fine: Thank you:
- Uh, one of these also, please:
- Ten drachmas:
- There:
- Thank you:
Thank you:
- Here we are:
- Fifty drachmas, and I will
give you the best guided tour:
- No, thank you:
- But it is- is advisable:
Some of the sections are poorly lit,
and it is dangerous!
- We'll be fine: Thank you:
- Why don't you wanna get a guide?
Honey, it's a racket: All we need
is the pamphlet and this flashlight.
And we're in business:
- Everybody's leaving:
- We've got plenty of time:
- There's still over an hour till closing:
- Okay, well, let's hurry:
"When a stalactite growing
down from the ceiling.
"Meets a stalagmite
growing up from the floor.
A column or a pillar is created:"
- Whoo! Whoo!
- [Whistling]
Hello! Hello! Hello!
- [Whistling Continues]
- [Laughing]
- Larry, what time is it?
- Huh?
Hey, don't worry:
Look, we're only-
We've only been gone about 10 minutes:
Come on:
Let's, uh- Look at that: Let's go this way:
Look, look, look, look:
- You're having a good time, aren't you?
- Yeah:
That's nice:
The clerk at the hotel said
there were some new excavations:
There might be something interesting
down here: Come on:
- Careful:
- [Chuckles]
- Hey, you hear the water?
- Uh-huh:
Here, let's try right down in here
and see what it is:
It looks like
a subway entrance to me:
Oh, nuts:
It's locked:
Well, that means we're not supposed to go here:
Come on:
Wait a minute: Wait a minute:
Look over here:
Ah: Let's try back in there:
That's an open doorway:
Come on:
- [Chuckles]
- Wow: Look:
- Look at that:
- What-What are you doing?
- Larry-
- Come on: It's just to keep kids out: Come on:
But, um- Larry, I really think
there's a reason that sign's there:
I think that water leads to the lake:
There's supposedly a lake back here:
Look, we'll give it
five more minutes:
If we don't find the lake in five minutes,
we'll go back, okay?
- Can I have that in writing?
- Yeah:
- All right?
- Uh-huh:
Put your feet where mine are:
You all right?
The clerk at the hotel said there was a lake
and there were cave paintings back here:
- Come on: Let's go: Quickly: You all right?
- Yeah, right:
Oh, look:
It's beautiful:
Now, this is what he was talking about:
This is the lake:
- That's a lake?
- Yeah:
- Ah!
- Beautiful:
It is beautiful:
Come on: Those cave paintings
are around here somewhere: Let's find 'em:
I've gotten us this far:
Keep your head down:
Just follow me:
I will lead you to your cave:
You've gotta be kidding:
Slow down: Slow down:
Ooh: Looks like it's
starting to get dark again:
Yeah: Well, he said the cave paintings
were on this side of the lake:
- So let's look around:
- Which way?
- Right through here:
- Okay:
- Shine it down the ramp:
- Yeah:
Look, a room:
Look at the ceiling: Come on:
Let's go further in:
- It's pretty, but l-
- Careful:
Look at the ceiling:
Its beautiful:
But I dont see any paintings:
Oh, look!
Hold it still and
I'll go look at it:
- I think we found something:
- Careful:
I am: Whoa!
Look, Larry! We found "em!
Come here, honey: Come on up:
No, no, I can see them fine from here:
They're beautiful:
But you can't see the detail: Shine the light
up there: I see a face or something:
Look at that: Its incredible! I dont believe-
These mustve been here
thousands of years:
Looks like some kind of
religious symbols or something:
Theres another person-
Like saints or some kind of a cross or something:
This must have been used for some kind of
religious occasions or who knows what:
I mean, it could have been a meeting place or-
Larry, you scared me half to death:
Don't do that:
Larry, answer me!
Larry, come on: This isn't funny:
Turn the light back on:
Larry! Larry!
You son of a bitch!
No! No!
Larry, you bastard!
Larry! Larry!
[Thunder Rumbling]
Its all right: You are doing very, very nicely:
Everything is going to be
just fine, I promise you:
Thats good:
Cathy? Honey?
Don't let him touch me:
- Don't let him touch me:
- Cathy-
- She's still in shock now:
- Please-
- Perhaps you had best wait in the next room:
- Get him away-
- Cathy, listen to me:
- Please, please!
- You must let me handle this:
- Please help me:
- Please call me if you need me:
- Don't- Get him away:
- [Man] Lie down: Lie down:
- No: Please-
Lie down, please:
That's a good girl:
Now, I'm Dr: Kazomides.
And I assure you,
youre going to be just fine:
- He tried to kill me:
- Who?
He left me in the caves to die:
Now, I assure you- I assure you
you've been through a terrifying ordeal:
I am going to give you
a mild sedative:
- No:
- And when you wake up, I promise you.
You're going to feel
much, much better:
No, please: Don't put me to sleep:
You don't understand:
He'll murder me in my sleep:
But your husband is the one who led
the search party that found you:
- What?
- Yes:
He managed to get out,
and he immediately called the police:
Now, he acted quickly and well:
Now, turn over on your side,
please, carefully:
There we go:
They should have closed
those damned caves:
This is the third accident
this season:
There: All right:
Now, youre going to sleep now:
And I promise you,
I will be back in the morning:
[Door Opens, Closes]
- [Wind Howling]
- [Thunder Rumbling]
Larry? Larry?
- Nobody saw me: I had to see you:
- You're stupid to come here:
[Noelle] No one will know:
You must make it look like an accident:
How the hell do I do that?
What if anyone
were to see us together?
You must do it now while she is asleep:
Now, quickly!
We may never have another chance:
Please, Larry!
That's it: I told you on the phone
that's as far as I'd go:
- We can't stop now!
- We can! I cannot go through with it!
I'll just take my chances
on your telling Demeris:
- I will! You know I will!
- Look, damn it, good!
You do it! All I know
is that here is where I get off:
I will tell him!
You don't believe me?
Cathy, why did you
lock the door, honey?
Cathy, open the- Damn it!
Cathy, open the door, honey!
Cathy? Cathy?
Honey? Cathy?
Innocent, Costa:
I'm sorry for all this:
I know all the discomfort
it has caused you:
I wanted to kill you.
Before you were
arrested and charged:
Had I found you, I would have:
Why didn't you?
Because you killed me first:
I've never needed anyone before:
- Costa-
- No, let me finish:
I'm not a forgiving man:
If I could do without you,
believe me.
I would:
If I could.
Replace you-
Noelle, I need you:
I want you back:
A little late for that, no?
If I could have you freed,
would you come back to me to stay?
Before you answer,
know this:
You could never see him again:
You could never have him again:
I would-
I would stay with you:
Then we are going
to forget the past:
It's gone:
It could not be altered:
The future-yes: The future is
all we must give our attention to:
I've engaged an attorney
for you both.
The finest in Europe:
He has never lost a major case: Never:
Perhaps you've heard of him-
Napoleon Chotas:
Yes, indeed, gentlemen:
This trial approaches farce.
And that is why I felt compelled
to rise at this time.
And call for an end to it:
Can one really place credence.
On hearing of the babblings
of an hysterical woman.
That her husband tried to kill her
in those caves.
When that very husband
was responsible for her rescue?
Hardly the action of a murderer:
The doctor admitted that she was
in such a confused state.
That she required sedation:
And what else have we?
Oh, yes:
A pathetic hotel porter.
Who thought he recognized
Noelle Page.
Going to the bungalow that night,
et cetera, et cetera:
Straws in the wind, gentlemen!
But what I ask is, where is the body?
Scraps of nightgown
found on a dock.
Do not spell murder to me:
And, indeed, gentlemen,
murder is not what this trial is all about:
This trial is about
adultery and fornication.
And the press has already tried.
Convicted and condemned
the participants:
Now, there are many theories as to what
could have happened to Catherine Douglas:
Accident, suicide- Who knows?
But, gentlemen,
you do not convict.
A man and a woman
for possible murder!
Therefore, let us put an end
to this waste of public money.
And terminate these proceedings:
The defendants
have been punished enough:
The publicity of this trial.
Will follow them
the rest of their lives:
- Enough is enough:
- [Murmuring]
Mr.: Prosecutor:
Maitre Chotas's concern
for time of this court.
And the spending of public money
does him credit.
And I intend to follow his advice.
And bring the proceedings of this court
to an end as soon as possible:
Although, perhaps,
not in the way he suggests:
In passing, I should like to say.
That the evidence of the
French investigator Barbet.
That the defendant Page.
Has known Douglas
since at least 1945:: :
Indicates something more
than just a casual affair:
I would also like to remind him
that Mr.: Douglas.
Did not call for help
to rescue his wife.
Until the cave guide
asked him where his wife was.
As he was seen leaving the caves:
But, be that as it may,
with the court's permission.
I will produce an additional.
And I think conclusive
piece of evidence:
Permission is granted:
[No Audible Dialogue]
This is a piece of notepaper
discovered on the floor.
Of the Douglas bungalow bedroom:
It was found by a cleaning woman who,
not realizing the value of it.
Did not hand it over
to the authorities immediately:
On it is a message.
Which we believe was written
by Mrs.: Douglas:
Believe? Believe?
Unsigned notes?
More straws in the wind:
We will produce a witness-
Mr.: William Fraser from America-
who will testify that it is indeed
a note written by Mrs.: Douglas.
And who will produce samples
of her handwriting to substantiate it:
What does the note say?
"My husband and Noelle Page.
"Are in the next room:
They are going to kill me:"
[Spectators Chattering,
Plead guilty?
Are you crazy?
Please, Mr.: Douglas,
just listen to me for a moment:
Now, you listen to me!
You listen to me:
You want us to plead guilty to a murder
that we didn't commit:
Now, do you get that? We did not do it!
Her death was an accident:
That is what you say,
but can you prove it?
You are not in America now, Mr.: Douglas:
You are in Greece.
And under Greek law,
you are guilty until proven innocent:
Then prove us innocent:
Now, you certainly won't do that.
By having us plead guilty:
- I have no option:
- No option?
- Now, what the hell are you talking about-
- Larry!
Sit down, please, and listen
to what Mr.: Chotas has to say:
I am listening,
and I don't like what he has to say:
I will confess to an accident,
but not to murder:
Mr.: Chotas:
Thank you, mamsell:
When I took this case.
I was confident
we had a good chance:
But this new evidence of the note
has changed everything:
That is why I applied
immediately for an adjournment:
And I informed a certain person of the possible
consequences of such a new development:
He agreed with me
that a drastic remedy was necessary:
So acting upon these instructions.
I applied for a conference
with the Council of Judges:
That was granted to me last night:
If the defendants.
Change their plea to guilty.
The judges agreed.
To give each one of you
a five-year sentence.
Four years of which
will be suspended:
So in reality.
You will have to serve
no more than six months:
You, Mr.: Douglas,
will be deported.
And never allowed
to return to Greece:
Now, I must say in all honesty.
That this arrangement.
Was not an easy thing to accomplish:
The primary reason
for the court's leniency.
Is the interest of mamsell's patron:
[Bell Ringing]
Will the defendants come forward?
I am sure that the defense
is well aware.
That the Greek courts
have never given the maximum sentence.
When a murder has not been
definitely proven to have been committed:
My colleagues and I were,
for that reason.
Frankly surprised when the accused
changed their plea to guilty:
And we were troubled-
troubled that the change in plea
came only after.
Some damaging and rather irrefutable
evidence had emerged:
Mid-trial did not seem to us
a time for conscience.
To suddenly manifest itself:
Where was conscience before?
Nor can the easing of conscience
be in any way accepted as atonement.
For a crime that was
visited cold-bloodedly.
Upon a helpless, defenseless
and terrified woman:
And so, under the powers
invested in me by the State.
And in accord with her laws.
I pronounce that the sentence
on the two defendants.
Noelle Page and Lawrence Douglas.
Shall be execution
by a firing squad:
[Murmuring, Shouting]
It was the sucker play of all time:
You should have known:
[Door Slams Shut]
- [Keys Jingling]
- [Man] Mr.: Douglas?
[Keys Jingling]
- There:
- [Rifles Firing]
Is that to your liking?
Yes: Thank you:
What sort of day is it?
Is there sun?
Yes, there is:
- I love the sun:
- [Man] Mademoiselle?
"Have mercy upon me, O God.
"According to thy loving kindness.
"According unto the multitude
of thy tender mercies:
"Blot out my transgressions:
"For I acknowledge
my transgressions.
"And my sin is ever before me:
"Against thee, thee only,
have I sinned.
"And done this evil in your sight:
"Hide thy face from my sins:
"Blot out my transgressions,
and blot out all mine inequities:
"Create in me a clean heart,
O God.
"And renew a right spirit within me:
"Cast me not from thy presence.
And take not thy Holy Spirit
from me:"
Have you anything to say?
May God forgive you:
- [Man] Ready!
- [Rifles Cocking]
[Bell Tolling]
- Again, I wish to comment on your generosity:
- [Chuckles]
Without your constant support,
It's nothing, Sister Theresa:
Just nothing:
Not in God's eyes:
There she is:
Surely it was God
who permitted us.
To rescue your friend
from the sea.
When she was swept ashore
on that terrible night:
You say God:
I say. Fate:
- How is she?
- Getting stronger every day:
She will be ready to leave soon:
Thank you, Sister.