The Other Side of the Mirror (2016)

I don't wanna be weak
It's not have the strength to stand up
and move my feet across the ground
I don't wanna be sickly or ill
I'm afraid of that the most
the life seeping out of me
like steam from a train engine
the wheels struggle on.. so slow
until finally.. just stops
spinning all together
it's hard to think of
something lasting forever
going on and on with no end.
But love.. I know love is infinite
I'll love you even after I'm dead
like I know my mother still loves me.
Get up, Alice!.
You have school this morning.
I don't wanna go to school today.
We've only just moved here.
If you want to make any new friends,
you have to go to school.
You must to go to school every day.
You know that.
You have to go this day,
and the next, and the next.
There is no getting around that.
My father says you're
the whores of Babylon!
I will not ask again.
Queen of the Thorns
Who did this?
Who.. did this?
If we go to heaven when we die,
can we ever come back to earth
to see what it's like in the future?
- No.
well, I dunno if I want
to be stuck up in heaven
and never see the
ocean or forest again.
You don't need to see the ocean
or the forest if you're in heaven.
Why not?, I don't know,
I just know you don't need to.
Well, what about angels?,
angels come back from heaven.
Yes, there are angels here on earth,
but you are not one of them.
You're very far from it.
You know, you might be able to very ask
that question if you actually
pay attention in school.
I'm as good as a student as any other,
I just tend to daydream, that's all.
Someday all your daydreaming
will get you into trouble.
You know, father spends very good
money to keep you in that private school.
The least you can do is learn
a thing or two while your there.
It's summer now.
I would like very much
to forget about school
and remember what it's like
to sit beneath the sun all day.
Very well, do as you wish,
you always do anyway.
Do you think we've
been here long enough?
Long enough for what?
Well.. we moved here
a few months ago and..
I feel like I haven't met anyone yet.
Aside for my classmates.
You know..the only people I can socialize
with are the folks from church.
The protestants simply don't like us,
at all there's a lot more
of them than there are of us.
Is that why that boy yelled at me
in my way to school yesterday?
Father McAvoy was talking
about radical ideas and..
new ways of doing old traditions.
And how we shouldn't let the
backwards become forwards,
or the insane become sane
or the lie become word of truth.
But, I wanna meet
strange and new people.
I wanna hear new ideas and
meet the strange and eccentric.
I wanna meet the kind of people
who would change the world
the kind of people of picture shows.
I knew we shouldn't have
taken you to see that movie.
But, then I think maybe we haven't
been here long enough.
Well, let's see, we've been
here for... three months.
So, yes, I think is right about
time to meet one of those..
new and exciting people.
Are you patronizing me?
Patronizing, I learned it in school,
It means to...
I know what it means.
Well.. are you are patronizing me?
No, of course not.
Or maybe a little.
Very well then.
When do you want some tee
I'm bored and tired of being patronized.
In a moment.. however you can brew yourself if you wish
The sausages are in the basket.
Where is my teacup?
How should I know, Alice?
Well, It's not here and It
must've been left somewhere.
Well, maybe is at home.
I'll go back and get it.
I said I'll go back home and get it.
Do what you must.
All in the golden afternoon
Full leisurely we glide;
For both our oars, with little skill,
By little arms are plied,
While little hands make vain pretence
Our wanderings to guide.
Ah, cruel Three! In such an hour,
Beneath such dreamy weather,
To beg a tale of breath too weak
To stir the tiniest feather!
Yet what can one poor voice avail
Against three tongues together?
Imperious Prima flashes forth
Her edict to begin it
IIn gentler tone Secunda hopes
There will be nonsense in it!
While Tertia interrupts the tale
Not more than once a minute.
Oh no, I'm late! I've gotta be going now.
Goodbye, Miss. I'm too late.
Anon, to sudden silence won,
In fancy they pursue
The dream-child moving through a land
of wonders wild and new,
Hey mister.. what is your name?
And ever, as the story drained
The wells of fancy dry,
And faintly strove that weary one
To put the subject by,
Can you please stop and
tell me who you are?
The rest next time It is next time!
The happy voices cry.
Mister, I asked you to stop!,
will you please stop?
Oh dear, I'll never fit in there.
What are you talking about?
Of course, you won't fit in there.
It's a rabbit hole.
Thus grew the tale of Wonderland:
Thus slowly, one by one,
Its quaint events were hammered out
And now the tale is done,
And home we steer, a merry crew,
Beneath the setting sun.
Alice! a childish story take,
And with a gentle hand
Lay it where Childhoods dreams are
twined In Memorys mystic band,
Like pilgrims withered wreath of flowers
Plucked in a far-off land.
Drink Me
Oh dear, how weird everything is today.
And yesterday everything
seemed to go just as usual.
I wonder if Ive been changed
person in the night? Let me think.
Did I feel the same when
I woke up this morning?
I think I can remember
feeling a little bit different.
But if I'm not the same, then the next
question is, Who in the world am I?
Im sure Im not Ada, for her
hair goes in such long ringlets,
mine doesnt
go in ringlets at all;
I cant be Mabel, for I
know all sorts of things,
And she knows so very little.
And besides, shes she, and Im I,
Ohh, very confusing, it all is.
I must have been changed for Mabel.
now I shall live in that poky little house,
and next to no friends and
have so mean lessons learned!
No. Ive made up my mind.
If I'm Mabel, then Ill stay down here!
Itll be of no use poking their
heads down here and saying,
Come up again, dear!
I'll just look up and say,
"Who am I then?"
"Tell me that and if I like being
that person, I'll come up."
"And If I don't, I'll stay down
here till I'm somebody else."
I do wish they would put
their heads down here though!.
I'm so very tired of being all alone.
Loneliness is a curious thing.
On the one hand, loneliness
can be a dreadful cross to bear.
Anything more than the last stand
of isolation and self dependence.
On the other hand, loneliness gives us
a chance to examine our thoughts.
What have you been thinking of, Alice?
I think I'll be going now.
Do you?
Nothing to fear Alice?.
You've met my brother, haven't you?
The man with the white shoes.
He's led you down awfully far.
There are those of us,
who are suppose to be here.
And those who are not!
I do believe is time
you go back, Alice.
Take my hand.
I don't want to.
We don't always get what we want!
Sit down, all of you.
I'll have you dry soon enough.
You all are ready now?.
This is the driest thing I know.
Silent all all around now, please.
William the Conqueror, whose
cause was favoured by the pope,
was soon submitted to by
the English, who wanted leaders,
and had been of late much accustomed
to usurpation and conquest.
Edwin and Morcar, the earls of
Mercia and Northumbria
I beg your pardon?
Did you speak? Not me.
I thought you did,
I proceed.
Edwin and Morcar, the earls of
Mercia and Northumbria,
declared for him;
and even Stigand,
the patriotic archbishop of
Canterbury, found it advisable
"Found it?" Found it. Of course.
You know what that means?
I know what it means, well enough.
When I find a thing, it's generally a
pretty girl or a fine bottle of liquor.
The question is, what
did the archbishop found?
William's conduct was at first.
But the insolence of his Normans.
How are you getting on now, my dear?
I am as wet as ever.
I don't think this is drying me at all.
In that case, I vote that
we adjourn the meeting
for the immediate adoption
of more energetic remedies.
Ohh, speak English!
I don't understand half
of those long words,
whats more, I don't
think you do either.
What I was going to say,
is that the best way to dry us off
would be a Caucus-race.
What is a Caucus-race?
It is a sort of exercise, but the
best way to explain it, is to do it.
Ohh, you startled me,
sitting up in the tree that way.
That's not an answer
to my question.
Are you lost?
Well, I don't quite know sir.
You have to be going
somewhere to be lost,
and seeing I have no place to go.
You're a silly one, aren't you?
My brothers seem to
think you are lost.
Brothers?, you mean the
one with white shoes and
that dreadful man
with the wool duster?
One and the same, they and I.
You come to realize that down here,
we are all one and the same.
What do you mean?
Wait!, please come back,
tell me where I have to go from here.
I'd try the opium den.
Who.. are you?
Well, I don't quite know, sir.
I know who I was when
I woke up this morning.
But, I think I have changed
several times since then.
What do you mean by that?
Explain yourself.
I can't explain myself,
because I'm not myself.
I don't see.
I'm afraid I can't put it anymore clearly.
I don't understand it myself.
And being so many different
sizes in a day.. is very confusing.
It isn't.
Well, perhaps you
haven't thought it so..
Well, perhaps you haven't
thought it so yet
But, when you have to die,
and you will someday you know.
You will be dressed up and
crammed to a tiny little box
and buried into the ground
and disappeared into the earth.
That will feel a little bit weird,
won't it?.
Not a bit.
Perhaps you feel a little different
but it will feel very weird to me.
Who... are... you?
Don't you think you ought
to tell who you are first?
Come back.
I have something important to say.
Keep.. your.. temper..
Is that all?
You think you've changed, do you?.
I'm afraid I have, sir.
I can't remember what I used to.
Can't remember what things?
Well, when I try to look back,
I can't remember where I came from,
or how exactly how I got here.
It's not quite right.
What size do you want to be?.
Well, a little older would nice.
I don't care to be quite so young.
One side will make you grow taller.
The other side will make you.. smaller.
The mushrooms...
Mommy loves you.
We invite all the people.
What kind of tea are we having?
French tea. French tea.
Let's grab the teacups.
Tea time. Tea time.
What's her name?
Just like you?
She's in wonderland.
Your hair is so long.
To my shoulders.
Please sit still.
Then we wrap it around through here.
It's cute there.
Now we're gonna do,
is put it right through here.
About right there, ok?
Hello again!
Lost yet?
I'm afraid so.
Oh, so you found
yourself someplace to go?
Yes. I'd like to go to the garden.
You know the one
behind the little door?
No garden.
Never heard of it.
You're lying!
I just haven't the slightest idea
what are you talking about.
Do you know someone who
can put me in the right direction?
Well, any garden would be downtown,
so you could ask the doctor or the painter
Ask either one you like,
they're both mad.
Well, I don't wanna go
among mad people.
No, you don't have a choice, do you?
We're all mad here.
Wait! Stop! Would you please tell me
where this doctor and painter are?
That way. I rather like
the look of that away.
Why you don't know anything at all!
Neither do you,
silly little girl.
That away...
So looked at the prostitute,
and she said to me: "I am man!"
No room.
No room!
No, man!
Absolutely not, no room!
What are you talking about?
Of course there's room.
And I do miss a good tea.
This isn't it a tea party.
Then what are you drinking?
Cough medicine.
Do you have a cough?
It is medicine.
Have some wine.
I don't see any wine.
That is because there isn't any.
Well, it wasn't very
nice for you to offer it.
Well, it wasn't very nice for you
to sit down without being.. invited.
Are those your paintings?
No, they're mine, you see..
I am a painter
and he is my doctor.
You know, your hair wants cutting.
You should learn not to
make such personal remarks.
Its very rude.
Tea, Doctor.
I guess, I.. haven't learned
what is rude and what isn't.
There's a fly in my cup.
Change places!
Change places.
Change places.
What was your name again?
I like that,
tell me, Alice.
Why is a raven
like a writing desk?
Oh, I like riddles,
let's see...
You can't see it.
It's a riddle.
Well, I mean..
I'll see if I can guess it.
Do you mean that you think
you can find the answer?
Exactly so.
Then you should say what you mean.
I do.
At least.
At least I mean what I say
it's the same thing we know.
And not the same thing one bit.
You might as well say
that "I eat what I see"
is the same thing
as "I see what I eat".
Or, "I get what I want" is just the
same as "I want what I get".
Well, it is the same
with you, doctor.
Can I have some?
This is not for the likes of you.
I will not have it!
But it is medicine.
Is that why they call you mad?
Because of the medicine?
They're calling me mad?
Change places.
Chaaaaaaange places!
I've heard it said before.
She's just as mad as we are.
Yes, terribly sorry, but it is true.
Tell me.. about your mother.
She's dead.
And a.. what day of the month is it?
The fourth.
Wa, wa, wa, wa, wa, wa.
They're two days wrong!
Oh yes, I told you that the
butter will not suit the watch.
It was the best of the butter..
Yes!, but some of the
crumbs must've gotten in.
Then how can I.. could have put it in
with the bread knife, did I have, Doctor?
What an interesting watch.
It tells the date of the month,
but not what a clock it is.
Why should it?
Does your watch tells you what year it is?
No, of course not.
But, that's because it stays the
same year for such a long time.
Which is just the case of mine.
Have you guessed my riddle yet?
No. I give up. What's the answer?
I haven't the slightest idea.
Nor I.
You shouldn't waste
your time going around
asking riddles that you
don't have answers to.
If you knew time
half as well as I did
You wouldn't have talked about wasting "it".
"it" my dear lady, is a him.
I don't understand.
I dare say you've never even met time?
Have you?
Well, perhaps not, but I know I
have to beat time when I learn music.
Ah! that accounts for it.
No, he wont stand beating.
If you only kept on
good terms with him.
Are.. you going to be in downtown later?
I as thinking of going.
Not me, you see, I'm not allowed
in downhound anymore.
The last time I went I sang a
little song. What did I sing?
A little bit something like this.
"Twinkle, twinkle little bat
how I wonder what you're at?"
You know the song perhaps?
I've heard something like it.
It goes on, you see.
"Up above the world you fly"
"Like a teatray in the sky"
Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.
Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle.
Well, Id hardly gone past the first verse,
when a policeman, he comes up to me and shouts
"Hey, stop him!"
"He's madder than a hatter!"
How dreadful and savage.
Yes he was.
Were you arrested?
Of course not!
No, I'm here now, aren't I?
Well, civil obedience, my lady,
is for the squares anyway.
I have always thought of
myself more of a... Cube.
You've always been a bit crazy,
haven't you?
When they come back,
I'm not going with them.
I just wanted you to know that.
You don't know what is like
in here, is not sanitary.
You're not from around here, are you?
I can always tell.
You... you are very pretty,
you know that?
I know.
Yes, you do.
I mean, thank you.
Could you...
I mean, would you loosen my straps?
The've been all so awfully tight.
I can't even feel my hands.
I don't think I could do that.
It's very easy, see?
Pull the strap on the back,
right here.
I'll be free and feeling
better in no time.
No, no, no, no, no.
Time for your medicine.
Please, no!
I don't wanna go back there!
It is not sanitary!
No, no, no, there's
no reason to be violent.
This is for your own good.
Am I a doctor alright?
Let me take care of you.
I don't want to go!
I don't want to go!
Yeah. Is it that better, uh?
Feeling much better. Thank you.
But please, don't tell
me I'm the only one
that can see that
girl standing over there.
One of the patients has
escaped from her room!
Get her back there!
Are those your drawings?
Yes they are.
You see, I'm the painter, and he is my doctor.
Who is this?
That's Alice.
She's very pretty,
isn't she?
Can you tell me
where she went?
I'm not allowed to go anymore
Their doctors has not
allowed me to go anymore.
Tell me, where are we
right now, where is this?
Yes, thank you.
Nothing quite like a
tea to warm the spirits.
You know what I think?
I think you're mad.
No, no, I'm not mad.
Crazy... crazy... crazy.
Alice went downtown, and I'm not
allow to go downtown anymore.
Good boy.
Change places.
Oh, doctor?
I am free.
Don't be so jumpy,
why the nerves?
What's the matter,
the cat got your tongue?
Hey, you better get out of the rain, girl.
You don't want to catch
pneumonia or tuberculosis.
That's better.
And what's your name?
That's a pretty name.
Where are you from, Alice?
I am lost actually.
And I'm trying to find my way out.
Or up.
Up?, yes I see.
Unfortunately I'm afraid
I can't help you.
I'm lost myself, you see,
because I don't go anywhere.
That also means I can't be found.
Could you just at least point
me in the right direction?
No, I can't help you.
I am the pestilent, the plague,
the scourge, the infected.
I suffer from the disease that is injected.
No, I can't help you.
Lying on the drain, eating the scraps,
drinking the rain, no, I can't help you.
Does it hurt?
That's the problem, sweetie.
It doesn't hurt a bit.
Can't you go to the hospital?
A hospital?
I got this disease in a hospital.
From doctors and scientists working
in their labs and petri dishes.
And they are not interested in
caring for us now, anyway.
Not when there's a real
sick going around.
Well, what about a cure?
There's gonna be a cure for
every disease one day, you know
Some day people will live forever.
No matter what their illnesses.
And how do you know that?
I just do.
People can still create good things.
Great things.
If you want to see some good,
you might wanna start right here.
Looks like they're ready to do some
regular evil over by that tree.
Ain't no sense in with me, miss.
I'm already dead.
But, that fellow on the yonder,
he's about to get strung up for
something he can't do nothing about.
No word from him is gonna stop
that noose tightened around his neck.
You might find the help
you need by helping others.
The righteous are
impenetrable to the spears of sin.
The righteous are impenetrable.
The righteous.
Wait! Stop!
Don't Cry.
Your tears will make
this much harder.
Don't be afraid, Alice.
I'm taking you home.
You want that,
don't you?
You can't stay here.
Your presence...
disturbs things.
You understand, don't you?
Who is this?
Alice, miss.
But, I was just about to be leaving.
Where are you walking at
this hour, home? I think not.
I happen to know for a fact that
you are very far from your home.
Come. You should stay
here and make time useful.
We're cleaning some
machinery on the back.
I'll teach you how
to strip a gear housing.
Is customary to lock the
doors when we are working.
Makes things more productive.
Will you do the honors?
Very good Alice.
Now bring it back to me.
No more pain!
No more pain!
No more pain!
No more pain!
Get out and go home.
Factories like this
should not exist.
You're sleep in a future of fists. Have it your way!.
Off with her head!
Alice, wake up! Wake up,
Alice. Are you alright?
Thank God.
I had such a curious dream.
A dream?
there was a rabbit and a man.
And then I fell.
I fell very far down and
at the bottom I cried.
Because I couldn't remember
who I was and couldn't get out.
And then I almost drowned on my tears.
Alice, this is madness!
Come now, it's time to go, gather
your things and we'll head back home.
Suppose you wanna tell father all
about your afternoon adventures?
No. I think I'll keep this to myself.
For a while, anyways.
Good. We should let
father get suspicious.
Or maybe he liked
to know. Wait, what?
Nothing. I said I don't believe he would
be interested in your stories anyhow.
Now, it is time to go,
It's getting really late.
You've had enough adventures for
one day and I was good enough scared.
Not again, Alice!