The Ouija Exorcism (2015)

Hear anything?
This thing's stupid.
You know what isn't stupid?
Your birthday present.
What is it?
Just open it.
I can't believe you stole
this from your dad's office.
Let's try it.
Is this Jewish?
You mean Hebrew?
Right, Yossi?
Yeah, but it's not Hebrew.
I think it's Chinese.
How does this thing work?
Well, it's a spirit board.
You're supposed to contact
people or ask it questions.
Like dead people?
Or is Bev going to kiss you?
Shut up, Max.
I'm just stating the obvious.
I think just dead people.
Ask it a question already.
Did my mom and dad get me
the BMX bike that I wanted?
Does Beverly Morgan like Yossi?
This thing is also stupid.
Maybe because
you're not asking it
The right questions.
Hey, Bev.
Your parents are here.
- Oh, okay.
- And you two?
It's time to get to sleep.
Alright, I promised
your dad that you
Would be in bed
before nine, pal.
Alright boys?
Okay, Dad.
Okay, Mr. T.
You know, I
think Max asked one
Right question on the board?
Which one?
You going to miss me?
Okay, Romeo,
let's get to bed.
Quit it, Max.
Max, is that you?
Yossi! Are you
okay? What happened?
It's Max, something's wrong.
I took the Ouija board
and let Max play with it and
What Ouija board?
The one from my office?
Yes, I'm sorry, I...
It's out.
Yosef, you find a
place to hide at Max's
And you don't come
out 'til I get you!
Yosef! Yosef!
Show yourself demon!
Yousef, run!
Yeah, I'll be there
as soon as I can.
I'm so glad I finally
get to meet my grandfather
For the first time,
Right before he's about to die.
Yeah, I guess I deserve that.
You think?
Look, you want to blame Dov
for keeping us apart, not me.
Why do you always
call him that?
Because that's his name.
I know, but he's your father.
Was my father.
I haven't seen that
man in over 30 years.
I'm having a hard
time figuring out
Why he would put
you in a foster home
For no reason.
Because your grandfather is an
Extremely selfish man.
Just sucks is all.
Especially considering
you can't remember
Your childhood because
of some stupid accident.
It does suck.
But I had no control over that.
But you know the
one thing I do have
Control over is
being your father.
And just so you
know, I would never
Ever do what Dov
did to me to you.
I care about you way too much.
I care about you too, Dad.
Come on, Dad.
He's stable now.
But we're not sure
how much time he has.
Does he know we're here?
No. I did has you asked.
I didn't tell him
you were coming.
Thank you.
I'll leave you to it then.
You okay?
You're a handsome young man.
What's your name?
I'm your grandson.
I don't have a grandson.
Yes. Yes you do.
Yousef you're...
You're not supposed
to be in this house.
It's too dangerous.
I think after 30 years I
actually deserve an explanation.
What is so dangerous
about an old house?
It's not the house,
it's what's in it.
Noah, leave the room.
- Dad
- No, go.
I did what I had
to do to protect you.
Protect me?
You self-righteous piece
of crap, protect me?
I spent 10 years getting my
ass kicked in foster homes
Where was your protection then?
It was for your own good.
Now, please leave.
Before it's too late.
I know you're not an
observant man anymore.
But promise me you will
never lose your faith,
Especially in me.
That's easy.
I never had it to begin with.
Games on in 15,
babe, in and out.
Geez, what's their problem?
You'd think somebody died.
Please behave yourself, Jeff.
What's in it for me?
What do you mean?
We haven't done it in forever.
I wonder why that is.
Oh wow, Beverly Morgan.
You look amazing.
You don't look
half bad yourself.
I am so sorry for
your loss, Yossi.
Thank you,
And it's Joe now.
Joe. Okay.
Hi, Noah Barnett,
at your service.
I'm sorry for your loss.
You must have made this.
Because it smells heavenly
Can I go now?
I have some flowers for ya.
Sorry about your dad, man.
He was a weird old dude.
Yeah. Yeah I should
probably get rid of these.
I just paid 35.99 for those.
You just going to chuck them?
No, in the Jewish tradition
we don't believe in flowers
For mourning, so that's why
You know what, thank you.
These are great.
I'll go put these in water.
They're not even real.
This sucks.
Joe, I'm so sorry.
lymphoma, that's rough.
Yeah it was.
Especially on Noah.
Towards the end, seeing
his mother like that,
Knowing there was nothing
he could do to help.
It really did a
number on both of us.
I know exactly how you feel.
We lost Chloe's dad, my husband,
To colon cancer three years ago.
I'm so sorry.
Let's talk about something,
A little less depressing.
I think that's a great idea.
So Jeff, huh?
Okay, good subject.
Hey, remember when
we were kids your dad
Wouldn't let us be in the
same room alone together?
Oh, the good old days.
We're all grown up now though.
Yes we are.
You were really cute
back then though.
Your glasses, your little curls.
What happened?
Well I don't have
the glasses anymore
And my little curls
are now big curls.
I have much bigger curls
than what I had before.
So I know you and
Noah have to get back,
But, we're actually
going to a cabin
On Friday if you'd
like to join us.
That sounds really
cool, but I think um
There's just a million
things to do around here
You know, and Noah
has school on Monday,
So I think we're just
going to sit this one out.
Maybe next time.
What was that?
Yeah dad.
It's good to have you back.
If you change your
mind, let me know.
I will.
Ouija, or spirit board, predates
to China around 1100 A.D.
People commonly use
the board as a way
To contact the dead.
Yeah. I mean what's the
worst that could happen?
Okay board, let's see
what you have to say.
I'm looking for my
mother, Jennifer Barnett.
Mom are you there?
Anyone there?
I knew this thing was bullshit.
What the?
One. Never play alone.
Two. Never let planchette
count down through
The numbers or backwards
through the alphabet.
Three. Never mention God.
Four. Always say goodbye.
I mean, one out
of four ain't bad.
Hey Dad, does
grandpa have a cat?
I don't think so,
he was allergic.
No reason.
So, this is it.
Look, if you change your mind
Here is the address
to the cabin.
Cell service can be a little
shoddy so just show up, okay?
Come on, babe!
We're late for Jeff-town!
Population beers and burgers!
Take care of yourself, Yossi.
Sorry, old habits.
Bye, Noah.
So, cabin?
And you make
great sandwiches too.
What do you do?
What do you contribute
to the household?
You drink beer and
you watch football.
And I cook steaks.
Only when I make you.
Who does the rest of the stuff?
Who fixed the sink the
other day when it got clogged?
We're not going to the cabin.
You always said that
grandpa never took you
Anywhere or did anything cool.
I mean it's not like
you're forcing me
To leave home like he did,
But I am going to college.
Don't you want to have
some fun before I go?
What are you doing?
This isn't our exit.
I know.
I'm just proving that I'm cool.
It's not cool if you
say you're cool dad.
Well how about
this, I will promise
Not to tell anyone the
only reason you want to
Go to the cabin is so you
can hang out with Chloe.
Have I mentioned you're
the coolest dad ever?
It's not cool to mention it.
Hi guys, sorry,
you just caught me
At the end of my
sun salutations,
I'm working on my
yogi certificate.
You must be Beverly.
Nice to meet you.
Jeff. Hi Chloe.
Well, make yourselves at home.
The door to the
main house is open,
I'm just going to shower up and
I'll show you guys around.
I'll be right down the
way if you need anything.
Thank you
Thank you. So much.
Get the bags.
What's a yogi
anyway though, a bear?
Yep. She steals
picnic baskets.
That's what I thought.
Let's go.
Jesus, this isn't a
cabin, it's a mansion.
It's like Pablo
Escobar's rustic getaway.
Would you uh, watch
your language please?
What? We're Jewish,
I can say Jesus.
All I'm saying is the cabin
is bigger than our house,
And there's probably a bunch
of cocaine hidden in the walls.
What do you know about cocaine?
You know, don't, don't tell me.
You guys made it!
Good to see you.
Yeah he, guilted me
into it on the highway.
Plus I thought it'd be nice
to make some "cool memories"
Before he goes off to school.
That's really nice.
Chloe's inside and...
Jeff's at the market,
So why don't I show you inside?
Sure, yeah.
Jeff's at the market...
Sup dude?
Did you guys change your mind?
Yeah. Yeah,
something like that.
How was the market?
Find anything nice?
Oh, you mean Ronnie.
Ronnie she's like
the yogi around here.
Takes care of stuff when
people are around, whatever
Recent divorcee.
On the prowl.
You know, because
she's a cougar.
Like an older, you get it?
No, I get it.
So how does Bev feel about you
doing yoga with other women?
You listen here, Rabbi.
If you even think about
opening your mouth to Bev,
You'll be in matzo straw
for the rest of your life.
That's not how matzo,
That's not how matzo works.
Hey, babe.
Where are you going?
I forgot the
bread at the market.
- Get it later.
- I can't
- We have our family hike.
- We can't have sandwiches without bread.
You know the hike
is not my thing, okay?
I'll be back later.
Love you.
- Hey.
- How are you?
Better now.
Yes, mother.
We are going on a hike,
would you like to join us?
Are you serious?
I'd rather hang out
with Noah all weekend.
Looks like it's
just you and me, Joe.
Just like old times.
Okay, bye.
I know you're there, perv.
How'd you get in here?
Jeff, huh?
Come on, he means well.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, he really does.
I mean I know he's
a pain and all,
But, he really is a good guy.
I met him online.
After my husband passed away.
Of course you met
that guy online.
What's that supposed to mean?
I just, uh, I guess I can't
really picture swiping
Right on that guy.
Swipe right?
Yeah, yeah, I've
seen Noah swipe right,
He's in his room just swiping,
At least I think it's swiping.
No, I've never swiped.
I don't believe in
swiping before marriage.
You okay?
I don't know.
I think I made a mistake.
He means well and all,
But we're just two
different people,
And at my age there
aren't many options.
I find that pretty
hard to believe.
Watch out I can
still beat you up.
You can try,
bring it, bring it.
It's on.
Oh my goddess!
What's with all
the hippie shit?
I'm a shamanic priestess.
Well, I was ordained online.
I thought all
shamans were dudes.
Shamans by nature are women.
The first shaman was
said to be a woman.
Why do you think male
shamans are always wearing
Women's clothing
and assuming mostly
Female gendered behavior?
I don't know I just
thought they liked to
Wear dresses and
dress up like women.
So, since you're a
shaman do you like
Heal crap and talk to ghosts?
Or I don't know...
Yes, if I can properly
tap into the spirit world.
I can.
How about I
properly tap into you?
No, your dad.
Remember he wore that
really short miniskirt
That one year, where did
he even get that from?
Did you give it to him?
Don't, don't make me
think about that short skirt.
I don't want to
think about that.
He had the most hideous legs
And it kind of went
up in the back.
- Oh hey.
- Jeff, hi.
Did you just get
back from the market?
You guys are awfully chummy huh?
Just catching up on old times.
Huh. I'd love to hear
about your old times
With my girlfriend, Joe.
Well Joe and his dad
used to dress up for
Wait, what was it
called again, Yos?
Purim, that's right.
And apparently, there
was this Persian king
Who planned to have all the
Jewish people killed, and...
The holiday is to celebrate
the people that saved them
And foiled his plan, basically.
No, actually it
was pretty great.
I mean the girls used
to dress up like boys
And the boys used to
dress up like girls
And they would sing songs
and play with noisemakers
And it was really great.
Yeah, well, you know
shamans are actually girls?
What was that?
I don't know.
I'm confused.
Of course you met
that guy online.
Shut up.
Oh God, I did.
Smart phones, dumb people.
I love you too.
Hang on!
Come in.
What are you doing?
Dinner's ready, so
you should wash up.
And buddy you might want
to change that shirt,
You've been wearing it
for like, three days.
Just looking out for you.
Okay, Dad.
Get out!
So, um, kids, did
you have fun today?
Oh yeah.
What about you Jeff,
did you have fun?
Did you have fun today?
Yeah. It was fine.
Anyone seen my dad?
I'm going to go find him.
This is good.
Hey, we're all waiting
for you out here,
Noah, I thought I told
you to get ready for...
What? I was changing my shirt.
Do you hear that?
Hear what?
Sup? Earth to Joe.
You coming to dinner or what?
Yeah. Yeah.
Smells good, right?
Yeah, smells.
But looks, like shit.
You alright, Dad?
Your marshmallow's f-ed.
Oh. Oh, well I,
I like them burnt.
There's something out there.
Yeah dad, I totally think
something's out there.
Whoever's out there
better come out right now
Sorry, sorry, it's just me.
Just Ronnie.
Ronnie, what are you
doing in the woods?
Oh I just saw the fire
and I heard voices, so
Why don't you join us?
Here, have a seat.
Want mine?
No, I'm good.
Oh, sorry, Ronnie, this is
Joe Barnett and his son, Noah.
Joe, Noah, this is
Ronnie, she is the
Yeah, how did you know that?
When I drove up I
saw her care-taking
Nice to meet you.
Sorry. I have to go.
Hippies. Am I right?
Um, I'm going to
call it a night.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I just don't feel good.
Goodnight, Dad.
Yeah I think your dad's right,
Maybe we should all hit it,
Don't you think?
What? What's?
Kids. Bedtime.
Mom, I'm 18.
I'm an adult.
Yeah, you are.
Uh, 'night.
What's got her
panties in a bunch?
Why don't you ask Ronnie?
Wait for it, wait for it.
You're acting crazy right now.
Don't you dare
call me crazy, Jeff!
Can you honestly tell
me nothing's going on
With you and Ronnie?
I cross my heart
and swear to die.
There's nothing going
on between Ronnie and I.
I slipped up once, Bev.
Now every time I look at a woman
You think I'm sleeping with her.
Can you blame me?
Fine. Believe what you want,
I'm going to bed.
Chloe is that you?
This isn't funny.
Mom are you there?
Who is this?
What danger?
What's so dangerous about it?
Oh, okay Grandpa, there's
a demon inside the board.
What are you doing up so late?
I couldn't sleep.
What is that?
Nothing, huh?
Where did you get that?
Was this here?
Tell me!
I found it in
Grandpa's office.
Why did you take it?
I didn't, it was in the car,
I thought you brought it.
Don't lie to me, Noah.
I'm not lying, Dad.
No, no no, please,
How will I talk to
mom or grandpa now?
They're gone.
From here, yeah, but
they're still out there.
Go to your room.
We're leaving first
thing in the morning.
But, Dad?
Dad, please, I
was talking to her,
You have to believe me.
Enough. This
thing is not real.
Your mother and Dov
are not contacting you.
It's a figment of
your imagination.
Then why do you care?
Cause I'm your father
And you're going to
respect my wishes.
Now get inside and go to bed.
You're an asshole
you know that?
Dude. We're trying to sleep.
I'll be out of here
first thing in the morning.
Joe, hey.
Do you want to tell me what's
going on with you and Noah?
Look I'm getting all packed up,
We'll be out of here
before anyone wakes up.
No. Hey.
You don't have to go.
We've been friends
almost our whole lives.
We're friends?
I mean I know we were
neighbors growing up,
But I haven't seen you,
I haven't even spoken
to you in 30 years
And now you think we're friends?
How dare you.
Do you have any idea
how much it hurt
When you sent away
the first time?
You just disappeared.
Now you're going to do it again?
Look, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have said that.
You want to tell me
what's really going on?
We should sit.
Hey, everybody knows those
Ouija boards aren't real.
Come on, it's a kids toy.
Maybe, maybe Noah's
going through a difficult
Time in his life right now,
And you know he needs
someone to talk to.
He's about to graduate
high school this year
And that's sometimes
difficult to process.
Even home.
The night Max and
his family were killed,
You don't have
to talk about it.
No, Bev. Bev.
It's, why can't I remember
what happened that night?
Ever since I've been
here I've having snippets
Of that night.
Little bits and pieces
are coming back to me
But it just doesn't
make any sense.
I wish I could help.
You can.
Can you tell me anything
from that night?
Anything you may have heard?
Yossi, the things were heard
They were just rumors.
Can you tell me?
All I've ever been
told about that night
Is that I was in some
sort of accident.
That's it.
That's not what we heard.
Bev, what did you hear?
We heard you,
We heard you lost
it or something
And you killed Max
and his family.
And when the police
showed up at your house
They found your dad
drowning you in the bathtub.
Your dad didn't send you away,
The state did.
If that's true then how
come my father wasn't arrested?
How come I didn't grow
up in juvenile detention?
I told you, they
were just rumors.
Yeah, well all rumors are
based on some sort of truth.
Look, this board isn't
going to be bringing
Back any more
bad memories okay?
You threw it in the
trash, it's done.
Out of sight, out of mind?
Come on, get some sleep.
Let's have fun this weekend,
Yeah, you're right.
You're right.
The church will look
after him as long as he can.
Whatever you do, do not
let him come back here
Until I figure out
how to dispose of it.
I promise.
But as soon as he's of age,
I can't stop him
from seeking answers.
I understand.
I just hope it doesn't
take me that long
To finish this.
Yousef? Yousef?
What happened to his eyes?
Matthew 6, verse 22 and 23.
The eye is the lamp of the body.
And if the eye is light
he'll be full of light
But if the eye is bad then
it'll be full of darkness.
Can you fix it?
I don't know.
But we'll try.
Hey, Chloe.
Joe, what's wrong?
Noah brought that
board back in the house,
Do you know where he is?
I think he went for
a walk down the hill.
What is wrong with you?
What are you talking about?
I didn't do anything.
You know what you did.
You took the Ouija
board out of the trash
And you brought it
back in the house.
No I didn't.
Then how'd it get
back inside, huh?
You know, you're about
to go to college buddy.
It's time you start
acting like a man
And admitting when you
did something wrong.
Dad, I'm telling
you, it wasn't me.
Then it didn't
just jump up and
Go inside by itself.
Maybe it did.
What did you just say to me?
Maybe it did move by itself.
I know you don't believe
me, but it moved.
And I did talk to
Mom and Grandpa,
A few times actually.
It's called a spirit board, Dad.
That's what it's made
for, to talk to the dead.
Maybe there's a reason
we're not supposed
To talk to the dead.
Don't you start playing
with this stuff, buddy,
Your grandfather messed
around with this,
And look how he turned out.
Dad, wait.
Look, I'm not really
in the mood for
You to call me a creep or
a pervert or whatever, okay?
I'm sorry.
About everything.
It's just, I don't know
I guess I'm still processing
how my mom could move on
So fast after my dad died.
Especially with a guy like Jeff.
I don't know, maybe
it's better than never
Moving on at all.
At least you have
your freedom, right?
You'll have it soon.
You're going away
to school, right?
Part of me can't wait to
get the hell out of here
And live my own life.
But the other part of me can't
just leave him by himself.
Can I ask you a question?
Sure, I'll go
to prom with you.
I'm serious.
Did you really talk to
your mom and granddad?
You're going to
tell me I'm crazy too.
I'm serious.
I want to talk to my dad.
I'd better not.
You saw my dad,
he's pissed as is,
What do you think he would do
If I got you involved?
Look, you saw me
naked so you owe me.
But we have to do it
after everyone's asleep.
Yousef! Run!
Dad, are you okay?
Where am I?
We found you on
the ground twitching.
I'm so sorry, for everything.
Let's not go saying something
we can't take back now
Thank you.
This is, uh, your place?
Ronnie's a certified EMT.
And a shaman.
I thought shamans were men.
It's a long story.
Bev was telling me
about that night
When you were younger?
All I remember is my father
drowning me in a bathtub
Although it wasn't me.
I was seeing through
someone else's eyes.
In fact, all of that
just came back to me
When I touched that board.
What board?
The Ouija board.
You have a Ouija
board back at the house?
Has anyone else used it?
It's okay, I followed
all the rules.
The Ouija board has rules?
Yes, as well as being
a conduit for spirits,
Spirit boards can also
be containment units.
Wait wait wait,
so you can contact
The dead and you can what?
Trap them in the board?
Yes. But as long as
no one else used it,
And Noah obeyed
all of the rules,
Then we should be fine.
Noah, what did you do?
I play alone.
You, what?
It's okay, I said goodbye,
we should be fine, right?
As long as Noah
said goodbye then
The spirit can't
escape, but it can still
Have influence and
try to find a way out.
This could explain your visions.
What happens if it gets out?
Well, at least it
isn't something bad.
So, as long as no one
else plays with the board
We can get rid of it, right?
In the simplest way, yes,
But I need to unlock
Joe's memories
And see if there's
anything that can help us.
You can do that?
You can unblock my memories?
I know a way, yes.
But it can be quite painful.
Do it.
Are you sure?
Close your eyes
and breathe it in.
These fragmented
memories you're having
Could be the result of
a memory block spell.
Like some amnesia spell?
Come on, my father
wasn't some sort of
Rabbinical wizard.
Eyes closed and relax.
There are many hasidic
Jews who are well
Versed in mysticism
and the dark arts.
If your father didn't
want you to remember
These horrible things,
It's possible he
performed a memory block.
I need complete silence.
Yousef? Yousef?
- Belial.
- Belial.
What happened?
What did you see?
My father.
I was possessed.
I killed Max's dad.
I mean it did, when it
hopped from him to me.
It's not your fault.
You saw, right?
Belial, the wicked,
the worthless, one of the
Four crowns of hell.
We need the board.
Leave the lights on.
I used to have one of
these when I was a kid.
Is Joe trying to
do my girlfriend?
Where do you
think you're going?
To get the board.
And Chloe.
When I said you
needed to start acting
Like a man, I didn't mean now.
Better late than never, huh?
Look, Dad, I'll be fine.
Trust me.
Bring Chloe back safe.
Does Ronnie like
it in the...
It's broken anyway.
I need candles.
They're in the back.
Okay, I'll get some.
I can't leave my
son out there alone.
I have to go find him.
Jeff, now is not a good time.
Bev's here.
Bev, Jeff is here!
Where are Noah and Joe,
did they get the board?
Jeff's not here.
Ronnie, I found
these will they...
Jeff, what the
hell are you doing?
Even better.
No, what the hell, get off me.
Told you, I got it.
Will one of you weirdos
tell me what's going on?
There's no time to explain.
It's not safe out here, come on!
What the hell happened here?
It's us!
I'm alive, thank God.
I'm alive, okay.
I'm alive.
Don't thank him
just yet, cheater.
Bev, I know I'm a cheater,
just, please don't kill me.
Please don't kill me.
You broke my heart, Jeffrey.
I'm so sorry, Bev.
What's that old saying?
An eye for an eye?
And a heart for a heart.
Quick, get inside the circle.
Because spirits
can't pass the line.
We are in big trouble.
It is out.
What do you mean it's out?
Belial. Belial is out,
and it's taken hold of Jeff.
Like possession?
What do we do?
We need to get
Jeff into water.
The pool.
We need to lure
him into the pool
And you can exorcise him.
What? Me?
Why me? You're the shaman.
I don't read Hebrew.
I haven't read
Hebrew in 30 years.
You'll be fine, I hear
it's like riding a bike.
Yeah, it's just
like riding a bike.
Alright, screw this,
I'm finding my mom.
No, stay, close.
You can't pass the line.
God dammit, Jeff
what do you want?
Get off of me you dirty
hippie, I need my mom.
That's not your mom.
It's okay, we'll save
her, I promise.
I'm not the one who
needs saving, bitch.
You slept with my boyfriend
And I won't stop till
I rip you to shreds.
Give me back my son
you piece of shit!
I have to help him.
Wait, it wants you.
Then why didn't it take me?
Why did it take
everybody but me,
Why did it take Noah?
It wants to make you suffer
before it possesses you again.
Psalm 91, read the
verse and you can
Exorcise the demon,
But make sure you
are both in the water
Before you finish the Psalm.
It can't hurt.
Like riding a bike, huh?
Have faith.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
You can't save her, just like
you couldn't save your wife.
That's where you're wrong.
Heart will befall you.
Heart will befall all of you.
Noah isn't here, only Belial.
Sorry, the book wasn't
working fast enough.
It's not working, Ronnie.
Fight it to hold on,
The harder you try it
more it tears Noah apart
Before it moves on to you.
Then let's give
it what it wants.
Joe, no!
It's the only way.
Okay. Chloe!
Chloe, help!
I need my bag, Chloe!
I will haunt you and
your family for eternity
Until nothing is left
but rotting flesh.
Joe, are you sure?
We can still try to
trap it in the board.
No I don't want to trap it,
I want it gone forever,
That's what my
father couldn't do.
Because it's a mortal sin
to try to take one's own life.
Don't you care about that?
Are you willing to die?
If it saves my son, yes.
When it's done, do it.
Don't hesitate, okay?
We beseech you,
Release this boy,
We beseech you,
We beseech you,
release this boy,
Leave this boy,
Leave this boy,
We beseech you.
I'm going to take
my time and enjoy it.
I'm sorry.