The Outback (2012)

Of all the
continents on the planet ...
There is none quite like...
And it vast,
dramatic wilderness called ...
The Outback.
Where its majestic
Uluru Mountains ...
and treacherous Bongle Bongles ...
And lush eucalyptus forests ...
create a wonderful home
for those that belong.
Hey guys, what's the problem?
The problem is we don't
like freaky white koala.
Yeah, what are you?
Some kind of midget polar bear...
... or new type of cotton ball?
You know, you shouldn't
judge a bear by its fur.
I mean, I'm just like you.
You ain't nothing like us.
Because you don't look like us.
You don't look like
anyone around here.
So why don't you
make like a leaf and leave?
Look at that rare and white koala.
Higgens, we finally found that
golden ticket back to the carnival.
They are right!
I ain't belong here!
Hey, what are
you doing, little bear?
Who are you?
My name is Hamish. And this is
my dim-witted assistant Higgens.
Well ...
I'm just trying to look normal
like the other koala bears.
Oh, that's not the
way to get you life.
What I mean, kid ...
it is the thing that
makes you different
could just be the thing
that makes you right.
Different, huh?
You mean freak.
What if I told you there is a place
for special little fellas just like you?
Oh sure!
What's your name, kid?
- I'm Johnny.
- Johnny?
Johnny the amazing Albino Koala!
I love it.
So what do I have to do?
Just be yourself.
But I've tried it!
Hey, Lug?
Five more minutes, mom.
Come on, get up you big lizard!
Rise and shine!
- Who said that?
- Hamish.
Didn't I just kicked you
and your monkey out of here?
A mistake ...
I am willing to forgive.
- See, we can make a deal.
- What are you talking about, Hamish?
I'm talking about me, bringing you
the biggest act at Hippy's Carnival.
What? Is the monkey
going to light himself on fire?
No monkey, no fire.
Just ... him.
Alright, Hamish.
Booth 17.
And stay out of the Big Top.
Let's go, kid.
Your fans await.
Where are we going?
Take a look!
Welcome to the carnival, kid.
- What is that over there?
- Well, that's the Big Top.
The main attraction.
- Whoa!
- You bet it's too awesome.
But ... we are actually
headed this way.
Freak show?
First, the freak show
And then the Big Top.
But I don't want
to be in a freak show.
You'll love it!
Trust me.
Everything here is so weird.
Don't you agree?
Think... unique and unique sells.
Now come and take
a look at your new home.
I'm not doing this.
Do you want to get back
to the bush and get bullied?
They gonna love you here.
Are you sure they'll like me?
Course, they will.
Go on, kid.
Do your thing.
I don't know Hamish,
it's not even a real tree.
Go on.
Oh look, Papa,
a white koala bear.
I want to see!
Oh my. Isn't she adorable!
He is incredible!
And blazing white!
They like me.
What did I tell you!
We want to hang a monkey
take our picture with it!
Everyone loves Johnny!
How do you like
the carnival now, kid?
Sure feels like I fit
in much better here.
Come to the Big Top
and see how the amazing
"Wild Bushman" conquer
the outback single handedly!
Let's go there!
No !!!!
What happened?
Where did everybody go?
Oh, don't worry, kid.
They'll be back.
- It's gonna be okay.
- Yeah, right.
Come on, Johnny.
We will make an even bigger show!
I'm gonna go see
the "Wild Bushman".
Ah Johnny, this is a very bad idea.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Boy and girls!
Come join us here!
Hold it!
Come on, this way.
- Why are we going this way?
- We don't want Lug to see us.
Oh! Doesn't he like us?
Okay, okay, I'm going!
We'd like to introduce to
you to a man so different ...
he's looked death in
the eyes at last with Tiki!
A man so filled with courage! He's
made the lions and tigers run and hide.
The roughest, toughest human
being from here to Sri Lanka,
the real dude with mass appeal.
The Wild Bushman!
Good day, mates!
Now, let's have some fun.
It may be hard to believe!
But "The Wild Bushman"
was once a skinny little lad.
Whom the girls never talk to
and bullies used to pick on.
He realized something very
important at an early age.
Monsters may strike
from all directions!
But a true hero never gives up!
- Wow.
- What showmanship!
You know I wouldn't keep
the 10% of that action.
The guy is really good ...
Powder Puff?
- Hamish! Help me!
- Higgens! Do something!
You're the monkey.
Swing in there!
No worries, little guy.
I've got you.
That's it!
I told you stay out of the Big Top!
You don't even deserve
a booth in the freak show.
- We can fix their show.
- Powder Puff show is over!
No one cares about a white koala!
Don't even think
about a new show, baby.
I was really starting
to like being in a show
Johnny, do not,
I repeat, do not listen
to that overgrown lizard.
We are going to get our show back.
You're a super freak!
The cannibal's lucky to have you!
- Yeah, sure ... whatever.
- That attitude won't get you anywhere.
You need to believe in yourself.
Come on. Tell me.
What do you want to do?
I just want to fit in.
I wish people like me
for who I am.
I wish I was ... like him!
Now, why can't you be?
You'd be an animal action adventurer.
Like a Wild Bushman, but with claws.
We might even
make it to the Big Top.
I'm not an action adventurer.
Smoke and mirrors, kid.
Smoke and mirrors.
It doesn't matter what you can be.
It only matters what
they think you can do.
And we gonna have PR.
Still we need lots of pictures
of Johnny being heroic.
Let's get a fight with
Johnny taking on Crocodile.
With TOs!
- Hamish!
- Cute and cuddly makes totally fearless!
Everyone will think you're a hero!
Now come on, Johnny.
Look like a hero.
I'm a hero.
Well, we can work on that.
You look good.
Hold on, kid!
Johnny ... the latch!
It's coming undone!
You have to push
the red spiky lever!
Push the what?
No way!
I can't do it!
- Yes, you can!
- I'm not going to push that!
Push the lever!
- No!
- Johnny, give it a push!
Are you crazy!
Grab it Johnny!
That's coming fast!
Johnny, you should
have pulled that lever.
Yeah. I know.
What are we gonna do now?
We ought to get
back to the carnival.
The Carnival's next stop is...
Precipice Lake.
Where is there, then?
Um, it's this way I think.
- No ... No, it's this way.
- We're lost and you won't admit it.
No. Maybe a little bit lost,
Johnny, but mostly not lost.
Mostly not lost.
Well that's good.
We'll just find that on the map.
Wait for me!
Hey! Get off!
Back off!
Where did it go?
Let go off me!
Oh no, no, no ...
Wow, look at all that water.
I know, Higgens.
I see it, too.
I know Higgens!
Get him!
Hold your ground!
Fire! Fire! Fire!
Are you okay?
Uhh, I'll be alright.
Bog controls all the
water in this billabong!
And he commands that all of you leave!
Tell Bog we'll never
give up our home.
We'll see.
Mac ..! Hurry!
Let's get out of here!
Kid ... Are you alright?
I think so.
Good day mate!
Welcome to the Billabong.
That was some mighty
fancy footwork, fella.
- Mighty fancy ...
- Yeah!
He spared us a heck of
a fight with 'em nasty dingoes.
Well, I, ...
We are at the
moment like gaming cattle.
My name is Mac.
What's yours, stranger?
My name is Jo. ..
Koala Kid!
- Koala Kid?
- Koala kid?
- Koala Kid?
- Trust me.
He is the roughest, toughest tree
hanger, from here to Sri Lanka!
The mammalian Australian!
The real deal with mass appeal!
He ... the Koala Kid!
Could you excuse us
for a second, please?
Hamish, what are you doing?
You said you wanted
to be like "Wild Bushman".
I know. But I'm not.
Well, here is your shot.
Can't you see?
Who can judge all the
attention here in the outback?
You're like a kind of
jewellery back at the carnival.
- But Hamish...
- Just think ...
Packed houses, adoring fans,
first class travel. This is my ...
I mean your ticket kid.
Maybe even to the Big Top.
That's where you belong, isn't it?
No, I suppose, but ...
I don't know if I ... Woah!
Looking good, Koala Kid!
I hope you're right, Hamish!
When I'm done promoting the Koala Kid,
he'll be the hottest act in the carnival.
Fresh, clean water.
Such a luxury, isn't it?
Now tell me Blacktooth. Did you
secure the Billabong as I ordered?
- Emm ... I ... you see.
- Yes?
Well, we were about to take it,
this fearsome albino koala ...
showed up and dropped
half a mountain on us.
A fisting ... koala?
It's true.
He was like some
great avenging God!
He rode down avalanche of rocks
down upon our Dingo warriors!
- They call him the Koala Kid.
- Lies!
I spent months wearing down these
stubborn Billabong creatures ...
I've harangue them until their spirits
were all but broken, and now ... this
- Koala Kid.
- Koala Kid.
I control all the
water in this valley!
I want that billabong!
Blacktooth, capture this
Koala Kid and bring him to me.
I'll make an example of him
for these useless primates!
Fail me again, and I'll
make the example out of you.
This is outback!
Zimgardius Blabiosa!
These pictures are great!
Makeup! Come and get some
pattern on the Koala Kid, please.
Light pattern makeup!
Let him in!
So what's your name?
Some call me Princess,
Honey Bear or Blue Eyes.
But most just call me Charlotte.
- So thank you, Charlotte.
- No problem whatsoever.
- What's going on here?.
- A photo shoot with the Koala Kid!
Hamish and the Kid are
going to make us all famous.
Make you famous? Are you sure
it's not the other way around?
Hey, come on Miranda.
There ain't no harm in it?.
But the whole billabong's here.
Nobody's watching the perimeter.
Aye, them dingoes will be back.
- Bog never gives up.
- Well, who is Bog?
The old crocodile has stole
me home along with me leg...
He lives on the
other side of the valley
and he's got his sight set on
taking the billabong's water!
So better be aware.
Then we better be prepared.
Your sister seems pretty mad.
She's just not used to having
a real life celebrity around.
But I don't mind.
I should go talk to her.
Koala Kid?
Give me a break.
I don't like people spying on me.
I wasn't spying on you.
Please, I was just
checking out your throw.
No! I mean
your technique.
And you could use a little less
wrist and a little more forearm.
Oh really?
Show me.
Well a ...,
something like this.
Well, I'll just ... go and get it.
Nice boomerang.
- His name is Basher.
- I see.
You know that boomerang
trick of yours is pretty cool.
Boomerang trick?
This trick saves lives.
Sorry, I just meant there are
people who'd appreciate your talent.
Maybe even pay money to see it.
Let me set you straight, Koala Kid.
This is the outback. Real life.
So if it's alright with you
I'll just concentrate
on keeping us alive.
Oh, here you are Koala Kid!
They need you for one more photo.
Alright. Photos.
What's wrong, Koala Kid?
It's Miranda isn't it?
Oh, she is so bossy.
Oh please, take me out on
an adventure with you. Please.
Well, if it isn't the bad boy to
the outback? What's it been like?
Didn't expect to run
into the Koala Kid, did you?
Oh Charlotte.
Let's not be rude, now.
We got a score to
settle with you, Koala Kid.
Yeah, there's someone
who really wants to meet you.
Why don't you come with us?
And don't cause us no hassle.
Leave the girl!
Grab the albino!
Why are you
running away, Koala Kid?
- I'm just toying with them.
- Really?
And I got them right
where I want them.
My makeup!
- Twins, we're like twins!
- Yeah, I get it. Now, shhh!
Give me your hand.
I can't make it up!
They're somewhere around here.
Maybe we should hide.
There he is.
- Hurry!
- Grab him!
Let's get him back to Bog.
Real heroic Johnny.
- What happened?
- They got Charlotte!
- And they're taking her to Bog!
- What?
- But you are right there!
- Well ...
Hey, don't you worry Miranda.
We'll get her back.
- Yeah, we'll get her back.
- Higgens, this place is dangerous.
We got plenty of pictures. Let's
grab Johnny, and let's get out of here.
Them dingoes are fast.
Apparently why we can catch them,
is if they got through to Bongle Bongles.
- Bongle Bongles?
- A Bongle Bongle?
- What? What's a Bongle Bongle.
- Nasty place.
The Dingoes won't
even go through there.
I am the only one who's
ever come out of there alive.
That's why you're going to lead us.
What about you, Koala Kid?
We could sure use your help.
Yeah! Koala Kid!
Please help us!
Unfortunately, folks, the Kid's got
other pressing matters to attend to.
Why even as we speak,
there is a family of Wallabies
stranded up a tree, somewhere.
And we have to find that tree.
So good luck, good day,
goodbye. Bye bye now.
- But.
- Oh, let him go.
He couldn't save Charlotte before.
What makes you think he can now?
- O, yeah? Well.
- Well, what?
Maybe I will help!
Don't bother.
You're not needed.
Well we'll see about
that, because I'm going!
Hurray, the Koala Kid!
Welcome aboard, kid.
Sir, and the Wombat Liberation Army
will mount an aerial attack on Bog!
If you would excuse
us for just one second.
- Are you out of your mind?
- I know, I know.
But I feel kind of responsible
that Charlotte was taken.
Okay, I'll agree.
We're lost in the middle of nowhere,
and we need to get to Precipice Lake.
Hamish, a true hero never gives up.
We should get moving, if we're going
to make it to Precipice Lake in time.
Precipice Lake? Excuse me,
did you say Precipice Lake?
That's where Bog lives.
On second thought, this is perfect.
They'll lead us right
back to the carnival.
And we'll get great some
great pictures of the Koala Kid
in the terrible
Bongle Bongle place.
Move it Air Battalion!
Prepare to attack Precipice Lake!
Wombats away!
Ah ha ha!
He he he he ... ah ahh!
Holy doley.
Watch your step
in the Bongle Bongles.
It could be your last.
Over here!
We need to cross the ravine
or the journey ends here.
Well that's a beautiful jump.
Even for me.
No need to jump.
When you got a bridge.
Oh, this is ridiculous.
That can't be safe.
Well, you're probably right.
Anyone up for a little adventure?
Well, surely the Koala Kid is.
- Me?
- Yeah.
- Did I say that loud?
- Hold on now.
There is no way the
Kid is going up there.
- Figures, I'll go.
- What?
- No, I'll go.
- No, I'll go.
- Well I said I'll go!
- Fine ... Go.
I didn't say today.
Kid... This is crazy.
Oh, I can do this.
Besides, I mean ...
I'm sure it's safe.
Higgens .
Take a wop, take a wop.
Koala Kid.
Who am I fooling?
- This is very nice.
- Quiet, Quint.
Oh no!
I told yer.
He's dead.
Hop to! We need to find
another way across to help him!
Pull yourself up!
And it's probably best
not to look down!
Don't look down.
Well, I'll be.
He ain't dead.
Huh, Koala Kid. Good one on you.
You found a way across.
Just trying on doing me part,
in some small way.
Well done.
- What do you want, bird?
- You grabbed the wrong Koala, genius.
What do you mean?
We got him right here.
All is not lost.
The albino koala is leading a
rescue party to the Bongle Bongles.
Koala Kid coming for me?
If you hurry you can beat them
to the other side of the valley
where you can ambush
them at Crossroads Pass.
Please. This is the Koala Kid.
And he's probably pretty mad.
You guys are
seriously in trouble now.
We're not through with
you as a bargaining chip.
Then Crossroads Pass it is!
Let's move.
Come on, we have to move faster
if we're going to save Charlotte.
Hey, about that tree bridge back there.
Now that was pretty heroic.
- Yeah.
- Kind of ...?
It's in the area of heroic I think.
Alright boy.
Silly sap.
Nobody move.
Well, well. What have we got here?
A regular blow in.
Let's see now. A roo,
a Tessie ...
Never taste fantastic.
Oh, you'll be quite happy
with a bit of that Sage.
Are you going to
have that kinky dude?
So let's put that
sweets on that table.
What is that all about.
Who wants it?
Very rare albino meat?
Come and get it!
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Who's gonna get to eat me!
I'm only enough for one!
Back off you menace!
Fruit loop,
this jack is mine.
Back off, dipstick.
I saw him first.
He is mine!
No, mine!
Good on you, you
galooped on your cracker.
I ain't feeling to that.
Koala Kid!
He iced it again!
I cannot believe it myself.
How did he do this?
Are you alright?
Takes more than a couple
of snakes to whip a Koala Kid.
Well. Thank you,
for saving me.
Well, I kind of owed you one, right?
- Kid! Where did you go?
- We're in some kind of a cave!
Well, that will be
the end of him for sure.
- Quint!
- Whoo!
Mac! Keep moving and we'll
meet at the Crossroads Pass.
We cannot just
leave them in there.
Don't worry.
Miranda is top notch in tight spots.
And besides, she's got
the Koala Kid with her.
You should warn like a
heck before you do that.
The wind going in that direction.
It should lead us to the entrance.
Use your own fur.
How do you know that
wasn't my favorite hair.
Our objective ...
Take out Bog before the
Dingoes return with Charlotte.
All we know,
enemies necessary.
So, let's get dirty.
Crikey, we are gonna need
help to take care of this croc.
A light.
Come on.
That's where we fell in.
We've been running in circles.
Now come on. There's got
to be a way out of here.
Koala Kid.
Step away slowly. We
don't want to get him mad.
Koala Kid.
I hope Johnny's okay. We gotta
get him back to the carnival.
You're hurt.
Please don't eat me.
All right, all right.
You got a name?
No, huh. Then I
think I'll call you...
... Bull.
Yeah, Bull.
Do you like that?
It's okay, Miranda.
Koala Kid.
What about the lizard?
- How did you ...?
- Taming wild beasts is kind of what I do.
Don't worry.
Come on up.
You're just full of surprises.
Onwards steady!
Take it easy.
Easy. Ha ha.
Hang on.
Don't you ever come back!
What's this?
He's a carnival act?
Credulating your pull ...
Not a risk when you throw it.
- Yep, that's it. You catch on quick.
- I have a good teacher.
What's your name?
What do you mean?
Well, Koala Kid.
That can't be your real name.
- No, it's Johnny.
- Johnny ... I like that.
We made it!
Thanks for everything, Bull.
I owe you, big time.
You'll see me again.
Just listen to my whistle.
Look at that.
It's incredible.
I've never seen anything like it.
They're called the Min Min light.
Legend says that if they chase you
and catch you, you'll disappear.
To where?
Out there, I guess.
But I never believed it.
Just some crazy story.
There was a time when
I wanted to disappear ...
when I lived in a place
where I didn't fit in.
Well ...
You fit in here.
- Really?
- Really.
I wasn't very nice
to you before, was I?
I have to admit,
I thought you were ...
... a phony.
Yeah, about that.
But now I know you're for
real and that makes me feel ...
good about you.
Who is that sweet
koala bear she loves?
Why does she have
to keep hitting me?
Now no boomerang, girlie.
Alright Johnny.
Let's take him together.
All right, fellas.
I only gonna warn you once.
I am dangerous.
Okay. Now you're pushing me.
You see, you don't want to push me.
I gotta warn you!
I know Tae Kwon Do!
What's Tae Kwon Do?
It's a Koala Kid's specialty.
... Well, well, well.
Koala Kid.
More like freak show Johnny.
You're a carnival act?
- You are a phony!
- Freak show to be specific!
- I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you.
- I trusted you!
You don't belong with us.
Just go.
What about them?
At least I know who they are.
- Miranda!
- Charlotte!
Make one more move,
and the little girl gets it.
- What do you want, Dingo?
- The albino.
He has ran away.
- What?
- She's right!
Probably back to their freak show!
So, he wasn't much
of a hero after all.
Oh ... that's enough
to break your heart.
Give me back my sister!
Bog wanted a koala.
So this one will have to do.
Then take me.
Johnny! You're alive!
Well, I was right about you, kid.
Fellas, the carnival
is right over there.
Whoo whee, the carnival!
- What? I've never been.
- No!
I'm not going back there!
Why not?
Because I'm sick of being a freak!
But Kid!
I wish I could disappear.
There she is.
You boys ready?
Let's get our girl back.
Well, well, well.
If it isn't the great Miranda?
You're going to help me
take control of the Billabong.
- Never!
- Bog!
Behind you.
We want Miranda!
And we aim to take her!
Then, come and get her.
Come on, boys!
This would be fun.
Attack !!!
It's only you and me now, Pops.
Who are you calling Pops?
Oh, send a doo doo
to a Crocodile's job.
Come on, Wombats!
Eenie, meenie, minie!
Perfect score!
You can't stop me.
No one can stop me.
Now I'm going to take my new
slave to the Billabong personally
and show every animal in the outback
"Bog" is in charge!
I need to take a certain
leg before the journey ...
and I don't wish to be disturbed.
Got it?
We have to get help.
Kid. We've been
looking all over for you.
Just go away.
The carnival's right there, we're
home free? What's the problem.
Problem is ...
I ran away.
I just left that.
Don't think of it as running away.
Think of it as running towards ...
what you really want. The Big Top!
I don't care about the Big Top.
You do.
That koala girl really
got to you, didn't she?
And I lied to her.
I lied to everyone.
Koala Kid!
You're free!
Miranda gave herself up for me ...
Now Bog's going to use her
to take over the Billabong!
Mac tried to save
her but it didn't work.
She needs you.
- But what can I do?
- Koala Kid.
You can do anything.
You're a hero.
I'm no hero.
You saw the poster!
I'm just a freak from the Carnival!
That may be true. But...
You'd be a freak who rode an avalanche!
Made a bridge out of a tree!
And tied up two enormous
snakes like they were toys!
- Those were all lucky mistakes!
- They ain't mistakes.
- If you did them.
- Look. I just can't do it!
Well ...
You're feeling here.
Alright Johnny.
Let's take them together.
So, what are you gonna do, Johnny?
- I don't know what to do, but...
- But what?
- I'm no hero, Hamish.
- It's not a bad thing if you are.
It's about being yourself.
- I'm going back for her.
- I'd think that you would.
You know I'm with you.
And I am too!
I'm in too.
Although he's probably going to die.
Then, let's do this!
Hi Bull.
I knew you'd come.
Don't worry.
He's a friend.
Are you ready for some action, boy?
Let's take them together!
- Where did he pick up the lizard?
- I don't know.
What do you want?
Look at what we got here.
Gentlemen. We are two travellers
who become lost on their journey.
The carnival is our home and
yet we can't seem to find it.
If it wouldn't be too much of an
inconvenience to you fine fellows
we were wondering if you
could possibly show us the way?
We'll show you the way.
Hey fellas, we ain't
looking for any trouble here.
Troubles, hey, guys?
Get them, Boy!
What's all the racket?
Some carnival fools stopped by.
I sent the boys
out for a little snack.
Carnival fools?
You idiot!
The albino is from the carnival!
- Where did they go?
- Let's split up!
Let's find them!
So now the show begins.
That's more right?
Do it!
Is that you?
What's wrong?
You're okay?
What's happening?
What do you think!
We are under attack!
You'd better wake Bog up.
I'd rather deal
with what's out there.
Me too.
- No more dingoes, Bird.
- You just shut your trap ...
- before I ...
- Before you what?
Before I take off.
Let's go.
- Miranda.
- Which Johnny are you?
No more lies.
Or running away.
Thank you.
I should thank you. But right
now we got to get out of here.
So, I finally get to
meet the Koala Kid!
- Actually, the name's Johnny.
- Johnny?
Do you think I'm going to let some
freak carnival act come into my home ...
and steal my prize?
I don't think so.
I'll show you a carnival act.
Hold on!
What are you doing?
The Billabong's the other way!
I'm getting rid of Bog
once and for all.
Is he still behind us?
Still behind us!
What is going on?
Alright, Powder Puff!
You are in major trouble!
You're going to love the lizard!
I want one for a pet!
Stop it! Get away!
That's the Big Top!
The Wild Bushman!
Where did you come from?
Alright, big boy.
Think I'm ready for you.
Yes, mother.
A fish sandwich would be nice.
- What's your plan?
- It just got knocked out.
This show is over.
Now you're mine.
You little freak. You can't
defeat me. I'm Bog!
I control you and
all your Billabong friends!
Goodbye Koala Kid.
You have to get up!
Come on!
You're finished!
Oh my God! Quick!
You can run!
But you can't hide.
Finally, you're coming at him.
What are you doing up there?
So, this is the carnival.
Hang on!
I'm coming!
No worries, little gal.
I've got you.
Koala Kid for dinner.
Billabong animals for dessert.
It's a good day.
Not so fast.
Cradle it in your palm.
Snap the wrist when it's ready.
Hey Johnny!
That was beautiful, Kid.
- You are a hero.
- A royal have I come.
And he didn't die.
Hey? Powder Puff.
Remember, when I told you,
your show was finished.
Like, baby.
We can ... uggh!
I was wrong.
You are center ring material.
- Ready?
- Ready!
So, how are you liking the carnival?
I don't know, I don't really fit in.
What about you?
Well, I fit in ... wherever you are.
Hey Johnny, where are you going?
Your show's ahead!
I'm a white Koala!
I'm a mutant cotton ball!
What a walker.
I'll be the midget polar bear?
Come on, we'll be
late for the carnival!
Wait for me!
See! I got my new pet!
What was that?
That's my cup.
Hey, you can talk.
That's a secret
between you and me, Baby.