The Outfield (2015)

Right, yeah.
Hey, Sanders! You're late!
Sorry, Coach.
A little hustle
would be good right about now!
Hey, Picasso.
Where you been?
Just got distracted, you know?
Is that paint on your glove?
Yeah, I guess I left
the lid open.
- So, then what happened?
- Oh, yeah, yeah.
So I texted him. He texted me.
I texted him. He texted me.
I texted him.
He didn't text me back.
So I texted him again.
Then that little
"I'm writing something" bubble
popped up, those little...
the three dots.
Then that disappeared.
What is that about?
You think something's wrong
with his phone?
There's something wrong,
all right,
but it's not with his phone.
It's like we're monkeys
in a frickin' zoo.
You're the one
they're looking at.
Seriously, dude, I don't know
why you don't just sign
with one of them
and get it over with.
What about you, man? Any calls?
It'll happen.
You know, I heard it helps
if you actually attend class.
Okay, good job!
Let's go! Banana drills.
Right in the jaw.
Yeah, you think
that's funny, huh?
His panties are in quite
the bunch today, huh, guys?
When aren't they?
- That guy needs to get laid!
- Dude.
He's not wrong.
- Good hit.
- Don't sound so surprised.
Of course. Maybe if they had
real coffee here...
- Hey, Ms. Rachels.
- Oh. Hey, Jack.
How's your mural coming along?
Actually... and maybe you
could help me with this...
I was trying to digitize
some of my animation drawings.
Oh, yeah. Sorry, Jack.
Digital animation is a little
out of my league...
no pun intended.
Uh... Oh, before I forget,
I, uh... I finished that book
you gave me.
- Oh. Did you like it?
- I loved it.
I thought it was amazing
how Haring
held on to his graffiti roots
even after he became,
like, an art superstar
and how Basquiat
and Kenny Scharf formed,
like, a... like,
a little artist community
and they inspired each other.
Well, you know what they say.
It takes an artist
to know an artist.
Hey. Can I ask?
Why would you leave a city
like New York
to come to a place like Peoria?
I mean, not that it's bad
or anything.
I just needed a change.
- You ever go to Yankee Stadium?
- Oh, sure. Plenty of times.
Not real fond
of the new one, though.
Me neither. It's like
a ballpark on steroids...
which I guess
is kind of fitting.
Hey, Jack? Has anyone ever
told you that you have talent?
Yeah. Wait. You mean with art?
Yeah, with art.
No, not really.
- Well, you do.
- Thank you.
You know,
I may be way out of line,
but, uh, I have something
I really want you to consider.
California Institute
of the Arts?
Cal Arts.
It's all art all the time...
painting, drawing, sculpture,
and arguably the best
character-animation program
in the country.
It's basically
a feeding ground for Pixar.
Eric Darnell went there?
And Tim Burton,
John Lasseter, Brad Bird.
Well, if you're interested,
I can help you
fill out an application.
Look, Ms. Rachels,
I really appreciate that you're
thinking of me and everything,
but I'm playing ball next year.
Oh, I was under the impression
that your college plans
were still undecided.
Technically, I haven't
actually signed anything yet,
but the ball part's
pretty much a given.
Well, in the meantime,
consider your options,
all of your options.
There you are. I've been
looking everywhere for you.
Oh, hey, Em.
Or should I say Coach Emily?
Ha ha. Very funny.
Hey, I heard the scouts
were out today. How'd it go?
You know, they don't
really say much to us.
Well, they better be
paying attention
when you're out on the field.
I didn't defer your college
for my health.
I know. I know.
Just think, you, me, State.
No parents, no curfews,
coed dorms.
- Can't forget about those.
- Me neither.
Oh, shoot.
Time to babysit
the rejects at JV track.
I love my life.
Don't go too hard on 'em.
Every second step
is a stumble
That gets you closer
to the line
You're a mystery kid
And whatever you get,
you borrow
But it's hard to know
You never believed
I was set to see
But I've got eyes
in the back of my head
And you never conceived
I could read your book so well
Let's go, Jack!
You're a ghost in this life
A collection
of un-waved sails
You're a ghost
In the party line
- You sure it's set on six?
- Hey, you guys...
Uh, what?
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it is.
Hey, you guys want
to help me break in
my dad's new Jet Ski
this weekend?
No way, dude.
I got scouts in town.
Yeah. Me either.
Why not?
I got stuff I got to do.
Does "stuff" have anything to do
with Sheila Cohen's parents
being out of town this weekend?
- A gentleman never tells.
- What? Dude, that's...
Her hotness is,
like, epic level.
Doesn't she have a brother?
- Nope.
- Hot ones never do.
No, please. Don't get up.
I got it.
Good, man. You're doing great.
"Franchising opportunity"...
This sucks.
Jack's got suitors.
You got stuff.
Such balls, man.
What am I supposed to do?
Hey. Can you come load
me again?
Ackerman! Can you take care
of that, please?
I'm sure you'll find someone
willing to apply sunblock
to all
your hard-to-reach places.
They won't have
your gentle touch.
Gentle like this?
Ooh. Hmm.
Actually, no.
A little bit more like this.
All right.
Welcome to
Austin York's Batting Bonanza.
I am Austin York.
- Cage for two?
- Yes, please.
Oh, well,
right this way, please.
Watch your step over
our little helper friend here.
It's kind of a charity thing.
We do a lot of that here at
Austin York's Batting Bonanza.
Right this way.
So we have Jack Sanders here,
hitting in this cage if Ackerman
would just load the machine!
Cage three, right?
Uh, 40 bucks.
There's no student discount?
Let me guess, Oak Lawn?
Uh, how'd you know?
Platinum is the card of choice
among Peoria's elite.
Shoot. We left
the bats in the cage.
What's so funny?
It's easy to do
when you're used to people
picking up after you.
Excuse me?
He dies, by the way, Gatsby.
At the end of the book,
Wilson mistakes him
for Tom and shoots him.
I know. I saw the movie too.
Hey, there he is,
the future of Tiger Baseball.
- Coach Schoffman.
- Hey.
Take a load off, son.
I didn't realize
you were in town, sir.
Yeah. I'm taking a look
at a couple of... thank you...
a couple of juniors
over at East.
Do you know Greg Sanford
and Doug Millan?
- Hey, Jackie.
- Hey, Dad.
Played against Sanford
in the Final Four last year.
So how are things going?
Really good. Just, you know,
working on my swing.
Oh, well, you know,
the hitting coach at State
is one of the best
in the game...
that is, of course,
if you sign with us.
But no pressure.
Well, I got a lot of homework
I should probably go
get started on.
All right, all right.
Well, it's always good
to see you, kid.
You too, sir.
- Night, bud.
- Night, Dad.
Oh, I remember
when your mom took this.
How is she?
Have you heard from her lately?
She doesn't exactly keep
us apprised of her movements.
Of course, right.
Sit down. Sit.
Where are my cleats?
Guys, Dad...
where are my cleats?
Joey, Tommy...
I need...
Get out of the way.
I don't know
where your cleats are.
I need to find my cleats.
- I don't know where they are!
- I don't know, man!
- Frankie.
- Ah.
Joey, you all set for Thursday?
This iron has seen better days.
Mom, it's okay. Mom. Mom.
Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- What time's the game?
- 12:30.
All right.
Why don't you boys
stop by the diner afterwards
and I'll fix you
something to eat?
Sounds good, Ma.
Hey, Einstein.
Hey, he's a ballplayer.
Oh, excuse me.
Mr. Mantle, don't forget.
You got obligations
after the game.
What kind of obligations?
He's a big boy now.
Don't worry so much.
I just have to drive
them somewhere.
It's nothing big.
All right. Thanks.
Found 'em.
- Hey, Jack. Can we talk?
- Uh, not now, Dad.
Shh. All right, I'm hiding.
Why's your door locked?
Hey, Dad. What's up?
Why are you so sweaty?
Oh, you know, I was just, uh...
Cleaning, huh?
Cleaning what, your teeth?
You missed a spot.
So Schoffman has
some concerns, valid ones.
He feels you need
to bulk up considerably
if you want to stay at center.
None of the other schools
seem to have a problem with it.
I think we need to discuss
moving you back to second.
I haven't played second
since little league.
Second's a much better fit.
It was a mistake to ever
move you in the first place.
But I made All-State.
And what about Austin
and Frankie?
What about 'em?
We're the Outfield.
I need them.
No. Come on, Jack.
The only reason
I ever moved you from second
was because I thought
being out there
with those two chuckleheads
might bring you a kind of...
They're not chuckleheads.
Being out there
with those two chuckleheads
might bring you a kind of,
I don't know, a comfort
after your mom left us.
She didn't leave us.
What's this?
Cal Arts?
I'm gonna kill Ms. Rachels.
Ms. Rachels,
the new art teacher.
You know her.
She thinks I should, you know,
apply to, uh, art school.
They have schools for that?
Come on, Dad. You know I draw.
And I drive. You don't see me
going to Daytona.
Is this about your comics?
They're not comics.
art is not a life.
I wish you'd take
that thing down.
It's the only thing
I have left of hers.
Sorry you had to hear that.
Are you mad?
I was recruited too.
But I pushed it off for you
because I thought it was
our dream to start at State...
It was.
I mean, it still is.
So can you explain
why you have that brochure
for art school?
I didn't even ask for it.
Ms. Rachels just gave it to me.
Then why are you being
so defensive?
Wait, Em, please.
Give me a reason to stay.
There's just so much
right now, honestly.
First, my dad wants me
to change my position,
and then State says
I need to bulk up,
and everyone says
I need to work on my swing,
but all I can freakin' think
about is,
what if the scouts
decide I can't cut it?
I'm scared
of letting down my dad,
but most of all, Em...
Em, I-I'm scared
of letting down you.
You never let me down, Jack.
You just shut me out.
I don't know.
I guess when Ms. Rachels
mentioned this school
all the way out in California,
it just...
it made me feel
like I had another option.
But you don't really want
to move to California, do you?
I mean, that would be crazy.
What are you doing here?
What is your problem, bro?
My problem is that
it's your free period,
and you should be coming
to the Dairy Fair
to get Freezies
with me and Frankie.
I know this new art teacher
is hot, but...
- Mr. York.
- Ms. Rachels.
This isn't
the boys' locker room.
No. I had the urinals
removed last week.
Touch, milady.
- Touch.
- Ow.
Actually, Coach sent me.
He needs our young
Mr. Sanders for something.
- What kind of something?
- Something important.
What kind
of something important?
Oh, something very important.
- Oh, something very important?
- Yeah.
Well, we don't want to keep
something very important
waiting, so...
We don't.
There you go.
Hey, Jack, did you get a chance
to look at that Cal Arts
brochure I gave you?
You know what?
I totally forgot.
Oh. Well, if you need help
putting together your portfolio
or anything
for your application,
just let me know.
Yeah, I'll let you know.
Don't you want
to think this is our time?
Don't you want
to think this is our time?
Maybe second base
is a good idea.
And break up the Outfield?
Hell, no.
Yo, so, why is Ms. Rachels
riding you so hard
about art school?
Oh, it's, like, the best
in the country or something.
I don't know.
She wants you to give up
playing ball for that?
While I'm out here
working on my homework.
- Hey, you're back!
- Yeah, we are.
Um, I was wondering, do you guys
have any batting lessons?
Yeah. Of course we do.
We just...
Oh, actually...
our batting coach just got
drafted by the Cubbies,
but I'll tell you what,
my man Jack here,
was just named All-State.
- Really?
- Yeah, um...
I'll tell you what,
how about I take you out
for a lesson, huh?
- You?
- Yeah.
Sound more grateful, all right?
Come on.
What you reading?
You want to ruin this one too?
Forget it.
You know, you were
really rude the other day.
No, I was just honest.
Those aren't mutually
exclusive concepts, you know.
Hey, Fancy Pants.
Swing through, and you're just
gonna want to elbow up...
Okay. Yeah.
That's gonna be what not to do.
So what you want to do is...
Magnitude of electrostatic force
of interaction
between two point charges
is directly proportional
to the scale of multiplication
of the magnitude of charges
and inversely proportional to...
To what? Tell me.
And spoil the ending?
That's your move, not mine.
Jerk. Just tell me.
I actually have no idea.
So what are you doing tonight?
You're looking at it.
Homework? On a Friday night?
Yes, homework on a Friday night.
Is there something wrong
with that?
So many things, I don't even
know where to begin.
Okay, super-awesome cool guy,
what should I be doing
on a Friday night?
Going to a party...
with me.
Oh, really?
- Well, okay.
- Yeah?
Kels, you're never gonna
believe what just happened.
- What just happened?
- Austin got hit by a ball.
Oh. Um, is Austin okay?
Nope. Dying slowly.
Well, we should probably
get going.
- How much is it?
- On the house.
Oh. Thank you.
See you later.
You bet ya.
- What?
- You know what.
What was all that
"you bet ya" about?
Yeah, dude.
There is so much intrigue.
Don't you have somewhere to be
that requires you to tuck
in your shirt?
Knock 'em dead.
Can you technically knock
someone dead at an art show?
Mr. Sanders?
Oh, please. Call me Coach.
Oh, I'd rather not.
I'm Andrea Rachels,
Jack's art teacher.
The lady with the brochures.
You must be so proud.
Oh, it's a good hobby.
Jack is very talented.
The way he's able
to draw inspiration
from so many influences
and distill it down into
something so uniquely his own...
it's incredibly rare.
Oh, like I said, good hobby.
And baseball is a great...
Jack, I got to take off.
Not too late tonight.
Big game tomorrow.
Big event tomorrow.
- Good job, son.
- Thanks.
You know, Jack said
his mother is a painter.
There's nothing better than
a budding artist
learning from a parent.
Where is she this evening?
We're divorced.
I'm sorry. Uh, he didn't say.
Don't be. We haven't seen her
in six years.
I see. He didn't mention...
She's not really
worth mentioning,
especially not
to his art teacher.
Oh oh oh oh
Move right ahead
into this door
No matter what,
we'll break...
- Hey. You made it.
- Ah, what's up man?
- What's up? How are you?
- How you doing?
Hey - All right. Want a drink?
No. I'm good. Have you seen Em?
- Yeah. She's out back.
- All right.
In this life,
we're learning
All the bad, the good,
and the refrains
Love is life
Ooh, love
- What's up, man?
- Hey, babe.
Teaching Austin how to drive.
- In your dreams, JV.
- Uh-uh.
Oh! Eat it, York.
Shouldn't you be
in college right now?
Just get me something
"schmeet," loser.
Oh, "schmeet."
You know, that's why
you should be in college, loser.
So, Em, there's something
I've been wanting
to tell you now for a while.
Who is that?
Her name's Kelsey, I think.
Oh, my God. Are those pearls?
- Be nice.
- I'm nice...
most of the time.
- How'd it go tonight?
- Pretty good, actually. I...
Oh, sorry. Kelsey, Emily.
Emily, Kelsey.
- Nice to meet you.
- You too.
I love your necklace.
Oh, thank you.
Nothing says
"I'm better than you"
quite like a string
of oyster vagina beads.
- Hungry?
- Famished.
Come on. I have a feeling
I am gonna like you way better
than that last skank
Frankie brought around.
- She's your cousin.
- By marriage.
- Should I be worried?
- I'd be.
Look what we got here.
That Emily sure has
a lot of questions.
Yeah. She's kind of
a pain in the ass.
No. I think
she's just protective.
Protective of what?
Your little group.
I think it's sweet
how close you all are.
And your friends aren't?
Not like yours.
Why not?
You're not that wretched.
Well, thank you. Very kind.
When I was little, my...
we used to move around every one
or two years for my dad's job,
and I wasn't super conducive to
deep and meaningful friendships.
I guess it kind of just
became a habit, you know?
It was easier to not let
myself get too attached.
Well, if that's the case,
why are you here with me?
I don't know.
I guess sometimes
easy gets boring.
What you doing there, Picasso?
- Nothing. Just...
- Hey, but wait, dude.
You never told me
how that thing went tonight.
Actually, I, uh...
Oh, dude!
Congratulations, man.
- That's awesome.
- Thank you.
So is this art thing becoming,
like, a "thing" thing or...?
You know, I don't know anymore.
You don't know?
What do you mean you don't know?
I just don't know.
I don't know.
It just doesn't matter.
- Sorry. Did I wake you?
- Nope.
I was up, but I asked you not
to stay out too late.
- I was with Em.
- Oh, really?
Because she called an hour ago,
looking for you.
Where have you been?
Just walking around, thinking.
Thinking about what?
I don't know.
Just... It doesn't matter, okay?
I've got a lot on my mind.
Well, that's just it.
You just need one thing
on your mind, your future.
- That's all I'm thinking about.
- Really?
Because lately,
it doesn't seem like you are.
What the hell
is that supposed...
Hey! I'm still your father.
You're late to practice.
Your swing's getting worse,
and now you're breaking curfew
the night before a big game.
- Curfew sucks.
- What was that?
I said who the hell cares
about my stupid curfew?
I do!
I care about your future...
because I care about you...
even when you don't.
Do you have any idea
the sacrifices
that have been made,
that I've made to get you...
You just want me to go to State
because you weren't good enough!
Where are my cleats?
You want me to drop you off
on my way to work?
I can just ride my bike.
Are you sure? It's on my way.
Ah, it's okay.
How the hell
did they get up here?
Oh, I'll take him.
I need to have
a little man-to-man anyway.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Ah, pipe down,
you piping piper-er.
I'm gonna just hit the can,
and then we'll hit the road.
All right, just go
before your dad gets back.
What about Dad?
Let me worry about your father.
- Bye. I love you.
- All right. See you later.
What are you doing here?
- Nice to see you too.
- I'm sorry.
It's just... I was about to leave.
I know. I thought
you might like a ride.
Linda, car keys!
Uh, I'm late.
Do you mind if I drive?
Hey, Jack.
Ms. Rachels.
I didn't expect to see you here.
Yeah, well, it's not
exactly Yankee Stadium,
but I thought I'd come and see
what all the fuss is about,
show some support, you know?
Go, Owls. Hoot, hoot!
- Well, have fun.
- Hey, I got your email.
And I would love to write you
a letter of recommendation.
Guys, bring it in!
Welcome, folks,
on this beautiful day,
as your Peoria Owls
take on the Diamondbacks.
Leading off for
the Diamondbacks, Sawyer Malone.
You know, State has
a great fine arts department.
- Really?
- No, man.
Of course they don't.
Dude, stop staring
at Ms. Rachels.
- Get that ball!
- Jack, heads up.
Pay attention.
Ooh. No college for you.
Jack, it's all good.
Let's do this!
Batting now, Scott Kruger.
- Austin, Austin!
- Just to be clear...
Move in a little!
Get it in, man. Let's go!
Ackerman! Ackerman!
- Out!
- Good!
I see Kelsey showed up.
Yeah, she showed up at my house
to take me to the game too.
How's her dad look?
I don't know.
Well, how's her mom look?
Dude, stop.
How's her dog look?
What the hell, dude?
Just leave it alone.
A sexy little corgi? Okay.
Batting for the Owls,
Evan Willow.
You really like this girl,
don't you?
She's okay.
Sanders, Payton,
get your head in the game.
All right, boys,
let's get it back!
You know, if I were you,
I'd be worried
about her pops, man.
All that blue
around your collar,
it might not be what he has
in mind for his little princess.
Hey, guys, you want to focus up?
Sorry, Coach.
Why should I care
what her dad thinks?
Dude, 'cause she cares.
They all do.
Go knock one out of the park.
Now batting,
left fielder, Frankie Payton.
Strike! He's out!
Let's go, Frankie.
Strike three! You're out!
I don't believe this.
Come on!
- You know what you should do?
- Yeah.
Second base!
Porro, take center.
What? This is bullshit.
You'll be great, buddy.
Okay, Jack.
Strike three! You're out!
- You were great.
- Seriously?
I had two errors,
and I couldn't hit a thing.
Yeah. I still...
Plus, they pulled Jack
from the Outfield.
I still really
enjoyed watching you play.
Okay, enough stewing.
Um, you're coming to dinner
at my house tonight.
I'ml can't.
I have stuff I have to do.
Can't you cancel it?
My parents really
want to meet you.
Again, I have plans.
What about tomorrow night?
It would really mean
a lot to me.
Wow. It's a beautiful morning.
Yeah, what's your dad gonna say
when he finds
out you closed up so early?
Move me to second base
just like yours.
No, man, he's cool.
Between the bowling alley,
the dry cleaner's,
car dealership,
he just kind of trusts me
with the cages.
And the crowd goes wild
as York rounds the bases!
As Sanders watches helplessly
from his new home
at second base.
With the speed of a cheetah
and the grace of a...
More like a drunken fawn.
- Hey, ladies.
- Oh!
Hey, man. Where you been?
I had to help my brothers
unload some scrap at the yard.
What's he doing?
Winning the World Series.
- Of course you are.
- Yep.
I thought you'd be hanging
with Kelsey tonight.
You're, uh... you're hitting her
up later, though, right?
Not likely.
You gonna tell us
what's going on?
There's nothing to tell.
She wanted me to meet
her parents.
I don't want to. End of story.
Why don't you want
to meet her parents?
You're the one that told me
I wasn't good enough for them.
Look at me.
What the hell would I wear?
Oh, for the love of God.
Frankie, come on.
- Where are we going?
- My house.
Jack, pick my can up.
I think you just drew blood.
Toughen up.
- Babes
- With four-inch heels
Airbrushed nails,
at the club
Thanks, sweetheart.
- Killer babe
- Babes
No, no.
- Those are meant to be ironic.
- No.
"Jersey Shore" was
incredibly underrated.
I was much skinnier back then.
I peaked in the seventh grade.
Look her dad square in the eye
and give him a firm handshake,
and then at dinner,
pull out her chair, you know,
show her you're a gentleman.
Oh, and bring the mom flowers.
Moms love flowers.
Just not roses.
That says "brown-noser."
Try it with the...
Mm, no, never mind.
- Yeah, no.
- No.
Absolutely, positively no PDA.
Your tongue should never
leave your mouth,
and under no circumstances,
no circumstances,
should it ever enter hers.
Just pretend
you're on a date with Emily.
That should help.
Okay, I'll be quieter.
Girls, girls, girls
Hipster douche.
You look like Kurt Cobain
after clown college.
Ask her dad about his work.
Yeah, and talk
about the weather.
Rich people love to talk
about the weather.
Just be yourself.
Not too much of yourself.
Like a PG version of yourself.
PG13, especially
if they're drinking wine.
Yeah, I think you're ready.
Go get 'em, Tiger.
- Girls, girls, girls
- Women, women
Are babes
Killer, killer - Babes
You can do this.
Can I help you?
Um... yes.
Good evening, sir.
Is Kelsey home?
Yes, she is.
- May I speak with her, please?
- Kelsey!
You have a visitor,
a male visitor.
What are you doing here?
What's everyone
doing out here on the porch?
Frankie, my man!
What's up, Henry?
Ah, same shit different,
different day.
Henry... go help set a place
at the table
for Mr. Frank, is it?
Oh. Yes, sir. Sorry.
Frankie or Franklin Jr,
wha... whatever you prefer,
whatever you want.
We'll set a place
at the table for Frankie.
I'll let your mother know
we'll be one more for dinner.
I'm so hungry.
I thought you were gonna text
me when you got home.
I'm sorry. I guess
I just got distracted.
By what?
- Just kittens being cute.
- Oh, my gosh.
I watched a baby panda sneeze
for, like, an hour yesterday.
Let me show you.
- Hey, Jack?
- Yeah.
What do you mean
by "art is in my bones"?
Em, please don't be...
Why would I be mad?
It's not like you made me feel
like I was crazy
for thinking something was up
or like I didn't defer
an entire year of college
because you asked me
to wait for you.
Hold up.
It was your choice to defer.
When you love someone,
Jack, they don't need to ask.
You just know what they need,
and you just do it.
That's not what I meant,
and you know it.
This has nothing to do with you.
Have you just been lying to me
this whole time?
Wait. Does this have something
to do with your mom?
- Huh?
- Em...
Do you have some fantasy
that she's gonna hear about this
and magically come back?
I don't know. News flash, Jack,
the woman abandoned you.
Stop! Emily, just stop!
This isn't about her or you.
This is about my entire life
being planned out for me
by other people.
I never said
I was going to Cal Arts,
but for the first time
in my life,
I feel like I can actually make
a decision.
If I go to State, all I'm gonna
do is play baseball.
What is so bad about that?
I think I want more than that.
Maybe we just want
different things.
Yeah, maybe we do.
Henry, elbows.
Wasn't it sweet of Frankie
to bring us flowers, Mom?
They're very fresh.
Aka, stolen.
How's your, uh...
how's your filet, dear?
It's delicious, Mrs. Meola.
It kind of tastes like steak.
If steak tastes like ball sack.
You're excused, Henry.
I thought that would do it.
Stay strong, brother.
- So this weather we're having...
- What about it?
- Mm-hmm.
- It's cold.
It is unseasonably chilly.
- So, Frankie...
- Yes, sir?
What are your plans
for next year?
You mean, like, college?
Yes, like college.
I mean, I don't have anything
definitely set up yet, but I'm...
He's just weighing his options.
I see.
And is the scale tipping
in any particular direction?
Yeah. My coach is talking
to a few Division III schools.
Yeah, you know,
Frankie's a great ballplayer.
He's a part of the Outfield.
Oh, yes. Jack Sanders.
I read about you boys.
That's fabulous.
Well, what schools
are you looking at?
Uh, Augustana, Blackburn,
and, um, I think Wesleyan.
Oh, Daddy went there.
Charles, you should give
Theo Rasmussen a call.
Theo was his college roommate.
He's also
the athletic director there.
Oh, no, ma'am. You don't...
you don't have to do that.
Don't be silly.
He wouldn't mind,
would you, Charles?
Happy to.
Why are you calling me?
You sure it's her?
Yeah, yeah.
Thank you.
I just don't understand
why she did this.
Jack, your mom was
really nice to me
when other people weren't, so...
Her paintings were beautiful.
She really had that spirit,
like she didn't give a damn
what other people thought.
It's admirable.
Jack, bro, where are you going?
What are you even talking about?
This doesn't change a thing.
Just 'cause she died
doesn't mean she's a good mom.
It just means she's a dead mom.
Any word on our boy, Coach?
And now taking the field,
your Peoria Owls.
Starting in left field,
Frankie Payton.
In right field, Austin York.
And starting in center field,
Jeremy Porro.
Porro, take second!
Sanders, center field!
Play ball!
Yeah! Go, Jack!
That's my boy, Jack!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Thank you again
for coming out tonight
in support of your Peoria Owls.
Oh, shit.
- What?
- Oh. Who is that guy?
Kelsey's dad.
Oh, my other friends
are calling me.
The circle
around the small circle...
Mr. Meola.
I didn't know you were a fan
of watching baseball.
Frankie, this is
my good friend Theo Rasmussen.
He's the athletic director
over at Wesleyan.
Played with smarts
and precision out there.
- Thank you.
- I'm impressed.
Made any plans for next year?
No, sir.
All right.
Well, I'll keep my eye on you.
- Did you know I'm from Peoria?
- No, sir.
Born and raised
over on 49th and Lincoln.
Oh, I'm at 48th and Jackson.
I got out, and I came back.
To a much nicer part of town.
Kelsey is a very special
young lady.
She's smart, she's focused,
and wildly curious
about everything.
And lately, the only thing
she's been curious about is you.
Mr. Meola, if this is
the part where you tell me
to stop seeing
your daughter, then...
No, Frankie.
Do you know how schools
like Wesleyan work?
And that NCAA doesn't permit.
Division III schools
to offer athletic scholarships?
Athletic directors tend
to work around issues like these
by helping their athletes
attain alternative means
of financial assistance,
like student loans,
federal grants, personal grants,
alumni assistant grants.
- Alumni like you?
- Not like me.
So you're saying
you'd do that for me and Kelsey?
Yes. I would do that for you.
You see, Kelsey has been
very distracted
ever since she met you,
and as her father, it is my job
to eliminate distractions.
So here's the deal.
I will talk to Rasmussen,
Your phone will ring.
It will ring with a scholarship.
And it will be my money
that makes it happen,
that is, as long as you break up
with my daughter.
I'm giving you a shot
out of the neighborhood.
Let me know what you decide.
Did you catch any
of the game yesterday?
Castro went 4 for 5,
home run and a triple.
They beat the Giants 14-2.
They're calling it
the "Sunday Slaughter."
Hey, maybe this'll be
the Cubs' year.
Knock wood.
- Hey, Dad.
- Hmm?
You think if the Cubs make it
to the Series that we could go?
You bet your ass we can.
We'll be dancing from one end
of Clark Street to the other.
I guess every day
can't be a winner.
Hey, I never heard back from you
about that letter
of recommendation.
Did you turn
your application in?
- Not yet.
- Well, the deadline
is midnight tonight.
Yeah, I know.
Everything okay over there?
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
I want to tell you a story
The only way that I can
So I just heard
you had a visitor at the game
the other night.
So what?
Are you going to Wesleyan?
What exactly did your father
tell you about "our meeting"?
Frankie, what's going on?
Maybe I don't want
to be your little project.
On the dark side
of the moon
On the dark side
of the moon
I want to love you,
I want to pass it on
I want to give and give
till it's all gone
Ms. Rachels.
You clean up nicely.
Oh, thank you.
I got Jack an extension
on his application for Cal Arts.
That won't be necessary.
He's already made his choice.
I want to know you
while we have the time
'Cause that's all we got
to leave behind
On the dark side...
Well, this is a very exciting
day for us at State Baseball.
I'd like to introduce you
to the future of our team,
Jack Sanders.
And when you stumble,
You look the other way
And when you're riding high
Oh, Lord, when you're
riding high
They don't expect you
to stay
I want to love you,
I want to pass it on
I want to give and give
till it's all gone
I want to know you
Ms. Rachels, I love my son.
I push him because I know
he can be great.
He is great.
He can also be happy.
I want to love you,
I want to pass it on
I want to give and give
till it's all gone
I want to know you
while we have the time
'Cause that's all
we got to leave behind
On the dark side
of the moon
- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.
Is it cool
if I go meet the guys?
Of course.
Everything okay?
Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?
- Boys!
- Hey.
- What's up, man?
- Look what I got.
What you got there?
Get that.
Go, buddy.
- Cheers.
- To State!
Yep, to State.
Whoa, sparkling apple juice?
Really, man?
- It's all I could find.
- Oh.
I miss Fanta.
Shut up, Austin.
This is where it all began, huh?
Let's do this.
Hey, Picasso, just so you know,
you're shagging all those.
Hey, slugger,
might there be something
you wish to discuss,
lighten the load, if you will,
before we...
lose all of our balls?
What are you babbling about?
I mean, call me crazy,
but it seems like you
have something on your mind.
I told you he's smart.
I'm just having an off night.
Oh, he's having an off night.
Off night? Jack, dude,
you're going to State.
Big Al from
Big Al's Swedish Pancake House
just gave you free breakfast
for life.
- For life.
- And I have no doubt
that Emily will be bestowing
what I can only imagine
to be a very generous
signing bonus later.
Very generous.
Just leave it alone, okay?
- Just leave it alone.
- Just leave it alone.
I'm just gonna leave it alone.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I'm just gonna leave it alone.
I have to pay for breakfast
every morning...
- Every morning.
- For the rest of my life.
Yeah. No, I understand.
It sucks. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. No, no, I understand.
Yeah, Theo.
I told him you'd be calling him.
Look, maybe I mentioned that
I'd take care of the scholarship
if he broke up with Kelsey,
but look, that was a while ago.
I guess
he's just not interested.
Come on, he's not that good.
Who, Kelsey?
Of course not. She's fine.
Moved on.
Hey, in a few years,
you'll get Henry.
Just kidding.
I won't do that to you.
Hi. How you doing, honey?
I'm fine.
Yeah, Mom.
Why are you acting so weird?
Oh, um...
you know... you know,
maybe it's time
you forgive him.
Oh, I already forgave Henry
for drawing in my French book.
I'm not talking about Henry.
I'm talking about Frankie.
Why would I do that?
You know how much
your father loves you,
and sometimes we do things
for our children
that may not make...
make much sense.
- Is the house on fire?
- You need to get dressed.
It's past noon.
We have brunch with an alum.
We leave in ten minutes.
Hello? May I ask who's calling?
This is Theo Rasmussen
from Wesleyan.
It's a Theo Ras... Ras...
oh, something
from Wesleyan.
I'm sorry. He's not available.
Yeah, I'll tell him. Thank you.
He wants you to call him.
Why is Wesleyan calling you?
Just a misunderstanding.
You want to go to college?
If you want to go to college,
you just work with me
and your brothers
till you can pay your own way.
Why Wesleyan?
If they're calling,
you must have
something special they want.
Kelsey's dad is tight
with the athletic director,
and he came to our game.
Now he's offering to pay for me
to go to school.
The athletic director?
No, Kelsey's dad.
Why would he do that, honey?
Because he wants me
to stop seeing his daughter.
What are you gonna do?
If you had any balls,
you'd dump her
and take the cash.
There'll always be another girl.
Unless she's as special
as your mom here.
Maybe he's right.
Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.
We're here.
Where's here?
Put that away.
You always say the alumni
like it when I wear the colors.
Just lose it.
- Mr. Sanders.
- Mrs. Covington, hi.
This must be Jack.
Make yourselves comfortable
and help yourself
to some lemonade.
Thank you.
She's not from State, is she?
No, she's not.
Please excuse this mess.
Moving is an absolute nightmare.
Are you familiar
with Ed Paschke's work?
No, ma'am.
He and my husband went
to the Art Institute
back in the '60s.
Was your husband a painter?
He was. He also taught.
I grew up
over in Peoria Heights,
but when my husband was gone,
it just... it just
felt right to come back home.
Now, let's take another look.
- Dad, what is this?
- Just a moment, please.
I know what he did, my dad.
You do?
And I also know you never
called Rasmussen back.
Why didn't you tell me?
You would've hated him,
or you would've hated me.
Trust me, you don't want
to hate your dad.
For a while there,
I hated you both.
What about now?
So, Jack...
tell me why you need to paint.
I don't.
But there is need in here.
There is passion in here.
You're an athlete as well.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm playing ball next year.
Don't you see? That's perfect.
These are two sides
of the same coin.
We must never stifle
our passion, never.
Tell me something, Jack,
how does art make you feel?
I feel alive.
There it is.
Jack, I am prepared
to make a case for you
with the Dean of Cal Arts.
But first, you must give me
your word that you'll accept.
How do you know Ms. Covington?
I don't.
She knew your mom.
I was just thinking about you.
I missed you today.
Come here.
Lie down.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
What's up, guys?
Don't leave me hanging.
Anyways, once I finally
called Rasmussen back...
We really hit it off.
Turns out I'm not the only one
that thinks Kelsey's dad's
a big tool.
- So you're going to Wesleyan?
- Yeah.
- That's amazing, bro.
- That's huge, man.
What about you, man?
Going out of state?
Hell, no, dude.
I'm living the dream
right here in Peoria, Ill.
Guys, are you kidding?
I live in a town that I love,
a place where
everybody knows my name,
and I know everybody's name.
I'm running
my family's business,
and, fingers crossed,
if I don't burn this place down,
it'll be mine someday.
It may not ring
your bell, but...
it sounds pretty
damn good to me.
In all my years of coaching,
I have never been prouder
than I am of this team.
You know, I first took this job
because I just wanted
to stay in the game.
A walk-off home run,
a ten-game winning streak,
a no-hitter.
But you guys reminded me
that's not what's important.
Austin York.
What's important
is the team you build,
the family you create,
the friendships you form.
There are gonna be lots
of wins and losses in life.
It's who you share those wins
and losses with.
That's what's really important.
In left field,
the next starting outfielder
for Wesleyan College,
Frankie Payton!
You guys are incredible.
Trust me,
teams like this are rare.
It took me becoming a dad
to find mine again.
So what about you, Jack?
Who are you gonna be,
your mom or your dad?
Well, I'm a ballplayer,
and I'm always gonna play ball.
And in center field,
All-County, All-State,
and soon to be freshman at...
California Institute
of the Arts,
the pride of Peoria,
Jack Sanders!
So, when you find yours,
and you will find it, you will,
I want you to grab it.
Don't be afraid. Grab it.
Grab those people
and grab those moments,
because if you do,
whether you win or lose,
you will succeed.
Okay, guys! Look alive!
Look alive!
Last game of the season!
Hey, Sanders!
Hustle up!