The Outlaw (1943)

Doc Holiday just got off
the stagecoach.
- Want me and the boys to come along?
- Why do you ask that?
Well, I certainly wouldn't want to
fool around with him alone.
I don't blame ya, but I'm not gonna
make any trouble for Doc Holiday.
He's my best friend.
As long as I'm sheriff around here
the place is his.
Hi. Where's Doc Holiday?
In here, Pat.
Hi, Pat.
Gosh, I'm glad to see you.
Doc, how are you?
You're looking plenty sassy.
You wintered kind of fat,
didn't you?
- What are you doing over this way?
- I wanted to have a talk with you.
The other is, have you seen anything
of a little strawberry roan?
- Somebody steal your horse?
- Yeah.
Cutest little fellow you ever saw.
Mean as mean, but I'd dote on him
like he was pure rock candy.
- What are you laughing at?
- Joke's on whoever done it.
First time I ever felt sorry
for a horse thief.
- Did you hear he was headed this way?
- Yeah.
Put that on the table in there.
What are you gonna have?
I started with rye.
I don't see no cause to change.
- Where you been keeping yourself?
- Mostly across the border.
That's what I want to see you about.
I need a little money and I thought
you might want to come in with me.
- What's the matter?
- I'll let you have the money...
but if the deal is like that last one
of yours, better not tell me about it.
Why not?
- Where'd you get that thing?
- They stuck it on me little while ago.
You're the last man I ever thought
would be so easily satisfied.
Man's gotta settle down sometime.
Mike, did you see anything
of a strange strawberry roan?
About 13 hands high
and as cute as bug's ear.
Seems to me I did see one
about that size.
- When I came on duty.
- Where?
- Up in front of the dentist place.
- Where's that?
I'll show you.
I'm only gonna tell you once more.
You put that glass...
on top of your head.
But what are you gonna do then?
Just put it up on your head.
I'll show you.
Best thing in the world
for that dandruff of yours.
Wait a minute, Doc.
Hello, Fred.
Hello, Pat.
You're still using that one, huh?
My old standby.
Never has failed yet.
How many fingers do you see, Fred?
I guess I better take Fred to the jail
and let him sober up there.
You go ahead. The dentist's place
is up the street near the corner.
I'll be along in a minute.
Well, Red, how ya feelin'?
- Nice little horse you got here.
- I think so.
- Where'd you get him?
- Bought him in Santa Fe Springs. Why?
Somebody stole him from me
in Sacora.
If it wasn't for those two guns,
I'd say you was hiding in pretty young.
- You think it was me?
- You haven't told me any different.
I ain't going to.
My name's Holiday.
Doc Holiday?
- I've heard of you.
- Thanks.
I don't want to
take advantage of you.
Thanks. I thought it'd be
the other way around.
What's your name, son?
Bonny. William Bonny.
- Billy the Kid, huh?
- Still think I stole your horse?
- How much did you pay for him?
- Wouldn't do any good if I told you.
- Why not?
- I like the horse and got used to him.
- So have I.
- I don't blame you.
- Just like sitting in a rocking chair.
- Now look...
- Hear you're pretty good.
- That's what I hear about you.
All right. You mind standing away
from the front of that horse?
Pretty sure of yourself,
aren't you?
No sense in going to
all this trouble for nothing.
That's right.
Hello, Doc.
Had any luck?
- Yes and no.
- It's your horse, ain't it?
It was.
You're a cool one.
Better get you over to the hoosegow
before this gets around.
Come along. Thanks, Doc,
for being so forbearing.
All right.
See why I left off?
He's just a kid.
I told you to come along.
Didn't you hear what I said?
I heard you.
You're not doing any better
than I did.
Wait a minute. I'd like to make you
acquainted with this young man.
Billy, this is an old friend
of mine, Pat Garrett.
Pat, this is Mr. William Bonny.
I've been wanting to meet you
for a long time.
How are you, Billy?
How many fingers do you see?
You ought to use that
only on friends.
While you two are talking I better
put my horse away. Back up, boy.
- Why you...
- Hold it. Don't fly off the handle.
Nice little horse, ain't he, Doc?
- Remember me?
- Where's Mr. Garrett?
I sent him home. How 'bout you and me
having a little talk?
I don't believe in talk, unless
the other fella holds all the cards.
Sonny, that head of yours
sure is screwed on tight.
If it wasn't, somebody would have
knocked it off long ago.
I guess that's right. How did you know
Pat was gonna hit you out there?
Well, it's the first time a sheriff
ever wanted to shake hands with me.
- He heard you say "shake hands. "
- Huh?
How do you do, Mr. Horse?
I'm pleased to meet you.
I'll swear, I didn't know
he could do tricks.
What else can he do?
You back up there and I'll make him take
those gloves right out of your belt.
Over that way a little.
Now back a little farther.
That's far enough, kid.
Put your hands up.
All right, Doc.
- This is new for you, ain't it?
- What?
Bein' arrested for horse stealin'.
Doc, you know I didn't steal that horse
any more than you did.
Billy, many a true word
is spoken in jest.
This is something new
for you too, isn't it, Doc?
Yeah, what's that?
The Great Doc Holiday
getting someone else to help him.
And a policeman at that.
I can hardly believe it.
And after the way I've heard
people talk about you...
ever since I was in short pants.
That's enough of that.
Turn around.
- Now walk out that door.
- Wait a minute.
Well, this thing don't seem to sit
right on my stomach, no how.
Doc, you're not gonna
back out on me?
I'm afraid I am.
I'd never hear the end of this.
Hold on!
I'm not through with you yet.
Step aside, Doc.
He may shoot me in the back.
They tell me that's the way
you've given it to some of the boys.
Now, Pat, that's
a pretty strong thing to say.
I never heard that.
Well, Mr. Garrett,
if you believe that...
here's your chance
to do the same to me.
Coming, Doc?
I think I will.
I want the two of you
out of this town by sundown.
What did I do?
That's all right, Doc.
You've got the right
to choose your friends.
Shucks. I don't take kindly
to that at all.
He knows there's no stage
until tomorrow...
and he knows that I'm afoot.
Or am I?
- Not by a darn sight.
- You mean that, son?
Sure. We'll dig you up
another horse somewhere.
- I guess that's enough for me.
- Cleaned out?
Not quite.
- Where you stoppin', son?
- I got a room at the hotel.
Doc, could I see you a minute?
Sure. You might as well
cash me in.
All right.
What's on your mind, son?
No offense, Doc,
but that last ace you just drew...
What about it?
I got a feeling I saw it
on the bottom of the deck.
- Are you sure?
- Wouldn't have asked if I was.
That's where you showed good sense.
Here you are, Doc... 640.
You could have paid four times
for the horse and still saved money.
That's right.
Hope you're satisfied now.
- You gonna turn in?
- I think I will.
I'll walk down to the hotel with you.
Good night, gents, and thanks.
Good night.
If you're not already fixed up,
you can bunk with me tonight.
No thanks, Billy.
I've got a girl. She and her aunt
just moved into town.
You got a girl?
I ain't got nothin',
except that horse.
You can't fool me. A good-looking boy
like you must have a girl somewhere.
No. I don't trust 'em.
You're pretty young
to talk like that.
Well, I've known quite a few.
And they all did you dirty, eh,
every one of them?
Yeah, every one of 'em.
That's too bad, Billy.
I guess things haven't been
so easy for you, have they?
Tell you what I'm going to do.
Since that horse means so much to you,
I'm going to make you a present of him.
That's awful nice of you.
Thanks a lot.
All right. Good night.
See you in the morning.
Good night.
Just thought I'd say good night
to the horse.
If you're all through, you might as well
put him back in his stall.
All right.
Good night, Red.
See you tomorrow.
What, no kiss?
He don't like mush.
Back in your stall, Red.
- That's my tobacco, isn't it?
- I think it is.
You don't mind if I take that,
do you?
Red, I think I'll bunk right here
tonight, if you don't object.
Say, what is this anyway?
What are you shooting at me for?
Are you crazy?
Stop it.
Cut it out, do you hear?
Can you understand English?
What's your name?
- Rio.
- What's the rest of it?
Where'd you come from?
What do you care?
- Where'd you live before you came here?
- Sacora.
Oh, yeah. Who was he?
My brother.
He shouldn't have taken
so much tequila.
- What became of the girl?
- She married a guy two weeks later.
Well, that's the way it is.
How'd I know he was your brother?
It was him or me.
And I didn't lay for him
in no barn neither.
- I'm sorry I was so rough with you.
- You didn't hurt me.
You sure?
- It's too bad I didn't know.
- What?
- He was your brother.
- What's that got to do with it?
Well, maybe I wouldn't have tried
so hard to get the other girl.
Oh, you wouldn't.
What's the matter?
- There's a rock under here.
- Let me fix it.
Let me go!
Hold still, lady, or you won't
have much dress left.
Let me go!
- He did not.
- I say he did.
- Did you really hear him holler?
- Sure I did.
- So did I.
- Then that ain't Billy the Kid.
Shucks, a dentist can make
anybody holler.
Look out.
Here he comes.
- Sorry to keep you waiting, Doc.
- I'm in no hurry.
- You're the Billy the Kid?
- That's what they tell me.
- See, what did I tell you?
- Wait. One at a time.
Have you really got
20 notches in your gun?
Is it true you got 13 Indian scalps
in your war bag?
Had to throw 'em away.
The moths got to them.
Tanning 'em
the best way to keep them.
- Is that a fact?
- That's what my pa told me.
- What are you doing with that?
- Trying get bark off to make a whistle.
- Have you sucked it?
- I sucked it till it near dry.
Can't you shoot
the insides out?
- Put it up on that post.
- Can't I hold it?
- Can you hold it steady?
- Sure!
Billy, you don't have to
prove anything to me.
It's all right.
Turn the end up a little.
Little more.
You hit it!
- Don't you take aim?
- I took aim.
- When?
- Before I drew.
Look, Billy, it's all right.
You fixed it fine. Thanks.
- Glad to help.
- Anything I can do, let me know.
- That's a new one on me.
- What?
Aiming before you draw.
- I've got to.
- Why?
My hand seems to be
a little quicker than my eye.
Well, ain't that too bad.
- Where'd you get the horse?
- I bought this one.
- Looks all right.
- He'll do for the time being.
Ham and eggs.
Fry the eggs on both sides.
I'll take the same.
Mine straight up.
How 'bout a cold hand
while we're waiting?
How much?
- How's that?
- Suits me.
Before you get started
I'd like to speak to you for a minute.
- Who is he?
- I don't know.
- What do you want?
- Let's go in the backroom.
You don't know me,
but we have a mutual friend.
And I don't like him
any better than you do.
Oh, Garrett, eh?
The name sounds familiar.
- Figure on staying in town tonight?
- Why?
Everybody knows that Garrett
told you to get out of town.
Sooner or later you're gonna have
a little trouble with him.
I thought I might give you a hand.
That's very kind of you, mister.
Listen. I ain't doing you
no favor.
It'll be a pleasure.
Now what I figure is when he's arguing
with you, he won't watch anyone else.
So, it'll be a cinch for me.
Be careful you don't knock me over
with the same bullet.
Don't worry.
I'll stand at an angle.
I'll do it like this.
Suppose this chair
is Garrett there.
And if you're standing about
where you are...
why, I'll be over here.
Do you mind if I draw my gun
so you can see the line of fire?
No, go right ahead.
- It's me, Billy.
- Come on in, Doc.
- What happened?
- He's a pretty smart hombre.
You know him?
He's been hanging around trying to talk
Garrett into making him a deputy.
I guess he figured if he got Billy
he'd be a hero...
he could have the deputy job,
or run for governor if he wanted it.
- Better get out of here, son.
- Why? He pulled on me first.
- Be hard to make Garrett believe that.
- We'll see.
Where's my dough?
Well, I guess I must've
picked it up.
You're foolish to stick around, son.
I think I'd be more foolish
to pull out.
Then Garrett would be sure
that was my fault.
Come on. Cut for deal.
- You meant you want to play poker.
- That's right.
You're not worried about me
if I tangle with Garrett, are you?
Fights pretty good.
I know him better than you do.
All right, if he's so good...
then you'll get your horse back,
won't you?
Say, I never thought of that.
What's the matter?
- Lend me a hundred.
- I never lend money in a poker game.
Spoils my luck.
But I'd be glad to have you
put up the horse for a hundred.
I guess you would.
Hello, Pat.
Care for a bite to eat, boys?
A little hand of poker?
No thanks, Doc.
Were you in there
when it happened?
No. But listen, Pat,
he pulled on Billy first.
- How do you know?
- His gun was on the floor.
That don't prove nothing.
Pat, you've got an ugly temper and
you're letting it get the best of you.
You have no right to hold Billy
for this killing, and you know it.
You're just sore at him,
that's all.
Doc, I'm gonna give you a chance
to stay out of this.
- Thanks.
- Your horse is outside. Get on him.
- Good luck to you.
- Same to you.
What are you waitin' for?
He's waiting for those chickens
of yours to hatch.
Are you gonna put up a fight?
I'll tell you one thing.
I ain't going to jail
for no killing I was pushed into.
- Thanks, Doc.
- What are you trying to do?
I still think that fella
pulled first on Billy.
Are you throwing off on me again?
Then what do you call it?
Since I figure that this is a personal
matter between you and Billy...
I don't think you ought to
bring in all this hired help.
I only did that to keep Billy
from putting up a fight...
so I wouldn't have to kill him.
Do you stuff birds too?
You're making a big mistake...
turning on an old friend,
all because of a little snip...
who's never given anybody nothing
except the back of his hand.
Speaking of hands...
Come on. Let's get out of here
before this hothead makes us plug him.
He ain't gonna run me
out of town.
If you wanna hold the fort while
I ride off on your little horse...
it's all right with me.
Well, since you put it that way.
Go ahead, son.
Take it easy, Pat.
Doc, this finishes you and me
for good and all.
I'm sorry.
- Can you get up, son?
- I don't know.
- Can you make it to the horse?
- I think so.
Did you see what that little horse did,
pulling me out like that?
He's a regular bird dog.
I gotta get you under cover some place.
I'm all right.
Charlie, you better stay here
and have a look around town.
That kid's got a bullet in him.
He ain't going far. Let's go.
Who's that?
Quit that yelling.
Get these horses out of sight.
This is Billy the Kid.
He got a bad one on the left side...
but the bullet didn't hit anything vital
and it came out in the back.
Don't move him at all
or the bleeding will start again.
I guess you better
cut his clothes off.
Put a bandage on the wound
and see that it's always moist.
Keep him warm and dry.
If he gets a chill, he's a goner.
If he goes out of his head,
tie him down.
The neighbors hear him yelling,
tell them your aunt has smallpox.
That'll keep them away.
I guess that's all.
Now do your best for this boy.
If I can't come back,
I'll send word where I am.
And Billy can bring you along.
Shoo, shoo!
Face like a baby.
He's so hot.
He's no hotter
than your brother Julio was.
He's soaking wet again.
Get me some sheets,
Aunt Guadalupe.
Get them yourself.
- What's the matter with you?
- I wouldn't lift a finger for him.
What's the matter?
- Been lookin' for him around here.
- Well, ain't that too bad.
Chico, what's the matter with you?
He smells the blood.
He was just getting ready
to peck his eyes out.
You stay out of here.
- Your name McDonald?
- What do you wanna know for?
Why don't you wanna tell me?
- Yes, that's my name. Why?
- Your father's name is...
Woodruff. Charlie Woodruff.
I used to work for him
when he was Tom Motsacoro.
Oh, yes. I guess I was
a little girl then.
- Charlie!
- Aunt Guadalupe!
- How you been?
- Very well. Thank you.
You're getting fat as a pig.
- What are you doing up here?
- I've been working with the sheriff.
We're looking for Billy the Kid.
You get out of here!
- Come in and sit down.
- Some other time.
I'll drop in
the first chance I get.
- What's wrong with that bird?
- Nothing.
I have a hen sitting under the bed
and he likes to peck at her.
- Want me to get him out of there?
- No. Everything's all upset in there.
We just got up.
Good-bye. I'm glad to have seen you.
Same here.
So long, Aunt Guadalupe.
- I'll walk down a ways with you.
- No, you won't. Lunch is all ready.
I'll fix you.
How's Billy?
Looks like he's having a chill.
A chill?
Where are you?
Right here.
- Don't go away.
- I won't.
- I'm so cold.
- I'll get you warm.
- Don't go away.
- I'll only be a minute.
How can you stop
a thing like this?
- You're mad at me.
- No.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
- Why do you hide from me?
- I'll be right back.
- Where's that bottle of whiskey?
- I finished it.
The time I had that bad cough.
I fired those hot stones for Julio,
but it was just the same.
He shook like a leaf
till he died.
You get out of here
and shut the door.
Just get out of here.
Have you gone crazy?
You can bring the minister tomorrow
if it'll make you feel better about it.
Now get out.
You're not gonna die.
I'll get you warm.
Well, Red, you can't stand
this pace much longer.
I guess I'll just have to
slow those boys down a little.
None of my affair, but we crossed
the county line ten minutes ago.
That's right, Swanson.
It's none of your affair.
Break up!
Scatter for those rocks!
You look different today.
You look better.
Say, is that you?
What are you doing here?
I live here.
Well, I've been trying
to figure this out.
- How'd I get here?
- Doc brought you.
Oh. Are you Doc's girl?
What do you know about that.
Be careful your wound.
You'll hurt yourself.
That's right. I remember now.
- I caught one yesterday, didn't I?
- Yesterday?
It was a month ago.
You've been terribly sick.
A month? That's a long time.
- How's Red?
- Red?
- Have you been takin' good care of him?
- Who's Red?
Didn't Doc leave my horse here?
Well, I'll swear. I didn't think
he'd do a thing like that.
Behind my back too.
Is he all right again?
Say, who's this old lollipop?
It's my Aunt Guadalupe.
Qu tal? Cmo est?
You haven't got a ham sandwich
on you?
You hungry? I don't think we have
anything cooked beside some beans.
That'll do for a starter,
eh, lollipop?
Say, you don't talk
like a sick man.
Who said I was?
What does that "lollipop" mean?
Oh, something sweet.
Sweet, like candy.
You know, dulce.
Is that a fact?
Where are you going?
Oh, to see if I can find
a fresh egg or two.
- How do you feel?
- Fine. When do we eat?
- You just had lunch about an hour ago.
- Honest?
Will you bring me my clothes?
I want to have a look around.
What for?
I can't spend the rest of my life
in bed.
Anyway, I want to see
if I can find my ring.
Your ring?
Yeah. I had a ring on this finger
and it's gone.
I've been worried about it.
You mustn't be upset
about a thing like that.
You can get another one,
can't you?
This one's been
kind of lucky for me.
It belonged to a fellow who was
supposed to have had a charmed life...
as long as he kept it
on his finger.
Then how did you get it?
Did you kill him?
No. Somebody else did that.
Then the ring wasn't so lucky
for him after all, was it?
Well, nothing happened to him until
he took it off to wash his hands.
No, you better not get up
till tomorrow.
- You said that yesterday.
- You're not strong enough yet.
Who says I'm not?
Billy, you mustn't.
You'll hurt yourself.
Then why don't you quit
wrestling with me?
But you've been so sick.
You're not well enough. You're not...
Come on. I want you to go
down to the store with me.
I have some washing to do.
You've got all afternoon to do it.
Come on.
- I have to fix my hair first.
- All right, hurry up then.
- Why do you have to go with her?
- I better.
What if somebody should come by...
like that deputy sheriff friend
of yours the other day?
Yes, that's right.
I'll go tell Aunt Guadalupe.
- Who is it?
- It's me, Doc.
Hurry up!
Open this door here.
Hello, Doc.
Glad to see you, Doc!
You'd never know it. I thought
I'd have to break the door down.
It's the rain, Doc.
I couldn't hear a thing, Doc.
You don't need to yell so loud.
I'm not deaf.
Did you ever see such a storm,
and it's been going on for four days?
It was lucky for me. The only way
I could shake those bloodhounds.
Washed out all your tracks, huh?
First sit down I've had
since I left here.
How's Billy?
Oh, he's fine, sure.
He's been up almost a week now.
Where's Rio?
So that's what
all the yellings about, eh?
- I'll go and call her for you.
- Wait a minute.
You made enough noise now
to raise the dead.
So that's it?
All right, where is he?
He's getting dressed.
Maybe I better give him a hand.
No, Doc! Please let me
talk to you first!
What got into you? Were you drunk?
What happened to you?
I don't know.
He's a devil.
He did the same to me.
He can charm a bird
right out of a bush.
- I never saw it to fail.
- Don't talk that way.
What do you want me to say...
bless you, my children?
You might as well.
I'm married to him.
You're what?
That's the truth, Doc.
Only please don't tell him.
Tell who?
- You mean he doesn't know it?
- No.
Then how could you be
married to him?
He was out of his mind.
I never would have done it,
only I thought he was gonna die.
And so he would have,
if it hadn't been for you.
I don't want his gratitude.
Guess I should've stayed out
in the rain with the sheriff.
- Make me a cup of coffee.
- Sure.
It's a good thing
you don't want his gratitude.
Why do you say that?
You know, when I come
to think of it...
after what you done to me,
I couldn't wish you anything better...
than you hooking up with Billy.
What do you mean?
I wouldn't want
to spoil it for you.
Hello, Doc.
Is that all you got to say to me?
Now look here, Doc, I'm sorry,
but it's your own fault.
Oh, my fault, huh?
Who brought me here?
Now you want to switch
the blame on me.
First you take my horse,
then my girl...
and both times
it's all my fault.
That reminds me of something else.
You ran away with Red, didn't you?
You think that's any excuse?
It was good enough for me.
- There's only one trouble with it.
- What's that?
The horse was mine too.
I wasn't in much shape
to argue that with you, was I?
No, I guess you weren't.
But you didn't have use for that horse
lying flat on your back, or did you?
All right, Doc,
if that's your way of looking at it.
You just took the loan of him,
so to speak.
What are you getting at?
Yes, that's what
I'd like to know.
You borrow from me...
I borrow from you.
What does that mean?
Let's have a cup of java.
We better be getting out of here.
Not at those prices.
All right, Doc,
I'll tell you what I'll do.
What's that?
Well, just to show you
my heart's in the right place...
I'll let you take your pick.
You mean you'd trade me
for a horse?
It's up to Doc. After all, I've got
to think of the other fellow, you know.
I appreciate that.
I sure do.
Billy, you don't mean that.
And after all she did for you.
Say, you should have seen what
that little horse did for me, huh, Doc?
That's right.
I hope you won't think
too hard of me...
but under the circumstances...
I'm going to take the horse.
- You are?
- You're not satisfied?
Listen, Doc,
I like that little horse.
What'd I tell you, huh?
- I still can't believe it.
- What are you talking about?
- Nothing.
- What's eating you?
Here. Fill these with fresh water.
The creeks are muddy as all get out.
How about grub?
Can you spare enough flour and bacon
to get us to Fort Sumner?
Hey, it's clearing up.
We better be getting out of here.
Lend me some dough, will you?
How much do you want?
About 50 bucks.
Here's 40.
Buy yourself a horse and buggy.
Don't you think it's too much?
You can give Aunt Guadalupe 20
if you want.
If we get located in Fort Sumner,
I'll send for you.
What for?
I can't stand ranch cooking.
Here you are.
- Thanks. Good-bye.
- Bye, Doc.
Bye, lollipop.
Bye, Billy.
Take care of yourself.
You do the same.
Fill these up for Doc.
Hello, you old hay bag.
Have ya missed me?
He's thin as a rail.
He's been getting a little exercise.
Where'd you get that plug?
Wore out the black horse I had, so I
traded him to sheep herder for this one.
He's all right.
Little wild yet.
Come on.
Ain't Red a sweetheart?
I'm going to let you have
a loan of him for a little while.
- Until you get your strength back.
- You're not gonna do me any favors.
- What's the matter with you?
- I don't wanna be obligated about Red.
- Why not?
- I'm not giving up on getting him back...
anymore than I've given up
getting on this ornery goat.
Bye, Rio.
- What's the matter?
- Boy, am I tuckered.
- What are you lookin' for?
- A sink of tobacco.
Say, is there anything of mine
you don't cotton to?
- I guess I forgot.
- Yeah, it's a bad habit you got.
- What?
- Forgettin' what belongs to others.
- You think I did it on purpose?
- Yes.
- Listen, I don't feel good as it is.
- Neither do I.
You wanna make something out of it?
- That's a big advantage you're taking.
- I can't help it.
I'm so plumb beat out,
I'll be lucky if I can draw 'em clear.
I don't want to crowd
a sick man.
I'm all right. Just give me 40 winks
and I'll take ya with both hands free.
I guess this is as good
a place as any to make camp.
There's no water.
And you won't find any
between here and Fort Sumner.
That's a long ways off.
When we get there our friend,
the sheriff, won't be far behind.
How do you know it's him?
I can tell him farther off
than that.
He wouldn't be coming
after the two of us alone.
Maybe he's lost too many
of his friends.
How come you didn't knock him over?
Or did you try?
- Did I?
- That's what I said. Did ya?
Didn't do nothin' else.
Who do you suppose
put him on our trail?
Well, maybe somebody saw us
pulling out or...
Or what?
- Sure, she was the one.
- Yeah, Rio.
Why do you suppose she had to
up and do a thing like that?
Well, women are funny.
Go easy on that water. We've only got
two canteens to get us to Fort Sumner.
What's the matter?
Sweet spirited miter.
The little darling put sand in it
instead of water.
That sure is one for the book.
Well, no use hanging 'round here
till morning. Let's get going.
You know, Doc, I think
I'll have another drink.
What are you talking about?
You didn't have one in the first place.
No, but I had the same notion
about an hour ago.
I know what you're thinking,
but it won't do you any good.
- Take my advice.
- What?
Killing a woman.
- Why not?
- They're all alike.
There isn't anything
they wouldn't do for you...
or to you.
Hey, why didn't you wake me up?
We should've gotten started long ago.
Keep 'em up!
Hello, Pat.
- Where's Billy?
- Looks like he left ya.
And on my horse, eh?
Try those on.
You know me.
Do I have to put these on?
I know ya.
Put 'em on!
That was pretty smart,
putting sand in those canteens.
I had to give you something
for your money, didn't I?
Oh, I see.
So you sent the sheriff after us
for good measure, huh?
No wonder he came alone.
All he had to do was take his time
and wait for the sun to finish us off.
Then how did you get back?
It was pretty tough...
but the more I thought about
seeing you, darling...
the easier it got.
Then what are you waiting for?
Go ahead.
Say, that sounds real nice.
I like to hear you ask for it.
Keep it up.
Beg some more.
What would you like me to say?
Well, you might say "please"
very sweetly.
Will you keep your eyes open?
Will you look right at me
while I do it?
What is it?
Everybody drinks but me.
I'm supposed to be a camel, huh?
You want a drink,
you can climb down and get it.
Say, did you hear something?
- What kind of a track is that?
- I don't know.
Too small for a man.
Here's another one.
Couple over there.
Well, take a look at that.
Yeah, it's an old Indian trick soaking
rawhide in water to make it shrink.
Another hour, she'd have been hanging
by her wrists.
Well, I'll say one thing for Billy.
He sure does pay off poetic.
He put her right where
she could see the water.
He just left here
less than half an hour ago.
He went that way,
toward those mountains.
- Are you all right? Sit.
- Don't worry about me. Go after him.
- We can't catch him now.
- Why not?
He's got too much
of a head start on us. Sit down.
You know, I think
he's in love with you.
What are you talking about?
The crazier a man is about a woman,
the crazier he thinks and does.
He's only crazy
about one thing: Himself.
Say, that gives me a thought.
Maybe we'll get Mr. Billy
after all.
- How?
- Just like he says.
If he's crazy enough to do you
like this...
maybe he's just crazy enough
to come back to turn you loose.
You're the one that's crazy.
He doesn't care anything about me.
He'd never come back.
Maybe so, but it's worth trying.
Ain't it, Doc?
If he's fool enough to come back,
he oughta get himself caught.
I told you not to breathe so loud.
All right, all right.
Well, how do you like it?
I thought I tied it tighter
than that.
- You came back.
- Not on your account, I didn't.
- You didn't?
- You see Doc and the sheriff?
Here we are, Billy,
right behind ya.
Now put those hands
where they belong.
Say, why didn't you tip me off?
Hurry up with that grub.
I wanna get to town before dark.
- Well, I've only got two hands.
- Why don't you use both of 'em?
- I'll use one on you in a minute.
- I wouldn't put it past ya.
Now's your chance with me
all trussed up like a chicken.
Here we are together again.
Same old happy family.
Yeah, and I'd have been halfway to
Fort Sumner if it hadn't been for you.
- Me?
- Yeah, you.
Give me a cigarette.
- You mean her.
- Rio! Are you out of your mind?
- Come out and admit it like a man.
- Admit what?
You didn't know Pat caught me until
you got back to our camp, did ya?
- Then why come after us?
- Why not?
We'd have been clear to Lincoln
before you even got back here.
Say, mister, what are you
trying to make out?
I heard you say once
you didn't like ranch cooking...
so I guess you figured you'd better
come back and get Rio.
You're daffy. I wouldn't come back
two inches to get her.
- You did.
- I tell you I didn't.
- Actions speak louder than words.
- Do they?
I'll show you how much
I care about her.
If you want her back, you can have her.
Now what do you think about that?
I don't want her.
- Cattle don't graze after sheep.
- Sheep?
Sheep did you say?
I didn't say goats or monkeys.
Why you.
Ah, sit down.
- What's the matter with you?
- None of your business!
Careful, young fella.
You want it now?
I've just been waitin'
for an excuse like this.
I'll fix you up.
Never mind fixin' any more food.
We're leavin' now. Come on.
Let me get a drink first.
All right, hurry up.
Hey, Rio, come here and hold my hands
so I won't fall in.
Come out of there!
You're all right now.
Come on.
You figure on taking us back
to Lincoln, ain't ya?
Where did ya think
I was takin' ya?
- It's over that way, ain't it?
- Sure. What are you gettin' at?
Take a look.
Hey, Doc.
Well, the Mescaleros
are out early this year.
They're talkin' about us,
ain't they?
Yeah. They're tippin' off
another hunting party that must be out.
Right over there.
On both sides of us.
I guess our best chance
is to hightail it to Fort Sumner.
Don't figure on me
doing much hightailing.
- Why not?
- I ain't no acrobat.
I hope you fellas have sense enough
to behave yourselves.
Sure, Pat, certainly.
Sure, Pat.
No, ya don't!
- That's your horse over there.
- Who says so?
I say so.
Get on him and hurry up.
Rio, you ride the paint.
Hey, Red's my horse.
I know he is,
but I'm gonna ride him.
I don't like this.
Looks like some of those Mescaleros
are ahead of us too.
No, you better not
come over here, Rio.
- Why not?
- They put the fire on them.
Those Mescaleros sure do play
for keeps.
Say, what's that?
It's a good size party. We'll be
knee-deep in them in a minute.
Look over there too.
- Hey, what are ya doin'?
- What do ya think? I want my gun.
Now wait a minute.
You're not gonna argue at a time like
this. Aren't you gonna give us a chance?
He'd like to see them
put the fire on me.
- I sure would.
- What about her?
We can't talk about it now.
I want to know one thing.
Do I have your solemn promise
that you'll give them back when I ask?
- Sure. What do you think we are?
- Will you see to it that he does?
Who's gonna see to it that I do?
I'll take your word for it.
- Where are my cartridges?
- Here you are.
Now what do we do?
Make a stand or run for it?
- Can't make a stand here.
- I know something that might work.
- What is it?
- Come on. Do exactly what I do.
Cut him loose!
I know this place. We're about
40 miles from Fort Sumner.
Senor Garrett, what are you
doing out this late?
Hello, Pablo.
Can you put us up for the night?
Sure, glad to have you. Come right in.
My house is yours.
I'll take care of the horses.
Well, boys, I guess
we're out of the woods now, huh?
Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
I wouldn't be too sure
of that, Pat.
Oh, yes, he's right, Pat.
Those Mescaleros
don't give up so easy.
This is very important.
I want you to ride to Fort Sumner...
and give this note
to the town marshal.
Did he say "town marshal"?
That's what it sounded like to me.
Thanks, Rio.
It certainly is
a beautiful night out.
I think I'll take
a little stroll.
And, gentlemen, just in case
I shouldn't return before you retire...
I'll say good night now.
I think I'll go with ya.
Well, Billy, you've been pretty good
to my little horse.
I guess the least I can do
is let you say good-bye to him.
That's awfully nice of you, Doc.
Oh, I always like to think
of the other fella.
So if you just stand right here
in this doorway...
and don't make no warlike moves...
then you can wave farewell to 'im
as we ride off.
In other words,
you think you're gonna leave.
I'm sorry, Pat, I hate to eat and run,
but you know how it is.
- Listen, Doc.
- You're wasting your time, Pat.
Haven't you forgotten something?
No, I don't think so.
Good night all.
Say, Doc.
Yes, what is it?
I'm afraid you'll have to listen
to me for a minute.
What if I don't feel
like waving good-bye to Red?
You still think you got something
to say about that horse, eh?
Yes, I do.
All right, go ahead and say it.
That's a pretty big advantage
to give a man like you.
Didn't you tell me that once?
How's this?
You don't have to go that far.
What about him?
Will he leave us alone?
Or do you think we ought to
pull his teeth before we start?
Don't worry about me.
I wouldn't lift a finger, Doc,
to keep you from killing him.
You and me never had any trouble
till he came along.
He'll keep out of it.
All right, son, I'm waiting.
Put those plates down.
You're makin' me nervous.
- Billy, he'll kill ya.
- What do you care?
- But you can get another horse.
- I want this one.
I wanna see if I can teach him
to make smoke come out of his ears.
Say, I haven't got all night.
Get back against that wall.
- But Billy...
- Go on!
And count up to three.
I won't. You're outta your mind,
both of ya.
How about you, Pat?
Sure, I'll be glad to.
You're too willing.
I don't trust you.
I think I'd rather have that
cuckoo clock do the counting for me.
Yeah, that's good enough.
It's gonna strike in a minute.
Should we pull on the last cuckoo?
All right.
Well, Billy, I guess this is it.
Men are pretty much like children
after all.
Have you ever seen two kids
wrestling in the yard?
They push and tussle and maybe
they look like they're fighting...
but they're not.
They're really friends...
and everything's in fun.
Then pretty soon,
they play a little too rough...
one of 'em gets mad...
and in the end,
somebody always gets hurt.
So for you and me,
this is where somebody gets hurt.
But when it's over...
and however it turns out, son...
no hard feelings.
Why didn't you draw?
Why did you change your mind?
This some trick of yours?
No, I just don't feel like it.
Maybe I ate too much.
Perhaps some other night
you will feel like it, eh?
Who knows?
I never wanted it, but I've waited
and let you pick...
your own time and place.
You've done that tonight.
You gonna draw,
or do I have to make you?
Are you gonna fight...
or do you want me
to nick your ears?
Doc, have you gone loco?
What's the matter with you, Billy?
I didn't think you'd take this
off anybody.
Maybe I wouldn't,
off anybody else.
What do you mean by that?
Doc, don't listen to that kind of talk.
Haven't you ever seen cold feet before?
He never had cold feet in his life.
What is it, Billy?
I guess the idea about the cuckoo clock
wasn't so good.
Well, it gave me time to think
and remember a few things.
You're the only partner
I ever had.
Gosh, do you really feel
that way, son?
- I treated you worse than anyone.
- Nah, it was all my fault.
- Wouldn't want Red carrying both of us.
- Oh, don't worry.
We can find a better way than that
to divide 'im up.
Say, you can ride 'im outta here.
No, I had him last.
That's right, come to think of it.
I ain't worried about you and me
ever fighting now, Billy...
because one thing is certain.
If we didn't do it tonight,
we never will.
Come on. Let's go.
So long, Pat.
Don't take any wooden nickels.
You're not going with him.
Look here, you ain't gonna start
something with the two of us, are ya?
I might've known you'd do this to me.
Ever since you met him,
you've treated me like a dog.
The very first day,
you sided with him against me...
and made me the laughingstock
of the town!
Take it easy.
I gave you your guns
so you'd have a chance for your life.
And now you tell me I gotta fight
the two of you to get them back.
You stand there, side by side...
with that little snip of a kid
against me...
me, the oldest and best friend
you ever had!
And I still would be
if it wasn't for him!
Say, mister, that's about enough
outta you for one night.
Wait a minute.
You let me handle this.
Pat is a friend of mine.
I don't want to kill him, and
I don't want you to kill him. Clear?
Pat, you're just getting yourself
all steamed up.
I'll be seeing you one of these days,
and we'll have a good laugh about this.
Now, so long.
Be careful. You know you haven't got
a chance against me.
- Say.
- No, son, please, don't do that.
Oh, Doc, lie down.
Why not?
That's one thing
I've always been afraid of.
- What?
- Dying in bed.
Why didn't you shoot?
You had me beat by a mile.
You had me cold.
Maybe I don't like cold meat.
Well, go ahead.
Go ahead, what?
Aren't you going to say
something over Doc?
I don't know what to say.
I never said anything over anybody
I killed before.
I think we oughta say something
over Doc.
You better do it.
So long, Doc.
I want you to know I'm sorry.
I honestly am.
Last night I was ready
to kill you...
but in the daylight,
I can see things much better.
You and Doc have been friends
for years.
If I hadn't come between ya,
none of this would've happened.
It sure is funny...
how two or three trails can cross...
and get all tangled up.
Well, go ahead.
After you.
Say, you don't think I'd shoot you
in the back, do you?
I don't know,
but I ain't gonna tempt ya.
I don't think you'd be fool enough
to try to do it from the front.
You never trust anybody, do you?
I apologize, Pat.
Go ahead.
Who's that?
- Where's Pat?
- He's still in the house.
- What's he doin'?
- He's not gonna try to stop you.
- How do you know?
- He told me so.
Say, Billy,
can I see you for a minute?
What do you want?
If that's the way ya feel about it,
never mind.
At least I'm not afraid
to turn my back on you.
Here. Hold these a minute.
I thought you might like
to have Doc's guns as a keepsake.
Say, I sure would.
Thanks, Pat.
Thanks a whole lot.
I never had an extra pair.
Black holsters too.
They'd go nice with Sunday clothes,
if I ever get any.
Do you think they'll suit ya?
If the barrels ain't too long.
No, they're just the same.
Be careful. They're loaded.
That's right.
I think they're
better balanced than mine.
Then how about letting me
have yours?
My guns? What for?
If I had your guns...
I could say it was you out there
in that grave, instead of Doc.
You'd pass Doc off as me?
Everybody would believe me
once they saw your six-shooters.
You could leave an end
to your trail right here.
Nobody'd follow you up north.
All your troubles
would be buried...
past and present.
You and Rio could go off
with nothing to worry about.
How come you'd do a favor
like that for me?
There you go again, Billy.
Distrustin' a person
who's tryin' to be decent to you.
Don't you realize
that's your whole trouble?
Don't you see that's what's gotten you
into all your fights?
You got more enemies than anybody
in this part of the country.
How do you expect to get along
with people...
when you think every man who holds
his hand out to you...
has a knife behind his back?
Son, I...
I just don't know what's going
to become of you.
Honest, I don't.
I didn't mean anything.
I'm sorry.
That's the spirit.
That's my boy.
Now give me those guns and clear out
of here, before it's too late.
What's the matter?
But I've had these guns
a long time.
I sure hate to let go of 'em.
I've been pretty patient with you.
Billy, my son...
it's your duty to give them up.
You owe it to yourself.
You ought to start a new life today.
Those guns are the badge
of your shame.
They represent everything
you must leave behind you.
Don't you realize that?
Don't you understand...
that if you're going to start
all over again...
your hands must be clean?
I guess you're right, Pat.
I never thought of it like that.
Thanks, Pat.
Billy, you don't know
what this means to me.
You'll never forget this day.
Good-bye, Pat.
Why do you say that?
Why shouldn't I?
Why should you?
You ain't goin' anywhere.
I took the firing pins
out of those guns.
Why you...
Nothing would make me happier
than for you to keep coming.
Is that one of your own guns?
It sure looks like it.
How did you get it?
You dirty little cheat.
You switched those guns on me.
Of all the dirty, rotten tricks...
I didn't mean to, Pat.
Honest, I didn't.
They must've gotten mixed up
while I was playin' with 'em.
I left my guns right there.
What for?
Don't you have to show them to everybody
to make them believe your story?
You see, I have an idea...
that you'd rather give Doc the credit
for doing you up like this.
Because I think you'd rather be dead
than have people know...
that Billy the Kid did this to ya.
Good-bye, Pat.
You don't wanna go off
without your canteens, do you?
- Did you fill 'em up for me?
- Yes.