The Outsider (1939)

All right, nurse.
Congenital dislocation.
Too late for operation.
Quite hopeless, I'm afraid.
Well, Sir Montague? How---
I and my colleagues regret to say, madam, that
there is nothing that can be done.
I am afraid your child will always be a cripple.
And is that all that the greatest specialist
in London can say?
We're only doctors, madam!
We can't work miracles.
Then I'll go to someone who can.
Is there anyone?
But he's only a quack!
You don't need that anymore.
For fifteen years...
...I've wanted to do this. Ha.
You can use it for firewood, eh?
Thank you, Mr Ragatzy.
Oh, Mr Ragatzy.
- I'm Lady Will---
- There are no ladies here.
Only mothers with crippled children.
You must wait your turn.
- Feeling better, eh?
- Yes, thank you, sir.
- Well?
- Yeah!
Well, I must confess - I'm very
much impressed.
And I congratulate you, Ragatzy.
Thank you, Dr Ladd.
And you can tell Lord Pembury, that my fee
for curing his son is 350 pounds.
- Isn't that rather a lot?
- Well, isn't he rather rich?
Soon I'll be able to do the Lambeth Walk.
That's not what Mr Ragatzy cured you for!
I have done a good job, eh?
Ah, Mr Ragatzy - how can we ever thank you
or pay you for what you've done?
Now, when I took this case on I told you that all
I would want would be my expenses.
Now let me see, the boy has been with me eight
months. Oh, a hundred pounds.
A hundred pounds? And me a taxi driver!
People ain't as free with their tips as they used to be.
Never mind, my friend - you keep your tips.
Just tell your customers how clever I am.
Tell everyone!
A lot of important people go in taxis.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
- You leave it to me, sir.
Cor, strike me up the Monument
if I don't tell 'em!
Why, I'll put a blinkin' loudspeaker
on top of me cab.
Cor, strike me pink if I don't, sir!
Oh, er, by the way, Dr Ladd.
I've changed my mind about that fee.
I thought you would.
Yes, it's gone up a hundred.
450 now, not three.
Now, listen, Ragatzy - you can't
do things like that.
It's not ethical. It's not... English.
Well, I'm not ethical and I'm not English.
That's the whole trouble.
Oh, well.
Gentlemen. The plain truth is...
...Ragatzy has done some amazing cures.
Quacks always do do amazing cures.
Otherwise you'd never hear of 'em.
He certainly gets enough publicity.
The papers are doing all they can to make
us recognise this outsider.
If we don't, there's going to be a
press campaign against us.
Why not meet him, and investigate his
claims for yourselves?
I suppose we shall have to.
Confound the fellow!
It's no point our seeing him
unless Sturdee does.
And he won't.
Sturdee's very open-minded about anything
that can benefit humanity.
Let me see if I can persuade
him to meet Ragatzy.
I can see "Lord Marble Arch" associating
with a charlatan!
- "Lord Marble Arch"?
- That's what the nurses used to call him.
You'll know why when you meet him.
Sir Israel Nathan has just telephoned, sir.
He's on his way to see you.
Oh. Where's Miss Sturdee?
She's in the drawing room, sir.
With some friends.
Good. Then I'll see her later.
Off you go.
Well, Wendy. For an actress you
played almost like a lady.
Oh, actresses can do other things
besides that, you know?
Yes, most of them do other things
much better than act.
Oh, they do, do they?
Well, I must go and see how Lally's getting on.
Come on, everybody.
Now then, don't give yourself away.
I know - Robert Taylor.
Certainly not!
- My... darling Gary Cooper.
- Never.
- Tommy Farr.
- Ooh, no.
Oh, I give up. You'll have to
suggest some names.
The one and only Basil Owen,
in person.
I never would have guessed it.
Well, how's the great work going?
You may well ask.
A new song cycle by Lalage Sturdee.
Words by the one-and-only Basil Owen.
And he hasn't written a word for weeks.
And what's more, they're going into rehearsal
at the BBC on Tuesday.
Oh, darling, I am sorry, but I've been awfully
busy with the new musical comedy.
And the new blondes that go in it!
Well, they haven't picked them yet,
so I haven't had a chance.
Well, let's hear what you've done.
Oh, Lally - that's the loveliest tune.
Do people really like that dreary,
sentimental stuff nowadays?
Some people do.
But... if you like I'll change and play something
you can understand, Wendy?
Darling, all music is too, too
beautiful. Even yours.
Thank you.
Come on, Basil - let's dance.
Go, Lally! Swing it!
But you know Lally doesn't play swing.
Oh, yes she does!
Lally can swing it higher than you can kick!
Oh, good shot!
Well, Lally? Are you enjoying the sunshine?
Why, yes.
I'll never get used to it.
Isn't there anyone, anywhere?
No darling, there isn't anyone, anywhere.
- You talk as if I mustn't even hope.
- You mustn't even pray.
That seems to shut out God.
Oh, excuse me, sir.
Sir Nathan Israel to see you. I've
shown him into the study.
Thank you, Bridget.
Lally, dear - you must be brave.
Try to make the best of things.
People who make the best of things...
never make them any better.
Well, I mustn't keep Sir Nathan waiting.
And I've got to catch the six o'clock
train to Newcastle.
Darling, how long will you be gone?
Only until tomorrow evening. I've got a
big operation there in the morning.
What shall I bring you back?
Oh - the usual sack of coals.
All right.
How are you, Sturdee?
- I won't disturb you long.
- You never disturb me.
Well - what is it?
It's, uh---
- No, thanks.
- No.
It's about Ragatzy.
You want me to help you to get him
run out of the country?
With the greatest of pleasure.
No. I want you to meet him,
with the rest of us.
But he has cured cases that we've
pronounced incurable.
He oughtn't to be allowed to.
Not allowed to cure people?
Not without the knowledge that'll give reasonable security
that he won't either kill or cripple them instead.
But, you're always the first to say we
have a duty to science.
This isn't science.
It's not like you to be so obstinate.
It isn't obstinacy.
I've a very personal reason, for not only
discouraging quacks like Ragatzy...
...but for running them out of business.
You know how Lally is.
But you don't know why.
Her mother was young and beautiful.
So young.
So... beautiful.
She died, giving birth to Lalage.
I felt I'd lost everything.
Well, after it was all over they brought
the child to me, but...
...l couldn't even look at it.
Instead of hating myself, as I should
have done, I hated the child.
So I sent her away, to my old
nurse in the country.
Well... after that I left England.
Travelled around a good deal.
I practised in the East...
...went to the States.
Then one day I received a letter.
It said the child was pretty, and
remarkably intelligent.
But, at nearly three years, couldn't walk.
Only crawl - dragging one little foot.
But there was no need to worry, because they were
having her treated by the local bone-setter.
I think I realised then, for the first
time, that I was a father.
When I heard that my own little daughter
was in unqualified hands...
...brutal, blundering hands.
- I'm sorry, Sturdee.
- I hurried back, but...
...well, in those days there were no aeroplanes
to cut the world in half.
And before I could reach her, the child's
hip, dislocated at birth...
...which - after all - is a simple
matter to put right.
- If it's done at once.
- Yes, but it was not.
This ignorant quack had so damaged the hip socket by his
twisting and turnings, that nothing could be done.
My little daughter, who smiled and...
...dragged herself onto my knee to kiss me...
...was lame for life.
A cripple.
One can hardly believe she is a cripple.
She has so much charm and spirit.
And a very great gift.
I think we forget it often - but she never does.
I don't like to make the suggestion now, but I came here
to ask you if we couldn't use this man's invention to... her in some way?
I'd try anything that wasn't downright risky.
But you know yourself, how easily you can
destroy the nerve part of the leg.
Then she'd be entirely paralysed.
No, no, Nathan. I've had enough of
quacks. I won't meet any of them.
I hate the type.
You go and probe this man's beastly claims.
I'm not interested in him - and that's final.
I'm sorry, madam - I cannot do the impossible.
Oh, but you can.
You've done things no other man could.
I know my trade.
I can't do this.
But won't you even try?
Won't you take a chance?
It's not me that's taking the chance, madam.
It's you and your little girl.
Where is that crook?
He's ruined me!
He's made me useless!
I warn you! All of you!
Before I met Ragatzy, I could walk.
Now I can't.
You swindler!
Now, please...
- Swine!
- ...please!
Before you treated Captain Witcherley, at
least he had the use of one leg.
Now he hasn't even that.
He's serving you with a writ...
...for criminal negligence.
He hasn't got any case against me.
I didn't want to treat him. I knew
it was hopeless.
But he implored me.
He told me that he's got no brains.
And that if he cannot walk,
he would starve...
...because he wouldn't be able to
run his farm in Kenya.
So, like a fool I took him on.
But I didn't neglect him. I fought
a good fight for him!
And I lost.
I'm going to tell the Royal
College of Surgeons.
So am I.
And tell them that, sometimes,
I fail - just like a doctor.
That's all you can tell them.
Except that you took a chance at
your own risk - and lost.
And you aren't sportsman enough
to lose like an Englishman.
Yes, well - if that's your idea of sport...
...this is mine!
If it would give you back the
use of your legs...
...I'd let you hit the other cheek, too.
And now - good day.!
We haven't finished with you yet!
Now listen to me. All of you.
You heard what that poor man said.
You heard his warning.
Very well, then.
If you don't any more believe
that I can cure you... can go after him.
Thank you.
I've told you that I cannot
cure your little girl.
Just as I told him.
Thank you for telling me the truth.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Don't let me forget my appointment
with those doctors tomorrow.
- For once, I want to be in time.
- Yes, sir.
Five minutes late, already.
He would be.
...nobody can say we are prejudiced - coming
here when Sturdee wouldn't.
What does the fellow call this
fantastic invention of his?
He calls it the "Ragatzy Rack".
A catch-word to get publicity.
The man belongs to the Middle
Ages - the Inquisition.
The burning of heretics!
I admit he might have given
it a... a kinder name.
It's a machine that, um...
...straightens out and er... stretches
crooked limbs.
Now what would we have called it?
A "perambulatory automatic electrical extension".
For the reduction of, er...
...femoral congenital dislocation...
...and lateral curvature.
Well, at least the public wouldn't
know what it meant.
- Mr Ragatzy.
- Ah!
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
I must apologise for being a trifle late.
Please, don't apologise.
We quite understand.
- Ah, Dr Ladd!
- How d'you do, how d'you do?
And, er... now I must introduce
you to my colleagues.
Sir Montague Tollemach - Mr Ragatzy.
Mr Helmore. Sir Nathan Israel.
Mr Wilson.
Dr Langley and Mr Kinley. Dr Murray.
I'm very honoured that you meet me.
But where is Mr Sturdee?
I hoped above all that he'd be here.
Mr Sturdee was called away to Newcastle,
to perform an operation.
Oh, but I read that he returned
to London last night.
So he won't meet me?
Well, will you please tell me why?
Why not?
Why not?
Mr Ragatzy.
I think perhaps we had better tell you
that his only daughter...
- a cripple.
- What?
He is a master of surgery, and he has a
daughter that he cannot cure?
Huh! That puts him in rather
a stupid situation!
That shows how much good his
degree does for him.
Her incurable condition is due to
an unqualified practitioner.
Who attended her when she was a child.
Ah, so he hates us all indiscriminately, eh?
I think I've heard of this girl.
- Doesn't she make music?
- Yes.
Isn't she the Lalage Sturdee who wrote the
musical version of "School for Scandal"?
She is.
Oh! But what music, gentlemen.
That aria of Lady Teazel's - exquisite!
Oh, well...
...we're not here to talk about
music, but about me.
She's quite a celebrity.
What a patient for me!
"Ragatzy cures famous surgeon's daughter".
Good publicity, eh?
We're not here to discuss the effect of
your surgery on the daily press...
...but to examine your knowledge, and your---
"Famous Electra-Therapeutic Ragatzy Rack".
You fall in love with him when you see him.
I fetch him now.
Here she is, gentlemen.
Isn't she beautiful?
And all made by my own brains -
and my own hands.
It's certainly very well made.
Now I make some explanations.
- If you please, Dr Ladd.
- Certainly.
The mechanism inside is worked
from an ordinary power plug.
...we switch on.
Now she's going.
The energy created by the machinery... carried through these flexible tubes... the stretching apparatus.
You can't see any movement at all...
...because she only pulls one ten-thousandth
part of an inch, every hour.
But she's going all the time.
She's gentle, eh?
A little stronger.
Hmm. Very ingenious.
I'd have liked Sturdee to have seen this.
Oh, he wouldn't look at it.
But now that you're satisfied...'ll send me lots of patients. Eh?
- Well, Tolle?
- Well, what's wrong, gentlemen?
- You tell him, Tolle.
- No, you, Nathan.
Mr Ragatzy.
My colleagues and I are satisfied that your...
...Rack is the most beautifully
made thing of its kind.
Oh, she's not a "kind" - she's unique!
But there are one or two other points.
The first concerns your fees.
Sometimes you've charged as much
as... five hundred guineas!
- Sometimes as little as---
- Well, according to what they can pay.
You charge some people less - I charge
some people more.
But I tell them - you don't.
We consider there should be only one fee
for the use of a surgical instrument.
I cannot agree. I think there should be two.
Nothing - and too much!
You also have no degree, I think?
I have a degree - of proficiency.
I was referring to a degree of medicine.
Oh, an MD, eh? What does that
mean? "Mentally deficient"?
You'll gain nothing by insulting us!
Oh, no, no, no gentlemen! I have a
wicked tongue. I'm sorry.
Sir Montague means that... have you
ever been to a university?
Or walked the hospitals? Or studied anatomy?
Oh, yes, yes - I've studied anatomy.
Where, may I ask?
You may well ask.
In the stockyards of Chicago.
The slaughterhouse.
Are we to understand that you
started life as a butcher?
I never stood in the shop, and cut off large steaks
for men who were too fat already.
I was a poor immigrant boy.
And the stockyards were the only place where I could
learn how one joint fitted in to another.
Yes, gentlemen. The practical mechanics of anatomy.
Well, it's reassuring to know that at
least you've practised on cattle.
Now, look, Ragatzy. Most of us here really appreciate
your enterprise - and your courage.
Then why not do the theoretical
work as well, and qualify?
Spend five years like a schoolboy, learning Greek
and Latin names for English bones?
And what happens in the meantime
to the little children that I cure?
What happens to the people
who's only hope is me?
You ask too much, gentlemen.
If you won't qualify, you must promise to
undertake no case without a surgeon.
Now what is this? The Society of Prevention
of Unemployment Among Surgeons?
It is our duty to protect the public
from unqualified practitioners.
Christ wasn't qualified.
He didn't require a degree to raise the dead.
Mr Ragatzy.
When you can raise the dead, we
will discuss the matter further.
- Till then---
- "Till then", what?
That's for you to say.
All right, why don't you tell your Royal College of
Surgeons to give me an honorary degree?
- An honorary degree?
- Yes.
There is no back door to the Royal
College of Surgeons.
Those who wish to enter must climb
up the front steps.
Or remain outside.
Huh. Will they keep me out where
they let you in'?
At least I kill my cattle with a poleaxe, never
my patients with a mistake.
Swine, eh'?
Well, if we must descend to comparing each other
with animals, you know what you are?
Sheep! The whole bunch of you.
Follow the leader Sturdee.
Sheep! Baa!!!
Oh, er... nurse?
- Is Mrs Coates still here?
- Yes, sir.
- Will you get her for me, please?
- Certainly.
Ah, my little Coates. Come in.
Now look here, Mrs Coates.
I've cured you, haven't I?
Why, of course you have.
- What you getting at?
- Just this.
You cost me money. You're a poor
woman - you can't pay me.
So I don't see how I can possibly afford to
continue the after-treatment, unless---
Oh, Mr Ragatzy! You couldn't?
You know what it would mean.
You said yourself - I'd be lame again.
Unless you can find a patient rich
enough to pay for you both.
But I don't know no rich people.
Have you ever heard of a
Miss Lalage Sturdee?
You will.
She lives in Hampstead.
I'm going to drive you there, right now.
While her father, the great "Lord Marble Arch"... still in his Harley Street surgery,
failing to cure people.
Now, you will make her acquaintance. And you
will tell her what a genius I am.
Why can't you tell her, same
as you do to everyone?
Ah, because I want her to see somebody
that I have cured.
Now. I'm going to write you a
letter... of, er... introduction.
Oh, I just wanted to, please... if I could...
er, if you could---
- Not today, thank you.
- Oh.
Now, this is how it should go.
"A house stood on a little hill."
Te tum, te tum, te turn, te turn.
Oh, no. That's no good, is it'?
Well, play it again. Play the whole phrase again.
Oh, miss - I've got to see you. It's a
matter of life and death for me!
What are you doing here? I thought
I shut the front door on you.
Yes. But not the back, Miss Smarty!
Shall I send for the police, miss?
What does she want, Pritchard.
Please, miss - you must listen. It's about
someone who can help you.
He may be a crook and a swine but he can
cure people. He cured me. Look!
Went about on crutches for fifteen years!
That'll do, Pritchard.
Oh, lam so grateful to you, miss.
You see, he told me to tell you he's a genius, and
there's nothing too difficult for him to cure.
- So he---
- Whoa, whoa. Now try and tell us quietly.
- What are you trying to say?
- It's Ragatzy.
He's waiting outside now.
He wants to cure you.
You mean the fellow who's
always in the papers?
- That's right.
- The man with the patent stretching machine?
What? Did he send you here?
Yes, because that's what he cured me with - and he
wants you to see for yourself that it's true.
Lally, perhaps you ought to see him?
Oh, please see him, miss. For my sake.
Will he give you money if I do?
No, no - nothing like that. Look -
he'll sign this letter.
"L, Anton Ragatzy, guarantee to give you all the
after-treatment necessary for your leg"...
..."together with all the surgical assistance you need"...
..."if you can get me an interview
with Miss Lalage Sturdee."
And if you don't see him, miss - he'll
stop my after-treatment.
And I'll have to go back to being a cripple.
Oh, how wicked!
Miss... you don't know. You don't know
what it means to be a cripple.
- I... I don't?
- No, you're rich.
You don't know what it is to walk to
work when you're dog-tired.
You lie in bed all morning...
...then go riding out in your Rolls Royce...
...splashing people like me walking
in the slippery streets.
You don't really know what it
is to be lame, miss.
Not half, you don't!
You poor dear. Don't cry.
I'll see him.
You will, miss?
You really will?
Oh, thank you, miss. Thank you.
Let her out, and show in the man
who's waiting for her outside.
Oh, God bless you, miss. God bless you.
...wouldn't it be wonderful if he could?
Basil, he can't.
Father says there's no hope.
Oh, I'm only seeing him to
help this poor woman.
But if there's a chance, you should take it.
Don't you want to?
Want to?
My life's so empty.
I want it to be full of all the gorgeous,
joyous, happy things.
Oh, Basil.
What's it like to be able to move... foot after another?
Just as easily as I can move my hands.
If I could only dance so beautifully...
...that all the men were wild
to be my partner.
Dance until the music dances into me.
The lilt, the swing.
The love song.
Miss Lalage. The man!
Good afternoon, Miss Sturdee.
Good afternoon, Mr...?
Anton Ragatzy.
This is Mr Basil Owen.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
Oh, er.
I understand you'll sign this paper
if I agree to see you.
- Oh, certainly.
- Well, I've seen you.
So please sign.
Now I do something to make you trust me.
I give you this little paper, so that you
can lock it in your desk.
There's no need. But if you wish.
Why did you threaten that poor woman?
You think I really meant that letter?
I had to make her think I did...
...otherwise she wouldn't get
me in to see you.
Don't watch me.
You're looking at me like a doctor.
All right, take her to the sofa.
I not look any more.
I've already seen all I want to know.
Can you make her well?
I've cured worse.
But first, please - I want to
speak to her alone.
All right.
You see, Miss Sturdee, I can only cure you...
...if you really want to be well.
And of this, I'm not yet sure.
So, when I hear about you...
...l say to myself "what is she like, this Lalage?".
Then I get the score of her lovely opera,
and I play it over to myself...
...very, very soft.
Just to hear what the soul is saying.
What did you hear?
That you are not a saint.
That your music is not hymn tunes.
There is the devil in it.
You sound an ideal listener.
Your music has passion.
Did you really come here
to discuss my music?
No, but I'll tell you this.
All your life you've given your
passion to your music.
Now, I can cure you so
that you can marry...
...and tell your passion to
the man you love.
Really Mr Ragatzy, I find this
a little unnecessary.
Mmm hmm.
That, er... charming young man?
You like to marry him, eh?
I know what you think.
Some other girl would be
better for him, eh?
Any other girl.
Any little blonde with half your
charm and half your talent.
Just because she's born with
no head, but two feet.
And you're right.
You beast!
Oh, now.
Let's stick to one animal -
it's less confusing.
The, er, general assumption
is that I'm a swine.
I swear to you...
...that I will not say that I can cure you...
...unless I am doubly sure.
Why not let me try?
Why not put yourself entirely in my hands?
You mean, without a doctor?
Yes. Without a doctor - and
without your father.
Don't be absurd.
I wouldn't dream of such a thing.
I think that's all we have
to say to each other.
You'd better go.
Very well.
I come back when you send for me.
Hmph. Never.
Oh, no, no, naturally. But, er... take my card, yes?
And remember...
...that when I cure you...
...there'll be no more limping.
And no more tears that no one sees.
Oh. Pardon, please.
Basil, don't look at me as if you've suddenly
realised I was a woman for the first time.
I'm trying to imagine you,
as he might make you.
You mustn't.
I must forget it, and so must you.
You know, Lally, you need cheering up.
Come down to the country for the weekend.
I always feel so out of things.
- What, with me?
- No.
Well, then.
Aren't you glad I persuaded you to come?
Oh, yes. It's lovely.
And you don't feel out of things?
I never feel out of things with you.
And sometimes, when I'm playing and
my head's full of music...
...l don't even feel lame.
I feel as if I'm held up by wings.
Then some brute of a tender-hearted
woman says...
..."How dreadful to see you like that."
Oh, they don't, Lally.
They do.
Perfect strangers - in hotels and places.
That's why I usually prefer
to stay at home.
Hey, let's have some rough
stuff on the pole.
You know I can't swim.
Now, don't give me that stuff, Wendy.
Nobody's going to rescue you.
All right. I know someone who will.
Basil. Oh, Basil!
I'll find him.
Hey, come on, everybody!
Come on, Basil, come on. You're
going to fight with me.
- Fight with you?
- Yes, you know, on the pole.
Oh, yes. Of course.
Oh, I know! And you, Lally,
can be the referee.
Oh, no. I... I think I'd better stay here.
Oh, no. Do come, Lally.
Lally, come with me.
You know, Basil - you're round this side.
All right.
Hello, Barbie.
Oh, Lally - you'll enjoy watching us.
Come on, Basil. You're next.
Am I?
I wonder what they're up to now?
You'll see.
Two... three...
Look at that pretty girl.
Hey, Lally. Fetch us the ball, will you?
All right.
Oh, why, thank you.
- My dear, don't mention it.
- We are so sorry for you.
You look so pretty, sitting in that chair.
Have you seen anybody good about it'?
Or were you born that way?
Have you ever felt like murdering anyone?
Here's someone who does.
Oh, that's fun!
Where's Lally?
I saw her talking to two nice old ladies.
I'm sure she's all right.
Oh, well, If she's with someone
that's fine, then.
- Take me home, please.
- Very good, miss.
They were taken in Vienna - to
show Professor Lorenz.
Yes, these x-rays are good. They tell
you the worst quite plainly.
You know, Lorenz is a great doctor.
What did he say?
He could have cured me if
I'd been under ten.
Do you think you can do anything for her?
How long will it take?
A year.
Strapped on my Rack.
A year!
And then?
Then I shall say to you, "Rise up and walk."
Lally, darling.
I can't believe it until Father says it's true.
Oh, he'll say that it's not true, because
he believes that it's not true.
Where's Miss Lalage?
Lally, my darling.
Look what I've brought you
from your favourite shop.
Oh, thank you.
- Hello, Basil.
- How are you, sir?
Oh, has this gentleman been helping
you with your work?
Well, my dear, aren't you going
to introduce us?
This is not a musician, Father.
This is---
Anton Ragatzy.
The surgical instrument maker.
I also make miracles.
May I ask what you're doing in my house?
I'm placing my professional services
at the feet of your daughter.
- She doesn't need them.
- I think she does.
Look at that.
- Can you mend that.
- No one can.
Then I am no one, because I can.
I shall not tell you.
You will not tell me!
Why not?
Because I prefer to work alone.
Most famous English surgeon -
cannot cure his daughter.
But Ragatzy has done it.
What an advertisement.
Do you mean you won't even
work with Father?
If he will not meet me as his equal...
...then I will not meet him until he
says that I am his master.
My master?
I suppose you know I have just come from
seeing one of your "masterpieces".
Captain Witcherley.
You've ruined his life nicely, haven't you?
I see you've no answer to that.
No, I've no answer.
But haven't you also ruined people's lives?
Will you leave my house, sir?
Yes, but not with your daughter in it.
Do you imagine you can make
her come to you?
I shall not even try.
Mr Ragatzy!
Will you wait until I have spoken
to my father, please?
Alone, please.
Do you believe this fellow when
he says he can cure you?
I like to hear it.
It's wonderful to hope.
And so new.
But my dear little girl, don't you know that even
if he could ruin me by curing you...
...l should say "Thank God."
Father, darling.
But if you choose to put yourself in the hands
of an unqualified practitioner... must leave this house.
And me.
Don't you understand?
It's Basil.
I love him.
I want him.
My dear child.
He isn't worthy of you if he
doesn't want you, too...
...for your qualities of mind and soul.
Souls don't count with men
in marriage, Father.
Only bodies.
You mustn't believe that, Lally. You mustn't.
All right.
Here's something I've never asked you before.
Would you have married mother
if she'd been lame?
And so you can't blame Basil.
My dear.
Marriage isn't just sex.
But Father...
...I'm human.
I want to live.
Mr Ragatzy, please!
Mr Ragatzy.
I've decided to put myself in your hands.
Lally, don't you realise this
man's an outsider?
Well, what am I? An outsider, too.
Outside the common human joys of life.
But if he should make you worse!
As he did Witcherley.
Then I'll know I can never be better.
- Never marry.
- This is madness!
Are you daring to take my daughter?
No - I'm daring to take my degree.
A higher degree than you have.
The ADF.
"After Doctors Fail".
Pardon, please.
Ah, Miss Sturdee.
You see - I've brought you
to my own house.
You are my special patient.
I suppose you realise that you are
all alone with me now?
The big ogre, Ragatzy, has you
entirely in his power.
It's not too late to go back.
I'll go back when I can walk back.
By myself.
I knew you'd say that.
You have more courage than ten men.
Now, we begin.
Now, at first it will be very, very gentle.
And all the minutes, you
will be getting better.
And when at last we switch off,
there will be no more pain.
Now, I'm going to take you out
to lie all day in the fresh air.
The trees and the birds shall watch you.
The morning sun shall kiss you.
Thank you.
There you are.
Now you can see everything that's below.
Next year I will run you a
race from that tree... this one.
Ah. It begins to hurt, yes?
Help me to bear it.
Look at me.
You're safe in my hands.
They're wonderful hands, yours.
Now they will make you sleep.
All through the summer nights.
Go to sleep, until the days of
fogs and yellow leaves.
Go to sleep.
Until the crocuses push out
through the dead earth.
Like little golden flames.
Each day makes you stronger.
Each hour brings you nearer
to the man you love.
You like the sound of your own music, eh?
You played it beautifully.
Is that another thing you learnt in
the Chicago stockyards?
Oh, there's nothing you can't
learn in Chicago.
It was because of what I learnt there, that I
make you better quicker than I think.
But, the pain's getting worse.
Yes, it must get worse. But
don't think about pain.
Think instead about getting well.
About walking and dancing, about splashing
through the breakers with Basil, eh?
You must fight.
Fight with me.
But... doesn't hurt you.
Do you think it doesn't hurt me to watch
your face all torn and twisted...
...when you think I'm not looking?
Do you think it means nothing to me?
Now I must make it go faster.
- More pain.
- Mmm hmm.
Much more pain for you, and
a little more for me.
And then big time for us both, eh?
Look. They want me to dance at
The Big Apple, tonight.
Not this year, my dear. Next.
And then the same dance will
have a different name.
My goodness. I've never seen a girl
receive so many presents.
And here's a registered envelope.
- Shall I open it?
- Please do.
I wonder what's in here.
Good imitation, eh?
My heavens! I believe they're real.
They're from my father.
"God bless you, my darling."
He... couldn't come here and see me.
So he sent me these instead.
And now...
...on this last day of the year,
I bring you my gift.
What is it?
From now on, I reduce the current.
And the pain will get less and
less - until it's gone.
But remember - you're not healed yet.
You must lie absolutely still
for three months more.
You promise?
Then I shall say to you
"Rise up and walk."
- Lally!
- Basil!
Darling, you look marvellous!
What's happened?
The presiding genius has waved his hand,
and there's going to be no more pain.
Oh, Lally, I'm so glad.
All I have to do is be bored stiff...
...for another three months, convalescing.
That's nothing. When I was in Dartmoor, a
mere three months went like wildfire.
If they've a new book in the prison
library, you might tell me.
I seem to have read everything twice.
Even books that aren't written yet.
Don't worry, I'll find something that
hasn't even been thought of.
I say, Lally's in such grand form. Can I
bring some of her friends up?
- Yes, but only for a moment.
- Right!
And remember, no excitement.
Now, don't forget your promise.
Absolutely still.
Yes, I always wanted a house in Regent's Park.
- Well, where's the body?
- Yes, where's Lally?
Grand to see her again.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- Oh, how do you do, Mr Ragatzy?
- How do you do?
- Oh, Mr Ragatzy,
- How do you do, Mr Ragatzy?
How do you do? Now, please keep quiet.
- Where's Lally?
- She's on the balcony.
- Come on, everybody,
- Let's go up.
- Lally!
- Barbie.
Am I glad to see you.
My dear! Hello, Hugh, how are you?
Look, this will bring you luck.
Oh, darling - that's grand.
Here you are, Lally. Guaranteed
every throw a double.
I'll have to have a dartboard
fixed on the ceiling.
Hello, darling.
- Wendy.
- Your favourite perfume.
Darling, lovely to see you.
You're looking marvellous.
Just a few flowers.
Oh, it's sweet of you all
to come like this.
Lally, darling. I thought we'd never see
you again. It's been so long.
And what a lot you've missed.
You haven't even seen my new show yet.
I'll be out long before it's taken off.
I hear it's a great success.
Especially you, Wendy.
Well, I was awfully lucky.
I just sang the words.
Basil wrote them.
Isn't it marvellous for Lally? There's
going to be no more pain.
- How perfectly splendid.
- I'm so happy for you.
Soon she'll be dancing with me.
And me too, I hope, Lally.
Lally, darling... won't want Basil tonight, will you?
I want him to take me to a
New Year's Eve party.
Why, of course.
You must go, Basil. It'll do you good.
You sure you don't mind?
Of course not.
Look, I'll leave the party early...
...and we'll see the New Year in together.
Shall we?
Be lovely.
Goodbye, Basil.
Goodbye, darling.
Goodbye, Lally.
Bye for now.
Goodbye, and thanks so much.
Goodbye, Barbie. Have a
good time tonight.
We'll miss you, Lally.
- Goodbye, sweet.
- Goodbye, Basil.
It's really wonderful.
- I'm sorry if I kept you waiting.
- That's all right, dear.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Are you going to dance with
that chorus girl all night?
What about giving us amateurs a break?
The next dance, my pet, is yours.
Here's to the chorus girl.
Thank you, my friends. I thank you.
Good evening. I'm looking for a Mr Basil Owen.
ls he here, by any chance?
Yes, sir. He's here most nights.
Thank you.
Excuse me, sir, but I'm afraid you can't
go in there like that. Please.
I can go anywhere, anyhow. I am Ragatzy.
But if you please!
Listen, when you promised me the next dance,
I didn't expect to have to sit it out.
Oh, excuse me, Mr Owen. I have to
talk to you a moment.
Oh, seems almost anybody
can cut me out tonight.
Won't you sit down over there?
Thank you very much.
Do people like that?
I came hereto ask you when you are coming
back to see Miss Sturdee.
Why, is anything the matter?
The matter is that she will not go to
sleep until she's seen you.
I cannot make her go to sleep -
not even with my music.
And she must sleep.
But Lally knows I'm coming back.
Yes, well, I want to know that
you've come - and gone.
Then she'll be able to sleep and rest.
Don't worry. I'm booked for
just one more dance.
After that I'll hop into the car and
come back straight away.
All right.
- Goodnight, everybody.
- Goodnight.
Oh, goodnight, Mr Ragatzy.
Er, pardon me.
Come on, Basil - let's dance.
Oh, no, you don't! This time you're
walking outwith me.
Well, I like that!
Oh, miss?
There, now... let's see.
Here. You can keep the change.
Oh, thank you, sir.
Oh, hello, nurse.
She asleep?
- Yes, she's gone off at last.
- That's good.
But she's been very restless...
...and I think she's been crying.
Oh, she mustn't cry.
If that fellow doesn't get here
before midnight---
What will you do?
I'll tell you what.
When I ring twice... bring me in these flowers.
I'm not going to fail just
because he's a fool!
It's all right, I go.
Oh, what a fool.
Ah, you recognise my voice, eh?
I recognise the language.
Who's a fool?
My friend, the Duke of Putney.
You don't know him.
Where did you meet him?
At Buckingham Palace.
I've just been dining there.
There were several kings, invited
specially to meet me.
Why did you come back so early?
Oh, those kings were charming.
But then they all began to
put their crowns on.
I didn't have one... I like much better to see the
new year in with you.
Oh, I wish he'd come.
But he did come.
Yes, yes, he came...
...only you were so peacefully sleeping,
that I didn't want to wake you up.
Oh, I knew he'd come.
- You should have wakened me.
- Oh, no.
Besides, he said he might come back.
And in the meantime...
...he sends you all his love...
All his love.
...twenty thousand kisses...
...half a million roses.
Oh, they're lovely.
And he told me to tell you, that he doesn't
want to go to these silly parties...
...but it's good for his business.
And that all the other women in the world
are a lot of brainless dolls!
Ooh, that reminds me.
I too have a little present for you. Look.
Now, what would you like?
Whisky? Soda? Gin?
All comes from the same bottle.
I have something else to show you that
will make you laugh even more.
He welcomes in the new year, too.
I think he's already had a
little bit too much, eh?
Let's have a drink to good old Lally.
Oh, I say, Wendy. I must go - really I must.
I promised Lally.
Ah, promises! Sacred things. They
must never be broken... much!
Oh, Basil - you can't go now!
Good evening, everybody. Last night it would've been
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen."
But tonight, we just want you to be yourselves.
Welcome to the Hollywood Club.
You know, we get all the celebrities
in London here.
The cream of society.
"The cream of
today is the cheese of tomorrow"!
Now we want you all to have a
marvellous time tonight.
And to help you forget your
cares and your wives...
...we got a little gadget here -
a little spotlight.
And we're just going to swing
it around the floor...
...and see what celebrities we can pick up.
Okay, now. Here we go.
Let's see what we can find.
Ah! There's Admiral Douglas, and party.
I like the party.
Hi, Admiral.
Looks like the fleet's lit up.
Ah, there's Anthony Winsome.
The most famous columnist in town.
And if you're here with somebody else's wife...
...well don't you care, because probably
your wife is---
Well, anyway - it's all in fun!
Ah, there's General Hawkinge.
Well, well! An admiral and a general!
Looks like they're manoeuvering, too!
Ladies and gentlemen, what have we here?
Beautiful Wendy Carrington...
...the famous, young musical comedy star.
Everybody loves Wendy.
I love Wendy, you love Wendy.
Don't you?
Hey, Wendy. How 'bout a little song, huh?
Say, are we in luck tonight!
Because look who's with little Wendy...
...none other than Basil Owen.
The fellow who writes the words
that Wendy warbles.
Come along, Basil. Play for her, will ya?
"Had a lovely dream. Such a lovely dream."
"You were in my arms, sweetheart."
"We were hand in hand, in a wonderland."
"All at once we were apart."
"If it wasn't for the early bird."
"If it wasn't for the song I heard."
"If he hadn't found my window sill,
I'd still be dreaming of you."
Did you know they were playing
your music in Munich tonight?
Do they still have time for
music in Germany?
Oh, yes. Even the Nazis take
an occasional night off.
I want to know what's happening
in London.
My London.
That's easy.
From totalitarianism to democracy
in the turn of a thumb.
"If it wasn't for the early bird."
"If it wasn't for the song I heard."
"If he hadn't found my window sill,
I'd still be dreaming of you."
"I was in heaven, darling mine -
and I missed you.
"L was in such heaven, darling,
I would have kissed you---"
Oh, don't!
I want to hear it.
"---If it wasn't for the early bird."
"If it wasn't for the song I heard."
"If he hadn't found my window sill,
I'd still be dreaming of you."
Thank you, Wendy. And thank you, Basil.
Say, you two look swell together.
Why, you even sound swell together!
And now, ladies and gentlemen
of our radio audience---
Don't worry so much about
me, please.
I know you think Basil ought
to have come, but...
...I'm glad he didn't.
He's been so good. I know how he
hates coming here, really.
Oh, no, no.
Oh, yes, he does.
And he's right.
It's right to hate suffering.
It's ugly-
But I tell you, he did come.
It was I who sent him away.
I should be kicked.
Will you ever forgive me?
I'm afraid I can forgive you almost
anything in advance.
Even that.
You've been so sweet and kind to me.
I'll never forget.
...l know how worried you've been.
It must have been awful for you, too.
Oh, no.
To see your soul begin to shine a little.
To watch your spirit conquer.
That wasn't difficult.
You are a dear.
I never thought I'd call you that.
Do you remember the first
time I met you?
You were terrible!
Tell me... you still go into a room with
your hat and stick...
...and then not know where
to put them?
Well, of course.
And do you still go around telling people,
very loudly, that you're a genius?
You're a dreadful person, Ragatzy!
...please don't change.
I like you.
I think you love me a little, too.
Because I make you well, for Basil. Eh?
Why, yes.
You know, you're a very lucky girl to be seeing
in the new year with a genius like me.
Surely they're the loveliest
bells in all the world.
You hear what they are saying to you?
You will be well.
You will be well.
You will be well.
I feel so weak and tired.
I can't hold on.
Basil will hold on for you.
Go to sleep.
It's so long.
So long.
It won't be long now.
Hold on to your father's pearls.
They will press... kisses to your fingers.
And when you wake...
...your boy will come to you.
And you will run to him...
Because he loves you.
Well, come on. Here we are, everybody.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
How's Lally?
Why did you bring that mob here?
Can't you keep them quiet?
Oh, yes.
Shut up! All of you!
What's the matter?
Well, she's asleep. Don't you understand?
- Oh, good.
- Good, eh?
That I should tell her lies and lies?
And then get her off to sleep by
making love to her for you?
Now listen to me, Mr Owen.
I've done all I can.
It's your love she wants now.
The love that gives her the strength
and the will to go on.
That's all she's got left to fight with.
But I think you're a little... tired
of sick rooms, eh?
Of course I'm tired of them.
Who wouldn't be?
But I've stuck them - and you
can't say I haven't.
If I leave her on your hands a cripple...'ll have to stick them all your life.
Why? What do you mean?
Oh, well, you can't leave her now.
You are a public schoolboy.
If you were an outsider, like me...
...then you could desert her.
You know, you're being rather offensive.
If Lally can't get well without me,
of course I'll stay.
I love her.
- You swear?
- Yes.
Oh, that's all right, then.
You come tomorrow morning, early?
And this time you will not fail me, please.
Because if you do...
...l will smash every bone in your body... really well you will be one cripple
that even Ragatzy cannot cure!
Lally, darling.
Good night.
Good night.
Kiss me.
Two wars, a rebellion, half a million Chinese
drowned and an earthquake.
And I'm told off to cover a flower show!
At that you'd better get better pictures
than you did last year.
There won't be anything different.
You're wrong. They've got a different mayor.
Oh, all right.
And what have you got for me?
The Duchess of Hornsea's opening a
new home of rest - for horses.
The old girl's so old I'll have to soft focus her... she might be mistaken for
one of the inmates.
You cover the Ragatzy story.
He's taking that girl off the Rack today...
...and half Harley Street will be there to see
Lalage Sturdee get up and walk.
Take two cameras, cover the arrivals
and crowds. Get going.
- What's going on here?
- Don't know.
Wedding, I suppose.
Watch the dickie-bird.
And this, Miss Sturdee, is
our latest creation.
There's a big crowd outside.
Don't you feel excited?
Of course I do.
I must look beautiful.
Come over here and help
me to choose a frock.
Oh, no!
I'm not a dress-maker - I'm a rack-maker.
If Basil were here, he'd soon
know what to choose.
I'm sure he would.
I wonder what's happened to him?
He telephoned you twice this morning
to say he was coming over.
But I think he's as excited as you are.
Darling, it's all too silly -
talking like this.
We can't give each other up.
And why should we?
After all, we only have one life to live.
Maybe, by this time next year we'll
probably all be blown to pieces.
Or gassed, or something.
Well, there's only one thing
we can do, Wendy.
If Lally really can walk she won't need me so
much. She can get anyone she wants.
And I'll ask her to let me go.
But if Ragatzy's failed I shall
have to stand by her.
Oh, I do hope she walks.
She must.
I think I'm going to do a little
praying this morning.
It's a pity I'm so out of practice.
- Well, goodbye, Wendy.
- Goodbye, Basil.
Hold it! Thank you.
I waited ages for you to choose
my new frock.
- Well, I---
- But it's too late now.
Mr Ragatzy picked one instead.
And... as it's his last day, I'm going to
wear it especially for him.
Now, nurse - will you please take
her into the other room.
Look, isn't it lovely?
Can I have a picture, Sir Montague?
- I never give pictures.
- Hold it!
Thank you.
Few words for the London Newsreel, sir?
Certainly not. I'm a surgeon, not an actor.
Or a politician.
No thanks.
Now, what's the matter?
You don't look very happy.
Aren't you glad she's cured?
- Of course I am! What do you think?
- Oh, you make me sick.
Now look here, Ragatzy. I've
had about enough of this.
You think this has been easy
for me, don't you?
I'm very fond of Lally and desperately
sorry for her.
- Well?
- Well...
...there's someone else.
But don't you worry. If
Lally wants me, I---
Good morning, Sir Montague.
You didn't expect me?
- Er, no. But, er---
- I thought not.
That's why I came.
I don't like people to think they know
exactly what I will, or will not, do.
It makes them think they
know too much.
Ah, gentlemen.
I'm glad you've come.
To see what you've done.
Tell me, er... has she walked yet?
No, not a step. That was
part of the bargain.
The surgeons to be present when
she was taken off the Rack.
You succeeded, d'you think?
Naturally! You've seen the x-ray photographs.
Photographs don't show everything.
They wouldn't show if you've
destroyed the nerve power.
That's true.
There would be no indication of that.
Ha! I show you.
You shall see her walk -
just like you do.
Right foot, left foot, right foot.
Well, where is she?
I bring her.
Oh, Miss Preston.
- Is she ready?
- Yes, sir.
All right.
Here she is.
Dr Ladd. Sir Montague!
Dr Helmore, Sir Nathan.
Well, this is an honour.
Well, my dear... you'll be glad to get
off this, er, grid iron, anyway.
- Now, Mr Ragatzy.
- Oh, no no, wait a moment.
Tell me.
How's Father?
Very well.
And he's thinking of you.
Is he coming here today?
No. It's for me to go to him.
Isn't it wonderful?
Now we begin, gentlemen.
Excuse me.
There you are.
Straight and perfect, eh?
Can she bend them?
Of course I can.
No pain?
It's so strange.
Oh, you'll soon get over that.
Oh, mind her. Mind her, Ragatzy.
So, for the last time I hold
you in my arms.
That's the only thing that makes me
regret I cure you so well.
Now, you sit down.
Now you are all right.
You see, gentlemen...
...I've kept the muscles strong and supple...
...with the vibration and the
electric massage.
Now, er, put your shoulders back.
That's it.
Now stretch out your arms.
Oh, how gorgeous!
I feel I want to put my arms
around everybody.
So you shall, my dear.
Sir Montague?
I know you'll never believe
until you see me walk.
Come on. Let's see what you can do.
All right. Stretch your legs.
Try kicking them, even.
Very good movement, eh?
How do you feel?
Fine, I think.
Now put your feet on the ground.
Stand up.
I can stand!
She's putting all her weight
on her good leg.
Oh, she's cheating!
No - stand fair and square
on both feet.
Now - walk.
I've forgotten how to.
Oh, you're too excited.
You must calm down.
I couldn't sleep last night.
I was so excited.
I think I'm all right now.
May I try?
I help you, yes?
There you are!
No, don't hold onto me.
Let go.
There you are.
You see? She stands perfectly straight.
I don't---
I can't!
Nonsense! Send your brain
down to your feet.
Right foot, left foot. One, two.
I say you can walk!
No, look at me. Look at me.
Come to me.
You will not?
I can't!
Ah, you will not. Well,
look at him, then.
You see? He holds his
arms out to you.
Call her, Mr Owen.
Lally - come to me.
Look out!
Oh, what have I done?
You've destroyed the nerve power!
Just as I thought. You've made
her worse than before.
You quack! You dirty quack!
- The couch.
- Aye.
- Mind her head there now.
- Quickly.
Come on.
Now, leave her alone!
Okay, you'd better go!
No. We're taking this case
out of your hands.
If she tries to walk again, God knows
what will happen to her!
I'll telephone Sturdee.
Yes. Send for him.
He's the only one who
has the right.
Now get out. All of you!
Get out, I say!
This is my house!
You'll be hearing from us.
- We can't leave her here.
- Quite right.
We'd better wait downstairs,
until Sturdee arrives.
- Good.
- Yes.
Now you get out too.
Oh, no.
You can't get rid of me so easily.
I've stayed all the time, through
thick and thin.
And I'm going to stay now.
Yes, you stayed because
I made you.
Lally, I'm going to marry you.
I'm going to, just the same.
But you don't want to.
I know you don't.
I've known for ages!
And I can't stand pity. I can't!
Send him away.
You heard what she said.
Get out!
It was all my fault.
I should never have let in
that gaping crowd.
I'm always doing something wrong
and wicked like that.
But darling, you must understand.
I haven't failed.
Muscles never before in use couldn't
endure the sudden strain.
But you are cured.
I promise!
You must believe me.
All we want now is faith - and
the will to conquer.
My dear one, believe me - please.
It's hard after all I've been through.
I'll help you.
Look at me.
Look into my eyes.
They show faith.
Now, we see.
Give me just a moment.
Now, my lovely one!
Don't touch me.
Wish harder than you've ever
wished before in your life.
I do.
I do!
All right.
Come on.
Come on!
Why don't you say something?
Can they be right, those doctors?
Can I have done something
I didn't know?
No, I'm certain I'm right.
Only we mustn't give in.
You mustn't give in!
You'll be strong. You'll be fine.
Don't, I can't bear to hear you!
You know you've failed.
Why don't you admit it?
Why don't you tell me that I've been
through all this for nothing?
All this torture!
A whole year of it -
for nothing!
Oh, how could you hurt me so?
How could you?
I don't mean that, either.
If I've done what they say...
...destroyed the nerve power.
I'm finished.
Oh, yes.
I forgot.
Your reputation was at stake.
That's all that mattered.
You wanted me as an advertisement.
Girl or dog, what's the difference?
So long as you succeeded.
That's not true, Lalage.
I don't expect you to believe me...
...but it's not true.
What higher ambition can
any man have...
...than to make someone he loves
very dearly, happy.
I'm sorry.
Don't look at me like that.
No greater torture exists for me than
the sight of your eyes with the...
...light of joy gone from them.
But they're still the most beautiful
eyes in all the world.
There was one thing missing
in my treatment.
Love was missing.
Mine alone was not enough.
Where is she? Where is she?
Oh, Mr Sturdee. Will you please---
No, I will not!
I knew this would happen.
I warned you, and I warned
my poor daughter.
Now sir, I'm going to give you the only kind of
treatment a man like you can understand.
And that's only the beginning.
Next time we're going to
break you for good.
Now, please don't shout.
You'll only disturb her more.
And when you come out of prison, I'll see you're
turned out of the country and kept out!
But before I take my daughter
away, I mean to---
No, Father, no!
Father, you mustn't.
I won't have it!