The Pact II (2014)

There's only one room you got to worry about,
but it's a goddamn mess.
Guy blew his brains out all over
the walls.
That shouldn't be a problem.
You gonna keep that?
I'll hold on to it if you're
just gonna throw it away.
Okay, thank you.
Special agent
terrence ballard.
Agent ballard, let's just sit
tight a minute.
Why don't you just tell your
lieutenant that fbi is here?
ah, ah, ah.
...could you come out here
for a minute?
Is there a problem here?
No, there's no problem.
Just seems that officer --
what is it?
-- Meyer and i are having a little disagreement.
He's clear to come in.
Cup of coffee
before we get started?
No. I don't drink coffee.
Make sure you
cover your feet, too.
It's pretty messy in there.
Tell me about the woman.
Her name was ellie ford, 28.
Dmv records say she moved here
from houston three years ago.
Checked her phone?
Her cell's missing,
but we know she kept her 713 houston area code.
We're pulling
the records now.
Who found her?
Building manager
-- found her early this morning.
I read your report on when
they found judas
last week. It was good.
Yeah, well... since
you were in town,
it made sense to
get your opinion on this one.
What are the similarities?
The wrists and
ankles bound with wire,
uh, marks and bruising
from struggle and
resisting, ultimately
killed by decapitation --
everything matches
the judas m.o. except
for a couple of things.
What things?
I think it's best
you take a look for yourself.
If you're in here,
who's watching the front,
officer meyer?
Agent ballard.
I can have forensics
give you copies of photos.
I prefer to take
my own. Thanks.
Excuse me.
Where's her head?
That's the first difference.
We think he took it with him,
but we're still
sweeping the area, just in case.
That's a pretty
big difference.
And that is an
interesting touch.
In the dark,
i call your name
you take my hand
you hold me tight
i pull you in
to the dark you're --
Good morning.
You're home late.
Yeah. It was a shitty night.
Yeah, the last call
was a homicide.
I got stuck guarding
the crime scene.
Oh, that sucks.
You're getting
started pretty early.
Mm-hmm. Busy day.
I got a job booked,
and i'm taking mom to n.a.
i just want to get a
little more done.
And i'll make us
some breakfast.
So, what was the crime scene like -- messy?
Oh, yeah, it
was pretty messy.
And, plus, they brought
in this... dick from the fbi.
It's pretty weird
to bring in the fbi, right?
I guess he was already
down here working on that dead
serial-killer thing.
But, of course, he walked in
like he owned the place.
Want me to beat him up for you?
Would you?
I feel really
weak compared to him.
He's -- he's -- he's pretty big for a short guy.
No, it was embarrassing. I mean,
they didn't even tell me they were gonna bring him in,
which made me look
like an idiot.
They already book a cleaner?
Oh, no, probably not.
Put in a good word for me?
Yeah, i'll put
in a word for you.
Why, thank you.
No problem.
You think you're
overbooking yourself?
Well, i got to work, right?
Yeah, of course, but, i mean,
you've been working
a lot lately.
Well, i got my
mom to take care of.
Honey, she's
holding you back.
What's that supposed to mean?
Look -- look, she takes your
time. She takes your money.
She's my mother, daniel.
You know, i'm gonna
go to work. I'm late, anyway.
Well, wait. Wait a minute.
What about breakfast?
June, wait. Wait. I'm sorry.
Look, i'm not trying to make you
mad here, okay?
you've got...
such a great opportunity with your work here,
and i just don't want
to see you lose it.
I know.
I got you something.
Daniel, you don't
have to get me anything.
I don't want you to think
it's anything more than a --
than a -- a token or something.
Just... i, um, i saw it, and it
made me think of you.
Wow, it's really
-- it's really pretty.
Is it too big?
No, it's -- it's fine.
It's perfect.
Thank you.
Okay, i'm late. I got to go.
I'm gonna be late.
Yeah. June, i love you.
Hey, honey.
Hey, mom.
Margaret abbott.
March 9, 1996.
Okay, we're recording.
So, let's start with how you left your
6-year-old daughter june in the car.
It wasn't on purpose.
Usually, with my
dealer, it's just real quick.
You know, it's like in and out.
And how long was it?
Mm. I don't really know.
I lost track of time, i guess.
So you were high.
Um, i didn't plan to, though.
I wanted to leave her, but he
had me do a shot with him right
there -- you know how it is.
So it could have
been an hour?
Mm. Maybe?
Even more?
Couple of hours?
Yeah, yeah, i-i guess.
I mean, june told the cops
that found her that she was only
waiting a couple of minutes.
I've got those
birth certificates and hospital
records you were looking for.
Thank you.
So she lied.
Why do you think she'd lie?
Mm. June's always
looking out for me.
How was it?
Uh. Hmm, hmm.
Not bad.
Terry relapsed, but
we saw that coming.
Mom, you got to do your belt.
Since when did
you start wearing a ring?
Oh, it's just something that
daniel gave me the other day.
Daniel gave it to you.
What are you smiling about?
Nothing. I just
think he is really good for you.
It's really beautiful, too.
Yeah. It's not bad, right?
Oh, wait! No, honey!
I got to go in
for my test before we go home.
Right now?
It's for my probation.
Well, mom, how long is that
gonna take?
'Cause i have a job later.
You know what?
If you're too busy,
then that's fine. No, i'm not --
drop me off. I'll take a bus.
Mom, i will take you. It's fine.
I just wish that you would
tell me these things
ahead of time.
In the dark,
i call your name
did you get a call
from the station today?
Yeah. They said they're gonna
release the crime
scene in the morning,
as soon as the fbi
gives the all-clear.
Dan, i know you weren't trying
to start a fight this morning.
You hold me tight...
yeah, i -- it's just --
no, no, no, no, listen.
I-i really appreciate
how supportive you are. the dark
you're after
what is this song?
Oh, i just -- i
just downloaded this today.
Good evening, officer meyer.
You've got to be kidding me.
June abbott.
Uh, yes?
Terrence ballard, fbi.
Oh, you're the
asshole fbi guy.
Yeah, that's probably me.
Isn't it kind of late?
I wouldn't be
here if it wasn't important.
So you're not married.
And, june, you work in
trauma scene cleanup, right?
Is that how you two met?
No, we met in community
college a couple of years ago.
I'm sorry. Why exactly
are you here?
I'm an fbi profiler.
My, uh, first case
was the, uh, judas killer.
I began that profile over 20 years ago...
when the trail went cold.
Then the case
is closed, right?
Do you recognize this woman?
No, i've never
seen her before.
What's her name?
Ellie ford.
I believe you're cleaning up
her crime scene tomorrow.
Now, i don't know what you've
heard, but... i'm pretty sure
this is the work of
a judas copycat.
Have you been contacted
by annie barlow?
Annie barlow?
The woman who
actually killed judas.
She's not returning any of
our calls, and i figured...
i don't know.
Is she a suspect?
No, no. I just...
we need to speak to her.
I'm sorry.
What does this have
to do with june?
I think that june
may be a target.
Why the hell would
i be a target?
Well, seeing that your mother
was one of the women originally
killed by judas, that puts you
at the top of the
list of women that --
i-i'm sorry. Um,
you're mistaken.
Uh, my mother is still alive.
No, i'm referring
to your biological mother,
jennifer glick.
My mother's name
is maggie abbott.
Well, not according
to your birth certificate.
I'm sorry.
D-did you not know this?
You were just at
my mom's house, weren't you?
I was, yes.
I'm -- well, i'm trying to talk
to anybody connected
to the original case.
Oh. Here.
These are some personal
effects of jennifer glick.
We had them at the fbi.
We don't need them anymore,
so i figured that, well...
thank you. may want them.
Now... if i could just have a
few more minutes of your time --
you know what?
I think that i'm -- i'm done for the night.
Um. Thank you for all this,
but can we talk some other time?
Okay. Yeah, okay.
You know, can i
hold on to this?
Thank you.
Good night.
Good night.
I'll show you out.
This june's stuff?
Yeah. It's her work.
And you work mostly
nights now, right?
That's correct.
And june --
she's here all alone?
You're free to leave now.
So you're just assuming that
she's home in bed at
4:00 in the morning, right?
If you have any
more questions for june...
you can ask her yourself.
What do you want me
to do with that?
Take it.
Just in case.
Good night.
Why didn't you tell me?
I wanted to protect you.
Protect me from what -- that
my real mother was butchered?
She was my sister.
She was my mother, maggie!
I had a right to know.
But you lied to me
my whole life.
So you could have
someone to take care of you?
I didn't mean
for it to happen that way.
You're pathetic.
Who is my dad, huh?
I don't know.
This is my fucking life,
Hey, guys.
I'm just gonna go ahead
and get started.
Come on.
Come on, pick up! Pick up!
Pick up!
Your call has been forwarded
to an automated voice --
And that's when
you called 911?
Yeah. I, uh, i used my
cellphone to make the call.
Have you always had a key
to ms. Abbott's apartment?
She was my mom.
Why don't you tell us about
the fight you had
with your mother yesterday?
Miss abbott...
he already knows
what we were fighting about.
Could you tell me, please?
I had just found out that
my mom wasn't my real mom, so i
came over here to talk about
it, and we got into a fight.
I woke up this morning, and i
felt bad, so i came
over to apologize.
Neighbor said
there was a lot of yelling.
I was angry.
How can this happen?
Oh, honey.
Carver called.
I was just on my way over.
It's my fault.
It's all my fault.
How could this possibly
be your fault?
I love you so much, june.
I love you, too.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! What?
June, what happened?
What's the matter?
Hi. I'm looking for annie.
I-i'm -- i'm not sure if i have
the right number.
But, um, listen, um, someone's
picking up where
charles barlow left off.
Um, and the fbi said that i'm a target and...
that you are, too.
I, um, i just found out that my,
uh, my biological mother was
murdered by charles
barlow when i was a baby.
Um... anyway, if you -- if you
could just, um, if you could
just call me back on this
number, that would be great.
Um, oh, uh, it's -- it's june
abbott -- my name is june.
Um... okay, thank you.
Uh, bye.
What you looking for?
Oh, hey.
Is your, uh, is your old
portfolio in here -- the stuff
you shot in kansas?
Yeah. Why?
It's just... a lot of landscapes
and [sighs] stuff from
my dad's funeral home.
Just looking for some
reference photos for a mortuary.
I just got to keep my mind busy,
and i got those pages
to finish, so...
you gonna be
okay for tonight?
Yeah, i'll be okay.
If there's anything you need
me to do, just let me know.
Well, i should get going.
In the dark,
i call your name
you take my hand
you hold me tight
i pull you in
to the dark you're after
No! No!
June. June.
June. June.
June. June.
June, are you here?
Hold on.
All the lights were on.
The tv was on. The
-- the living room is a --
is a mess. What where...
did you sleep in here?
I don't want to
talk about it.
No, look, it's not okay,
I was -- i was really
worried about you.
Didn't know where you --
please stop.
I just -- i can't.
Aah! Oh!
Ow! God damn it!
You scared the
shit out of me!
You do realize you could get
a year in county for tampering
with a crime scene, right?
Are you following me?
What are you doing here?
I was looking for something.
What are you looking for?
I've cleaned up enough crime
scenes to know that people walk
off with stuff sometimes.
I was just making sure that
all her things were safe.
How long you been
in trauma scene cleanup?
A little over two years.
Kind of an odd
career choice, don't you think?
I could say the
same thing about you.
You obsess over
serial killers for a living.
No. I profile
them so i can stop them.
Have you always been
comfortable with death?
Why would you ask
me that question?
Because you picked a career
where you wallow in it every day?
Wallow in it?
You talk about it
like it's something disgusting.
It's not.
They're people.
There's respect in what i do.
You are very interesting to me.
Your artwork is
interesting, too.
Do i scare you?
Are you gonna
arrest me or what?
No, i'm not gonna arrest you.
Then stop following me.
Why did you say that you
didn't recognize ellie ford?
Because i didn't.
Yeah, you did.
I could read it on your face the
moment i showed
you that picture.
Why would i lie to you?
Same reason everybody does.
Is this june abbott?
June, this is annie barlow.
Annie. Hi.
Yeah, hello.
Um, you got my message?
You said that your mother
was killed by charles barlow?
Yeah. Her name
was jennifer glick.
Your mom was jenny glick?
Oh, you knew who she was?
Yeah. I mean,
everyone knew who she was.
Well, um, now there have been
two more women killed
the same way.
The fbi -- they think that we're
targets, but i-i wanted to --
so what it is that
you wanted from me?
Hang on. Wait. Wait.
What if it's not a copycat?
What if it's something else?
What if, somehow,
he found a way to come back?
You mean judas?
Hang on.
My boyfriend just came home.
Everything all right?
Yeah. I'm just
chatting to an old friend.
Okay. I'm gonna crash
pretty soon.
I'm pretty beat.
Look, i don't know what's
going on here, but if you have a
boyfriend, then why
don't you go talk to him?
If i thought
he'd believe me, i would.
At first, i thought that it
was all in my head, but... i know
that there's something in this
house -- something watching me,
which i guess does
sound pretty crazy.
Look, i might
know somebody that can help you.
Yeah, yeah! Jesus christ!
We're looking for stevie.
No, thank you.
Whoa, hold on!
Get your goddamn
hands off my door.
Relax. I'm friends
with stevie.
Just tell her that annie's here.
She's gone.
She left with her brother.
Well, when is
she coming back?
They're not coming back. Bye.
Wait! Wait!
I really need to talk to her.
If giles finds out that i let
somebody talk to you,
he's gonna kill me.
It's okay.
Fine. That makes
me look like an asshole.
Hi, annie.
Hi, stevie.
Hi. I'm june.
June's mom was jenny glick.
I can't help you.
You don't even
know why we're here yet.
I'm leaving today.
Giles has us packed already.
Well, where are you going?
He doesn't want
to see me get hurt.
People are already
getting hurt.
I know.
You know?
And you don't want to help?
You just want to run away?
No, it -- it's
not running away.
see, you can't see
the whole picture because --
stevie, stop.
Annie, you're --
No, stevie, wait!
Because --
damn it.
Well, stevie's
right, you know?
About what?
About getting out of here.
Look, june...
if this is anything
like what i dealt with...
it's not worth it,
and you should get out of here.
Leaving won't
make a difference.
It's attached to me,
whatever it is.
The only option i have is to go
in there and find
out what it wants.
Thank you.
Why are you so
convinced that it's judas?
Because i think he's my dad.
How are you?
Do you know this girl?
That's annie -- annie barlow.
Oh, i thought you didn't
know her. I thought you said --
annie, this is daniel.
Nice to meet you.
Well, i got to get going to
work, so i'll see you later.
Okay. Have a good night.
So daniel didn't
hear anything?
No, which is why
i thought i was imagining it.
Why did you stay?
Because you have
no idea what you're doing.
So, what now?
Do you have anything of his?
It wants us to go upstairs.
God damn it, i
hate this shit.
It trapped me in here.
Wouldn't let me out.
Well, why this room?
So it could get me in there.
We're gonna need a candle.
Watch your head on this.
Okay, let's sit down.
Okay, what do we do now?
I don't know. We wait.
In the dark,
i call your name
what is that?
You take my hand
that's the song i
heard in my dream.
You hold me tight
it was the last song that was
playing when ellie
ford was killed.
I pull you in
to the darkness...
Annie, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
I can't get it to open, annie!
Pink room. Pink room.
Pink room. Pink room.
Pink room. Pink room.
Pink room.
Pink room. Pink room.
S-shit. Shit. Shit!
Where is it?
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
I'm so sorry, annie!
Oh, god, please don't be dead.
Please don't be dead!
Oh, god.
Come on, annie.
Come on.
What happened?
Looks like you hit
your head pretty bad.
Hey, just take it
easy, all right?
That's not judas.
It's ellie.
When you were at ellie's
place, did you see
a record player?
Yeah. Yeah, that song was --
wait, how did you know
she had a record player?
She was trying to
show us something.
Hey, i said take it easy.
No. No, no, no.
I got to get back to ellie's.
There's something there
that i'm missing.
You're not in any
shape to go anywhere.
No, just give me a minute.
I'll be fine.
No, i'll go. You stay.
No, i'm -- i'm fine.
I'm just --
look, you'll
slow me down, all right?
Just text me the address.
When we were upstairs,
you said, "pink room."
What's the pink room?
I don't know.
It's all she'd tell me.
June... i've
calling you for over an hour.
I know. I'm sorry.
Are you still with annie?
No, she's gone.
She went to look at ellie's.
What the hell
are you two doing, june?
Where are you?
Okay, look. Stay there.
I can be there in two hours.
No, you don't
have to come home.
June, i'm serious.
I do not want you to get hurt.
Okay, yeah, i'll
be right here.
This is daniel meyer.
Look, uh, i just got off the
phone with june, and, um, i'm
worried that she has more to do
with this whole case than i thought.
Look, i'm calling you because...
i don't want to bring her in
-- not yet.
So, can you just, uh, can you
just meet at our
house in two hours?
Of course.
Yeah. And we'll
just see what she has to say.
Officer meyer...
i really appreciate this.
Can i help you?
What do you do here exactly?
Well, people come here
to take pictures.
You can bring your own equipment,
or we can rent you some.
But we rent you the
room, and we provide the models.
There's no pissing,
and there's no screwing.
You interested?
Do you know who this is?
She's one of the models here.
Haven't seen her
around in a while, though.
Who likes to
take her picture?
[Chuckles] lady,
i wouldn't tell you even if i could.
Look, i just want to know a
little more information
about her.
Why don't you ask her yourself?
She's dead.
Oh, my.
She was murdered.
And her name was ellie ford.
Oh, jesus. What?
Do you know what this is?
It's a houston area code.
She was from houston.
Hey, listen.
Think you might want to go back
there and take a look at one of
those rooms with me?
I'm good. Thanks.
Open the door!
Ellie ford?
Miss abbott.
What do you want?
Just a little
more of your time.
Not tonight. I'm busy.
It won't take long
-- i promise.
Do you want to
answer your phone?
I can wait.
June! Jesus.
Are -- are you okay?
Yeah, i'm fine.
Agent ballard is here.
Listen carefully to me.
Just stay away from him.
It's ballard --
he's the copycat.
June? June, can you hear me?
Yeah, i heard you.
I'm gonna call in squad cars
now, but you need to
get out of there.
Would you like
something to drink?
Some coffee?
I don't drink coffee.
Some water would be great.
Okay, i'm -- i'm outside.
I don't think he heard me.
Okay, good.
Now, listen, i need
you to stay hidden, okay?
They're saying he
attacked annie barlow.
Oh, my god!
Is she okay?
They -- they
haven't said on the radio yet.
Paramedics just arrived,
but we -- but we know it was ballard.
Neighbors saw him leaving.
She was just with me.
She was trying to help me.
June, i'm so sorry.
Where did you go?!
What are you doing?
Are you okay?
I'm okay. I tied him up.
Yeah, you sure did.
Oh, my god.
I was worried about you.
Are you sure you're not hurt?
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
She attacked me.
Sir, units are
on the way right now.
We're gonna figure
this out as soon as we can.
What's there to figure out?
It's pretty clear
what's going on.
You --
Honey... hey, everything's
gonna be fine, okay?
I'm gonna go call and see
where the other officers are.
I'll be right back, okay?
Mm-hmm. Okay.
You're doing great, june.
I'll be right back.
Now, agent ballard, if you'll
bear with me,
shouldn't be too much longer.
Where are the cars?
Should be here soon.
Then i'm gonna wait outside.
Honey, wait.
This was one thing i was
hoping we could do... together.
It feels so good to
finally talk about this.
I've been trying to talk to you
about it for a while now, but...
things got complicated.
i fell in love with you...
long before we ever met.
Please stop.
He told me how to find you.
He told me...
that you were jenny
glick's daughter.
Do you have any idea...
how special that makes you?
He speaks to me, june --
No, he doesn't, daniel.
He's dead!
Oh, he does.
I see him every time
i look into your eyes.
He told me that --
that you truly are the one
person to carry on his work.
That's what brought us together.
No, daniel, i loved you.
I'm only here to help you.
It's beautiful.
Don't you see it?
This way, we can do his work...
I almost shouted for joy when
you brought annie home.
What are you talking about?
Well, after tonight, i was
gonna take you to go find her...
but you did the
hard part for me.
Oh, you should've
seen her face...
...right when she died.
Oh, my god!
Daniel, i didn't
bring her to you!
Yes, you did.
And maggie?
You found the bible
page in my purse.
Do you have the
bible here with you still?
You can pick out a page.
Oh, it could be our thing.
I don't want to
pick out a page, daniel.
Please put the knife down.
you're not even trying.
Daniel, stop!
Daniel, stop!
Stop it!
This is what you
were meant for.
I'm only here to
help you take the next step.
Now, take this knife...
and cut off his goddamn head,
so we can really get started.
Oh, god!
that's a pretty good trick.
I'm realizing now that maybe...
you weren't as ready for this
responsibility as i thought.
And that's okay.
I love you, june.
And i'm sorry...
but i lied when i gave you that ring...
and said that it didn't mean anything.
Truth is, i...
i wanted to ask you to marry
me right then and there.
But i chickened out...
'cause i didn't
want to scare you away.
We have a special
connection, june.
And i never want to spoil it...
...not for the world.
So don't give up on me.
I won't give up on you.
Is -- is this june abbott?
Yes, it is. Who's this?
Oh. It's stevie.
I can -- i can barely hear you.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Um, june, i-i have a -- hello?
Are you there?
I-i-i have a bad connection.
I'm listening.
I have a --
i have a message for you.
It's from annie.
S-she wants you to know that
it's starting again,
that you need to be careful.
I have to go.
It's -- it's dangerous
for me to keep talking to you.
No, no, no, no. Wait. Wait.
Don't hang up.