The Pajama Game (1957)

Come in.
All right, girls,
mind your P's and Q's.
Efficiency, that's what I'm here for.
The pajama game is the game I'm in
And I'm proud to be
In the pajama game
I love it
I can hardly wait
To wake and get to work at 8
Nothing's quite the same
As the pajama game
The pajama game
Is the game we're in
And we're proud to be
In the pajama game
We love it
We can hardly wait
To wake and get to work at 8
Nothing's quite the same
As the pajama game
If you're so all-fired efficient, how come
you're out here looking for a job?
I consider Sleeptite pajamas
a quality product, Mr. Hasler...
...something I'd be proud
to be connected with.
You would, huh?
Well, might as well give you a trial.
I've tried the old ones,
I might as well try the young ones.
- It isn't easy, I'm warning you.
- I'm not looking for an easy job.
- Seven and a half cents.
- I beg your pardon?
Seven and a half cents.
That's what they want now.
I know what's going on here.
I've just written the board of directors.
It's absolutely unnecessary.
- Gladys.
- Yes, Mr. Hasler?
This is Mr. Sorokin.
The new superintendent.
- Get him started.
- Certainly. Will you come this way?
Miss Hotchkiss.
Well, Gladys, I suppose you're starting
something with him now.
Vernon, what are you talking about?
You put your hand on him. Flirting.
Oh, you make me sick.
Get to work.
I'm an executive, I'm a time-study man.
I've got my stopwatch on you.
can't waste time.
Hurry up. Hurry up.
Hurry up
Hurry up
- Hurry up
- Can't waste time
- Hurry up
- Can't waste time
When you're racing with the clock
When you're racing with the clock
And the second hand
Doesn't understand
That your back may break
And your fingers ache
And your constitution
Isn't made of rock
It's a losing race
When you're racing with the
Racing, racing, racing with the clock
A losing race
When you're racing with the
Racing, racing, racing with the clock
Hurry up, girls, hurry up.
Seconds are ticking.
can't waste time. can't waste time.
When will old man Hasler break down
And come up with our
7- and-a-half-cent raise?
I can't even buy me a wreck
Of a secondhand car
On that salary he pays
What do you think
Of the new superintendent?
- He's cute.
- He'll never last.
He's kind of fresh
For a new superintendent
- I like a man with spunk.
- You like a man, period.
All right, cut the laughing.
Cut out the laughing, hurry up.
Tempus fugit, tempus fugit.
Waste, waste, waste.
Hurry up.
Hurry up
Hurry up
Hurry up, waste time
Hurry up, waste time
Hurry up, waste time
When you're racing with the clock
And the second hand
Doesn't understand
That your back may break
And your fingers ache
And your constitution
Isn't made of rock
It's a losing race
When you're racing with the
Racing, racing, racing
With the clock
Can't waste time
Racing with the clock
- Here's some tape.
- Thanks.
- A Chicago guy.
- He don't belong in this town.
"I'll fix it," he says.
Oh, give him a chance, boys.
He's only been here two days.
- Sid?
- Yeah? Pull me out.
- Mr. Hasler wants you.
- Again?
Give me a screwdriver.
I'm nearly done.
- I'll tell him you're awfuI busy.
- Thanks.
You know how much they're paying
at the packing plant?
- A dollar three up.
- Screwdriver.
You know something else?
They're paying $ 1. 14
up at the casket company.
My gosh, you'd be a sensation
up at the casket company.
You could get a job up there
as a tester...
...and just lie in coffins
all day long.
- Now hurry up.
- I'm hurrying.
- Well, hurry faster.
- Hey.
- Hey, you can't do that to me.
- I can't? I just did.
Well, I'll fix you.
- I'm getting the grievance committee.
- Go. It'll give you something to do.
I don't have to take
that stuff off nobody.
Go away, boy. You bother me.
I'll show you.
And on my weak arm too.
That grievance committee
can start quite a rhubarb.
This whole town is a rhubarb.
- Oh, you'll get used to it.
- I sure intend to.
Hey, you. Go down to the storeroom,
get me a switch and a piece of cable.
Oh, Mr. Sorokin,
I told you to be carefuI.
When I heard about you
beating up that boy-
I didn't beat him up.
Well, he's dangling his arm
like it hurt something terrible.
- Here comes Babe Williams.
- Be delighted to talk to him.
All right, mister, here's Babe Williams.
So this is the committee.
That's right, Mr. Sorokin.
This is the committee.
Charlie, this grievance committee
is different.
- Never mind the snow job.
- Oh, sorry.
All right, I shoved the kid.
What's the next move?
- He says you hit him.
- No, I just-
- Look, Miss Wilson, I've got-
- Miss Williams.
- What's the difference?
- I'm sorry.
- He ought to know the right name.
- Mae, will you take it easy.
Mr. Sorokin, I've got quite a few
problems of my own right now.
- This helper says you socked him.
- He does?
Let's say I shoved him.
It sounds more refined.
You are not supposed
to strike an employee.
We have rules about that.
For both sides, I hope.
Listen, miss,
I'll spread it on the table.
This young man
needs vocational guidance.
- Think so?
- He wants to be a bank president.
I don't see what all this
has to do with it.
You don't seem to have made a good
impression on the new superintendent.
He ain't got no right to shove me
around, especially on my weak arm.
Listen, miss, I've gotta get
this factory going.
- can't we take this up later?
- Of course we can, Mr. Sorokin.
That's in the rulebook too.
Have the nurse check you
and send me a report.
can't shove me around.
It was broke once already.
Thanks for your cooperation,
Miss Williams.
- It's all in the rulebook.
- I must read that sometime.
You certainly should.
AII I have to say is, you're the cutest
committee I've ever had to deal with.
- Oh, that's what I want.
- What's going on now?
come on, girls, let's pull together.
This is a crisis. The tops
are 15 minutes behind the bottoms.
can't waste time. Hurry up. Hurry up.
When you're racing with the clock
When you're racing with the clock
And the second hand
Doesn't understand
That your back may break
And your fingers ache
And your constitution
Isn't made of rock
It's a losing race
When you're racing...
I never know what to wear
to a picnic.
If you got the style, it don't matter.
You elected me president.
You gotta have confidence in me.
- AII I says is that we were wasting-
- No time to talk ultimatums and strikes.
- But that 7 and a half cents.
- Wait a minute.
No question we're gonna get
that 7-and-a-half-cent raise.
Other companies are paying it
and we're entitled.
But we gotta be smart.
Wait till Hasler's got so many orders in
he can't afford to close the factory.
Then we got him.
What about that helper yesterday?
Says the super socked him.
- I didn't get no report on that.
- Oh, that's one for the birds.
- Why, he hasn't even got a bruise.
- No?
No. The nurse says he's a faker.
I guess maybe that's right.
- Sure, he's a phony.
- Okay.
Why, if that Sorokin guy had
really hit him, he'd break him in two.
Mr. Sorokin is so strong.
He's so wonderfuI.
- What's this?
- The new super.
I think he's simply... don't you?
- I didn't notice.
- I noticed.
I thought Babe was noticing too.
She lit up.
You know, you girls are really-
Love comes at last to Babe Williams.
Will you get off it?
I hardly looked at the man.
I'm the grievance committee.
Love? Are you nuts?
Some people can't tell
when it hits them.
All you gotta do is say hello to a man
And they've got you
Whispering in his ear
All you gotta do it seems
Is work for him
And they've got you goin '
Berserk for him
If there's a guy
You merely have a beer with
They've got you
Setting the wedding date
It seems they've just
Gotta have some dirt
To bend your ear with
So before you start
I herewith state
I'm not at all in love
Not at all in love, not I
Not a bit
Not a mite
Though I'll admit
He's quite a hunk of guy
He's not my cup of tea
Not my cup of tea, not he
Not an ounce
Not a pinch
He's just an inch
Too sure of himself for me
Well, of course, you've noticed
His manly physique
And that look in his eye
Say, I'm sure he can cut
Most any man down to size
He must be as fierce as a tiger
When he's mad
And I'll bet he cries like a little boy
When he's sad
But I'm not at all in love
Not at all in love, not I
Not a straw
Not a hair
I don't care
If he's as strong as a lion
Or if he has the rest of you sighin '
You may be sold
But this girl ain't buyin '
I'm not at all in love
She's not at all in love
Not at all in love, oh, no
Not a pin
Not a crumb
Must be the summer heat
That gives her that glow
'Cause she's not at all in love
Not at all in love, she cries
Not a snip
Not a bite
Must be the light from the ceiling
Shining there in her eyes
He's young and handsome and smart
And we can't get over it
But this lady's heart
He doesn't affect a bit
It's easy to see that her daffy grin
Is the grin she always wears
And she's breathless
Because she ran up a flight of stairs
- Obviously
- Naturally
- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
- Obviously.
- Naturally.
She's not at all in love
Not at all in love, not she
No, I'm not
Not a dot
Not a touch
No, not much
When I fall in love
There'll be no doubt about it
'Cause you will know
From the way that I shout it
You're shouting.
I haven't fallen
She hasn't fallen
- I'm not at all in love
- She's not at all in love
Superintendent's office.
Come in. Oh, yes, Sid.
Dolores Paradisso, that's her name.
Well, she's supposed
to be very elegant.
She can sew a button on a fly... she was pouring tea
for the Queen of England.
Oh, yeah. She can pull hair all right.
- Them girls had another fight.
- Wanna buy a ticket for the picnic?
Might as well and get it over with.
One dollar and all the beer
you can guzzle.
No beer for me.
Gives me heartburn something awfuI.
- Yeah, me too.
- Oh, you.
- Here.
- Thanks.
You gonna do your
knife-throwing act?
I suppose so. There always
seems to be a demand for it.
Was you honest on the real stage?
That's where I first met him, Poopsie.
He was throwing knives at a woman
at the Majestic Theater.
It's gonna be some picnic.
I saw you.
Leaving him a note, huh?
- Carrying on with Sorokin.
- Oh, Vernon.
I saw you put that note
on his desk.
I'm not blind.
And that's why you wore that
low-necked dress to work today.
You make me scream, Vernon.
- You just make me scream.
- Okay, then what's in it?
- I dare you to tell me what's in it.
- Read it, then go cut your throat.
"Okay payroll. $ 7502.01. "
That means "I love you"
in the Morse code.
Ain't you ashamed of yourself,
Now that we've got that all settled... you think you could trust
me as far as the ladies' room?
I'll never be jealous again, Gladys.
I promise.
Maybe I'll give you cause someday.
I've learnt my lesson.
I'll never be jealous again.
- You stick to that now.
- Absolutely.
That's easier said than done
- I can do it
- I knew it
But let's take an example
Just for fun
Picture this
You're waiting three hours
For her to come home from a date
There I am, I'm waiting three hours
For her to come home from a date
Here she comes
Her lipstick is smeared
And she can't seem to walk
Very straight
Here she comes
Her lipstick is smeared
And she can't seem to walk
Very straight
Then she drops a bottle of rye
And not battin ' an eye
Says a train wreck made her late
Well, Hinesie,
what would you do then?
I would trust her
I would trust her
By George, I swear I would trust her
No, I'll never be jealous again
- Nice work.
- I know what I'm doing, Mabel.
- Now let's take another example.
- Sure, Mabel.
Picture this, you've nothin ' to do
So you drop in to chat for a while
There I am with nothin ' to do
So I drop in to chat for a while
Something's up, the window is open
And Gladys is forcin ' a smile
Somethin's up, the window is open
And Gladys is forcin ' a smile
Then you see a hat and a tie
And a pair of socks
In a nice, neat little pile
Well, Hinesie?
I would trust her
I would trust her
By George, I swear I would trust her
No, I'll never be jealous
I'll never, never, never, never, never
Never be jealous again
That's the stuff,
you're practically cured.
There will be no more
Nightmares to sleep through
No more keyholes to peep through
No more bushes to creep through
That's my plan
Well, now that you're a new man
Picture this
You go to your sweetie's apartment
You borrowed the keys
There I am
I go to my sweetie's apartment
I borrowed the keys
There she is
She's giving a sailor
A very affectionate squeeze
There she is
She's giving a sailor
A very affectionate squeeze
Then to boot
She tells you
She was in the arms of her cousin
Who's back from overseas
Her cousin.
You expect me to believe that?
I would trust her
I would trust her
By George, I swear I would trust her
No, I'll never be jealous
I'll never, never, never, never, never
Never, never, never, never, never
- Never be jealous again
- Good.
Hinesie. Hinesie, stop it.
Stop it. Hinesie, stop it.
What will Mr. Hasler say?
Have you gone crazy?
Hinesie, stop it. Hinesie, stop it.
This is terrible.
Memo: Cutting foreman. Too many
rejects on rayon crepe numbers.
What right has the union to run their
Pepsi-Cola machine with our electricity?
Well, what's this?
This shouldn't be Iying around.
- Gladys.
- Yes?
- This book.
- Oh, you scared the life out of me.
It's all right.
I've got the key around my neck.
I don't want it left Iying around.
- Is that clear?
- Yes, Mr. Hasler.
If I can't trust Gladys,
who can I trust?
What was my book
doing up here anyhow?
The old man's got a bad case
of "bookitis," hasn't he?
- Yes.
- I wonder if he's got...
...a skeleton locked in there.
Say, Mabel, tell me something.
What kind of a girI
is this Babe Williams?
- She's peppy.
- I can see that.
Full of life.
- Give me Ladies' Pants.
- Yes, Mr. Sorokin.
- Hello?
- Prez? Sorokin speaking.
Whatever happened
to that complaint from the helper?
I'd like to get it settled.
Would you send the grievance
committee up to my office?
- No, right away.
- Okay, Sid.
I heard you had an eye for her.
You hear things easy
around this place.
First thing you know
they'll be talking about us.
Don't think it hasn't been mentioned.
Memo: Head cutter-
Come in. Have a seat.
Yes, Mr. Hasler, I'll be right there.
The last six lots
went over the estimate.
Better check with your markers.
I wanted to talk to you about
that assault and battery case.
- Well, we thought we would forget that.
- That's a relief.
The committee decided
just to drop the matter.
Well, I wanted to get it straight.
For a while there I thought
that you and I'd have to fight a duel.
Seems that won't be necessary.
As a matter of fact,
we have been fighting a duel.
Every time I come on your floor I try to
get you to look at me, but I always lose.
Never a look.
Perhaps I'm just very
interested in my work.
But as far as that helper is concerned,
we know that you had provocation.
What I had to go through to get him
to kick across with a screwdriver.
I'd have been justified
if I had socked him.
Well, we won't go into that.
But anyhow, we have it down
in our books as a slight nudge.
I think a little physical punishment
is good for people once in a while.
Oh, you do, Captain Bligh?
No, not exactly.
Sit down for a second, will you?
I wanna talk to you.
- How about a date?
- What?
How about going out to dinner
some night?
Well, I don't know, I...
Maybe check up on some
of the local hot spots?
Thank you very much, Mr. Sorokin,
but I don't think so.
What is this strange power
I have over women?
But it wouldn't work, not at all.
Looks like I struck out that time.
Well, it's nothing personal.
But you see, you're the superintendent,
and I'm the grievance committee.
Memo: Timekeeper. Be sure all girls fill
out credit cards properly and check...
Memo: To Sid Sorokin.
Hey, there
You with the stars in your eyes
Love never made a fool of you
You used to be too wise
Hey, there
You on that high-flyin ' cloud
Though she won't throw
A crumb to you
You think someday
She'll come to you
Better forget her
Her with her nose in the air
She has you dancin ' on a string
Break it and she won't care
Will you take this advice
I hand you
Like a brother?
Or are you not seein ' things
Too clear?
Are you just too far gone to hear?
Is it all goin ' in one ear
And out the other?
Hey, there
You with the stars in your eyes
Who, me?
Love never made a fool of you
Not untiI now.
You used to be too wise
Yeah, I was. Once.
Hey, there
I hear you.
You on that high flyin ' cloud
Though she won't throw
A crumb to you
Don't rub it in.
You think someday
She'll come to you
Oh, shut up.
Better forget her
Forget her
Her with her nose in the air
Her with her nose in the air
She has you dancing on a string
A puppet on a string
Break it and she won't care
She won't care for me
Will you take this advice
I hand you
Like a brother?
Or are you not seein ' things
Too clear?
Are you too much in love to hear?
Is it all goin ' in one ear
And out the other?
- What a day, eh, Prez?
- Yeah, solid gold.
I love these picnics.
Always come back
from the road for them.
Say, on this last trip I sold a lot
of Sleeptite pajamas, believe me.
- Oh, you did, eh?
- I knocked them for a loop in Masalon...
...Chilicarty, Van Worth, Napoleon.
Finest season I ever had, girls.
I'll have to announce that there
ain't gonna be enough baked beans...
...but there's plenty of potato salad.
So them that don't care for beans can
go heavy on the salad and vice versa.
I can never remember a time
when competition was so ruthless...
...dealers so cantankerous,
costs outrageous...
...and profit margins sunk so low.
My good friends,
pajamas are at the crossroads.
if it isn't the grievance committee.
- Should've run faster.
- I have a grievance.
There's a new fella here
named Sid Sorokin.
Knocking himself out to be a dandy
fellow but he can't make a score.
Well, you just tell Mr. Sorokin that Miss
Williams is a very cold, hard-boiled doll.
He wouldn't like her at all.
This way for the knife throwing.
Oh, there's the knife throwing.
This I gotta see.
This way for the great
knife-throwing exhibition.
- What happened to you?
- Stay out in the open.
- Don't get down in them woods.
- Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Make way for the old professor.
Let me place my knives.
Hurry, hurry, hurry,
for a riot of thrills.
Introducing Professor Vernon Hines,
master of the flying blades... his sensational demonstration
of iron nerve and skill.
- Is the trained nurse in attendance?
- The nurse is here.
I'm ready.
I beg your forbearance.
I'm out of practice.
One, two...
Hey, Hinesie, put one here.
- Look out.
- That's a crazy girI.
Now if some young lady
from the audience...
...will stand in front of the board...
...I'll show the act as it should be.
- My mother loves me.
- Come on, Mae, you do it.
- No, don't.
- You're so big he can't miss.
Now cut that out. Behave yourself.
Eleven years
and never drew a drop of blood.
- I'll do it.
- Don't get foolish.
I'll do it.
Can you knock the apple
off my head, Hinesie?
That's the spirit, Babe.
You show them, kid.
- I don't think she should.
- Please, Babe, don't.
One, two...
- Where's my apple?
- I think that's enough.
Give it to me.
you're making us all frightened.
You frightened,
how do you think I feel?
Come on, Hinesie. Shoot.
Well, now will you just
hold perfectly still?
- Oh, no.
- She's shaking. Goodness, she's shaking.
- Something awfuI's gonna happen.
- You better not, Babe.
All right, everybody,
will you hold still?
One, two...
Is it over?
Now break it up. Get that stuff
out of here now. Break it up.
Hey, that's an insult. My skill
has never been questioned before.
Go drown yourself.
Break it up, all of you, break it up.
My, but you're an impetuous girI.
Where you going, Mae?
No place special.
I tell you I'm not jealous.
I didn't say you were jealous,
I said you were drunk.
Well, you can't have everything.
That defiant policy is gonna get you
in trouble some day, Catherine Williams.
It's been working out so far.
Look, I've got a new policy in mind
for both you and me.
Let's quit fighting.
What fight?
Come here, Catherine.
The new policy.
Gee, Babe, you're terrific.
You're not so bad yourself.
For a superintendent.
Listen, I'm not the superintendent.
What did you do, resign?
Today I'm just Sid, you're just Babe.
A guy and his girI.
Sid, just because I kissed you,
does that make me your girI?
Well, anyway, the feud is over.
This picnic is going to be okay.
- Can you polka?
- Of course not.
Come on.
Don't you wanna be my girI?
- Why don't you answer my question?
- Do I have to?
Now is the historic moment.
How about it? Do you like me?
Of course I do, you silly thing.
You do? Holy smoke, what a picnic.
What a girI. What a day.
Put me down.
This is my once a year day
Once a year day
Felt the mornin ' sun
I knew that
This was my once a year day
Once a year day
Even got a kiss from you
I feel like hoppin ' up and down
Like a kangaroo
Jumpin ' fences, climbin ' trees
What pleases me is what I'll do
'Cause this is our once a year day
Once a year day
Everyone's entitled to be wild
Be a child, be a goof
Raise the roof
Once a year
This is our once a year day
Once a year day
Once a year we're jumpin ' fences
This is our once a year day
Once a year day
Once a year we lose our senses
Look at Charlie by the barn
Kissin ' Katie's ear
Charlie's wife is fightin ' mad
I'm glad it's only once a year
Look at Papa Halterbush
Claims he's 93
Actin ' like he's 22
He's chasin ' Sadie up a tree
'Cause this is his once a year day
Once a year day
Everyone's entitled to be wild
Be a child, be a goof
Raise the roof
Once a year
This is our once a year day
Once a year day
Everyone's entitled to be wild
When you first come here after
that picnic last week, Katie says to me:
"Don't be a pest.
Don't talk too darn much. "
Might be a lot worse
if I didn't talk at all, eh, Sid?
You're right.
I always says a railroad man can't
be too much of a doggone pest...
...because he ain't home enough.
- You go on your run tonight, don't you?
- Yes, off to Milwaukee, doggone it.
Say, Sid, here's something
you don't see every day.
- What is it?
- A petrified bat.
Oh, Pop. Sid is not interested
in petrified bats.
What the heck, dear,
I didn't say he was.
Yeah, I know you.
The tyranny of women.
Well, I'm gonna get my things.
Old number 15 waits for no man.
Pop belt your ears off?
He's a great guy. I like him.
But I like you better.
No, no, no.
Wait till Pop goes out.
- Say, Sid, do you like stamps?
- Oh, Pop.
Even if he don't, that's something
that'd interest anyone.
Two sets of mint Columbians.
Late blocks on every issue since 1919.
Good night, Katie.
- Night, Pop.
- Come around anytime, Sid.
I'd like to.
Say, he has got a full set
of mint Columbians.
Sure, he has.
That's why I work at Sleeptite.
I feel good, Babe. Feel like home.
- Wonder if we've got any onions.
- Onions?
Gonna make a western.
You want one?
That's my baby boy,
she wants a western.
No, honey. I do not want a western.
Food is not uppermost
in my thoughts at the moment.
- I suppose you want some coffee too.
- No, it'll keep me awake.
Now cut that out.
What's the matter, lover?
I don't wanna talk small talk
Now that I'm alone with you
I don't wanna talk small talk
We've got bigger things to do
Let's not talk of the weather
Or the fashions for the fall
Why don't you stop
All this small talk?
I've got somethin ' better
For your lips to do
And that takes no talk
At all
I gotta buy me a dressy dress
The one that I have is such a mess
Small talk
Who will you vote for next election?
How do you like the stamp collection?
Small talk
Read in a book the other day
That halibut spawn in early May
And horses whinny and donkeys bray
And furthermore
The Pygmy tribes in Africa
May have a war
- No?
- Yes.
I don't wanna talk small talk
What do you think
They charge for fruit now?
Now that I'm alone with you
Got so a buck ain't worth a hoot now
- I don't wanna talk small talk
- Read where the winters
Are getting milder
- We've got bigger things to do
- And that the teenage kids are wilder
- Let's not talk of the weather
- One of these days I'll paint the kitchen
- Or the fashions for the fall
- Get Pop to put a new light switch in
Why don't you stop
All this small talk?
- Like I was saying...
- I've got something better
- What I mean is...
- For you lips
- I was only...
- To do
- Look out, I'm cooking.
- You sure are.
...I love you.
- Darling.
- Sid...
...there's something
we've got to talk about.
- What?
- I think you're wonderfuI, and I love you.
But we're in for a lot of trouble.
No, baby, why should we be?
Because something's going
to come between us.
- Who?
- It's not any "who. "
Seven and a half cents.
Oh, that.
That contract, lover, that's important.
Maybe we should face that-
- Don't talk such nonsense.
- Sid, you mustn't treat me like a baby.
- I'm not, darling.
- Then you've got to listen to me.
I don't know why the union
is so important to me, but it is.
I guess you just gotta be on a team.
So that's why, no matter
what's with us, Sid...
...I'm gonna be fighting
for my side and fighting hard.
All right.
How do you feel about me, Babe?
I love you terribly.
If we both feel the same way
about each other, isn't that enough?
Oh, you don't know me.
Babe, I love you.
If you can take it I can.
I don't wanna talk small talk
I've got somethin ' better
For your lips to do
And that takes no talk
And that takes no talk
- At all
- At all
Babe, are you happy?
I'm not even touching the ground.
It's good, isn't it?
So good I can hardly believe it.
Tell me.
- Again?
- Tell me.
- I love you.
- Tell me.
I love you more than all the heroes
in all the history books in the world.
- Tell me.
- What a woman. I'll tell you.
There once was a man
Who loved a woman
She was the one he slew a dragon for
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as he
But me, I love you more
- Tell me.
- And there once was a man
Who loved a woman
She was the one
He gave his kingdom for
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as he
But me, I love you more
My love is a giant, fierce and defiant
But how can I prove it to you?
Ain't got no kingdom, no dragon
To back up my braggin '
How can I show what I would do?
I only know there once was a man
Who loved a woman
She was the one he ate that apple for
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as he
But me, I love you more
Tell me.
There once was a woman
Who loved a man
He was the one
That she took poison for
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as she
But me, I love you more
There once was a woman
Who loved a man
He was the one
She swam the channel for
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as she
But me, I love you more
My love's meteoric
It's merely historic
A whirlwind, a cyclone on wheels
It rocks the whole solar plexus
It's bigger 'n Texas
I just can't tell you how it feels
I only know there once was a woman
Who loved a man
Loved him enough
To cause the Trojan War
They say that nobody ever
Loved as much as she
But me, I love you more
An ' more, an ' more, an ' more
- More than a hangman loves his rope
- More than a dope fiend loves his dope
- More than an Injun loves his scalps
- More than a yodeler loves his Alps
- More.
- More.
- There once was a man
- There once was a woman
- Who loved a woman
- Who loved a man
- She was the one he slew the dragon for
- He was the one that she took poison for
- They say nobody loved as much as she
- They say nobody loved as much as he
- But me, I love you more
- But me, I love you more
- But me
- But me
- I love you more
- I love you more
I wanna be fair.
That's what I keep telling you.
That's my whole principle
of business.
I want my relations with the union
to be as pleasant as possible.
The committee's in there
talking to Mr. Hasler.
Well, I'm steering clear of that.
- I'll go get my lunch.
- We ate already.
Let's not adjourn
with any hard feelings.
We must preserve
that fine Sleeptite spirit.
That's easy to say, Mr. Hasler,
but we're not getting anyplace.
- We're going backwards.
- I didn't say no. I said, not now.
Look, Mr. Hasler, this thing has been
dragging on for months.
The help are getting jumpy.
Their patience is about wore out.
I wanna be fair.
I'm gonna tell you
the plain truth, Mr. Hasler.
We know the company's doing
one heck of a business.
We don't have no education,
but we got eyes and ears.
Everybody in the industry has had a
7- and-a-half-cent raise but us.
As I said, I wanna be fair.
That's always been my policy.
So I don't give you a yes
and I don't give you a no.
I say that we have to examine it
and I have to talk to the board.
That's just the way
we're gonna leave it.
Sure. Come on.
I told you we wouldn't get no place.
- Looks like another run around, Prez.
- He's a fighter, he says. What a line.
Well, what do we do now?
- Slowdown.
- Attaboy, this is it.
You know what to do.
You're in charge of this room, Babe.
- I got you.
- Go to it.
Go to your places.
Steam room.
Something's wrong here.
What's the matter?
I guess I'm just overworked
or something, Mr. Hines.
Ever since lunch I just
can't get the hang of it.
Well, I think I get the hang of it.
I'm gonna see the superintendent
on what's going on around here.
Hurry up
Hurry up
- Hurry up
- Can't waste time
- Hurry up
- Can't waste time
- When you're racing with the clock
- Can't waste time
- When you're racing with the clock
- Hurry up
- And the second hand
- Hurry up
- Doesn't understand
- Hurry up
That your back may break
And your fingers ache
And your constitution
Isn't made of-
All right, just a minute.
Now listen to me.
This is a nice show you're
putting on here, but I don't like it.
My job's to turn out goods
and that's what we're gonna do.
You have a contract.
I didn't make it but it's there.
I want a day's work for a day's pay.
I can still hire and fire
around here, you know.
Now let's go.
Somebody jammed the line.
Who did that?
I did.
You're fired.
I am?
Well, that's just fine.
I haven't had
a vacation in three years.
I need one.
So long, girls.
Get Charlie.
We'll be operating again in 15 minutes.
Now clear out till I call you back.
I have a fuse and a switch.
Boy, look out.
Did you get burned?
What's going on down at the plant,
you all know as good as I.
And any members of the type I run into
from time to time who say:
"What good is a union?
Why should I pay my dues?"
Why, they could get
a mighty good object lesson...
...from where would they be now
in this battle for the 7 and a half cents...
...that they wouldn't get
if it wasn't for the union.
What's sure as shooting
gonna get it.
So leave us all remember...
...that our union should be first
and foremost in our minds... only to our loved ones
and the tiny tots and kiddies.
Now before we break up, we're
gonna have a little entertainment...
...and I hope you're gonna show
a special courtesy tonight.
A couple of the cutting room boys is
got up an act with Gladys Hotchkiss...
...who is from the front office.
And if these good folk is good enough to
come down here and do this act for us...
...why, the least you can do is not
to sneak out the back way like last time.
The little number they got worked up
is something that's right on the nose...
...because it's about getting hot.
And fellow union members...
...that's what we're doing.
Getting hot.
Where'd you get the hat?
Quiet. Quiet. Shut up, everybody.
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
But I need your love
To keep away the cold
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
But I can't get warm
Without your hand to hold
The radiator's hissin '
Still I need your kissin '
To keep me from freezin ' each night
I got a hot water bottle
But nothin ' I got'll take the place of you
Holdin ' me tight
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
I got steam heat
But I need your love
To keep away the cold
They told me to shovel more coal
In the boiler
They told me to shovel more coal
In the boiler
They told me to shovel more coal
In the boiler
But that don't do no good
They told me to pour some more oil
In the burner
They told me to pour some more oil
In the burner
They told me to pour some more oil
In the burner
But that don't do no good
- Coal in the boiler
- No good
- Oil in the burner
- No good
- Cold?
- No
- Hot?
- Yes
Yes, yes, yes
Come on, union, get hot
But I need your love
To keep away the cold
I need your love
To keep away
The cold
Listen, Mae, pay attention to the meeting
and quit guzzling all that free beer.
I ain't guzzling,
I'm just being sociable.
Sure, Mae's got to
keep her strength up.
We can't just sit around here and
do nothing. We gotta make plans.
Hasler ain't gonna give in easy.
- We got the slowdown.
- I mean other things.
More like, for instance..., why, this suggestion
I got here from Jake Fondermeyer.
He says when he was working
at the Ironclad Overall Company...
...and they was having trouble,
why, they spit tobacco juice... the back hip pockets
of the overalls.
I draw the line at chewing tobacco.
I wasn't suggesting that.
How about if the packers
put the size large bottoms...
...with the size small tops?
And like that?
Sure. Now, that's what I mean.
That's constructive.
- Excuse me.
- That's clear thinking.
Sure. Sure, I recognize your voice.
- But that won't take effect soon enough.
- No, I suppose not.
Yes, I am.
Let's be practical.
No, I can't talk now.
I've been away three days and...
I'm gonna break down
and have another beer.
Look, I have several people here.
It wouldn't do any good anyway.
I'm sorry. Goodbye.
They were saying...
Well, look, I don't
wanna get Babe into trouble.
What trouble can you get me into?
I'm fired already.
Well, the union ought to do
something about that too.
If she hadn't stood right up
and said she did it, we could've.
But if somebody up and admits they
been busting the company property...
Listen, here's a confidence
just inside the committee.
Some of the buttons
ain't being sewed on so good.
Wait till the salesmen
come screaming back to Hasler.
- Hello.
- Hi, Mr. Williams.
Oh, big meeting, huh?
- Hiya, honey.
- Hiya, Pop.
Don't let me interrupt.
Well, that's about it, anyhow.
- Sure.
- Okay.
And let's be thinking of new ways
to jam things up.
All right.
Let me take you home, huh, Mae?
I don't mind.
Well, I gotta step on it.
- Can you give me a lift?
- Sure, come on.
You can drop me off at the drugstore.
- Night, Babe.
- Night.
- And thanks for the beer.
- Okay.
Oh, don't be so nervous.
That's what I like about picnics.
They bring people together.
They sure do.
I never thought you was aware
I was alive, untiI that day.
How could I miss you?
You're the kind that stands out
in a crowd. Know what I mean?
- I thought I told-
- Have you really been away?
Sure. I went to Chicago
to visit the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Just because we're on different
sides, is that any reason...
- ... for you and me to get all balled up?
- Looks like it, doesn't it?
Not to me, it doesn't.
What kind of a queen
are you anyway?
Haven't you heard?
I'm the sweetheart of Local 343...
...Amalgamated Shirt and Pajama
Workers of America.
My gosh, Sid, I warned you.
I told you. You know?
You knew all about how I felt.
I happen to think there are certain things
a person has to stand for in this life.
But I guess you forgot about that.
I forget nothing.
They pay me to run a factory.
So run the factory. You stick
to your side and I'll stick to mine.
Listen, Miss Williams.
I love you.
corny, ain't it?
Did you hear me?
Babe, can't you see my side of it?
I can't faiI at this.
I was a foreman
when I bluffed my way into this job...
...and I'm gonna fight to stay here.
Now that I've got you in my plans
I'm fighting even harder.
Watch those hands, tycoon.
Well, here we are. Oh, hello, Sid.
I thought I heard your voice.
What you got there, Pop,
your stamp album?
Now don't get excited. Sid don't
wanna look at it, he doesn't have to.
There's no law against
my looking at it, is there?
Sid likes stamps, he told me so.
But me, I'm just plain bushed, so if you
don't mind I think I'll slide off to bed.
Run along, honey. Good night, dear.
Good night. Sleep well.
...suppose we start with the
Pan-American Exposition issue of 1901.
I guess that's as good a place
to start off as any.
Hey, there
You with the stars in your eyes
Love never made a fool of you
You used to be too wise
Hey, there
You on that high-flyin ' cloud
Though you've been acting cold
To him
You know your heart
Is sold to him
Get on the ball, girl
Just take it all in your stride
Don't let him make you fall apart
You've always had such pride
Won't you take this advice
I hand you like a brother
Or are you not seein ' things
Too clear?
Are you too much
In love...
Hines, this is an emergency, come on.
The whole country is on the skids.
Here I am right now with employees
openly defiant of top management.
Look, Mr. Hasler, maybe if we
offered a compromise.
Not untiI there's ice
in Hades three feet thick.
I'm a fighter, Sorokin.
We got hundreds of orders to get out.
That's right, Mr. Hasler. Now here's
this letter from Marx and Klein-
Marx and Klein. Wholesalers.
Doggone chain outfit.
Doggone communists.
Want another price cut, I suppose.
- I been looking for you, Mr. Hasler.
- Where'd you come from?
- You look like a medium. I need you.
- What on earth is going on around here?
- Take your pants off.
- I'll do no such thing.
Mr. Hasler, this is life and death
to the Sleeptite organization.
- I want him to model these pajamas.
- Hines, take your pants off.
Okay, chief.
- Me? Honest?
- Come on.
- Come on.
- What a day.
I'm a very busy man.
I'm a time-study man, not a model.
- This is all for Sleeptite, mister.
- Hines, put those pajamas on.
Hurry it up. Let's get it
over with. Whatever it is.
Mr. Hasler, I want you
to get the picture.
I'm showing Mr. charley Robertson
of the Robertson Brothers.
I ain't some type salesmen
who believes in half measures.
Whenever I have a sample room,
I do what we got Hinesie doing.
I model the pants myself. I don't-
BeautifuI styling.
What more do you want?
Now wait. Here I am in Peoria,
I'm modeling the pants.
Mr. Robertson and his buyers are
impressed with the line and ready to buy.
- Get the picture?
- Go on, go on.
I hope there's some point to all this.
Hines, take a deep breath.
Stick out your stomach.
This is truly ridiculous.
Bear in mind I got these pajamas
out of stock. Right out of the box.
Go on, Hines, breathe.
Take a big breath.
He said to breathe. Breathe.
Let's get it over with.
My gosh.
No, leave them lay.
- What are you doing? Playing games?
- Let me see those.
They're all like that. Every one.
Boxes and boxes of them.
- Well, what's the idea? Who did this?
- Somebody's got a sense of humor.
What are you talking about?
- Two threads in every waistband button.
- What?
They're not sewed on.
Only two threads.
- Somebody's being very cute.
- Cute? Sabotage. Open rebellion.
- On the other hand it may be just-
- Oh, put your pants on.
- Sorry, boss.
- What did you do, Vernon?
I didn't do anything.
I'll be the laughing stock
of the pajama game.
What'd this Robertson do
when your pants fell down?
He laughed, Mabel.
No sense of humor.
Hold the orders till we check
the stock. I'll be right down.
- Come on, Max.
- They think they can lick Myron Hasler...
...they got another guess coming.
I'll go down and fire the whole factory.
I'll naiI it up, board it down. And, Hines,
I want an individual time report...
...on each individual worker.
I don't care if they-
- I got an individual...
- Oh, no. My vice president.
Partly your fault. Well, do something.
Rip it. Tear it loose.
Now, Mr. Hasler, in this letter
from Marx and Klein-
Don't bother me with letters
from Marx and Klein or anybody.
Gladys, don't forget the meeting
of the board of directors tomorrow.
Two threads. That's what I've got
to tell them. Two threads.
- We gotta recall an awfuI lot of orders.
- How many?
- They're gonna let us know.
- Sabotage.
- Mr. Hasler.
- Yeah?
- I'd like to make a pitch.
- Pitch? All right, pitch ahead.
Let me make my position clear.
I'm for the company
first, last and always.
But labor problems have got to end up
in one way. Compromise.
Sorokin, you've been around here
long enough to learn something.
But you seem a little slow.
- I'm a fighter. Keep your dukes up.
- Yes, but-
Don't waste your breath on me,
keep your dukes up.
Hey, cheer up.
- Yeah. "Keep your dukes up. "
- What?
Mr. Hasler wants me
to take boxing lessons.
You certainly are a character.
I'd like to get some information
out of you too.
What kind?
Double entry.
Well, you're not gonna
get any information.
So there.
I'm a desperate man. I hate to ask
a cute kid like you to do me a favor.
Sid, dear, you wouldn't want me to
violate a trust, would you?
I sure would, if it'd help
unsnarI things around here.
Why is that so important?
Because my future depends upon the
titanic struggle for pajama survival.
You're a scream.
- And I just feel that if-
- No, no. Not that.
I wouldn't ask you to show it to me.
Just leave it around.
No. Besides, it's locked anyhow.
I know a sexy dame
who'd lend me the key.
Oh, you think so?
Well, it'd be fun
trying to persuade her.
It might be fun to have you try.
- Well, I gotta go now.
- No. Wait.
For what?
Let's go out tonight.
Well, I hope you're not serious
about that key.
I don't feel like being serious
about anything.
You're busy, huh?
No. I sure would like to.
Oh, gee, where will you take me?
Anyplace you say.
I know a wonderfuI joint.
I know a dark, secluded place
A place where no one
Knows your face
A glass of wine
A fast embrace
It's called Hernando's Hideaway
All you see are silhouettes
And all you hear are castanets
And no one cares how late it gets
Not at Hernando's Hideaway
At the Golden Fingerbowl
Or anyplace you go
You will meet your uncle Max
And everyone you know
Soon you are sitting close
And making love to me
You may take my heart
You may take my soul
But not my key
Just knock three times
And whisper low
That you and I were sent by Joe
Then strike a match
And you will know
You're in Hernando's Hideaway
- Fresh.
- Who's that?
Poopsie. Poopsie. Poopsie.
Hey, buddy, this ain't Poopsie.
I know a dark secluded place
A place
Where no one knows your face
A glass of wine
A fast embrace
It's called Hernando's Hideaway
Joe sent us.
Poopsie. Poopsie.
At the Golden Fingerbowl
Or anyplace you go
You'll meet your uncle Max
And everyone you know
But if you go to the spot
That I am thinkin ' of
You will be free
To gaze at me
And talk of love
Just knock three times
And whisper low
That you and I were sent by Joe
Then strike a match
And you will know
You're in Hernando's Hideaway
I wanna ask you
a personal question, Sid.
- Do you like Scotch?
- No, Gladys, I don't like Scotch.
Neither do I. Scotch has
a very peculiar taste to it.
Kind of a Scotch-like taste?
Yeah, that's it. count me out.
- Is that gin?
- Yes, ma'am.
You're right.
You know, I can't figure you out, Sid.
I guess when you first came here, you
caught on I thought you were cute.
But you never gave me
a tumble till tonight.
I told you what I was up to, didn't I?
I forget. Tell me again.
I'm gonna get you fried
and get that key away from you.
You'll never get my key.
You'll never get my key.
They'll hear you.
You think I'm terrible, don't you?
I'd be glad to take you home.
No, I don't want you to, Prez.
I just asked you to bring me here.
- I gotta give someone a message.
- Good evening, Miss Williams.
- Shall I get you a table?
- No. I'm looking for somebody.
You're welcome.
- Hiya, folks.
- Howdy.
- Hi, Babe.
- Hello, Poopsie.
I thought
you was out bowling tonight.
Yeah, I was. I came over
to give somebody a message.
come on, Sid, let's dance.
What's the matter, Sid?
I don't feel so good.
- You sick, you mean?
- Not sick, just kind of depressed.
Oh, look, don't be repressed.
Look what I'm giving you. See?
Well, take it.
It's a lousy trick, Gladys.
Well, I'll just lend it to you.
And don't tell anybody.
You gotta give it back in the morning.
Hi, Babe.
- Yes, hello.
- Gladys, I just-
Sid and I are just old friends.
- Won't you join us?
- No, thank you.
I came to tell you that
Hinesie is out for blood.
He was over at the bowling alley.
He knows you two are out,
and he's going crazy.
Oh, Hinesie.
- And he's got a knife.
- The fooI.
He's always got a knife.
He's living in the past.
That's not healthy, you think so, Sid?
Look, I didn't come here to be funny.
And I didn't come here because...
...I'm craving your company or because
I wanna join your party or anything.
- I came to tell you that he's dangerous.
- He talks dangerous, but he isn't.
I think I'll take a nap.
Move over.
Prez, pay up for me and
take Gladys home, will you?
Gladys? Sure. Sure, Sid, glad to.
Got some important
bookkeeping to do.
Her is the cutest one.
I remember you.
I'm gonna take you home.
All right. But wait a minute,
I gotta take another nap.
Oh, I see you.
You don't need to drop anything.
You abandoned woman, you hussy.
After the way you behaved? Taking your
pants off in Mr. Hasler's office?
Don't touch me.
I'm out with friends.
And I'm glad I never married you.
- Hello.
- Hello. This is Sorokin, Mr. Hasler.
Sorry to get you out so early,
but it's important I talk to you at once.
Okay, I'll be there right away.
Thanks, I'll be waiting for you.
The committee from the union's
outside waiting to see you.
Yeah, I sent for them.
Come in.
I'm sorry to drag you here,
but I know you're having a union rally...
- ... and I wanna talk to you first.
- That's okay, Sid.
I think I got ahold of some facts
that may clean up this mess.
It better be quick. Either we get the
7 and a half cents or we vote to strike.
What I wanna ask is, will you keep the
rally going till I get there and talk to you?
- What about?
- About solving this thing.
There ought to be a time limit.
All right. You're gonna parade first.
- We sure are.
- That'll give me time.
Well, that's fair enough.
Oh, Miss Williams,
can I speak to you?
- We'll wait for you downstairs, Babe.
- Okay.
- I know explanations are lousy-
- Oh, no.
Babe, you've gotta give me
a chance to explain.
I don't want explanations.
It's humiliating.
- But you mustn't think that-
- I don't think anything, Sid. I don't care.
If it's about you and Gladys,
it's none of my business.
But it is your business.
Oh, please, I'm talking about
something bigger than that.
This is just great. can't we even talk
to each other and make sense anymore?
I don't see how. Not till this is over.
I've been eating mud long enough.
I've had it.
Well, then, what do you suggest?
Meet me after the rally tonight.
I can't. I have a date.
Well, that's that.
I'll break it.
I saw you.
Now, Vernon, cut that out.
You're just crazy, that's all.
I'll call the police.
You drove me too far this time.
You'll find out.
I know you're just trying
to scare me, but...
Help. Sid, Sid, you gotta do something.
v ernon's not fooling this time.
- Just calm yourself.
- But he's after me.
- He's been following me.
- I'll fix everything.
I'll take him aside
and tell him the whole story.
In the meantime, here's your key.
Listen. I thought I heard something.
You maniac. Hinesie, you idiot.
I'm sure glad
he got that out of his system.
But how do you know he has?
How do you-?
Cut it out, Gladys.
Everything is gonna be all right.
- You gotta stop him.
- I'll fix that, baby.
Well, all right, I'm here. I hope
this call turns out to be important. Wh-?
What's going on around here?
Now, that's not nice.
I don't like this.
This is company property, Sorokin.
I better explain, Mr. Hasler.
Well, I think somebody
had better explain-
- They're out to murder me.
- I'll stop that.
- Call the police.
- Yes, sir.
It's a plot to murder me. They've
imported gangsters from Chicago.
- It's the old Al capone mob.
- I don't think so, Mr. Hasler.
Don't argue with me.
See those knives?
- That's the work of foreigners.
- But, Mr. Hasler...
Hines, where you been? On the job, man.
The place is full of gangsters.
- They're out to get me.
- They're not after you, they're after me.
Why doesn't somebody do something?
Get me the police.
- You don't wanna arrest Hines, do you?
- Hines?
- He was trying to kill me.
- He was?
Hines, suppose you'd succeeded.
And me in the middle
of labor troubles. Suppose you hit him.
I could've hit him.
I was just trying to scare them.
This why you called me to come
down here and risk my life?
I called because there's gonna be a
strike tomorrow unless you listen.
- Gladys, have his head patched up.
- All right, Vernon.
Leave me alone. I'm a fighter,
I am. Dukes up.
Come on, tiger.
- Mr. Hasler.
- Yeah?
I'm going
before the board of directors.
- You are what?
- If I can't solve this in any other way.
- Solve what? Sometimes-
- I've been up all night with your ledger.
- What did you say?
- I apologize. I know you didn't hire me... a safecracker but I had to get
some facts. I been through your books.
That 7 and a half cents
was added to the cost six months ago.
I can put you in jaiI,
that's what I can do. Put you in jaiI.
You can't. But you can give that raise.
If you don't, I'll go before the board...
...and tell them the situation and how
many orders have been cancelled.
- Not one single-
- There's a dozen cancellations.
You're costing
the company thousands.
Mabel tried to tell you all day
yesterday about Marx and Klein.
And if this operation folds up,
I fold with it, and I don't want to.
So do me a favor.
Sit down and talk to me.
We're sure to win, ain't we, Prez?
What kind of question is that?
Sure we are. Babe'll tell you.
The answer is yes. That's the answer
to everything tonight.
Babe and me was up half the night
figuring things out.
I got it all written down on paper.
I figured it out
I figured it out
With a pencil and a pad
I figured it out
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't buy a heck of a lot
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't mean a thing
But give it to me every hour
Forty hours every week
That's enough for me to be
Livin ' like a king
- I figured it out
- He figured it out
- I figured it out
- He figured it out
With a pencil and a pad
I figured it out
Only five years from today
Only five years from today
I can see it all before me
Only five years from today
Five years. Now let's see, that's 260
weeks times 40 hours every week.
And roughly two-and-a-quarter hours
overtime, at time and a half for overtime.
Comes to exactly $852.74.
That's enough for me to get
An automatic washing machine
A year's supply of gasoline
Carpeting for the living room
A vacuum instead of a blasted broom
Not to mention
A 40-inch television set
So although
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't buy a heck of a lot
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't mean a thing
But give it to me every hour
Forty hours every week
That's enough for me to be
Livin ' like a king
- I figured it out
- She figured it out
- She figured it out
- I figured it out
With a pencil and a pad
I figured it out
Only 10 years from today
Only 10 years from today
I can see it clear as daylight
Only 10 years from today
Ten years.
Now, let's see.
That's 520 weeks,
times 40 hours every week.
And roughly two-and-a-quarter hours
overtime, at time and a half for overtime.
Comes to exactly $ 1705.48.
That's enough for me to buy
A trip to France across the seas
A motor boat and water skis
And maybe even a foreign car
A charge account at the corner bar
Not to mention a Ping-Pong set
With paddles made of gold
So although
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't buy a heck of a lot
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't mean a thing
But give it to me every hour
Forty hours every week
That's enough for me to be
Livin ' like a king
- We figured it out
- They figured it out
- They figured it out
- We figured it out
With a pencil and a pad
They figured it out
Only 20 years from today
Only 20 years from today
I can see it like a vision
Only 20 years from today
Twenty years. Now let's see.
- That's 1040 weeks.
- Times 40 hours every week.
And two-and-a-quarter
hours overtime.
- At time and a half for overtime.
- Comes to exactly...
And 96 cents.
That's enough for me to be
A sultan in the Taj Mahal
In every room a different doll
I'll have myself a buying spree
I'll buy a pajama factory
Then I can end up
Havin ' old man Hasler work for me
So although
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't buy a heck of a lot
Seven and a half cents
Doesn't mean a thing
But give it to me every hour
Forty hours every week
That's enough for me to be
Living like a king
- Hey, Prez.
- Yes, Sid?
Mr. Hasler's here, and he thinks
he can settle this strike.
- Well, how?
- Why don't you hear him out?
Okay. Okay, Mr. Hasler.
My friends.
My friends.
My friends.
This strife within our ranks
has disturbed me more than you know.
And I think that you realize
as well as I do...
...that there is only one way
out of a thing like this.
That's to compromise.
And Sleeptite
wants to meet you halfway.
We offer a compromise.
We'll give you
7 and a half cents...
...if you give up the claim
to retroactive pay.
- We ain't giving up nothing.
- Wait a minute. Don't you see?
We've won.
We won.
We won. We won.
You were so wonderfuI.
I could kiss you.
I don't wanna get kissed
for settling a strike.
Of course if it's anything personal...
It's very personal.
And I say to you again
in this hour of decision...
...that our responsibility
to the garment industry...
...ring like a battle cry
throughout the land.
Production must increase.
Cost must go down.
And, fellow Sleeptiters,
I just want to say...
...that this demonstration
of harmony in our factory...
...strikes something
deep down inside me.
And I know that this party of yours
is going to be a great success...
...because it stems from that genuine
spirit of Sleeptite solidarity.
We say okay to that, M.H.
So on with our tribute
to Sleeptite pajamas.
And now on with
the Sleeptite fashion parade.
Wear Sleeptite at all social functions.
Dresses are fine
But Sleeptite's divine
Sleeptite has everything:
Grace, style and comfort.
- I'm grace.
- I'm style.
I'm comfort.
Wear Sleeptite for happy family life.
Now I trust her night and day
That's true love the Sleeptite way
And another point:
Sleeptite is economical.
Married life is lots of fun
Two can sleep as cheap as one