The Paradise Suite (2015)

Are you asleep?
Am I...
...going to have a sister?
...shall we make Banitsa?
Of course, sweetheart.
Oh please...?
- No!
They do all the big names,
so what do you want?
What do you think?
- What do I think?
I think you have little time.
Soon you'll be old, ugly and wrinkled.
And so fat... can't see your own pussy
without using a mirror.
If this is what you want,
you are a fool not to call them.
Okay, sweetheart?
There you go.
- Thanks.
Can I help you?
Is there a problem?
Stop it.
Our Father, who is in heaven...
...hallowed be thy Name...
...thy kingdom come...
...thy will be done...
...on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread...
Stop it!
This is not the right moment.
Our Father...
Once again, Thomas.
Our Father, who is in heaven...
...hallowed be thy Name...
...thy kingdom come...
...thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Shall we smoke?
Shall we smoke?
Yes, good idea.
It feels so 'zacht'.
What is 'zacht'?
Nice weather.
Well Mateja, let's go
and meet uncle Dejan.
Hello, uncle Dejan.
How many times
do I have to tell you?
Don't smoke at my gas station, please.
One day you'll take us all to hell.
What's with you?
Please don't, my shop will explode.
I forgot.
Oh, he's asleep...
Handsome, eh?
- it is uncle Dejan.
He has your looks.
- But, no...
Take it!
Don't insult me, it's my gift.
It is too expensive.
- Nonsense, just accept it.
Take it!
- It's too much...
I won't take no for an answer.
Come on...
Take it!
Okay, okay...
My friend...
Look what you got...
Wow, you're a really good driver.
You're a really big boy.
Were you with Dejan?
Yes, it is a present.
Look how sweet.
Did you take him out of the car
again to show him?
Yes, of course.
Don't take him out of the car every time
to show him to your friends.
How are you?
Hello, come on in.
Are you listening to me? Don't take him
out of the car every time, he'll get ill.
Look, he's got a BMW.
Of course, a real man drives a BMW.
Do not take him out of the car
every time!
I will not take him out of the car
every time. I'll leave him in the car.
Okay, here we go.
He can't even sit up yet.
Come here, my sweet little boy.
You must be hungry. Yes?
Mummy has something
you like very much.
I will take good care of you.
You really should not take him
out of the car every time.
And then?
End of solo.
Do you mean it or are you
just being nice?
No, it is beautiful.
I thought you didn't like Bach.
Not when you sing it.
You're the worst liar.
I have a tickling nose.
Can you scratch it a little bit?
Oh yes, perfect.
Thanks, this really helps.
Want to see Tokyo?
- Yes!
Cool, huh?
The luggage is still in Gteborg.
They forgot to load it onto the plane.
I'll call you later.
- Okay.
- Bye!
What is it?
Why don't you tell me when
you have to go? Look at you.
You're just like a baby...
Have a pee.
- I don't have to go anymore.
Have a pee!
He is having a pee now,
if there's anything left.
Come on, it's the stress.
He forgets, he can't help it.
Well he's having a pee now.
Do not shout at him.
I did not shout. I didn't.
Did you arrange it?
- Yes.
You know what I think about it.
Is that for me?
- What do you think?
Go on.
Do you like it?
And now daddy bought a white one.
Even the saddle is white!
You have to go to sleep, Lukas.
- Okay.
Bye, mum. Kisses.
It was a very good idea.
You really have to go
to bed now, Lukas.
Did you pee?
Because I'm a baby.
Good night.
- Good night.
- Thank you.
Hold it right there...
Yes, that's it.
A bit forward.
Hands on your waist, smile...
Now from the side.
That's it!
A little side face.
Chin up, smile... Very good.
Like that.
One, two, three...
- Very good.
It's Viktor, from Guga Models.
We would like to take you...
...and two other girls
to Amsterdam for a photo-shoot.
Don't forget to call, okay?
- I won't, mum.
- Of course.
Bottoms up!
Take it easy, children.
Angele, Nanda was in your room.
- What?
She took my money!
I don't want to live on the streets.
Go play with the others.
They will not throw you out immediately.
They will.
- No, they won't.
I have not paid the rent
for seven months.
They say they want
the money tomorrow.
Seven months?
Didn't you have to pay?
I paid them in a different way.
For the interest,
until I had the money.
But they still want the rent.
- So you did pay them?
But how did you save 900 euro?
What does an illegal woman
without a job do to feed her boys?
I was allowed to stay here
during the time I couldn't make rent.
What I did was to pay
for the interest, they said.
But I still have to pay them
for seven months rent.
I earned it, Yaya!
Everything will be alright.
I will talk to them.
They won't allow it.
They will throw us out like dogs.
No, they won't.
He is so relaxed
when he's with you.
Just like his mother.
Yes, just like his mother.
Okay, okay.
I am on my way.
Victor, my friend.
- Hello.
Good to see you too.
Did everything go well?
- Absolutely.
- Ivica.
- Ivica.
- Ivica.
Pretty embarrassing, isn't it?
Is that laughter?
No, no, I have to work.
Yes, but I will not be late.
Bye, love you.
Fuck it.
Everything hurts.
I didn't say anything wrong, did I?
I just asked you
how you are doing.
You know how I am doing.
I want to ask you...
...come back.
Where to?
To Sarajevo.
To me.
Zina, I have to go to work, sorry.
- Bye, Zina.
What do you hear?
You hear Liszt.
I don't hear Liszt.
Do you like it?
Good night.
Good night.
Did you put on your diaper?
- Yes.
Mum always gives me a kiss.
Come on, get up.
I will take care of the money.
Trust me.
There you go.
Thank you.
- What is it?
Can I get an advance?
An advance?
- Yes.
An advance for the coming weeks.
No, I can't do that.
But I will be here, I'll work for you.
Yes, I understand.
But no, I can't do that. I'm sorry.
Okay, thanks.
Do you know how far
Tokyo is from Amsterdam?
- It's about 9287 km.
Do you know how fast a person
can walk on average?
About 5 km per hour.
Do you know how long it
would take me to walk to you...
...if I would walk every day
and didn't sleep?
77,39 days.
- Oh, wow.
Is it a nice class you are in?
- Yes, they are okay.
Beat it!
Where is Nikoleta?
Gone, to Rotterdam they say.
I don't know why I shower.
I am going to run away.
They will kill you.
They've already killed me.
What are you doing?
Nothing, nothing.
How much did you take?
- Nothing, I took nothing.
Boss, I didn't take anything.
I took nothing.
- This is for today.
Are you watching it every evening?
How can I not watch it?
Don't watch it again.
When I see him,
then I know it is true.
I see...
I love you.
Love you.
This is Julia berg-Lindh, leave
a message after the tone. Thanks.
This was good.
Dad, I want to ask you something.
I can't go to school.
This was very good.
Play the beginning again.
But the first note softer.
Not good. Softer.
No, worse. Again.
Even worse.
Even worse.
The way you played before I came in.
That was excellent.
What have you learned from that?
What have you learned from that?
Never listen to anyone.
You are a master, Lukas.
A true master.
I am average, a product of training.
You're a real master...
and a real master doesn't need a teacher.
Never listen to anyone again.
Now again.
First note softer.
No, no, no.
Play it like I say.
Like I say.
That's it.
Don't listen to anyone.
Don't listen to me.
You are the master, Lukas.
This is Julia berg-Lindh,
leave a message after...
Forgive me...
Forgive me Father, forgive me...
Oh, forgive me Father,
forgive me...
Stig, call me back.
Lukas was crying on my voice-mail.
Do you know what they did to him?
Lukas, it is your dad.
Can you please call me?
I'm not mad at you.
I love you so much. Please...
Can you please call me?
Lukas, I love you. I have cancelled all
my concerts. I'm coming to Amsterdam.
Call me. Tell me you're okay.
Take her to the apartment,
and bring this back.
Take the envelope!
Give this to her
when she wakes up.
I haven't found him.
You haven't?
- No.
But where can he be?
I don't know.
Have you been searching everywhere?
Yes, I have searched and searched
but I can't find him.
Hi, mum.
My little one, how are you?
Is everything okay?
Why don't you ever call me?
- I'm fine. Really fine.
I'll soon be home.
The photo shoot is over.
You are fine?
I hear nothing from you!
What do you think?
I'm worried!
I know. I'm sorry, mum, sorry...
Why haven't you called me?
What's going on?
Can you tell me that you love me?
I love you very much.
I love you very much.
I love you too.
A lot... a lot.
Okay, relax.
We'll find them.
Go see Nkono, he'll know.
Can I have a light?
Let's go home, Mateja.
No, no, no...
No... Mateja!
No, God damn it!
Hey, little mice,
go to your mother.
Father forgive him,
because he doesn't know what he is doing.
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry...
Our Father, who is in heaven...
...hallowed be thy Name...
...thy kingdom come...
...thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses... we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation...
...but deliver us from evil.
What's going on?
We have to leave.