The Peanut Butter Falcon (2019)

Well, hey there, Zak.
- H... H... How are you doing?
- [waitress] I'm good, thank you.
Hmm. I meant the pudding.
[waitress] Oh, silly me.
Here's your pudding.
Thank you,
and have a nice day.
Well, you do the same, hon.
[indistinct chatter]
What a great style.
I thought you had...
Well, you have that.
Oh, my God, if you could get me
a little bit of a refill,
that would make it 110%...
[Eleanor] You want
a little spice in there?
- [Carl] Yes, ma'am.
- [Eleanor] Mm-hmm.
Hey, Zak,
that is so sweet of you
to give Rosemary your pudding.
That's why I'm being
a very nice guy.
All right, give me a hand.
I got you.
[Zak screaming]
March down
Freedom highway
Marchin' each and every day
March down
Freedom highway
Marchin' each and every day
Made up my mind
That I won't turn around
Made up my mind
That I won't turn around
There is just one thing
I can't understand
my friend
Why some folks
think freedom
Is not designed for all men
There are so many people
Living their lives
[indistinct radio chatter]
[boat engine revs]
Made up my mind
That I won't turn around
Made up my mind
That I won't turn around
I don't know.
I'd love to have a nickel
for every goddamn time
we've had to watch this tape.
I'd be a rich 'un.
[announcer on TV] Salt Water,
some people claim
the Atomic Throw is impossible.
Those people are wimps.
If you believe in yourself
like the Salt Water Redneck
believes in himself,
you too can learn the moves,
the skills, the Atomic Throw.
Some of these moves are
outlawed in
international countries...
We have watched that throw
10 times today already.
I love Salt Water Redneck,
and he is my hero
and he is totally...
He is totally a badass.
And he is
the greatest person ever.
[Carl] That's it.
And you will be the next badass.
Zak, both you and Rosemary
have lost your privileges
for the week.
Oh, I really don't care.
I got the solution for that.
Move Rosemary in here with him
and I.
I can keep an eye
on both of them.
That'd be great.
- I'll set that right up.
- [Carl] Yeah, sure.
Zak, this is not a joke.
That's twice now, two times
that you've tried to run.
And now I have to label you
a flight risk.
That sucks.
Is this what you gave
to Rosemary
to convince her
to pretend to be choking?
Yes, it is.
It's really creative.
Thank you.
[Carl] Not just creative.
It's genius.
You know why?
That's an advertisement
for what he wants to do
with the rest of his life.
- Carl.
- [Zak] I don't know her.
I am young, and I am not old.
Carl is old.
And we are different.
And I don't know why
I am here.
I wish I had a better option
for you, Zak.
But I don't.
You don't have a family
that can provide adequate
supervision for you.
I know, so, the state
has to put you somewhere,
and this just happens
to be that place.
You been here two years?
Two and a half years.
We got to fix that.
Just try to be good, okay?
Look at me.
Tell me you'll try.
[music playing]
[Winki] Tyler.
Hey, Tyler.
- [Tyler] Yo.
- [turns music down]
Duncan and Ratboy
are looking for you.
And they're going to beat
your ass.
They're going to kill you
if you keep shitting
- with their crab pot.
- All right.
- [turns radio off]
- Turn that damn box off
and listen
to what I'm telling you, boy.
You been stealing
their damn crab pots.
You know what that's going
to cost me?
It's going to cost me
my damn license
for this building here.
What seems to be your problem?
Best thing for you to do
is quit
with them damn fish
and leave. Go home.
Go, just go.
You done pissed me off now.
Let me finish the fish...
Get. Yeah, I know what I said.
Go. Just go.
Let me fix that hoist motor
and I'll leave.
The hoist motor's been fixed.
I need a job, Winki.
[Winki] You just go.
[Winki] Hey, man.
You can't be bringing me
illegal stuff no more.
Duncan's fishing
on Mark's license.
What am I supposed to do?
- I would have bought it if...
- Hey, hey, hey.
Mark wouldn't want you
to do this.
He's your brother and he's
looking down from above,
thinking about you.
Thinking about the wrong
you're doing.
Get your life together.
Get it in order.
Mark would be proud
of you if you did that.
He'd be very proud of you
if you did.
[thunder rumbles]
[chatter and cheering on TV]
Come on.
Bedtime, retard.
[metallic cranking]
[Carl sighs]
You put this all over
your body. It's soap.
It'll make you slippery.
I was an engineer before.
I don't know
if I ever told you that.
But that's as good
as I could get.
Just slip through there,
and off you go on your way.
Okay, bud?
Carl, you are my best friend.
And y...
And you are my family.
[Carl] Well, that's it.
Friends are the family
you choose.
And, Carl?
You are invited
to my birthday party.
Oh, God. Thank you.
I'm there.
Go kick some ass.
This train
Is bound for glory
This train
[bones crack]
This train
Is bound for glory
This train
This Train
Is bound for glory!
Non gonna ride it But the
righteous and the holy
This Train
Bound for glory
This train
This train don't carry
No gamblers
This train
This train don't carry
No gamblers
This train
This train don't carry
No gamblers
No crap shooters
No midnight ramblers
This train
Is bound for glory
This train
- This train
- This train
- This train
- This train
[lighter clinks]
[Duncan] You pulled my pots?
Huh? You stealing crab now?
I've been laying pots here
for years.
[Craig] Come on, Dunc!
Powell's Point was Mark's,
but Mark is gone.
Can't lay traps here no more.
Well, I guess taking shit
that don't belong to you,
runs in the family, you know.
[Ratboy] You bitch.
You got no license now.
You know how things are done
around here, Tyler.
There's 10 crabbing licenses
to go around Deer County.
Put them hands on him, Dunc!
Get him!
This one used to belong
to Mark,
but now it says Duncan...
[Craig] Kick him again, Dunc!
[Tyler groaning]
- You owe me 20 pots.
- [groaning]
Touch my gear again,
I shit you not, I'll bash your
skull in with a tire iron.
[groans, coughs]
You hear that?
You can't fish, and you sure
as shit can't fight.
You're still doing accounting.
[Ratboy spits]
Oh, they tell me
Of a home
[Eleanor] Zak?
Where no storm
Clouds rise
Ex... Explain. What happened?
[Carl laughs]
Don't look at me.
You're with the boy every day.
He's incredibly strong.
[Carl grunts]
- [Janice] E.
- What?
Lee wants to see your ass
in his office right now.
We are so screwed.
I'm not done with you.
I had nothing to do with it.
Where no storm
Clouds rise
Oh, they tell me
[indistinct chatter]
You're a dead man, Tyler!
Go get him.
[engine stalls]
[engine starts]
[motor stops]
[motor stops]
[Zak burps]
Who are you?
[engine starts]
[Zak croaks and retches]
[motor sputters]
Go, go, go, go, go.
[engine starts]
[Glen laughs]
Oh, hell, yeah.
Continental breakfast.
Listen, I... I got to go.
Okay. Bye.
[taps clipboard]
- A flight risk?
- Yes, I...
Looks like all that family
money of yours
bought you a degree,
but didn't get you
no common sense.
- I don't think that...
- [Glen] Oh, don't speak.
You let a half-naked boy
with Down syndrome
who has no money, no family,
and no idea how to get along
in this world just slip out
from under your nose
into thin air.
And you have no idea
where he is?
Where he's at?
Who he might be with?
- Actually, I...
- The nurses tell me
you two are close.
We are.
Well, then you'll figure out
where he's at
and you'll bring him back
before I have to report this
to the state.
No, Glen,
you have to report this.
He's missing.
Find him.
[engine sputtering]
[engine sputtering]
[engine sputtering]
You know that's just
trespassing, don't you?
We have about 30 minutes
before this whole shit's
under water.
[Zak] Oh, excuse me!
Will you please help me?
I'm scared. I can't swim.
[Tyler] Are you following me?
You ain't got a lick of water
on you, do you?
When I can leave you, I will.
[Zak] I feel great to go to
Salt Water Redneck
Wrestling School.
And everybody's going to say,
"Zak is awesome."
I'm gonna throw the people
out the ring.
It'll be the Atomic Throw.
And I can fight all my friends.
We'll have a party.
Having a good time.
And I feel great.
[mutters and grunts]
Come to my wrestling school
in Ayden, North Carolina
and become a disciple
of Salt Water Redneck.
You can become
not only a badass,
the badass.
You will learn.
[Tyler] End of the road.
- You know my name?
- [Zak] No.
[Tyler] Good.
- This never happened, okay?
- [Zak] Okay.
[Tyler] Okay.
[Zak] Hey.
Can I come with you?
Why would I need you
to come with me?
Maybe we could be friends...
and buddies, bro dawgs,
and hang and chill.
Have a good time.
[Tyler] Be good.
[Zak] Hey! Do you want to come
to my birthday party?
[truck approaching]
- [country music playing]
- [dog panting]
Is she a good dog?
Good enough.
She don't run away,
so I guess that makes her mine.
My wife's long gone.
My kids are grown.
We look out for each other.
That's all right.
Crazy, ain't it?
- [Tyler] What's that?
- That fire down at the docks.
- There was a fire at the docks?
- [driver] Yeah.
No shit. I didn't hear
nothing about that.
[driver] Yeah.
It started out small,
but got out of hand pretty fast.
- Did it?
- [driver] Some of them boys
are out right now trying to
catch the guy that lit it.
They set up a roadblock
down 158.
- 158, huh?
- [driver] Yeah.
- [train whistle blaring]
- [crossing signals clang]
Shit, you know what?
I left something back there.
I got to go back.
[driver] You sure you don't want
a ride all the way into town?
No, I forgot something
back there.
I'm going right there.
[Tyler] Oh, I appreciate it,
thank you.
[Billy] Jump, retard, jump.
[Zak] No, I'm not gonna do it.
[Billy] I thought you were
a retard, not a pussy.
- [Zak] No, I'm not.
- Hey!
Come on, jump.
- No.
- [Billy] Do it!
Hey, he can't swim.
Like I care, dipshit.
Come on, let's go.
- What?
- [Billy] You heard me.
[Zak] No. No.
- Hey!
- [Billy] Come on, do it. Jump.
- [Zak] I am not going to do it.
- [Billy] Come on, man.
- I said he can't swim.
- [Billy] Too bad,
- he's gonna do it.
- Hey!
- Jump, retard.
- [Zak screams]
[Tyler] Didn't I just say...
You said there's wrestling
schools in Ayden?
We're in Manteo.
That's right here.
One long road leads all the way
down to Florida.
That's where I'm going.
Where you're going is Ayden.
That's where the wrestling
school is you're talking about.
You see that? It's on the way.
You bullshitting me
about this wrestling school?
You swear to God?
Yes, I swear to God,
I have proof on the videotape.
All right.
I'll drop you there, then.
I ain't doing no charity shit.
It's just on my way.
Get up.
So, what is your name?
That is a very cool name.
[Eleanor] Excuse me.
Have you seen
this young man anywhere?
Have you seen him anywhere?
His name's Zak.
Sorry to bother you.
I'm just wondering
if you have seen
this young man anywhere.
My name's Eleanor.
I wrote it down right there.
[knocks on door]
[Ratboy] You see a dude
come through here?
About this tall? Beard?
A real piece of shit.
You seen him?
Huh? What happened to your face?
What happened to your face?
You seen him? Huh?
Where'd he go?
Tell me.
What'd they know?
They didn't see shit.
[Zak] Hey, Tyler.
My feet hurt.
[Tyler spits]
Do you have a car?
Can we walk on the road?
Uh, excuse me?
Will you please answer me?
Let me tell you something.
I'm gonna tell you a story.
I'm gonna tell you a story.
When I was younger,
my brother and I were camping
at this place
called Caffey's inlet,
and there was a big-ass
hornet's nest down by the water.
So I walked over to them
all excited.
I'm young, I'm into baseball.
And I hit that son of a bitch
like a fucking home run.
And it exploded on me,
and I got stung up real bad.
My face swelled up,
my eyes got real tight,
and I couldn't see shit.
Walked back into camp
and my brother Mark said to me,
"You keep stirring up shit,
you're gonna get yourself
killed, boy."
You understand what I'm saying?
You ever kick a hornet's nest?
Last night.
You hit a hornet's nest
last night?
Last night.
So you understand why we can't
go up on that road then?
Stop with this "Tyler" shit.
We're gonna be quiet
the rest of the way.
- [Zak] Tyler.
- Oh, my...
Finish what you got to say.
Finish what you have to say,
and then we'll walk on silent.
We're not gonna do this no more.
"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler,"
[Zak] I want you to know
about me.
I am a Down syndrome person.
I don't really give a shit.
Do you got supplies on you?
That's what we need, don't we?
You got supplies?
- [Zak] No.
- [Tyler] No, you don't.
No, you don't.
No more, "Tyler, Tyler."
No more.
Have you got any money?
No. No, I have no money,
and I got no pockets.
I'm going to give you pockets.
There's pockets.
I'm going to go in there
and get essentials.
- Can I come?
- [Tyler] No.
[bell clangs]
[cashier] That'll be, uh...
Let me get a sandwich.
Hold on.
All right, then.
That'll be...
Well, son, that sandwich alone
is four dollars.
Well, forget the sandwich.
How much now?
[cashier] And your Ding Dongs,
they're two dollars apiece.
- And that's another $1.35.
- [Tyler] All right, how about...
that, just that?
Three dollars.
And call it even.
- Peanut butter.
- Yeah, all right. That'll work.
Just the peanut butter
and fishhooks.
[cashier] Yes, sir.
Uh, pardon me if I seem alarmed,
but I don't normally negotiate
with fellas
if they got shotguns
all over their back.
Oh, shit.
I understand.
- Ooh, thank you.
- Yeah, you're welcome.
Hey, you got any of the...
You got any of them
two-dollar airplane whiskeys
- back there?
- [cashier] No, but...
I got this.
Oh, I can't afford that.
[cashier] It's on me, son.
It looks like you might need it
more than I do.
I'm just going to get
a little swig to calm my nerves.
Sure. Yeah.
You made it?
[cashier] I did, sir.
- Yeah, you did.
- [bell clangs]
- Ma'am.
- Ma'am.
[Eleanor] Gentlemen.
[cashier] Ma'am, you'll have
to forgive me
for staring at you,
but you're one of the prettiest
women I've seen in ages.
Where did you blow in here from?
- Richmond. Mm-hmm.
- Richmond? That's nice.
So you, uh...
You graduated JMU, or GW?
- [Eleanor] GW.
- Yeah.
Yeah, you got that look
about you.
[Eleanor] Oh, yeah?
What kind of look is that?
You know, just an "excited
to be alive" kind of look.
What you doing up here?
You're nosy, aren't you?
Yeah, nosy.
That's the word for it.
Nosy. Or interested.
- Interested?
- [Tyler] Yeah. Interested.
Are you interested?
No, I'm working.
What, you working crab boats?
- [Eleanor] No.
- I know, that's funny,
- because you...
- [Eleanor] I know why you think
- that's funny.
- Oh, you're trouble. I see.
Okay, you don't like jokes.
I'm looking
for a missing person.
Have either of you gentlemen...
I'm assuming I can use
the word "gentlemen."
- Have you seen him?
- No.
I ain't... I ain't seen him.
[Eleanor] Have you seen him?
Why? What'd he do?
[Eleanor] He ran away
from the nursing home I work at.
- Why? Have you seen him?
- So you got some kind of reward?
What are you?
Are you a bounty hunter?
Would I be a bounty hunter
if I just said
- there's no bounty?
- No.
What are you, his sister?
Minder or something?
Not that it's any
of your business,
but I care about him,
and he's alone,
- and I want to find him.
- [Tyler] Maybe.
- Maybe? Maybe what?
- Yeah, yeah.
Well, maybe he's alone.
Maybe he ain't alone.
You know, you don't know.
What if he's living
the American dream
and, you know, he just ran
into a bunch of hitchhikers?
You know, like the Mark Twain
story or something.
- Mm-hmm.
- You like Mark Twain?
- Thank you.
- You like Louis L'Amour?
- You got a phone number?
- [Eleanor laughs]
- Yeah, I got a phone number.
- Yeah? You gonna give it to me?
So I find him,
what you want me to do?
- Just holler for you?
- Yeah, just do that.
Yeah? You got a name?
- Yeah, I got a name.
- What is it?
- Eleanor.
- [door chimes jingle]
- [door closes]
- All right, partner.
Come back.
[country music playing]
[engine starts]
[Tyler laughs]
You're a goddamn criminal.
You're a goddamn criminal,
ain't you?
Fugitive, little man on the lam.
Met your girlfriend
back there, Eleanor.
Cute one
from the old folks' home.
She likes you quite a bit.
Got a picture of you
and everything,
showing everybody.
That's not a bad thing.
As far as I'm concerned,
it's a good thing.
See, we're going 70 miles
We need a tie that binds.
And this right here,
you being a wanted man,
this is it,
just the kind of tie we needed.
Hell, yeah.
Two bandits on the run.
- [Zak] Oh, yeah!
- Oh, yeah, partner.
Come on.
- [thunder rumbles]
- [Tyler] Hell, yeah!
[Zak laughs]
we got new rules now, all right?
We can't keep doing it this way.
New rule is,
you can't slow me down.
You understand? Put those on.
So, what I says go.
I say, "jump,"
you say, "how high?"
- [Zak] How high?
- There it is.
Rule number one:
don't slow me down.
Rule number two: I'm in charge,
and you're going to carry
your own weight.
- [Zak] You are in charge.
- That's right.
[Zak] Maybe we should...
Maybe we should have
our own secret handshake.
What kind of secret handshake?
For what?
Buds, dudes, friends.
The buds, dudes,
friends handshake?
All right, here.
Let's go, hurry up.
All right, three of those.
Four of those.
One of those.
Now what?
- Like that.
- Yeah.
Only when special shit happens,
though, all right?
[Zak] Yeah. Special things.
Special things. You don't curse.
- No.
- Why don't you curse?
- Because I don't.
- Okay, come on.
- You are in charge.
- Exactly.
Come on.
Hey, what's rule number one?
What's rule number one?
- [Zak] Party?
- [Tyler] No, not party.
No, it's not party.
Don't slow me down.
That's rule number one.
Let's go, come on.
Come on, pick it up.
There you go.
You got boots on now.
Rule number one is not "party."
What is rule number one?
"Don't slow me down."
- Rule number one?
- [Zak] You are in charge.
All right, all right.
We're gonna figure it out.
Where the wild,
Wild flowers grow
And winter
Waters flow
There's a place
That I've always
Loved the best
When at last
I lay me down
Final peace and rest
I've found
Take me home to my own
And there I'll rest
Take me home to my own
And there I'll rest
It is too...
Too far from the other side.
Yeah, well,
we ain't got many options.
I'm not walking through
two days of brier bushes,
and we can't go back
the way we came.
So we're going swimming.
You got a better idea?
We could get a plane.
- Take your pants off.
- [Zak groans]
- I can't swim.
- Yeah, I know you can't swim.
But you can float.
Zak, I need you to listen to me.
That bag and them pants
are gonna hold air.
They're going to float you.
Do not let go.
You hold on
with everything you got,
because I sure as shit
don't want to have
to go swimming over there,
thinking about you sinking us.
And I don't want to dredge
the bottom for your body.
You understand?
[Zak] Tyler...
am I going to die?
Yeah, you're going to die.
It's a matter of time.
That ain't the question.
The question is,
whether they're going to have
a good story
to tell about you
when you're gone.
Now, don't be a bitch.
Let's go.
Don't cry, Zak.
Hold on, Zak!
[boat engine revving]
[Tyler] Kick, Zak!
Kick, Zak!
Kick, Zak!
[Tyler yelling indistinctly]
[Tyler] Please get me
out of here!
[boat horn blows]
[Tyler] Fuck!
[Tyler screaming]
[boat horn blows]
[Tyler groaning]
[Tyler panting]
That is the greatest story
to tell.
Oh, come on.
Goin' home goin' home
to be free
Going home going home
to be free
[crickets chirping]
[Zak imitates evil cackle]
I ain't the slightest bit
scared of you.
I... I wanna be
professional wrestler.
And I am a bad guy.
Why do you want to be
the bad guy?
[Zak] Because...
my family left me.
That don't make you a bad guy.
Good guys get left too, Zak.
Ain't about no silly laugh,
or wearing black,
and eye shadow and shit.
Ain't nothing to do with that.
It has to do
with what's in here,
in your heart.
You got a good-guy heart.
You can't do shit about it.
That's just who you are.
You're a hero.
I can't be a hero, because...
I am a Down... syndrome.
What's that got to do
with your heart?
Who told you that?
- Coach, teachers.
- [Tyler] Your coach?
What'd your coach say?
I am retarded.
[Tyler] Your coach said that?
What a shitty coach.
Your team ever win anything?
Some shit
you ain't never gonna do.
That's all right.
You can't be everything.
You ain't gonna be no...
No professional
basketball player.
You ain't gonna dunk
no basketball,
or be an Olympic swimmer.
You sink like a stone,
because you're all muscle.
Muscle sinks.
[spits] Today, you pulled me up
out of that water,
you almost pulled my whole arm
out the socket.
Most grown folk I know
ain't got that kind of strength.
You're strong, Zak.
Fuck your coach.
- Tyler.
- [Tyler] Yeah?
- Who those people on the boat?
- On the boat?
That's Duncan and Ratboy.
[Zak] They are a good guy
or a bad guy?
Bad guy.
- [Zak] Tyler?
- Hmm?
Are you the good guy
or a bad guy?
I don't know.
What you think?
You are a good guy.
[thunder rumbles]
Will you please train me?
[Tyler coughs]
[Tyler] Yeah, I don't know shit
about wrestling.
[Zak] I want to learn.
I want to be a hero.
You know how to do push-ups?
Let's go.
Oh, what do you want to do?
[Tyler] We're going to go train.
It's balance.
This'll kick your ass,
you understand?
Always keep your hand like that
so you don't fire.
Hey, so,
what's the deal with Eleanor?
- She's your friend?
- [Zak] Yeah.
- She's a nice woman?
- [Zak] Mm-hmm.
What's she like?
She, uh...
She is my friend.
And she has been looking out
for me.
- She's your friend?
- [Zak] Yeah.
Push, push, push.
There it is, there it is!
There it is! Push!
All right, point and fire.
Come on.
You all right?
Hey, you all right, boy?
[Zak grunts]
Get it! Get it! Get it!
[Tyler] Push, push,
push, push, push.
Grab my head.
Grab my head.
[indistinct chatter]
[gun cocks]
That bead and that bead
need to be lined up.
- Okay, I got it.
- Little wider with your stance
- inside here.
- [Zak] It is.
[Tyler] All right, all right,
bring it, three, two, one.
- And I got them all.
- That's the buck shot.
[crickets chirping]
[Tyler] We got to find a way
to move faster, all right?
[chuckles] Yeah.
- Hey, this can work.
- [Zak] Oh, yeah.
- [Tyler] Yeah.
- [Zak] Mm-hmm.
[Tyler] You all right?
Freeze, you son of bitches!
You son of a bitches
think you can come over here
and rob Jasper
just 'cause he's blind?
Well, you'd better think again,
goddamn it.
Y'all boys black or white?
I knowed you was white.
I could smell you a mile off.
Is you God-fearing?
Well, good.
[gospel music playing]
There's sheep in this world,
and there are wolves
in this world.
I may not have my eyes,
but I know the difference.
And I know that you two boys
are just two fleece-wearing
weary travelers
who lost your way.
Neither one of you are wolves.
You're just sheep
that strayed from his flock.
I'm donating the supplies
from my junkyard
for your pilgrimage.
Anything but that tin boat,
y'all can have it,
because I figure it's my duty
to get you back
to your shepherd.
Now, I can't have you boys
running off of here
with your hands all dirty
and everything,
because a wolf
might hunt you down
just by the smell
of your past sins.
And I wouldn't want no wolf
to get ahold of you,
because that'd be a frightful,
bloody mess.
So we gonna
clean you up right...
with a baptism.
What's a baptism?
It's like swimming.
Y'all boys come on down here
and bathe in the warm waters
of forgiveness.
I'm more a "baptism-by-fire"
Well, unfortunately,
I don't perform
those kind of baptisms.
[chainsaw whirring]
Ever since my sins
Ever since my sins
Been taken away
Been taken away
My heart keep singing
Singing, singing,
singing, singing
All the time
Since Jesus washed
Since Jesus washed
Me In his blood
Me In his blood
Oh, my heart
keeps singing
singing, singing
All the time
[Jasper] Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Nothing can touch you now,
under the grace of the Lord.
[Zak] Bye, Jasper.
Stay cool.
Take care.
[Jasper] Accept his blessing.
Let all the wolves of your past
be laid to rest.
Tyler, I...
am going to give you
all of my wishes
for my birthday.
[Tyler sniffs]
[Tyler crying softly, sniffs]
[thunder rumbling]
Thank you.
[Zak] You're welcome.
[birds chirping]
[Tyler laughs]
[knocks on door]
Hi, sir.
Sorry to bother you.
I'm wondering
if you've seen this young man.
I ain't seen shit, girl.
[Jasper laughs]
I... I apologize.
Um, maybe have you...
Have you heard him?
- Have you heard his voice?
- You God-fearing?
- Sometimes.
- Well, good.
You come on in here
and let's talk about Jesus.
[Jasper laughs]
When you get off,
go towards the shore.
There's drag marks.
- [Zak groans]
- What happened?
- My ankle hurts.
- Your ankle hurts?
- Yeah.
- All right,
we'll fix it right now.
Drink that.
Make you feel better.
[waves crashing]
[Tyler laughs]
All right,
rule number one is what?
- Party.
- Party.
- All right! Ha!
- Yeah!
[Tyler] 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19...
[Zak groans]
I cannot feel my...
My hands.
I cannot feel my hands,
and I cannot feel my ankle.
[laughs] You can't feel shit.
You can't feel shit.
Don't step on me now.
Don't step on me.
- Oh, excuse me, Tyler...
- You can't feel shit.
- What?
- I got to get my log.
[Zak grunting]
- I'm not strong enough.
- [Tyler] Who's strong enough?
Who's strong enough?
Hey, you know what you need?
You need to change your...
You need to change your name.
You need to get a...
An alternate ego.
You know what I'm saying?
Like in
the Wrestling Federation.
Wrestlers got alter egos.
What's your favorite
wrestler's name?
The Salt Water Redneck.
The Salt Water Redneck
ain't born with that name.
You need a name.
What's your name?
Ooh, Falcon.
Falcon, that's a good name.
Hold on, ooh, I got an idea.
Hold on right there.
Wait right there.
You got to make a uniform.
[yells] Falcon uniform!
Hell, yeah!
Did I tell you could have
some of that peanut butter?
- [Zak] Yeah.
- It ain't snack time,
it's jack time.
Here we go.
We need war paint.
I need peanut butter.
You want to be slick.
The Peanut Butter Falcon!
[Tyler] Get it up!
Pick that sucker up!
You got all the power,
power of Zeus.
Push it! Push it! Push!
[Tyler yelling]
You got it!
You got it!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
[Zak coughs]
You got it!
[Tyler distorted]
Falcon! Falcon! Falcon! Falcon!
[Zak distorted]
I'm the Peanut Butter Falcon!
[birds chirping]
[Eleanor] Zak.
Oh, my God.
Zak, are you okay?
- Oh, my God.
- [Tyler] Hello!
- Come on, sit up.
- [Tyler] You found us.
That's them pheromones.
Like a bear.
What is this?
What's on your face?
- [Tyler] Yeah!
- I thought you said
- you hadn't seen him.
- He's right there.
There he is.
Come on, buddy. Let's go.
- Come on. Thank you.
- No, you're good.
You're good right there.
Sit right there, he's all right.
Okay, I don't know
what's going on, but...
[Tyler] Put that on, Zak.
Here, brother.
I've got it, thank you.
[Tyler] He could do it.
He could put his own shirt on.
He's 22-years-old.
Okay, thank you, I've got it.
- We're good now.
- Huh.
You ready? You good to go?
You okay?
- [Zak] Ah, my ankle.
- What? What...
- He's fine.
- What happened to his ankle?
He's showing off
because you're here.
- What's wrong with his ankle?
- Nothing's wrong with his ankle.
- What are you doing?
- What are you doing?
- Who are you, even?
- Who are you, even?
You have a young boy
with Down syndrome
in the middle of nowhere.
I'm the one
who's been taking care of him,
because you can't do it
unless you put him in a cage.
Okay, um...
look, he needs to be
properly taken care of,
and that's my job.
I'm sorry to break up
your little primitive gang,
- or whatever's going on...
- [Tyler chuckles]
...but this is not
Lord of the Flies.
You can't just... There's rules,
there's regulations.
- Okay.
- He has medication,
- there's paperwork.
- Yeah, all right.
Well, while you've been
doing paperwork,
we've been doing something
called living,
- ain't that right, brother?
- [Zak] Yeah.
But we're going to go.
- So, thank you.
- No, we're not.
He's fine where he is.
[sighs] May I please speak
to you in private?
Oh. Oh, like a private party?
Yeah, all right.
- One second, Zak.
- I got water, you want water?
[Eleanor] Right now.
[Tyler] Primitive gang.
Hell, yeah.
I like when you put
your hair up like that.
It's nice. Some water?
Look, I could have you arrested
for kidnapping, okay?
Oh, you're going to have me
arrested for kidnapping?
How do you figure?
You can't have me arrested.
He's a runaway.
Can't kidnap a runaway.
Come on, genius.
You said GW, didn't you?
I'm sure I could find
some reason to arrest you.
Hey, let me ask you,
what do you want for him?
I'm not going to sell him
to you.
No, no, what do you want
for his life? His future?
Why are you... You don't know
- anything about him.
- You know about the wrestling?
Yes, of course I know
about the wrestling.
All right, so I know something
about him, don't I?
So, uh, you're a little late
to the party.
This is what's going on.
I made a promise to him,
to get him to that wrestling
school in Ayden.
- [Eleanor] Oh.
- [Tyler] You understand?
I gave him my word, and I ain't
gonna back down on my word.
Now, you seem like
a nice person.
You care for him and all.
You came all the way out here.
Maybe it's because you like me.
I don't know.
And, uh,
I'mma offer you a favor.
You can get on that raft with us
and you can ride down there
if you want.
N... No, we're not going to hop
on your little raft
- and cruise around the river.
- It's hot, you're confused.
- I'm not asking you.
- [Zak] Hey, Eleanor!
Oh! Ooh! Oh.
I want to see...
Salt Water Redneck.
And I don't want to go home.
[crickets chirping]
[Eleanor clears throat]
So how far is it on, um...
On the raft?
About that far on a map.
- Are your fingers to scale?
- [Tyler] Yeah.
So how much time is that much?
That's different
than what I put up.
- [Eleanor] All right.
- What I did is about a day.
Maybe two days.
- Days? Like...
- [Tyler] Yeah.
- Are you kidding?
- [spits]
What in the Christ...
Hey, Zak,
why don't you sit down, bud.
You're kind of close
to the edge.
I don't want you to fall in.
Hey, are you hungry?
Have you eaten anything?
I am not really hungry.
[Eleanor] Well, maybe you should
just have a bite of something
for your blood sugar.
[Tyler] He don't want
nothing to eat.
You know how you get, buddy.
I have an apple.
- Hey.
- I have some M&M's.
- [Eleanor] What?
- Don't do that.
[Eleanor] Don't do what?
Hey, I got an idea, why don't
we keep our training going.
Just because we're on a raft
don't mean
we gonna stop training, does it?
All right, so we're going to do
breathing control exercises.
She's worried
about your blood sugar.
We're going to breathe.
Take a deep breath in.
- Out.
- [exhales]
All right, cool,
now, come over here
and put your head underwater.
I'm gonna time you.
What? No, no, no.
He can't do that. Zak...
No, he can do that.
He can do that. He can...
[Tyler continues muffled]
There you go.
You'd better stop calling him
a retard.
I have never called anyone a...
That word.
Okay. Hold on, listen,
when people are saying
he's a retard,
really what they're saying is he
can't do some shit they can do.
See, you might not be saying
the word "retard",
all right, I'll give you that,
but you damn sure
is making him feel retarded.
That ain't going to help
his life.
- Hey, there we go.
- Time.
- How long is that?
- Long.
Not long enough, Zak.
Do it again.
You have got some real nerve
talking to me like that.
Do you even know what I do?
I've spent the last two years
of my life volunteering
to hold people's hands
as they pass away.
I talk to them, I feed them,
I wipe their asses,
I change their clothes,
I put them to bed.
And I'm the last person
they see.
Don't act like you know
jack shit about me.
- All right.
- [Eleanor] Yeah,
maybe he should not be
in a retirement home,
but I didn't choose that
for him.
But that's what happened,
and now I am doing
- the best I can.
- [water splashes]
- Oh! Oh!
- Oh!
Hey! Oh, shit!
God! Zak! Okay.
[Tyler] Yeah. Lunch!
[Eleanor] Zak, did you just
catch that with your hands?
[Zak yells]
[Eleanor] How'd you do that?
You're a wild man.
[all laugh]
Oh, my God.
[Tyler] We got three options
for lunch today.
We can boil water
from the sound,
make a little chowder.
- Huh?
- [Zak] Uh-uh.
- Plain fish?
- [Zak] Uh-uh.
Fish with peanut butter?
- Fish with peanut butter.
- Hey!
You got to give him
what he wants then.
Here, go ahead.
Load up.
Oh, just right on there.
- There you go.
- [Eleanor] That's... Yeah.
[Tyler] You want a big piece
or small piece?
- That's good, that's great.
- [Tyler] If you fold it,
- you can make a little taco.
- Okay, that's nice.
[Tyler] Yeah.
That's a good bite.
That's good, huh?
Five stars.
You hear that?
- Boom!
- What is that?
That is...
our... Our special handshake.
- Yeah.
- That is our special thing.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Eleanor] I want to have
a special handshake.
It's only for special shit.
Like what kind of special shit?
I don't know. Go ahead.
- [Eleanor laughs]
- No, you tell her.
You brought it up.
Um, hmm...
[Tyler] Tell her about the boat.
[Zak] Oh, um...
we did... Hit by the boat.
- [Tyler] Almost.
- You got hit by a boat?
- [Tyler] Almost.
- [Eleanor] What happened?
We almost got run over
by a shrimp boat.
- [Eleanor] What?
- Yeah.
[Zak] And we did have the, um...
- shotgun.
- Shotgun, buckshot.
He fired a shotgun.
And we got shot at, remember?
Oh, yeah, I did remember.
Gonna pack up some
of these empties here
Just as soon as we know
where they lay
Tied off of them jolly
and leaving lines
Eleanor, this is so easy.
[Tyler] Easy.
Um, hold on
- and let go.
- [Tyler] Let go, that's it.
- [Zak] Let go.
- Let go.
[Tyler] Ready? Three...
- No, no, no, don't rush me.
- [Tyler] ...two, one.
Get it! Get it! Get it!
[all yelling]
Come here!
[Eleanor] Zak.
For every day I work
on the Illinois River
Get a half a day off
with pay
All day time
I'm buildin' up barges
On a long hot summer day
[Zak] I love my family,
and I hope
that we will share it forever,
for the rest of our life.
[Eleanor laughs]
[Eleanor] If you were the prince
in a royal family,
what would your name be?
[Zak] Uh, Zak Prince.
- [Eleanor] That's really good.
- [Tyler laughs]
when our songs
Were just
like prayers
Like gospel hymns
that you caught in the air?
Come down, come down
sweet reverence
Unto my simple house
and ring
And ring
[fire roaring]
[Duncan] Hold up, Tyler.
[Tyler] Hey, hey!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
[Duncan] Get on your knees.
Get on your knees.
Over there. Right here. Okay.
That's $12,000 worth of gear
you burnt up.
That's my season.
What's to stop other people
from messing with us
now that you have?
[Tyler] I won't ever mention
no harm done.
Even so, I got to make it right.
Not just for me,
but for all of us.
For our livelihood.
[Tyler] You ain't
gotta shoot me, though.
I'm going to get you your money,
I promise you. I promise you.
- Shut the hell up, man.
- [Duncan] Shut up. Shut up.
Right hand or left hand, Tyler?
I'm gonna make it right,
I'm gonna get you your money.
[Duncan] No, Tyler.
Right hand or left hand?
I'm giving you a choice.
You better hurry up.
- Screw this. Right hand.
- [Tyler] Wait, wait, wait, wait!
- [shotgun cocks]
- Whoa!
Stay there.
You could pull the trigger.
Can you aim that thing?
It's a buckshot.
Get back in your boat,
and you're gonna leave.
We ain't never gonna see
each other again.
Or he's gonna shoot you.
You're not the only one
that's hard up around here.
We need that money.
[engine starts]
[Eleanor] Tyler, what was that?
[Tyler] Trouble. Problems.
You upset with me?
[seagulls squawking]
It ain't gonna happen no more.
[seagulls squawking]
What's that "T" on your wrist?
[Eleanor] It's a "J".
What's the "J" on your wrist?
[Eleanor chuckles]
[Eleanor] Um...
it was for my husband.
- You're married?
- No, I'm not married anymore.
- You divorced?
- No.
I'm a widow.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Don't be sorry.
We're really similar.
And not at all too.
[Zak] I'm having some breakfast.
Peanut butter.
- You're having some breakfast?
- [Zak] Yeah.
Hi, Glen.
Yeah. Yes, I have him.
He is sitting right next to me.
No, he's fine.
Uh, he was alone.
[indistinct chatter]
No, there's no need
to send anybody.
I've got it.
No. Glen, that's not ne... I...
Cherry Hill is a place
where they send drug addicts
and prostitutes, not Zak.
Yes, I know,
I did label him a flight risk,
but I just think that he might
be better suited in an...
I understand what you're...
[Zak grunts]
- Boo-yeah!
- [Eleanor] Okay,
yeah, no, I get it.
Okay, schedule his processing
for tomorrow afternoon then.
Oh, you mighty thirsty,
here you go.
Can I get you
anything else, hon?
No, I'm...
Actually, do you know
who the Salt Water Redneck is?
[laughs] Oh, everybody
around here knows Salt Water.
He used to be a celebrity.
[chuckles softly]
Do you know where he lives?
Maybe it's...
- Let me see.
- Maybe it's not the right place.
This is the right place, 5-3-0.
Yeah, this is it.
[TV playing indistinctly]
[Clint] Shit! Jesus Christ.
Who're you?
You're Salt Water Redneck?
What is this?
I'm sorry,
is this the wrestling school?
[Clint] Who's asking?
My name's Tyler.
I ain't selling nothing to you.
You see that boy back there?
- [Clint] Yeah.
- Yeah, so, we done, uh...
We done some hard traveling
to get to you.
It's a big deal seeing you here.
You mind waving to him?
He's got a lot riding on you.
You mind just waving to him?
[Clint] How you doing?
[Zak] Hey.
You don't teach no wrestling
school here no more?
I closed that
about ten years ago.
Did you?
So I promised him he would...
He would do this one thing.
You know, this wrestling thing.
And he told me
about this school here in Ayden.
And we had... We had
a big journey to get here.
And, uh...
now I got to break his heart,
you know?
And I don't really know
what to say to him.
But that ain't your shit,
you know?
I don't mean to bring shit
to your doorstep
or nothing like that.
What's your name?
- [Clint] It's Clint.
- Clint.
It's nice to meet you.
So... [clears throat]
- ...he used to be a fan?
- [Tyler] Oh, man, shit,
you're his hero.
He believes in you.
That's a hard thing to do,
believe in something, you know?
Hey, Zak.
[Tyler] This is Clint.
- Hey, Clinton.
- [Tyler] Hey, come up here.
You mind if he comes
and says hi?
That'd be all right.
[Tyler] Hey, pal, Salt Water
don't live here no more.
But Clint's just a regular guy
like me or you.
He wanted to shake your hand.
- How are you doing?
- [Clint] Good.
Nice to meet you.
[Zak] Thanks.
All right, thanks, partner.
Come on, bub.
Nice to meet you, Clint.
[Zak] Hey, Tyler.
[Tyler] What?
I bet we could find him by...
By the raft.
Maybe he is hiding by the swamp.
He's not real, bud.
Salt Water don't exist.
I saw the videotape...
and he is real.
- He's not real, Zak.
- I just saw, like,
a thousand movies of him.
Zak, I don't think
we're going to find him.
I think it's time for us
to go back now.
[Zak] I don't want to go back.
Tyler told me this,
and he lied to me,
and he promised me.
And I don't wanna go back.
I wanna stay here.
[Eleanor] We can't, Zak.
We have lives to go back to.
Eleanor, I am strong enough.
And I could catch a fish
for you.
And I'm going to be a hero.
And... And I could
take care of you.
We could be a family.
[rock clangs]
[vehicle approaching]
[engine revving]
[rock music playing over radio]
[turns engine off]
Holy shit.
Salt Water Redneck.
- It's you.
- Hey.
- Hey.
- How you doing, buddy?
I'm doing good.
- I am so happy to see you.
- I'm happy to see you.
And for me, I... I...
I saw so many videos about you.
Yeah? You want to learn
some wrestling?
- [Zak] Oh, hell, yeah.
- [Eleanor laughs]
And I feel great.
Um, can I...
Uh, can I join you for the ride?
- [Clint] Of course. Get in.
- And... And... And...
- And can I bring my family?
- [Clint] Sure.
I told you. I told you.
I told you. He's real.
Come on. Join us.
Have some fun.
[engine starts]
Hang on.
[rock music playing]
The first thing you do is,
you're gonna kind of just, like,
you're gonna feel out,
you know, how big the ring is.
You just go, you know,
kind of check out,
you know, what your space is,
where you're gonna be
moving around.
All right, now,
one of the fundamentals
is when you go to hit a guy
with an elbow.
You got to hit a guy
with an elbow,
- but also do a foot stomp.
- [grunts]
But kind of pop your head too.
- Just gives it more energy.
- [grunts]
Yeah. Okay, that's good.
Um, was there anything special
in the video
that you want me to teach you?
Uh, will you please show me
the Atomic Throw?
- [Clint] Ah.
- [chuckles]
Yeah, the Atomic Throw.
Honestly, Zak,
we just made that up.
You know,
it was smoke and mirrors.
It was just a camera on my face.
And then it looked like I was
holding the guy up over my head,
and then we'd cut to a guy
getting thrown out of the ring.
It's not possible to do.
But I can show you a lot
of other cool stuff.
What do you think, Sam?
Might try a collar
and elbow lockup.
There you go, a lockup.
All right, now, what you do,
you come in and boom,
right there, boom.
You know, boom, boom.
But when you come in to do it,
you got to really, really,
really slam...
- [Zak growls]
- [Clint] Yeah.
Yeah. Growl all you want.
See? Then we kind of...
Now we can move around
a little bit, like this.
You don't know
what I'm going to do...
What are you gonna do?
What do you mean?
[Eleanor] I mean,
what are you going to do
after all this is over?
[Tyler] Well, I'm gonna settle
my debts with Duncan.
I'mma go up to Jupiter, Florida.
Town called Jupiter up there
is a small little fishing town.
It's on the Indian River,
and it opens up
to this big estuary.
It's the biggest estuary
in America.
I'm gonna get a boat
and I'm gonna...
just live a good life.
Run charters
and take people sport fishing.
You ever been to Florida?
- [Eleanor] Uh-uh.
- No?
You want to go?
- To Florida?
- [Tyler] Yeah.
Beyond a dream
You know, certain things,
it takes years to learn.
Like how to fall
without hurting yourself.
But then that stuff
just comes with time.
- As long as you don't do...
- [Eleanor] It takes
- so much time.
- Yeah, it takes time,
but as long as
you don't do the same move
in the same bout,
you're good to go.
- You look real.
- [Zak] Oh, yeah,
and I'm totally ready
to do this.
You want to fight for real?
- Yeah. For-real match.
- [Clint] For real?
You want to do a match?
[Zak] Oh, yeah, seriously. Yeah.
I love it.
Good. That's great.
I don'...
I don't think he's ready.
Oh, look it,
he can't just be out here
practicing all the time.
He did great today.
We can set that up.
I mean, there's... There's a card
in Jacob's backyard tomorrow.
I mean,
you're fighting on that card.
- Yeah.
- Okay. Y'all two can fight.
- Hey!
- [Clint] That's outstanding.
A real match.
You want to fight Samson?
- [Zak] Hell, yeah.
- [Clint] Good.
Yes, I do. Tomorrow.
Oh, man!
[Zak] Yeah, take on Sam.
Um, yo, um, please,
don't mess with
the Peanut Butter Falcon.
[Clint] Peanut Butter Falcon
in the house.
I see a problem here.
Uh, seems a bit soon.
- [Tyler] He's great.
- [Eleanor] Really?
- [Tyler] Yeah!
- I'm gonna be there.
He's going to take care of him.
It'll be like dancing.
- Oh, yeah.
- [Tyler] Uh-hmm. Oh, yeah.
- Sam?
- Really? Yeah.
Oh, come on, man.
He's in, he's in.
He's grumpy. He's in.
Just let him lead, huh?
[Zak] All right, yeah.
[rock music plays over radio]
She comes
[Clint yells]
[both roar]
She's singing
with her wings through fire
[all screaming]
I fooled everybody...
[crowd gasps]
[crowd exclaims]
[indistinct chatter]
- [screams]
- [crowd cheers]
Look, I need you to put
somebody else on the card
to fight Samson.
- Yeah, look over there.
- Looks kind of lean,
kind of wiry,
like a swimmer's physique.
No, no, not him.
The little guy.
[crowd gasps]
[crowd shouting]
- All right.
- [crowd shouting]
[Clint] Had to grease the wheels
a little bit,
but, Zak, you're good, buddy.
You're fighting.
You want to fight?
They'll take girls.
Okay. All right. Yeah.
Yeah, Tyler's here.
At this wrestling thing
in Ayden.
[crowd gasps and applauds]
- [bell rings]
- [crowd cheers]
Zak! One thing
you got to remember, buddy.
Huge part of the game
is smack talk.
As soon as you set foot
in that ring,
I want you to say the meanest,
evilest thing that comes
into your head, Zak, okay?
You got to go in aggressive.
He is gonna hit you.
He's gonna hit you,
but you come back harder!
Harder, Zak, all right?
Oh, one last thing, okay?
It may not even happen.
If you start bleeding, though,
take it to your advantage.
All right? Rub it
on your face a little bit.
Get it on your hands.
He hates that.
He believes in vampires
and shit.
All right, I think that's it.
It's a Zak attack time.
How are you feeling?
You ready?
Oh, you're up. Yeah!
Oh, I wish I was in there
with you.
- Tyler.
- What?
- I'm scared.
- No, don't do that right now.
Hey, hey!
Don't do that right now.
I know you got this, Zak.
You got this.
I know you can do this.
Say, "I got this."
You've been out here.
You got this.
Say, "I got this."
- I got this.
- [Tyler] No, not...
like you're asking a question.
Like you mean it.
Mean it. Mean it.
In your heart you know it.
Say, "I got this."
- I got this.
- [Tyler] I got this.
- I got this.
- [Tyler] Mean it.
Make me believe it.
I got this.
I got this!
- Do it again.
- [Zak] I got this!
- Say it! Say it!
- I got this!
It's you. There he is.
Peanut Butter Falcon. Ready?
You're going to win.
You just got to show up.
Take your shirt off.
We got to find some cardboard.
Wait, wait.
Come here, come here.
Get this box. Get this box.
Ladies and gentlemen,
- can you feel it?
- [crowd] Yeah!
- I said, can you feel it?
- [crowd] Yeah!
- Can you feel the heat?
- [crowd] Yeah!
I understand why
you took me out here,
but there ain't no reason
to be scared.
We're talking about
two different matches.
You're talking about
a hard-core match,
which was what
you just sat through,
and then what Zak's
gonna be doing,
which ain't gonna be
the same match.
- No.
- He's gonna do a couple moves,
he's going to lay down,
it's going to be simple,
and that's gonna be that.
Zak's gonna win and we go home.
[Eleanor] Tyler,
They don't care about him.
- I care about him.
- [Eleanor] I know.
We care about him.
They don't.
[Jacob] Well, that was going
to be the case,
but then,
at the very last moment,
an old friend stopped by.
- [man] Who?
- [man 2] Who was it?
The Salt Water Redneck.
[crowd cheers]
The Salt Water Redneck
stopped by.
He brought with him tonight
a protg.
[Tyler] Yeah.
[Eleanor laughs]
- [handcuffs click]
- [car horn honks]
- You want popcorn?
- Tyler... Oh, my God.
- Tyler, what the...
- I'll get you popcorn.
Are you kidding me?
Don't worry. You're good.
- Oh, my God.
- Nobody's gonna die today.
I'll be right back.
May I present to you...
[crowd exclaims]
...the Peanut Butter Falcon!
[crowd applauds]
[Tyler] Let's go, let's go!
[crowd silent]
[Tyler clapping]
[Tyler] Hey! Woo!
He's wearing a freaking
cardboard box.
[hard rock music plays]
Falcon time!
Here we go, here we go.
Fly around, baby!
Fly around, baby!
[Tyler] The Falcon! Falcon!
[crowd cheering]
All right, Zak.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd] Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
[crowd cheers]
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Who's ready for some wrestling?
[crowd cheers]
[crowd] Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
Peanut Butter Falcon!
[crowd cheers]
[crowd yelling]
[Tyler] Come on, Zak!
Zak, say something.
[Samson] What do you think
about that, huh?
I've been doing this
for 38 years,
and guess what?
This isn't
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Kick out, Zak.
Kick out that leg!
Legs! Kick out!
There you go, there you go.
Get up, get up! Recover.
[Samson] Oh, son, you messed up.
You want to play some more?
[crowd exclaims]
[Tyler] Get up, Zak. Get up.
The Peanut Butter Falcon?
Are you ser...
How about Tweety Bird?
That's more like it.
Tweety Bird.
[Tyler] Get up. Get up, boy.
Get up, boy. Fight.
Come on, Zak.
You wanna play some more?
[Clint] Come on, Zak.
You know,
I've had enough of you.
- [thud]
- [crowd exclaims]
Samson! We had an agreement!
Don't come to me
and expect favors.
- Bullshit.
- [Tyler] Get up. Get up, Zak.
What else do you want?
You stupid little punk.
You're going down.
Retard, get up, man.
Get your stinking ass
out of the ring, man.
Oh, my God.
Hey, hey, hey. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me.
Look at me.
Hey, hey, look at me.
Let me know,
you want to do this anymore?
- [groans]
- Then get up now.
Lighten up, Sam.
You're a piece of shit.
[Sam and Jacob muttering]
Say something, Zak.
[Tyler] Come on, Zak!
Come on, Zak! Come on, Zak!
- [Zak] Excuse me, Samson.
- What?
You are not invited
to my birthday party!
Go, Zak. Go, Zak. Run, run!
- Yeah.
- [Tyler] Go underneath! Up! Up!
[Samson groans]
[thunder rumbles]
- Let's just start from there.
- Yeah.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
- Boom.
- Boom.
There you go.
You wanna hug?
A little tap of a hug
or just a straight hug?
- [Zak] Straight hug.
- Straight hug.
- [Zak] Florida.
- [Eleanor laughs]
We are in Florida.
We... We are here in Florida.
- We made it.
- [Tyler chuckles]
My oh my love
I just can't hardly wait
We've been warned now
In the hardest ways
The long night's over
I'm starting to believe
I'm not as broken
As some made me out to be
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
What makes a house a home?
Time moves fast now
Like tires on the road
But I don't mind it
I always dream go
The long night's over
I'm starting to believe
I'm not as broken
As some made me out to be
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
What makes a house a home?
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
Oh I'm tired of being alone
My oh my Lord
I just can't hardly wait
We've come so far
Through the darkest days
The long night's over
I'm starting to believe
I'm not as broken
As some made me out to be
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
What makes a house a home?
What makes a house a home?
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
Oh I'm tired of being alone
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
When I met you
I couldn't let you
Oh I'm tired of being alone
Been running for so long
Been running for so long
Gonna pack up
some of these empties here
Just as soon
as we know where they lay
Tied off of them jolly
and leaving lines
On a long hot summer day
For every day I work
on the Illinois River
Get a half a day off
with pay
All day long
I'm makin' up barges
On a long hot summer day
Well I got me
a gal In Peking
She's a good ol' gal okay
I bet she's sitting
by a window fan
On a long hot summer day
For every day
I work on the Illinois River
Get a half a day off
with pay
All day long
I'm makin' up barges
On a long hot summer day