The Phantom of the Opera (1962)

[People chattering]
[Horse trotting]
[People chattering]
The house is sold out,
my lord.
No further incidents, I trust?
No, nothing.
Everything seems quite normal.
From his Lordship, Madam.
Is this all?
Yes, Madam.
Last time there were diamonds.
Put them
with the others, Teresa.
dd[singing continues]
Teresa, is that you?
Teresa, come
and help me button my dress.
[Horse trotting]
[People chattering]
What is it now?
It's Maria.
She said she's seen something.
Leave me alone. Go away.
Harry. It was here,
in the room.
It was terrible.
Now, Maria...
"Now, Maria," nothing.
I saw him, I tell you.
Standing just over here.
Just here.
All over, black.
And his eye, staring at me.
His eye?
One eye
in the middle of his forehead.
And his face, Harry.
It was horrible.
Maria, I'm sure
you saw something.
Exactly what it was...
It was him.
After the show,
we'll try and find out.
Harry, I can't go on tonight.
Of course you can.
You're an artist.
You're not going to let
a little thing
like a ghost upset you.
So, you do believe me?
Of course, I believe you.
After the show,
I promise we'll find out
all about it.
Now you lie down
and have a little rest.
(man) You're so good for me.
Five minutes, please.
Put your feet up for a minute
or two. I'll come and see you
before you go on.
Oh, Harry.
I'll send Teresa.
Now, shut your eyes and rest.
Stay with her, won't you.
Is she all right?
She saw something, Bill.
My music, Mr. Hunter.
Some of my music is missing.
You don't need it, Rossi.
You know it backwards.
I know, but who could have
done such a thing?
Someone's playing
a joke.
We've had too many jokes.
He's right.
Come on now.
This is a first night,
not a funeral.
Thank you.
Thank you, Bill.
dd[violin playing]
[Audience applauding]
dd[music playing]
All right, Lattimer,
it's only me.
I thought it was Lord d'Arcy.
He'll come in late,
you know that.
On the first night
of his own opera?
All the more reason for making
a good entrance.
I don't understand it.
I really don't understand it.
Don't you?
I understand it all right.
What I don't understand
is how Ambrose d'Arcy...
can write
so much excellent music
in the last few years...
when he has
so little musical taste.
Thank you, Mr. Hunter.
You're welcome.
A full house, my lord.
So you keep telling me.
They seem to sense
good music, don't they?
They like a good tune.
If he wasn't the best producer
in London...
I'm quite sure he meant
no disrespect, my lord.
[Audience applauding]
[cast singing]
Silence. Silence. Silence
These Englishmen they have
the manners of the pigs
And no sense of decency
By order
of the town Burgher
By order
of the town Burgher
Who speaks in the name
Of the Earl of Warwick
Who speaks in the name
of the Earl of Warwick
[all laughing]
Seize him
Seize him
You lousy Frenchie
You think this is a joke
I'll tell you
something now
To take your smile away
From this day forward
there is to be
An increase in the taxes
I thought you said
the house was sold out.
So it is, my lord.
Then why is that box empty
over there?
There have been complaints,
my lord.
Complaints of what?
Of noises, my lord.
People do not like
to sit there, my lord.
Are you trying to tell me
it's haunted?
d And the penalty of death d
That is
what they say, my lord.
Oh no, this is too much.
I shall speak
to your directors
in the morning.
A perfectly good box
going to waste.
[Audience applauding]
[music playing]
In the sound of rain
As thunder grows distant
From darkest night
To broadest
I hear your voice
In summer sunshine
[Audience screaming]
[Church bell rings]
[Horse trotting]
Of course, I appreciate
that the police
had to be called in.
After all, the criminal
must be apprehended
and punished.
Of course, my lord.
At the same time, Lattimer,
I rely on you to see...
that not one breath of scandal
attaches itself...
either to my name
or to the name of my opera.
I have already
given instructions to
the police to that effect.
The whole affair has been
acutely embarrassing for me.
It's been quite terrible,
you understand?
I doubt if the damage
to my work can
ever really be repaired.
Maria has refused
ever to sing
in this country again.
Heaven knows where
we'll ever find anyone
to take her place.
Mr. Hunter is already
that possibility, my lord.
In what way is
he "investigating
that possibility"?
He is holding auditions
this morning.
Without consulting me?
He said he thought
it would be the best thing.
I shall decide what is best
and what is not best
for my opera.
How dare he?
dd[woman singing]
d A garden I know of roses d
d By moonlight silvered over d
d Upon the lake reposes d
d A lovely lotus flower d
d Upon lake reposes d
Listen to me, Hunter.
You listen to her.
d A lovely lotus flower d
dd[piano playing]
d And there we will sit
and rest us d
d Under the palm tree shade d
d And dream that love d
d Has blessed us d
d And joy will never fade d
d That joy d
d will never d
d fade dd
What's your name?
Christine Charles, sir.
You sang that beautifully,
Miss Charles.
I don't think we need to
look any further, do you?
She's a very lovely girl.
She's got
a very lovely voice, too.
Go wait in your dressing room,
Miss Charles.
I'll leave you
to fix the contract, shall I?
She'll need
a bit of coaching, of course.
We should be able to open
in a week or two
with a bit of luck.
Bill, Act 1, Scene 1.
Start rehearsing
in 15 minutes.
Right. Come along, girls.
Give that to Miss Charles.
That was very good.
I wish I could sing
like that.
So do I.
I'm sure
you'll get the part.
(woman #1)
Absolutely wonderful.
[Women chattering]
(woman #2)
It was marvelous.
[Clears throat]
[Knocking at door]
[All laughing]
[Knocking continues]
Miss Charles.
From Lord Ambrose d'Arcy.
Thank you.
I say.
What is it?
What have you got?
Tell us.
I'm to dine with him tonight.
Oh, you lucky girl.
Caviar and champagne!
How marvelous.
I've got nothing to wear.
You can borrow my blue.
I'll loan you my green.
You're about my size.
Wardrobe will lend
you something.
This is an occasion.
You must have something new.
But I can't possibly
afford anything.
How much can you afford?
A few shillings,
that's all I have.
Well, I can let you have five.
Oh, no.
I can spare
half a crown.
Me, too.
You mustn't.
You stay here and get ready,
and as soon as we've got
a moment for you...
we'll come and help you
choose it.
But really.
Come on, girls. Good luck.
Don't worry.
[Girls chattering]
(The Phantom)
Young woman.
Young woman, listen to me.
Who is that? Who are you?
Be quiet, and listen.
You sang well,
but you will sing better.
I shall teach you.
When you sing,
it will be only for me.
Please, who are you?
Only for me,
do you understand?
I understand what you say,
You are dining
with Ambrose d'Arcy tonight.
Be warned,
he is a vile and vicious man.
Who are you?
Where are you hiding?
Please tell me.
I forgot this.
[Door closes]
Please, tell me who you are.
[People chattering]
dd[music playing]
I believe Lord Ambrose d'Arcy
is expecting me.
Of course.
How charming
you look, my dear.
Shall I serve the champagne,
my lord?
Of course.
It's very pretty here,
isn't it?
I expect you'll have guessed
why I invited you here?
Yes, I think so.
We'll eat a little,
drink a little champagne,
then we'll talk about it.
No, thank you.
I insist.
No, really, thank you.
A brandy, then?
Yes, my lord.
Tell Xavier
we don't want to be disturbed.
Yes, my lord.
that little matter
we were going to discuss.
About your singing in
my new opera. You guessed it
was that, didn't you?
Of course, you did.
You've got a brain in that
pretty little head of yours.
A brain and a voice.
A good singing voice.
Small, mind you,
needs training,
but it's there.
Just wants bringing out,
I know.
Needs a lot of training.
I realize that, of course.
Of course, I'm a busy man.
I think I might be able
to spare you a few minutes
now and then.
Just a few, mind.
If only you could,
I'd be so grateful.
I'd expect you to be grateful.
You're a
delicious little thing.
I'm going to enjoy
teaching you.
I have an idea.
Let's have the
first lesson now, right away.
The theater will be closed.
My apartment won't.
No, I couldn't.
I'm an expert teacher.
No, please.
Do you want to sing
in my new opera or don't you?
You know I do.
Very well, then.
Good evening, Mr. Hunter.
Good evening, Xavier.
Not too late, am I?
No, no, no, no.
[People chattering]
Good evening, Ambrose.
Good evening, Harry.
Miss Charles.
Mr. Hunter.
Lord Ambrose has very
kindly offered
to coach me in my singing.
Has he?
I wondered if you could
possibly spare the time.
That is, if you would care to.
But of course.
Nothing I'd like better
than watching Ambrose teaching
you how to sing.
Shall we go?
But, Mr. Hunter.
I've changed my mind, Xavier.
I'm putting on weight.
It is rather late.
They'll fetch you a cab,
Miss Charles.
No need. She can come with me.
Thank you.
It's a pleasure, believe me.
Miss Charles.
You're not really putting
on weight, are you?
I don't think so.
Then you must be starving.
Please go back,
I can easily find
my own way home.
Have you eaten?
Why, yes.
But did you
actually eat anything?
I was too nervous.
Will you join me
for supper, Miss Charles?
For two this time, Xavier.
Of course, Mr. Hunter.
[Horse trotting]
Thank you for everything.
He must have been furious.
I suppose tomorrow
I shall be back singing
in the chorus again.
If there is a chorus tomorrow.
We've had a strange run
of bad luck with this opera,
From the moment
we started rehearsing.
First it was
little, irritating things.
Music disappearing,
costumes torn,
scenery damaged.
Then things got worse,
and finally, last night,
a man was killed on the stage.
The police say...
The police say
it was suicide.
You don't believe that?
I think there is
something evil
in this theater, Christine.
Something or someone trying
to stop the opera
from ever being performed.
When I was sitting
in my dressing room today...
I thought I heard
a voice speaking to me.
Today? When?
Just after I had
the invitation
from Lord Ambrose.
A voice warned me not to go.
He spoke...
Yes, it was a man's voice.
Did you recognize it?
No, I'd never heard it before.
He spoke quietly
but very clearly, so that
I could hear every word.
You couldn't see him?
Was it dark?
Perhaps he was hiding
In the wardrobe, a cupboard.
I didn't see him
because he wasn't there.
Were you afraid?
Afraid? No.
Would you go back there
with me?
Yes. L...
Take us to the Opera House.
What, now?
Well, it's closed.
Yes, I know. Quick as you can.
All right. Come on, girl.
[Women laughing]
No one ever seems
to lose anything
worth losing nowadays.
No. Like
a nice diamond tiara.
[Laughing continues]
Hello, what have we here?
If you've come to see
the show,
you're a bit late, dearie.
(woman #1)
Isn't he handsome.
(woman #2)
He's lovely.
He's got his girlfriend
with him.
Looking for a nice dark corner
to do a bit of courting,
was you?
Good evening.
My name's Hunter.
I'm the producer of the opera.
Yeah, and
I'm the Queen of England.
[All laughing]
Now be off with you
and do your wooing elsewhere.
But I assure you...
Go on. Get out of here.
You haven't found a small
diamond brooch, have you?
When did you lose it?
Last night.
Last night?
Where was you sitting?
Front or back?
That's me.
Let me give you a hand, dear.
Keep your
thieving hands away.
It's all mine.
Do you think
it might still be
in the theater?
He's right. Come on, girls.
The front stall's mine.
Come back, you thieving lot.
(woman #1)
They're mine, I say.
[Women chattering]
Now, can you remember
which direction
this voice came from?
Well, not exactly.
Sit down exactly
just as you were sitting
when you heard it.
You were sitting there
and the voice came from...
The voice came
from somewhere over there.
The gas.
Don't be afraid.
(The Phantom)
Mr. Hunter.
Mr. Hunter. I do not
want you meddling...
with something
that does not concern you.
Do you understand?
No, I do not.
Who are you?
Get away from here, get away.
You do not know
what may happen to you.
I'm not easily frightened.
Then you should be.
My threat is not an idle one.
There are forces of evil
at large in the opera tonight.
Leave the girl
and go while you may.
Do you hear me?
Leave the girl here and go.
[Women screaming]
It's him.
The Phantom.
We saw him.
Harry, look.
It's only the old ratcatcher.
Don't be alarmed.
I won't do you no harm.
Think I must have given
them cleaners a bit of a turn.
They're usually gone
by the time I'm around.
[Rats screeching]
I'm the ratcatcher,
you see, sir.
Place is alive with them.
I searches them out
with me lamp...
then I sort
of hypnotizes them...
till I'm near enough
to pounce.
I'm sorry, lady.
I caught a couple of beauties
tonight, sir. Fat.
Like young puppies, they are.
Here, I'll show you.
Now, none of that.
I'll find them
for you in a moment, sir.
You'll never believe
your eyes.
Please stop him.
Please don't bother
on our account.
I could let you have them both
for tuppence, sir.
They'd make a lovely pie,
you know.
We're vegetarians.
Here's something
for your trouble, though.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.
Well, good night to you then.
Wait here.
(The Phantom)
Young woman.
Young woman,
you must come with me.
[Christine screaming]
It's all right.
I did see him, Harry.
He was standing there
at the top of the stairs.
And he had one eye and a mask?
Yes, all black.
And he stood there staring
and staring at me.
It felt as if he was trying
to burn a hole in my brain.
[Door opening]
The kettle's on and tea
won't be a minute.
How are you feeling, my dear?
She needs to sleep.
A nice cup of tea,
then off to bed with you.
You do believe me, Harry.
Yes, I believe you, Christine.
Useless. No good at all.
For heaven's sake,
get rid of her.
All right, stop.
That's enough. Next please.
I should like to sing
Adele's Song from Fledermaus.
Whenever you are ready,
my dear.
dd[woman singing]
d With a man like you d
d And with a girl like me d
d You really should beware d
d Looking in your eyes d
d It is no surprise d
d I'll tell my heart,
take care d
d And if I
should let myself go d
d We'll sample
some pleasures I know d
d We'll drink to each other d
d We'll tell one another d
d Of everlasting love d
d Of everlasting love d
d Such a man as you d
d With a girl like me d
d You really should beware d
d Looking into your eyes d
d It is no surprise d
d I'll tell my heart,
take care dd
Quite excellent.
Needs a little work,
of course.
Tell her to come to my office.
Very good, my dear.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
That's all,
thank you very much.
What' s going on, Ambrose?
I have been endeavoring
to find someone...
with the ability to do justice
to the leading role
in my opera, Mr. Hunter.
I thought you'd agreed that
Miss Charles was to sing it.
You may have thought so.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
Have I not made
myself sufficiently clear?
Miss Charles is not to sing
in my opera. Not in the
leading part nor in any other.
She has received
her dismissal this morning.
You small-minded, fatheaded...
Be careful, Mr. Hunter.
Because she refuses
to go to your apartment...
in the middle of the night...
You're dismissed.
You understand?
Now get out of my way.
Sorry, Harry. He made me
send the note round by hand.
I'll go and see her.
If anything else happens,
let me know, will you?
No, he can't.
It's not fair.
Of course it's not.
If he's stopped me
from playing St. Joan...
Not to let me sing at all,
it just isn't fair.
Fairness isn't one
of his virtues, Christine.
I forgot to ask...
I'm sorry.
It's all right, Mrs. Tucker.
I thought you'd like a glass
of sherry wine,
but perhaps...
Nothing I'd
like better, Mrs. Tucker.
I'll drink it...
while Miss Charles is
getting ready to come
and have lunch with me.
No, Harry. I couldn't.
Of course you could.
I insist that you come
and celebrate.
Celebrate, Mr. Hunter?
Yes, Mrs. Tucker.
Today, we both got the sack.
Oh, no, Harry.
Oh, yes, Harry.
So we've both got nothing
to do and all the time
in the world to do it in.
And I'll allow you just...
ten minutes of it
to get ready.
Not a moment more.
I'll try.
dd[music playing]
[Clears throat]
I wonder if you could tell me
where you got this.
Got it? I made it.
Where did you
get this music from?
That's some
of the Professor's.
Professor Petrie. He used to
teach singing at the Academy.
When he remembered
to go there, that is.
He was a little bit...
But very nice.
He used to play the piano
all day long.
I have mostly musicians
stay with me, you know.
He used to play night and day.
I just loved listening to him.
Then the neighbors
started banging on the walls,
so I had to put a stop to it.
Do you think it'd be possible
for me to have a closer look
at that music?
If it's not too much trouble.
No, he left a whole pile
of it here.
He left me enough
to paper the house.
But I threw some of it out.
Here's some,
but it's a bit faded now.
dd[piano playing]
I remember that bit.
What became of this Professor,
Mrs. Tucker?
He was killed.
Burned to death in a fire.
It was terrible.
A fire?
At a printer's.
He'd gone to see them about
printing his music.
The whole place caught fire
while he was there.
Do you know the name
of this printer's,
Mrs. Tucker?
Let me see. Yes.
It was Piggot's.
By London Bridge.
In five minutes exactly.
Good girl.
Thank you very much,
Mrs. Tucker,
for all your help.
What about your sherry...
Of course.
Goodbye, Mrs. Tucker.
The fire, sir.
That would be a bit
before my time.
Perhaps you would care
to see our Mr. Weaver, sir?
He's the master printer.
He's been here
a very long time.
Yes, I'd like that very much.
I'll see
if he's available, sir.
[Machines rattling]
What is this, Harry?
It's a long story.
I'll tell you over lunch.
Mr. Weaver?
You were enquiring
about the fire, sir?
Yes, well, rather
about someone
who died in the fire.
No one died.
But I understood that someone
was burned to death
in the fire.
Someone was badly burned, sir.
But he didn't die.
Not here, anyway.
What happened?
He broke in one night, sir.
He must have knocked over
a lamp or something...
and put
the whole place ablaze.
He tried to put it out with...
what he thought
was water, sir.
But it was some of this.
For etching the plates.
He threw a whole jarful
at the flames.
Some of it splashed back
in his face.
Nitric acid, sir.
What became of him?
He ran out screaming.
No one ever saw
any more of him.
And you've no idea
who he was?
No, sir.
Nor why he broke in?
He was a burglar.
I suppose, sir.
Thank you very much
for seeing us, Sergeant.
I'm sure
you must be very busy.
It is quite all right, sir.
I'm enquiring about a fire.
A fire, sir?
At Piggot's, the printers.
Do you remember it?
I remember it well, sir.
I was on duty. Saw it all.
There was a man badly burned.
There was indeed, sir.
He came running out
of that place
screaming blue murder...
if you'll
pardon the expression, Miss.
Where did he run to?
Straight up the street
and into the river.
The river?
That's right, Miss.
Straight in, he went.
About here.
[Children chattering]
So that's where he went.
Who, Harry?
Who is this mystery man?
I'll tell you over lunch.
Lunch? It's almost three.
Is it? Well, tea then.
[Both laughing]
We'll have tea in the park,
then a row on the lake...
and dinner at Frascati's.
And then perhaps
we'll have some supper.
The cab's stopped.
Has it?
Well, tell him to go round
the park again.
Harry, we can't.
He's been round
four times already.
Well, perhaps he likes it.
Cabbie, would you mind
taking us round
the park again?
Well, sir, being
a pleasant enough evening
for myself...
I wouldn't mind a bit.
I don't suppose
old Lightning here
would grumble much either.
But, me missus...
Me missus
has a nervous disposition.
She don't like being left
on her own at nighttime.
She don't.
So, if you wouldn't mind, sir.
I understand perfectly.
Thought you would, sir.
Looks like I'll have
to take you home.
Thank you for a lovely day.
The first of many,
I wouldn't wonder, Miss, eh?
I think I'll just go
and inspect the harness, sir.
[Horse grunting]
All in order, sir.
All in order, sir,
with the harness.
Yes, I'll just
climb aboard again.
Harry, you never did tell me
about that mystery man,
you know.
It's quite simple.
I found out how Ambrose d'Arcy
managed to write
such good music.
He didn't.
Someone else wrote it for him.
Are you sure?
Near enough.
What are you going to do?
The real composer's dead.
We've enough trouble
without making more.
All right then, sir?
Very all right, thank you.
All right. We're away then.
Come on, Lightning.
We'll soon be home now.
dd[piano playing]
dd[piano playing continues]
[Water running]
I am going to teach you
to sing, Christine.
I am going to give you
a new voice.
A voice so wonderful...
that the theaters all over
the world will be filled
with your admirers.
You will be the greatest star
the opera has ever known.
Greater than the greatest.
And when you sing,
you will be singing only...
for me.
d Most noble Lord Dauphin d
d I am sent by God d
d to bring succor
to your Kingdom dd
No, not like that.
Now start again.
dd[music playing]
d Most noble Lord Dauphin d
d I am sent by God d
d to bring succor
to your Kingdom dd
If you watch me carefully,
my dear,
I'll give you your cue.
Just one moment, Mr. Rossi.
I am taking this rehearsal.
When I require any help
from you, I shall ask for it.
Then you had better ask
for it now because
you most certainly need it.
What did you say?
dd[music playing]
Stop it, stop it I say!
You're dismissed.
Good morning, gentlemen.
What are they playing at?
Stop them.
Stop. Where are you going?
Stop, I say.
You're dismissed.
They're all dismissed.
You, too.
And you.
You come to my office.
At once.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
What's happening, Bill?
We've all been dismissed.
What? You, too?
Yes, and I can't say
I'm sorry.
Good morning, sir.
Good morning.
How could they do this to me?
My first opera
and I'm let down
on every side.
First, I'm haunted by ghosts,
and now all this.
It really is too much.
Well, say something.
What am I going to do?
I think you should ask
Mr. Hunter to come back.
What? What did you say?
I think you should apologize
to Mr. Hunter
and ask him to come back.
How dare you?
I dare because as manager
of this opera house...
I am responsible
to my director
for its welfare.
And if I allow you to carry on
in this manner,
we shall all be made bankrupt.
I refuse to stay and listen
to this treason.
Very well.
But if you go, I shall take it
upon myself to ask
Mr. Hunter to return.
Well done, Lattimer.
I think, I feel quite...
Brandy. Where do you keep it?
I don't know how I dared.
I'll never forget
the expression on his face.
Mr. Hunter, what have I done?
You've proved that
you're a man and not a mouse.
You've also persuaded me
to come back and help you
clear up this mess.
Will you? Will you really?
I'll just join you in one of
these to celebrate, then we'll
get down to work, shall we?
Thank you, gentlemen,
thank you.
Would you two change places?
That's good.
Would you come forward
a few paces, please?
Thank you.
I am sorry, ladies
and gentlemen, I shall have
to leave for a few minutes.
I hope I won't be very long.
Carry on, Bill.
Right, we'll go
from the opening scene.
Her bed hasn't been slept in,
but she must
have gone up there...
because her coat was hanging
in the wardrobe...
and the window was wide open,
and I never leave
the window wide open...
because you know why.
She can't have left
very early, can she,
without your knowing?
I'm up at 5:30 every morning.
I don't sleep very well
at the best of times.
Wind, you know.
I'm terribly troubled
with the wind.
Just as soon as she does
return, perhaps you could ask
her to come to the theater.
I shall tell her at once,
Mr. Hunter.
I just can't think
what could have
happened to her.
dd[piano playing]
Better. Again.
Better. Again.
dd[singing continues]
I can't.
You little fool.
Do you think you can become
a great singer
without suffering?
Do you think
I have not suffered?
The scoundrel.
But sir, there is 10 years'
work there. 10 years
of my life. Surely ?50 is...
I'm sorry, I accept.
Thank you. Thank you.
Sing! Use that wonderful gift
that God has given you.
dd[piano playing]
Good. Now the melody.
dd[piano playing continues]
Listen carefully
to the phrasing.
You begin very quietly.
Then build.
Keep the tone spinning.
Build your voice
until the auditorium
is filled...
with the beautiful sound
of it.
[Thunder rumbling]
How can you be sure
that he died? That's what
I want to know.
What makes you sure?
Current's very fast here.
He'd never have
stood a chance.
That's why we're sure.
Did you drag the river?
Well, did you?
I've just said the river runs
very fast, sir. What would
have been the good?
Now, I've got work to do, sir,
even if you haven't.
All right, Sergeant.
Well, thank you anyway.
[Thunder rumbling continues]
dd[Christine singing]
Now, this time sing properly.
Do you understand?
Use your voice,
do you understand?
Use your voice from here.
dd[piano playing]
Let her sleep.
[Footsteps thumping]
What was that?
Scoundrel, it's my music.
It's my music. It's my...
dd[piano playing]
[Water splashing]
dd[piano playing continues]
[Water splashing]
Here, Professor Petrie.
You'd better take him.
Did he harm you?
How do you know my name?
I know who you are, Professor,
because I made it my business
to find out.
I also know something else
about you.
The opera we've been
rehearsing was composed
by you, wasn't it?
Yes, that is true.
You took it to Ambrose d'Arcy
for help in getting it
published, didn't you?
What happened?
What happened?
I took him all of my music.
?50, no more.
But there is 10 years'
work there. Ten years
of my life, sir.
Surely ?50 is...
Am I not correct
in thinking that...
you have never
had any of your work
published, Professor...
Not, not yet, but...
So you are completely unknown.
Of course, but everybody...
There are
many unknown composers...
who'd be only too glad
to have
their works published...
without any fee at all.
Come, I'm a busy man.
There's a full symphony here,
sir, and two quartets...
and a concerto for viola.
And an opera, sir,
a new opera, complete.
I'm sorry.
I accept.
Come in tomorrow
and the papers
will be ready to sign.
It is embarrassing for me
to have to ask this...
but perhaps
you could manage...
I owe my landlady quite a sum.
A small advance, perhaps.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.
Thank you.
Look at it. Look at it, man.
Yes, my lord.
Do you expect me to be seen
driving in that?
No, my lord.
Do it again.
Yes, my lord.
Have it ready
by this evening.
Yes, my lord.
Lord Ambrose. Please excuse
this intrusion,
but I must see you.
They said
I should find you here.
My music...
Tomorrow may be too late.
They're printing
my music with...
I think you mean
my music, don't you?
I don't understand.
I bought it
from you, remember?
Yes, to publish, yes.
But they're printing your name
on the cover.
My name on my music.
Is that so surprising?
You can't mean it.
If you'll kindly excuse me.
You thief. Scoundrel.
Cabbie, go.
[Horse trotting]
[Door opening]
It's my music.
[Policeman's whistle blowing]
Who he is, I do not know...
and as he cannot speak,
I shall never know.
Sometimes he's uncontrollable,
like a wild animal.
But he has saved my life...
and has looked after me
ever since.
And you've lived down here
all these years?
And I shall die down here.
Look, I am dying already.
But before I go...
I implore you,
allow me to finish one thing.
Let me teach you to use
that wonderful voice
that God has given you.
Then you may never
see me again...
but you will never forget.
Please, give me a little time.
A month, two weeks.
One week even.
One week,
and I will work a miracle.
She will sing for me
as she has never sung before.
And I will hear
my work performed.
dd[man singing]
d As from tonight d
d there will be a curfew d
d And every man,
woman and child d
d will be in their house
by sunset dd
Can I help you, Lord Ambrose?
Get out of my way.
What the devil?
What is this foolery?
Who are you?
Answer me, who are you?
Good evening, Lord Ambrose.
Take off that ridiculous mask
when you speak to me.
Do you hear me? Take it off.
dd[music playing]
d In the sound of rain d
d As thunder grows distant d
d From darkest night
to broadest day d
d Fear not d
d God's with you d
d God's with you to Orleans d
d Fear not d
d Fear not d
d God and the maid
will lead us to Orleans d
d God and the maid
will lead us to victory d
d Will lead us to victory d
d Joan of Arc d
d You are now to hear d
d the verdict of this court d
d Once again d
d I beg you to repent d
d and renounce
these voices you hear d
d Declare yourself a heretic d
d No, I will not. I am not d
d Joan, listen to me d
d if you do not recant d
d there is only one fate
for you d
d to be burned at the stake d
d I can do no more d
d You know the consequences d
d It is the decision
of this court d
d to declare you
excommunicate d
d and a heretic d
d No, I am not d
Clear the court
Burn her
God, forgive them
Burn the witch
Burn her
Lord, have mercy
Burn her
Burn the witch
In the sound of rain
As a storm wept its tide
In darkest night
In broadest day
I heard your voice
In summer sunshine
In autumn twilight
In winter snow
And now I pray
Do not forsake me
Show me the way
And I will know
I have the strength
All doubt has passed
I have no fear
To come at last
I hear
your voice
Hey. What are you doing?
[Audience applauding]
[All exclaiming]
[Woman screaming]
[All screaming]