The Piper (2015)

Be careful.
Does your tooth hurt?
Wanna pull it out?
You scared of a thing like that?
Open your mouth.
It's okay.
That's right, swallow.
If we cure my
lung disease in Seoul...
What lung disease?
Don't say that.
It's just a little cough.
I'll get you cured in Seoul,
so don't you worry, okay?
I'm sorry for being a son
with bad eyes, bad teeth
and a nasty cough.
What's this?
Our Young-nam's all grown up.
Tomorrow if we find
a village, let's rest a bit.
Father, let's just go.
Come on!
Hurry up.
Hey, what's this thing called?
How would I know?
Hey! Hey!
Come here!
Come quick!
Come here!
Just keep working.
Let's work.
Yes, sir.
It's all right.
It's all right.
What'll we do?
Every day there are
more of them.
And now the storehouse is all...
Come inside.
Thank you.
We'll drive them out
for sure this year.
What are you doing?
Girl can't do anything right.
Where are your manners?
Acting rude at the table.
Feel better?
How old are you?
I'm ten.
Your name?
Ah, my name is KlM Woo-ryong.
The boy was born in Honam,
but he's called Young-nam.
Eat your fill, Young-nam.
How do you support yourself?
I am able to play the pipe.
Sometimes I joined up
with a medicine peddler,
or did this and that to scrape by.
Your wife?
With my one bad leg,
I couldn't protect her
during the war.
It'd be better if she lived
and I had passed on...
War is such an awful thing.
Your precious son
has lived through a lot.
Yes, well...
- Village Chief...
- Yeah?
Could I request a day or two
of your hospitality?
You want to stay?
It's because my son is sick...
It's lung disease.
Don't interrupt your elders!
Is that what I taught you?
Hurry and eat.
Please help us, sir.
I'm not sure...
We have to go to Seoul,
and the boy's exhausted.
A Yankee doctor told us,
if we go to Seoul by
next month, he'll cure him.
- A Yankee?
- Yes.
His name is Me... Medari...
Medari? Medaga...
- MacArthur!
- Yes.
What does that say there?
It's an address, right?
Yes, an address.
But it's not next month,
- it says next week...
- What?!
We're in trouble, then.
Or is it?
Please, tell us in detail.
My English isn't so strong.
Oh my.
Please try these
American cigarettes.
Oh my, so precious!
So you know their value?
I've been saving them.
Please help me, Chief.
Oh my...
Oh, are you okay?
You all right?
Let's take a look!
Oh, all this food...
Eat your fill,
and come sleep at my home.
With him feeling sick,
we need to get him a day's rest.
Thank you so much, Chief!
Bow to him.
We're so grateful.
- Oh, Mr. Chief?
- Yes?
- There's a first birthday feast today?
- Yes.
Then, let me pay my compliments.
Where's Chulsoo's parents?
Let's get things ready.
That means a long
and healthy life!
What's he doing?
Oh my!
At last, you've received
your shaman spirit!
How about that?
It's done.
What a relief!
Is someone hurt?
Anyone need medicine?
Today is a truly great day!
Everyone, eat and be merry!
Then later, let's meet at
the village square and talk.
Did you go check?
The wind blew it over,
so that's how they got in.
Good work.
But father...
It's not...
what I think it is?
People are worried.
They'll be leaving soon.
People forget kindness easily,
but they remember cruelty.
If we turn them away,
they might stir up trouble.
I'll take them in just for tonight,
then send them away kindly.
Has everyone gathered?
Go away!
Go away!
Come to use the outhouse?
So it was you.
I heard someone shout.
That rat's tail slithered by me
looking just like a snake.
Looks like eating oily food
gave you stomach trouble.
Did I eat too greedily?
Oh, I'm tired.
How is your room?
It's like a palace.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
The breeze is refreshing, right?
It sure is nice.
Amazing how it keeps blowing
day and night.
So what's this village's name?
No name.
Probably not listed on maps.
Oh, that's refreshing.
It seems you got through the war
without any trouble?
What's it like outside?
Oh, don't even mention it.
It's worse than a battlefield.
The markets are all filled with
beggars and their tin cans.
Promise me something.
What's that?
Don't tell anyone about
the world outside, promise!
What about the world outside?
That the war's ended.
Step up here.
He's a piper.
A refugee from the war.
The war?
What's it like on the outside?
Is it our troops, or the Commies?
Has President Rhee
moved up from Busan?
The war?
His leg was wounded in the war.
By a Commie bullet.
His son is in a sorry state too,
but they'll head off tomorrow.
Anyway, we'll just
trouble you for one night.
Come on, people.
But Chief, I'm sorry
to keep bringing this up.
Just be patient, please.
It's not that
I don't trust you, I do...
Then it's me you don't trust?
Wait just a bit longer.
You've been saying that
since last year!
Hey, Nam-soo.
You gave your word!
Stop this.
What are you doing?
Chief, the situation
keeps getting worse.
In that case,
you give it a try.
You got the nerve?
Anyone want to try?
My father!
You little brat!
I'm so sorry.
But, is the problem
what I think it is?
I'm right... the rats!
I've tried all kinds
of poison on them.
Don't underestimate them.
Well, thanks everyone.
Mr. Piper,
tell us what you were
going to say about rats.
If you've got some solution,
you could stay a few days and...
He's leaving tomorrow!
Don't bother him like that.
Oh, not at all!
You've been so gracious to me.
His method might work,
unlike someone else's.
Oh my!
Damn rats give me the shivers!
But where has that
Cheong ju lady got off to?
Did you see that?
Beasts with ears all move
at the sound of my pipe.
That's amazing.
Let's try it, shall we?
I'll get ready,
and show you tomorrow.
If you drive out every rat,
I'll pay you the price of a cow.
The price of a cow?
Where would we get that money?
I'll sell the family heirlooms
if necessary.
I'm a man of my word.
The price of a pig would be
enough to cure my son.
What do you all think?
If you're willing to
do that for us...
We'd be eternally grateful.
It looks like you've been hired.
Say thank you.
I'm so obliged, Chief.
Thank you.
Thank you, everyone.
I'll start from tomorrow.
Promise me once again.
But the war...
A short break in the war.
Armistice, yes!
If you don't comply,
I won't sit by idly.
What does 'idly' mean?
It means to
keep your mouth shut!
Ah, 'idly!'
I know!
Idly means, "keep quiet."
Oh god.
Where are they?
Are they here?
You scared me!
Over here!
Oh, it's Chulsoo's Dad!
Down here.
What is it?
I heard you used
to sell medicine?
- Yeah... ah!
- That thing.
- What thing?
- You know.
Ah, this thing?
That's right!
- If you take medicine...
- It gets like this?
That's right!
Lasts a long time?
Well, it doesn't
need to get that big.
Anyway, that medicine...!
Have you got it?
Where would I get that?
I'll catch those...
No, I'm just cursing.
Foot's asleep.
What's with you?
I don't have it now,
but I'll make some.
I promise.
Thanks, Little Brother!
Big Brother?
If the effect starts to wear off,
twist your nose like this.
Like this?
Like this.
Like this!
Got it, Little Brother?
Yes, Big Brother.
- Like this!
- Like this!
Wow, look how the wind
blows towards the village!
Oh, that's great.
Ma'am, how about my father?
What about him?
He's strong and manly!
He's good at everything.
I take after him, right?
Sure you do!
Do you know what
tuberculosis is?
I've got lung disease,
they call it tuberculosis.
What about your mom?
My mom? She's in heaven.
You must have been really sad.
What about your family?
Look at me.
Wow, you were on your deathbed,
and listen to you now.
Wow, your house is so clean!
Did you behave well?
Say goodbye and let's go.
'I'll be back soon
with my father', okay?
Oh, I'm sorry.
People can see us.
Why are you sweating?
Lady Cheong ju!
Do you have some
business with her?
Oh, she watched my son
while I was preparing
so I thought I'd help her.
Didn't you say
your roof was leaking?
Oh really?
Then I'll fix it!
Your work is going well?
Don't worry about those rats.
And you...
don't be late next time.
You and me, living happily,
Day by day, night by night,
so full...
You and me, living happily,
Day by day, night by night,
so full of love.
Oh, my back.
Don't trouble yourself for my sake.
Well, not that I'm refusing!
Looks tasty!
What? Losing your nerve?
It's not that.
But I saw your son feeding them
fresh meat, like it was dog food.
Well, we're giving it a try.
So what?
Please explain it
to me in detail.
Without any hint from you,
it's hard to make sense of it!
Oh, gosh.
Since that day, the rats
became more aggressive.
And neither poison nor traps
were any use.
So we released a cat...
The rats ate the cat?
They began to multiply,
and a few of them,
after tasting cat meat,
gradually became more brutal.
Worried what might happen
if they got a taste for human flesh,
we began to feed them meat.
That's why, then...
fresh meat.
It's like doomsday.
It's not easy for Nam-soo.
Certainly not.
But Chief, what is it
that happened in this town?
You just said, "Since that day..."
Nam-soo, the boy must be hungry!
Did I say, since that day
the rats became more aggressive?
I've got a good memory, yes.
Oh, my.
The Chinese army
was approaching.
We evacuated,
and when we came back,
they had all been
grotesquely killed.
Oh, in the past?
We left, but they stayed behind.
Lepers and one shaman.
We had urged them
to come with us,
but when we came back,
they were all dead.
The Commies did that?
The Commies never even came.
I guess those creatures
had nothing to eat, either.
The rats ate people?!
If you're hungry, you eat.
Whose fault is that?
Those poor people.
It's all my fault.
I should have
dragged them along with us.
Why am I telling you this?
If you were to
sneak out at dawn...
Here, this is good for you.
I wouldn't stop you.
Oh, not at all!
If a man makes a promise,
he should keep it.
Don't you worry!
Besides, with the war over...
That smells!
What is that?
So we push it like that.
Hello, Chief!
Why put that in your nose?
That's a mixture of poison nut,
rhododendron, thistle...
It smells disgusting,
why touch it?
Okay, what's this?
This right here! Huh?
This is a very specially
formulated rat repellent.
If humans sniff it,
it just makes you sleepy.
But the rats?
They can't stand this smell!
If we spread this powder
as a smoke,
it's gonna make all the rats
come out in the open.
Then how do we
make it into smoke?
What's the pride of
this village?
Wind! Wind!
You see these pinwheels?
The wind blows through
the whole village.
I put them in
to check the breeze.
The wind blows like crazy
in a single direction.
So that's where
the smoke will go.
I made the powder quite mild,
but just in case,
use this cloth
to cover your noses,
and... the Chief's house
is the highest in the village,
so everybody gather there, okay?
Then there's this
yellow powder...
This powder here,
it smells something terrible.
But the rats,
they go crazy for this powder.
You saw how
I've spread this around.
The rats are gonna follow this
right out of the village.
Got it?
You really think it'll work?
It'll work. It will!
It'll work, I say.
My Big Brother
is really something.
Since when have
you been so close?
Our shaman has arrived.
It's our shaman.
Blow, wind... blow.
Over there!
Why are there so many?
Look, they're coming out there!
I can't believe it.
Oh my!
Look at how many there are.
They're moving so fast!
Oh no, what's this?
I need to block them.
I'm in trouble!
Damn rats,
I need to head them off.
Young-nam, that's too dangerous!
What's he doing?
How did he know to come?
The white powder!
Wow, they're back!
Great job, son.
- Great work!
- Big Brother!
It wasn't me,
it was my Young-nam!
Young-nam saved us!
Big Brother, you're the best!
Wait, shouldn't we all celebrate?
Let's have a village feast!
He's got talent.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Gosh, it can really
move people's hearts,
that pipe.
I told you.
Beasts with ears move
at the sound of my pipe!
Oh my.
That's what they are.
What's with everyone?
Why do you look so sad?
And why don't we take a walk
outside the village?
I'll take the lead.
Sure, let's go.
Let's go!
Come, let's wrap things up.
Thanks to my Big Brother
I'll sleep well tonight.
What a relief that is!
Now I can eat my fill,
and the rats won't take anything.
I really should go.
You have lots of work
in the village, Mi-sook.
What is it?
Only my father and mother
have called me by name.
Young-nam told me
your name is Mi-sook.
I see...
What's with 'Lady Cheongju'?
Mi-sook is a great name.
'Mi' meaning beautiful,
and 'sook'...
and 'sook' as in Mi-sook.
So nice!
Anyway thanks to you,
we've escaped our troubles.
The rats?
It's no big deal.
Just trying to earn a living.
Just thinking of those rats
makes me shiver.
Thank you.
It's nothing.
My Young-nam follows after you
like you're his mother.
I heard you lost your husband
and child in the war?
Must've been hard for you.
For you, too.
So, you're a new shaman?
You've lived through a lot?
Life sure ain't easy.
You're going to Seoul?
Would you come with me?
I don't mean anything by that.
Just, it must be hard being
alone in a remote village.
We could keep
each other company.
But there's a war outside.
I'm too scared.
Oh, the war isn't too bad.
- Just trust me and...
- Wait!
What's he doing out so late?
I better go.
Just a minute.
This here...
Open it later.
It's a token of gratitude.
It's just... Young-nam keeps
telling me to give it to you.
Mi sook, want to try
the swing I made?
You can go next!
Hey, stop it!
Up to the sky!
You're leaving?
You're leaving here?
That bloody egg yolk
was no ordinary sign.
The spirit has come to you.
Why don't you receive it?
Accept it.
- That's not what happened.
- Yes it is!
Remember what you said?
You promised you'd do
anything if you could stay.
You said you'd even
fake your death.
Now your stomach's full,
it's different?
A single man arrives,
you forget your promise,
and say you'll go?
It's not that.
Becoming a shaman...
I'm not...
That doesn't matter.
I told you.
People believe the rats came
because of that shaman's death.
I just want you to play that role!
I'm not capable of it.
Please, Chief.
It's impossible.
Did that piper
tell you anything?
You told him...
About the shaman.
No, Chief.
Okay, I believe you.
But for breaking your promise,
scores must be settled.
In a community,
everyone has their duty.
Do you cook well?
Good at sewing?
Can you do hard labor?
All you've got is your body.
Then do the job
you've been given.
If you don't,
I can give you another job.
What is this?
You called us unclean,
and drove us out!
Now you want to live together?
Back then you
looked upon us as beasts!
People should have
some sense of shame.
Go away!
Please, save us!
Listen, please!
Save us, will you?
I'm sorry, Deok-su.
Forgive me.
I couldn't help it.
I can't help this, either.
I haven't been called
Deok-su in ages.
'Damned Leper'
'Rotting Corpse'
Weren't those your names for me?
You can never atone for what
you did before Independence.
Turn back.
Look at these people here!
How can we trust you?
Step aside!
Look at us!
Look at the children!
What have the children done?
Until the war is over.
Just until this
damned war is over.
What are you doing?
Acting like a kid.
Trying to humiliate that piper.
Do you really hate him so much?
No, it's not that.
Because he easily solved what
you broke your back trying to do?
Lady Cheong ju said no?
She's going to Seoul with him?
Not a chance.
I see.
But why are you forcing her?
Who needs a fake shaman anyway?
Have you...
ever seen me
do something for no reason?
Sorry, father.
Let's go.
Hearing that pipe
makes me think of home.
When he says,
"Let's go!"
I can feel the sound "Yes!"
rising up in my throat.
Just a quick trip
might not be so bad, right?
Hello, Chief.
Why did you call us, Chief?
Everything seems connected
to that piper.
It's suspicious.
Thinking back on it,
spreading that strange powder,
and the rats
responding to his pipe.
It seems like
we've been tricked.
- No way.
- Why not?
The lady from Cheong ju.
It's almost all arranged.
- Her shaman initiation.
- Right.
But now she's insisting on
following that piper to Seoul.
But we, I mean the Chief,
took her in when
she'd nowhere to go,
and let her receive the spirit,
now she's going?
No, that's just wrong!
Who does she think she is?
That's quite disappointing.
And getting paid
the cost of a pig?
It seems like a lot
for the work he did.
It's not a question of money.
By any chance...
could he be a spy?
I mean, a Commie.
How did he find our village?
If we give him money,
it'll finance Commie operations!
And if people find out...
Our village is done for!
After what we did
to save our village.
After we did what?
Watch your mouth.
Everybody stand idly.
All of you.
Dly meaning, "shut up."
Focus, will you?
Pick your nose if you need to!
Yes, sir.
Spies caught in the midst of war
are executed.
Rock, scissors, paper!
How could you do this?
You should've been more careful.
I'm not allowed to be here.
Before people return
from the fields...
All done.
You've been wearing it.
That's pretty.
Please watch Young-nam
while I talk to the Chief.
I have something to ask you.
Get your things and let's go.
Come on.
Gather the tools.
You checking up on me?
Let's talk after lunch.
When I pull the door open,
it'll all be over.
Got it?
You're a man now.
Yeah, a man.
What's with you?
He must feel relieved.
Have you thought
about what I said?
I'm not an untainted woman.
I'm hardly a bachelor myself.
With a bad leg and a child.
I said to tell me
if something needs fixing!
You're so shy.
Is it so hard to ask?
That's the spot you fixed before.
Is it?
I'd better look at that.
This is a sign from heaven,
to abandon this old house
and come with me to Seoul.
You tend to my injuries,
and call me by name,
I'm scared of the war.
If I lose another person
I care about...
The war?
The war...
has been called off for now.
Don't be ridiculous.
Why does everyone
treat me like a child?
Who's treating you like a child?
Let's go together.
We're going?
We're going.
I want to go.
Oh, yes!
You made the right choice.
Let's go.
Young-nam will be so happy.
Then, I'll just go
and get my money.
No, don't!
Let's just go.
Let's not wish for anything.
But why not?
I did my work.
I should take what's owed to me.
Forget that, I'll work in Seoul.
Let's pack our things
and leave at dawn, okay?
But we have an agreement.
I'll be right back.
Wait for me.
Then I'm not going.
What's wrong, Mi-sook?
These people,
these people have
committed crimes.
Oh, that's refreshing!
The Yankees set off fires
around the solstice day, too.
Your money's ready.
Thank you, Chief.
Before that,
go look under that tree.
Go take a look.
Look, and then we'll talk.
Okay, then.
Bring it here!
So Woo-ryong,
can you accept this money?
You said the money's ready.
I said it's ready,
I didn't say to take it.
We fulfilled our agreement,
but you?
Was it you who temporarily
drove the rats out,
or was it the prayers
of our shaman?
And I played my part as well.
What's gotten into all of you?
My fingers!
My fingers!
My fingers!
My fingers!
Why'd you do this?
My fingers!
Look what this bastard has!
What does it look like?
It's a map!
A map?
Didn't I say he was suspicious?
That he looked like a spy?
A spy?
Is it true?
You mean, he's a Commie?
We trusted him, but he's a fake!
What is written here?
Tell us precisely, Woo-ryong.
If you speak you're a traitor,
buttoo scared to stay silent?
Why are you doing this, Chief?
These are all lies.
You're making it up
so you don't have to pay.
You say I'm lying?
Driving out the rats?
The smoke he spread was a signal.
A signal to the Commies.
What are you talking about?
You all saw it
with your own eyes.
And then he seduced our shaman.
Says he'll take her to Seoul.
- No, no.
- That rotten bastard!
What happened to your hand?
It's okay, it's okay.
It doesn't hurt at all.
Why did you come?
You should've just
slept at home.
Father, your hand!
Father, your hand!
Don't cry.
Don't cry, Young-nam.
This here.
I gave these to
the children for studying.
Why does your son have it?
That's Chul-soo's pencil!
He got such a beating
for losing that.
So it was stolen?
You dirty thief!
- Little brat!
- What is this?
Sorry, it was me!
You know how parents are.
I wanted to educate him,
but I've got no money,
and the pencil was
right in front of me,
and my hand just
reached out and took it.
I'm sorry!
People please,
I was sold to a music troupe
as a baby,
and they beat me until
my leg was crippled.
I'm sorry.
Young-nam, it's okay.
Sit down.
Little Brother, why?
- So there was something.
- What's with them?
How long has it been going on?
I gave you the medicine.
You swine!
Your leg!
You said you were shot!
Everything this
swine says is a lie!
It's all lies!
Is this really your son?
I heard someone picks up
orphaned kids to make money.
It's him.
You bastard!
Please save him!
Please save him!
You scoundrel!
You lying thief!
You damned Commie spy!
In particular!
This abnormal music
you will never play again.
He must have
womanized a lot as well.
Why me?
I didn't do anything.
He's a Commie.
That piper is a Commie.
I discovered it.
I informed on him.
I was next to him,
so I heard it all.
And I drove out the rats.
Didn't you hear?
He's a spy for sure.
For sure.
I poisoned the well!
I poisoned the well!
If you pay me, I'll save you.
Why, you thirsty?
Chief, spare me.
Did anyone say they'd kill you?
Rip it up, okay?
Then we'll forget it, right?
You should make us believe you.
Chief, it's an address.
So that Young-nam
can get treated in Seoul.
Why are you doing this to me?
Why do you keep
twisting your words?
I know everyone who
trusted this man.
Don't go putting
our village in danger.
You scoundrels!
In a day with no sun,
and a night with no moon,
will your children live or die?
He's coming!
The visitor!
Those useless lepers
have all gone to a better place.
You can live here.
Live here and pray
for the village's welfare.
You wandering souls
brought death to the
place that took you in.
My promise
will be kept for sure!
A visitor is coming.
A spirit is coming for you!
Not one of you will escape.
On a night with no moon
and an afternoon with no sun,
over a single day,
all of you will suffer
a gruesome death!
We gave you a chance,
and you refused.
Let's be clear.
You despicable bitch...
We did our part.
Don't go harboring grudges.
Using the children
to make me agree.
Watch closely!
See what happens
to the children.
What will happen to them?
Will they live,
or will they die?
The visitor she mentioned
is an epidemic!
Lock her up!
You scoundrels!
Not one of you
will get out alive!
Destroy the visitor's seed!
With this, we're
starting over again.
For what have we come this far?
Be strong!
Crimes committed for survival
will be forgiven.
I'm not deaf.
We're ready.
Put this in the piper's
bag and bring it.
It's all right.
We put some money
and food in your bag.
Keep yourselves out of trouble.
Forget what happened here.
And don't be resentful.
Scores must be settled.
Does this rain on the
solstice mean a good harvest?
I'm sorry, Young-nam.
I should have listened to you.
Later, I'll play my pipe,
get you healed,
buy you a pencil,
and send you to school, okay?
Your hand...
What about your hand?
We've still got this,
and this...
That's right!
Where the devil did he go?
the pipe...
I brought it...
Scores must be settled.
Goodbye, Young-nam.
I'll follow you soon.
Let's go.
I'll give you this body later.
I promise.
I promise.
Damn cat!
Kill them! Kill them!
What are you doing?
Kill them!
Kill them!
Kill them, you idiot!
Cats are supposed to kill mice!
How could rats...?
How could rats...?
Save me.
How could rats eat humans?
How could rats eat humans?!
I'm back, Chief.
A few more scores to settle.
What the hell is this?
I let you go, right?
So are you happy
to see me again?
You really think this
smoke has no effect?
What is it?
I came to give what I received.
That's how scores are settled.
You didn't pay,
saying I didn't remove the rats.
And then my Young-nam!
So the contract
is nullified, right?
So I gave back the rats.
You don't need to pay me
the price of a pig anymore.
The scores were settled already!
Are you really human?
How could you do this?
Chief, where are you going?
There's a war out there.
Come back.
Come back!
Save me!
Brother! Dong-choon!
Where's the sun?
I'm scared...
Don't cry, I'm scared!
It's him... the piper.
Where is he?
Where? Hey mister!
They must all be over there.
Let's go.
We shouldn't trust him.
He's not from our village.
Hey, wait for me!
Mr. Piper!
Hey, Young-nam must be back!
Is there a village feast?
Mom! Father!