The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)

MAN: Luke, you're up next!
MALE ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,
feast your eyes on the two-ton
metal mesh of madness.
And here he is, folks.
The one, the only,
Handsome Luke
and the Heartthrobs.
Watch as they defy gravity
and centrifugal force at 3Gs.
Watch, as they
ride their motorcycles
upside down within
inches of each other,
at speeds you can
hardly comprehend.
Come on, everybody,
give it up for
Handsome Luke.
Here we go, folks.
Come on, give them a hand.
There they are.
Come on, get 'em goin'.
They're working hard for you.
We know him as Handsome Luke.
There they go, warming 'em up.
Let's hear it. Come on, give them a hand.
Handsome Luke!
Okay. I gotta go.
Do you remember my name?
I like to call you Ro.
What are you doing now?
You got plans?
I gotta go home.
Want me to give you a ride?
You don't wanna
talk or anything?
You know, I leave town
tomorrow after we pack up.
I'm not gonna be
around for another year.
Another year?
Yeah, you wanna get
a beer or something?
I got someone, so no.
Just wanted to see you again.
MALE ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,
introducing the one, the only,
Handsome Luke
and the Heartthrobs.
Is Romina here?
No. Hold on.
She's working.
Okay. Do you remember me?
Yes, I remember you.
Who's that guy?
He's yours.
You wanna hold him?
There you go.
His name's Jason.
ROMINA: Hey. There you go.
Good? Great.
What are you doing here?
Anything you wanna tell me?
Anything you think I might
wanna know before I leave here
forever and I never come back?
Let's go outside. Come on.
You weren't gonna tell me?
It was just a fling, right?
That means you
don't gotta tell me?
Just as, like,
a common courtesy or...
There might even be
a law, you know,
you gotta fucking
tell somebody.
I haven't heard
from you in over a year.
You just took off.
Never called me.
I gotta leave in four hours.
I don't know what to do.
(TEARFULLY) You do whatever
you need to do.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna do what I have to do.
I'm going to school.
I take care of Jason.
I work here.
And I have a man.
So that's what I'm doing.
That's my life.
You're busy.
Yeah. Yeah,
I'm real busy.
I don't wanna keep you.
All right.
LUKE: When does this pay
period end, Jack? On Friday?
Because I gotta get paid.
Just pay me for
half the week, all right?
I don't give advances out.
I'm not asking
for an advance, Jack.
I'm quitting.
You can't quit.
I just did.
Wow. You look
like a princess.
What are you still doing here?
I stuck around.
This is really not a good time.
I was just gonna
take him to the park
or maybe see if I could just sit
on the porch, just say hi to him.
We're on our way to church.
Going to church?
This is Kofi.
We need to go.
You should call. You can't
just show up, you know?
KOFI: You ready?
LUKE: You live here?
Yup. This is my house.
How long you in town?
I'm gonna stick around.
What are you looking at?
Really, you gonna
do this shit today?
Do what?
PRIEST: Is it your will that
Jason should be baptized
in the faith of the Church,
which we all have professed with you?
KOFI: Yes.
By God's gift, through
water and the Holy Spirit,
we are reborn into
everlasting life.
In His goodness, may He continue
to pour out His blessings
upon these sons
and daughters of His.
May He make them faithful
members of His holy people.
Jason, I baptize you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
This child of yours has
been enlightened by Christ.
He is to walk always
as a child of the light.
God, the father of our Lord, Jesus
Christ, has freed you from sin.
We now anoint you
with the Chrism of Salvation
as Christ was anointed
priest, prophet and king.
So may you always live
as a member of His body,
sharing everlasting life.
In the name of this child and the
spirit of our common friendship,
let us pray together in the
words our Lord has given us.
(ALL PRAYING) Our Father who art
in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive
those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
PRIEST: The Almighty God,
the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit
bless you. Amen.
Now, as we receive
our new member
into our parish, let us all
welcome him with great joy.
Ride that thing really good!
Really good!
You ride good, man.
Would you like a ride into town?
Save you some gas, man.
MAN: Just passing through?
LUKE: I'm just settling in.
Where you staying?
Some fucking motel.
Yeah. They are
no good around here.
Whole town's gone to shit, man.
So you got a job?
You know your way
around an engine?
'Cause I got a shop,
repair shop, on Washout Road.
You should come
check it out, man.
I could always
use a good worker.
All right.
It ain't much.
It's what it is,
you know, but it's mine.
No one can kick me out of it.
that's the workshop in there.
This is Tula.
I don't get a whole lot
of work here, you know?
But if you want, you can look for
other jobs or whatever, you know.
If it's not enough for you.
I do everything.
Everything there is to do
to a car, I know how to do.
Anything you don't know,
I can teach you, you know?
And I got a trailer down here.
Stay there if you want.
Yeah, see? She's shy.
(CHUCKLES) She can't
see so good anymore.
Where is it?
Where's the ball?
There's the trailer.
She get it? No, she ain't
gonna get it, man.
You live out here all alone?
Yeah, I live alone.
Sometimes people come
stay for a while, you know.
That's it. It's not
much, but, you know,
it's got whatever
you need in there.
It must get lonely.
LUKE: Look, Rob,
I don't wanna be ungrateful.
I really appreciate what
you're doing for me and shit,
but I gotta make
more fucking money.
ROBIN: Hey, man, if I could
pay you more, I would.
You know, you're good at what you do, man.
Really good.
LUKE: I could fix up
that ol' Mack truck
that's sitting there like a goddamn...
Well, that's good.
You can go ahead and fix it up,
but I don't have
the money to pay you.
You know, there are other things
that could be done, you know.
Like what?
Well, you could
rob a bank. (CHUCKLES)
You're full of shit.
I'm not full of shit.
I've done it four times myself.
I stopped 12 years ago because
it was getting too hot.
As long as you don't do it
too many times, you're fine.
You got a kid, you wanna
provide for that kid?
You wanna maybe edge out
your competition?
You gotta do that
using your skill set,
and your skill set...
Very unique.
What do you say?
Go fuck yourself.
Well, good luck supporting
your family on minimum wage.
LUKE: He's my son
and I should be around him.
I wasn't around my dad, look at
the fucking way I turned out.
Look, I wanna take care of you.
I wanna take care of my son.
That's my job.
Let me do my job. How are
you gonna take care of us?
Don't say it like that.
But how are you gonna take care of me?
Don't talk down to me.
It's a question. I'm not
talking down to you.
It's just a question.
I will find a way to do it.
You want a house,
I'll get you a house.
You wanna get the fuck out of
here, we'll get out of here.
I got that trailer. I'll get
a truck, we'll hit the road.
You pick a place
you like, we'll stop.
You don't wanna be there?
"Fuck you," we're outta there.
What about my mom?
She can come.
And what about Kofi?
He can stay.
He can get his own girl and his own kid.
That's every man's right.
That sounds like a nice dream.
ROBIN: You can, uh, use this.
If you wanna.
But keep in mind, man,
I did four banks with a note.
In other words,
you don't need the gun.
I never liked guns, man.
They're vulgar, you know.
But you may wanna take it. I don't know.
Whatever you wanna do.
How do we do it?
Okay. First thing is, we're gonna
go in there nice and early.
Just when the doors open, okay?
You're gonna take
a look at all the tellers.
(CHUCKLES) Go for the oldest
woman you can, right?
Failing that,
go to the most meek.
You get her to put the money
out on the table. Why?
So, that way, you can see
if there's a dye pack.
You put it in your pocket. You
don't hand anything over to them.
You don't show them the gun.
And you go.
Get on your bike. I'll be
about four blocks away.
Ride it into the truck. Bam, we're
home, we're done, we're rich.
LUKE: What happens
if you get stopped
sitting by the side of the
road with an open cube truck?
What are you gonna say?
What do you mean, what am I gonna do?
I'm an officer.
"Excuse me, sir, what are you
doing with an open cube truck?"
"What are you doing? Why are
you sitting here like this?"
Oh, I'm broken down. I'm waiting
for the, you know, repairs.
Thank you for asking, Officer.
That's a nice touch.
What are you gonna do
if you get jock itch
and, you know, you're riding 90
miles an hour down the street?
You're gonna
keep riding, right?
Yeah? I mean,
we do what we do.
But when we do it together...
I'm just sayin'.
Not since Hall and Oates
has there been such a team.
Which one are you?
Oh, I know.
So I gotta be the dark,
curly-haired guy?
You gotta be the good-looking one?
I guess that's about right.
ROBIN: This is gonna be good, man.
You're gonna like doing this.
It's the biggest
rush of your life.
All right!
Everybody who wants to live,
put your hands
in the fucking air!
Get over here!
Get over here now!
Get the fuck over here!
Get on your knees!
All right.
What's your name?
Max is my little fucking dog.
Everybody get your fucking
money and he's gonna go fetch.
Get it out and put it
on the table right now!
Get it out! Pray!
Pray! Let me hear
you fucking pray!
Got that money out, boy?
Go fucking fetch. Fast!
Get it out.
Put it in that bag.
They're not turning!
How much d'you get?
On, baby.
Oh! Beautiful
fucking baby boy!
Are you okay, man?
You good?
You did it, man!
You did it!
God damn it, we fucking did it!
We fucking did it!
LUKE: Tell me about him.
What's he like to eat?
He, like, really likes apples.
But I have to kind of
chew it up for him.
You chew up his apples?
(LAUGHS) Yeah.
It sounds gross, but it's
not when I'm doing it.
Has he ever had ice cream?
Not yet.
You're fucking kidding me.
He's still a baby.
What kind of house
are you running?
No ice cream?
Why can't he have that?
It's not like he can't have
it, he just hasn't had it.
Can I give it to him?
You wanna give him ice cream?
I wanna do something with him
that's his first time.
I wanna look in his face
when he tries ice cream.
Every time he has ice cream
for the rest of his life,
he's gonna see my fucking face.
Okay, come on. Come on.
No, he's funny.
Come on.
Wanna hear it on?
I'm sorry.
Here. It's okay.
He cries a lot.
I'm sorry.
Oh, so you want
the bike in it, too?
Yeah, just all... You know, so that...
Just capture the mood.
It's a nice bike.
The bike's part of the family.
GIRL: You want another one?
You sure I should take
it when she's crying?
That's a good trick.
MAN: Five, six, seven... Put that
fucking money on the counter.
Give me the real stuff. Don't
give me the fucking fake stuff.
I know what it is.
MAN: Ten, 11, 12.
Let me see you...
Come here. Come here.
Hola, Mami.
What is this?
What is...
What is this?
It's presents.
Oh, my God. What is that?
It's a crib.
Easy, easy, easy.
Hey, boss, you gotta stay...
You're gonna fall off this bed.
There you go.
Your mom's home.
ROMINA: Hi, Mami.
Think she's gonna be mad?
What are you doing?
I got him a crib and some toys.
You know,
this is really nice and all,
but you gotta
get this outta here.
You can't just show up like this.
LUKE: Why?
ROMINA: 'Cause this is
Kofi's fucking house.
Just get it out, please.
He can't be sleeping in a bed.
He's gonna roll out and bust his head open.
He needs a crib.
What's going on?
You okay with this?
I'm talking to you. You okay with this?
Kofi, it's his father.
In our house? You okay
with him in our house?
What are you doing here, man? Shh-shh.
You're making him cry.
Don't shush me.
You in my house, man.
You need to pack all this shit
up and get out the house, man.
I don't know who you think you
are, just coming up in our life
and changing shit around,
but this ain't gonna work.
LUKE: You gotta lower your voice, man.
Excuse me?
Lower your voice. Romina, can
you step outside, please?
Pack all this shit up
and take it out, man.
You're making the baby cry.
You're making the baby cry.
Pick this shit up and get
it out the house now, man.
I'm not fucking with you.
Pick up all this shit, man.
Fuck you, man.
Mami, el nio! El nio!
ROMINA: Kofi. Kofi. Baby!
(SOBBING) Oh, God, baby!
Kofi, baby.
Get off him.
You're crazy!
You're fucking crazy!
Get out! Get out! Get out!
Please, please, please,
no, no, no.
Okay. Call an ambulance.
Oh, my God. Okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's over.
It's over.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's over.
Right here.
JUDGE: Is your name Luke Glanton?
LUKE: Yes.
JUDGE: Mr. Glanton,
a complaint has been filed.
It alleges assault
in the second degree,
which is a felony
in the state of New York.
When such a complaint is filed,
you have the right to an
adjournment to obtain a lawyer.
Counselor, do you wish to waive
any further reading
of the arraignment?
We would, Your Honor,
and on behalf of my client,
I'd enter a Not Guilty plea.
JUDGE: Given the history that I
am aware of, of this defendant,
and, as well, the allegations,
I'm going to set bail
in the amount of $2,500.
Bail may be posted either in
cash or by bail bondsman.
In the meantime, I will issue the
temporary order of protection
requiring this defendant to
refrain from violent, offensive,
assaultive or harassing conduct
and to remain away
from the complainant
until further ordered...
There's your money.
Thanks for bailing me out.
I wanna do two in one day.
I wanna do
the Trustco on Brandywine.
And when all those fucking
pigs are coming after me,
I wanna split out the back,
I wanna go down to Rotterdam
and I wanna do
that First National.
You know something, Luke?
If you ride like lightning,
you're gonna
crash like thunder.
And I'm not gonna let you
bring us both down.
Fuck that. Don't be
such a fucking pussy.
No, man. It's over.
Can't do it. Won't do it.
You made your fucking choice.
Fuck you.
Hey, you know what?
If you go out tonight...
Take the truck.
You'll be less visible.
Last favor I'll do you.
I'm done.
You're fucking done?
You're done?
It's over.
Just take this.
Just take it.
Ro, I'm sorry.
I'm a fucking maniac.
Ro, just take it. Ro.
Can I get in the car, please?
Just take this.
LUKE: You don't love me,
you don't like me.
I fucking get it.
I'm a piece of shit.
Okay? I'm still his father.
I can give him stuff.
I got this for him. Just give it to him.
Tell him it's from me.
ROMINA: You're never
gonna see him again.
Please give that to him.
LUKE: Hey, it's okay.
It's all right.
Open your mouth.
You owe me a new bike.
Where's that bail money?
Give it to me.
I'm sorry.
Fuckin' Christ.
Fucking idiot.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Everybody get down
on the fucking floor!
You, get up!
Get the fuck up!
Fill up that fucking bag
full of money.
Don't look at me!
Put your... No faces!
You! Get up!
Get up. Get up!
Get the fuck up!
Get that fucking money!
Put that fucking money in there!
Fuck! Okay, here it comes.
What are you doing!
Throw it over!
WOMAN: I'm sorry.
I was...
Throw it over!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Where's that guy back there,
your fucking guy?
Hey, guy! Get up!
Throw that over, and you
better not fuck this up.
Jesus Christ.
This is fucking shit.
Get the fuck down!
Shit. Shit.
Fuck you. Fuck you.
Adam-5 in pursuit of robbery suspect.
North on Brandywine.
Black jumpsuit, black helmet.
Adam-5, suspect making turn
into Vale Cemetery.
In Vale Cemetery, in pursuit
of suspect on motorcycle.
Going towards Moyerson.
Appears to have
a flat on rear tire.
He's headed on to Moyerson,
he's heading towards State.
Cut him off at State.
Down the block at barricade
to State Street.
Suspect is down. (STAMMERS)
Suspect is going down
State Street!
He got around
the barriers at Moyerson.
Heading south on Moyerson,
heading towards State Street.
Get cars to Plymouth.
Suspect does have
a flat tire on rear.
104, I got a visual of motorcycle
heading south on Elmer.
Heading west on Stanford.
He is heading
north on Plymouth.
AVERY: Stay down!
In foot pursuit.
WOMAN: What are you doing?
Come here. Come here!
Are you the only ones here?
Come here.
Okay. Okay.
Get the fuck over here.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Just get upstairs.
Get upstairs!
LUKE: Go! Go! Go!
I'm at 702 Plymouth.
I need a backup unit for the
southeast corner of the house.
I have
the northwest corner secured.
Get down over there!
Fuck. Fuck.
Get outta here.
Get down! Get down on the ground!
Get down on the ground!
Is anybody else inside?
WOMAN: Yes! He's upstairs!
Ro, don't hang up.
I'm in trouble.
I'm in some lady's house.
Ro, would you do
a favor for me, please?
Just one thing. I'll never
ask for anything again.
AVERY: Police!
Look, don't tell him
about me, okay?
AVERY: Police!
Put your gun down!
Ro, just don't
tell him about me.
Okay? Police! Lay
down on your stomach
with your hands spread apart!
Face away from the door!
(SIGHS) Ro, please.
Police! Drop your...
AVERY: 104, I'm at 702 Plymouth.
Shots fired. Perp's down.
I've been shot. Send a box
and a bus to 702 Plymouth.
Let's see your fucking hands!
Get those fucking hands up now!
Get your fucking hands up, now!
Get the fucking
hands up right now!
OFFICER 1: Clyde, you all right?
OFFICER 2: I got him. I got him.
OFFICER 1: Okay? Do not move!
Get me another cop back here!
What's my dad doing here?
JENNIFER: We're all here.
Do you remember
what happened? Any of it?
Hey, honey, don't... Don't...
It's all right. It's all right.
AL: Don't do that. Leave it.
Hey, hey, hey, honey, just...
Not... AL: Avery.
Hey, honey. Avery!
AL: Avery,
you got a bad injury.
You gotta take it easy.
JENNIFER: It's okay, honey.
Just gotta relax, okay?
ALI All right?
JENNIFER: We're all here.
Okay, okay, yeah.
AL: You understand?
I'm sorry. (SOBBING)
I'm sorry. JENNIFER: It's okay.
Hey, baby.
We're all here.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
You just gotta rest...
AL: You're gonna be in here
a couple of days. All right?
JENNIFER: That's it.
A couple of days.
NURSE: Good morning, Mr. Cross.
You feeling up to
a couple of visitors?
There's a couple men
who wanna speak to you.
How's our hero?
Chief. How you feeling?
You all right?
I'm good, yeah, yeah. They
taking good care of you?
Yes, sir. Thank you.
Sausage and pepper.
Thanks for coming out.
From Sabatiello's.
Oh, how are you?
Bill Killcullen, DA. Avery Cross.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you. Oh, of course.
I know who you are.
I know your father, you know.
Long time now.
I apologize. No, not at all.
He's a great guy.
I wouldn't have expected
anything less from his son,
but this was above and beyond.
I just did what
anybody would do, right?
WEIRZBOWSKI: That's right. And better.
I don't know about that...
The whole force is pulling for you, man.
Don't you forget that.
They're all outside.
Banners, everything.
What happened to that guy? That guy's gone.
He's dead. It's over.
That's the way it happens.
AVERY: Yeah, but did he
leave anybody behind?
That's not... It's not for you
to worry about right now.
We got people who are
gonna talk to you about that.
There's people
talking to his family.
Got rid of another bad guy.
And you're a hero.
All right?
Bill wants to ask you a few questions.
Is that all right?
It's just your first
impressions, that kind of thing.
Just what...
WEIRZBOWSKI: Formality, you know?
Yeah, it's pretty simple.
Yeah. Sure.
All right, I'll leave you two
to get to know each other.
Oh. All right.
So what happened when you
were just outside the door?
Um, I said,
"Police, drop your weapon."
Um, "Face down on the ground
with your hands spread."
And, uh, nothing.
Nothing, right.
Did you announce
yourself again, or not?
No. No, that's all we need to do
is make ourselves known, right?
Yeah, but it's sometimes
not easy to tell
whether they've heard you
making yourself known.
You know what I mean?
Anyway, you were yelling.
Is that right?
I was making myself known
as we were trained, correct.
Okay. All right.
Okay. Then what?
At that point, I knew that I had to
make entry, and I kicked the door down.
Was then. Was the door locked?
And you knew that because...
What do you mean?
You just assumed that
the door was locked?
How did I know it was locked?
Is that a trick question?
No. No. I'm just wondering
why you didn't turn the thing.
That's how I knew
it was locked.
Did you tell me that?
All right, so you kick it in.
Why are you...
Why'd you come down here?
I'm sorry, why did
I come down here?
Why wasn't somebody else...
A slow day at the office or...
What happened after that? What
would you like me to tell you?
I just need you to
tell me what happened.
You do?
I don't want you to
misremember so, tomorrow,
you're trying to match
what you half-thought today.
I only want you to tell me what
you saw and what you remember.
I shot the perpetrator,
he fell out the window.
I know that.
When did he pull his gun?
Did you shoot him first,
or did he shoot first?
Don't fuck with me.
Do the right thing, tell
me what the fuck happened.
It was pretty quick.
Who shot first?
His hand comes up, you fire?
His hand comes up,
he fires, you fire?
Like that?
Like pop-pop.
That sounds like he shot first.
FEMALE REPORTER: Well, it's just a
triumphant day for Officer Avery Cross.
He left Ellis Hospital well enough
to go home and happy to be alive,
with supporters from his Schenectady
PD family cheering him on.
His father, State Supreme
Court Judge AI Cross,
says he's very happy
his son is alive today.
There's the life of a cop,
the life my son chose.
REPORTER: Twenty-nine-year-old Cross hadn't
even been on the force for a full year
before he ran head-on
into the alleged Moto Bandit.
Pursuing Luke Glanton through
the streets of Schenectady
after a bank robbery, Glanton
ran into a home, then he came
face-to-face with Officer Cross.
You okay?
Glanton fired at Cross,
hitting him in the knee.
Cross fired back, killing Glanton
and saving the hostages.
Glanton was a drifter and, at
times, a motorcycle stunt rider,
and police say he had
a very violent past.
OFFICER: The guy had
a long track record, you know?
He was a professional criminal.
REPORTER: He moved here last spring,
and he hadn't even been here
for a full month
before he started
robbing banks here.
He leaves behind an infant son.
Dallas and Denver...
JENNIFER: Was it scary, honey?
AVERY: Happened so fast.
I don't think there was
time to be scared.
Scary for me.
I just don't understand why
you're doing this. Nobody does.
Doing what?
What am I doing?
I was speaking
with your father and we...
We both agree...
Of course he does.
I'm sorry.
I just thought that...
I'm a cop, Jen. I'm a cop.
That's it. There's no...
I just thought maybe after this,
maybe you would've had enough.
Hey, there's no more
to discuss.
That's all. I just thought
maybe you would've had enough.
That's it. Okay?
Baby, you can't expect me not to think that.
You guys just don't get it.
You guys just don't get it.
I'm sorry. We're just worried.
We're just worried about you.
Stop saying that.
That's all.
Stop fucking saying that.
THERAPIST: Have you been replaying
the incident in your mind?
Not really.
No, I'm trying to put it
out of my mind, I think.
Does that work?
You think you're ready
to go back to duty?
Would you want
yourself as a partner?
What have you been thinking
about since the shooting?
Not much, um...
(STAMMERS) Everything's been so crazy,
you know, with the rehabilitation
and work
and everything at home.
Mmm-hmm. Everything at home?
What's happening at home?
(CLEARS THROAT) Well, I'm there
now, which is much different.
Who's at home with you?
Well, uh, my mother-in-law,
uh, my wife and my boy.
So there's, um...
You know, it's been hard on my wife.
It's a shock.
And then, um,
it doesn't help that
there's a...
You know, a baby around.
But it's okay.
I mean, it's okay.
What do you mean, "it doesn't
help that there's a baby around?"
Well, I just mean, with everything that's...
That's going on...
Just trying to... To get
all this in order, uh...
Before I can take care of that.
It's been... (STAMMERS)
I've just been so busy
that it's been hard to, uh...
I have a...
I have a hard time
looking at my son.
And that's something new,
since the shooting?
You know,
I saw in the police record
that this perp also
had a 1-year-old son.
His name is Jason. Have you
been thinking about this?
This? You mean...
The fact that he had a boy?
Yeah. Do you think you're having
a hard time looking at your son
because you're thinking
about this other little boy
that won't have his father?
You expecting someone?
No. You?
How you doing?
Hey, how's the gimp doing?
AVERY: Hey, come on in, guys.
No, we're just coming in here
to check up on you and see
how you're doing.
Hi, how are you, Jen? I'm good.
How are you, Scotty?
Oh, I'm all right, doing
good, better than this guy.
Oh, he's okay.
Come on in. How you doing?
Hey, Pete, how are you?
Good to see you.
Good to see you, too. Did you
ever meet my wife, Jennifer?
No. Hi. It's a real
pleasure to meet you.
Hey, how are you?
Know Doc?
Yeah, we've never met,
but Avery Cross.
How you doing?
Good. How you doing, pal?
That's my wife, Jennifer.
Hey, how are you?
Nice to meet you. Hi.
You guys hungry?
No, we're... We'll just
leave you to it.
No, come on in,
have some dinner.
No, we didn't
come here for dinner.
We got plenty of food. Come on in.
Well, I... (CHUCKLES)
There you go.
Oh, yeah.
Glad we decided to do this.
AVERY: Oh, good.
I'm glad you guys came.
Here you go.
So how's it feel
to have the hero home?
Probably can't wait for him to
get back to work, huh? (LAUGHS)
No, it's great having him home.
I just thank God
he's okay, you know?
DELUCA: God bless that. I think
we should toast on that.
To our hero.
DOC: To hero boy.
SCOTT: Hero boy.
DOC: There you go.
DELUCA: Glad you're okay.
I've been on
the force for 22 years,
pulled a trigger
maybe three, four times.
You're on for six months, you
already got one in the bag.
And he was white.
That's an extra 50.
better him than me, right?
DELUCA: Hey, you got that right.
OFFICERS: Absolutely.
You guys have any
plans for tonight?
AVERY: Um...
No, we're just... This is it.
This is the big plan, having
you guys here for dinner.
Aw! Would you mind
if we stole the hero
for a little police work
after this?
Tonight? And we'll have
him back by curfew.
I don't know, honey, you
should probably rest tonight.
Maybe tomorrow night.
DELUCA: Yeah, we kind of need him tonight.
Is there a problem?
What about your leg, or...
DELUCA: Well, we're not gonna be running.
We'll carry him.
What are you gonna do?
DELUCA: We just wanna introduce
him to a bunch of people
who really admire him
for what he did.
They just wanna
congratulate him in person.
Good, yeah, that sounds good.
DELUCA: Leave in about 20 minutes?
Not that we wanna eat and
run, but we are on duty.
JENNIFER: No, you should go.
That's a great idea.
I'm sure everybody
would love to meet you.
DELUCA: Yeah, there you have it.
You're a hero. (CHUCKLES)
DELUCA: I hear a little
sarcasm in your voice.
He is a hero.
He's a hero around here,
that's for sure.
You don't mind if we take him
then, do you? Not at all.
I think it's a great idea. Yeah,
all right, there you have it.
You're released.
Release the hounds!
Hey, Avery,
does she sometimes, like, tuck
her balls up, at least at night?
Hey, Pete? Pete?
Can you pop the trunk?
DELUCA: Sure it's okay with her?
Scott, you know I'm not
on active duty, right?
Yeah, we're aware. It's a little
gift we got going for you.
DELUCA: Let's go!
Hi. Romina Gutierrez, please.
DOC: That's the woman, right there.
Hi. Hi, I'm Officer Deluca.
Romina Gutierrez?
Yeah. Yeah, we're here
to search your house.
What for?
For evidence.
Evidence for what?
We're looking for the money
that Luke Glanton may or
may not have given to you.
Yeah, well, we don't have
anything that... (STAMMERS)
You can't just walk in here.
Yeah, I can.
No, you can't.
Why's that?
'Cause it's my house.
Look, you assume
that I have a warrant,
and I'll assume that
your mother has papers, okay?
This won't take long.
Come on.
We're just gonna start upstairs, okay?
ROMINA: No, no, no, no.
No, no, my baby's upstairs.
My baby's upstairs sleeping.
Your baby's...
Yeah, my baby's
upstairs sleeping,
so, no, we're not
gonna start up there.
No, no, no, don't go up there.
Romina, hey, relax, relax, relax.
He can't go up there.
DELUCA: Yeah, he can. You can
go up there if you want.
But if we find evidence
while you're up there,
you're under arrest.
For what?
We've done this a lot of times, okay?
It'll be quiet.
Go on, Scotty. Be quiet.
(WHISPERS) How about
a cup of coffee?
Yes, yes, yes.
That'd be great.
Is it all right if I go
into your living room here?
Yeah, go ahead.
I'm sorry for your loss.
Romina, let's go. Come on.
(HUSHED) What are we doing?
What are we doing here?
Hey, this is crazy.
Wait outside. I don't want...
No, we gotta go.
This is fucked-up.
Why the fuck are we here?
Let go of my arm, man.
What the fuck are we doing here?
Let go of my arm.
Scott, what the fuck are we doing here?
Shut up.
DELUCA: How long did you know Luke?
ROMINA: A couple years.
Did you know he was robbing banks?
You didn't know that at all? No.
Let me just ask you one more time,
because this is what we do.
You have no knowledge
to this money? No.
Officer, I swear to God.
It's not here?
It's not outside?
SCOTT: If I was gonna
hide something,
I would hide it
closest to my heart.
SCOTT: Pick him up.
Pick up the baby.
I don't think
we should do this.
I don't wanna wake him.
I don't wanna pick him up.
Pick him up.
I'm good.
Put him back and let's go.
What's up?
Yeah, they're clean.
All right-y.
We'll get out of your hair.
DELUCA: What do you
got there, Scotty? Come on.
Help him out, will you?
DOC: Scotty, stop. Stop. You gotta
give me a chance to count it.
You gonna count like that, we're gonna
be here till 5:00 in the morning.
How are you gonna count it?
Got a money counter in your asshole?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Fourteen grand.
Well, it's not gonna be
an even split
because the lion's share's
going to our hero.
Consider it
unofficial hazard pay.
DOC: From us to you.
Enjoy it.
DELUCA: 'Cause you're not gonna
get it from the department.
DOC: Don't spend it
all in one place. (CHUCKLES)
Fucking earned that.
Don't forget that.
DELUCA: Not bad, huh?
DOC: Not bad
for a night's work.
WEIRZBOWSKI: We're gathered here to
celebrate a cop who makes other cops proud.
We can all rest
a little easier at night
now that he's on
the path to recovery.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Officer Avery Cross.
Thank you. Thank you, Chief.
Thank you for your support.
When I was in law school, we used
to always talk about justice.
We'd have
discussions about justice.
That's just what they were...
I joined the police force
because I wanted to work alongside
the brave men and women
who know that some problems
can't be solved by talking.
Now, no one wants
to be in the situation
I found myself in
a couple weeks ago.
I certainly wish that
it turned out differently.
I'm not gonna lie. Sometimes
I even wish that (SIGHS)
maybe it wasn't me that was
called upon that house that day.
But that's the job.
And I can't think of another line
of work that I'd rather be in.
Thank you.
How's it feel?
I'm not sure
it's doing much good.
How's the spotlight?
I'm ready for it to end.
Look, don't worry, it will.
You know, the police
always put on a big show
when something
like this happens
'cause the hero card's the
only one they have to play.
I'm not really
thinking about that, Dad.
I'm just trying
to get back to work.
You know, Avery,
if you planned this,
it couldn't have
turned out any better.
But you're not gonna make it work
for you in the police department.
I promise you that.
I didn't come here to be lectured, Dad.
You tricked me.
You said the pool
would be good for my knee.
You know, I'm not
as calculated as you.
You know,
my life's not a campaign.
It's much simpler.
Well, for somebody
not campaigning,
you gave a hell of
a speech yesterday.
You certainly had my vote.
Plus, that knee's a goldmine.
No, I mean, a limp goes
a long way in politics.
Look at Roosevelt.
Pull out the red carpet!
Get the flowers out!
Get all the flowers out!
Here she comes. Come here.
I gotta go see the chief.
I gotta go see the chief.
Why? I don't know. I don't know.
Is it bad news?
Think it'll be bad news?
SCOTT: Say hi to the chief for me.
Gonna be goin' back down up there.
(LAUGHS) Oh, Jesus Christ.
(SCOTT) Stay off your knee. Don't
mess your hair up, pretty boy.
WEIRZBOWSKI: Got a call today
from DA Killcullen.
WEIRZBOWSKI: Close the door.
The state internal investigation
into the shooting of Luke Glanton
has been deemed lawful.
Congratulations, Officer.
You can put it behind you,
get back to police work.
The question is, can you go back
out on patrol anytime soon,
and if you could,
can you be effective?
I don't think that I can.
That's okay.
You know what? There's a lot
of jobs to be done around here
that, in ways,
and you know that,
in ways,
are much more important
than what happens
out on the street.
I'm so glad you said that because,
Chief, I've thought a lot about this
and I think that I could be
best utilized as a lieutenant
in charge of
special investigations.
There's a lot of restructuring
within the division
that I've actually
I can't fucking do that.
Well, yeah, of course
you could. I mean...
Cross! Come on.
You paid too much for your
education to act so stupid, kid.
Well, I think it's the very fact that
I do have an education like this
that perhaps is the reason
why I've thought about
how restructuring the unit,
the division,
can actually benefit you, me...
Cross, I appreciate
your ambition, I really do.
And I think... You know, I think
you're gonna be a great cop.
You are a great cop.
You're a hero.
But at this point, right now, you
gotta get back to real life,
and in real life, you got two choices.
Which are?
You can retire on disability...
I don't wanna do that.
All right, good.
I don't want you
to do that either.
Or you could be reassigned
at your current rank.
That's it. You gotta
work your way up, man.
Hey, man,
heard you were down here.
What are you doing?
What are you doing in plain clothes?
You didn't hear? I made Vice.
Get the fuck outta here.
Yeah, man, I'm actually
paired up with Deluca.
That's good.
What do you got for me?
Oh, yeah, couple mutts left this
in the back seat of their car.
A leaky substance.
All right.
So when are we gonna get
together, grab a little bite,
you know,
talk about some things?
Sounds great.
All right, man. Page me.
SCOTT: What I'm about
to ask you is very sensitive.
The only reason why I'm asking
is 'cause you're my friend.
I don't know what
I can do to help,
but, yeah, what do you need?
All right. Right on.
Deluca and I have been working
on this case, all right?
And I want you to
keep this to yourself.
It's a little private.
And I don't want anybody
to know about it, okay?
Okay, Deluca and I are working
with this fucking hooker.
We gotta fucking head
her off with some coke.
So Deluca and I thought
that, you know, if...
We need some temporary
access to the evidence room.
We need you to get some shit.
We gotta hit this bitch off.
That's what we need.
I really tried to look out for
you with that seven grand.
Now I need you to
look out for me.
I'm serious, bro.
This is how it works.
Hey, don't worry, it's okay.
I didn't mean to startle you.
It's okay. I just wanna
give you something. All right?
Listen, this is the money that we
recovered from your house, okay?
I want you to have it.
I don't know what that is.
You don't have to
ever even see me again,
just take the money.
I'm not here as a police officer,
I'm here as a regular guy.
Listen, listen, listen. Listen to me.
Get the fuck away.
You fucked up my son's life,
therefore you
fucked up my life!
Get the fuck away from me.
AVERY: I should have brought this
to you sooner, and I apologize.
This was recovered
from a house during a search.
No, wait a minute, Cross.
It's just a small fraction
of what's going on.
Wait a minute, Cross.
Don't say another word.
What do you mean? No, no, no,
don't say another word.
What do you expect
me to do with this?
You're joking, right?
This is shit.
This ain't my problem, all right?
This is your problem.
This is our problem of the
fucking police department,
and I'm bringing it
to your attention
because that's what
I should fucking do!
Oh, yeah, is that right?
Is that what you should do?
Rat out other fucking cops?
This is un-fucking-believable,
all right?
Get this shit out of here!
DELUCA: Where you going?
I was going home.
You know that thing you and
Scotty been talking about?
Well, you and I
have to talk about it.
Follow me.
What the fuck?
Oh, fuck.
Hey, Pop.
There's a way out of this.
You're not gonna like it.
You wanna hear?
Yeah, I wanna hear it.
Let's start with the precinct.
Anybody there still trust you?
We'll start with Scott.
SCOTT: Playing shortstop.
AVERY: Looks good. He's getting bigger.
Jesus Christ.
You really gave
Deluca quite a scare.
He's ready to dump you,
the whole thing.
Enough with these
fucking tests, all right?
Either ask me to help you or
just leave me the fuck alone.
I need you to go
into the locker,
I need you to take
the McKillen case out.
It's a kilo, it's a big brick, it
says "McKillen" across it, okay?
I need you to break off a chunk,
I need you to put it in a bag.
I'm gonna come by, I'm gonna
pick it up tomorrow morning.
If somebody asks you,
"Hey, why is this lighter?"
You say,
"Hey, you know what?"
"I'm a rookie.
I made a mistake."
You're a squeaky-clean fucking
lawyer with a medal of honor.
Nobody's gonna
question you, okay?
You gotta do this for me.
I'm in a jam with these guys.
No problem.
I knew I could
count on you, man.
Tell Mike I love him.
I gotta go.
All right.
SCOTT: (ON TAPE) I need you
to go into the locker,
I need you to take
the McKillen case out.
It's a kilo, it's a big brick, it
says "McKillen" across it, okay?
I need you to break off a chunk,
I need you to put it in a bag.
I'm gonna come by, I'm gonna
pick it up tomorrow morning.
All right?
If somebody asks you,
"Hey, why is this lighter?"
You say,
"Hey, you know what?"
"I'm a rookie.
I made a mistake."
You're a squeaky-clean fucking
lawyer with a medal of honor.
Nobody's gonna
question you, okay?
You gotta do this for me.
I'm in a jam with these guys.
AVERY: (ON TAPE) No problem.
You shown this to IA?
'Course not.
Handing it to you
on a silver platter.
Got any idea what this means?
Are you ready to do it?
Are you, son?
Are you really ready?
'Cause they're gonna
fuckin' tear you in half.
I'm gonna need your assurance you're
gonna follow through with it.
And I'm gonna want full
immunity when you do.
You can't just walk
in here and tell me
what the fuck to do.
You understand?
And when you do,
I wanna be made
Assistant District Attorney.
I have a law degree
and I passed the bar.
I don't have a spot for you right now.
Make a spot.
I won't do that.
I can't just snap my fingers
and make you Assistant DA.
You can say no.
You can say no,
I'll walk out this door,
I'll walk over to the Gazette,
I'll tell 'em everything I know,
including this conversation.
Listen, you're not going anywhere.
Don't... Listen.
Put it back on the table,
I'll fucking do it.
All three things?
All right.
I'm not gonna promise you how
long you're gonna stay there.
You're not gonna shake
my fucking hand, pal.
I'll make you Assistant DA. I'm never
gonna shake your fucking hand.
You're too smart
for your own good.
FEMALE REPORTER: Come down, come here.
Get right in there
for a good shot.
Detective, how do you respond
to these allegations?
REPORTER: Drugs, corruption and gangs.
It's not an investigation by the
Schenectady Police Department,
it's an investigation into the
Schenectady Police Department.
Earlier today,
DA William Killcullen
announced that his office,
along with the FBI,
would be handing
down indictments
that would lead to the arrest of
these Schenectady police officers.
The DA is making allegations
today that the Vice officers
were acting like the gangs that
they were supposed to be busting.
Officers allegedly
stole drugs and money,
even guns from inside
the evidence room here.
Officials say that,
with that stolen evidence,
the cops paid criminals
to help set up their rivals,
which then led to those
headline-grabbing arrests.
The DA announced its star
witness in the case today,
hero cop Avery Cross,
who, less than a year ago,
was shot in the line of duty
while trying to save
two Schenectady residents
from the alleged Moto Bandit.
In Schenectady, I'm Jessica
Layton, News Channel 13.
It's gonna be all right.
It's the largest case of fraud
this region has seen...
AVERY: You know,
when I was a kid,
I used to look at my dad
dressed in judge's robes
and I used to think that
my father was a superhero.
And I don't think
I was far off.
He had that quality
that judges have
where they have
tremendous compassion,
but they're also
ferocious at the same time.
He wasn't afraid
of making enemies.
I think that's probably
why he had so many friends.
I had the chance, right before he
fell into the coma, to tell him
that I was dedicating my run
for Attorney General to him.
He shook his head, "No,"
and I didn't understand why.
So I leaned in close, and...
He could whisper.
And he said to me,
"I'll take the win, not the
That was my dad, that was AI.
Son, you wanna come with me?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
Close the door.
What's wrong?
JENNIFER: We have to
talk about AJ.
He wants to come
and live with you.
He won't stop
asking me about it.
I guess that's
a good idea at some point.
I think he needs you. I think, if
he doesn't come and live with you,
he's gonna completely
go off the rails.
It's just right now, you know,
with the campaign and everything,
it's just not an ideal time.
I mean, what am I gonna do with him?
I don't know what he likes.
I just don't think it would
be good for him or anybody.
I mean, come on, you know that.
No, well,
you can tell him that.
Jennifer... What am I
supposed to tell him?
I just don't... Why are
you doing this right now?
You can tell him now.
MAN 1: Tomorrow we're gonna
head to Buffalo in the morning.
Wednesday is outer boroughs
in New York City,
and then the
AI Smith dinner at night.
Do we have time to get there?
We do, absolutely.
We'll have our last event
close in Queens,
we'll hit the Upper West Side
and then we have to
be at the Waldorf.
How about Yusef, the driver we had for my dad?
Can we get Yusef?
Yeah, totally.
What's going on in Queens?
In Queens,
he's gonna do an event
on environmental issues.
Talking about some of the...
Protecting the Sound,
and some of
the environmental stuff.
And then Thursday
head to Rochester for lunch.
You're gonna go to a place
where you're gonna order something
called the Garbage Plate.
Just want you to be prepared for it.
That's the picture.
We're gonna do that...
Did you see?
MAN 2: Yeah, no, I've seen it.
MAN 1: And then Sunday morning,
black churches.
AVERY: Oh, perfect.
WOMAN: Avery Cross?
AJ: Yeah. AJ.
AJ? Hi, AJ.
So what high school
are you coming from?
Troy High School. Yeah.
You're coming from Troy? Okay.
So not too far away. What
brings you to Schenectady?
Uh, my dad wanted me here.
Your dad wanted you here?
Yeah, for my senior year,
he wanted me to move here.
What about you? Did you wanna
come here for your senior year?
I don't know. Yeah. I...
I guess not, not really.
Do you know anybody here?
At the high school?
No. Don't know anybody?
AJ: Just...
Just peek over your shoulder.
Peek over your
fucking shoulder.
There. Hello. Hello. Hello.
You don't like them girls?
I don't know,
maybe you're just used to it.
They ain't got girls like that
where I come from. You feel me?
Where are you from?
Yeah, you heard of Troy?
Yeah, I've heard of Troy.
Where's Troy at?
It's fucking
right next door, dude.
Right next door?
I would've guessed
you were from Long Island.
Where's that?
It's where people
that talk like you come from.
B, I'm bored as a motherfucker
around here, dude.
I've been here for, like,
fucking three days,
I'm bored out of
my fucking mind.
Welcome to Schenectady.
What do you dudes
do for fun, nothing?
This is it? This is
what I got, for a year?
No, we got some things.
Don't say, like, a mall.
If you say a fucking mall, B,
like, I swear to God...
What do you do?
I get high.
We do some of that around here.
I could tell you smoked.
I seen you from back there.
You one of them loner...
Loner-stoners is what I call 'em, right?
You like to get high and, like,
chill in your room
and draw and shit.
So what you trying to do with
the rest of this day, then?
You trying to go to math class?
You wanna go get high?
Let's go.
All right, let's go.
AJ: You know what this remind me of?
The Goonies.
You know that movie? Where
they're, like, all in a cave?
You want a cigarette,
just ask, don't worry.
I'll take a cigarette.
I like smoking cigarettes
when I'm high.
You like smoking
when you're smoking?
You smoke menthols, man?
Like a breath of fresh air.
(RAPPING) Like a breath of fresh air.
But you don't care.
You got the smoke puff
blowing everywhere, I swear.
Yo, here we go,
I said my spit is my MO.
My mouth is my gun, I shoot
up your whole squadron
with one flip of my tongue.
And you done.
When did you write that?
No, I'm not trying to lie.
I wrote that.
AJ: Fucking quiet around here.
JASON: Shit, though,
when I was a kid,
there were always kids
playing here, you know?
AJ: Oh, you came here
when you was a kid?
JASON: Yeah, man, I'd come
here with my parents sometimes.
AJ: Are your parents
still together?
JASON: Yeah.
That's cool,
they're still together.
Yeah, it's all right.
It's not my real dad, though.
Where's your real dad at?
Oh, he died, actually, like in
a car accident or something.
Yeah, this is kind bud, dude.
But you know where
I could score some X?
For tonight?
Well, we just did our
downer, we gotta get up.
Remember, come back
by yourself. All right?
Yeah, man, you got it.
All right.
Let's go.
Let me see it.
Let me see the fucking drugs.
You fucking crazy, man?
Let me see my fucking drugs.
Fucking nuts, man.
What the fuck?
I gave you $500.
Yeah, that's 20 hits.
Yo, that's inflation
in Scheneck, right?
Oh, yo, what the fuck, son?
Dead ass, the fucking 5-0.
Don't worry about it, man.
Oh, fuck! Fuck!
Let me see your hands.
Police! Get on the ground!
Get on the ground! Get on the ground!
All right! Fuck!
Interlace your fingers.
WEIRZBOWSKI: He was buying
ecstasy from a Schenectady kid.
CAMPAIGN ADVISOR: And who arrested him?
WEIRZBOWSKI: A couple of beat cops.
McCracken and Potter.
You know these guys?
They'll sit on it
if I ask them to.
else see him come in?
WEIRZBOWSKI: No. I made sure of that.
CAMPAIGN ADVISOR: Did you get any
sense that he knew this kid or...
WEIRZBOWSKI: Yeah, friends.
CAMPAIGN ADVISOR: Just the two of 'em?
What's this other kid's name?
Jason Kancam. Got busted a few
years ago for shoplifting.
What's his name?
WEIRZBOWSKI: Jason Kancam.
An aimless youth.
Gordon, can we kill
the mic on Room 3?
Dad, I fucked up. I know...
And I know you don't have time to
deal with this stuff right now.
Not him, okay?
What? I want you to
leave him alone.
All right?
Wipe that fucking smirk off your face!
You hear me?
I want you to leave that
fucking kid alone, all right?
Look at me. Look at me.
You wanted to come
live with me, right?
You think this is easy for me,
during this time, huh?
I'm trying to make this work.
I'm doing it for you.
You can have anything you want,
but I don't want you
to touch that kid.
You leave him alone.
Do you under-fucking-stand me?
Say yes.
Look at me and say yes.
JUDGE: Can you state
your name for the record?
Jason Kancam.
Jason, how old are you?
Are your parents here today?
Yes. Yes.
JUDGE: Can you come up,
You're Jason's parents?
Jason, you've been charged
with criminal possession
of a controlled substance
in the third degree.
Counselor, do you waive a
formal reading of the charges?
LAWYER: Yes, please, Your Honor.
In regards
to my client's status,
there has been a discussion
with the District Attorney.
Your Honor, I may be able to have
this case potentially resolved today.
So I'd ask that the court
put it on for second call.
JUDGE: Second call.
LAWYER: This is a C felony,
so Jason could do anywhere
between five and 15 years.
But I'm getting the impression
from the prosecutor
that they may be willing to
reduce it today to a misdemeanor.
The offer on his particular
case would be time served,
which is the day
he spent in jail,
and a fine,
and that would be it.
Can he come home with us today?
He can.
Guess it's your lucky day.
Somebody's looking out for you.
Look, I didn't mean to get you
busted the other night, all right?
I'm sorry.
Yeah, it was a pretty
shitty fucking night.
But don't worry about it.
I was out of there
in five fucking minutes, dude.
You think I'm gonna sit there and
get fucked up the ass all night?
And what happened
when you got home? Huh?
Went upstairs.
Tried to go to sleep, but I was
still trippin' like a mo'fucker.
Why, what happened to you
when you got home?
I'm cool, man.
Your moms was all
worried and shit?
Oh, man, my mom's...
I'm cool, man.
'Cause I saw that guy today.
What guy?
Your dad.
That's your fucking dad.
When did he move in?
What the fuck you
talking about, AJ?
Just wanna know. I figured out...
What the fuck's your problem?
What the fuck's your problem?
Chill, dude. Chill.
What's your problem, AJ?
Just fucking around.
Don't be so serious.
You got a fucking temper, B.
You need to watch that shit. It's
gonna get you into fucking trouble.
KOFI: How was school, Vanessa? It was okay.
I had trouble with math.
Hey, what's the deal
with my dad?
What, did you like really
hate him or something?
What was his name?
I'm not doing this.
What was his first name?
I'm not doing this.
JASON: How come Mom never
talks to me about my dad?
I'm your father.
Search your feelings.
You know it to be true.
It's her business to talk about
it, not talk about it, you know?
Grandma used to tell me some.
What did she used to say?
She said, like...
Just that he was,
like, an outlaw.
You know?
Sound cool to you?
I don't know.
He's not your father.
Not really.
Just some guy with a baby.
I'm your father.
Been there since you were born.
I will always love you.
Can you at least
tell me his name?
I'm looking for Robin.
Yeah, I'm Robin.
What can I do for you?
I was hoping to talk with
you about Luke Glanton.
I'm his son.
You're Luke Glanton's son?
Well, come on back, get a beer.
Bet it's down here in this box,
if I remember rightly.
That guy's your dad.
That's him there.
And that's the pig there,
the one that bagged him.
JASON: What happened to him?
ROBIN: Who, the cop?
Oh, forget about him, man.
Don't... Don't start there.
I'll show you good things. I'll
show you good things. Come on.
You are standing
right where your dad
used to stand
and we used to talk.
He was a good guy, your dad.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, those glasses.
I haven't seen those
in a long time.
They're his,
those goofy glasses.
These were his?
You can keep those. He would've
wanted you to have them.
Was he good at anything?
Yeah, he was the best motorcycle
rider I've ever seen in my life.
The best.
Best. Never seen
another one like him. Best.
He was like nothing. Rare.
Were you guys good friends?
Yeah, I think we were.
You still got his bike?
No, his bike's gone. Yeah.
Police took it.
I think they cut it up,
you know.
They were angry with him.
I know that.
They were real mad with him.
I can show you some other things,
too, if you want to see more.
Why don't you put
the glasses on?
For sure, he would've said
they were left there for you.
No doubt.
Put 'em on, if you want.
Go on, put 'em on.
Come on, I'll tell you.
Yeah. Yeah!
Yeah. You're calling him back.
AJ: Jason! Jason.
Let me talk to you.
Look, man, I wanted to say I'm sorry
about what happened earlier, all right?
I was a dick.
I won't deny it.
You lost my money, all right?
Like, that's...
I think that's all
I need to really
fucking say, all right?
But I'm willing to
fucking squash it, okay?
If you do the squashing,
I'll be the squasher.
I said I'm sorry, brother.
I meant that shit.
What you thinking?
You dig?
We good?
All right.
Dude, dude, yo, listen.
I'm having a fucking party
at my pop's place tonight.
Dude, my pop's is fuckin'
off-the-chain, B. Come along.
I can't do that, man, I'm sorry.
Can't make it tonight. You got
family stuff you gotta do?
No, but I got stuff I gotta do.
You wanna squash it, right?
We squashed it, man.
So then come tonight.
You want me to come
to your party tonight?
I want you to come to my party.
Is that what you want?
All right, cool, I'll see you tonight.
All right. Hold up.
I'll see you tonight.
Another one. Hold up.
Do me a favor, B.
Bring some Oxys, all right?
Then we straight.
No, man.
What you mean, no?
You gotta make it correct.
I'll see you, man.
Nah, nah. You're not...
I'll see you, okay?
Nah, nah, nah, nah.
We ain't seeing shit.
You coming tonight? Yes.
You copping my Oxys?
Yes. You got it?
All right, sounds good. All right,
sounds like a fucking plan.
It don't gotta be
$500 worth, you know.
Yo, J!
Keep your head up, bro.
PHARMACIST: Same insurance and
everything else with all that stuff?
PHARMACIST: All right.
All right, I'll get to work
on this for you right away.
Be right back.
PHARMACIST: How'd you make out
with the weather?
CUSTOMER: We did all right. A
little water in the basement.
PHARMACIST: Made out pretty good.
PHARMACIST: So much water in
my basement from that flood
that the whole house
is gonna have mold in it.
Okay, looks like I've got
everything I need on that.
Couple more things
I wanna check in here.
Processed here for you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
What the fuck are you doing?
You little motherfucker,
get back here!
Get fucking...
You made it.
Hey, Oxys! Hey!
All right, I got one fucking question.
One question.
Who wants some fuckin' Oxys?
Hello. There we go, there
we go, there we go. Hello.
Who ain't got 'em?
Who ain't got 'em,
hold your fucking hands out!
Take it.
AJ: Everything's slowing down.
You lost?
They're looking at you.
Who... Who is that?
Is that AJ's dad?
I think so.
Is everything all right?
You okay?
You got something you need to tell me?
Yo, what are you...
What do you gotta tell me? Huh?
You think I'm fucking stupid?
Yo, get the fuck outta here.
You think I'm fucking stupid?
Get the fuck outta here!
Think I'm stupid?
Get the fuck out...
What, you can't fucking hear?
What's your pop do?
Fuck's your problem, man?
Fuck off.
Here's the fucking door.
There, you motherfucker!
Get the fuck out.
Fuck you, man.
Fuck you and your
old fuckin' pig!
Get the fuck outta here!
What's your problem?
Fuck him up.
Fuck him up.
GIRL: Calm down!
Can you hear me, baby?
Vanessa, get your father.
You're a liar.
KOFI: He woke up?
He say something?
Hey, Jason.
Why don't you sit down and wait.
I'm gonna get the car. Okay?
BENNY: What the hell
happened to you?
Yo, I need your help,
all right?
Yeah, man, all right. What
you need my help for, man?
I need a gun.
You need a gun?
Come on, man.
What the fuck? What the
fuck are you doing?
Wait, wait, what are you...
Get on the floor!
Get on the fucking floor!
Oh, my God! Fuck!
All right. All right, I'll
see you tomorrow. All right.
Are you alone?
What's going on?
Don't look at me.
Turn around.
We're gonna get in your car
and you're just
gonna keep driving.
Don't talk to me, or I'll shoot
you in the back of your head.
Turn around.
Turn around.
How did you get into my house?
AJ let me in.
Is he okay?
(LOUDLY) Is he?
Give me your wallet.
Where's your wallet?
It's in my jacket.
Give me your jacket.
You want my wallet?
Here, take my wallet.
Want my jacket? My jacket.
Get on your knees.
What did you do to my son?
Get on your fucking knees!
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Please, just tell me
my son's all right.
This isn't about
your fucking son.
I'm sorry, Jason.
(SOBBING) I'm sorry.
a tight race for over a year
between Cross and Kellerman,
and then unprecedented events
over the last month
made to threaten
Cross' election bid.
First, allegations of underage
drinking at his house,
and then a violent robbery from
a yet-unidentified intruder
that left his son hospitalized
with a concussion.
Remarkably, Cross has managed
to right his campaign,
and now, as you see,
the District Attorney
has just won the election
for Attorney General.
We will go live now
as Senator McFarley prepares
to address
the crowd of supporters.
I've had the honor of knowing
Avery Cross since he was a boy.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's my
pleasure and my greatest honor
to introduce
the next Attorney General
of the state of New York, Avery Cross!
Go. Curtain.
All right, AJ, you gotta go.
You gotta go out there.
There's a flag.
Go. Go where the kid is. Go.
Thank you!
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Avery! Avery! Avery!
MAN: Yeah?
Mr. Anthony?
Hey, I, uh... I called you, said
I was gonna be out here today.
Oh, right, of course.
Yeah. Well, you're early.
Yeah. There's only, like,
one bus headed out here.
You're not from
around here, huh?
No. I'm headed out west.
So you ready?
Wanna go take a look at it?
I'll just get my coat.
All right.
All right.
It runs great.
It's got a lot of miles on it, but
I kept up with the maintenance.
How much you want for it?
Well, I was thinking
I need five.
All right.
You ever ridden
one of these before?