The Plainsman (1936)

the war is over at last.
The men are coming back.
The living are coming back.
We shall have
hundreds of thousands
of disbanded soldiers.
Idle men.
Men badly in need
of work, Mr. President.
Gentlemen, we have
the country to save fiirst.
But these men
have saved their country.
Now the country must save them.
Their return home
in such great numbers
might paralyze industry...
by furnishing suddenly a greater
supply oflabor than for which
there could be a demand.
Mr. President.
Mr. Colfax.
I have read an editorial
in the Terra Haute Express...
written by Mr.John Soule,
in which he says, ''Go west, young man.''
Where there is
room for all.
Gentlemen, our land
stretches from an Eastern sea
to a Western sea.
Surely, in that vast territory,
there is a place for men
to live and work and be happy.
Mr. President.
True, Mr. President.
I hope to attract our disbanded
soldiers to the hidden wealth
of our mountain ranges...
and to the wealth
that lies in the soil itself.
And to the grasslands
of the Great Plains.
The fields of Illinois,
the broken sod of Kansas,
the long furrows
of the West.
Yes, Mr. President,
but if only the frontier
could be made safe for the plow.
It must be made safe.
But during the war
hostile Indians massacred
our settlers there.
- Mr. Lincoln?
- Yes, Mary?
We'll be late
for the theater.
Gentlemen, I promised
to take Mrs. Lincoln
to Ford's Theater tonight.
We will continue this
for the frontier
must be made safe.
Good night, Mr. President.
Good night.
Good night, Mr. President.
I have never seen him
looking so well.
But the war is over,
and we have on our hands
order after order...
canceled by
the government.
Hundreds of thousands
of rifles unsold.
Once we were the saviors
of our country.
Now we're outcasts.
Our money invested
in an unsalable product.
But a good product, gentlemen.
A new repeating rifle would have
made short work of the war...
had it been introduced earlier.
But now the subject of guns
is an unpopular topic...
to those who needed them
so badly a short while ago.
We'll have to look to Providence
for a market.
Providence? Where?
I've been told that the Indians
hunt with bow and arrow.
Still, they obtain furs,
valuable buffalo hides,
otter, fox and beaver.
With our new repeating rifle--
Dearie me.
Why shouldn't we be frank?
I have every reason
to believe the Indians
will pay $1 00 for each rifle.
A hundred dollars?
In furs. And a dollar a piece
for every cartridge.
But we can't sell rifles
to the Indians!
I think we can...
to peaceable Indians.
But how--
For hunting.
They furnish us with furs.
We supply them with rifles.
Really quite simple.
Won't they use those guns
against white men?
We'll get the Indians
to promise not to do so.
I'm against this!
But why?
It's bound to make trouble
on the frontier.
President Lincoln says--
We have a perfect right
to do it.
Sheer nonsense.!
The army would stop us.
They control trade
with the Indians.
They did, my friend.
But Indian affairs
have been taken out
of the hands of the army...
and given to
a civilian authority.
A civilian authority?
in which we are to have
a certain participation.
Do I make myself clear?
But who sells the rifles?
Ask Mr. Lattimer
to come in.
Perhaps not the most
personable gentleman...
but certainly
the man for our needs.
Gentlemen, this is
Mr.John Lattimer,
How do you do?
who will distribute our rifles
through St. Louis...
to Hays City and
all the Great Plains.
Right, Mr. Lattimer?
I said I'd do it.
Van Ellyn, if ever
Mr. Lincoln finds out--
It's a legitimate business.
The Ford Theater.!
Open that window!
Lincoln shot at Ford's Theater.!
The president is dying.!
Hear that?
Someone has shot the president.
They say he's dying.
Only yesterday afternoon
I was talking to him
at the Capitol.
Maybe it isn't true.
We must learn the facts.
A terrible thing,
Mr. Lattimer.
Yes, a national calamity.
You will leave at once
for St. Louis.
Dearie me.
Terrible thing.
Oh, there he is.
- Excuse me, soldier!
- Bull's-eye!
I didn't see ya.
That's all right, son.
Come here
and let me see your gun.
You haven't got
any notches on it.
What'd I kill?
Don't you see that great big
buffalo laying there kickin'?
Yeah. He's a big one,
ain't he?
Give me your knife,
and we'll skin 'im.
You better not.
You might find out
he's been eating potatoes.
Gee, whillikens.
I'll bet you could kill
a buffalo with this knife.
You can't kill a buffalo
with a knife.
Aw. I'll bet
Buffalo Bill could.
You know what
I saw him do once?
First give me back
my Arkansas toothpick.
You give me
back my gun.
I saw Buffalo Bill
shoot at a whole herd
of them once.
At first I thought
he'd missed.
Then two of them started
coughing and fell down dead.
He'd killed 'em both and raised
a big cloud of dust a mile and a half
the other side of them.
And that isn't all.
That little cloud
of dust he raised
grew into a whirlwind,
turned itself into
a cyclone and wiped out
one-fourth ofTexas...
before they could stop it.
That's the kind
of shootin' I aim to do.
That whistle's just
a half a minute wrong.
Don't that beat all.
Cute, isn't it?
Say, you're dressed
like a scout there.
So's your sister.
That's not my sister.
That's CalamityJane.
Was she your best girl?
Son, one of these days
you're gonna grow up,
and you ought
to know about women.
You see, the thing is this,
women are, uh--
Well, they're, um--
Well, son--
I can tell you what an Indian
will do to ya,
but you never know
what a woman will do.
Let's go down and take a look
at that fire engine.
If you don't like her,
what do you carry
her picture around for?
It's the only good picture
of me I ever had taken.
I can't cut her off
without cutting off
my chin.
John Lattimer, 1 7.
I see a good mark.
John Lattimer, 1 8.
Wait. I see an easy mark.
John Lattimer, 1 9.
Oh, yes.
Hello, Virginia!
I'll be around shortly.
We hate to say good-bye.
When you comin' back?
When you come and see me.
I want you to take Hannibal.
He sings.
Oh, Will, look.
I see a good fighting man
who's been fool enough
to get himself married.
What's the matter?
Oh, my hats!
Jiggers! Let's duck.
Here. Hold on, bub.
Come back here.
Hey, who do you think
Bill! You long-legged,
fugacious old gallinipper!
What are you doin' here?
Well, I, uh--
Here's somebody who wants
an introduction to you.
Boy, you wouldn't know him
in these tinhorn garments,
but this is the best scout
west of the Mississippi.
Shake hands
with Buffalo Bill.
Buffalo Bill!
Howdy, youngster.
this fellow taught me all
I ever knew about scoutin'.
You mustered out yet,
Ya ain't losin' much time
gettin' up the Big Muddy.
He seems to have
met a friend.
Yes, a rather
strange friend.
How long have you been out?
Oh, about three months.
I see she hasn't
cut your hair... yet.
I don't know
what you mean, Bill.
You know what happened
to Samson when Delilah
opened her barbershop.
Has she tamed you yet?
That ain't fair.
She's different.
You're different.
Bill, she's
the finest little gal--
I know, I know.
You gotta meet her.
No, Bill.
Women and me don't agree.
All that's goin; get aboard.!
Come on! You'll like her.
All that's goin',
get aboard!
Don't be nervous.
He'll be here.
Come, Will!
All right, Lou.
I want you to meet
the best friend--
We haven't time.
We must get on the boat.
All that's goin; get aboard.!
Bye, Buffalo Bill!
Bye, Louisa.!
Honey, we're on our way.
You're not frightened, are ya?
I'm not frightened
of anything after these
three wonderful months.
It's a big place we're
going to-- the West--
isn't it?
Good-bye, Buffalo Bill!
What's the matter, boy?
Good-bye, bub. That's yours.
Gee! Thanks, mister!
Don't forget what I told ya
about women.
And here's your gun.
Good hunting!
I'm Jack McCall,
Mr. Hickok.
Tickled to death
to be traveling with you.
Pleased to meet you.
Hey, your toothpick's on fire.
This ain't a toothpick.
''Cigareetes,'' they
call them back East.
Oh, I see.
A new fad, huh?
Barkeep, bring me
an applejack, will ya?
Yes, sir.
You want one?
I call ya.
I have ace, king, queen,
jack and a ten.
Sorry, mister.
Mr. Hickok.
I'd like to speak to you.
Good evening, ma'am.
I'm Louisa Cody.
Will's told me how long
you've been friends...
and how you fought
for him once.
He says you don't
trust women.
Not as a rule, Mrs. Cody.
But in your case--
Mr. Hickok,
I'm going to help Will.
Don't you believe I can?
Well, I don't know, ma'am.
I'll open.
He killed his
first Indian at 1 2.
But he's not--
At 1 4, he was
riding Pony Express.
He's one of the
best natural scouts
on the frontier.
Will's promised
to give up scouting
and killing Indians...
and all that nonsense.
The West is in his blood.
You can't change that.
But you've been away
from it so long.
It is changing,
and why shouldn't
Will change with it?
We're going to start
a little hotel.
Someday you may be
one of our neighbors
with a wife of your own.
Excuse me, ma'am,
but the hotel keeper
seems to be in trouble...
with his neighbors
right now.
I'll bet you $20.
Hello, Bill.
Don't play that hand.
- Why not?
- Maybe you can
trust one woman--
authorities differ--
but three?
Not on your life.
Your wife wants to talk to you.
She's outside.
Well, if you don't mind,
It's all right.
How much money
did you lose?
About $48.
I'll sit in for you.
Any objections, gentlemen?
No, no objections
at all.
We've got new blood
in the game.
Yes, sir?
Take the gentlemen's order.
Take the order all around.
Rye for me.
Applejack, please.
No, thank you.
Yes, sir.
Bring me something cool.
Yes, sir.
I'll bet you $50.
I'll see that
and raise you 1 00.
On that watch?
Yes, it's a
mighty fine watch.
Plays a tune whenever you press
that little spring. See?
It ain't worth $1 50.
It is to me.
I'll redeem that watch
anytime for a thousand.
All right, I'll take your word
on it, and I'll up ya 300.
And I'll call ya.
They're all blue, mister.
Watch yourself.
What's the matter?
I'm calling the hand
that's in your hat.
Take it off!.
Take a look,
The name is Hickok.
Not Wild Bill Hickok?
Mr. Hickok to you.
I'm calling this hand.
And I'm taking this pot.
Maybe I ought to shoot
a couple of holes through
your ears, so we'll know you.
Men like you
ought to be marked.
Maybe he'll do it too.
Wouldn't be
no trick at all for Bill.
He's my friend.
He can hit
a dime at 30 paces.
Four times out of five.
Five times out of five.
He killed the
whole McDaniels gang.
And he got 'em
alone too.
Does he kill like that?
Ain't a corpse maker
like him, honey.
Cash these in, Mr. Banker.
It's a pleasure,
Mr. Hickok.
Maybe I ought to take
Mr. Cody's losings too.
He's got a wife to support.
Whoa there!
Lizzie's two hours late.
Hustle your passengers off.
I'll pick the best of them
for you, Calamity.
My horses ain't
used to waitin'.
Back up there,Joe!
Mark three!
Look out!
Don't foul that hauser there!
Hey, there.!
Leavenworth landing!
All for Leavenworth
get off.
Hey! Aboard there!
Watch the line.
My name's John Lattimer.
You got a bunch of freight
for me put aboard at St. Louis?
Yeah, lots of it
consigned to Hays City.
I got my own wagons here!
I want that stuff
shouldered off first up!
Right away! Hey, Tim!
Hustle that shipment
forJohn Lattimer off.
Come on, boys!
Get goin'!
Hi, Calamity.
Hi, yourself.
Keepin' company
Yeah, me and my six horses.
Seven's a lucky number.
Count me in.
You sailors are all alike.
Hey, Bill!
Help me pack
this outfit ashore.
Jumping Jehoshaphat!
What is this? Feathers?
Lou, Bill will take you
off to the stage. I got
to go see about the trunks.
This going to be
the hotel orchestra, ma'am?
Bill, we're not joking
about that hotel.
I guess a hotel suits you
after all. Start with
a birdcage and expand, huh?
Lattimer, six.
Come on, boys.!
Get along here.!
Lattimer, seven.
Lattimer, eight.
Keep 'em on your backs there.
I'm sorry, boss.
Powerful heavy to tote.
- Shut your lip!
John Lattimer, nine.
Take this box!
Yes, sir!
Get out, you!
John Lattimer, ten.
Lattimer, 1 1,
goin'to Hays City.
Don't that look like--
Farming tools.
You operate out of Hays City?
Sure! What of it?
Didn't have any use
for farming tools
the last time I was there.
I freight whatever
they send me, and I
mind my own business.
John Lattimer, 1 5.
That's a right good idea,
a right, good way
to keep out of trouble.
John Lattimer, 1 6.
You mangy old coyote!
John Lattimer, 1 8.
Bill, you're back.
Aw, you four-flushing mule.
You ain't wipin' it off.
You're rubbing it in.
Are you gonna stay
in Leavenworth?
Are you?
I could.
I'm going on to Hays City.
Why didn't you write me
any letters, Bill?
I didn't know you could read.
I could read
if you could write.
A woman who has a fellow
at every stage station...
and a beau in every
cavalry troop west
of the Missouri--
That woman doesn't need
any letters from me.
Those fellers didn't mean
nothin' to me.
They did to me.
Let's forget it.
Maybe I did make a mistake.
You won't get a chance
to make that mistake again.
You'll have to excuse me.
I'm keeping a lady waiting.
I'm awfully sorry
to have put you to so
much trouble, Mr. Hickok.
That's all right.
I don't know what could
have happened to Will.
This is the Hays City stage,
ma'am. I'll fetch Will
and the rest of the outfit.
Thank you.
Is that chipmunk yours?
Did ya bring her with ya?
What if I did?
It's none of your business.
Ain't it, after
you run out on me?
You slab-sided,
bird-totin' rat!
You brung that
honky-tonk mopsy--
Shut up, Calamity.
Tip your hat when
you speak to a lady.
I will,
when I speak to a lady.
Aw, Bill.
Careful, Lou.
That's a big step.
Look out for Hannibal.
Will, isn't it exciting?
Have you got everything?
I've got you and
the parasol and Hannibal...
and boxes and hats and--
Hi, Calamity!
Well, Bill Cody!
What are you doin'
in them buzzard feathers?
Pretty fancy, huh?
Calamity, I want
to introduce you.
Lou, this is CalamityJane.
Everybody knows her.
Born and bred out yonder.
A dead shot,
rides better than a man,
drives stage.
Why, I've seen her flick
the rattles off a rattle--
Say, is she your mopsy?
She's Mrs. Cody.
Your wife!
I'm certainly glad
to know ya, Mrs. Cody.
How do you do, Miss Calamity?
Canary's the name, ma'am.
I beg your pardon.
I didn't know.
Not at all, ma'am.
Four passengers
for Hays City, Calamity.
Get going.
Suits me.
You'll find the backseat
easy ridin', Mrs. Cody.
Thank you.
Come on, Bill. Get in.
That's no way
to treat your passengers.
You ain't a passenger.
You're freight.
My name's Jack McCall.
I'm goin' to Hays City.
What are you smokin'?
Well, get in anyway.
Another one
for Hays City, ma'am.
That river clipper's
sayin' good-bye
to you, ma'am.
Now you're gonna have
three long days
of this prairie clipper.
But tomorrow's Sunday.
Do we ride on Sunday?
There's no Sunday
west ofJunction City,
no law west of Hays City
and no God west of Carson City.
Hold tight, ma'am.
I'm holding tight.
Still travelin' together,
Mr. Hickok, huh?
What are you
doin' up here?
I'm drivin'.
Get! Get up there!
Get up there!
You've been driving
for three days.
You've changed horses
1 4 times.
Don't you ever change
those beads you're wearing?
I ain't wearin' 'em
'cause you give 'em to me.
I'm wearin' 'em
'cause I like beads.
Oh, Will, are all the roads
in Kansas like this?
No, honey!
Some of'em
are pretty bad.
What's the matter?
Take these ribbons.
Stranger, I wonder
if you could--
Why, it's Bill Hickok.
I thought you was
off to the war.
The war's over.
Yeah? Just beginning
where I come from.
There's 2,000 or 3,000
Sioux Indians cayoodlin' around
Fort Piney with war paint on.
Wild Bill Hickok
to see General Custer.
I'll see him.
Yes, sir.
How do you do, General?
Oh, hello, Hickok.
I heard you were
coming to town.
I know of your
reputation as a killer,
and I want to warn you...
that we'll tolerate
no lawlessness
here at Hays City.
You better get that word
through to the Indians,
because they've just
wiped out half the garrison
at Fort Piney.
- How do you know?
- I was about to report to you...
before you became so interested
in my accomplishments...
that we've been
pulling arrows out of
Colonel Carrington's old scout.
Colonel Carrington told him
if you didn't get ammunition
to Fort Piney, they're done for.
Find Captain Reed!
Yes, sir.
I'll get that ammunition
to Fort Piney somehow.
But I can't spare more than
one troop to take it.
Here at Hays City,
I'm faced by Satanta's Kiowas.
The whole Sioux nation's
up here.
And now Yellow Hand's
on the loose
with his Cheyenne.
I can't move from Hays City
until I find out where
that he-wolf s heading for.
He's an old friend of mine.
We used to hunt buffalo
together on the Cimarron.
He's hunting men now,
and I've got to locate him.
Maybe I can find him
for ya.
He ought to be
just about... there.
Oh, Captain Reed.
Yes, sir.
Hickok reports that half
of Carrington's command
at Fort Piney's been wiped out.
I'm sending 1 0,000 rounds
of ammunition.
Have Captain Woods
prepare to leave at once
with a wagon train.
Mules are right handy
animals, General.
They can get by the Indians
much better than wagons can.
Yes, he's right.
Use mules.
They'll have to get by
about a thousand Cheyenne.
Why not send them
east of the trail
through Deep Valley?
Yes, and across the upper
ford of the Republican,
but who's going to guide them?
I haven't got a scout
who knows that territory.
I beg your pardon,
but Buffalo Bill Cody
just got in town.
Cody? Yes, he knows
the lay of that land.
And he's up to
all Indian tricks.
He's got himself a squaw.
You'll probably find him
knitting or washing dishes.
What do you mean?
He's married a ravishing
little woman from points East.
I don't care if
he married an Eskimo.
Tell him to come here.
His mind's set
on starting a hotel.
There's an Indian war starting.
Women lying on these plains
with Indian arrows in them.
Get Cody here.
- Suppose I go in his place?
- You're going after Yellow Hand.
Don't let him catch you.
He doesn't treat
his prisoners very well.
Tell Cody
that ammunition train
is leaving before sundown.
Yes, sir.
And he'll be leaving with them.
Oh, Will, there's
so much dirt blowing in.
It's got to blow
someplace, honey.
Tumbleweed, Lou.
They won't bite ya.
Oh, dear!
There's no use
fightin' the wind, Lou.
We have to bear
with this land.
Oh, I know, Will.
When are we going
to move into town
and take over the hotel?
I'm gonna see
Jeb Masters tomorrow.
He wants to sell
the Golden Rule House.
Here's your grub!
Why, come in, Miss Canary.
Hiya, Bill.
What'd you bring?
Well, I'll tell ya.
I got something to fry,
and I got something to boil.
And a jug of whiskey!
He never misses, Mrs. Cody.
I'll take that.
You've got a lot to do.
That stove smokes,
and there's no mattress on the bed.
You haven't got
the lamps filled yet.
Look at this place.
This is a grand shebang.
Oh, Calamity.
You could stable
the queen of Sheba.
How can you say that?
It's so dusty,
and I haven't got
my curtains hung yet.
We'll help ya. Hey,
you long-legged two-spot,
give your wife a hand.
And here's the bodkin.
Put it in that window.
Say! Look it.
That would make a pretty
dress, wouldn't it?
Calamity, do you
ever wear dresses?
I might if I had one.
You're going to look
awfully nice in one of mine.
That curtain
looks right pretty.
Bodkin Bill.
Have you had any experience
with a horse blanket?
Lou says I've had too much.
That's too bad.
There's a horse outside
waitin' for ya now.
You tryin' to trade, Bill?
A hotel for the lives
of 48 men...
and 1 0,000 rounds
of ammunition thrown in.
How do you do,
Mr. Hickok?
You and the bird
feel at home yet, ma'am?
Won't you sit down?
Thank you.
Is Custer sending that
ammunition to Fort Piney?
He's hoping
they'll get through...
if 48 cavalrymen can dodge
about 1 ,000 Cheyenne.
Birds do not eat beans,
Mr. Hickok.
You think those swatties
can make it?
Depends which way
Custer sends 'em.
Through Deep Valley.
Through the upper ford
of the Republican.
Yeah. They might
get through that way.
They would get through
if Bill Cody showed them how.
There's no trail.
Better no trail
if they're dodging Cheyenne.
Will's not going.
He has nothing to do
with the army now.
He's promised.
That's just
what I told Custer.
What did you tell him?
That you wouldn't go.
You know that's a lie.
Mr. Hickok,
Will promised me.
You don't understand.
I can't let him go.
There are things that
have to be done, ma'am.
Lincoln set a goal
that we have to work toward.
He said the frontier
must be made safe.
Oh, but
Lincoln's dead.
What right have the dead
to tell the living
what to do?
His words are alive.
Bill Cody knows that
as well as I do.
If he refuses to go,
you'll think he's a coward,
and you know he's not.
The choice is his, ma'am.
Will, I was
afraid of this.
You can't leave me.
You can't--
You've never seen
the Indian tribes at war.
You've never seen men
killed and mutilated and
bodies of women burned...
and babies dragged
from their mother's arms
and dashed against--
That's enough, Bill!
Why is it you aren't
going, Mr. Hickok?
I have to pay a call
on an old friend.
You're goin' after Yellow Hand.
Bill, you're goin' out alone!
You cold decker,
ain't you got no sense?
Maybe I can get you
another string of beads.
Ya ornery coot!
Good-bye, my darling.
Oh, Will, please--
I've got to go, dear.
I know every foot of the way.
I have to do my part.
I'll look out
for you, Mrs. Cody.
He'll be back in a few days.
He'll be back with
nary a scratch on him.
Will! Will!
Come back!
Don't cry, honey.
I wanted to tell him
Maybe if he'd known,
he wouldn't have gone.
Well, maybe it's just
as well you didn't tell him.
What is this, Louisy?
It's sort of a Russian cat.
Look at that.
I don't know how I look,
but I feel like
the queen of Sheba.
You look lovely,
I want you to keep
that dress.
Ya do?
Say, that's
the first time a woman
ever gave me anything.
Why, I never even seen
clothes like these.
Now, if I just
had me a hat!
Here, try one of these.
Oh, say, ain't
that a pretty one.
Well, how do you do,
Miss Canary?
Hmph. Appears to me
your face is kind of
made out of rubber.
That old coyote's
got a toad in his gullet.
Couldn't be an Indian,
could it?
Honey, when you hear
something yelling at night,
it's just some varmint.
But when you don't
hear nothin', it's an Injun.
Calamity, I want you
to stay here with me.
I've never been alone before.
Now, stop worryin'
about him, honey.
He's got a whole troop
of cavalry ridin' herd
on him.
But my Bill plays it alone,
the big mule.
I bet if he could
see me in this outfit,
it'd be my weddin' dress.
I'd just as leave die
with my boots on,
but I ain't a-gonna
to get married in 'em.
Can I have some shoes?
Louisy, don't look
at the windows.
Don't let on
anything's different.
Listen to me.
Can you ride?
My horse is outside.
Take that coffeepot
back to the stove.
Then open
that door and wait.
Make believe you're
helping me with my glove.
I'm gonna entertain
visitors. They're Injuns.
Shut up. When you
see them all in here,
sneak to the horse.
Ride to town.
Don't stop for nothin'.
Tell 'em there's Injuns
here with war paint on.
Make me some fresh coffee,
Come in, fellows.
Come on in.
Don't be afraid.
I-- I got
something for ya.
Look. I got
some presents for ya.
See? See
the pretty feather?
Sure. Sure.
It's a hat. See?
Here. Here, put it on.
Come on.
I'll show you.
Go look at the pretty feather,
you painted buzzard.
Here. Here, look.
You don't like it, huh?
Well, here. Take this.
I got something for all of ya.
Presents for all of you.
We've been savin' 'em.
Presents for my brothers,
the Cheyenne,
you red hyenas.
Here. Look. See?
Look. Here.
Come on in. Look.
See? Here.
Come on.
Don't be afraid.
Look. For papoose.
See? Papoose.
Uh, want a piece of cake?
Me no talk Cheyenne.
I'll never tell ya
where they've gone,
ya hairless coyote!
Hello there! Hey!
You get outta here.!
Go back, Bill!
These are Yellow Hand's men.!
You're crazy.!
Shoot your way out, Bill!
You'll get
a tomahawk in your brains
if you keep askin' for it.
Indians will sell anything.
They might sell you.
Wild Bill Hickok, walkin'
into the hands of a war party.
Custer sure picked himself
a great scout.
Aw, Bill, not your watch.
What's he saying, Bill?
He wants my guns too.
Don't give 'em to him.
Don't give up your guns!
What's he saying?
He says he's got to take us
to Yellow Hand first.
He can't let us go
unless Yellow Hand's willing.
Well, you done it,
didn't ya?
Yes, I ''done it,'' all right.
How do you do,
Mr. Hickok?
You sure must
remember me.
How do you like me
in dresses?
Thought you were Mrs. Cody
at first, in that dress.
Oh. Mrs. Cody
give it to me.
Were you in Cody's cabin
when they caught ya?
Yeah, celebrating on account
of Bill Cody's kid.
Bill Cody
hasn't got a kid.
He's gonna have one.
He doesn't know it,
does he?
He would if he stayed home
where he belongs.
I'll tell him... maybe.
Say, Bill, you give up
your watch...
and your guns.
Couldn't have been
on account of me, could it?
No. I wanted him to take me
to Yellow Hand, so I can
find out what he's up to.
What do you think
they'll do to us?
We'll soon find out.
You Hickok.
I know you.
Speak your own
language, Yellow Hand.
I'll understand you.
You, me,
speak white man tongue.
I must know you know
what I say.
Remember what I told you
last time we met?
I said one of us will
lift the other's scalp.
Which one?
It looks like
it's up to you to say.
What started you on
the warpath, Yellow Hand?
Where sun rise,
white man's land.
Where sun set,
Indian land.
White man come,
take our land.
Kill buffalo, our food.
White man promise us food.
White man lie.
Now Cheyenne buy
white man's thunder stick.
Soon war drums
sound in all Indian land.
All tribes ride
with Yellow Hand.
We drive white man,
like buffalo, away,
back to rising sun.
Yellow Hand has spoken.
Yellow Hand has spoken.
And you may be right.
But you can't drive
the white man away.
Yellow Hand know.
White man send bullet.
Many, many bullet. Where?
romancing Yellow Hand.
You tell where.
I don't know.
You tell where!
He's your friend, Bill.
Why don't you tell him
they're heading east
toward Leavenworth?
Yes, that's right.
To Leavenworth.
- Now I know soldier take bullet.
- They won't fit your guns.
Hickok, my friend,
speak with straight tongue.
Hickok, white man friend,
speak with forked tongue.
Now, you tell,
which way soldier take bullet?
Bill, what's
in that watch?
Bill! Bill, you got
my picture. You kept it.
I couldn't get it out
without scratching the case.
You've been actin'
like you didn't care,
and all the time--
Tie up that tongue of yours.
Look at their faces.
Let her go.
She doesn't know anything.
You too quick to say
she not know.
Hickok will not tell,
but Yellow Hand will know.
Now is hour
of Great Bear rising.
When moon in sky here,
Yellow Hand will know.
What's he talking
about the moon for?
What does he mean?
What are you
thinking about?
I'm thinking about
John Lattimer's farming tools...
that came up on the boat.
Oh, rifles.
Better rifles than we have.
Seven shot repeaters,
and each shot may mean
the life of a white man.
But what do you think
they're fixin' to do to us?
I think maybe you gave them
an idea what to do.
Hear them drums?
That's taps for us,
ain't it, Bill?
Won't be so hard,
goin' out together.
It'll be harder
than you know.
Calamity, there are
only two of us.
Two lives against
all those men on
the ammunition train.
But I don't want to die!
I don't want you to die!
Hang onto yourself.
You'll have to help me.
Just like you did
the first time
I saw you, remember?
I was just a kid and no more
sense than I got now,
headin' down the grade
with no brakes on.
I loved you then, Bill,
just like I do now.
Looks like that moon's
gettin' ready to show.
You never even gave me
a picture, but you kept mine.
I know you care for me a little.
Couldn't you say it just once?
Maybe they'll let us go
after all.
Bill Hickok!
You ornery son of a mule!
You wouldn't
give a bad dime
to a sick kid, would ya?
You may be right,
No, I ain't.
I know it.
I ain't worth a bad dime.
Bill-- Bill, every night
I talk to ya.
Wantin' ya.
I know you feel the same.
Won't you tell me?
What difference
would that make now?
If only I could hear ya
say it once.
It would give me
somethin' to keep...
like it was kind of holy,
like I could
keep it forever.
Yellow Hand find out now
which way soldier go.
Yes, Calamity, I do.
I love you.
You wait.
Yellow Hand
no want to kill Hickok...
but must know which way
soldier go with bullet.
When he know,you go free.
Hickok go free.
Don't talk to him,
Don't trust him!
If you no tell which way
soldier go with bullet,
Hickok soon be dead.
Bill Cody's with
that ammunition train!
Forty-eight men
are there, Calamity!
Oh, Bill! I can't!
You tell?
Which way?
Oh, no! No! Don't!
Don't let them do it!
Don't! Please! Don't!
Which way?
Don't forget Cody--
And all those men!
Remember what I told you!
They're burning him!
They're killing him!
Put out the fire!
Put out the fire!
Put out the fire!
Which way soldier go
with bullet?
Deep Valley
through the upper ford.
Squaw no lie.
Yellow Hand no lie.
You free. Go.
I couldn't help it, Bill.
Won't you look at me?
I hope
I'll never have to
look at you again.
Look out, Bill!
Look out!
Thing ain't right here,
Captain Wood.
See anything?
No, but I feel it.
Things ain't right here.
We can halt over there
while you take a look around.
They're caught,
like rats in a trap.
They're all around us,
on both sides of the river!
- We'll hold this island!
Throw your horses!
Get those ammunition packs off.
Get them out of the line of fire!
I can't see nothin'
to shoot at but smoke.
Where are they?
They'll never get out now.
I gotta go down there.
You ain't goin' down there.
Get behind this tree
and wait.
You've got to reach
General Custer.
I'll get there, somehow.
Head down Prairie Dog Creek.
Get a fresh mount tomorrow
from the Pony Express
at Simpson's.
And if Custer finds out
you told Yellow Hand,
he'll give you the firing squad.
He won't find out.
I'm gonna tell him.
Tell him you brought
a thousand Cheyenne
against his 48 men!
Set up that barricade with those
saddles! Those saddles on
those barricades, and hurry!
Don't go too deep with
that hole or you'll get
that ammunition in water!
All right, sir.
Burned through the legs.
It feels like
it broke the bone.
Your knife, Bill.
Give me that scabbard
for the splint.
Watch 'em, men!
They may rush us!
Never saw
such rifle-fire
from Indians!
They haven't let up
for a minute.
There's either a million of'em,
or they're using those
new repeating rifles.
Look out!
They're firin' powerful fast.
It ain't like what
we had at Gettysburg.
Were you at Gettysburg?
I was on the other side in that.
Then you must've been--
- Stop talkin', you two!
- Get down there!
Aim well and fire slowly.
Hold your fire, men!
That's a white man!
Cover him, McGinnis!
Cover him!
What would a white man
be doin' out there?
Holy mackerel!
He hasn't got a chance!
He's still ridin'.
Drop some of them Injuns
back of him!
That fellow must have
nine lives!
He'll need every one of'em.
They got him!
No, they haven't!
Come on, Bill.!
Run for it.!
Keep those long legs goin'!
Hi, Bill.
Sufferin' cats!
Wild Bill!
I'll tell the captain
you're here.
Tell him I expect to
be here for a long time.
Hi, Bill.
You guidin'
for Yellow Hand?
Where's your feathers?
Captain Wood,
Wild Bill Hickok.
Touch 'em up in those trees.
Range about 200 yards!
Wild Bill Hickok?
Yes, sir. He just dropped
in from Yellow Hand.
I thought Custer sent you
to locate Yellow Hand.
I located him, didn't I?
Him and a few Cheyenne.
You sure did a good job.
I notice you're using
his equipment.
You'll notice it's
better than yours too.
Where did you get that mark
on your wrist? Bracelet?
Ha. Squaw bracelet.
Takin' Bill Hickok prisoner
just don't sound right to me.
No? What about Bill Cody
following his nose
into a Cheyenne ambush?
Looky here.
These Injuns were waitin'
for us. They knew we
was comin' to this ford.
You didn't
tell 'em, Bill?
Then who did tell 'em?
I said,
who did tell 'em?
I've something more important
than that to tell you.
You're gonna be a father.
A daddy.
Well, but, uh--
How did you know?
Mrs. Cody told Calamity.
Calamity told me.
Well, somebody
mighta told me.
Well, uh... the news
didn't leak out till
after we left.
Oh, well then how--
Where did you see Calamity?
Oh, uh... around.
Has she got rawhide marks
on her wrist too?
What's your guess it'll be,
a boy or a girl?
It's bound to be one
or the other, isn't it?
That's customary.
From what I've seen of you
lately, my guess is a girl.
Girls are all right.
If it's a boy,
I suppose he'll be a bellboy
in that hotel of yours.
If it's a girl,
we'll keep her out
of Yellow Hand's camp.
Hey, Bill.
Hey, soldier.
Wait till I knock the tail
feathers off of that turkey.
Help me over
to the wagon with him.
They got Buffalo Bill,
Keep down
or they'll get you.
Where's the doctor, Captain?
They got him
in the first volley.
Bandages are
in the box there.
Here's a fresh one.
Sort of parted your hair,
Bill. Flesh wound.
Looks like that little
stranger's gonna have a papa.
Never mind that.
We got plenty of water
in the river.
Yes, sir?
It's gonna be a siege.
Days of it.
After dark, I'll call
for volunteers to try to
get back to General Custer.
I've already sent word
to Custer.
Who'd you send?
Who'd you send?
- CalamityJane.
Calamity? Wha--
She oughta get through.
She'd better get through.
There you are.
I oughta have you
stood up and shot.
Why don't you?
If I had the authority to do it,
I'd like nothing better,
but I haven't.
I can't make you pay
for what you've done.
You won't have to.
Ten hut.!
Captain Wood.
Lieutenant Burke.
Sergeant Higgins.
Corporal Brannigan.
Here today
and gone tomorrow.
- Bugler Corry.
- Here, but not for long.
Seven days you been calling
that roll. Tomorrow there won't
be anyone left to answer it.
Then I'll answer 'em all myself.
Private Adams. Anderson.
Here, and I wish I wasn't.
I wish I had
two more like you.
Six nights I've been listenin'
to the wild talk of the wounded.
'Tis a sad lullaby.
Yo. What's left of me.
- Here.
- He's up in his hotel.
Still here.
-Three days now since
the mule meat went bad.
- It's six, I tell ya!
Why tell the Indians?
They know about it.
Keep quiet, you baboons!
Seven. Do you think you're
the only one hearin' Rankin
in sick bay...
talkin'half the time about
that hole through his lung
and the rest about his kid?
He's so scared he can't count.
It's six nights.
This paper says
they're expectin' trouble
with the Indians.
- No?
- Dalrymple?
Here, and hungry.
Try chewin' saddle leather.
That'll ease your stomach.
Daniels. Dowden.
Easton. Evans. Hickok.
No hits.
- They're savin' him
for a hangin'.
- Houston.
Hadley. Hillman.
What are you makin'
that for?
Sure, and all the Indians
won't be makin'
no headstone for me.
Seven days you been doin' this.
They don't answer anymore.
He's roll calling the dead!
It's six days!
What difference does it make?
''What difference
does it make''?
Makes a difference to Gillon,
Harry Ketcham and Bailey.
Ray Todd must think
it makes a difference
where he lies out there.
They might be alive!
Easy, son. Easy.
They might be.
You never can tell
what'll happen.
I knew a fellow lived on
the Kaw River by the bridge.
He used to feed a fish,
a big catfish, by hand.
- What's that got
to do with it?
- Now wait a minute.
That catfish got to followin'
that fellow out of water
for his dinner.
Every day he'd follow him more.
And one night when the man was
walkin'home across the bridge,
not noticin'the catfiish
was followin'him.
Now that fiish had never
seen a bridge before.
He fell off...
and he drowned.
- Ah, fish can't drown.
- That must've been
a narrow bridge.
Holy thunder.!
Look at them Injuns.!
Every man up this way!
Hurry, men, hurry!
- Get the wounded out
to load the guns!
- Don't shoot till
I give the command.
- Hand me up another rifle.
- Keep your heads down
if you wanna keep them on.
Look like buffalo, don't they?
A volley'll stop buffalo.
Volley fire. Ready!
Not yet.
But, Bill!
Hold your fire, men.
Wait for the command.
- They're riding us down!
- Don't wait.! Let 'em have it.!
Not yet!
Load faster.!
Gimme that.!
I'm doing the best I can.
Fire at the center!
Split that charge!
- Who was that?
- Keep your barrels red hot!
Fire at will, men!
This one's mine!
- We've turned 'em!
- Now they're goin' down
both sides!
Cover the left flank!
Where are you going, you idiot?
Hey, Bill, come back here!
Are you crazy?
- Hey, Dave, help me cover him.
- Cover the right flank!
Load your guns, men!
Load your guns! Remember,
you're still in the army.
Gimme some water.
I gotta have water.
What's the matter?
Can't you hear me?
Load your guns.!
- What's the use? We can't
stand another charge.
- We may have to.
No.! We can't.
The dead can't fiight anymore.
Why don't you call roll now?
You're afraid? I'll call it
for you. Private Dowden.!
- You load your guns!
- Corporal Brannigan.
Load your guns.!
Why don't you tell
Brannigan to load his gun?
- I'm telling you.! Get up.!
- I won't!
Save that fighting
for the Indians!
You'll see.
Hold onto yourself,
There's nobody left.
You'll see.
Why don't you
tell your bugler
to sound assembly?
Stop blubbering
and reload your gun!
He can't answer.
Look at him.!
Look at him.!
Saints above.
He's answering
to his name.
Yes, it's the dead calling.
- Stop it, men!
Stop it. Listen.
It's Bugler Corry.
He's sounding the charge!
Come on, men,
it's a charge!
No, you fools! No!
What are you waiting for?
The dead want us.
McGinnis, hold 'em back.
Fall in men!
- It's the charge.
Don't ya hear it?
- Yes, I hear it.
Come on, follow me!
The boy's right.
It's horses.
They're charging.
Get ready, men!
We'll go down fightin'!
Come on.!
There they are, over there!
You can see 'em!
- Holy saints!
[ Bugle Playing ''Charge'' ]
They know we're alive.
We're okay.
Well, Yellow Hand didn't
get that ammunition
he was hankerin' for.
He would have,
if Calamity hadn't gotten
through to Custer.
She did a good job,
all right.
- She must've told Yellow Hand.
- Let her alone.
She never was good.
Why don't somebody
do somethin'about it?
Only 1 8 come back
out of 48.
The Cheyenne must've paid her
plenty to tell 'em.
Paid this woman in money,
but our soldiers paid in blood.
What are you gonna do?
I'll show you
what we're gonna do.
Talk's cheap,
ya loudmouthed liar.
Hey, you.
Let me out!
All right,
you dirty mule-skinner.
If you want it-- Ow!
If she was a man,
we'd know what to do with her.
Go ahead, you crossbred rat!
If you was a man,
you wouldn't be here!
Run her out of town!
Get some tar.!
Tar and feathers
is too good for her.
That's the way to talk!
Get a rail.!
Here. Here's a rail.
Gimme that hammer.
Why don't somebody get behind
her and get that whip?
- Why don't you?
- Get the feathers and tar.
There's a rail.
What do you want
with a rail,Jack?
- Bill!
- We're gonna run her
out of town.
You know what she done?
She told Indians--
Well, she's a woman,
isn't she?
Keep out of this, Bill Hickok.
And women talk a little
too much sometimes.
This woman is gonna get
what's coming to her.
Let's ride her out of town.
And men talk a little
too much sometimes too!
Those men had wives.
I know what's on your minds!
Yes, there were soldiers killed.
I was there.
I saw them.
And they were killed
with bullets-- bullets
from repeating rifles.
Who'd sell rifles
to Indians?
Lincoln said this country's
got to be made safe.
Those are his words.
And I'm on my way to settle
this matter with the man
who sold those rifles.
It wouldn't please me to be the
man Bill Hickok's goin' after.
Me neither!
I knew there
was monkey business goin'on.
You're right.
And there's liable to be
bullets flyin' around
this way any minute,
so I'd advise you
to get inside,
off the street.
I was goin' home anyway.
- I'll go with you,Jack.
- I got a long ways to go myself.
Lattimer's ''crookeder''
than a rattlesnake. You can't
go after him alone. His men--
I started this alone
and I'll finish it alone.
Why should I stake you
to go diggin' for gold?
They found gold and
plenty of it right there
in the Black Hills.
That's Sioux country.
That don't matter. There's
gold there at the grass roots.
So, you're goin'
on the dodge,
desertin' after gold.
You know what Custer
does to deserters.
I know what he'd like
to do to you.
He just got back and
he's boilin' mad about Cheyenne
Indians and repeatin' rifles.
He can't do nothin'. Let him
make his complaint to Washington
and he'll find that out!
The army's gettin' riled--
The army can't stop me!
There's bigger men than
the army in this with me.
Mr. Lattimer.
I'm busy, McCall.
I want to do you
a big favor, Lattimer.
What's on your mind?
Hickok's after you.
Wild Bill.
He says you're the cause
of all these Indian massacres.
He's comin' in here now.
All right.
You better get out.
You won't forget
that I warned you?
Get out.
Get in there, you three.
Maybe I'll have
a job for you.
Hello, Hickok.
That's the name,
ain't it?
Met you in Leavenworth.
Hear you been doin'
a little scoutin' for Custer.
Did you see anything?
Yellow Hand's been farming
with your farming tools.
You know what this is?
I'm not armed, Mr. Hickok.
I'm not armed.
I'll give you
three minutes to fix that.
I'll be waiting outside.
- I'm just leaving town.
- You're not leaving town
unless dead men can walk.
Come in here, you fellows.
Now. I'm gonna stake ya,
all three of you.
I'm gonna stake you
to 50 Double Eagles.
I've got
a wagon train leaving for
the Black Hills tonight.
I'm gonna get you away from
Custer and safe out of town.
That's great, Mr. Lattimer.
But first, there's
that little job I want
you boys to do for me.
You're crazy. Lattimer won't
fight you fair. You ain't got
the sense you was born with.
Ah, Bill, don't our love
mean nothin' to ya?
Our love--
if that's what
you want to call it--
all that died back
on that island where
everything else was dying.
No, Bill, no!
I'll go get Cody.
Maybe he can talk some sense
into you, ya big mule!
Get off the street.
You better take cover
for a few minutes.
You think you own this town.
I'm just walkin'
through it.
And us fellas can get
out of your way, can't we,
just like we was dirt?
Suit yourself.
All right, Mr. Long Hair.
You're too durn friendly
with Injuns to suit me.
You shouldn't have
said that, soldier.
What are you gonna do about it,
ya gun-totin' windbag?
Oh, substituting
for Lattimer.
I can't shoot at that uniform.
If you want action,
take it off.
Yeah, and get a slug
while I'm doin' it.
Take it off.
I'll give you
that much time.
I never draw on a man
who isn't ready.
- Bill.! Bill.!
Come on, Bill,
let's get out of here.
Sit here, Bill, out of sight.
Close that door, Lou.
Easy, Bill.
That bullet went clean through,
but it's bleedin' bad.
Get some water, Lou, quick.
And some clean linen.
You brought this man
to our house; a murderer.
When is this
going to stop?
When will it ever stop?
This killing and killing!
Why don't they kill him too?
Then you can be next
and then me and--
Lou, he's my friend.
I didn't mean to bother you,
ma'am. I'll be going.
Can I take your horse, Bill?
You can have everything
I've got, Bill, but--
You sit right down again,
Mr. Hickok.
You can't go
bleeding like that,
whatever you've done.
He's done plenty.
Those men were soldiers.
He'll have every trooper of
the Seventh after him now.
Get some towels, Will.
I'll be as quick
as I can, Mr. Hickok.
Thank you, ma'am.
Here you are, Lou.
There's hot water
on the stove.
Hold this, Mr. Hickok.
I never was a murderer.
I never did fight
unless put upon.
Thou shalt not kill.
No ghosts ever come
bothering me.
It was always the other man
or me... in a fair fight.
What right have you to judge
who is to live or to die?
Put away your guns,
Mr. Hickok.
I can't do that, ma'am,
not till I find John Lattimer.
Hey,Jake, gimme
some more light.
Ready, boys?
Which way, Mr. Lattimer?
South, until we get out of town,
then we head north.
Say, where are them
three soldiers we're takin'?
They're staying
in Hays City,
but I'm goin'.
Get on your wagon.
It's dark enough now, Bill.
You oughta head up north.
Hide out in the Black Hills.
That's bad Indian country,
but it'll be safer for you
than here.
I'm going
into town first.
You're crazy, Bill!
I'd be crazier
if I didn't do what
I think I ought to.
Bill, open up.
It's me.
Did they hurt
you much, Bill?
I'm all right.
I couldn't come till it
got dark. I was scared
they'd be watchin' me.
I know you don't want
to see me, but I gotta
tell you somethin', Bill.
Custer's ordered you
brought in dead or alive.
The troopers have combed
every hidin' down by the river
and they're headin' this way.
He's goin'to fiind Lattimer.
Lattimer's gone.
He pulled out with his wagons.
Nobody knows.
I'll find him.
Of course you will. Someday
you're bound to, only don't
try to find his trail now.
Just try to save yourself
from Custer's men. There's
no tellin' what they'll do.
If Lattimer's pulled out
with his wagons,
those wagons are loaded.
And I know what
I've got to do.
That's a trooper.
Hear his saber?
Get in there, Bill,
You might set the table
for three, Mrs. Cody.
Who's there?
Courier from
General Custer.
General Custer's compliments.
You're to report to him right away.
How do you do, ma'am?
Howdy, soldier.
What's up?
Custer's been ordered to move
against Sitting Bull and the
Sioux up in Big Horn country.
What does General Custer
want Will for?
The General doesn't let me
in on all his secrets.
Come on, get a move on.
Go ahead.
I'll be right behind you.
Grub's ready. Hustle them
dishes. I'm cavin' in all over.
Light out, Bill.
I've got a pack all fixed
for you and I brought a horse.
Good-bye, ma'am,
and thank you
for everything.
Thanks for the coat,
Bill Cody. I'll take
good care of it.
Take care of what's
inside of it,
you old bushwhacker.
Will, what does
General Custer
want of you?
Bill. Bill, you ain't fit
to ride far.
Why don't you lay up someplace
and take care of that arm?
That's what I'll do.
I'll need this arm
when I find Lattimer.
Ah, forget it.
You ain't got a chance
against Lattimer's men.
Hmm. I've got
nothing to lose.
Nothin' but your life!
When you talk like that,
I could bounce a rock
off n your bean.
Why don't you try it
next time you see me?
When'll that be, Bill?
Oh, up around
Deadwood someplace.
You can never tell.
I gotta get out of here too
after what I done.
Well, I guess
this is good-bye, eh, Bill?
Where are you going?
Oh, up around Deadwood
someplace, I guess.
I don't give a hoot
where I go.
You're well-named.
A child of calamity.
Always gettin' yourself
into trouble.
Bill, I reckon
maybe you don't hate me.
Do you?
Maybe you're just bein'
nice to me because you think
you won't ever see me again.
Sure. Sure,
I'll see ya again.
This is a big country,
and trails cross...
Thought these
Big Horn Mountains
was full of Indians.
Well, I ain't seen
any Indians yet,
but I'll swear to Moses
there's somethin' followin' us.
Want your coat back,
No. I want some grub.
Well, how do you
like your eggs?
I like 'em very much.
You got any?
I got some jerky
and a little bacon
and a little coffee.
You must've been mighty frugal
over the last six weeks
since you been gone.
I haven't any grub left.
Well, you're welcome
to anything I got, Will.
I know that, Bill.
Build up a little fire
and we'll have coffee.
Given up
ridin' a horse?
Indians got it.
Mine too.
I see you got holes
in your boots.
That's from followin'
a long-legged man.
What were you
followin' me for?
Did you have something
you wanted to tell me?
I reckon I did.
I thought you were
off with Custer.
Custer sent me
to bring you back.
Slice up some of
that bacon, Bill.
Have a piece of jerky.
Thanks, Bill.
Well, I guess we got
a few coffee beans left.
Enough for about two cups
if we make it weak.
How's Lou?
I ain't seen her, Bill,
for weeks.
She went home to St. Louis
the day after you left.
She wanted to be
with her mother when--
And what have you
decided to call it?
I guess Lou
will decide that.
Yeah. She's
a fine woman, Bill.
She fixed my arm,
so I can pull a gun
as quick with my left
as I can with my right.
Well, that's fine,
It might come in handy
for you.
It will.
This is
a hostile country.
If you get some water,
we'll get this coffee
goin' quick.
Can't understand
why Custer sent you.
He says I'm the only man
you wouldn't kill.
Seems to me Custer's takin'
a whole lot for granted.
Well, there it is.
I have an order from
the United States Army
to bring you back.
So I gather.
Dead or alive.
Which way do you
aim to do it?
No, Bill.
It's too bad they had to
send you. I'm sorry.
But they did, Bill.
Did you hear that?
What's that Indian doing with
that Seventh Cavalry stuff?
That flag's
shot to pieces.
- Where'd you get that flag?
That's an officer's coat,
and there's a bullet hole
through it.
Do you understand him?
He says
Custer's dead!
Wiped out
with his whole battalion.
He says Yellow Hand's
comin' up from the south
with his Cheyenne...
to join Sitting Bull.
He says there'll be
no more white man.
If the Cheyenne
reach Sitting Bull,
he's right.
the nearest regiment?
He's moving up
to join Crook.
You know
his line of march?
He's coming up
through Deadwood.
Find him.
He says the white man friend
is bringing rifles to Sitting Bull.
- That's Lattimer.
To the new village
in the canyon.
That's Deadwood.
You go for Merritt
and tell him to get between
Sitting Bull and the Cheyenne.
Remember, Bill,
you're my prisoner.
I'll see ya in Deadwood.
We'll settle it there.
[''Oh.! Susanna'' On Piano ]
- I seen it myself.
- One nugget?
Yes, sir.!
Twenty-three ounces.
The biggest nugget I seen
in Deadwood yet.
Dave, the biggest liar
I've seen in Deadwood yet
is you.
I ain't tryin'
to sell you the claim.
I'm caught.
Now, Calamity,
what did you
wanna do that for?
Drinks ain't free, Dave.
If you was a man,
I ain't,
so plunk down four bits.
You're a good barkeep,
Calamity, but you're
awful ornery.
Hello, Calamity.
Sherry and egg.
Eggs are
a dollar apiece.
I said egg
and sherry.
You'll get whiskey
and egg.
Would you like
to try runnin' me out
of this town too,Jack?
No, Calamity.
I don't bear you a bit
of hard feeling anymore.
Well, that's just fine.
'Cause I bear you a-plenty.
Now, say, Calamity.
You oughta be
makin' up to me.
I'm gonna be
a big man
in this country.
You'll have to grow
about a foot, won't ya?
When I get hold of a pile
of money-- which I aim to,
and soon--
you'll be
treatin'me right.
So, you staked a claim?
Nah, not me.
Those fellas are lookin'
for gold in the ground.
I aim to find it on top.
If it ain't in the ground,
where is it?
I ain't sayin'!
[ In Normal Voice ]
I ain't sayin'.
All I'm sayin' is
I'm gonna be a big man
in this Black Hills country.
Yes, sirree, a big man,
like Wild Bill Hickok.
Say, whatever
become of Bill?
I couldn't tell ya.
For all I know,
he may be dead.
[ Whistling ]
The man that killed him
must be ridin' high.
The man don't live
that could kill him.
Though you done your best.
You told Lattimer, Bill
was looking for him in Hays City.
Hickok don't know that,
does he? It ain't true.
There ain't a word
of truth in it.
Lucky for you
Bill ain't here.
You can throw this old outfit
away or burn it.
I don't think
they'll burn.
You like-a the haircut?
No, no haircut.
Have you seen any freighting
or hauling around here?
No, no freighting.
No hauling.
Everybody got a mine.
Everybody dig and a-dig.
Nobody got-a time
for Tony no more.
Nobody take
a bath no more!
Hey, don't you ever put
tobacco in that pipe?
Smells like an octopus.
What's that army horse
doin' here?
There ain't been any soldiers
around here in weeks,
Mr. Lattimer,
but the Fifth Cavalry's
comin' in.
We'll be gone
before they get in.
My wagons oughta be
here in a few minutes.
I need some barberin'.
I ain't seen
no Indian guide.
Give him time.
Sitting Bull said he'd send him.
Take it easy.
Mr. Lattimer.
I'm gettin' kinda jumpy
about those wagons.
I'll buy ya one.
That's nice of you,
Mr. Lattimer.
A drop of rye will
set me up just fine.
You don't happen
to have seen any wagons
going through...
loaded with
farming tools?
Now what does anybody
want-a with-a farming tools?
They got no time
to farm.
Hey. Why don't you want
to get the haircut?
Short hair makes
the Indians mad,
and they're
mad enough already.
Thank-a you too much.
He's-a fine fellow.
Hello, Calamity.
Ah, Bill.
Gee, you're back.
I been watchin' and askin'
and nobody's seen ya.
Nobody's heard.
I haven't been out
in what you call society.
I had one caller,
though. Bill Cody.
He found you, then.
Say, Bill,
you didn't--
No, he's all right.
I'm meetin' him here.
I'm sure glad of that.
Wasn't your fault,
them three soldiers gettin' killed.
Say, Bill. You won't
have to move on, will ya?
No, I got a hunch
this is gonna be
my last camp.
You're settlin' down?
You're gonna stay here?
I got a feelin'
I'm gonna stay here.
Bill, you need a drink.
I been thinkin'.
The West is gettin' to be
a new kind of place.
Bill Cody's
done the right thing.
He's changed.
What room
is there gonna be for
a two-gun plainsman?
You're talkin' crazy.
You're the best man
in this country.
I don't know
who thinks so.
I think so, Bill.
If you think Cody done right
settlin' down and all,
maybe that's what
you'd like to do.
I mean, have a home
and things...
and have somebody
to cook your meals
for ya and--
Doesn't sound
so bad.
Oh, Bill--
Calamity, now you
gotta listen to me.
I didn't do nothin',
Mr. Hickok.
- I didn't do nothin'.
- What's he talkin' about?
He sneaked and told Lattimer
you was lookin' for him
back in Hays City.
She's lying, Mr. Hickok.
She's lying.
McCall, a year ago I'd have
shot you dead on sight.
But now--
Go buy yourself a drink.
You're the luckiest rat alive.
I'm beginnin' to think
Mrs. Cody was right.
Who am I to decide
whether a man's
to live or die?
You feelin'
all right, Bill?
No Injun guide yet,Jake.
No? Well, if you
don't mind, then I'll
go put down a drink.
All right.
Go ahead, boys.
Wet your whistles.
Mr. Lattimer.
Hickok is in town.
Hickok? Where?
In the Bella Union.
Get the boys back, quick.
Mr. Lattimer wants you--
Shut up, you fool!
Stay in here,
Oh, Bill.
This is the only thing
I have worth keeping.
If you got a wrong hunch,
don't go out there.
Don't forget to wind it.
You're a mule-headed man,
Bill Hickok!
Get on your wagons,
Just a minute.!
I wanna talk to you.
Any objections,
Where you goin'
with the wagons?
Goin' out of town.
What you got 'em
loaded with?
Buffalo hides.
You can see, can't ya?
Your wagons are headed north,
You're not selling buffalo hides
to Sitting Bull's Indians?
Take off the top hides.
I wanna see
what's under 'em.
Oh. All right.
I don't know
what you're lookin' fer,
but if you want it,
you're gonna get it.
Keep your hands
off your guns,
or there'll be more
dead men than this town
can afford to bury.
You gentlemen
also sell farming tools?
Get on ahead of me,
inside the Bella Union.
Wait a minute.
Don't you belong
to this outfit,Jack?
Oh, no, Mr. Hickok.
I just know Mr. Lattimer.
You knew
Mr. Lattimer,Jack.
Better get inside too.
Oh, sure.
Sure, Mr. Hickok.
Whatever you say.
- Who was that fella he shot?
- Never saw him before.
He oughta know better
than to pull a gun
on Bill Hickok.
Cody and the Fifth Cavalry
are on their way.
Keep an eye out for 'em.
The rest of you, keep out!
[ Man ]
I'm not going to go in there.
Gentlemen, we're gonna stay
right here for a while.
What'll it be?
Name your poison.
Jack, how about
tending bar?
We may be here
for quite a long wait.
What are we waitin' for?
Jake, don't reach
for anything but your glass.
That goes for
the rest of you.
Keep your hands away from
your guns unless you want...
fiive cheap funerals in Deadwood
instead of one.
We're waiting till
General Merritt gets here
with the Fifth Cavalry...
and takes over
Sitting Bull's rifles.
Any objection?
May be an hour,
may be a day.
When I have to wait,
I believe in entertainment.
I'm short of funds.
Cards, bartender.
Find some fresh ones
and some chips.
Proceed, gentlemen,
over there.
You first, if it's
all the same to you.
I'll take the one
without arms.
Keep your hands
on the table, all of you.
You bank.
I don't hear no shootin'.
It's powerful quiet
in there.
Wonder what they're doin'.
Best way to find out
is to--
You keep out of this!
Let Bill Hickok
play his own hand.
That's-a just
what he's a-doin'.
He's a-playin' cards.
Playin' cards?
Tony must be crazy.
- Let's go in and find out.
- No, no.
I see him so plain.
He's a-sittin'down
with his back-a this way.
His back?
Cut for deal.
Looks like we're being
played for suckers.
Your deal.
Any sign
of the cavalry yet, Calamity?
Not yet, Bill.
I hope my prisoner
hasn't escaped.
General Merritt,
if he's done the job
he set out to do,
do you think the government
would be a little lenient
with him?
Mr. Cody, in matters
where its sympathies
are concerned,
the government
has been known
to bend a little.
- You better not go in there.
- Bill, there's an Injun
comin' in the door.
Hello, Charlie.
Come in.
- Charlie's a friendly Injun.
- Yes, I know Charlie.
How many?
Gimme two.
Three to me.
Sit over here, Charlie,
where I can keep
an eye on you.
Charlie took a shot
at me once.
I was too far away.
Too bad you
wasn't closer.
He got my horse.
Charlie'd been the biggest man
in the West if he'd have
killed you, Hickok.
Injuns understand
things like that.
Kill a big man
and that makes you
a big man.
Killin'you, Hickok,
is an honorjust waitin'
for somebody.
Not me, Bill,
not me.
I'm facing you. Only way
to down a man like you
is from the back.
Raise ya five.
Seein' that
and up five.
Get your foot off my chair,
Calamity. It's bad luck.
Don't go against
your luck, Bill.
Your say,Jake.
The soldiers! That means
a rope necktie for us!
Sit down!
We'll play out this hand.
- All right.
- This game ain't over yet.
It's almost over.
Calamity, find Cody
and General Merritt.
Bring 'em here.
- Play your hand.
- I'm callin'ya, Hickok.!
Black aces and eights.
Your luck's changed.
Three queens.
I'm afraid
you lose, Hickok.
A man's bound to lose,
sooner or later.
Bill? Bill!
Let's get outta here!
Those fellas just shot
Bill Hickok!
Arrest those men!
Come on, you.
Get up.
Where is he?
Where's Bill?
There's your prisoner,
General Merritt.
We won't forget
what Bill Hickok
has done, Cody.
We'll remember.
All of us will.
All of us.
That's one kiss
you won't wipe off.