The Possession of Michael King (2014)

Oh, my God. Enough, camera addict.
Okay, okay. Just a second, though.
Before I turn it off, what is
your New Year's resolution?
Ha! Really?
Yeah, I want to get it on tape
so that I can hold you to it.
Please, you don't keep those.
That is a fantastic attitude
you have right there.
We're going to this time.
Yeah? All right, fine.
I solemnly swear
on this New Year's resolution
to go to the gym and get in shape.
Oh, hell, yeah.
How about you, ladybug?
What's your New Year's resolution?
What's that?
It's like a vow or a promise that
you make to be a better person.
Yeah, or always eat your spinach.
- Yuck.
- Okay, I got one for you.
How about you tell your mommy that
you love her at least once a day?
- Okay.
- You can start right now.
- I love you, Mom.
- How about you, Fishbone?
What's your resolution?
- Your turn.
- My resolution.
To make a documentary
about this family
so that I can show the whole world
what a lucky guy I am.
- You are a lucky guy.
- That's right.
And I thank God every day.
If only you believed in God.
Yeah, that'd probably
help a little bit.
Oh, crap. You know what?
I didn't put change in that meter.
We're gonna get a ticket.
- Dad, can you help me?
- What's up?
- Here, I got it.
- You sure?
- Yup.
- Thanks, babe.
So, Beverly, your psychic powers,
when did you first discover them?
Well, everyone's born
with them, you know.
But most folks don't know
how to develop them.
And your predictions, how many of
them you think have come true?
Well, all of them.
Have you ever felt
like you were preying
on someone's superstitions?
Or their emotions?
You know, for example,
like telling a mother
that her missing son
would return alive
or breaking up a family
by advising for divorce.
You know what I mean?
Have you ever felt like
you led somebody
down the wrong path?
No, I don't think so.
You know, it's interesting,
my wife, she's always
wanted to go to Europe.
I finally put this
big trip together,
then at the last
second, she cancels.
She says that she needed to be here
for this big break in
her acting career.
A break that you
told her was coming.
I did.
And I'm guessing it hasn't, huh?
It will.
Yeah, I don't think so.
And why is that?
She's dead.
Her name was Samantha.
Samantha King.
Yeah. She'd been coming
to you for years.
Oh, Sa...
oh, Samantha. Oh, gosh.
Fluke accident. Wrong
place, wrong time.
But, you know, the funny thing is
is that if we'd been on that trip,
if she hadn't listened to you
and we'd gone to Europe,
she'd still be alive.
Oh, God.
Oh, you can't think that I had...
You were giving her
spiritual guidance.
Guidance based on visions
you were receiving
from beyond the veil, from
higher powers, right?
And these visions,
they interfered with
her life, Beverly.
And she is dead as a direct result.
I am deeply sorry for your loss.
Okay, then admit it. Admit it.
Admit that all this,
this is just a scam.
That what you claim to do,
your psychic routine...
this is just a show, right?
This is a performance here.
Come on, Beverly. Come on.
I'm afraid that I'm gonna
have to ask you to leave.
What happens when you die?
I mean, everybody has
a theory, a guess,
a story that they'd
like to believe.
But at the end of the
day, we don't know.
Our ancestors worshiped fire
and sacrificed children
to vengeful gods.
We didn't know any
better back then.
What's our excuse now?
It's the 21st century,
yet we're still arguing
evolution versus creationism.
And why?
Because the truth scares people.
Nobody wants to die.
Nobody wants to cease to exist.
We want to believe that if
we follow a set of rules,
rules that were laid out by
some ancient, made-up god,
we're gonna continue on
in heaven as a spirit.
We're gonna be reincarnated.
While all that sounds great,
is any of it authentic?
I mean, what's the truth?
See, the truth is that
religion and spiritualism
are the most profitable
businesses in the world.
That throughout history,
there's never been a
single shred of evidence
that any of it is real.
Well, I've decided to prove it.
I want to test the
most authentic spells,
rituals, and summonings
that I can find.
I'm only going after the
blackest of the black magic.
The stuff that people
are scared of.
So that when they don't work,
people will pay attention.
And maybe, just maybe,
the world can take a step
forward collectively into reality.
The cameras will be
rolling on me 24/7
in the hopes that if
I uncover anything,
anything at all,
I'll have found the first
ever documented proof.
I'm the testing ground.
Me, Michael King.
So, God or the devil,
if you're out there,
prove it.
Come and get me.
Ladybug, what are you doing?
Why are you up?
I had a scary dream.
Uh-oh. Come here.
What was it about?
A monster.
A monster? Okay.
Well, I wouldn't be surprised
if this particular monster
is a tickle monster.
Come on. Come here, come here.
Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no.
See, Fishbone's right.
Old Crowley here...
old Crowley here is the best
defense against tickle monsters.
- Get away! Get away!
- What are you doing?
- Hey, sis.
- What's going on?
Oh, we are... she had a nightmare.
Yeah, take Crowley with you.
Hey, listen.
Why don't I get in bed with you
and make sure that there
are no more monsters?
- Okay.
- Okay?
I think that's a great idea.
I'm really good at
fending off monsters.
Aunt Beth is the best.
Hey, young lady.
Where do you think you're going?
Are you okay?
All right, give me kisses.
- I love you.
- I love you, too, Dad.
Crowley's gonna take
care of you, okay?
- And Fishbone.
- Okay.
What is all this stuff, Michael?
I mean, you wonder why she's
getting all these nightmares?
It's my new project.
Oh, right.
I thought that you would
be happy, of all people,
to see me, you know, getting
back to work and moving on.
This isn't really
moving on, Michael.
- Well, it is for me.
- Okay.
I'm gonna go put her to bed.
Okay, so last night I posted an ad.
Documentary filmmaker seeks
proof of the supernatural.
There must be, I don't know, over
300 hits on this thing already.
We've got Satanists,
voodoo, necromancy.
I even have a priest on here.
I guess that's Los
Angeles for you, right?
We're gonna have no shortage
of material, that's for sure.
What if one of these fucking
Satanists is a serial killer?
- What then?
- Are you serious?
Don't be such a pussy.
So, Father Gibbons,
the Church won't talk
about it publicly,
but behind closed doors you claim
they're performing exorcisms.
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Okay. And these demons
that they're exorcising,
is there any proof
that they're real?
A physical proof?
Like horns and brimstone?
Fire, that kind of thing?
Well, any kind of thing.
I just don't understand why there's
never been any documented evidence.
What makes you think there's not?
I haven't seen any.
Well, I mean, of
course you haven't.
You haven't been allowed to.
Okay, listen, you
stated in your e-mail
that you had a real
experience, real proof,
but you don't, do you?
When I was 10,
my father...
he started to take advantage of me.
Every night he would
come into my room...
close the door...
My mother, she must have known.
She prayed all the time.
That was her remedy.
Well, I prayed to God,
but He never stopped
my father, not once.
So I gave up on God.
Started to pray to the devil.
Told him I would do anything
if he'd just make my father stop.
Well, one night not long after,
in the middle of one of his visits,
my father had a heart attack.
Died on the spot.
That's awful.
I mean, what happened
to you, it's awful.
But come on.
I mean, how is that anything more
than just a strange coincidence?
Well, not long after, I...
began to hear him
calling out to me,
saying things.
I mean, awful, awful things.
The devil?
You hear him...
you don't answer.
Because if you do, he will
know you're listening
and he will never let you go.
Thank you for your time.
Appreciate it.
I ordered a demon summoning
kit off the Internet.
I lit the traditionally
evil-looking black candles.
I even sprung for the
expensive incense
because their Internet site said
that the demons get insulted
by the cheap stuff.
Got one plastic ritual altar.
Nice. Very nice.
And one photocopied booklet.
A lot of money went into
that guy right there, huh?
I also used Ellie's coloring
set to draw my symbols.
Somehow crayons seemed appropriate.
So basically what you do is this.
You draw the symbol
for the demon that
you wish to summon.
All right?
You read the spell from this.
Then you light it,
put it in the altar.
Instant demon.
Well, surprise, surprise,
the demons were a no-show.
...something's happening.
Okay, there's no demon.
It was worth a shot.
So we got in touch
with a demonologist.
And after negotiating a small...
well, smallish... fee,
we've convinced him to
summon a demon for us.
Just a sec.
Hi. Michael King.
This is Jordan.
So why do people
always summon demons,
never angels?
People summon angels all the time.
They just don't want to interfere.
Now, demons, on the other hand,
they're just dying to come here.
It's most tempting to do that
when we're kind of weak,
out of sorts.
Some people meditate for years
to achieve the proper mind set,
but we use tricks...
to get us there faster.
- Uh, grape juice?
- With LSD.
How much LSD?
If you're nervous about this part,
we should stop right now.
There are two prevalent
methods for summoning demons.
The first is by offering the
demon something up front.
A human life, continued servitude,
your own soul.
I don't recommend those paths
as once performed they're
very hard to undo.
The second method entails
creating the type
of frenetic atmosphere
demons are drawn to...
chaos, blood,
sex, violence.
I'll need some of your essence.
Uh, saliva?
You're kidding, right?
And I have to get it in this cup?
- Bathroom's right over there.
- Okay.
Ever hear of auto writing?
Scrying? Psychography?
It's how we're going
to pick your demon,
- the one we're going to summon.
- Okay.
Close your eyes.
Now, clear your mind.
Open yourself up to the beyond.
Allow their energy
to flow through you,
to use you.
Let their energy flow.
I'm sorry, I'm not very susceptible
to this kind of stuff.
- I'm sorry.
- You did just fine.
Just a minute here.
So what are we looking
for here? What's this?
To see if the image that you drew
matches up with one of the demons.
And you think that I drew this?
"Commander of 37 legions.
Seeker of the defenseless,
the weak-spirited,
the nonbeliever.
Known also as the Great Mocker,
Destroyer of Thought,
Breeder of Ants,
Stealer of Children.
He comes accompanied by the
sound of cacophonous music,
staying with the conjurer
until tormentum in dum demens."
It's Latin for
"torture until madness."
I feel pretty weird, man.
Okay, look at this, man.
This look safe to you?
This is fucked up.
This is fucked up.
Look at all this plastic.
They're gonna kill me in here.
That's what they're gonna do.
Oh, my God.
I'm losing my mind.
This is a bad idea.
This is bad. Jordan,
check this out.
Dude, maybe we should get
the fuck out of here.
Oh, my God, what the fuck have
we gotten ourselves into?
Oh, shit.
These are real.
Satan. Lucifer.
Okay, so what are you doing here?
I'm freaking out a little bit.
Oh, God. Oh, God.
Jordan? Jordan, what the
fuck is going on, man?
Something's fucking up the camera.
I can't see shit.
Hey, hey, hey!
Michael, are you okay?
Are you all right?
Oh, shit.
She's got a knife.
Get that fucking knife off of him!
Get it off of him!
Jesus Christ!
that was, like, some kind
of satanic porn shoot.
The smell in there, right?
And you paid him.
Come on, man, shh.
Seriously, turn that off.
So you want me to
order you some chili?
Runny eggs?
Or how about a cup of bloody jizz?
Don't. Don't. Don't.
I'm never eating again.
At least enjoy the acid. Ready?
You're running through a forest.
You're running through a forest.
Don't, dude. Don't.
Seriously, come on.
I hate you. Turn it off.
So necromancy is considered
the blackest of the black arts.
Why is that?
I think it gets most of its bad rap
because of the method
employed in performing it.
You mean dealing with corpses,
graves, funeral rites.
Right, right. That kind
of creeps people out.
But as a mortician,
it's all part of my day job.
And as far as the magic goes...
it's really no different
than what any of these
mediums are doing
except we just employ a
slightly different method
in raising the dead.
Teeth taken from our
little friend over there.
A freshly deceased body
works best because the
soul may still be lingering.
Then we can kind of confuse it.
You know, make it think
that it's still alive
and that all it needs to do is just
get back inside of its living body.
This is a mild anesthetic
similar to Novocain.
- Okay. Doing all right?
- Yeah.
Okay, it'll start to numb
in just a couple minutes.
The more that we can
make you appear
like that body the
soul once inhabited,
the better our chances.
You feel that?
- No.
- Okay.
The astral corpse,
it wants to keep living.
Living is what it knows.
You know? And unless it's
already grown accustomed
to the afterlife,
it's what's normal.
And it's desperate
to cling on to that.
The Sonoran Desert toad
contains dimethyltryptamine,
or DMT,
the most powerful
psychedelic on the planet.
The human body produces DMT.
It's released when we die.
It helps us pass to the other side.
But taking it while
we're still living
simulates a near-death experience.
I'm going to need to let it dry.
Prepare it.
It's gonna take some time.
We need to wait until
it's dark anyhow.
This Novocain is wearing
off on my stomach,
so this is starting to
hurt like a bitch, man.
Oh, there he is.
Hey, sorry we're late. I got
all turned around in here.
Jesus Christ. Did you kill these...
did you kill these things?
The toads, their pain,
agony, it creates
this sort of energy
that draws in the spirits.
Assume the position.
On your back.
The smell of burning DM can be intensely nauseating.
Like burning plastic.
Now, as it takes effect,
the world will shatter
and your body will quickly follow.
You may feel like
you're starting to die,
like you don't know how
to breathe at all.
But it's okay.
You just need to let go
and go with it.
To Almighty God
we commend our brother Michael...
and commit his body to the ground.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Roland Sykes.
Roland Sykes,
reclaim your physical body.
Take this body. Shit!
- You, hey!
- Get the fuck out of here.
- Get on your knees!
- Michael.
- Where are you?
- They're running.
Oh, fuck me.
He's making a break for it. Hey!
- There he goes!
- Michael.
Hey, you in here?
Michael, you in here?
- Crawl.
- What is that?
What the fuck is going on here?
Shit. Michael.
Come on, get down, man.
Get down from there.
Let's get out of here.
Come on. Are you okay?
I don't want to be dead.
Get off, Mike!
Oh, Jesus.
Jordan? Jordan?
You're tripping out, man.
It's just the drugs.
Dude, just chill.
Oh, no. No, no.
Fuck. She's gone.
Who's gone?
I was with her, man.
I was with Sam.
But she's fucking gone.
Come on, let's just get
the fuck out of here.
- Steal it!
- How did we get so lucky?
- Come on!
- I know, she's amazing.
Fishbone, eh.
He doesn't come when
he's called so much.
- Yeah.
- Ew, this is gross now, too.
- Here you go.
- No, no, don't give it to me.
My wife Samantha was...
I mean, I fucking touched her.
You know, and I felt her with...
And she was trying to
tell me something.
It was...
there was all this interference.
It was like static.
And I couldn't make out
what she was saying.
But she was...
Took a shower. Got rid
of these fucking teeth.
Look at this.
I feel like I'm still coming down
from the drugs or something.
And that static sound,
it's, like, still there.
I've got to get some sleep.
I can't sleep.
Man, it's like 4:30, 5:00.
Something like that.
Sun's gonna be coming up soon.
I'm just past the point.
And that noise, it's, like,
now that I've noticed it, I'm...
I'm fixated on it.
Hey there.
We're at this reading
by Erica Bell.
She's a relatively
well-known medium.
And then afterwards we
get to interview her.
So come on, let's check it out.
Okay, was there something
with her throat?
Her breathing?
She had esophageal cancer.
She wants you to know she's okay.
She's watching over you.
And you're... no, hang on.
No, wait a minute. Someone
else is butting in here.
Lots of spirits want to talk today.
This is good. Okay.
All right, somewhere over here.
Yes. Yes, this is a
very strong signal.
Female, I think.
She really, really wants to talk.
Right, she passed recently.
Happened kind of quickly,
an accident maybe.
Okay, she has a message.
No, that can't be right.
She wants to...
Michael, listen to me.
You need to...
Whoa, whoa.
Easy, easy, easy. Jesus Christ.
What happened?
We're not really sure.
Erica was about to
tell us something
and then she went
into that seizure.
I mean, was she actually
channeling Sam?
Or was that just all
part of her show?
And then the seizure
was just like a strange
coincidence or something.
I don't know.
Dad, Fishy peed on the floor again.
Huh? Okay, baby.
Daddy will take care of
it after dinner, all right?
- Thanks. Oh, fuck!
- Jeez.
Why the fuck would you hand
me something like that?
It's scalding hot.
God damn it.
Michael, that's a salad.
Um, I'm sorry. I'm just...
Daddy's a little tense.
I'm sorry about that.
You okay? I scared you.
You okay?
Have some salad, Ellie.
I thought if I went out today
that I could shake
this noise in my head,
that it would just go away.
But now that I'm home
and it's quiet, it's like...
I wish I could describe for you
what this is.
It's this constant barrage,
this cacophony of sound.
It's like...
it's like...
Oh, fuck.
Okay, so what's the deal again?
Like I said, it came
out of my mouth.
Uh-huh. Yeah, no.
Why not?
There's multiple layers
of overtone singing.
Overtone? What does that mean?
It's when a singer
manipulates their voice
to have multiple pitches
at the same time.
Okay, good. So then maybe
I did it accidentally.
Well, even if I bought that,
which I don't, there's more.
Here. Let's see.
This is a B2.
- Okay.
- And this is a C# 7.
That's a Guinness Book
vocal range right there.
The tape you gave me...
we're talking F #
all the way...
Some of it's not even audible.
Just barely registering
on my stuff.
Let me ask you this. Is it possible
that my vocal cords
could have made this?
Not a chance.
If you're not fucking with me,
then there's something wrong
with the audio in your camera.
A defect or something.
It's not the camera.
So fricking loud.
What are you doing? Hey. Michael.
Oh, my God. You scared me.
Let's go. I've been calling you.
Dinner's ready.
Chronic ringing of the ears.
It's a very common condition.
It's called tinnitus.
- You should see an internist.
- I did. I did.
He gave me a clean bill of health.
Said that it must be psychosomatic,
that I should see a psychiatrist,
which is why I'm here.
I understand, Michael,
that your wife died recently.
Six months ago, yeah.
Left you alone with a little girl.
Ellie, uh-huh.
You might be going through
some extreme stress
trying to deal with thoughts,
feelings, emotions,
things that consciously you
might not think you can handle.
And so then they
become side effects.
All right, so you think
you can, I don't know,
help me come to grips with
this if that's what it is?
Let your thoughts, your conscious,
drift away.
Nice and easy.
We're traveling deep into
your subconscious, Michael.
Deep down inside.
Are you there? Are you with me?
How are you feeling?
- Fine.
- Good.
That sound in your
head, is it still there?
- Okay.
- But there's something else.
I know what the sound is.
What is it, Michael?
- Voices?
- Yes.
What are they saying?
So many things.
Anything in particular?
- Yes.
- What?
They're saying you will...
What? You will what, Michael?
You will...
Michael, are you okay?
Hey! What the fuck?
What the fuck is going on?
The camera jumped out of my hands.
You made some weird voice.
It's all on the camera.
And then you were talking about
all the sounds in your head,
they were voices.
Look, I know this is none
of my business, but...
you think Sam would want
you to be doing this?
So Jordan officially
left the project.
Is something really
happening to me?
I mean, I'm physically exhausted.
I'm drained.
And I was hypnotized, you know?
Is it really that surprising that
I spoke in some weird voice?
I mean, I think that Jordan just
got startled and threw the camera.
That's what it looked like.
I don't know.
Okay, I'm back.
And this thing going on in my head,
it's evolving.
It's like I can hear this...
mumbling now.
Like my subconscious
is trying to talk
to me or something.
And if I concentrate...
I can almost tell what it's saying.
Must have flown into the window.
Crowley loves you.
Hey, sweetie. Did that
noise wake you up?
That was just the window. It broke.
It was just the window. It's okay.
What is it? You all right?
- The monster.
- Monster?
Oh, from your dream.
Okay. Okay. Let's see.
I'll tell you what.
How about you go back to sleep,
and then maybe Daddy will
show up in your dream
and then he can chase
that monster away.
How's that?
You can't.
Really? Why is that?
I saw the monster.
Well, that's good.
What did this monster look like?
It's you, Daddy.
It's me?
It's just a bad dream.
You know that, right?
And Daddy would never
hurt you, okay?
No matter what.
Why don't you go get Fishbone
and go get back in bed, okay?
I can't find her.
Come on, girl.
What you doing, Fishy?
Let's see, that bird should
be right about here.
Huh. That's weird.
Is that you, girl?
Oh, where the fuck are you?
What the fuck?
Whoa, Jesus Christ!
What the fuck is that?
Ellie! Beth!
Ellie! Beth!
Jesus. Michael. What the hell?
What are you doing? She's asleep.
What are you doing?
Michael, what is wrong?
We'll find the dog, okay?
Just relax.
Look, will you please
stop acting like this?
I'm sorry. I'm just...
You're just acting,
like, crazy, so...
- You all right?
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- You look like shit.
Have you slept lately?
Oh, God.
I just can't seem to wind down.
Hold on.
Here. Take two of these.
- Sleeping pills?
- Yup.
Then you will sleep, believe me.
Feel better in the morning.
Thank you. Good night.
I thought if I got a
good night's sleep
that this would end.
But these voices,
they're not going away.
I need to confront this.
are you real?
Or am I going insane?
Neither is an appealing
choice, but...
I suppose one of them must be true.
I guess I'd rather...
you were real.
Okay. Okay. What if...
what if I said...
what if I said that you've
proved your existence?
That I believed in you?
I believe in you.
Would you just...
would you leave?
We're gonna fuck you up.
Hi. Oh, is Father Gibbons here?
I'm sorry, no.
Kill her.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Listen, it is urgent.
I need to speak to Father
Gibbons right now.
- And you are?
- Just get Father...
I'm Michael King. I'm Michael King.
I interviewed him and
I need to talk...
- I need to talk to him right...
- I'm sorry.
Father Gibbons passed
a few days ago.
He's... he's... okay.
Listen, I need an exorcism.
- An exorcism?
- Yeah.
- The Church doesn't do that.
- No, you do it.
I know you do. Father Gibbons
told me that you do.
I need an exorcism, please.
He was rather out of
sorts towards the end.
I'm sorry if he misled you.
He didn't mislead me. I need help.
Excuse me. There's nothing
we can do for you.
- Sorry, we can't help you.
- Father, I need your help.
- I'm sorry.
- Oh.
Okay. Okay.
Excuse me a moment.
- You can't come here.
- How do I get rid of it?
- How do I make it go away?
- What are you talking about?
I mean this thing. This
thing in my fucking head.
I warned you something
like this might happen.
Now I need you to get the fuck out.
What the fuck have you done to me?
- What is this thing?
- What? I don't understand.
Something's got a hold of me.
You did something.
- You summoned something.
- No, man, it's not for real.
- It's all for fun.
- Bullshit, you're lying.
Get up. Get up.
Easy. Please. Please help me.
- Now get out of here.
- Please. I need your help.
I really need to talk to her.
I need to come in and
I need to see her.
But isn't that what
she's supposed to do
is help somebody that's in a
situation like what I'm in?
I'm hearing shit and
I'm seeing shit now.
Listen, I'm losing my fucking mind.
Would you please just tell Dr. Cox
that I need to talk to her?
Can you do that for me? Oh!
You don't know how fucking
desperate I am here, okay?
You're supposed to help people.
Well, I need your fucking help!
I don't know what to fucking do.
Can I play my game?
Tell me...
do you miss your mommy?
You can be with her, you know.
Hey, Ellie, come on.
Let's go get a bath.
So long.
Come on, let's go.
I don't feel like myself at all
I'm starting to have
these crazy thoughts.
I feel compelled.
Like I have to. Like I
have to fucking do it.
Eyes are throbbing like mad.
Can you see this?
Aw, it hurts like hell.
I'm fucking slipping.
What? Oh, my God.
No, God damn it, no!
What the fuck?
What the fuck is that?
Oh, my God.
What happened? Beth? Ellie?
Ellie! Ellie!
- Crowley loves you.
- Ellie.
Is that Fishy?
- No, baby.
- Are you okay?
- Ellie, sweetheart.
- No, no.
Beth, you don't think...
Beth, I didn't.
- I don't want to leave Fishy!
- Ellie.
- Let me go!
- Ellie.
Oh, God.
What have I done?
you don't have power over me.
You don't.
You think you do, but you don't.
This isn't what I wanted.
This isn't what I wanted at all.
I'm sorry, Sam.
You can't make me do anything.
Shh. Couldn't make me lower.
You are just in my fucking
head. Get out of my head!
I thought I almost killed Ellie.
Fishbone was Sam's dog.
Beth and Ellie,
they're staying with one of
Beth's friends for a few days.
It's getting too hard
to fucking concentrate.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you doing this?
Stop saying that, God damn it!
Shit! Stop!
"I command you, unclean spirit.
You shall not be emboldened
to harm this creature of God.
You shall not harm him
or those he touches.
I command you, release this body.
Release this body..."
"Turn back this evil upon my soul.
I beseech you, Lord.
I beseech you."
Burn! Burn!
- Burn!
- Fuck! God damn it!
You can't have this body.
No! No, God damn it!
Fuck! Fuck!
God, please!
I've tried everything.
Protective spells, banishments,
charms, every
incantation I can find.
Nothing's worked.
The more I try and fight
it, the more it takes over.
Forcing me to do things.
Laughing at me.
It's fucking laughing at me.
You'd think this
really hurts, right?
Funny thing is
I can hardly feel it.
It's getting harder and
harder to feel anything.
It's like...
none of this is real anymore.
It's not real.
Nothing is real.
See this?
Look at that.
No matter how many
times I kill it...
ah, there.
Oh, yeah. See this? See?
Another one. Okay.
I've been doing this all day long.
Look at that bastard.
You son of a bitch.
Fuck. Another one.
God damn it.
If I let it crawl on my
body, there's only one.
The second I kill it,
another one shows up.
The girl.
I know, okay? I know what you want!
We want the girl.
- You can't have her.
- We can make you do it.
- You can't have her.
- Someone else.
- Someone else.
- Okay. Okay.
I'll do it. I'll do it.
But you can't have Ellie.
You hear me?
You can't have Ellie.
Kill her. Now. Kill her.
Kill her. Kill her.
Kill her!
We want you to kill her.
Kill him.
Sorry, Ellie.
I just... I couldn't do it.
I just...
I have to fucking get some sleep.
Goddamn rest.
You're not going anywhere!
Okay, we're not going anywhere.
We're fuckin' sleeping.
No, we're not going out.
Yes, you will!
What the fuck?
Oh, no.
- Jordan, I'm in here.
- Michael?
- Michael.
- Yeah.
Jesus Christ, what the
fuck is going on in here?
Your place is a dis... Jesus.
Key is over there. Do you
mind getting it for me?
Oh, fuck.
We need to get you some
serious help, all right?
You gonna check into a facility?
I'm serious, man. If I unlock you,
we are going there right now.
Answer the fucking...
what am I doing?
Oh! Oh, fuck!
There was a being
inside a light and...
I don't know if it
was an angel or...
It asked me if I was
prepared to move on.
All I needed to do was let go.
And I wanted to.
But I held on because
I needed to come back and tell you
that everything was gonna be okay,
that I'm okay.
the next time that it happens,
I'm gonna let go.
Michael, I know you have
a hard time believing...
but it's real.
I know that now.
I love you, Michael.
I always will.
There's a few things I
need to say to Ellie.
Why the fuck didn't
I listen to you?
My little ladybug.
So sad I'm not gonna
see you grow up
- into the beautiful...
- Fuck!
stunning little angel
you already are.
- Please just know that I'm with you.
- No! You can't.
- I'm always there.
- You can't have this body.
It'll be okay.
It's gonna be okay.
Kill me!
Fuck. Here we go.
These cameras,
this film...
it's proof.
I hope someone finds it
and uses it to show others.
Tell my story, please.
Someone tell my story.
Tell my daughter...
tell my daughter
her daddy never meant for
any of this to happen.
Tell her that... tell her
that Daddy loves her.
Tell her... tell her
her daddy loves...
You ought to kill her.
- No. No.
- Do it.
No! Leave me alone.
Why? We're having fun.
I love you.
Okay, now go...
Fishy, what are you doing?
Get out of that.
- That's not yours.
- Oh, no, he ate all the popcorn.
- Baby. Come here.
- That dog is like a disposal.
Now puke. Puke. Give it back.
Put your fingers down his throat.
Mouth to mouth.
We're together now, Michael.
Isn't it wonderful?
I had it wrong, didn't I?
The interference, the chattering,
the noise...
those weren't demons.
That wasn't you.
Those were angels.
Trying to...
trying to warn me.
Trying to keep me from hearing
the real voices...
the real singing.
Because once you hear it,
you can never stop listening.
I'm gonna go get Crowley.
Oh, my God. What the...?
Michael, you're scaring me.
Michael, it's me.
It's Beth. Please.
Let's play.
Ellie, run.
Run from Daddy. Go.
Ellie, I'm coming to get you.
We're gonna rip her head off.
Run, Ellie. Go.
We're gonna eat her, Michael.
Where are you hiding, ladybug?
Crowley loves you.
No. No.
Where are you?
Daddy's coming to find you.
Crowley loves you.
No. Daddy!
Sam. Is that you?
Go quickly.
No, Daddy.
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
- Get her, Fishbone.
- He's coming. Run.
Get her. Oh, God.
Careful, baby.
Your turn.
What is your New Year's resolution?
To make a documentary
about this family
so that I can show the whole world
what a lucky guy I am.
- You are a lucky guy.
- That's right.
And I thank God every day.
If only you believed in God.
Yeah, that'd probably
help a little bit.
Oh, crap. You know what?
I didn't put change in that meter.
We're gonna get a ticket.
- Dad, can you help me?
- What's up?
- Here, I got it.
- You sure?
- Yup.
- Thanks, babe.
Of course.
Come on, get it. Come get it.
Fetch! We're too good.
Atta boy.
- Somebody help!
- Mommy!
I can taste the power
Now there's something real
Something real to feed me
Inside your naked world
Your body works forever
I'm electric with your tears
Your soul came into the darkness
Of everlasting fear
Why don't you bow down now?
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, roll over
Make me feel like I'm someone
God made you to serve me
I know I've lost control
She's the liquid flesh you feel
Fills your empty soul
The master's love is torture
As your innocence knows the game
So what you can't remember
Is working for your shame
Why don't you bow down now?
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, roll over
Make me feel like I'm someone
Give me
What I need to
Give you
Give me
What I need to
Give you
Why don't you bow down now?
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, roll over
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, roll over
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, roll over
Make me feel like I'm someone
Bow down now, bow down now
Bow down now
Bow down now.