The Preppie Connection (2015)

My name is Toby.
I'm 17 years old.
I'm a scholarship winner.
And I started and ran
an international drug ring.
And I am fucked.
Sage Hall, it was in the same
town I grew up in.
But it might as well have been
in another country.
Preppies. That's what
they're called.
They all dressed the same,
looked the same.
Went to all of the same places
and schools.
Everything about them seemed
so easy, so effortless
already done... because it was.
That's Ingrid, my mom.
That's Mike, my dad.
This was her day,
Ingrid's day.
The day she got the letter.
You got into Sage Hall.
I never applied. I thought you
said we didn't have the money.
It's a scholarship.
She decided that I needed
to be sent to a place
that she was sure
would change everything.
Change me. And it did.
She was right.
You didn't fill out
an application.
As my mom tells it,
our family was
one of the richest
in all of Germany.
But when they ended up on the
wrong side of the Berlin Wall
they lost everything.
She's never stopped
wanting it back.
Before I even started at Sage,
I was finished.
You mom got a call
from the registrar's office.
They said you didn't show.
No, I went. I just...
I, I couldn't really
find the building.
And then, by the time
I got there they were closed.
Luckily, they agreed
to let you register tomorrow.
I'm taking you there myself.
Ingrid, we're gonna
discuss this as a family.
This is Sage Hall.
I know.
How do you feel about this?
I don't belong there.
You don't know
where you belong.
Someday you'll thank me
for this.
You can't make me go.
It had happened before,
sometimes for days.
A dark room and TV.
And it only stopped when I had
something to offer her.
I'm gonna go back tomorrow.
I did it for her.
I did it for my dad.
Stay invisible. Stay out
of sight. That was the plan.
That is your charge.
We expect it of you.
Expect it of yourselves.
I ask you now to intone
the Sage Hall oath
Then we'll invite our newer
students to make their mark
in our sacred tomb.
Fully aware, therefore
the importance of what
I'm choosing today within this...
After taking an oath
to the principles and values
of Sage Hall, every student
as tradition dictated
signed their name in a book.
A 200-year-old book.
Look at this fucking idiot.
-Hey, you okay?
-Yeah. God.
Alright... settle down.
Hey, spilling ink
is an ancient Chinese omen.
I'm Fidel.
That's Fidel.
Hi. I'm Toby.
He's from Columbia.
But everyone here calls him
the King of Mexico.
He wanted to be friends so
badly that it occurred to me
that he was stuck here too.
Well, my dad comes up
to America a lot.
He's the ambassador.
What's your dad do?
He's a delivery guy.
I'm here on scholarship.
You know, it amazes me
that this place with all its
nepotism and inbreeding
can actually pad its endowment.
Come on, let me show you around.
This is Woodhull.
It's where the jocks live.
And that's Cleve. Boozers.
This is Kennedy,
it's a bunch of stoners mostly...
Alexandra Hayes
of the Charleston Hayes.
Alex as everyone called her.
Fidel let me know that I had
no business looking at her
or even thinking
I could speak with her.
Where's your dorm?
-It's Griswold.
-It's over here.
But I couldn't stop
thinking about her.
Being a day student
wasn't easy.
I didn't live in the dorm.
We were seen as someone
who's just passing through.
This is where I hang
between classes?
You can always hang out
in my room, if you like.
Thank you.
Hey, you're,
you're new, right?
-You wanna join me for a smoke?
yeah. Sure.
Okay. Hold this. Thanks.
Hey, I got some stuff to do.
I'll catch you later, Toby.
Ellis William Tynes III.
He was the fourth generation of
the Tynes family to attend Sage.
Later I had heard that his dad
was horseback riding buddies
with Reagan.
Thank God for the soviets,
You know, four generations
of my family had scribbled
their name inside that book
you thrashed.
Yeah, I'm really sorry
about that.
I have to admit,
he had charisma.
Are you kiddin'?
Hell, I wanted to be
his friend.
You should've seen what happened
to the last scholarship winner.
Why? What happened?
Hey, have you seen
the TV room yet?
You know, we got a new TV
which is pretty nice.
We got VHS too.
It's pretty sharp....
Get him! Come on, get him!
Get that motherfucker! Come on!
-You little filth faggot!
-Turn around!
-Come here, you piece of shit!
Gaines is coming! Hey!
Come on!
Hazing, if you
took it personally
you got more of it,
and it got worse.
Fidel taught me
how to blend in.
The rules, their mannerisms
the preppie uniform.
Take it.
What is this?
You jerk off to this?
I study it. I used to
be a wet back ear too.
This one too.
Shit, I got econ.
-One more thing.
You got a new nickname.
So it comes to us
in the mind of one man
who lived about 200 years ago
and his name was Adam Smith.
Anyone? Adam Smith?
Welcome Toby.
Hey, sorry I'm late.
I was just telling everyone about
our good friend here, Adam Smith.
Ever heard of him?
"Wealth Of Nations."
The invisible hand.
What our friend Tobias
is referring...
Mr. Jennings was
nice enough.
After I fell off the stage, he
seemed to take an interest in me.
These markets are...
Kind of like
I was a project or something.
I take in my lumps.
I was adapting. Observing.
Putting the past behind me,
until the past showed up.
Dennis Carnell. My best friend.
We grew up together.
And he had the unique
personality trait of being
totally unaware
of his surroundings.
What's up, man?
Hey, Dennis.
What the hell
are you watching?
It's rugby. -And what the
fuck are you wearing?
You look like Pat Boone.
Man, what are you doing here?
What am I doing here? I live
like 3 blocks away, remember?
My God, guys.
Flipper brought his boyfriend.
Look at that guy.
You think they let him
keep the tool belt?
Yeah, Apex Tech
guarantees it.
You're such a dick sometimes.
Shit, honey.
Hey, man, you got any weed?
No. Dry as a bone.
And then it happened.
My God...
There's a girl...
She's got tits.
She's coming over here
right now.
I will never forget
the back of her hand
against my neck.
Keeping the tag on
is definitely a statement.
You might start a trend.
-I'm Toby.
-I know.
-You do?
-Yeah. We have econ together.
You came in late last time
and made everybody look stupid.
I'm, I'm Dennis
by the way.
Nice to meet you.
So, do you guys by any chance
happen to have any pot?
On me? Right now?
No. Do you?
Do you know
where to get some?
Yeah, I-I can get it.
-He's kidding.
-No, fuck that.
Is it just for you?
And my friends.
-That's a lot.
Ellis can afford it.
Okay, yeah,
we'll, we'll let you know.
We didn't have any way
to get weed.
But I was determined
to figure out how to get it.
We drove all night
and all over New Haven.
We searched every alley,
every stoop, every corner.
It wasn't looking good.
We should try those guys.
But you gotta make sure we're
close enough so they can see us.
I'm just gonna nod my head.
Nod your head?
What do you mean?
I saw it in this film.
They're not even
looking at you, man.
Just give it another second.
Just roll down
the fucking window, man.
Yo! Air Jordan.
What the fuck
did you call me?
We're just trying
to buy some green, blood.
What the fuck?
What the fuck makes you think
I deal drugs?
-No, no, no.
That's not what we were
thinking. We were just...
We're just looking
to buy some marijuana.
We thought maybe you'd know
where we could get some.
You're such a fuck...
Shut up.
You got the money?
Yeah. Yeah,
I have some money.
Did he go with you?
What's his name?
Dennis. Yeah. Yeah. He came...
You should've seen him.
He was doing all these signals to the dealer
that I-I guess he learned in some movie.
He's like, "Yo, we're here
to buy some green, blood."
Is your friend
mentally challenged?
Ben and Laura were the other
half of Alex and Ellis.
But Laura was sweet, quiet.
She was always kind to me.
And Ben, her boyfriend, was a prick,
but I kind of liked him anyway.
Even though I was
the 5th wheel, it felt good.
And at the very least I was
speaking and they were listening.
Even if it was mostly
at my expense.
We're blood brothers.
Stop. Toby, just stop.
You're high
as a fucking kite, man.
Let's go!
Go. Go.
Open up the door!
I had my foot against
the door that our house master
Mr. Gaines was pounding on.
Let's go.
When she looked at me
I didn't even think about it.
If it had been a train
coming towards her
I'd have laid down
in front of it.
He said he was sorry.
In here.
You see all that in the front?
Yeah, I see it.
In front of the hedge
there's a lot of weeds here.
Just push them to the side.
Make sure.
What are you doing here?
I heard
about your suspension.
I just wanted to come see you.
Toby. What are you doing?
Who are you talking to?
She's selling
Girl Scout Cookies.
You want any?
No, I don't want
any Girl Scout Cookies.
Get back to work.
Yeah, no, we don't want any.
My loss.
I just wanted to tell you
that what you did...
Thank you.
Welcome back.
Everything felt different
the day
I got back from my suspension.
The preppies wanted
to get a look at me.
They were curious.
Who wouldn't be?
By the time I got back to
campus, I'd heard the stories.
I'd blown a cloud of ganja
smoke into Mr. Gaines' face
pushed him out of the room
and told him to fuck off.
None of it was true, but it
took some of the heat off me.
The preppies were appeased.
Hey. Can I,
can I get a minute?
We should go. If not, Stan and
Fred will get the best eppets.
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Take it easy, Zorro.
What's up?
Listen, I-I just, I wanted to
thank you for what, happened.
I mean, I, look, man, I would've
stuck around with you.
But the thing is, I already got
one strike against me
and you know with the two strike
rule around here...
Well, discretion is often
the better part of valor.
Are you fucking with me?
What do you mean?
I mean, you're a local
bumpkin and all
but... sometimes
sometimes I get the feeling
that you're from far away.
Hey, a bunch of us
are, gonna meet up
on the golf course
after check in.
You up for that?
I mean, one more strike for
either one of us and it's...
Behind the green
on the seventh hole.
Don't be a pussy.
"Don't be a pussy."
"Don't be a pussy."
But the truth was...
I wasn't afraid
of anything...
except losing her.
I don't know, my mom said
she saw on the news that like
if you do this once
you'll get addicted.
-Your mom's a cunt.
-Her mom loves you.
My mom doesn't love anybody.
I'm guessing, you haven't
done this before.
Come on, Tobs.
It's not gonna hurt.
-Isn't that amazing?
-Look at the moon.
-You feel good.
-You feel really good.
-I don't feel...
-Laura's gonna get addicted.
-No, I'm not.
-You're gonna get addicted.
Shut up!
Something you could
do every day, right?
Wait, the way
you talk is like...
It's like perfect.
That's exactly how I'm feeling.
Fuckin', turn that fuckin'
thing off, you fuckin' moron.
Why is it so hard to get?
Because everybody wants it.
Yeah, man, you need...
You need like real...
Real connections to get
this shit, you know.
I... I could probably
get some more.
From who?
Y... You're bros in New Haven?
Shit, Jack, they wouldn't sell
you anything more
than some stepped on
fuckin' Tide.
Those aren't my
only connections.
Come on, man.
I mean...
You'll never get your hands
on good coke.
If anybody can get it
Toby can.
So now I'm the bad guy?
Pussycat! Pussycat!
Come here, pussycat!
-Where are you going?
-I can't tell you.
It's freezing!
Don't worry.
He's from Maine.
You're crazy.
With the balls
of a polar bear!
It really makes you think.
You know?
It makes me stop thinking.
My God!
I'm in love with you.
I know.
Where have you been?
-Doing what?
What you... hold on.
You want us to believe
you were doing homework?
Your hair's wet.
You know, I... I'm finally
making the kind of friends
you guys want me to make
a... and now, he's giving me
a hard time.
Doing what?
What were you doing?
I was studying!
Just with some friends.
That's a load
of malarkey.
Were you Tobias?
Yeah, I said I was, alright.
Stay out of my fuckin' business.
Hey! Hey!
You don't speak
to your mother like that!
You understand?
We have every right to ask
where have you've been.
You just got suspended.
Now, look, you can't
you just can't afford
this kinda trouble.
Then again, we can't really
afford anything.
No money, no connections.
A pretender. A poser.
That's all I was.
-Dennis, hey.
Hey, man, what's goin' on?
Hey, man. I need your help.
He told me he'd handle it
and I didn't want to know how.
A good friend would've
probably stopped him.
But I wasn't a good
friend anymore.
I didn't know what I was.
Shit! What happened?
Next time I'll just hide
the money first.
You alright?
Yeah, I'm okay.
What's this?
It's the coke.
I stole it from 'em.
Fucking pricks.
My God!
Thank you so much.
God, okay...
When we go in there, I need you
to do something for me.
You just look like a badass.
That's it?
That's it.
-Okay, let's do it.
Alright so it's about half
an eight ball.
Each line is a hundred bucks.
Or you can do the whole thing
for five hundred.
Fuck you. Fuck you
and your mother.
You can get half an eight ball
in this town for two hundred!
Okay, then go get it.
You see my associate here
went through to make
the purchase.
Well, you know,
I take the whole bag.
No, no, no. I'll take
the whole thing for $550.
You know, we can divide
the lines.
No, no... I... I'll,...
I'll take the whole thing
for $700.
Okay, wait, hold on.
Going once.
Going twice.
$700 to Ellis
if he gives me the money.
Easy, man.
I mean, we're all,
we're all friends here.
That's okay. Yeah.
Just give me the cash.
It's a pleasure doing
business with you
Yeah, no problem.
Come on, let's go.
See you...
Get out.
This is my room.
We gotta get more
of this shit.
So what's it like
in Colombia?
Where my family's from,
it's beautiful.
-You should come with me.
Fidel was constantly
talking about Colombia.
Fidel, from Sage Hall.
I think I told you about him
invited me to go to Colombia
with him... and his family.
Aren't you far away, kid?
It's not a safe place
to travel.
So is it true there's a lot
of cocaine down there?
There's so much of it
some people use it
as currency.
In the barrios,
that's how it is.
We don't know his family.
Well, his dad's
an ambassador.
An ambassador?
A door was open.
I decided to go through it.
How much is the ticket, Toby?
He offered
to pay for it.
What would you say
if we went down there
try to pick up a little bit?
You know, just enough
to party with.
You mean with Ellis
and the guys.
And Alex?
Well, yeah and you too.
You know, if we can get some.
You said yourself
you wanted to hang out with him.
And they're all over
that shit.
Well, if his parents are okay
with it, I... I...
We are too.
We needed to raise money.
A lot of it.
So I started making my routes.
Come in.
It's my parents' donation.
I'll put it to good use.
Everyone put money
into the first trip.
We had almost $3000.
I did my research on Colombia.
Even stayed up late to watch
a night line on the drug war.
The drug cartel's had huge
amounts of money
weapons and influence.
Journalists and politicians
were killed.
Kidnapping and chaos
could pop off anywhere.
I knew what I was walking
into, but I didn't care.
Honestly, I was excited.
So are you gonna help me
with this?
I mean just tell me
where I can get it.
Fidel's house was pretty
much a palace.
Servants, bodyguards.
I'd never seen
anything like it.
How much?
Just tell me how much it is.
I wanna get it, it's a gift.
-For who?
-For Alex.
As the ambassador,
Fidel's father
was pretty strict
about where he let us go.
There were only
a few tourist spots
that he had thought
were safe enough.
He sent a bodyguard to keep
an eye on every move.
Welcome to Colombia.
The Edge.
One of Colombia's
most notorious drug barrios.
What do you want, gringo?
Do you where
I could find...
I can get you
whatever you want.
Half a kilo.
Yeah. Okay.
You have the money?
Yeah. Yeah, I got the money.
Show the cocaine.
Show the cocaine? Okay.
Okay. I'll show
you the cocaine.
I'll show you the cocaine.
Cocaine. Right away!
Where is it, gringo?
Where is it?
You know you should be
dead right now.
That was smart
but not that smart.
Why don't you just keep it?
Or kill me?
That is not my business.
I am not a thief.
That's my business.
And you are Americano.
I love Americano.
You're full opportunities.
And you made me laugh. Come.
It's okay.
I don't care what he wanted.
He's a boy and Manuel
was supposed to protect him!
Look, I'm sorry.
It was my fault.
I went off on my own
a... and then these guys
just came out of nowhere
and jumped me in.
They took all my money
and then by the time I came back
Fidel and Manuel
were already gone.
It was a really stupid idea.
I don't ever wanna lie
to my parents like that again.
You left this.
Talked it down to
almost nothing.
Countries visited?
Purpose of your trip?
Well, my friend
has some family down there
so we're just visiting them and
seeing the country which was great.
Did you buy anything you're
bringing back into the states?
Just this.
So what did you do
in Colombia?
What did I do in Colombia?
What did I do in Colombia?
What did you do in Colombia?
I lost my virginity.
Must've been quite
a trip, kid.
Yeah. Thanks.
The campus was empty.
Not everyone was back
from the long weekend yet.
It was my favorite time
in Sage,
when the students were gone.
Rather than spend another
weekend with her housekeeper
Alex never left.
I think she liked
the solitude.
-I got you something.
-What are you doing here?
-I thought you'd like it.
-Yes, it's...
That's okay.
You don't like it.
What's wrong?
I can't believe you did it.
Yeah. Of course.
Eighth of a key.
Ever see that much?
That's some midnight
express shit, man.
Yeah, but he didn't
get caught.
Well, what the fuck
are we waiting for, right?
I mean, I'm just gonna take
a little bump, make it quick.
See how it will work in with.
Let's see. Here.
How is it?
It's pure, I mean,
there's, there's nothing in it.
What do you mean?
I mean, usually they mix
this shit with lactose
soap, baking soda but this
This... this is... unique.
Do you guys realize
how many schools there are
in a 20 mile radius from here?
Well, you're not thinking about
selling this shit. Are you?
Why not? I mean, you took
your share and the rest is mine.
I can do what I want with it.
Look, I... I'll buy
the rest of it.
How about that?
Okay, do you have the money?
Well, look man, I can't give
it to you right now
but I just need
a little bit of time.
That's what I thought.
I'm sorry, man. It's just...
Time's up. You know.
Just a second.
Just a second.
It's king of Mexico.
Yeah, tell him to come in.
Hey, Fidel.
You ready to party?
What is it?
I mean, what's it look like?
Toby, Toby, where the fuck's
he going, Toby?
Hey. Hey, what's wrong?
You made me look
like an idiot.
Look, I just...
I never thought you'd make it
through customs.
I thought that
this is what you wanted!
You know... just hang out
with all of us.
You know, you can be
a part of this.
I don't want
any part of this.
I... I'm Colombian.
Don't you understand?
I can't just be caught
dealing in cocaine!
Hey, hey, ssh, ssh.
Just calm down, okay.
What, so now you're just some
some kind of drug dealer?
Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up.
My father was right
and you Americans
just use people
for what you want.
You know it must be easier
to be so self-righteous
when you're as rich as a king.
You never gonna
have her, Toby.
No matter how hard you try.
She's gonna use you up
and spit you out.
No. No.
Just... just stop.
Then ask him for a loan.
He's my kid brother.
What do you
have to be proud of?
Now, you got me there.
One hundred
and twenty five grams.
One eighth of a key.
The deal I made with
the Preppie's was that
for rescuing my neck
in Columbia I get half
or 62 grams for myself.
The purity of the coke I had
was medical grade.
Ellis was right.
This shit was unique.
Raoul schooled me on
how to cut my share into half
of Lactose to double my money.
I set out to make $50 a gram
or about $6000 total.
Word spread fast.
And the orders came
rolling in.
I had a kid from every team
playing away games
spread the word last weekend.
So that's six schools.
Look, man, I don't know why he's
going through all this trouble
I mean, I... I've got the money.
I'll just buy it all myself.
Hey, I know a place
where you can get double
what Ellis can pay.
But the harder I work
the more I live.
A bunch of whacked up writers
throw some kinkfests
over in Litchfield.
I deal them hash, but when
I told them about your coke
they said they'd pay anything.
I think the guys, like,
a Baron or something.
I've always wanted
to meet royalty.
Is possible before handing
it on to future generations.
I'd wanted to become
like them.
But in the process I'd become
something even better.
I was ready a drug dealer.
I exerted a level
of control over them
but I'd never
even panicked.
I didn't need an invite
to any of their parties.
I was the party.
This is the,
kid I told you about.
Chuck here tells me
that you've got some
of the finest flake
in the Northern Hemisphere.
How is that even possible?
How about you show me
the money and I'll show you how.
A tooth full first perhaps.
Someone's been abroad.
How much do you want?
I'll take whatever you got.
Come through to the lounge.
I'll attend to your money.
So what are you gonna do?
I like you, Toby.
You're very smart.
And you seem like a good person.
So listen closely.
You need to be careful.
Very, very careful.
Because if this thing
goes wrong...
you won't have the same out
as anyone else involved.
Do you understand?
You and I
never saw each other.
We never saw each other.
That was fine with me.
I was sure in his mind
he thought
that was the end of it.
But I was determined
to sell it all.
And do that little ride
I could before.
Dearest Ingrid, please accept
this with a humble request
that you not let Mike know
I've sent this money along.
Deepest regards,
your brother-in-law Todd Hammel.
This is the last of it.
Where are you coming from?
English Lit.
Had to recite a poem
in front of the class.
-Can I hear it?
I really wanna hear it.
-No, you don't. No.
-Come on.
You have it memorized, right?
Let's do it. I'm listening.
This is your stage.
"When I have fears
that I may cease to be
"before my pen has gleaned
my teaming brain
"before high-piled books
on charactery hold like
"rich garners
the full ripened grain.
"When I behold upon
the night's starred face
"huge cloudy symbols
of a high romance and think that
"I may never live
to trace their shadows
"with the magic hand of chance.
" When I feel
fair creature of an hour
"that I may never
look upon thee more
"never have relish in the faery
power of unreflecting love
"then on the shore
of the wide world I stand alone
and think from love and fame
to nothingness do sink."
That was good.
I'm serious.
A bunch of us
are going to Ellis' place
in the city next weekend.
They have a place on,
on 5th Ave.
His parents are just
cool with that?
Yeah, his parents give even less
of a shit than my parents do.
You know, if you got more coke,
Ellis might let you come.
Yeah, I can get more.
I just go back.
Think you guys can figure out
a way to cover for me?
Yeah. That's easy.
Ellis has this whole system
for how to change
the attendance sheets.
Okay. Yeah, I can be
back in...
36 hours.
You're a mad genius, Hammel.
You know that?
When everybody heard that
I was going back to Columbia
students crowded into the
day lounge placing orders.
At one point, there were so many
I had to make them form a line.
Will you at least
be in a tent?
Yeah, I mean, it's a ropes
course. It's not boot camp.
-Good luck.
-Thank you.
My mom thought I had to go
on a leadership retreat.
But the truth was
I had 36 hours
to catch a flight
to Columbia,
arrange a meeting with Raoul
make that buy
and get back to Sage Hall
before the end of the weekend.
All the while making sure
to avoid being robbed
beaten or killed.
-It's for you.
Hola, Raoul.
I wanna see Raoul.
Hey, lets have some fun
before we do business. Si?
You like this place?
It's like New York City. Si?
Si. Yeah, yeah.
Wait until you see what I got
lined up for tomorrow night.
Well, actually I have
to leave tomorrow.
'Cause I have school.
Wanna do a line?
I'm going with you.
You've done this before, right?
You have girlfriend?
Yes. Yeah.
There is a girlfriend.
She blonde or brunette?
La rubia.
-What's la rubia?
Yeah, la rubia.
Talk to me about this
girlfriend of yours.
-Well, she's never really my girlfriend.
We got to this school
with a bunch of really rich
she's really rich and,
I don't... I don't
have a lot of money.
My family doesn't have
a lot of money. So?
So I feel like, maybe there's
some other guys at school
they could, like, afford lot
of stuff
and support her
like, more that I could.
I couldn't stop talking.
You will be rich.
What do you...
What do you mean?
I think I've said too much.
Raoul gave me cocaine.
Didn't even count my money.
It wasn't like in the movies
where a bunch of guys
sit around with guns
glaring at each other.
It was a simple transaction.
Raoul made it kind of fun.
So Ricardo's
most famous idea
was his theory
of comparative advantage.
He believed that if every nation
specialized in the production of the goods
it had a cost advantage
in producing
then trade between nations would
be at it's most efficient.
Now, can anyone of you think
of examples? Sarah?
-Wine from France?
-Good try.
But I don't think they have
a cost advantage anymore.
-Electronics from Japan?
Good one. Alice?
Cocaine from Colombia.
Just shut up.
Alright, everybody
settle down.
We're cool.
Should we go?
A friend showed me this
place, couple of years back.
Fake IDs, man,
and they make 'em good.
-So you're Charles Nobbs.
John Heliton...
So all good?
You know,
you're a genius, Hammel.
An absolutely mad...
Come on...
-Come on.
Does it taste good?
It taste delicious.
Delicious. Delicious.
The finest four star restaurant.
Hey, how are you doin'?
What are you doing, man?
You're just so goddamn
Yeah, of course. Yeah.
Get up here.
-What man?
-You're just so goddamn comfortable?
And so are you, aren't you?
What's up, man?
Trying to make
a fucking play?
Is that what you're trying
to do, make a fucking play?
-Why? What are you talking about?
-Fuck you, Hammel, okay?
I've been seeing this.
I've been seeing this goddamn...
Stop fuckin' pawin' on him
like he's you're goddamn whore.
You fucking love me. You fucking
love me for a long time.
Don't fucking act like...
Hey, hey, stop.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
I'm talking about
the dancing.
I'm talking about
the smiling, the singing.
All the perfect package,
sort of thing to do, right?
Yeah. -Is that what you
trying to fucking do?
-Why are you being like this?
What do you mean?
Why am I being like this?
How about just
having fun, man.
Come on, yeah. We're just
having a good time.
-We're having a good time...
-Don't be...
Don't make it weird.
I'm not making it weird.
You know what? You're right.
Let's all just have fun. Fuck each other,
act like a bunch of fucking animal.
-What are you talking about?
-I have fucking respect.
Right, right, right?
Let's have a fucking ball.
Let's have a fucking
good time.
Right. Just havin' fun!
Yeah, we're gonna
have a great time.
We're gonna
have a great time.
-Great time.
-Great time.
-Let's all have some fun.
-Fucking fun?
-What are you doing?
I'm having some fun!
What are you
doing, man? Stop!
Ellis, what the fuck
is wrong with you?
Calm the fuck down!
Calm down!
You could have
killed somebody.
Don't you hit me, okay?
You don't have that right.
Don't hit me.
-Hey, hey.
-Hey, hey, hey.
What the fuck, man?
Hey! Stop.
-Don't fucking try...
-Calm the fuck down.
Calm the fuck down, okay?
Jesus Christ.
It's alright.
Just calm the fuck down.
Hey, man, I'm just trying
to have some fun.
Come on.
I didn't... I didn't mean it.
I didn't mean it.
I was... I was just...
I just want us
to have some fun.
I'm sorry. I don't wanna lose you.
I know.
I know.
I know.
Don't be scared of me.
I know.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm very sorry...
for everything.
-Are you okay?
Are you sure?
It happens.
-You're okay.
-I know.
I better go look
after Ellis, okay?
-You want me to come with you?
Not fun.
We have enough.
Fuck you.
God, you can be
such a fucking prick!
I'm such a fucking idiot.
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I realized
that I had nothing.
All I have was my coke
and suddenly I was nothing
more than a servant to a bunch
of sad, rich orphans.
I was wondering if you could hook
me up this weekend. I've got money.
-Not here, man.
-Come on.
I'm not kidding.
Not here.
It's okay.
Shit. I can't. I can't.
Come on.
You're not looking
so hard, Toby.
I was been fighting
this cold.
I mean, you look strung out.
We need to get more.
I don't think Philip is up
for the task, you know?
Then, why don't you get it?
How the fuck
am I supposed to do that?
Go to Columbia and buy it,
just like Toby did.
You've been traveling to Columbia,
is that where you getting it?
Why? You want some more?
-No, I want this to stop now!
Okay, dad.
I wanna know how big this is.
How many people know?
You could go with him.
Are you insane?
Do you think I'm wanna go
to Columbia with Toby?
Well, that'd be a ball of fun.
Maybe I will.
You're such
a fucking hypocrite, man.
You are going
to go to prison.
And you'll be the only one.
Do... do have any idea
that your life
will be completely destroyed
if you got caught?
But you're okay with Toby
risking his life
'cause he's the mule, right?
-Toby, you're gonna stop.
-Don't fucking touch me!
Don't fucking touch me!
Leave me alone.
I don't care...
if he is the fucking...
You're not goin'.
Whatever you say.
Mr. Jennings didn't wait
to see how big it was.
He packed up and resigned.
I wasn't his project
I was his liability.
The school infirmary said I was having
a panic attack and called my mother.
I'd never been so happy
to see Ingrid.
Sorry, I didn't mean
to startle you.
-And you are?
-I'm Alex.
It's really nice to meet you,
Mrs. Hammel.
Did you mention
it to her yet?
Mentioned what?
Don't worry,
we're not getting married.
-She's joking.
-You could do a lot worse.
Well, that's really nice
of you, Mrs. Hammel.
Thank you.
You must be so proud of Toby.
He's pretty much taken over
a Sage Hall.
Yeah. We'll see you
tomorrow, Alex.
Toby want's to ask if he can join
me in Palm Beach for Thanksgiving.
Palm Beach?
No, I'm gonna be home.
I'm gonna be home
for Thanksgiving.
See my dad
really wants to meet him
and all the Thurmond kids
are gonna be there
so it'll be really fun.
The Thurmond? -Storm Thurmond,
the senator of South Carolina.
He and daddy are really close.
Thank you, Alex,
but I just...
I don't... I don't feel like
making any... any trips...
right now.
I gotta lot of homework to do.
Four files are coming up and...
Why don't I talk
to Toby's father about it?
But, you know, the expensive, it
probably makes it out of the question.
Don't worry.
The tickets are totally free.
Daddy has more frequent-flyer miles
that he knows what to do with.
It was really lovely
to meet you.
You too.
Florida, Palm Beach.
She wanted me to go.
She encouraged it.
She even used the money
that I send her to buy me
a gift for the trip.
Mom, you can't afford this.
Yes, I can.
Go, be with her.
Enjoy yourself.
I meant to call.
I can buy another room
and get us
the honeymoon suite.
She was fucking with me.
Alex toyed with me people...
but I didn't care.
Play me something.
I'm not very good.
Come on.
What's that?
It's a song.
That's why we're
the dealers.
It's in that room.
I can't.
Yes. Hi.
In two hours? Okay.
Yeah, yeah, I'm ready.
Where do they
want to meet us?
Raoul wanted me
to meet him at a party
he ran near his place
in Al Borde.
You got my money?
Do you have the stuff?
Same old gringo.
Well, this time
you brought la rubia.
You didn't tell me
she was so sexy.
I don't walk around
with three kilos.
Let's have some fun.
Then you're going
to enjoy this party.
Raoul brought us
to his 24 hour party
while he went off
to get the coke.
He said it was all
there for us.
Whatever we wanted.
The guy who owns this place.
The guy who owns this house!
Where did he go?
Does anyone who know.
Does anyone know
where Raoul went?
Fuck, I have to find...
What? What?
Stop. No. No.
Hey, Calista.
Is, is Alex home?
No, Mr. Ellis.
Well, will you be
expecting her home soon?
No, Mr. Ellis.
Why not? Where is she?
She said she was spending
the break with a friend.
May I use your phone?
Get rid of it.
-Right before, before we land.
Go to the bathroom
and get rid of it.
I have a terrible feeling.
I don't want any part of this.
We don't need it, Toby.
-And what about Ellis?
-What about it.
Please, get rid of it.
That's what you want?
Yes, hello, I'd like
to speak to Dr. Fielding.
Yes, it's Ellis Tynes.
It's important.
Excuse me, I need
to use the restroom.
-This one?
Are you Tobias Hammel?
Come with us, please.
Excuse me,
please tell me, what's...
What's going on?
Just gonna take a little
look through your things.
-Stay here.
-What's going on?
You're under arrest
for the possession of narcotics.
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
or will be used against you
in a court of law.
Toby, what's...
Toby, what's going on?
Let's take him.
They're saying he's going
to be tried as an adult.
He's gonna do
anything he can
to get himself out of this!
He's gonna rat us out, Ellis.
All of us.
Doesn't matter.
How can you be so fucking
casual about this?
Don't you know that if Fielding
finds out...
He finds out we're in on this,
we're fucked.
Doesn't matter.
Why not?
headmaster already knows.
A... and how does the
headmaster already know, Ellis?
I covered our asses.
You covered our asses?
What does that mean?
I told them
what Toby was doing.
Got the DEA involved.
So it's,
it's a criminal matter.
It's on him.
You ratted Toby out.
It was you.
Fuckin' scumbag.
Hey, man, look...
We'll get off with no more
than suspensions.
It's gonna be cool.
What about Alex?
What the fuck.
My parents are gonna shit.
There goes fucking Yale.
You were never
Yale material, Benny.
-Get away from me!
-No, leave me alone!
You made it, cunt.
We understand the defendant's
prior lack of any record
In this young age,
your honor.
But we believe the amount
of the illegal substance
ceased is significant enough...
I was being charged
with federal drug trafficking.
Word of what I had done
had spread across the country.
And after "60 minutes"
picked up a story
it was a national scandal.
Hi, Mary.
I need to speak
with my mom, please.
Well, I don't care
if she's in a meeting.
I need you to go get her, I...
It's really important.
Hey, have you seen Laura?
No one was safe now.
There was nowhere to hide.
Okay. Okay.
Can I talk to my dad?
Headmaster Fielding.
Hi, I'm Ed Bradley
from "60 minutes."
I have a few questions for you,
I'd like you to answer
do you have a minute?
He had no idea how many students
in the schools were involved.
Scope of it was overwhelming.
Concerning this issue,
it's under investigation.
We're looking at the facts.
No message.
The press was in a frenzy.
I brought the scourge
of cocaine
into the midst of America's
most privileged progeny.
The white kids were in danger.
But this
is a major investigation.
-You have a good day.
-Dr. Fielding? Dr. Fielding?
Everyone was feeling.
Trying to stay ahead of what
was about to happen.
But not everyone
could outrun it.
Laura disappeared
for two days.
Ben searched everywhere
for her
but he wasn't the one
who found her.
You fuck.
You killed her! You fuck!
No, this judge, he wanted
to teach you a lesson.
And our attorney is hopeful
that after little time,
he might grant bail.
We'll have to put up
the house to cover it.
I'm sorry.
You're going to have to make
a full confession.
You give him the names
of everyone that's involved
and you might be able
to get some years back.
Toby, did you hear me?
It was me.
It was all me.
I bought it, I smuggled it in.
I brought it to...
No, stop it, stop it,
right this instant.
And Laura died because of me.
Where's Alex?
Alex... What?
Who's Alex?
It's the girl.
He's asking about the girl.
Her father made a deal.
If she stays in South Carolina,
she will not be extradited.
Do you see?
And difference between us
and them...
Enough. That's enough.
The difference between us
and them.
She's okay?
Yes, yes.
I'd understood
that a long time ago.
I saw it.
I'd measured it in grams.
But I don't think
Ingrid ever understood it.
Why didn't you dump it?
I'm sorry.
I have to go.
I'm sorry, mom, I have to go.
No more lies,
only medical grade truth now.
Mike and Ingrid split up.
Ingrid felt someone
had to be responsible
for the monster I had become.
Ellis and Ben got expelled
with a whole bunch of people.
But Ellis' preordained path
wasn't altered one bit.
Ben never got over Laura
and I heard he dropped out
of the whole scene.
It was my fault, all of it.
When I look back at it,
now I have this funny feeling
remembering it all
while it was happening.
Like a dream I couldn't stop
until I got to the end.
Until I got caught.
And I know I'm supposed to feel
bad and tell everyone I'm sorry
and I am for everything.
But the truth is I miss it.
Everything, everyone,
even Ellis.
I miss the moment
I had with her.
And that's all I'll ever have.
Because I never saw
Alex again.
Last spring, a student at one
of America's most prestigious
prep schools,
Choate Rosemary Hall
was arrested by police
at Kennedy Airport
as he was returning
with $300,000 worth of cocaine.
There was a lot of drug use.
There were... there were
certain rooms
where people would go
to a smoke or to drink.
The dorms were usually be
drug dorms
or not drug dorms.
Or drinking dorms
or not drinking dorms.
I assume that you no more
than I wish to be identified
with the newspaper language
used to invite us all
spoilt preppies,
too much privilege,
too much cash,
adolescent pawns for criminals,
self-centered elites...
With about twice
as much money collected
from even more students
would once again
board a plane
with the cocaine hidden
but this time,
his luck was about to run out.
We picked up the bags
and started to walk
towards the checkout door
and immediately we were stopped
by some of the badge.
What did you think
when they put those cuffs?
I felt really destroyed.
I felt completely at the mercy.
I mean, five minutes
before I thought
I was on top of the world.
And I was all set nothing
ever gonna get to me.
And five minutes later,
I had no power.