The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)

"Today's arrivals for the coronation
of King George V and Queen Mary. . .
. . .include the regent of Carpathia,
His Highness the Grand Duke Charles.
He will be accompanied by the present
king, his son, and the Queen Dowager.
They will be in residence
at the Carpathian Embassy. . .
. . .Belgrave Square, southwest. "
Oh, law.
You mean to say you know nothing
about Carpathia whatever?
Don't even know where
the place is, for a start.
How long in the Foreign Office?
15 years. But I'm in
the Far Eastern Department.
That's no excuse.
What would you think if I said
that I knew nothing about Siam?
Don't think I'd mind much.
-That remark will get you nowhere.
-Out of this job?
Certainly not.
Your predecessor had a riding accident
and you are now in his saddle.
Attached to the suite of the
Grand Duke Charles of Carpathia.
I made jolly plans for the coronation.
And I don't speak a word of Carpathian.
That's all right. They're
excessively proud of their English.
Now, look here, Northbrook.
A mixed German-Slav population
of 111/2 millions.
The most efficient railways
in the Balkans. . .
. . .and the fourth largest
army in Europe.
So delicately poised is the balance
of power right now. . .
. . .that the secession of this
from this. . .
. . .to that. . .
. . .would make the aggressor
strong enough to start his war.
I presume even in the Far Eastern
Department they have some idea. . .
. . .who that aggressor
would be likely to be.
Kaiser Bill.
Precisely. Kaiser Bill.
They should've left the station
by now. Get along to their embassy.
Yes, by Jove! Here they are.
There, Northbrook.
There is your future charge.
Who's the boy?
The king, of course. The regent's son.
Don't you know anything?
Unhappily, the boy is pro-German.
A cousin of the Kaiser.
In 18 months when he comes to power,
we shall have to look out for trouble.
That's the Queen Dowager beside him.
The boy's grandmother,
the regent's mother-in-law.
Quite a formidable old lady.
And there is the regent.
A character, Northbrook,
definitely a character.
By the way, Grand Ducal Highness,
not Serene.
And all for formalities,
backing out, all that sort of thing. . .
. . .he's very touchy about that.
He's a very touchy
proposition altogether. . .
. . .but a very vital one.
He must not, by one jot
or one tittle, be offended.
You are the instrument chosen by fate
and by me to see to that happy result.
Tonight, entertain him.
The opera, whatever he wishes.
The opera? I say.
I said, Northbrook,
whatever he wishes.
-Who is it?
-Miss Marina, you'll be late.
-Principals to meet the royal party.
Miss Springfield's lining them up now.
-My shoulder thing is busted.
-Keep still.
-What party?
-That Carpathian lot in the royal box.
Oh, gosh.
You'll be all right, dear,
only hurry.
Quickly, quickly, everyone into line.
He's coming.
Quiet, everyone! Into line.
He's coming.
-Who's missing?
-Elsie Marina.
Can't that girl ever make
an entrance on time?
Chorus, into your groups.
You're to be seen, not heard.
And principals. . .
. . .you're not to speak unless
directly addressed.
Should that privilege be yours,
the regent is to be addressed. . .
. . .as Your Grand Ducal Highness.
May I present Miss Maisie Springfield?
I know Miss Springfield.
We're old friends.
Grand Ducal Highness.
What a charming character
is this coconut girl.
I'm happy to hear you say so.
It is a character that goes deeper
than most in musical comedy.
Yes, indeed, quite so.
I've been anxious to find a role
which offered an emotional challenge.
And most charming it is.
I began to fear we had lost
the gay person I knew in Paris.
-How gracious of you, sir, to remember.
-I look forward to. . . .
-And this, I take it, is our hero.
-I'm most honored to meet Your. . .
. . .Grand Ducal Highness.
I trust Lord Percy will manage
to extricate himself from his impasse?
Oh, yes, indeed, sir,
as you'll see, I hope.
-How do you do?
-Mr. Tim Thorne LeStrange.
-Gosh, what do I do?
-Just take his hand and curtsy.
-What's he, a king or something?
-What's that?
-King's understudy, but he's always on.
-How do you do?
-Good evening.
Miss Betty Boot.
Most charming. Delightful.
Such pretty music, did you think so?
Oh, I did. Yes, sir.
It's a good play.
It goes a little deeper, I think.
-Oh, yes, sir. Rather, sir.
-Charming disguises.
-Mr. Dan Lipino.
-Most amusing.
Miss Maggie Cooper.
Most agreeable. Such a strong
and original story, don't you think?
Oh, yes, sir. We all love it.
It offers an emotional challenge, no?
Oh, yes, sir. Like anything.
-Do I say anything?
-Just, "How do you do?"
-What if he says something?
-Say something back. Get in line.
Mr. Arthur Lucas.
Miss Fanny Trehan.
-How do you do?
-Miss Elsie Marina.
And the little American friend
of our heroine.
-How do you do?
-How do you do, Your Regent?
-The damage, I trust, can be mended?
-Oh, yes. I can fix it with a pin.
A pin. Has no one a pin?
I'd be happy to assist you.
-No, Your Regency.
-Charming. Most delightful.
Well, good night. Perhaps better not
tempt Providence again.
Well, good night, ladies and. . . .
Good night.
I'm very pleased.
Really, very pleased.
So many doors. Like an audience
with the Japanese emperor.
Alas, the foreign secretary awaits me.
What a shame you couldn't stay
and see our lovely wedding scene.
Perhaps another visit from
Your Serene Highness?
He's not Serene! He has not been
serene since he was regent.
All right, he's gone.
Come on, get on with it.
I'm terribly sorry for being so late.
That I'm prepared to forgive.
But not your disgracing us all
in front of my dear friend the regent.
-It could happen to anyone.
-It could happen to anyone.
That's what makes it so funny
that it always seems to happen to you.
What did you think of him?
Don't you think he's rather a dream?
-"A dream," she says.
-She knows better.
If those are your wishes,
they will be carried out.
If you please, Mr. Northbrook.
Come in.
Miss Marina, a letter.
I say, by Jove,
you look absolutely stunning!
Oh, go away.
Good evening, my lord.
Miss Marina.
Miss Marina.
-Have I too much rouge on?
-For what?
-That's all right for pink shades.
-Private rooms?
-Certainly not.
-Come on, Betty.
-Who are they?
We don't know their names, dear.
Don't be late.
-They're okay. They're Life Guards.
-Come on.
-We have to be in our places at 7 a.m.
-But the procession starts at 9:30.
-That's what it says in the papers.
-What is that?
-The prop man gave it to me.
I'll make sure she gets there on time.
I wouldn't miss the coronation
for all the guards.
I say, by Jove,
you look absolutely stunning.
Good night. Don't wait for us.
Thanks, dear. Good night.
So long, Else.
-What's that?
-Come here.
"His Grand Ducal Highness. . .
. . .the Grand Duke Charles,
Prince Regent of Carpathia. . .
. . .requests Miss Elsie Marina's
company at supper this evening. . .
. . .June 21, 1911 at 12 midnight. . .
. . .at Carpathian Embassy. . .
. . .46 Belgrave Square. "
Is it a joke?
"The honorable Peter Northbrook
will be at the theater at 11: 15. . .
. . .to escort Miss Marina
to the embassy. "
You're in, dear.
Gosh, I don't have a thing to wear.
Please, ladies, please.
Time is getting short.
-This won't do.
-I think this one's the best. Honest.
Who else will be at the party
besides His Majesty?
-His Majesty?
-Yes, that grand duke.
Oh, my dear, you quite startled me.
Miss Marina, I think
before you meet the regent again. . .
. . .you should learn
the correct form of address.
Otherwise there may be a few
petits moments d'embarras.
I just hate that.
Your host is correctly addressed
as Your Grand Ducal Highness or sir.
As a prince of Hungary before his
marriage to the queen of Carpathia. . .
. . .he is correctly entitled to the
appellation of lmperial and Royal.
At that time,
by his own request. . .
. . .Serene Highness was continued
until he became regent.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
It's most important that you should.
I don't even know who you are,
much less who he is.
I'm His Grand Ducal Highness's equerry
and the deputy head. . .
. . .of the Far Eastern Department
of the Foreign Office.
Deputy head of the Far Eastern
Department. Imagine.
I still don't know anything.
I mean, Royal and lmperial.
Isn't one enough?
It all goes back
to the Holy Roman Empire.
The grand duke is a nephew by marriage
of the Emperor Franz Josef of Austria.
No wisecracks about Austria.
I sincerely hope no wisecracks
about anything.
In these troubled times the lightest
remark can have bad repercussions.
I can see the history books:
The War of Elsie's Remark.
How's the you-know-what?
It's wonderful over the you-know-what.
You can come out.
-Very nice.
Is that all you can say?
Very nice, indeed.
Miss Marina, there is
one other small point.
In conversation with royalty,
only speak when you're addressed.
-Wait for the cue before you speak.
Good night, Mr. Northbrook.
Good night. I won't wait up.
Sure he hasn't got me mixed up
with Maisie Springfield?
He's a very dear friend of hers,
she tells us.
I'm quite sure of that.
Why me? I just have that bit
in the second act.
That's the bit he liked.
But why me?
I wonder why he wants me.
Tough question, all right.
Don't forget tomorrow morning.
Must leave here sharp at 6:20.
So don't be too late. Good night.
Be good.
This is the first time
I've seen an embassy.
Surely not.
After all, there are nine embassies
in London at present.
Anyway, it's the first time
I've ever been. . .
. . .inside one.
This is really something.
This hallway and everything.
Personally, I find the decorations
a little vulgar.
Well, all I can say is,
give me vulgarity!
We needn't have hurried.
We're the first ones.
-This way, Miss Marina.
What's the idea,
a supper party upstairs?
Well, it's quite an informal party.
But think about bringing the food
from the kitchen.
I fancy it'll be a cold supper,
Miss Marina.
They still have to carry it up.
Is his wife going to be here?
No. Her late Majesty passed over,
as they say, some 10 years ago.
-lf you should meet the Queen Dowager--
-Another one?
She is addressed as
Your Majesty or ma'am.
-The young king, the regent's son--
-Oh, no.
It's unlikely that you will meet him,
but he is Your Majesty or sir.
I'm shaking.
This is worse than a first night.
We're still the first ones,
aren't we?
Gee, this is all right too, isn't it?
-Is that the dining room in there?
-Well, is it in there?
-There, then?
Well, where is it?
Incidentally, where is His Regency?
His Grand Ducal Highness.
All right, but where is he?
He was called away
to an important meeting.
Two places!
Not in front of them.
I know, but two places?
Please control yourself.
There's no need for panic.
This is a plot, isn't it?
Supper for two, you knew all the time!
I did have an idea when I received
the grand duke's instructions--
There's a word for what you are. . .
. . .and it's not deputy head
of the Far Eastern Department.
Do not leap to conclusions.
I don't have to leap to conclusions.
I'm walking straight out!
Why panic over a harmless
tte--tte supper?
I know all about harmless suppers.
I've had to fight my way out of a few.
"Champagne?" and "I hope you
like caviar. Something cold. . .
. . .because we don't want
servants around.
It's more fun serving ourselves,
don't you think?"
And then after supper,
"You must be tired.
Why don't you put your feet
up on this sofa?"
No, I know every move.
You're confusing this
with a private room at Romano's.
What's the difference,
except the longer run to the door?
A duke can run just as fast
as the next man.
Oh, please, please, Miss Marina.
Pas devant.
Don't give me that pas devant stuff.
Make an excuse.
My aunt's ill or something.
I'm awfully sorry, really. Goodbye!
Oh, please, please, Miss Marina.
Do you want to get me
and the Foreign Office in trouble?
Since you asked, yes.
You don't want to insult
the grand duke. Have supper with him.
He's a most charming
After supper, all you have to say is,
"It's been delightful, now I must go. "
That's a swell exit line.
But can you guarantee the exit?
This is a Balkan grand duke.
-Educated in England.
-That's what I mean.
No. Listen, please.
Miss Marina, please.
Suppose I guarantee your exit,
as you call it.
Suppose after supper I come in
with a message from a hospital. . .
. . .where your aunt has been taken
after an accident?
Well, I don't know.
No, I don't think so at all.
Why, thank you.
How do you do? So good of you to come
at such short notice!
-That's all right, Your Regency.
-Grand Ducal!
That's all right, Your Grand Ducal.
Highness. Grand Ducal Highness.
Oh, the hell with it.
I apologize for being late.
The crowds are gathering
and my motor was held up.
-That's all right.
-I suppose you're ready to rest.
-We have a full day ahead.
The carriage leaves for Buckingham
Palace at 9:00. Be here at 8:20.
Very good, sir.
Good night, Your Grand Ducal Highness.
Were you surprised
to get my invitation?
I'll say I was. I was so surprised,
I didn't think you meant me.
Of course I meant you.
I had your name carefully down
on my program.
In matters of this kind,
I'm most methodical.
Who did you think I meant, if not you?
Well, Maisie Springfield?
Oh, no! Maisie Springfield.
She's quite what I would call old hat.
Oh, and am I what you call new hat?
Excellent, Miss. . . .
Miss. . . .
You don't have your program handy.
-Capital. Most amusing.
-Elsie Marina's my name.
How stupid of me.
That's my stage name, Elsie Marina.
My dad was a Marine.
My real name is Elsie Stolzenburg.
I decided to change it when
I decided to stay in England.
You see, the company I came
over with from the States. . .
-. . .they got stranded in York.
-In the Strand, really?
Let's all go down the Strand
Have a banana
Most amusing!
You like caviar, I hope?
Oh, yes.
I ordered a cold supper so we can serve
ourselves. That's so much more fun.
Yes, much more fun.
-That is a charming dress.
-Well, it's very old, I'm afraid.
You like vodka?
I've never tried it. I don't think--
But you must.
This is very special.
Oh, no, no. Not to sip like that.
You'll make yourself,
as you say, tiddly.
Like this, and then it has
no dangerous effect.
No more, please.
One more will not hurt a fly.
Maybe, but you know what they say:
Drunk as a fly.
That is really quite excellent.
I can see you have
a witty little tongue.
I have?
Hurt a fly, drunk as a fly.
I must remember that.
I really shouldn't bother
Your Grand Ducal--
What is the matter?
That time I burnt
my witty little tongue.
That is very sad.
I'm quite delighted you're here,
Miss Marina.
-I hope you are too.
Now, will you sit here?
There. Now we are to ourselves.
Good. You will forgive me
if I don't join you for the minute.
I've already had dinner, and I have
some business to attend to.
It turned quite warm all of a sudden,
hasn't it?
I wasn't addressed.
Give me the ambassador.
Very well, then wake him.
Oh, ambassador, you were asleep?
How sad.
I had an interview
with the foreign secretary.
It concerned my having ordered
the arrest of Wolfstein.
Sir Edward is disturbed
that we have not been able. . .
. . .to think of a charge,
which makes it awkward.
Yes, it was careless of me, I admit. . .
. . .but I've been busy all evening.
Yes, yes, you can speak freely.
There is no one here.
Un-Carpathian activities?
Yes, that would be amusing.
What has chiefly disturbed
Sir Edward. . .
. . .is the fact that these
stupid Americans have protested.
Some nonsense about political freedom
and democratic rights.
You know what children Americans are
in matters of this kind.
Their diplomacy makes me think
of the Minotaur legend reversed.
The bull chasing Theseus
through the labyrinth.
A steam traction engine
in Hampton Court maze!
Excellent! What?
The British will be more sensible.
They'll wait until after the trial
and then protest.
But when will these crazy Americans
grow up?
Yes, we will talk tomorrow.
Good night.
Well, well, and how is everything?
Just dandy.
I see you have already served yourself.
How remiss of me.
Oh, I prefer it this way.
Splendid. Well, cheerio.
Mud in your eye.
What a priceless expression!
Where did you learn it?
-In America.
-Have you been there?
-I was born there. I am American.
-Are you, indeed?
Yes, Your Grand Ducal,
that's just what I am.
I must make another telephone call.
It's quite all right.
I just adore my own company.
Connect me with the French ambassador.
He's still be at the reception?
I'll try later.
To President Taft.
I said, to President Taft.
To President Taft.
So I wasn't addressed. Who cares?
The bull in the labyrinth.
Who the heck's Theseus anyway?
Protest? I should darn well think
they would protest.
Arresting people that way.
Oh, Miss Marina, won't you have
some champagne?
I don't know, Your Grand Ducal.
You really think I ought?
Well, maybe just a sip.
Maybe just a teeny. . . .
You said something?
Oh, no. Just playing a little game
over here all by myself.
Good. Cheerio.
Down the hatch.
Why was I not informed
of Wolfstein's arrest?
Why was I left to learn it
from the papers?
There was no need to inform you.
No need to inform the king?!
May I present Miss Elsie Marina.
Good evening. Delightful to meet you.
Won't you sit down?
-By whose orders was he arrested?
-By mine, of course.
He must be released immediately.
You may be a real king very soon,
but for the moment. . .
. . .I'm still the ruler of Carpathia
and of yourself.
Go to your room.
Go to your room at once.
Good night, Miss Marina.
It has been a great pleasure.
Good night, Your Highness.
Colonel Hoffman.
See if the king is in his bedroom
and lock him in.
Also, most important.
Put no calls through to him, inward
or outward, until further notice.
Understood. Will you hold on
a moment, sir?
Her Majesty has just come in
and intends to say good night.
I see. Very well.
The Queen Dowager has returned
from St. James' palace early than expected
and is coming up for a moment.
The Queen Dowager.
The Queen Dowager? That's your mother?
-My mother-in-law.
-That's worse.
You'll want me to hide, won't you?
Where? In there?
Do you have a closet or something?
My dear, I can see
you have a strong sense of the dramatic.
No, just sit there and calm yourself.
Before you meet her, I must warn you,
she is a little vague. . .
. . .and can be very deaf on occasions.
My dear, such boredom.
The decorations hideous,
the music a catastrophe.
Our friend, the ex-king of Moravia,
drove me home.
He is now called the Duke of Strelitz.
He cannot go to the abbey tomorrow.
But he's most anxious
that you invite him. . .
. . .to the room at the Ritz
for Nicky.
My dear, give me a glass
of that champagne I see over there.
Might I present Miss Elsie Marina?
Oh, yes, my dear, of course.
I remember you well.
I'm quite sure you don't, Your Royal--
I mean, Your lmperial. . . .
-Your Serene Majesty.
-What did she say?
She says she is deeply flattered
and compliments you on your wonderful memory.
Thank you, my dear.
Sweetly pretty. She should use more mascara.
When one is young,
use a lot of mascara.
And when one is old,
one should use much more.
What do you do, my dear?
I'm in The Coconut Girl
at the Avenue.
- Dear?
- She says she's an actress.
An actress?
That is very interesting.
Madame Sarah Bernhardt
has acted for us.
I do not find her so good in Magda
as Mademoiselle Duse. You agree, no?
You do not agree?
That is very interesting.
You know Lucien Guitry too?
-No, ma'am.
-Only Madame Bernhardt.
Well, you are quite right
to be loyal to your friends, my dear.
Loyalty is a quality
that we do not see enough nowadays.
Trs bien.
Well, I must go to bed.
Which uniform are you wearing tomorrow?
The morning royal guards.
Now, let me see. What color?
Oh, that's all right. We won't clash.
Good night.
Tell my maids I am ready
to go to bed.
Maud, you look very pinched.
What's the matter with you?
I fear I have a slight cold.
Oh, you poor thing,
I am so very very sorry.
I must make you one of my syrups.
So kind of you, ma'am.
The dirty creature, always catching cold!
I really can't think how.
As far as I know, her life is quite blameless.
Anyway, with a face like that.
-Good night, my dear. So delightful.
-Good night, ma'am.
Just a touch more on the cheeks too, I think.
And don't make mischief between me
and Madame Bernhardt now, or I shall be cross.
A little vague.
Doesn't she mind about you and me?
Isn't she your wife's mother?
My wife and I were married. . .
. . .to reinforce her trade agreement
with Hungary.
I accepted her because
the emperor told me to.
For ten years we were utterly
devoted to each other. . .
. . .with never an unkind word
on either side.
How could there be any question. . .
. . .of anyone minding anything
in such circumstances?
Well, I find your life shocking.
-There's no love in it.
Oh, yes, Maisie Springfields
by the dozens.
But I mean. . .
. . .real love.
-Excuse me.
-Oh, no!
Not again.
My dear fellow,
there is no need to panic.
The new chief of police
is a good man that I trust.
-Well, my dear. . . .
Wouldn't you be
more comfortable on the sofa?
You could put your feet up there
and rest.
No, thank you. I think
I'll stay right where I am.
Just as you please.
My dear, it was so good of you
to come and see me here tonight.
-You said that before.
-Oh, did I?
That is a beautiful dress.
You said that before too.
What does it matter?
What are words where deeds
can say so much more?
That's just terrible!
-What is it?
-That performance of yours.
I fear I do not altogether
understand you.
Now, don't pull the grand duke
with me.
You made a pass
and I turned it down, that's all.
We can still be friendly.
Excuse me.
Say, I could use a short one.
I need it for my heart.
It's beating down here.
-I'm so sorry.
-It's all right. Not your fault.
If I'd known this was all
that would happen. . .
. . .I wouldn't even have been nervous.
Long life to Your Grand Highness.
Better luck next time,
only not with me, of course.
Say, listen, there is
something to this stuff.
Are you sure there's no effect
when you drink it that way?
After three of them, you might
experience a certain euphoria.
I think you have had enough.
I think so too.
Want to know why
I was so nervous tonight?
I thought I'd have
a real struggle with myself.
I thought. . . .
I would have won it. I always do.
But I thought this time
he's a Hungarian prince. . .
. . .and a grand ducal. . .
. . .well, with fire and passion.
And I thought if anybody knows
about this love stuff, this guy will.
I even thought. . . .
I even thought that you'd have. . .
. . .Gypsy violins playing
somewhere outside. . .
. . .and that the lights
would be dimmed low.
And there would be strange
seductive perfume in the air.
Well, put it all together, I thought:
"Sister, you better watch your step.
You'd just better watch out. "
Do they all fall as easily as that,
those Maisies and all those others?
Before your insults grow
too great to be borne. . .
. . .I'm ringing for your motor.
Oh, no, don't do that.
I don't want you
to get your car out again.
I live way out in Brixton.
I can just walk.
You will go in the motor.
Okay, if you insist.
I'll just get my wrap.
Pretty good, huh?
Why am I deserted? Why is there
no one to answer the bell?
Your Grand Ducal Highness ordered
the attendants moved from the door.
See that the motor is here. . .
. . .and have Miss Marina escorted
to a place called Brixton.
As Your Grand Ducal Highness commands.
Major Domo!
Why was this room not perfumed?
Why were the lights not turned down
to give a romantic effect?
Your Grand Ducal Highness
gave no such command.
Am I to think of everything?
Have I not enough on my mind?
What are you doing?
You would lock the stable door
after the horse has bolted?
If Your Grand Ducal Highness wishes
the stable door locked, the coachman--
Dummkopf!. Do you not know
the English idiomatic phrase. . .
. . .that it is foolish to lock the
stable door after the horse has. . . .
But has it?
Give that to me.
Wait. One of my personal servants
plays the violin. Which is that?
I think it is Franz,
one of the under-valets.
-Does he play well?
-I'm tone-deaf.
-Where is he?
-In bed.
Fetch him! I want him to play his
confounded fiddle outside this door.
But don't let him begin until I ring.
Oh, hasn't the car gotten here yet?
Ah, the little bird, so anxious
to return to her nest.
Well, this is my exit, I guess.
Please, this is not quite yet goodbye.
Give me one minute to tell you. . .
. . .how deeply distressed I feel
at what has happened here.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
Let me try to explain
what is in my mind at the moment.
Won't you sit down just for a second?
I don't want to keep those drivers up.
They are used to waiting.
It is simply this, my dear.
I realize that all you have said
about my life is true.
It is quite without love.
And I'm growing into middle age.
-Oh, no!
-Almost into middle age.
Hey, I didn't ask for that!
Here am I, having reached
the age of 40--
And I have never known
what it is to love or be loved.
It is like the legend
of the sleeping princess.
Only here, it's the prince
who sleeps and awaits the kiss. . .
. . .of the beautiful young maiden
that will bring him back to life.
You want me to kiss you?
You are so literal.
It is love that I need.
The ennobling love
of a pure young woman.
Her bright faith in me as I am
and as I might yet be.
Her self-sacrifice to my little
weaknesses and desires.
For love is sacrifice, is it not?
There is the mystic kiss. . .
. . .which might bring
this sleeping prince to life.
I got you.
Do you know what your hair
reminds me of?
Summer corn kissed by the winds. . .
. . .into enchantingly exciting furrows.
Your eyes--
-Where's that music coming from?
One of my servants, a Hungarian,
always plays at this hour.
He is lamenting his lost love.
Poor boy.
Isn't life awful?
Go back to my eyes.
Twin pools of gladness and joy. . .
. . .in which a man would be happy
to drown himself.
In both of them?
In either.
Oh, I like that.
"Twin pools. " Go on.
Your chin--
You skipped my nose because
you noticed the bump on the end?
Oh, no, no, no.
I left it out because there is
nothing to say of perfection.
Oh, that's nice.
Back to my chin.
This is what I think of your chin.
My darling.
Oh, my darling.
Oh, that poor Hungarian!
I hope he gets his love back.
Don't think of his love.
Think of ours, my darling.
Think of our love
and the beauty of our meeting here.
You like my hair?
Every hair I have is yours.
You use the wrong stuff on it though.
-What do you use?
-A little pomade.
That's where you're wrong.
You should use--
What's the name of it?
I know! Pinaud's Lilac.
I was asking you, my darling,
to remember our love.
You have pretty eyebrows.
Love! What a universe of joy and pain
lies in that little word.
-Forgive me for this intrusion.
With respect, my message is
so important, I had no choice.
-No, sir.
Miss Marina's aunt has been
in an accident.
The hospital is calling
for her most urgently.
Oh, go away, you silly man!
Miss Marina, your aunt. You realize
how serious her condition is?
It's her own fault.
She has no right to be out
this time of night. She's 93.
Miss Marina asked you to go.
I command you to go.
I'm seriously displeased
at this breach of etiquette. . .
. . .and shall no doubt express
my displeasure in certain course.
My dear.
I got a solemn word
of warning for you.
What is that, my beloved?
You know what's going to happen?
I'm gonna fall in love with you.
Because I always, always do.
Both times.
So you better watch out.
You better watch out.
Oh, what pretty cherubs
on the ceiling.
Good night, my darling.
Good night.
See you in the morning.
Major Domo!
Stop that infernal din!
How do you expect a man get any sleep?
Morning, sir.
Good gracious.
-Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
My father has sent for me.
Should I go in?
Perhaps better not.
I understand his valets are
having trouble with his shaving.
Promising weather for the coronation,
don't you think?
A pity you can't go into the abbey,
but protocol forbids it.
I understand you'll watch
the procession from the Ritz.
You should have an exceptional view.
Who is accompanying Your Majesty?
The Duke of Strelitz
and, of course, my jailer.
Your jailer?
-Colonel Hoffman.
-Is that you, Nicky?
Yes, Father.
Good morning, Nicky.
I've been thinking things over.
It's better you not have Strelitz
with you this morning.
I do not want
to be alone with Hoffman!
Strelitz is my cousin. I have not
seen him since his abdication.
I know you're fond of him, but--
Dummkopf!. Am I to go to the coronation
looking like a sliced tomato?
Nicky, when in England
we speak only English.
You are merely sulking
because of Wolfstein's arrest.
The issue is too important
for sulking.
What has happened in my country
since last night?
The riots are still continuing.
They appear to be well-organized.
I have had no option but to order
certain further arrests.
Further arrests?
I have the list here, I think.
No friends of yours there, I hope.
I am not allowed to have politicians
for friends, you know that.
Thank you so much, Mr. Northbrook.
I wonder who it is
I have left off this list.
There was a name he was looking for
and relieved to find not there.
Do I see what I saw?
I fear so, sir. Yes.
Why has she not been got rid of?
I understand her sleep was heavy
and resistant to shaking.
She cannot be seen here at this hour.
She will make a scandal!
Suppose the queen sees her like that?
Her sense of comme il faut....
She has as much sense of
comme il faut as a rhinoceros.
Do I gather the evening was not
an entirely happy one?
This British understatement of yours,
I begin to find irritating.
-It was an unqualified nightmare.
-I'm so sorry.
I have only one evening in London.
One single evening to arrange for
myself relaxation. And what happens?
Out of the whole of
this vast, teeming city. . .
. . .teeming with beautiful,
intelligent women. . .
. . .you find me a little
American ninnycompoop.
With respect, sir,
either ninny or nincompoop.
Ninnycompoop will serve.
She fully deserves a new word.
The mind of a backward child,
the muscles of a boxer. . .
. . .an approach to life of such
stomach-turning sentimentality. . .
. . .that I found myself last night
uttering phrases. . .
. . .which had they been overheard would
make me the laughingstock of Europe.
To crown it all, she's rendered
insensible by an amount of vodka. . .
. . .which in Carpathia
you would add to the morning milk. . .
. . .of a 4-year-old child
as a mild tonic.
To think how overjoyed
Lucy Sunningdale would have been. . .
. . .if I had asked her
to have a little supper with me.
I have to remind you,
I think I heard you remark. . .
. . .that you found Lady Sunningdale
old hat.
I have no doubt at all that I did.
Nevertheless, there is
an old Russian saying:
"Better an old hat than a bare head. "
Telephone Lady Sunningdale
and ask her to join me for supper.
But, sir, the coronation ball?
I shall make a token appearance
and leave in good time. About 12:30.
But coronation night,
she may have an engagement.
She will break it.
Good morning.
That's his room in there, isn't it?
I've just got to say good morning.
-Who is that?
-Guess who?
Good morning. Oh, you poor darling!
You've cut yourself.
-It is nothing.
-But you still look lovely to me.
-What's the matter?
-Someone might come in.
This is Times Square. I found out
last night, but who cares?
But this is the morning.
It's different.
What's different about it?
Unless it's you.
I assure you,
I'm exactly the same person.
You're not acting the same.
But this is the morning.
You keep saying that. I remember
last night you kept repeating yourself.
Tell me, my darling grand duke. . .
. . .is it only late at night
that you're such a lonely person. . .
. . .you feel the need to share
your life with a pure woman. . .
. . .whose bright faith,
ennobling love. . . .
Certain phrases should never
be quoted out of context.
I don't know what that means.
Yes, I do.
It means it's the morning.
Doesn't it?
Anyway, to me it's still dream time.
This coronation day, 1911. . .
. . .I woke up to find myself
madly in love with you.
So there.
I'm overwhelmed, but alas,
I feel it my duty to explain--
Don't make another long speech.
Although some last night
made more sense than you know.
You do need more love in your life.
I never met anyone who needed it more.
So now you've got it,
good luck to you.
-Is that all you can say?
-My dear, of course I'm overwhelmed.
But alas, we have
so little time together.
I must leave tomorrow for Carpathia.
Oh, well! As soon as the show
is over, I'll rush right over.
Anyway we still have today,
haven't we?
Well, you see, Miss Marina--
Miss Marina?
It was "beloved" last night.
Well, alas, beloved. . . .
Don't go on saying "alas"
in that phony way.
-Here we go, Times Square!
-We have 7 minutes.
I must get ready. And so, alas--
I'm afraid we must say
our little adieus.
Okay, honey, get into your costume.
I'll be sitting outside the theater.
That's where you came last night.
That's just opposite Admiralty Arch.
So don't forget
to wave to me, will you?
I will remember.
-Could you get me a raincoat?
I can't go down the street this way.
I see your point.
I'll try to find you one. . .
. . .but such things are not easy
to come by in Belgrave Square.
-She can't have stayed all night.
-Where did she stay, then?
Look! Isn't that her at the window?
Elsie! Elsie!
She didn't see us.
-Should we wait?
-We must make her see.
Oh, it's you.
I mean, it's Your-- What are you--?
Oh, Your Majesty.
Good morning.
That was a charming dance.
It's a little routine I have
to practice. I'm an understudy.
Really? Most interesting.
I wonder, Miss Marina. . .
. . .if I might ask you
to do a small favor for me?
Will you ring up a certain
telephone number? This one.
-What could be easier?
-Thank you so much.
Gerard 2-4-5, please.
Not so loud. When you get the number,
ask for the ambassador.
Is the ambassador there?
No, not for me.
It's for the king of Carpathia.
Don't! Spies are everywhere.
Oh, there are?
Excellence. . . .
Thank you so much.
That was most kind.
Think nothing of it, Your Majesty.
You are going to the coronation?
Oh, I'll say.
You must come to mine.
Really? When is that?
Sixteen, eighteen months.
Not sooner than that?
Sooner, Miss Marina?
Yes. I speak German.
I was born in Milwaukee.
You're going to turn
your father out on August 15. . .
. . .and make yourself a real king.
The Bulgarian army's
going down to help you.
It is unfortunate you heard that.
It might prove dangerous for you.
Dangerous? Don't give me that.
I'm an American citizen.
Nobody can do anything to me.
Besides, who cares
about Balkan revolutions?
You have them all the time.
You are going to tell Father,
of course?
Depends if I get the chance.
-I beg of you--
-Excuse me.
Hello, Fanny. Hi, you girls.
-Are you all right?
-Were you worried about me?
I couldn't sleep a wink
so I collected a rescue squad.
I don't need rescuing.
I'm having a lovely time.
Elsie, you're a wicked girl.
No, I'm not. Not yet.
Come down at once.
We're terribly late as it is.
You run ahead. I have to say
my one last goodbye to my regent.
What's he like, Elsie?
He's the cutest grand duke
in the world.
Is he nice?
No, not really, just cute.
Like the ones on-stage?
Not like that at all. He hasn't any
sense of humor and not a bit of charm.
Why do you find him cute, then?
I don't know, I just do.
In fact, I love him so much
I could eat him, just swallow him up.
Don't let anybody get my seat.
Run along, now.
I have a very good sense of humor.
Of course, but it's a Balkan one.
Just as good as ours, but different.
Anyway you shouldn't listen
to private conversations.
Nicky, why are you standing about?
You should be on your way.
Yes, Father.
-What's this?
-A small parting gift.
I was going to present it
with a few words. . .
. . .but you drove them out of my head.
It's beautiful.
With your crest and everything.
It is nothing.
I don't want to say anything. . .
. . .but there must be quite a few
of these worn in Europe these days.
Not Maisie Springfield.
I can't complain after all.
She really earned hers.
Pin it on for me, please.
This is where I wake up, I guess.
I fear so, my dear.
Yes, well, okay.
I guess that's my cue.
It has been wonderful knowing you.
If only it could have lasted longer.
I have said something wrong?
No, you spoke your line beautifully.
It's your medals, they're tickling me.
Why do you say such things?!
You enjoy disconcerting me
and I cannot bear to be disconcerted.
-See that Her Majesty is ready.
-She is ready.
-The car to take the king to the Ritz?
-He already left.
This is all I could find.
It belongs to the housekeeper.
It'll do just fine. Thanks.
Oh, dear, life is rather
sad sometimes, isn't it?
I'm too late now.
I'll never get there on time.
-Oh, gosh!
-Who was that?
Mr. Northbrooke, who was that creature?
-Was it an anarchist?
-No, ma'am.
Then who was it?
A young lady, ma'am, who ...
Miss Elsie Marina.
Fetch her to me.
Her Majesty wishes to speak to you.
Good morning, my dear.
So delightful to see you again.
Why are you dressed up as
a revolutionary? Is this a new game?
If it is, you should have let me know.
I love games.
No ma'am, it's not a game.
Well, take that thing off.
It looks most unbecoming.
Come here, my dear.
Would you have a cigarette.
So soothing before a long ordeal.
-Will you join me?
-No, thank you.
Well, please, sit down.
Oh, Ma'am is probably wondering. . .
. . .why I'm still dressed
the way I was last night.
See, I had a stupid accident
with my latchkey.
-What did she say?
-She said she had an accident with her latchkey.
What is a latchkey?
It doesn't matter.
I'm sure it's something very dull.
Such irritating news, Mr. Northbrooke, this morning.
Maud von und zu Meissenbraun, my chief lady-in-waiting,
claims that she cannot leave her bed.
So I have no option but to take
the Baroness Brunnheim to the abbey.
It is not of cause her fault. . .
. . .but I fear we shall be
very squashed in the carriage.
Je ne sais pas pourqoui
mais les maladies des autres m'embtent toujours,
srtout si elles sont imaginaires,
comme celles de la comtesse.
Vous trouvez a aussi?
Excuse me, ma'am,
I didn't quite catch that.
I don't think Miss Marina
speaks French.
Doesn't speak French?
How ridiculous!
She lives with Sarah Bernhardt
in Paris.
N'est-ce pas, ma petite?
Je suis sre que vous parlez le franais
mieux qu'une franaise
et srtout d'une voix d'or.
You see.
Au sujet des maladies des autres,
c'est La Rochefoucault, n'est-ce pas, qui a dit
dans l'adversit de nos meilleurs amis
nous trouvons quelque chose qui ne nous dplat pas.
Et bien, je vous assure que dans les adversits du monde
je ne trouve jamais rien qui ne me dplat pas infiniment.
Most intelligent.
Reading La Rochefoucauld.
Yes, indeed, ma'am.
I better warn the regent that we're
leaving soon, if you'll excuse me.
Isn't that an evening dress?
Yes, as I was trying to explain--
Most suitable.
Lottie, my jewelry box.
Just turn around, my dear,
and lower yourself.
Yes, that is very possible.
I think we need something else.
Yes. Just turn around again,
will you. . .
. . .and lower yourself again?
Oh, what's happening?
Is this a game?
You said something?
Ask ma'am if this is a game.
She wants to know, is this a game?
Lottie, put your cape on her,
would you?
What's happening? Tell me.
Lottie, will you be disappointed?
On the contrary, ma'am.
As you know, I always have been
a little nervous of long ceremonies.
Good, then lend her your gloves
and arrange your veil on her.
What's happening? Tell me.
I'm appointing you my lady-in-waiting
for the day. . .
. . .and I'm taking you to the abbey.
Ma'am, you can't!
If someone would recognize me,
I'd be arrested.
Arrest my lady-in-waiting?
That's such an imbecility.
Where will I sit? What will I do?
You just do what is obvious and sit
where Mr. Northbrook tells you.
You still look rather bare.
I know, you need an order.
Lottie, go and fetch the ambassador.
-My dear.
Such fun, how you will laugh.
We are taking Miss Marina to the abbey.
Oh, are we?
But I need an order for her, my dear.
Dear ambassador.
Fetch me that mauve order, the one
the regent gave the foreign secretary.
-Which one are you wearing?
The purple one. No, the mauve one
is much more fetching.
Slim and pretty. We'll be
comfortable in the carriage.
Hand it to the regent.
You realize that this order
is only given. . .
. . .for a very special service
to the head of the state?
Such hairsplitting? No doubt
she will do you one some day.
Take your cape off.
Kneel down.
I hereby invest you. . .
. . .with the Royal Carpathian
Order of Perseverance.
Second class.
Come, my dear.
And I hereby return you this.
After all, we're not parting
quite yet, my darling Grand Duke.
-It's a shame.
-She'll hate us.
Be quiet.
We can't spoil such a lovely day
by worrying about that girl.
I'm afraid Miss America
has missed the boat.
Oh, cheer up, Fanny.
It's her own fault.
It's a shame, she's going
to hate missing all this.
Oh, isn't this wonderful?
Most impressive.
The soldiers facing
the procession too.
Such a change from our last
coronation in Bessarabia.
Shots going off like bombs and the sky
black with infernal machines.
Happily, no fatalities,
except in the crowd.
But it all left a very bad impression.
This must be His Grand Duke now.
-It's your moment, Maisie.
-Elsie will never get over this.
It's her. I promise you, it's her.
It's Elsie Marina, Miss Springfield,
with the regent of Carpathia!
Absurd! Such things do not happen.
You haven't seen an old raincoat,
have you?
Okay, forget it.
Another one.
Hi, there.
Good afternoon, Miss Marina.
Don't look so anxious.
I don't tell tales.
Oh, that is good of you.
I'm so very grateful.
Still, that doesn't mean that I don't
think you're a very naughty boy.
Indeed? To me and to many
of my countrymen. . .
. . .it is my father who is
the naughty boy.
Yes, but you're only 16,
whereas he is--
Well, he says 40,
but I'd make a rough guess at. . .
. . .45.
-Can't you wait till you're grown up?
-Miss Marina.
I can see that you are
a very kind and good person.
-But in matters of this nature--
I wish to speak with you.
No, do not go, Miss Marina.
This concerns you too.
The phone operator reported
to Hoffman. . .
. . .that you talked with
the German ambassador.
-That is true?
-After Miss Marina got the number.
-She didn't know the number.
-You passed a message, didn't you?
-Your operator will tell you.
-She doesn't speak German.
-I know. I found that out.
Will you tell me the message, Nicky?
Isn't it nice that it was
such a fine day for the coronation?
You will go to your room.
Hoffman will visit you there.
Of course, there is no question
of your going to the ball tonight.
I prefer not to keep company
with traitors.
Miss Marina.
I say this with sincerity.
It has been a real pleasure.
What am I to do with such a boy?
If you were asking me
that question seriously. . .
. . .I'd answer,
but since you're not--
But I am asking you, although I know
what the answer's going to be.
Something about his not having
enough love in his life.
Not such a bad guess.
Such sentimental idiocy.
Why do you always swear in German?
Because the Germans have
the best oaths.
And the best machine guns.
Yes, I suppose "Cross,
thunder weather yet again" . . .
. . .wouldn't sound nearly so fierce.
Oh, well.
I guess there's nothing left for me
to do but to take off my finery. . .
. . .and slip quietly
out of your life forever.
I said, I guess there's nothing left--
No, before that. You translated.
Do you speak German?
-Then you heard his message?
But I won't tell you what it was,
so don't excite yourself too much.
Don't you look cute
when you're fierce.
You are in possession of some
very dangerous information, and l--
Now, don't put the screws
on me, darling.
If only you could understand.
You can't whittle me either.
Well done, that's the best yet!
Don't swear anymore,
you'll run out of oaths.
I won't tell you, and that's that.
But I will tell you the treatment
of your son just now was bad policy.
Good policy, I suppose,
would be to kiss him and say:
"Let bygones be bygones.
Dear child, come to the ball. "
Who is Nicky more likely
to tell his plot to?
That nasty Colonel Hoffman
giving him the dickens in his room. . .
. . .or his prince of a beautiful
father taking him to the ball?
Don't call me by these names.
It's grotesque.
Darling, I may call you
by other names one day. . .
. . .but for now, you'll have to
forgive the language of love.
I'm ready for my goodbye kiss.
-Is that all I get?
-The way I feel, even this is too much.
Tell the king to come and see me.
What about my parting present?
Pin it on, please.
Now, say to me what you said to me
this morning.
If I do, you'll laugh at me again
and say my epaulets are scratching. . .
. . .and I shall be disconcerted again.
Take the risk.
It has been wonderful knowing you.
If only it could have lasted longer.
Thank you, my darling.
His Majesty.
Sit down, Nicky.
This German embassy affair
has made me most unhappy.
I have always known that
we did not see eye to eye on policy.
But that my son should
conspire against me. . .
. . .has been a most
bitter shock, you know?
I wonder if you realize how easy it is
to break a father's heart?
If you mean your heart, Father,
I don't.
Perhaps that is because I don't
wear my heart on my sleeve.
Some people prefer to keep
their feelings bottled up, and l--
It may be I am
at fault in that way.
I don't want to say any more about it.
I have decided to let
bygones be bygones.
And in spite of everything,
you may come to the ball.
Thank you, but I don't think
I want to. I'd rather go to bed.
Oh, but sir, you must go to the ball.
It's going to be the most
beautiful ball ever.
-Fabulous uniforms and decorations--
-I would've come.
But Grandmother isn't going
because she's tired.
And I won't know anyone.
And I won't have anyone to dance with.
-Invite someone.
-Invite someone?
-I can arrange it.
-You mean anybody?
-Yes, anybody!
-Miss Marina?
Will you accompany me
to the coronation ball tonight?
I shall be very happy to obey
Your Majesty's command.
That is good! Then I shall come
in person to collect you. . .
. . .at your theater at 11:00.
That would be nice. Say. . .
. . .would your grandmother mind if--?
No. I'll bring them for you.
She'll just say, "Such fun. "
And I'll borrow one of her tiaras
for you too.
If they can see me leave the theater
in a tiara. . .
. . .they can darn well see me arrive
in an evening gown.
I'll find you another order. The one
you're wearing is not first-class.
Well, I wasn't going to
say anything. . .
. . .but if you really think. . . .
See you at the ball.
Dear Lucy.
You don't know how many engagements
I broke for your sake tonight.
Some that I wouldn't break
for any other man in the world.
So kind.
You'll really come
to the embassy at about 12:30?
I've arranged a little supper.
At your command, I'd come
to the end of the earth.
Belgrave Square is fortunately
not so far. Here's your escort.
If Your Grand Ducal Highness permits.
Not at all. I envy you, old boy!
-I can't find them, sir.
You should not let them
out of sight for a moment.
With such a girl like that,
anything can happen. Anything.
You search that way,
I will search this way.
For the settled peace
of the kingdom, signed. . .
. . .Nicolas Vlll?
Just Nicolas.
Okay, Nicky.
Well, it seems
reasonable enough to me.
If only your father
were a reasonable man!
Excuse me, please.
Pardon me.
I promise to do everything I can.
It'll be wonderful
to have a dance with him.
Hello, there!
We've been looking all over for you.
Indeed? And I've been
looking for you.
Well, can you beat that?
I feel sure that you should like
to have a dance with Miss Marina.
I should be charmed.
Would you care for a refreshment?
-What a sweet boy he is.
-My son.
Far too grown-up.
I guess that's due to his upbringing.
Wouldn't it be good
if you and him made it up?
For your country and for
European peace and all that.
These things are not so easy.
With a little give and take,
it might not be so hard.
-I know what his conditions would be.
He wants a motorcycle
and he wants to be allowed. . .
. . .to ride it anywhere in Carpathia.
It seems reasonable enough to me.
Let's see, what else did he want?
Oh, I remember.
He wants a general election.
I knew you'd say that.
Still, I don't know why you object.
General elections are good things.
They're democratic.
You're very pretty, but think twice
before entering the political arena.
The role of Madame de Pompadour
may be a little beyond your range.
And your range is so charming
as it is. Do you reverse?
Just try me.
It is time for Nicky to go home. . .
. . .and it is time for me
to say goodbye to you.
-Is it?
-I fear so, my dear.
-What about my brooch?
-It will be sent on to you.
Don't bother,
I could stop by and get it.
Of course, by all means.
Conduct His Majesty to the embassy
and Miss Marina to Brixton.
Now, my dear, it really is goodbye.
I thank you for
your little services to us. . .
. . .and I wish you
much happiness and success.
Oh, Your Grand Ducal. . .
. . .it's been a great, great--
Good night, Nicky. I'll take
my carriage in 10 minutes.
They went for a ride on a bus?
A public bus?
A number 57.
-This may mean a scandal, Northbrook.
You followed this bus
as far as Victoria Station?
And as they walked
from there to the embassy.
They walked--
She's here in the building?
-They are in the steward's room.
-Doing what?
She's teaching him an American
dance called a fox trot.
Your valet Franz is playing for them
with two others of the household.
In ragtime.
Exactly, sir.
Lady Sunningdale is late.
Only a few minutes.
Her unpunctuality used to be
her most irritating characteristic.
I had hoped she might
have grown out of it by now.
She has had, after all, time.
Oh, supper! How lovely.
How thoughtful of you, darling.
I'll run down and say good night
to Nicky. I'll be right back.
Come, come, sir. All that
is needed is a little firmness.
You should say that the supper
is not for her, but another guest.
That is your considered suggestion
for surmounting this crisis?
Yes, sir, it is.
I can only say that I now fully
understand why the Foreign Office. . .
. . .always makes a mess of its relations
with the State Department.
We're not here dealing with a
civilized adult, but an unruly child.
Do you think I am anxious
to have supper for three?
I'm sorry, sir.
I had not considered that aspect.
The best policy then
would be for me. . .
. . .to intercept Lady Sunningdale
on arrival. . .
. . .and escort her to the music room.
There, I can have another table laid.
Two suppers I am to eat?
I see no alternative.
But how am I to leave this one?
That is the crux.
After Lady Sunningdale arrives,
I'll come up and announce. . .
. . .that the ambassador urgently
requires your presence. . .
. . .and that your business
will last at least an hour.
You will then say goodbye
to Miss Marina for the last time.
I should be here.
No harm will come to you.
Leave her for me to escort to Brixton.
An hour is hopeless.
You had better say all night.
Only so will your plan have
a chance of success.
-Well, here I am.
-You may leave us, Northbrook.
Very well, sir.
He doesn't do that
half as well as me, does he?
-Thank you.
-That is too much.
-You can take that, surely.
Too fast. I wanted to make you a
toast. You'll have to have some more.
Not so much, please.
Don't spoil my illusions of you.
What are your illusions of me?
Your capacity for vodka
is certainly one of them.
Here's to more love
in everybody's life.
Well, I have a little document here.
Shall I read it?
"Manifesto to my faithful subjects.
I, Nicolas Vlll, king. . .
. . .do hereby reject utterly
the overtures. . .
. . .lately made to me
by certain persons. . .
. . .that I assume the powers of
government before the appointed time.
I do hereby adjure
all citizens of the realm. . .
. . .to unite loyally
and wholeheartedly. . .
. . .under the regency of my father,
the Grand Duke Charles. . .
. . .for the settled peace
of the kingdom. Signed, Nicolas. "
But it isn't signed "Nicolas" at all.
Of course not, darling.
You have those little conditions
to agree to first.
Give and take, darling.
Give and take.
That's right. That will help you
see it in the best possible light.
Do you not see that. . .
. . .a general election would put
the Kaiser's party in power. . .
. . .and there will be a war
in Europe in 6 months?
I don't see how you can be so sure.
What if your party wins?
That's the thing about elections.
You never know who will win.
"The overtures lately made to me
by certain persons. "
You do not realize
what you're making the boy sign.
Yes, darling. A manifesto.
A confession.
An abject confession by my son
that the Kaiser plotted with him. . .
. . .to overturn the constitution
and destroy me!
-Another vodka.
-No, thank you.
A little one.
-Something to eat?
-No, thank you. I'm not hungry.
The timing of events will have
to be most carefully considered.
I hold the initiative now.
I must not lose it.
Well, I don't see,
with your fine brain. . .
. . .and wonderful grasp
of situations. . .
. . .how you could ever lose anything
so little as. . .
. . .an initiative.
Wouldn't you be more comfortable
with your feet up?
No, thank you.
No, thank you.
I have it!
I will give this manifesto
to the press of the entire world.
That will proclaim Wolfstein's guilt
and explain why I put him in jail.
It will answer those
stupid American protests.
I mean, it will satisfy
democratic opinion.
That's wonderful!
Here lies the key of the plan.
I will be most magnanimous.
Having established Wolfstein's guilt
to the world, I will release him.
So will I make him look
the perfect fool. . .
. . .and I will look to the world
as the true freedom-loving democrat.
And so will I win my election
by a landslide.
Brilliant, brilliant!
Quite, quite brilliant.
I can see they don't call you the Fox
of the Balkans for nothing, do they?
Am I called so?
Didn't you know it?
The Fox of the Balkan.
And you look so like a fox
with those eyebrows.
Like a sleek, dangerous animal.
But such a lonely one.
Oh, my child.
It is my lot to be lonely.
But must it always be so?
It must. It must.
Darling, if you could only under--
Where is that music coming from?
Never mind, darling.
It must be that Hungarian.
You told me he played every night.
Oh, yes, every night.
Never mind, my darling.
Ah, my child.
If only you knew how I longed
for that kind of freedom.
My sweet.
Go on with what you were saying.
What does it matter? What are words?
What are words where deeds
can say so much more?
Not that again, darling. Can't you
think of something else to say?
I didn't quite catch that.
I love you.
I love you.
Oh, gosh, Your Grand Ducal Highness,
how I love you!
Northbrook, you're overstepping
your bounds! How dare you?
But the ambassador has arrived,
if you know what I mean.
Do not argue with me.
Leave the room at once.
You're lucky I'm not calling
the foreign secretary!
From Lady Sunningdale.
Mr. Northbrook.
Good morning, sir.
Is my father quite well?
I've heard nothing
to the contrary. Why?
He has just. . .
. . .embraced me!
He's surely done that often before.
In public, of course.
But this was in private.
In his bedroom, with only
his valets to see it.
And he called me his darling boy.
How nice.
It is most suspicious.
He was asking too
the most extraordinary. . .
. . .not to say embarrassing, questions.
Was I not sometimes very lonely?
Had he not always been
a good father to me?
Did I not sometimes feel
the lack of love in my life?
Mr. Northbrook, my father asked me. . .
. . .if I felt
the lack of love in my life.
Yes, sir, I heard you.
You are not surprised?
You have heard something
already perhaps?
Is there cause for concern?
Let me tell you. . .
. . .I strongly suspect some Foreign
Office hocus-pocus in all this.
The Foreign Office never
resorts to hocus-pocus.
You are doubtless thinking
of the Wilhelm Strasse.
Good morning, Northbrook.
Punctual as usual, I see. Splendid.
How handsome you look
in that uniform of yours.
And yesterday too. I meant to say
something, but it slipped my mind.
And Nicky, my darling boy.
-Yes, Father?
-Nothing, just my darling boy.
Careful, Franz.
You better get ready.
We leave in five minutes.
Yes, Father.
Give me a kiss, Nicky.
Another kiss?
Why not?
One can overdo it.
Fathers should kiss their sons.
When they are children, not--
Nicky, come and give me
a kiss this instant!
Well, Northbrook. . . .
-Well, well, well.
-Well, well, indeed, sir.
-Wonderful morning, is it not?
-Wonderful, sir.
I have a letter for your Grand Ducal
Highness of a private nature.
Oh, dear.
You know, Northbrook, what I think
is the trouble with Lady Sunningdale?
She has not enough love
in her life, sir?
Too much. One should keep
a balance in these things.
Now, I have one or two commissions
for you to perform after we leave.
First, a special passport must be
obtained for a journey to Carpathia. . .
. . .made out in the name
of Miss Elsa Stolzenburg.
Citizeness of the United States.
Profession, actress.
Stage name, Miss Elsie Marina.
I was beginning to wonder.
Second, a special coach must be
attached to the Orient Express.
A French chef must board at Ostend.
Bowers of flowers
in the saloons and bedroom.
You will attend to
these petty details yourself.
Now for the journey. She may require
dresses, furs, personal ornaments.
You will see to it that in that
respect she is given carte blanche.
Carte quite blanche, sir?
As blanche as she cares to make it.
-That was myself speaking?
-It was, sir.
I suppose it cannot be helped.
Dispose of this, please.
-Father is still dressing?
-Just finishing.
Thank goodness. You will
be seeing Miss Marina soon?
Quite possible.
Good. Say goodbye to her for me
and give her this small parting gift.
Also this photograph.
Tell her I enjoyed myself
last night immensely.
-And thank her most gratefully.
-I will, sir.
-Mr. Northbrook.
Has he kissed you too?
Not yet.
I should not be too confident,
Mr. Northbrook.
-Playing with fire?
Good morning, Miss Marina.
Yes, I am.
That's a sport you should leave to me.
It was a lovely sunrise
this morning, wasn't it?
I doubt if I paid it quite
the same attention as you have.
You might have taken cold.
Were you out there long?
Almost all night.
I didn't want to go back to Brixton.
I wanted to see them off.
Weren't thinking
of going to the station?
I see.
These are with the king's compliments
and his thanks for last night.
He says it was the pleasantest evening
he ever spent in his life.
How sweet.
He signed it too.
The Royal Carpathian Arms.
Well, wouldn't you know it?
I shall await Your Grand
Ducal Highness in the hall.
I won't say goodbye. We shall
be seeing a lot of each other. . .
. . .what with passports
and other things.
That was intended to be a surprise.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I wouldn't
have spoilt it for the world.
Good morning.
Good morning.
My dear.
I have been making
such a spectacle of myself today.
Behaving like a schoolboy
and what is so surprising, loving it.
Oh, dear.
This morning it's up to me
to be the grown-up one, isn't it?
It's hard for you to remember,
I suppose sometimes.
You're quite an important man,
aren't you?
I rule a small country
which is not my own. . .
. . .for which I have some loyalty
but no feeling.
I rule it as well as I can.
No better and no worse
than any other man in my place.
Is that so important?
-They say it is.
-They? Who are they?
Last night one man said:
"You wouldn't think it
to look at him. . .
. . .but there goes the best
political brain in Europe. "
Would not think it--?
But, my darling, in 18 months
I shall surrender my power to Nicky.
I shall then be a free citizen.
In 18 months I'm free of
my contract with George Edwards.
So there we are, aren't we?
My dear child.
You do not realize. . .
. . .what can happen
in this world in 18 months.
Yes, I think I do.
I really think I do.
This is goodbye then?
Au revoir.
Au revoir, of course.
Could I have
my parting present now, please?
But it is real.
Of course it is, my darling.
I just want to remember
which one it is.
Pin it on for me, please.
Poor darling, do you feel
so terribly disconcerted?
I do.
Childishness isn't all fun, is it?
Good morning.
How good of you to be here so early.
Is it not, Charles?
My dear, such a night.
Not a wink of sleep.
Some drunkard fiddling
in the corridor for hours. . .
. . .and the night before too.
I didn't dare stop him, he might have
been an anarchist or a republican.
One never knows nowadays.
So disturbing.
My dear, why do you always wear white?
Because I think it suits me, ma'am.
Yes, but not all the time.
You're imitating the divine
Sarah Bernhardt no doubt.
But even she, I am told,
changes her dress occasionally.
Here is a little brooch for you. . .
. . .with the Carpathian arms on it.
Thank you. How kind of you.
And here is a photograph for you too.
Let me see now.
Yes, I have signed it.
Thank you, ma'am.
You may kiss me, my dear.
Mr. Northbrook, you will come
to the station with us?
Of course. The king has already left
with the ambassador.
There's a motor to take her
where she wishes?
Of course, sir.
Yes, I do think just a little variety
of the costume, my dear.
Nothing exaggerated, of course.
Simply from time to time,
an ordinary little day dress.
Such fun it has been. Goodbye.
Goodbye, ma'am.
Send me a photograph.
Address it to the theater.
Sign it.