The Prince (2014)

- Thanks, man.
- Thank you, pal.
Hey, you.
Hi, Dad.
Where are you?
You're not home.
No, I'm at my friend's house.
I'm calling from my phone, so...
How... how is everything?
Good. Good. Things are good.
Just, you know, I'm tired and...
I bet.
A lot of work.
A lot of books.
Taste of Chicago, hot delivery.
Uh, want a bite? You want a bite.
- Oh, my God.
- One little bite.
I miss that place so much.
Stop, stop.
I'm picking you up from the airport.
We're going right there when
you come in the weekend.
Finals? Good, bad, what?
They were fine. Nothing too intense.
But, um... It was... it was good.
What's the matter?
No, what? What do you mean?
Oh, nothing, I...
I, um, just a little, uh...
you seem a little down.
I don't know, maybe I'm
getting the flu or something.
- I don't know.
- What the fuck are you doing?
I... I gotta go. I...
I have an exam tomorrow,
and, um, I should go.
Yeah, I don't want to
keep you from studying.
I... I can't wait for next weekend.
Me, too.
Miss you.
I miss you.
Take care.
Hey, uh, who's... Wh-who's this?
Who's this?
You're the one calling me.
I'm, uh, Beth's father.
I'm looking for Beth. Is she there?
Shit, this ain't even my phone.
Hi, you've reached Beth.
You know what to do.
Hey, Beth, it's dad.
Um... I just called your phone,
and, uh, I don't know,
some guy answered it.
He didn't seem to know who
you were, so I wond...
I... did you lose your
phone or something?
But, uh, if you did,
you're probably not getting this.
Anyway, uh, give me a call.
Also, yeah, I got a, uh...
a notice from school
about something,
but I'll... you know,
we'll talk about it, um...
Just call me.
All right, bye-bye.
Hey, it's Dad.
Just calling again.
Don't want to bother you, just, um...
I don't know, just give me a call.
Westwood Palms.
Yes, this is Paul Brennan.
Uh, my daughter is Beth Brennan.
I called earlier and I
talked to a, uh... a Justin.
Uh, he was gonna go check on her.
Um, I've been trying to call.
There's no answer.
Doesn't look like anybody's
been there for a while.
Thank you.
- There you go.
- Okay.
Let me, uh... let me
ask you something.
You see either of these...
Two girls here tonight?
Couldn't tell you, man.
After a while,
they all look the same.
Excuse me, uh, I'm wondering if
you could help me for a second.
Whatcha drinkin'?
No, no, I just, uh...
I-I-I'm looking for my daughter...
In the stripes.
Well, like the sign says,
you want a beer or a shot of whisky?
No, no, I just...
Have you seen either of
these girls here tonight?
All right, here it is.
It's gonna be $4.00.
How 'bout this?
You just take this 20, look at the
picture, and give me an answer.
Sorry, buddy, haven't seen either of
them tonight. Good luck with that.
Can I have a water, please?
Thank you.
Here you go.
Thank you.
And I won't have to lose it.
Don't be aggressive.
- Go to the next bar.
- Yeah.
Let's go. That'd be nice.
Excuse me.
Not interested.
Just give me a second.
Miss, I'm... I'm Beth's father.
- Really?
- Nick, uh, it's okay.
Where'd you get this?
From her apartment,
which I've been calling for a week,
and there's no answer,
so I'm just wondering...
Oh, so you've been
going though her stuff.
Well, I'm worried about her.
I don't know where she is.
- Can we get out of here?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, this place sucks.
- Yeah.
Let me ask you one thing...
- Hey, wait!
- Hey!
Let go of her, asshole!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey! That's enough!
That's enough. Everybody...
Hey, hey! Come on!
Can you help me? Just five minutes.
That's all.
Uh, hey, you guys go ahead.
I'm gonna meet up with you later.
This is such bullshit.
- I said I'll meet up with you later.
- Whatever.
Are you all right?
I'm fine.
Just a few questions.
I already told you,
I don't know where she is.
You're her friend, right?
So you know her. You have some ideas.
Anything, where she... I... I...
Five minutes. Give me five minutes.
I'm hungry.
So you haven't heard from her.
People change. We're in college.
We have lots of distractions.
It's real...
I understand that, I understand that.
It's just I don't know where she is.
That's never been the case before.
You're her friend, you're telling
me you don't know where she is.
So... any help you can give me.
I'm not a bad person.
Okay, I do what any other
person my age does.
I like to go out. I like to party.
I like to have a good time.
I work hard. Beth?
She doesn't go to school anymore.
She... is doing shit
that I'm not into.
- What does that mean?
- I don't know.
You do know, you said...
what does that mean?
So, a month ago,
we went to New Orleans,
and ended up meeting
this guy named Eddie.
Thinks he's this bad-ass because
he's got drugs everywhere,
and everyone here probably knows him,
'cause they go to him
to get some shit.
But... she fell for
it and fell for him.
She said she was gonna
go down last week
and that she'd be back Sunday,
and I haven't heard from her.
- Do you know this guy?
- Everybody knows this guy.
Yeah, but do you...
do you know where he works?
Do you know where he lives? Do you know
where he deals? Any of those things?
I told you, New Orleans.
Are you not listening?
New Orleans is a big city. Do you
know where you can find him?
I'm... yeah. I know
people that know him.
Can you drive me down there
right now? I'll give you some money.
Um, I don't know if you can
tell I'm really drunk.
- I'll drive your car.
- I cannot drive.
I'll give you $500. We drive down.
Just point out where he lives.
It doesn't matter, whenever we
get there. You can go right back.
- That's all I'm asking.
- Wait, can you just go back a second?
- You'll...
- Did you say $500?
- Are you messing with me?
- No.
- I mean, it's the middle of the night.
- Now.
Thank you. Check!
Can I ask you something?
- Yeah.
- If you're so worried about Beth,
why wouldn't you just call the cops?
Because they wouldn't even
do anything for 48 hours...
Unless I reported her missing.
And even then, they're not
gonna give it any priority.
They'd just assume she's
some teen who ran away.
Which she kind of has,
if you think about it.
Not the Beth I know.
How many Beths do
you think there are?
You know what I think?
I think this whole
thing's your fault.
You're the stereotype.
You're like one of those
hard-ass parents that...
Just doesn't get it.
It's like the more you keep
someone from doing something,
they more they want to try it.
So, uh, your suggestion is that I...
I should encourage her more
to get drunk and stoned
and maybe participate in that.
Is that what your dad did?
No, that is not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is that you should
just let her be a teenager.
You know, it's natural
to experience things.
And, from what I heard,
you kept her on lockdown
and you barely let her
out of the house.
What'd you expect?
Is that what she said?
Come on. Uhh! Come on,
you can't keep a kid locked up,
because then they finally get
out there in the real world,
and they start experiencing all the
shit that they've been missing,
and then they go crazy.
You know, it's like they're
trying to make up for lost time.
You are so annoying.
You think this Eddie
character will be in there?
It's where we met him.
When we get in there, I want you
to keep a little distance from me.
In this city, it's gonna
be better off for you
if people don't realize
we're together.
What are you talking about?
Just trust me on that.
So I'm just gonna go find a
quiet little corner to sit in.
Spend a few minutes out here,
and then follow me and...
Just do whatever you normally do.
You see this Eddie guy,
just let me know somehow.
Just... try and tell me about it,
but don't be real obvious, okay?
You wanna dance?
Is he here?
Come on.
I swear, no one will
know we're together.
Just some creepy old
man and his young girl.
Is he here?
What do you want?
I'm just trying to have some fun.
Oh, I feel so good right now.
You should try it sometime.
I know a place we could go.
Like this?
Mm... yeah.
It's like the only place that's open.
- Would you slow down, man?
- How far away is this place?
I don't know, it's like
right down the strip.
- Like 10 or 15 minutes.
- Come on, please.
Let's go. Come on.
Wait, wait, wait.
Did you see that guy
in the camo vest?
- Come on, bring the girls, dude.
- That him?
No, but I've seen
them hang out a lot.
- All right, cool.
- Wait here.
Hey, man, right up here. I'm there.
Hey... I'm, uh, looking for Eddie.
Do I know you?
Just tell me where he is,
I... I have something for him.
If you did, you'd know
where to find him.
Get the fuck out of here.
- Not until you tell me where he is.
- You just fucked yourself, buddy.
Get him!
Back off!
If I ever see you here again,
you're a dead man.
Crazy motherfucker.
You're not going anywhere.
Fine by me.
We can do this all day
long for all I care.
Holy shit, what was that?
Are you okay?
Find his number. Find his number.
Send him a text, ask him where he is.
Well, what if I don't hear
back from him for hours?
That's why you need me.
Wait, wait a minute.
What the fuck was that?
What the fuck just happened?
Ohh! Can you take me home?
I wanna go home.
We're going to a place right up
here where you can crash for a bit.
You gotta come down.
Okay, on a scale of one to 10...
10 being, I don't know,
the Sistine chapel,
and one being a steaming
pile of shit...
how nice are we talking?
Probably a three.
Three? That's like...
that's like two steps away from shit!
Can you walk?
Seriously, are we staying here?
Oh my... you know, there's
places that aren't too expensive
that actually wash
their sheets, right?
Not today. We're here.
I know people. I can get
us a room somewhere.
Oh, I'm sure you do. We have a room.
Okay, now that we're all settled in,
- do you want to tell me what's going on?
- We're getting some sleep.
That's not what I'm talking about.
You don't go to the cops.
You don't want to be seen together.
You take me to this shit hole
in the middle of nowhere.
You beat those guys
like it was nothing.
I need some answers.
You're in no condition to
have any answers right now.
- Let's just get some sleep.
- It's fine.
I'm just tired.
Thank you, Beth's dad.
Ohh, can you just drive
me home, please?
I can't believe I got myself
into this shit. Oh, my God.
I have the worst headache ever.
This is ridiculous.
I'm just so tired.
Will you drive me home?
This is not what I signed up for.
I don't know why you won't
let me just, like, text the guy.
I go and I party there all the time.
Like, we could stay
in a really nice place...
clean beds and hot showers and...
I'm sorry.
Who are you?
Beth's dad.
Did this hurt?
Does it still hurt?
A bit.
How did she die?
Beth never really talked about it.
She mentioned you.
She missed you.
Well, I bet you helped her
with that homesickness, huh?
Introduced her to
all the right people?
Like the ones who'll
give you a line of blow
for a favor in the most
convenient bathroom stall?
I bring my own to the party.
Is that him?
He's at some bar called Excite.
He's sitting at a table
on the second floor.
You can't miss him...
he's sandwiched between two girls.
What's this?
It's not enough?
You want me to leave?
We had an arrangement.
But... What about Beth?
I didn't come all
this way to not know.
I need you to leave.
Ohh, fuck!
Black jack, Mr. Riley?
Yeah, that's good, Carl. Thanks.
Anything else I can get you?
No, that's good. Leave the bottle.
Son of a bitch.
Bring another glass.
You got it, boss.
Do you mind if I take a seat?
Excuse me?
Mind if I sit down?
Who the fuck are you?
I'm looking for my daughter.
Her name is Beth.
Beth Brennan.
Sorry, man. Never heard of her.
But, uh, there is a club
across the street,
and she's probably spinning
around on a pole right now.
So fuck off.
Ladies, please excuse
us for a moment.
They're not going anywhere.
Only one that's leaving is you.
Seriously. Who does this
fuckin' guy think he is?
I have no interest whatsoever
in what your business is.
I don't even care how
you know my daughter.
In fact, the less we
know about each other,
the better off you're gonna be.
But I wanna know, and I need
to know, where she is now.
And neither of us are leaving
this table until you tell me.
Is that a fact?
Hey, why don't you girls, uh...
take off, huh?
- What the fuck, man?
- Shut up, Eddie.
Come on, let's go!
I hope you can find it in your heart
to forgive my young friend here.
You know how kids are these days.
Just spouting off, shooting off their
mouth when they don't know shit.
He's not a bad kid.
He's a good kid, basically,
and I'd like to see him
live a little longer.
You don't recognize me, do you?
No, I can't say I do.
I was at Stuart's the night
you took down seven people.
I'd never seen anything like it.
There was guns firing
all over the place.
Every time we'd shoot, we'd miss,
like you made out of...
air or something.
Like a ghost.
And then the bodies started
hitting the ground.
Seven of them, falling all around me.
I fell, too, but I wasn't hit.
Not yet.
You don't remember this?
You started walking across the room
to me, stepping over the bodies,
coming right for me,
like you could...
Smell that there was still
somebody alive in the room.
You put your gun right up to my head.
I waited for you to pull the trigger.
Closed my eyes.
That gunshot never came.
By the time I had the guts to
open my eyes, you were long gone.
Well... I used to drink back then.
Well, maybe you let me live
so that, 20 years later,
we'd be sitting in a bar,
and I could tell my nephew
to tell you whatever you wanna know.
I don't know where
she is, man, I swear.
We went out a few times.
She started getting into harder stuff...
heroin... but I don't do that shit.
It's not what I do.
Where is she?
Last I knew, she was
with The Pharmacy.
You left her at a pharmacy?
The Pharmacy is a scumbag drug
dealer named Tony Martinez.
Yeah, he works out of a
warehouse on the east side.
23rd and Atlantic.
I'd appreciate...
That you don't talk about
this conversation.
You have my word.
Oh... Stuart's...
I ran out of ammo.
Oh, that guy gives
me the creeps, man.
Beth's my friend, all right?
I'm not just gonna get in
the car and turn around.
What part didn't you
understand about?
Aren't you glad I'm here?
- I'm driving.
- What would you have done?
I'm driving.
Move over.
- Are you gonna take a taxi?
- Let's go.
Go, go.
Come on. Let's go.
Remind me again who this guy is.
Former boxer, been talking
behind your back.
Making himself appear like...
Somebody connected to you.
I heard local vice has taken
a vested interest in him.
Donny Musical.
How could you forget that name?
Everybody says you're a real punk.
Now you've been making
problems for me...
My family.
My family and my friends,
you make promises you can't keep.
Borrow money you can't repay.
Down here... You can't
get away with that shit.
Don't say anything just yet.
You can do all this bullshit
posturing in L.A. and New York,
but you can't do it down here.
Not in my city.
You think that's gonna
impress anybody?
Donny... nothing is more important
than your name.
And you've been using mine.
You cheated me...
you went behind my back
and took something that
didn't belong to you, Donny.
I'm not gonna forgive you.
Only God forgives.
Bye-bye, Donny.
It's definitely him.
It's been 20 years since
he's been seen in the city.
How can you be so sure?
O'Reilly took special interest as
soon as he walked in the door.
You bring him to me.
Now, do you understand?
We're tailing him now.
Boss, I know you don't
want to hear this,
but you pay me a lot of money
to give you honest counsel.
Let this one go.
Let what go?
What are you talking about?
Think I can let it go?
You get some people... now.
The best people you can get.
If The Prince is here...
Bring him to me.
Get up as close to him as you can.
So, Beth's dad...
Where are we going?
I'm taking you home.
You're gonna go to
the train station...
- I don't...
- ...'Cause that's best for everybody.
I don't want to go.
I am not going.
Pull over!
You're okay.
Stay down.
Stay in the car.
Who you working for?
Fuck you.
Who you working for?
Who fuckin' sent you?
- Open up, open up!
- No. No.
There you go.
Who... sent you?
I'm gonna blow your fuckin' eyes
out right now. Who sent you?
Well, you tell fuckin' Omar
that I'm passing through,
and he better fuckin'
let me pass through.
You remember that?
Wilson's dead.
Joe's in the hospital, but it doesn't
look like he's gonna make it.
I told you to put your
best people on it.
We can do that, but we
don't have much to go on.
The guys at the bar aren't talking.
He's here looking
for a girl, an addict.
That's all we know.
I don't care what it takes.
I feel like I would be remiss...
If I did not reiterate my position.
Your position?
People that have limbs
that are amputated
still feel the pain in that limb,
even though it's not there.
That's the pain that I feel.
Every time I look, I mean...
I see his face.
I feel that pain, and I see
him looking back at me.
We have a chance to get him.
Right now.
Let's go get him.
Just take a breath.
You're gonna be okay.
How the fuck am I
supposed to be okay?
I just...
Just watched you kill someone.
One second, I'm at a college party.
The next second, I'm in New
Orleans, getting shot at.
I need some answers!
Why are they after you? Why?
- What do you want?
- Who are they?
What do you have in here?
What do you want?
- What do you want?
- I don't want anything!
You want some pills?
You want some pot?
- Want some booze?
- No, I want the truth!
- Want some pot? What do you want?
- Look at me! Look at me!
You owe this to me!
- Will you be quiet?
- No, I want the truth.
Why are there a bunch of men after
a fucking mechanic from Mississippi?
What do they want with you?
Who are you?
I'm not a mechanic from Mississippi.
I was born two blocks from here.
You can see the shitty little
smokestack and the tenement.
I wasn't a mechanic, I was just a
piece of shit running the streets.
And I got in a situation where I could
go to jail or I can go to the military,
so, obviously, I took the military.
After months, lots and
lots of enemies here.
And I was good.
Why are they after us now?
Because I went and I came back,
and you come back to what?
I come back to this.
And so I had one
opportunity, I thought,
that would get me out,
and of course I took it.
And, of course, I took
the next one after that,
and the next one and the next one,
and I was what I always was,
which is nothing and a liar.
What do they want with you?
I did something 20
years ago for these...
For what? What?
He was, uh, trying to
take over the city,
and it didn't matter
who he eliminated.
And there were lots. Lots.
The violence got to a point where,
uh, he needed to be stopped.
At the end of the day,
you know who's gonna be here?
- He needed to be stopped.
- You, Daddy.
I love you. Are you okay?
Mm, yeah, kind of.
I miss you.
Come here.
Mm... daddy's girl.
Come here.
Go run over to mommy, yeah?
- Okay.
- Oh, hey!
Look what I have.
What do you have?
This is a present for you on the
first day of school, puppy.
- Thank you.
- Don't open it till you get to class.
Come on, silly,
we don't want to be late.
- Oh, she won't be late.
- Bye, Daddy.
Bye, baby.
Oh, I'm taking your car, okay?
All right. All right.
Rachel, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I wanna get a picture of you guys.
I love you.
I love you. Bye, honey.
Have fun at school.
Here you go.
And I tried to stop it,
but it was too late.
It was too late to...
it was too late for me.
It was too late for her.
And I'll never forget
the look in her eyes.
Not that I deserve pity for that.
'Cause I don't.
It's just a fact.
So it drove me out of here,
and I left everything.
And woke up somewhere.
I don't know where.
Fucking in a bottle.
And that's where Anna Marie
came in and lifted me up.
Stupidly loved me...
And 12-stepped me to the altar.
And Beth was an accident.
A happy accident.
A blessed accident.
But I can't have it.
What am I gonna do with a child?
I can nurture a child with my tools?
They're gonna kill Beth if
I don't get to her first.
They're gonna try to kill me,
and they'll kill you.
So I need you to listen to me
and I need you to trust me.
You don't have to like me.
You understand?
And I will get you out of here.
I really appreciate that.
Thank you.
Where are we going?
I'm gonna drop you off with a friend,
somewhere you're gonna
be safe for a while.
I'll get you when I get Beth back.
Okay, you're leaving
me where, exactly?
I'll bring you back when I get Beth.
It's someone I trust.
Wait a minute. What are you doing?
Oh, we're stealing a car?
I'm here for Sam.
They're on the way up.
Jesus Christ.
Good to see you.
Come on in.
How you been?
I don't know.
Hmm... hmm.
This is impressive.
What do you want, Paul?
I gotta get my daughter.
- Your what?
- My daughter.
She's gone,
I've come here to get her.
She's fallen into some bad stuff.
Fallen into what?
Some guy named "The Pharmacy."
Oh, fuck.
- You know him?
- Yeah.
He's a lunatic.
Can you help me?
Can't do that.
I don't do that stuff anymore, Paul.
Nothing personal.
You don't have to leave this room.
I will take care of him.
What are you asking me to do?
I just want some time, a safe
place for Angela to stay here,
give me some time to get Beth,
and then I need a safe
ride out of here.
- Beth's your daughter?
- Yes.
- That's Angela?
- That's right.
Nobody gets hurt?
You know what'll happen if the word
gets out that I'm with you again?
Right? You know.
I do, yeah. I do.
So if I do this thing,
I'm not gonna see you...
Around town anymore, right?
You're not gonna come back?
You're not gonna see me
anywhere, ever again, friend.
How's your shoulder?
I'm a righty now.
Crazy motherfucker.
Be careful out there.
A lot of the old faces you knew...
Can't trust them anymore.
I never did, Sam.
We'll wait here, then.
Come in.
- Hi.
- Come on in.
You want something to drink?
You want something to eat?
Uh, a drink's great, yeah.
What do you want?
You... we got everything.
Do you have whisky?
I'll get you whisky.
That your boyfriend?
He's my friend's dad.
So are you gonna send
anyone to help him?
No. I'm not gonna send anybody.
- Thank you.
- He doesn't need any help.
You really don't know who he is, huh?
Not really.
You know where South Garriston is?
- No.
- No?
Garriston Street.
Old timers called it Hadrian's Wall.
Oh, I don't know what that is.
When Rome was at the
peak of its powers...
You know, it ran most
of the world, right?
Ran everything, except in Scotland.
There was this... tribe.
They were so fuckin' crazy...
That, even at the peak of its powers,
it just wasn't worth it for
the Romans to go in there.
So this emperor, Hadrian,
built a wall across Scotland.
And he just walled 'em up.
Gave 'em a... kingdom for themselves.
South Garriston was Paul's territory.
His own little kingdom, where he could
do whatever the fuck he wanted.
And nobody ever dared go in there.
You wouldn't even know his name.
Just called him "The Prince."
"The Prince"?
You better get away from him.
How may I help you?
Looking for Big Mike.
Um, uh...
My Daddy passed a couple years back.
How can I be of service to you?
My condolences.
Sorry to hear about your old man.
However, I left something
here a while back
and I need to pick it up now.
Oh, yeah.
Let's see.
I don't give a shit how
fast you think you are.
At this range... I ain't gonna miss.
You better be sure about that.
Now, before my daddy passed...
He told me three things:
Never put 10 pounds of
shit in a five-pound bag,
never take credit when
they got cash in hand,
and if a man walks through that door
with tattoos like you've
got on your hand,
"son, you better be ready to draw.
'Cause that man...
that man brings hell with
him wherever he goes."
Big Mike helped me escape
this city 20 years ago.
Gave me a new name, a new identity.
I left him something.
We had an agreement.
I'm here to pick that up.
I am going to pick that up.
He was my friend.
Is that so?
Jameson, one ice cube,
one maraschino cherry.
My daddy did have a sweet tooth.
Uh, sorry about this, but you can
never be too safe around here.
What you're lookin' for,
it's in the back.
This is what you're looking for, huh?
Looks like the flood
got a hold of this.
Oh, boy.
I could, uh, I could
clean 'em up for you.
Put some oil on 'em.
I don't think the coil
broke on any of 'em.
Probably take me a couple days.
I don't have time.
My daddy didn't have many friends.
You can choose one of these.
Consider it a gift from Big Mike.
Only untraceable weapons this
side of communist California.
I'm gonna need
Mercury-tipped bullets.
I got black talons,
plus Ps, hollow points.
How many you gonna need?
How many you got?
What's up?
What are you doing? Huh?
I'm here to see Tony.
Oh, you must have your
addresses mixed up,
because there ain't no Tony here.
Look, don't waste my fuckin' time.
Tony's your boss, The Pharmacy.
I got some information for him.
- You got an appointment?
- No. But he does.
What's that supposed to mean?
Means if I'm not speaking to
him in the next two minutes,
he's gonna find himself dead...
And we'll throw you in with the deal.
You'll take that, shy hero?
Okay, handsome. Get those arms up.
Get 'em up, get 'em up. Hmm?
What's this? What do
you got here, hmm?
What does it look like?
Tough neighborhood.
Bet your ass it is, old man.
You can it back on the way out.
Yeah, I will.
Get your ass in there.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm bringing him now.
Come on!
What's wrong with you, man?
This the guy?
That's him.
Take a seat.
No. I won't be staying long.
Whatever makes you feel happy, pop.
Jimmy tells me you got
some information for me.
Some sort of tip...
That's gonna save my life.
Matter of fact, I do.
Lay it on me.
It's about the girl that
you've been living with.
- I live with a lot of girls.
- Well, that's good.
Then you won't miss her when
I take her out of here.
Her name is Beth,
Beth Brennan, my daughter.
And she's leaving with me tonight.
Why are we talking
about bitches, anyway?
I thought this was a
life-and-death situation.
It is... for you...
If you don't let me take
her out of here now.
You got this all fucked up, pops.
All wrong.
You see... this ain't no prison cell.
Especially your little girl.
I mean, she wanted to be here so
bad, she actually begged me to stay.
Shit, you can look for yourself.
She's still doing a
little recuperating.
You know, I ain't did nothing to
her that she didn't ask me to do.
You know how these
kids are these days.
They get a little taste
of partying and drugs,
and they just want more
and more and more.
Gotta have it.
I'm just... a motherfucker
willing to oblige.
You best be the
motherfucker that obliges
by keeping your ass
on that fuckin' couch
while I walk out of here
with her right now,
'cause you won't be
breathing, otherwise.
Okay, that... that...
that's not possible.
You see, I got a call from my man.
Yeah, that's right.
He told me you'd show up.
Said to keep you here
on ice till he gets here.
And the girl.
Because he got something special
planned for your baby girl.
Close your eyes, baby.
There we go. Hold on.
Keep your eyes closed.
Don't open your eyes.
No, no, we didn't do anything!
I swear, I swear!
We told you to keep them on ice.
Where are they?
They're gone.
Look at that.
You got the 12-year.
A celebration here.
You ready?
Yeah, hold on.
You don't want to waste the
good stuff on a bad shot.
How long till you can
get us out of here?
I'm working on it.
How soon?
I'll handle it.
Don't worry.
Is word out yet?
Everybody knows you're back.
I knew that'd happen.
Glad it worked out.
We've got him.
A man with a bullet wound showed
up this morning at the battle house.
He had a girl with him who
looked pretty strung out.
Makes sense they would go
to Sam's for sanctuary.
Let everybody know.
Do not cross my line.
You look pretty.
You look like shit.
How are you feeling?
She threw up again,
so she should be feeling better.
It's gonna get worse.
Okay, well, I'm gonna go get a soda.
- Do you want anything?
- No.
But I need you to get
her ready to travel.
We have to leave. Okay?
Yeah, okay.
Hey, you.
I'm all right. I'm all right.
I know you are.
Just gonna get you home, okay?
I... I don't think I can go.
Of course you can.
Everything's changed.
Not with me, it hasn't.
You're the only reason
I keep going, Beth.
I don't know what home is anymore.
We'll find it.
Switch them around. Just you with me.
I'll see you soon, okay?
- Okay.
- Say good night.
I really wish you guys
were coming with me.
I can't protect you both.
I understand.
Well, will you call me
when you get home safely?
Don't be too hard on her.
I won't.
Come on, guys.
Wait on the corner for the tail.
That's high cotton, blood.
Jesus Christ.
My heart's pounding.
That Montecristo's
not helping, is it?
It's the adrenaline.
It's the only thing I miss.
Nobody makes it through.
Copy that.
Remember that third street tavern?
Remember that fuckin' clusterfuck?
You got your shoulder all shot up.
Jesus Christ, were we shit-faced.
I don't know how we stumbled
out of there and lived.
Do you think it was money, Sam?
Is that what it was all about?
That's what we thought, right?
Move in.
Get her out of here, come on!
He's got a gun! He's got a gun!
"Nobody gets hurt."
You motherfucker.
Get in.
Just keep 'em off as long as you can.
Keep 'em off.
I got a daughter of my own.
Whatever you need...
It's yours.
All right.
Close the door on your way out.
Please, I just...
I just wanna go home.
Where's home?
Ponto... Pontotoc.
- What?
- Pontotoc.
What's Pontotoc?
Pontotoc, Mississippi.
I used to work with your father.
We knew each other.
He took everything from me.
Your father did.
But you and I can ask him why...
When he comes here... to see you.
And you and I are just gonna sit here
and wait for him till he gets here.
Baby... stop the scratching.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Please just let me go home.
Listen to me... when we get there,
it'll be 11 minutes before
a response team shows up.
So if we're not out that door
by then, you have to go.
You get in your car and you
drive and you don't look back.
- You don't come back.
- Okay.
Do you understand?
Is that okay?
He's here.
Hey. Hey.
Let's go, come on. Come on, get up.
We gotta go.
Say, "Hi, Daddy.
I'm a little scared."
Daddy. Daddy.
- Louder.
- Daddy.
- Yeah.
- Daddy!
That's right! "Daddy"!
Is this what you want?
- No!
- Is this enough?!
Let her go and I'll
let you walk away.
You'll never see me again.
That's enough anymore!
You want me? You take me.
I want you to know
what it's like to lose
the only thing that you
ever loved in your life.
You ready?
You chose this life, we chose
this life, and that's the cost.
What about my wife and child?!
What did they have to do with it?
Please don't!
Collateral damage. It was a war.
And you...
Are gonna lose the only thing
that you ever loved in your life.
Say bye.
Tell him you love him.
- No, don't...
- Tell him!
- Please don't!
- Say it!
Say, "I love you, Daddy"!
I'm gonna give you one more chance.
No... please...
Having a good time. Good time.
Shh, shh, shh. Quiet now.
See him? See him?
Come on, come on, come on.
All right, all right, all right.
Good girl. Good girl.
You're very brave. Very brave.
See him?
There he is. Daddy.
Hi, Daddy. Say hi.
Shut up. Shut the fuck up.
Shoot now.
Shoot now.
Let's go home.