The Princess and the Frog (2009)

The Evening Star is shining bright
So make a wish and hold on tight
There's magic in the air tonight
And anything can happen
"Just at that moment,
"the ugly little frog looked up with
his sad, round eyes and pleaded,
"'Oh, please, dear princess,
"'only a kiss from you
can break this terrible spell
"'that was inflicted on me
by a wicked witch!'"
Here comes my favorite part.
"And the beautiful princess was
so moved by his desperate plea
"that she stooped down,
picked up the slippery creature,
"leaned forward, raised him to her lips,
"and kissed that little frog!
"Then, the frog was transformed
into a handsome prince.
"They were married and lived
happily ever after. The end."
Read it again! Read it again!
Sorry, Charlotte.
It's time for us to be heading home.
Say "good night," Tiana.
There is no way
in this whole wide world
I would ever, ever, ever...
I mean, never kiss a frog. Yuck!
Is that so?
Well, here's your
Prince Charming, Tia.
-Come on. Kiss him.
-Kiss him!
-Stop it!
-Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him!
-I won't, I won't, I won't!
I would do it. I would kiss a frog.
I would kiss a hundred frogs
if I could marry a prince
and be a princess.
You girls, stop tormenting
that poor little kitty.
Poor little thing.
Evening, Eudora.
Daddy! Daddy!
Look at my new dress. Isn't it pretty?
Look at you.
Why, I'd expect nothing less
from the finest seamstress
in New Orleans.
Ooh! I want that dress!
-Now, sugarplum...
-I want that one!
Please, please, please, please!
Eudora, you suppose you could whip
something up like that?
Anything for my best customer.
Come along, Tiana. Your daddy
should be home from work by now.
All right now, princess,
you're getting that dress, but that's it.
No more Mr. Pushover.
Now, who wants a puppy?
I do! I do! He's so cute!
Gumbo smells good, Tiana.
I think it's done, Daddy.
-Yeah? Are you sure?
-Absolutely positive?
Okay, I'm about to put this spoon
in my...
-Well, sweetheart,
this is the best gumbo I've ever tasted!
Come here.
Eudora, our little girl's got a gift.
Mmm-hmm. I could've told you that.
A gift this special just got to be shared.
Hey, everybody, I made gumbo!
Ooh, that smells good!
MAN: I got some hush puppies, Tiana.
Here I come!
JAMES: You know the thing
about good food?
It brings folks together
from all walks of life.
It warms them right up
and it puts little smiles on their faces.
And when I open up
my own restaurant,
I tell you, people are going
to line up for miles around
just to get a taste of my food.
Our food.
(LAUGHS) That's right, baby. Our food.
-Daddy! Look!
-Where are you going?
Charlotte's fairy tale book said
if you make a wish on the Evening Star,
it's sure to come true.
Well, you wish on that star, sweetheart.
Yes. You wish and you dream
with all your little heart.
But you remember, Tiana, that
that old star can only take you
part of the way.
You got to help it along with
some hard work of your own,
and then, yeah, you can do anything
you set your mind to.
Just promise your daddy one thing.
That you'll never, ever lose sight
of what's really important.
See you in the morning, babycakes.
Get some sleep.
Please, please, please!
Well, Miss Tiana, rough night for tips,
but every little penny counts.
Don't you worry, Daddy.
We'll be there soon.
Good night, Cal's.
Good morning, Duke's.
(SINGING) In the south land,
there's a city
Way down on the river
Where the women are very pretty
And all the men deliver
They got music, it's always playing
Start in the daytime
Go all through the night
When you hear that music playing
Hear what I'm sayin'
It make you feel all right
Grab somebody, come on down
Bring your paintbrush
We painting the town
There's some sweetness goin' round
Catch it down in New Orleans
We got magic, good and bad
Make you happy or make you real sad
Get everything you want
Lose what you had
Down here in New Orleans
Hey, partner!
Don't be shy
Come on down, yeah, and give us a try
If you wanna do some livin'
before you die
Do it down in New Orleans
Stately homes and mansions
Of the sugar barons
and the cotton kings
Rich people, poor people
all got dreams
Dreams do come true in New Orleans
Order up!
-Another coffee here, chre.
-Coming right up, Virgil.
-Hey, Tiana!
-Morning, Georgia.
-Hey, how you doing, Tiana?
-Hey, y'all.
We all going out dancing tonight.
Care to join us?
-Yeah, come on. Live a little.
-Come on, Tiana.
-You can dance with me.
-It's Mardi Gras.
You know I got 2 left feet.
Besides, I'm...
You need a napkin, sweetheart?
I'm going to work a double shift tonight.
Here are your hotcakes.
You know, so I can...
So you can save for your restaurant.
I know, I know.
Girl, all you ever do is work.
-BUFORD: Order up!
-Maybe next time.
I told y'all she wouldn't come.
Are you talking about
that dang restaurant again?
Buford, your eggs are burning.
Oh! You ain't never going to get enough
for the down payment.
-I'm getting close.
-Yeah, how close?
Where are my flapjacks?
You got about as much chance
of getting that restaurant
as I do of winning the Kentucky Derby!
Saddle me up, y'all! It's post time.
Giddyup, giddyup.
-Morning, Mr. La Bouff.
-Good morning, Tiana.
Congratulations on being voted
King of the Mardi Gras parade.
Caught me completely by surprise,
for the 5th year in a row!
Now, how about I celebrate with...
Got a fresh batch just waiting for you.
Well, keep them coming till I pass out.
Oh, Tia!
-Tia, Tia, Tia, did you hear the news?
-Hey, Charlotte.
Tell her. Oh, tell her, Big Daddy!
Oh, yeah, Prince Naveen...
Prince Naveen of Maldonia
is coming to New Orleans!
Oh! Isn't he the bee's knees?
Tell her what you did, Big Daddy.
Tell her!
-Well, I invited...
-Big Daddy invited the prince
to our masquerade ball tonight!
Tell her what else you did, Big Daddy.
Go on.
-And he's staying...
-And he's staying...
And he's staying in our house
as my personal guest.
Oh, Lottie, that's swell.
A little word of advice.
My mama always said,
"The quickest way to a man's heart
is through his stomach."
-Ah! That's it!
-What just happened?
Tia! You are a bona fide genius.
I'm going to need about 500
of your man-catching beignets
for my ball tonight.
Excuse me, Daddy.
Will this about cover it?
This should cover it just fine, Lottie.
This is it! I'm getting my restaurant!
Tonight my prince is finally coming.
And I sure as heck ain't letting him go!
Everything looks peachy-keen,
Mr. Fenner and Mr. Fenner.
We'll have all the paperwork ready
to sign, first thing after Mardi Gras.
I'll do you one better.
Why don't I sign them tonight
when I see y'all
at the La Bouffs' masquerade ball?
You drive a hard bargain, Tiana!
Table for one, please?
Oh! Mama.
Here's a little something
to help you get started.
Daddy's gumbo pot.
I know.
I miss him, too.
Well, now. Hurry up and open the door!
Just look at it, Mama.
Doesn't it just make you want to cry?
The maitre d' is going to be right
where you're standing.
Oh! And over here, a gourmet kitchen!
And hanging from the ceiling,
a big old crystal chandelier!
(CHUCKLING) You're your
daddy's daughter, all right.
He used to go on and on
about this old sugar mill, too.
Babycakes, I'm sure this place
is going to be just wonderful,
but it's a shame
you are working so hard.
But how can I let up now
when I'm so close?
I got to make sure all Daddy's
hard work means something.
Your daddy may not have gotten
the place he always wanted,
but he had something better.
He had love.
And that's all I want for you,
to meet your Prince Charming
and dance off into
your happily ever after.
Mama! I don't have time for dancing.
(SINGING) That's just gonna have
to wait a while
How long we talking about here?
Ain't got time for messing around
And it's not my style
I want some grandkids!
This old town can slow you down
People taking the easy way
But I know exactly where I'm going
I'm getting closer and closer every day
And I'm almost there
I'm almost there
People down here think I'm crazy
But I don't care
Trials and tribulations
I've had my share
There ain't nothing gonna stop me now
'Cause I'm almost there
I remember Daddy told me
Fairy tales can come true
You got to make them happen
It all depends on you
So I work real hard
each and every day
Now things for sure are going my way
Just doing what I do
Look out, boys, I'm coming through
And I'm almost there
I'm almost there
People gonna come here
from everywhere
And I'm almost there
I'm almost there
There's been trials and tribulations
You know I've had my share
But I've climbed a mountain
I've crossed a river
And I'm almost there
I'm almost there
I'm almost there
Excuse me!
You need a hand there, buddy?
I've been looking for you everywhere.
What a coincidence, Lawrence.
I have been avoiding you everywhere.
We're going to be late
for the masquerade.
Listen, Lawrence, listen!
It's jazz. It's jazz music!
It was born here.
Is beautiful, no?
Dance with me, fat man.
Stay loose, Lawrence!
We're supposed to be
at the La Bouff estate by now!
Yes, yes, yes,
but first I buy everyone here a drink!
With what?
At this point, you have 2 choices,
woo and marry a rich young lady
or get a job!
All right. Fine. But first we dance!
No, this is idiocy!
For someone who cannot see his feet,
you're very light on them!
Is perfect!
You finally got into the music.
Do you get my joke?
Because your head is... It's in the tuba.
-Get me out!
-All right.
Hold on. One...
How degrading!
I've never been so humiliated.
A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier.
How y'all doing?
"Tarot readings, charms, potions.
Dreams made real."
Were I a betting man, and I'm not,
I stay away from games of chance...
I'd wager I'm in the company
of visiting royalty.
Lawrence. Lawrence!
This remarkable gentleman
has just read my palm.
Or this morning's newspaper.
(SOFTLY) Sire!
This chap is obviously a charlatan.
I suggest we move on to a less...
(SINGING) Don't you disrespect me,
little man
Don't you derogate or deride
You're in my world now, not your world
And I got friends on the other side
He's got friends on the other side
That's an echo, gentlemen.
Just a little something we have here
in Louisiana, little parlor trick.
Don't worry.
Sit down at my table
Put your minds at ease
If you relax, it will enable me
to do anything I please
I can read your future
I can change it round some, too
I look deep into your heart and soul
You do have a soul
don't you, Lawrence?
Make your wildest dreams come true
I got voodoo, I got hoodoo
I got things I ain't even tried
And I got friends on the other side
He's got friends on the other side
The cards, the cards
The cards will tell
The past, the present
and the future, as well
The cards, the cards, just take 3
Take a little trip into your future
with me
Now you, young man
are from across the sea
You come from 2 long lines
of royalty
I' m a royal myself on my mother's side.
Your lifestyle's high
But your funds are low
You need to marry a little honey
whose daddy got dough
Mom and Dad cut you off,
huh, playboy?
Eh, sad but true.
Now y'all got to get hitched.
But hitching ties you down.
You just want to be free,
hop from place to place.
But freedom takes green.
It's the green, it's the green
It's the green you need
And when I look into your future
it's the green that I seen
On you, little man
I don't want to waste much time
You been pushed round all your life
You been pushed round
by your mother
And your sister and your brother
And if you was married
You'd be pushed round by your wife
But in your future, the you I see
Is exactly the man
you always wanted to be
Shake my hand
Come on, boys
Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?
Are you ready?
-Are you ready?
-Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Transformation Central
- Transformation Central
- Transformation Central
Reformation Central
-Reformation Central
-Reformation Central
Transmogrification Central
Can you feel it?
You're changing, you're changing
You're changing, all right
I hope you're satisfied
But if you ain't, don't blame me
You can blame my friends
On the other side
You got what you wanted
But you lost what you had
Senator Johnson. Hey, Jimmy.
I hope you're leaving some of them
beignets for your constituents.
Here you go, piping hot.
Stella. Excuse me. Stella, no. No.
(LAUGHS) Okay, but just one.
But, Miss Charlotte,
you said "later" 2 hours ago.
Travis, when a woman says "later,"
she really means "not ever."
Now run along.
There are plenty of young fillies dying
for you to waltz them into a stupor.
-Give me them napkins, quick!
-What on earth for?
I swear, I'm sweating
like a sinner in church.
Tia, it's getting to be so late!
There's still a few stragglers.
It's just not fair!
My prince is never coming!
-Now, Lottie...
-I never get anything I wish for!
Lottie, wait!
Just calm down. Take a deep...
Maybe I just got to wish harder.
Please, please, please,
please, please, please!
Lottie, you can't just wish on a star
and expect things...
Ladies and gentlemen!
His Royal Highness, Prince Naveen!
Evening, Tiana. Marvelous party.
Evening, Mr. Fenner and Mr. Fenner.
Fine-smelling beignets.
Going to be the house specialty
once I sign those papers y'all brought.
Yes. About that.
You were outbid.
-A fellow came in,
offered the full amount in cash.
Unless you can top his offer
by Wednesday...
You can kiss that place goodbye.
You know how long it took me
to save that money?
Which is why a little woman
of your background
would have had her hands full
trying to run a big business like that.
No, you're better off where you're at.
-Now, wait a minute...
-Love those beignets, though.
Now, hold on there! You come back...
Tia! Time to hit Prince Charming
with those man-catching...
What happened?
-I... I just...
-You poor dear.
Oh, Prince Naveen,
we'll be right back, sugar!
I got just the dress for you.
Tia, honey, did you see the way
he danced with me?
A marriage proposal
can't be far behind.
Thank you, Evening Star!
You know, I was starting to think that
wishing on stars was just for babies
and crazy people.
Look at you.
Aren't you just as pretty
as a magnolia in May?
Seems like only yesterday
we were both little girls
dreaming our fairy tale dreams,
and tonight they're finally coming true.
Well, back into the fray.
Wish me luck!
Oh, Naveen...
(SINGING) Almost
Almost there
People would have come
from everywhere
I was almost there
I cannot believe I'm doing this.
Please, please, please.
Very funny.
So what now? I reckon you want a kiss?
Kissing would be nice, yes?
I'm sorry! I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I did not mean to scare you.
I... Wait, no, no, no!
Wait. Hold on a sec...
You have a very strong arm, Princess.
Okay, please! Put the monkey down.
Stay back or I'll...
Please, please, please.
Oh, wow. Allow me to introduce myself.
I am Prince Naveen
(WEAKLY) of Maldonia.
Prince? But I didn't wish for any...
Hold on. If you're the prince,
then who was that waltzing with Lottie
on the dance floor?
All I know is one minute I am a prince,
charming and handsome, cutting a rug,
and then the next thing I know,
I am tripping over these.
Wait, wait, wait, wait!
I know this story!
-The Frog Prince?
My mother had the servants
read this to me every night.
Yes, yes, yes!
This is exactly the answer!
You must kiss me.
Excuse me?
You will enjoy, I guarantee.
All women enjoy the kiss
of Prince Naveen.
Come. We pucker.
That's new.
Look, I'm sorry.
I'd really like to help you,
but I just do not kiss frogs.
Wait a sec, but on the balcony,
you asked me.
I didn't expect you to answer!
But you must kiss me.
Look, besides being
unbelievably handsome, okay,
I also happen to come from
a fabulously wealthy family.
Surely I could offer you
some type of reward,
a wish I could grant, perhaps?
Just one kiss?
Just one, unless you beg for more.
(SOFTLY) Okay, Tiana, you can do this.
You can do this.
Just a little kiss. Just a little kiss. Okay.
TIANA: You don't look
that much different,
but how did you get way up there?
And how did I get way down here
in all this...
Easy, Princess. Princess, do not panic!
What did you do to me?
I'm green and I'm slimy!
-No! No, no, no, that is not slime.
-You are secreting mucus.
-You... You...
Hey, Stella!
Get them frogs!
-I can't run. I'm a frog!
Then hop!
Down, boy. Down, monster dog!
En garde!
NAVEEN: Look out! Out of the way!
TIANA: Oh, no!
-Where are we going?
-Excuse me!
TIANA: I can't see a thing!
NAVEEN: Neither can I!
-Wait! Stella!
-Going up!
-Stella, it's me, Tiana!
Stella just talked to me.
The dog just spoke to me!
You know, if you're going
to let every little thing bother you,
it's going to be a very long night!
(GASPS) Oh, dear.
Oh! You're so quiet.
You let him go?
The poor devil was gasping,
so I loosened the lid ever so slightly.
Now how did I ever get tangled up
in all this voodoo madness?
I can't go through with this!
You wear this ghastly thing!
Careful with that!
Anything happens to this,
I'm going to be...
Fun fact about voodoo, Larry.
Can't conjure a thing for myself.
Besides, you and I both know
the real power in this world ain't magic.
It's money!
Buckets of it.
-That's true.
-Aren't you tired
of living on the margins while
all those fat cats in their fancy cars
don't give you so much
as a sideways glance?
Yes. I am.
All you got to do is marry
Big Daddy's little princess,
and we'll be splitting that juicy
La Bouff fortune right down the middle.
-60-40, like I said.
-Hmm. Yeah.
But what about Naveen?
Your little slip-up will be
a minor bump in the road,
so long as we've got
the prince's blood in this.
You mean to tell me this all happened
because you were messing
with the Shadow Man?
He was very charismatic.
It serves me right for wishing on stars.
The only way to get what you want
in this world is through hard work.
Hard work? Why would
a princess need to work hard?
Huh? Oh!
I'm not a princess. I'm a waitress.
A waitress?
Well, no wonder the kiss did not work.
You lied to me!
No, I... I never said I was a princess.
You never said that
you were a waitress!
You... You were wearing a crown!
It was a costume party,
you spoiled little rich boy!
Oh, yes?
Well, the egg is on your face, all right?
-Because I do not have any riches.
(LAUGHS) I am completely broke!
You said you were fabulously wealthy!
No. My parents are fabulously wealthy,
but they cut me off for being a...
Leech! Leech!
You're broke,
and you had the gall to call me a liar?
It was not a lie. I fully...
I fully intend to be rich again.
Once I marry Miss Charlotte La Bouff.
If she will have me.
-You're a prince?
She'll have you.
All right, then.
Once you two are married,
you are going to keep your promise
and get me my restaurant, right?
Not so fast. I made that promise to
a beautiful princess, not a cranky...
Why are those logs moving?
Those aren't logs.
(CHUCKLES) I got dibs on the big one.
Where'd they go?
ALLIGATOR 2: Where'd they go?
ALLIGATOR 3: I saw him first!
ALLIGATOR 4: Come here,
you plump, tasty morsel!
That's my tail, pea brain!
Where did they go? Come on!
Lower the vine.
Find your own tree.
-There he is!
-I see him! I see him!
All right. Look, look.
Help me get out of this swamp,
and once I marry Charlotte,
I shall get you your restaurant.
You're going to taste so good
basted and battered and fried!
Quick, quick! Pull me up!
You can hop, but you can't hide.
We got all night.
NAVEEN: Well, waitress, looks like
we're going to be here for a while.
So we may as well get comfortable.
TIANA: Keep your slimy self
away from me!
I told you, it is not slime! It is mucus!
TIANA: Rise and shine,
sleeping beauty! Gators are gone.
We got to get back to New Orleans
and undo this mess you got us into.
I was not the one parading around
with a phony-baloney tiara.
Music to paddle by.
I could use a little help.
Oh! I will play a little louder.
How about a little less picking and a...
I know that tune! Dippermouth Blues!
Play it, brother!
Oh, yeah!
Where you been all my life?
Where did you learn to play like that?
Why, the bayou's the best jazz school
in the world.
All the greats play the riverboats.
Old Louis would give anything to be
up there jamming with the big boys.
-Why don't you?
-Oh, I tried once.
It didn't end well.
Uh-huh. It has been a real pleasure
meeting you, Louis.
And thank you kindly for not eating us,
but we best be on our way.
Where... Where y'all going?
To find somebody to break this spell.
What spell?
Brace yourself, my scaly friend.
We are not frogs.
We are humans.
Y'all serious?
I am Naveen, Prince of Maldonia.
And she is Tiana, the waitress.
(SOFTLY) Do not kiss her.
(GASPS) Now, just a second.
This goon here got himself turned into
a frog by a voodoo man, and now...
Voodoo? Like the kind Mama Odie do?
Mama who-dee?
Mama Odie.
She the voodoo queen of the bayou.
She got magic and spells,
all kind of hoodoo.
-Could you take us to her?
-Could you take us to her?
(GASPS) Through the deepest,
darkest part of the bayou?
Facing razor-sharp pricker bushes
and trappers and hunters with guns?
Watch and learn.
Louis, it is too bad we cannot help you
with your dream.
If only you were smaller, less toothy,
you could play jazz to adoring crowds
without scaring them.
Anyway, enjoy your loneliness,
my friend.
Cute, but it's not going to...
Hey, guys, I just had me a crazy idea!
What if I ask Mama Odie
to turn me human?
Louis! You are a genius!
(SINGING) If I were a human being
I'd head straight for New Orleans
And I'd blow this horn
so hot and strong
Like no one they've ever seen
You heard of Louis Armstrong
Mr. Sidney Bechet
All those boys gonna step aside
when they hear this old ex-gator play
Oh, yeah!
When I'm human
as I hope to be
I'm gonna blow this horn
till the cows come home
And everyone's gonna
bow down to me
Thank you, thank you.
Oh, thank you. I love you, too, baby.
When I'm myself again
I want just the life I had
A great big party every night
That doesn't sound too bad
A redhead on my left arm
A brunette on my right
A blonde or 2 to hold the candles
Now that seems just about right
Eh, Louis?
Life is short
When you're done, you're done
We're on this earth to have some fun
-And that's the way things are
- Tell it, brother!
When I'm human, and I'm gonna be
I'm gonna tear it up like I did before
And that's a royal guarantee
You are getting married!
Oh, right.
I'll just have to leave
a string of broken hearts behind me!
Your modesty becomes you
and your sense of responsibility
I've worked hard for everything I've got
And that's the way it's supposed to be
When I'm a human being
at least I'll act like one
If you do your best
each and every day
Good things are sure
to come your way
What you give is what you get
My daddy said that and I'll never forget
And I commend it to you
When we're human
And we're gonna be
I'm gonna blow my horn
I'm gonna live the high life
I'm gonna do my best
to take my place in the sun
When we're
CHARLOTTE: Prince Naveen, dear,
I am positively mortified
you had to endure
that frog fiasco last night.
Well, when you're next in line
for the throne,
you're poised like a panther,
ready to expect the unexpected.
Your ear?
What? Oh!
Those pesky mosquitoes.
They're everywhere. Please.
Miss Charlotte, I can no longer ignore
the throbbing of my
Even though our time together
has been brief, it's been heavenly!
Land sakes, Prince Naveen!
You got me blushing like a...
Would you do me the honor of
becoming Princess of Maldonia?
Are you serious?
As the plague.
I most definitely will marry you!
There's so much to plan!
I mean, the guest list,
the dress, the music,
the flowers, the shoes...
We're going to have ourselves
a Mardi Gras wedding!
What do we do now?
Because somebody let
our froggy prince go, Larry,
I'm reduced to asking for help
from my friends on the other side.
Now, this restaurant of yours,
is it going to have touffe?
Jambalaya, gumbo.
It's going to have it all.
I've always wanted to try red beans
and rice, muffulettas, po' boys.
Stop, Louis.
You two are making me so very hungry.
What are you doing?
You are frightening the food.
This is harder than it looks.
What? Oh, no. No, no, no.
There is no way I am kissing a frog
and eating a bug on the same day.
(MUFFLED) No! No, no.
-Hold still.
Stop moving!
You are making this very difficult!
Y'all find anything to eat yet? Oh, my.
Hang on. Old Louis got it covered.
NAVEEN: No, no...
TIANA: Don't...
How's that?
This could be a little better.
You know what this needs?
A sharp stick! Be right back.
-This is all your fault.
-My fault? My fault...
Let me tell you something.
I was having a wonderful time until...
Coo! Well, looky here!
Girl, I guess you and your boyfriend
got a little carried away. Am I right?
-Oh, no, no!
-Do not be ridiculous!
-He's not my boyfriend!
-I am the Prince of Maldonia!
Let me shine a little light
on the situation.
Excuse me. One more time now.
That's more better. Yeah.
It's okay, baby. I don't explode me.
I ain't no firecracker!
I just got my big butt glowing!
That's right!
The women like a man
with a big back porch!
Lord, you done this up
real good, for sure.
Now where this go to at?
Hang on, Cap.
I'm just going to give a little twist here.
We're getting to know each other now!
(SINGING) Won't you catch a fish?
Catch 1, catch 2
We're back in the bayou
'round fishin' time
It's about time I introduce myself.
My name Raymond,
but everybody call me "Ray."
Pardon me, but your accent,
it's funny, no?
I'm a Cajun, brah.
Born and bred in the bayou.
Y'all must be new around here, huh?
Actually, we are from a place
far, far away from this world.
Go to bed! Y'all from Shreveport?
No. No, no, no. We are people.
Prince Charming here
got himself turned into a frog
by a voodoo witch doctor.
Well, there you go.
And we were on our way
to Mama Odie's.
-We think maybe she can...
-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Mama Odie? Y'all headed
the wrong directional, chre.
Now what kind of chucklehead
told y'all to go this way?
I found a stick!
Ray here says you've been taking us
in the wrong direction.
I was... Well, listen.
I was confused by the topography
and the geography
and the choreography and...
First rule of the bayou,
never take direction from a gator.
Why, me and my relationals
will help show y'all the way.
Hey, Cousin Randy!
You ready for a little bayou zydeco?
Ready when you are, Cousin Ray.
All right, Lulu. Let's get to it, darling.
Come on, chre!
Just follow the bouncing butt!
(SINGING) We're gonna take you there
We're gonna take you there
We're gonna take you all the way there
Gonna take you there
We're gonna take you there
We're gonna take you all the way
Oh, yeah!
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Takin' you all the way
We got the whole family.
There goes Mimi, Cousin Beaudreaux.
Oh, Grandmama! Your light out!
We all gonna pull together
Down here that's how we do
Me for them and them for me
We all be there for you
We gon' take ya
We gon' take ya
We gon' take ya all the way there
We know where you're goin'
and we're goin' with you
Takin' you all the way
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Goin' down the bayou
Takin' you all...
Yeah, you know!
Come on, y'all!
Keep that line flowin'
and the lights a-glowin'!
Yeah, you're right!
Friends, I know I'm in hock
to y'all pretty deep already,
but seems our little froggy prince
lost his way
and I need your generous assistance
getting him back.
I hear you! Now, what's in it for y'all?
Well, as soon as I dispose
of Big Daddy La Bouff
and I'm running this town,
I'll have the entire city of New Orleans
in the palm of my hand.
And you'll have all the wayward souls
your dark little hearts desire.
(LAUGHING) Y'all love that, don't you?
So, we got ourselves a deal?
Now we're cooking!
We're going to find ourselves a frog!
Search everywhere!
The bayou, the Quarter.
Bring him to me alive.
I need his heart pumping for now.
I'll take them the rest of the way.
-Nice meeting y'all!
-Bye-bye, Pookie!
Will do, Cousin Ray!
And don't forget to tell Angela,
Ray-Ray say, "Bonne chance!"
-That's your girl?
-Oh, no, no.
My girl? Ho, ho, ho. That's Evangeline.
She the most prettiest firefly
ever did glow.
You know, I talk to Evangeline
most every night.
She's kind of shy. Don't say much.
And I know in my heart
someday we are
going to be together. Yeah.
-Aw! That's so sweet.
-NAVEEN: Yeah, so sweet.
Just do not settle down so quickly,
my friend.
There are plenty of fireflies
in the swamp.
Pricker bushes got me!
Gator down! Gator down!
The darkness is closing in! I'm so cold.
RAY: Will you hold still, you big baby?
I ain't touched it yet.
Oh! Take a look at them 2 jumpers.
I can taste them frog legs already.
Bet they taste real good
with the sauce piquant, right, Pa?
(SOFTLY) Will you keep quiet?
Oh! My thoughts exactly, Two Fingers.
It is time to catch us some frogs!
You know, waitress,
I have finally figured out
what is wrong with you.
Have you now?
You do not know
how to have fun. There.
-Somebody had to say it.
-Thank you,
because I figured out
what your problem is, too.
I'm too wonderful?
No, you're a no-'count, philandering,
lazy bump on a log.
(COUGHS) Killjoy.
-What did you say?
-(COUGHS) Stick in the mud.
-Listen here, mister.
This stick in the mud has had to work
2 jobs her whole life
while you've been
sucking on a silver spoon
chasing chambermaids
around your ivory tower!
Actually, it's polished marble.
I got me one, boys!
Y'all get that little one over there!
REGGIE: That's good hunting today,
yes, indeed!
Hunters with guns!
Look at them big frog legs.
I want me some corn bread
with this dinner!
Oh, no! A bug got to do
what a bug got to do!
I think I done chipped my favorite tooth.
Here I come, Two Fingers! I'll help...
Pa! We got one!
Shush now! Get on quiet there!
What happened to yours?
Shut your trap, Darnell!
(LAUGHS) Free!
Pa, did you hear that suspicious thud?
Yeah. I sure did.
What are you two gawking at?
Just missed him!
I will make him pay for his insolence!
Two Fingers!
I need some help over here!
-Now! Go!
-Would you stop that?
Hold still.
No, no, no. No, you idiot, not there!
Watch this.
Missed it!
Get them froggies!
These 2 ain't like
no frogs I ever seen.
They smart.
And we talk, too.
You all right there, little bug?
I'm fine. But your breath
done near kill me to death.
-Would you mind?
-I got you covered, brah.
Much obliged, peewee.
Now how about the other side?
"And we talk, too." I like that.
You are secretly funny.
-Not a stick in the mud? Say it. Say it.
-Well, I wouldn't go...
-All right. You're not exactly...
-I can't hear you. I'm sorry. What?
...a complete stick deep in the mud.
Easy. Easy!
-This one's in there, ain't it? Hold on.
Chre, I know we gots to get
to Mama Odie lickety-split,
but this particular extractification
is going to take a while.
Poor Louis.
You know what would make me
feel better?
Crawfish smothered in
remoulade sauce... Mercy!
-RAY: Just a little more!
-With some Bananas Foster
sprinkled with pralines...
Oh, Mama!
-How about some swamp gumbo?
-That will do.
Sounds delicious.
I'll start with a pre-dinner cocktail
and something to nibble on
while I wait. Thanks.
No, no, no, your royal highness.
You are going to
mince these mushrooms.
-(STUTTERS) Do what?
-Mince the mushrooms!
Hop to it!
-Little ridiculous.
-TIANA: Are you mincing?
All right! Relax.
Step aside, mister.
Watch and learn.
Oh! All right.
-There you go.
-You know,
I've never done
anything like this before.
-All right.
But when you live in a castle,
everything is done for you.
All the time. They dress you.
They feed you. Drive you.
Brush your teeth.
Oh, poor baby.
I admit it was a charmed life
until the day my parents cut me off,
and suddenly I realized
I don't know how to do anything.
Well, hey, you got the makings
of a decent mushroom mincer.
You think so?
Keep practicing
and I just might hire you.
Come on! What was that?
That was below the frog belt.
(SHADOWS SHRIEKING) going to see a blind nutria.
You say, "Hello." And he say, "What?"
And you say, "That a ugly fish."
Anyone for seconds?
That was magnificent!
You truly have a gift.
Why, thank you.
There she is.
The sweetest firefly in all creation.
I want to meet this girl. Where she at?
How you can miss her?
She glowing right up there
in front of y'all.
(SINGING) Look how she lights up
the sky
Ma belle Evangeline
(LAUGHS) That ain't no fire...
So far above me, yet I
Know her heart belongs to only me
(TRANSLATING) I adore you.
I love you.
I'm just translating.
You're my queen of the night
So still, so bright
That someone as beautiful as she
Could love someone like me
No. I don't dance.
Love always finds a way, it's true
I've never danced.
And I love you, Evangeline
If I can mince, you can dance.
Love is wonderful
Love is everything
Do you agree?
Look how she lights up the sky
I love you, Evangeline
Lottie's getting herself
one heck of a dance partner.
We best be pushing on.
No, no, no!
Not bad for a 197-year-old blind lady.
Now which one of you naughty children
been messing with the Shadow Man?
TIANA: We're so glad we found you,
Mama Odie.
Ray and Louis here
have been telling us all about you.
We've been traveling quite a long way,
and you can't imagine
what we've been through.
And we...
-And we heard that you...
(LAUGHS) Come on over here,
you bad boy.
Give us a little sugar, now.
Y'all just loves your mama, don't you?
Good to see you again, Ray.
How's your grandmama?
She's fine. Got in a little trouble
for flashing the neighbors again.
Oooh, I like that gal's spunk!
Mama Odie.
We don't want to take up
too much of your time...
Y'all want some candy?
-Not really.
-No, thank you.
Now, that's too bad.
It's a special candy.
Would have turned y'all human.
-Wait! Don't! Please don't take it!
-No! Please!
I'm just messing with y'all.
How on Earth did you know
that we wanted to turn back...
-Mama Odie?
Why didn't you tell me
my gumbo was burning?
You sure this is the right
blind voodoo lady
who lives in a boat in a tree
in the bayou?
Pretty sure.
Can't believe this.
Got to do everything around here.
-Mama Odie, if you...
-Taste this!
Hit it hard with a couple of shots
of Tabasco and it's the bee's knees.
-Now, can we...
That's got some zang to it!
That's just what it needed.
Now, y'all figure out what you need?
It's just like you said, Mama Odie.
We need to be human.
Y'all ain't got the sense
you was born with!
Y'all want to be human
but you're blind to what you need!
What we want? What we need?
Is all the same thing, yes?
Is the same thing? No!
You listen to your mama now.
(SINGING) Don't matter
what you look like
Don't matter what you wear
How many rings you got on your finger
-We don't care, no
-ALL: We don't care
Don't matter where you come from
Don't even matter what you are
A dog, a pig, a cow, a goat
Had 'em all in here
And they all knew what they wanted
What they wanted me to do
I told 'em what they needed
Just like I be telling you
You got to dig a little deeper
Find out who you are
You got to dig a little deeper
It really ain't that far
When you find out who you are
You'll find out what you need
Blue skies and sunshine
- You got to dig
-ALL: Dig
-You got to dig
-ALL: Dig
Prince Froggy is a rich little boy
You want to be rich again
That ain't gonna make you happy now
Did it make you happy then? No!
Money ain't got no soul
Money ain't got no heart
All you need is some self-control
Make yourself a brand-new start
You got to dig a little deeper
Don't have far to go
You got to dig a little deeper
Tell the people Mama told you so
Can't tell you what you'll find
Maybe love will grant you
peace of mind
Dig a little deeper and you'll know
-MAMA ODIE: Miss Froggy.
-Might I have a word?
-Yes, ma'am.
You's a hard one, that's what I heard.
Your daddy was a loving man
Family, through and through
You your daddy's daughter
What he had in him, you got in you
You got to dig a little deeper
For you, it's gonna be tough
You got to dig a little deeper
You ain't dug near far enough
Dig down deep inside yourself
You'll find out what you need
ALL: Blue skies and sunshine
Open up the windows!
Let in the light, children!
ALL: Blue skies and sunshine
Blue skies and sunshine
Blue skies and sunshine
Well, Miss Froggy, do you understand
what you need now, child?
Yes. I do, Mama Odie.
I need to dig a little deeper
and work even harder
to get my restaurant.
All right, y'all, one more time!
(SINGING) It don't matter
what you look like
It don't...
Nobody is going to sing with Ray?
Well, if y'all are set on being human,
there's only one way.
Gumbo, gumbo in the pot.
We need a princess, whatcha got?
Lottie? But she's not a princess.
Hush up and look at the gumbo.
TIANA: That's right. Big Daddy's
King of the Mardi Gras parade.
So that makes Lottie a princess.
-Does that count?
-Yes, it does,
but only till midnight
when Mardi Gras is over.
Hop-along, you only got till then
to get that princess to kiss you.
Once she does, boom!
You both turn human!
-That doesn't give us much time at all.
What about me, Mama?
I want to be human, too,
so I can play jazz with the big boys.
I want fingers and toes
and a bellybutton.
Not the kind that sticks out
but the kind that goes in.
Jabber Jaws, you dig a little deeper,
you'll find everything you need.
Come on, come on, come on.
There's a lot of river
between here and New Orleans.
Y'all best get to swimming.
Wait! I got a better idea.
They got guns!
Man, that is one killer-diller costume!
Hey, gator, can you blow that horn?
Come on. Sit in with us!
We're playing Mardi Gras.
We can't miss this! Little Louis
going to finally play with the big boys!
Naveen, you coming?
I'll catch up with you later.
Oh, Evangeline. Why can't I just look
Tiana in the eye and say,
"I will do whatever it takes to make
all your dreams come true because...
"Because I love you"?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Cap!
You making goo-goo eyes at my girl?
That's it! Put them up! I'm going to
make some shoes out of you!
No, Ray!
I am not in love with Evangeline.
I am in love with Tiana!
Ooh! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!
You come here, you.
And I can no longer marry
Miss Charlotte La Bouff.
You're going to be happy together!
I'll find another way
to get Tiana a restaurant.
You're going to have
the cutest little tadpoles!
I will get a job.
Maybe 2. Maybe 3.
I can't wait to tell chre!
No, no, no. I must tell her. Alone.
Right. You rascal!
Where you taking me?
I just wanted to show you
a little something
to celebrate our last night together
as frogs.
All my years no one's ever done
anything like this for me.
It is too much, is it not?
Thank you, Beaux.
I thought it was a nice touch.
Pretend you did not see that.
Please, please, sit down.
-What's this?
-You minced.
-I did!
You have had
quite an influence on me,
which is amazing because I have dated
thousands of women and...
No, like 2, 3, just other women.
And anyway, listen.
You could not be more different,
you know?
You are practically one of the guys.
No, no, no. You are not a guy.
Let me begin again.
I'm not myself tonight.
Tiana! Sorry, that was loud.
-This is a disaster.
-No. It's cute.
-Tiana, I...
-(GASPS) There it is!
Your restaurant?
Can't you just picture it?
All lit up like the 4th of July.
-Yes. Jazz pouring out of every window!
-It should be elegant.
But you got to keep it loose, though.
Got to let it swing.
-You know a good ukulele player?
-Really? You'd let me perform?
I'll talk to the owner. Owner says yes.
Folks are going to be coming together
from all walks of life
just to get a taste of our food.
Our food?
Huh? Oh, no. My daddy.
We always wanted
to open this restaurant.
He died before he could see it happen.
But tomorrow, with your help,
our dream is finally coming true.
-If I don't deliver that money
first thing tomorrow,
I lose this place forever.
Tiana, I love
the way you light up
when you talk about your dream.
A dream that... It is so beautiful, I...
I promise I will do whatever it takes
to make it come true.
Port of New Orleans, all ashore!
I'll go round up the boys.
I've always been so sure about
what I wanted, but now I...
What do I do?
Please tell me.
Prince Naveen, darling.
You better hurry up. Don't want to be
late for our Mardi Gras wedding.
Um... Getting dressed! Just a few more
minutes, my dearest heart.
Okay, honey lamb.
We'll be waiting in the Packard.
Daddy, start the car!
Oh, my heavens, I'm doomed! Ow!
No, Larry! I'm the one who's doomed.
Unless we get that frog's blood in...
We are back in business, boys!
Get your filthy hands off me! Lawrence!
(CHUCKLING) Oh, now hold still,
Your Eminence.
Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras!
Ray! Have you seen Naveen?
Look at you. Where the ring at?
What are you talking about?
Well, if Cap didn't say nothing,
I ain't going to say nothing
because old Ray's sealed up
tight as a drum.
-You ain't getting nothing out of me, no!
Okay, Cap not going to marry Charlotte,
he going to marry you!
Soon as he gets himself kissed
and y'all both turn human,
he's going to find a job,
get you that restaurant...
I said too much, didn't I?
You said just enough, Ray!
Thank you, Evangeline.
He was trying to propose!
That's what all that fumbling was about!
And here I thought all he wanted
was to marry a rich girl!
What are we looking for again?
You just keep your eyes out
for the biggest, gaudiest float
with a Mardi Gras princess
about to kiss herself a...
A frog.
Dearly beloved,
we are gathered here tonight
in this fine celebration to join together
this prince and this young woman
in holy matrimony.
Oh, no. This can't be right, darling.
And how you can still be a frog?
Mama Odie, she...
I know what we seen with our eyes,
but if we just go back that way,
we're going to find out
your fairy tale come true.
Just because you wish for something
doesn't make it true.
It's like my Evangeline always said
to me...
Evangeline is nothing but a star, Ray!
A big ball of hot air
a million miles from here!
Open your eyes now,
before you get hurt.
She just speaking out a broken heart.
That's all that is.
Come on, Evangeline.
We're going to show chre the truth!
If any of you objects to the union
of these 2 people,
speak now or forever hold your peace.
Me! Me! I object!
REVEREND: Do you, Prince Naveen,
take Charlotte to be your wife?
Cap, what you doing, son?
REVEREND: you both shall live?
What? I do! Yes, I'm for it.
-Do you, Charlotte La Bouff...
-Is that you, Cap?
Ray! Get me out of this box!
I can't hear you!
I'm going to get you out this box! keep yourself only unto him,
as long as you both shall live?
Oh, I do.
REVEREND: And so, by the power
vested in me by the state of Louisiana,
I now pronounce you man and...
Prince Naveen!
Goodness gracious! Are you all right?
I just need a moment
to compose myself.
Cheese and crackers!
Lawrence, why are you doing this?
As payback for
all those years of humiliation.
Get your royal rump back on that
wedding cake and finish this deal!
What's he doing? Stop him!
Give it to me!
I've got it! It got me, too.
-Let go of that!
-Stay out of sight!
Come on. Come on.
Hey, why did you stop?
He's a real gator!
This proves what we saw
ain't what we thought we saw!
-What is this?
-It's a voodoo hayacall.
The Shadow Man,
he been using it for the...
You can't let Shadow Man get this,
no matter what!
Now run, girl! Run!
Don't make me light my butt!
I'm going to get you!
I got a lot more of me! Come here, you!
Who's next?
Back off, or I'm going to break this thing
into a million pieces!
Now, isn't this a whole lot better
than hopping around the bayou
for the rest of your life?
Shadow Man.
Got to hand it to you, Tiana.
When you dream, you dream big.
Just look at this place.
Going to be the crown jewel
of the Crescent City!
And all you got to do
to make this a reality
is hand over
that little old talisman of mine.
No. This is not right.
Come on now, darling.
Think of everything you've sacrificed.
-Girl, all you ever do is work.
-I told y'all she wouldn't come.
Think of all those naysayers
who doubted you.
You ain't never going to get enough
for the down payment.
...little woman of your background,
you're better off where you're at.
And don't forget your poor daddy.
-Now that was one hard-working man.
-MAN: See you in the morning, James.
Double, sometime triple shifts.
Never letting on how bone tired
and beat down he really was.
-TIANA: Daddy!
-Hey, babycakes!
Shame all that hard work
didn't amount to much more
than a busted-up old gumbo pot
and a dream that
never got off the back porch.
But you?
You can give your poor daddy
everything he ever wanted.
Come on, Tiana. You're almost there.
My daddy never did get
what he wanted.
But he had what he needed.
He had love. He never lost sight of
what was really important.
-Easy with that. Careful.
-And neither will I!
Y'all should have taken my deal.
Now you're going to spend
the rest of your life
being a slimy, little frog.
I've got news for you, Shadow Man.
It's not slime. It's mucus!
No! No!
How am I ever going to pay back
my debt?
Are you ready?
No! I'm not ready at all!
In fact, I got lots more plans.
Are you ready?
This is just a minor setback
in a major operation.
As soon as I whip up another spell,
we'll be back in business!
I still got that froggy prince
locked away!
I just need a little more time.
No, please!
Just a little more time!
I promise I'll pay y'all back! I promise!
Prince! Prince Naveen!
Your shy and retiring bride-to-be
is getting antsy!
Hello, darling.
Miss La Bouff! Please, down here!
Allow me to introduce myself.
I am the real Prince Naveen!
(WEAKLY) Of Maldonia.
(GASPS) Did you say "Prince"?
Boys, drag this maggot
down to the parish prison.
I'm completely innocent!
Now, the Shadow Man bamboozled me!
Goodness gracious.
This is so much to absorb.
Let me see if I got this right.
If I kiss you before midnight,
you and Tiana will turn human again?
And then we're gonna
get ourselves married
and live happily ever after, the end!
Yeah, more or less. But remember,
you must give Tiana all the money
she requires for her restaurant.
Because Tiana,
she is my Evangeline.
Anything you want, sugar.
Pucker up, buttercup.
-TIANA: Wait!
-Don't do this.
I have to do this.
And we are running out of time.
I won't let you!
It's the only way to get you your dream!
My dream?
My dream wouldn't be complete
without you in it.
I love you, Naveen.
-Warts and all?
-Warts and all.
All my life, I read about
true love in fairy tales
and, Tia, you found it!
I'll kiss him. For you, honey.
No marriage required.
Oh, my word!
Maybe that old clock's a little fast!
I'm so sorry.
Tiana! Naveen!
-NAVEEN: Louis, what is it?
-Shadow Man done laid poor Ray low.
-He's hurting awful bad.
Hey, chre,
-how come you're still...
-We're staying frogs, Ray.
And we're staying together.
I like that very much.
Evangeline likes that, too.
And so by the power vested in me,
I now pronounce y'all frog and wife.
Get to it, Hop-along!
Give your lovely bride some sugar!
This going to be good!
Like I told y'all,
kissing a princess breaks the spell.
Once you became my wife,
that made you...
A princess.
You just kissed yourself a princess.
And I'm about to do it again.
(SINGING) In the south land,
there's a city
Way down on the river
Where the women are very pretty
And all the men deliver
They got music, it's always playing
Start in the daytime
Go all through the night
And when you hear that music playing
Hear what I'm saying
make you feel all right
Who would have thought the prince
would've had a younger brother!
How old did you say you were?
I'm 6 and a half.
Well, I've waited this long.
Grab somebody, come on down
Bring your paintbrush
We're painting the town
There's some sweetness going around
Dreams do come true
In New Orleans
For the way you changed my plans
For being the perfect distraction
For the way you took the idea that I had
Of everything that I wanted to have
And made me see
there was something missing
Oh, yeah
For the ending of my first begin
And for the rare and unexpected friend
For the way you're something
that I'd never choose
But at the same time
something I don't wanna lose
And never wanna be
without ever again
You're the best thing
I never knew I needed
So when you were here
I had no idea
You're the best thing
I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear
I need you here, always
My accidental happily ever after
The way you smile
and how you comfort me
With your laughter
I must admit
you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it up
and take a look
You're the beginning
and the end of every chapter
You're the best thing
I never knew I needed
So when you were here
I had no idea
You're the best thing
I never knew I needed
That I needed
So now it's so clear
I need you here, always
Who knew that I could be
Who knew that I could be
So unexpectedly
So unexpectedly
Undeniably happy
With you right here,
right here next to me
'Cause you're the best thing
I never knew I needed
Said I needed
When you were here
I had no idea
You're the best thing
I never knew I needed
So now it's so clear
I need you here, always
Now it's so clear
I need you here always