The Professionals (1966)

That's your man.
- Draw your pay.
- You wanted him broken.
Yeah, but not ruined.
Now, get out of here.
Mr. Marshall.
Ever heard of a J.W. Grant?
He needs you. Urgent.
My husband.
Hurry. Hurry.
Please, hurry.
Get out of here.
It's nice to see you.
I'm Joe Grant.
Thank you for coming, Mr. Ehrengard.
Got your telegram, Mr. Grant.
It's a pleasure, Mr. Sharp.
Yeah. Me too, Lizzie.
Mr. Grant, I'm your local
bank representative.
As per your instructions,
this box contains...
Thank you for coming, Mr. Fardan.
The receipt, Mr. Grant.
Exactly $100,000 in gold coins.
Not a coin larger than $50.
That's quite an unusual request.
Thank you. Move out.
Mr. Grant. Slow freight ahead.
- Sidetrack it.
- You should count the money.
- Didn't you count it?
- Well, yes, of course, but...
Thank you.
Henry "Rico" Fardan. Virginia Military
Academy, Philippine campaign...
...Cuba with Roosevelt's Rough
Riders. Married a Mexican woman.
No children. Wife deceased.
Joined Pancho Villa
as weapons expert and tactician.
Your hair was darker then.
My heart was lighter then.
Left Villa's forces, June, 1915.
A year of wildcatting and prospecting.
Results: Negative.
Now demonstrating automatic
weapons. Salary: $40 a week.
Hans Ehrengard. Ex-cavalryman,
cattle boss, wrangler...
...bull-whacker, packmaster.
Jacob Sharp. Specialist with rifle,
rope and longbow.
Most dependable scout and tracker
in the territory.
Any objections to working
with a Negro?
What's the job, Mr. Grant?
How well do you know him?
- Well enough.
- What's your feeling toward him?
I have the highest respect for him... a soldier.
Last week, your respected soldier
kidnapped my wife.
His ransom note.
Your job:
A mission of mercy.
Raza. Captain Jesus Raza.
What a name for the bloodiest
cutthroat in Mexico.
Mrs. Grant is a prisoner
about 100 miles across this desert.
A hellhole. For Raza, a fortress.
He was born in that desert.
He and his men know every ravine,
every rock, every cliff.
It'd take a battalion at least a month.
But a few daring men...
...specialists, led by you...
...could do it in one bold, swift stroke.
Why not? You're fluent in Spanish.
You know the terrain.
You know Raza.
How he thinks and reacts.
- I know you can do it.
- I don't think so, Mr. Grant.
One thousand dollars a man going in.
If you bring her back safe and sound...
...another 9000 dollars
for each of you.
- How many men does Raza have?
- Pasqual?
Last month, 150, maybe. Now?
- If I were you, I'd pay the ransom.
- There it is.
One hundred thousand dollars
in gold coins, as requested by Raza.
Will that guarantee that she
won't be killed? You know Raza.
Say we were lucky enough
to get there.
How do we get your wife out? Safely?
Gentlemen, I don't know
where else to turn.
- What we really need is an equalizer.
- Name it.
A dynamiter with a delicate touch
to blow out a candle...
...without denting the candleholder.
- Who?
Arrange to have that man at the train
where we pick up the horses.
- Where is he?
- Not far.
- Get the details.
- In jail.
- In jail?
- He says that $700 will bail him out.
But is he dependable?
Can he be trusted?
I trust him.
Then you've got him.
- Rico, buddy, I don't deserve you.
- I agree.
I can understand you getting
into a crap game and losing $700...
...but how'd you lose your pants?
- In a lady's bedroom.
Trying to raise the cash.
Almost had it made too.
You realise people are the only
animals who make love face to face?
He's all yours.
Thanks. Again.
You could have telegraphed
the money yesterday.
Yesterday, I didn't have the money.
What's the proposition?
You won't lose your pants.
Your life, maybe, but... what's that?
Hardly anything at all.
- Well?
- Nice animals.
- Picked by Mr. Ortega.
- You can depend on them.
This one is Mrs. Grant's favourite.
Bred for speed.
He'll need a lot more than that
for this job.
- You'll have to make them do.
- Mr. Grant...
...I can make them go,
but I can't make them do.
$100,000 for a wife?
She must be a lot of woman.
Certain women have a way
of changing some boys into men...
...and some men back into boys.
- That's a woman worth saving.
- Where are we going?
- The Painted Mountains.
That's right.
- You want us to go back to Mexico?
- This time strictly for cash.
- What's the deal?
- $10,000 per man, for nine days' work.
More money than we ever realised
out of all our schemes put together.
No detours!
I made us a contract. All the way.
- They know who took the woman?
- Raza.
Our Raza? A kidnapper?
- Grant's got a ransom note to prove it.
- Well, I'll be damned.
Most of us are.
Last week Mrs. Grant went riding.
Across the border.
She was born in Mexico.
I suppose she got lonely for it.
By the time we were alarmed,
the note of ransom arrived.
You'll want to know how she looks.
Those were taken four years ago
on our wedding day.
I guess I'm not much good without her.
Not anymore.
- What part of the hacienda is she kept?
- I'd only be guessing.
We have to know.
- The goat-keeper must know.
- Is he still there?
- What goat-keeper?
- By name, Padillia. Eduardo Padillia.
He was devoted to Mrs. Grant.
Twice a day he brought her
goat's milk. It was almost a ritual.
By this, he will know
you have my blessing.
Like myself, he would give his life
for the senora.
When you cross under that bridge,
you're in Mexico.
You'll leave as soon as it's dark.
It's safer to travel by night, rest by day.
Bring her back to me.
We've been following
the same tracks.
- Mexicans.
- How many horses?
Eight. More likely 10.
- How long ago?
- Couple hours.
- Which way they headed?
- Same as us, south. Only, circling.
Now, why should they circle?
Raza's men?
- Why not?
- This far north?
That's a good question.
Could be anybody. Even friendly.
- Could be.
- Jake, shag them. Look them over.
But just look.
We'll camp at Dead Man's Canyon.
Spot us by the Painted Hills.
I'll find you.
Rico. You know something?
Me and Raza are the two
most corruptible bums.
- We'd do most anything for money.
- And have.
But not kidnapping.
That's not our trade.
Why did Raza pick Grant's wife
to kidnap?
Company. Eight.
Next bend up ahead.
- Last night you saw tracks for 10.
- That's right.
- Any cover?
- Both sides.
Cut out your two horses
and the dynamite mule.
- Maybe they're just passing.
- If so, they'll ride in single file.
The leader in front, and they'll palaver.
If it's trouble, they'll come as a group.
If the leader takes his hat off and
passes it across to cover his gun...
...let go, fast.
- Bill, you take the point.
- They got bolt-action rifles.
- Same setup as Durango?
- Yeah. Why not?
- They're here.
- They're here.
Good morning, friends.
Good morning.
They're Americans.
- You got lost?
- Just looking for a place to camp.
What you got in those packs, boss?
You got more gold in your teeth.
He says I've got more gold
in my teeth. How funny!
- It's very dangerous around here.
- Oh, that so?
Sure. Many bandits
hide in these mountains.
Very bad men.
They steal from anybody.
- Especially gringos.
- In that case, we'd better keep moving.
Go with God.
- That makes 10.
- That's right.
Shoot the horse. Shoot him!
- Bury them deep.
- Nine more of their horses are still left.
- You gonna shoot them too?
- We can't spare the food and water.
You can turn them loose.
- What's so funny?
- People.
We just killed 10 men.
Nobody bats an eye.
- When it comes to a stupid animal...
- But harmless.
Nothing's harmless in the desert,
unless it's dead.
Want to face another pack
of Raza's men?
- They'll head south, to camp.
- They'll head to the river, north.
Suppose they follow us? What then?
Then shoot them.
All right. Cut them loose.
God almighty.
I've known heat before, but this is...
I hate the desert.
It's got no pity.
- Did he take his salt?
- I'll see that he gets some.
Let him sleep. You too.
How they taking it?
They'll be all right.
You'd better scout ahead tonight.
Now, beyond that ridge,
20 miles of salt flats.
Then 10 more of sand.
220 degrees south by southwest.
Our next layover, Coyote Pass.
The cemetery of nameless men.
We buried some fine friends there.
And some fine enemies.
That was a fine battle.
Outnumbered, outgunned,
and still we held that pass.
Yeah, but who cares now?
Or even remembers?
Now, take that ruckus this morning.
A year ago, those men would be
fighting federals instead of gringos.
- We were lucky.
- We were also stiffed.
They had us spotted back
where we picked up their trail.
- Why did they sucker us into this spot?
- You're leery about the setup too. So?
Amigo, three days' ride from
Coyote Pass is another graveyard.
But instead of dead heroes,
they buried gold bullion.
Two million in Spanish gold.
Melted down into beautiful bars.
Waiting for us.
We don't have to fight Raza to get it.
- It's not the reason you took this job.
- Got a better reason?
Our word. We gave our word
to bring the woman back.
My word to Grant
ain't worth a plugged nickel.
You gave your word to me.
Yeah, takes getting used to.
Broiling by day. Freezing at night.
Alkali dust choking your body.
Who lives here long enough
to get used to it?
Men, tempered like steel,
a tough breed.
Men who've learned how to endure.
- Like you and Dolworth.
- Oh, no.
Men like Raza.
I wonder how long that's been there.
About an hour or so.
Dolworth put it there.
That means everything's all clear.
An upside-down cross means danger.
- Could've been put there by anybody.
- That's the idea.
Good morning, friend.
- Dolworth?
- Yeah.
- How many more?
- Three.
No guns.
- We that close to Raza?
- Could be.
At least I made out with a fine pistol.
We sure got lucky with this gringo, eh?
No wonder my mother kicked me
out of the house!
- A bottle.
- You'd even frighten the dead!
Don't get carried away.
The bottle.
Where are your friends, amigo?
Here have a drink.
These shoes will be mine if they fit.
- Hey, don't I know you?
- Well, from here you look like me.
- Why you come to this place?
- You'll laugh.
It is not proper to laugh at a man
who is about to die.
I came because I'm crazy
about your tequila.
And I like your women.
See? You laugh.
What a funny guy, huh?
I'm gonna ask again.
Where are your friends?
I told you. I always travel alone.
It is a sacrilege to die
with a lie in your teeth.
Those horses and six more
come back to us.
But where are the men
who ride them?
I don't think you kill 10 men
by yourself, buddy.
Hold it!
I wouldn't do that.
My friend would die of a terrible
headache. And so would you.
And so would you.
So wouldn't it be more sensible
if we both kept our heads, huh?
Put down your gun.
If I did that, how do I know
that you would still be friendly?
Do I gotta kill you
to prove I like you?
Your gun, mister.
That's why I like this fool,
because he's intelligent.
- Behave!
- Behave. Let it drop.
That's why I like this one,
because he's so intelligent.
Come on, buddy.
Let it go already.
He's a good man after all.
You have to get over this habit
of losing your pants.
- It's not dignified.
- It's draughty too.
- Don't worry. This time I'll do it.
- This time we need them.
You all right?
Makes you wonder
how we ever beat the Indians.
Interesting pass.
You should see it from upside down.
If we hightail it out of here in a hurry,
that doorway could save us hours.
It's the same shortcut for Raza.
Not if you rig it
so we slam that door in his face.
I'll take the first watch.
If it isn't hot, it's cold.
If it isn't cold, it's raining.
How bad is that horse?
- Not too good. No bottom.
- We could all do with a rest.
- A shave would be a relief.
- So would a bath.
Might as well throw in a woman.
Any size, any age, any colour.
Any woman.
Mr. D...
...whatever got a loving man like you
in the dynamite business?
I'll tell you. I was born
with a powerful passion to create.
I can't write, I can't paint,
I can't make up a song.
- So you explode things.
- That's how the world was born.
Biggest damn explosion ever.
Dynamite in the hands of a fool
means death.
In this case it could mean life. Ours.
If we're lucky...
...and get back to this rattrap,
it'll be touch-and-go.
All you gotta do is light this fuse.
You got 10 seconds to run like hell.
And then dynamite, not faith,
will move that mountain into this pass.
Peace, brother.
That track is the main line
to Mexico City.
According to this, Grant's railroad spur
branches off three miles up.
Beyond those hills... the hacienda.
Supply train.
- Government troops.
- Well, look here.
Throw it!
Pull it!
- How are you, man?
- Good, chief. Thank you.
- Are they all Reds?
- Yes, Captain, they all are.
Well, you know what to do.
- Justice.
- Shut up!
The men on that train are Colorados.
Expert marksmen.
Also expert at torture.
Years ago, they burned and looted
a town of 3000 people.
When they finished, 40 were left.
Fardan's wife was one of the lucky 40.
"Why are you a revolutionary?"
They asked her.
"To rid the world of scum like you,"
she said.
They stripped her naked...
...ran her through the cactus
until her flesh was...
The other 39 rebels
watched her die...
...and did nothing.
Just watched.
What were Americans
doing in a Mexican revolution?
Maybe there's only one revolution,
since the beginning.
The good guys against the bad guys.
The question is:
Who are the good guys?
- Juanito, to the north and south, okay?
- Got it.
About 60 horses, four burros.
Two machine guns from the train.
Keep those horses quiet.
Get some more from the other side.
You rode well today, honey.
- That Mrs. Grant?
- That is a soldier.
Lieutenant Si Si Chiquita.
Now, there's a woman worth a ransom.
She never says no.
Before you blow a gasket,
think you can blow the water tower?
- How do you want it?
- Like it was hit with a French 75.
Mrs. Grant could be there.
- Seems the only likely place.
- The trouble is, we gotta be dead sure.
When we make our move,
there won't be time for guessing.
Coming through the gate.
- Morning. How's the wife and kids?
- Very good, very good.
Wow, there's a lot of you here.
Anybody see any cows?
It's a cinch that milk didn't
come from the breast of a tin can.
Our friend, the goat-keeper.
Good morning, sir.
- What is your name?
- Eduardo Padillia, at your service.
Do you recognise this?
Friends of Mr. Ortega.
That's right.
The milk that you brought
to the hacienda this morning...
Who was that for?
- Who drinks it?
- Many people.
Anybody special?
The lady. Senora Grant.
She live in that room? You're sure?
- You have seen her?
- I know her from when she was born.
Her mother was dry. She was raised
on the milk of my goats.
- Is she well?
- Very well, considering.
We have come to help her.
Blessed be the Lord.
May God repay you. May God...
Raza has to expect one of two things:
A messenger with a ransom...
...or an attack from the federales.
We've gotta make him think
we're the Mexican army.
- The four of us?
- A whole battalion.
Now, how do the federales
start an attack? Artillery.
This is our battery of field guns.
First you hit him here. French 75s.
Then here, here, here.
Carefully avoiding Mrs. Grant.
- When they run to defend the...
- We rescue Little Red Riding Hood.
We can't fight our way in.
Diversion is our only chance.
Rico, buddy, I got one of my feelings.
Something's dicey about this.
Let's pull out.
If you can deliver this dynamite
with split-second timing...
...we can pull this job off.
Mr. D?
I guess we just gotta get lucky.
Jacob, this stick of dynamite
weighs exactly four ounces.
If you taped that to an arrow,
how far could you shoot it?
And hit the mark.
I don't like it.
- We get it wrong?
- Relax.
The stuff you're handling is safe.
These beaded sticks are trickier.
It's the heat.
Makes them sweat. Nitro.
When they're dry and cool,
they're safe and obedient.
We'll leave these sweaty ones behind.
Ventilate them. Cool them.
Then maybe they'll behave.
I don't know whether it's me
or the dynamite...
...that's doing all that sweating.
Four men against so many.
How will you save the senora?
- I don't know yet.
- When will it happen?
- Tomorrow. Maybe the next day.
- Not before?
- There's much to prepare.
- Speak plainly, senor.
Am I your prisoner?
I want to help the senora.
But you make me feel unworthy.
Show us if you're worthy.
Go greet them.
And remember,
I speak your language.
They don't give good milk
if they're skinny.
What happened, old man?
Any news?
- Talk!
- Same as always. Very hot weather.
- Have you seen anyone around here?
- No.
A gringo maybe?
- Gringo?
- Yeah, a gringo.
Are you sure?
They killed and buried ten of our men.
They found the men
we buried in the canyon.
Am I worthy?
If I were you, Jacob, I wouldn't use
any of these for firewood.
Excuse me. I am ready to leave.
- Shall I tell the senora of your coming?
- No.
- She might behave differently.
- I understand.
By tomorrow, God willing,
the senora will be safe.
Until later, then.
So you let him go.
They expect him to bring the milk.
To hell with the milk.
- What must he do to prove himself?
- He proved nothing.
He knew if he said a wrong word,
he'd be shot.
What were we to do?
Watch him all night, and tomorrow?
When we go do the job, then what?
We take him with us? Tie him up?
Or were you planning killing him?
I wouldn't put that past you.
- I don't like it.
- All right.
We do the job tonight, as planned.
This fuse burns for 10 seconds.
Three seconds for flight of arrow?
- About.
- Once you light the fuse...'ve got seven seconds to shoot.
- Clear.
Start shooting
as soon as the water tower blows.
These are your targets.
That's your position.
- I have 4:17.
- 4:20.
- 4:24.
- Set them at 4:30.
We should have an hour before dawn.
How much time do you need?
I'll be ready by 5:00. This fuse
will burn for half-hour exactly.
- Fireworks start at 5:30 sharp.
- Any questions?
- Machine gun over the lady's room?
- My job. Anything else?
Let's go to work.
Listen to me!
- Who are you looking for?
- Raza.
There are things that...
Carlos, I won't take long.
I know.
- How was it?
- Okay.
- Carlos?
- Yeah?
- Want some tequila?
- Oh, good. Thank you, friend.
Where are you all going?
I'm right here.
Good night.
- See the woman?
- Yes.
- Talk to her yet?
- No.
- How much time we got?
- About eight minutes.
- Listen to me!
- Go on.
- Go to hell!
- You go to hell!
I don't give a shit!
That Chiquita,
she can lick a whole regiment...
...but she can't dance a lick.
You. Go away!
Amigo, we've been had.
Let's get the hell out of here.
- No.
- No!
Do exactly as I said.
The Mrs.
Speak only what I told you.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Call them.
Rico. All clear.
By the way, I forgot to bring
your wooden cross...
...your upside-down cross.
Cease fire!
Cease fire!
You're going to injure the Mrs.
- Cease fire!
- Cease fire!
They're afraid to hit the woman.
Your position is hopeless.
Put down your weapons.
Get up.
Come on, baby. Let's go.
Don't shoot.
Release the woman!
Release her!
Do as I say.
One shot from you, I'll kill her.
Get your men off that train.
Let's go! Outside.
Three against four. What happened?
- Feels like a busted rib.
- You're lucky.
The bullet went clean through.
Your hands are filthy.
What's it to you if he lives or dies?
If he lives, we'll have to slow down.
That'll give Raza
a chance to catch up.
She'll work to keep him alive,
all right.
Just wondering.
What makes you worth
Go to hell.
Yes, ma'am.
I'm on my way.
How is he?
He will never reach the border.
None of you.
You have no chance. You never did.
We knew everything.
From the moment you set foot
in Mexico. Even before.
From the day
my husband sent for you.
Mr. Ortega.
He said he would
give his life for you.
For me, not my husband.
For Raza. For the revolution.
From the loyal Ortega to the devoted
goat-keeper, to the faithful wife... the mercy of a brutal kidnapper.
That's one hell of a rigged parlay.
I was not kidnapped.
The old badger game.
Shakedown partners, bed partners.
Raza and I grew up together.
I am born there.
When it's the hacienda of my father,
when Raza is only a stable boy.
We are lovers long before
Mr. Joe Grant buys the place.
When my father lies dying, he says:
"Mr. Joe Grant wants you
for his wife."
"You will become Dona Grant,
a fine lady. That is my wish."
Here, a wish is a command.
But I'm very young and very foolish.
I tell Mr. Joe Grant
I cannot marry to him.
I love another man.
Very romantic, no?
Your husband sent you clothes.
I offer you a better bargain than I got.
Four lives. Yours, if you let me go.
You better change
before we start back.
It'll be a long ride
on your bare bottom.
- How much time have we got?
- None.
Get her out. Get her out!
Drink it.
See anything?
They'll be along.
- How would they know which way?
- Raza will know.
You should have let me finish him.
Why didn't you kill him?
You let Raza live.
Shall I tell you?
You are simpatico. No man was more
loyal to the revolution than you.
I fought like any other man.
Loyalty such as yours, that comes
only from devotion to a cause.
That same fire burns in Raza. That is
why you could not see him murdered.
He is a thief, trying to steal
100,000 dollars.
You are a whore
cheating on your husband.
My husband stole millions
from this land, our land.
If we can keep the revolution alive,
with that money, for just a day...
...then I'll steal and cheat,
and whore...
...and anything else
that must be done.
You laugh. But you believed
in the revolution once.
What else inspired you
to fight for us?
Well, ma'am, I'll tell you.
I got inspired one day
in May, 1911, in El Paso.
It started suddenly. Shooting, yelling,
bombs going across the Rio Grande.
Everybody ran to see what
the ruckus was about. Me too.
From the top of freight cars
we saw across the river.
The Maderistas were taking Juarez.
The revolution had busted wide open.
It was beautiful.
The next thing I know I was
across the border shooting...
...with everybody and yelling,
"Viva Mexico."
A month later I was
blowing up trains for Villa.
That's it.
Nothing more?
Not even money?
Promised, never paid.
But you stayed. You and this one.
And fought for six years,
the worst years.
It's not our war anymore, Mrs. Grant.
Him, I understand.
An adventurer without principles.
But you?
Change your clothes.
We're leaving.
Raza says you
and he were good friends.
- That's right.
- And yet, you would have killed him.
That's right.
For money.
That's right.
For as much money,
would you let me go?
- How long since you had a woman?
- Too long.
You want me?
My price is high.
I might say yes now
and later, no.
I trust you.
I trust you too.
You heard the man. We're leaving.
Try a little salt, ma'am.
Make you feel better.
Sorry about your horse, ma'am.
- You know something, Rico?
- Here.
That's a lot of woman there.
Beautiful. Classy. And guts.
Hard enough to kill you,
and soft enough to change you.
Reminds me of another Maria.
Amigo, don't con me.
She's going back. If I have
to do it alone, she's going back.
That's what I wanted to hear you say.
What is on your mind besides
100-proof women, 90-proof whisky...
...and 14-carat gold?
Amigo... just wrote my epitaph.
- How many men?
- Raza and six. Pushing hard.
Moving out.
To make the border,
we gotta be out in three hours.
We got an hour, maybe less.
You have lost.
Win or lose, here and now.
Bottleneck like this,
one of us might hold them off.
- One of us.
- If he plays it cool.
Hit and run. Stall and retreat.
Ehrengard needs help.
That's Jake's job.
The woman has to be watched.
That's your job.
- Buying the time we need is my job.
- Whoa, amigo. Slow down.
Let's keep this professional. Your job
is to make good our contract.
To deliver the goods. All the way.
That's your job.
I got 9000 bucks coming.
In hard cash, please.
Take my horse.
You'll need him if Raza gets past me.
See you.
How are you going to make it back?
Well, how were you?
Come on! Go on!
Sons of bitches.
Show your faces, bastards.
- Fierro!
- I got one of them.
Where are they?
Speak, man. Their positions!
Fierro, is he finished?
Not yet, baby.
So you are the one
they left to die, huh?
Where did the bullet bite you?
In the ass.
Another two inches, mamacita.
Could you spare one more cigarro?
Why, sure.
Come and get it.
Hey, Fierro!
- You want tobacco?
- Smoking is bad for the health.
How do you come
to this dirty business?
The usual.
Everything is as usual.
I need guns and bullets, as usual.
The war goes badly, as usual.
Only you... are not as usual.
How's your love life?
You want some?
Don't you ever say no?
- Never.
- Anybody?
You know, of course,
one of us must die.
Maybe both of us.
To die for money is foolish.
To die for a woman is more foolish.
Any woman, even her.
How long you think to hold us here?
Oh, a couple of hours.
Then what happens
here won't matter.
She'll be Mrs. Joe Grant again.
But that will change nothing.
She is my woman.
Before. Now. Always.
Nothing is for always.
Except death.
Ask Fierro. Ask Francisco.
Ask those in the
cemetery of nameless men.
- They died for what they believed.
- The revolution?
When the shooting stops
and the dead buried...
...and the politicians take over, it all
adds up to one thing, a lost cause.
You want perfection or nothing.
You're too romantic, compadre.
La Revolucion
is like a great love affair.
In the beginning, she is a goddess.
A holy cause. But every
love affair has a terrible enemy.
We see her as she is.
La Revolucion is not a goddess,
but a whore.
She was never pure,
never saintly, never perfect.
So we run away.
Find another lover, another cause.
Quick, sordid affairs.
Lust, but no love.
Passion, but no compassion.
Without love...
...without a cause, we are nothing.
We stay because we believe.
We leave because
we are disillusioned.
We come back because we are lost.
We die because we are committed.
You and I together.
I to the front.
- I will go first.
- Do as I say, woman!
A woman he will not shoot.
Hello, baby.
Long time since I hear "baby."
Hey, you ever find...
...that damn gold mine?
I am not lucky today.
But you're beautiful.
Querido, baby.
We had some fine times together.
Give us a kiss.
Mrs. Grant, let's go.
As long as we're
not pressed for time.
Well, in a few minutes she'll be home.
Be nice if Bill
was here for the payoff.
Be nice if he was here alive.
But stalling around won't make it so.
A cloud of dust. Could be Mr. Raza.
Could be most anything.
Even a whirling dervish.
That, gentlemen,
is the whirlingest dervish of them all.
- Never thought he'd get out alive.
- And that, gentlemen...
...calls for a celebration.
What's that supposed to mean?
Rico, buddy, this will come
as a shock to both of us.
- I'm a born sucker for love.
- That bullet knocked your brains out.
Or let some in.
What happened back there?
What changed your mind?
I found out what makes a woman
worth 100,000 dollars.
You expect me to turn her loose?
Turn her loose? After all we've
been through together?
After all the blood it's cost?
Hell, no!
You made a contract to kidnap
a wife for Mr. J.W. Grant.
Now, let's collect that ransom.
Thank you, from the bottom
of my heart. Thank you.
Nicked you a bit, did they?
Help yourself.
- I'll get Mrs. Grant.
- That isn't necessary.
Hooper! Escort these men
into town. See they're paid in full.
Charge hotel bills, whisky bills,
girl bills, all bills. Anything. On me.
You must be anxious
to get a hot bath... it'll have to be adios
and muchas gracias.
- A hot bath.
- Why? Is it Saturday?
You did your job and earned
a bust-out. Those are orders.
The contract is not complete until...
...Mrs. Grant is delivered
safe and sound.
- The code of the profession?
- Something like that.
Very well. I hereby declare
our contract satisfactorily concluded.
Not yet. Mrs. Grant...
Thank you.
- Hooper.
- Yes, sir.
Kill him.
No, no.
You haven't earned
the right to kill him.
If it's not too much, I want privacy.
- Joseph!
- Not now.
There is nothing to hide.
They know everything.
You're back again.
Nothing else matters.
I will run away again. That matters.
You're my wife. You belong to me.
I belong here.
- With him?
- With him.
I'd rather see you dead.
You're coming with me!
You're going home!
- No!
- Yes!
Gentlemen, you heard our employer.
The lady's going home.
Did you think J.W. Grant was
stupid enough to pay that ransom?
Certainly not.
There was no kidnapping.
Right, Mr. Grant?
- Right, Mr. Grant?
- That is none of your business.
Wrong, Mr. Grant.
We made a contract to save
a lady from a nasty old kidnapper.
Who turns out to be you.
We both made a bad deal, Mr. Grant.
You lose a wife, and we lose
10,000 dollars apiece.
You bastard!
Yes, sir.
In my case, an accident of birth.
But you, sir,
you're a self-made man.