The Program (2015)

(wind blowing)
(man breathing heavily)
(Lance) It's the hardest
sporting event in the world.
One hundred and eighty riders,
20 stages,
and only one gets to wear
the Yellow Jersey.
This is the dream.
(trumpet fanfare)
To be on the team. To compete
with the best of the best in the world.
Now, when I'm out there physically,
I'm not more gifted than anybody else.
It's just this... desire...
this hunger.
My mam didn't raise a quitter
and I would never quit.
And that's heart, man,
that's not physical.
(race commentary)
It's not legs.
It's not lungs. That's heart.
That's soul.
That's just guts.
(commentator) That was
a disaster on the line there.
(commentator) The most incredible
sporting event in the world
at any time.
Oh! Now you just gotta want
my autograph.
(laughs) Maybe I do.
So, it's your first Tour.
You're 21 years old.
You're the youngest rider in the race.
- What are you hoping to accomplish?
- I wanna finish.
A stage win or two.
That would be awesome.
A lot of the riders,
they describe the Tour as a journey,
an odyssey into pain
and suffering and endurance,
an almost religious experience.
Eventually you arrive at a point
of enhanced self-awareness.
And I was wondering,
do you think about that?
Well, I just love to ride my bike.
(laughs) Aw, shoot.
- Oh, no, really?
- Oh, yeah.
- I was...
- We had a bet.
- I was joking.
- I beat you fair and square.
- Shave the beard.
- Absolutely not.
I had my interview with Armstrong today.
Interesting guy.
I mean, not lacking in confidence.
But it was good. I liked him.
- Is he a contender, you reckon?
- No.
Really good day racer, though.
Really good. Strong legs.
He's built for a one-day event,
not a three-week tour.
Hey, you're the American.
Lance, right?
You're supposed to be good. You
won all those races in America, right?
Big shot, yeah. (Chuckles)
But you don't win here.
No'? (Chuckles)
See that guy over there?
That guy. And probably that guy.
They've got more red cells
in their blood, more oxygen.
You can't win.
(man) Trois, deux, un!
(airhorn blares)
Go, fucking go!
(Lance) Go, go, go!
(crowd shouts encouragement)
(breathes heavily)
So what you wanna do?
I'm not doping.
Lance, it's a big step to take.
I know, but first, second, third place,
same team, that's not normal.
(reporter) The top three places
for one team
is a remarkable achievement
in this race.
How would you characterize
your contribution to the success
- of the team today?
- As a doctor,
I believe I bring an expertise
in physical conditioning.
Do your riders use Epo?
If a rider does use Epo,
doesn't scandalize me.
One can buy Epo in Switzerland,
for example, without a prescription.
But Epo is dangerous.
Epo is not dangerous.
It's abuse that is.
- Dr Ferrari?
- Si.
I'm Lance...
- "Armstrong."
- I know who you are.
I wanna be like one of your guys.
I wanna be on
the program they're on.
You know what I'm talking about.
You just tell me what to do, I'll do it.
I'll work hard.
Come in.
(Ferrari) Remove your shirt, please.
Your shirt, remove.
- What?
- Your ratio is all wrong.
- My ratio?
- Power to weight.
Lots of power, but too much of this.
- What are you talking about?
- Your shape, Lance.
Is not best for the mountains.
You can be a good racer, but never
a great one. I'm sorry. You know it.
Scusi. I got some work to do.
(music plays on car stereo)
(they laugh)
(Tony) Come on, boys.
Un moment, s'il vous plait.
(they talk quietly)
- What are you doing?
- It's under control.
We're just making
everything look natural.
I'm just looking
at the range of conditioners...
Why? You got great hair.
- Really?
- Shut the fuck...
- (woman) Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
Can I help you?
Hi. Can I have some...
- ..aspirin?
- Certainly.
- Thanks. And a toothbrush.
- Just behind you.
Right. And can I have some, erm...
- ..diapers.
- Sure. Which size?
- Epogen?
- Yes.
- That's what this man wants.
- OK.
- Bonsoir.
- Au revoir.
- Merci.
- De rien.
Au revoir.
- So, how much would you like?
- I don't really...
A lot.
["Blitzkrieg Bop" by The Ramones]
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The blitzkrieg bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all revved up and ready to go
- They're forming in a straight line.
- Yes!
They're going through a tight wind
(grunts)I told you.
Didn't I tell you, though?
Who said that Armstrong had the
potential to be a great one-day racer'?
And you scoffed. Scoff no more.
Very, very, very surprised. And pleased.
Just so proud of the team
and how things worked out today.
(they all talk loudly)
(restaurant noises fade)
You know... aren't you supposed
to get a second opinion?
- (doctor) You can if you wish, but...
- Yeah.
(doctor) It's cancer, Lance.
Testicular cancer.
Stage three out of three.
Now that we've got a diagnosis,
we can begin a treatment program.
We'll start with an orchiectomy which
is removal of the affected testicle
and then the insertion of a long-term
intravenous catheter
through which we can deliver
four rounds of chemotherapy.
And you know those cerebral metastases
that you have...
Well, you'll require surgery
to have them removed.
(medical monitor beeps)
(man) OK, some nice deep breaths
for me.
Keep holding it there.
Box shape paramedian flap
should give us enough access
for a transcallosal approach.
We'll need 0.5%...
(surgical noises fade)
(doctor) This is a really
punishing treatment.
As of now you have essentially
no functioning white cells.
Your platelet count is about zero.
We're doing all we can with
the transfusions and the antibiotics.
I don't know who's gonna blink first,
the tumour... or you.
(woman) Mr Armstrong?
- Would you like some help?
- There's been a mistake. I'm not...
Think you ought to go back to the ward.
I'm not supposed to be here.
- Don't you want to go back?
- I'm a world champion.
- Why don't we get a chair for you?
- I don't need a chair.
Sit in the chair now, Lance.
( Door opens)
(Frankie) Lance?
You look good, kid.
- Still breathing.
- What happened to your hair?
I look like that guy from Star Trek.
So when you getting back on the bike,
When you bring me a bike.
- I wouldn't wanna break the rules.
- Excuse me.
I was reviewing your records.
Could I clarify a couple of issues
in your history?
Hey, you sticking around?
In the past, you were
on no regular medication?
- (Lance) No.
- You ever use any other drugs?
Any performance enhancing drugs?
- What is this?
- What?
- You heard it?
- Yes.
And you knew about that?
- Yes.
- And what about you?
(door creaks)
(breathes heavily)
(heavy breathing increases)
Are we racing?
You got a lot of work to do, buddy.
I've done what you asked.
My shape's changed.
Chemo diet really works.
- (Ferrari) What matters to you, Lance?
- Winning.
Anything else?
- I love my mom.
- More than winning?
- What's your V02 max?
- 84.
- What does that mean?
- It's my maximum oxygen consumption.
Literally, yes. But what it really
means is that you were born to lose.
When your compatriot, Greg LeMond,
won the Tour de France,
his V02 max was 93.
So in a straight race between you and
a man like him, you will always lose
because he delivers more fuel than you.
And when you climb a mountain
on the wheels,
you need fuel to generate power,
to lift the weight.
- OK, well, I'll do whatever it takes.
- Good.
(Ferrari) The Professor and I, we had
an interest in sports, in physiology.
How does an athlete improve?
The simplest question of all,
but no one really knows the answer.
So, we use science
to stop this business of athletes
just training without logic.
We do tests. We analyze the results.
And then we do it all again.
Increase the cadence.
You see, this is not just running up
a hill in the hope of getting fitter.
This is science, at last.
So, some athletes get better,
some of them much better,
but after a while I thought that
we had exhausted the science,
that there were no more great leaps
to be made.
And then, I tell you, Lance...
it was like a vision,
a heavenly vision.
When God spoke to Paul.
That is how it felt to me.
Lacrima Christi.
(narrator) Kidneys produce
a substance called Erythropoietin
which stimulates production
of red cells
which, in turn, make maximum use
of the available oxygen.
Excuse me.
Can I ask if any assessment has been
made of the effect of this drug
on healthy individuals?
Healthy individuals?
Athletes, for example.
No, I don't think it has.
Not that I'm aware of.
Of course, if the drug were taken
in an unregulated fashion
without adequate monitoring,
one can see a certain risk.
But under more controlled circumstances
there could be an increase in V02 max on
5 millilitres per kilogram per minute.
That should equate to a corresponding
improvement in athletic performance.
- Doctor...
- Yes.
I think it would be unethical.
Would it?
No longer were we confined
to the limits of physiology.
Now we could alter physiology.
No longer confined to Earth...
now we had learned to fly.
Mr Pharmacist
Can you help me out today
In your usual lovely way?
Dear Pharmacist, won't you please
Give me some energy?
Mr Pharmacist, Mr Pharmacist
(man speaks French)
Would you look at this?
(reporter) The Festina team are
embroiled in the biggest drug scandal
ever to hit the Tour de France.
Their trainer was found
with a suitcase full of steroids.
The team's director admits doping
was supervised to avoid uncontrolled...
It is so unnecessary.
This doesn't need to happen.
These people are amateurs.
The scandal has brought the Tour
and French pride to its knees.
(man speaks French)
(laughs hoarsely)
What a little girl.
(footsteps approach)
- Johan.
- Hey, Lance.
Thanks for coming.
Looking good.
Yeah, you as well.
A little beefy, maybe.
Well, for the first time in my life,
I can eat whatever I like, so fuck you.
You had a tough time, huh?
But you're OK now, right?
Yeah, I'm good.
- I'm ready to race, man.
- So what's the problem?
Let's Play-
Everything was perfect.
New team. New sponsor. New agent.
Excuse me. Lance. Bill Stapleton.
- Attorney?
- What I'm interested in
is helping athletes get the highest
possible return for work.
- You're an agent?
- Yeah.
We go in hard.
Say, "OK, boys, Olympics in two years."
"You wanna sponsor Lance,
you make a commitment
to pay him a million bucks
if he wins gold."
You're not asking them for money,
you're offering them the once-only,
never-to-be-repeated opportunity
to make a down payment
in the most exciting brand
in the universe of sport. You.
He had it all worked out.
We had a plan for the future.
Then I got sick... Er...
Contract terminated.
Sponsors dropped me.
It was, it was... It was insane.
So what are you going to do next?
I signed with the only team
that would have me.
It's US Postal.
And it's a bullshit contract.
There's no money.
It's a bunch of amateurs,
and there's no strategy for improvement.
So I'd like it
if you come on as team director.
Well, you certainly
make it sound attractive.
Oh, believe me, you would be better off
far, far, far away.
I'll tell you something.
After the disease,
I never wanna be that close
to losing again.
You wanna win the Tour?
- Postal deal still on the table?
- Yeah.
- I wanna talk to you.
- I know what you're gonna say.
- I've persuaded US Postal to sign...
- I'm gonna start a charity.
A what?
I wanna do something that helps people
in the same situation I was.
Now I don't know exactly how to do it
but it has something to do
with research, family and cancer.
That's good. That's great.
I think I can really make a difference.
Of course you can.
And the higher your profile,
the better for your charity.
If you're speaking for athletes
and cancer, that's potent.
That's life and death.
Alright, let's raise the bar.
You could be in a Pepsi commercial.
- What if I win?
- You mean...
the Tour?
Can you really do that?
We're gonna do it
like it's never been done before.
It's gonna be a collaborative effort
with manufacturers,
sponsors, technicians.
- What about the racers?
- I want racers who... serve the team.
Lieutenants who will sit on the front.
Racers for the mountains
and racers for the flats.
We apply science, optimize the diet,
train at altitude,
train for one race only.
We'll be a blue train.
(man) Welcome to
the 86th Tour de France.
After last year's controversial Tour,
what can we expect this time around?
(crowd cheers)
Hey, Walshy! Your carriage awaits.
I see he's matured.
What's the party line? Is this
or is this not the Tour of Renewal?
I think so. The poison has been drawn.
The patient is alive and well.
Your boy's back, David.
Armstrong's risen from the dead.
You know, I think he might do alright.
Might even take a time trial.
Got to admit, the bloke's got balls.
- Wow. That is...
- (They laugh)
(commentator) He's lost a lot of weight
since he was put out of the spar?
By testicular cancer,
a disease which he battled.
Go. Don't stand.
(commentator 2) My goodness me,
Lance Armstrong with that performance
may have done enough.
So, as we look at the result.
The man on top is Lance Armstrong.
(Bruyneel) Today's gonna be
one of the hardest days.
You'll be pushed to your limits.
But your job is to protect Lance.
And we can only do that
if we work together as a team.
(commentator) As far as the General
Classification is concerned, no change.
(Walsh) Stage 9 of the Tour de France.
213 kilometres,
4, 732 metres of ascent.
The road from Le Grand Bornand,
up the Col du Telegraphe,
down to Valloire,
Montgenevre and Sestrire.
If a man is to win the Tour de France,
it will be on this stage
that he stamps himself upon the race.
OK, boys, 30K to go. 30K.
(crowd shouts)
(Bruyneel) Alright, handsome.
I'll tell you when.
(Bruyneel) Now, catch up,
catch up with them.
Hold on.
Not yet.
- I'll give you the signal.
- (Car horns)
And now, it's time to go.
Time to go, Lance. Now.
Now give me some more. Now, go, go...
Come on, set the pace, set the pace.
["Spread Your Love"
by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club]
Spread your love like a fever
Don't you ever come down
(commentator speaking in French)
A closing attack by Armstrong.
Holy shit.
He's obviously had a great day
in his first day in the Alps here.
Look at the acceleration of this
as he chases down those motorbikes.
Five and a half hours
he's been pedalling today,
marking everything, never distressed.
He's a tough rider.
Like a boxer when you listen to him
talking about the Tour de France.
"Nobody's gonna drop me
in the mountains, I'm gonna fight."
He will fight all the way
because that's his mentality.
He likes to put on a show
and that's what he's doing.
He realizes how important
the climb is to Sestrire.
It is a physical and mental delivery
here by Lance Armstrong
to all of his rivals
in the Tour de France.
He is just going faster and faster and
faster, and he is gonna win this stage
and he is gonna go minutes ahead
of the field because of it, too.
So, he didn't suffer from the rest day,
did he?
As Armstrong now has torn his rivals
apart here in the Tour de France.
They will have to go home tonight
and rethink their tactics tomorrow
in the Alps.
If this man comes out
like this tomorrow
the Tour de France really will be over.
It'll be a while before we know
if it' is as the winner
of the Tour de France.
There are few people in this race now
who'll doubt that.
Lance Armstrong, winner today of the
mountain stage of the Tour de France.
Spread your love like a fever
He used his brakes a lot, didn't he?
On the final climb,
on his way around the corners,
he needed to use his brakes
to slow himself down.
You know, on the way up the mountain.
- You think that's natural?
- Why isn't it enough for you
that today he was just simply
the best of a great bunch?
Because, John, there is nothing
in his record to support that.
He used to get beaten by climbers,
easily, and today he destroyed them.
Prior to this Tour, his best finish
on a mountain stage was 39th.
But now he's a man transformed into
the finest climber I've ever seen.
He's recovered from cancer
and turned into bloody Superman.
I don't think a man who's been through
that kind of illness
would then risk using
potentially dangerous drugs.
The converse is equally persuasive,
- Why are you so obsessed with this?
- Why are you not obsessed with this?
- You're supposed to be a journalist.
- Settle down.
I don't say it for nothing.
You guys were here
during that Festina madness.
You saw how many drugs
were seized by the police.
And here we are, one year on
in the Tour of Renewal,
and the average racing speed
has gone up.
Can you explain that to me?
Even if Armstrong was doping,
he couldn't possibly hide it.
- The Peloton would know.
- You think they don't know?
Come on. It's omert.
Nobody's gonna say anything.
Nobody wants to ruin the party.
Just let the sponsors roll in.
Let the media tell their lies
and to hell with the public.
And hey, if the winners are all cheats,
fuck it.
They're too afraid.
The cyclists have too much on the line,
so none of the riders are gonna speak.
Of course there is still doping.
That's why it's so fast,
like it's all downhill.
How about Armstrong?
He and I, we are the same height,
same weight.
His V02 max is 83, mine is 85.
We should be like twins.
But he finished
28 minutes ahead of me today.
How's that?
(Walsh) There is a silence
around cycling.
A silence from the administrators,
from the press and from the riders.
It's kind of deafening, really.
But if we just keep on cheering loud
enough maybe it will all go away
and no one will ever hear
the unwelcome question.
"Is this real... or is it dope?".
Yeah, I'm gonna go talk to him.
What are you doing'? What you're
saying to journalists, it's...
it's not good for cycling.
I'm saying what I think.
There is still doping.
If that's why you're here, maybe you
should just go home and get another job.
If I have things to say,
I will say them.
Then fuck you.
Get to the back.
(cyclists make comments
in foreign languages)
Keep your mouth shut.
(he chuckles)
That hurt.
- (phone rings)
- Little bit higher.
Just a little bit higher.
No, just getting a mas...
For what? Positive for what?
No, don't leave.
Tell the doctor I have a saddle sore
and I need a script for Cortisone cream.
Pre-date it.
Yeah, everybody's happy.
UCI is an upstanding organization.
And if they don't like it,
tell them to kiss my saddle sore.
OK. Yeah, let me know.
Well, Emma, now you know enough
to bring me down.
(commentator) And Armstrong's
still looking very comfortable,
but so too is Tonkov.
Armstrong moving up very comfortably
into second position there.
We're not gonna climb the mountain,
we're gonna roll right through it.
You're gonna ride the best ride of
your life and you're gonna suffer.
Well, this is the move now.
Armstrong has waited long enough,
stripped of all his team-mates
and he's trying to do a Sestrire
in the Pyrenees.
Attack without mercy.
Keep your head down, don't look back.
(commentator) Cancer survivor,
Armstrong, dominates.
The Tour de France
has become the "Tour de Lance".
All eyes are on American
Lance Armstrong.
The 27- year-old from Texas
has a commanding lead...
(commentator) Armstrong still leads.
He's got the Yellow Jersey.
We are the unstoppable train.
(commentator) This man,
I think it's true to say,
doesn't need EPO to go quick.
Emma, can you get rid of this for me?
This is a team that'.s had a great
build up to the Tour de France.
"They have never been associated
with the word dope".
They have always ridden well and clean.
And Lance Armstrong now
has shown them all what they can do.
Today, boys, when you say,
"I can't go any further"
- say to yourself "I'm flying".
- (Team repeats)
I'm flying.
At speeds of 80kph,
Zulle is a nervous descender
but Lance Armstrong clearly is not.
Emma, can you cover this up?
That's about as good as it's gonna get.
Lance Armstrong had a visit
early this morning
by what the riders call the vampires.
That's the Medical Control Unit
of the International Cycling Union.
They all had their blood tested
for the possible use of EPO.
Come on, squeeze it.
Epo is undetectable.
Good for us, but not the UCI.
They test the haematocrit instead.
How much of your blood is cells,
how much is water.
More than 50 means Epo.
Squeeze it.
Come on, fucking dilute my blood.
Close to 50 but not over.
Hey, sorry to keep you. Wanna come in?
Yes, please.
(commentator) With the cancer beaten,
and Lance looking
an almost certain winner,
I'm not surprised Hollywood
wants make a film of his life.
(commentator 2)
Thousands of Americans were cheering.
The guy's been through so much.
He deserved this more than anybody.
This is his Tour de France.
Tour de Lance.
(reporter) Thousands of people
came on bicycles
and pedalled down Congress Avenue
to pay tribute to the most famous
bicyclist in the world.
Well, he overcame cancer, and
I've had cancer, so I can appreciate it.
it's a brutal experience.
But you meet yourself along the way.
I approached my disease the same way
that I'd approach a race.
There's an enemy to be defeated.
I recall one time in the hospital,
the third cycle of chemo,
very weak, making my way down
an endless hallway
and a nurse comes up to me
with a wheelchair.
She said, "Mr Armstrong,
would you care to sit down?"
And I said, "Thanks, but no thanks."
I.m gonna walk."
And I did.
I didn't give up because it's worth it.
Inside us is something more potent, more
powerful than any drug on the planet.
It's in me, it's in you,
it's in every newborn baby.
It's called...
the will to survive.
See, we are all the authors
of our own life story.
So go out there and write the best damn
story you can and live it and be strong.
(woman) You're brave.
For what, making a speech?
No, I meant in hospital.
You know, there are some things
that you can't...
I just tell them what they wanna hear.
You like pizza?
- You like oysters?
- Yes.
- You like Italian food?
- Yeah.
- You like bicycles?
- (Laughs) Yes.
(woman) Lance Armstrong
has risen to superstar status
after winning the world's
toughest cycling race
for the second successive year.
(man) Now the crowd is warming up.
Listen for the cheers.
The USA flags are flying high
as they have done for a third year now,
for Lance Armstrong.
Any time you're here,
you should feel at home.
The people of New York City
love you, admire you.
You're a role model to all of us.
(woman) Sales of
the LiveStrong wristband
have raised over $50 million
for cancer research.
That's a good one.
A guinut.
We really ought to go.
See you, guys-
Do you have time for one more?
Sorry. He's gotta get
to another appointment.
- A quick one.
- In there.
His name's Jack.
Well, we ha...
Hey, Jack.
Can I do anything for you?
Wanna take a picture together?
You want a T-shirt?
(medical equipment beeps in background)
It's pretty bad, right?
We don't have to talk.
We can just sit here.
I got all day.
Thank you so much.
(Lance) To who?
Oh, just your name. Thanks.
I gave UP-
I turned my face to the wall to die.
But you made me live, Lance Armstrong.
And that's who you are.
(they shout in Italian)
- Ben Johnson.
- What about him?
The Olympic Games, Seoul, 1988.
He tested positive for Stanozolol.
I remember.
Michelle Smith, Atlanta '96. Accused
of tampering with a urine sample.
Every heroic athlete you cover
is gonna crumble into dust.
And the next name you're gonna mention
is Lance Armstrong.
- You're a clever sausage.
- I knew it.
- Everybody thinks I'm mad!
- Not everybody. But, yes.
And why is that?
Let's take that question first.
Is it because Lance Armstrong,
handsome young cancer survivor,
the inspirer of millions,
cannot possibly be a cheat
because that would reveal the world
to be a great pile of shit?
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
David, do you have any substantial
information to back up your story?
Like they do in proper journalism.
Yes, I do have some substantial
information. Michele Ferrari.
He is the godfather of blood doping.
The Italian cops have taken Ferrari
because of some financial
- They seized his diary from '97.
- And Lance is in it?
- No.
- David.
One of his team-mates is in it.
And two years later...
Lance takes a little trip to Ferrari.
He stays here at
the Hotel Duchessa Isabella.
From there to the residence of Michele
Ferrari is less than ten minutes walk.
"Armstrong visits Pope of dope."
How did you find this out?
Friend of a friend.
- David.
- So I sent Lance a very polite letter.
And lo and behold...
he accepts my invitation.
Hi, Lance. Thanks for coming. So...
Let me just...
Dr Ferrari made a statement about EPO.
Do you remember that?
- No.
- Did you ever visit Michele Ferrari?
- I did know him.
- How did you know him?
In cycling you go to races, there are
lots of people. A small community.
Did you ever visit him?
Did I get tested by him,
did I go there
and get consulted on certain things?
- Perhaps.
- So you did?
The tape recorder won't pick up
your body language
so can I get a yes or a no on that?
He's about to be tried
for criminal conspiracy.
I think the judges and the prosecutors
should pursue everybody,
no matter who they are,
because that's their job.
So, he's evasive.
What does it all add up to? Nothing.
You got nothing, David.
No evidence I can actually publish.
Alex, we can't censor this.
It's too important.
The fact is, the law may take a view
that even asking a question about
him doping is to make an allegation.
And I'm not sure
we're able to support that.
If you shy away from this, you should
get somebody else to do my job
because as much as I like the Tour
I have no interest in going up a
mountain to watch chemists compete!
Feel free to come back
when you've got some evidence, David.
So you must know
that Tyler Hamilton has left the team
and that we're looking
for a replacement.
You're a terrific cyclist, Floyd,
and Lance wants you on US Postal.
Your job is to protect him.
You're a good rider.
You could be one of the greats.
Unless you are willing to compete
in every way,
you're just gonna get left behind,
It would be a shame
for a talent such as yourself.
(Lance) This is the program.
Testosterone patches.
You wear one at night...
every two out of three days.
Micro dosing.
Ten units per kilo intravenously.
Out of your system in 12 hours.
Just don't get tested in the glow time.
Their tests for Epo
have gotten much tougher.
Now we take the blood out
when it's good, store it in the fridge,
and put it back in when we need it.
It's red blood cells, Floyd,
that's all we need.
The more oxygen, the more fast.
It's how we win, man. It's hard work.
One step ahead of the other guy.
- (woman) Et voila'.
- (Replies in French)
Shit, man,
you got the hang of it already.
After a year,
all I can say is "margherita".
- And margherita is Italian.
- No wonder I'm not getting anywhere.
He's late.
Hey, man, it's his team.
He shows up when he wants to.
Say, Tony.
How many of these do you think
I could drink before he gets here?
Is that a good idea?
(orders in French)
- Dad?
- (Man) You Ok?
Son, riding a bike for pleasure
is against the tenets of our faith.
Yeah, I know that, Dad.
Be careful, Floyd.
Oh, yeah.
(woman) Et voila.
Et voil.
(Paul) Not bad. (Chuck/es)
Not bad at all.
Floyd. I don't mind the caffeine, but
the cream, it's gonna make you fat.
Don't fuck with my investment.
Armstrong's men on the frontier.
This is the blue train,
the blue guard of Lance Armstrong.
You need the team
to keep yourself competitive.
Floyd Landis setting the pace
at the front.
Basically in the Tour for one reason
and that reason is to look after
Come on, Floyd,
keep the pace, protect Lance.
Bring Lance to the finishing line.
Come on.
Some really great riding today, Floyd.
Ah, no sweat, man.
I couldn't have gotten up that mountain
without you.
That's what I'm there for.
(Lance) Did great, didn't he?
He was fantastic.
- Shall I?
- Yeah, ask him.
Well, Floyd...
how would you feel about...
"another two years contract
with US Postal?"
Yes. Yes! You could have said that
at the beginning.
I thought you were going to ditch me,
No way, Floyd, no way.
Yes. (Chuckles)
Yeah, it's... going pretty well.
- That's wonderful, son. Is he winning?
- Yeah, he's in yellow.
- Make sure you pray every day.
- OK, Dad, I will.
Alright, love to Mom.
I feel very disappointed and letdown.
This is as awkward for us
as it is for you.
But I've never tested positive.
We can explain.
The EPO test is not simple.
There is a protein isoform,
your level is 75%
which is high, yes,
but still it's...
No one's listening.
No one will say he's borderline.
They'll say he's a cheat.
He is single-handedly transforming
your shitty little Eurosport
into a globally significant brand.
Please, no one appreciates Lance
more than we do.
Right, in terms of what we do
with this result,
I think you should do
whatever you think is best
for the integrity of cycling.
I'll leave it to you.
(commentator) The young revelation
for me from the US Postal Service team
on the front right now Floyd Landis.
And the winner, well, I guess we know
that one, Lance Armstrong.
(commentator speaks in French)
(commentator) The first American
to win the Tour de France five times.
(Walsh) As Armstrong
celebrates his fifth Tour,
it appears that his erstwhile,
never-to-be-mentioned "non trainer",
Dr Michele Ferrari,
may finally be caught
in the net of Italian justice.
Evidence has been collected
and a case prepared.
If witnesses step forward,
who knows what might be delivered.
- Don't touch.
- It's slow.
(message alert)
That guy?
Who, Simeoni?
It was a mistake
to testify against Ferrari.
I have the money and the power...
to destroy you.
(all) Go Floyd!
(Lance) Wanna grab dinner tonight?
Robin's in town.
- Robin?
- Yeah, Williams.
Want a roll?
No, thanks.
- What's up?
- I wouldn't have done that today.
Done what?
Simeoni's testifying against Ferrari.
That's as good as attacking us.
OK, but he's a racer.
He rides a bike, like us.
You and me, everyone here,
we're all on the program. OK'?
I know...
Yeah, I know that.
I'm not getting moralistic about it.
I just wouldn't have done that.
I have never tested positive for
performance enhancing drugs.
Never. I've never tested positive
for performance enhancing drugs.
I've never tested positive
for performance enhancing drugs.
What's that?
Thank you. No, thank you.
I appreciate that. That's a...
That's an important question.
Perhaps there was a problem in the past.
But now...
they test for drugs all the time.
What we all have to do...
is fall back in love with cycling.
I have never tested positive for
performance enhancing drugs.
(reporters clam our)
Next question.
David Walsh, Sunday Times.
Mr Walsh, good to see you here.
Lance, do you feel a responsibility,
to promote a better image
for cycling?
And if so, how do you reconcile that
with your doctor/trainer being
so associated with doping?
- You're talking about Doctor Ferrari?
- I am.
Right. OK.
I'm confident in my relationship
with Doctor Ferrari.
I believe he's an honest man.
I believe he's a fair man.
I believe he's an innocent man.
You know, people are smart.
People will look at the facts and say,
"OK, here's Lance Armstrong,
here's a relationship."
Is that questionable'? Perhaps.
Will they say,
"Lance Armstrong tested positive"? No.
Because I have never tested positive
for performance enhancing drugs.
"Has Lance Armstrong been tested?"
I am the most tested athlete
on the face of the planet.
"Is there now a test for EPO?"
Yes, there is.
"Will he pass every test
because he does not take EPO?"
Yes, he will.
Next question, please.
(reporters shout questions)
- How long to change this?
- About 20 minutes.
20 minutes, go for it.
OK, guys. The bar's open.
Hey, Lance, is it true they're
making a movie about you?
Yeah. Pretty cool, right?
Do you know who's gonna play you?
It was supposed to be Matt Damon.
Matt Damon?!
He's pretty shit-hot at running across
rooftops and stuff, but...
he's not you.
He fell out.
I think it's gonna be Jake Gyllenhaal.
- Jake Gyllenhaal?!
- Yeah.
Oh, dude, that is awesome.
Did you see that movie, Donnie Darko?
At the beginning of that film,
Jake Gyllenhaal is riding a bike.
- So'?
- Well, so he'd be perfect.
Why? To play me?
Because he can ride a bike?
- What else does he have to do?
- But can he take drugs?
Excuse me. Are we short of some bikes?
Excuse me.
Where have all the bikes gone?
- You sold the bikes.
- (Bruyneel) No.
- You sold the bikes, Johan!
- Calm down.
- There's no need to be angry.
- There's no need to be angry?
We didn't sell your bike.
I don't see the problem.
I guess it's just a matter of time,
Where do you think it all comes from?
Doctor Ferrari, the program.
It all needs to be paid for.
Do you think it all goes down as
expenses? That what you think?
We keep it off the books.
You sold the bikes to pay for drugs?
So Lance...
gets a limo.
Lance gets a suite.
Lance gets a private jet.
Lance gets a helicopter.
and his fuckin' cancer shield so
no one can say a fuckin' word about it.
And the rest of us,
we work our asses off
to get him over the line,
to clear a fucking path for him,
to take the win for him.
And now this.
We're a cycling team, selling our bikes,
to pay for drugs.
I didn't... I didn't sign up for this.
Look, Floyd...
if you think you'd be happier
on another team...
your contract expires
at the end of the season.
We both know you're good.
And one day you'll win.
And I can help you.
So don't do this to me.
Alright, fuck you.
(all chatter)
(phone ringing)
(man) Hi, David. Frankie Andreu,
used to ride on Lance's team.
He's got a wife called Betsy
and I think you two should talk.
- What are you talking about?
- Just call her.
(hangs up)
(line ringing)
(Betsy) Hello?
Erm, Betsy Andreu?
Hi, my name is David Walsh.
You're the guy who writes about Lance?
Well, I write about other things, too.
- But Lance, right?
- Yeah, Lance.
I was there.
(Walsh) You were where?
In the room.
In what room?
The hospital room. Come on. Speed up.
So, October '96,
Lance is in the hospital.
I guess he's starting to get better,
but he's still pretty ill.
Frankie and I drop in to visit.
This doctor comes in.
Excuse me. Mr Armstrong,
I was reviewing your records.
Could I clarify a couple of issues
in your history?
We offered to leave, but...
Lance said that he wanted us to
stay. Then this doctor asks him...
In the past,
you were on no regular medication?
You ever use any other drugs?
Any performance enhancing drugs?
Epo, growth hormone, cortisone...
and other steroids.
Tell me that again.
Epo, testosterone, growth hormone,
cortisone and other steroids.
- He said that?
- She says he said that.
- On the record?
- And she's not the only one.
(Walsh) Now I started to attract
the dissidents.
Well, there's a culture of doping
in US Postal.
I never asked to be involved, but at
times it was impossible to avoid.
And than there was Stephen Swan'.
(Swart) I was a rider with Motorola
in 1995 and...
I can tell you that Lance was the
leader in trying to get us to dope.
You love peas, don't you?
Peas are your favourite thing.
- (man) David Walsh?
- Yeah.
My name is Bob Hamman.
You don't know me
but I'd like to talk to you
and I'll pay for your ticket.
I've been playing poker since '55,
bridge since '63, insurance since '86.
All the same game.
At the core of what I do
is making judgment of risk
in situations where the odds
are essentially complex.
Back in 2000, I get a visit from the
owners of the US Postal cycling team.
You may wanna write this down.
As the owners of Tailwind,
the company that finances
the US Postal cycling team...
You're the victims of your own success.
I guess you could say that.
This Armstrong guy,
he's a pretty good... cyclist, right?
He's the best.
And you paid him his bonus
for winning the Tour de France?
That's right.
What if he keeps on winning?
Well, obviously,
we'd be delighted if he keeps winning.
How much are you in for?
If he wins every Tour between now
and 2004, we will owe him nearly...
10 million dollars.
So, the question is, how much would it
cost for me to take on that risk?
2002, 2003, we paid out.
Then comes 2004...
and he goes on winning.
Then we hear about this journalist
making unwelcome inquiries
and it turns out that perhaps
all is not what it seemed.
You see, if he's cheating in the races,
then he's cheating on us as well.
And if he didn't really win,
they don't really owe him the money.
Exactly! Well done, Alex.
You've finally caught up.
But let us not forget this.
Lance Armstrong
has never tested positive.
Can you imagine how disastrous
it would be if he did?
- He wouldn't like it.
- Nobody would.
Lance is very respectful
of the governing body.
So supportive, in fact, that sometimes
he even gives them money.
- And here it is.
- What is that?
This is what they bought
with Lance's money.
It's a compact high-performance
haematology analyzer
that provides precise
and accurate results.
"Lance Armstrong Fights War On Drugs!"
You gotta admit it's a great headline.
It's a great headline.
(Walsh) You realise
what we're up against.
Lance Armstrong is a friend of George
Bush, Bill Clinton, Sheryl Crow,
David Letterman,
Robin Williams and bloody Bono.
That many famous people
can't be wrong, can they?
OK, write it. We'll put it in front
of the lawyers, take it from there.
(Lance) David Walsh!
David fucking Walsh!
That fucking troll!
Has he ever even been on a bike?
Has he ever climbed a mountain
against 180 guys who are all doping?
Unfortunately, he's persistent.
Who's he talking to? Emma O'Reilly.
You know what really upsets me?
It's the disloyalty.
If she wants to dance, let's go.
All I have to say is that
there were issues with other riders.
It's not gonna take a brain surgeon
to figure out she's an alcoholic whore.
And if that doesn't shut her up,
hit her with a lawsuit.
And then another one after that.
And then another one after that until
she shuts her fucking whore mouth!
- And Betsy?
- Don't even talk to me about Betsy!
I'd leave Frankie alone,
if he had any self-respect.
Get him to put a muzzle
on his crazy bitch wife.
The bigger problem, Lance,
is the Bob Hamman situation.
They're threatening
to withhold your win bonus,
the entire million bucks,
until they get a clarification.
I have never tested positive!
I spent three weeks in the saddle!
I won the race! I am owed that money!
How fucking clear is that?!
I get it, Lance.
Sue David Walsh.
And his crummy little English newspaper.
Find out who he hangs out with,
who he travels with.
Stonewall them. Block them.
Zero access.
Call his publisher.
Offer him my new book.
A new book?
Create a conflict of interest. David
Walsh's book is not going to print.
Not in the States. Not in my backyard.
Because I'm Lance Armstrong
and he is fucking no one.
I like this. I like somebody
trying to go faster than me.
I like malignant cells
trying to take over my body.
I like some fool trying to take me down.
Because I go faster.
I don't die
and I will not be brought down.
We know your wife is a source for Walsh.
Look, Betsy said, "No comment."
I got nothing to say.
Bringing down Lance isn't
gonna help anyone's situation.
Maybe you should remind
your wife of that.
Hey, Charles.
How is your little Irish friend?
You know, that little fucking troll.
How is he?
(woman introduces Lance in French)
Lance. Lance.
Have recent controversial allegations
upset your preparation in any way?
Well, since the esteemed author
of these allegations is here today,
I'd like to say one thing about them.
Extraordinary allegations must be met
with extraordinary proof.
- But what do you think...
- I'm not finished yet.
Many, many journalists here today
have called me at home.
They've read his work and they've said,
"Lance, I don't get it."
"There's nothing in there."
Mr Walsh here, he seems more interested
in distracting from my foundation's
sole purpose which is to beat cancer.
He seems more interested
in trying to sell books
rather than the 20,000 people
who die every day from this disease.
That's 7.6 million people annually.
Let's let the cyclists
get back to cycling
and let's all pay attention
and refocus on finding a cure
and saving lives.
Thank you.
- David.
- Yeah.
What is it, John?
What just went on in there...
Look, the thing is, having you with us
is making life difficult.
If you don't let me in the car,
I can't report.
I'm sorry, David.
You know how these things are.
We all drink from the same trough,
and if one of us spits in the soup...
John... don't you find it odd
that we're being asked
to drink soup from a trough?
- Look...
- What?!
I used to believe in this sport
and Armstrong is killing it!
Members of the jury,
you are here to consider
a case for libel
brought by Mr Armstrong against
The Sunday Times newspaper.
(man) This is not
a judicial proceeding,
this is a court of arbitration
in relation to the claim by Tailwind
against SCA
for payments to Mr Armstrong.
Emma O'Reilly has identified that
at one point in the Tour de France
that you asked her to dispose
of some syringes.
- Are you familiar with her statement?
- I am familiar with that statement.
- Is there any truth to that statement?
- Absolutely not.
In interview on Irish radio recently,
Mr Walsh,
you acknowledged that you had
no "smoking gun".
I meant I had
no single piece of evidence
which of itself rendered
all others unnecessary.
Do you recall
while others were in the room
that a doctor asked if you'd taken
performance enhancing drugs?
Absolutely not.
So the hospital room incident
affirmatively did not take place?
- Correct.
- OK.
How could it have happened?
And you have never taken them in
connection with your cycling career?
How could it if I've never taken
performance enhancing drugs?
And that includes any substance
that's ever been banned?
How many times do I have to say it?
OK. We're just trying
to make things clear.
Nothing but an amalgam of
uncorroborated hearsay and speculation.
Gossip from embittered
former colleagues and employees.
The best tactic is not to slander,
and I'm not here to bite
the hand that feeds.
My approach has always been
to support clean racing...
support clean sport.
Lacking the evidence
to make direct allegations,
The Sunday Times
seeks instead to slander.
"The Sunday Times
has confirmed to Mr Armstrong"
that it never intended
to accuse him of being guilty
"of taking any
performance enhancing drugs."
"In acknowledgement of the distress
we have caused Mr Armstrong"
with these baseless accusations,
"we are making a payment of
compensation to the value of 300,000."
In conclusion,
we find that SCA Promotions
is now liable to pay Armstrong
$5 million plus interest,
plus legal costs.
- Congratulations.
- I appreciate your response, Bob.
You'll get your prize money.
Only it's all on oath now.
This ain't like telling little white
lies to journalists any more.
Without prejudice,
I know your boy was cheating.
If he gets caught, I'll be back.
Without prejudice, this time next year
Lance will be retired.
After that, nothing can touch him.
(commentator) Lance Armstrong, again,
has broken every one of his rivals
one by one.
This man has written a very special
piece of cycling history.
(speaks Spanish)
(speaks French)
(commentator) Lance Armstrong
salutes his public
for the last time in a Tour de France.
The only man to have stood in
this position on seven occasions.
(Lance) The last thing I'll say to the
people who don't believe in cycling,
the cynics, the sceptics.
I'm sorry you can't dream big.
This is a great sporting event.
You should stand up and believe.
You should believe in these athletes,
in these people.
I'm gonna be a fan of the Tour
for the rest of my life.
No secrets
this is a hard sporting event.
Hard work wins it.
- Viva Le Tour.
- (Cheering)
(birds chirping)
(woman) So is it fair to say that
life in retirement is pretty sweet?
Well, I'm retired from professional
cycling, but I'm not retired.
I'm doing the New York marathon.
I'm getting back into triathlons,
and I'm still very busy with LiveStrong.
So there's still a lot of challenges
for me... for anyone.
- Do you miss cycling?
- Do I miss the pain? Absolutely not.
- Not tempted to come back?
- Absolutely not.
I think one measure of a successful
career is knowing when it's over.
And this race is run. I'm happy.
Just sip it. It's Alpha H2O water.
For impeccable taste that finishes
smooth and strong...
choose Scotch whisky.
You'll always finish number one.
This shit tastes like apple juice.
It not only tastes great,
it's good for you.
(man) Cut! Let's go again.
- Yep.
- Yeah.
Everybody's out here today
to see the victory of Floyd Landis
making another little piece
of American cycling history.
It's the third American to win
in 21 years of the Tour de France.
(Floyd) Hold on.
Hold on.
- Can I come in?
- Man, hold on.
Sorry, I wasn't expecting...
There is a problem.
Oh, yeah?
With your urine specimen.
It has tested positive for testosterone.
Man, that is so unfair.
The Tour de France winner, Floyd Landis,
has been speaking about
his positive drugs test.
(reporters shout questions)
Calm down, gentlemen.
Calm down! Calm down!
- (man) Did you dope, Floyd?
- Please. Sir?
Floyd, have you ever taken
performance enhancing drugs?
Floyd, have you ever taken
performance enhancing drugs?
- Er, I'm going to say no to that.
- (Journalists shout)
That's enough!
That's enough!
Press conference is over!
That's enough!
(Lance) Now once upon a time, after
receiving some particularly bad news
I took a ride on my bike up to
a place known as Dead Man's Hole.
It's a mineral pool,
cut into towering cliffs of limestone.
And it's so far out into the Texas hill
country there's hardly any address.
And as I stood there,
at the edge of the cliff, I could see...
it's a long way down.
So why am I here, really?
I'm coming back.
- No.
- What?
- It's a bad idea.
- Why?
Because you're old, Lance.
It's stupid. It's vain.
You walked away as a winner.
Don't fuck that up.
So you're saying you won't help me?
If you're crazy enough to do it,
of course I will help you.
But remember, 16 years ago, you were
young and fast. You were frightening.
And now you got kids out there
who are young and fast.
Yeah, I'm still hungry.
- And you think they're not?
- I'm still hungry.
You wanna give them a victory over
a seven-time winning champion?
The only one, by the way.
We got away with it for a long time.
I may not be the oldest guy
in the field,
but I'm definitely not the youngest.
But I'm coming back.
I'm coming back to compete.
Under the most comprehensive
drug testing program ever.
I'm coming back to remind you all
about the LiveStrong message.
I'm donating my entire salary
to cancer research.
Now there's something I once said
which is, "The pain is temporary."
"Quitting, that's forever."
And I guess
I just don't know how to quit.
To stand here before you tonight
is an experience that fills me
with mixed emotion.
I stand before you an innocent man.
I am not a cheat.
I have not done
the things that they said I did
and I have not taken
the things that they said I took.
All I ask for is an honest inquiry
and a fair hearing
and I believe the truth will be
established beyond doubt.
I promise you, with your support
I will fight these terrible slurs
upon our name and prove to the world
they breed an honest boy
in Farmersville, Pennsylvania.
How you doing?
Lance, this is Alberto Contador.
(television noises)
(phone rings)
Hello, Lance.
So am I going to race again?
Am I going to race again?
I was on your team.
Yeah, you're right.
You were on my team. I know that.
We were on a team together.
And I worked hard for the team,
didn't I?
- Yeah, you worked very hard, Floyd.
- I mean I...
did everything I had to do, right?
Everything. Everything.
We all did, Floyd, you know, and...
we won.
It was a good time.
Yeah, sure. Sure it was.
It was a great time.
We were the best.
We were the blue train.
But where am I now?
Lance, where am I?
Where am I supposed to go now?
After all that I did, after all
I achieved, after all that I gave,
is this just me now?
Is this what I deserve now? (Staffers)
What am I going to do, Lance?
That's what I ask myself. This or that?
This or that? This or that?
What is it going to be?
- What do you want, Floyd?
- I wanna be in your team!
I wanna be in your team.
Well, that's difficult.
You got caught.
You tested positive.
I have to go, Floyd.
I have people waiting for me.
Of course, you got people...
you have people waiting for you.
Is there anything else?
No. Good luck, Lance.
["No Surprises" by Radiohead]
The face of Lance Armstrong,
who's come back to the Tour de France
after a four-year retirement,
can still climb like this.
(crowd shouts encouragement)
(commentator) Contador rode to his
second Tour de France win Sunday.
American Lance Armstrong came in third.
Contador and Armstrong were team-mates.
This year's champion opened up about
differences with the seven-time winner.
Contador said he and Armstrong
are totally incompatible.
(television interview continues)
(both laugh)
(attorney) Come in.
Come on in. Take a seat.
My name is Floyd Landis.
I'm a professional cyclist.
I know who you are.
As you may know, I've been accused of...
certain things
and I've been vigorously
contesting those accusations.
My perspective has changed
and I don't want to contest
those accusations any more.
I want to confess.
You wanna confess?
In no less than 1,000 pages of evidence
and testimony, including lab tests
and sworn statements
by Armstrong's team-mates,
the 41-year-old icon is painted as
both a user and a supplier for the team
of performance enhancing drugs.
He's also described as the leader
of what the USADA calls
the most sophisticated and
professionalized doping program
in recent sports history.
I got a lifetime ban?
I'm gonna help you clean up cycling
and I'm gonna compete again.
I mean, maybe I'll run
in the Chicago marathon
or I'll just race with my kids
in Austin.
But unless you're coming to me
with this promise, why am I here?
The most sophisticated doping program
in the history of sport.
East Germany ring a bell?
You guys don't hold
the keys to my redemption.
The only person who can do that...
Me. This guy right here.
And I can clean up the whole sport
without your help
because you're a bunch of amateurs.
I can't get up in the morning
unless I have something to live for.
That's training, competition.
I'm not training because I enjoy it,
I'm not training
because I wanna stay fit.
It's my whole...
my whole life.
It's what I do.
It's what I do.
(man) That's all for now, Mr Armstrong.
Thank you for your time.
(phone rings)
Lance, it's Bill. It's about Nike.
They thought you ought to know
before they go public.
They wanna stand by you, no question,
but it's just, I mean,
now's not so good, right?
So, what they're proposing
is a kind of separation,
Which I know sounds
like they're ditching you,
which in a sense they are.
Their statement will say
that it is with great sadness
and I think we can take something
from that.
But, great sadness that we have
terminated our contract with him
due to the seemingly
insurmountable evidence.
(reporter 1) The disgraced cyclist
Lance Armstrong
is said to be preparing to tell all.
He's chosen a confessional,
Oprah Winfrey's television show.
(reporter 2) And if the rumours are
true, he'll confess for the first time.
(reporter 3) Lance Armstrong
may finally be coming clean
about his use
of performance-enhancing drugs.
(Oprah Winfrey) Did you ever take
banned substances
to enhance your cycling performance?
(Oprah) Yes or no. Was one of those
banned substances EPO?
(Lance) Yes.
(Oprah) Did you ever blood dope,
or use blood transfusions to enhance
your cycling performance?
(Oprah) Did you ever use any other
banned substances, like testosterone,
cortisone or human growth hormone?
Yes or no. In all seven of
your Tour de France victories
did you ever take banned substances
or blood dope?
(Oprah) It's an epic story.
(Lance) This story was so perfect
for so long.
You win the Tour de France seven times,
you have a happy marriage,
you have children.
I mean,
it was just this mythic perfect story.
(Oprah) Yes.
And it wasn't true.
(heavy breathing)
["Everybody Knows" by Leonard Cohen]
Everybody knows
that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls
with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows
that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father
or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows
Everybody knows
Everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows