The Promise (2016)

Our village sat high in the
mountains of Southern Turkey.
It was half Turk, half Armenian.
I was the local apothecary.
For 200 years
the Boghosians made medicines
using formulas handed down
from our ancestors.
All right.
We treated everyone alike... Muslim
and Christian, rich and poor.
Every morning and night.
I was proud of our craft.
But making potions from herbs
and minerals was not enough.
My greatest desire
was to study medicine
at the imperial school
in Constantinople.
- But I could never
afford the fees.
So I decided to
become engaged to Maral
and use the dowry to pay my way.
Here you are.
Some tea.
Thank you.
Can I ask you a question?
Do you really want to do this?
We will build a future together,
Maral and I.
And we will grow
to love each other.
And you will be proud of us.
Give this letter
to your uncle Mesrob.
He is an important man
in Constantinople,
but he has never
forgotten his roots.
He will take good care of you.
I will make you proud, papa.
The Boghosians will bring
modern medicine into Siroun.
Always remember, god has
given you this mission.
May he bless and protect you.
Oh, hey.
What a day, huh?
The best wine, the finest food
and the perfect match.
Thank you for your
generosity, Harut.
Karine, that's it.
Thank you.
400 gold coins as agreed.
My daughter's future
and my trust in you.
Spend it wisely.
You won't regret it, sir.
Normally it takes three
years to become a doctor,
but I know that
I can complete it in two.
It will pass quickly, Maral.
Not quickly enough.
I will pray for you every day.
Thank you.
I'm going to the grand bazaar.
No, sorry.
No, thank you.
Ah, my friend.
Better prices here.
No, no, I...
Better prices here.
I'm going here.
This Armenian dog will rob you.
Get back to your thieves' den.
Always trying to
steal my customers.
Please. What can I
sell you today?
Are you
Mr. Mesrob Boghosian?
Mesrob Boghosian, yes.
What, is it a bill?
No, no, no.
This is from my father
Vartan Boghosian.
I'm Michael.
You're Vartan's son?
Why didn't you say so?
- Speak up! Come here!
- Hello, uncle.
Whoa. Whoa.
Good morning.
Thank you.
Ah, here's my sweet yeva.
Ah. Oh!
Say hello to cousin Michael.
- Hello, yeva.
- Please. Please.
Hmm. Oh, and here is
my beautiful wife Lena.
Michael Boghosian,
cousin Vartan's son.
Welcome to our home.
Thank you.
- And my Pearl, Tamar.
- Hello.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, what a view.
There is Europe.
There is Asia.
The world is at
your feet, Michael.
Do us proud.
How old is this suit, huh?
Come by my shop sometime. We need
to dress you like a doctor, huh?
Ah, that's the girls' tutor,
Ana Khesarian.
The great violinist's daughter.
Just back from Paris.
Those are your notes?
So you've already
studied medicine?
Yes. It's my passion.
Female anatomy.
That's my passion.
I have no interest in medicine. My father
gave me two choices. This or the military.
Emre Ogan.
Michael Boghosian.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Welcome to
the imperial medical school.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
We haven't been introduced. I'm
Michael Boghosian, Mesrob's nephew.
Ana Khesarian.
Lovely to meet you.
Lovely to meet you too.
Would you like some coffee?
- Please.
- Yes, thank you.
You're an artist.
Well, I try.
May I take a look?
Please do.
These are excellent.
Thank you.
So, Mesrob tells me
you're from Siroun.
Yes, I'm from Siroun. My family
is from the village of Ardoo.
Ah, Ardoo.
Yes, I've been there.
You have? Yes, yes, I'm
the local apothecary.
And now you're going to become a doctor.
That's wonderful.
Yes, yes, um, I will do that,
go back to the region
and set up a clinic there.
I intend to go back there
also, I think,
reconnect with my family.
Dance time.
Yes! We dance each
morning before class.
It releases the soul from here,
out to the extremities,
the hands, the brain, the feet.
It's both spiritual and medicinal.
Why don't you join us?
No, no, no, no.
Come on, cousin Michael.
Dance with me.
It's wonderful! All right,
you want me to dance?
Let's go very, very slowly
for cousin Michael.
So, throw your arms up
to the wind.
Now dance through the forest.
Through the forest.
Through the fields of flowers.
Through the fields of flowers.
Now sweep them into your arms.
And cast them to the heavens.
He's-he's very good. He's a
very good dancer. All right.
It's medicinal.
The deceased died
from cancer of the bowel.
Monsieur Boghosian,
please remove the spleen.
Very good.
Now, monsieur Ogan,
can you please remove the
lesion on the small bowel?
- Lesion?
- The cancerous growth.
Come on.
- It was shit.
- Well, what do you think is in a bowel?
Come with me.
What a pleasant surprise.
Chris, Michael is the nephew
of monsieur Boghosian.
- Uh, Christopher Myers.
- Hey. Nice to meet you.
The legendary Chris Myers.
Emre Ogan.
Notorious playboy.
Frequents opium dens.
How and why the hell
did they let you in here?
Good to see you.
May I introduce
mademoiselle Ana Khesarian.
Constantinople is blessed by your
beauty, mademoiselle Khesarian.
Nice to meet you.
Please join us.
I'm so happy we get to meet when I'm
not teaching. Yes, what a surprise.
Chris is a star reporter
for the associated press.
We met in Paris when my
father was deputy consul.
- His father was a spy.
- Oh.
That's why you were a good drinking
companion. You were looking to expose us.
A toast.
To old friends and new.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
What brings you here, Chris?
Questions of war?
- The AP's star reporter comes east.
- The war has come east.
- This place is so boring.
- It is boring. I know the perfect place.
Absinthe makes
the heart grow fonder.
No, no, no, no.
Dance with me.
Please. Come on.
I don't know how to dance this.
I'll teach you.
Oh, no.
Poor Michael.
He needs help.
Let's swap.
Oh, hello.
How are you? I think I
was being attacked.
I think you were too.
Oh, what a night, huh?
Sunday is my birthday.
My family are having a party
for me at Ciragan palace.
You must join me and save me from
my father and his guests. Please.
Okay. Yeah.
Well, thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And thank you.
You make me feel like I'm home.
Thank you very much.
Thank you. Good night.
Good morning!
You made it.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
You look absolutely amazing.
Oh, thank you.
Please join us.
That's my father.
He's a bigot. I'll spare you the
frosty introduction. Come with me.
Dear all, this is my friend
and mentor, Michael Boghosian.
Nice to meet you. Ah, here's Ana.
Chris seems to have abandoned me.
I'm sorry. Foolish man.
Some champagne?
Water, please.
Hello, Ana.
Hello, Michael.
Everyone, Ana Khesarian. Hello.
Nice to meet you all.
Ah, I hear a French accent.
I lived in Paris for many years,
but I'm a proud Armenian.
This is a glorious day, general.
We have a flotilla waiting
to greet your ships.
Would you like to escape the
Germans for a little while?
Yes, I think I'd love that.
Let's take a walk.
I do sketches for some Parisian
magazines and American newspapers.
You're lucky to have
traveled the world.
My mother died when I was 10.
So after that, my father took
me all over Europe with him.
He played for the kaiser,
for queen Victoria.
He was wonderful.
And then, um...
And then he insisted I stayed
in Paris to attend la Sorbonne.
And that's what I did.
But, um...
That was a terrible mistake.
Because he killed himself.
He was drowning in debt and...
And I had no idea.
If it wasn't for Chris,
I would have lost my mind.
I'm so sorry.
Oh, my god, what was that?
Where were you?
We just took a walk.
You look beautiful.
Thank you.
You see that?
Did you see? German...
German battleships.
Yes. A gift from
the Turkish Navy.
Perfectly innocent gift...
From Teutonic... friends
to the Turkish Navy.
Turkey has every right
to have a strong Navy.
The empire needs
to protect its borders.
The ottoman empire wants
its borders to stretch
from the Atlantic
to the Indian ocean,
and what these fellas...
These Germans want your sultan to declare
a holy war against the infidel...
The British,
the French and the Russian.
Curb your tone, Mr. Myers.
This is not Paris.
It's certainly not Paris. I apologize.
Yes, you do apologize.
Well, maybe Berlin. It's starting
to look a lot like Berlin.
Gentlemen, let us
celebrate this great day.
- Chris. You made your point.
You've made your point.
Armenians aren't singing? Oh, that's right.
You're the resident infidel.
You'll be the first to go
when the war breaks out.
Chris, please.
I let my anger
get the better of me.
But the Germans, I can't
stand their arrogance.
Their arrogance?
You insulted me.
You insulted my friend.
I'm sick of
your drunken behavior.
I can't take it anymore.
I will stop drinking.
I-I've heard that before.
No, I swear.
I swear.
Please sit down.
I'm sorry.
You wanted to come...
Find your roots and start over.
I understand.
I support that.
I love what you're doing. I love your
illustrations. They compliment my work.
I love that we are partners.
We have something very special.
Don't give up on that.
Over there. Line up.
Line up over there.
Over there. This way.
Everyone must line up.
Hey, Armenian, gonna teach you
how to fight and die now.
Get in line.
No exceptions.
Everyone line up. You!
Get in line!
- Next.
- Everyone in line!
Emre Ogan. Sadly, I must accept
the medical student exemptions.
Hello. Good day.
- Boghosian from Siroun?
- Yes. Yes.
You have been assigned
to the third military division.
- Uh, I am a medical student.
- So?
I would like to apply for
a medical student exemption.
You're not a Turk. Armenians
have to apply in their hometown.
Um, I-i can't go
all the way back.
I'm sorry, I can't go... officer.
Mr. Boghosian
is a medical student.
His loyal family are good friends
of my father Ogan Pasha.
He would appreciate a favor.
Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, my friend.
You really thought I'd be
in line to join the army?
- Where are you going?
- There's something bad going on around Konia.
I need to investigate.
And listen. It's very dangerous
for Armenians right now.
When I get back, I'll go
get you an American visa.
I wanna get you out of here. No.
What do you mean, no?
No. I'm not going to pack up and run
off at the first sign of trouble.
If it's not safe for me, then it's
not safe for any of my people.
Ana, this is different.
I'm staying.
Yes, I'll be there.
Yes, I'm coming right now.
I have to go.
- We'll discuss this when I get back.
- All right.
Ana, you, uh...
You be careful.
You be careful.
Dr. Nazim. Salaam alaikum.
Alaikum salaam.
It has come to my attention
that you used my name
to procure an exemption
for an Armenian.
He's my friend, father,
entitled to an exemption.
I may...
The Armenians
are a tumor in our midst, Emre.
Do you understand?
Tumor, yes.
You took
this military exemption?
Yes, father.
I need to learn how to identify
tumors so that I can best serve.
Don't you agree, doctor?
Good night.
Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana!
Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana!
Ana! Ana!
Ana! Ana!
Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana!
Ana! Ana!
Thank you.
May I?
Y-you got chocolate
on your face.
Oh. Yes.
- Gone?
- Yes. -Thank you.
Um, I was wondering.
Uh, father Komidas is singing
at the cathedral on Sunday.
He's a dear friend, and my father
accompanied him many times.
Would you like to come with me?
Of course. I would love to.
Thank you.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Ana is a fine woman, Michael.
Yes, Chris is a very lucky man.
Mmm, Lena tells me
things are not so good
between her and the American.
You know, women talk.
It can't happen, uncle. Why not?
She's very fond of you.
It's obvious.
I'm betrothed
to a girl in Siroun.
- You are betrothed?
- Yes.
Her name is Maral.
We're using the money from the
dowry for my studies here.
My father, your great-uncle,
was a cruel man.
He matched me with a witch.
She tormented me every day.
Barren as the desert.
Thank god she died.
Then I found Lena, a good
woman from our province.
How much is this dowry?
Four hundred gold coins.
I've used 100 already.
You'll give it back.
All 400, and 200 more
to ease their trouble.
Money is not a problem.
I will give you the money.
I made a promise.
I... can't go back
on that, uncle.
We must leave, sir!
We cannot be here.
We must leave. It's forbidden.
We must leave.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Go over there.
Go over that way.
Nein. Nein.
Go over that way.
Stop the car!
We can't stop!
Stop! Stop the car!
Stop the car! Get out!
No, this is my car!
I'll pay you more.
Here. Here, here. Here.
I'll come back. Get out.
That's my car!
This is my car!
Get in! Get in!
- No!
- Wait!
Kill him! Kill him!
Please stop!
Please stop!
No! Stop!
Get away!
Get in.
Give me a key.
Here. Room 12.
Take him up.
Thank you.
I will send ointment, hot water.
Thank you.
They set fire to his shop.
My god.
Let me take a look at you.
I'm sorry.
Were you throwing cabbages?
And a couple of potatoes.
They can go make soup.
I'm sorry.
Where are you going?
I need to go back to the hotel.
Well, y-you can't go alone.
It's not safe.
No, no.
No, I better go alone.
I need to sort things
out with Chris.
I'm coming with you.
A young child tried to
pull her to her feet,
and as she lay on that dirt road,
a Turkish cavalryman rode up
and dispatched her...
With a single shot.
Write it.
Write it.
Good morning.
Here you are, miss Khesarian.
Thank you.
Hold for more.
- Oh, my god.
- What?
It's from Lena. She's in trouble.
Where were you?
What are you doing here? Were you
with this bastard last night?
Please calm down.
That's enough.
Listen to me.
Mesrob has been arrested.
Lena is alone with the girls.
We have to go right now.
- Mr. Myers, New York is waiting.
- Ana.
- We must go, Chris!
- Ana!
Mr. Myers, New York. We
will lose the connection.
Armenian men are being
slaughtered in their villages.
Their women and children are being
driven into the desert to be murdered!
Send that!
What happened?
Oh, Michael.
They've taken Mesrob.
Who has taken him?
State security have taken
him to Sikedji prison.
They said he's being
investigated for treason.
All right.
Wait here.
Is papa coming back?
Oh, yeva.
The men said
he's an Armenian traitor.
It's a mistake, yeva.
Your father is a good man.
I'll go speak with Emre.
He'll help us get Mesrob out.
I'll bring your Baba
back home. Don't worry.
Mesrob Boghosian?
This is good.
All right.
Father Komidas.
You come with me. I need you
to point out your uncle.
You can wait here.
Him. That's my uncle.
What? What?
What's happening, please?
Sir, I have an exemption.
I warned you. You will
join the army today.
The captain will escort
you to your barracks.
I do not want to lay eyes on you until
you restore honor to the family name.
Sir. Sir, please.
I have an exemption.
Involving the mass arrest of
intellectuals, bankers and clergy.
It does appear to be an attempt
to stifle and silence
the Armenian population.
Please come in.
Ambassador Morgenthau, can I get
back to you when I have more news?
Please sit down.
Thank you.
this is Mesrob's wife Lena.
They have nowhere to go.
Come here with me.
Nice to meet you.
I'm so sorry.
Please, have a seat.
Make yourselves comfortable.
Thank you.
Let me get a cloth
for your face.
Will you excuse me.
Take his place.
Help me. Help me.
Don't let me die.
Come. Come.
You should thank me.
I eased your burden.
Thank me.
I said...
Thank me.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
He's better off dead.
We'd all be better off dead.
We won't have long to wait.
Another month, winter will come and
we'll freeze in these mountains.
They need us for this railroad.
No, they don't.
They're going to kill us.
I know.
- How do you know?
- Do you see that?
It's a bullet.
It's still there.
Went in my cheek,
bounced up here.
I was in the battalion
building the Drizi road.
And when we finished,
they brought in machine guns.
Blood everywhere.
A few of us survived,
spared to dump the bodies
into a ravine.
Let me see this.
If we find something sharp and
some thread, I can take this out.
No, no.
It's my good luck.
You a doctor?
Medical student.
I was a clown...
In the circus.
I used to make
the children laugh.
The dynamite is weeping.
Be careful.
Thank you.
Thank you.
- Shoot him!
- Thank you.
It's raining!
Water! Water!
Someone! Water!
Get us out of here!
Who is it?
Help us get out of here!
Hello! Yes!
Open the doors.
- Save us! Help us!
- Please.
- I can't breathe!
- I beg you! I beg you!
Help us!
Save us!
You're Armenian! I'm Armenian!
Please help me!
Come. Come.
These are our sons.
Did you see them? They were
conscripted in tarsus.
No, I'm sorry.
Tarsus is close?
I-I am from Siroun.
Do you know it?
I know of it.
God bless you both.
Food, please.
Wake up!
Wake up, you traitors!
Wake up, traitors!
Great news!
Our victorious army have driven
the British back into the sea.
And the Russian dogs
have fled for their lives.
Be ready, Armenians. We will
find you a new homeland.
Who are you?
We have nothing here.
Oh, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you, Jesus.
Thank you.
All the young men are gone.
Our business is gone.
We have nothing left.
Praise god, at
least we have you.
I ca...
I can't stay here.
They'll kill us all
if they find me.
Where will you go?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Rest up, son.
I'm not a ghost.
Michael, thank god you're alive.
Harut has the answer. As soon as
I told him, he had the answer.
Get dressed and he will explain.
Is he well enough then?
Sit down.
- Maral.
- Michael.
Well, here's my plan.
I keep a cottage
for my woodcutters.
It's high in the hills. No one
ever goes there. You'll be safe.
We must hurry to make
all the arrangements.
Maral will prepare all the
provisions you will need.
Vartan and I
will bring the priest.
The priest?
Yes. Oh. We'll have to have the
wedding at the cottage tomorrow.
It is too dangerous for you
to go to the church.
Tonight you can leave
for the hills.
My prayers have been answered.
You'll sit out this war,
make babies.
Oh, praise god
you've been spared.
What's wrong?
In Constantinople,
I fell in love with someone.
I can't do this.
I can't marry Maral.
You have to marry Maral.
Whatever happened,
that was another life.
You told me you would
grow to love Maral,
and you will, my son.
You will.
Ah. Here you are.
Please come in.
Everything you will need
for a quiet life.
I will bring you supplies
each week.
Thank you.
So peaceful.
Thank you.
Tell me about Constantinople.
Is it as magical as they say?
There are churches
and mosques...
Like you couldn't believe.
The finest fashions
from Paris and London.
In the grand bazaar, you
could buy anything you want,
from a camel to a crown.
Were you happy there?
It... was a different life.
Can I help you?
- Pastor Merril?
- Yes, who are you?
I'm Christopher Myers
from the associated press.
I have correspondence
from the us embassy
and I have money
from the church relief fund.
God bless you.
You're heaven-sent.
God bless you.
Hello. Welcome.
Dozens of orphans
are arriving every week.
Most have them have just seen their
parents murdered before their eyes.
This whole country
is a graveyard.
There are bloated bodies
polluting the rivers.
Corpses rot in the desert.
I was told that you're organizing
an escape route for orphans.
Who told you that?
I want to go with them.
This is a stark endeavor. It needs
to be recorded for posterity.
A group of orphans left for the
port of Bassek a few days ago.
When the guides return, you can
leave with the next group.
Thank you.
Lena won't come with us.
She won't leave without Mesrob.
She wants to stay in Siroun
with Michael's family.
I want to take her there.
I need to go and talk to his family.
I really do.
Would you come with me?
Of course.
Thank you.
My eyes get worse, Marta.
You see well enough
when you count your money.
We'll get you better glasses.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Lena Boghosian.
Lena. Come in.
Come in. Oh.
Oh, Vartan.
Close the door.
This is your uncle Vartan.
Who are you?
Oh, they are my friends.
They saved us, thank god.
Mesrob has been deported
to Chankiri.
They took our house, everything.
And then they came and...
We are good friends of your son
Michael from Constantinople.
Michael is dead.
- Oh.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
There are spies everywhere.
You're a foreigner. You'll
bring trouble down on us.
- Marta, please.
- They have cared for us, Marta.
No, no, it's okay.
We should leave.
H-he was a very good man.
I'm truly sorry.
Lena is with her family now.
We will take care of her
and the girls.
- God bless you, Ana.
- Ana.
Are you all right?
I think I am with child.
Deputy governor.
The order from Istanbul is
that no one's to be spared.
You should evacuate the
orphans as soon as you can.
Who are you? I'm Christopher Myers.
I'm from the associated press.
Ah, yes, Mr. Myers.
I've been alerted that you're in my district
and you're to be detained and deported.
I have all the official documents
from the sultan's office
and from the American embassy.
Mr. Myers.
I suggest you leave this place.
I've done all I can, pastor.
Please take my advice.
Thank you, deputy governor.
I'm risking my life
being here, Mr. Myers.
I want your word
that you will not expose me.
You have my word. Absolutely.
I would never reveal a source.
You need to get those
children out of here, pastor.
Who is it?
Mama, it's me.
Why are you here?
What's wrong?
She's sick.
Let's get these wet clothes off.
We must get her
to bed. Come.
It's a very difficult pregnancy.
She needs better nourishment.
She needs calcium, iron.
Perhaps after she rests,
we can...
Oh, my god. Lena?
I... I thought...
Oh, oh, are-are the girls here?
Yes? And Mesrob?
They still have him.
Wha... how...
How did you get here?
Ana and Chris brought us.
Ana was here?
I told them you were dead.
- Why?
- You trust no one.
Where is Ana now?
Michael, you have to leave
before the sun comes up.
They were at the American
mission at Moodan.
The missionaries there have an escape
route to get orphans out of the country.
They're going with them soon.
Ana wanted us to go, but I won't
leave here without my Mesrob.
Escape? How?
Well, by boat.
From Bassek, I think.
seeing you alive
has given me hope
that my Mesrob
will also survive.
Yeva is restless.
I have to go.
I have to find them.
Leave these people alone.
You're safe in the woods.
No, no, I'm not safe.
No one here is safe.
Don't you see what's happening?
We have lived through
these Turkish threats before.
It's not... "threats"?
They want us dead.
I have to get us out of here
before there's no time left.
Trust me. It's all right.
I'm getting us out of here.
When will you be back?
Very soon.
My parents will take care
of you till I come back.
Don't worry.
All right.
All right.
Almost done.
Close your eyes.
And two...
Thank you.
I can't believe you're here.
Lena tells me that you
are headed for the sea,
that you have a way
out of the country.
Ana, I need your help.
My family...
In Siroun,
I need to get them out.
Of course. Yes.
I have a wife.
When we met at Constantinople,
I was already betrothed
to a girl in my village.
When I returned home,
we married.
I'm-I'm sorry, Ana.
Michael is alive.
I saw.
He wants us to help his...
His wife and his family escape.
We have to help them.
And after that, he'll be gone,
and we'll never see him again.
Here you go.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Mr. Myers, when you arrive in
Bassek, find reverend Antreassian.
He'll arrange the boats for you,
and tell him we'll be along with the
rest of the orphans as soon as we can.
Thank you.
You're a brave man.
Thank you.
God bless you.
And take care of them.
We're close to Siroun.
We'll find a place to rest
while I get my family.
Here you go.
Oh, my god, you're so heavy.
- May I have some bread?
- Oh, yes, me too.
Thank you, Ana.
Thank you, Ana.
I'm guessing that your wife
knows nothing about Ana.
How do you intend
to introduce them?
Are you going to report it?
Is-is this what you do? You feed
off the pain and misery of others?
Without reporters,
the Armenian people would
disappear, and no one would know.
How wonderful it must be
to go back to the comfort of your
American home and write about it.
Huh? What was that?
What's going on?
Mustafa, get the mules.
- Ana, load them up. We should leave.
- Everybody, get up.
Take my hand. Come on.
Everybody in the carriage
right now. Quickly.
Mira, help me, please.
That's our horse. Oh, god.
Oh. Oh, thank god.
All right.
Ana! Mustafa!
Oh, my god!
We have to go now! Help!
- Ana!
- I'm coming.
- Go! Go! We need to go!
Come back!
There he goes!
Turn around!
American reporter!
I have papers. Here.
Get down.
I'm gonna get off
the horse. Don't shoot.
Travel documents from the sultan's office.
Ah! Aaah!
It's over. It's over. Ana...
All right?
Michael, tell me, please.
Where's Lena?
They're all gone.
They killed them all.
Mr. Myers.
I am Faruk Pasha,
commander of this region.
What is the associated press
doing here, Mr. Myers?
Uh, reporting on the...
On the war.
There is no war here.
Merely the evacuation of the civilian
population to a safer region.
"The gallant
Armenian partisans of Van
put up a heroic resistance
against Turkish divisions,
inflicting heavy casualties."
Hardly objective reporting.
This is my favorite.
"A Turkish official,
a man of unshakable humanity
and courage,
informed us that Faruk Pasha...
A general
notorious for barbarism...
Has been instructed by the highest
authorities to spare no village."
Are these words
your fabrications,
or the words of
some lying Turkish traitor?
Prove to me that you
did not fabricate these words.
Give me the name of the
high-ranking Turkish official.
I'll confirm he gave you this
information and release you.
You are not a journalist.
You are a foreign agent.
You insist there is war here?
Very well.
Under the military code of war,
- I'm obliged to execute you!
- No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no!
Don't! Don't! Don't!
To execute you...
Don't! Don't! As a foreign
agent and a collaborator!
was that my barbarism...
Or mercy?
Take him!
Who are you?
We're fleeing Siroun
on the way to Bassek.
This is Bassek.
No one left in the village.
We were told to find
a reverend Antreassian,
and he would arrange for a boat
for these orphans.
There are no boats. The Turks
have destroyed them all.
- Who are you?
- I'm the mayor of Bassek.
The Turks are on their way
to drive us into the desert.
You'll find reverend Antreassian
back there.
Excuse me.
Reverend Antreassian?
Back there.
Reverend Antreassian?
Hello. We are from the
American mission.
Hello. We were told to
meet you in Bassek.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Faruk Pasha sent orders that we
were to be evacuated to Aleppo.
Mayor Stepan announced that
we would not obey the Turks.
We have brought
the orphans with us.
You need to come with us.
We will care for you.
Um, there's this American
reporter, Chris Myers.
Did he find you?
No, I have not encountered
any Americans.
Thank you very much
for your help.
Am I glad to see you.
You are in
very serious trouble, Chris.
They're going to
make you disappear.
I need your help, Emre.
I need to get word to the American
ambassador. He can stop this.
I'm in this ridiculous uniform
because I tried to help Michael.
Now you're asking me
to commit an act of treason?
I... listen, Chris.
They're willing
to offer you a deal.
You sign it,
you'll live, Chris.
You'll go to jail, but your
government will get you out.
The world knows
you're not a spy.
If I sign this confession...
It destroys everything
I've ever written,
my reputation, my future.
What future?
Trust me, my friend. If you do not
sign this, your future ends tonight!
No one knows you are here.
No one will know you died.
You'll know.
Listen to me.
The Turks will come soon
to punish us.
Join me and fight them,
or you should leave now.
Fight them? With what?
With whatever weapons we have.
With stones and rocks
and our bare hands.
I will not walk out
into the desert
to starve or to die of thirst.
We have brought enough food
to reach Aleppo.
You'll never make it. You'll
be murdered along the way.
Who are you
to spread such rumors?
Right now...
Outside of Siroun...
You'll find the bodies of every
Armenian from my village
rotting in a river.
Every man, woman and child
marched from their home,
brought there and slaughtered,
all of them.
My father.
My wife.
Stabbed, slashed open.
Our unborn child
ripped from her womb.
You don't believe me?
Go look for yourself.
Follow the vultures
and the smell.
You have heard this man.
He speaks the truth.
We will not walk
like sheep to slaughter.
We will make refuge
on Musa Dagh.
And if the Turks
will not leave us in peace,
we'll fight them
from every rock.
Let's move!
I'm so sorry.
We need to prepare.
Ambassador Morgenthau,
my apologies for the delay.
- What is the problem?
- I have reason to believe, Talaat Pasha,
that your military is about to
execute an American citizen.
We have captured a spy.
He is indeed an American.
Christopher Myers.
Both our countries have the same
punishment for spying during wartime, no?
The United States
is not at war with Turkey.
Myers attacked our men, and he has
been collaborating with traitors.
Nonsense. He's
a world-renowned journalist.
He's a spy.
And he has used journalism
to smear the ottoman empire
and its soldiers
around the world
with his fabrication about the
relocation of the Armenians.
Minister, you are using this
so-called relocation as a cover
for the systematic extermination
of the Armenian people.
Christopher Myers has been reporting
this outrage to the world.
That is why
you want to silence him.
Ambassador, you're Jewish.
Why are you so concerned about
these Armenian Christians?
I am a Jew and I am an American.
Many Americans
have fled persecution,
and they are appalled
by what is taking place here.
Now, I am making
a formal request
that you release Christopher
Myers, and I must caution you.
Any harm done to him
will be considered an act of aggression
against the United States of America.
Good day to you, sir.
One thing, ambassador.
The New York
life insurance company
and the equitable life
of New York have for years
done considerable business
among the Armenians.
I wish you would get these
American life insurance companies
to send us a complete list
of Armenian policyholders.
They're practically all dead now, and they
have left no heirs to collect the money.
It all, of course,
reverts to the state.
The government
is the beneficiary now.
You will never get
any such list from me.
All right.
This is where
we will build our tent.
It is going to be
the best tent of the camp.
Who will help me?
- I will!
- I will!
Yes! I will! Let's get started.
We have only a few weapons.
Don't take one unless you
know how to use it well.
- Can you shoot?
- Yes.
Can you shoot?
Can you shoot?
Are you the one he fell in
love with in Constantinople?
He told me he loved you.
But I made him marry Maral.
You're getting good at this.
Do you remember
the French song we learned?
Yes? Let's sing it.
Who wants to lead?
Me, me, me!
Come on. Let's go.
Move! I want to
talk to this man.
I thought I was being driven
to an unmarked grave.
- What's going on?
- You're being deported to Malta.
How did you know
I'd been captured?
Someone called the embassy.
Thank you.
I have a request.
Can you contact
a reverend Antreassian in Bassek
and find out if Ana Khesarian and a
group of orphans reached there safely?
I'll do my best.
Good luck to you.
Thank you, sir.
One moment.
Read that, lieutenant Ogan,
in your normal voice.
"I have important information.
Reporter Chris Myers is being
held at army headquarters.
He will...
He will be executed."
- They're here.
- Get the men together.
Surrender these weapons.
Come down,
or we will kill you all.
All we ask
is to live in peace here.
Hold fire. Hold fire!
Hold fire!
Hold the line!
Hold the line!
- Shoot him! Shoot him!
- Aaah!
Fall back! Fall back!
Press here. Hard.
As hard as you can.
I found these tools for you.
Give those to Sosi, please.
And I need more alcohol.
Take these and boil them.
Fifteen minutes. All right.
The Turks will be back soon.
Tomorrow at dawn,
we will climb higher.
that cannot be carried,
should be destroyed.
Livestock, carts.
If you cannot carry it, burn it.
There it is.
I made you some tea.
Thank you.
I couldn't do it.
I couldn't pull the trigger.
Pasha. The Armenians
ambushed us.
There were hundreds of Armenian gunmen,
well armed, with snipers positioned.
They appeared to be retreating.
So then...
Mobilize the third division
and the artillery.
Admiral Fournet?
I'm Christopher Myers
with the associated press.
I'm told that you plan to investigate
the plight of the Armenians
on the Turkish coast.
That is restricted information.
Would you permit me
to sail with you?
Why would I do that?
If you want the United
States to join this war,
the American public need to
know what the enemy is doing
and what you're doing
to fight them.
Everyone, find a place to camp.
Thank you.
Marta, I have some soup for you.
Dear lord,
take your loving child Marta,
who endured all
with such bravery.
Take her into your care...
With as much love
as she gave to us.
We were always arguing.
We'd fight all the time.
She would fight more with me
than with my father.
I think it's because
we are the most alike.
My mama.
They're all gone now.
Yeva and I are all that's
left of my family.
I know...
That it won't bring
any of them back,
but god help me, I want revenge.
I don't care.
Our revenge will be to survive.
Fast! Run! Run! Run! Run!
Run! Fast as you can!
Everyone stay down!
Keep your head down!
Mira, behind the rocks!
- Oh!
- Get down! Stay down!
- It's all right.
You're all right.
Come, here.
Reverend, they say the Turks
will kill us all.
It's not true.
God will protect us, yes?
Let's pray together.
Dear lord,
the light of all goodness
and mercy...
Please protect us
in our hour of need
and help us survive
these cruel times
so we may once more
sing your praises.
A French battleship
is steaming toward the coast.
Tomorrow I want
the final assault.
Look, there!
Light the bonfires.
Get everyone down to the beach.
Easy. On my command.
Go, go, go! Go!
To the beach!
Everyone, hurry!
Admiral, I need to be there.
Hurry, everyone!
Bring the children!
Have you seen children?
Have you seen children?
A group of orphans with Ana...
- Chris?
- Ana!
Oh, Chris!
- Oh, thank god!
- Oh, my god!
- Allez! Vite! Vite!
- Where's Michael?
- He's coming behind us.
- Quickly, everyone. Come on.
Stay together. I'm going back to help.
Keep close to me.
- Chris.
- Michael.
You survived.
Thank god.
How can I help?
The people there.
Help them down.
Thank you, Chris.
She's injured.
Did you... did you see Chris?
Yes. He's on his way down.
I love you. I love you.
Let me help you.
Get your leg up.
This will help.
Here. Put this on.
All right,
you should put this on.
Put your hands up.
Help us!
Hold on. Hold on.
Ana! Ana!
He... help!
Where's Ana?
Where's Ana?
Where is she?
There was nothing
that could be said.
Both of us had lost
the woman we loved.
The French took us
to a refugee camp in Egypt.
Chris arranged for us visas
for me, yeva and the orphans.
We lost Chris in 1938.
He died while reporting
on the Spanish civil war.
I adopted yeva,
finished my medical studies
and set up a practice
in Watertown, Massachusetts.
After the Japanese
attacked Pearl harbor,
yeva joined
the women's army corps
and fell in love
with a young marine lieutenant.
And on her wedding day,
the orphans joined us
in celebration.
A toast in Armenian?
May they return safely to us.
My darling yeva
told me that her greatest wish
was that her parents
and our dear Ana were here.
I told her I know that they are.
For sure, they are here.
And all of your parents
and all those families lost
in an attempt to wipe our nation
from the face of the earth.
But we're still here.
We're still here.