The Proud Family Movie (2005)

The Proud Family
The Proud Family
Family, Family, Family
[Low Grumble]
[Fish Chatter]
[Creature Growls, Roars]
[Electricity Crackles]
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ooh! Uhh!
[Electricity Crackles]
Ha Ha! Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha! Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha! Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha! Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha! Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Hee Hee Hee Hee
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Dr. Carver,
Are Complete.
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Excellent, Cashew.
Let The Experiment
Commence At Once.
Uh, Doctor?
Your Nose..
What? Do I Have A Booger?
You Just Kinda
Got It--
Can--Can You
Fix That?
Now, Then...Heh Heh.
The Genome Generator!
[Power Surging]
[Electricity Buzzes]
[Buzz Buzz Buzz Ding]
And Now, A Teeny Drop
Of Stabilizing Formula.
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Heh Heh. I've Done It!
I've Turned A Common
Unsalted Peanut
Into A Ragin'
Supergenome Warrior!
Hee Hee. Heh Heh
Heh Heh Heh Heh!
No! It's Disintegratin'!
The Combination
Of My Years Of Research
Is Disintegratin'!
How Can This Be?!
It's Too Evil.
No, No. It's
Supposed To Be Evil!
It Must Be The
Stabilizing Formula.
If Only...
I Could Perfect...
The Stabilizin'
[Alarm Buzzing]
Look Out!
Blowin' Up, Blowin' Up,
Blowin' Up, Blowin' Up
Blowin' Up, Blowin' Up,
Blowin' Up
Y'all Know Who I Am...
Deejay, On Radio:
Yo, What Up, Everybody?
It's Big Booooooooy
On Wizard Kelly Radio.
That Right There
Was The World Premiere
Of 15 Cent's New Joint
Blowin' Up The Spot.
[Girls Laughing]
Don't Forget, Girls,
If You Want To Be One Of
15's Spare Change Dancers,
He's Holding Auditions Today.
[Girls Shrieking]
All Lucky Finalists
Will Get A Chance
To Join My Man Mr. 1-5
All The Way Live Onstage
At This Week's Extreme
Stuffball Championship
Halftime Extravaganza.
You Know What?
That Track Was
So Mellow And So Nice,
We Gotta Go Ahead
And Bang It Twice.
[Girls All Talking At Once]
[Tires Screeching]
Ooh, Girl,
15 Cent's New Joint
Is Off The Hook!
I Can't Wait For
Those Dance Auditions.
Heh Heh.
Me Neither.
I've Been
My Beyonce Dance
All Week. Hey
[Horn Honks]
I Just Hope I Can Learn
All The Steps.
Hey, Guys,
Am I Popping,
Or Am I Lucky?
[Horn Honking]
Look Out!
[Tires Screech]
Knowing Your Dad,
I Bet He Won't Even
Let You Go
To The Dance Auditions.
Uh, Ladies.
Heh Heh Heh.
For Your Information,
I'm Turnin' 16
And According To
The U.S. Constitution,
The Bill Of Rights,
And Conjunction Junction,
I'm Officially
Mature Enough
To Make My Own
Decisions. Heh.
Thank You.
Pipe Down, You Future
Crash Test Dummies!
Ahem. Now, Then,
Let Us Continue
With Drivers' Education.
Penny, Hands At 10 And 2.
If We Become
The Spare Change Dancers,
We Can Roll With 15
On His Yacht.
Check It Out, Y'all!
[Girls Shriek]
[Tires Screech]
[Girls All Talking At Once]
Keep Your Dadblast Eyes
On The Road!
[Girls Screaming]
[All Screaming]
Penny: Yay!
Oh, Look,
Ms. Hightower.
I Knocked Over
All The Cones!
Yeah! Heh.
Supposed To
Knock Over
All The Cones...
Penny: Daddy, Can I?
Oscar Proud: No Way!
But...How Can You--
Keep Dreamin'.
Not Gonna Happen.
No Daughter Of Mine
Is Gonna Be A Backup Dancer
For Some Half-Pint
Hip-Hop Hooligan!
I See Those Girls
Dancin' In Videos.
Talkin' 'Bout Some...
Check Out The Back End!
Check Out The Back End!
Daddy, Nobody Dances
Like That Anymore.
That Girl
On Soul Train Does,
And She's As Old
As Suga Mama.
[Girls Chanting]
This Isn't Fair!
All My Friends
Are Gonna Be There.
Oscar, Penny
Is Getting Older.
Don't You Think
She's Mature Enough
To Make Her Own
Decisions Now?
Yes. Whatever.
But The Other's Like,
Sure He's Hard
They Called
My Security Guard
Suv With Sweet Hydros
Iced Out Watch
With 8 Time Zones
New Pair Of Shoes...
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
I Think 15 Cent
Is Pretty Fly.
Got The Looks,
The Talent,
Ooh, Just Like
A Certain Son
Of Mine.
Oh, Mama,
Thank You!
Oh, Get Off Me, Boy!
I Was Talking
About Bobby.
Here You Go, Mama,
Uh-Huh, Uh-Huh
Mama, What Are You Doin'
With All This Stuff?
Ooh, Me And Puff,
We Feelin' Real Lucky.
You Know, You Can Win
All Kinds Of Prizes.
A Car, A House,
A Cruise To Alaska.
You Mean
They'll Put You
On A Cruise
To Alaska?!
Hey, I'll Chip In
For That.
Loan Me A 10-Spot,
Then I'll Hire Somebody
To Punch A Hole In The Boat.
Mama, Have You Seen
My Miniskirt?
Top Drawer, Left Side.
And There Better Be
Plenty Of Skirt
In That Miniskirt,
Young Lady!
Penny: Ok.
Why Does That Girl
Have To Stress Me
Out Today?
I've Got An
Important Showcase
For My Latest
Snack Invention.
Heh Heh...
The Porknut!
Combining The Nutrition
And Flavor Of Pork
With The Protein
And Crunch Of A Peanut.
It's A Wholesome
Snack Alternative
To Improve Your Health...
And Increase My Wealth!
I've Even Cooked Up
A Special Dippin' Sauce,
And I Got Bobby
Workin' On A Catchy Jingle.
They're Half Pork,
Half Nut, Chile
But All Good
And It Taste Like
Whoa, Yeah
Check It Out, Y'all.
Hee Hee.
Oscar: What In The--
Trudy, Why Is Your Daughter
Dressed Like A--Like A Ho--
A Wholesome Teenager?
Oscar, I Think Penny Looks
Very Fashionable.
It's What The Kids Wear
Heh Heh Heh.
Not My Kids!
Do You See Bebe
And Cece Dressed
Like That?
Oh, I Can't Wait Till
I Grow Up And Move
Out Of Here
So I Can Do
Whatever I Want!
You Wait. If Anyone's
Movin' Out Of Here
And Doin' Whatever
They Want,
It'll Be Me!
[Door Slams]
Hey, Of Course
I Would Bring You
With Me, Honey.
Heh Heh Heh.
Oscar: Windsor's Academy For
Snack Technology And Education!
Ha Ha Ha!
It's The Big Time,
Do You Know
What It Means To
Get Into W.A.S.T.E?
That Means You'll Stink.
It Means The Name
Oscar Proud
Will Go Down
In History
Alongside The Great
Snack Innovators
Of All Time.
Danny Dorito,
Freddy Frito,
Polly Pringle.
You Ever Heard
Of Them?
That's 'Cause
None Of Them
Were Ever Members.
Hee Hee.
Hiya! Go!
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
My Name Is Carver,
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Thank You.
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
[Man Clears Throat]
Dr. Carver?
Artificially Intelligent
Jumpin' Peanuts.
Imagine The Possibilities.
Hmm. As You Know, Doctor...
In Order To
Gain Acceptance
Into The Academy...
A Candidate
Must Demonstrate
Exceptional Innovations
In The...
Field Of Snack
Man: I'm Sure You've Heard
Of Pudding In A Cup.
I Thought Of The Cup.
[Excited Chatter]
Very Nice Invention.
The Cup? Oh,
That Was You.
You'd Better Recognize.
Well, You See, The Problem
With Your Research Is...
It's Always About...
Peanuts Are Played Out.
They're Pass.
How Can You Say That?!
I'm Afraid We're Going To
To Deny Your Membership...
All: Again.
Let's Go, Boys.
You Will Regret
This Decision!
Trust Me, Gentlemen,
The Time Is Coming
When Peanutkind Will
Finally Get The Respect
They Deserve!
[Nervous Laugh]
If The Board
Accepts Me,
I'll Finally
Be Recognized
For My Important
To Snackology.
Man, Would You
Watch Out!
You Fool!
Party People,
Make Some Noise!
Here Comes Oscar Proud,
Inventor Of...
The New And Improved...
Half Pork And Half Nut.
But It's All, All,
All, All, All, All, All
Well, It's Good
And Behold!
My Special Kicking Donkey
Dipping Sauce.
Not Only Does It Add
A Potent, Zesty Flavor,
But It Locks In The Potent,
Nutty Freshness, Too.
That Way You Never
Have To Worry About
An Expiration Date.
I Just Add A Teeny-Weeny
Drop Of This,
[Porknut Hissing]
[Porknut Gurgling]
Look Out!
[Porknuts Raining Down Inside]
Ok, Did I Say
"Dippin' Sauce"?
I Meant To Say,
Uh, Uh...
Behold. My Instant,
Porknut Multiplyin'
What Was That
Last Part?
Just Roll With It, Bobby.
So What Do You Think?
Membership Denied!
Get Him Out Of Here!
Wait, Wait.
Didn't You Hear
What I Said?!
They're Everlastin'!
There's No
Expiration Date.
These Porknuts
Never Go Bad.
Proud, They Never Go Good!
See That, Boys?
An Everlastin'
Multiplyin' Formula.
Perhaps That's What
We've Been Looking For.
Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Oscar: [Loudly]
But Trudy...
Trudy: Oscar, Quiet Down.
You'll Wake The Twins.
Penny, That You?
Suga Mama. Heh.
Taking Puff For A Walk.
Good Puff.
[Puff Whines]
Ok, Baby. Have Fun.
Come On, Denzel,
Give Suga Mama
Some Suga.
[Muffled Whine]
Girl: Oh, My Gosh,
I Cannot Wait For This.
All Right, You
Juvenile J-Los,
[Girls All Talking]
If You Think You Got
What It Takes To Become--
Hey...I'm Talkin'!
Now, If You Think
You Got What It Takes
To Become
A Spare Change Dancer,
Then Pay Close Attention,
'Cause I'm Only Gonna
Do This One Time.
Instructor: Cue Music.
And Work It!
[Dance Music Playing]
[Music Stops]
Can You Do That
One More Time?
Here We Go.
Cue Music And...
[Music Playing]
Work It!
[Kids All Muttering]
Cut! Cut! Cut!
You Can't Do This.
You Can't Do This.
You Can't Do This...
Oh, No. She's Gonna
Point To Me!
Zoey, Relax.
You Can't Do This...
Just Be Like
A Butterfly.
And You Can't Do This.
Aw, Man!
And I Was Just About
To Get Krump!
Wait, You Can't
Dismiss Her.
I Mean, Sure,
She Dances Like
A Scarecrow,
But She's A...
Doesn't That Count
For Anything?
Oh...You're Right.
She Can Stay.
Ha Ha Ha.
And You Can Go Home,
Miss Thang.
[Kids All Groan]
That's Not Fair!
I'm The Best
Dancer Here.
Get Out The Way, Boy!
Security Comin' Through.
The Gross Sisters?
What Are You Guys
Doing Here?
We Security, Fool.
15 Hired Us
To Bounce Any Clowns
That Stepped Out Of Line.
So Let's Go, Proud. Step!
Forget It, Nubia.
You Can't Tell Me
What To Do.
What? You Tryin'
To Test Me?
Olay, Handle
Miss Forehead.
Hey. Hey, Hey,
What Seem To Be
The Problem?
Penny: Girls,
That 15 Cent!
I Don't Know What
Y'all Screamin' For.
Ain't No Problem, 15.
Me And My Girls
Are Just About
To Take Out The Trash.
Start Movin', Proud,
And Bring Your Friends.
A'ight, No.
For Real, Though.
A'ight, Hold Up.
Come On, Sticky.
Sticky, You Didn't Tell Me
You Were Tight With 15 Cent.
He's My Cousin.
He Is?!
I Guess That Makes Him
My Cousin-In-Law. He-Ey!
Aw, Back Off Me,
Ha Ha. So What's
Your Name? Shout It.
Dijonay Jones.
Your Cousin-In-Law.
Not You.
Hi. My Name Is--
I'm Talkin' To You...
With The Ponytails. Heh.
Me? I-I'm Penny Proud.
And My Friends And I
Have Been Bustin' Our Butts
To Join The Spare Change
But This Debbie Allen
Keeps Hatin'
On Everybody.
Please. 15,
She Can't Dance.
Then Teach Her,
Miss Choreographer,
Or You're Dismissed.
Oh, Snap!
I Guess I Can Do This,
Miss Thang!
You Know You Can't Dance.
[Laughing, Cheering]
Ha Ha Ha.
I Like
Your Attitude,
Penny Proud...
With Your Ponytails.
And I Would Be Proud
To Have You Dance
With Me
And That, Uh,
Stuffball Halftime
[Girls All Screaming]
Come On. Hold Up!
I Don't Know What
Y'all Screamin' About.
15 Didn't Say You Were In.
Please, 15?
I Can't Be
In Your Crew
Unless My Girls
Are With Me.
Lookin' Out
For Your Homies,
I Like That.
A'ight, They In.
Under One Condition.
You Let Me
Drive You Home,
Yeah, Yeah
Ok, This Is
The Last Stop.
Sticky, You
And Your Girl
Gotta Get Up
Outta Here.
Man, I'm Not Goin'
Anywhere With Her.
And I'm Not
Goin' Anywhere
Without My Man.
All Right, Then.
Hit That Button
Right There.
Dijonay: [Shouting]
I'll See You Tomorrow,
Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh.
That's One Of
The Best Features
In My Brinks.
Ooh, I Like This Song.
Ha. Yeah.
I Like To Drop
A Little Slow Jazz
Every Now And Then.
[Jazz Vocalist
Singing Indistinctly]
So, Uh, This
Your House, Right?
Look, I Know
What You Doin'.
Tryin' To Get Me
All Alone.
But You Can Stop
Right There, Player.
I Read Every Issue
Of Dreamy Teen Magazine,
And I Know All About
Your Little Rep.
So If You Think
You Gonna Get A Kiss
On The First Date,
I'm-A Just Tell You
Straight Up--
It Ain't Gonna Happen.
Oh, The Stuff
In Those Magazines
Is All Made Up.
It Is?
Remember That
Picture Of Me
And Christina
If I'm Late
For My Curfew,
My Moms'll
Go Off.
Wait A Minute.
[Car Starts]
You Mean...
It Ain't Gonna Happen?
Nah. Seriously,
It's Gettin' Late,
And I Gotta Return
My Grandmama Car.
Your Grandmama's
Gonna Have To Wait.
Come Here, Boy.
[Car Door Opens, Closes]
[Jazz Muffled From Car]
...A Year
[Glass Squeaking]
This Time You've Gone
Too Far, Penny Proud.
Not Only Are You
Forbidden From Dancing
In The Halftime Show,
You're Grounded--
What About
My Birthday Party?
In Fact,
You Whole Birthday
Is Canceled!
And Until You Learn
To Show Some Respect,
You're Not Even Allowed
To Turn 16!
Oscar, Isn't That
A Little Unreasonable?
I Wish You Weren't
My Daddy.
What Did You Say?!
I Said I Wish
You Weren't My Daddy!
Well, Right Now I Wish
You Weren't My Daughter!
Penny: Aah!
Trudy, Where Did This Girl
Learn To Sass Me Like That?
Boy, Will You
Shut Up?!
I'm Tryin'
To Concentrate
On My Sweepstakes.
Come On, Lady Luck.
I Can't Believe
That Girl.
It's Like I Don't
Even Know Her Anymore.
I Even Picked Up
A Special Birthday Present
For Her And Everything.
Honey, Let Me
Talk To Her.
[Easy Rhythm Playing]
[Knock Knock Knock]
Go Away!
I Come In Peace.
Here. I Thought
You Might Like
To See This.
Ooh...What Is It?
A Special
Birthday Present...
From Your Father.
Uhh! No,
Thank You.
Oh, Penny, Baby,
Your Father Loves You
And Only Wants The Best
For You.
Even If He Has
A Funny Way
Of Showing It
What's Funny?
Canceling My
Embarrassing Me
In Front Of My
Never Letting Me
Do What I Want?
Oh, Yeah, Dad's
A Real Comedian.
Ha Ha.
[Car Rumbling]
Step 1:
Detain Oscar Proud.
Step 2: Procure
Everlastin' Formula.
Step 3: Create Army
Of Genome Warriors,
Then Take Over The World.
Ha Ha Ha!
[Ding Dong, Ding Dong]
I'm Very Sorry,
My Parents Aren't Home
Right Now.
Good Night.
[Ding Dong, Ding Dong]
[Ding Dong, Ding Dong,
Ding Dong, Ding Dong]
[Banging On Door]
Oh, You've Got It
All Wrong, Mr. Proud.
Heh Heh. Congratulations!
You're The Winner
Of This Month's
Grand Prize.
Grand Prize?!
Whoo! Ha Ha Ha!
Told Ya!
What Do I Get?
The House? The Car?
The Deluxe
Island Vacation.
Pack Your Bags.
The Boat Leaves
In The Morning.
Heh Heh Heh!
Holler At Your Grandma.
I'm Off To The Islands.
Come On, Puff.
But Wait!
The Prize Is For
A Deluxe Island
Family Vacation.
A Vacation
With My Family?
Ok, Punishment
I Can Take,
But That's Just
Cruel And Unusual.
I'm Not Going.
I'm Not Goin' Neither!
I've Seen How Much
They Charge
For Those Snacks
In The Minibar.
Yeah. And You Said
This Was The Grand Prize.
A Vacation With My Son
Is More Like
The Booby Prize.
For Once I Agree
With You, Mama.
Take Her Away,
Quick, Trudy, Let's Pack
Up The House And Move
Before She Comes Back.
Now, Wait A Minute.
I Think
A Vacation Together
Could Be Just What
This Family Needs.
Excuse Me, Sir,
Where Did You Say
We Were Going Again?
Legume Island.
Legume Island.
I've Never Heard Of It.
Is It Nice And Relaxing?
Oh, It's To Die For.
[Sinister Cackle]
We're All Going.
But, Trudy--
But Trudy--
Now, If You'll
Excuse Me,
I've Got Some
Swimsuit Shopping
To Do.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Trudy: Isn't This Fun, Family?
The Smell Of The Ocean...
The Wind In Our Hair.
I Feel Like
Bessie Coleman.
Oscar, You Gotta
Try This One Here.
It's Off The Hook!
It's Off The Hook!
No Way, Mama.
You Know I Don't
Like Heights.
Beside, If Man Was
Supposed To Fly,
He Would've Been Born
With Dragon Wings
And A Tail Like You.
[Seagull Squawks]
Ha Ha!
Excuse Me, Sir,
How Much Longer
Until We Get
To This Stupid Place?!
Legume Island
Dead Ahead!
[Sinister Laugh]
How Do? How Do?
Brother Kinda
Funny Lookin',
Ain't He?
I Mean, Look At The Size
Of His Melon.
Look Like Jermaine Dupree.
Don't Be So
Insensitive, Oscar.
He Must Be
An Island Native.
How Do?
Welcome To Legume Island.
My Name Is Cashew.
Follow Me. I Will
Show You To Your Quarters.
Ah, Here We Are.
I Hope You Will Find
Everything You Need
For A Comfortable Stay.
Here's The Keys
To The Minibar,
And The Jacuzzi's
In The Back.
A Jacuzzi?
Baby, That's Where
I'm Gonna Be
Until My Skin Gets
All Wrinkly!
Too Late
For That, Mama.
Ahem. The Owner
Of Legume Island
Has Invited You All
To Join Him At
This Evening's Luau.
You Will Find Your
Traditional Island Attire
In The Closet.
A Luau!
Oh, Penny! I'll Bet
There Will Be
Lots Of Singing
And Dancing.
Ooh, And Eligible
Singing And Dancing
With My Mom And Dad...
Finding A Date
For My Grandma?
Oh, Yeah, This Is
The Best Birthday Ever!
Heh Heh. Not!
Aah! What Country
Does This Flag Represent?
It Represents
My Fist!
Now Gimme Those!
It's My Suitcase,
You Nitwit!
Mom, Can I Have
Some Of These Peanuts
From The Minibar?
I'm Hungry.
That Stuff Cost
A Fortune!
Here. Have Some
They're Filling,
And They're Delicious.
Blechh! Ach! Ehh!
Oh, Look, Look,
Look, Look!
Our Traditional
Island Attire.
Uh-Uh. No Way.
I Am Not
Wearing This!
I Can't Believe
I'm Wearing This.
[Drum Beat Playing]
Ladies And Gentlemen,
Your Host
Dr. Marcus Garvey Carver Ii.
[Playing Organ]
Thank You.
And Welcome
To The Legume Room.
I See All The
Beautiful People
Are Here Tonight.
Hee Hee Hee Hee
Hee Hee Hee Hee.
Hmm. That Cat
Looks Familiar.
Do We Know Him?
Well, I'm Gonna
Get To Know Him.
And He'll Get
A Rare Shot
At The Hairdo!
Oh, Suga Mama,
You Better
Cut It Out.
You Know You
Already Have
A Man.
What About
Pappi Don't Own
No Island, Girl.
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
And Now It's My Pleasure
To Present To You
Those High Kickers
Of Chaos,
Those Dangerous Dancers
Of The Boom Boom.
Put Your Hands Together
For The Legume Island
Coconut Crew Revue.
Ooh, Ahh, Ooh, Ahh
Man: [Jamaican Accent] Welcome!
Yeah, Come On Down.
Come On. Come On.
Get Up Off Your Feet. Let's Go.
Everybody Now!
Light Up The Tiki Torches
Kick Off Your Socks
And Shoes
Throw Out Your Threads
Lay Down Your Dress, Man
What Have You Got To Lose?
Accept This Invitation
Change Your State Of Mind
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
We Gonna Wiggle,
We Gonna Jiggle
Gonna Laugh A Little
In The Limbo Line
Ooh! Look Out, Now
Ooh! Watch It, Now
Come On, Watch It,
Boom Boom Boom
Welcome To The Legume Room
No Problems
No Worries
Everything's All Right
Everyone Go
Boom Boom Boom
Under The Island Moon
Make The Perfect Sacrifice
Shake, Shake, Shake
Shake Your Booty
In Paradise
Get Up
Get Off Your You Know What
Stand Up
Time To Take A Chance
Mixin' In With
The Local Nuts, Yeah
In An Elated Dance
Come On
Join The Party
Get Up
Move Your Feet
Feel The Rhythm
Of The Steel Drum Beat
Shake Your Booty With
With A Big Ol' Bowl Of Fruity
On Your Head,
Like It Soft And Sweet?
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
It's Getting
Kinda Crazy
Hey, Boom, Boom, Boom
Welcome To The Legume Room
No Problems, No Worries
Everything Is All Right
Everyone Go Boom, Boom, Boom
Under The Island Moon
Everything Is Cool And Nice
Not Quite.
Even Though
It's Twice The Price
You'll Pay!
Make The Perfect Sacrifice
Shake Your Booty
In Paradise
Yeah, Man!
Oh, Penny, Don't You
Just Love This
Tropical Music?
Well, I'll Bet
You'll Love
This Tune.
Happy, Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday To You
Make A Wish,
I Wish...
I Wish I Could Dance
In The Halftime Show
With 15 Cent.
Please, Daddy?
Forget It.
Wish Again.
[Bebe, Cece Giggling]
Then I Wish I Was
Away From You
And This Stupid Island!
And Kissing 15 Cent!
Trudy: Oh, Penny...
What's Cookin',
Good Lookin'?
Uh, The Word Bacon
Comes To Mind.
Um, Ms. Proud,
The Traditional
Island Attire
Suits You Well.
One Could Say
You Put The "Moo"
In Muumuu.
[Cows Mooing]
I Think He Likes Me.
Mr. Proud, Perhaps
I Can Interest You
In A Private Tour
Of My Estate.
You Know, You Look
Real Familiar
To Me.
Have We Met?
I Don't Think We Have.
No, I'm Sure
I've Seen You
And Your Face--
You Were Singin'
And Dancin' And--
And You Was Actin'
And Rappin'.
I Got It. You Were
In Breakin' Ii:
Electric Boogaloo.
You Boogaloo Shrimp!
No, No, No.
How 'Bout
Beat Street?
Beat Street.
King Of The Street.
I Wish I Could Drive.
I Wish I Could Stay Up
All Night.
Ooh, And I Wish
This Grass Skirt
Didn't Give Me
This Rash.
[Bushes Rustling]
Who's There?!
Don't Mess With Me,
How Do?
You Scared Me!
I Was Just Checking
To See If You Were Ok.
You Seem Upset.
It's A Long Story.
Well, If You Want
To Tell It,
I'm All Ears.
Actually, I'm All Head,
But, Heh, You Know
What I Mean.
Well, It All Started
On My Third Birthday.
Daddy Didn't Want
To Pay For A Clown.
He's So Cheap Sometimes.
So He Dressed Up
In Suga Mama's
So Embarrassed...
And When I Turned 4,
Mom Hired Thingy
For My Birthday.
Thingy And Daddy
Got Into An Argument,
And Then Thingy
Dropkicked Daddy.
Now Today's
My 16th Birthday.
It's Supposed To Be
The Best Day
Of My Life, Right?
Right. But My Dad Said
I Couldn't Audition
To Be A Spare Change
Even Though All
My Friends Could.
So I Snuck Out
And Went Anyway
And Got Busted
Kissin' 15 Cent,
So My Parents
Canceled My
Birthday Party
And Dragged Me
On This Trip,
And Now My Big Day
Is Ruined Because
My Dad Keeps
Treatin' Me
Like A Baby!
Well, That Really Is
A Long Story.
You Know What It Is,
Sometimes...I Just Wish
I Had Different Parents.
I Think You're Lucky.
I Wish I Had Parents.
Oh, I'm Sorry.
I'm Goin' On And On
About My Problems,
And I Didn't Even
Realize That--
It's Ok.
Here On The Island,
We're Kinda Like
One Big Nutty Family.
But There's Times
When I Wonder
What It Would Be Like
To Have A Real Mom And Dad.
I'll Tell You What.
If You Ever Wanna Wear
A Burgundy Sweater
And Skirt
For The Rest Of Your Life,
You Can Try Having
My Parents.
Hey, Nice Crib, Doc.
Well, Thank You.
Care For
A Pistachio?
Ha Ha Ha.
You're My Kind Of Man,
Mr. Proud.
We're Like
2 Intellectual Peas
In A Pod.
2 Nuts
In The Same Shell.
You See, Like Yours,
My Genius
Has Never Received
Its Proper Recognition.
In Fact,
I've Been Working
On A Revolutionary
New Concept--
Humanoid Peanuts.
It Will Attend
To Our Every Need.
Just Think Of
The Possibilities,
Mr. Proud.
They Could Care
For The Elderly.
Look After Our Children.
Take Over The World!
I Mean, Make Over
The Squirrels.
I See The Future,
Mr. Proud,
And It's Nuts.
Ah, But The Prototypes
Aren't Turning Out
As I Had Hoped.
They Won't Stabilize.
It's Like I Need A...
Oh, I Don't Know,
Instant Everlasting
Multiplying Formula
Or Something.
Stop Playing.
I Created
An Instant Everlasting
Multiplying Formula.
Maybe We Could Be Partners.
As Suga Mama Always Told Me,
2 Geniuses Are Better
Than One Halfwit.
Sounds Intriguing,
But I Don't Know If
I Could Offer You Much
For Your Expertise.
Maybe Only...
$10 Million?
$10--10--10--10--10 Million?
Ahem. I Mean That's
A Rather Intriguing Offer.
I'll Have To Discuss It
With My Wife.
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Then I Can Expect
Your Answer
In The Morning?
That's Right.
Ha Ha Ha! Oh. Ooh.
Trudy! Trudy!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Oh, Romeo Pistachio,
Come Back! Come Back!
Today's Forecast Calls
For Dry And Roasted.
[Continues Changing Channels]
This Local Cable
Station Stinks.
Puff, How About A Dip
In The Jacuzzi?
We're Gonna Be Rich!
We're Gonna Be Rich,
Dr. Carver
Offered Me
$10 Million
To Be His Partner.
$10 Million?
What Kind Of Jungle Punch
Did You Drink At The Luau?
Penny, Where Have You Been?
It's Well Past Your Curfew,
Young Lady.
Relax, Mom. I
Was Just Hanging Out
With Cashew.
What? You Know
What I Told You About
Hanging Out With Boys.
You Are A Boy,
Ain't You?
Trudy: Oscar.
Fine. Let's Go Home,
And I Can Hang Out
With My Friends.
Hey, Whoa!
'Cause They--
That's Quite Enough,
You Two!
Now, Look, We're Gonna Start
Acting Like A Family
And Have Fun On This Vacation
Right Now,
Do You Hear Me?
Do You Hear Me?!
Yes, Ma'am!
Yes, Ma'am!
You Looking For Me,
Uh, Hello, Miss Suga.
Good-Bye, Miss Suga.
Wait, Wait, Wait.
Get Him, Puff,
And Hit The Legs.
I've Got To Keep You
Pleased In Every Way I Can
Gonna Give You All Of Me...
I'm Never Gonna Give You Up
You Can't Join Suga Mama
In The Hot Tub?
The Water Is Just Right.
Uh, Thanks, But--Oh.
I'm Not Wearing
My Swim Trunks.
Well, What
A Coincidence.
Neither Am I.
Oh, No.
[Suga Mama Laughs]
Penny. Penny?
Sorry, Y'all. Big Sis Needs
A Vacation From This Vacation.
See Ya.
Time To Get Rich.
Oscar Proud Gonna
Get Rich Now
Oscar Proud Gonna
Get Paid Now
I'm-A Gonna Get Paid Now
I'm-A Gonna Get Rich
I'm-A Gonna Get Rich, Yaa
I'm-A Gonna Get Rich, Yaa
I'm-A Gonna Get Paid Now
[Twig Snaps]
Who's There?
Over Here.
[Nervous Laugh]
If You're Looking
For Someone To Rob,
I Know An Old Lady
With A Poodle Who's Loaded.
I'll Even Help You
Take Her Down.
My Name's Wally.
And You Are In Danger!
No! You're In Danger!
'Cause I Ain't Afraid
To Beat Up No Kid.
Listen. You Need To
Get Off This Island.
Whatever You Do,
Don't Give Dr. Carver
Your Formula.
He's Planning To Take
Over The World--Aah!
Mr. Proud,
There You Are.
Listen, Last Night,
The Most Amazing Thing
Popped Into My...
Oh, There's Gotta Be
A Way Off Of This Island!
I'm So Happy You Decided
To Accept My Offer,
Mr. Proud.
Here's To Being
Ha Ha Ha. How About
That Little Thing We Was
Talking About? You Know...
Starts With A 10,
Ends With A Million Dollars?
The Money, Of Course.
Fellas. [Claps]
It's All Yours,
Mr. Proud.
Ooh, Baby! Heh.
I Think I'm Gonna Need
A Bigger Wallet.
But First, Ha Ha Ha,
The Everlasting Formula,
Whatever You Do,
Do Not Give
Dr. Carver
Your Formula.
Tell You What, Doc.
I'll Be Your Partner,
But The Secret Formula
Stays On My 50. Deal?
Heh Heh. Mr. Proud,
Give Me The Formula.
I, Uh, Can't Do That.
I Don't Have It With Me
On The Island.
I Keep It In
A Very Special Place.
Now, If You'll Excuse Me,
I Have A Very Large Check
To Cash.
By The Way, Is There
An Atm On The Island?
I Have Been
A Very Patient Man.
I Want My Formula!
Give It! Give It!
Give It! Give It!
Uh, Doc,
You Got Something Funny
Going On With Your Nose.
I Have Ways Of
Finding Things Out,
Mr. Proud.
Sinister Ways.
Give Me
The Tickle Chair.
No! Not The Tickle Chair!
Ah Ha Ha Ha!
Aah! Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha. Stop It.
Ha Ha!
Tell Me Where You've
Hidden The Formula.
Hee Hee. Ha Ha.
Aaggh. Peanuts.
Tell Me Where You Hid...
Aah! Aah!
The Formula!
Give Me The Formula.
I Want That Formula!
Give It! Give It! Give It!
All Around
The Living Room
The Boys And Girls
Are Singing...
I Must Say I'm Impressed By
Your Resilience, Mr. Proud.
But If You Won't Give Me
That Formula,
Then You Leave Me No Choice.
Bring In The Clones.
Last Night While
You And Your Loved Ones
Enjoyed The Luau,
My Servants Surreptitiously
Collected A Few
Of Your Personal Items.
When I Combine
Your Proud Family Dna
With My Patented Peanut
Cloning Technology,
The Result...Will Have
You Seeing Double.
What The--
Well, Wait, Wh--
They Just Like The Real Thing.
Except There's
One Difference.
You Have 48 Hours
To Retrieve The Instant
Everlasting Formula
And Complete Your Mission.
Yes, Dr. Carver.
Yes, Dr. Carver.
What About Me
And My Family?
You And Your Family
Are Gonna Stay Here
And Enjoy Your Deluxe
Island Vacation...
Do We Have Everything
We Need For The Mission?
My Wristwatch
Video Communicator...
I Must Go Back
And Get It.
We're Finally Leaving?!
Oh, Thank You.
Thank You. Thank You!
Your Wristwatch?
My Watch?
Yeah. It Says It's Time
To Roll Up Out Of Here,
So Let's Bounce.
What Is The Meaning
Of This "Roll Up
Out Of Here"?
It Means It's Time To Go,
Mama, Duh.
Tape: Hello.
How Are You, My Friend?
Second Voice: Yo, Yo.
We're Scruga-Lugga,
What's Up, Y'all?
What We Waiting For?
You're Supposed
To Drive.
It's Your Mission
Me? You Want Me To Drive?
You Never Let Me Drive.
Is This Some Kind Of Joke?
Where's The Hidden Camera?
I Would Never Joke
About The Mission.
Ha Ha. Ok.
Thank You, Daddy.
I'm A Really Good Driver.
You'll See. [Giggles]
All Right,
Adjust The Mirror.
Hands At 10:00 And 2:00.
And Ease Away From The Curb.
Sorry. My Bad.
And I Was Like,
Hey, The Secret Formula
Stays On My 50,
And He Was All, Like,
Give Me The Formula.
And I Was, Like, No Can Do.
And He Was, Like,
Well, Bring Out
The Clones.
I Was, Like,
Clones?! Whatcha Talkin'
About, Clones?
Wham! Bam!
Out Step The Clones.
Look Just Like Us.
Except For Mama.
Even More Hideous.
Twice The--
Stop Talking Nonsense,
I'm Telling You It's True!
We Gotta Get Out
Of This Place!
Hey! Penny!
Rise And Shine, Sweetie.
Vacation's Over.
Aah! Where'd She Go?
Ah. Ah. Ah. Uh. Uh.
Ok, Listen.
No Time To Pack.
I'll Get Us Out Of Here
And Find Penny.
Ok. Now It's Time To Panic.
Help Us! Help!
If You Want To Survive,
You Must Come With Me.
Everyone Is Gone!
Must Alert Dr. Carver.
Penny! There You Are.
Oh, Penny!
Hmm? Have You Been
Eating Peanut Butter
Or Something?
We Must Hurry. We've Got
To Get To The Other Side
Of The Island.
There Is Only One Person
Who Can Help You Now.
Is This A New Part
Of The Mission?
Uh, Yeah. We're On A Mission
To Save Our Necks.
Now Let's Move!
Penny, I Need You
To Carry The Twins,
And Don't Give Me No Lip.
[Twins Giggle]
Now, That's More
Like It.
It's About Time
That Girl Started
Listening To Me.
Quickly. We Are Almost
To The Summit.
Whoa! Oh.
Oscar, Don't Panic.
Ok. I Told You, Trudy,
I Don't Like Heights.
Whoo! Aah!
Look Out There!
It's Not So Bad,
Unless You
Look Down.
Ha Ha Ha.
Aah! That's Not Funny,
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Penny, Be Careful
With The Twins Now.
That's Affirmative,
Penny! Look Out!
Penny! Look Out!
What In The--
Oscar. Did You
Just See...
1433. Ok, We're Here.
Your Monetarial
Compensation, Sir.
You May Retain
The Balance.
1,000 Bucks!
Primary Mission Begins
In T-Minus 3...2...1.
Hey, Pal.
Hey, Penny.
What's Up, P.?
How Was Your Trip?
Ever Since This Morning,
My Mom's Been Talking Like
She's Straight-Up Street.
Man, This Whip
Is Whack, Homey.
Where's The Secret
Formula, Yo?
And Suga Mama, I Can't
Even Understand Her.
No Hay Nada En Esta Caja.
And My Dad's
Been Acting--
Daughter, Would You
Mind Holding
Our Currency?
Kinda Cool.
Well, I Bet He's
Still Not Cool Enough
To Let You Come To The
Dance Rehearsal Tomorrow.
Whatever, Lacienega.
I Feel You, Girl.
But As Spare Change
Got Some Pre-Rehearsal
Shopping To Do.
What Is It,
Come On, Dad.
Don't Rub It In.
You Know I'm
The Only One Who Can't Go
To The Dance Rehearsals.
Do You Think Your
Attendance Will Advance
Our Primary Mission?
Well, Uh, Yeah, I Think So.
Most Definitely.
Then Perhaps You
Should Participate.
For Real?!
Oh, Thank You.
You're The Best Daddy
In The Whole World!
What's Up, Oscar?
My Dawg.
Felix Boulevardez,
Next Door Neighbor
And Friend.
Right. So...
Are We On For
The Stuffball Game
Tonight Or What?
It's The Semifinals,
Hasta La Lima!
Stuffball? Ooh,
That's My Game, Dawg.
Ya Heard Me?
Oscar, Are You Going
Tonight Or What?
One Moment Please,
While I Converse
With My Associates.
This Could Be
An Important
Fact-Finding Mission
To See What These
Neighbors Know About
The Secret Formula.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.
That's A Real Spit, Homey.
I'm With It.
Muy Bueno.
Felix Boulevardez,
Next Door Neighbor
And Friend,
We Accept Your
Invitation? No.
You're Paying
For These Tickets.
Here's Your Monetarial
Will $5,000
Cover Everything?
Oh, Ho Ho! Yes!
Ya, Y'all, Big Booooy
In The Hood!
Now, Don't Forget
Tomorrow Night
Is The Extreme
Stuffball Championships
With A Halftime Performance
From My Main Man 15 Cents.
Big Ups To All The Lucky
Little Mamas Who Made The Cut
To Join Me As
The Spare Change Dancers.
All Right, Now, Ooh, Wow,
Now Listen Up, Ladies.
Now You Girls Must Be
Supertalented, Superfly,
And You Must Have
A Supercool Dad.
Yes, I Do.
The Coolest.
This Is Some Vacation.
I'm Cold, I'm Tired,
My Ribs Are Still Hurting
From That Tickle Chair,
And I Am Hungry.
Didn't Know Peanuts
So Tasty, Huh, Puff?
Mama! Where'd You
Get Those Peanuts?
I Cleaned Out The Minibar
Before We Left.
What? You Gotta Be Crazy.
Don't You Know How Much
That Stuff Cost?
I'll Give You $20
For A Bite.
Here, Help Yourself.
Mama, That--That Is
Just Straight-Up Nasty!
Do You Need A Hand
With That?
What Are You Doing?
I Call It
Making A Move.
Aah. Ooh.
Making A Move Is Not
Part Of The Mission.
[Thuds And Grunts]
Oscar, Do You Notice
Anything Different
About Penny?
Yeah. She's Finally
Handling The Boys
The Way I Taught Her.
Oscar, She's Body-Slamming
That Poor Kid Against The Rock.
Well, Seems Like
She's Been Working Out.
But That's Just The Proud Blood
Pumping Through Her Veins.
You See, We're Strong People.
Hoom Shakalaka,
Hoom Shakalaka.
Aequus, Aequus.
Uh-Huh. And She's Not
Complaining And Whining
Like She Always
Does Either.
That's In The
Proud Blood, Too.
Isn't That A Good Thing?
Oh, Oscar, It's Just...
My Little Girl's
Growing Up So Fast.
Before We Know It,
She'll Be Off
To College,
Then A Career, Marriage,
Whoa, Ho Ho Ho.
Slow Down, Trudy.
Bebe And Cece Are Still
In Diapers And You
Talking About Grandkids?
I Know, It's Silly.
But In Some Ways,
I Think I'm Going To
Miss The Old Penny.
Well, I'm Gonna
Miss Things, Too.
Like Tonight.
I'm Missing The Wizard Kelly
Extreme Stuffball Semifinals.
I Bet Everybody's There
But Me.
Ok, Let Me Get
This Straight.
Your Dad, Oscar Proud,
Is Gonna Let You Be
A Spare Change Dancer?
I Told You.
My Daddy's Cool Now.
He Lets Me Do
Whatever I Want.
Nice Shoes!
[Laughs] Ye-Ah!
My Mom Took Me Shopping
And Hooked Me Up.
[Cell Phone Rings]
Wait. Hang On, Lacienega.
It's D.
Hey, Girl.
Your Parents Bought
You A Polyphonic
Camera Phone?
I Don't Even Have
One Of Those.
Hang On, Penn.
Zoey's Hitting Me
On My 2-Way.
What's Up, Giiiiirl?
Hang On, Guys.
My Other Line's Beeping.
Hey, It's Dijonay.
Do You Believe
Penny's Mom Bought Her
A Camera Phone?
Stop Playing.
Penny, You Got A New Phone?
Yep. Check It Out.
Yo, Yo, Pigeon,
Come On, Sister.
What's The 4-1-1 On
Oscar's Secret Formula?
Wiz Dome Dogs.
Get Your Red Hots.
Come And Get Your Dogs.
Yo, Oscar,
Are You Hungry?
I'll Get Us
Some Hot Dogs.
Hey, Yo!
2 Hot Dogs
Over Here.
Oscar, What Did You
Do That For?
Sorry About That, Man.
Couple More Dogs.
Here. Just Take
The Whole Thing.
Oh, My. This Is, Um,
P.A.: Whoo! That Was
Some Second Quarter.
And Now For Our
Halftime Entertainment,
Some Brave Man Out There
Will Get The Chance To Win...
12 Wizard Dollars
By Going One-On-One With
The Extreme Stuffball Champ...
Mayhem The Mangler, Y'all.
Any Takers?
[Crowd Cheers]
I Must Procure
More Hot Dogs.
P.A.: And There's Our Brave
Volunteer Right Now, Y'all.
I-Is That Oscar Proud?
Go, Oscar!
Penny! Penny!
That's Your Dad!
He's Gonna Get Mangled.
Oh, No!
[Low Growl]
Crowd: Mangler! Mangler!
Mangler! Mangler!
Where Ya Gonna Be When
Mayhem Mania Comes For Thee?!
Don't Worry, Penny.
I'm Sure Your Father
Will Be Ok.
It's All Fake.
Fake? Zoey, That Guy's
Gonna Devour My Daddy.
Now, Here's The Rules.
Your Mission Is To Get The Ball
Into Your Opponent's Goal.
Other Than That, Just Try
Not To Get Too Much Blood
On The Wizard's Nice
Shiny Floor, Y'all.
I'm Gonna Bust You Up.
Primary Mission,
Put The Ball In
The Opponent's Goal.
Go For It. Rrrr!
Mayhem Mania!
Yo, What? No!
Wait A Second.
Wait A Second!
Oh, No--Not The Face!
Ay, Yi Yi!
Hasta La Rima!
Crowd: Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
Oscar! Oscar! Oscar!
Yes, Yes, Y'all.
Well Done,
Oscar Proud.
Well, Here Is
$12 Wizard.
[Speaking Fast]
Wizard Dollars Redeemable Only
At Licensed Wizard Kelly
Concession Stands
In The 50 States
And Puerto Rico.
Wizard Dollars Are Copyrighted
By Wizard Kelly
And May Not Be Used
Without Expressed Permission
Of Wizard Kelly.
Offer Expires
In 25 Minutes, Y'all.
Well, Oscar Proud,
What Are You Gonna
Do With All Them
Wizard Dollars?
Dang, Penny.
I've Never Seen
Your Dad So Hungry.
Your Mama
Don't Cook No More?
We Made It.
He Will Be Able
To Help You Now.
He? He Who?
Wally, You've Done
A Good Job.
Thank You, Father.
Listen, Man,
I Don't Know What Kind
Of Freaky Family Tree
You Fell From,
But From One Dad
To Another,
You Gotta Help Me, Man.
There's A Guy
On The Other Side
Of The Island,
And He's Crazy--
Dr. Carver. Looks Like
Boogaloo Shrimp!
I'm Telling You,
He Outta His Mind.
[Both Laugh]
Trust Me.
Dr. Carver Is Not Crazy.
What? How Do You Know?
Because I'm...
Dr. Carver.
Uh, You See, The Dr. Carver
You've Been Dealing With
Is In Fact My Clone.
This Is A Portrait Of
My Great-Great-Grandfather--
George Washington Carver.
Is Anyone Here Familiar With
The Making Of A Peanut--
Ooh, Ooh.
Me. Me. Me.
Ooh Ooh Ooh.
I Got It.
I Got It.
Oops, Here We Go.
George Washington Carver,
1864 To 1943,
A Renowned Educated
Agricultural Researcher
Who Invented Over 300 Uses
For The Common Peanut
Including Shampoo,
Instant Coffee, And,
Of Course, Peanut Butter.
Very Good, Mr. Proud.
Ha Ha! Yeah, Baby!
In Your Face,
Suga Mama.
Shoo, You Can't
Tell Me Nothing.
I Know My Nuts, Now.
I Know You're Nuts, Too.
I Was Interested In
Peanut Research As Well.
Only Instead Of Butter
And Soap,
I Hoped To Create
A New Life Form
From The Peanut Genome.
So I Moved To This
Remote Island
And Began Experimenting
With Peanut Cloning
My First Attempt
At Cloning...
Went Terribly Wrong.
I Had To Scrap
The Experiment And Turn 'Em
Into Peanut Butter.
All Except One.
My Second Round Of Experiments
Brought Me Closer To My Goal.
I Call These Friendly Creatures
The Genomes.
They've Become Like Family.
But I Longed For A Protege,
An Intellectual Equal,
Someone To Inherit
All That I Have Learned,
So I Mixed My Own Human Dna
Into The Experiment
And Attempted To Clone Myself.
It Was Truly A Success.
Unfortunately, One Day I
Left Him In The Sun Too Long,
And The Results
Were Disastrous.
Don't Worry. It's Not
As Bad As You Think.
Ooh, I'm Gonna
I Only Wanted To Create
A Companion.
But Instead,
I Created A Monster.
Then What Happened?
He Went Bad.
Ashamed By His Appearance,
He Disguised His Deformities
And Became Obsessed
With Proving To The World
What Peanuts Were Capable Of.
He Began His Own
Evil Experiments
And Forced My Peaceful Genomes
To Work For Him.
All Except For Wally Here.
But Recently, He's Been
Working On Something Big...
And Possibly Very, Very Bad.
That's Why He Wanted
My Special Kicking Donkey
Dipping Sauce.
But Don't Sweat.
Those Clones Will Never
Find Out Where I Hid It.
Where Did You
Hide It, Oscar?
Somewhere Very Special.
Inside Penny's
Birthday Necklace.
Now, Where Did You
Put It, Sweetie?
Am Unauthorized To
Answer Your Question.
I Think What She's
Trying To Say
Is She Didn't Open
Your Gift, Oscar.
It's Still Sitting
In The Box In Penny's
Bedroom Back At Home.
I Have A Boat That Can
Get Us Off This Island.
We Must Hurry.
He Must Be Stopped
Before It's Too Late.
Going Somewhere?
[Evil Laugh]
We Know
All About You,
Dr. Peanut Brittle.
How Did You Find Us?
Penny Told Me.
Penny, No!
What Are You
I Can't Believe It.
My Own Daughter Sold Us Out.
Penny, Why?
I Thought--
[Evil Laugh]
Take Them Away.
Leave Me Alone!
Get Your Hands Off Me!
Morning, Suga Mama.
[Glass Breaking,
Hey! Mama!
Mom, What Are You Doing?
Yo, Stop Tripping, Son.
I'm Trying To Peep Out
The Secret Formula.
Ok, Try 2 Eggs
Plus Flour And Milk.
That's The Secret
Formula For Pancakes.
We Got Any?
'Cause I'm Starving.
Ho Ho. Oh, Snaps,
You Talking About Food.
Yo, Your Boy O-P-Z's
Taking Care Of That.
Daughter. The Hot Dogs
Are Almost Complete.
Uh, I'll Just
Have Some Juice.
On Second Thought,
I'll Pass On Breakfast
This Morning.
Too Long.
Too Short.
Ooh, Too Cute!
[Horn Honks]
Hey, 15!
I'll Be Right Down.
I'll See You Guys
After Rehearsal.
Oh, And, Daddy,
I Never Did Say Thanks
For My Birthday Necklace.
I Love It.
You're The Bomb.
I'm The Bomb?
Father, Do You Read Me?
I Have Important News
Regarding The Mission.
Daughter? I Thought
You Were On Your Way
To The Rehearsal.
I'm Still On The Island.
The Real Penny Proud
Is With You.
And She Has
The Secret Formula.
It's In Her Necklace.
You Must Retrieve It
And Return To Lagoon
Time Is Running Out.
Do Not Fail The Mission.
I Will Not Fail
The Mission.
[Overlapping Chatter]
Listen Up.
All Dancers To The Stage.
Break A Leg.
Or Olay Will Break One
For You.
Ok, People. Here's The Scenario
For The Halftime Show.
It's A Love Story.
15 Cent Is Trying To Meet
The Girl Of His Dreams.
But She's Keeping Him On Ice,
You Ready
For The Big Time,
You Just Try To
Keep Up.
Shh, Shh, Shh!
Quiet, Everybody!
Here We Go.
Cue Music And...
Blowin' Up, Blowin' Up,
Blowin' Up, Blowin' Up
Move It!
Y'all Know Who I Am...
Hee Hee.
A Butterfly.
Hee Hee. A Butterfly.
Carefully, Zoey.
You're Blocking My View!
Ok, Penny,
Get Ready To Move In.
Let Me Feel It Now!
More Energy!
Wait A Minute.
Cut, Cut, Cut!
Who Is This Guy?
[All Gasp]
Hello, Daughter.
I'm So Sorry.
My Dad Was Just
Checking In On Me.
You Can Dismiss Him
Let's Go,
Mr. Proud.
Dismiss Him?
I Haven't Seen Anyone
Move Like That
Since That Old Woman
On Soul Train.
Come On, Pops.
Do That Thing Again.
Show Me What
You're Workin' With!
You Mean...This?
[Music Starts]
I'm Feelin' This!
I'm Feeling This, Too!
Dang! Mr. Proud
Is Workin' It!
Kids: Go, Oscar.
Go, Oscar. Go, Oscar.
Go, Oscar, Go Oscar,
Go, Oscar.
[Video Game Tune]
This New Cool
Version Of Daddy
Is Even Worse
Than The Original!
In Fact, I Wish
This Whole Family
Started Acting
Normal Again.
I'm Exhausted From
Staying Up All Night
'Cause Nobody's
Given Me A Curfew.
That's For Sure!
The House Is A Mess
Because No One's
Making Me Do Any Chores!
Bebe And Cece Stink!
And If I Ever Have To
Even Look At Another
Hot Dog Again,
I'm Gonna Be Sick!
Ah! Ha Ha! Oh!
Ha Ha!
Hey, P.C.!
How Was The Rehizzle
For Re-Izzle?
Great! I Was A Big Hit
With The Kids.
And--Oh, They Even
Named A Dance After Me.
Do The Oscar,
Do The Oscar
Do The Oscar,
It's The Oscar
It's My Birthday--
They Kept Saying That.
[Groans] Ohh...
How Do?
Cashew? What Are You
Doing Here?
Oh...Just Checkin' Out
Your Wardrobe.
You Know, You Could
Use A Little More
Ok. I Stowed Away
On The Boat
And Followed You Here
Because I Wanted To See
What It Was Like To Have
A Real Family.
Only Problem Is,
You Don't Have
A Real Family Either.
Whatcha Talkin' About,
Your Real Family's
Still Back On The Island
Being Held Captive.
Those People Downstairs
Are Peanut Clones
Sent Here By The Evil
Dr. Marcus Garvey
To Find Your Father's
Secret Formula
So They Can
Take Over The World.
Hey! Is This Cashmere?
Are You Telling Me
My Family Is A Forgery?
Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Oh, That's Funny!
That's Real Funny.
Come On,
Let's Go Downstairs
So I Can Let Everybody
Know You're Here.
[Penny Giggling]
You Guys Wouldn't Believe
Who Hitched A Ride
On The Boat.
Cashew! And He's Got
This Ridiculous Idea
That All Of You Guys
Are Clones!
Ah Ha Ha Ha Ha!
That Is Ridiculous...
Ha Ha...Right?
Deep Voice: Yeah.
That Is Ridiculous.
Who Said That?!
I Did!
Now Gimme The Necklace
Or I'm Gonna Go
Upside Your Head
With This 10-Pound
Dirty Diaper.
See? I Told Ya.
Oh...I Get It.
This Is All A Dream.
Penny Ate A Bad
Hot Dog, And Now Penny's
Imagining Things.
Penny Needs To
Go Lie Down Now.
Get Her!
Aah! Bebe! Let Me Go!
I Got It!
Hoo Hoo Hah Hah!
Oh! Gimme Back
My Necklace,
You Fake Bebe!
Come On, Cece.
We Gotta Go!
Take Us Home!
Hoo Hoo Hah Hah Hah!
Mission Accomplished!
Good-Bye. See You, Baby.
We Got It!
Come On, Cashew.
I've Gotta Save
My Family.
And You're Gonna
Help Me.
Let's Do This.
Good News! Your Clones
Have Located
The Secret Formula.
They're Returning
To The Island At Any Minute...
Just In Time
To See Your Demise.
How Could You
Do This?
What About The Other
Night In The Hot Tub?
Didn't That Mean
Anything To You?
[Groans] Ehh! Mama!
You And Carver?
We Was In The Hot Tub
Together. What You
Got To Do With It?
And He Gonna Be
Your Step-Daddy.
How You Like That?
That's Just
Straight-Up Nasty!
And Then I Said,
"That's Ridiculous, Right?"
And Then They Said,
"No More Games."
Then I Said,
"Penny's Dreaming!"
And Then They Said,
"Get Her!"
And Then They Took
My Necklace,
And Then They Got Into
A Helicopter And Took Off
For The Island!
Proud, That's The Whackiest
Story I've Ever Heard!
Hee Hee. People
Made From Peanuts?
How Do?
So You Believe Me
Aw, He's Actually
Kinda Cute.
I Could Just Dip Ya
In Some Chocolate
And Eat You Right Up,
You So Cute!
Look, Y'all, I've Gotta
Get Back To That Island
And Save My Family!
Well, If You Goin',
We Goin', Too.
You Guys
Would Do That For Me?
We're Your Best
Friends, Penny.
That Means
We're Like Family!
So If Your Family
Is In Trouble,
Then Doggone It,
Our Family
Is In Trouble!
Can I Get An Amen?
Such A Dork.
Oh, Thanks, Guys!
Now, If We Only
Knew Someone
With A Really
Fast Boat...
Hold It! Nuh-Uh!
No Way!
I Am Not Doin'
Ah! Don't Touch
If 15 Finds Out
I Stole His Yatch,
I'll Be Kicked Outta
His Entourage.
It's Pronounced Yacht.
Yetch, Yacht--
They Both Boats, Ok, Girl?
All Hands On Deck!
Operation Family
Liberation Is A Go.
Uh...You're Not Going
Anywhere, Proud.
Nubia, I Don't Have Time
To Trip With You
Right Now.
I Don't Care.
15 Cent Paid Us
To Guard His Boat.
So If You Want It...
You Gotta Match His Offer.
Cough Up The Cabbage.
Fine. You Want My Money,
Go Ahead And Take It.
It's In My Backpack.
How Do?
Punch It, Proud!
Bye, Nubia!
It's On Now!
And Now The Time
Has Come
To Reveal My Crowning
My Masterpieces!
It Can't Be!
Are Those...
Genetically Engineered
Genetically Engineered
But I Abandoned
My Research
On The Agriculturally
Engineered Supersoliders
Years Ago.
I Could Never Get Them
To Stabilize.
Neither Could I.
But If My Hunch Is Correct,
Oscar Proud's Everlasting
Multiplying Formula
Will Certainly Change That.
Hee Hee Hee Ha Ha Ha Ha.
They've Multiplied...
They've Stabilized...
Hee Hee Hee Hee Hee!
I'm An Evil Genius!
No One Will Ever Mock
The Accomplishments
Of A Peanut Again!
I Will Rule The World!
After I Sing My Song.
Song? What Song?
If I Ruled
The World
I Know This Fool
Ain't About To Sing.
I Would Make Sure
My Clones Don't Give
Any Slack
If I Ruled
The World
I Would Treat People Bad,
That's A Well-Known Fact
Now Let Met Tell Ya A
Little Somethin' 'Bout Me
Go 'Head
My Name Is Carver,
Just Call Me Dr. C
And When My Plan It Set
I'm Gonna Be Boss Of Me
I Got The Secret Genes
Yes, Sir!
I Got Some Genomes, Too
We're Goin' Overseas
We're Gonna
Get Rid Of You
Peanut For President
That Makes Us Vips
Broadcast On Nightly News
I'll See You Cryin'
On Your Knees
That's How
The World Will Change
My Time
For Fortune And Fame
You Got Yourself
To Blame
You All Will
Scream My Name
Hail To The Peanut King,
Hail To The Peanut King
Hail To The Peanut King
He's Bad, He's Mean
He's Cool, He Stinks
Whoa, Ho.
Who Said That?
Sorry, Dawg.
That's Ok.
Take Him Away!
If I Ruled The World
I'll Make It Evil
Just Like Me
It's Been This Way
Through History
You Wait And See
Let's Go, Let's Go,
Let's Go, Go, Go
I'll Feed You All
To My Sea Beast
And Watch Him
While He Has A Feast
It's Peanut Time,
To Say The Least
That's Us!
You're Gonna Be
Take Over
All Peanuts
March, March
[Neon Sign Sizzles]
He Sure Is.
Please Rise
For The National Anthem.
Oh, Say
Can You
Early Light
What So Proud...
[Crowd Yelling]
This Is The Moment
Of Truth, Troops!
We Separate The Men
From The Macadamias.
Let's Load Up!
Yes, Sir!
All Right, Troops,
You Heard The Order!
Let's Go, Let's Go,
Let's Go!
Move It, Move It,
Move It!
I Must Say...
It's A Beautiful Day
For Stuffball.
Perhaps My Army And I Will...
Drop In...On The Action!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Oscar, That Deranged
Nut Carver's
Planning To
Take Over The Town
During That Stuffball
Championship Game
With Those...
Super Peanut People!
Well, Ain't You A Quick
Study, Mrs. Proud?
By Half Time...
The World Will Be Mine!
You'll Never Get Away
With This, Carver!
Hah! Good Luck
Stopping Me!
Oscar: Aah!
Come On, Penny. I Shouldn't
Have Canceled Your Birthday.
I'm Sorry.
As Of This Minute,
It's Official Cancelled!
Aah! When We Get Home,
This Girl Is So Grounded!
Hee Hee Hee Hee
Hah Hah Hah Hah!
Sticky: Slow Down, Penny.
You're Comin' In
Way Too Fast!
Relax! It's Not
The First Time
I've Driven A Boat.
Oops! [Weak Laugh]
It's The Second Time
I've Driven A Boat.
Abandon Ship, Everybody!
We Sunk 15 Cent's Yatch!
It's Pronounced Yacht!
Yatch, Yacht. Zoey,
Don't You Start With Me!
So What's The Game Plan, P?
Find My Parents
And Get Up Outta Here.
But First...
I Think We Have To
Get Past Those
Leering Eyeballs
Hiding In The Bushes.
More Peanuts?
I'll Have You Know
That I Am Skilled
In The Ancient Art
Of Kar-Ate.
Our People Aren't
Traditional Fighters.
There's Only One Way
To Get Past 'Em.
Create A Diversion
And Launch
A Surprise Attack
On Their Rear
No. Battle Dance.
Universal People
Lookin' For The Perfect Beat
Lookin' For The Perfect Beat
Mighty Zulu Nation, They Have
Found The Perfect Beat
Like Apricot And Butter,
I Present The Perfect Beat
Beat, Beat, Beat, Beat
[Record-Scratching Beat]
Lookin' For The Perfect Beat,
Searchin' For The Perfect Beat
Lookin' For The Perfect Beat,
Seekin' For The Perfect Beat
If There's No Satisfaction,
Just Take Action
Listen Up,
Listen Up,
[Kids Shouting Encouragement]
Come On, Sticky!
If It Makes Ya Satisfied,
Just Get A Pony And Ride
Giddyup, Giddyup
When You're Lookin'
For A Perfect Beat...
Go On, Zoey.
That Fool!
I Can't. I Can't.
You Can Do It, Z.
Just Be A Butterfly.
Be A Butterfly.
Be A Butterfly. Be...
Oh, Just Be
A Stupid Butterfly
Lookin' For
The Perfect Beat
Lookin' For
The Perfect Beat
Lookin' For
The Perfect Beat
Say, We Like The Body,
Rock The Party
Party, Party
Zoey: Yeah, Boy-Ee!
Say We Like The Body,
Rock The Party
Party, Party
Say We Like The Body,
Rock The Party
We Like The Instapop
The Party
Party, Party, Party
Ha Ha Ha! He-Ey!
Let's Do This,
Our Music
Must Exercise Their
Course In Shakespeare
Which Is Life
Upon A Stage
We Say, Life...
And Where I'm From...
That's How We Do It.
Ya Heard Me?
Hollah! Hollah!
[Kids Cheering]
Bobo! Is That You?
I Haven't Seen You
Since You Escaped
Into The Sea!
I've Missed You, Bobo!
Well...You Was
Trying To Turn Me
Into Peanut Butter.
Oh, Sorry. Ha. Ahem.
I Overreacted.
Think You'll Forgive Me?
All Right. It's Cool.
Oh, That's Touching.
Kinda Freaky...
But That's Touching.
Trudy: Penny!
We Your Family, Girl!
Why Don't You Get Us
Down From Here?
Because She's Not
The Real Penny!
I Am!
Clones! Get 'Em!
Clone Leader: Let's Go,
Let's Go, Let's Go!
Move It, Move It, Move It!
Wow, Penny.
She Looks Nothing
Like You!
I Mean, Your Forehead
Is Way Bigger Than Hers.
You 'Bout To Get
Your Butt Whooped!
Getting My Butt Whooped
Is Not Part Of The Mission.
And I Will Not Fail The Mission.
Wait, Clone Daddy!
It Doesn't Have To
Be This Way!
Remember All The Good
Times We Had?
You Can Help Us!
Do It For Me.
Do It For My Family.
Do It For...
The Hot Dogs!
Rrr--Hot Dogs?
I Do Like Hot Dogs.
Where You Gonna Be
When Oscar-Mania
Comes For Thee?
Yee Hee Hah Hah Hah!
[Bowling Ball Sound]
Hee Hee Hee
Hah Hah Hah!
How Can We Stop Him?
He's Getting Away!
Uh...Peanut Butter?
All: Huh?
When My Early Experiments
Went Bad,
I Used A Powerful Peanut
Liquification Gas
To Turn Them
Into Peanut Butter.
Cashew: It's Real
Potent Stuff.
One Small Dose
Can Destroy
The Entire Super-G
I Always Keep Some On Me
In Case Of Emergencies.
My Name Is Carver, Y'all!
Penny, What The--
Wait, Penny, Stop!
Oscar: Penny!
Oh, Say Does
Crowd: Boo!
That Star
Wizard Kelly:
Bobby Proud, Y'all.
Bobby Proud, Y'all!
He Stinks, Wizard!
Let's Play Stuffball,
Crowd: Oh!
Good Evening, Everyone.
I'm Dr. Marcus Garvey Carver...
Just Thought
That Before My Army
Of Supergenome Warriors
Take Over The World,
I Should Give You A Taste...
Of What To Expect.
Cheerful Narrator:
These Fun, Bright Happy Beings
Are Peanut Clones.
...Because They Are
Our Friends.
And Very Soon,
You'll Be Seeing Them
All Around Your Community!
Say Hello!
So Remember, Next Time
You See A Peanut Clone,
Say Hello...
Because We're Going To Be Around
For A Long...
Long Time.
That's Right.
And For Those Of You
Who Think Peanuts
Are Played Out, Done, Pass...
I've Got News For You!
We're Here To Stay!
Hee Hee Hah Hah Hah!
The Takeover Begins...
In T-Minus 5 Minutes.
Have A Pleasant Evening.
Man: He's
A Peanut!
I Better Get A Big Raise
In My Allowance For This.
Carver Ii:
Hee Hee Hah Hah Hah!
Give It Up, Carver!
Or Whoever You Are!
Too Late, Penny.
Soon The World
Will Be Taken Over
By Peanutkind.
Well, Then, Am I Too Late
For This?!
W-What Is That?
The Peanut Liquification
Gimme That!
Gimme That!
Aah! Hey! Watch Out!
Is That Proud?
Dang! That Girl's
Penny: Stop It! Stop It!
Suga Mama, Quick!
Hand Me A Pair Of
Your Drawers!
My Drawers?!
Why, You Must Be
Dim Or Dumb--
Come On, Mama.
For Once, Show Me
Some Respect
And Hand Me Over
Them Big Old Britches.
Aye-Aye, Captain!
All Right, Clones,
You Heard The Order!
Let's Go, Let's Go,
Let's Go!
Move It, Move It,
Move It, Move It!
All Right, Clones,
Let's Go! Let's Go!
Faster, Bobo, Faster!
[Crowd Shouts
Nice Try, Penny.
Oscar: Penny!
Stand Back,
You Burnt Peanut!
I'm Here To Save
My Daughter!
Don't Do It, Penny!
Join Me! Just Think
Of The Life
You Can Have...
A Life Of Complete
Don't Listen
To Him, Penny!
Woman: Penny, Don't!
Suga Mama, Trudy:
Hee Hee...
Hee Hee Hee...
Sorry, Carver.
Even Though
They're Not Perfect,
In Fact,
I Have An Extensive
List Of Complaints--
They're My Real Family!
And I Love Them
Just The Way They Are.
Oh! Penny.
So Take This!
I'm Destabilizing!
[Tiny Voice]
I'm A Little Peanut.
Aha! Yes!
Daddy, You Better
Hang On!
I Think This Is About
To Get Really Messy!
Look Out, Y'all!
She's Gonna Blow!
Everybody Run!
Oh! Ha Ha--
Come On, Everybody.
This Is A Part
Of The Show!
It's For My New Single--
15 Cent Raw, Uncut, And Nutty!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,
Y'all Get Up!
Whoo, Yeah!
Put Your Hands
In The Air!
[Record Scratch]
Daddy, I Can't Believe
You Parasailed All The Way
Up There To Help Me.
You Must Really
Love Me After All.
Well, I Just Didn't
Want You To Hang Out
With All Those
They May Have Been
Peanuts, But They
Were Boy Peanuts.
[Both Chuckling]
My Whole Point
In That Thing
Didn't Exactly
Turn Out The Way
I Planned.
But...It Meant
A Lot To Me,
And I Wanted
To Keep It
In A Special Place.
And There's No Place
More Special...
Than With You.
Hey, My Necklace!
Happy Birthday, Penny.
[Crowd Applauds]
Thanks For The Lift,
Are You Comin', Carver?
You Know, I Could Use
A Resourceful Man
Around The House.
Heaven Knows,
Oscar's Hopeless.
And, Uh...
You Know I'm Buildin'
A New Jacuzzi.
That's A Tempting Offer,
Miss Suga.
But My Home
Is On Lagoon Island...
With My Family.
Let's Ride, Bobo!
Yah! Ha Ha! Come On!
Oh, Penny!
Uh...I Hate To Break Up
This Little Love Fest,
But We Do Have A Show
To Put On.
You Mean You Still
Want Us To Dance?
Dance? Ponytail,
This Crowd Loves You!
I Want You To Sing.
Girls: He-Ey
Daddy, Can I?
Well, You're 16
Now, Penny.
That Means
You're Officially
Mature Enough
To Make Your Own
As Long As You Make
Those Decisions
In More Appropriate
What Do You Say, Guys?
See, Penny, The
Spare Change Dancers
Are Like Family.
When One Of Us
Then Doggone It,
We All Per--
I Think What Zoey's
Trying To Say Is...
Girls: Let's Do This,
1, 2,
Mpzz In The Hiz-House!
When They
Give You The Board
Get Crackin'
On How It's Done
I'm Layin' The Law,
Are You Feelin' It, Y'all
Or Am I The Only One?
We Can Celebrate
Don't Act Like
You Wanna Hate
All You Players And Shorties,
And You In Your Forties
Hurry, 'Fore It's Too Late
Oh, All The Girls
Are Strong Enough
To Stand Alone
But Everybody Wants
To Find A Common Tone
Oh, Oh
Yo, Cousin, I'm Throwin'
An After-Party
On My Yatch.
You Down?
Ha Ha. Uh...
About The Yatch...
By The Way, My Brother,
It's Really Pronounced
Work It. Work It!
Move Your Little
Peanut Head!
Come On!
Loving One Another
That's The Gift
That Makes It Great, Y'all
Disc Jockey: Yo, Y'all,
This Is Big Booooooooy!
And That Was The New
Smash Hit From Penny Proud
From The Group Mpzz.
5 Straight Weeks
At Number 1.
Whoo! You Go On, Girl!
Ha Ha Ha!
Do It Again!
Do It Again!
Girl Power
Comin' Back At Me
Whoo! If You Stand
Right Beside Me...