The Prowler (1986)

[ Newsreel Theme: March ]
[ Newsreel Narrator ]
The Queen Mary, thegreatest
passenger Iiner in the world...
brings home the greatest human cargo
New York Harbor has ever seen.
Almost 1 5,000 troops
get an eager glimpse ofthe U.S. ofA.
Past the towers of Manhattan
steams the 83,000-ton British liner.
[ Ship Horn Blowing ]
These victorious G.I.s have done their duty.
They answered their country's caIl,
left theirjobs, their families,
their sweethearts...
and beat the Nazi tyranny
on a thousand battlefields.
For some- the psychological victims ofwar-
it wiIl be a long road back.
These men wilI need time to rebuild
the lives they set aside when Uncle Sam caIled.
[ Crowd Cheering ]
For others-
the G.I.s ofthe "DearJohn" letters-
it means starting over,
replacing what they have lost.
They faced one challenge and won.
They can win this one too.
Welcome home.
Let dancing replace marching.
[ Ends ]
[ Woman's Voice ]
I don't know how to tell you this.
I really don't want to hurt you,
but I just can't wait foryou any longer.
I know I promised to wait.
I really did try,
but it's been so much longer
than either of us expected.
So much has happened,
and you're so far away.
I hope you understand how I feel.
I know I said I loved you,
but I'm young...
and I have to Iive my Iife now.
And who knows how long
it wiIl be before you return.
I hope you don't hate me
for leaving you this way.
But perhaps, when the war is over,
we can be friends again.
PIease take care ofyourself.
I continue to worry about you.
Sincerely, Rosemary.
[ Big Band, Up-tempo ]
[ Continues ]
[ People Chattering, Laughing,
Muffled ]
There's Tom Caldwell's Cadillac.
Well, I'll be dogged.
Say, who's he going
out with now anyway?
Linda Booth.
Do you believe it?
With Linda Booth?
[ Chuckling ]
I thought she was going out
with Georgie Wise.
Didn't you hear?
Well, I heard Georgiejoined
the air corps, all right, but-
Wait a minute.
Georgie didn't get-
They broke up.
[ Laughing ]
[ Horn Honks ]
[ Man Shouts ]
Will you look at that?
Aw, that'sjust
a big old boat.
Sweetheart, that car
doesn't do you justice.
You are precious.
[ Band Continues ]
[ Song Ends ]
Now let's have a big hand
for the band.
Swell job, fellas.
We were all saddened
by the great Glenn Miller's
tragic death...
somewhere in the skies
over France.
But he left us a wonderful legacy
in his music.
And now for all those
fine young men here tonight...
just back from overseas,
I'd like to ask the band to play
one of his best tunes.
Oh, look. There's Pat Kingsley.
[ Bandleader Continues,
Indistinct ]
Well, Pat Kingsleyjust-
just came home from the Pacific.
Come on.
Let's go up to the point.
Oh, not now.
It's too early.
Come on. This place is dead.
We'll come back later.
[ Bandleader]
FoIks, I bet you never saw
a more sober group ofguys.
Hey! Keep your mitts
off my girl!
The drummer told me his wife
wouldn't let him in the house...
if he ever showed up again...
with that little brown jug.
[ Rim Shots ]
So let's cheer him up,
and everybody swing!
[ "Little Brown Jug" ]
Who is that creep?
Oh, that'sjustJimmy Turner.
He takes care ofthis place.
What does he do,
sweep it with his eye?
No, but I hear he sleeps
on an old mattress
in the basement.
[ Scoffing Laugh ]
Sounds like a swell guy.
[ Chattering ]
Oh, isn't it beautiful?
Ifyou really like it,
I'll buy it foryou.
Oh, Roy.
What's the matter-
afraid somebody will
tell your dad?
What do you mean?
My dad's got even more
money than he does.
[ Continues ]
[ Girl Giggles ]
[ Continues In Distance ]
[ Engine Stops ]
[ Object Clatters ]
Want a slug?
[ Sighs ]
You sure know how
to put a girl in the mood.
Just call me Mr. Romance.
[ Continues ]
Piece ofcake, please.
Did you see where Pat went?
[ Geese Honking ]
That water looks great.
We oughta go
for a swim.
We wouldn't even
need suits.
I'm only ribbing you.
I don't want to swim.
You're all I want.
Come on.
Come here, baby.
Roy, I shouldn't.
[ Footsteps In Mud ]
[ Crowd Applauding ]
Okay. And while the boys
go powder their noses,
why don't all you chowhounds
hustle your gals over to
the refreshment table...
and dig in.
[ Laughs ]
- [ Electricity Crackles ]
- Roy?
Come on.
Come on,
don't play hard to get.
What about New Year's Eve?
Well, that was different.
I couldn't help myself.
What ifsomebody sees us?
You don't even have
to take your dress off.
[ Kissing ]
You're so amazing.
Ifone ofyour damn soldier friends
shows his face around here,
well, he's gonna wish
he was back overseas.
- [ Screaming ]
- [ Groaning ]
No! No!
[ Gasps ]
- [ Gasping ]
- [ Drumroll ]
Hey, you alive out there?
[ Crowd Shouts, Cheers ]
Well, let's hear it!
[ Laughing ]
Yay! Whoa-oh!
[ Shouting ]
[ Hammering ]
Looks a little crooked to me.
Oh, yeah?
How's that?
Maybe a little bit higher.
Like that? Is that better?
Yeah. It looks great.
[ Chuckles ]
Mark. How about this side?
WelI, if it isn't Deputy London
keeping an eye on things.
Hi, guys.
Hi, Pam.
Hi, Mark.
Well, I guess you don't
need me anymore.
Where you goin'?
Uh, to drop these off.
The graduation edition?
Yeah. Wejust finished
this morning.
You have a spare?
Yeah, but we had
to print these very small,
and I wouldn't want you
to strain your eyes
twice in one day.
Well, maybe you can
read it to me over lunch.
All right. I gotta stop by
the office first though.
If I don't, the sheriffwill kill me.
They haven't had
a graduation dance since 1 945...
because Major Chatham
wouldn't allow it.
Well, he'd stop it now if he could.
But he can't. Since the stroke,
no one's even seen him.
You know, I feel sorry for him.
He's all alone in that house,
so close to where he found
his daughter and that boy.
State police called
about an hour ago.
Somebody robbed a market
up near Columbus.
Cut some kid up
and took his car.
They think he may
be headed this way.
Are you still gonna leave?
I can't start the summer without fishing.
You know that. I never could.
Besides, you've been here
for two years now.
You can handle anything
that might come along.
Here you go.
You were so anxious to read it before.
"Pam MacDonald."
I'm impressed.
Check, please.
I guess with the, uh, sheriff leaving,
you'll be on duty tonight, huh?
I was hoping maybe you could come by
the graduation dance a little later.
Well, maybe I can
come by for a while.
You don't think the guy who robbed
that store might come here, do you?
I don't think so.
State police will get him soon.
Yeah, well, until they do,
be careful.
Hey, Pam. Over here.
Hi, Carl.
Hey. I read your article.
Wanna go make out
on the point?
[ Laughs ]
I don't know.
Is it worth the risk?
Are you kidding?
Did you taste the punch?
It's kind of, uh, bland.
It is now.
But as soon as "el chaperono"
isn't looking, we'll-
Is the punch ready?
Yes, Miss Allison.
You're gonna
get us all in trouble.
Well, Captain,
ifyour men are after him,
I don't think there's
anything to worry about.
Yeah, my deputy will let you know
if he sees anything.
Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm.
[ Chuckles ]
He's a good boy.
You're damn right
it's my fishing trip.
And ifyou bother me
about anything, Bill,
I'll kickyour ass
right across the state line, okay?
[ Laughing ]
Okay. Good-bye.
Now, ifyou need anything,
you got my number.
The worst you'll probably have will be some
ofthose kids from the dance running wild.
Now,just remember,
there's still some people
around here who, uh,
won't put up
with that kind ofthing.
Yes, sir.
[ Laughs ]
You'll do fine.
Come on down to Kingsley's
with me.
I've got some things
I gotta pick up.
Oh, no. Major's orders, Ray.
Otto, get out here!
I'm- I'm right
at the good part.
Now, goddamn it, the major
doesn't wanna be kept waiting.
All he does is wait...
and watch some girls.
Hey. Have you been
sneaking around again?
Now, I told you-
[ Door Opens, BellJingles ]
Now get movin'.
We got customers.
Well, afternoon, George.
Hi, Pat.
- Hey, you leavin' today, huh?
- Mm-hmm.
[ Objects Clatter]
[ Door Opens, BellJingles ]
Anything else foryou today?
Uh, yeah.Just some deodorant.
No sweat.
[ Laughing ]
Get it?
[ Laughing, Chattering ]
[ Bicycle BeIl Rings ]
Hi, girls.
Hey, you.
Finished already?
Yeah, we finally got that banner
stretched out.
What you doin', Deputy,
guarding the store?
Gonna be at the dance,
won't you?
I'll try.
Try real hard.
Hey, how you doin', girls?
Now, what the hell you doin'
still out here?
[ Pat ]
I don't know, George.
Sometimes I wonder why
I've taken care of him so long.
Well, I- I gotta go
tend to the customers.
This time, uh, why don't you
use those minnows for bait, huh?
[ Snaps Fingers ]
Bye, Pat.
Are they graduating
this year?
They're friends
of Pam MacDonald.
They don't seem like her type.
Now, remember,
ifyou have any problems, call me.
Have a good time.
I will.
What do you think?
This one?
I like it.
Or how about this one?
[ Laughing ]
I don't know
what the difference is.
I mean, with Carl around,
it's not gonna stay on
too long anyway, right?
[ Chuckles ]
He is a real animal.
Any ofyou Pritcher girls
got any rolling papers?
Uh, I think I do.
Thankyou very much.
I'll roll you a couple
for later.
Carl gave 'em to me.
[ Chuckles ]
Hey, you're not gonna
mope around tonight, are you?
This is everybody's
last night together.
And some of us will never
see each other again.
I'm worried about Mark.
He'll come to the dance.
I know. It's not that.
It's- It's that guy who stabbed
that man in Columbus.
I thought you said
they're about to catch him.
Yeah, that's what Mark says.
[ Clicks Tongue ]
I wish the sheriffwas here.
Hey, Lisa.
I just spilled nail polish
all overyour dress.
Yeah, you do and I'll kill you.
[ Laughs ]
Lisa, you'd better cIose those shades.
You're gonna give old man Chatham
another stroke.
Are you kiddin'?
That old guy's harmless.
He can't even get
out of his wheelchair.
Yeah, but there's nothing wrong
with his eyes.
He's been staring at us all semester.
[ Laughs ]
Oh, yeah?
[ Shrieks ]
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing ]
Well, he oughta be able
to stand up now.
You're awful.
[ Laughing, Chattering ]
[ Indistinct ]
[ Exhales ]
[ Shower Running ]
Sherry. You want me to wait?
I will ifyou hurry.
No. That's okay.
Carl gets real horny
if I make him wait.
[ Laughs ]
Now who's the animal, huh?
See you later.
- [ Shouts ]
- [ Screams ]
[ Laughs ]
Do you always walk backwards?
I thought I heard someone.
I think you need this
a whole lot more than I do.
That's okay.
Maybe it's that dangerous criminal
you were tellin' us about.
Maybe he was trying
to knock over Kingsley's.
[ Imitates Gunshot ]
[ Laughs ]
Lisa. Come on, you guys.
Let's go.
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing, Chattering ]
[ Footsteps ]
[ Doorknob Turns ]
[ Gasps ]
Jesus, Carl!
You scared the shit outta me.
Door was open.
[ GiggIes ]
You know how I get
when I have to wait around.
Maybe I was expecting
somebody else.
Fat chance.
Don'tjust stand there.
Shut the door.
Aren't you gonna
ask me in?
How fast can you
take offyour clothes?
Start your stopwatch, coach.
[ Shoe Drops ]
[ Giggles ]
[ Shower Continues ]
[ Muffled Shouting ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Muffled Gasping ]
[ Groans ]
Hurry up, Carl.
I'm turning into a goddamn prune.
[ Kisses, Laughs ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Groaning, Screaming ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues, Stops ]
[ Band: Rock ]
[ Man ]
I know we'Il be together
[ Boy ] The cake's over here.
I hope it's
big enough foryou. There.
That should do.
Come on, hot stuff.
Let's go dance.
[ Mumbling ]
[ Continues, Indistinct ]
There you go.
You got a piece ofthat
for me?
Miss Al.
You havin' a good time?
[ Mouthing Words ]
Oh. Okay.
Ifyou don't hurt yourself
then you'lI hurt someone eIse
Sometimes you learn things
the hard way
Take the path
of least resistance
Make it easy on yourself
How you doin', honey cup?
Hi, Paul.
I know I can do
the distance
It doesn't matter
what they say
[ Continues ]
You know where you're going
but you don't know what's there
Sometimes you learn things
the hard way
So you take the high road
When the low road is faster
Sometimes you do things
the hard way
- Try not to hurry
- Well, Mr. Turner, what do you think?
Oh, it's exciting.
Just like the good old days.
Except I had more hair then.
[ Laughs ]
Just take the path
of least resistance
Make it easy on yourself
Guess you've been around here
longer than anyone.
Yeah. Fortyyears.
Good having the girls back.
Makes me feel young again.
Thanks for the dance.
Aw, come on.
I'm sorry.
It's all right.
- Deputy, that was fun.
- [ Punch Splashes ]
[ Laughs ]
Uh- Where you goin'?
I'm going back to the dorm
to change.
I'm sorry.
Don't be. Okay?
Don't be sorry.
[ Laughs ]
But when they find out
what you've got
[ Continues, Muffled ]
[ Girl ]
Hi, Lizzy.
[ Shower Running ]
[ Sighs ]
Sherry? It's only me,
and I'm closing the door.
[ Creaking ]
[ Snaps Fingers ]
[ Door Closes ]
[ Floor Creaks ]
[ Footsteps On Stairs ]
Anne! Anne!
Betty! Betty!
Help! Help!
[ Gasping ]
Let go!
[ Whimpers ]
Stop it! No! No!
Please let go!
[ Gasps ]
What's wrong?
Oh, God.
What happened?
What happened?
It's all right. What's the matter?
Mark. Somebody
was chasing me.
Somebody was chasing me,
and Major Chatham grabbed me.
Major Chatham?
Mark, he hurt my arm.
What the hell was Major Chatham
doing down here?
I don't know.
And he- And he chased you?
No. I don't know
who chased me.
All I saw was, um, boots
and some kind of uniform.
Are you okay?
All right, I'm gonna
take a look around.
Myjeep's right there. Stay there.
I'll be right back.
Be right back.
[ Exhales ]
[ Gasps, Exhales ]
Did you find anything?
I found wheelchair marks
and boot tracks too.
Did you look in the dorm?
Mark, Sherry's in there.
Carl's with her.
Let's go.
Major Chatham's.
[ Pounding ]
Major Chatham?
Major Chatham!
Let's try around back.
[ Pam ]
Major Chatham!
[ CIock Ticking ]
Major Chatham?
Major Chatham!
[ Floor Creaking ]
[ Mark ]
Major Chatham!
This is Francis Chatham.
I'm gonna take a look
[ Stairs Creaking ]
Major Chatham?
[ Floor Creaks ]
[ Gasps ]
Oh, Mark, you scared me.
Everything's covered upstairs.
Chatham probably hasn't even
been up there since his last stroke.
You find anything?
Look at this.
So what?
It's the major's daughter.
Francis Rosemary Chatham.
They must have called her Rose.
And look. See? I found
a pressed rose in the yearbook.
And the killer left behind
a rose in her hands.
Didn't you read my article?
They never found out who did it.
But it had to be someone in town,
someone who knew that she was called Rose,
and, Mark, that guy
still might be around here.
Oh, man. I don't believe this.
You're talking about something
that happened over 30 years ago.
Pam. The guy who chased you may be the one
the state police are looking for right now.
I say let's get the hell out of here
and go to the dance
and see that everyone stays inside.
Maybe you should call the sheriff.
I'm sorry.
Okay. I didn't mean that.
It's all right.
Let's go.
[ Rock, Muffled ]
[ Retches ]
Paul, are you okay?
Oh- [ Coughs ]
I think I'm gonna throw up again.
[ Retches ]
Can't take this no more
But I wanna see blood on the floor
Standing in the spotlight
I hope I can see her bleed
I want to see her bleed
Don't turn offthe spotlight
I still want to see her bleed
Is Paul still in here?
Yeah. He's sick as a dog.
[ Coughs, Retches ]
I'm gonna go cool off, Paul.
When you get tired of hugging the toilet,
you can find me up at Garner's pool.
I'm lonely
and I wanna go home alone
There she is.
I'm lonely
Don't leave me alone
You mean there was someone
actually in the dorm?
Are you sure you're all right?
I'm fine.
God. It must have
been terrible.
I want you to tell everyone
to stay put.
Right. I-I'll make
an announcement right away.
[ Continues ]
[ Indistinct ]
[ Stops ]
Very important announcement to make.
Uh, is this thing on still?
Do you think-
Hello? Testing-
[ Blows ]
[ Feedback ]
Hello? Uh, attention.
Could I have your attention, please,
ladies and gentlemen?
Uh, Deputy London
hasjust informed me...
that a prowler has been seen
around the campus, and, uh-
Well, he could be dangerous.
Now, I know this won't be very popular,
but I'm gonna have to ask...
that everybody please stay in the building
until we know more about this.
[ Groaning ]
Which shouldn't be too long, okay?
So everybodyjust relax
and enjoy the dance and the music.
- [ Feedback ]
- Shit.
[ All Laughing ]
Oh. Thankyou.
[ Toilet Flushes ]
I'll probably puke
in the damn pool.
Hi. I'm back.
Who turned offthe band?
Miss Allison just made an announcement.
There's some kind of prowler outside
or something.
Maybe we should tell her Lisa left.
Nah. Paul will be with her.
She'll be okay.
[ Drumsticks Tapping ]
[ Man ]
One, two, three!
[ Rock ]
Hey, baby.
Let's struggle. Come on.
Wait a minute, Paul. You're gonna
have to wait a while before you go outside.
For what?
Paul, hold on.
Just listen to me for a minute, okay?
What the fuck's goin' on here?
Don't go
I don't give a shit
about any goddamn prowler.
All right. Nowjust settle down!
Calm down, buddy.
Leave me alone!
Okay, okay.
I want this boy arrested!
We don't have to stand
for this kind ofthing here.
I want him out of here!
Or am I gonna have
to call the sheriff?
Oh, God.
This is stupid, man.
All right, look.
I'm gettin' him out of here. Okay?
Look. Can you handle everything here?
Come on! Come on.
[ Panting ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Continues ]
She's where?
Okay, I think that she went
out to the pool,
just to cool off.
See, it was
before the announcement.
No, somebody's
gonna have to go get her.
Ifyou see Mr. Turner,
just tell him where I've gone.
Think I just got Lisa in trouble.
[ Laughing ]
[ Muttering ]
Gonna slap the cuffs on me, chief?
Book 'em, Pam-o.
[ Chuckles ]
[ Continues, Loud ]
I am not going outside until they
catch the prowler. That's it.
We don't have to go-
We don't have to go outside.
There's a perfect place
down in the basement. I know it.
I mean, people here,
they use it all the time for parties and stuff.
Ha! Right!
What kind of people?
Come on, Sally. It's great. I'll show you.
Come on. Come on.
Am I okay?
I thought you knew
where this place was.
Ah, that's the beauty of it.
It's difficult to find.
That way, there's no chance
of being interrupted.
[ Sally ]
Hang on.
[ Lights Clatter ]
It's around here somewhere.
[ Clattering ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Gasping, Choking ]
[ Muffled Scream ]
[ Groaning ]
[ Choking ]
Hey! Warden!
We're bustin' out of here at midnight!
You can't keep me in here!
What are you
charging him with?
Disturbing the peace.
Hey, you can't keep me in here.
My boys will spring me
as soon as they hear about this.
Hey! Keep it down in there!
Ooh! Look out, boys!
The marshal's comin' with his rubber hose!
Paul, shut up!
[ Soft Footsteps ]
[ Floorboard Creaks ]
I heard something.
[ Sniffles ]
It was probablyjust the wind.
In the basement?
[ Chuckling ]
Why don't we
check out the dorm again?
You don't think
he'd still be there, do you?
It's all we have to go on.
Oh, but Mark,
what about Major Chatham?
I'm not gonna break
into the man's house
twice in one night.
Well. Lookee here.
Now, George left you in charge here.
Can't you keep them kids under control?
What are you doing here, Kingsley?
It's that damn graduation thing.
We haven't had any trouble out ofthat college
for more than 30 years, and...
now they have to
start that damn thing over again.
- What do you mean?
- There's a bunch of kids
over there in the cemetery.
I know what they're doin' in there.
Now, what are they
doing in there, Kingsley?
Hell, it was dark.
I couldn't see anything.
Well, ifyou couldn't see anything,
why don't you just go home?
But that gate was wide open.
[ Footsteps Sloshing ]
The gate's supposed
to be locked at night.
I wonderwhat he was doing
wandering around down there.
[ Crickets Chirping ]
[ Engine Stops ]
[ Exhales ]
Watch the road.
I'm gonna see what I can find
out there, okay?
[ Footsteps ]
[ Screaming ]
Mark! Mark! Mark.
I saw somebody.
I think it was Otto Hahn!
I- H-He was looking at me
through the window.
I found an open grave out there.
It's been opened.
[ Grunts ]
[ Whimpering ]
Oh, Lisa.
[ Sobbing ]
[ Pam Sobs ]
[ Crying ]
[ Phone Ringing ]
[ Ringing Continues ]
- Ocoee Lodge.
- Hello, yeah. Uh, could I please
speak to Sheriff George Fraser?
He should have checked in today.
Well, I just come on an hour ago.
Let me check and see
what cabin he's in.
[ Humming ]
Look, buddy. This is an emergency.
I need to get in touch with him right away.
He's in, uh...
Lake Cabin Number 7.
Most everybody's asleep now.
Well, why don't I
just run out and get him?
[ Clatters ]
[ Dog Barking In Distance ]
[ Exhales ]
[ Spits ]
[ Clatters ]
He ain't in his cabin.
Well, do you know where he went?
I told you. I just come on an hour ago.
I ain't seen him.
I know a bunch of'em were goin'
night fishing for crappie up in, uh-
Oh, shoot. Where were they going? Uh-
Look, could you take a message?
Yeah. I could take a message.
Wait till I get a pencil.
[ Scoffs ]
[ Sighs ]
All right. Shoot.
Yeah. Tell him to call Mark London.
Tell him to get in touch with me right away.
All right. I'll tell him.
[ Handset Settles In Cradle ]
[ Sighs ]
Mark? Mark, who are you calling?
State police.
[ Dialing ]
Yeah. This is Deputy Mark London from Avalon Bay.
Could I please speak to Captain Jenkins?
Yeah, I'll hold.
[ Snoring ]
[ Cartridges Clattering ]
When will they be here?
Less than halfan hour.
They caught the man
who robbed the store three hours ago.
He couldn't have killed Lisa.
That was Rose Chatham's grave
we found, wasn't it?
I don't know.
Mark, the same man who killed her
killed Lisa.
[ Band: Rock ]
[ Engine Stops ]
Why are we stopping here?
I want you to go inside
and see ifeverything's under control.
All right?
All right. I'll be right back.
I want you to stay at the dance.
I'm going up to Chatham's alone.
Mark, that doesn't make any sense.
I don't wanna drag you around
anymore, okay?
Drag me around?
What are you talking about?
[ Engine Starts ]
I'm sorry.
All right. That's fine, Mark!
You just go play sheriff, all right?
[ Exhales ]
Let's go.
[ Engine Stops ]
I'm going upstairs.
What happened?
I don't know!
[ Switch Clicking ]
[ Floorboards Creaking ]
Must be the fuse.
I'll go down and check it.
[ Screams ]
No! No!
[ Gasps ]
I'm here for our date, Rose.
[ Gasping ]
No! No! No!
No! No!
No! Mark! Mark! Mark!
No! No!
[ Objects Smashing ]
[ Glass Shattering ]
[ Objects Clattering ]
No! No!
[ Screams ]
[ Screams ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Gasping, Coughing ]
Sheriff. Sheriff!
[ Softly ]
Why? Why?
[ Grunts ]
[ Exhales ]
Go on upstairs.
I better talk to this guy.
[ Kisses ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Shower Running ]
[ No Audible Dialogue ]
[ Screaming ]
[ Screaming Continues ]