The Prowler (1951)

131-A, code 1.
Quite a hacienda.
Oh, thank you so much for coming.
You reported a prowler, ma'am?
Yes. About 20 minutes ago.
I looked up, and there was
this man looking in the window.
Which window?
It was one of the back windows.
There's an empty lot on
that side, isn't there?
When he saw that I'd seen him, he jumped
away from the window, and I phoned you.
We'd better check that
lot for footprints, Webb.
Now, if you'll show me the window.
Oh, yes, of course. Right this way.
You'd been sleeping?
No, just resting.
I don't sleep very much at night.
And that's where you saw the face, huh?
No. In here.
I'd been lying on the bed
resting and listening to the
radio, and I thought if I
took a bath, I might be able
to sleep better.
And afterwards, just as
I was putting my robe on,
I looked up, and there he was.
Well, if I was you, from now
on, I'd keep the curtain closed.
You ever notice in a bank,
they always keep the counting
room out of sight so the
customers won't get tempted.
I suppose you're right.
I just didn't think. Oh, it's you.
No footprints out here.
The grass has just been cut, and
they'd be kind of hard to spot.
Then again, maybe the
lady's just imagining things.
He was just as plain as
your friend's face just now.
I'm sorry to have caused
you all this trouble,
but I do get nervous at night, and...
That's our job, ma'am.
You always alone at night?
The maid comes in daytimes, but
she leaves right after dinner.
Well, from now on, be sure and
pull the shades and lock the door.
I will.
Think you feel comfortable
enough for us to leave now?
Oh, yes, I'm perfectly all right now.
I'm sure you are.
Goodnight, ma'am.
Goodnight, and thank you.
Call us again if you need us.
Yes, I will.
That is quite a dish.
I don't suppose any use
asking you to stop by tonight
and take a squint at our collection.
Pretty plush, if you can get it.
You know, the wife spent
the whole day today polishing
up those specimens we
found out around Barstow.
She's pretty proud of them.
I wish I could convince
you a hobby's a good thing,
especially for the good
things you learn on the side.
I wonder what her angle is.
Say I wonder what her angle is.
Her? No angle.
They're well-heeled.
You know, there's history
slathered over every square
foot of this country of ours.
And one time or another, me and
the old lady has dozed it out.
Like those ghost towns I tell you about.
We never would have seen them if
it hadn't been for our rockology.
Is she married?
Yeah. Sure she is.
Some crackpot squeezed
enough dough to retire and
then works for the fun of it.
Can you tie that?
If I had his moolah, I'd take the hills.
That house must have
set him back plenty.
Yeah, maybe 35, 40 grand in this market.
Probably beats his mother.
Heads or tails?
Nevermind, Bud.
I'll check us in.
Oh, hello.
Come in.
Thank you. I was just passing by.
I thought I'd check to see if
everything's still all right.
Why, yes.
At least I think so.
Do prowlers generally come
twice in the same night?
No, but we do.
It's part of the job.
Hope I didn't wake you up.
Oh, no. I was just
having a cup of coffee.
We're generally supposed
to make check-up calls,
especially where women are
concerned, and when they're alone.
Well, if you're sure
everything's all right,
I'll be on my way.
Wouldn't you like come coffee?
Thanks, if it's not too much trouble.
Oh, no. It's no trouble at all.
Well, then make mine
milk, if you have it, huh?
Just sit down and I'll get it.
Looks like somebody around
here's been in show business.
That's right.
Actress, huh?
I tried to be. It didn't work out.
You're good-looking enough.
What's the matter, didn't
you have enough pull?
I was just a little short of talent.
Aren't you going to have your milk?
Oh, yeah. Sure.
You know, I've got to keep in shape.
I suppose you're married. Most of
the good-looking girls I run into are.
Is this questionnaire
in the line of duty?
Could be.
I am married. Happily married.
If I was happily married
to a girl like you,
I wouldn't leave you alone nights.
John doesn't. He's here 24 hours a day.
Tender yellow young squash we sell
down here at the Ranch Market.
I give them to the wife.
And by the way, there is a little
lady who really knows squash.
Well, she puts them over a slow flame...
I hear that program every
night. Is he your husband?
He is.
No kidding?
Isn't he the one always signs off
with I'll be seeing you, Susan?
That's right.
Yeah. Well, then you're Susan.
Disappointing though it may be, I am.
That's a real coincidence, isn't it?
My name's Webb. Webb Garwood.
Webb Garwood. Somehow
that sounds familiar.
Hey, wait a minute. Where are you from?
Indiana. Terre Haute.
Did you ever see East Indianapolis play
Terre Haute High School? Basketball?
Of course I have.
You're not that Webb?
Nobody else.
You played center. We got beat
three Years in a row because of you.
Oh, well. There were four other
guys on the team, you know.
I know, but you were the only
one we were really afraid of.
Didn't you get a scholarship
to some college or something?
I don't follow the
sport pages very well.
I don't seem to remember
what happened after that.
Scored the winning
point on our first game.
After the second game,
they put me on the bench.
Coach said they were trying
to teach us to work as a team.
I got him thrown opened good,
right in front of the whole squad.
From then on, he had it
in for me, that's all.
Told the athletic director,
and they stopped my dough.
Just another one of my lousy breaks.
Hadn't been for that, I'd
have had my four years of
college, have a nice, soft
job in one of those big bond
houses, and I'd be eating lunch
every day in the university club.
I used to clip your picture
out of the Terre Haute paper.
Who'd ever have thought...
That I'd turn out to be
just another dumb cop, huh?
Oh, no. I wasn't thinking that at all.
I was just thinking how funny
it is the way you meet people.
People you never thought you'd meet.
They say there's no such
thing as a native Californian.
Those were the days, no kidding.
I wish we'd met there instead of here.
What street did you live on there?
Oh, well, that explains it.
You had sidewalks and
lawns out in front.
I lived down on Carrington.
My old man's idea of success was
a buck 20 an hour union scale.
He's a maintenance
worker in the oil fields.
He must have had a dozen chances
to cut loose on his own...
make himself some real
dough wild-catting, but he
was too yellow to risk his buck
20 an hour, so he never made it.
Well, it's just about
that time, you night owls.
This is John Gilvray bringing
to a close the Ranch Market...
It's almost his signing-off time.
I've got to check out, too.
I guess you'll feel
safe from now on, huh?
Wouldn't you like to stay
and have breakfast with us?
I'd like you to meet my husband.
Sorry, but no can do.
I've got my reports to make out.
We've been having a lot of
trouble with prowlers lately.
I'll drop by once in a while
to see if everything's okay.
Won't that be too much trouble?
Well, it could be, but
I don't think it will.
After all, we Hoosiers have to
kind of stick together, don't we?
Sure do.
3:58 a.m. And 50 seconds.
I'll be with you again tomorrow night.
And good news, folks. The
cost of living is going down.
Goodnight to everyone.
I'll be seeing you, Susan.
You got one of those... businesses?
Boy, if they could only see me
now, I'd be the envy of the force
if they knew about this, huh?
Those guys, there's nothing but
hamburgers night off or no night off.
They don't mind, though. Hamburger's
the only thing they're used to.
You don't like being
a policeman, do you?
Why should I?
Well, for one thing, you
look nice in the uniform.
This is the only uniform I like.
Quite a collection.
Got any Guy Lombardo?
They're not what they seem.
Those are my husband's
programs, all of those shelves.
He has them recorded so he can
listen and improve his diction.
There's nothing wrong
with being a policeman.
Nothing wrong with digging
ditches, either, or delivering mail.
I'd rather be one of those
guys shows up around 10:00 in
the morning after having
a big argument with himself
over whether he'll drive the station
wagon today or the convertible.
What are you looking for? Cigarettes?
Yeah. Fresh out.
You don't smoke, do you?
No. But my husband does,
only he keeps them locked up.
Are you kidding?
No. He keeps a carton or
more in there all the time.
If you were a good locksmith,
I could give you a pack.
Hold that. Give me a bobby pin.
Does he keep everything locked up?
You, too?
That's a leading question.
Probably does.
A mean, jealous guy like that
wants his wife all to himself.
I can't say I blame him
though, I'd do the same myself.
There. See how silly it is
to keep things locked up?
Maybe. But it did delay
you for a little while.
Is that all he wants,
just to delay things?
Sometimes a little delay does the trick.
Harder to close than it was to open.
You ever dance?
I used to.
Another thing I think you'll like is
tree ripen-ripened fruit for dessert
these mild September evenings.
The wife serves fruit and
coffee every night, and I
want to tell you that when I
lean back from the table and
take that first puff off my cigarette...
Think he was watching.
Then I know all's well with the world,
and the wife knows it, too. Good idea...
There's only one good thing
about this arrangement.
What's that?
At least you always
know what he's doing.
He always knows what I'm doing, too.
Like making me sandwiches tonight?
He'll know. Why not?
What's a guy like
that look like, anyway?
Oh, just like a normal, decent,
middle-aged American husband, which he is.
You don't make him sound very exciting.
Lot of good things aren't exciting.
That's what's good about them.
Why did you marry him, Susan?
Because I loved him.
Try again. Why did you marry him?
While I was knocking
around at movie studio
gates, I found out a
few things about myself.
I married him because I wanted a family.
That's why we got this
big house. I wanted kids.
So, have you got them?
What other reason was there?
To stay away from men like you.
But it didn't do any good, did it?
You're a real cop, aren't you?
You want everything free.
You're wrong.
People never give
anything to cops for free.
They always figure to
get something out of it.
I think you'd better get out of here.
Wouldn't I be a fool
to do a thing like that?
I'll report you.
Go ahead. You know where the phone is.
Please go.
Please leave me alone.
Stop it.
What do you think I am?
I told you to leave me alone.
Now get out of here.
All right.
And don't come back.
No, please.
I came to... to apologize
for the other night.
Look, it's kind of hard
to apologize like this.
Thanks for the apology, but
you shouldn't have come back.
Maybe not, but I couldn't
leave things the way they were.
Why not?
Well, I... I just didn't want to give
you the wrong impression, that's all.
There's another reason
I came around, too.
Do you mind?
This probably sounds corny, but
I get lonesome once in a while.
I guess everybody does.
And the idea of both of us
coming from the same part of
the country and both
of us being alone...
Yes, I know.
It's kind of a home-sickness, I guess.
We used to have a record of that.
Did you?
Did you ever go to the
football dances after the
Terre Haute/East Indianapolis games?
I went to two of them.
I bet you're a good dancer, too.
We might have met right
there in Terre Haute.
Yeah, I guess we might have.
We were both dancing
there on the same floor.
Might have bumped into each
other and didn't even know it.
Could be, but I doubt it.
Because I'd have turned And looked,
and I'd have remembered your face.
Even now, I'd remember it.
Things never... never
turn out quite like that.
I'd have taken just one look at
you, and I'd have asked you to dance.
The daytime, baby, the nighttime, baby,
the right time, baby to fall in love.
Come on, please.
And I'd have asked your
name, and you'd have told me.
And I'd have told you how swell
you danced and how pretty you were.
I'd have liked that.
But I'd have been scared.
Maybe. But not for long.
Why not?
Because I...
Please don't.
I mean it, Webb. Please don't.
Yes, it's our time,
baby, to fall in love.
Take a look at this.
No future in being a cop.
That's what some guys think.
No money, and they just
don't like the work.
Well, I do.
Rose quartz.
One of the best specimens we've found.
You see, it just depends on what
you figure a cop's job really is.
Now... huh?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
The history.
You know, not far from where
we found this is the site of
the one of the worst Indian massacres
in the history of the whole Southwest?
No kidding?
Absolutely. Here.
You see, I figure that the job
of a cop is to protect lives.
Now, some of these
trigger-happy guys...
Charles, Charles, dear.
Well, they think they
have to protect things.
Oh, iron pyrites.
That's fool's gold.
That's the first specimen we found.
Cost us $7.80 to have it SA'd.
Is that right?
Charles, don't you think
Webb's seen enough for tonight?
Have you?
No, no.
The way Bud talks about it,
it makes it sort of come alive.
Sure. Here.
You know, I've been on the
force for 20 years, almost
time for me to retire, and
I haven't shot a gun once,
except on the range, of course.
Oh. That one came from out in the
Mojave Desert, a place called Calico.
I rip-roaring mining town,
and now hardly anybody
Why, even the coyotes...
But Charles, Webb has a date.
Look at the way he's dressed up.
No, no, no.
He smells pretty, too.
Oh, Bud, these rocks, I can see
how they can kind of get you.
You can't kid me, Webb Garwood.
Ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Nice enough to come over here
on his only night off, and
you chew his ear off
about our silly old rocks.
I know you're itching to leave.
Well, get along with you,
wherever you're expected.
I guess I have sort of
out-stayed my welcome.
But that dinner was
just wonderful, Grace.
And that roast beef and the cake,
just stuffed right up to here.
Well, we'll take off up
where we left off, Bud.
See ya, Bud boy.
Goodnight, Webb.
Be seeing you.
Oh, no.
I was nasty to him, wasn't I?
Well, you do kind of pick on him. Why?
Well, maybe it's because
he seemed so bored and never
really listens when you
talk, and hates being a cop.
Oh, for goodness sakes.
What's got into you, anyway?
What are you thinking about?
Something new has been added.
He bought it for me when I
told him about the prowler.
He got his permit for this pop gun?
I don't know.
Anyway, nobody's going to use it
That was stolen fun.
And what could be sweeter than that?
I can't stand the oily
sound of that guy's voice.
No, Webb.
I have to listen, because
he always asks me how he was.
I wish he'd sign off and come home
and walk in that door and find us.
Webb, we have to stop seeing each other.
I'm scared.
Because of what I just said?
Forget it, baby.
That was just talk.
Did you think I meant that?
No, I guess not.
I know how you feel, always sneaking
around, never really feeling free.
I feel the same way.
I don't want to spend
just one evening with you.
I want to spend all of them.
Oh, I do, too.
My vacation begins tomorrow.
Are you going away somewhere?
Las Vegas.
How long will you be gone?
Two weeks.
Two weeks?
Come with me.
Oh, I couldn't.
Why not?
We could think up some excuse.
There's a place I want you to see.
It's a sort of a thing that
I've dreamed of owning someday.
A motor court. Every
time I hit Las Vegas, I
take a good look at it just
to make sure it's still there.
You and I had something like that and
each other, our troubles would be over.
We wouldn't have to worry about
anything as long as we lived.
I know.
Man's got a place like that, it's
working for him 24 hours a day.
He amounts to something.
He's got some position in the community.
You know, we could go to the
mountains every summer all
summer long, and that motel would
still be hauling in the dough.
Even when you're sleeping, it
would be making money for you.
Oh, baby, you've just got
to come to Las Vegas with me.
That's the greatest
little town in the world.
You know I can't.
Now, don't say that.
Well, friends, that's
our goodnight tune.
And remember, folks, the
cost of living is going down.
Good night to everyone.
I'll be seeing you, Susan.
Well, do you come to
Las Vegas or don't you?
There's no way I can, Webb.
If you'd given me a little
warning, I might have...
That's the way it is,
let's forget about it.
I knew you'd do this sometime.
I knew it from the very beginning.
If you were just a dame,
it'd be different, Susan.
But you're special.
No, darling, no.
There's a plane from here gets
into Las Vegas every night at 7:00.
Listen, Webb.
You've got to listen to me.
I'll be there to meet you
tomorrow night at 7:00.
I don't care what kind of
an excuse you have to have.
I can't, darling, please.
You'll do it because you've got to.
Tomorrow night, 7:00
Oh, Webb. Webb.
Attention, please.
Passenger Whitman, step to
Western Airlines counter.
Passenger Whitman, please.
Attention. Passenger Boyer,
please confirm your ticket
It's on that 9:00 o'clock plane tonight.
I'm very sorry, madam, but
that night is all filled.
Why, that's strange. They've always...
Hey are there two
sections on that Flight 27?
No, sir, only one tonight.
If you'll give me your name, madam,
I'll put you on the next flight.
What time is the next
plane for the coast?
8:31, sir.
If you'll give me your name, I'll
put you down for another flight.
Salt Lake 20, please.
Your name, please, madam?
It's dangerous. He's here. Go away.
Come on. Get in the car.
Or should we talk inside?
Come on.
He suspects me.
That's why I couldn't come.
Wait a minute. When did you find out?
Yesterday. He's quit his job.
How did he find out? What does he know?
Lots of things.
He says little things.
And when I tried to make an excuse to
get away for a few days, he accused me.
Did you admit anything?
I couldn't convince him. He said
if he Ever caught me, he'd kill me.
No, he means it.
What does he want? The gas cage?
After he killed me, he
says, he'd kill himself.
That would be a good bargain.
He wouldn't want to live, anyhow.
Oh, Webb, it would be my fault.
He loves me.
He's been so sweet to
me, and I've betrayed him.
I lied to him. I feel so rotten.
I wish I'd never seen you.
I can't see you anymore.
Did you hide that gun?
I tried to, but it was gone.
What a crazy fool.
Webb, he'd do it, I know he would.
Did you have those lights on?
No, Webb. He's awake.
I'll go around on the side of the
house in case he starts anything.
Susan! Where are you, Susan?
I'm here, John, in the kitchen.
I woke up and I was thirsty.
I thought I heard talking.
I thought I heard voices.
You must have imagined it.
Look, I heard you. Don't
tell me I imagined it.
You must have. It isn't even dawn yet.
All right.
All right.
Webb, darling, I must see you.
I know, baby, I know, but
it's too risky for you.
Way too risky.
I don't care. I don't care.
I must see you.
But like you said, better call it quits.
You don't mean that, Webb.
Oh, darling, I've been
trying and trying to get you.
I know.
Is there anybody with you?
Please, Webb.
Please, we have to meet
somewhere just tonight.
I just can't stand not seeing you.
I just can't stand it.
I know, baby.
It's tough for me, too.
Don't you miss me?
Sure I miss you.
I'm counting the days till I go back
to work so I can get you out of my mind.
Sweetheart, please, please come
over Just this once, please, please.
I'm sorry, Susan, but you have to
understand, I just can't take it anymore.
We have to call it
quits, the end, finis.
Webb, no, no.
It's open.
Susan, you shouldn't have...
Oh, Webb.
Oh, Webb, take me
away wherever you want.
Don't bring me back.
It's crazy, I know,
but I love you, Webb.
I love you so much that I-I'm afraid
of you. I asked him for a divorce.
I begged. I pleaded.
When was this?
This afternoon.
You told him about me?
Not who you were.
What did he say?
He said that he'd never let me
go under any conditions ever.
We haven't much choice, have we?
We have, Webb.
We have.
Take me away now.
Don't forget, Susan, you
were brought up on Lakeview.
You'd begin to miss the things you're
used to, your maid and the house.
I couldn't give you any
of that easy life stuff.
Webb, I'd be happy with
you no matter where we lived
or how, so long as it's far away.
We couldn't get far enough
to forget him, Susan.
He'd always be with us and between us.
We could never really be man and wife.
Then you'd start to hate me, and that'd
be worse than not having you at all.
You're saying no.
That's why I haven't been answering
your calls or trying to see you.
I was... I was going
to write it out for you.
Suppose we'll always remember each other,
at least I know I'll always remember you.
But it had to end sometime.
Quicker the cut, the less it hurts.
I was hoping you'd say
this, Webb, and mean it.
I'm glad you said it, because I've
been too weak to say it myself.
I've been wrong.
I'd forgotten what it was
like to have self-respect.
96 Robert 901.
There's a 1933 Chevrolet.
Thanks for checking me in.
Forget it, Bud.
Shop 7016, no delay.
Oh, Webb.
131-A, code 1.
You feeling okay?
Yeah. Why?
Well the last two days, you've been
acting like you sat on a cactus.
Started right after your vacation.
I told the old lady, and she
said you were just high-strung.
But I've been worried about it, and
tonight it seemed worse than ever.
Thanks for worrying, but I
guess it's nothing worse than
getting back in the swing of the job.
But if there's anything I can do, just
remember little old Bud's always willing.
Mingo and Harvey.
10-A, 14-B
will meet you.
10-A, 14-B
will meet you.
49, 1918 Orchid.
49, check.
Just dropped Crocker
on my way to check in.
49, 1918 Orchid reports a prowler there.
1918 Orchid reports a prowler there.
I'm on my way.
Who's there?
Halt! Halt! Halt!
Please don't!
You, get to a phone. Call homicide.
I parked the car out in
front of the Gilvray house.
Naturally, I was ready for trouble.
And I saw something move
out in the vacant lot.
I guess he must have been
there hunting for the prowler
himself, because he stood up
suddenly and started to run.
I pulled out my gun, and
I called halt three times.
Then he sort of whirled and turned,
and I guess he was about 40 feet away.
I saw he had his gun on
me, so I fired just once.
I was trying to shoot low.
And he went down.
So I ran over to him.
And just as I got there and
bent down, he sort of pushed
himself up on one elbow
and fired at me point-blank.
And then I saw that he was dead.
Murderer! You murdered him!
Please finish, Officer Garwood.
Well, there isn't very much more.
When I got a good look at him,
I saw that he wasn't any prowler.
He had his bathrobe and slippers on.
Then I-I knew that I'd
made a terrible mistake.
Do you remember anything else?
No, sir, nothing.
Witness will be excused.
Mrs. John Gilvray.
So you've never seen her before, huh?
No. No, never.
Isn't the way I heard it.
So help you God?
I do.
I hope you will understand,
Mrs. Gilvray, the purpose
of this hearing is to learn
the whole truth of the shooting.
And if you have any reason to
believe there was an irregularity
on the part of Officer Garwood,
it is your duty so to state.
You understand that, don't you?
I understand.
A minute ago in the presence of
the jury, you made an accusation.
I was upset.
I see.
Now, would you recount the events
of that night as you recall them?
When I heard the first shot, I...
Could you speak a little
louder, Mrs. Gilvray?
I ran towards the front door.
And when I reached the door,
I heard the second shot,
and I ran outside and
I saw what happened.
Officer Garwood, would you please
stand up and face the witness?
Now, will you please tell
us, Mrs. Gilvray, whether you
ever saw this man prior to
the death of your husband?
Well, I
- no.
You may sit down.
Officer Crocker, will you
please rise and face the witness?
Had you ever seen this man
before the death of your husband?
Well, I may have seen him.
I'm not at all certain.
As a matter of fact, wasn't
there a prowler around
your house some two months ago?
And didn't Officers Crocker
and Garwood come to your
house after you called the police?
Well, yes, there were two
officers who came to the house.
One of them might have
been the gentleman there.
And the other might have
been Officer Garwood.
One of the officers was outside most
of the time, and I was very frightened.
Why are you asking me all this?
You may sit down.
One of the two officers here
recalled the previous prowler
call and brought it to my attention.
Since there had been a
prowler around the house
before, it would perhaps
be quite natural for your
husband to be alarmed by
the second one, wouldn't it?
Now, Mrs. Gilvray, have
you any reason whatsoever to
believe that the circumstances
attending your husband's death
were other than those
described by Officer Garwood?
Thank you.
You may step down from the stand.
You must be getting old.
I've known you to forget
faces, but a figure like that?
Mr. Coroner, the verdict
is accidental homicide.
That is your verdict?
It is.
Thank you very much.
The jury is dismissed, the
inquest is concluded and will
be so entered into the
record of this office.
Care to make any statement
about the shooting, (
Good evening, Mr. Gilvray.
Oh, good evening, Officer.
I'm afraid it isn't Officer anymore.
I resigned from the force
a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, I know.
I read about it in the papers.
Sorry to hear it.
Mr. Gilvray, I have a kind of problem.
I wonder if you could help me out on it.
I'll be glad to if I can.
Well, it's just that
- tell me, how's your
taking it by now?
Well, as well as can be expected.
Those things take time, you know.
I sent her some flowers,
but she sent them back.
I guess it was the wrong
thing to do, but I just can't
seem to get this thing out of my head.
Oh, well, if I were
you, I wouldn't let...
) be any way I can help,
you know, with the house
I guess she'll have enough to get by
on, that is, when it's all settled up.
But in the meantime, if
she needs any ready cash,
it's not much considering
what's happened.
It's only a little over $700,
but if she'll accept it...
Mr. Garwood, that's just
about the most decent thing
I've ever heard a man say.
And I'm going to tell her about it, too.
But just so you won't feel
quite so bad, you know, you
couldn't exactly say that
their marriage was perfect.
My brother, well, between you
and me, he wasn't the easiest
person in the world to
get along with, and well,
she wanted children,
and he couldn't have any.
And so you see, it wasn't as if it was a
happy marriage even before the accident.
I guess matter how much money we've
got, we've all got our worries.
I was just wondering if...
there's a lot I'd like to get off my chest.
Do you suppose she'd see me?
Well, I don't know why she shouldn't.
The wife and I, we're spending
a little time with her.
I tell you what.
I'll talk to her about
it, and I'll let you know.
Will you do that?
I appreciate that so much.
How about a soda?
No, thanks.
Thanks so much.
Oh, Mr. Garwood, how do you do?
She's right in there.
We're packing.
I told her you were coming
sometime this afternoon.
You can go right on in.
I'll go down the street
and call on a neighbor.
My husband said it would
be much more comfortable for
both of you if you talked alone.
I see.
Thank you.
Stay away from me, Webb.
Don't ever come near me.
Say anything you want to say.
I can take it.
I haven't anything to say.
I know how terrible it's
been for you, Susan, but no
matter how bad it was, you can't
let an accident stand in between...
Accident, yes.
Don't you believe that?
I don't know what I believe.
When you lied for me on the stand
when you said you'd never seen
me before, you didn't think you were
lying to save a murderer, did you?
I don't
- I don't know what I believe. I...
You believed I was
guilty. You must have.
- I wasn't sure.
There were other reasons, too.
What other reasons?
What other reasons could there be?
I can't tell you.
They're too important.
You really thought I
was guilty, didn't you?
Don't you know me any better than that?
I know you, Susan, and I
know if you really thought I
murdered him, you'd have told them.
You wouldn't have covered up for
a murderer, Susan. You couldn't.
If it was an accident, it was
so terribly convenient. I...
Look, do you remember that
medal that I used to wear,
that sharp-shooters medal, and
how much I used to like guns?
Well, after what I've been
through, it's like running
some innocent kid down in the street.
You never want to drive a car again.
I couldn't bring myself to touch
a gun again as long as I live.
Look at it this way.
If it wasn't an accident,
what reason did I have?
You'd already offered to
come away with me, hadn't you?
And I decided that wasn't right.
Maybe that was my mistake.
Maybe if I'd said yes and we'd run
out on him, we'd all have been happier.
Oh, he'd rather be the way
he is than alive and alone.
It's not his dying I can't forget.
It's what led up to it.
You used to say he was ordinary, dull.
To you, he was.
I didn't argue with you.
I began to believe it myself.
I almost began to hate him.
Did hate him.
And not because of what he
was doing to me, but because
of what I was doing to him.
Then he was killed.
I'll never be sent to jail or
condemned to die for what I've done.
I've been praying that I would be.
Susan, suppose I hadn't
known you, not at all.
Suppose I was just the cop on the beat.
It'd have happened, anyway,
be just the same now as far
as he's concerned, only you'd
be alone, and so would I.
Let's face it.
If having him dead is the
only way we can be together,
happily together, I'm glad he's dead.
If I'd realized that was the only way,
I don't know, I might have killed him.
That's how much I want you.
The whole thing turned
on a freak accident.
You've got to believe that, Susan.
Webb, look at me.
I didn't do it, Susan.
I'll swear that by the only thing
I ever really loved, and that's you.
No. Now it's your turn.
You've got to tell me you believe.
I do.
I do.
I do.
I do.
I do.
Dirty shame they won't leave them alone.
After all, just a couple of kids.
Lot of people think they
ought to have waited.
But why?
Come on, fellas, give them a break.
Give them a break there.
You must be William Gilvray.
That's right.
How do you feel about
this union, Mr. Gilvray?
Well, I was just telling
Mr. Crocker here, as long as
the kids love each other,
why shouldn't they be married?
Let's forget the past.
That's what I say.
How about a picture of
you and the Mrs., huh?
Why, sure. Come on, Marty.
Hold it now.
Thanks a lot.
Wonderful guy, your Webb.
You don't have to tell me.
Hey, Webb, wait a minute.
I've got to tell it.
You know this fellow Webb?
This fellow Webb here, well, you
know what happened to my brother.
After that, he came into my
store one day, and with his
entire savings, his entire
savings, mind you, and he
wanted to give them to Susan here.
Pretty doggone square of him, I'd say.
He's the squarest guy I know.
So long, Webb.
So long, Bud.
So long, Susan.
Take good care of him, gal.
Goodbye, darling.
And do be happy.
You deserve it.
Oh, Webb.
Remember, that country around Las
Vegas, best place in the state for rocks.
I'll remember, Bud.
So long.
Take care of yourself, kids.
Look this way for me.
It isn't everybody can have a
Honeymoon in their own hotel.
Oh, it's wonderful.
Welcome home, Mr. Garwood.
Mrs. Garwood, I've been
expecting you all afternoon.
I think you'll find everything ready.
Is that the owner's apartment?
How's business?
Like that all afternoon.
Excuse me.
I've got to check over at the office.
I'll be back in a minute.
Don't be long.
Oh, Mr. Garwood, Mr. And Mrs. Talbot.
How are ya?
How do you do?
Mr. Garwood's the new owner.
Darling, Happy wedding night.
There never was a
better time for a toast.
What's wrong?
Haven't you noticed I haven't
been drinking very much lately?
No. Since when?
Two or three weeks.
Why not?
Are there any units here
with more rooms than this one?
Yeah, a couple. Why?
Well, you'd better start making
Arrangements For one of them.
We're going to need
more space by summer.
Are you saying what
I think you're saying?
In just those words.
How long has this been going on?
Four months.
And nobody knew.
What's the matter? Aren't you glad?
Sure, I'm...
Please come over and kiss me.
You go on and get some sleep.
You've known for four months,
You say, about the baby?
Well, why didn't you
tell me before this?
You know you and I
can't have a baby yet.
What are you talking about?
We're going to.
It's what I've always wanted.
The minute that baby's born,
we're in trouble, both of us.
I don't know what you mean.
Because we wouldn't have been
married Long enough for it to be mine.
And it couldn't have
been your husband's.
How do you know?
Your brother-in-law,
your ex-brother-in-law.
I didn't know John had told him.
He did. Both him and his wife.
We could keep it a secret.
They're a long way off.
They'd never have to know.
They'll know right along
with everybody else.
What about those reporters this
Afternoon and the photographers?
Cop marries widow of the man he killed.
Don't you think the birth of the dead man's
baby's going to make even a better story?
It's not his.
It's ours.
Sure, and they'll all know that.
Well, I don't care who knows it.
Do I have to draw a picture for you?
When that baby is born, they'll know
that you and I were seeing each
other long before the killing.
And they'll remember your testimony,
that you'd never seen me before
in your life. How do you
think that's going to look?
It's an ambulance.
What are we going to do?
Webb, we could get away from here
before anybody has a chance to notice.
We'll go where we're not known.
I could have my baby there.
Be the record of the birth certificate,
the record of the doctor's report,
the record of the hospital.
We'll give a false name and we'll
take the baby to some home and pretend
to adopt it later.
They'll have see those
pictures in the scandal sheets.
They'd recognize you.
Even the doctor who performed the
delivery could appear as a witness
against you later on.
It's a chance.
We could risk it.
He'd have a little talk with the
local sheriff, a query'd go through.
You want me to take
it from there for you?
Headquarters, attention chief of
police, Case of Officer Garwood.
What could they find?
Chief of detectives, homicide bureau.
Please oblige with
records of Gilvray inquest.
But they know all that.
Officer Crocker, report immediately.
A few questions, and
he'll begin to think.
Then they'd locate that ex-brother-
in-law of yours and his wife.
Then they'd talk.
But that's all they could do.
Oh, they'd know we both lied.
There'd be cops from
homicide on the next plane.
People can't be convicted
of something they didn't do.
That's a nice theory,
only it doesn't work.
Juries decide these things, and
juries are made up of human beings.
I want you to think about
something just for a minute.
All right.
Try to remember how close you came
to believing that I was guilty.
Then think, if that baby was born
what a time we'd have with all that
evidence against us.
Webb, we'll go somewhere where nobody's
around, where we'll be absolutely alone.
You would be my doctor, Webb.
No, that would be too dangerous for you.
Millions of women have
babies without doctors.
You've had training, haven't you?
But not enough.
There might be complications.
No, that's too risky.
It's way too risky.
Well, if I'm not afraid,
why should you be?
This is it, Bud's ghost town.
We're lucky.
No one could have been in
or out of here for months.
Shall we take the penthouse
or the bridal suite?
Into the disposal.
Got news for you.
I'm fresh out of needles.
John had it made to order.
The daytime, baby, the nighttime, baby.
You scared?
I've hardly thought about it.
Don't be.
We're really
- really prepared for triplets.
I don't think we've forgotten a thing.
Would you like to go
out for a little walk?
This will be a good story
for him to tell his buddies.
His birth increased the population
of his hometown by thirty three
and one-third percent.
You can go for miles in any direction
and find nobody but close relatives.
That's one of the things we
won't ever be able to tell him.
No, our kid's going to be on the beam
from the second he gets into the world.
The breaks he gets are going to
be good, not like his old man.
Everybody has bad
breaks once in a while.
Just so we teach him to overcome them.
Just as long as he's man
enough to overcome them.
And next time, ma, the biggest private
room in the best hospital in Vegas.
Nurses round the clock.
Flowers, doctors, nothing but the best.
Oh, it's so beautiful.
They say that's important.
I mean for the mother.
Old Bud Crocker used to say there's
Something about the desert that...
Maybe there'll be a moon.
I hope so, don't you?
Well, folks almost time for signing off.
But still time to tell you about the
wife's recipe for plump, tender little...
It's one of John's records.
It must have gotten mixed in.
She likes nothing better than
fresh garden grown parsley and a
few of our ice-crisp hearts of celery.
And the cost of living is going down.
Goodnight to everyone.
I'll be seeing you, Susan.
Is Webb Garwood here?
No. The Garwoods are away on a vacation.
Oh, gosh. I'm sorry to hear that.
We're on our way home ourselves.
We was hoping to meet them.
Oh, Crocker's the name.
How do you do?
Oh, this here's my war department.
Oh, of course. You're the
people who sent the wire.
Well, it seems they stay
right in Frisco all the time.
You know how young folks are.
The it's a big town.
They like excitement.
However, this last one
here's from Barstow.
Says they're kind of stuck on that
desert country, that there's no need
to expect them home for
about two more weeks.
Barstow, huh? I bet Webb's going
to Take in one of my ghost towns.
Used to pass the time telling him
what I know about that country.
Gold rush, land grabs.
Mineral Canyon, you reckon?
Or Calico.
Oh, no. Mineral Canyon. Calico's
the tail end of creation.
Not even the coyotes
will stop at Calico.
Now, Mineral Canyon, that's real pretty.
Hey, how about it? On the off
chance Of meeting up with them?
I'm game.
Okay. Is he driving his Chevy?
Oh, no. They got a new
Cadillac sedan. Dark green.
A Caddy, huh? He sure made it.
Yes, sir, he sure made it now. Well, if
we miss him, tell him that Bud was by.
Little old Bud. He'll know.
Sure will.
Come on, honey.
Susan, I'm going to get the doctor.
I'll be all right.
I'll be all right.
Something must be wrong, Susan.
Having a baby isn't
supposed to be like this.
Something may happen to you.
I'm going to get the doctor.
No, Webb.
Webb, you said yourself they can't.
I'm sure it's an emergency, son.
This time of night, everyone seems
to Think they have an emergency.
But I'm too old.
Phil, tell him about Dr. Parrish.
Yeah, Dr. Parrish, just down the block.
He's the finest, most obliging
young doctor you want to meet.
Besides, he needs the business, Phil.
But you're the one I want, Doc.
You'll just have to take my word for it.
I wish I could, son.
I can't.
Most people don't know an
emergency when they see one.
Now will you believe me?
Well, looks like I'll have to go, Ettie.
I'm sorry, dear.
What I am going to do
if Mrs. Larson calls?
Well, I don't know what we'll do.
Drive carefully, dear.
Better come in my car, Doc.
I know the way.
I'll take my own.
It's right out here in the street.
I may have a call to
make on the way back.
You go ahead.
I'll follow you.
No need to have lied to me about
where you were going, how far it was.
You'll be all right now, little lady.
Let's just put this under your head.
Uh, if you don't mind?
Your wife will be quite all right.
The baby's heartbeats are normal.
There won't be much happening
in there for an hour or so.
Meantime, I've given her
something that should help.
She'd like to see you.
But be sure she stays quiet.
What if he recognizes us, Webb?
He won't.
It turned out lucky.
He won't recognize us.
You were so sure before
that someone, anyone...
He's an old man.
He can't even see so good.
He might have known
who we are right off.
Perhaps he knows our
names right this minute.
Stop imagining things.
Take my word.
Don't worry about it.
You were so frightened before.
Now you're not.
What is this, the third degree?
Is it because of the gun?
You said you'd never touch one again.
What are you driving at?
If he recognizes us,
you'll use it, won't you?
You're crazy.
Maybe you'll use it
anyway, just to make sure.
Is that why you're so certain?
Is it?
You're really crazy.
You plan to kill him, don't you?
Take it easy, baby.
You're all upset.
No one would have known.
No one.
Not even I would have known.
It would have been perfect.
Just like the other time.
There was a reason last time.
You loved me.
You did, didn't you?
Well, of course I loved you.
I always will.
What are you raving about?
You haven't denied it.
Denied what?
Killing my husband.
Well, that's no secret.
Of course I killed him.
That's public record.
I mean not accidentally.
I mean...
Cut it out, Susan.
You're all mixed up.
You're bound to be.
The doc said you were
supposed to keep quiet now.
Hey, Doc.
We'll talk about this
tomorrow in the daylight.
You've got to think
about yourself, you know.
I mean, you've got to
think about the kid.
Doc, my wife is kind of excited.
Maybe you'd better see what you can do.
A little girl.
Your wife is fine.
It was a normal birth.
Looks just like her mother.
You know, they say this about the
happiest time of a person's life.
Do they?
Yeah, that's what they say.
What can I get you?
Warm milk?
A little coffee?
Maybe I could whip the Doc and
me up a celebration breakfast.
How about that, huh?
Hey, Doc!
What did you tell him?
To get away if he could.
He took the key.
Did you tell him our name?
I didn't have to.
Your badge.
You lied to him.
He remembered seeing your
face in the newspaper.
Why didn't he go last night?
He waited till he could
take the baby with him.
In 10 minutes he'll be on his
way Back here with the cops.
Wait a minute.
There was another key.
There was a spare.
I'm sure there was.
You had it, didn't you?
Where is it?
He's too far ahead.
I couldn't catch up with him now.
But unless I hit that highway
before they start back,
I'm... where is it, Susan?
Where is that key?
You've got to tell me.
You murdered my husband.
You would have killed the doctor.
So what?
So I'm no good.
I'm no worse than anybody else.
You work in a store, you knock
down on the cash register.
A big boss, the income tax.
War hero, you sell votes.
A lawyer, take bribes.
I was a cop.
I used a gun.
But whatever I did, I did for you.
That first night, remember,
I came back by myself.
Why do you think I did that?
And last night, I brought the doctor.
Walked right into town and
stuck my head in the noose.
Why do you think I did that?
Because I loved you, Susie.
Say anything you want to, but you've
got to give me credit for that.
Like I gave you credit before.
How am I any different
from those other guys?
Some do it for a million, some
for ten hundred and for 62,000.
You knew about the money.
You knew the exact amount.
Sure, I knew.
I read his will one night while his
dumb voice was drooling over the radio.
Do you take me for a sucker?
Get out.
Get out.
You haven't got a chance.
Darn fool. All right, all
right. I can do it, too.
Charles, it's Webb!
Webb, you old prairie dog!
Back up. Back up. I've
got to get through, Bud.
We've been looking for you. We drove...
Please, it's Susan, she's sick.
I've got to get help. Back up!
Do like I say and get out! Back up!
Webb, this is little old Bud
you're talking to, remember?
Do like he says, Charles!
Whatever you say.
All right, all right. I'm
going as fast as I can.
Don't get excited, Webb.
Only take a minute or two.
Just going to get my
jack out of here and...
Hey, ma, come here. Somebody's coming.
Webb! Webb! Where you going, Webb?
Garwood, stop!
Hey, Garwood! Come on back!
You'll never get away with it.
Do as they say, Webb!
Webb, listen to me!
You'll never make it, Webb!
Webb! Webb!
Come on back, Garwood!
You haven't got a chance!
Halt! Halt! Halt!