The Pyramid (2014)

What's going on? Are you getting this?
What's he doing? What's he doing?
- Do you think they'll let us pass?
- It doesn't look like it.
- Are you good to go?
- Yeah, rolling.
Hidden within this sprawling desert,
250 Miles South of Cairo,
the public will soon lay their eyes
on the Holdens' groundbreaking research,
and the father-daughter team
could rewrite history as we know it.
As you can see, the pyramid behind me
has only three sides,
not four like the giza pyramids.
This architectural feat singles it out
as an exception in this region.
You're gonna have to start over. The barking
is covering everything you're saying.
Damn it. What's wrong with those dogs?
Whose are they, anyway?
They're just feral dogs running around.
Can someone get a shotgun or something
and get rid of these dogs, please?
Driving me crazy.
All right, let's go again.
Okay, Sunni. Whenever you're ready,
we're good to go.
Okay. The way this works is,
I'll ask you a question,
you try to incorporate the question
into your response.
Like if I ask you your name,
you would say...
- Dr. Miles Holden.
- Wrong.
- Right. My name is Dr. Miles Holden.
- That's what I'm talking about.
Could you tell us
what exactly you're looking for?
Yeah. There are certain ancient texts
which refer to this geographic area
as the possible site of the lost pyramid
of Akhenaten which may be related
to the particular and unusual
three-sided architecture of our pyramid.
- I just need to quickly check your mic.
- Yeah. It's a little windy out here.
It's a great shot.
Just don't step backwards.
Yeah, okay. You tell me when.
Pyramids. Hit me with it.
Whatever we're looking at, this is not
the pyramid of king Akhenaten.
The structure that we're dealing with
is buried below the surface.
It takes millennia
for sand to build up that high.
Which means that this structure predates
the reign of Akhenaten by generations.
Why are so many people
against the satellites?
Most archaeologists are trapped in time
when it comes to reworking methodologies,
and assimilating new evidence
into existing historical frameworks.
Proving an older genealogy
for Egyptian history basically means
throwing everything they have been
working on their entire lives into question.
Isn't that what you're trying to do?
No, not exactly.
See, I respect the work
that they have done,
but we just need to know
when it's time to innovate.
Most of our pyramid is buried deep
beneath the desert. Here is a scan.
Look at the size of that thing!
That's got to be 600 feet on each side.
See this tunnel here?
This is our way in.
It leads directly
to the apex of the pyramid.
- The apex?
- It's the tip of the pyramid.
Pyramids don't normally have
apexes at the entrance.
- But this one does.
- Who dug the tunnel?
We don't know yet.
That's also part of our discovery.
Nora, tell me about the satellites.
Well, I'm not the first archaeologist
to break ground using satellite technology.
But I was inspired to apply it
after an article that I read about SETI
- out of new Mexico.
"Search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
They were using the satellites
to search for traces of water
underneath the surface of Mars.
I thought we were here
to talk about Egypt, not aliens.
What do you think about all those theories?
About aliens coming to earth?
And that the pyramids
are just giant transmitters?
Well, come on. Even I have my limits.
Do you see these... how these ridges form
a barrier around the pyramid? You just...
Dad. Dad. Could you please stop touching
buttons that you don't understand?
So... where was that taken?
- It doesn't matter when it was taken.
- I said where.
This technology, the satellite stuff
is such a small part of what we're doing.
We should be talking about archaeology,
about the pyramid, about Akhenaten, and...
Actually, the whole satellite angle is what
interested the network in the first place.
It's the dawn of a new age in archaeology.
Using the future to understand the past.
Anything else I'm not supposed to see?
Would you just mind your own business?
Thank you very much.
I'm sorry. You are my business, all right?
You are my business.
Archaeology used to be
about digs and dirt.
But we've lost the raw sensation
with all this technological mediation.
- How was that, Fitz?
- It was award-winning.
Okay. Let's wrap up.
We're done for the day.
No, I'm fine, mom.
I'm fine. Don't worry. Okay.
Cairo is far, far away. And we're supposed
to break through tomorrow.
So if we get far enough, we'll be safer
underground than we will be in a war bunker.
No, I'm not taking it lightly.
I'm just trying to focus on my work.
Could you please not worry?
You know dad is enough to handle as it is.
Okay. I love you, too. I do.
All right, tell...
You know what? Mom, I have to go.
I'll call you tomorrow. I love you. Bye.
Zahir, get your metallic junk
out of here.
Jesus! What the hell is that?
Allow me to introduce you to Shorty.
He's gonna be our first
set of eyes and ears inside
after we make initial breakthrough.
He stands just over one foot tall
with six wheels
on a rocker-bogie suspension system
which was originally designed by NASA
for their Mars rovers
to allow them to travel
over the rough martian terrain.
I bet this thing is a real babe magnet.
Some of the missions Shorty
has been on are...
Michael Zahir, our robotics engineer.
But it seems he wasn't briefed
on which million-dollar territories
he would be exploring.
Don't you worry, Nora.
I've got two primary camera feeds
sending back real-time footage
to our command center. So...
everything Shorty sees is permanently
recorded. Right, partner?
- Look out.
- Yeah. Cute.
Look out.
We're not shooting Days Of Our Lives.
Stop wasting your memory space.
Come on. People would love to see
these two nerds get freaky.
- Dr. Holden! Dr. Holden!
- Wait, what's he saying?
- We break through! We break through!
- What? Come on! Come on!
Are you all right? Give me your hand.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
- Slow down, slow down.
- You coming?
Tell them not to open it up yet.
Tell them to hold off.
- Yeah, hold off!
- Zahir, I need you to translate.
You got it? You got it?
Here it comes.
Get him out of here!
We have to get him to medical!
Oh, my God. We have to do something!
- He's alive.
- Thank God.
- So what happened to him?
- Aspergillus.
- What's aspergillus?
- Inhalation of toxic air.
It's actually not as uncommon
as it sounds.
- What causes it?
- A fungi usually found in caves and tombs,
structures that have been sealed off.
This pyramid could be way older
than even I had originally thought.
Nora, please. Stop spinning out
your wild theories.
I'm trying to reassure the university that
we're going to be doing things on schedule.
And that has to be turned off.
Nobody goes near that pyramid
without my permission, all right?
And nobody mentions
the word "curse." Understood?
I don't want any of that crazy
nonsense on my site.
Our site.
Goddamn sand.
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
You can't shut us down.
We're about to launch Shorty.
Look, it's not us, it's the government.
The ministry of antiquities is ordering
all research teams in the area
to pull out immediately.
They want you cleared out in 24 hours.
When will we be able
to resume the excavation?
We don't know yet.
I'm sorry, what? I don't understand.
You've been in the desert too long.
You should see what's happening
in the streets of Cairo. It's mayhem.
Wide-scale violence
between the military and the protestors.
They're fearing a civil war.
- But this isn't Cairo.
- Yeah, we are in the middle of the desert.
You don't get it. I'm sorry, Miles,
but you have to be out by tomorrow morning.
God. We are so close!
There goes my emmy.
Nora. Nora, this is not a discussion.
The final answer is no. Thank you.
Would you please hand these out
to everybody you see around here?
This place needs to look like
we were never here by morning.
What is going on?
It's all written down there. This is not
a conference. Now just go, please.
- So, that's it? That's it?
- And what would you like me to do?
How about anything?
You barely put up a fight.
I don't fight battles
I can't win, alright?
I have got a career to think of,
and so do you.
- Don't forget that!
- Okay.
But we can't walk away from here
with nothing to show.
I am not...
Dad, please!
This is the find of the century.
And you're going to give up
when we are this close.
We owe this to our name.
- What's the harm?
- Besides toxic air poisoning?
We won't go in ourselves, okay?
We'll just send in Shorty.
He can take some readings
and some pictures.
A couple of hours.
Nobody will even know that we were gone.
Dad, I know what you're thinking.
Look me in the eye and tell me
that you don't wanna see
what's going on in that pyramid.
Trust me.
- Got it?
- Yeah.
Guys, captain Egypt is following you,
and he doesn't look happy.
Hold on. Hold on.
Let me talk to him real quick.
Zahir, what is he saying?
He's saying that... he's wondering
why we still have our stuff here.
He's here to supervise us,
make sure we get on the plane tomorrow.
Tell him not to worry,
that we are wrapping things up,
- that everything is on schedule.
- Dad, what the hell?
Fine, fine.
How does the air check out?
No. Don't even think about it, Nora.
There's no way you're going in there.
Actually, according to the meters,
it's showing minimal traces of toxic fumes,
but definitely below dangerous levels.
But I'm assuming it's because
we're still close to the entrance.
- Can you enhance that?
- Can you get out of my workspace, please?
It's a $3 million rover.
Yeah, I can enhance it.
Zoom in. Zoom in right there.
Make that larger. Zoom in.
- Dad, please.
- What?
That. This says "slaughter."
This says "God."
- Yeah, this one says "underworld."
- What? Really?
Relax, Fitzie, these are just symbols
to scare away grave robbers.
Curved stick. Staff.
- What the hell is that?
- That, my dear, is the symbol of Osiris.
- Osiris?
- He's the God of the afterlife.
He's also considered by the Egyptians
as the first pharaoh.
Oh, God. Okay, what was that?
It must've been a dog. Got in somehow.
They left the opening unguarded.
Let's just keep our wits sharp, all right?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- What?
You guys hear that?
I've lost all external control.
Both the camera feeds.
- Hold on, hold on. Damn dogs.
- You mean...
Hold on.
Shorty's offline. I got to go get him.
No. You are not going in there.
We have no idea what's in there.
Could be fumes still.
No. Be realistic, Zahir.
Be realistic? I just told you
how much that rover costs, okay?
It's on loan.
Does he not know how this works?
We can't even be here.
We have to be on a plane.
And you don't think NASA's gonna be pissed
to find out we lost their rover?
- Okay, okay. But just the two of us.
- No. That is not happening.
Okay, we have no idea if we're
gonna be able to come back here.
You're crazy if you think
I'm not going in there with you.
The camera goes everywhere you do.
You agreed to that back in the U.S.
Actually, I'm all right to just hang
back here. You guys can go...
- Get your ass in there.
- Okay.
Hope you brought those extra batteries.
We're gonna need them.
I thought we were the only ones filming.
It's my version of a notebook.
I don't want to miss anything.
- You ready?
- Yeah, we're coming. Let's go.
So, how are we supposed
to get Shorty out, if it doesn't work?
- I'll figure it out.
- Yeah, he doesn't know either.
So, I think these flares might help us
take care of our stray dog problem.
He's saying we can't go in there.
Keep rolling!
- Tell him to calm down!
- I'm trying.
Let me... let me try to talk to him.
- What are they saying?
- I can't get it, they're going too fast.
He's making a plea of some kind.
From one Egyptian to another.
I think it's working.
All right, guys,
we've got two hours to get Shorty.
Here you go.
What's that for?
It's just something to help us
find our way back.
You know, in case we decide
to go in a little further.
They don't seriously expect us
to wear these, do they?
Yeah, guess so.
Come on, guys, let's go.
Watch your step.
The structure could collapse
at any moment.
And don't touch anything. Stay close.
Imagine, the last people who walked
these tunnels died thousands of years ago.
Also, the ancient Egyptians only stood
about five feet tall so watch your heads.
It's a little taller in here.
The dogs couldn't have
dragged him too far.
I don't get it. There's no tracks.
He couldn't have just disappeared.
Guys... Which way do we go now?
- No, no!
- Michael, what's wrong?
Oh, God.
I'm dead. I'm dead.
- NASA's gonna be pissed.
- I'm dead.
I'm dead. I'm freaking dead!
Death. Amazing.
Well, chin up, mate.
I'm sure we can find the rest of him.
We're gonna find him.
Hey, doc. Is this the apex thing
you were talking about?
There's something in the wall.
What's up there?
Well, there's only one way to find out.
- Nora, no. Please don't fall.
- Be careful.
Zahir, give me your hand. Come on.
Okay, ready?
- Yeah. One, two, three.
- One, two, three.
All right, I almost have the ledge.
Yeah. I got it. Okay.
All right.
You okay?
Guys, you got to come check this out.
- What do you see?
- Just come up here.
I've never seen anything
like this before.
I thought this thing
was supposed to be a tomb.
It is.
- What's with the arsenal?
- It's ceremonial.
The ancient Egyptians buried
their pharaohs with an armory of spears,
for use in the afterlife.
Usually, they're placed next to
the sarcophagus, never separately.
Look at that.
Mended at the shaft. It's broken.
And I wonder... Yeah, look at this.
There's a chip in this blade.
So these...
these were not just ceremonial.
These saw battle.
- Switch off your lights.
- Lights off.
- Look at that.
- What is that?
That is dried blood.
What does that mean?
I'll have to take it back
and analyze it and date it.
We won't know until then,
so go ahead and take that as a sample.
That's cool.
Hey, your wire.
- Your wire.
- What?
It must have snapped.
It's high-tension wire, doctor,
it doesn't just snap.
- Well, how...
- Fitzie, you stepped on it.
No, I didn't.
You probably didn't realize but you
must've done it as you were filming.
Realize I stepped on it?
You probably stepped on it!
- It's all right. It's all right.
- Probably Zahir, with his stupid robot.
It's all right, just calm down.
We're not that far from the entrance.
We'll set up another wire.
All right.
- Okay?
- Okay, it's this way.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
It's not this way, it's that way.
Look, I copied down the hieroglyphs
in my notebook
- before we set off as we entered.
- No.
No, I think we came from
this direction over here.
They all look the same.
- Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
- That's enough, Fitzie.
Look, guys. It's this way.
It's this way.
See? This is why we attach a wire.
That's strange.
These hieroglyphs are all the same.
We only walked for a few minutes.
Guys, is it just me or is it becoming really,
really hard to breathe in these masks?
Pyramids are incredibly airtight.
Explains how mummies can remain
so perfectly preserved after all these years.
Yeah, no, I'm not talking about
some pyramid mumbo-jumbo here.
I'm being serious. Something's off.
Now stay close.
I don't want to lose anybody. Okay?
Shouldn't we go back to where we were?
- Yeah, I think it was back...
- No, it's impossible.
I was positive.
I'm sorry, honey. We have to go back
in the other direction. This looks...
Yeah, we definitely came the wrong way.
- What could this chamber be?
- Holy shit!
- What?
- Oh, no.
- There's Shorty.
- Oh, my God.
Come on!
We should not be here. Let's get out.
Oh, my God!
Wait, nobody move! Nobody move.
All right.
All right.
Oh, my God.
- What's happening?
- The floor is about to collapse.
We have to back out of here
one at a time.
Fitzie? Come on. You first.
Move toward me,
and try not to step on the cracks.
That's good.
Come on. That's good, Fitzie.
Don't jump! Just...
Just come on, come on, come on.
Good, good, good.
All right, that's good, that's good.
That's right. That's right.
- Oh, my God.
- That's right, that's right.
That's good. That's good.
Come on. That's good, Fitzie.
Okay, now, Zahir. Come on. Come on.
- Are you sure?
- Come!
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- It's all right, it's all right.
Come on, Michael, faster!
Everybody run!
- Nora? Nora?
- I'm good. I'm good.
- Is anyone hurt?
- I'm alive.
Where are we?
Jeez, I can't breathe
with this stupid mask.
What is that smell?
Smells like shit.
Where are we?
I'm guessing where the animal who destroyed
Shorty decided to relieve itself.
That's a lot of shit for just
one dog who got trapped.
Not only that, where did it go?
How'd it get out?
The only way out is up.
Still, we've got to get
out of here soon.
I haven't smelt anything this bad
since Zahir's tent
when he had the beans the other day.
What the hell is wrong with you, man?
Help me!
- Nora, wait!
- Michael, Michael! Oh, my God!
- Oh, my God!
- Help me!
What are we gonna do?
Okay, man, don't worry.
We're gonna get you out of here.
Okay, come on, guys! Help me, please!
- Michael, Michael.
- Okay.
- Calm down.
- We need to push, all right?
All right. All right, push!
- One, two, three.
- My God.
- Come on. Push, push, push!
- Stop! Stop!
Hey, hey, hey, hey. Okay.
What are you doing with the phone?
You're not gonna get reception down here.
We're 90 feet below ground. The walls
are six feet thick. Jesus, use your head.
We're never gonna be able to get
this rock off of him by ourselves.
And even if we do...
There's water in there, get it out.
Hey, hey. Listen to me. Look at me.
Look at me. Look at me. Take these.
I want you to swallow these, okay?
I want you to swallow.
Here you go.
He's gonna be okay, doctor?
He's not gonna die, is he?
Fitzie! Just shut up, please!
You're not helping right now, okay?
Michael, Michael. Breathe.
Hey, baby. Look at me. Michael.
You are going to get out of here, okay?
Just breathe, that's right.
Stay back, something could still fall.
What are you looking at?
This shaft should take us back
to where we came from.
- You know, I think I can get up there.
- No, no, that's not a good idea.
I've been rock climbing my entire life.
If you give me a boost,
I can brace myself in there and shimmy up.
Guys, she wants to climb this shaft.
Can you tell her she's crazy?
I can do it.
Don't worry.
Help me, come on!
Here, take this.
That way we can watch on the monitor.
How's that?
You're picking that up? Yeah?
All right.
- Okay. All right.
- Okay, Sunni, be careful.
Michael, calm down.
- Go slow!
- Yeah.
- Okay, be careful, Sunni.
- Go slow, go slow!
Right, just take your time, okay?
You got it.
At the same time, don't take too long.
Just let us know if you see anything.
- Okay.
- Okay, Sunni?
Oh, God.
- You okay? Go slow, okay?
- Yeah.
What do you see?
I see two people
trying to break my concentration!
- Are you okay?
- Did you guys hear that?
- I can't see anything.
- It's too dark.
Hang in there, Zahir.
Okay, let us know as soon as
you see anything, okay, Sunni?
I think something is up here.
There's some kind of low tunnel
perpendicular to us.
Oh, my God! Sunni, are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- Oh, God.
- You okay, Fitzie?
- Okay.
- I think I've got shit in my ear.
- Dad, give me my bag.
Here, use this. What happened up there?
I saw something. I was almost there
and it popped out at me.
This is gonna sting, okay?
So, was it... was it a dog, yeah?
I didn't get a good look.
But when I saw it, I lost my...
- I have another bag.
- I saw its eyes.
- What was it?
- Yeah, hold on.
It was the same thing we saw
before we lost contact with Shorty.
Sorry, sorry.
You know, maybe it's the soldier,
you know.
He knows we're down here.
He's probably gonna be...
A soldier popped out of a hidden tunnel
and scratched my face.
Maybe there's a way out over there.
Hey, Michael. Michael.
These carvings tell a story.
You see these figures holding the spears.
These are the same ones
we saw in the apex. This is...
This is a warning.
A warning?
- A warning for what?
- I don't know.
I think we should just stay here.
That soldier will come
looking for us eventually.
No, Michael might not have that long.
We have to look for another way out.
All right, then, fine.
What is your plan now, Nora?
If there is a gate here
then behind those stones there is
a passage and maybe another way out.
And if the gate has been standing here
for thousands of years,
maybe it's standing here for a reason.
Who are we to destroy it?
Jesus! Stop being an archaeologist
for a minute here,
- and start being a human being!
- Look, she's right, okay?
We have to look for help!
Maybe we can try the shaft.
Nora! Look at her face!
We don't know what's up there!
Look, guys,
we can't just sit around here.
Okay, we've got things up there
scratching people's faces.
- It stinks in here!
- So put your mask back on.
No, I'm serious, man. Listen, like...
If we can survive this drop
then so can it. Whatever it is.
And while we're trapped
in here we're like...
just like food in a bowl right now.
All right, fine.
- There. You got it?
- I got it. Let's go over here.
Yeah, we're fine.
Okay, one more. Ready? One, two...
Oh, God.
I don't know if it's safe in there.
For all we know that air could be...
Yeah, we'll take our chances.
If you ask me, it's not gonna be any worse
than the air we're breathing in here.
- You take it.
- No.
No. What, you want to sit here
in the dark?
And besides, if we get lost then maybe
we can follow the light back.
You're not gonna need the hatchet,
but it's just in case.
I'm gonna go get you help, okay?
I'm gonna come back for you.
Hey, listen.
- It's that soldier! What's his name?
- Shadid!
- Shadid!
- Shadid, help us!
- Hello!
- We're right over here!
- Shadid!
- Where's it coming from?
Can't tell.
Did you guys hear that?
Help me! Help me!
What's happening to him?
You guys, that's not Shadid.
That's Michael.
- Michael!
- You should go! Go, go!
Find Shadid! Nora, wait!
Shouldn't we just go with them?
How are we supposed to find Shadid?
Are you still there?
Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
No, no, no...
No, this isn't happening.
- Okay.
- No, this is not possible.
- I think we have to get out of here.
- No, no, no.
- It's not safe.
- No, where is he?
No, no...
No, it's not happening. No.
- Nora.
- I don't believe it.
- Nora, Nora.
- No, I...
Honey, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
I know you cared for him,
but we have to go.
- Michael...
- I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
- Honey, we have to go.
- Michael!
- We have to join the others, okay?
- I can't...
Okay, honey, you've got to focus now.
We got to get out of this pyramid.
- It's not safe for us. Come on.
- Where did he go?
Come on. Okay, come on.
- Come on.
- I can't.
Come on.
We should never have followed them.
What's taking them so long?
Should... should we go back there?
Shadid! Shadid, can you hear us?
All right.
- What happened to Zahir?
- Zahir is dead.
He tried to shift the Boulder.
It rolled over and crushed him.
That's impossible. We couldn't shift
that thing between the four of us!
I don't know. I think he was chipping
away at it with the hatchet.
That's a load of bull.
We heard the screams.
If there's anything we've learned today
it's that you're talking out of your ass.
No, she's right, yeah.
You're lying to us.
What about the eyes I saw
at the top of the tunnel?
Whatever took a chunk
out of my face killed Zahir!
- Calm down, lady.
- Don't tell me to calm down!
I'm sorry... but robot guy
has just been devoured
by a creature we cannot identify,
for Christ's sake! "Calm down."
- Who the hell do you think...
- Nobody made you come!
My job is to follow you guys
with the camera.
What, are you just following orders now?
Step up and take responsibility
for your own actions!
Hey! Back off!
- Keep her away from me!
- Back off!
Jesus, Sunni, relax.
Don't tell me to relax! This asshole
has led us into a death trap!
- I don't need this right now.
- Look, Sunni, all right?
You're panicking
and you're freaking out!
You're just looking for someone
to blame right now.
I found him.
Well, that attitude is not going
to help us out right now, is it?
All right, just relax.
Come on, just breathe.
I'm su... I'm sure we can
find a way out of here.
What we need to do is to find Shadid.
He got in here, we can get out.
- Yeah.
- How's that?
Yeah, great.
What's up?
No, it was nothing.
Come on, Fitzie, you go first.
- Me?
- Yes.
What am I, a bloody Guinea pig?
For God's sake.
Are you seeing how tight this is?
Just go.
Bloody hell.
- Are you sure this is the way?
- Can't be sure of anything in this place.
Remind me again, guys, what do I do
if this thing jumps out at me,
and scratches my face off?
You try to put as much distance
as you can between you and it.
Right, this is probably
about as fast as I can move right now.
Just move faster, Fitzie! I don't want
to be here long enough to find out!
- Guys?
- Yeah.
- Something's behind us!
- What do we do? What do we do?
- Keep going!
- Just move! Move!
Just move, Fitzie! Move!
Go! Go! Go!
Go as fast as you can, Fitzie!
It's coming faster!
- Oh, God!
- Don't stop.
Oh, God. Oh, my God!
There's something here.
- Keep going. Keep going.
- It's coming faster!
Guys, the soldier's here!
It's Shadid.
Where the hell did he come from?
Hurry up, Fitzie!
Keep moving. Keep moving.
Come on. Come on. Come on.
- Get back. Get back.
- Everybody, get back! Get back!
What the hell was that?
Oh, my God.
- Holy shit!
- Lights! Fitzie! Come on.
Turn it off. Kill the light!
- We should...
- No, no, no.
Just don't move a muscle.
Fitzie, shut up.
We should be very quiet.
What the fuck was that?
I have no idea.
Did you see the claws on that thing?
What the hell is going on down here?
All right.
Don't go too close.
Is it gone?
Sunni, that scratch
is becoming really infected.
Your eye is not looking
too good, either.
We need to find an exit right now.
Please tell me there is something on this
wall that explains how to get out of here
or at least
what the bloody hell is after us.
This panel depicts the final judgment,
the weighing of souls.
It's from the Egyptian book of the dead.
When a person died,
they passed into a room.
They were brought before Osiris
and a panel of judges.
And next to them was a massive scale.
Then the God Anubis weighed their heart
against Maat, the goddess of truth.
And if it balanced perfectly,
they passed into the afterlife.
They believed they were sent to the sky
to dwell among the stars.
I thought the book of the dead
was just full of spells and incantations.
No, it's more than that.
It's a guide to immortality.
This was central to Egyptian philosophy.
This is the final milestone.
What, and you believe
in this rubbish, do you?
They believed it. I think the priests
acted out this ritual.
None of this matters
unless we get out of here.
We've got to go. Let's go! Let's go.
What do you see?
It's a dead end.
- What was that?
- I thought you said don't touch anything.
What now?
We'll get buried if we don't go!
Come on!
Go, go, go!
Come on! Faster!
- Nora!
- I'm trying!
- Nora, come on! Come on!
- Dad, I can't move!
I'm stuck!
Dad! Dad!
Guys, I'm stuck! Help!
All right. Give us...
Sunni! Oh, God!
Oh, my God! Sunni!
Come on. Give me your hand.
Give me your hand.
Give me your hand. Come on!
Just pull! Wiggle your legs!
God! I'm gonna help you!
I'm gonna get you!
No, no, no, no! Don't! Sunni!
- Oh, God! No!
- Help! We need your help!
Oh, God.
Get away! Please... Sunni... Get away!
- Dad!
- Give me your hand. Give me your hand!
- Help me.
- Just don't...
- Keep at it!
- Dad!
- You're doing great. Come on. Give me...
- Dad!
Wiggle your legs! Come on, honey!
You have to keep squirming! Nora!
I'm gonna get you! Guys!
Right there. Right there.
Come on. Come on.
Come on, and give me your hand!
Come on! Come on, Nora!
Hold on! Nora!
Got it! God...
Come on. I got your hand.
I got you, I got you.
- Pull!
- I am...
Thank God. Thank God.
Oh, God!
- Fitzie!
- Doctor!
Jesus. Oh, my God.
Come here, guys.
Fitzie, get on the corner.
Take the rope.
I'm gonna throw it to you. All right?
- Get the end. You got it?
- Yes!
Great. Sunni, just hold on, we're coming
right down, all right? Watch out!
Be careful.
Grip tight. Grip tight. Grip tight.
That's right. You're doing great.
Jesus. She's... Here, here.
Lift up...
Right there, okay. Is that better?
Is that better? Okay.
Just try not to breathe so hard,
all right? Long breaths, yeah.
Nora. Come on, change places with me.
Cradle her head.
- Okay. Okay.
- Just take her head.
- Oh, God.
- We're gonna get you out of here, okay?
- Right, guys?
- Let's do it.
All right,
we're gonna get you off, Sunni.
- Okay, you got her legs?
- Yeah, yeah.
- I got her shoulders.
- Okay. Pull straight up, all right?
On the count of three. One...
Two... Three.
Pull. Come on!
Stop! Stop, stop!
- Okay, okay, okay.
- It's not working.
If we lift her off,
she's gonna bleed out.
Okay, okay.
- Okay, let's try again.
- No! She can't take it.
- Just give her a second, all right.
- Oh, God.
- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- Jesus. Jesus.
- Hold her. Hold her, hold her.
- Oh, my God!
- Sunni! I'm trying! I'm trying!
- Hold her! HHold her! Hold her still!
- I can't, I can't! I can't!
- She can't twist! Hold her!
She's gone into... Okay.
Oh, God.
- Sunni?
- Oh, God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I think I... I think I can
get her leg off.
I think if I just get her leg off,
then we can get her out of here.
- Fitzie, that's it.
- Oh, my God.
No. No, no, no. We need to get her off.
Oh, my God.
Those creatures can come back
at any minute. We have to go now.
Dad? Your neck.
Shit, is that...
- Like the digger!
- Probably.
- Just...
- What?
But why has it appeared now?
The masks stopped the onset.
For some reason,
the progress has been slowed.
- Why didn't you say anything?
- What difference does it make?
If I'm infected, we all will be.
It doesn't... Sorry.
- Okay, we got to get out of here right now.
- Well, that's our only choice.
You okay, Fitzie?
- Yeah.
- All right.
Those things...
I think they're sphynx cats.
Like the statue?
The ancient Egyptians
believed that cats, like bastet,
were the guardians of the underworld.
They could have been placed here
to protect whomever was buried in here.
All right, this way.
How have they survived all this time
without any food or water?
I think they ate each other.
Each generation feeding the next.
Like... like rats.
Great, so to survive down here,
you have to resort to cannibalism.
That would explain the air toxicity.
Okay, I see an opening overhead.
Fitzie, bring your camera here,
I need the light.
How can we possibly be back here?
It's a labyrinth.
Wait, wait, wait.
Let's just think this through logically.
All right, we can't go that way,
that's a sand trap.
And we know that that's a dead end.
But corporal Shadid got in here somehow,
so there has to be a way out.
How can we...
You know, this antenna might still be
broadcasting a signal to the outside.
- Well, what are you thinking?
- Hold on one second.
I can rewire my camera to it
and we can record a message
and send it to one
of the outside monitors.
- Well, will that work?
- It's worth a shot. I mean...
I can't guarantee anyone's gonna see it,
but, it'd improve our odds.
What's that?
- Look.
- Brilliant.
Okay, so be quick, doctor.
I'm not sure how long
this aerial battery's gonna last.
And also, you know, the cat creatures.
Hopefully someone will bother to play
back these tapes when they find our gear.
If they find it.
My name is Dr. Miles Holden. And I was
a Professor at Princeton university.
I am trapped in the excavation site
with my daughter,
Dr. Nora Holden, and cameraman
Terry Fitzsimmons.
And we need help.
Two of our team members,
engineer Michael Zahir,
and documentary filmmaker
Sunni Marshe, are dead.
This pyramid, unlike any other structure
I've ever encountered,
seems to have been built
with the express purpose
of keeping whatever
is inside from escaping.
If you come down here, bring guns.
Is that good?
Yeah, it was good. It was really good.
Did you feel that?
It's like a vacuum pulling the air out.
What is it?
I think something's back there.
- I think it's a way out.
- How do you know that?
I don't.
Careful, doc. Remember the last time
you started touching things.
How did you find that?
I didn't spend my entire life
behind a desk, you know.
Creepy stuff.
- Do you think Shadid came this way?
- I do.
This doesn't look like the Egypt stuff
you find at the British museum, eh, guys?
This possibly could be a link
to an older civilization.
How are you feeling, doc?
I want to get out of here.
- What?
- Do you...
I mean, do you feel any sicker or...
You know what? I really haven't had
that much time to think about it.
From the shitty room
to the kitty tomb...
That, you know, also smells like shit.
You think this was built
to be some sort of prison, then, doc?
Well, many temples in the ancient world
were thought to be
the earthly dwelling places of the gods.
Some were benign and giving.
Others, like the gods
the Aztecs worshipped, were violent.
They were imprisoned,
and then they were fed a steady diet
of human sacrifice to appease them.
Thousands were sacrificed.
As their hearts were cut out,
their bodies were kicked down
the pyramid steps.
So, what's your point?
Whatever we're dealing with,
it's not benign and giving.
Let's go deeper into this hellhole.
Make it completely impossible for them
to discover our bodies.
Oh, shit.
I think we found
the bottom of the pyramid.
Now we just have to find...
the right escape shaft.
- Dad?
- What?
Well, well, well, well.
We were not the first ones here.
What happened to him?
Shit. Shit, look at that.
- Hey, hey.
- What?
That's a freemason symbol.
They must've built the offshoot tunnel
that we entered.
Yeah, it makes sense.
All right, yeah,
this is all very interesting, but...
our main priority should be getting out
of here. The masons aren't important.
They were excellent tomb robbers.
If they couldn't find a way out...
- Shit.
- What?
- I can't read this.
- What is that?
Here, give it to me.
Guys, can we drop the history crap for
five minutes, please... and get out of here?
Just read it!
It's a journal.
Fitzie, I need your light.
"May 21st, 1897.
"The path we took upon our entry
into the pyramid has been blocked.
"We may have located a means of escape
in the burial chamber."
That's the last entry.
And this looks like
the burial chamber to me.
All right. Well, then...
there might be a means of escape!
You're right. We have to keep going.
We don't want to end up...
- Dad! Dad!
- Nora! Run!
Nora! Let's go!
No! I have to go back for him!
- No, we can't!
- I have to go back!
I'm sorry, we've got to go! Keep going!
Oh, my God!
What? No!
No! No!
Oh, my God.
I can't...
He's gone.
He's gone.
There must be some sort of latch or...
or mechanism that your dad found.
I don't know.
I don't...
You know what?
Screw it.
I'd rather face him once and for all
than spend the rest of my life running.
Are you out of your mind?
Nora, come on. Look at all
this shit we've been through!
Someone will find our tapes.
The least I can do is
let people know who killed me.
What is wrong with you?
My dad just died and all you care about
is getting your shot.
It's not about the shot, Nora.
I just don't know what else to do.
Fitzie, please don't leave me.
Fitzie, please... Fitzie...
- Oh, God.
- Help!
He's still alive.
Help... help, help...
It's me.
This isn't real.
No, this can't be happening.
It's impossible.
It's Anubis, or the devourer.
He took my father's heart
to weigh his soul.
What are you talking about?
Anubis, half man, half jackal.
He ate the hearts of those
he found to be impure.
In the book of the dead
the last judgment
is the final gate
before resurrection or damnation.
If there's a way out,
it's inside that room.
We don't have a choice. We can either
stay here and die, or we...
Or we can die trying.
Oh, God, it's the soldier.
Come on, Nora.
I'm so sorry, Dad.
Come on, Nora. Grab his flare.
It tells the story of Osiris.
Osiris. No, no, no. You said Anubis.
Osiris was his father or his creator.
It's the same symbol for both words.
Egyptians believe Osiris
came from the heavens,
and brought agriculture
and tool-making...
I get that you find
this stuff fascinating, okay?
But right now what we should be
working on is how to get out of here.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Osiris knew that his time had come on earth
so he had this pyramid built
for his journey into the afterlife.
Nora, I promise you, look...
I've got it all down on tape.
All right? You can watch it back
as soon as we're out.
Anubis turned his wrath on the people.
He had hundreds of them sacrificed so he
could join his father in the afterlife.
Since his soul was corrupted,
he was looking for a pure one...
a pure heart, if you will.
The only way to enter
the final gate of heaven.
My father was right.
This pyramid became a prison.
Closed by the Egyptians
to get rid of their own God.
Nora, does this thing give us any clues
on how to get out of here?
- It says something about a star map.
- Then you got to find it, okay?
Because your friend Anubis
is gonna be back any minute now!
The exit shaft points to where the dead
was supposed to be resurrected.
Well, then... there must be
at least six shafts in this room.
How do we know which is the right one?
The stars...
Look at the ceiling.
Fitzie, turn off your light.
Look at the ceiling.
In between the hieroglyphs,
all those dots. That's the star map!
- So what exactly are we looking for?
- The tetrahedron.
The three-sided pyramid is also
the hieroglyphic symbol for the Sirius star.
Look! There it is. The brightest one.
It's right above this shaft.
It's got to be our way out!
Okay. Well, let's go check it out.
Okay. Come on!
It's got to be the one.
Look! The rope. That's got to be
how the soldier entered.
Thank you, captain Egypt.
You think that thing will hold us both?
- I guess we have to see.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- All right, you go first.
Here, take this. Just in case.
- I'll be right behind you.
- Okay, hold that.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.
Try and get your leg up on that ledge.
Can't be much further now.
Shit! He's back! Go, Nora! Go!
Don't look back! Fitzie, keep going!
Don't look down!
Shit, he's back! Go, Nora! Go! Go! Go!
Come on, Fitzie, move!
- I'm coming!
- Move! Move!
Go on!
Come on, Fitzie! Keep going!
Come on! Don't look down!
Help! Help!
Help me.
Help me.
Help, please...
Please help me.